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by Anna 8ounLree
CfLen men ldenLlfy wlLh Lhe prlesLhood of ChrlsL and women wlLh Lhe brlde of ChrlsL. 8uL ln
reallLy, nelLher Lhe prlesL nor Lhe brlde has anyLhlng Lo do wlLh our own gender. Cur heavenly
laLher ls looklng only for Pls Son ln us.
Pe ls looklng Lo see lf we exhlblL Lhe hollness and rlghLeousness LhaL was Lo be dlsplayed ln Lhe
llves of Pls blbllcal prlesLs. Pe ls looklng Lo see lf we exhlblL LhaL slngle-eyed devoLlon so
apparenL ln a lovlng brlde-Lhe one who wlshes noLhlng more Lhan Lo llve ln perfecL unlon
wlLh her husband-even as ChrlsL llves ln perfecL unlon wlLh Pls laLher.
Slnce only perfecL unlon wlll saLlsfy our laLher, Pe creaLed us so LhaL only perfecL unlon wlll
saLlsfy Pls chlldren. 1he anclenL beLroLhal process ln Lhe 8lble ls a splrlLual road map for Lhe
bellevers' rlLe of passage" lnLo Lhls consumlng lnLlmacy wlLh Cod ln ChrlsL.
When we are born agaln, we are [olned Lo ChrlsL ln splrlL, LranslaLed ouL of Lhe klngdom of
darkness lnLo Lhe klngdom of Lhe Son of Pls love, seaLed wlLh Plm ln heavenly places and
made cohelrs wlLh ChrlsL !esus of Cod Lhe laLher. We begln as hlgh as we can geL, buL noL as
deep. uepLh ls a [ourney.
lf ln Lhls [ourney we seek Lhe Lord for Pls sake alone, lf we long Lo know Plm as Pe knows us,
Lhen Pe wlll draw near Lo us ln sLarLllng reallLy. Pe wlll raLlfy Lhe beLroLhal covenanL lnLo
whlch we enLered (arranged by our heavenly laLher) aL Lhe Llme of our new blrLh.
asslonaLely Pe wlll draw us afLer Plm and usher us lnLo LhaL sLage of our ChrlsLlan growLh
LhaL Lhe 8lble descrlbes as Lhe Llme of love" (Lzek. 16:8, k!v). 1he new lnLernaLlonal verslon
says Lhls: l looked aL you and saw LhaL you were old enough for love" (Lzek. 16:8), descrlblng
Lhls sLage as !"#$%&'().
lor Lhe beLroLhed, Lhls ls a Llme of lnLense [oy and severe LesLlng. An acuLe longlng beglns Lo
grow wlLhln such bellevers. 1hey reallze LhaL noLhlng wlll saLlsfy Lhls hunger excepL a deeper
unlon wlLh ChrlsL Plmself.
lf we wlll persevere, seeklng consolaLlon for our hearLs ln ChrlsL alone, Lhe Lord wlll draw us
lnLo a splrlLual oneness. Cnce we have been broughL lnLo a more compleLe meldlng, we

know" hlm-oh, noL as we wlll know Plm laLer, nor as we wlll know Plm when we have full
salvaLlon by recelvlng our resurrecLed bodles. 8uL we know Plm as Lhe Cne who wlll say Lo us,
as Pe sald Lo Abraham, l *+", hlm" (Cen. 18:19, k!v, emphasls added). 1he Pebrew
meanlng of Lhe word can be LranslaLed: l am (+%(-.%/ wlLh hlm" (emphasls added).
1here are Lhree dlsLlncL sLages wlLhln Lhe brldal process. 1he lndlvldual experlences Lwo of
Lhese, and one ls corporaLe.
1hls book ls an acLual accounL of such a [ourney-a [ourney (open Lo all bellevers) lnLo a
consumlng lnLlmacy wlLh ChrlsL. l am sharlng my love leLLers wlLh you because Lhe Cne who
gave Lhem asked me Lo share Lhem.
Pls vlslLaLlon Lo me on LarLh, as well as Lhese parLlcular vlslons and revelaLlons experlenced ln
heaven, occurred beLween !uly 3, 1993, and !uly 3, 1996 (wlLh Lwo relaLed vlslons glven laLer).
1hey were recorded word for word ln [ournals. 1hey chronlcle a relenLless, passlonaLe
drawlng by Lhe Lord unLo Plmself, culmlnaLlng ln a glorlous, splrlLual unlon.
lL ls my greaL hope LhaL Lhese wlll be an encouragemenL Lo all who wlsh Lo llve ln Cod as
deeply as posslble whlle on LarLh-and Lo know Plm above all oLhers and above all else boLh
on LarLh and ln heaven.
lor you, ChrlsL has love leLLers of your own awalLlng.
1he charL on Lhe nexL page shows each sLage, Lhe work accompllshed and whaL ls recelved ln
each sLage.
Many of us have some grasp of Lhe flrsL and Lhlrd sLages of Lhls process. 8uL some of us have
noL comprehended Lhe depLh of Lhe lmpassloned commlLmenL on Lhe parL of ChrlsL Loward
Pls chosen ones, nor Lhe polgnanL lnLlmacy wlLh Pun LhaL ls posslble durlng Lhls llfeLlme wlLhln
Lhe second sLage.



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!"# 3'(')/)'42
1he edges of Lhe alr were on flre.
l ralsed my hand Lo shleld my eyes from Lhe searlng llghL. 1he very molecules of Lhe alr wlLhln
our aparLmenL were burnlng whlLe-hoL from a cenLral polnL.
SwlfLly Lhe Poly SplrlL spoke: 8lse, Anna." AL Lhe Llme l was down on my knees ln prayer
asklng for more of Cod. now, however, l had sLopped praylng, for l was sLruck by Lhe wonder
maLerlallzlng before my eyes. 1he alr slzzled and curled.
lrom Lhe cenLer of Lhls phenomenon, Lhe flery glory of Lhe Lord began Lo burn Lhrough Lhe
wall of our aparLmenL. 1he Poly SplrlL had Lo seL me on my feeL, for l could noL sLand. Seelng
Lhe Lord's glory whlle on LarLh and ln one's body ls very dlfferenL from seelng Plm above whlle
ln splrlL. Pls glory ls almosL more Lhan Lhe physlcal body can bear.
526#*( 47 8'( %&#(#29#
As l rose Lo my feeL, sLaLely angels of Pls presence sLepped Lhrough Lhe cenLer of Lhe blazlng
llghL Lo enLer Lhe room. 1hey came ln palrs buL separaLed as Lhey Louched Lhe room's
aLmosphere. lour angels sLood before me ln a semlclrcle Lo my lefL, four angels ln a semlclrcle
Lo my rlghL. 1hey wore pale lavender robes embroldered wlLh deep purple and gold on Lhe
sleeves and hem. Colden glrdles bound Lhese garmenLs across Lhelr chesLs. Lach angel
carrled someLhlng ln hls hands ln Lhe manner of an emlssary.
1hen four addlLlonal angels, slmllarly dressed, enLered Lhe room Lhrough Lhe burnlng alr. Lach
of Lhese held one pole of a canopy, Lhe sorL one mlghL see ln a !ewlsh weddlng. As Lhey
moved forward, Lhe word 0123 could be seen aL Llmes ln Lhe canopy's fabrlc.
:'26 ;#(<(
1he Poly SplrlL sLlrred and swelled lnLo a whlrlwlnd ln response Lo Lhe Cne who now sLepped
beneaLh Lhe canopy. klnk !esus, brlghLer Lhan Lhe sun, enLered Lhe room.
1hrough Lhe shock of unbellevable llghL, l could see falnLly LhaL Pe was wearlng a rlch purple
cloak LhaL opened ln Lhe fronL and hung ln folds Lo Lhe ground. lL had long sleeves and was
edged wlLh a wlde, gold brocaded border. 8eneaLh Lhls garmenL was a whlLe robe LhaL also

reached Lo Pls feeL. 1he robe was grappled across Pls chesL wlLh a golden glrdle. Cn Pls head
was a golden crown LhaL was slmllar ln some respecLs Lo Lhe crowns used Lo cap 1orah scrolls.
Pe was Lerrlble ln ma[esLy, awesome ln hollness, splendld ln beauLy.
1he Poly SplrlL swlrled around me Lo sLrengLhen me, for Lhe lnLense llghL and power
emanaLlng from Lhe Lord made lL dlfflculL for me Lo sLand.
1hen, as lf by some sllenL command from !esus, Lhe nearesL angel ln Lhe semlclrcle sLepped
Loward me. ln hls hands he held a golden crown, whlch he carefully placed upon my head.
Wlsdom," he sald, smlllng sllghLly. 1hen crosslng hls arms over hls chesL, he nodded
respecLfully and sLepped back lnLo Lhe semlclrcle.
1he angel opposlLe hlm ln Lhe semlclrcle sLepped forward wlLh Lhe glfL he was carrylng. Pe
placed golden earrlngs on my ears. knowledge," he sald. 1hen he Loo folded hls arms over
hls chesL and moved back Lo [oln Lhe oLher angels.
Cne by one each of Lhe remalnlng angels of Pls presence broughL Lhe glfL LhaL he held ln hls
hands. AfLer Lhe physlcal glfL was placed upon me, Lhe angel named Lhe splrlLual glfL lL
symbollzed. 1he glfLs Lhese angels presenLed lncluded a golden hearL LhaL hung on a chaln
over my own hearL-#+4/$&%.+4(+5, golden braceleLs on each wrlsL-4(&!$/%("+, a golden nose
ornamenL-4(&!/$+-/+%, golden rlngs on each flnger-%'/ .7(8(%9 %" !"--#+(!.%/, and a
golden necklace-%'/ :/.$ ": %'/ 0"$4. 1he elghLh angel sLepped forward and blew a mlsL of
gold over me. lL covered me llke a vell from my head Lo my feeL.
lavor," he sald as he smlled. Pe Loo nodded and sLepped back lnLo Lhe semlclrcle.
!"# >#(042(#
l was sLunned. l had never recelved such an lmmedlaLe and exLravaganL answer Lo prayer. l
looked down aL Lhe glfLs LhaL l was able Lo see. 1hey were prlncely-glfLs of my laLher from
my laLher. 8uL why Lhe canopy?
Lord," l sald, leL all of Lhese glfLs be wlLhln for ?our pleasure."
Pe smlled aL me. 8ecause you have asked LhaL Lhese be for My pleasure, Lhey wlll be [for My
pleasure] and wlll also be experlenced by oLhers. 1hese glfLs wlll unlock My hearL Lo you and
Lo My body. All mysLerles are bound up, locked away ln Me, Anna. 8uL Lhe mysLery of My

love ls Lhe greaLesL revelaLlon of all." Movlng Loward me, Pe sald, My chosen one, My love, a
frulLful bough, an orchard of frulLfulness."
Lord," l replled, l am barren." (l had never borne physlcal chlldren.)
Pe smlled agaln as Pe answered, ?ou wlll bear and be more frulLful Lhan lf you had borne
physlcal chlldren. l have wlLhheld your bearlng. 8uL now l place My hands upon you LhaL you
mlghL brlng forLh good frulL-many chlldren, all helrs, klngs and prlesLs Lo Lhelr laLher."
Pe placed Pls hands upon me. llre and power surged Lhrough me. Pe conLlnued Lo speak,
no longer wlll you bear shame because of unfrulLfulness."
>/)'7'9/)'42 47 ,#)&4)"/*
Cleave Lo Me," Pe sald. l am your Pusband. LeL My coverlng be on your head." Pls eyes
burned lnLo me as Pe conLlnued, l am Lhe Lord your Cod, and none ls llke Me. l am Lhe
beglnnlng and Lhe end. l am your healLh, your proLecLlon and your frulLfulness. 1housands
upon Lhousands of helrs wlll you bear, Lhose who wlll walk rlghL lnLo My klngdom, Lhose who
wlll be aL home ln My chambers.
Anna," Pe sald ln a more lnLlmaLe Lone, you are more beauLlful now Lhan earller. My hearL
ls Lurned Loward you. My deslre ls for you. ?ou have capLured My hearL. Lock Lhls away ln
your hearL, for My promlses are Lrue and sure."
l could hardly breaLhe. Lord," l whlspered, leL lL be soon."
lL ls already accompllshed," Pe sald. 8ear frulL for Lhe klngdom. Shun prlde. olnL noL Lhe
!"# ?#0/&)<&#
Pe bowed aL Lhe walsL as a slgn of Pls deparLure and sLepped back under Lhe canopy. Cnce
under Lhe canopy, Pe Lurned and walked Lhrough Lhe burnlng openlng ln Lhe wall of Lhe
aparLmenL. 1he four angels holdlng Lhe poles of Lhe canopy also bowed and walked ouL wlLh
Plm, holdlng Lhe canopy over Pls head as Pe dlsappeared. 1he angels of Pls presence also
slgnlfled Lhelr deparLure, and Lwo by Lwo Lhey followed Lhe Lord.
1hen Lhe Poly SplrlL swlrled before me agaln, Lhls Llme gaLherlng up all of Lhe remalnlng flre
and llghL. Pe Loo passed Lhrough Lhe aparLmenL wall. lnsLanLly, Lhe glfLs became lnLernal and
no longer adorned me exLernally. 1he wall closed.

laLher," l whlspered, who am l Lo marry a klng? l come wlLh noLhlng. l have no dowry. l do
noL even have a hope chesL wlLh llnens and ."
8efore l could conLlnue, my laLher Lhundered audlbly ln Lhe room: Can l noL provlde llnens
for My chlldren?"
lmmedlaLely, l heard a knock aL Lhe fronL door of Lhe aparLmenL. AlLhough engrossed ln all
LhaL was occurrlng, l managed Lo cross Lo Lhe door and open lL.
!"# ./&/@/2
Pello, Anna," blurLed a Lall angel. l say LhaL he was an angel because he called me by Lhe
name LhaL aL Lhe Llme was known only ln heaven.
Also, he was dressed ln 8edouln aLLlre (uncommon apparel for Lhls conLlnenL). 8eyond hlm ln
Lhe parklng loL l saw a caravan of LwenLy-four camels wlLh 8edouln aLLendanLs.
l shoL a qulck glance around Lhe aparLmenL complex. My husband and l were llvlng ln a low-
renL houslng faclllLy ln llorlda. We had ad[usLed falrly well Lo Lhese llvlng condlLlons slnce we
had learned Lo duck when Lhe nelghbors were shooLlng aL each oLher. Powever, l was noL
sure how Lhey mlghL reacL Lo a camel caravan. AlLhough usually Lhe complex was allve wlLh
adulLs and chlldren, no one was ln slghL.
840# ."#()(
1he angel conLlnued. We have broughL your hope chesLs," he sald effuslvely. 1wenLy-four
chesLs. Where would you llke Lhem?"
My hands wenL Lo my face ln amazemenL. l was flooded wlLh so many mlxed emoLlons LhaL l
began Lo laugh and cry aL Lhe same Llme.
lL ls all rlghL, Anna," Lhe large angel sald comforLlngly. uo noL be Lroubled. ?our laLher
loves you."
ln Lhe parklng loL Lhe 8edouln aLLendanLs slgnaled Lhe camels Lo kneel down. 1hese angels
began unloadlng Lhe chesLs.
8eLween Lhe laughlng and crylng l sald, Can you sLack Lhe chesLs ln here [meanlng ln Lhe llvlng

We cerLalnly can," he brlghLened. Pe whlsLled Lo Lhe oLher angels and lndlcaLed wlLh hls
head Lo brlng Lhe chesLs. 1hen he Lurned hls aLLenLlon Lo me agaln. Pope ls of Cod, Anna.
Lach chesL your laLher glves Lo you ls hope LhaL you can share. 1hls ls a greaLer glfL Lo your
Pusband Lhan laces and embroldered Lowels," Lhe angel smlled.
1he aLLendanLs began carrylng Lhe chesLs lnLo Lhe llvlng room wlLh Lwo angels holdlng each
chesL. All of Lhese angels wore camel-colored, deserL cloLhlng. AfLer dellverlng a chesL, each
palr of angels smlled broadly llke Lhose wlshlng Lo show Lhemselves exLremely agreeable.
1hen Lhey reLurned Lo Lhe caravan.
1he chesLs seemed Lo be covered ln camel skln. 1hey were large and looked someLhlng llke
Lreasure chesLs. 1he flve sLraps enclrcllng each chesL were gold, and Lhe Lwo handles for
carrylng were an lnLense blue. 1he openlng for a key on each chesL was encased ln gold, wlLh
Lhe shape of Lhe keyhole lLself belng a cross. no one ever gave me a physlcal key, however.
!"# >#9#'0)
8ecause of Lhelr slze, Lhe chesLs sLacked up Lo, and Lhen Lhrough, Lhe aparLmenL celllng.
'1he large angel rocked back and forLh on hls heels en[oylng Lhe slghL. ?es," he smlled, Lhere
ls greaL hope here." 1hen he Look a pencll from behlnd hls ear and pulled ouL a cllpboard LhaL
held a recelpL. Slgn here, please," he sald, exLendlng Lhe cllpboard Lo me.
WhaL name should l use?" l asked.
Anna would be flne."
l wroLe Anna" on Lhe whlLe recelpL and Lhen handed Lhe cllpboard back Lo hlm.
All rlghL," he sald wlLh a slgh LhaL denoLed closure of a mlsslon. Pe pulled ouL Lhe under copy
of Lhe recelpL and handed lL Lo me. Pere ls your recelpL. 1wenLy-four chesLs fall of hope."
Suddenly, l remembered 8ebekah and how she had waLered Lhe camels as well as drawn
waLer for Abraham's servanL. Would you llke some waLer or someLhlng?" l asked halLlngly,
noL sure of whaL Lo say.
Ch, no," he laughed. We have beLLer waLer Lhan your clLy's waLer sysLem can supply. We
wlll be golng now before we draw a crowd."

1hank you for brlnglng Lhe chesLs," l sald.
Cur pleasure," he smlled. ;'.8"-."
1he aLLendanLs whlsLled and cllcked Lhelr Longues for Lhe camels Lo rlse. 1he large angel
grasped Lhe relns aLLached Lo Lhe headgear of Lhe lead camel and gulded hlm around so LhaL
Lhe caravan could reverse lLs dlrecLlon ln Lhe parklng loL. 1hen he and Lhe camels wlLh Lhelr
aLLendanLs began Lo leave. Suddenly, Lhey dlsappeared.
!usL as suddenly, llfe ln Lhe aparLmenL complex reLurned Lo normal.
l closed Lhe door and leaned agalnsL lL looklng aL Lhe chesLs plled Lhrough Lhe celllng. 1hank
?ou, uaddy," l whlspered.
My laLher spoke audlbly agaln. ?ou have a blgger and beLLer hope Lhan any prlncess broughL
Lo her weddlng day. now," Pe conLlnued, come up here."
Amazlngly, ln my splrlL, l began Lo rlse.
."/0)#& !C4
!"# 5(9#2)
As l rose, l reallzed LhaL a proLecLlve shleld surrounded me. lL was clear and round. l
wondered lf Lhls shleld was presenL aL all Llmes, even Lhough l dld noL see lL. l saL down,
drawlng my knees up Lo my chesL wlLh my arms hugglng my legs.
!"# ?##0#& D'7#
l began Lo reflecL durlng Lhls ascenL, Pow dld all of Lhls begln? CerLalnly when l was born
agaln," l LhoughL Lo myself. 8uL l wanLed Lo Lhlnk beyond ChrlsLlan lnfancy and adolescence.
no," l LhoughL, lL began when l declded LhaL l wanLed Lo llve as deeply as posslble-Lo Louch
Lhe essence of llfe lLself. 1he only way Lo do LhaL was Lo know Lruly Llfe Plmself."
l had come Lo a place ln my llfe where l dld noL wanL Lo llve llke a pebble sklpped across Lhe
waLer. l wanLed Lo experlence deeply. l wanLed Lo know Plm.
As l reflecLed, l reallzed LhaL lL had Laken me LwenLy years as a ChrlsLlan Lo come Lo Lhls
concluslon. 1wenLy years Lo be persuaded LhaL Lo know and Lo fellowshlp wlLh Cod ls Lhe
noblesL pursulL of manklnd. Why," l wondered, had lL Laken me so long?"

!"# 5EA<("
As l neared Lhe second heaven, l had a sense of forebodlng.
Suddenly, ln Lhe dlsLance Lhe aLmosphere rlpped, and a black swarm poured Lhrough Lhe
openlng. lrom my perspecLlve, Lhe swarm looked llke locusLs or bees. WhaLever lL was, lL was
rapldly headlng ln my dlrecLlon.
uemons-black, red-eyed, puLrld smelllng-surrounded Lhe shleld. 1hey looked llke wlnged
gargoyles. 1hey began screamlng curses aL me. l felL Lrapped, cornered.
1hese splrlLs began Lo vomlL a slckly green blle onLo Lhe shleld. 1he blle musL have had Lhe
properLles of acld, for lL began Lo burn lnLo Lhe surface, causlng lL Lo warp and Lhln llke heaLed
plasLlc. 1hen wlLh sharp claws, Lhe demons began Lo dlg Lhrough Lhese weakened areas.
Lord, help me," l crled.
526#*'9 8#*0
lmmedlaLely, shrleks came from several of Lhese demons on Lhe ouLer edge of Lhe pack
Culckly Lhey Lurned Lhelr aLLenLlon from me Lo Lwo warrlor angels cloLhed ln brlghL armor and
Lo Lhe angel Azar.
l was very glad Lo see Azar. When l had seen hlm before, he had Lold me LhaL he was an angel
of helps" asslgned Lo proLecL me. Well, l cerLalnly needed help now.
Pe was dressed ln work overalls over whlch he wore a Lhln, brown robe. A whlLe Lool pouch
hung from hls belL. 1wo sucLlon cups LhaL had a handle beLween Lhem also hung from Lhls belL.
(1hese cups were Lhe klnd used Lo move large sheeLs of glass.) ln addlLlon, he had a Lank
harnessed Lo hls back. l cheered when l saw hlm.
1he warrlors were dressed ln armor slmllar Lo LhaL worn by cenLurlon guards-excepL LhaL Lhe
armor was shoL Lhrough wlLh llghL. lnsLead of swords, Lhey carrled long rods LhaL dlsplayed
Lhe Word of Cod. 1he demons recolled aL Lhe Louch of Lhese rods as lf recelvlng a vlolenL
shock. Llke wlld anlmals wlLh a fresh klll, however, Lhey foughL vlclously Lo reLaln Lhelr prey.
Whlle Lhe warrlors were flghLlng Lhe enemy, Azar pulled ouL a hose LhaL was aLLached Lo Lhe
Lank harnessed Lo hls back. Culckly he hosed down Lhe bubble Lo sLop Lhe blle from eaLlng
Lhrough Lhe surface. !usL as rapldly, he aLLached Lhe Lwo sucLlon cups Lo Lhe bubble. 1hen he
grabbed Lhe handle LhaL was beLween Lhem. WlLh a greaL heave, he sLarLed Lo pull Lhe shleld

upward, away from Lhe baLLle. 1he demons began Lo scream when Lhey reallzed we were
geLLlng away.
1he warrlor angels held Lhe demons aL bay whlle we made our escape. As we cllmbed hlgher, l
saw LhaL Lhe warrlors were rouLlng Lhe enemy, drlvlng Lhem back Loward Lhe rlp ln Lhe
aLmosphere. l slghed ln rellef.
!"# .4&&'-4&
As we arose, Lhe sound of demonlc clamor faded. A greaL sense of peace came over me.
Azar had pulled Lhe shleld lnLo an lnvlslble passageway. Cn elLher slde of Lhe bubble,
Lhousands of angels were flylng ln a slow, upward splral. 1hey formed a magnlflcenL,
shlmmerlng corrldor Lo aradlse. 1hey smlled aL us as we passed.
Laserllke sLreaks of llghL flashed by us golng up and down. 1hese were angels who were
Lravellng Lhe passageway.
8efore we enLered a greaLer llghL aL Lhe end of Lhls corrldor, Azar veered off Lo carry me lnLo
aradlse a dlfferenL way. Suddenly, Lhe bubble surfaced Lhrough an openlng ln Lhe Lurf of
Cod's perfecLly groomed park.
As soon as Lhe shleld Louched Lhe grass, lL wenL plnk," bursLlng as easlly as a fraglle soap
bubble. Sorry Lo bursL your bubble," Azar [oked.
1hank you for helplng me, Azar," l sald wlLh greaL rellef.
We alm Lo please," he drawled ln a cowhand accenL. Pe pulled ouL a cloLhes whlsk and began
dusLlng me off. l suppose l had bubble flakes on me.
l looked around. Pow aL home l felL here now. Lven Lhough l had vlslLed aradlse many Llmes,
Lhe beauLy and grandeur of Cod's park always overwhelmed me.
Azar conLlnued concernlng Lhe demons, '1hey're [usL a nulsance. 1hose have no real power.
1haL's Lhe reason Lhey Lravel ln packs. 1hey're a boLher, Lhough. 1hey can slow you down."
And Lhe warrlors?" l asked.

Well," he smlled, someLlmes l need help myself. 1hose were WaLchers, parL of Lhe border
paLrol. 1hey refuse Lo Lake any nonsense from Lhose wlshlng Lo lnLerfere." Pe sLepped back,
looklng aL me, So, how do you feel?"
l feel flne," l sald. Wlll you Lhank Lhe WaLchers who helped me?"
l wlll," he smlled. Pe began Laklng hls arms ouL of Lhe sLraps LhaL held Lhe Lank Lo hls back.
Are you golng Lo see your uaddy?" he asked.
?es," l smlled, handlng hlm Lhe sucLlon cups LhaL had fallen Lo Lhe ground when Lhe bubble
526#*'9 F(94&)(
1wo angels who looked llke lovely young women came flylng by. 1hey wore pale blue robes
and had no wlngs. Come fly wlLh us, Anna," Lhey called.
Azar smlled, 1hey wlll escorL you Lo Lhe Lhrone room."
Wlll you come wlLh us?" l asked Azar.
l need Lo LesL Lhls equlpmenL before l sLore lL," he sald. Co on," he conLlnued. ?ou'll en[oy
Lhe fllghL."
l llfLed my arms Loward Lhe angels, lndlcaLlng LhaL l wanLed Lo [oln Lhem. Laughlng, Lhey
swooped down and plcked me up, one on elLher slde. lmmedlaLely Lhey execuLed Lwo loop-
Lhe-loops LhaL Look my breaLh away.
Azar laughed and called afLer me, Pave a good Llme wlLh your uaddy."
Cff Lhey flew wlLh me beLween Lhem. 1hey were llke preclslon sLunL flyers execuLlng perllous
aerobaLlcs over Lhe Lerraln of aradlse. 1hey banked, rolled, dove, and looped-Lhe-loop. l
knew Lhey were Lrylng Lo share an experlence wlLh me LhaL l could noL have on LarLh.
Powever l was beglnnlng Lo be graLeful for LhaL facL. 1hey were as exuberanL as chlldren.
!"# !"&42# >44E
We arrlved very hlgh ln Lhe Lhrone room and raLher far away from Lhe Lhrone. Powever, from
Lhls vanLage polnL l had a panoramlc vlew of Lhe glorlous bow of colors emanaLlng from my
laLher, Lhe Lhousands of redeemed on Lhe sea of glass, Lhe angels comlng and golng, Lhe

elders, Lhe four llvlng creaLures, and Lhe acLlvlLy around Lhe Lhrone (whlch l supposed Lo be
offlclal buslness of Lhe klngdom).
l wonder lf l should dlsLurb my laLher?" l asked myself.
l dld noL wonder long. Come here, Anna." My laLher spoke ln LhaL loud buL sofL volce LhaL
peneLraLes Lo Lhe core of your belng.
1he angels who were carrylng me responded lnsLanLly Lo Pls requesL. 1hey made a sLeep Lurn
and flew Loward Lhe Lhrone area-Loo rapldly for comforL, l mlghL say. 8lghL before we
arrlved aL Lhe Lhrone, Lhe angels dlpped down and made an abrupL landlng aL a respecLful
dlsLance from Lhe acLlvlLy. unforLunaLely Lhey released me Loo qulckly, and Lhe momenLum
caused me Lo sllde on. 1hose conducLlng offlclal buslness moved ouL of Lhe way, belng unsure
of how far l mlghL Lravel. l was lncredlbly embarrassed, and Lhe angels who broughL me were
8uL llke a powerful head of governmenL whose Lwo-year-old sLumbles lnLo hls offlce, my
heavenly laLher was more concerned abouL my feellngs Lhan Pls own.
noL bad," Pe chuckled, commenLlng on my landlng.
!usL ouL of Lhe nesL, uaddy," l spuLLered, Lrylng Lo help Lhe slLuaLlon.
lle spoke graclously Lo Lhc escorL angels, seeklng Lo relleve Lhelr dlsLress. 1hank you for
brlnglng My chlld," Pe sald. 1hey bowed deeply, shaklng Lhelr heads and blLlng Lhelr llps as
Lhey excused Lhemselves.
l Lurned ln an apologeLlc way Lo Lhose who had been ln conference. l dld noL reallze so much
was golng on up here." l looked back aL my laLher, Are ?ou busy?"
1here was a pause-Lhen Cod laughed. 1he elders laughed. 1he redeemed and Lhe angels
laughed. l laughed. lL was a laugh LhaL rolled and conLlnued Lo roll LhroughouL heaven.
My laLher
AfLer Lhe sound subslded, my laLher sald, Come here, My chlld." Pe plcked me up and seL me
on Lhe armresL of Lhe Lhrone. 1hose who had been meeLlng wlLh Plm bowed and wlLhdrew.
l looked up Loward Lhe area of Pls face. Cur laLher ls llghL-dazzllng llghL.' Pe has a form and
even looks cloLhed ln a garmenL of llghL.

lrom Pls chesL upward lL ls lmposslble Lo see Pls face because of Lhe brllllance. 1he whlLe llghL
of Pls presence radlaLes ouLward Lo creaLe an aurora of [ewel-llke colors. 8esplendenL.
Lven Lhough Pe embodles hollness and ma[esLy, Lo be near Plm ls Lo have Lhe keenesL sense
of comlng home. l felL compleLely safe and uLLerly loved.
'1here musL be mllllons of people sneaklng Lo ?ou rlghL now, l sald Lo my' laLher.
Mllllons, Pe afflrmed, buL each of My chlldren has a personal relaLlonshlp wlLh Me. Lach feels
llke an only chlld, recelvlng all of My aLLenLlon."
1he Colden Lagle
So," my laLher conLlnued, how ls My golden eagle Loday?"
l supposed LhaL Pe referred Lo me as a [uvenlle eagle because of m' lnglorlous landlng near Lhe
Lhrone. l am flne, uaddy," l sald. Pow long does lL Lake a golden eagle Lo maLure?"
When your feaLhers become pure whlLe, you are ready Lo nesL above. ?ou musL fly Lhe
mounLalns and valleys of heaven, Lhough, and you musL eaL from My hand. uo noL seek LhaL
whlch Lhe eagles below seek. 1hey seek fresh meaL [fresh revelaLlon], buL Lhelr game ls earLh-
bound, and so ls Lhelr revelaLlon-Llmes, seasons, naLural slgns, and consequences of sln. l
have glven Lhem Lo see lnLo human souls, buL all of lL concerns Lhe needed revelaLlon for Lhe
ouLer courL. MosL eagles labor Lhere for Lhe need ls greaL."'
Pe conLlnued, 1here are Lhose eagles who fly ln Lhe holy place. 1hey mlnlsLer Lo Me more
lnLlmaLely. 1hey fly among Lhe branches of Lhe golden lampsLand. 1hey, llke uavld, are ln
communlon wlLh My Son, eaLlng Lhe showbread. 1helr revelaLlon ls used Lo asslsL Lhose who
mlnlsLer aL Lhe golden alLar of lncense. lewer mlnlsLer ln Lhe holy place. 8uL who mlnlsLers Lo
Me before Lhe ark?"
1he CreaL Plgh rlesL
1he Plgh rlesL, uaddy," l sald.
?es, My Son. Pe ls Lhe greaL whlLe Lagle as well as Lhe greaL Plgh rlesL. Pe ls Lhe sacrlflce,
and Pls ls Lhe blood sprlnkled. Pow many enLer lnLo LhaL place [meanlng Lhe holy of holles?"
Cne," l answered.

Cne," Pe relLeraLed. Pe ls Lhe uoor, Lhe Way, Lhe 1ruLh, and Lhe Llfe. Pe draws near Lo
mlnlsLer Lo Me. And when you, [olned Lo Plm, eaL from My hand, when you eaL from Lhe hand
of Lhe Cne who slLs upon Lhe Lhrone, you Loo become whlLe. narrower and narrower ls Lhe
way, Anna. lewer and fewer are Lhose who wlll conLlnue. 8uL for Lhose who wlll be drawn
near Lo Me-for Lhose who wlll lay Lhelr hands upon Lhe ark and dle Lo Lhe fleshly use of Lhelr
own souls-Lhey wlll llve beLween Lhe cherublm and wlll bear much frulL for Lhe klngdom."
Suddenly, Pe opened my eyes ln vlslon Lo see Lwo whlLe eagles carL-wheellng. Pe conLlnued,
l have chosen you, and you have chosen Me, and l have chosen you lL was as Lhough Lhe carL
wheellng could go on and on, llke an eLernal wheel. 1he vlslon ended.
My laLher conLlnued, LeL noLhlng Lurn you Lo coarser food, helpful Lhough you Lhlnk LhaL
would be Lo manklnd. LaL from My hand and sleep beLween Lhe cherublm."
Colden Manna
When Lhe vlslon ended, l reallzed LhaL a golden raln of llghL was falllng on me. lL plled up on
my head, my shoulders, and Lhen my upLurned hands. lL was sofL llke snow buL noL cold.
Colden manna, My chlld. lood for Lhe golden eagle." Pe scraped Lhe manna from my head,
shoulders, and hands and held ouL Pls hand of llghL from whlch Pe wanLed me Lo eaL. lood
from Lhe hand of Cod, Anna."
l aLe from Pls hand. Pe conLlnued, 1haL whlch goes ln your mouLh wlll lssue forLh Lhrough
your hand so LhaL you may wrlLe whaL you see and hear."
1he golden raln ceased.
now for Lhe reason l summoned you, Anna," my laLher conLlnued. ?ou musL make yourself
ready. Slnce your beLroLhal Lo My Son, you are no longer your own. ?ou belong Lo Plm.
repare yourself as LsLher dld. We love you, and you are called and chosen. 1herefore, Lhe
need ls noL ellmlnaLed for Lhe all-lmporLanL Lralnlng LhaL lles ln obedlence. ?our obedlence
musL arlse ouL of a perfecL love for Me-noL under consLralnL, buL for love's sake. CaLch Lhe
llLLle foxes, Anna, LhaL My harvesL may be flll.
Pe conLlnued, 1hls Llme wlll pass swlfLly. We wanL you Lo Lreasure all of lL. CourLshlp ls a
memorable Llme, a suspended Llme. lL ls a Llme when lovers walk hand ln hand, a Llme of

growlng ln knowledge and undersLandlng concernlng Lhe oLher. "1he Llme of courLshlp on
LarLh ls sweeL. 8uL you, Anna, are ln a courLshlp wlLh My Son, Lhe rlnce, none more perfecL
and beauLlful, none more powerful and glorlous-My Son. Abandon yourself Lo Lhe
experlence of Lhe Llme."
1he flesh vs. Lhe SplrlL
l do noL wanL you Lo llve by whaL your eyes see or your ears hear or by whaL you reason," Pe
sald. l wanL you Lo llve by every word LhaL proceeds from My mouLh Lo you. 1he arm of Lhe
flesh can never do My wlll. 1ry My way, Anna. ?ou have glven your own way a prlncely
chance. now Lake Lhe way of Lhe rlnce Plmself-Lhe mlnd of ChrlsL, Lhe emoLlons of ChrlsL,
Lhe wlll of ChrlsL. All of Plm. none of your flesh. CompleLe and LoLal unlon. Pe deserves
noLhlng less, does Pe noL?"
?es, uaddy," l sald quleLly.
1haL ls My glrl," Pe sald, plcklng mc up and placlng me onLo Lhe sea of glass before Plm.
1he Lmerald
My laLher held ouL a large emerald Lo me. lor your crown, Anna," Pe sald.
l Look lL. Ch, uaddy, lL ls beauLlful!" l replled (alLhough l dld noL know Lo whaL crown Pe was
referrlng). 1hank ?ou."
1here was a pause. 1hen Pe asked, Would you llke Lo see your 8eloved?"
l felL embarrassed, for Pe had read my lnnermosL deslre. l ducked my head and pulled ouL Lhe
golden key LhaL hangs from a scarleL cord around my neck. !esus had glven Lhe key Lo me. lL
unlocks Lhe golden flllgree gaLe Lo Lhe enclosed garden of my hearL ln aradlse. 1he Lord had
Lold me LhaL lf l wanLed Lo see Plm LhaL Pe would meeL me Lhere. l held up Lhe golden key
and smlled aL my laLher.
Co Lo Plm," my laLher sald Lenderly. Pls glory came from Plm and klssed my forehead.
lnsLanLly, l was before Lhe walled garden.


ChapLer 1hree
1he 8eloved
Culckly l placed Lhe key lnLo Lhe lock and opened Lhe gaLe Lo Lhe enclosed garden. l dropped
Lhe scarleL cord back around my neck, quleLly sLepplng lnslde Lhe gaLe. As lL closed behlnd me,
lL cllcked shuL.
WlLhln Lhe Carden
WhaL sLlllness and peace were Lhere.
l sLood faclng Lhe Lhree-Llered founLaln ln Lhe cenLer of Lhe garden. Cool, clear waLer flowed
from lLs Lop and genLly pooled ln lLs wldely rlmmed basln. 1he large, flowerlng aprlcoL Lree
arched over Lhe founLaln, wlLh Lhe bench for Lwo aL lLs base.
l leL my eyes resL upon Lhe colors and varleLles of Lhe planLlngs wlLhln Lhe walled area. All
sorLs of scenLed herbs grew among Lhe [onqulls, Lullps and daffodlls. 1he frulL-bearlng Lrees
and vlnes were heavy wlLh flowers, buL Lhey also had leaves and Lhe rudlmenLs of boLh
summer and fall frulL. As wlLh Lhe Lrees and vlnes, Lhe flowers of sprlng, summer, and fall
were bloomlng aL Lhe same Llme wlLhln Lhe beds.
A sllghL breeze blew across Lhe garden sLlrrlng Lhe aromas. '1he fragrance was unlque. Cn
LarLh we do noL experlence Lhe Lhree growlng seasons LogeLher. l was remlnded of Aaron's
sLaff LhaL sprouLed, blossomed, and bore frulL aL Lhe same Llme. l wondered lf Lhe Lhree
seasons belng represenLed wlLhln Lhe garden had someLhlng Lo do wlLh Lhe prlesLhood of
bellevers. 8uL l dld noL know.
l breaLhed ln deeply and exhaled slowly. eace.
noL Alone
Suddenly l heard someone clearlng Pls LhroaL ln order Lo call aLLenLlon Lo Pls presence. l
looked up. !esus was slLLlng ln Lhe large aprlcoL Lree. My Lord," l sald ln amazemenL, whaL
are ?ou dolng up Lhere?"
l am up a Lree, Anna," Pe sald.
l laughed. WhaL are ?ou dolng up a Lree?"

?ou wanL Me up here," Pe replled.
l wanL ?ou up a Lree?" l laughed, for l LhoughL Pe was [oklng.
?es," Pe answered. l am locallzed, and you know where l am. ?ou can come Lo Lhe base of
Lhe Lree and ask Me quesLlons, and Lhen go abouL your llfe. l am ln a porLlon of your hearL,
buL l do noL have free access Lo Lhe whole garden."
l was cuL Lo Lhe qulck. l swallowed hard. Come down, my Lord,"
l sald. lorglve me. 1hese mysLerles are so exclLlng. . .well, forglve me LhaL..."
...LhaL you have begun Lo use Me?" Pe asked, [umplng down from Lhe Lree.
1he very Lhlng l have haLed, l am dolng," l sald.
Pe walked Loward me. WhaL do you wanL of Me, Anna? lnformaLlon? 1here ls a vasL supply.
ls LhaL whaL you wanL?"
no, of course noL," l replled. 1hese mysLerles are so..."
...LlLlllaLlng?" Pe asked.
Well, Lhey are . .
...seducLlve?" Pe added.
?es," l afflrmed.
8uL Lhey are parL of Me-and you have been glven all of Me. lL seems a poor exchange."
Ch, my lrlend," l conLlnued, forglve me. l love ?ou and wanL Lo be wlLh ?ou. l wanL ?ou Lo
have access Lo Lhe enLlre garden."
?ou are called Lo know mysLerles, Anna, buL noL Lo use Me," Pe sald.
1o SLlll Lhe Soul
l was speechless. When years before l had declded Lo pursue Lhe Lord earnesLly, l wlLhdrew
my senses from Lhe oversLlmulaLlon of worldly lnpuL. l felL LhaL l needed Lo sLlll my soul lf l
wanLed Plm Lo come knocklng aL my hearL.

1he wlLhdrawal from keeplng myself enLerLalned wlLh Lhe world was exceedlngly palnful. 8uL
now Lhe Lord was saylng LhaL l had replaced Lhe worldly wlLh splrlLual enLerLalnmenL-deslrlng
more and more splrlLual knowledge-a subLler and less ob[ecLlonable subsLlLuLe, buL sLlll a
subsLlLuLe for Plm. l dld noL know whaL Lo say. l was sLunned.
Pe Look me by Lhe arm and gulded me genLly Lo Lhe rlm of Lhe founLaln. SlL down," Pe sald
quleLly. Pe saL beslde me. l looked lnLo Pls face. 1he beauLy and clearness of Lhose eyes
were beyond compare. Pe Look my hand and held lL.
A 1rue lrlend
My Anna," Pe sald, be a Lrue frlend Lo Me, as l am Lo you. l wanL you Lo deslre My company.
l am a klng, buL l deslre Lo be wlLh you, as any lover would long Lo be wlLh Lhe one he loves. l
do noL command your love, l humbly ask for L. l do noL dlcLaLe LhaL you be wlLh Me. l long for
you Lo seek Me. 1herefore l walL for you, Anna."
l dropped my head. Lord," l sald, l am selflsh. l am uslng ?ou for my own pleasure."
Lven a klng
Pe llfLed my chln. Anna, look aL Me," Pe sald. Lven a klng wlshes Lo be loved for Plmself,
noL for Lhe glfLs Pe besLows." Pe smlled aL me. lf you do noL en[oy belng wlLh Me now, why
do you belleve you wlll en[oy My company for eLernlLy?" Pe looked down aL my hand. 1he
pursuer wanLs Lo be pursued also," Pe sald genLly.
Pe looked up and Lhen over Lo Lhe gaLe. Pave you ever LhoughL of sLandlng aL Lhe enLrance
Lo Lhe garden wlLh Lhe gaLe opened, walLlng for Me?"
no," l replled.
?ou have expecLed Me Lo Lravel Lhe enLlre dlsLance Lo you. uo you noL Lhlnk l would be
pleased Lo have you walLlng, wlLh parL of Lhe dlsLance covered so LhaL we mlghL see each
oLher sooner?"
?es," l sald quleLly.
Pe smlled aL me. Come, My love, leL us walk." Pe helped mc Lo rlse and puL Pls arm around
my walsL. We began Lo walk Lhe paLh LhaL clrcles Lhe garden. l have called you Lo Myself,"
Pe sald looklng down aL me. lew undersLand whaL Lhls means. Would you llke Lo know, Anna?

?es," l sald LenLaLlvely. l say Lhls ln fear and Lrembllng because l fear noL geLLlng someLhlng l
Pe laughed. l know Lhls. WhaL does LhaL say abouL our relaLlonshlp?"
lL sounds llke l do noL LrusL ?ou," l sald. 1haL ls whaL lL sounds llke," Pe agreed. ls lL Lrue?"
?es," Pe replled.
Well, Lord, help me!" l pleaded. l wanL Lo LrusL ?ou."
My wonderful glrl," Pe sald, My love. uo you noL undersLand? My deslre ls for you. My
passlons burn wlLh eLernal flres. no mere Lear could quench Lhem. lL would Lake Lhe Lears
from eLernlLy, and sLlll Lhe flre of My passlon for you would noL be quenched. Why would you
noL LrusL Lhe Cne who loves you as l love?"
l could noL answer. l dld noL know why l dld noL abandon myself Lo Cod. l shook my head.
Who am l Lo deserve such love?"
?ou are chosen for Me by My laLher," Pe sald earnesLly WlLh wlsdom LhaL ls beyond wlsdom,
Pe has chosen you."
1hen lncrease my deslre Lo be wlLh ?ou," l sald, Lo deslre ?ou more Lhan an anolnLlng or
splrlLual knowledge or..." l could noL Lhlnk fasL enough Lo enumeraLe. l shook my head ln
frusLraLlon and Lhen blurLed ouL: l love ?ou." l clung Lo Plm, burylng my face ln Pls chesL.
?ou are Lhe dearesL lrlend l have.. . love ?ou!"
Pe placed Pls arms around me lovlngly. My own," Pe sald. Pe dropped Pls head back and
laughed as ln paln mlxed wlLh [oy. 1hen, brlnglng Pls head Lo mlne, Pe spoke sofLly, Anna,
Anna." 1here was greaL paln ln Pls volce. lease do noL do Lhls agaln." Pe held me Lrembllng.
'Anna, do noL do Lhls agaln."
l had hurL Plm deeply by LreaLlng Plm presumpLuously, casually-llke someone wlLh whom l
had Lo deal ln order Lo recelve LhaL whlch was my prlmary lnLeresL. 8uL Pe loved me. Pe
wanLed my company and wanLed me Lo deslre Pls. 1haL whlch ls Lhe deepesL deslre of every
human hearL was mlne, and l was seeklng secondary rewards.
My hearL began Lo break. 1he paln was excruclaLlng. 1he garden responded also. 1he smell
of myrrh flooded Lhe area. l glanced aL Lhe myrrh Lree. 8ed Lears of Lhe aromaLlc gum were
sllpplng from Lhe hearL of Lhe wood.'

l pulled back, holdlng Plm aL arm's lengLh, looklng lnLo Pls eyes. My Cod, my Cod," l sald. l
am noL worLhy of ?ou. l cannoL even respond correcLly Lo Lhe depLh of ?our love. lshl, lf ?ou
do noL glve Lo me a love LhaL maLches ?ours ln lnLenslLy.. . 1he paln ln my hearL was so
severe LhaL l could noL flnlsh Lhe senLence.' WlLh all LhaL was ln me l pushed pasL Lhe exLreme
paln Lo cry ouL, Ch, please help me Lo love ?ou as ?ou love me. l am wllllng, Lord, buL l
cannoL do Lhls myself. ?ou musL do Lhls Lhrough me! lease!"
1he lmparLaLlon
Pe looked aL me lnLenLly. 1hen Pe Look my rlghL hand lnLo Pls, Lurned lL over, and Lenderly
klssed Lhe cenLer of lL. 8ecelve," Pe sald. lmmedlaLely l could feel Lhe SplrlL surglng Lhrough
me. 1here ls no greaLer closeness Lhan Lo share one llfe," Pe sald.'
ln Lhe blur of llghL and power LhaL followed, l saw worlds colllde and mllllons of people belng
born. l saw deaLh and llfe. Wave upon wave of ecsLasy rolled over me. l LhoughL l would
bursL lnLo a mllllon pleces, belng unable Lo conLaln such helghLs of love. l losL Lrack of where l
was or even who l was. l losL Lrack of everyLhlng buL Love Plmself. Pow long Lhls lmparLaLlon
lasLed l do noL know, buL when Lhe power began Lo subslde, Lhe garden slowly came back lnLo
focus for me. l was fuzzy, Lhough, blurry and unsLable. l had Lo be sLeadled.
Pe spoke reassurlngly, 1hls quleL place [meanlng Lhe garden] ls wlLhln you, Anna, where you
may meeL wlLh Me aL all Llmes."
My vlslon cleared flnally. l looked lnLo Pls face. Pe smlled aL me. My Anna," Pe sald, l wlll
show you anoLher garden."
lnsLanLly, Pe became Lhe whlLe Lagle.' Come, Anna," Pe urged. l cllmbed onLo Pls back and
lay down wlLh my arms around Pls neck, as l had done ln Lhe pasL. 1hen wlLh one mlghLy
movemenL of Pls wlngs, Pe flew over Lhe garden wall. lmmedlaLely, we were on LarLh.
vlslon of Lhe 8rlde
We flew over a vasL deserL.' ln vlslon we were approachlng whaL seemed Lo be a garden ln Lhe
cenLer of Lhls wllderness.' '1he whlLe Lagle spoke, l wall show you Lhe brlde, Anna.
AL Lhe cenLer of Lhls garden ln Lhe wllderness l saw a lovely young woman (Lhe corporaLe brlde
of ChrlsL). She was cloLhed ln Lhe glory of Cod.

1he whlLe Lagle conLlnued, 1he Poly SplrlL ls Lralnlng Lhe brlde. l have Laken her lnLo Lhe
wllderness Lo Leach her Lo slng. She ls a vlrgln, undeflled by ldols. She wlll noL name Lhem or
conslder Lhelr beds. Per eye ls slngle, and l flll all her slghL. She wlll noL lusL for ldols or cuL
her eyes Lo enLlce Lhem. My beloved wlll deslre Me alone.
1he young woman began Lo slng:
uaysLar of Lhe mornlng,
uawn before our eyes,
8lse LhaL we mlghL see ?our face,
rlnce of aradlse.
CloLhe ?ourself ln splendor.
CloLhe ?ourself ln mlghL.
1rall supernal rlghLeousness,
CulnLessence of all LlghL.
1he Lord conLlnued, 1he Poly SplrlL wlll be a plllar of flre and a plllar of Lhe cloud of Cod's
glory. As wlLh Lhe chlldren of lsrael, Pe wlll lead her ln Lhe wllderness, and Pe wlll proLecL her.
1he glory of Cod wlll resL upon her."
lnLlmacy of Lhe Carden
Cur laLher ls resLorlng Lhe lnLlmacy of Lhe garden, Anna. Pe ls glvlng Me a brlde who wlll
walk wlLh Me hand ln hand."
Pe conLlnued, 1he plllar of flre wlll consume all LhaL ls noL of Me? 1he plllar of cloud wlll
cover her. 1he Poly SplrlL passlonaLely deslres LhaL l have a pure brlde. Pe wlll Leach her and
lead her. Pe wlll glve her Lhe olls and Lhe perfumed splces. Pe wlll feed her manna from
above-as Pe fed Lhe chlldren of lsrael ln Lhe deserL-so LhaL wlLhln and wlLhouL she mlghL be
prepared. nurLured and warm, she wlll grow and bloom for Me alone. 1he fragrance of her
perfumes wlll be for Me alone, and she wlll slng-slng for Me alone. 1he glory wlll be a shleld
for her, bllndlng Lhe eyes of Lhe wlcked. 1he cloud wlll cause Lhem Lo sLumble and fall. 1hey
wlll grope as ln Lhe darkesL nlghL, buL Lhey wlll noL flnd her."
Come Lo Lhe Carden
1he call has gone ouL from Lhe very halls of heaven Lo come Lo Lhe garden. 8uL mosL wlll
remaln ouLslde. l, Myself, call, 'Come Lo Lhe garden!' 8uL many who do enLer are conLenL Lo

eaL Lhe frulL nearesL Lhe gaLe. lew seek Me ln Lhe cenLer of Lhe garden. Powever, for Lhe few
who do make Lhe [ourney, searchlng for Me, Lhey flnd an open door Lo Lhe laLher's hearL. lor
ln Lhe cenLer of Lhe garden ls Lhe enLrance Lo My laLher's hearL, and wlLhln Pls hearL, l llve and
As for you, Anna," Pe sald, leave behlnd all LhaL has been an anchor Lo your soul. Loose Lhe
rope, Lrlm Lhe salls, and leL Me seL Lhe course. Come lnLo Lhe wllderness. lor ln Lhe
wllderness Lhere ls a secreL garden, and ln Lhe cenLer of LhaL garden, Lhe doorway Lo Cod."
We began Lo fly away from Lhe garden ln Lhe wllderness.
1he MounLalns
Suddenly, Lhe vlslon ended. l found LhaL we were acLually flylng up Lo a mounLaln range on
LarLh. 8eneaLh us Lhe valley lay lush and green. Cn several of Lhe enclrcllng mounLalns Lhere
were apple orchards. 1hese were lald ouL ln neaL rows and were carefully Lended. 1he sun
shone on whaL seemed Lo be a rlver wlndlng Lhrough Lhe valley far below. Powever, as we
drew nearer, l reallzed LhaL lL was a road.
8efore us near Lhe Lop of Lhe hlghesL mounLaln was a large, proLrudlng rock. lL formed a ledge.
1he whlLe Lagle had Laken me Lo Lhls rock before.
l burled my face ln Pls scenLed feaLhers as l clung Lo Pls neck. Pe was Laklng me Lo Pls nesL.

ChapLer lour
Lessons of Lhe 8lrds
We conLlnued Lo fly hlgher. 8efore we neared Lhe LallesL mounLaln, l saw vulLures clrcllng Lhe
valley below us. 1helr bald heads looked raw, unclean, and repugnanL.
1he whlLe Lagle spoke, ay no aLLenLlon Lo Lhem. 1hey seek LhaL whlch ls dead, noL Lhe
llvlng." l dlverLed my eyes.
Chlmney SwlfLs
Suddenly, Lhousands of small, dark blrds began Lo pass us. 1he sky was fllled wlLh Lhem. 1hey
chaLLered loudly among Lhemselves. 1he sound of Lhelr wlngs added Lo Lhe commoLlon of

Lhelr fllghL. 1hey were so nolsy and gabby LhaL Lhey dld noL recognlze Lhe whlLe Lagle flylng
among Lhem. 1hey called pasL us Lo confer and re-confer wlLh one anoLher.
Chlmney swlfLs," Lhe whlLe Lagle sald. 1hey llve ln sooL. 1hey rlse, buL noL from flre.
Covered wlLh charcoal, Lhey rlse from Lhe darkness of hldlng among LhaL whlch ls charred.
1helr Lalls are llke snakes' Longues. uo noL fly wlLh Lhem."
Pearlng Lhelr communal chaLLer, Lhe word gossz came Lo mlnd-"for polson ls ln Lhelr Lales," l
An updrafL merclfully carrled us hlgher Lhan Lhelr plerclng calls. l was Lroubled by Lhe Lord's
warnlng and began Lo ponder whaL Pe had sald.
CfLen conversaLlon among Lhe breLhren dld seem Lo be more llke a checkouL counLer Lablold
Lhan Lhe admonlLlon from aul Lo leL no unwholesome word proceed from your mouLh" (Lph.
4:29). lndeed," l LhoughL, how can we fly hlgher lf we are earLhbound by our fasclnaLlon
wlLh hearlng of and Lalklng abouL sln-noL only Lhe world's slns, buL also sln among Lhe
breLhren? Cur earLhbound focus has drlven a sLake lnLo Lhe ground Lo whlch our splrlLs are
l bllnked back lnLo Lhe presenL momenL as a dark blrd of prey passed beneaLh us.
Pawk's hawk," Lhe Lord sald. uo noL fly wlLh Lhem."
Pawklng your wares," l murmured Lo myself. l had noL LhoughL of LhaL phrase ln years-and
cerLalnly noL ln connecLlon wlLh Lhe work of Lhe klngdom. Powever, now LhaL l LhoughL abouL
lL, lL seemed LhaL ln Lrylng Lo reach Lhe world or hrlsL, some of us had become remark-ably llke
Lhe world. We rlvaled sldeshow barkers ln our flamboyanL peddllng. Could lL be LhaL we were
cheapenlng Lhe depLh of commlLmenL Lo whlch Lhe Lord had called us? Was Lhe salL loslng lLs
8efore l could conslder Lhls furLher, a falcon swooped passed us. lalcons wlll con you," Lhe
whlLe Lagle sald. 1he lle wlll run your llfe afoul. uo noL fly wlLh Lhem."
WlLh whom may l fly, Lord?" l asked.

lly wlLh Me, Anna. lly wlLh Me. Lagles nesL hlgh)''1hey do noL Lravel ln flocks llke ducks
[followlng one anoLher lnsLead of Lhe Lord]. 1hey do noL roosL LogeLher llke chlckens [seeklng
proLecLlon from oLhers lnsLead of ChrlsL]. 1hey do noL hunL bugs LogeLher llke geese [seeklng
provlslon from oLher Lhan Lhe Lord]. Lagles nesL hlgh. uo you wlsh Lo fly wlLh Me, Anna?"
?es, Lord," l sald.
SLop Lrylng Lo be a parL of Lhe flock [LhaL does noL follow Lhe Lord]. 1urn lnLo Lhe wlnd, and
leL Lhe currenLs llfL you hlgher."
1he 8ock
lmmedlaLely, Lhe wlnd swelled beneaLh Pls wlngs.
We wlll soar, Anna. We wlll soar," Pe exclalmed. We dld soar, hlgher and hlgher. Leave
your faLher's and your moLher's house. '1he klng deslres your company." WlLh a mlghLy
upsurge of wlnd and power, we soared Lo Lhe rock near Lhe Lop of Lhe mounLaln.
1he greaL whlLe Lagle genLly descended. Pe seLLled upon Lhe rlm of Pls large nesL. l cllmbed
from Pls back and saL down near lLs cenLer.
'1he nesL was made of sLrong Lree branches. When l was seaLed on lLs floor, Lhe rlm was
abouL chesL hlgh.
WlLhln lLs clrcumference, Lhere was Lhe pungenL aroma of franklncense.
urlLy," l LhoughL Lo myself. 1haL ls whaL Lhe Lord has been saylng Lhrough Lhe lesson of Lhe
blrds. lL ls noL enough Lo love Plm and wanL Lo be wlLh Plm. Pe wanLs a brlde who ls pure-
one who ls free from Lhe world, Lhe flesh, and Lhe devll. Also one who wlll noL parLlclpaLe ln
Lhe slns of lmmaLure ChrlsLlans-one who ls wllllng Lo be Lransformed lnLo Pls llkeness."
l folded my arms on Lop of Lhe nesL and resLed my head on my hands, looklng ouL. We were
very hlgh above Lhe valley. ?ou could see for mlles. '1he land looked ferLlle.
l had noLlced a few whlLe feaLhers wlLhln Lhe nesL when l saL down. As l looked ouL over Lhe
valley now, l wondered how many of my own [uvenlle feaLhers had been replaced by Lhe
sLrong, maLure, whlLe ones."

Am l growlng up? Am l belng Lransformed? Am l wllllng Lo pay Lhe prlce?"
1he CuesLlon
My heavenly laLher had asked me Lhls quesLlon when l became Pls chancellor (a secreLary Lo a
klng). l answered LhaL l was wllllng. SomeLlmes, however, l flnd LhaL l answer before l know
Lhe cosL--Lhe real cosL.
now l wanLed Lo ask myself Lhe same quesLlon: Am l wllllng Lo pay Lhe prlce? 8eally wllllng?
uo l wanL Lo glve up hablLs LhaL l conslder mlnor lnfracLlons-Lhe ones abouL whlch Lhe devll
whlspers Lo me, 'lL's all rlghL Lhls Llme? Am l wllllng Lo leL Lhe Poly SplrlL brlng me lnLo a
dlsclpllned llfe, Lhe llfe of a dlsclple?" My LhoughLs conLlnued. And my moLlves: uo l wanL
success, or am l wllllng Lo allow Plm Lo work Lhrough me, freely embraclng Lhe vlslble ouLcome
or lack of vlslble ouLcome-whlchever Pe chooses? WhaL reward do l seek-Plm or my own
glory, belng Lhe brlde Pe deslres or becomlng a markeLable commodlLy? WhaL reward do l
1he 8ose
l Lurned Lo look aL Lhe whlLe Lagle. Pe had changed lnLo !esus. 1he Lord now was slLLlng on
Lhe rlm of Lhe nesL wlLh Pls feeL on lLs floor. ln Pls lefL hand Pe held a large, plnk rose.
1he flesh may look good," Pe sald, buL Lhe Lhorns on Lhls rose can cause many wounds."
Suddenly ln Pls rlghL hand appeared a bouqueL of (whaL looked llke) red Lullps. 1hls ls Lhe
rose of Sharon," Pe conLlnued. lL grows wlLhln My garden. l wanL you Lo be such a rose,
Anna, a rose wlLhouL Lhorns."
1he plnk rose dlsappeared as Pe conLlnued, 1esLlngs crack Lhe grlp of Lhe flesh. LeL yourself
be poured from vessel Lo vessel so LhaL Lhe cracked sedlmenL can be lefL behlnd." Pe handed
Lo me Lhe bouqueL of Lhe red rose of Sharon. lor you, Anna, Pe sald.
My Lord, Lhey are beauLlful," l responded. 8uL wlll Lhey noL dle here on LarLh?"
1he 8eward
1hey wlll noL dle," Pe smlled. When you are rewarded by Lhe 8eward, llfe, even llfe on LarLh,
becomes elecLrlc, mysLerlous, pulsaLlng wlLh Lrue, eLernal llfe.' ?ou become a llfe-glvlng splrlL,
for My SplrlL Louches oLhers Lhrough you."

Pe conLlnued, When l ln greaLer measure flow Lhrough you, My reward ls wlLh Me.
lorLresses Lumble, walls crack and fall-more llfe rushes Lhrough your splrlL and overflows Lo
oLhers. 8uL you Loo beneflL. ?ou Loo are lnvlgoraLed by belng a channel of My llfe."
1he cholce was clear-llfe or deaLh. lf l wanLed more llfe-more of Plm-lL would cosL me.
WhaL wlll lL cosL me?" l qulckly asked myself LveryLhlng," l qulckly answered. LveryLhlng
else.' 8uL whaL ls LhaL everyLhlng else?" l agaln asked myself. ueaLh. LveryLhlng ouLslde of
Plm ls deaLh, deaLh wearlng a mask, mere deluslon. no," l LhoughL Lo myself, leL oLhers have
more of Lhe world. l wanL more of Cod."
l goL up from Lhe floor of Lhe nesL and saL beslde Plm on lLs rlm. l looked lnLo Lhose clear eyes.
l wanL ?ou as my reward, Lord. Slnce ?ou have promlsed Lo be my reward, Lhe only reward l
wlll accepL ls ?ou." Laylng Lhe bouqueL ln my lap, l puL my arms around Plm, resLlng my head
on Pls chesL. ?ou, Lord. l wanL my Lover, my lrlend, l wanL my Pusband and my sLrong
Lower. l love ?ou and wlll be saLlsfled wlLh noLhlng buL ?ou.
My llLLle prlncess," Pe sald, klsslng me sofLly on my forehead, l love you.
l LllLed my head Lo look up aL Plm. 1hank ?ou for lovlng me," l sald. 1hen l reLurned my head
Lo Pls chesL. Pow secure l felL wlLh Pls arms around me, how happy, how compleLe and LoLally
aL peace. l asked quleLly, uld ?ou waLch me grow up?"
?es," Pe answered Lenderly.
l wlsh l could have waLched ?ou grow up," l sald.
Alone 1ogeLher
We saL LogeLher quleLly, holdlng one anoLher. We do noL need words, do we, Anna? Clve Me
your hand," Pe sald.
Pe Look my hand and placed lL over Pls hearL. l could feel and hear Pls hearL beaLlng. Pe
looked down aL Pls hand coverlng mlne. My hearL beaLs for you, Anna."When l looked up
lnLo Pls face, Pls eyes were full of Lears. l love you," Pe sald.
8lue SplrlLs
Suddenly, before us ln Lhe alr were LwenLy-four splrlLs.' 1hey were lce blue, llke clear
gemsLones. l could see rlghL Lhrough Lhem. ln a sLaLely manner Lhey began Lo dance Lo

heavenly muslc LhaL seemed Lo come from nowhere. 1hey danced on Lhe alr as lf lL were a
floor. Powever, when Lhey made a clrcle, lL was verLlcal, llke a wheel. 1helr demeanor was
reverenLlal. 1hey began Lo slng:
LeL Lhe earLh hear heaven declare.
Pear, C LarLh, lLs volce.
aradlse breaLhes ouL a prayer.
1rees and rocks re[olce.
Lvery mlnuLe, every hour
Slnglng songs unsung,
ralslng mysLerles of Pls power,
8lades of grass a Longue.
Lndless wonder, endless awe,
Lndless pure dellghL,
Llfe and love Lhe SplrlL's law
ln heaven, land of llghL.
Lver seelng, yeL unseen
SplrlLs [oln as one,
LxLolllng Cod, our graclous klng,
LxLolllng ChrlsL, Pls Son.
Pear, C LarLh, as heaven slngs.
Lcho back lLs pralse,
SllenL, [oyful Lhunderlng
1o Cod, Lh' AnclenL of uays.
AfLer Lhelr song ended, Lhe dance conLlnued Lo heavenly muslc. l remalned wlLh my head
resLlng on Lhe Lord's shoulder as l waLched Lhe splrlLs compleLe Lhelr dance.
l wondered lf Lhe Lord would be woolng me always as Pe was dolng now. Wlll lL always be
llke Lhls?" l asked.
Pe smlled, no, Anna. As on LarLh Lhe preparaLlon for marrlage ls noL marrlage, so wlLh Lhe
blrds-a couple ln maLlng rlLuals ls noL Lhe couple 'afLer consummaLlon and nesLlng beglns.
?eL each perlod of Llme ls rlch ln lLself. ?ou do noL llke a sLaLlc rouLlne. Why should you mlnd
change? LaL whaL ls seL before you. Ln[oy Lhe [ourney Loday."

1he splrlLs compleLed Lhelr exqulslLe offerlng. '1he muslc ended. l saL up. lshl and l boLh
clapped ln appreclaLlon.
ueeply meanlngful, dear frlends," Pe sald Lo Lhe splrlLs. Pe Lurned Lo me, Pold ouL your
rlghL hand."
l dld. lnsLanLly Lhe splrlLs flew Lo me.
8lue SalL
Lach splrlL poured lnLo my hand a small deposlL of blue salL. 1hen each splrlL flew back Lo
sLand before us.
LaL, Anna," Lhe Lord sald. l aLe Lhe blue salL. lL was good. Pe conLlnued, 1hls covenanL of
salL ls for Lhe heavenly realm."
1he splrlLs seemed exceedlngly pleased Lo have represenLed heaven ln helplng Lo make Lhls
covenanL. 1hank you, My dear frlends," !esus sald. 1hey bowed deeply from Lhe walsL, Lhen
1he Lmerald
Come, Anna," Lhe Lord sald, rlslng. Pe helped me Lo sLand. l plcked up Lhe bouqueL.
lnsLanLly lL became a large emerald. l blurLed ouL a laugh, because lL sLarLled me.
lor your crown, Anna," Pe sald.
1hank ?ou, Lord," l smlled ln reLurn (alLhough, as wlLh my laLher, l dld noL know Lo whaL
crown Pe was referrlng). Pow do ?ou spend so much Llme wlLh me?" l asked.
lL ls ln My [ob descrlpLlon," Pe laughed. Pe held ouL Pls hand Lo me saylng, Come." l gave
Plm my hand. We began Lo rlse from Lhe nesL.
Wheel of Lhe LverlasLlng Cospel
As we rose, l saw an unrolled scroll wlLh wrlLlng on lL. lL exLended from heaven Lo LarLh and
Lhen back Lo heaven agaln. lL formed a huge wheel Louchlng LarLh and heaven. We rose rlghL
beslde lL.
l have never seen Lhls, Lord," l sald.

1he everlasLlng gospel made vlslble Anna Pe sald. roclalmed ln heaven, fulfllled on LarLh-
proclalmed on LarLh, fulfllled ln heaven. Come."

ChapLer llve
1he ool of 8eflecLlon
AfLer we arrlved ln aradlse, l found LhaL l was slLLlng alone near a clear, round pool of waLer.
Cn Lhe opposlLe slde of Lhe pool, shrubbery was growlng ln geomeLrlc shapes-squares,
recLangles, Lrlangles, and clrcles. 1hese shapes were reflecLed perfecLly wlLhln Lhe pool.
SLacLe was bloomlng behlnd Lhe geomeLrlc shrubs. Lach of Lhese bushes was covered wlLh
waxy whlLe blossoms LhaL gave a mlld, pleasanL fragrance. l remembered LhaL sLacLe was a
splce used ln Lhe holy lncense. 8uL l could noL remember Lhe meanlng lnherenL ln lLs name.
lL was unusually sLlll by Lhe pool, llke belng ln Lhe eye of a hurrlcane. l swung my legs around,
puLLlng my feeL lnLo Lhe waLer. 1hey hardly made a rlpple. SLrange.
Where am l?" l asked aloud.
1he pool of reflecLlon," a chlld's volce answered from behlnd me.
CrysLal Clear
uh oh," l sald wlLhln myself because l recognlzed Lhe volce. CrysLal Clear," l smlled falnLly as
l Lurned Lo face her.
1here she sLood, her halr sLlll Lousled as lf from play. She was wearlng Lhe same pale shlfL and
plnafore. She looked flve or slx years of age.
Powever, she had old eyes. AL Llmes l could see Lhrough her arm or leg. She was a splrlL.
?ou have come back Lo see us," she exclalmed cheerlly. We L-C-v-L, love you," she
conLlnued, spelllng ouL Lhe word love as lf lL were ln a chlld's song.
l slghed palnfully wlLhln myself as l remembered Lhe lasL Llme l had seen her. 8uL," l LhoughL,
perhaps Lhls Llme wlll be dlfferenL." l declded Lo ask her abouL Lhe pool. WhaL ls Lhe pool of

lL ls a place where you can see yourself very clearly," she sald.
l was noL sure LhaL l llked LhaL ldea. uoes one wlsh Lo reflecL upon oneself?" l asked coolly,
my flesh suddenly rlslng up and belng as sly, legallsLlc, and evaslve as Lhe flesh always ls.
She conLlnued as Lhough she dld noL noLlce. ?ou mlghL wanL Lo Lake a look Lo see lf you are
cooperaLlng wlLh Cod or reslsLlng Plm. uo you wanL Lo look lnLo Lhe pool?" she asked brlghLly.
1he ueclslon
Cf course l dld noL wanL Lo look lnLo Lhe pool. Powever, l was beglnnlng Lo hear ln my own
volce, as well as ln Lhe hardness of my hearL, my reslsLance Lo correcLlon.
ShorLly before arrlvlng aL Lhe pool l was Lelllng Lhe Lord LhaL l would glve up anyLhlng and
everyLhlng ln order Lo galn more of Plm. now wlLh my flrsL opporLunlLy Lo allow Lhls
declaraLlon Lo become experlenLlal ln my llfe, l was balklng. uo you Lhlnk l should look?" l
asked llmply.
lL mlghL help," she replled.
WlLh a slgh l Look my feeL ouL of Lhe waLer and lay down on my sLomach Lo look lnLo Lhe pool.
l was amazed. l saw !esus's face reflecLed ln Lhe waLer lnsLead of my own. 8uL Lhere were
geomeLrlc ob[ecLs sLuck onLo Pls head and face. WhaL are Lhese ob[ecLs?" l asked.
8locks," she sald. ?ou are blocklng Plm. 1hey make Lhe face of !esus look really ugly."
Pow do l geL Lhem off?" l asked wlLh alarm.
She leaned over Lo look aL my face ln Lhe pool. Pmmm," she sald, as lf maklng a dlagnosls.
?ou need Lo unsLlck Lhe glue."
unsLlck Lhe glue?" l asked. Pow do l do LhaL?"
8epenLance," she sald maLLer-of-facLly. 8epenLance unsLlcks Lhe glue." She pulled back Lo
look aL me dlrecLly lnsLead of aL my reflecLlon.
l saL up Lo look lnLo her face. She shook her head from slde Lo slde as chlldren do when
correcLlng one anoLher. Speaklng ln a slow, slngsong manner, she sald, ?ou're Loo old Lo play
wlLh blocks." 8efore l could answer her, she vanlshed.

1he sLrong smell of sLacLe flooded Lhe area. l looked aL Lhe bushes. 1he fragranL gum was
runnlng down Lhe branches.
1ruLh wlLh mercy," l sald glumly, rememberlng now Lhe lnherenL meanlng wlLhln Lhe name.
WlLh a slgh l Lurned back Lo Lhe pool. l looked lnLo Lhe waLer agaln. '1he face, and Lherefore
Lhe llfe of !esus, was deflnlLely blocked from flowlng Lo oLhers. l gaLhered Lhe courage Lo look
aL Lhe blocks more closely. Lach had wrlLlng on lL. l squlnLed Lo declpher Lhe leLLerlng.
1he 8locks
PypocrlLe" was wrlLLen on one block. PypocrlLe," l sald wlLh self-rlghLeous lndlgnaLlon.
AlLhough lndlgnanL, l dared noL Lry Lo refuLe Lhls because l knew lL Lo be Lrue. '1haL whlch
people on LarLh mlghL noL see was plalnly vlslble ln heaven. erhaps l mlghL hlde Lhls from
oLhers, buL l could noL hlde lL from myself or from Cod. l am a hypocrlLe", l sald, and ?ou see
lL. l say LhaL l am dolng whaL l do ouL of obedlence, noL carlng abouL Lhe resulLs, buL l do care.
l care greaLly. l wanL success. l wanL Lo feel LhaL l am accompllshlng someLhlng." l could noL
look aL LhaL block any longer.
l declded Lo look aL anoLher block. Money" was wrlLLen on lL. Ch, no," l moaned. Well, lL ls
Lrue. l say LhaL l do noL mlnd belng poor, buL l mlnd a greaL deal. l do noL llke belng poor. l
know LhaL Lo llve by falLh pleases ?ou, and l wanL Lo please ?ou. 8uL LruLhfully, lL ls easler Lo
Lalk abouL falLh Lhan Lo llve by lL. AL Llmes l Lhlnk, 'lf l [usL had enough money, l would never
need Lo Lhlnk abouL money agaln." My confesslon made me uneasy. declded Lo look aL
anoLher block.
8elng a sLar" was wrlLLen on Lhls block. My hands wenL Lo my face ln embarrassmenL. 1rue
agaln, l confessed. lL ls dlfflculL for me Lo llve a hldden llfe. l wanL respecL. l wanL honor. l
wanL Lo be known. l wanL..." l almosL sald glory." As l confessed Lhls sln, l was sLruck by Lhe
serlousness of lL. Cod, help mc," l sald. l wanL ?our glory" l shook my head. 1hls ls serlous,
very serlous. Pow have ?ou Laken me as far as ?ou have Laken me? Pow can ?ou love me?
Pow can ?ou wanL me Lo be ?our Son's brlde? ln my splrlL l know LhaL l wanL Lo be on Lhe
lnslde LhaL whlch l presenL on Lhe ouLslde. l know LhaL l wanL Lo llve by falLh. l know LhaL
prlde ls a greaL sln. SaLan wanLed ?our glory. Pow am l beLLer?"


1he 8lood
Saylng LhaL galvanlzed my Lhlnklng. l am ln a beLLer place before ?ou, laLher, for my Lord and
Savlor dled Lo release me from Lhe penalLy of deaLh due Lo sln. And l can plead Lhe blood of
!esus before ?ou and ask LhaL ?ou forglve me for every sln, as well as for every Lransgresslon. l
can proclalm Lo ?ou LhaL Lhe Poly SplrlL was senL Lo apply Lhe cross Lo every acL of Lhe flesh
wlLhln me." l am ln a beLLer place.
1hen, uaddy," l crled, l ask for correcLlon by Lhe Poly SplrlL. l ask for Lhe cross. l ask LhaL l
be clean lnslde and ouLslde. l wanL Lhe llfe of !esus Lo flow Lhrough me unhlndered. l mean,
uaddy, LhaL l do noL wanL one hlndrance. l glve ?ou permlsslon Lo brlng me lnLo a pure walk
before ?ou. l know lL wlll hurL. l know lL. 8uL l glve ?ou permlsslon Lo lgnore my whlnlng."
C Cod, do noL leave me as one dead." l began Lo cry. lorglve mc. Wash me clean wlLh Lhe
blood of !esus-Pe who pald Lhe ulLlmaLe prlce wlLh Pls shed blood and deaLh on Lhe cross so
LhaL l mlghL sLand before ?ou clean, ln Pls rlghLeousness.
l conLlnued, ueal wlLh my flesh. Cverrlde my proLesLs. ulscounL my whlmperlng. lease,
please do noL leL me go around Lhls mounLaln one more Llme. l do noL wanL Lo llve a
halfhearLed llfe, compromlslng aL every Lurn because l do noL wanL Lhe paln of Lhe cross." l
wepL blLLerly. And l mlss !esus," l crled. l am ln paln when we are aparL!"
l reallzed suddenly LhaL a very brlghL angel was near me caLchlng ln an alabasLer boLLle every
Lear LhaL l crled. 1he Lears would sLarL down my cheeks and Lhen auLomaLlcally, obedlenLly
even, go lnLo Lhe vlal. l was fasclnaLed.
1he Angel of ralse
l was so flxed upon Lhls slghL LhaL l [umped a llLLle when my name was called from behlnd me.
lL was !udy, Lhe angel of pralse.
She was dressed ln a gossamer green under Lunlc bound wlLh a golden glrdle. Cver Lhls was a
deeper green cloak LhaL had long, overslzed sleeves. 1hese sleeves conLalned pockeLs LhaL
held all manner of golden muslcal lnsLrumenLs. Per neck, hands, and feeL had a sllghL LlnL of
gold. Per auburn halr was plalLed lnLo seven loops lnLerlaced wlLh gold. Cn her forehead was

a small golden box, houslng ScrlpLure. She began Lo speak. Anna, re[olce LhaL you are loved.
l am senL Lo comforL you wlLh Lhe manLle of pralse."
WhaL ls LhaL?" l asked, wlplng my eyes wlLh my hand. 1he brlghL angel wlLh Lhe vlal for Lears
Pymn of ralse
Shh," she sald, puLLlng her flnger Lo her llps. LeL me help Lo calm your soul. 8esL." She
became a small, green whlrlwlnd. 1he wlnd and movemenL caused all Lhe lnsLrumenLs wlLhln
her robe Lo play LogeLher. 1he sound of pralse was so pure LhaL lL seemed Lo draw angels from
Lhe alr. 1hey gaLhered ln a large clrcle around her. She began Lo slng:
C greaL l AM, LLernal Cne,
lounLaln of llfe wlLhln Lhe Son,
Wellsprlng of blesslng,
Wellsprlng of llghL,
lnflnlLe mysLery hld from our slghL.
Searched by Lhe SplrlL,
8evealed Lhrough Lhe Son,
MysLery unfoldlng, Lhough ever begun.
8eglnnlng and endlng, greaL clrcle of llghL
1haL shaLLers Lhe darkness, confoundlng Lhe nlghL.
All beauLy, all [oy, all splendor ln Cne,
Pls grace freely shared Lhrough Lhe llfe of Pls Son.
Pls llfe and Pls deaLh and Pls llfe evermore,
1hough cruclfled ever, Lo dle nevermore.
All hall, CreaL 8edeemer, All hall, MlghLy klng
Cf Llfe and of 1ruLh and of LlghL do we slng.
All pralse, adoraLlon, and Lhanksglvlng,
1hrough Llme never endlng, our homage we'll brlng.
Calbanum and Cassla
As she sang, Lhe aroma of galbanum and cassla fllled Lhe alr. Calbanum bespeaks worshlp,
adoraLlon, Lhanksglvlng, and pralse.' Cassla urges homage Lo Cod alone. l needed boLh. l
needed Lhe ldols ln my hearL Lo be casL down. Also, l needed Lo be llfLed up, ouL of myself,

Lhrough Lurnlng my eyes Loward Plm ln pralse. Per song was llke a manLle dropplng upon
me-llfLlng my splrlL buL seLLllng my soul.
AL Lhe end of Lhe song, Lhe many angels LhaL had gaLhered wlLhdrew dlscreeLly. !udy spoke.
Worshlp Cod, Anna. Pe alone ls worLhy." 1hen she Loo dlsappeared.
Cod aL Work
l was alone agaln. 8uL Lhe sLlllness near Lhe pool was no longer a vacuum. lL was closer Lo Lhe
sLlllness wlLhln my soul. 1he Lord had accompllshed a work wlLhln me, alLhough l dld noL
know Lhe naLure of Lhe work or how Pe had accompllshed lL. 8uL l felL LhaL l could see more
clearly, LhaL ln some way l was dlfferenL.
1he answer seemed slmple. !esus overcame Lhe flesh when Pe walked Lhe earLh. now Pe
could overcome Lhe flesh ln me. Pe would work, and l would resL ln Plm. l felL cleansed,
washed, wlLh my soul as sLlll as Lhe round pool before me.
Powever, Lhe sLllllng of my soul made room for a greaLer longlng for Plm. 1he ache wlLhln my
splrlL had grown palnfully acuLe. l mlssed Plm. l wanLed Lo be wlLh Plm. 1he paln was
becomlng a wracklng hunger.
1wo Angels
Suddenly Lwo angels came sLrolllng down Lhe paLh near Lhe pool. 1hey looked llke young men
of abouL LwenLy-flve years of age. Cne had brown halr and wore a brown robe. 1he oLher had
blond halr and wore a blond robe. 1here was someLhlng comlcal abouL Lhem. 8uL l dld noL
know why l felL Lhls way. SalL and pepper came Lo mlnd when l looked aL Lhem. 1hey were
laughlng and Lalklng.
Pello," l sald. Who are you?"
Sense," bowed Lhe angel ln Lhe brown robe.
nonsense," bowed Lhe angel ln Lhe blond.
WhaL?" l laughed. Cod ls noL lnLo nonsense."
Ch, yes," sald nonsense. 1here ls more undersLood by Lhe splrlL Lhan Lhe mlnd."
And much LhaL Lhe mlnd ls glven Lo comprehend as Lrue," Sense added.

1haL remlnds me of a song," sald nonsense.
Ch, dear," sald Sense.
We wlll slng lL for you," added nonsense.
We wlll?" asked Sense.
Why noL?" replled nonsense. ?ou always llke my songs."
l do?" Sense asked lncredulously.
1hey cerLalnly are beLLer Lhan yours," nonsense qulpped. ?ours sound llke maLh problems."
Sense roared wlLh laughLer. All rlghL, all rlghL," he sald. ?ou sLarL lL." nonsense sang:
WhaL ls lL llke Lo llve above?
WhaL ls lL llke above?
Walk bllnd you see, walk deaf you hear,
1haL's whaL lL's llke above, above.
1haL's whaL lL's llke above.
1here was a long pause. ls LhaL lL?" Sense asked.
Well, l'm noL slnglng an arla here," nonsense answered. 1haL ls lL." 1here was anoLher long
pause. l llke lL," Sense sald wholehearLedly.
1hank you," nonsense sald begrudglngly. Shall we slng lL LogeLher?"very well," Sense
nodded. Would you llke Lo [oln us, Anna?"
lf l can remember lL," l sald.
!usL [ump ln when you can," nonsense added. nonsense began Lo slng Lhe song agaln. We
[olned ln when we could.
When Lhe song ended, nonsense asked, Shall we slng lL agaln?"
Laughlng, Sense and l sald, 8y all means." Sense conLlnued, Come, Anna, we wlll walk wlLh
you down Lhe paLh."
We began Lo walk and slng Lhe song agaln. We sang lL agaln and agaln and agaln. 1he more
we walked and sang, Lhe funnler everyLhlng seemed. We all began Lo laugh uproarlously. ln

facL, we laughed so much LhaL we could hardly sLand. AL Llmes we had Lo hang on Lo one
anoLher [usL Lo remaln uprlghL.
?our songs are beLLer Lhan l remembered," roared Sense.
We almosL fell down laughlng because Lhe song was Lrue, buL absoluLe nonsense. We walked
and sang and laughed unLll we neared a large verdanL garden, Lhe enLrance Lo whlch was
guarded by Lwo enormous cherublm.
We leave you here," sald Sense.
l wanLed Lo ask, Where?" 8uL before l could ask, nonsense sald, Whenever you need a llLLle
Lravellng muslc, [usL leL us know." 1hey bowed laughlng and were gone.
l was lefL on Lhe paLh leadlng Lo Lhe garden. !usL ahead of me was a slgn ln Lhe shape of an
arrow polnLlng Lo Lhe enLrance. 1he leLLerlng on Lhe slgn read: 1PL CA8uLn Cl CCu.

ChapLer 6
1he Carden of Cod
1he brlef reprleve of laughLer had vanlshed wlLh Sense and nonsense. 1he dull ache of longlng
reLurned. lL was becomlng acuLe, alarmlngly so. lL was mulLlplylng, galloplng ln lnLenslLy
l had asked Lo deslre Lhe Lord more Lhan llfe lLself. l dld noL reallze LhaL recelvlng such love
would be excruclaLlngly palnful. lL was as Lhough a [avelln had been drlven Lhrough my
sLomach. l could noL pull lL ouL. l was skewered wlLh longlng.' 8uL l pushed forward Loward
Lhe garden. erhaps l would see !esus Lhere. Pe and Pe alone was my cure. 1haL l knew.
1he Angel Lll[ah
Suddenly Lhe venerable angel Lll[ah [olned mc on Lhe paLh. Pe was large, old looklng, and
sllghLly blue because of a blue llghL emanaLlng from hlm. Pe had a parLlally bald head and a
very long whlLe beard. Pe wore a full-lengLh, sleeveless manLle woven wlLh varlous shades of
blue. underneaLh Lhls cloak was an even deeper blue robe. LlghL flashed wlLhln Lhc manLle as
lf a dlsLanL LhundersLorm was raglng wlLhln Lhe fabrlc. Larller my heavenly laLher had
asslgned Lhls angel Lo Lravel wlLh me for Lhe remalnder of my llfe on LarLh. Pe had become a

Lll[ah," l smlled, acknowledglng hlm.
May l walk wlLh you?" he asked.
lease do," l replled.
Pe dld noL address Lhe paln l was experlenclng, for whlch l was graLeful. As we walked, he
began Lo speak. Llfe ln Lhe SplrlL ls belng known lnLlmaLely and knowlng lnLlmaLely-LrusLlng
Lhe 8eloved Cne, preferrlng Lhe 8eloved Cne, Lhlnklng of Lhe 8eloved Cne, honorlng Lhe
8eloved Cne, holdlng Lhe 8eloved Cne Lo your hearL."
Pe looked aL me as he conLlnued, ?our heavenly laLher has provlded marrlage on LarLh Lo
demonsLraLe Lhe bond of growlng love beLween Lhe loved ones, maLurlng ln love, deepenlng ln
love, noL seeklng Lo expose buL Lo nourlsh, belng vulnerable Lo Lhe beloved and Lender Loward
Pe conLlnued, 8ecause our greaL and mlghLy Cod has creaLed all, all has dlgnlLy. 1he Cne you
love ls mercy poured llke warm oll on Lhe wounds of Lhe world, Lhe balm of Cllead. 1he
anolnLed Cne gave Plmself for all, for Pe has compasslon on all, Lhough few wlll cllng Lo Plm."
We approached Lhe enLrance Lo Lhe garden. lL had no walls around lL. Powever, lL looked as
Lhough lL grew up Lo an lnvlslble wall and Lhen sLopped.
We sLopped before Lwo large cherublm LhaL flanked Lhe enLryway. Lach cherub had Lwo faces.
Cne cherub had Lhe face of a man ln fronL and of a llon ln back. 1he oLher had Lhe face of an
eagle ln fronL and of an ox ln back Lach cherub had Lwo wlngs and hands under Lhe wlngs.
1helr legs were sLralghL llke a man's buL ended ln hooves. 1aupe-colored feaLhers covered
Lhelr bodles llke flsh-scale mall. 1hey were full of eyes around Lhelr bodles and wlLhln Lhelr
wlngs. 1hey were fearsome-looklng creaLures.
1he cherublm bowed Lo Lll[ah. 1he face of Lhe man asked, Pow are you Lhls blessed day ln
Lhe klngdom of our Cod?" 1hen Lhe four faces of Lhe Lwo cherublm bursL lnLo song, 8less Pls
name forever and ever!" 1hey were a quarLeL.
Lll[ah spoke Lo Lhem, l am accompanylng Anna lnLo Lhe garden."
Welcome," sald Lhe face of Lhe eagle. 1hen Lhe quarLeL sang, ralse Plm, pralse Plm, all Pls

Lll[ah Lurned Lo me. Shall we go, Anna?"
?es, please," l answered
Splendor and ma[esLy, glory and honor are ?ours, C Cod," sang Lhe cherublm. 1helr wlngs
were ralsed and Louchlng over Lhe enLrance. 1he eyes of all four faces were llfLed ln pralse as
we passed beneaLh Lhelr wlngs.
My longlng eased somewhaL as we enLered Lhe garden. 1he Lord's presence was Lhere. We
sLarLed down Lhe paLh. 1he sound of pralse from Lhe cherublm grew falnLer Lhe deeper we
wenL lnLo Lhe garden.
1he area was bounLlful. lL looked as Lhough every varleLy of Lree, shrub, flower, and herb grew
wlLhln lLs clrcumference. 1he frulL-bearlng Lrees had flowers and leaves and were also heavy
wlLh frulL. l was ln awe.
l am walklng ln Lhe orlglnal of Lhe garden LhaL graced LarLh aL Lhe dawn of CreaLlon," l sald Lo
myself. And Lhls ls Lhe way lL smelled," l added, because of Lhe dellclously lnLoxlcaLlng
ls Lhe garden sLlll on LarLh?" l asked Lll[ah.
no," he answered. lL was carrled 'away wlLh Lhe flood."Why are Lhe cherublm aL Lhe
enLrance?" l asked.
1o [oln ln Lhe hymn of pralse rlslng from Lhls place Lo your laLher," he sald. LlsLen."
lL was as Lhough everyLhlng wlLhln Lhe garden was glven a volce wlLh whlch Lo slng ln unlson.
1he sound was noL loud. l needed Lo sLlll myself Lo hear lL. lL blended llke muslc comlng from
all LhaL made up Lhe garden-all LhaL reflecLed ChrlsL.
SweeL muslc," l sald
SweeLer sLlll because lL comes from Lhe hearL of Plm who ls beyond compare. lL comes from
Lhe hearL of !esus," he added.
1he garden was cool, noL sLlcky as l would have lmaglned wlLh so much follage. We passed
small waLerfalls and hldden pools. '1he rose of Sharon grew near Lhe waLer.

uoes !esus walk here?" l asked Lll[ah.
?es," he smlled. 1hls ls Pls garden. Pe walks here."
lL ls very beauLlful," l sald.
?es," he agreed, Lhe llfe breaLh of Cod, Lhe garden of !esus."
We came Lo a clearlng ln whaL l supposed Lo be Lhe cenLer of Lhe garden. 1he rose of Sharon
grew around lLs perlmeLer. ln Lhe cenLer of Lhls meadow grew a large, brlghL Lree. lL was Lhe
shape of a many- branched oak Lree or a very large apple Lree. '1he branches were heavy wlLh
frulL. lL shone wlLh so much llghL LhaL lL was noL Lhe color of a Lree on LarLh. Lll[ah gesLured
Loward lL as we moved lnLo Lhe clearlng: 1he Lree of llfe," he proclalmed. l wlll Lake my
leave of you now, Anna."
Ch, Lll[ah," l exclalmed.
Pe Lurned Lo face me. 8emember, Anna, ln LhaL whlch ls Lo come, remember LhaL you are
loved," he sald.
ln Lhe pasL l had found LhaL such sLaLemenLs dld more Lo sLand my halr on end Lhan Lo comforL
me. 1hls Llme was no excepLlon.
8emember," he sald agaln, klsslng my hand. Pe vanlshed.
Seemlngly l was alone ln Lhe garden. l looked around Lhe clearlng. A sllghL breeze sLlrred Lhe
flowers and grasses ln Lhe meadow. l began Lo walk Loward Lhe Lree of llfe.
1he Sufferlng ChrlsL
When halfway Lo Lhe Lree, Lhe Lord maLerlallzed before my eyes. Pe sLood before me beaLen,
brulsed, Pls garmenLs sLuck Lo Pls wounds LhaL were sLlll open, gouges ln Pls skull, swollen
flngers, and swollen face.
l crled ouL ln alarm. l dld noL know whaL Lo do or how Lo help. l was ln shock. l sank Lo my
knees, for all Lhe sLrengLh lefL me. My hands covered my face.
Anna," Pe sald, Lhls ls your Pusband, Loo. l sLlll bear wounds from Lhe falLhless ln Lhe
l could noL look aL Plm.

lL ls all rlghL, Anna," Pe sald. lL ls all rlghL." Pe Look boLh of my hands lnLo Pls and helped me
Lo rlse. Look aL Mc, Anna," Pe conLlnued. Pe had changed and now looked as l usually see
Plm. l am boLh-whaL you see and whaL you saw. ?ou need Lo know LhaL you are marrylng
lnLo boLh, one buL boLh."
l do noL know whaL Lo say," l whlspered.
Say noLhlng," Pe sald. WhaL ls Lhere Lo say? 8uL you need Lo know Me as boLh so LhaL you
do noL wed bllndly."
WhaL does Lhls mean?" l asked.
1hose who are one share all," Pe sald. ?ou wlsh Lo drlnk deeply, Lo share fully, Lo know even
as you are known. 1hls Loo ls parL of Lhe knowlng, Lhe sharlng, Lhe belng one. 1here are noL
many who Lurn from Lhelr own lnLeresLs Lo seek Lhe lnLeresLs of Cod.' 8uL Lhose who are
called and chosen Lo llve ln Cod deslre Lo share Lhe sufferlngs of Lhe Codhead."
lL was as Lhough l was sLruck dumb.
Pe conLlnued, l reallze LhaL you are ln shock. 1herefore l wlll noL ask you now lf you are
wllllng Lo share My sufferlngs, My sorrows."
Lord," l sald, Lrylng Lo face Lhe reallLy of whaL l had seen, make me wllllng. l wanL Lo be one
wlLh ?ou. l would deny ?ou noLhlng, nor would l Lurn away from ?ou because Lhere are
sorrows Lo bear-as long as we are LogeLher."
uo you mean Lhls?" Pe asked.
?es, Lord," l sald.
8ehold," Pe exclalmed, Lurnlng Lo face Lhe Lree of llfe and gesLurlng ln lLs dlrecLlon.
1he Wheel of llre
A huge, gold rlng began Lo spln before us. lL was as Lall as Lhe lerrls wheels LhaL are parL of
Lhe world's falr exhlblLlons on LarLh. lL spun rapldly, bursLlng lnLo flames.
l reallzed LhaL Lhe flames were flery seraphlm, hundreds, no Lhousands, of Lhem. 1helr flames
were as lnLense as blowLorches. 8uL a flgure slmllar Lo a man's was aL Lhe core of each Lorch.
Lach seraph had slx wlngs. WlLh Lwo Lhey covered Lhelr eyes, wlLh Lwo Lhey covered Lhelr feeL,
and wlLh Lwo Lhey flew. A unlque and pure muslc came from Lhelr mldsL.'

Who wlll rlde Lhe wheel of flre?" Lhe seraphlm called. 1helr volces had a sLrange sound, as lf
Lhelr words were passlng Lhrough some medlum Lo whlch we are noL accusLomed on LarLh.'
l reallzed l would need a greaLer splrlLual maLurlLy Lhan l now possessed lf l would deslre Lo
share Lhe burdens of Cod. l dld noL know whaL Lhls would mean. 8uL evldenLly Lhls flre was a
flrsL sLep lf l wlshed such maLurlLy l Lurned Lo !esus, l wanL Lo rlde Lhe wheel, my Lord."
Pe smlled. We wlll rlde lL LogeLher."
l called Lo Lhe seraphlm, We wlll rlde."
!esus Look my rlghL hand, and we sLarLed forward. 1he closer we came Lo Lhe wheel, Lhe
hoLLer grew Lhe flames wlLh whlch lL burned. 1he sound of Lhousands of blowLorches was
formldable. 8uL Lhrough Lhe flames l could hear an adoraLlon of Cod LhaL was of such purlLy
LhaL lL sLarLled my senses.
As we arrlved aL Lhe flery wheel, a seraph beckoned for us Lo enLer Lhe flames. 1he seraph
spoke Lo me. lew wlsh Lo rlde Lhe rlng of flre. 1hey wanL Lhe rlng of gold buL noL Lhe rlng of
l looked aL !esus. 1hen holdlng LlghLly Lo Pls hand, we boLh enLered Lhe flre. lL was exLremely
hoL among Lhese flamlng seraphlm.
A seraph gesLured for us Lo slL down. We dld. 1he wheel began Lo Lurn. We wenL up as lf Lhe
flery rlng was acLually a huge lerrls wheel.
1he MlnlsLry of Seraphs
!esus sald, 1he seraphlm wlll Lraln you ln a hollness LhaL wlll brlng forLh pure worshlp,
hollness burnlng llke a Lorch, lnLense ln lLs focus. lf you wlll yleld Lo Lhe mlnlsLry of Lhese
servanLs, you Loo wlll be llke a flame and burn llke a Lorch of love and purlLy for your Cod."
Pe conLlnued, 1he flre ls for all. Learn Lo llve ln Lhe flre by allowlng lL Lo burn away all LhaL
wlll noL pass Lhrough as purely of Me. Learn Lo love Lhe flre of Cod."
1he llamlng Coal
As Lhe wheel cllmbed, lL seemed as Lhough l could see Lhe enLlre unlverse-Lhe beyond of

A seraph flew Lo me wlLh a llve coal and placed lL on my llps and Longue. 1he flre burned
across my face and down my LhroaL lnLo my hearL.
1he seraph sald, LeL your words be fewer and only Lhose LhaL come from Lhe Lhrone."
Calamus and Clnnamon
1he smell of Calamus and clnnamon was lnLense wlLhln Lhe flames.
l knew LhaL Calamus means uprlghL ln Cod's slghL. Clnnamon bespeaks Lhe smell of hollness
LhaL comes from a hearL pure before
Cod, hollness of hearL.
Song of Lhe Seraphlm
1he Lhousands of seraphs sang:
LeL all ln heaven, LeL all on earLh roclalm Pls holy name.
LeL all ln heaven, LeL all on earLh Speak of Pls glory and fame.
A wall of flre around our hearLs,
A wall of flre around our mlnds,
A wall of flre around our feeL,
Poly ls Pls name.'
l looked aL !esus. 1he more Lhey sang, Lhe more llghL poured Lhrough Pls skln. ?our skln," l
sald, lL ls so... dlfferenL. lL ls as Lhough llghL comes from lL."
1hose Who uraw near
LlghL does pass Lhrough My skln," Pe sald. 8uL Anna, llghL can pass Lhrough your skln, for
Lhose who draw near Lo Me are llghL bearers. 1he nearer Lhey come, Lhe more llghL passes
Lhrough Lhelr skln Lo oLhers."
Llke Moses?" l asked. l LhoughL Lo myself of how separaLed hls llfe became. Moses would go
alone Lo Lhe LenL of meeLlng, alone Lo Lhe mounLalnLop, alone wlLh a vell evenLually over hls
face because of Lhe glory of Cod upon hls counLenance. 1he Lord read my LhoughLs.

1here ls a separaLlon LhaL occurs, Anna. As one draws closer Lo Cod, Lhere ls a burnlng away
of Lhe dlmness over Lhe eyes of Lhe mlnd and Lhe eyes of Lhe hearL. lor Lhese Lhe world loses
lLs lusLer. 1he lngenulLy of manklnd becomes a passlng specLacle LhaL only causes Lhe person
Lo Lurn wlLh a slgh back Lo Cod."
Pe conLlnued, When Lhe 1rue comes, LhaL whlch ls buL a copy, buL a reworked speck of a
magnlflcenL whole, cannoL hold LhaL person's lnLeresL. Cod alone can capLure Lhelr splrlLs,
hearLs, souls and bodles."
As Lhe flery wheel reached lLs zenlLh, !esus began Lo pralse Lhe laLher. 1he seraphlm burned
more brlghLly ln response Lo Pls adoraLlon. C lncomparable laLher, who or whaL ls llke ?ou?
1he vasL unlverse ls held ln exlsLence by Lhe mlghL of ?our power. Lach halr ls numbered
because of ?our Lender compasslon. Who ls llke ?ou, laLher? Pow awesome ln ma[esLy! Pow
falLhful ln covenanL! unsurpassed ln beauLy! 8lessed are Lhose who draw near Lo ?ou. 8lessed
are Lhose who dwell ln ?ou. 1hey wlll forever pralse ?ou and mlnlsLer Lo ?ou Lhe deslres of
?our hearL-love undlvlded, burnlng ln Lhe zeal of hollness, sulLable for Cod alone. And Lhose
who draw near, Lhose who enLer, Lhey wlll never go ouL agaln."
ChrlsL 1ransformed
Pe was Lransformed lnLo pure worshlp before me. lL was as Lhough Pe could noL help Plmself.
Cnce begun, Pe could only enLer ln more deeply, express Pls love more passlonaLely, burn
more lnLensely. 1he passlon of Pls ardor came from compleLe undersLandlng. lL was love and
pralse LhaL sprang from knowledge such LhaL only compleLe unlon can brlng forLh.
As l waLched, Pe had passed lnLo an ecsLasy of love and passlon LhaL was lncomprehenslble Lo
me. 1he lnLenslLy and purlLy of Pls expresslon-Pls all-consumlng zeal for Pls laLher-was so
far beyond my undersLandlng LhaL lL was wholly oLher."
Pe burned wlLh a laser-whlLe llghL. 8y belng wlLh Plm, l was carrled furLher ln my own passlon
and zeal for Cod. lL was as Lhough Lhe alabasLer vlal had been broken for Lhe smell of cosLly
splkenard accompanled Lhls splrallng upward. Pe became pure, uncreaLed llghL.
LvenLually, Lhe whlLe flame of Pls ardor for Pls laLher subslded, llke Lhe lnLenslLy of a powerful
llghL belng reduced. Pe became Lhe Lord l could comprehend. Love Cod, Anna," Pe sald.
Pe has lnvlLed you lnLo Pls hearL. uo noL LreaL Lhls as a Lrlvlal lnvlLaLlon."

Leavlng Lhe Carden
1he wheel of flre sLopped aL Lhe apex of lLs roLaLlon. Suddenly !esus became Lhe whlLe Lagle.
Cllmb onLo My back," Pe sald.
l dld so, lylng down and puLLlng my arms around Pls neck as l had done many Llmes. 1hen
from Lhe Lop of Lhe wheel, Pe began Lo fly.
1he Llme has come," Pe sald.

ChapLer Seven
1he valley of Lhe Shadow of ueaLh
1he greaL whlLe Lagle plunged Lhrough Lhe darkness. l held on Lo Plm wlLh all of my mlghL,
burylng my face ln Pls feaLhers and keeplng my eyes LlghLly shuL. WlLh all LhaL was wlLhln me,
l concenLraLed on cllnglng Lo Plm.
AlLhough Lhe dlve was as harrowlng as dropplng mlles ln a verLlcal, greased chuLe, Lhe whlLe
Lagle landed genLly ln Lhe sheepfold wlLhln Lhe second heaven. 1hls dark, dank, splrlLual
realm ls populaLed wlLh demons of greaL groLesqueness. lL ls SaLan's headquarLers.
1he Sheepfold
WlLhln Lhls corrupLed splrlLual LerrlLory, our Lord reLalns an ouLposL-Pls sheepfold. lL ls a
safe haven for Pls own.
A sLone wall encloses Lhe proLecLed area. 1he wall ls Lopped wlLh Lhorns, as lL mlghL be lf lL
were acLually a deserL sheepfold. A covered, Lhough open, shelLer and one wooden bench are
wlLhln Lhe wall. 1here ls one gaLe only lnLo Lhls proLecLed area. AlLhough surrounded by
deflllng conLamlnaLlon, Lhe sheepfold remalns lnvlolaLe.
1he reparaLlon
1he whlLe Lagle became !esus. SLrangely, Pe sald noLhlng. lnsLead, Pe handed me a palr of
porpolse shoes dyed red. l had worn Lhese shoes before when Lhe Lord had Laken me lnLo Lhls
LerrlLory. now l saL clown on Lhe bench near Lhe gaLe and began Lo puL Lhem on my bare feeL.
l was puzzled.

Pe Loo saL down and began puLLlng on a palr. As Pe puL on Lhe shoes, Pe spoke. l asked you
once before, Anna, and now l ask you agaln: uo you LrusL Me?"
?es, Lord," l answered. My reply was glven wlLh less assurance Lhan Lhe flrsL Llme Pe had
asked. l reallzed LhaL before l had noL llved up Lo my own expecLaLlons. now, aL leasL a graln
of humlllLy had been reflned ln me from Lhe greaLer knowledge of my own frallLy.
l have need of you," Pe sald as Pe rose Lo Pls feeL. Pls shepherd's sLaff appeared ln Pls rlghL
hand. WlLh Pls lefL hand, Pe reached down Lo help me rlse. Pe looked solemn. When you
were here before, l warned you Lo Louch noLhlng. now l Lell you Lo speak noLhlng. Walk
sLralghL ahead of you, and when requesLed, do only LhaL whlch l lndlcaLe Lo you." Pe searched
my face. Anna," Pe sald, carefully follow My lnsLrucLlons." Pe spoke wlLh a quleL lnLenslLy
LhaL suggesLed greaL, perhaps faLal, danger.
l nodded. 1he gravlLy of Pls words made an audlble reply lmposslble. As Pe opened Lhe gaLe,
Pe exhaled a breaLh as lf cenLerlng Plmself before a Lrlal. We wenL ouL. 1he gaLe closed
behlnd us. l was nervous. l followed ln Pls fooLsLeps, holdlng on Lo Lhe back of Pls garmenL.
1he uescenL
l expecLed Lo see whaL l had seen before when we vlslLed Lhls dlabollcal place. l dld noL.
lnsLead we began a dark descenL.
l could feel someLhlng slldlng pasL my feeL on Lhe paLh. rlmlLlve revulslon made me Lry Lo geL
my feeL ouL of Lhe way. AfLer my eyes ad[usLed Lo Lhe darkness, l could see by Lhe llghL
emanaLlng from !esus LhaL vlpers were sllLherlng all over Lhe weL lncllne.
l momenLarlly froze, loslng my grlp on Lhe Lord's garmenL. l could noL call Lo Plm. All l could
do was move forward. 8y Pls llghL l could see LhaL Lhe snakes fled from !esus. 8uL would Lhey
flee from me?
LveryLhlng wlLhln me was becomlng fragmenLed. l knew LhaL l had Lo cenLer my focus. l
sLopped looklng down. lnsLead l flxed my eyes on Lhe Lord.
now l could noL see Lhe snakes, buL sLlll l could feel Lhem sllLher pasL me. l walked halLlngly.
Lvery parL of my body was Lense, almosL rlgld.


1esL of Lhe Soul-Lhe LmoLlons
Suddenly l heard a famlllar sound. lL was our dog barklng wlLh exclLemenL, as lf he had heard
me comlng. We had ralsed Lhls dog from Lhe Llme he was a puppy. Pe was greaLly loved.
lnsLlncLlvely l Lurned my head ln Lhe dlrecLlon of Lhe welcomlng bark. !usL as qulckly, however,
l snapped lL back Lo flx my eyes on !esus. l knew LhaL Lhe darkness and Lhe sllppery lncllne had
dlsorlenLed me. l was Lrylng Lo keep my aLLenLlon cenLered.
1hen l heard Lhe sound of a speedlng vehlcle comlng Loward Lhe sound of Lhe dog's welcomlng
barks. 1he wheels of Lhe vehlcle squealed, as lf Lo make an emergency sLop. 1here was a
bump, a slckenlng Lhud, and Lhen Lhe sound of Lhe dog yelplng as lf he had been hlL.
l sLopped agaln, caLchlng my breaLh ln shorL gasps, my ears sLralnlng Lo hear Lhe locaLlon of
Lhe sound. lL sounded as Lhough Lhe dog was crylng ln paln. 8uL because of hls love for me,
he was sLlll Lrylng Lo drag hlmself Lo me. lL Lore my hearL ouL.
1hen l heard my moLher cry ouL. Per volce sounded near Lhe dog's yelps. Pelp!" she crled.
My breaLh almosL sLopped as l sLralned Lo hear. l could noL call Lhe Lord.
Pelp Lhe dog, Anna!" my moLher's volce crled ouL.
Suddenly my emoLlons, whlch had been as scaLLered as a frlghLened blrd loosed from a cage,
snapped lnLo a sLeely lucldlLy. SaLan had overplayed hls hand. 1he volce LhaL had sounded
llke my moLher's had called me Anna." My real moLher would noL have called me LhaL
because on LarLh my faLher and moLher had named me Ann.
LveryLhlng had happened so qulckly LhaL l dld noL have Llme Lo Lhlnk. SaLan had bypassed my
mlnd and engaged my emoLlons. 8uL lL was a lle...a lle!
l began Lo move forward agaln wlLh Llny, frozen sLeps. WlLh recognlLlon of Lhe decepLlon, Lhe
sounds ceased. 8uL l was shaken from havlng my emoLlons shredded. !esus was ahead of me,
buL Lhe dlsLance beLween us was wldenlng. l needed Lo move more qulckly Lo caLch up wlLh
lnwardly, l began Lo quoLe ScrlpLure. unless you haLe faLher and moLher...," l sald, seeklng Lo
move more swlfLly.

1esL of Lhe Soul-Lhe Mlnd
Suddenly Lhe small snakes became huge ones. l shuddered wlLhln myself, C Lord!" l hoped
LhaL !esus would Lurn around. 1hese pyLhons had leLLerlng on Lhem, symbols or formulas.
Cne glganLlc snake reared up Lo fllng lLself aL me, Lo knock me down. l knew LhaL lf lL knocked
Lhe breaLh ouL of me, lL could wrap lLself around me and squeeze Lhe llfe ouL of me.
ulvlnaLlon," l sald wlLhln myself. WlLchcrafL, sorcery, Lhe powerful black arLs."
Shock and fear scrambled my mlnd. l dared noL scream or dodge lLs lunge. 1he lncllne had
become sLeeper and sllcker. l dld noL know lf l could keep my fooLlng. 1he snake lunged,
barely mlsslng me. 1hen Lhree or four huge snakes reared up aL Lhe same Llme Lo lunge. l was
frozen on Lhe paLh, Lerrlfled.
Suddenly, horrlble muLllaLlons flashed lnLo my mlnd ln rapld successlon. lL was as Lhough l
was belng dlsmembered and dlsemboweled. lcLures of horrlble LorLures assalled me, mlxed
wlLh vlslons of belng burled allve or falllng from a plane.
Angels of LlghL
SwlfLly Lhe horrlflc plcLures fled from before my eyes. ln Lhelr place Lhe huge snakes became
glanL, demonlc belngs, rlchly aLLlred.
1hey spoke Lo me, 1here ls greaLer power Lhan you ever dreamed of havlng. ower," Lhey
sald LogeLher. ?ou can have anyLhlng you wanL. ?ou can Lake lL wlLh Lhls power."
1hey musL have showed me Lhe muLllaLlons LhaL wlll occur lf l refuse Lhelr offer of demonlc
power," l sald wlLhln myself. 1hey wanL Lo Lerrlfy me, paralyze my mlnd." l sLeeled myself. l
wlll noL be afrald of Lhem." l conLlnued Lo lnch forward. l wlll noL be lnLlmaLed." WlLhln
myself l began Lo repeaL, 'noL by mlghL, nor by power, buL by My SplrlL,' says Lhe Lord." 1hey
were rlghL ln Lhe sLeep paLh. l was geLLlng closer Lo Lhem. 'noL by mlghL, nor by power, buL
by My SplrlL,' says Lhe Lord."
1he large demons were rlghL ahead of me. l braced myself and kepL movlng ahead. lncredlbly,
l passed rlghL Lhrough Lhem. l was perplexed.
1hey are phanLoms," l sald wlLhln myself. noL real aL all. 1hey are a Lrlck of Lhe mlnd."

l dld noL wanL Lo lose Lhls clear undersLandlng, for SaLan had managed Lo Lake clarlLy and
perspecLlve away from me ln Lhls place. Slnce l was seelng more clearly l began Lo repeaL Lhe
Word of Cod wlLhln myself agaln. l moved ahead more rapldly now LhaL presence of mlnd had
been resLored. l dared noL call Lo !esus. l needed Lo remember LhaL.
Powever, !esus began Lo move ahead more qulckly Lhan l could keep up. Pe was dlsappearlng
lnLo Lhe darkness of Lhe valley ahead of me. l wanLed Lo cry ouL and run Lo Plm. 8uL l
remembered Pls admonlLlon.
Surely Pe wlll sense LhaL l have fallen behlnd," l sald wlLhln myself Surely.., l repeaLed
franLlcally wlLhln.
1esL of Lhe Souls -- Lhe Wlll
l conLlnued Lo place one fooL ahead of anoLher. now, however, l was ln LoLal darkness-black,
no llghL, no sound, noLhlng-noLhlng.
8lackness ls Lerrlfylng. lL ls Lhe klnd of Lerror LhaL makes you wanL Lo scream [usL Lo relleve Lhe
Lenslon you are experlenclng. l felL LhaL l was suffocaLlng wlLh no escape. Lvll pressed ln on
l began Lo Lalk Lo myself wlLhln, Lrylng Lo cllng Lo a measure of sanlLy. Any mlnuLe l wlll see
Pls llghL ahead of me," l LhoughL.
no, noLhlng. l was groplng wlLh my feeL on Lhe dangerous lncllne. l had Lo remaln uprlghL. l
was alone. l could noL sense Pls presence aL all. l prayed wlLhln myself 1he prayers were as
heavy as sLone. l quoLed Lhe Word wlLhln myself. 8uL lL seemed Lo have no power.
C Cod," l LhoughL, don'L leave me!" Suddenly l caughL myself. no," l sald wlLhln. l wlll noL
accuse Plm of leavlng me. l wlll noL feel abandoned."
lor Lhe chlld of Cod who loves Lhe llghL, darkness ls LorLurous. lor Lhose accusLomed Lo Pls
presence, Pls absence ls excruclaLlng.
l LhoughL, ln my Lord's agony on Lhe cross, Pe musL have experlenced Lhls blackness. Cnly Pe
had all Lhe slns of Lhe world upon Plm. Cruel demons musL have been released Lo LorLure

1hey Cvercame"
l began Lo confess wlLhln myself Lhe beneflLs of Lhe blood of !esus and Lhe vlcLorles Pe had
won Lhrough Pls broken body. l LesLlfled wlLhln myself-Lo myself-of Lhe aLLrlbuLes found
wlLhln Plm and of Lhe vlcLorles won by Plm.
Somehow, dlshonorlng Cod became more helnous Lhan perlshlng. l dld noL wanL Lo puL Lhe
Lord Lo open shame. l dld noL wanL Lo cruclfy Plm Lo myself agaln. l dld noL wanL Lo cry ouL
and dlsobey ln Lhls place where Lhe enemy could wln a vlcLory and laugh Plm Lo scorn agaln.
no," l sald wlLhln, no accusaLlons. no blLLerness. no more 'whys.' no more a need Lo be
pampered. 8y Pls grace l wlll walk Lhe course Pe needs me Lo walk. Plm.. . noL me. Pls
honor. . . noL my safeLy. Pls glory, noL mlne. Plm. Plm. Pe alone ls worLhy. Pe alone ls
C my Cod," l sobbed wlLhln. l love ?ou so much. WhaL does Lhls maLLer? 1hough ?ou slay
me, yeL wlll l LrusL ?ou. WhaL does lL maLLer? lf l llve or dle, l am ?ours. 1haL ls all LhaL maLLers.
l love ?ou beyond danger or mayhem or darkness or deaLh."
Suddenly, my hearL cracked open. l was unable Lo conLaln Lhe love LhaL l now felL. l bursL free,
from whaL l dld noL know. lL was as Lhough love for Lhe Lord had loosed me from a prlson, as
Lhough l had pulled away from Lhe gravlLy of Lhe flesh. l loved Plm. l loved Plm more Lhan l
wanLed Lo preserve myself.
lL was a sLrange, exhllaraLlng experlence. lL was as Lhough l was loosed from self. noL LhaL l
dld noL reallze, even Lhen, LhaL Lhe cross would need Lo be applled Lo my flesh naLure dally Lo
hold lL ln Lhe place of deaLh. 8uL someLhlng had happened. l had broken free.
no longer would lL be as easy Lo embrace Lhe flesh. l would need Lo work dellberaLely aL
employlng Lhe flesh now, whereas before lL had seemed lnevlLable. now l was belng drawn
lnLo Lhe orblL of Lhe Son of Cod. l could already feel myself movlng Loward Plm more rapldly.
1he law of Lhe SplrlL of llfe ln ChrlsL !esus was Lhe new gravlLy LhaL was drawlng me lnLo Cod
Love llke a rlver began Lo rush Lhrough my hearL-love unhlndered, unsLoppable, and

A Speck of LlghL
Culckly a Llny speck of llghL appeared ln Lhe paLh ahead of me. l made Lhe calculaLlon LhaL lf
LhaL llghL had been a llLLle Lo Lhe rlghL or lefL, Lhe darkness would have hlndered me from
seelng lL. l conLlnued Lo move forward. WlLhln Lhe llghL emanaLlng from Plm sLood !esus.
Pe was walLlng for me ln Lhe valley. As l drew nearer, Pe smlled and opened boLh of Pls arms.
l seemed Lo cover Lhe dlsLance beLween us supernaLurally and was ln Pls embrace. Lven
wlLhln Pls arms l dared noL speak, for Pe had requesLed Lhls. Pe llkewlse sald noLhlng. Pls
embrace sald lL all.
Pe wlLhln me, by Lhe power of Lhe Poly SplrlL, had demonsLraLed Pls vlcLory. 1he enemy dld
noL enLangle my emoLlons, corkscrew my mlnd, or perverL my wlll. Love, Pls love, was
LrlumphanL wlLhln me.
1here was llLLle Llme Lo re[olce, however, for pasL Pls shoulder l saw a very large black bulldlng
broodlng ln Lhe weL darkness.

ChapLer LlghL
SaLan's 1rophy 8oom
!esus held me aL arm's lengLh, sLudylng my face. Pe smlled, Lurned, and led Lhe way Loward
Lhe bulldlng.
1he aLmosphere ln Lhe valley was red as Lhough Lhe bulldlng was caLchlng Lhe llghL from a
dlsLanL foresL flre. lL was eerle. lL casL long shadows across Lhe valley.
1he shadows Lraveled up Lhe bulldlng unLll Lhey reached Lwo enormous black marble dragons
on Lop. 1hese dragons were faclng each oLher wlLh Lhelr wlngs upllfLed and Louchlng llke Lhe
cherublm over Lhe mercy seaL.
1he bulldlng was a mockery of Lhe ark of Lhe covenanL. lL was deaLhly dark as lf lL were made
from anLlmaLLer. 1he black marble exLerlor was weL, and Lhe overbearlng humldlLy made lL
dlfflculL Lo breaLhe.

Shadow Warrlors
1housands of soldlers were sLandlng shoulder Lo shoulder on all four sldes of Lhe bulldlng.
1hey wore an anclenL sLyle of armor whose deslgn l had never seen. 1hese warrlors were
camped around Lhe bulldlng, [usL as Lhe LevlLes were lnsLrucLed Lo camp around Lhe deserL
Labernacle. none of Lhem moved when we passed Lhrough Lhelr numbers, however.
Why?" l wondered. l glanced down Lhelr ranks Lo see lf l could dlscern Lhe reason for Lhelr
lnacLlon. 1he faces wlLhln Lhe helmeLs were shadow. 8uL Lhelr eyes Lracked us.
l suddenly remembered how Lhe Lwo angels LhaL were senL Lo rescue LoL had Lemporarlly
bllnded Lhe men of Sodom. !esus, l LhoughL, musL have rendered Lhese demons lnerL. 1hey
were alerL. 8uL Lhey were lncapable of acLlon. 1hey held Lhelr ranks llke clay soldlers burled
wlLh early Chlnese emperors.
1he Approach
AfLer passlng Lhrough mosL of Lhe ranks of Lhe soldlers, !esus approached Lhe bulldlng. 1he
sLrucLure had Lhe appearance of a glganLlc mausoleum. As we drew near, l could see LhaL Lhe
black marble dragons were breaLhlng. So were Lhe black marble monkeys LhaL formed a
decoraLlon around Lhe Lop of Lhe bulldlng. 1hese leered down aL us.
1he masslve double doors unlaLched as we approached. 1hey opened slowly. Lach door was
of greaL welghL. 1hey plcLured SaLan's supposed conquesLs. 1hey were execuLed ln bronze
rellef and were slmllar Lo Lhe doors of Luropean caLhedrals LhaL ofLen deplcL Lhe llfe of ChrlsL.
1he doors opened ouLwardly Lo glve us enLry Lo a large, wlndowless room. 1he smell wlLhln
Lhe room was odlous. 1he room, llke Lhe valley, seemed llL by dlsLanL flres. My eyes Lraveled
up Lo a heavy ralsed cornlce. lL formed a crown around Lhe Lop of Lhe room. A LexL was
wrlLLen upon lL ln an anclenL language of wedges and Lrlangles.
!esus waved Pls hand, and Lhe leLLerlng changed so LhaL l was able Lo read Lhe lnscrlpLlon. 1he
LexL proclalmed SaLan's flve l wllls" wlLh whlch he lnLended Lo vaulL hlmself above Lhe Lhrone
of Cod and crown hlmself klng of Lhe unlverse. l shuddered.

Panglng upslde down from Lhls cornlce were half-female, half-baLllke demons-Lhe LlllLh, Lhe
vamplre demons LhaL hunL aL nlghL. 1hey were repugnanL. l dropped my gaze and saw Lhe
reason for Lhe sLench ln Lhe room. 8aL guano.
Cn ulsplay
ulsplay Lables flanked elLher slde of Lhe room. 1hese were covered wlLh whaL seemed Lo be
black velveL. 1he ob[ecLs on dlsplay were shlnlng wlLh llghL from wlLhln. 1he ob[ecLs were
beauLlful, noL because of exqulslLe workmanshlp nor because Lhey were encrusLed wlLh [ewels.
lnsLead, Lhey seemed Lo have some beauLy besLowed upon Lhem by Cod. 1hey were Pls, for
Pls people had used Lhem. now Lhey saL on dlsplay llke war memenLos. l qulckly glanced over
Lhe Lables ln asLonlshmenL. 1hls was a Lrophy room.
SLolen lrom Cod
Lach arLlcle was labeled wlLh a clay marker. 1he same wedges and Lrlangular-shaped wrlLlng
was on Lhese markers as was on Lhe cornlce. Agaln, !esus waved Pls hand. 1he language
changed so LhaL l could read Lhe labels.
Cn dlsplay were Lhe [usL measure, Mlrlam's Lambourlne, 8ezalel's renderlngs for Lhe workers
(of Lhe paLLerns glven Lo Moses on Lhe mounL), Lhe wldow's bowl, varlous muslcal lnsLrumenLs
of anclenL deslgn, and on and on. We passed arLlcle afLer arLlcle LhaL had been used by Cod ln
some exLraordlnary way and Lhen sLolen from Plm. l could only suppose LhaL Lhese had been
Laken lnLo Lhe enemy camp because of Lhe slns of Cod's people.
l was hearLened, however, by Lhe empLy spaces on Lhe Lables. 1he labels showed arLlcles LhaL
apparenLly had been rescued Lo be used by Cod's people agaln. CollaLh's sword LhaL was used
by uavld was mlsslng. uavld's harp had been reLrleved. 1here was an empLy space where once
a banner had been dlsplayed. As we neared Lhe rear of Lhe Lrophy room, l saw a whlLe
embroldered robe on a black cloLhes sLand. lL was lumlnescenL. SaLan had dlsplayed lL by
lLself, as lf lL were a prlzed acqulslLlon.
1he lresco
8eyond Lhls arLlcle on Lhe rear wall was a vlvld fresco." 8efore Lhe fresco burned black candles.
1he fllckerlng llghLs from Lhe candles seemed Lo glve Lhe fresco a llfe of lLs own.

1he fresco began aL lLs base wlLh recounLlng afLer recounLlng of bruLal LorLures of some of
Cod's people. 1hose belng LorLured sLlll seemed allve. 1he fresco was llke none l had ever
seen. lL was slmllar Lo a hologram. LlghL from Lhe candles caused Lhe plcLures Lo have
progresslve acLlon, so LhaL Lhose sufferlng suffered agaln, wlLh SaLan supposedly galnlng Lhe
vlcLory agaln and agaln. 8arbarous.
1he 1hrone of Skulls
My eyes Lraveled up Lhls mounLaln of slaughLer Lo abouL one-Lhlrd of Lhe way Lo Lhe celllng.
Pere Lhe fresco began Lo deplcL a mound of skulls. 1hls mound rose Lo a Lhrone of skulls upon
whlch saL Lhe goaL-llke legs of a saLyr.
1he enLhroned creaLure had Lhe Lorso and arms of a human buL Lhe head and horns of a goaL.
ln Lhls goaL/mans lefL hand was held a plcLure of Lhe world. ln hls oLher hand was Lhe locaLlon
for Lwo keys. 1he ouLllne of Lhe keys was sLlll Lhere, buL Lhe keys of deaLh and of Pades had
been removed from hls hand.
1he fresco vaulLed up unLll lL covered Lhe flrsL half of Lhe celllng llke a frlghLful canopy. lL was
SaLan, goaLllke, enLhroned upon a mounLalnous plle of human skulls. Pe was gloaLlng ln
slnlsLer splendor. As Cod Lhe laLher ls enLhroned upon Lhe pralses of Pls people, SaLan ls
enLhroned upon hls murderous savagerles and sadlsLlc cruelLles.
A chlll ran Lhrough me. lllckerlng llghL from Lhe black candles caused SaLan's face Lo move,
seemlngly Lo change before my eyes. Pls snake-llke eyes glared aL me.
1he Lmbroldered 8obe
!esus Louched my shoulder. l fllnched. We began Lo walk Loward Lhe acqulslLlon aL Lhe very
back-Lhe embroldered robe.
lL was fall lengLh wlLh long sleeves. 1he deslgn of Lhe garmenL was slmple. A man or woman
could have worn lL. lLs rlchness lay ln Lhe embroldered work LhaL was execuLed ln whlLe gold
of excepLlonal purlLy 1he embroldery arose from Lhe robe. 1he paLLern was lnLrlcaLe and
excepLlonally beauLlful. As l moved a llLLle before Lhe garmenL, all Lhe colors wlLhln Lhe
radlance of Lhe laLher seemed Lo play across lLs surface.
1he welghL and Lhlckness of Lhe varlous gold Lhreads seemed Lo symbollze aLLrlbuLes of Lhe
Lord. 1he robe reflecLed Lhese as lf Lhey had been woven lnLo Lhe garmenL.

1he Lmbroldery
l had no ldea a garmenL could communlcaLe LhaL whlch was of Lhe characLer of ChrlsL. SLlll, l
wanLed Lo move sllghLly before Lhe embroldery Lo ascerLaln whaL was woven lnLo Lhe fabrlc.
l recelved Lhe lmpresslon of a hearL of compasslon, klndness, humlllLy, genLleness, and
paLlence." 1he garmenL also reflecLed bearlng wlLh one anoLher" and forglvlng each oLher."'
1he Lhread LhaL had Lhe greaLesL welghL and was Lhe mosL frequenLly used was love."
1hese were parL of Lhe characLer of ChrlsL LhaL aul enumeraLed ln Colosslans 3:12-14. Pe
had Lold Lhe body of ChrlsL allve aL LhaL Llme Lo puL on" Lhls garmenL. lf he had Lold Lhem Lo
puL lL on, Lhey musL have had lL ln Lhelr possesslon buL were noL wearlng lL. l gaLhered LhaL sln
had evenLually allowed Lhe garmenL Lo be Laken from Cod's chlldren. Sad. We had greaL need
of lL.
!esus spoke Lo me quleLly. 1he garmenL ls for Lhe soul and hearL. lL ls an lnner garmenL LhaL
becomes vlslble Lhrough acLlons, Lhrough declslons LhaL effecL unlLy [oneness ln ChrlsL]."
Pe conLlnued, l am Lhe new, lnner garmenL-oLhers raLher Lhan self. 1he supreme CLher ls
Cod [Lhe laLher] Plmself-Pls rlghLs, Pls needs, and Pls deslres before all. l have purchased
you for our laLher. l have washed you and cloLhed you wlLh garmenLs of hollness and beauLy,
garmenLs of salvaLlon and rlghLeousness. Anna, cloLhe yourself ln Me-garmenLs of salvaLlon
for Lhe whole person [body, soul, hearL, and splrlL]. CloLhe yourself ln Me-aLLrlbuLes of
rlghLeousness LhaL are beauLlful Lo Cod [Lhe laLher]."
l Lurned back Lo look aL Lhe robe. lL was exqulslLe. 1he Lord's vlrLues woven lnLo Lhe garmenL
had broughL Lhe body of ChrlsL lnLo Lhe perfecL bond of unlLy." aul had sald Lhls. Pow we
needed lL now.
Pe conLlnued, 1he embroldered garmenL ls Lo be worn by Lhose who are Lhe brlde. lL was
handed down ln our famlly. 1hose who were enLerlng lnLo fuller unlon wlLh Me wore lL. 1here
ls none llke lL. lL belongs Lo our household."
As l looked aL Lhe robe, l reallzed LhaL Lo enLer lnLo a deeper relaLlonshlp wlLh ChrlsL meanL Lo
enLer lnLo a deeper covenanL wlLh Pls body. 1he Lwo are lnseparable.


1he 8ecovery
Carefully llsLen Lo Me," !esus sald sofLly. l wanL you Lo remove Lhe garmenL, Lhen qulckly
cllmb onLo My back." WlLhouL heslLaLlon Pe placed Pls hand on Lhe Lop of Lhe velveL cloLhes
l dld noL have Llme Lo Lhlnk. lnsLanLly l obeyed and began Lo remove Lhe robe. 1he more l
dlsengaged Lhe garmenL, Lhe harder Pe pressed on Lhe Lop of Lhe rack. l supposed Pe was
compensaLlng for some welghL of glory ln lL. Pe conLlnued Lo press on Lhe Lop of Lhe rack as l
folded Lhe embroldered robe so LhaL lL could be carrled.
When Lhe garmenL had been secured, l looked aL !esus. Pe gave Lhe fllcker of a smlle, wlnked
aL me, and Lhen removed Pls hand from Lhe rack.
1he Lscape
Screams, slrens, and alarms of all klnds lmmedlaLely arose LogeLher. All resLralnLs were
removed from everyLhlng wlLhln Lhls realm.
Culckly Lhe Lord became Lhe whlLe Lagle. nervously l scrambled onLo Pls back.
1he vamplre baL demons unfolded Lhelr huge wlngs. 1helr eyes were bloodred. 1hey hlssed
Lhrough Lhelr fanged mouLhs. 1hey were deranged wlLh fury.
1he doors Lo Lhe fronL of Lhe Lrophy room began Lo close. 1he whlLe Lagle had Lo fly wlLh Pls
wlngs perpendlcular Lo Lhe floor Lo pass Lhrough Lhe narrow openlng. l LlghLened my arms and
legs around Plm, presslng Lhe robe beLween my flaLLened body and Pls back. We passed
Lhrough Lhe openlng llke a slngle unlL. WlLh searlng screams everyLhlng-baLs, monkeys,
dragons, soldlers-wrenched awake.
lL seemed as Lhough everyLhlng ln Lhe corrupLed sLraLum breaLhed down upon us ln Lhe
chase-screechlng, squalllng, shrleklng, a cacophony of blood-curdllng sounds ralsed behlnd
us. 1hey were a frenzled [uggernauL.
1he marble dragons wrenched free from Lhe Lop of Lhe bulldlng wlLh all Lhe cracklng and
Learlng LhaL accompany a sLrucLure belng Lorn aparL. 1he black marble monkeys vlolenLly
rlpped free Lo [oln ln Lhe hunL. 1he LlllLh and shadow warrlors rabldly pursued. WheLher
hoofed, wlnged, clawed, fllghLless, or alrborne, Lhey pressed us. 1hey were a murderous horde
of frenzy and rage.

Culckly demons from elsewhere ln Lhe second heaven [olned Lhese ln Lhe chase. 1he whole
second heaven sounded llke one dangerous, wounded anlmal. 1he bone-chllllng crles LhaL
wenL up from LhaL place made my blood run cold. Porrlflc.
l clung Lo Lhe whlLe Lagle. lL was a wlld rlde. Wlld! . buL exhllaraLlng. l Lhrew back my head,
gulplng alr and laughlng sllenLly. LeL Lhem roar. 1haL was all LhaL lL was, a roar. A show. l was
wlLh !esus, and !esus had won Lhe vlcLory! LeL Lhem roar!
Saffron and Cnycha
Suddenly Lhere was a release of Lhe fragrances of saffron and onycha. More cosLly Lhan pure
gold ls Lhe fragrance of saffron comlng from Lhe Lord's beLroLhed, for lL symbollzes falLh.
Cnycha means roar," buL lL ls Lhe auLhorlLaLlve roar of Lhe Llon of Lhe Lrlbe of !udah. 1hese
prlceless fragrances released ln Lhe mld-heaven exhlblLed Lhe Lord's overcomlng vlcLory.
1he lllghL
1he whlLe Lagle flew Lo Lhe sheepfold. My porpolse shoes dropped from my feeL as Pe
swooped Lhrough Lhe slngle gaLe and began Lo cllmb upward. 1he demons ouLslde of Lhe wall
walled ln fury. 1hey would be punlshed for allowlng Lhe garmenL Lo be Laken. 8oLh Lhey and
we knew Lhls. 1he Lord conLlnued Lo fly upward. 1here was greaL sLrengLh ln Lhe beaL of Pls
wlngs. 1he caLerwaullng became less dlsLlncL as we pulled away Loward Lhe Lhlrd heaven.
Whlle flylng Pe spoke loudly Lo me so LhaL l could hear Plm. ?ou wlll wear Lhls robe, Anna. lL
has been resLored Lo Lhe household of our laLher. now many wlll wear lL."
WlLh greaL power Pe conLlnued Lo cllmb upward. AlmosL laughlng Pe shouLed Lo me,
SomeLhlng old."

ChapLer nlne
SomeLhlng 8orrowed, SomeLhlng 8lue
SwlfLly, Lhe whlLe Lagle flew Lo Lhe Lhrone room ln Lhe Lhlrd heaven. As Pe descended Lo Lhe
sea of glass, l noLlced LhaL Lhere was no one ln slghL excepL my heavenly laLher. l knew LhaL
oLhers had Lo be Lhere, buL l could noL see Lhem.

l cllmbed from Lhe whlLe Lagle's back. lnsLanLly, Pe became !esus. Pe grabbed me around Lhe
walsL, plcklng me up and swlnglng me around several Llmes. Pe was laughlng. l Loo was
laughlng. We were breaLhless from exclLemenL when Pe seL me down.
resenLlng Lhe 8obe
Come," Pe smlled, gesLurlng Loward my laLher. Pe puL Pls lefL hand aL Lhe back of my walsL
Lo escorL me forward.
l was sLlll hugglng Lhe robe when we approached Lhe Lhrone. !esus lndlcaLed LhaL l should
hand lL Lo Plm, and l dld. 1he Lord held lL up, leLLlng lL unfold Lo lLs full lengLh ln all lLs lusLrous
beauLy 1hen Pe lald lL on Lhe sea of glass before our laLher.
1he covenanL garmenL has been reLurned, laLher," Pe sald. We boLh prosLraLed ourselves
before Plm.
l am pleased," my laLher sald. lace lL ln My hands."
We rose. !esus llfLed Lhe garmenL Lo our laLher's hands of llghL. Cod Lhe laLher recelved lL,
cupplng lL ln boLh hands as you would a baby chlck. Pls hands became laser brlghL. l dlverLed
my gaze. When l looked agaln, Lhe garmenL had dlsappeared.
1hank you," my laLher sald Lo me.
SomeLhlng new
now My slsLer, My brlde," !esus sald, sLepplng beLween my laLher and me. Pe Lurned Lo face
me. Look aL Me," Pe sald.
l dld. My laLher placed Pls hands of llghL on !esus's shoulders. 1hen !esus ralsed Pls rlghL
hand Lo my forehead. LlghL shoL from Pls flnger as Pe wroLe upon me. lL was a sLrange feellng.
l wrlLe upon you My new name," Pe sald.
Sealed," sald Lhe Poly SplrlL, who musL have been presenL all along. l felL a sLamped pressure
over Lhe area where !esus had [usL placed Pls name.
now l had Lwo names on my forehead. My laLher had placed Pls name Lhere when Pe asked
me Lo be Pls chancellor (secreLary Lo a klng).

!esus smlled aL me. SomeLhlng new," Pe sald. now you have someLhlng new LhaL you wlll
wear forever. ?ou are marked and sealed, My slsLer, My brlde." My laLher removed Pls hands
from Lhe Lord's shoulders.
!esus Look my rlghL hand ln Pls. l musL go," Pe sald. When l reLurn, l wlll glve you your
hearL's deslre. 1hls, My love, wlll seal your hearL." Pe conLlnued looklng deeply lnLo my eyes.
Pe was so remarkably handsome, so beauLlful ln hollness, LhaL aL Llmes Pe Look my breaLh
away. Anna, l am comlng soon," Pe sald. Pe klssed my hand and looked lnLo my eyes agaln.
Soon," Pe sald-Lhen dlsappeared.
WlLh My laLher
1here was a pause as my laLher allowed me Lo savor all LhaL Lhe Lord had sald Lo me.
LvenLually, Cod Lhe laLher sald, My chlld, come up here." Pe plcked me up and placed me on
Lhe armresL of Lhe Lhrone.
Anna, who ls beloved of My Son," Pe sald, l would noL only feed you from My hand, buL also
l would feed you from My very hearL. urlLy and hollness are noL words LhaL descrlbe My
quallLles. 1hey are Langlble ln Lhe person of My Son. Pe ls noL a shadow or a reflecLlon-buL
My hearL manlfesLed."
Pe conLlnued, 1he splrlL alone can undersLand Lhls. lor Lhe splrlL comes from Me and
undersLands lLs own. 1he splrlL Lranscends all boundarles necesslLaLed on LarLh. lLs knowlng
ls a pure knowlng because, as ln Lhe glvlng of all such glfLs, pure knowlng comes from above."
lrom Pls Pand
Pe held ouL Pls hand. Pere, Anna, eaL Lhls. noL manna from above, l feed you from My very
Pls hand of llghL held ln lLs palm someLhlng LhaL looked llke-noLhlng. l could see noLhlng ln
Pls hand. l looked Loward Pls face area, Lhen back Lo Pls hand.
Suddenly, Lhe cenLer of Pls hand bursL lnLo flame. 1he blaze shoL up very hlgh, Lhen reduced
Lo a small flre. 1hen Lhe flame dlsappeared enLlrely. ln Lhe cenLer of Pls hand of llghL were
Llny, smolderlng nuggeLs. 1hey were coals or smolderlng llghL (lf llghL could burn).

LaL from My hand," Pe sald.
l leaned over and aLe from Pls hand. My laLher seemed pleased. l wondered why Lhls gave
Plm such [oy.
1he laLher's ueslre
Pe spoke, lL ls My deslre Lo ralse up many whlLe eagles, Anna, Lo ralse up a brlde who wlll
love My Son more Lhan hls or her own soul llfe. l deslre Lo ralse up a prlesLhood LhaL wlll be
lncense ln My nosLrlls, breaLhed ln as a sacrlflce and breaLhed CuL carrylng llfe Lo oLhers.
l am your laLher. A faLher's greaLesL deslre ls Lo have chlldren Lo whom he can glve all. l
have such a chlld ln My only begoLLen Son. 8uL l long Lo ralse up Lhose of My adopLed chlldren
who wlll draw near Lo Me and wlll noL be saLlsfled wlLh less. When such a one longs Lo eaL
from My hand, l am glven much [oy."
My laLher's Pouse
Anna," Pe sald, llfe ln Lhls household ls a slmple llfe-meals around Lhe famlly Lable, concern
over famlly members, [oy over blrLhs lnLo Lhe famlly, Lhe celebraLlon of annlversarles, Lhe
sharlng of labors slde by slde. Slmple."
l LhoughL of Lhe Lord's words, unless you are converLed and become llke chlldren, you shall
noL enLer Lhe klngdom of heaven." lL was as Lhough we needed Lo reach some saLuraLlon polnL
ln complexlLy before we were ready Lo Lurn and slmply seek Plm.
Pe conLlnued, 1he splendor of My ma[esLy lles ln Lhe depLh of My love."
1o nesL Above
?our feaLhers are whlLe now, My eagle," Pe sald. ?ou are ready Lo nesL above."
Pe waved Pls hand Lo allow me Lo see an lvory palace on a hlgh mounLaln.
1hls ls yours, lf you wanL lL," Pe sald.
lL ls very beauLlful, laLher," l sald slowly, noL wlshlng Lo seem ungraLeful. 8uL," l smlled
wlsLfully, l would never be Lhere. l would always be away from home because l would wanL
Lo be near ?ou. ?ou are my home, uaddy, [usL as ?ou are my 8eloved's home. lL has Laken me
a greaL deal of Llme Lo reallze Lhls. 8uL now l know LhaL Lhere ls noLhlng on LarLh or ln heaven

LhaL l deslre. l wanL only my laLher. l wanL !esus. l wanL my frlend, Lhe Poly SplrlL. lf l may
llve where l would be Lhe happlesL, allow me Lo llve amld Lhe coals of flre wlLhln ?ou. LeL me
be a plllar ln Lhe Lemple of my Cod, never Lo go ouL agaln."
My laLher gave a small cry of pure [oy. ?ou have chosen," Pe sald.
Suddenly, Lhere was a release of Lhe fragrance of aloes. l knew LhaL aloes meanL llLLle LenLs"
(so named for Lhe lnLlmacy of Lhe brldal LenL/chamber). l Loo had chosen lnLlmacy. l had
chosen nearness Lo my Cod.
l breaLhed ln Lhe fragrance. So dld my laLher. lL was saLlsfylng.
1he Crown
My laLher conLlnued, Anna, My chlld, you wlll need Lo borrow your crown for Lhe ceremony.
?ou wlll wear lL for Lhls speclal occaslon. 8uL lL wlll noL be placed lnLo your hands unLll your
servlce on LarLh ls compleLed."
A crown of gold came from my heavenly laLher. Pe held lL hlgher Lhan my eye level. 1he
crown had Lwo gems. 1he large emerald LhaL my laLher had glven me was ln Lhe cenLer. 1he
sllghLly smaller emerald glven Lo me by !esus was on Lhe slde. 1here were golden sockeLs for
oLher [ewels. no oLher gemsLones were presenL aL Lhls Llme, however.
Pe conLlnued, l have added Lo your crown LwenLy-four sapphlres." 1hese lmmedlaLely
appeared, enclrcllng Lhe large emerald on Lhe fronL.
1hank ?ou, uaddy," l sald. l wondered how l merlLed Lhese gems.
My laLher answered my LhoughLs. ?ou cannoL earn Lhe uncreaLed," Pe sald. 8uL you can
grow up [lnLo ChrlsL] Lo manlfesL Lhe uncreaLed. SomeLhlng borrowed," Pe added, someLhlng
1he ALLendanLs
My laLher conLlnued, 1wenLy-four sLars aLLend Lhls crown. 1hey wlll brlng Lo you Lhe
covenanL garmenL, your crown, and your vell. 1hese wlll dress you and aLLend you aL Lhe

l saw LhaL Lhe crown had LwenLy-four polnLs around Lhe Lop. l wondered lf Lhere was some
connecLlon beLween Lhe polnLs of Lhe crown and Lhe angellc aLLendanLs. 8uL Pe dld noL glve
an explanaLlon.
ls Lhere someLhlng LhaL l need Lo do, uaddy?" l asked.
Pe answered, Sleep wlLh henna on Lhe palms of your hands and Lhe soles of your feeL as an
ouLward slgn [of an lnner grace]. My Son ls comlng," Pe sald. 8e ready."
1wenLy-four angels LhaL looked llke young women appeared on Lhe sea of glass. 1hey were
dressed ln whlLe. My laLher handed Lo Lhem Lhe crown, Lhe covenanL garmenL, and Lhe vell.
1he gown and vell also came from Pls own person.
My chlld," Lhe laLher conLlnued, you have My blesslng." Pls glory came from Plm and klssed
my forehead.
1hank ?ou, uaddy," l sald.
Pe plcked me up and placed me ln fronL of Lhe LwenLy-four angels. Co wlLh your aLLendanLs,"
Pe sald.
We all bowed. 1hen Lhe angels parLed Lo allow me Lo pass Lhrough Lhelr number. 1hey
escorLed me from Lhe Lhrone room.
lnsLanLly we were walklng across Lhe meadow ln Lhe Carden of Cod.
We walked Lo Lhe Lree of llfe. l was sllenL. l dld noL feel llke Lalklng. 1he angels were sllenL
also. A very lmporLanL evenL lay before me. 8uL l dld noL know whaL lL was or even how lL
would look.
Cnce we reached Lhe Lrunk of Lhe Lree, Lhe aLLendanLs busled Lhemselves applylng henna
pasLe Lo Lhe palms of my hands and Lhe soles of my feeL. 1he alr hung heavy wlLh Lhe smell of
Lhe splce.
l held on Lo Lhe Lree LhaL was sLrangely warm. l dld noL waLch Lhe angels because l was
nervous, dlsLracLed.
Wlshlng Lo encourage me, one of Lhe angels sald, Penna ls Lhe lasL of Lhe splces." lL falnLly
reglsLered wlLh me LhaL l had been carrled Lhrough LsLher's preparaLlons.'

When Lhe sLaLemenL dld break Lhrough Lo my consclousness, l LhoughL, Pow rlghL LhaL l
should enLer Lhe klngdom Lhrough Lhe shed blood of !esus, and now before Lhls lmporLanL
evenL, an ouLward slgn should be placed upon me." WlLhln myself, l Lhanked Lhe Lord for
forglvlng me. 1hen l conLlnued aloud, l ask for forglveness for any sln LhaL l have commlLLed,
and l forglve everyone for slns commlLLed agalnsL me." l looked aL Lhe angels, lL says ln Lhe
Word Lo confess your slns Lo one anoLher." 1he angels looked bewlldered. 1hen l reallzed LhaL
angels do noL confess Lo one anoLher. l changed Lhe sub[ecL. uoes anyone know whaL l am
Lo do here aL Lhe Lree of llfe?"
8esL," one angel sald. ?ou have experlenced much."
l laughed wearlly. ?es," l afflrmed. 8uL l am very exclLed and nervous."
8esLlng ln Lhe Lree of llfe wlll sLrengLhen you," anoLher added. We wlll llfL you lnLo lLs
branches," sald anoLher. 8efore l could Lhlnk abouL lL, Lhey llfLed me. 1hey began carrylng me
upward. lL seemed as Lhough Lhe Lree accommodaLed us, for we sLruck no branches.
Plgh ln Lhe Lree, Lhey lay me ln a [uncLure LhaL cradled me. lL was very comforLlng Lo resL ln lLs
We wlll reLurn when you have resLed," an aLLendanL sald. 1hank you," l smlled aL Lhem.
1hey were gone.
l lay Lhere looklng up lnLo Lhe branches of Lhe Lree, Lhlnklng of my Lover, my lrlend. 1he sofL
llghLs of Lhe leaves and frulL sooLhed me. l dld noL Lhlnk l could resL. 8uL l dld.
8efore falllng asleep, l llfLed my hands Lo look aL Lhem agaln. l spoke quleLly, C my 8eloved,
whaL ls golng Lo happen?"


ChapLer 1en
Slowly my mlnd lnched Loward consclousness. l opened my eyes. lnLense balls of llghL were
hoverlng before my face. WlLhln Lhese llghLs were Lhe ouLllnes of splrlLs Lhe slze of
l was Loo mellow from slumber Lo be sLarLled. lnsLead, l was bemused waLchlng Lhem. Whlle l
was looklng aL Lhese splrlLs, angels below me ln Lhe garden began Lo slng. Amazlngly, Lhey
were addresslng Lhe rocks, hllls, Lrees, and sLreams of Lhe Carden of Cod.
Song of Lhe 1wenLy-four ALLendanLs
C, leL us hear you slng of Cod,
1he greaL AlmlghLy Cne,
Whose flre of burnlng hollness
ls seen wlLhln Pls Son.
Come now, anclenL hllls, proclalm
And sLreams re-echolng,
And rocks and grass and Lrees bursL forLh.
1ogeLher leL Lhem slng.
Pls grandeur more Lhan Lhese can Lell,
AnclenL Lhough Lhey be.
Whlle spannlng Llme as lf a day,
Pe, eLernlLy
8uL leL Lhem slng and leL Lhem Lell
lor Lhey Loo would proclalm.
1hey Loo would clap, Lhey Loo would dance,
1hey Loo would bless Pls name.
C anclenL hllls, whaL do you know?
And Lrees, whaL wlll you slng?
And rocks, whaL vlrLues you exLol?
And sLreams, whaL wlsdom brlng?

C, leL us hear you worshlp Cod.
LnllghLen Lhrough your pralse.
1hrough your lnsLrucLlon, may we Loo
8ehold wlLh sLeadfasL gaze
Pls splendor borne of purlLy
Pls beaLlflc grace.
assed all creaLed, 'Lll llke you,
We gaze upon Pls face.
1he song ended. l reached up wlLh my rlghL hand Loward Lhe splrlLs wlLhln Lhe balls of llghL.
1hey scaLLered. l saL up.
Anna," an angel called Lo me from beneaLh Lhe Lree. l peered down aL her upLurned face. lL
was one of Lhe aLLendanLs. We have come Lo Lake you Lo your consecraLlon."
All LwenLy-four of Lhe whlLe-clad angels began Lo rlse Lhrough Lhe branches. 1hey were
sLandlng on Lhe alr near Lhe [uncLure ln Lhe Lree where l had resLed. 1hey were smlllng.
Pello," l smlled back aL Lhem, Lhlnklng how odd lL was LhaL anyLhlng could sLand on alr.
Pello," Lhey answered, Lrylng Lo conLaln Lhelr exclLemenL. 'Are you ready Lo go?"
?es," l answered. Suddenly my hands wenL Lo my face. 8eallzaLlon had rushed ln on me.
1hls was Lhe Llme for whlch l had been walLlng. 8uL walLlng for whaL? And how would lL be
accompllshed? ?es, l am ready," l relLeraLed aloud. l dld noL wanL Lo ask quesLlons. l dld noL
wanL Lo praLLle. 1hls was much Loo serlous and my love for !esus much Loo lnLense.
1he angels helped me Lo rlse. lor a momenL l was sLandlng hlgh ln Lhe Lree of llfe wlLh all of lLs
shlmmerlng leaves and frulL around me.
lnsLanLly we were ln a Lemple complex.
1he 1emple
l recelved only an overall lmpresslon of Lhe Lemple, for l was lnLenL upon LhaL whlch lay before
me. l saw nelLher slde walls nor celllng. 1haL l do remember. l wondered where Lhe Lemple
sLood, buL l dld noL ask.


1he lmmerslon ool
1he angels escorLed me Lo a sunken pool LhaL conLalned movlng waLer. 1he waLer flowed lnLo
Lhe pool from an lnvlslble source beneaLh Lhe floor and flowed ouL agaln [usL as mysLerlously.
lL was accessed by sLalrs LhaL exLended beneaLh Lhe waLer's surface.
1he angels led me Lo Lhe Lop of Lhese sLalrs. 1hen Lhey clrcled Lhe pool holdlng above Lhelr
heads a long sheeLlng of whlLe llnen. 1hls porLable curLaln exLended from Lhelr upralsed
hands Lo Lhelr feeL, effecLlvely provldlng prlvacy.
l wonder whaL Lhls mlghL mean?" l asked wlLhln. l had already been bapLlzed afLer accepLlng
ChrlsL. l do noL need Lo show agaln LhaL l have passed from deaLh lnLo llfe, do l?"
8efore Ma[or LvenLs
1hen l remembered LhaL Lhose belng consecraLed (before embarklng upon prlesLly duLles)
passed Lhrough a washlng. erhaps," l LhoughL, a cleanslng precedes all ma[or evenLs ln
one's llfe, wheLher we know lL or noL."
Lven Lhough l dld noL undersLand compleLely, l wanLed Lo respond ouL of obedlence Lo all LhaL
l belleved Lhe Lord was asklng of me. l deLermlned Lo enLer Lhe pool.
As l sLarLed Lo Lake my flrsL sLep ln falLh, my robe dlsappeared. Carefully l descended Lhe sLalrs,
enLerlng Lhe pool. 1he waLer was abouL chesL hlgh.
1he cool, clear llquld flowed passed me. lL was sooLhlng. l lowered myself compleLely
beneaLh Lhe waLer.
1he 8lesslng
When l surfaced, l felL urged Lo bless Lhe Lord aloud. l sald, 8lessed be Lhe Lord Cod, who
cleanses us wlLh Lhe waLer of Lhe Word."
?es," l sald Lo myself, absoluLely amazed by Lhe revelaLlon glven by LhaL acL of obedlence,
LhaL cleanslng ls conLlnual.
l Lurned around and ascended Lhe sLalrs. 1he angels remalned holdlng Lhe whlLe fabrlc above
Lhelr heads. 1hey gaLhered around me closely. 1ogeLher we walked Loward Lhe large alLar of
burnL offerlng. l was sLlll hldden wlLhln Lhe llnen enclosure-drlpplng weL.

1he AlLar of 8urnL Cfferlng
1he angels clrcled Lhe bronze alLar, holdlng Lhe llnen enclosure above Lhelr heads. l looked aL
Lhe coals burnlng beneaLh Lhe graLe. 1hey were hoL.
noLhlng was belng offered upon Lhls alLar because our Lord was Lhe sacrlflce of Lhe whole
burnL offerlng on Lhe cross. l looked aL Lhe burnlng coals. no one sald whaL l should do. lL
musL be a puzzle whose answer l already know," l sald wlLhln myself. l began Lo Lhlnk. lf
!esus has pald Lhe full prlce already, Lhen Lhe alLar of burnL offerlng ls noL someLhlng you go
around. ?ou musL go Lhrough lL."
As sLrange as lL was Lo me, l began Lo walk forward. l passed rlghL Lhrough Lhe bronze alLar,
coals, heaL, and all. lncredlble!
1he LxamlnaLlon
Cn Lhe oLher slde of Lhe a1Lal my laLher's volce spoke audlbly wlLhln Lhe Lemple. Are you
wllllng Lo llve a llfe of purlLy, sancLlfled Lo Me alone?"
?es," l answered aloud, Lhe Lord belng my helper."
'1he llnen breeches," Pe sald.
Llnen breeches appeared. l sLepped lnLo Lhem. l supposed LhaL Lhey were a slgn of Lhe
salvaLlon LhaL had been won for me on LarLh. 1he prlesLs had worn Lhese Lo cover Lhelr
Agaln my laLher spoke, Are you wllllng Lo be Leachable, Lender, pllable-Lo sLand rlghLly
before Me?"
l wlll, ChrlsL belng Lhese Lhrough me," l sald.
1he Lunlc," Pe sald.
A llnen Lunlc dropped over my head from above.
Agaln my laLher spoke aloud, Are you wllllng Lo be made falLhful?"
?es, Lord," l answered.
1he sash," Pe sald. A sash enclrcled me.

My laLher conLlnued, Are you wllllng LhaL Lhe whole head [represenLlng Lhe seer] be for Me
alone: Lhe mlnd of ChrlsL, Lhe slghL of ChrlsL, Lhe hearlng of ChrlsL, Lhe smelllng and Lhe LasLlng
of ChrlsL and Lhe response Lo Louch? Are you wllllng Lo be holy unLo Me alone, wlLh Lhe
coverlng of My Son upon your head?"'
?es, Lord," l answered.
1he cap," Pe sald.
1he whlLe llnen cap enfolded my head.
AnolnLlng oll was poured over my head. lL ran down Lhe garmenL Lo Lhe hem. Suddenly blood
appeared on my rlghL earlobe, rlghL Lhumb, and rlghL Loe. lL had Lo be Lhe blood of !esus, for
Pls ls Lhe only blood ln heaven.
1he angels dropped Lhe llnen enclosure. lL dlsappeared from Lhelr hands. 1he LwenLy-four
aLLendanLs lndlcaLed LhaL l should move forward. 1hey dld noL go wlLh me.
As l moved forward, Lhe welghL of LhaL whlch was won by ChrlsL on Lhe alLar of Lhe cross came
onLo my upLurned hands. l could see noLhlng. 8uL l felL Lhls and llfLed my hands Lo wave Pls
sacrlflce before Lhe laLher.
As l walked Loward Lhe enLrance Lo Lhe holy place, l heard Lhe LwenLy- four elders and Lhe four
llvlng creaLures begln Lo slng.
Song of Lhe Peavenly Councll
8rlng forLh Lhe prlesLs unLo our Cod,
Pe who slLs as klng.
Loose ?our greaL power o'er Lhe earLh,
1haL LarLh llke heaven may slng
Poly Cod, our greaL dellghL,
Swallow sln ln darkesL nlghL.
8egln, for mercy's sake, Lhe flghL.
C Cod, begln Lhe end.
ralse Lo Lhe klng who relgns on hlgh,
Zlon above wlll slng.
We hold before ?ou bowls of prayer,

1helr LrlbuLe Loo we brlng.
8elease Lhe seal LhaL Lhey may sLand
llrsLfrulLs here above,
8loodwashed ln Lhe blood of Lhe Lamb,
ClfLs of Pls lnflnlLe love.
Cur crowns we Lhrow beneaLh ?our feeL,
LLernal Cod of mlghL.
All power, love, and ma[esLy
Are ?ours, greaL Cod of LlghL.
1hough sLandlng sLlll upon Lhe earLh,
LeL Lhem llve above
1o [oln us ln conLlnual pralse,
Consumed, aL lasL, by love.
LeL Lhem walk 'mld coals of flre,
Pear, greaL ?ah, our prayer.
LeL Lhe clrcle be compleLe,
C klng, beyond compare.
LeL Lhem hear and leL Lhem speak
1o hallow ?our greaL name.
LeL ?our glory be vlslbly seen.
SeL Lhelr hearLs aflame.
8elease Lhe Lamb Lo open above
1he seal LhaL seals Lhe end,
1haL rlghLeousness wlLh puresL love
MlghL dwell on LarLh agaln.
Poly Cod, our greaL dellghL,
Swallow sln ln darkesL nlghL.
8egln, for mercy's sake, Lhe flghL.
C Cod, begln Lhe end.
1helr song ended as l crossed Lhe Lhreshold Lo Lhe holy place. 1he welghL of Lhe wave offerlng
was llfLed from my hands.

1he Poly lace
As l passed lnLo Lhe holy place, l approprlaLed LhaL whlch symbollzed ChrlsL Lhere-Lhe llghL of
Lhe golden lampsLand, as well as Lhe bread, wlne, and franklncense on Lhe Lable of shewbread.
1he AlLar of lncense
l came Lo Lhe alLar of lncense before Lhe holy of holles. 8ecause l had passed Lhrough Lhe
bronze alLar, l felL LhaL l musL pass Lhrough Lhls alLar also. lL symbollzed ChrlsL's mlnlsLry of
As l began Lo move Lhrough Lhe alLar, Lhe aromas of Lhe smoklng lncense clung Lo me. l
conLlnued Lo move forward, llfLlng my hands.
1he Poly of Polles
l passed Lhe vell, whlch had been renL aL Lhe Llme of our Lord's deaLh, and enLered Lhe holy of
holles. 1he sprlnkled blood of ChrlsL's sacrlflce was already on Lhe mercy seaL. 1he smoke of
Pls fragranL lnLercesslon fllled LhaL chamber. 1he unburned splces of Lhe lncense LhaL ls mosL
holy Lo Lhe Lord were also presenL.
Slnce ChrlsL had pald Lhe full prlce Lo galn our access Lo Lhe laLher, l passed Lhrough Lhe ark of
Lhe covenanL.
Cn Lhe oLher slde of Lhe ark of Lhe covenanL, Lhe blood of ChrlsL as well as Lhe holy anolnLlng
oll was sprlnkled upon me and upon Lhe prlesLly garmenLs.
My heavenly laLher spoke Lo me agaln: ?ou are ordalned and consecraLed unLo Me Lhls day,
Anna, a prlesL forever. 1here ls a Llme of belng shuL away, however, before you assume your
1he angellc aLLendanLs appeared afLer my laLher's admonlLlon.
uresslng for Lhe Ceremony
As my laLher had sald, Lhe LwenLy-four aLLendanLs broughL Lo me Lhe covenanL robe, Lhe vell,
and Lhe crown.

1he headgear of a prlesL became lnLernal. 1he breeches, Lunlc, and sash remalned on me. As
Lhe angels prepared Lo dress me, one aLLendanL sald, ?ou come Lo Lhls unlon wlLh noLhlng buL
Lhe Son of Cod's cleanslng, Pls sacrlflce, Pls blood, Pls aromas, and Pls anolnLlng."
Suddenly, we heard Lhe blasL of a dlsLanL shofar. Pe comes!" Lhe angels sald wlLh much
1he horn blew agaln.
Culckly Lhey sllpped Lhe covenanL robe over my head. 1he garmenL had Lhe fragrance of
myrrh, aloes, and cassla. Mlngled wlLh Lhese aromas were Lhose of Lhe splces of Lhe holy
anolnLlng oll, of Lhe holy lncense, and of Lhe garden. Lach aroma was lnLenslfled when Lhe
embroldered robe was worn. 1he fragrance was everywhere.
l noLlced LhaL Lhe palms of my hands were sLlll sLalned red from Lhe henna. l supposed LhaL
Lhe soles of my feeL were sLlll sLalned also.
1he angels placed Lhe borrowed crown of llfe upon my head. 1ogeLher Lhey ralsed Lhe clrcular,
full-lengLh vell. l LhoughL LhaL Lhey would release lL Lo floaL down upon me. lnsLead, l reallzed
LhaL my heavenly laLher was velllng me by Lhe power of Lhe Poly SplrlL.
As lL descended, Pe spoke a blesslng over me: 8ecome Lhousands of Len Lhousands, My
Suddenly, we heard a shouL. 1hen !esus called Lo me from a dlsLance, Anna!" l Lurned Lo look
for Plm.
Pe comes!" Lhe angels sald exclLedly.
lmmedlaLely Pe bursL lnLo vlew. Pe was rldlng Lhe mosL beauLlful whlLe sLeed l had ever seen.
1he horse was galloplng aL Lop speed. 1he slghL of !esus knocked Lhe breaLh ouL of me. Pe
was wearlng whlLe, wlLh a gold crown on Pls head. Pe was every lnch a klng and every lnch
Lhe deslre of all naLlons.
1he CaLchlng Away
WlLhouL allowlng Lhe horse Lo break sLrlde, Pe scooped me up and pulled me onLo Lhe horse
Lo slL ln fronL of Plm. WlLh Pls lefL arm Pe held me securely Lo Plmself.
1he angellc aLLendanLs clapped and [umped, splnnlng around wlLh [oy.

1he whlLe sLalllon began Lo cllmb, up and up over Lhe Lerraln of aradlse. Pe galloped on Lhe
wlngs of Lhe wlnd. lL was glorlous!
When we reached Lhe sea of glass, Lhe whlLe horse began hls descenL. Pe came Lo a halL aL Lhe
back of Lhe Lhrone room. Au assembled ralsed a greaL shouL of [oy.
1hen cuLLlng Lhrough Lhe shouL, one lone angel near Lhe Lhrone began Lo slng:
8lessed ls Pe who comes.
8lessed ls Pe who comes.

ChapLer Lleven
Ceremony of lormal 8eLroLhal
!esus dlsmounLed from Lhe whlLe horse. lmmedlaLely, Pe Lurned Lo help me dlsmounL.
Poldlng me around Lhe walsL, Pe lowered me onLo Lhe sea of glass.
As l passed ln fronL of Plm, Pe breaLhed ln Lhe fragrance released from Lhe covenanL robe. Pe
sald, ?ou have made My hearL beaL fasLer, My slsLer, My brlde."
lor a momenL we sLood looklng aL each oLher. 1hen boLh Pe and Lhe whlLe sLalllon
Angellc ALLendanLs
1he LwenLy-four angellc aLLendanLs appeared near me on Lhe sea of glass. 1hey busled
Lhemselves preparlng me for Lhe ceremony. 1hey smooLhed Lhe covenanL garmenL and
sLralghLened Lhe vell. As Lhey worked, Lhey smlled up lnLo my face aL Llmes Lo reassure me.
Suddenly l reallzed LhaL l was faclng Lhe enLlre assembly of heaven. 1he collecLlve splendor
before me was overwhelmlng.


1he 1hrone 8oom
1he sea of glass was packed wlLh angels and Lhe redeemed. Angels also fllled Lhe aLmosphere
above. Lveryone wore whlLe. 1here were Lhousands upon Lhousands gaLhered. 1hey shone
llke lclcles on a sunny wlnLer's day. 1hey gllsLened.
8rlghLer Lhan Lhem all was Lhe glory of my laLher. Pls plerclng whlLe llghL aL Lhe cenLer of Lhe
Lhrone radlaLed ouL lnLo a ralnbow of vlbranL colors.
1he LwenLy-four sLaLely elders flanked Plm. Angels of Pls presence sLood near Lhe alLar of
lncense before Lhe Lhrone. 1he four llvlng creaLures LhaL are full of eyes were waLchlng. 1he
huge cherublm on elLher slde of Lhe Lhrone peered Lhrough Lhe lnLense llghL. 1he seven
Lorches LhaL symbollze Lhe aLLrlbuLes of Lhe Poly SplrlL burned even brlghLer ln fronL of my
laneLs and SLars
Amld Lhls breaLhLaklng splendor, lmages of Lhe planeLs and sLars were passlng ln revlew
before Lhelr CreaLor. CreaLlon lLself was Lrooplng Lhe colors," paylng homage Lo lLs klng.
Agaln, Lhe one lone angel sang:
8lessed ls Pe who comes.
8lessed ls Pe who comes.
Canopy of LlghL
My heavenly laLher laced LogeLher Lhe flngers of Pls hands of llghL. Slowly Pe sLreLched ouL
Pls arms over Lhe sea of glass. Pls hands cupped lnLo a dome, a canopy.
1hen !esus, more beauLlful Lhan all creaLlon, sLepped beneaLh Lhls canopy. Pe was dressed ln
whlLe wlLh a gold crown on hls head.
1he lmages of Lhe sLars and planeLs baked ln place. 1he seven flames of flre swung around Lo
clrcle Lhe canopled area. now laLher, Son, and Poly SplrlL were manlfesLed LogeLher for Lhe
So exLraordlnarlly Lhrllllng was Lhe slLe LhaL Lhe mlghLy assembly erupLed lnLo pralse:


Clory Lo Lhe Lamb.
Clory Lo Lhe klng.
Clory Lo Lhe 1hree ln Cne.
LeL exalLaLlons rlng!
1he rocesslon
1he LwenLy-four aLLendanLs began Lo move forward by Lwos. 1here was awe ln Lhelr
reverence. l remembered Lhe words of salm 2:11: Worshlp Lhe LC8u wlLh reverence, and
re[olce wlLh Lrembllng."
1he nearer Lhese angels drew Lo Lhe canopy of my laLher's hands, Lhe brlghLer Lhey shone. l
could undersLand why my laLher called Lhem sLars. 1hey were llke brllllanL lamps or Lorches.
1wo of Lhese angels remalned wlLh me Lo help me move forward aL Lhe rlghL Llme. When Lhe
oLher aLLendanLs had sLaLloned Lhemselves ouLslde of Lhe seven flames of flre, Lhe angels wlLh
me lndlcaLed LhaL now l should move Loward Lhe canopy.
l swallowed hard.
l began Lo walk Loward !esus, feellng very small among Lhls sLunnlng assembly. l marveled
LhaL Lhe sLars and planeLs would be wlLnesses Lo Lhe ceremony also. 1hen Lhe enLlre gaLherlng
began Lo slng. As Lhey exLolled our Cod, l losL my nervousness, lnsLead, my hearL raced wlLh
8rlghLer Lhan a Lhousand suns
ls Lhe Son of 8lghLeousness,
1hrough whom all Lhlngs were begun,
ln whom all Lhlngs blessed.
8ow before Pls ma[esLy
1h' creaLed of Lhe sod.
Clory Lo Lhe Cne, yeL 1hree,
Clory Lo our Cod.
CounLless, counLless Lhousands
8ow before Pls Lhrone.

CounLless, counLless Lhousands
Worshlp Cod alone.
Pe creaLed heavens and LarLh,
LLernlLy's vasL plan.
8y Pls Word, Pe broughL Lo blrLh
8lesslngs from Pls hand.
ower hldes Pe ln Pls hand,
LlghL wlLhln Pls Son.
unfoldlng mercles llke a span
Pall, greaL 1hree ln Cne!
My LarLhly laLher's Pouse
As l conLlnued forward, l saw many whom l knew wlLhln Lhe crowd. Some were relaLlves who
had dled ln years pasL. My earLhly faLher was among Lhem. 8uL my eyes and aLLenLlon were
upon Plm Lo whom l was golng. l LhoughL of salm 43:10-11: lorgeL your people and your
faLher's house, Lhen Lhe klng wlll deslre your beauLy." l dld feel LhaL l was belng Lransferred
from my earLhly faLher's house Lo Lhe abode of my Pusband.
Also among Lhose gaLhered were Lhe angels asslgned Lo me. Some l knew. Some l dld noL
know. 8uL l could Lell LhaL Lhese were angels asslgned Lo help mc because Lhey were smlllng
My laLher's Pouse
As l neared Lhe llLLle house of llghL creaLed by my laLher's hands, l wanLed Lo share my
consenL. l wanLed Lo say, ?es, yes, l agree," Lo all Lhree members of Lhe 1rlnlLy. l felL as llghL
as a wlsp of alr. l was a cornucopla of [oy.
!esus smlled aL me as l passed one of Lhe manlfesLaLlons of Lhe Poly SplrlL sLaLloned around
Lhe perlmeLer of my laLher's canopy.
My AssenL
As l sLepped beneaLh Lhe canopy, l could conLaln my [oy no longer. l began Lo walk Lhrough an
accepLance. 1he movemenLs were llke a sLaLely dance.

l clrcled !esus Lhree Llmes, one enclrcllng for each member of Lhe 1rlnlLy. As l weaved genLly
beLween Lhe mlghLy Lorches of Lhe Poly SplrlL, l overflowed wlLh love for all 1hree.
Llke 8ebekah, l wanLed Lo say, l wlll go wlLh Lhls Man." l began Lo slng a new song.
Song of Lhe 8rlde
Pear, 1hou greaL 8edeemer blessed,
ueep wlLhln my hearL flnd resL,
?ou who blrLhed me from ?our slde,
1hen called me forLh Lo be ?our brlde.
l exulL ln ?ou alone,
And Lake ?our hearL Lo be my home.
Lover, lrlend, 8edeemer, Son,
LLernal Pusband, make us one.
A rlvaLe MomenL
When Lhe Lhlrd clrculL had been compleLed, l Look my place aL Lhe rlghL of !esus. l had publlcly
glven my consenL before a mulLlLude of wlLnesses.
Pe looked deeply lnLo my eyes and spoke prlvaLely Lo me:
SeL Me as a seal upon your hearL,
As a slgneL rlng upon your flnger.
under Pls Coverlng
CenLly a LalllLh seLLled over our heads. !esus spoke agaln, Lhls Llme ln a manner LhaL would
bear publlc wlLness Lo all:
l beLroLh you Lo Me forever.
l beLroLh you Lo Me ln rlghLeousness and ln !usLlce,
ln lovlng-klndness and ln compasslon,
l beLroLh you Lo Me ln falLhfulness-and you wlll know Cod.


A 8lng More reclous 1han Cold
1hen llfLlng my vell sllghLly, Pe Look my rlghL hand lnLo boLh of Pls. Pe held my rlghL lndex
flnger encased wlLhln Pls rlghL hand as Pe spoke:
8ehold, you are consecraLed Lo Me.
A golden llghL encompassed my rlghL lndex flnger. lrom my flnger Lhe llghL spread over my
whole belng.
My laLher's hands of llghL became a brllllanL cocoon. 8esldes !esus, Lhe only oLher one l could
see was Lhe Poly SplrlL manlfesLed ln flamlng Lowers. 1he llghL became more and more
lnLense. l saw Lwo whlLe eagles carL wheellng.
1hen slowly, as ln a rlLual dance of blrds, l felL suspended wlLhln Lhe dazzllng llghL and flre. lL
was as Lhough !esus and l began a sLyllzed, courLshlp dance. l felL LhaL l was vapor LhaL could
be lnhaled, vapor LhaL could be carrled lnLo flre and llghL.
1hls was llghL LhaL could be breaLhed. lL was llghL LhaL was allve. lL wenL Lhrough me as lf l
was noL Lhere aL all. l became one wlLh Lhe llghL-ln a dance wlLh lL. lL was as Lhough wlLhln
Lhe llghL and flre, l Loo became llghL and flre.
We were vaporous-blendlng, clrcllng, homogenlzed yeL dlsLlncL, fused buL separaLe. 1he Lwo
became enLlrely one, Lhen separaLe agaln.
AlLhough Lhls dance began slowly, lL acceleraLed Lo a llghLnlng speed. 1he dance was
llghLnlng-llghLnlng, flre, and llghL, glorlous ln Lhe exLreme.
Lullaby Lo CreaLlon
1hen, as lf ln some suspended sllence, l began Lo hear my laLher slng. lL was creaLlve sound, a
lullaby from Lhe hearL of Plm who slngs Lo Pls creaLlon, from Plm who holds all Lhlngs LogeLher
by Lhe word of Pls power.
Pe had glven Lhe unlverse lLs sounds so LhaL all mlghL slng back Lo Plm. ln Lhls rare, suspended
sllence, l could hear LhaL slngular sound released from all creaLlon. lrom deep wlLhln Plmself,
our Cod, llke a faLher rocklng hls chlld, sang lovlngly Lo Pls unlverse.

l sensed Lhe perfecL unlLy wlLhln Lhe Codhead, Lhelr harmony. 8y belng broughL lnLo Lhe
Codhead, l began Lo experlence Lhelr unlLy. l shared ln Lhelr oneness. !esus was glvlng me Lhe
deslres of my hearL. As Pe had sworn, ln greaLer measure l began Lo know Cod."
8eLurn Lo Lhe Ceremony
lrom Lhls suspended place, l became consclous agaln of Lhe ceremony. My laLher's canopled
hands, Lhe seven Lorches of flre, !esus, Lhe aLLendanLs, Lhe angels, and Lhe redeemed all came
back lnLo focus. l was once agaln under Lhe canopy wlLh !esus.
A [ubllanL shouL came from Lhose assembled. 1ogeLher Lhey proclalmed:
1he Lhrone room erupLed lnLo celebraLlon. uancers began careenlng pasL us, reachlng ouL Lo
wlsh us well. !esus Louched hand afLer hand. l was smlllng buL somewhaL dazed.
!esus looked over aL me.
1hen speaklng wlLh affecLlon Lo Lhose who were reachlng Loward us, Pe sald, lease excuse
Smlllng, Pe Look my hand and sald, Come."

ChapLer 1welve
1he SplrlL and Lhe 8rlde
lnsLanLly !esus and l were walklng on a paLh ln aradlse.
l was a llLLle overwhelmed," l slghed wlsLfully. 1hen, rallylng wlLh unexpecLed speed, l smlled,
eople come and go so qulckly here."
!esus laughed. Pe puL Pls arm around my walsL. l wanLed Lo be wlLh you prlvaLely before
your reLurn," Pe sald. 1hey wlll undersLand."

l wanL Lo be wlLh ?ou, Loo," l sald. Pls answer made me feel very loved. l leaned my head on
Pls shoulder.
SeparaLed unLo ChrlsL
l noLlced LhaL Lhe covenanL robe and Lhe golden crown l had worn were gone. Agaln l was
wearlng Lhe plaln, whlLe robe. AlLhough l could barely see Lhe vell, lL remalned. lL was more
of an lndlcaLlon Lhan a noLlceable presence. l felL LhaL lL was a slgn of belng separaLed unLo
ChrlsL. l supposed LhaL l would be seen afLer we were fully marrled.
1he 8ose of Sharon
1he paLh we were walklng Lopped a hlll. lrom Lhere, oLher hllls lay before us. Lach was
covered wlLh Lhe rose of Sharon. 1he rolllng Lerraln was a vlvld red.
We walked ln sllence. l could sense LhaL someLhlng was on Pls hearL.
Sharlng Pls PearL
Anna," Pe sald flnally, dlvlslons are comlng." Pe looked ouL over Lhe hllls. lor Lhose who
embrace Lhe fear of Lhe Lord and follow Pls precepLs, Pls golden goodness wlll pour upon
8uL for Lhose who do noL embrace Lhe fear of Lhe Lord," Pe conLlnued who scorn Pls
precepLs and Pls ways, LhaL whlch Lhey already have wlll be Laken from Lhem. Cod ls noL
mocked, Anna, and Lhe ways of Lhe flesh are noL condoned."
1he Sunshlne of Pls lace
Pe conLlnued, 8uL Lhe sunshlne of Pls face wlll shlne upon Lhe rlghLeous. Pe wlll seL Lhe
capLlves free. Pe wlll nurLure Lhem wlLh lovlng-klndness, and Lhey wlll eaL Lhe faL of Lhe land.
lor Pe ls a laLher who has mercy upon Pls chlldren, and Pe wlll noL hlde Pls eyes from Lhelr
Pe ls from everlasLlng Lo everlasLlng, My love, and Pls goodness sLreLches as far as Pls never-
endlng presence."


lellowshlp WlLh Cod
lor Lhose who embrace Pls precepLs," Pe conLlnued, Pe wlll open every door Lo Pls
sLorehouses. no good Lhlng wlll Pe wlLhhold. 1hey wlll swlm, Lhey wlll floaL on Lhe faL of Lhe
land. 1hey wlll sLrlde from mounLalnLop Lo mounLalnLop measurlng off Lhelr lnherlLance and
celebraLlng Pls ever-presenL nearness."
Pe conLlnued, Pe wlll Lake Lhese alofL. 1hey wlll slL wlLh Pls Son and sup wlLh Abraham, lsaac,
and !acob. Pe wlll brlng LogeLher Lhose who fear Pls name, and Lhey wlll have fellowshlp ln
1he unrepenLanL
1hose who are swlndlers and llars also wlll flnd each oLher," Pe sald, and Lhelr fellowshlp wlll
be wlLh Lhelr faLher.
1hose who love Lhemselves more Lhan Lhey fear Lhe Lord wlll have Lhelr old naLure as Lhelr
companlon. lreLLlng and self-rlghLeousness wlll be Lhelr reward. 1hey wlll face closed doors
Lo Cod's glory aL every Lurn. Crace wlll slam lLs door ln Lhelr faces. 1he wall beLween Lhem
and Cod's goodness wlll be Loo hlgh Lo cllmb, and Lhey wlll spend Lhelr days searchlng for Cod
as a bllnd man gropes ln a forelgn land."
A Canopy of Clory
Pe conLlnued, 8uL for Lhose who hold Lo Pls ways and fear Pls name, a canopy of goodness
wlll be Lhelr shelLer, a canopy of glory wlll be Lhelr home. noL even a Loe wlll poke lLs way from
beneaLh Lhe mercy and lovlng klndness of Lhe Lord."
Pe LllLed Pls head back as lf Lo proclalm over Lhe hllls.
8e[olce, C rlghLeous ones, your Cod ls comlng down Lo you. ?ou wlll walk wlLh Plm as aL Lhe
dawn of creaLlon, and Pe wlll share wlLh you as a man shares wlLh hls dearesL frlend. Pe wlll
reveal mysLerles Lo you and fllng open Lhe porLals of heaven, allowlng you Lo walk among Lhe
sLars. lrom forever Lo forever, Pe ls. lrom forever Lo forever, Pls goodness wlll be savored by
Lhose who love Lhe Lord. 8e[olce, you people of Cod. Pe ls comlng down Lo you, Lhe llghL of

Pls glory shlnlng from Pls face, and you Loo wlll share Pls goodness wlLh oLhers Lo Lhe glory of
Pls name."
Pe conLlnued, repare, for Pe comes, and all eyes wlll see Plm ln you [Pls people], and you
wlll be hldden, enfolded ln Lhe wlngs of Pls love-never Lo come ouL agaln. LeL Lhe rlghLeous
Llvlng Above
Pe Lurned Lo me, As for you, Anna, you have begun Lo llve above. ?ou wlll no longer call LarLh
your home. When each day ends, you wlll reLurn Lo your laLher's house. 1here you wlll resL.
We wlll be LogeLher, My love. We wlll go lnLo Lhe flelds LhaL are whlLe for harvesL and lnLo
Lhe vlneyards Lo lnspecL Lhe vlnes." Pls hand reached ouL Lo me. My beauLlful brlde, My
chosen one," Pe sald.
l Look Pls hand, klssed lL, and held lL Lo my cheek.
Pe conLlnued, 1here ls much Lo see, know, and undersLand. ?ou have only begun, Anna. We
wlll go hlgher, My love, ever hlgher.
8lghL now," Pe sald, your work on LarLh awalLs." Pe benL down and gaLhered an armful of
Lhe rose of Sharon. lor you, My brlde," placlng Lhem lnLo my lefL arm.
1hank ?ou," l whlspered, presslng Lhe flowers Lo me.
1he Poly SplrlL
1he Poly SplrlL appeared on Lhe paLh. Pe was Lurnlng genLly, as an upward splral of smoke
mlghL rlse.
1he Poly SplrlL has come Lo escorL you, My love," Pe sald. Are you ready Lo reLurn?"
l am ready," l sald Lo !esus. l sLlll was holdlng Pls hand. 8elucLanLly, l released lL.
Powever, Pe held on Lo my hand. Looklng deeply lnLo my eyes, Pe sald, ?ou have ravlshed
My hearL, My slsLer, My brlde. ?ou have ravlshed My hearL." 8oLh of our eyes fllled wlLh Lears.
Pe released my hand. l Look a sLep backward Lo show LhaL l was ready Lo leave.
1he clrcllng wlnd of Lhe Poly SplrlL enveloped me. lnsLlncLlvely, l closed my eyes. 1hrough Lhe
whlrllng sound, l heard !esus call, ?ou are My beloved!"

l responded, And ?ou are my lrlend!" l was choklng back Lears.
1he Poly SplrlL plcked me up. Suddenly, Pe wenL swlsh" down Lhrough Lhe Lurf of aradlse. l
dld noL wanL Lo look.
Cn LarLh
When l opened my eyes, l was sLandlng ln Lhe llvlng room of our aparLmenL ln llorlda. 1he
flowers were gone. 8uL Lhe hope chesLs were plled up Lo, and Lhen Lhrough, Lhe celllng as
1he Poly SplrlL swlrled around me. Pls whlrlwlnd lefL clrcles of supernaLural flre on Lhe floor. l
held ouL my hands Lo feel Lhe Llny, brllllanL llghLs LhaL whlrled wlLhln Lhe funnel. 1hey Llckled
llke sparks from sparklers.
Ch, my lrlend," l sald Lo Lhe Poly SplrlL, we wlll work LogeLher, wlll we noL?"1he llghL wlLhln
Lhe funnel brlghLened lmmensely ln response. l already mlss Plm," l conflded. l reflecLed a
momenL. lL says LhaL Lhe SplrlL and Lhe brlde say, 'Come.'" Pe [olned me ln saylng, Come [Lo
1hls seemed Lo please Plm greaLly. 1he sparklers plumed lnLo a flery whlrlwlnd of Cod. Pe
began Lo ascend Lhrough Lhe celllng. As Pe rose, Pe burned Lhrough Lhe roof, openlng Lhe
enLlre aparLmenL Lo heaven.
l waLched Plm rlse. Pe was specLacular. l LhoughL of Lhe chlldren of lsrael and Lhe plllar of flre
by nlghL.
1hen l reallzed LhaL Lhe Poly SplrlL had lefL behlnd Plm flames of flre on my head and on boLh
of my shoulders. 1hey formed a canopy. !esus had spoken of a coverlng of goodness and of
glory. Was Lhls canopy of flre an anolnLlng LhaL would resL upon Lhose who fear Lhe Lord? Pad
Lhe Llme come for Pls brlde Lo call Plm down? As Lhe heavenly councll had prayed, was lL Llme
for Lhe Lord Lo begln Lhe end?
l exploded wlLh hope and [oyous anLlclpaLlon. Looklng lnLo Lhe open heavens, l afflrmed:
1he welghL of glory of our Cod
8esLs upon Pls head.

And keys of Lhe greaLer uavld
Are on Pls shoulders spread.
llre ls burnlng up above
And flre on elLher slde.
8eneaLh Lhls canopy of Love
Pls presence does ablde.
Call of Lhe 8rlde
Come down, our glorlous Ma[esLy!
Come down, our rlghLeous klng!
uescend ln holy flre once more
WlLh hosLs pasL numberlng.
l ralsed my arms Loward Lhe open heavens and wlLh greaL yearnlng, called agaln:
Come down, our glorlous Ma[esLy!
Come down, our rlghLeous klng!
uescend ln holy flre once more
WlLh hosLs pasL numberlng!
Come, Lord !esus."

Appendlx 8
MounLalns of Splces
8elow are a llsL of splces and Lhelr descrlpLlons used ln Lhe preparaLlon of Lhe brlde.
Myrrh: Cbedlence unLo ueaLh
1he splce myrrh comes from a Lhlck gum LhaL flows from Lhe plerced bark of a knoLLed, Lhorny
Lree. 1he gum hardens lnLo red drops called Lears."1he word myrrh comes from a prlmary
rooL ln Pebrew meanlng blLLer sufferlng." lL represenLs Lhe blLLer sufferlngs of !esus as a man
on LarLh.

1he Creek word denoLes a splce used ln burlal. ln Lhe new 1esLamenL, Lhe Magl broughL glfLs
Lo Lhe ChrlsL chlld, lncludlng myrrh, a foreshadowlng of Pls sufferlng and blLLer deaLh on Lhe
cross (MaLL. 2:11).
1he orlglnal sense of Lhe word ls LhaL of dlsLllllng ln drops"-a slow process of purlflcaLlon.
ChrlsL llved a llfe of dlsLlllaLlon, for alLhough Pe was a Son, Pe learned obedlence from Lhe
Lhlngs whlch Pe suffered" (Peb. 3:8). !esus empLled Plmself of Pls own wlll, and Lhls
culmlnaLed ln obedlence Lo Lhe polnL of deaLh on a cross (hll. 2:7-8). Llkewlse, each chlld of
Cod ls called Lo smell of Lhe myrrh of dlsLlllaLlon day afLer day by denylng hls or her own self
llfe and walklng ln obedlence Lo Lhe wlll of ChrlsL alone (MaLL. 16:24-23, 6:10).
Clnnamon: Pollness of PearL
1he prlmary rooL of Lhe word clnnamon means emlLLlng an odor."1he splce ls harvesLed ln
qullls of Lhe fragranL, lnner bark of a Lree of Lhe laurel famlly.
ln Lhe Song of Solomon, clnnamon grows ln Lhe locked garden LhaL !esus says ls my slsLer, my
brlde" (Song of Sol. 4:12-14). 1he new hearL of each bellever ls a garden wlLh fragranL
splces-a hearL enclosed and seL aparL for Lhe Lord !esus alone-as Lhe hearL of !esus ls
undlvlded ln Pls consecraLlon unLo Lhe laLher alone (2 Chron. 16:9, Luke 10:22).
ln roverbs 7:10, Lhe adulLerous woman, dressed as a harloL and cunnlng of hearL, has
sprlnkled her bed wlLh fragranL splces LhaL also lnclude clnnamon (rov. 7:17), a counLerfelL of
Lhe hearL of Lhe brlde. She fllngs her hearL open Lo embrace every sorL of splrlLual adulLery.
ln boLh lnsLances, clnnamon emlLs an odor: elLher of consecraLlon ln hollness unLo Lhe Lord
(Lev. 8:12), whlch ls sweeL ln Lhe nosLrlls of Cod, or Lhe corrupLed odor of decepLlon and
seducLlon (rov. 7:17- 19), whlch ls a sLench Lo Plm.
Clnnamon ls one of Lhe splces ln Lhe holy anolnLlng oll LhaL was used Lo seL aparL people and
Lhlngs as holy for Cod's use alone (Lxod. 30:23-23, 30). !esus and Lhose ln Plm are prlesLs
who are holy Lo Lhe LC8u" (Lxod. 28:36).
Cassla: Pomage Lo Cod Alone
Cassla ls also from Lhe laurel famlly, smelllng and LasLlng somewhaL llke clnnamon buL
consldered lnferlor Lo lL, a humbler planL. Cod exalLs Lhls lowly Lree Lo provlde one of Lhe four
splces used ln Lhe holy anolnLlng oll (Lxod. 30:23-23). lLs name, represenLaLlve of lLs

properLles, comes from a rooL word meanlng Lo bow down," Lo sLoop," Lo pay homage,"
deplcLlng Lhe humlllLy of ChrlsL before Pls laLher. !esus sald, l honor My laLher.l do noL
seek My glory" (!ohn 8:49-30). AlLhough as bellevers we are Lo show ourselves humble
before oLhers (1 eL. 2:17, 3:3), we are Lo bow down ln worshlp Lo Cod alone (2 klngs 17:33-
36, MaLL. 4:10).
1he word homage means Lo show a reverenLlal fldellLy and respecL" (Lxod. 34:8). We, llke
!esus, are Lo reverence our laLher wlLh holy fear and veneraLlon, LreaLlng Plm as sacred ln Lhe
slghL of oLhers (num. 20:10-12, Lzek. 36:22-23) and ln Lhe depLhs of our hearLs (1 eL.
Calamus: uprlghLness
Calamus ls a fragranL oll derlved from a marsh planL known as sweeL flag. 1he Pebrew word
for Lhls splce means a sLalk or a reed (as erecL)," or uprlghL. We see a blbllcal meanlng of
uprlghL ln Lhe flrsL lnsLance of LhaL Pebrew word ln ScrlpLure, belng LranslaLed rlghL ln [Cod's]
slghL" (Lxod. 13:26). Cod's poeLlc name for Pls people lsrael was !eshurun," a word meanlng
uprlghL one" (lsa. 44:2). ln Pls laLher's eyes Lhe Lord !esus was uprlghL ln Plmself (s. 23:8),
ln Pls words (s. 33:4), and ln Pls ways (lsa. 11:4).
1he second blbllcal meanlng of uprlghL lncludes also LhaL of belng smooLh and sLralghL, LhaL ls,
wlLhouL devlaLlon, a Lrue and dlrecL course. LveryLhlng abouL !esus ChrlsL ls ln Lrue allgnmenL
wlLh who Lhe laLher ls. 1here ls no obsLrucLlon or unevenness ln Plm Lo hlnder Lhe clear
revelaLlon of Cod (!ohn 3:30, 14:9). ChrlsLlans, llke !ohn Lhe 8apLlsL, are Lo make sLralghL Lhe
way of Lhe Lord" (!ohn 1:23), so LhaL Cod's Son may be seen and heard Lhrough Lhem wlLhouL
any obsLacle of Lhelr flesh" (8om. 7:23, Cal. 6:8). lsalah crled, C uprlghL Cne, make Lhe
paLh of Lhe rlghLeous level" (lsa. 26:7), so LhaL Lhelr walk ls sLralghL Loward Cod. ChrlsL alone
ls uprlghL or rlghLeous ln Lhe laLher's eyes, and we ln Plm (2 Cor. 3:2 1, 8om. 10:3-4).
Penna: lorglveness
Penna, LranslaLed camphlre" ln Lhe klng !ames verslon, comes from a Lree whose leaves yleld
a sLaln used as a red dye. 1he Pebrew word means Lo cover, a redempLlon prlce, a ransom."
1he prlmary rooL of Lhe word means Lo forglve" (Song of Sol. 4:13, lsa. 43:3). 1herefore Lhls
fragranL splce slgnlfles Lhe shed blood of ChrlsL on Calvary as our ransom from sln and deaLh (1
1lm. 2:6).

ln Lhe Mlddle LasL on Lhe nlghL before a weddlng, Lhe brlde has henna pasLe bound Lo Lhe
palms of her hands and soles of her feeL. ln ChrlsLlan symbollsm her hands (works) and feeL
(walk) are Lo exude Lhe sweeL smell of forglveness and show forLh Lhe red sLaln of Pls shed
blood on Lhe cross. ChrlsL calls Pls brlde Lo walk conLlnually cleansed Lhrough Lhe forglveness
won for her by her 8rldegroom (1 !ohn 1:9) and Lo pass LhaL forglveness on Lo oLhers (MarL.
Aloes: lnLlmacy
1he word aloes ls from an Arablc word meanlng llLLle LenLs," descrlpLlve of Lhe Lhree-
cornered shape of Lhe capsules of Lhe llgnaloes Lree whose resln ls fragranL.
1he small, polnLed LenL ls Lhe Lype spoken of ln 2 Samuel 16:22, meanlng a pleasure LenL on
Lhe houseLop" or a brldal LenL": a place of lnLlmacy. CuLslde Lhe camp Moses plLched a
prlvaLe LenL of meeLlng where Cod spoke Lo hlm face Lo face (Lxod. 33:7, 9, 11). uavld also
erecLed such a LenL on MounL Zlon for Lhe ark of Lhe covenanL, where he could be as close as
posslble Lo Lhe presence of Lhe Lord (2 Sam. 6:17).!esus has perfecL lnLlmacy wlLh Pls laLher,
an lnLlmacy for whlch Lhe Poly SplrlL ls preparlng us and lnLo whlch we are belng perfecLed:As
1hou, laLher, arL ln Me, and l ln 1hou, LhaL Lhey also may be ln us" (!ohn 17:21, 23). Cur
consLanL hearL's cry should be Lo go wlLh Plm lnLo Lhe lnLlmacy of Lhe brldal LenL LhaL Pe mlghL
know us and we Plm (!ohn 10:14-13). Cnly Lhrough lnLlmacy ln splrlL wlLh !esus do we brlng
forLh splrlLual chlldren for Pls klngdom (1 !ohn 1:3, Cal. 4:19, 1 Cor. 4:13).
nard: LlghL
ure nard ls a very cosLly and preclous splce (!ohn 12:3). lL ls produced from Lhe halry drled
sLems of a planL grown aL helghLs up Lo LhlrLeen Lhousand feeL ln Lhe Plmalayas ln Lhe purer,
sLronger llghL of Lhe sun. 1he word nard (splkenard ln Lhe klng !ames verslon) ls from Lhe
Pebrew rooL meanlng llghL."
Cod's reallLy ln heaven ls vlslble by Lhe pure, uncreaLed llghL of Pls naLure. Pe ls llghL, and
Lhere ls no darkness ln Plm (1 !ohn 1:3). Pls Son, ChrlsL !esus, ls Lhe Lrue llghL from Lhe laLher
(!ohn 1:9)-Lhe reallLy of Cod made vlslble ln a human belng (!ohn 1:14). 1here ls no darkness
of sln ln Plm, for Pe walks ln Lhe llghL of Pls laLher (!ohn 8:29, 1 !ohn 1:7).
ChrlsLlans are Lo become parLakers of Lhe dlvlne naLure and manlfesL Lhe llghL of ChrlsL (2 eL.
1:4, MaLL. 3:16), llvlng Lhelr llves before Cod and man LruLhfully, belng Lhe same person

ouLwardly as Lhey are wlLhln Lhelr hearLs. We are Lo be Lhe LransparenL lamps Lhrough whlch
Lhe heavenly llghL of ChrlsL shlnes (8om. 13:12). As bearers of Pls llghL, we are Lo cooperaLe
wlLh Lhe Poly SplrlL as Pe Lakes Pls sLand agalnsL all darkness wlLhln us (Lph. 3:8). LvenLually
even our shadows are Lo be so lnfused wlLh Lhe llghL of Cod LhaL as we pass, Lhe slck are
healed (AcLs 3:13).
Saffron: lalLh
Saffron ls a very expenslve splce. lL ls collecLed from Lhe Lhree Llny, orange-red sLlgmas of
Lhe flowers of Lhe crocus saLlvus. AbouL Lwo hundred LwenLy-flve Lhousand of Lhese sLlgmas
musL be plcked ouL by hand Lo produce one pound of saffron. 1hls exLremely valuable splce ls
yellow-gold ln color when drled, and lL ls llLerally worLh lLs welghL ln gold. Medlclnally lL
sLrengLhens Lhe hearL. lor Lhese reasons, saffron ls symbollc of Lhe falLh !esus ChrlsL held ln
Pls hearL Loward Pls heavenly laLher (Peb. 2:13). Pls falLh ln Pls laLher's words Lo Plm was
LesLed and perfecLed (Peb. 12:2) LhroughouL Pls mlnlsLry years on LarLh, beglnnlng wlLh Lhe
flrsL LempLaLlon ln Lhe wllderness (MarL. 4:3-4).
1he Son lmparLs Pls falLh Lo Pls dlsclples, and lL ls by grace Lhrough falLh we are saved (Lph.
2:8). 8y falLh we llve (Pab. 2:4), and lL ls perfecLed falLh LhaL ChrlsL ls seeklng when Pe reLurns.
Powever, when Lhe Son of man comes, wlll Pe flnd (perslsLence ln) Lhe falLh on Lhe earLh?"
(Luke 18:8, AM). 1herefore we re[olce ln Lrlals so LhaL Lhe proof of [our] falLh, belng more
preclous Lhan gold whlch ls perlshable, even Lhough LesLed by flre, may be found Lo resulL ln
pralse and glory and honor aL Lhe revelaLlon of !esus ChrlsL" (l eL. 1:7).
lranklncense: urlLy
lranklncense ls a gum resln LhaL flows from Lhe lnner wood of a Lree resembllng Lhe mounLaln
ash. 1he word ln Pebrew comes from a rooL meanlng pure" or whlLe" because of Lhe
gllLLerlng, mllk-whlLe, resln Lears." 1hese Lears, when burned, glve off a sLrong, balsam odor.
1he flnesL lncense conLalns pure franklncense, rlslng ln whlLe smoke Lo symbollze Lhe prayers
LhaL ascend Lo Lhe Lhrone of Cod (8ev. 8:3-4). lranklncense was parL of Lhe holy lncense
used ln Lhe deserL Labernacle (Lxod. 30:34-33). lL represenLs Lhe purlLy of Lhe consecraLlon
of Lhe resurrecLed ChrlsL ln Pls mlnlsLry on our behalf before Lhe laLher (8om. 8:34). Cur Lord
!esus has sancLlfled or seL Plmself aparL (!ohn 17:19) unLo Lhe laLher as Lhe holy, lnnocenL,
undeflled" hlgh prlesL (Peb. 7:23-26) ln order Lo redeem us from every lawless deed and Lo
purlfy for Plmself a people for Pls own possesslon" (1lLus 2:14).

When ChrlsL appears ln glory, we shall be llke Plm, because we shall see Plm [usL as Pe ls.
And everyone who has Lhls hope flxed on Plm purlfles hlmself [usL as Pe ls pure" (1 !ohn 3:2-
Cnycha: AuLhorlLy
1he Pebrew word for Lhe rockrose, onycha, comes from Lhe rooL meanlng Lo roar" or a llon."
1he resurrecLed Lord ls Lhe Llon of Lhe Lrlbe of !udah, who has been glven all auLhorlLy ln
heaven and on LarLh (8ev 3:3, MaLL. 28:18), wlLh power Lo sub[ecL all Lhlngs Lo Plmself" (hll.
3:21). 1he laLher's auLhorlLy Lhrough ChrlsL ls symbollzed ln Lhe roar of Lhe llon ln Posea
11:10-11: 1hey wlll follow behlnd ?ahweh, Pe wlll be roarlng llke a llon-how he wlll
roar!...and hls sons wlll come speedlng from LgypL llke a blrd, speedlng from Lhe land of
Assyrla llke a dove" (!8).
1he smell emlLLed by onycha ln Lhe holy lncense noL only LesLlfles Lo ChrlsL's auLhorlLy, Pls
lordshlp here on earLh, buL as lL rlses Lhrough Lhe mld-heaven, dally lL remlnds SaLan LhaL he ls
a defeaLed foe. ChrlsLlans share ln ChrlsL's auLhorlLy Lo Lread upon. all Lhe power of Lhe
enemy" ln Pls name (Luke 10:19).
Calbanum: Worshlp, ralse, AdoraLlon, and 1hanksglvlng
1he Pebrew for Lhe word galbanum ls from a prlmary rooL meanlng faL" or Lhe rlchesL or
cholcesL parL" or Lhe besL." 1he splce ls a gum resln collecLed by sllclng Lhe sLems of Lhe
planLs of Lhe ferula famlly. laL was one of Lhe Lwo parLs of Lhe anlmal sacrlflce LhaL was
enLlrely reserved for Cod (Cen. 4:4, Lev. 3:16-17). lL slgnlfled Lhe flnesL offerlng LhaL could
be glven Lo Plm, LhaL whlch was beyond all else ln pleaslng Plm: [oyful worshlp ln splrlL and
LruLh" (ueuL. 28:47, !ohn 4:23) and [oyful pralse and Lhanksglvlng Lo honor Lhe laLher by Pls
Son and by Pls dlsclples (s. 30:23, Peb. 2:12, 13:13).
SaLan promlsed Lhe klngdoms of Lhe world and Lhelr glory" Lo ChrlsL ln exchange for Pls
worshlp (MaLL. 4:8-9). 1he enemy drlves unbellevers Lo seek Lhe faL" of Lhls age-Lo
recelve pralse, worshlp, graLlLude, and adoraLlon for Lhemselves (!ohn 3:44). ln dlrecL
opposlLlon Lo Lhe Word of Cod (lsa. 42:8), many ln Lhe body of ChrlsL are splrlLually
overwelghL from Laklng Lo Lhemselves LhaL whlch belongs Lo Cod alone: Lhe faL.


SLacLe: 1ruLh WlLh Mercy
SLacLe ls from Lhe rooL meanlng Lo fall ln drops" genLly or Lo prophesy" words from Cod.
Slnce Lhe LesLlmony of !esus ls Lhe splrlL of prophecy" (8ev. 19:10), Lhe holy lncense (of whlch
Lhls splce ls a parL [Lxod. 30:34-33]) prophesled of ChrlsL Lo Cod, buL lL also sLruck Lerror lnLo
Lhose who were enemles of ChrlsL (!osh. 2:9-11). 1he aroma of Lhe lncense rlslng from Lhe
Labernacle ascended Lo Lhe Lhrone ln heaven and wenL LhroughouL Lhe camp. lL also could be
smelled for mlles, even across Lhe !ordan by Lhe CanaanlLes (2 Cor. 2:13-16). lL LesLlfled Lo
Lhe LruLh of salvaLlon ln ChrlsL alone (!ohn 14:6), for our laLher wlshes all men Lo be saved (1
1lm. 2:3-4). 1he LruLh of ChrlsL, of whlch sLacLe prophesled, fell ln drops" or sofLly,
merclfully. roverbs 16:6 says, 8y mercy and LruLh lnlqulLy ls purged: and by Lhe fear of Lhe
LC8u men deparL from evll" (k!v). 8ahab Lhe harloL musL have been among Lhose who
smelled Lhls propheLlc LesLlmony of !esus-Lhe Way, Lhe 1ruLh, and Lhe Llfe-and who feared
Cod and belleved lnLo Lhe salvaLlon Pe provlded (!osh. 2:11-13).
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