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CASE: I Enterprise Builds On People

Enterprice Summery
Enterprise Rent A Car was founded by Jack Taylor in195
"aintainin# $i#$ le%els of customer satisfaction is akey dri%er of #rowt$ for Enterprise&
T$e key success of t$e enterprise was it HRS w$ic$tar#eted t$e ri#$t people for t$e selection&
't $ad tow competitors
t$ey are #i%in# s$ock for t$e new employees( alon#wit$ t$e low salary and no border between
mana#ersand employees
Analysis of t$e case
Concentratin# on customer satisfaction $elpedenterprise to ac$ie%e $ealt$y #rowt$ in business
se#mentslike air port (and also international market like )& k and etc&
't $ad a #ood HRS for t$e recruitin# of t$e ri#$t people att$e ri#$t place &
And also t$ey created a cost effecti%e way in t$eenterprise by Trainin# and de%elopment of HR&
Ser%in# for t$e *reen and $i#$ class customer&
"aintainin# of #ood places for it!s offices
S+,T Analysis
)ni/ue strate#y of Jack Taylor played a key rolein t$e firm!s initial success &
#ood HR" and its role &
0eadin# "arket 1osition
-o moti%ation for t$e current employees &
S$ockin# for t$e new employees
Concentratin# on customer satisfaction &
"aintainin# of #ood places for its offices&
Ser%in# for t$e #reen and $i#$ classcustomers&

Comin# late t$an t$e competitors at t$e market&
'ncreasin# 2uel 1rices &
'ntense Competition&
Answers of t$e 3uestions
1& ,oul d ent er pr i s e!s appr oac$ t o HR" wor kin ot$er industries4Answers 1. -o(
because at t$e HR" of t$isenterprise ( t$ere is no border betweenemployees and mana#ers (
all of t$em $ast$e same uniform and all& 2or ot$erindustries it is not like t$is
3uestion 5&does enterprise face any risks from itsHRS4Answer 5. -o ( t$e strate#y w$ic$ is used
by t$eHR it was %ery success and t$rou#$ t$esestrate#ies enterprise #rowt$ up in
internationalmarkets & 0ike ri#$t recruitment process andtar#etin# ri#$t people for t$e #rowt$ of
t$eenterprise& And also #i%in# #ood trainin# andde%elopment for t$e employees and usin#
of costeffecti%e way in t$e enterprise&
Answer of 3uestion 63uestion6&would you want to work for enterprise4Answer6.yes7 because workin#
for enterprise is t$at we arealways mo%in# up into a new pro#ressi%e role wit$t$e or#ani8ation&
0ook for t$e international market ( s$ould try tocontinue for t$e increase -o of its international
locationswit$ t$e continued success it $as e9perienced&
try to access for t$e new tec$nolo#y and preparewebsites for t$e airport and train station (
and brin#facilities for t$e customers&
:rin# some c$an#es for t$e rule and re#ulation of t$eenterprise like reducin# of t$e work time
and brin# aborder between mana#ers and employees works
A ser%ice orientated business like enterprisemust deli%er perfect ser%ice e%ery time to
keepcustomers satisfied &
Enterprise operates in a $i#$ly competiti%emarketplace
'ts strate#y of recruitin# people wit$ t$e ri#$tskills and competencies $elp t$e business to
carryout its aims and ob;ecti%es&
CASE: II Doing The Dirty Work
3&1 How rele%ant are t$e concept of competencies to t$e ;ob in a c$icken< processin# plant 4Ans.< concept of
competencies is basically T$e ability to perform some task7 "eetin# specified/ualifications to perform7 implicit
knowled#e of a lan#ua#e=s structureor t$e ability to dosomet$in# well( measured a#ainst a standard( especially
ability ac/uired t$rou#$ e9perience or trainin# so competencies is t$e skills (knowled#e( ability to do t$e particular
task& So in c$ickenprocessin# plant anyone can=t work or will be not able to work because of en%ironment of
plantand also because of some ;obs in plant are dan#erous like t$ey $a%e to fi#$t t$e li%e birds w$ent$ey first $an#
on c$ain(and t$e air inside t$e plant is difficult to breat$e& )sually workers arepro%ided mask for but most don=t
use it because it is $ot and confinin# &And work space at plant itself is so ti#$t t$at t$e workers often cut t$emsel%es
and sometimest$eir co<workers wit$ many instruments t$ey use to perform t$eir ;ob& And t$ey $a%e to
capti%ewit$ mo%in# c$ain for e9ample no one can %acate a post to use t$e bat$room or for ot$er reason wit$out
t$e permission of t$e super%isor&So accordin# to concept of competencies anyone will be not able to do t$esetype
of dirty ;obs so t$ese ;obs re/uire t$ose people w$o can work efficiently and can stay atplant and w$o are non

3&5.< How mi#$t you try to impro%e t$e ;obs in a c$icken processin# plant 4Ans.<we can impro%e t$e ;obs in
c$icken processin# plants by>>1?$ire or recruit t$ose people w$o are non %e#etarian so t$ey will be more able to
do and $andlet$ese type of work more efficiently5? we can pro%ide t$em any mac$ine t$at will cut t$e c$icken
automatically so t$at we cano%ercome t$e safety issues like cut and in;ury etc&6?we can make t$e en%ironment more
friendly so t$at workers will en;oy t$e work@?we will arran#e more space on assembly line or mo%in# c$ain so t$at
workers can easily$andle t$e work safely and by t$is we can reduce t$e dan#erous ;obs5? will pro%ide cool and eco
friendly paper mask to t$e workers so t$at t$ose workers w$o don=tlike t$e air inside t$e plant can work
easilyA?t$ose workers w$o don=t like to work on assembly line or don=t know t$e process we can s$iftt$em to
anot$er ;obs?if any workers want to #o for bat$room t$ey can #o wit$out t$e permission of super%isior andw$ile
ot$er workers will $andle $is ;obSo by all abo%e decision we can impro%e t$e ;obs in a c$icken processin#
unit becauseno& of poultry workers are increasin# day by day in )&S& as well as in many countries like*eor#ia
Alabama etc&3&6.<Are dirty( dan#erous( and unpleasant ;obs an ine%itable part of any economy4Ans.< Bes( because
c$icken processin# industry $as became a ma;or component of t$e manystate economies like *eor#ia (-ort$
Carolina( and Alabama etc and ;obs suc$ as t$ese on t$ec$icken processin# are actually becomin# increasin#ly
common&And also because of #rowin# appetites for lean(easy to cook meat& And numbersof poultry workers $as
almost doubled since 19CD in )&S& because meat is c$eaper t$erecompare to %e# foodAnd also because some some
unemployed workers in any economy doesn=t $a%e skills to doany ot$er work and for t$eir basic needs t$ey $as
to do t$ese type of dirty and dan#erous ;obs:ecause t$ey don=t $a%e any ot$er options&'n 'ndia also no& of non
%e#etarian are increasin#and a lar#e no& of our population is non %e#etarian and unemployment rate is also $i#$ so
manypeople $a%e to t$ese type of dirty ;obs&
CASE: V A Case of Burnout


1& 'f t$e news was broken out to "a$es$( $ow would $ereact4
'f t$e news was broken out to "a$es$( $e would be ready totake up t$e post because at any point it is
$uman nature t$atmost of t$e people do not #i%e importance to t$e medicalReports( w$en it comes to
balancin# wit$ t$e 1romotion andHealt$&"a$es$ $as p$ysically and intellectually contributedfor t$e
#rowt$ of t$e company( $e would feel $umiliated if t$e *" post is not assi#ned to $im& T$is could
$amper $is1syc$olo#ical feelin#s and $is performance
will drastically drop( $e will be demoti%ated and will not perform efficiently and effecti%ely& As $e
was assured by t$e C$airman "a$es$ will bedisappointed and $e e9pects promotion at any cost because$e $as
sincerely worked for t$e #rowt$ of t$e company& He would feel t$at mana#ement s$ould s$ow #ratitude
towards$im for t$e $ard work $e put in for a couple of years&'f $e is denied of t$e position( $e would
feel t$at it wasan e9cuse #i%en by t$e mana#ement as $e $imself did not#enuinely know about
t$e medical report till t$e news was broken to $im& E%en if t$e Report is true and t$e promotionnot assi#ned
to $im would make $im feel t$at $e wase9ploited (by t$ese issues takin# place at work t$e collea#uesof
"a$es$ would not o%er stretc$ if re/uired as t$ey $a%e t$epreconcei%ed notion of t$e "ana#ement in t$eir
mind& T$is will lea%e a ne#ati%e impact on t$e ot$er employees and$ampers t$eir performance too&'t is
$uman nature t$at $e will not be in a position todi#est t$e fact or take it easy o%er a period of
time t$is may lead to t$e formation on #roups at work and will increasetrade unions number

& 'f you were #i%in# ad%ice to t$e c$airman on t$is matter( w$at would you recommend4
Ans . T$e followin# steps can be su##ested to t$e C$airmankeepin# "a$es$Es issue in mind(F"a$es$ $as to be
counseled so t$at we can know $ow serious $e is about t$e post4 His monetary le%el increment4 And about $is
$ealt$ and $is desi#nation in t$e company&FHe s$ould feel t$at t$e company needs $im we s$ould #et
afeel #ood feelin# de%elop in $im about t$e company&FHe s$ould be #i%en more financial benefits as t$is
wouldmake $im feel t$at $e is an asset of t$e Company&FT$e position is to be e%aluated from t$e current
le%el w$eret$e aut$ority and responsibility are close to *" le%el and $es$ould be #i%en special preferences in t$e
way of contributions to t$e company&FHe s$ould be respected as a senior collea#ue unofficially e/ual to
t$e desired position&FT$e widenin# #ap s$ould be reduced between $im and t$emana#ement&FHe s$ould be
praised( Rewarded and awarded and s$ould be suitably con%inced t$at $e will #et t$e
promotion soon&Gama#e control e9ercise and feel #ood factor s$ould beinduced in $im
CASE: III On Pegging Pay to Perfor$an%e
Case Study & ' Crisis
lo(n O)er
3ues 1& Go you t$ink t$at t$e :an#alore<based company $ad practiced participati%e
mana#ement4Answer& Gurin# suc$ a crisis t$e company and t$e union bot$ s$owed #reat sense of oneness&
T$ey bot$ come to#et$er for sol%in# t$e problem and t$us ensured t$at t$e employees and t$e
employers bot$ donEt suffer t$e conse/uences of t$e factory bein# s$ut for non<production by t$e workers&Bes(
t$ey $a%e practiced participati%e mana#ement&1articipati%e Hor participatory? mana#ement(
ot$erwise known as employee in%ol%ement or participati%e decision makin#( encoura#es t$e
in%ol%ement of stake$olders at all le%els of anor#ani8ation in t$e analysis of problems(
de%elopment of strate#ies( and implementation of solutions&Employees are in%ited to s$are in t$e
decision<makin# process of t$e firm by participatin# in acti%itiessuc$ as settin# #oals( determinin# work
sc$edules( and makin# su##estions&+t$er forms of participati%e mana#ement include increasin#
t$e responsibility of employees H;obenric$ment?7 formin# self<mana#ed teams( /uality circles( or
/uality<of<work<life committees7 andsolicitin# sur%ey feedback& 1articipati%e mana#ement(
$owe%er( in%ol%es more t$an allowin#employees to take part in makin# decisions& 't also
in%ol%es mana#ement treatin# t$e ideas andsu##estions of employees wit$ consideration and
respect&'n t$is case w$en t$e accident $appened in t$e "ac$ine S$op( w$ic$ could $a%e
snowballed into afull fled#ed strike( t$e mana#ement sou#$t $elp from t$e union leaders w$o
responded in a positi%emanner& After disccussions between mana#ement and t$e union leaders( a
decision was made about$ow to create normalcy and t$e compensation packa#e for t$e deceased
employeeEs family& T$us( wecan see participati%e mana#ement in force&3ues 5& 'f your answer is
Bes( wit$ w$at met$od of participation Hyou $a%e read in t$e c$apter? dorelate t$e abo%e case4Answer&
1articipati%e "ana#ement in%ol%es bot$ t$e mana#ement and t$e employees or t$erepresentati%e
of t$e employees in t$e decision makin# process& T$us it ensures a $i#$er le%el of transparecny
amon# t$e employee and mana#ement
o know w$at type of participation met$od was used in t$e case( lets first know w$at is a )nion4 Aunion is an
or#ani8ation t$at represents employeesE interests to mana#ement on issues suc$ as wa#es(work
$ours and workin# conditions& Employees participate in administerin# t$e union and support
itsacti%ities wit$ union dues( fees t$ey pay for t$e union ser%ices& T$e law protects employeesE
ri#$ts to ;oin and participate in unions& T$e law also re/uires employers to bar#ain and confer wit$ t$e uniono%er
certain employment issues t$at affect unioni8ed employees&'n%ol%in# t$e employees or t$e
representati%e of employees H)nion? is an element or participati%emana#ement& Representati%e
participation allows workers to be represented by a small #roup w$oactually participate& T$e
#oal of representati%e participation is to redistribute power wit$in t$eor#ani8ation& EmployeesI
interests become as important as t$ose interests of mana#ement andstock$olders&Accordin# to
Step$en 1& Robbins( aut$or of
Essentials of Organizational Behavior,
t$e two most popular forms of representati%e participation are works councils and board
representati%es& ,orkscouncils are #roups of employees w$o $a%e been elected by t$eir peers and w$o must
be consulted bymana#ement w$en makin# personnel decisions& :oard representati%es are employees t$at sit on
t$e board of directors and represent labor interests&T$is be$a%ior is also similar to collecti%e
bar#ainin# procedure w$ere unions and mana#ementne#otiate wit$ eac$ ot$er to de%elop t$e work rules
under w$ic$ union members will work for astipulated period of time& ,ork rules include any terms or
conditions of employment( includin# pay(work breaks and lunc$ periods( %acation( work
assi#nments and #rie%ance procedures&3ues 6& 'f you were t$e union leader( would your be$a%ior $a%e been
different4 'f yes( w$at would it be4Answer& T$e decision taken between t$e mana#ement and t$e
union $elped to take care of a situationw$ic$ would $a%e resulted in a crisis( if t$e action would
not $a%e been prompt&T$e union leader took e%ery measure possible to $a%e t$e workers back to work as soon
as possible&As a union leader w$at decisions were taken( t$ey were a #ood measure of t$e unions intent of startin#
t$e work in t$e factory as soon as possible& As delay in t$is re#ard would $a%e not onlyresulted in
t$e loss of man $ours but t$e wa#es of t$e employees would also $a%e been suffered&

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