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Stain Removers and Cleaners

6 Secret Homemade Stain Removers That

Kick Butt
by Paul Michael on 6 September 2007
1. Mayo + Cigarette Ash = No More Water Stains
#ma$in% &his really did wor" so well 'ow( )*m not su%%estin% you all become smo"ers( i+ you
need the ash you can collect it +rom the smo"er*s room at wor" or simply buy a small pac" and
let a +ew burn down
2. The Alka Seltzer Rust Remover
,-( that*s probably not a stain i+ you want to split hairs( but ) had some items that were rusted
solid ) +ound out that a simple plop( plop( +i$$( +i$$ was all it too" to turn rusty bolts into
li%htenin% bolts
. Car!et Steam"Cleaner
.hy spend your hard!earned cash on a Spot/ot or even a carpet cleanin% product li"e &u++
Stu++0 1ust a towel( an iron and a +ew household items will do the 2ob +or you
2 tbsp ammonia
2 cups water
2 absorbent white cloths
#. White Wine $or Re% Wine Stains
) always wondered i+ that urban le%end about white wine $appin% red wine was true 'ow you
can see +or yoursel+
&. 'aking So%a an% (y%rogen )ero*i%e Teeth Whitener
3ow much does it cost to whiten your teeth0 #nywhere +rom 45 +or those toothpastes that don*t
wor"( to several hundred dollars +or dental wor" &his one costs almost nothin% and wor"s well(
but please( don*t leave it on +or lon%er than 20 minutes and do rinse thorou%hly 6on*t swallow
+. ,illing -a.e Stains /A.ne0 With 'aking So%a
)s that a stretch0 7eah( you %ot me( but ) thou%ht it was worth includin% 8specially as
pro+essional acne products can cost hundreds o+ dollars &his one( ) con+ess( was not tried by
mysel+ or my +amily but a +riend 3e was very( very happy with the results
14 Effective Grease and Oil Stain Removal Tips
1. Cornstar.h an% 1ish Soa! 2 -a3ri.
9ay your item o+ clothin% on a +lat sur+ace and liberally sprin"le cornstarch over the stain 9et
that soa" in +or at least :0 minutes( but one hour is pre+erable
'e;t( rub dish soap into the stain <use a nail brush i+ you want to %et into the +ibers= >inally(
wash usin% the directions on the care label #ir dry
2. (air S!ray 2 -a3ri.
) have no use +or hair spray on my head( but +or years ) have used it as a cheap +i;ative +or
charcoal drawin%s 3owever( it?s also a +ine stain!removal tool Spray the oil or %rease stain
liberally with hair spray@ it should ta"e Auite a lot o+ it out instantly &hen( wash and air dry
. Cheez Whiz 2 -a3ri.
Really0 7es indeed ) saw this one on B&he Ciew(B and the stain %uru swore by it
7ou don?t even need to let this one sit 1ust apply some o+ the %oopy Chee$ .hi$ <or a %eneric
version= onto the oil or %rease stain and smear it in &hen throw your %arment in the wash( and it
should ta"e the %rease ri%ht out
#. Sham!oo 2 -a3ri.
)t ma"es sense Shampoo is desi%ned to %et %rease and natural oils out o+ your hair So why not
your clothin%0 1ust %rab a little o+ your usual shampoo <or %o out and buy some +or %reasy hair i+
you( li"e me( don?t have any hair= and rub it into the stain li"e a pre!treatment &hen wash as
directed )t should wor" li"e a charm
&. W1"#4 2 -a3ri. an% Con.rete
#mon% the thousands o+ uses +or .6!D0( stain removal is up there as a very e++ective use +or
this versatile product #nd most o+ us have it in the %ara%e( a place where oil is more li"ely to %et
on our clothin%
1ust spray the stain with .6!D0 and let it soa" +or around :0 minutes &hen rub in a little dish
soap and wash as directed
+. Cornstar.h an% 1ry"Cleaning Solvent 2 -a3ri.
,nce a%ain( lay your item o+ clothin% on a +lat sur+ace and liberally sprin"le cornstarch over the
stain 9et that soa" in +or at least :0 minutes to one hour
'e;t( place some "itchen towels on a counter( and place the item o+ clothin%( stain!side down( on
the towels Proceed to blot or pat the bac" o+ the stain with a ra% soa"ed in dry!cleanin% solvent
Replace the paper towels +reAuently as they absorb the oil
.hen you have removed as much o+ the stain as you can( apply a little laundry pre!treatment
solution &hen wash as directed( and air dry
5. Waterless Me.hani.s6 Soa! 2 -a3ri.
&here are several brands available( includin% -utol( Eo2o( and %ood old 9ava
Rub the stain with the dry soap +or several minutes( allowin% it to penetrate the whole stain &he
%rease!cuttin% properties o+ the soap will help to brea" down the oil stain 9eave it +or :0
minutes( then repeat >inally( wash as directed and air dry Simple Ereen is also %ood +or this
7. Co.a"Cola 2 -a3ri.
) have covered the many uses o+ Coca Cola be+ore( and stain removal is a %reat one &here is
actually some caramel +ood colorin% in Co"e( but not enou%h to do any stainin% dama%e #t
least( not i+ it?s le+t on +or 2ust a +ew hours
Simply pour some Co"e onto the stain and let it soa" +or an hour or two &hen wash as directed
and air dry 7our oil or %rease stain should be completely destroyed( and there will be no si%n o+
the Co"e( either
8. Co.a"Cola 2 Con.rete
&he +irst step is to soa" up as much oil as you can Fse old shop towels( ra%s( holey tees( or soc"s
you plan to throw in the %arba%e@ it?s all %ood
'e;t( ta"e a 2!liter bottle o+ room!temperature Co"e and pour it all over the stain )+ the stain is
well!covered and there?s plenty o+ Co"e le+t( save the rest +or another day 'ow let the Co"e sit
on the stain overni%ht( at least GHI0 hours &he acidic properties will help eat away the oil stain
Soa" up the Co"e with more towels( and use pressure with a blottin% movement to help pull the
oil +rom the concrete &hen( usin% a sti++!bristled brush( apply some dish soap and hot water to
the stain
'ow( rinse with warm water &he stain should be history
</y the way( it doesn?t have to be Co"e )?m not a brand loyalist i+ )?m pourin% it all over my
+loor( and the basic properties are the same=
14. 9estoil 2 -a3ri. an% Con.rete
,il to +i%ht oil0 #bsolutelyJ Manu+actured by Cloro;( 9estoil is used to +i%ht %rease and oil
stains on contact )t?s usually +ound in hardware stores and has a very stron% smell( not unli"e
para++in Simply pour 9estoil onto the stain and let it soa" +or 20 minutes be+ore washin% ,r( i+
you?re washin% a hu%e %reasy load( add some to the wash )t?s also %ood +or removin% stains
+rom +abric on so+as( chairs( carpets( and concrete driveways #s always( test in an inconspicuous
spot be+ore applyin% to a place in +ull view
11. Aloe :era ;el 2 -a3ri.
9et it soothe away your stain!removal headaches Soa" your soiled clothin% in water( then
vi%orously rub aloe vera %el into the stain .ash as directed( and air dry
12. 1ish<ashing 1etergent 2 -a3ri.
7ou see ads all the time boastin% the %rease!+i%htin% power o+ dishwashin% deter%ents >rom the
tablets to re%ular liAuids( they are +ormulated to cut throu%h the %rease and %et your dishes and
cutlery +ree +rom stains and residues
So ta"e some dishwater deter%ent to the stain( rubbin% in the liAuid or powder 7ou can also add
a tablet to your wash@ this is very e++ective +or oily mechanics* clothin%
1. Triso%ium )hos!hate /TS)0 2 Con.rete
7ou can +ind this at any %ood hardware store )t?s a chemical( so please use %loves and sa+ety
%lasses <althou%h believe it or not( &SP is an approved +ood additive=
Mi; I o$ o+ &SP with K cup o+ talcum powder and I cup o+ warm water &his will ma"e a %ood
paste( which you should apply to the oil stain with a trowel or other spreadin% tool .ait +or the
paste to harden( then brush it away )+ the stain is still there( repeat with a diluted &SP mi;ture o+
I %allon o+ to warm water with I cup o+ &SP Scrub it into the stain( let it sit +or 20 minutes( then
rinse with warm water
to make a window and glass cleaner, simply mix a half-cup of white vinegar, a
quarter-cup of rubbing alcohol, and 3.5-cups of water. The total cost comes to ust
5! cents. "ompared to the #3 to #$ you%d spend on a similar product at the
grocery store, this one home-made formula could save you more than #$! per

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