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Samp|e Lvacuat|on ] I|re Safety |an

Sample 8ulldlng name

333 Maln SLreeL
Crand 8aplds, Ml 49303

laclllLy Lmergency CoordlnaLor: !ohn uoe, 616-436-xxxx

llre LvacuaLlon lan

llre Alarm uescrlpLlon-1hls faclllLy has a flre alarm sysLem LhaL wlll be uLlllzed Lo noLlfy Lhe occupanLs of a flre
emergency. 1he flre alarm conLalns manual hand pulls and smoke deLecLors Lo lnlLlaLe an
alarm. When Lhe alarm sounds a 3-pulse audlble sound accompanled by sLrobe llghLs wlll
noLlfy occupanLs of an alarm. Slnce Lhls faclllLy ls a hlgh-rlse, Lhe flre alarm only sounds on
Lhe floor of Lhe emergency and Lhe floors lmmedlaLely above and below (ln many bulldlngs,
lncludlng hlgh-rlse sLrucLures, Lhe flre alarm sounds on all floors, regardless of where Lhe
alarm ls lnlLlaLed). 1he flre alarm ls monlLored by a 3
parLy who wlll conLacL Lhe flre
deparLmenL. 9-1-1 must st||| be contacted to ensure the f|re has been reported.

If you d|scover a f|re
lsolaLe Lhe flre by closlng doors as you exlL Lhe bulldlng
verbally noLlfy Lhose around you of a flre as you move Lowards Lhe exlL
Sound Lhe flre alarm by pulllng Lhe closesL manual hand pull-locaLed nexL Lo each exlL door
use Lhe sLalrs-nLvL8 use Lhe elevaLors when Lhe flre alarm ls soundlng.
CeL Lo a safe place and CALL 9-1-1 Lo reporL Lhe flre
LvacuaLe Lhe bulldlng uLlllzlng Lhe prlmary or secondary evacuaLlon rouLes (see aLLached maps)
8eporL Lo Lhe posL evacuaLlon assembly polnL, Lhe norLheasL parklng loL, Lo be accounLed for by your
floor warden
If you hear]see the f|re a|arm, evacuate fo||ow|ng these gu|de||nes
S1A? LCW-smoke and heaL rlse
leel doors for heaL wlLh Lhe back of your hand before openlng
o lf Lhe door ls hoL, keep lL closed. lace a weL Lowel aL Lhe base of Lhe door Lo prevenL smoke
from enLerlng and call 9-1-1 Lo reporL you locaLlon.
o lf Lhe door ls noL hoL, slowly open lL whlle sLaylng low.
Check Lhe hallway for smoke or flre
o lf smoke or flre ls ln Lhe hallway, close Lhe door. lace a weL Lowel aL Lhe base of
Lhe door Lo prevenL smoke from enLerlng and call 9-1-1 Lo reporL you
o lf no smoke or flre, conLlnue Lo Lhe nearesL exlL
revenL Lhe spread of smoke and flre by closlng doors as you exlL Lhe bulldlng
use Lhe sLalrs-nLvL8 use Lhe elevaLors when Lhe flre alarm ls soundlng
LvacuaLe Lhe bulldlng uLlllzlng Lhe prlmary or secondary evacuaLlon rouLes (see aLLached maps)
8eporL Lo Lhe posL evacuaLlon assembly polnL, Lhe norLheasL parklng loL, Lo be accounLed for by your
floor warden
If you are unab|e to use the sta|rs
ConLacL managemenL when you move ln Lo form a plan of whaL Lo do ln Lhe evenL of a flre
ManagemenL wlll leave any necessary lnformaLlon aL Lhe flre alarm panel for Lhe flre deparLmenL
Lach floor wlll have a deslgnaLed floor warden and an alLernaLe floor warden
o 1he deslgnaLed floor wardens wlll be asslgned a floor rosLer and
reflecLlve yellow vesL
o lloor wardens are Lo be used for accounLablllLy purposes only and noL llfe
Cnce aL Lhe posL evacuaLlon assembly polnL, resldenLs musL flnd Lhelr floor
warden Lo be accounLed for
o lloor wardens can be ldenLlfled by Lhelr yellow vesL
lloor wardens wlll reporL Lhelr flndlngs Lo Lhe laclllLy Lmergency CoordlnaLor
Med|ca| 1reatment
lf aL any Llme you need medlcal LreaLmenL dlal 9-1-1
lf you need medlcal LreaLmenL whlle aL Lhe posL evacuaLlon assembly polnL, you may also advlse Lhe
laclllLy Lmergency CoordlnaLor

llre SafeLy lan
1o reporL a flre, resldenLs and employees musL pull a flre alarm manual hand pull and call 9-1-1.
lollow Lhe evacuaLlon plan.
1he llfe safeLy sLraLegy for [Sample 8uslness] ls Lo evacuaLe occupanLs on Lhe floor where Lhe alarm ls
soundlng. Slnce Lhe bulldlng ls a hlgh-rlse, Lhe alarm wlll sound on Lhe flre floor, Lhe floor above and
Lhe floor below, wlLh all oLher remalnlng ln place. Cnce Lhe flre deparLmenL arrlves, Lhey may choose
Lo evacuaLe Lhe enLlre bulldlng.
ALLached are slLe plans LhaL lndlcaLe
o osL evacuaLlon assembly polnL
o LocaLlon of flre hydranLs
o normal rouLes of llre ueparLmenL access
ALLached are floor plans LhaL lndlcaLe
o LxlLs
o rlmary and secondary evacuaLlon rouLes
o Accesslble egress rouLes
o Areas of refuge
o Manual flre alarm boxes
o orLable flre exLlngulshers
o llre alarm conLrols

lloor plans are posLed LhroughouL Lhe bulldlng for occupanL use

L|st of Ma[or I|re nazards
1he followlng ls a llsL of ma[or flre hazards and assoclaLed prevenLlon sLraLegles:

I|re nazards Locat|on revent|on Strategy
ulesel CeneraLor nW corner of basemenL MalnLaln generaLor room free of sLorage. keep flre door closed
aL all Llmes
Casollne MalnLenance 8oom keep gasollne ln fuel cablneLs. never fuel equlpmenL ln
Lhe bulldlng.
8anges/Cooklng All resldenLlal unlLs never leave cooklng unaLLended. keep sLoveLops clean.
Laundry All resldenLlal unlLs Clean llnL Lraps afLer each use. keep surroundlng area
clean and free of combusLlbles.

reventat|ve Ma|ntenance

MalnLenance wlll be responslble for Lhe followlng:
Lnsure auLomaLlc sprlnkler sysLem ls lnspecLed annually by a cerLlfled conLracLor and all deflclencles
found are correcLed
Lnsure Lhe flre alarm sysLem ls lnspecLed annually by a cerLlfled conLracLor and all deflclencles found
are correcLed
lnspecL all flre exLlngulshers monLhly and ensure all flre exLlngulshers are lnspecLed annually by a
cerLlfled conLracLor and all deflclencles found are correcLed
1esL emergency llghLlng and exlL slgns and make any necessary repalrs
1esL generaLor and upkeep Lhe generaLor log
llle all LesLlng and lnspecLlon paperwork and have avallable aL Lhe requesL of Lhe flre deparLmenL

Staff kespons|b|||t|es

All employees can be conLacLed aL phone number 616-xxx-xxxx Lo answer any quesLlons

Name kespons|b|||t|es
laclllLy Lmergency
Lnsures LhaL Lhe baslc provlslons of Lhe plan are dlssemlnaLed Lo all persons ln Lhe

Lnsures LhaL approprlaLe Lralnlng courses are seL up and LhaL arrangemenLs are made
for obLalnlng asslsLance from local flre and pollce deparLmenLs, and oLher sources, as
requlred, Lo Lraln Lhe organlzaLlon sLaff.

CoordlnaLes arrangemenLs for and dlrecLs flre evacuaLlon drllls wlLh Lhe approval and
cooperaLlon of Lhe agencles, Lhe bulldlng manager, bulldlng securlLy, and Lhe bulldlng

1akes all necessary acLlons Lo ensure LhaL Lhe faclllLy's organlzaLlon operaLes safely and
efflclenLly ln emergencles.

Lxerclses command responslblllLy for Lhe accounLablllLy procedures ln accordance wlLh
Lhe lan.

MeeL Lhe llre ueparLmenL aL souLh enLrance and acL as a llalson durlng an evenL.
MalnLenance Lnsure 9-1-1 has been called
8e avallable Lo conLrol bulldlng sysLems as requesLed by Lhe flre deparLmenL
All employees Lnsure areas are evacuaLlng
Close all doors whlle exlLlng Lhe bulldlng
AsslsL any occupanLs wlLh speclal needs lf able

Lmergency evacuaLlon drllls/flre drllls are conducLed mlnlmally, on an annual basls, wlLhouL noLlce and under
varylng condlLlons. I1 IS MANDA1Ck 1nA1 ALL CCCUAN1S AND LMLCLLS Ak1ICIA1L. rlor Lo each
drlll, Lhe llre ueparLmenL wlll be conLacLed vla Lhe non-emergency number, and noLlfled of Lhe lmpendlng drlll
8ecords of each drlll wlll be kepL on flle ln Lhe maln admlnlsLraLlon area, a flre drlll record sheeL ls afflxed Lo
Lhls plan.
upon compleLlon of Lhe drlll, Lhe employee supervlslng wlll call for Lhe dlsLlncL all clear" slgnal Lo sound,
slgnlfylng LhaL Lhe bulldlng ls safe Lo re-enLer. No person wlll re-enLer Lhe bulldlng prlor Lo Lhe slgnal.
1he supervlslng employee wlll also noLlfy Lhe llre ueparLmenL when Lhe drlll has concluded and Lhe faclllLy has
resumed normal operaLlons.
All employees, upon belng hlred and prlor Lo regularly asslgned duLles wlll recelve Lralnlng relaLlve Lo Lhls flre
safeLy/emergency evacuaLlon plan, lLs procedures, and employee speclflc duLles. AddlLlonally, all employees
are requlred Lo recelve annual Lralnlng and updaLes as a conLlngency for conLlnued employmenL.
Lmployee Lralnlng records are malnLalned and are kepL on flle aL Lhe maln admlnlsLraLlon area.

LvacuaLlon urlll 8ecord

uaLe: ___________________ 1lme:_________________ noLlflcaLlon MeLhod:__________________
Supervlslng Lmployee:_______________________________________________________________________
arLlclpaLlng SLaff Members:

number of occupanLs evacuaLed:______________
Speclal condlLlons slmulaLed:__________________________________________________________________
roblems LncounLered:_______________________________________________________________________
WeaLher CondlLlons:_________________________________________________________________________

1lme Lo CompleLe LvacuaLlon:_______________
Site Plan-555 Main Avenue SE
Parking Lot
555 Main Ave
Parking Lot
South Street South Street

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