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_____ activities check the correctness of the product; _____ activities check that the software meets all

behavioral specifications. Verification, validation

_____ is the process of breaking the product into _____, which are self-contained pieces of code that interact with other _____. Modular decomposition,
modules, modules
A back-end CASE tool lowerCASE tool! is one that assists with which phases of software development" Implementation, integration, and maintenance
A complete and detailed description of the functionalit# available in a software product is found in the User reference manual
A configuration-control tool is used to specify which versions and which variations of each component are required for a complete product
A front-end CASE tool upperCASE tool! is one that assists with which phases of software development" Requirements, specification, and design
A good architectural design of a software s#stem promotes which of the following" I and III only
A module that either returns the information re$uested or returns appropriate hard-coded values for given input is called a stub
A program that helps the user construct data-flow diagrams is an e%ample of which of the following" I and II only
A single CASE tool assists in how man# aspects of software production" Just one
A software fault that occurs rarel#, has low user productivit# impact, and is e%pensive to fi% should be given low priority but eventually be fixed
A software-versioning tool helps an organi&ation manage which of the following"I and II only
A thorough documentation process emphasi&es that I and II only
A wa# of minimi&ing the impact of a software fault that is too e%pensive or time consuming to fi% is to use a woraround
Acceptance testing can be performed b# which of the following" I, II, and III
Adaptive maintenance occurs in response to which of the following" !hanges in the client"s computing facilities and environment
Advantages of structural testing include which of the following" II only
After a product has undergone changes during maintenance, the process of testing that the changes have not negativel# impacted other functionalit# is called
regression testing
An online interface checker is an e%ample of a coding tool
An open modular architecture for software is a re$uirement of the incremental model
Application frameworks and code frameworks are wa#s of reusing design
Assembl# languages are also called _____ and the#_____. second#generation languages, reflect the architecture of the processor
'aselines and access control s#stems are used for what purpose" $o eep programmers from changing the same module%s& simultaneously
'lack-bo% testing techni$ues are so named because testing is performed without examining any code
'lack-bo% testing techni$ues include which of the following' I and III only
'ranch coverage testing consists of ensuring that each branch in the code has been executed at least once
'# assigning less skilled programmers to maintenance, management is perpetuating the bad reputation of maintenance programming
CASE tools can help in which of the following aspects of software production" I, II, and III
CASE tools can help the documentation process for a software product in which of the following wa#s" I, II, and III
CASE tools that are particularl# useful in the maintenance phase include which of the following" II and III only
Coding tools include which of the following" I, II, and III
Consider implementing an algorithm for division and testing code with the values (, ), *, -), and -(. +hich of the following techni$ues is are! being applied" II
and III only
Constants should be used for values that will never change
Criteria used for prioriti&ing software faults include which of the following' I, II, and III
,eliberate reuse is better than an# other kind of reuse because components are likel# to be which of the following" I, II, and III
,ocumentation in a module should be placed in which of the following places" I and III only
,ocumentation of testing should be produced in which of the following phases of software development" I, II, and III
,rawbacks of fourth-generation languages -./s! include which of the following" II only
,uring a design review, which of the following issues concerning the detailed design is are! considered" I, II, and III
,uring code inspection of several modules for a software pro0ect, an inspection of other modules is warranted when a significant number of faults of a
particular type are found while inspecting more than one of the modules
,uring product testing, which of the following techni$ues should be used to verif# that the product satisfies its output specifications" II only
1or a software development pro0ect, a good wa# of making sure that the client2s needs are met is to use the rapid prototyping model
1or a software development pro0ect, what does it mean for specifications to be traceable" (very statement in the specifications document is lined to a
statement in the requirements document)
1or a software development pro0ect, where should documentation for module interfaces and the dataflow among modules appear"*ith general documentation
for the system
1or a software development pro0ect, who participates in design phase testing" $he developer"s +,- group and the design team
1or software development, which of the following indicates the order in which three kinds of integration testing should be carried out" Integration testing,
product testing, acceptance testing
1re$uent integration testing is a feature of the synchroni.e#and#stabili.e model
.lass-bo% testing includes which of the following" I, II, and III
3ow should nonrepeatable faults that occur sporadicall# be handled' $hey should be reported even without test data)
4f a decision b# a programmer results in a violation of coding standards, the programmer should chec with the manager to determine whether the code can
stand as is
4f a programmer violates coding standards, the manager should respond in a way that balances the benefit of the standards with the burden they put on the
4f the software product is replacing an e%isting product, the new product should be run in parallel with the existing product until the client is satisfied that the
new product is satisfactory
4mpediments to functional testing of even a moderate si&e program include which of the following" II and III only
4mpediments to structural testing in even a moderate si&e program include which of the following' I and II
4mprovements in which of the following occurs! when modularit# of code is used instead of a single e$uivalent block of code" I, II, and III
4n a software development conte%t, tool integration means that all tools communicate via the same data format
4n a software development pro0ect, acceptance testing is performed b# the client on the client"s hardware with actual data
4n a software development pro0ect, it is important to keep track of the rationale underl#ing design decisions for which of the following reasons" I and III only
4n a software testing activit#, a driver refers to which of the following" - module that has yet to be coded but passes the appropriate values to the module
being tested)
4n choosing a language for the final product, which of the following factors should be considered" 4.+hether the language supports coincidental
cohesion44.+hether the language supports informational cohesion444.+hether the language is ob0ect-oriented II and III only
4n choosing a language for the final product, which of the following factors should be considered" 4.5he client2s e%perience with, and tools for, the language44.5he
language2s suitabilit# for the application444.5he costs, benefits, and risks of using the language I, II, and III
4n contract software, the issues that might limit reuse of code include which of the following" I and II
4n data-oriented design, the architecture of the s#stem is based on which of the following" II only
4n general, a maintenance release for a software product should include only one type of maintenance per release
4n general, reliabilit# testing of a software product checks which of the following" I and II only
4n most situations, the languages! used for rapid protot#ping and final product development should be different languages
4n none%ecution-based testing of software, an important product of the inspections process is the number of faults found, raned by severity
4n none%ecution-based testing of software, code inspection is a formal process that consists of five steps/ overview, preparation, inspection, rewor, follow#up
4n none%ecution-based testing of software, the inspections team consists of three to six people, including representatives from the current and future phases
4n none%ecution-based testing of software, the inspections team includes which of the following roles" I and III only
4n ob0ect-oriented s#stems small self#contained ob0ects facilitate reuse, but other problems complicate it
4n responsibilit#-driven programming the called module checs input to ensure that it has not been called with inappropriate input
4n software development, product testing includes performance testing, _____, _____, and documentation testing robustness testing, installation testing
4n software development, what is integration testing" $esting whether the software modules interface correctly together
4n software development, which of the following testing approaches are used in integration testing" I, II, and III
4n statement coverage, which of the following is true" (ach statement in the code has been executed at least once)
4n the Cleanroom techni$ue, e%ecution-based testing is used only after nonexecution#based testing
4n the conte%t of software development, a correctness proof is a mathematical proof that some code satisfies its specifications
4n which of the following places should the interface to a module be documented" III only
4nheritance in ob0ect-oriented s#stems makes maintenance harder because definitions may be spread out all over the code
4nstallation testing is performed during which of the following kinds of testing' II only
4nstallation testing of a software product checks to verif# that it wors with the client"s other software
4nstaller6administrator documentation for a software product includes instructions about which of the following" I and III only
4nstructions for both the installation of the product and procedures for initiali&ation are included in which of the following" Installer1administrator
4ssues that arise with testing ob0ect-oriented code include which of the following" I and III only
4t is possible to reuse components from _____ phases of the software process, but _____ reuse is most common. all, module
4t ma# be worth redesigning and recoding a module from scratch under which of the following conditions" Many more faults are found in that module than in
any other module)
7aintenance activities that remove residual faults in the software product are called corrective maintenance
7aintenance is normall# re$uired in almost all software products
7anagement integration refers to a CASE environment that supports which of the following" I only
7easures of reliabilit# of a software product include which of the following" I and III only
8ested if statements can be simplified b# using 2oolean combinations
8one%ecution-based testing techni$ues can be applied to which of the following' I, II, and III
9b0ect-oriented design techni$ues include which of the following kinds! of diagrams' I and III only
9f the following coding st#le practices, which best facilitates future maintenance" Maing variable names meaningful to persons other than the code"s author
9f the following software life-c#cle models, which has the most danger of not meeting the client2s re$uirements" $he waterfall model
9ne life-c#cle model that incorporates features of all other models is the model
9ther names for black-bo% testing techni$ues include which of the following' I, II, and III
9ther names for glass-bo% testing techni$ues include which of the following" I, II, and III
:roblem reporting s#stems can help manage the workflow of software maintenance b# which of the following" I and II only
:roduct testing for contract software includes which of the following" I and II only
:roduct testing for contract software should include which of the following' I, II, and III
:rogramming-in-the-large refers to which of the following" +oftware development at the module level, including architectural design
:rogramming-in-the-man# refers to which of the following" +oftware production by a team, either at the module level or at the code level
:rogramming-in-the-small refers to which of the following" !oding at the level of the code of a single module
;egression testing for a software development pro0ect is testing to determine whether a component that was unchanged during changes to other components
still performs correctly
;eliabilit# anal#sis is based on which of the following ideas" II only
;eliabilit# anal#sis is used for which of the following purposes" It is used to help determine how long to test in order to guarantee that the product"s fault
rate satisfies specification)
;esponsibilit#-driven programming is better than defensive programming for which of the following reasons" II only
;estructuring is the process of improving the product without changing its functionality
;eusing an application framework usuall# means reusing control logic instead of specific code routines
Software maintenance is difficult for which of the following reasons" It incorporates aspects of all other phases of development)
Structural testing is _____ and structured testing is _____. glass#box testing, blac#box testing
5esting each procedure or function in a module is called functional testing
5he architectural design document for a software development pro0ect contains a description of the modules in the system, their interface, and the data and
control flow among them
5he architectural design of a software s#stem is used during which of the following phases of software construction' II and III only
5he basic idea behind the use of comple%it# metrics is that the more complex a module is, the more liely it is to contain faults
5he best time to develop a correctness proof is while the code is being written
5he code walkthrough team should include representatives of which of the following' I, II, and III
5he decisions that management will have to make regarding testing include which of the following' I, II, and III
5he disadvantages of none%ecution-based techni$ues include which of the following" II and III only
5he documentation that must be prepared before delivering a software product to a client includes which of the following" I and II only
5he fragile-class problem comes about because of which of the following" III only
5he ideal order for module testing and integration testing is given b# which of the following" $hey should be done together)
5he languages 1ortran, :ascal, C9'9/, and C<< are e%amples of which generation of programming languages" third
5he life-c#cle model that supports both iteration within phases and parallelism between phases is the 3#3 model
5he main criterion for choosing a language for rapid protot#ping should be how quicly development can be accomplished with that language
5he manager of the S=A group should run integration testing because I, II, and III
5he metrics that are useful during the maintenance phase of software development include which of the following" I and II
5he modules of a s#stem with an optimal modular design have high cohesion and low coupling
5he primar# difference between code inspections and code walkthroughs is that inspections are more formal and have more steps
5he primar# purpose of careful code la#out is to improve readability
5he primar# $ualities tested during acceptance testing are robustness and which of the following' !orrectness, performance, and documentation
5he primar# use of comple%it# metrics is to determine which modules need attention
5he reasons for documenting software development as earl# and completel# as possible include which of the following" I, II, and III
5he results of appl#ing the Cleanroom techni$ue have been encouraging/ the resulting code has had very few faults per 453! or has been fault free
5he robustness of a product is tested b# presenting it with illegal output
5he strategies of top-down, bottom-up, and sandwich integration are suited to both ob0ect#oriented and non#ob0ect#oriented systems
5he testing fault rate used in the Cleanroom techni$ue computes the number of faults detected per thousand lines of code during the execution#based testing that
follows nonexecution#based testing
5he time limit on an effective walkthrough or code-review session is two hours
5he ultimate responsibilit# for verif#ing the correctness of modules rests with the developer"s +,- group
5he validation measure concerned with the e%tent to which the product meets the customer2s needs is called utility testing
5here is no documentation activit# in which of the following phases of the software life c#cle" III only
5o make the process of developing and maintaining documentation for a software product as efficient as possible, the developer2s organi&ation should use which of
the following" I and III only
5wo properties of ob0ect-oriented software that make it easier to maintain are encapsulation and information hiding
5#picall#, the bulk of the time spent in software maintenance is for which of the following kinds"II only
>nder which of the following conditions are two modules said to be data-coupled" I and II only
>se of which of the following can be considered forms of code reuse" II and III only
>seful metrics for tracking fault reports include which of the following" I, II, and III
>ser interface integration usuall# refers to an environment that provides tools having the same visual appearance and functional interface
>ser training materials should cover which of the following" -ll ma0or functionalities of the system with a gradual introduction of detail
>tilit# of a software product includes which of the following" I, II, and III
+hat are the contents of the detailed design document for a software development pro0ect" - description of the data structures and algorithms for each
+hat is the most important reason for producing documentation for program code for a software product" $he people who maintain the code need
documentation to understand it.
+hat possible t#pes of testing might be needed as a result of changes made in the maintenance phase of the software life c#cle" I, II, and III
+hen and where is contract software validation performed" It is performed during product testing at the developer"s site)
+hen code is confusing, it should be rewritten
+hen the onl# documentation available for a software code is the code itself, the process of reconstructing the design and specifications is called reverse
+hich of the following activities are t#picall# used to elicit re$uirements for a software pro0ect from a client" I, II, and III
+hich of the following activities ma# be performed during maintenance' I, II, and III
+hich of the following are advantages of bottom-up integration" II and III only
+hich of the following are advantages of sandwich integration" I, II, and III
+hich of the following are advantages of top-down integration testing of software' I and III only
+hich of the following are coding tools" II and III only
+hich of the following are disadvantages of bottom-up integration" II only
+hich of the following are disadvantages of top-down integration testing of software" I only
+hich of the following are goals of the re$uirements phase of the software development c#cle"I and III only
+hich of the following are measures of code comple%it#" I, II, and III
+hich of the following are part of the s#stem design phase of software development" I, II, and III
+hich of the following are possible documents that could be included in the maintainer2s documentation" II and III only
+hich of the following are produced during the implementation phase of software development" I, II, and III
+hich of the following are reasons wh# pol#morphism and d#namic binding make ob0ect-oriented software more difficult to understand' I only
+hich of the following are true of one-of-a-kind software product development" I only
+hich of the following are t#pes of maintenance" I and III only
+hich of the following are updated after enhancements have been added to a software product" I, II, and III
+hich of the following are valid approaches when creating training materials for the first-time or novice end users of a software product" II and III only
+hich of the following artifacts serve as documentation for the anal#sis and specification phase" II and III only
+hich of the following belong in the specification document for a software pro0ect"I and II only
+hich of the following changes are t#picall# carried out during the maintenance phase of the software life c#cle" I, II, and III
+hich of the following characteri&es the binar# machine code instructions processed b# computers" - first#generation language
+hich of the following defines traceabilit# of the design document" (ach design choice, except choices of low#level detail, must be lined to statements in the
specifications document, and each statement in the specification document must be reflected in some aspect of the design
+hich of the following factors contribute to limiting software reuse" II and III only
+hich of the following indicates the order in which four of the phases in the software life c#cle should be carried out" Requirements, specifications, design, and
+hich of the following is are! among the possible contents of the user $uick reference for a software product' I, II, and III
+hich of the following is are! considered a validation activit#" I only
+hich of the following is are! considered a verification activit#" I and II only
+hich of the following is are! part of inline documentation" I and III only
+hich of the following is are! true about a build tool for software development" I and III only
+hich of the following is are! true about a product when it is undergoing updates during maintenance" I and II only
+hich of the following is are! true about documentation standards" I and II only
+hich of the following is are! true about documentation standards for software products" I and II only
+hich of the following is are! true about perfective maintenance of a software product" I only
+hich of the following is are! true about specific classes in the ?ava class hierarch# that derive their code from classes higher up in the hierarch#" I, II, and III
+hich of the following is are! true about the techni$ue known as all-definition-use path coverage' I only
+hich of the following is are! true in a module with high cohesion" I and II only
+hich of the following is are! true in a module with informational cohesion" I, II, and III
+hich of the following is are! true in a module with low cohesion" II and III only
+hich of the following is are! true of maintaining uniformit# in documentation for a software product" II and III only
+hich of the following is are! true of maintenance of a software product" I, II, and III
+hich of the following is are! true of modules that perform the characteristic functions of a software product' I and II only
+hich of the following is an important trade-off that must be kept in mind during the design phase of software development" 6enerality vs) complexity
+hich of the following is not a part of the software pro0ect management plan" Rapid prototyping
+hich of the following is the term for reuse of code made possible because someone reali&ed that the code of a previousl# developed component could be reused"
-cidental reuse
+hich of the following is true about coding st#le guidelines" $hey are language specific)
+hich of the following is true about defensive programming' $he calling module checs input to the called module to ensure that the input is appropriate)
+hich of the following is true about maintenance for ob0ect-oriented software" It has its own challenges, even though it is easier in some ways than
maintenance for non#ob0ect#oriented software)
+hich of the following is true about ob0ect-oriented design' (qual emphasis is given to the structure of the data and the actions operating on the data
+hich of the following is true about self-documenting code" It exists but is extremely rare)
+hich of the following is true in top-down integration testing of software" 5ogic modules are coded and tested first with lower modules as stubs)
+hich of the following is true of a logic module" I and III only
+hich of the following is true of a specification document for a software pro0ect" It is a contract between the client and the developer)
+hich of the following is true of alpha and beta testing of a shrink-wrapped software product" 2oth occur at potential future customers" sites
+hich of the following is true of maintenance in software development" It is an integral part of the software process
+hich of the following is true of none%ecution-based techni$ues" $hey can find most faults in the design and implementation phases)
+hich of the following is true of the re$uirements document for a software pro0ect" It is a basis for the specification document)
+hich of the following is true when a sandwich integration strateg# is applied to integration testing" I and II only
+hich of the following is true when an inspection finds that @ percent or more of a module must be reworked" $he inspection team must reinspect the module
fully after it has been rewored)
+hich of the following is true when bottom-up integration is used" 3perations modules are coded and tested first with higher modules as drivers)
+hich of the following kinds of changes to a software product characteri&es maintenance of the product" !hanges made after it has passed the acceptance test
+hich of the following kinds of documentation should be produced as part of the implementation phase of software development" II and III only
+hich of the following kinds of integration is associated with an environment that supports a specific software process" 7rocess integration
+hich of the following participate in a formal review of the specifications document for a software pro0ect" I, II, and III
+hich of the following problems afflict hard-and-fast coding standards' II and III
+hich of the following ranks three structural testing techni$ues from weakest to strongest" +tatement coverage, branch coverage, path coverage
+hich of the following should be avoided in a specification document for a software pro0ect" I and III only
+hich of the following should be present in a module prologue" I, II, and III
+hich of the following statements are true of problem identification" I only
+hich of the following statements is are! applicable to a situation where the client keeps wanting changes made after the product is delivered' I, II, and III
+hich of the following statements is are! true of correctness proofs" II only
+hich of the following statements is are! true of testing techni$ues" I and II only
+hich of the following statements is are! true of third generation languages"I and II only
+hich of the following steps is are! t#picall# performed in a code walkthrough" I and II only
+hich of the following techni$ues create fault statistics' I, II, and II
+hich of the following t#picall# occurs! during a code walkthrough" II and III only
+hich of the following t#picall# takes the responsibilit# of emphasi&ing the priorit# of allocating proper resources to the documentation of a software product"
$he developer
+ho is most likel# to make changes to the software product during maintenance" $he developer
+ho should be involved in re$uirements testing for a software pro0ect" $he developer"s +,- group, the client, and the user
). +hich of the following data t#pes correspondent to the valuesA BnamesCarra#D?onE, D7elindaE, DAle%E!; o 8umeric arra#
(. +hich of the following functions will report to date, which was three da#s ago" o 5ime!-F; 7a# be!
F. +hich of the following arra#s include data of B_.E5 and B_:9S5"o B_;E=>ES5
-. +hich of the following functions will displa# file on a browser"o 1open
@. 5o e%ecute concatenation operation it is necessar# to use ne%t s#mbolA.
G. +hich of the following options is post-increment operator"%<<
H. +hich of the following options is pre-increment operator" << %
I. +hich of the following options is pre-decrement operator"- - %
J. +hich of the following options is post-decrement operator"% - -
)*. +hich of the following operations define remainder after dividing"7odulus
)). +hich of the following e%amples define not identical operator" % KCC #
)(. +hich of the operators corresponds to the following descriptionA L5rue if either % and # is true L " % MM #
)F. +hich of the operators corresponds to the following descriptionA L5rue if either % and # is true, but not both L " % %or #
)-. +hich of the operators corresponds to the following descriptionA L5rue if both % and # are trueN " % OO #
)@. +hich of the arra# operators corresponds to the following descriptionA L5rue if % and # have the same ke#6value pairs in the same order and of the same
t#pesN "% CCC #
)G. +hich of the arra# operators corresponds to the following descriptionA L5rue if % and # have the same ke#6value pairs N " % CC #
)H. +hich of the statements corresponds to the following descriptionA L>se this statement to e%ecute some code if a condition is true and another code if the
condition is falseN " if...else statement
)I. Specif# which of the following descriptions corresponds to the valueA BfamiliesP2.riffin2QP(Q " 7ultidimensional arra#sE element
)J. +hich of the looping statements corresponds to the following descriptionA L/oops through a block of code once, and then repeats the loop as long as a
specified condition is trueN"do...while
(*. Specif# which of the following modes is met descriptionA RAppend. 9pens and writes to the end of the file or creates a new file if it doesn2t e%istR" a
(). Specif# which of the following modes is met descriptionA R ;ead6+rite. Creates a new file. ;eturns 1A/SE and an error if file alread# e%ists R" S<
((. +e have two classesA house and room. Bhome C new 3ouse. Specif# which of the following ob0ects is enclosed ob0ect" BkichCnew ;oom!;
(F. +e have ob0ect BctCnew mammalRcatR!.Specif# which of the following codes use propert#" Bct-Tname;
(-. /et the Blink defines a connection to a database, B$uer# is a s$l-$uer# and BresultCm#s$li_$uer#Blink,B$uer#!. Specif# which of the following functions
calculate the $uentit# of records in the result of the s$l-$uer#" m#s$li_num_rowsBresult!;
(@. /et the variable Blink C m#s$li_connectRlocalhostR, >SE;8A7E, :ASS+9;,, ,'8A7E! defines a connection to a database. ,etermine which of the
following definitions corresponds to the string value RlocalhostR"url
(G. +hich of the following definitions right" S7/ was designed to transport and store data
(H. +hich of the following definitions are comments in %ml " UK-- 5his is a comment --T
(I. +hat is an S7/ Element" An S7/ element is ever#thing from including! the element2s start tag to including! the element2s end tag
(J. +hich of these definitions is not true" S7/ attribute values must not be $uoted
F*. +hich of the following definitions right" +ith SS/5 #ou can transport an S7/ document
F). +hich of the following tags define the namespace" Uhtml %slAversionCR).*R %mlnsA%slCRhttpA66www.wF.org6)JJJ6SS/65ransformRT
F(. +hat does S7/ stand for" eStensible 7arkup /anguage
FF. +hat is the correct s#nta% of the declaration which defines the S7/ version" U"%ml versionCR).*R"T
F-. +hich is not a correct name for an S7/ element" U)dollarT
F@. +hich is not a correct name for an S7/ element" Ufirst nameT
FG. +hich is not a correct name for an S7/ element" All F names are incorrect
FH. +hat does SS/ stand for" eStensible St#lesheet /anguage
FI. +hat is a correct wa# of referring to a st#lesheet called Rm#st#le.%slR " U"%ml-st#lesheet t#peCRte%t6%slR hrefCRm#st#le.%slR "T
FI. 1or what part of %ml tree is this templateA U%slA template matchCRVstarsRT UiTU%slAvalue-of selectCR.R6TUiT U6%slA templateT " o Attribute
FJ. +hat is the correct wa# to include the file Rtime.incR " U"php re$uireRtime.incR!; "T
-*. +hat does 357/ stands for" 3#per 5e%t 7arkup /anguage
-). +hat organi&ation is responsible for making web standards" +orld +ide +eb Consortium
-(. Choose the correct 357/ tag for the largest headingUh)T
-F. +hat is the correct 357/ tag for inserting the line break" Ubr 6T
--. +hat is a correct wa# for adding a background color in 357/" Ubod# st#le C Lbackgroundcolor-colorA#ellowNT
-@. 3ow #ou could make #our te%t in 357/ bold"UbTU6bT
-G. 3ow #ou could make #our te%t italic" UiTU6iT
-H. +hat is the correct wa# for adding link in 357/" Ua
-I. 3ow #ou can create an email link" Ua hrefCNmailtoA%%%V###NT
-J. 3ow #ou can open a link in a new browser tab" Ua hrefCNurlN targetCN_blankNT
@*. +hich of these tags are referred to the table tags" UtableTUtrTUtdT
@). Chose the correct 357/ to align the content inside the tableA Utd alignCleftT
@(. 3ow can #ou make a list that lists the items with numbers" UolT
@F. 3ow can #ou make a list that lists the items with bullets" UulT
@-. +hat is the correct 357/ for making a checkbo%" Uinput t#peCRcheckbo%R 6T
@@. +hat is the correct 357/ for making a te%t input field" Uinput t#peCRte%tR 6T
@G. +hat is the correct 357/ for making a drop-down list" UselectT
@H. +hat is the correct 357/ for making a te%t area" Ute%tareaT
@I. +hat is the correct 357/ for inserting an image" Uimg srcCRimage.gifR altCR7#4mageR 6T
@J. +hat is the correct 357/ for inserting a background image" Ubod# backgroundCRbackground.gifRT
G*. 3ow to make an image as a h#perling" Ua hrefC>;/TUimg srcCimage.gif6TU6aT
G). 3ow to align an image" Uimg srcCNimage.gifN alignCLleftNT Uimg srcCNimg.gifN alignCLleftNT
G(. 3ow to map #our image with clickable regions" Uimg srcCNimage.gifN usemapCNWplanetmapN6T Umap nameCNplanetmapNTU6mapT
GF. +hat is the correct wa# for adding link in 357/" Ua
G-. +hat is the difference between C/ASS and 4, in CSS" Class specifies parameters for multiple elements, while 4, for a single
G@. 3ow #ou could determine the color for the bod# background tag in CSS" bod# Xbackground-colorAcolorY
GG. +ho is making the +eb standards" 5he +orld +ide +eb Consortium
GH. Choose the correct 357/ tag for the largest heading Uh)T
GI. +hat is the correct 357/ for creating a h#perlink" Ua hrefCRhttpA66www.wFschools.comRT+FSchoolsU6aT
GJ. +hich of these tags are all UtableT tags" UtableTUtrTUtdT
H*. Choose the correct 357/ to left-align the content inside a table cell MM Utd alignCRleftRT
H). +hat does CSS stand for" Cascading St#le Sheets
H(. +hat is the correct 357/ for referring to an e%ternal st#le sheet" Ulink relCRst#lesheetR t#peCRte%t6cssR hrefCRm#st#le.cssRT
HF. +here in an 357/ document is the correct place to refer to an e%ternal st#le sheet" 4n the UheadT section
H-. +hich 357/ tag is used to define an internal st#le sheet" Ust#leT
H@. +hich 357/ attribute is used to define inline st#les" st#le
HG. +hich is the correct CSS s#nta%" o bod# XcolorA blackY
HH. 3ow do #ou insert a comment in a CSS file" 6Z this is a comment Z6
HI. +hich propert# is used to change the background color" background-colorA
HJ. 3ow do #ou add a background color for all Uh)T elements" h) Xbackground-colorAW111111Y
I*. 3ow do #ou change the te%t color of an element" colorA
I). +hich CSS propert# controls the te%t si&e" font-si&e
I(. +hat is the correct CSS s#nta% for making all the UpT elements bold" p Xfont-weightAboldY
IF. 3ow do #ou displa# h#perlinks without an underline" a Xte%t-decorationAnoneY
I-. 3ow do #ou make each word in a te%t start with a capital letter" te%t-transformAcapitali&e
I@. 3ow do #ou convert all letters in a te%t to uppercase"te%t-transformAuppercase
IG. 3ow do #ou change the font of an element" font-famil#A
IH. 3ow do #ou make the te%t bold" font-weightAbold
II. 3ow do #ou displa# a border like thisA the top border C )* pi%els, the bottom border C @ pi%els, the left border C (* pi%els, the right border C )pi%el" 'order-
widthA)*p% )p% @p% (*p%
IJ. 3ow do #ou change the left margin of an element" margin-leftA
J*. +hat does :3: stand for"o :3:A 3#perte%t :reprocessor
J). :3: server scripts are surrounded b# delimiters, which" U"php["T
J(. 3ow do #ou write R3ello +orldR in :3:" echo R3ello +orldR;
JF. All variables in :3: start with which s#mbol" B
J-. +hat is the correct wa# to end a :3: statement" ;
J@. 5he :3: s#nta% is most similar toA :erl and C
JG. 3ow do #ou get information from a form that is submitted using the RgetR method" B_.E5PQ;
JH. +hen using the :9S5 method, variables are displa#ed in the >;/A 1alse
JI. 4n :3: #ou can use both single $uotes 2 2 ! and double $uotes R R ! for stringsA 5rue
JJ. 4nclude files must have the file e%tension R.incR 5rue
)**. +hat is the correct wa# to include the file Rtime.incR " U"php re$uireRtime.incR!; "T
)*). +hat is the correct wa# to create a function in :3:" function m#1unction!
)*(. +hat is the correct wa# to open the file Rtime.t%tR as readable" fopenRtime.t%tR,RrR!;
)*F. +hat is the correct wa# to connect to a 7#S=/ database" m#s$l_connectRlocalhostR!;
)*-. +hat is the correct wa# to add ) to the Bcount variable" Bcount<<;
)*@. +hat is a correct wa# to add a comment in :3:" UK--[--T
)*G. 4n :3:, the die! and e%it! functions do the e%act same thing. 5rue
)*H. +hich one of these variables has an illegal name" Bm#-\ar
)*I. +hat does S=/ stand for" Structured =uer# /anguage
)*J. +hich S=/ statement is used to e%tract data from a database" SE/EC5
))*. +hich S=/ statement is used to update data in a database" >:,A5E
))). +hich S=/ statement is used to delete data from a database" ,E/E5E
))(. +hich S=/ statement is used to insert new data in a database" 48SE;5 4859
))F. +ith S=/, how do #ou select a column named R1irst8ameR from a table named R:ersonsR" SE/EC5 :ersons.1irst8ame
))-. +ith S=/, how do #ou select all the columns from a table named R:ersonsR" SE/EC5 Z 1;97 :ersons
))@. +ith S=/, how do #ou select all the records from a table named R:ersonsR where the value of the column R1irst8ameR is R:eterR" SE/EC5 Z 1;97
:ersons +3E;E 1irst8ameC2:eter2
))G. +ith S=/, how do #ou select all the records from a table named R:ersonsR where the value of the column R1irst8ameR starts with an RaR" SE/EC5 Z
1;97 :ersons +3E;E 1irst8ame /4]E 2a^2
))H. +ith S=/, how do #ou select all the records from a table named R:ersonsR where the R1irst8ameR is R:eterR and the R/ast8ameR is R?acksonR"
SE/EC5 Z 1;97 :ersons +3E;E 1irst8ameC2:eter2 A8, /ast8ameC2?ackson2
))I. +hich S=/ ke#word is used to sort the result-set" 9;,E; '_
))J. +ith S=/, how can #ou return all the records from a table named R:ersonsR sorted descending b# R1irst8ameR" SE/EC5 Z 1;97 :ersons 9;,E; '_
1irst8ame ,ESC
)(*. +ith S=/, how can #ou insert a new record into the R:ersonsR table" 48SE;5 4859 :ersons \A/>ES 2?imm#2, 2?ackson2!
)(). +ith S=/, how can #ou insert R9lsenR as the R/ast8ameR in the R:ersonsR table" 48SE;5 4859 :ersons /ast8ame! \A/>ES 29lsen2!
)((. 3ow can #ou change R3ansenR into R8ilsenR in the R/ast8ameR column in the :ersons table" o >:,A5E :ersons SE5 /ast8ameC28ilsen2 +3E;E
)(F. +ith S=/, how can #ou delete the records where the R1irst8ameR is R:eterR in the :ersons 5able" ,E/E5E 1;97 :ersons +3E;E 1irst8ame C
)(-. +ith S=/, how can #ou return the number of records in the R:ersonsR table" SE/EC5 C9>85Z! 1;97 :ersons
)(@. 5here is a line of :3: codeA Bresult C Bm#s$li-T$uer#B$uer#!. 5he ob0ect Bm#s$li is created b# classA o m#s$li-stmt
)(G. 5here2s a line of :3: code ABresult C Bm#s$li-T$uer#B$uer#!. 5he ob0ect Bresult is created b# classA m#s$li-result
)(H. 5here2s a line of :3: codeABstmt C Bm#s$li-TprepareR48SE;5 4859 countries \A/>ES ", "!R!. 5he ob0ect Bstmt is created b# classA m#s$li-stmt
)(I. .iven line of :3: codeA B result C B m#s$li-T $uer# B $uer#!. +hat is the $uer#" 7ethod
)(J. .iven line of :3: code A B result C B m#s$li-T $uer# B $uer#!. +hat is the B$uer#" 9b0ect
)F*. .iven line of :3: code A B result C B m#s$li-T $uer# B $uer#!. +hat is the Bm#s$li" 9b0ect
)F). .iven line of :3: code A ABstmt C Bm#s$li-TprepareR48SE;5 4859 countries \A/>ES ", "!R!. +hat is the Bstmt" 9b0ect
)F(. .iven line of :3: codeA B result C B m#s$li-T $uer# B $uer#!. +hat is the Bresult" 9b0ect
)FF. .iven line of :3: codeABstmt C Bm#s$li-TprepareR48SE;5 4859 countries \A/>ES ", "!R!. +hat is the Bm#s$li" 9b0ect
)F-. .iven line of code :3:A Bstmt C Bm#s$li-TprepareR48SE;5 4859 countries \A/>ES ", "!R!. +hat is a prepare" 7ethod
)F@. .iven line of code :3:A Bm#s$li C new m#s$li2localhost2, 2root2, 2secret2, 2firma2!;. +hat is the Bm#s$li" 9b0ect
)FG. .iven line of :3: codeA Bm#s$li C new m#s$li2localhost2, 2root2, 2secret2, 2firma2!;. +hat is the m#s$li" Class
)FH. .iven line of code :3:A Bm#s$li C new m#s$li2localhost2, 2root2, 2secret2, 2firma2!;. +hat is DsecretE" password
)FI. .iven line of code :3:A Bm#s$li C new m#s$li2localhost2, 2root2, 2secret2, 2firma2!;. +hat is DlocalhostE" url
)FJ. .iven line of code :3:A Bm#s$li C new m#s$li2localhost2, 2root2, 2secret2, 2firma2!;. +hat is DrootE" login
)-*. .iven line of code :3:A Bm#s$li C new m#s$li2localhost2, 2root2, 2secret2, 2firma2!;. +hat is DfirmaE" ,ata base name
)-). .iven line of :3: codeA Bm#s$li C new m#s$li2)(H.*.*.)2, 2root2, 2secret2, 2firma2!;. +hat is the D2)(H.*.*.)E" url
)-(. .iven line of :3: code A Brow C Bresult-Tfetch_row! . +hat is a fetch_row! " 7ethod
)-F. .iven line of :3: code A Brow C Bresult-Tfetch_row! . +hat is the Brow " 8umeric arra#
)--. .iven line of :3: code A Brow C Bresult-Tfetch_row! . +hat is a Bresult " 9b0ect
)-@. .iven line of :3: code A Brow C Bresult-Tfetch_assoc! . +hat is the Brow " Associative arra#
)-G. .iven line of :3: code A Bstmt-Tbind_param2ss2, Bname, Bdescription!; . +hat is Bstmt " 9b0ect
)-H. .iven line of :3: code A Bstmt-Tbind_param2ss2, Bname, Bdescription!; . +hat is 2ss2 " ,ata t#pes
)-I. .iven line of :3: code A Bstmt-Tbind_param2ss2, Bname, Bdescription!; . +hat is a Bname " variable
)-J. .iven line of :3: code A Bstmt-Tbind_param2ss2, Bname, Bdescription!; . +hat is Bdescription " variable
)@*. .iven line of :3: code A Bstmt-Tbind_param2ss2, Bname, Bdescription!; . +hat are the values of Bname and Bdescription for a method bind_param!" o
)@). .iven line of :3: code A Bstmt-Tbind_param2ss2, Bname, Bdescription!; . +hat is a bind_param! " 7ethod
)@(. .iven line of :3: code A Br C Bresult-Tfetch_assoc! . +hat is Br " Associative arra#
)@F. .iven line of :3: code A Brow C Bresult-Tfetch_assoc! . +hat is the Bresult " 9b0ect
)@-. .iven line of :3: code A Brow C m#s$li_fetch_assocBresult!. +hat is a Brow " Associative arra#
)@@. .iven line of :3: code A Brow C Bresult-Tfetch_assoc! . +hat is a fetch_assoc!" 7ethod
)@G. .iven line of code :3:A BresultCm#s$li_$uer#Blink,B$uer#!; . +hat is B$uer#" s$l-$uer#
)@H. .iven line of code :3:A BresultCm#s$li_$uer#Blink,B$uer#!; . +hat is Blink" Coonection descriptor
)@I. .iven line of code :3:A BresultCm#s$li_$uer#Blink,B$uer#!; . +hat is m#s$li_$uer#" function
)@J. .iven line of code :3:A BresultCm#s$li_$uer#Blink,B$uer#!;. +hat is a Bresult" variable
)G*. .iven line of code :3:A Brows C m#s$li_num_rowsBresult!; . +hat is the Brows" \ariable of number of rows
)G). .iven line of code :3:A Brows C m#s$li_num_rowsBresult!; . +hat is Bresult" 5he result of the s$l-$uer#
)G(. 5here is a line of code :3:A Bn C m#s$li_num_rowsBresult!; . +hat is Bn" \ariable of number of rows
)GF. .iven line of code :3:A Brows C m#s$li_num_rowsBresult!; . +hat is m#s$li_num_rows!" function
)G-. 5here is line of code :3:A Brows C m#s$li_num_rowsBresult!;. +hat is a m#s$li_num_rows!" function
)G@. .iven line of code :3:A Bn C Bm#s$li-Tnum_rows; . +hat is a Bm#s$li" ob0ect
)GG. .iven line of code :3:A Bn C Bm#s$li-Tnum_rows; . +hat is Bn" number of rows
)GH. .iven line of code :3:A Bn C Bm#s$li-Tnum_rows; . +hat is num_rows" :ropert# for number of rows
)GI. .iven line of code :3:A Bn C Bm#s$li-Tnum_rows; . +hat is a Bm#s$li" ob0ect
)GJ. 5here is a line of code :3:A Bn C Bm#s$li-Tnum_rows; . +hat is the Bn" \ariable of number of rows
)H*. 5here is a line of code :3:A Bn C Bm#s$li-Tnum_rows;. +hat is the num_rows " :ropert# for number of rows
)H). .iven line of code :3:A Brow C Bresult-Tfetch_arra#7_S=/4_'953! ; . +hat is a Bresult " ob0ect
)H(. .iven line of code :3:A Brow C Bresult-Tfetch_arra#7_S=/4_'953! ; . +hat is a Brow " A;;A_
)HF. .iven line of code :3:A Brow C Bresult-Tfetch_arra#7_S=/4_'953! ; . +hat is fetch_arra#7_S=/4_'953! " method
)H-. .iven line of code :3:A Brow C Bresult-Tfetch_arra#7_S=/4_'953! ; . +hat is 7_S=/4_'953 " parameter
)H@. 5here is a line of code :3:A Brow C Bresult-Tfetch_arra#7_S=/4_ASS9C! ; . +hat is the 7_S=/4_ASS9C " parameter
)HG. .iven line of code :3:A Brow C Bresult-Tfetch_arra#7_S=/4_8>7! ; . +hat is a 7_S=/4_8>7 " parameter
)HH. .iven line of :3: code A BA; C Bresult-Tfetch_arra#7_S=/4_'953!;.+hat is BA; " A;;A_
)HI. 5here is a line of :3: codeA Bstmt-Taffected_rows. 5he result of this code is A 5he number of rows inserted into database table
)HJ. 5here is a line of :3: codeA Bstmt-Taffected_rows. 5he affected_rows is aA :ropert#
)I*. 5he result of application of this templateA U%slAtemplate matchCR6RT UhtmlTUheadT U6headT Ubod#TU6bod#T U6htmlT U6%slAtemplateT is that MM
UhtmlTUheadT U6headT Ubod#TU6bod#T U6htmlT
)I). 5he result of application of this templateA U%slAtemplate matchCRmovieRT U%slAvalue-of selectCRtitleR6T U6%slAtemplateT is that MM content of the title
)I(. 5he result of application of this templateA U%slAtemplate matchCRmovies66actorRT U%slAvalue-of selectCR.R6TU6%slAtemplateT is that MM content of the actor
)IF. 5here is part of %ml codeA U%slAst#lesheet versionCR).*R %mlnsA%slCRhttpA66www.wF.org6)JJJ6SS/65ransformRTU%slAtemplate matchCR66nameRT. +hich of
the following strings can be specified as a name of name spacesA o Ssl in %slChttpA66www.wF.org6)JJJ6SS/65ransform
)I-. <<% can be specified as aA :re-increment operator
)I@. %<< can be specified as aA :ost-increment operator
)IG. - - % can be specified as aA :re-decrement operator
)IH. - - % can be specified as aA :re-decrement operator
)II. +hich of the statements corresponds to the following descriptionALuse this statement to e%ecute some code onl# if a specified condition is true N " if statement
)IJ. which of the statements corresponds to the following descriptionAL use this statement to select one of several blocks of code to be e%ecutedN " if...elseif....else
)J*. +hich of the statements corresponds to the following descriptionAL use this statement to select one of man# blocks of code to be e%ecutedN" switch statement
)J). +hich of the looping statements corresponds to the following descriptionA Lloops through a block of code while a specified condition is trueN" +hile
)J(. +hich of the looping statements corresponds to the following descriptionA Lloops through a block of code a specified number of timesN" for
)JF. +hich of the looping statements corresponds to the following descriptionA Lloops through a block of code for each element in an arra#N" foreach
)J-. /et the Blink defines a connection to a database, B$uer# is a s$l-$uer# and BresultCm#s$li_$uer#Blink,B$uer#!. Specif# which of the following functions
create the connection to the database" m#s$li_connectBresult!;
)J@. /et the Blink defines a connection to a database, B$uer# is a s$l-$uer# and BresultCm#s$li_$uer#Blink,B$uer#!. Specif# which of the following functions
create the numeric arra#" m#s$li_fetch_rowBresult!;
)JG. /et the Blink defines a connection to a database, B$uer# is a s$l-$uer# and BresultCm#s$li_$uer#Blink,B$uer#!. Specif# which of the following functions
create the associative arra#" m#s$li_fetch_assocBresult!;
)JH. +hich of the following operations define opposite for some value" 8egation
)JI. +hich of the following operations define $uotient of two values" ,ivision
)JJ. +hich of the following operations define difference of two values" Subtraction
). 5he file s#stem permits users to create data collections, called files, with desirable properties, such as ZZZ` 1ield, ;ecord, 1ile, ,atabase
(. 1or terms are in common use when discussing filesA ZZZ` 1ield, ;ecord, 1ile, ,atabase
F. +hat is a field" ZZZ`4t is the basic element of data
-. +hat is a record"ZZZ` 4t is a collection of related fields that can be treated as a unit b# some application program
@. +hat is a file" ZZZ`4t is a collection of similar records.
G. 4n choosing a file organi&ation, several criteria are importantA ZZZ` Short access time, Ease of update, Econom# of storage, Simple maintenance, ;ealibilit#
H. 5o understand the re$uirements for a file structure, it is helpful to consider the t#pes of operations that ma# be performed on the director#A ZZZ` Search, ,elete,
Create, /ist ,irector#, >pdate ,irector#
I. +hat is a Search" ZZZ` +hen a user or application references a file, the director# must be searched to find the entr# corresponding to that file.
J. +hat is a Create file" ZZZ`+hen a new file is created, an entr# must be added to the director#
)*. +hat is a ,elete file" ZZZ` +hen a file is deleted, an entr# must be removed from the director#
)). +hat is a /ist ,irector#" ZZZ` All or a portion of the director# ma# be re$uested.
)(. +hat is a>pdate ,irector#" ZZZ` 'ecause some file attributes are stored in the director#, a change in one of these attributes re$uires a change in the
corresponding director# entr#.
)F. At the Secondar# storage management what is a \olume" ZZZ` A collection of addressable sectors in secondar# memor# that an 9S or application can use for
date storage
)-. At the 14/E S_S5E7 SEC>;45_ what is a Sub0ect" ZZZ` An entit# capable of accessing ob0ects
)@. At the 14/E S_S5E7 SEC>;45_ what is an 9b0ect" ZZZ` An#thing to which access is controlled
)G. At the 14/E S_S5E7 SEC>;45_ what is an Access right" ZZZ` 5he wa# in which an ob0ect is accessed b# a sub0ect
)H. At /inu% \irtual 1ile S#stem Concept, 5he four primar# ob0ect t#pes in \1S are as followsA ZZZ` Superblock ob0ect, inode ob0ect, dentr# ob0ect, file ob0ect
)I. +hat is an E7'E,,E, S_S5E7S" ZZZ` combination of computer hardware and software, and perhaps additional mechanical or other part, designed to
perform a dedicated function
)J. C3A;AC5E;4S54CS 91 E7'E,,E, 9:E;A548. S_S5E7S, .ive definition to ;eal-time operationA ZZZZ` 4n man# embedded s#stems, the correctness
of a computation depends, in part, on the time at which it is delivered
(*. .ive the correct wa# to L/oading an eCos ConfigurationNA ZZZ` .8> make utilit#TTApplication source codeTT.8> cross compilerTT.8>
linkerTTE%ecutable file
(). Choose the correct choice of the LeCos /a#ered StructureN from bottom- to- top" ZZZ` 3ardware abstraction la#er, ]ernel, 469 s#stem, Standard C librar#, >ser
application code
((. 3ow man# implemented separate modules has 5he 3A/" ZZZ` F
(F. 3ow man# main ob0ectives has 5he eCos ]ernel was designed to satisf#" ZZZ` -
(-. +hat does L548_9SN mean" ZZZ` ;epresents a significant departure from other embedded operating s#stems
(@. 5hree abstractions for resources are used in 5in#9SA ZZZ` ,edicated, \irtuali&ed, Shared
(G. +hat is a Computer Securit#" ZZZZ` 5he protection afforded to an automated information s#stem in order to attain the applicable ob0ectives of preserving the
integrit#, availabilit# and confidentialit# of information resources
(H. 5his definition introduces three ke# ob0ectives that are at the heart of computer securit#A ZZZ` Confidentialit#, 4ntegrit#, Availabilit#
(I. Although the use of the C4A triad to define securit# ob0ects is well established, some in the securit# field feel that additional concepts are needed to present a
complete picture. 5wo of the most commonl# mentioned are as followsA ZZZ` Authenticit#, Accountabilit#
(J. 8etwork securit# attacks can be classified asA ZZZ` :assive and active attacks
F*. 4n an important earl# stud# of intrusion, AndersonPA8,EI*Q identified three classes of intrudersA ZZZZ` 7as$uerader, misfeasor, clandestine user
F). +hat is a \irus" ZZZZ` 7alware that, when e%ecuted, tries to replicate itself into other e%ecutable code
F(. +hat is a +orm" ZZZZ` A computer program that can run independentl# and can propagate a complete working version of itself onto other hosts on a network
FF. +hat is a /ogic bomb" ZZZZ` A program inserted into software b# an intruder
F-. +hat is a 5ro0an horse" ZZZZ` A computer program that appears to have a useful function, but also has a hidden and potentiall# malicious function that evades
securit# mechanisms, sometimes b# e%ploiting legimate authori&ations of a s#stem entit# that invokes the 5ro0an horse program
F@. +hat is a 'ackdoor trapdoor!" ZZZZ` An# mechanisms that b#passes a normal securit# check; it ma# allow unauthori&ed access to functionalit#
FG. +hat is a 7obile code" ZZZZ` Software e.g., script, macro, or other portable instruction! that can be shipped unchanged to a heterogeneous collection of
platforms and e%ecute with identical semantics
FH. +hat is aE%ploits" ZZZZ` Code specific to a single vulnerabilit# or set of vulnerabilities.
FI. +hat is a ,ownloaders" ZZZZ` :rogram that installs other items on a machine that is under attack
FJ. +hat is an Auto-rooter" ZZZZ` 7alicious hacker tools used to break into new machines remotel#
-*. +hat is a ]it virus generator!" ZZZZ` Set of tools for generating new viruses automaticall#
-). +hat is a Spammer programs" ZZZZ` >sed to send large volumes of unwanted e-mail.
-(. +hat is a 1looders" ZZZZ` >sed to attack networked computer s#stems with a large volume of traffic to carr# out a denial-of-service ,oS! attack
-F. +hat is a ]e#loggers" Z-ZZZ` Captures ke#strokes on a compromised s#stem
--. +hat is a ;ootkit" ZZZZ` Set of hacker tools used after attacker has broken into a computer s#stem and gained root-level access
-@. +hat is a aombie, bot" ZZZZ` :rogram activated on an infected machine that is activated to launch attacks on other machines
-G. +hat is a Sp#ware" ZZZZ` Software that collects information from a computer and transmits it to another s#stem
-H. +hat is aAdware" ZZZZ` Advertising that is integrated into software
-I. +hat is a4nfection mechanism" ZZZZ` 5he means b# which a virus spreads, enabling it to replicate
-J. A virus classification b# target includes the following categories,+hat is a 1ile infector" ZZZZZ` 4nfects files that the operating s#stem or shellconsider to be
@*. +hat is a 7ultiplatform" ZZZZ` 8ewer worms are not limited to +indows machines but can attack a variet# of platforms, especiall# the popular varieties of
@). >ses of 'ots, +hat does mean Spamming " ZZZZ` +ith the help of a botnet and thousands of bots, an attacker is ableto send massive amounts of bulk e-mail
@(. A rootkitma#be" ZZZZZ ` :ersistent, 7emor# based,>ser mode, ]ernel mode
@F. 7emor# based, rootkit" ZZZZZZ` 3as no persistent code and therefore cannot survive a reboot
@-. +hat is a Authentication" ZZZZZ ` is the basis for mostt#pes of access control and for user accountabilit#
@@. An authentication process consists of two stepsA ZZZZZ ` 4dentificationstep, \erificationstep
@G. Among the potential drawbacks are the following P84S5J@QA ZZZZ ` ;e$uires special reader, 5oken loss, >ser dissatisfaction
@H. Access control policies are generall# grouped into the following categoriesA ZZZZZZ ` ,iscretionar# access control, 7andator# access control, ;ole-based
access control
@I. 5he following definitions from ;1C (I(I 4nternet Securit# .lossar#! are relevant to our discussionA -ZZZZZ ` Securit#intrusion, 4ntrusiondetection
@J. 3ow man# 4,Ss can be classifiedA ZZZZZ @
G*. 4,Ss can be classified as followsA ZZZZZ ` 3ost-based 4,S, 8etwork-based 4,S, Sensors, Anal#&ers, >ser interface
G). 7alware ,efense. Antivirus Approaches. 5he ne%t best approach is to be able to do the followingA ZZZZ ` ,etection, 4dentification, ;emoval
G(. 4f we sa# about .eneric ,ecr#ption, what we are meaning of \irus signature scannerA ZZZZ ` A module that scans the target code looking for known virus
GF. At .eneric Client6Server Architecture Client workstation! show correct wa# from bottom-to-top" ZZZZ ` 3ardware platform, Client operating s#stem,
Communications software, Application logic, :resentation services
G-. P';E+JHQ lists four benefits that can be achieved with clustering. 5hese can also be thought of as ob0ectives or design re$uirementsA ZZZZZ ` Absolute
scalabilit#, 4ncremental scalabilit#, 3igh availabilit#, Superior price6performance
G@. :aralleli&ing Computation, 4n some cases, effective use of a cluster re$uires e%ecuting software from a single application in parallel. P]A::**Q lists three
general approaches to the problemA ZZZZ ` :aralleli&ing compiler, :aralleli&ed application, :arametric computing
GG. 5he +indows Cluster Server design makes use of the following conceptsA ZZZ ` Cluster Service, ;esource, 9nline, .roup
GH. 5he ma0or components of Sun Cluster areA ZZZZZ ` 9b0ect and communication support, :rocess management, 8etworking, .lobal distributed file s#stem
GI. +hat is a Server" ZZZZ ` is a computer program running to serve the re$uests of other programs, the RclientsR.
GJ. Show incorrect choice, when we mean t#pes of ServerA ZZZZ ` Cooking server
H*. 5he Sun Cluster networking subs#stem has how man# ke# elements" ZZZZ ` F
H). +hich of the following is not a function of the C:>" ZZZZ ` :rocessing video displa# data
H(. 5he main principle underl#ing the design of operating s#stems is ZZZZ ` Abstraction
HF. +hich of the following is not considered to be internal part of the computer" ZZZZ` Communication device network card, modem, etc!
H-. +hich of the following is an e%ample of input-output device" ZZZZ ` 8etwork card
H@. +hich of the following is not a la#er of the s#stem bus" ZZZZ ` Sound bus
HG. 3ow C:>Es status registers are also called" ZZZZ ` 1lags
HH. 3ow is C:>Es internal memor# called" ZZZ ` 1lags
HI. Stopping the current se$uencing of the processor is called ZZZZ ` 4nterrupt
HJ. 7ain reason for improving C:> utili&ation isA ZZZZ ` Slowness of 469 devices compared to C:>
I*. +hat are the correct t#pes of multiple interrupt handling" ZZZZ ` Se$uential and nested
I). +hat is stored in cache memor#" ZZZZ` Cop# of a portion of the main memor#
I(. +hat is the main principle underl#ing the design of caching s#stems" ZZZZ` :rinciple of localit#
IF. +hich of the following is not a la#er in 9S design" ZZZZ ` 469 level
I-. +hat is the most obvious solution to low C:> utili&ation problem" ZZZZ ` 7ultiprogramming
I@. A processis ZZZZ ` 4nstance of running program
IG. +hich of the following is not a principle of storage management responsibilities" ZZZZ` :rocess termination
IH. \irtual memor# takes advantage of ZZZZ ` /arge secondar# memor#
II. 4n a microkernel 9S the scheduler resides inA ZZZZ` ]ernel
IJ. 5hread isA ZZZ ` ,ispatchable unit of work
J*. +hich of the following cannot be interrupted" ZZZZ ` Atomic operation
J). 4n /inu%, the graphic subs#stem is located in ZZZZ ` >ser level
J(. +hich of the following is not considered to be a part of the process" ZZZZZ` 1ile structure
JF. 5race of the process isA ZZZZ ` /ist of instructions that are e%ecuted
J-. ,ispatcher isA ZZZZ ` Small program which switches the processor from one process to another
J@. 5he problem with two-state process model is ZZZZ ` Single $ueue
JG. :rocess spawning is ZZZZ ` Creation of child process
JH. A good reason for process suspension is ZZZZ ` Swapping
JI. +hich of the following is not a t#pe of 9S control table" ZZZZZ` 5ime table
JJ. Another term for spawning isA ZZZZ ` 1orking
)**. 1ile tables provide information aboutA ZZZZZ ` 1iles, their location, status
)*). :rocess control block consists of the following ZZZZZ ` :rocess 4,, state information, control information
)*(. 5wo modes of e%ecution most processors support isA ZZZZZ ` >ser mode and s#stem mode
)*F. +hich of the following is not a proper step in process creation" ZZZZZ ` Clearing the memor#
)*-. +hich of the following is not a reason to switch a process" ZZZZ ` ]ernel update
)*@. 5hree t#pes of operating s#stem kernel process designA ZZZZZ ` Separate kernel, 9S functions within user processes, 9S functions are separate processes
)*G. +hat thread approach did 7S-,9S use" ZZZZ ` 9ne process, one thread
)*H. +hat thread approach does ?ava run-time environment use" ZZZZ ` 9ne process, multiple threads
)*I. +hat thread approach does +indows use" ZZZZ ` 7ultiple processes, multiple threads per process
)*J. +hat controls the process in a single-threaded process model" ZZZZ` :rocess control block
))*. +hat controls the process in a multi-threaded process model" ZZZZZ ` :rocess control block
))). +hat controls the thread in a multi-threaded process model" ZZZZ ` 5hread control block
))(. 5hreade%ecutionstatesareA ZZZZZ ` Spawn, 'lock, >nblock, 1inished
))F. +hat relationship between threads and number of processes is used in old traditional >84S implementations" ZZZZZZ ` 9ne to one
))-. +hat relationship between threads and number of processes is used +indows 85, 9S6(, Solaris, /inu%" ZZZZ ` 7an# to one
))@. +hat relationship between threads and number of processes is used cloud computing" ZZZZZ ` 9ne to man#
))G. +hat relationship between threads and number of processes is used in 5;4S s#stems" ZZZZ ` 9ne to man#
))H. +hat t#pe of parallel processor architecture is used in .:> graphic cards! design" ZZZZZ ` S47,
))I. +hat t#pe of parallel processor architecture is used in multi-core processors" ZZZZ ` 747, shared memor#
))J. +hat t#pe of parallel processor architecture is used in clusters" ZZZZ ` 747, distributed memor#
)(*. 5wo main t#pes of 9S kernels areA ZZZZZ ` 7icrokernel and monolithic kernel
)(). :rocesses in +indows are implemented asA ZZZZZ ` 9b0ects
)((. A se$uence of one or more statements that appear to be indivisible isA ZZZZ ` Atomic operation
)(F. A section of code within a process that re$uires access to shared resources and that must not be e%ecuted while another operation is in a corresponding section
of code is calledA ZZZZ ` Critical section
)(-. A situation in which two or more processes are unable to proceed because each is waiting for one of the others to do something is calledA ZZZZZ `
)(@. A re$uirement that when one process is in a critical section that accesses shared resources no other operation ma# be in a critical section that accesses an# of
those shared resources is calledA ZZZZZ ` 7utual e%clusion
)(G. A situation in which a runnable process is overlooked intinitel# b# the scheduler, although it is able to proceed, it is never chosenA ZZZZ ` Starvation
)(H. +hat is a hardware wa# of handling mutual e%clusion" ZZZZ ` ,isabling interrupts
)(I. A simple integer value with a $ueue used for signaling among processes is called ZZZZZZ `Semaphore.
)(J. 5wo general categories of resources areA ZZZZ ` ;eusable and consumable
)F*. An e%ample of reusable resource isA ZZZZZ ` :rocessor
)F). +hich of the following is not one of the principles of dealing with deadlock" ZZZZZ ` 4nitiali&ation
)F(. Current allocation of resources to processes where there is at least one se$uence that does not result in deadlock is calledA ZZZZZ ` Safe state
)FF. Current allocation of resources to processes where there is no se$uence that does not result in deadlock is calledA ZZZZZ ` >nsafe state
)F-. Can #ou solve the ,ining :hilosophersE :roblem using monitors" ZZZZZZ` _es
)F@. A fi%ed-length block of main memor# is calledA ZZZZZ` 1rame
)FG. A fi%ed-length block of data in secondar# memor# is calledA ZZZZ ` :age
)FH. A variable-length block of data that resides in secondar# memor# is calledA ZZZZ ` Segment
)FI. +hen free memor# is split into man# unconnected pieces we call itA ZZZZ ` E%ternal fragmentation
)FJ. 7emor# partitioning algorithm that uses binar# tree as a data structure is calledA ZZZZ ` 'udd# s#stem
)-*. A state in which the s#stem spends most of its time swapping pieces rather than e%ecuting instructions is calledA ZZZZ ` 5hrashing
)-). Convert this number s#stemsA 3ES,JA! to ,EC" ZZZZ ` F-I(
)-(. Convert this number s#stemsA 3ES,,(! to ,EC"A ZZZZ` F@FI
)-F. Convert this number s#stemsA 3ES'AI! to ,EC" ZZZZZ ` (JI-
)--. Convert this number s#stemsA 3ESHIE! to ,EC" ZZZZ` )JF-
)-@. Convert this number s#stemsA 3ESA'1! to ,EC" ZZZZZ` (H@)
)-G. Convert this number s#stemsA 3ESCCA! to ,EC"A ZZZZZ` F(H-
)-H. Convert this number s#stemsA 3ES',1! to ,EC"A ZZZZ` F*FJ
)-I. Convert this number s#stemsA 3ES11A! to ,EC" ZZZZ` -*J*
)-J. Convert this number s#stemsA 9C5)(F-! to ,EC" ZZZZ` GGI
)@*. Convert this number s#stemsA 9C5-F()! to ,EC" ZZZZ` ((@H
)@). Convert this number s#stemsA 9C5@-HH! to ,EC" ZZZZ` (IHJ
)@(. Convert this number s#stemsA 9C5H)F(! to ,EC" ZZZZ` FGH-
)@F. Convert this number s#stemsA 9C5G@)(! to ,EC" ZZZZZ ` F-*(
)@-. Convert this number s#stemsA 9C5@G)-! to ,EC" ZZZZ` (J@G
)@@. Convert this number s#stemsA 9C5HH-@! to ,EC" ZZZZZ` -*GJ
)@G. Convert this number s#stemsA 9C5GHF-! to ,EC" ZZZZZ` F@-I
)@H. Convert this number s#stemsA '48)))***)))! to ,EC"A ZZZZ` -@@
)@I. Convert this number s#stemsA '48))**))**))! to ,EC" ZZZZ` I)J
)@J.Convert this number s#stemsA '48)*)*)*)*)*)! to ,EC"A ZZZ` )FG@
)G*. Convert this number s#stemsA '48))****))**! to ,EC"A ZZZ` HI*
)G). Convert this number s#stemsA '48))))***)))! to ,EC" ZZZ` JGH
)G(. Convert this number s#stemsA '48)*)*)*)*)*)! to ,EC"A ZZZ )FG@
)GF. Convert this number s#stemsA '48))****))**! to ,EC"A ZZZ` HI*
)G-. Convert this number s#stemsA '48))))***)))! to ,EC" ZZZZ` JGH
)G@. Convert this number s#stemsA ,EC@IHJ! to 3ES"A ZZZZ` )G1H
)GG. Convert this number s#stemsA ,ECGHJ)! to 3ES"A ZZZ6Z` )AIH
)GH. Convert this number s#stemsA ,ECH)(F! to 3ES" ZZZZ` )',F
)GI. Convert this number s#stemsA ,ECI)F-! to 3ES"A -Z-ZZZ` )1CG
)GJ. Convert this number s#stemsA ,ECJ)(F! to 3ES"A ZZZZZ` (FAF
)H*. Convert this number s#stemsA ,ECI@HH! to 3ES" ZZZZ` ()I)
)H). Convert this number s#stemsA ,ECJ@HI! to 3ES"A ZZZZ` (@GA
)H(. Convert this number s#stemsA ,ECJI-@! to 3ES"A ZZZZ` (GH@
)HF. Convert this number s#stemsA ,EC-@J)! to 9C5" ZZZZ` )*H@H
)H-. Convert this number s#stemsA ,EC@)(F! to 9C5"A ZZZ` )(**F
)H@. Convert this number s#stemsA ,EC-I)(! to 9C5"A --ZZZZ` ))F)-
)HG. Convert this number s#stemsA ,EC@)(J! to 9C5" ZZZZ` )(*))
)HH. Convert this number s#stemsA ,EC)-G@! to '48"A ZZZZ` )*))*)))**)
)HI. Convert this number s#stemsA ,EC)*I)! to '48"A ZZZZ` )****)))**)
)HJ. Convert this number s#stemsA ,ECJ-@! to '48" ZZZZ` )))*))***)
)I*. Convert this number s#stemsA 9C5GHF@! to 3ES"A ZZZZ` ,,,
)I). Convert this number s#stemsA 9C5H)(F! to 3ES"A ZZZZZ` E@F
)I(. Convert this number s#stemsA 9C5@HH)! to 3ES" ZZZZ` '1J
)IF. 3ow man# parts of 7emor# 3ierarch#" ZZZZZ F
)I-. 4n 7emor# 3ierarch#, at the 9utboard storage which of the following are includedA ZZZZ` 7agnetic disk
)I@. 4n 7emor# 3ierarch#, at the 9ff-line storage which of the following are includedA ZZZZ` 7agnetic tape
)IG. 4n 7emor# 3ierarch#, at the 4nboard memor# which of the following are includedA ZZZZZ`7ain memor#
)IH. Cache ,esign has these properties" ZZZZ` Si&e, block si&e, mapping function, replacement algorithm, write polic#
)II. 5hree techni$ues are possible for 469 operationsA ZZZZ` :rogrammed 469, 4nterrupt-driven 469, ,irect memor# access,7A!
)IJ. 3ow man# principles has ,eadlock"A ZZZZZ` F
)J*. +hich of the following principles has ,eadlock" ZZZZZ` :revention, Avoidance, ,etection
)J). 7uch of the work in securit# and protection as it relates to operating s#stems can be roughl# grouped into four categories" ZZZZ ` Availabilit#,
confidentialit#, data integrit#, authenticit#
)J(. 5he central themes of operating s#stem design are all concerned with the management of processes and threads" ZZZZ ` 7ultiprogramming, multiprocessing,
distributed processing
An integrated collection of related data constitutes a ZZZ database
4n a t#pical librar# database s#stem, integrit# constraints would include which of the following rules" ZZZ 44 and 444 onl#
4n S=/(, which of the following details can be provided when creating a database" ZZZ 4 and 444 onl#
4n S=/(, the default length of a bit string is ZZZ )
4n S=/, a view is built with the command _____ and is deleted with the command _____. ZZZ C;EA5E \4E+, ,;9: \4E+
4n S=/, a semantic integrit# constraint that involves specif#ing an action that is e%ecuted whenever a specified condition becomes true is known as an! ZZZ trigger
4n the S=/ ;E\9]E command, the _____ clause can be used to specif# that a granted privilege cannot be revoked if the privilege has been passed on to other
users ZZZ ;ES5;4C5
4n the Entit#-;elationship E;! model, ob0ects that e%ist independentl# in the real world are modeled as ZZZ entities
4n the conte%t of databases, the entit# on which a weak entit# depends is known as an! ZZZ identif#ing owner
4n the conte%t of databases, consider the relationship ;ESE;\EU7E7'E;,'99]T, which indicates that a librar# member has reserved a book. 4f this
relationship has a cardinalit# ratio of )A8, which of the following is true" ZZZ 7embers ma# reserve multiple books, but a book ma# be reserved b# onl# a single
Consider a database table with the following functional dependencies.1,)A A -T C!1,(A XA, 'Y -T C4f both of these functional dependencies are true, then this
table contains a _____ dependenc#.! ZZZ partial
Consider a database relation schema with three atomic attributes, A, ', and C that have the following functional dependencies. ZZZ 4 and 44 onl#
+hich of the following is are! true regarding database tables" ZZZ44 onl#
4n Entit#-;elationship E;! modeling, an entit# is a _____, and an! _____ is a meaningful association between entities.ZZZ uni$uel# identifiable ob0ect with
independent e%istence, relationship
+hich of the following statements about functional dependencies is are! true" ZZZ 4, 44, and 444
A relational database schema is in 1irst 8ormal 1orm if ZZZ the domain of ever# attribute allows a single atomic value
+hich of the following settings is needed for transactions in a banking database where simultaneous accesses to an account record ma# cause transactions to
process inconsistent account balances" ZZZ A stricter isolation level
1actors to consider when programming with transactions include which of the following" ZZZ 4 and 444 onl#
4nde%ing a database table is likel# to _____ performance of _____ $ueries on the table. ZZZ impair, insert
4nde%ing a database table _____ improves! $uer# performance when the table has _____ $uantities of data.ZZZ might not, small
4nde%ing a database table has the greatest effectiveness when ZZZ column values are highl# selective
1or which of the following reasons is the relational model the most popular model for database s#stems" ZZZ 4 and 444 onl#
4n S=/, the _____ clause is used to filter out rows in a SE/EC5 statement. ZZZ +3E;E
4n S=/, which of the following clauses is are! mandator# in a SE/EC5 statement" ZZZ 444 onl#
4n two-phase locking protocols, a deadlock occurs when ZZZ two or more transactions are blocked because each holds locks on resources that another transaction
+hich of the following recover# actions is are! re$uired for ensuring the durabilit# propert# of a database" ZZZ 44 onl# )**^
+hen referring to the performance of a hard disk drive, once the read6write head is at the appropriate track, the amount of time it takes to position the appropriate
disk block under the head is known as the ZZZ rotational latenc#
4n hash files that use the linear probing scheme of conflict resolution, if a bucket is full when adding a new record, which if the following is true" ZZZ A serial
search is performed to find the first available slot in another bucket.
A data file is called full# inverted if ZZZ each of its fields is associated with an inde%
+hich of the following is are! true regarding the arit# of database tables" ZZZ 4, 44, and 444
5he cardinalit# of an empt# database table is ZZZ *
4n database schemas, structural integrit# constraints are imposed b# the ZZZ relational model
+hich of the following relational algebra operations can be performed b# a single SE/EC5 statement in S=/" ZZZ 4, 44, and 444
4n S=/, a scalar sub$uer# returns ZZZ a single column and a single row
4n S=/ C;EA5E 5A'/E statements, it can be specified that a column must alwa#s contain a valid value b# using the _____ column specifier. ZZZ 895 8>//
4n embedded S=/, a statement that ma# be e%ecuted more than once can be d#namicall# built for later use with the _____ statement. ZZZ :;E:A;E
4f S and _ are attributes of a relation, S is functionall# dependent on _ if ZZZ each value of _ is associated with e%actl# one value of S
A table that contains one or more repeating groups is said to be in ZZZ >nnormali&ed 1orm
4n a relation ; where S, _, and a are attributes, if S is functionall# dependent on _ and _ is functionall# dependent on a, then ZZZ S is transitivel# dependent on
4n a recoverable schedule, if transaction S reads a data item previousl# written b# transaction 5, then the ZZZ commit operation of 5 must precede the commit
operation of S
4f a transaction has an! _____ lock on a data item, it can _____ the item. ZZZ shared, read but not update
5#pes of file organi&ations in which records are store in no particular order include which of the following" ZZZ 44 onl#
5he techni$ue of e%tendible hashing is a t#pe of ZZZ d#namic hashing
A data file can have ZZZ at most one primar# inde% or one clustering inde%
4n Entit#-;elationship E;! modeling, an entit# t#pe that is e%istence-dependent on some other entit# t#pe is known as a ZZZ weak entit# t#pe
4n Entit#-;elationship E;! modeling, the multiplicit# of a relationship is the ZZZ number of possible occurrences of an entit# t#pe that ma# relate to an associated
entit# t#pe in the relationship
A cluster inde% is an inde% defined on an ! _____ field. ZZZ ordering
A collision occurs in hashing when the bucket in which the record to be _____ ZZZ stored is full
A database is needed for which of the following application scenarios" ZZZ 4 and 44 onl#
A deadlock occurs when ZZZ ( or more transactions wait indefinitel# because each holds the data items of another
A deletion operation will _____ if the deletion leads to the violation of a referential integrit# constraint. ZZZ fail
A difference operation can be applied to tables that ZZZ are union compatible
A hori&ontal view allows users access to ZZZ onl# specific rows of the defining tables
A livelock occurs when ZZZ a transaction is aborted and restarted repeatedl#
A relational schema is in first normal form, if the domain of all of its ZZZ attributes can take on onl# atomic values
A shared lock on a data item represents permission to perform which of the operations, read and write, on the data item" ZZZ ;ead onl#
A star schema in a data warehouse conte%t refers to which of the following" ZZZ A central fact table and a number of dimension tables
A vertical view allows users access to ZZZ onl# specific columns of the defining tables
A weak entit# t#pe implies a ZZZ relationship with total participation constraint
All changes made b# a committed transaction can be recovered ZZZ onl# if there have been no software failures
An E-Commerce database contains data about customers, products, orders, s#stem response times, etc. +hich of the following can be specified as integrit#
constraints in an E-Commerce database s#stem" ZZZ 4 and 444 onl#
An E-Commerce s#stem consists of the following components. +hich of the same components must be included in a database management s#stem" ZZZ 44 onl#
An E-Commerce s#stem consists of the following components. +hich of these same components must be included in a database" ZZZ 4 onl#
An E-Commerce s#stem consists of the following components. +hich of these same components will constitute a database s#stem" ZZZ 4, 44, and 444
An e%clusive lock on a data item represents permission to perform which of the operations, read and write, on the data item" ZZZ 'oth read and write
An inde% file is usuall# used to inde% ______ of the data file. ZZZ one field
An insertion operation will _____ if the inserted primar# ke# has a 8>// value. ZZZ fail
An insertion operation will _____ if the insertion violates the uni$ueness propert# of a ke#. ZZZ fail
Consider a table with atomic attributes A, ', and C and the following functional dependencies. ZZZ 4 and 44 onl#
Consider the following functional dependenc#. XA, 'Y -T XCY ;egarding this dependenc#, which of the following statements is are! true" ZZZ 8one
,atabase design t#picall# consists of which of the following phases" ZZZ 4, 44, and 444
,,/ is used to ZZZ specif# the structure of a database
,7/ is used to ZZZ add6modif#6delete data in the database
,uring recover#, in which of the following wa#s are the before and after images used b# the undo and redo actions" ZZZ 4 and 444 onl#
1or a relation to be in (81, _____ attribute must be full# functionall# dependent on _____. ZZZ ever# non-primar#-ke#, the primar# ke#
1or a relation to be in F81, it should not contain _____ attribute that is transitivel# dependent on _____. ZZZ a non-primar# ke#, the primar# ke#
1or two tables to be union compatible, corresponding columns from each table should have which of the following" ZZZ the same domain
1or two tables to be union compatible, the tables should be the same with respect to which of the following" ZZZ degree
1orce propagation polic# _____ redo actions, and no-force propagation polic# _____ redo actions. ZZZ does not re$uire, re$uires
3ow does linear probing solve the problem of collisions in hashing" ZZZ A serial search is performed from the point of collision to find the first available slot.
4f S -T _, which of the following would make _ full# dependent on S" ZZZ S is a single attribute
4mmediate update polic# _____ undo actions, and deferred update polic# _____ undo actions. ZZZ re$uires, does not re$uire
4n a hierarchical database, a single tree can accommodate which of the following t#pes of binar# relationships" ZZZ 4 and 44 onl#
4n a hierarchical database, data records are represented using which of the following data structures" ZZZ 5rees
4n a network database, a binar# one-to-man# relationship is t#picall# represented using a ZZZ linked list
4n a network database, data records are represented using which of the following data structures" ZZZ .raphs
4n a network database, the first record of an ordered linked list that represents a one-to-man# relationship is called an ! ZZZ owner
4n a transaction, a ;9//'AC] is used to ZZZ discard all the updates including inserts, deletes, modifications! of a transaction from the database
4n a transaction, C97745 specifies that ZZZ all updates including inserts, deletes, modifications! of a transaction are to be made permanent in the database
4n a two-phase locking protocol, a transaction _____ downgrade a write lock to a read lock _____ ZZZ cannot, under an# circumstances
4n a two-phase locking protocol, what happens during the growing phase" ZZZ 5he transaction can ac$uire locks, but cannot release its locks.
4n a two-phase locking protocol, what happens during the shrinking phase" ZZZ 5he transaction cannot ac$uire locks, but can release its locks.
4n an E; model, a derived attribute is one whose values ZZZ can be derived from the values of some other attributes
4n an E; model, the cardinalit# ratio of a relationship t#pe is ZZZ the number of relationships of that relationship t#pe in which an entit# can participate
4n an E; model, what is a recursive relationship t#pe" ZZZ 5he t#pe of relationship between entities of one entit# t#pe
4n an E; model, which of the following is true about a component attribute" ZZZ A component attribute can be a composite attribute
4n an E; model, which of the following is true about a composite attribute" ZZZ A composite attribute can be broken into more basic attributes
4n an 9b0ect-;elational model, which of the following data t#pes are supported" ZZZ 4 and 44 onl#
4n contrast to _____ tables, a view refers to _____ ZZZ base, a virtual table
4n EE; modeling, generali&ation is the process of generating ZZZ superclasses out of subclasses
4n EE; modeling, speciali&ation is the process of generating ZZZ subclasses out of superclasses
4n S=/, a database can be created b# which of the following" ZZZ the command C;EA5E SC3E7A
4n S=/, a database can be destro#ed b# which of the following" ZZZ the command ,;9: SC3E7A
4n S=/, one function of the AS operator is to ZZZ customi&e the names of columns in a $uer#Es result
4n S=/, the results of a _____ statement can be used to process a _____ statement ZZZ SE/EC5, 48SE;5
4n S=/, when destro#ing a database, the CASCA,E option removes ZZZ ever#thing in the specified databaseA the data, schema, etc.
4n S=/, when destro#ing a database, the ;ES5;4C5 option removes ZZZ the schema if the database has no data empt# tables!
4n S=/, which of the following clauses can be used to sort results in ascending or descending order of attribute values" ZZZ 9;,E; '_
4n S=/, which of the following operators are used to check for set membership in a SE/EC5 statement" ZZZ 48 and 895 48
4n S=/F, inheritance is specified using which of the following ke#words" ZZZ >8,E;
4n the Entit#-;elationship model, a derived attribute is one ZZZ whose value can be computed from the values of other attributes
4n the Entit#-;elationship model, properties that characteri&e entities and relationships are modeled as ZZZ attributes
4n the Entit#-;elationship model, the degree of a relationship specifies which of the following" ZZZ 5he number of entities that participate in the relationship
4n the relational model, which of the following is true about the data t#pe of a column" ZZZ 4t must be atomic and it cannot be an abstract data t#pe
Small, highl# focused databases at the departmental level that are used to build enterprise-wide data warehouses are known as ZZZZ data marts
Spatial data is _____-dimensional data. ZZZZZ multi
5he arit# of a table is the number of _____ in the table. ZZZZZ columns
5he cardinalit# of a table is the number of _____ in the table. ZZZZ rows
5he degree of a table is the number of _____ in the table. ZZZZ columns
5he 1, S -T _ is a full dependenc# in a relation ;, if there is _____ attribute A that can be _____ S and the dependenc# still holds. ZZZZ no, removed from
5he 1, S -T _ is a partial dependenc# in a relation ;, if there is _____ attribute A that can be _____ S and the dependenc# still holds. ZZZZZ at least one, removed
5he foreign ke# in a table 5) _____ the same _____ as the corresponding primar# ke# in table 5(.must have, name need not have, name must have, domain ZZZZ
44 and 444
5he functional dependenc# S -T _ is true if ZZZZ a value of S uni$uel# determines a value of _
5he ph#sical storage structure will be _____ to the application programmer in a database approach, and will be _____ to the application programmer in a file
s#stem approach. ZZZZ hidden, visible
5he result of a set difference operation r - s will be ZZZZ those tuples that are in r but not in s
5he S=/ clause to perform a set difference operation is ZZZZZ ESCE:5
5he S=/ clause to perform a set >8498 operation is ZZZZZ >8498
5he S=/ ke#word _____ makes the modifications of the transaction permanent, while the S=/ ke#word _____ discards the modifications of the transaction. ZZZZ
C97745, ;9//'AC]
5he strict two-phase locking protocol is _____ to implement ZZZZZ the easiest two-phase locking protocol
5he term ph#sical data independence refers to the abilit# to change ZZZZZ the ph#sical la#out of the data without changing the e%ternal schemas, the conceptual
schemas, or the application programs
5he term $uer# b# e%ample refers to ZZZZ a visual $uer# language developed b# 4'7
5he undo action undoes the effects of an ! _____ transaction, and the redo action redoes the effects of an ! _____ transaction. ZZZZZ aborted, committed
5hrough normali&ation, data redundanc# ZZZZ can be eliminated
5hrough normali&ation, update anomalies ZZZZZ can be eliminated
5o retrieve data from a hierarchical database, program logic for performing _____ must be available. ZZZZ navigation
+hat attributes does a subclass have" ZZZZ All the attributes of its superclass, and possibl# more
+hat can be specified in the selection condition of a SE/EC5 statement" ZZZZ a 'oolean operation
+hat does a pro0ection operation do" ZZZZ 4t selects columns from a table
+hat information is necessar# when specif#ing the structure of a table" ZZZZ the name of the table, the names of the table2s attributes, the data t#pes of attributes,
and the formats of attributes
+hat is a drill-down operation in a data warehouse application" ZZZZ ,eriving a fine-grained view, i.e., a disaggregated view along a particular dimension
+hat is a roll-up operation in a data warehouse application" ZZZZ ,eriving a coarse-grained view, i.e., a summari&ed view along a particular dimension
+hat is an alternate ke#" ZZZZ An# ke# that is not a primar# ke#
+hat is an identif#ing owner in an E; model" ZZZZ 5he entit# upon which a weak entit#2s e%istence depends
+hen a string whose length is strictl# less than n is entered as the value of a field whose S=/ data t#pe is C3A;n !, the s#stem responds b# ZZZZ storing the
string as is.
+hen is embedded S=/ referred to as d#namic S=/" ZZZZZ when the embedded S=/ is translated into ,'7S calls at run-time
+hen is embedded S=/ referred to as static S=/" ZZZZZ when the embedded S=/ is translated into ,'7S calls at compile-time
+hen mapping from an E; model to a relational model, a strong entit# is mapped into a ZZZZ table
+hen removing a table from the schema, using the CASCA,E option would ZZZZZ remove the table and all references to it
+hen removing a table from the schema, using the ;ES5;4C5 option would ZZZZZ remove the table if there are no references to it
+hen specif#ing a selection criterion in S=/, attributes can be renamed with which of the following operators" ZZZZZ AS
+hich concurrenc# control protocols perform best in all situations" ZZZZ none
+hich of the following are valid operations performed on spatial data" ZZZZ 4 and 44 onl#
+hich of the following collections allows duplicate elements" ZZZZ 44 and 444 onl#
+hich of the following commands can be used to give access permissions to a table" ZZZZ .;A85
+hich of the following commands can be used to remove access privileges associated with a table" ZZZZZ ;E\9]E
+hich of the following data models currentl# have the predominant market share ZZZZZ relational
+hich of the following is a propert# are properties! e%hibited b# good relational schemas" ZZZZ 444 onl#
+hich of the following is an ordered collection" ZZZZZ 44 onl#
+hich of the following is the predominant data t#pe that is encountered in 9/A: databases" ZZZZ multi-dimensional
+hich of the following is true about attributes in a relational model" Attributes can be multi-valued. Attributes can be composite. ZZZZ 8either 4 nor 44
+hich of the following is true about compensating transactions" ZZZZ 5he ,'7S cannot automaticall# write compensating transactions
+hich of the following is true about primar# ke#s and foreign ke#s holding 8>// value" ZZZZ A primar# ke# cannot hold a 8>// value and a foreign ke# can
hold a 8>// value
+hich of the following is true about storage for derived attributes" ZZZZ ,erived attributes are usuall# not stored because the# can be computed
+hich of the following is true about the effects of a transaction as seen b# an e%ternal user who does not participate in the transaction" ZZZZ 5ransactions either
complete, committing all changes to the ,'7S, or rollback, resetting the ,'7S to a state 0ust prior to a transaction2s e%ecution
+hich of the following is true about the growing phase and the shrinking phase of a strict two-phase locking protocol" ZZZ 5he growing phase ends 0ust before
+hich of the following is true about the number of primar# ke#s and alternate ke#s with respect to a table" ZZZZ here can be onl# one primar# ke#, but man#
alternate ke#s
+hich of the following is true about the ph#sical storage of tables defined b# views" ZZZZZ 5here is no e%tra ph#sical storage needed to store tables that a view
+hich of the following is true about the support for inheritance in 9b0ect-;elational models" ZZZZ 'oth single inheritance and multiple inheritance are supported
+hich of the following is true about transactions affecting the consistenc# of a database" ZZZ A transaction alwa#s leaves the database in a consistent state
+hich of the following is true about updateabilit# of views ZZZZ A view is not updateable if it involves aggregate functions and nested $ueries
+hich of the following is true about views being up to date" ZZZZ \iews are alwa#s up to date
+hich of the following is true regarding database tables" ZZZ A value ma# appear multiple times in a column
+hich of the following problems can be caused b# data redundanc# in a relational schema" ZZZZ 4, 44, and 444
+hich of the following referentiall# triggered actions are supported in S=/ when a referential integrit# constraint is violated" SE5 8>// ;E?EC5 CASCA,E
SE5 ,E1A>/5 ZZZZ 4, 444, and 4\ onl#
+hich of the following S=/ commands can be used to change, add, or drop column definitions from a table" ZZZ A/5E; 5A'/E
+hich of the following S=/ commands can be used to destro# and remove a table from the schema" ZZZZ ,;9: 5A'/E
+hich of the following S=/ statements can be used to add a row to a table" ZZZZ 48SE;5
+hich of the following S=/ statements can be used to create a relational table" ZZZ C;EA5E
+hich of the following S=/ statements can be used to modif# 0ust one row out of man# rows! in a table" >:,A5E
+hich of the following S=/ statements can be used to remove a row from a table" ZZZZ ,E/E5E
+hich of the following statements concerning normal forms is true" ZZZZ A relation that is in second normal form is also in first normal form
+hich of the following statements is are! t#picall# true of hierarchical databases" ZZZZ 4 and 44
+hich of the following t#pes of databases store data in tables and represent relationships using foreign ke#s" ZZZZZ ;elational databases
+hich of the following will a good hash function do" ZZZZ spread ke#s around the file as evenl# as possible
+ho can alwa#s give access permissions to a table" ZZZZZ the owner of the table
+ith =uer# '# E%ample, a user enters a $uer# b# ZZZZ filling in skeleton tables of the database with e%amples of what is to be retrieved
+ith respect to a relational table, what is a ke#" ZZZZ A minimal subset of columns that uni$uel# identifies a row in the table
_ is transitivel# dependent on S, if ZZZZ a! S -T A, ' and A -T _

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