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Small or medium-scale focused research project (STREP)

ICT SME-DCA Call 2013

Data Publishing through the Cloud:
A Data- and Platfor-as-a-Ser!i"e A##roa"h to E$"ient
%#en Data Publi"ation and Consu#tion

Deli!erable &'2
I#a"t Creation Strateg(
#ate% !0
$pril 20&
$uthor(s)% $ma'da Smith
#issemi'atio' le(el% P)
*P% +
Copyright DaPaaS Consortium 2013-2015
Deliverable 6.2 mpa!t !reation strategy
Dissemination level - P"
Do"uent etadata
)ualit( assurors and "ontributors
-ualit. assuror(s) /ill Ro0erts (S1irrl) a'd "ari' #imitro( (2'tote3t)
Co'tri0utor(s) /ill Ro0erts4 "ari' #imitro( a'd I(a' /erlocher (Saltlu3)
*ersion histor(
,ersio' #ate #escriptio'
Throu5hout 20&
Strate5. created detaili'5 the
impact creatio' 6 dissemi'atio'
1or7 for the #aPaaS project8
2 29
$pril 20&
Co'te't co'tri0utio's from I(a'
! 2+
$pril 20&
#ocume't -$:d 0. /ill Ro0erts
(comme'ced 2!
april4 ;'al edits o'
& 2+
$pril 20& #ocume't -$:d 0. "ari' #imitro(
9 !0
$pril 20&
Fi'al ame'ds to cop. 0. $ma'da
Copyright DaPaaS Consortium 2013-2015 Page 2 # 23
E+e"uti!e Suar(
This docume't sets out a detailed strate5. for ma3imisi'5 the impact of the #aPaaS project4 throu5h
commu'icatio' a'd dissemi'atio' of the project<s research a'd de(elopme't acti(ities8 E3ecutio' of
this strate5. 1ill co''ect research outputs a'd created ser(ices a'd tools 1ith the rele(a't tar5et
The dissemi'atio' acti(ities of the project 1ill i'clude% co'fere'ces4 1or7shops a'd other e(e'ts4 a
1e0site4 prese'tatio's4 pu0licatio's a'd pote'tiall. trai'i'5 opportu'ities8
The project 1ill also create di5ital a'd pri't material4 such as fact-sheets a'd posters made a(aila0le
electro'icall. throu5h our project 1e0site8 *e 1ill use social media to e'5a5e di5itall. 1ith our
desired tar5et commu'ities4 0uildi'5 our o'li'e-prese'ce throu5h T1itter4 =i'7edI'4 Flic7r a'd other
o'li'e commu'ities a'd 'et1or7i'5 ser(ices as appropriate8
Copyright DaPaaS Consortium 2013-2015 Page 3 # 23
Table of "ontents
E+e"uti!e Suar( !
Table of Contents &
,lossar( of ters 9
1' About this Do"uent +
8 $0out the #aPaaS Project +
88 Co'te3t of the Project +-7
882 Project 2(er(ie1 7->
2' Ensuring the I#a"t of DaPaaS ?
28 $udie'ces ?
288 #aPaaS user case ?
2882 $udie'ce mappi'5 0-!
3' Channels and tools for disseination &
!8 Part'er 1e0sites &
!82 Social "edia &
!828 T1itter &-9
!8282 =i'7edI'4 commu'ities of practice a'd other professio'al 'et1or7s8 9
!828! Flic7r 9
!8! E(e'ts 9-+
-' Measures of Su""ess 7
&8 Commu'it. Impact "etrics 7
&82 #aPaaS Platform )sa5e "etrics >
.' Disseination assets and aterials ?
98 #aPaaS project lo5o 6 0ra'di'5 ?
982 Project 1e0site 20-2
98! Press releases4 'e1s stories4 0lo5 posts a'd 'e1sletter8 2-22
&' Sustainabilit( and E+#loitation 2!
+8 Citatio' ser(ices a'd o'li'e refere'ci'5 2!
+82 @ithu0 2!
Copyright DaPaaS Consortium 2013-2015 Page $ # 23
,lossar( of ters
DaPaaS - #ata Pu0lishi'5 throu5h the Cloud% $ #ata- a'd Platform-as-a-Ser(ice $pproach for
EAcie't #ata Pu0licatio' a'd Co'sumptio'
DaaS - #ata as a Ser(ice
Do/ B #escriptio' of *or7
EC - Europea' Commissio'
E0 B Europea' )'io'
1P2 - Se(e'th frame1or7 pro5ramme

for research a'd tech'olo5ical de(elopme't

PaaS - Platform as a Ser(ice
SMEs - Small a'd medium e'terprises
/P B *or7 Pac7a5e
1 http%##!or&'p(#home)en.html
Copyright DaPaaS Consortium 2013-2015 Page 5 # 23
1' About this do"uent
This impact creatio' strate5. descri0es the methodolo5. for the dissemi'atio' acti(it. for the
#aPaaS project
4 0. outli'i'5 the pla''i'54 tools a'd strate5ies8 It has 0ee' de(eloped for the Data
Publishing through the Cloud: A Data- and Platform-as-a-Service Approach for Efcient Data
Publication and Consumption (#aPaaS) project4 fu'ded 0. the Se(e'th Frame1or7 Pro5ram of the
Europea' )'io'
It details the acti(ities that 1ill 0e used to e'sure the facilitatio' of e3cha'5i'5 i'formatio' a'd
7'o1led5e created 1ithi' the project4 a'd ho1 to e'5a5e 1ith our tar5et audie'ce8 This strate5.
sets out the Cproducts<4 mea's a'd tools for this4 as 1ell as pro(ide a' o(er(ie1 of e(e'ts4
pu0licatio's a'd other ide'ti;ed opportu'ities for prese'ti'5 the project a'd its 5oals8
This docume't has 0ee' produced i' the frame1or7 of the Cimpact creation (*P+)4 to report o'
deli(era0le +82 Dstrate5. de(elopme't4E 1hich 1e propose is ha'dled as a' iterati(e report4 a li(i'5
docume't 1hich 1ill 0e de(eloped a'd 0uilt o' throu5hout the t1o .ears of the projects life8 This
report 1ill 0e made ope'l. a(aila0le from our project 1e0site a'd 1e e'coura5e feed0ac7 a'd
comme'ts o' its co'te't a'd proposed approaches8 This docume't also has s.'er5ies 1ith
deli(era0les +8 (fact sheet) a'd +8! (1e0site) 1hich are 0oth listed as tools for dissemi'atio' a'd
further detailed later i' this report8
1.1 About the DaPaaS Pro3e"t
1.1.1 Context of the Project
I' rece't .ears4 the pu0lishi'5 a'd co'sumi'5 of ope' data has 0ee' 1idespread across the 5lo0e8
2pe' data has the pote'tial to create eco'omic 0e'e;ts4 impro(e democratic accou'ta0ilit. a'd
promote positi(e 0eha(iour cha'5e4 for e3ample i' terms of huma' impact o' the e'(iro'me't8
=i'7ed #ata4 i' tur'4 pro(ides a' approach to *e0-0ased data pu0lishi'5 that promotes data
disco(er.4 reuse a'd 5o(er'a'ce throu5h the e'tire data lifec.cle8 2pe' a'd =i'7ed #ata are stro'5l.
compleme'tar.4 as e(ide'ced 0. successful research4 de(elopme't4't a'd usa5e projects
i' rece't .ears8
Fo1e(er4 there remai' challe'5es a'd 0arriers to e'tr. i' this ;eldG such as the cost for pu0lishi'54
the resources a'd6or s7ills reHuired (such as hosti'5)8 *e are also still u'dersta'di'5 the impact of
em0eddi'5 the use of ope' data i'to part of the e(er.da. li(es of citiIe's4 thou5h its i'Jue'ce is
alread. 0ei'5 felt i' ho1 1e pla' our jour'e.s4 ho1 1e 0u. propert. a'd ho1 1e hold 5o(er'me't to
accou't for decisio' ma7i'54 such as 0ud5ets a'd spe'di'58
The #aPaaS project see7s to address those challe'5es a'd remo(e the 0arriers to eAcie't a'd
eKecti(e pu0licatio' a'd co'sumptio' of ope' a'd li'7ed data4 i' order to support i''o(atio' i' the
europea' data eco'om.8
2 http%66project8dapaas8eu6
3 http%66cordis8europa8eu6fp76homeLe'8html
Copyright DaPaaS Consortium 2013-2015 Page 6 # 23
#aPaaS 1ill pro(ide esse'tial co'tri0utio's4 0oth i' the medium a'd lo'5-term perspecti(es4 to the
i'formatio' a'd tech'olo5ies thematic area4 1hich forms part of the cooperatio' stra'd of the FP7
research pro5ramme8
1.2 Pro3e"t %!er!ie4
The #aPaaS project started o' st Mo(em0er 20!4 a'd ru's for t1o .ears8
The mai' output of the #aPaaS project is to pro(ide a' i'te5rated #ata-as-a-Ser(ice (#aaS) a'd
Platform-as-a-Ser(ice (PaaS) e'(iro'me't4 to5ether 1ith associated ser(ices4 for ope' data4 1here
!rd parties ca' pu0lish a'd host 0oth datasets a'd data-dri(e' applicatio's that are accessed 0.
e'd user data co'sumers i' a cross-platform ma''er8 Speci;call.4 the project 1ill deli(er the
follo1i'5 t1o ser(ices%
Creati'5 a data la(er 5DaaS6 1hich 1ill oKer a pu0lishi'5 i'frastructure that features
compo'e'ts for lar5e-scale data replicatio'4 (ersio'i'54 a'al.sis4 a'd data access $PIs4 1ith
primar. focus o' =i'7ed #ata (R#F)8
Creati'5 a #latfor la(er 5PaaS6 1hich 1ill pro(ide eAcie't datastore access4 data import
a'd tra'sformatio' ser(ices4 reporti'5 ser(ices4 data e'richme't a'd li'7i'54 search a'd
i'de3i'54 a'd cachi'58
The project aims to pro(ide a practical solutio' for 0oth data pu0lishi'5 a'd co'sumptio'4 1ith the
i'te'tio' of lo1eri'5 the 0arriers of e'tr. for participa'ts4 a'd see7s to achie(e the follo1i'5%
$ reductio' i' the cost for S"Es a'd pu0lic or5a'isatio's 1hich lac7 suAcie't e3pertise a'd
resources to pu0lish ope' data8
$ reductio' o' the depe'de'c. of ope' data pu0lishers o' 5e'eric Cloud platforms to 0uild4
deplo. a'd mai'tai' their ope'6li'7ed data from scratch8
$' i'crease i' the speed of pu0lishi'5 'e1 datasets a'd updati'5 e3isti'5 datasets throu5h
the pro(isio' of a sou'd methodolo5. a'd i'te5rated toolset8
$ reductio' i' the cost of de(elopi'5 applicatio's that use ope' data 0. pro(idi'5 a'
i'te5rated platform 1here i'frastructure a'd !rd part. (alue added ser(ices a'd compo'e'ts
ca' 0e reused8
$ reductio' i' the comple3it. of de(elopi'5 applicatio's that use ope' data 0. creati'5 a set
of cross- platform a'd mo0ile 1id5ets a'd compo'e'ts utiliIi'5 the ope' data sets o' the
platform 1hich ca' 0e used 0. applicatio' de(elopers8
Copyright DaPaaS Consortium 2013-2015 Page ( # 23
$' i'crease i' the reuse of ope' data 0. pro(idi'5 fast a'd seamless access to 'umerous
ope' data sets to the applicatio's hosted o' the #aPaaS platform
The #aPaaS co'sortium i'cludes% 2'tote3t (/ul5aria)
4 2#I ()N)
4 Saltlu3 I'corporated (Repu0lic of
4 Sirma "o0ile (/ul5aria)
a'd S1irrl ()N)
8 These or5a'isatio's ha(e e3te'si(e research4
tech'ical4 a'd commercial e3perie'ce i' the ;elds of research4 sema'tic tech'olo5.4 ope' a'd li'7ed
data4 mo0ile applicatio' de(elopme't4 dissemi'atio' a'd commu'it. 0uildi'5 e3pertise8
$ http%661118o'tote3t8com6
5 http%661118theodi8or56
6 http%661118saltlu38com6
( http%66sirmamo0ile8com6
* http%661118s1irrl8com
Copyright DaPaaS Consortium 2013-2015 Page * # 23
2 Ensuring the impact of DaPaaS
The o(erarchi'5 aim of this impact creatio' strate5. is to e'sure that the project<s 7e. messa5es4
particularl. i' pro(idi'5 a' u'dersta'di'5 as to 1hat pro0lems #aPaaS aims to sol(e4 a'd 1h.4
reach all rele(a't sta7eholders a'd tar5et audie'ces4 a'd that the results of the project are
reco5'ised4 dissemi'ated a'd impleme'ted o' a 1ide scale8 /oth of these factors are crucial for the
projects success a'd sustai'a0ilit.8
2.1 Audien"es
*e e3pect to ha(e se(eral tar5et 5roups i'terested i' either4 or 0oth4 the data a'd platform ser(ices
pro(ided 0. the #aPaaS project8 These 5roups 1ill ha(e diKere't a'd speci;c reHuireme'ts4
0ac75rou'd 7'o1led5e4 ;elds of i'terest a'd e3pectatio's co'cer'i'5 the project outputs8 *ithi' our
dissemi'atio' acti(it.4 it is u'li7el. that there 1ill 0e a Co'e siIe ;ts all< solutio'4 a'd i'stead 1e 1ill
'eed to tailor co'te't to meet the 'eeds of all8 Sta7eholder a'al.sis 1ill co'ti'ue throu5hout the
lifetime of the project4 0ut 1e ha(e ide'ti;ed the follo1i'5 5roups to date%
Start ups4 S"Es4 applicatio' de(elopers a'd ci(ic hac7ers4 1ho 1ill 0e particularl. i'terested
i' co'sumi'5 a'd reusi'5 datasets8
@o(er'me't a'd pu0lic sector 0odies (i' particular4 pu0lic-sector co'te't holders a'd polic.
ma7ers)4 1ho 1ill 0e data o1'ers loo7i'5 to pu0lish a'd ma'ipulate their o1' datasets8
@e'eral pu0lic a'd those users 1ith a' i'terest i' ope' a'd li'7ed data8
$cademic4 scie'ti;c a'd research commu'ities4 i'cludi'5 stude'ts a'd i'ter's8
2ther FP7 a'd 'e1 F2020 research projects 1hich see7 to achie(e similar outcomes4 such
as those listed i' this docume't
a'd T1itter list 8
Press4 data jour'alists a'd other media professio'als8
2.1.1 DaPaaS User Case
*ithi' #eli(era0le 98 (led 0. Saltlu3)4 1e ide'ti;ed a user case for the #aPaaS product4 1hich 1ill 0e
used to assess the tech'ical reHuireme'ts that ha(e 0ee' de;'ed for the #aPaaS platform to e'sure
the. are ;t for purpose8
This proposed use case i'(ol(es the creatio' of P=)-I (Perso'aliIed a'd =ocaliIed )r0a' -ualit.
I'de3)4 a customisa0le i'de3 model a'd mo0ile6*e0 applicatio' that ca' represe't a'd (isualise the
le(el of 1ell-0ei'5 a'd sustai'a0ilit. for 5i(e' cities 0ased o' i'di(idual prefere'ces8
P=)-I 1ill com0i'e pu0lic4 social a'd e'terprise data4 i'cludi'5 statistical data (e5% la0our mar7et
statistics)4 se'sor data4 a'd social media data8 It 1ill demo'strate se(eral use case sce'arios4
i'cludi'5% desti'atio' e(aluatio' for 0usi'ess a'd leisure tra(ellers4 i'formi'5 citiIe's a0out their
surrou'di'5s4 assisti'5 local 5o(er'me't i' prioritisatio' of ser(ices a'd promoti'5 a'd i'formi'5
e'(iro'me'tal ma'a5eme't8 The P=)-I use case 1ill 'ot o'l. demo'strate the core fu'ctio'alities of
#aPaaS4 0ut also the ease at 1hich tools a'd ser(ices ca' 0e 0uilt a'd created 1ith little eKort a'd
+ https%##&o!!om#a#theo&!!!,
10 https%##t0itter.!om#&apaaspro=e!t#lists#'p(-&ata-pro=e!ts
Copyright DaPaaS Consortium 2013-2015 Page + # 23
2.1.2 Audience Mapping
*ith all dissemi'atio' acti(it. to these 5roups4 1e aim to e'a0le user testi'5 a'd feed0ac7 o' the
de(eloped tools a'd ser(ices4 as 1ell as a1are'ess raisi'5 a'd adoptio' of our products8 To 0e
successful i' pla''i'5 rele(a't acti(it. that suits each audie'ce 5roup4 the follo1i'5 poi'ts 'eed to
0e addressed4 mapped out i' the su0seHue't ta0le%
1' 7o4 4ill users bene8t fro DaPaaS9
2' /hat are the :e( essages that 4e are "ouni"ating to the; and do these need to
be tailored in an( s#e"i8" 4a(9
3' /hat are the ost a##ro#riate tools and "hannels to utilise for a+iu rea"h and
Audien"e 7o4 4ill users bene8t
fro DaPaaS9
/hat are the :e(
essages that 4e are
"ouni"ating to
the9 Do these need
to be tailored in an(
s#e"i8" 4a(9
/hat are the ost
a##ro#riate tools and
"hannels to utilise for
a+iu rea"h and
Start u#s; SMEs;
de!elo#ers and "i!i"
The platform 1ill
pro(ide a mea's to
pu0lish data sets 1here
the data o1'er 1ishes
them to reach a 1ider
audie'ce (e858 as a
promotio'al acti(it.) or
1here the data o1'er
does 'ot ha(e the
resource or e3pertise to
host the data
I' additio'4 o(er time4
the #aPaaS platform
1ill 5ro1 a'd de(elop
to pro(ide this 5roup
1ith access to a ra'5e
of datasets a'd $PIs
1hich the. ca'
ma'ipulate a'd
com0i'e 1ith other
datasets for their o1'
commercial purposes 6
$s 1ell as e3plai'i'5
the ser(ices that
#aPaaS ca' oKer this
5roup4 1e 1ill 1a't to
messa5es that
e'coura5e this 5roup to
5et i'(ol(ed 1ith the
project - for e3ample4
as7i'5 them to test the
platform a'd 1or7i'5
closel. 1ith them to
u'dersta'd full. the
challe'5es the. face as
data co'sumers
*e should e'5a5e 1ith
this 5roup 0.%
- co'ti'ui'5 to 0uild o'
our t1itter follo1ers a'd
follo1i'54 see7i'5 out
those 1ith i'terests i'
ope' a'd li'7ed data
- hosti'5 1or7shops to
u'dersta'd the
challe'5es the. face
a'd test out our
co'cepts 1ith them
- hosti'5 a hac7da. at
2#I4 atte'di'5 a'd
spo'sori'5 hac7da.s
- atte'di'5 ope' data
a'd li'7ed data
meetups4 a'd ru''i'5
sessio's o' #aPaaS
1here possi0le
- e'5a5e 1ith the
data85o(8u7 forum4 a'd
other similar
- 1or7 closel. 1ith the
start ups i'cu0ated at
the 2#I
- pro(ide co'te't to the
2#I mem0er 'e1sletter
Copyright DaPaaS Consortium 2013-2015 Page 10 # 23
- ru' a Ctech sta'd< at
2#I co''ect e(e'ts
,o!ernent and
#ubli" se"tor bodies>
#ubli"-se"tor "ontent
holders and #oli"(
This 5roup see7 to
0e'e;t from easier
pu0lishi'5 of their o1'
datasets4 a'd 0ei'5
a0le to easil.
ma'ipulate their data
a'd com0i'e 1ith other
datasets4 1ith the aim
of produci'5 more
i'formed4 research a'd
e(ide'ce 0ased polic.8
*e 1ill 1a't to focus
o' the ease of
pu0lishi'5 throu5h the
platform4 the secure
e'(iro'me't it oKers
a'd the the stora5e
capa0ilities #aPaaS 1ill
ha(e8 *e 1ill 1a't to
e3plai' ho1 ope' data
ca' 0e used to
u'dersta'd pro0lem
sol(i'5 a'd polic.
ma7i'5 a'd ma. refer
to successful ope' data
case studies a'd
stories to 5i(e practical
e3amples of 1here this
*e should%
- reach out to such
i'di(iduals throu5h 0oth
i'formal a'd formal
pu0lic sector e(e'ts
(e5% teacamp a'd
@o(er'me't hac7 da.s
- throu5h usi'5 the
co'tacts of our project
co'sortium4 1e 1ill
reach out to
particularl. those 1ith a
focus tra'spare'c.4
accou'ta0ilit. a'd
pu0lishi'5 ope' data
(for e3ample4 i' the )N
this 1ould i'clude the
Ca0i'et 2Ace a'd
Fome 2Ace)
- 1or7 1ith the 2#I
trai'i'5 a'd co'te't
team to e3plore
opportu'ities to i'clude
a sessio' o' #aPaaS
1ithi' the 2#I courses8
- 1or7 1ith project
part'ers to u'dersta'd
ho1 #aPaaS
compleme'ts e3isti'5
commercial oKeri'5s i'
this sector4 a'd ho1
such features ma. 0e
i'te5rated i'to e3isti'5
- ta7e 'ote that 1ithi'
some @o(er'me't
departme'ts4 there are
0loc7ers 1ith
use of social media a'd
access to T1itter is
li7el. to 0e limited8
A"adei"; s"ienti8"
and resear"h
in"luding students
and interns'
This 5roup 1ill 0e
i'terested i' the
research eleme'ts of
the project - i' the user
cases that ha(e 0ee'
5e'erated a'd 1or7ed
o' throu5hout the
*e 1ill 1a't our
headli'e messa5es to
the research a'd
academic commu'ities
to hi5hli5ht the
pote'tial of #aPaaS as
a platform for
- *e 1ill participate at
FP7 e(e'ts4 particularl.
those 1ith a 1e0 a'd
data focus8
- *e 1ill create a
=i'7edI' commu'it.
a'd follo1 alread.
Copyright DaPaaS Consortium 2013-2015 Page 11 # 23
project lifetime4 the
resources a'd reports
that 1e 5e'erate a'd
the tech'ical solutio's
1e ha(e adopted to
create the #aPaaS
The. 1ill also 0e
i'terested i' #aPaaS as
a mea's to pu0lish a'd
dissemi'ate data
ori5i'ati'5 from
research projects4 as
ope' data for others to
pu0lishi'5 a'd
dissemi'ati'5 research
data4 i' additio' to the
'o(el ;'di'5s from the
project8 It is li7el. that
the 7e. messa5es 1ill
0e similar to those 1e
dissemi'ate to startups4
S"Es a'd
e'trepre'eurs4 1ith a
sli5ht adjust to the
focus i' terms of the
real 1orld impact
#aPaaS ca' add to
their projects8
- *e 1ill ide'tif.
academic a'd
scie'tists 1ith a'
i'terest o' T1itter a'd
co'ti'ue to 0uild this
- If possi0le4 1e 1ill use
outputs from this
project to draft papers
a'd reports a'd
circulate to the
academic4 scie'ti;c
a'd research
%ther 1P2 resear"h
$s a0o(e4 this 5roup
ha(e similar i'terests to
the academic4 scie'ti;c
a'd research
commu'ities 0ut 1ith a
focus o' ope' a'd
li'7ed data speci;call.8
*e 1ill 1a't to lear'
from each other4 share
7'o1led5e a'd 0est
*e 1a't other FP7
research projects to
ha(e a stro'5
u'dersta'di'5 of the
aims a'd 5oals a'd
desired impacts of the
#aPaaS project 1e 1ill
1a't to ha(e a'
i'formed u'dersta'di'5
of 1hat their projects
also see7 to achie(e
a'd ide'tif. a'.
s.'er5ies a'd cross-
o(er4 particularl. to
share 0est practice a'd
create a detailed
7'o1led5e 0ase for the
;elds of ope' a'd
li'7ed data8
- *e 1ill atte'd e(e'ts
a'd s.mposiums 0ei'5
hosted 0. other FP7
research projects8
- *e 1ill see7 out
opportu'ities to
co'tri0ute a'd su0mit
papers to prese't at
their e(e'ts8
- *e 1ill co'ti'ue to
0uild upo' our T1itter
lists of FP7 projects as
a useful resource8
Press; data 3ournalists
and other edia
This 5roup 1ill 0e
i'terested i' 5e'erati'5
stories that report real
1orld impacts throu5h
data4 0e these
eco'omic4 social4 or
e'(iro'me'tal i' 'ature8
*here these ha(e 0ee'
e'a0led 0. the platform
1e sta'd to 5ai' the
i'terest of this
audie'ce8 For e3ample4
the P=)-I use case
ma. 5e'erate 'o(el
i'si5hts i'to 1ell-0ei'5
i' diKere't locatio's8
I' additio'4 this 5roup
ma. use the data
#issemi'atio' acti(it.
1ith this particular
audie'ce 1ill reHuire
tailori'5 of our
messa5es to e'sure
that 1e are 'ot solel.
focused o' the
tech'ical aspects of the
platform8 These users
ma. ha(e time
co'strai'ts i' sourci'5
statistics a'd co'te't
a'd 1e 1ill e'sure that
1e pro(ide 5e'eral
i'formatio' a'd a'
o(er(ie1 of the
platform4 0ut focus o'
ho1 it ca' 0e used
- #rafti'5 a'd
dissemi'ati'5 hi5h
Hualit. press releases
- Neepi'5 them
i'formed of project
pro5ress throu5h 'e1s
stories a'd 0lo5 posts8
- Pro(idi'5 useful
dissemi'atio' materials
a'd comms assets4
such as the fact sheet
1hich pro(ides a useful
Co'e-pa5er< resource to
u'dersta'di'5 the
- *or7 1ith the 2#I
trai'i'5 a'd co'te't
team to e3plore
Copyright DaPaaS Consortium 2013-2015 Page 12 # 23
co'sumptio' ser(ices
to easil. 5e'erate
statistics a'd data
summaries for their o1'
rather tha' the
tech'ical features
pro(ided8 *e 1ill focus
o' the pote'tial uses
for this audie'ce4 as
1ell as hi5hli5ht the
impact that ope' data
ca' ha(e i' jour'alism
a'd stor.telli'54 rather
tha' leadi'5 1ith a
tech'ical focus8
opportu'ities to i'clude
a sessio' o' #aPaaS
1ithi' the 2#I courses
Ofor e3ampleG their
;'di'5 stories i' ope'
data course

- E'5a5i'5 throu5h
Table 1: DaPaaS audien"e a##ing
11 http%66theodi8or56courses6;'di'5-stories-i'-ope'-data
Copyright DaPaaS Consortium 2013-2015 Page 13 # 23
3 Channels and tools for disseination
3.1 Partner /ebsites
$s 1ell as usi'5 the #aPaaS project 1e0site
to pro(ide project i'formatio'4 reports a'd other
materials4 1e 1ill use the 1e0sites of all si3 project part'ers
to e3te'd our reach a'd raise
a1are'ess of the project 1ith i'di(iduals alread. i'terested a'd a1are of the products a'd ser(ices
that co'sortium mem0ers pro(ide8 Each part'er 1ill e'sure that there is a sectio' o' their
or5a'isatio':s 1e0site 1hich ma7es refere'ce to #aPaaS a'd ca' 0e added to throu5hout the
duratio' of the project8 ($s a' e3ample4 the 2#I ha(e added co'te't o' the #aPaaS project to their
e3isti'5 research pa5e8
$s o1'ers of the impact creatio' strate5. a'd dissemi'atio' acti(it. of the project4 the 2#I 1ill 1or7
closel. 1ith all part'ers4 particularl. those 1ith dedicated comms a'd mar7eti'5 leads 1ho ca' 1or7
to1ards spreadi'5 the reach of the projects messa5e8
3.2 So"ial edia
Creati'5 a' o'li'e prese'ce usi'5 social media cha''els 1ill e'ha'ce the reach of our messa5e4
0oth i' tar5eti'5 the speci;c ope' a'd li'7ed data 'iche commu'ities4 a'd reachi'5 i'di(iduals o' a
5lo0al scale8 To e'a0le us to 5ai' a' u'dersta'di'5 of the reach of our acti(ities throu5h social
media4 1e 1ill use appropriate mo'itori'5 tools4 as detailed u'der each tools su0-headi'58
3.2.1 !itter
*e ha(e started to use T1itter as part of our di5ital e'5a5eme't4 to start 0uildi'5 our commu'it. a'd
horiIo' sca' for pote'tial users a'd i'Jue'cers8 T1itter allo1s us to pro(ide timel.4 up to date 'e1s
re5ardi'5 the project a'd pro(ide a'd recei(e other messa5es re5ardi'5 i''o(atio' i' the ;elds of
ope' a'd li'7ed data8 Furthermore4 all project part'ers alread. ha(e a T1itter prese'ce (either
or5a'isatio' a'd i'di(idual) a'd the s7ills set to ma'a5e a'd mai'tai' a' eKecti(e user accou't8
=i'7s to our T1itter accou't 1ill 0e clear o' our project 1e0site a'd 1e 1ill ta5 all t1eets 1ith
appropriate hashta5s (FP74 #aPaaS4 ope' data) to i'crease project co(era5e a'd o'li'e prese'ce8
*he' atte'di'5 a'd supporti'5 e(e'ts4 1e 1ill li(e-t1eet 7e. messa5esG 0oth to support other
or5a'isatio's 1or7i'5 i' this ;eld a'd dissemi'ate their products a'd ser(ices4 a'd to co'ti'ue
0uildi'5 our o1' #aPaaS commu'it.8
12 http%66project8dapaas8eu
13 http%66project8dapaas8eu6dapaas-part'ers
1$ http%66theodi8or56research
Copyright DaPaaS Consortium 2013-2015 Page 1$ # 23
*e ha(e also created T1itter lists for i'terested users to follo1 1hich 1e 1ill 0uild o' throu5hout the
projects lifetime8 $t prese't4 these i'clude a list of FP7 projects4 FP7 data-speci;c projects a'd
5o(er'me't ope' data portals8
*e 1ill use SproutSocial a'd T1eetdec7 to u'dersta'd 1hich messa5es (ia t1itter are reso'ati'5
1ith our users4 allo1i'5 us to adjust our approach4 to'e a'd 7e. messa5es throu5hout the lifetime of
the project8 2ur t1itter accou't is Qdapaasproject8
3'2'2 ?in:edIn; Counities of Pra"ti"e and other Professional @et-
2'ce 1e ha(e started to 0uild a' o'li'e space for co'(ersatio'4 other forms of di5ital e'5a5eme't
1ill 0e adopted4 starti'5 1ith =i'7edI' - due to the 'um0er of ope' data a'd li'7ed data 5roups a'd
the 'et1or7i'5 opportu'ities it pro(ides8 (For e3ample4 the 1ell-esta0lished E) #ata Ecos.stem
Throu5hout the project timeli'e4 1e 1ill 0roade' our o'li'e prese'ce a'd joi' appropriate 'et1or7s
a'd o'li'e commu'ities of practice4 a'd e3plore e3isti'5 commu'ities 1here detailed co'(ersatio's
are alread. happe'i'54 0oth at a 0road o(er(ie1 le(el of ope' data (e5% the successful data85o(8u7
) a'd at a speci;c4 local le(el4 such as the local 5o(er'me't 7'o1led5e hu0
1here there are
a 'um0er of local4 re5io'al commu'ities 1ith i'terests i' shari'5 7'o1led5e a'd 0est practice to
0etter u'dersta'd a'd utilise ope' a'd li'7ed data8
3.2.3 1li":r and AouTube
$s 1ell as 1ritte' co'te't4 (isual represe'tatio' 1ill 0e used to compleme't the co'te't 1e 5e'erate8
*e ha(e created our Flic7r accou't
1hich i'cludes ima5es from our project meeti'5s4 from e(e'ts
a'd 1ill i'clude dia5rams of ho1 the #aPaaS s.stem 1ill 1or74 a'd other ima5es as appropriate8 If
additio'4 for a'. (ideo co'te't 5e'erated 0. the project4 1e 1ill use RouTu0e i' our dissemi'atio'
3.3 E!ents
To e'sure (isi0ilit. of our project a'd a1are'ess of projects tac7li'5 the same research a'd
i''o(atio' themes4 the #aPaaS co'sortium 1ill atte'd4 support a'd spo'sor (arious e(e'ts
throu5hout 20!-98 These are all listed i' the #aPaaS dissemi'atio' cha''els a'd cale'dar8
15 http%661118t1itter8com6dapaasprojectS20
16 http%661118li'7edi'8com65roups6E)-#ata-Ecos.stem-&?29>9S20
1( http%66data85o(8u76forum6ope'-data
1* https%667'o1led5ehu08local85o(8u76
1+ https%661118Jic7r8com6photos6>+>9>!QM076
20 https%66docs85oo5le8com6a6theodi8or56spreadsheet6cccT
Copyright DaPaaS Consortium 2013-2015 Page 15 # 23
*here the project co'sortium are prese'ti'5 at a' e(e't4 a'. prese'tatio' materials 1ill 0e made
pu0licl. a(aila0le throu5h Scri0d
a'd the #aPaaS 1e0site8
There are also (arious e3isti'5 commu'ities a'd e(e'ts that 1e ca' support a'd feed i'to4 such as%
The 2pe' #ata I'stitute<s 2#I Frida.s e(e't (Y2#Ifrida.s) a'd 2pe' #ata Challe'5e Series
2pe' data a'd li'7ed data meetup commu'itiesG such as the *e0 of #ata
5roup4 #ri(e' 0.
5roup4 )N Fac7atho's a'd Wams
Trai'i'5 sessio's a'd e(e'ts ru' a'd hosted 0. 2#I aAliates4 such as the 2pe' N'o1led5e
Re5ular 5o(er'me't meetups4 such as TeaCamp8
The 2#I ha(e li'7s 1ith the or5a'isers
a'd 1ould 0e a0le to arra'5e a focused sessio' o' i'troduci'5 these tools to @o(er'me't
$s part of tas7 +8! of this project4 1e 1ill u'derta7e re5ular horiIo' sca''i'5 to see7 out
opportu'ities to e3ploit the results of our project4 usi'5 e(e't 1e0sites such as =a'.rd4
a'd "eetup8
These e(e't pa5es are particularl. useful i' disco(eri'5 1or7shops a'd meetups at a
local le(el 1here 1e ca' e'5a5e 1ith those i'di(iduals i'terested i' or 1or7i'5 1ith ope' a'd li'7ed
data a'd disco(er further opportu'ities for commu'it. e'5a5eme't a'd i'(ol(eme't8
$s 1ell as the meetup 5roups 1e ha(e alread. ide'ti;ed4 1e 1ill see7 to host a'd support our o1'
meetups 1here possi0le4 researchi'5 the la'dscape of such meetups i' the cou'tries 1e (isit a'd tie
i'to e(e'ts 1e are atte'di'58 $ list of e(e'ts 1e are atte'di'5 a'd meetups 1e 1ill tar5et 1ill 0e
listed o' our #aPaaS dissemi'atio' cha''els a'd cale'dar8
Throu5hout the lifetime of this project4 1e 1ill loo7 further i'to a'. spo'sorship details that 'eed to
0e 1or7ed throu5h for such meetups8 $s a' e3ample4 to coi'cide 1ith ***20&
(held i' Seoul4
Norea)4 Saltlu34 2#I Seoul a'd 2'tote3t 1or7ed colla0orati(el. to spo'sor a'd support a successful
a'd o(er-su0scri0ed ope' a'd li'7ed data 'et1or7i'5 e(e'i'5 a'd meetup8
*e ma. also co'sider usi'5 1or7shops4 masterclasses a'd hac7 da.s61ee7e'ds as part of our
impact creatio' strate5.4 particularl. to test the #aPaaS tools a'd ser(ices to u'dersta'd if the.
deli(er the aims a'd impacts 1e ha(e set out to achie(e8 *or7shops 1ill allo1 people to discuss
their ideas i' a' ope' a'd rela3ed atmosphere4 1hich ca' 0e desi5'ed i' a 1a. that 1ill facilitate
discussio's that allo1 us to u'dersta'd the stre'5ths4 1ea7'esses4 opportu'ities a'd threats of the
#aPaaS products4 as 1ell as o0tai' ideas a'd i''o(ati(e thi'7i'5 for future de(elopme'ts8
Fac7 da.s61ee7e'ds 1ill 5i(e users the space to pla. 1ith the tools a'd time to de(elop products
a'd apps Huic7l.4 allo1i'5 us to see the real impact o' 1hat 1e are tr.i'5 to do 1ith ma7i'5 data
co'sumptio' a'd the reuse of ope' data easier for a' e'd user8 "asterclasses 1ill pro(ide a more
21 http%661118scri0d8com
22 http%66theodi8or56challe'5e-series
23 http%661118meetup8com6*e0-2f-#ata6
2$ http%661118meetup8com6dri(e'"eet-up6
25 http%661118meetup8com6)N-Fac7atho's-a'd-Wams6
26 http%66o7f'8or5
2( http%66teacamp8co8u76
2* http%66la'.rd8com6dash0oard6
2+ http%##000.eventbrite.!o.u-#
30 http%##000.meetup.!om#
31 https%##&o!!om#a#theo&!!!,
32 http%##000201$.-r
Copyright DaPaaS Consortium 2013-2015 Page 16 # 23
structured approach4 1ith a -X$ sessio' after tal7sG 0ut 1ith a'. co'strai'ts o' time or resources4
1e ma. 1ish to co'sider this for o'e oK occasio's4 a'd utilise tools such as @oo5le ha'5outs8
Fi'all.4 the project team 1ill support other FP7 projects4 particularl. those 1ith a data emphasis4 0.
respo'di'5 to calls for participatio' i'4 or supporti'5 their e(e'ts8
" Measures of success
To u'dersta'd if the #aPaaS project has 0ee' successful i' its aims a'd 5oals4 there are t1o disti'ct
areas for 1hich 1e 1ill set metricsG
- the "ounit( i#a"t etri"s 1hich focus o' the dissemi'atio' of the project a'd 1ill 0e used
throu5hout the project<s t1o .ear duratio'
- a'd DaPaaS #latfor usage etri"s4 1hich focus o' the use of the #aPaaS platform a'd 1ill 0e
realised after the project has 0ee' deli(ered8
".1 Counit( I#a"t Metri"s
The o0jecti(es for these metrics are to e'sure that%
there is 5e'eral o'-5oi'5 a1are'ess of the project 1ith pu0lishers a'd co'sumers4 1hich
i'cludes start ups4 S"Es a'd applicatio' de(elopers4 5o(er'me't a'd pu0lic sector 0odies4
5e'eral pu0lic4 academic4 scie'ti;c a'd research commu'ities (particularl. other FP7
projects) a'd press a'd data jour'alistsG
the project e'5a5es directl. 1ith rele(a't commu'ities a'd acts o' feed0ac7 from them to
i'crease the eKecti(e'ess of #aPaaSG
the tech'olo5ies are adopted4 a'd the project co'ti'ues to ha(e a' impact after it is
For the purposes of dissemi'atio' 1e 1ill mo'itor the impact of such acti(ities i' reachi'54 a'd
e'5a5i'5 1ith4 desired user 5roups8 *e 1ill use e3isti'5 a'd 1ell-esta0lished metrics to measure the
success of such acti(ities4 for e3ample%
'um0er of follo1ers 6 mem0ers 6 su0scri0ers o' T1itter a'd =i'7edI'
'um0er of re-t1eets 6 fa(ourites for the co'te't 0roadcast o' the aforeme'tio'ed cha''els
'um0er of clic7 throu5hs (e5% ima5es t1eeted a'd hosted throu5h Footsuite or 0it8l.)
'um0er of 0lo5 posts a'd respo'ses to these4 1hich 1ill allo1 us to see the perspecti(e our
audie'ce 0ri'5 to the co'te't 1e 5e'erateG particularl. 1ith re5ards to u'dersta'di'5 their
challe'5es4 a'd a's1eri'5 their Huestio's8
'um0er of 'e1s stories a'd press releases
'um0er of e(e'ts 1e support a'd participate i' (1or7shops4 hac7atho's4 lar5e scale e(e'ts4
etc) a'd a' a'. feed0ac7 recei(ed from atte'dees8
1e0site a'al.tics from the project 1e0site (e5% pa5e (ie1s4 (isits4 u'iHue (isitors4 E) a'd
5lo0al reach4 la'di'5 pa5es4 1hich co'te't is i'teresti'5 a'd e'5a5i'5)8
other a'al.tics (for e3ample4 Scri0d a'al.tics for the co'te't 1e are hosti'5 - reports4
prese'tatio's4 etc)
Copyright DaPaaS Consortium 2013-2015 Page 1( # 23
*e 1ill set tar5ets for each of these metrics4 a'd measure these at "+4 "24 "> a'd "2&8 Curre't
performa'ce is 0ei'5 captured i' a @oo5le spreadsheet
G this performa'ce lo5 1ill 0e made pu0licl.
reada0le o' a' o'5oi'5 0asis8
".2 DaPaaS P#atform Usage Metrics
The desired outcomes for #aPaaS4 as set out pre(iousl. i' the project o(er(ie1 sectio' of this
docume't 1ill 0e measura0le a'd trul. realised o'ce the project has 0ee' tested 1ith pote'tial users
a'd lau'ched8 *e 1ill 1a't to adopt metrics that relate to this4 for e3ample%
the 'um0er of u'iHue users that si5' up to #aPaaSG
'um0er of apps createdG
'um0er of disti'ct datasets a'd possi0l.4 the siIe of datasets (althou5h e'suri'5 that our
mai' focus is o' the 'um0er of e'5a5ed i'di(iduals4 rather tha' achie(i'5 lar5e-scale
(olumes of data)G
'um0er of Hueries or $PI calls to the #aPaaS platform4 1hich is a 5ood i'dicator of the actual
use a'd utilisatio' of the platform8
Throu5hout the life of this project4 this docume't 1ill 0e reiterated a'd other 1or7 pac7a5es reports
created to list such metrics8 *e 1ill de(ise our ;rst draft of su55ested platform usa5e metrics i'
mo'th t1el(e (#ecem0er 20&)4 a'd re(ie1 a'd re(ise these o(er the ;'al .ear of the project8
$s 1ell as Hua'titati(e metrics4 the project 1ill 1or7 to de(elop case studies that demo'strate its
impact8 *e 1ill see7 feed0ac7 from i'terested 5roups a'd users that 1e test our a'd
product o'4 see7i'5 co'tri0utio's of the challe'5es the. face 1ith ope' a'd li'7ed data4 a'd to see7
useful feed0ac7 o' our products a'd ser(ices8
2'e e3ample of such a' i'terested part. are the startups that are curre'tl. i'cu0ated at the 2#I8 The
2#Is startup pro5ramme attracts compa'ies 1ith a 1ide ra'5e of i'terests4 0ac75rou'ds a'd the
;elds the. are i'terested i'4 such as eco'omic4 e'(iro'me'tal a'd social8 Those 1ith a focus o'
eco'omic (alue 1ill 0e i'terested i' #aPaaS as the. 1ill 0e usi'5 ope' data to create 'e1 mar7ets
a'd 0usi'esses4 a'd ma. 0e limited i' the resources a(aila0le to them at this sta5e8 The 2#I is
curre'tl. see7i'5 'e1 mem0ers for this .ears startup pro5ramme a'd 1e 1ill 1or7 1ith these
successful compa'ies as 1ell as the e3isti'5 o'es8 $ full list of these startups a'd their case studies
is a(aila0le o' the 2#I startup sectio'8
*e 1ill also 1or7 closel. 1ith the 2#I<s mem0ership a'd trai'i'5 'et1or7s4 0. raisi'5 project
a1are'ess i' their 'e1sletter4 i'(iti'5 appropriate mem0ers to test the #aPaaS platform4 a'd hosti'5
a Ctech< sta'd at 2#I co''ect e(e'ts to promote our research4 products a'd tools8 *e 1ill
u'dersta'd 1hat projects 2#I mem0ers are 1or7i'5 o' a'd their ;elds of e3pertise a'd mar7et
#aPaaS to them accordi'5l.8
33 https%66docs85oo5le8com6a6theodi8or56spreadsheet6cccT
3$ h ttp%66theodi8or56start-ups
Copyright DaPaaS Consortium 2013-2015 Page 1* # 23
$ Dissemination assets and materia#s
$ 1ide ra'5e of dissemi'atio' tools ha(e 0ee' produced 6 1ill 0e produced throu5hout the lifetime of
the project8 This list of promotio'al material i'cludes%
project lo5o
press releases4 'e1s stories4 0lo5 posts
project 'e1sletter
project factsheets a'd leaJets
prese'tatio' materials (po1erpoi't template4 posters4 0ra'di'5 for social media sites)
posters (for use duri'5 e(e'ts)
;'al report a'd other deli(era0les
Throu5hout the duratio' of the project4 1e 1ill also co'sider usi'5 the follo1i'5 tools for
dissemi'atio'4 a'd if adopted4 1ill update this strate5. accordi'5l.8
mo(ie 6 a'imatio'
$.1 DaPaaS project #ogo % &randing
Ce'tral to the st.le a'd 0ra'di'5 to promote the #aPaaS project a'd its platform is the project lo5o
a'd ide'tit. tool7it8 *e ha(e 1or7ed closel. 1ith a' i'depe'de't &esign !ompany
to create this4
a'd the ;'al lo5o 1as i'spired 0. the cloud tech'olo5. 0ei'5 used i' #aPaaS8
This lo5o 1ill 0e i'cluded o' all of the materials related to the #aPaaS project4 0oth i' materials
prese'ted to the Europea' Commissio' a'd to the pu0lic8
The lo5o 1ill 0e a(aila0le i' a ra'5e of colour-1a.s a'd formats4 a'd 1ill 0e scala0le for use o'
prese'tatio' slides a'd social media sites4 such as T1itter8 The project<s t1itter accou't
has alread. 0ee' re-0ra'ded accordi'5l. a'd the #aPaaS project 1e0site has
'o1 0ee' re0ra'ded to i'clude the 'e1 project lo5o a'd 0ra'd ide'tit.8 $ full set of lo5os a'd
0ra'di'5 1ill 0e made a(aila0le i' the dissemi'atio' sectio' of our 1e0site4 1ith some of the lo5os
em0edded 0elo1 to 5i(e a' idea of the loo7 a'd feel for the #aPaaS ide'tit.8

35 http%66philpottdesi5'8com6
!+ https%66t1itter8com6dapaasproject
Copyright DaPaaS Consortium 2013-2015 Page 1+ # 23
$.2 /ebsite
$s set out i' deli(era0le +8 of this project4 our project 1e0site 1as created i' mo'th t1o a'd is
a(aila0le at% http%66dapaas8eu8 The 1e0site acts as a ce'tral poi't for dissemi'atio' purposes a'd
clearl. e3plai's the projects aims a'd o0jecti(es8 It 1ill 0e used as a tool to pro(ide i'formatio' a0out
the projects acti(ities a'd their results4 a'd 1ill i'clude the (arious media assets a'd pu0licit. that
the project has created4 such as 0lo5 posts4 'e1s stories4 prese'tatio's4 pu0licatio's4 articles a'd
reports8 Further detail a0out each of these speci;c tools ca' 0e fou'd further o' i' this strate5.8
$s me'tio'ed i' the metrics sectio' of this docume't4 1e 1ill mo'itor the a'al.tics of our 1e0site to
u'dersta'd (isitor ;5ures4 our 5lo0al reach4 a'd 1hich co'te't is i'teresti'5 a'd e'5a5i'5 to (isitors8
$t prese't4 1e do 'ot ha(e pla's to oKer a pri(ate area for the 1e0site a'd i'stead are usi'5 ope'
a'd free colla0orati(e tools as part of our project ma'a5eme't8
I'cluded 0elo1 are scree'shots of the #aPaaS 1e0site8 The 'a(i5atio' structure of the #aPaaS
1e0site is as follo1s%
o(er(ie1 (home) pa5eG
a D1hat<s #aPaaSE pa5e4 1hich co'tai's the a0stract4 (isio' a'd impactsG details of the
projects *Ps4 deli(era0les a'd reportsG
a Dpart'ers pa5eE co'tai's details of the or5a'isatio's i'(ol(ed4 i'di(idual 0io5raphies4 li'7s
a'd related projectsG
a 'e1s pa5e 1hich i'cludes press releases4 0lo5s a'd dissemi'atio' 6 media assets a'd
details of e(e'ts 1e are atte'di'56supporti'5G
co'tact details for the project co-ordi'ator a'd li'7s to our t1itter pro;le8
The DaPaaS home page
DaPaaS partner page
Copyright DaPaaS Consortium 2013-2015 Page 20 # 23
Partner page: Swirrl
DaPaaS news page
Example of a blog post
$.3 Press releases; ne4s stories; blog #osts and ne4sletter'
Creati'5 re5ular4 e'5a5i'5 co'te't is the 0ac70o'e of our dissemi'atio' strate5.8
To e'sure that there is a stead. stream of co'te't to 7eep (isitors to retur'i'5 to our 1e0site4 1e 1ill
draft 0lo5 posts that pro(ide mo'thl. part'er updates4 details of milesto'es a'd 7e. deli(era0les8
Throu5h press releases4 'e1s stories a'd 0lo5 posts 1e 1ill pro(ide useful material for shari'5 case
studies4 lesso's lear't throu5hout the project a'd pro(ide a' update of the (arious deli(era0les
throu5hout the projects life8
Copyright DaPaaS Consortium 2013-2015 Page 21 # 23
)si'5 press releases a'd 'e1s stories 1e 1ill a''ou'ce e(e'ts that 1e are participati'5 at a'd
sho1casi'5 our 1or74 1hich 1ill 0e pic7ed up 0. such or5a'isers a'd dissemi'ated to a 1ider
audie'ce tha' just those a1are of the #aPaaS project8 $s a' e3ample4 1e rece'tl. 0rote
a0out our
ope' data a'd li'7ed data meetup that 1e or5a'ised to coi'cide 1ith the ***20& co'fere'ce8
I' additio'4 1e 1ill re5ularl. 0lo5 o' the #aPaaS 1e0site4 1ith all part'ers committi'5 to co'tri0ute
to1ards these a'd commu'icate i' simple4 jar5o'-free la'5ua5e the 1or7 u'derta7e' to dateG such
as the tech'olo5ies ide'ti;ed for use i' the data a'd platform ser(ices4 detailed e3pla'atio' of 0oth
ser(ices a'd ho1 the. ca' 0e'e;t users a'd 1or7 o' the audie'ces to e'5a5e 1ith a'd user cases
ide'ti;ed8 *here possi0le4 part'ers 1ill cross-post these 0lo5s a'd 'e1s stories o'to their o1'
or5a'isatio'<s 1e0sites8 *e 1ill also 1or7 1ith our 'et1or7s to ide'tif. suita0le i'di(iduals that could
draft 5uest 0lo5s for the 1e0site8
$lthou5h 'ot detailed as a deli(era0le or tas7 1ithi' the #2*4 our project 1ill co'sider produci'5
'e1sletters that detail 1or7 completed to date4 as 1ell as pro(idi'5 e'5a5i'5 co'te't a'd
i'formatio' o' our part'ers a'd co'sortium cou'tries8 *e ma. reco'sider this throu5hout the lifetime
of the project if 1e deem that the material is 0ecomi'5 too repetiti(e 1ith the pu0lishi'5 of 'e1s4
0lo5 posts a'd press releases8 *e 1ill see7 to e3ploit other 'e1sletters such as the 1C resear!h
an& innovation ne0s pages
a'd 'e1sletters of the part'ers4 for e3ample the 2#I trai'i'5 a'd
mem0er 'e1sletters4 1hich are 1ell esta0lished a'd reach a 1ide audie'ce8
$." Pro3e"t fa"t sheets; leaBets and #osters'
I' additio' to re5ular Cli(e< co'te't ('e1s stories4 0lo5 posts a'd press releases)4 factsheets a'd
leaJets 1ill pro(ide 7e. i'formatio' at a 5la'ce a0out the project8 These 1ill 0e used to complime't
prese'tatio' materials4 a'd 0e used 1here the project is atte'di'5 or supporti'5 e(e'ts4 such as the
rece't Europea' #ata Forum8
These materials 1ill i'clude%
facts a0out the project (part'ers i'(ol(ed4 0ud5et4 timeli'e)
aims a'd impact of the project
a short4 eas. (a'd 'o'-tech'ical) descriptio' of the project8
' Sustaina&i#it( and exp#oitation
$s part of tas7 +8 (strate5. de(elopme't)4 the project 1ill de(elop t1o 7e. docume'tsG a 0usi'ess
strate5. for each S"E i' the co'sortium a'd (arious mo'etisatio' strate5ies for ope' data8 /oth of
these docume'ts 1ill 0e de(eloped throu5hout the projects lifetime ("-2&) a'd 1ill tar5et the
ide'ti;ed audie'ces 1ith the aforeme'tio'ed e'5a5eme't methods across all part'er cou'tries a'd
the 1ider E)8 $s a co'sortium4 1e 1ill 1or7 colla0orati(el. o' these t1o docume'ts to ta7e a'
3( http%66project8dapaas8eu6dapaas-'e1s6ope'-a'd-li'7ed-data-meet-up->th-april-seoul
3* http%66ec8europa8eu6research6i'de38cfm
Copyright DaPaaS Consortium 2013-2015 Page 22 # 23
ali5'ed approach to e3ploitatio' a'd e3plore 1hich 'et1or7s a'd co'tacts each or5a'isatio' ca'
utilise8 $s me'tio'ed earlier i' this strate5.4 for the 1or7 pac7a5e lead (2#I) this 1ill i'clude ma7i'5
use of the 2#I mem0er a'd startup 'et1or7s4 those 1ho ha(e atte'ded e(e'ts a'd trai'i'5 a'd the
2#Is i'ter'atio'al 'odes4 throu5h usi'5 our esta0lished commu'icatio's strate5ies a'd cha''els8
Post project completio'4 1e 1ill 1a't to e'sure that appropriate measures are ta7e' to e'sure that
there is 5ood 7'o1led5e shari'5 of the projects tools4 ser(ices4 a'd lesso's lear't a'd o'5oi'5
access to the #aPaaS platform8 *e 1ill also 'eed to co'sider the char5i'54 cost a'd 0usi'ess
models for #aPaaS4 ho1 to mai'tai' a'. li(i'5 docume'ts 5e'erated 0. the project4 its social media
cha''els a'd a'. o'5oi'5 press acti(it. - 1hich 1ill 0e re(isited at a later sta5e i' the project8
'.1 Citation ser!i"es and online referen"ing
*e 1ill use citatio' ser(ices throu5hout the project to upload details of all pu0licatio's (e(e' those
partiall. fu'ded) to a 0i0lio5raphic social 'et1or78 For #aPaaS4 1e ha(e chose' to use Dibsonomy
a'd 1ill e'sure that e(er. such pu0licatio' 1ill 0e ta55ed 1ith a' a5reed ta5 speci;c to the project8
$s 1ell as citatio' ser(ices4 1e co'sider usi'5 *i7ipedia to hi5hli5ht the #aPaaS project8 2'e 5ood
e3ample is ho1 the /I@ research project
ha(e refere'ced their research 1ithi' the big &ata
0i-ipe&ia pages
8 *e 1ill co'sider replicati'5 this o' *i7ipedia<s ope' data pa5es a'd list details of
the #aPaaS4 1hich 1ould also pro(ide a' area for other FP7 a'd ope' data projects to follo18
*e 1ill also co'sider creati'5 case studies from user e3perie'ces of the platform a'd from the
research u'derta7e' throu5hout the project4 1hich 1e ca' em0ed o' part'er 1e0sites as
appropriate8 Furthermore4 all deli(era0les (1here appropriate) 1ill 0e pu0licl. a(aila0le o' the #aPaaS
project 1e0site8 These deli(era0les4 coupled 1ith the 'e1s a'd dissemi'atio' co'te't 1e create 1ill
form part of a Ctrai'i'5< resource i' ho1 0est to use the #aPaaS tools a'd 1e 1ill e'sure that 1e
pro(ide e'ou5h eas. to u'dersta'd i'formatio' a'd resources that carefull. i'structs 'e1 users o'
ho1 to use the tools a'd ser(ices 1e create8
'.2 ,ithub
The #aPaaS 1e0site 1as 0uilt 0ased o' the 3overnment Digital Servi!e E3DSF
platform 1hich
e'a0les multiple 1e0sites4 such as the 2#I 1e0site8 $s the #aPaaS 1e0site uses the same code
0ase4 the codi'5 for the #aPaaS 1e0site is a(aila0le from the
2#I<s @ithu0 repositor.8
3+ http%6611180i0so'om.8or56
$0 http%660i5-project8eu6
$1 http%66e'81i7ipedia8or561i7i6/i5LdataYResearchLacti(ities
$2 https%665ds80lo585o(8u76
$3 https%665ithu08com6theodi6dapaas-fro'te'd
Copyright DaPaaS Consortium 2013-2015 Page 23 # 23

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