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Angry MH370 relatives demand data for independent

analysis, says CNN

April 24, 2014
Sarah Bajc, partner of American
passenger Philip Wood, is among those seeking data on MH370 for independent analysis
! Sarah Bajc "ace#ook pic, April $%, $0&%'elati(es angry o(er reports that de#ris fo)nd
in the *ndian +cean ,ere not from the missing flight MH370 ha(e demanded that the
a)thorities release the data so e-ternal e-perts can analyse them, reported .//
Ste(e Wang0s mother ,as on the plane that (anished March 1 after taking off from 2)ala
3)mp)r #o)nd for Beijing
He and other relati(es ha(e rejected the anno)ncement #y Malaysian a)thorities that the
plane ,ent do,n in the so)thern *ndian +cean
Wang told .// that the relati(es ,ere do)#tf)l that 4they 5the a)thorities6 are searching
the right place4
He and others ,ant independent e-perts to cr)nch the data a(aila#le
A committee representing some of the .hinese families ha(e posted $7 8)estions on the
.hinese social media site, Wei#o
Among their re8)ests are access to the flight0s log#ook and recording of air traffic control
on the night the plane carrying $39 people on #oard (anished
4*t0s asto)nding to me that they ha(en0t #een ,illing to release that data,4 said Sarah Bajc,
partner of American passenger Philip Wood She appeared on .// on :)esday
Malaysian a)thorities ha(e shared ,ith families the f)ll transcript of comm)nications
#et,een the plane and air traffic control #efore releasing it to the p)#lic
+n Wei#o, the families also demanded (ital, yet sensiti(e information, s)ch as the flight0s
maintenance and (oice records
4What0s so confidential a#o)t those data sets that a third;party set of people co)ldn0t come
in and make some ne, calc)lations on them<4 Bajc asked
Prime Minister =at)k Seri /aji# 'a>ak had said on March &?@ 4We )nderstand the
desperate need for information on #ehalf of the families and those ,atching aro)nd the
,orld B)t ,e ha(e a responsi#ility to the in(estigation and the families to only release
information that has #een corro#orated4
Aesterday, acting :ransport Minister =at)k Seri Hishamm)ddin H)ssein said that
a)thorities ,o)ld not pro(ide information )nless it is 4(erified and corro#orated4 #y
4As *0(e said from the #eginning, ,e ha(e nothing to hide,4 he said
*n the list posted on Wei#o, family mem#ers also asked for the personal contact of those
in(ol(ed in the search
Bohn Coglia, a former mem#er of the DS /ational :ransportation Safety Board, told
.// the log )s)ally ,as on the plane B)t e(en if it ,as not, in(estigators likely
,o)ldn0t re(eal specific information from it
:he families0 re8)est for phone n)m#ers pro#a#ly ,o)ld #e denied as ,ell, Coglia said
Wang and Bajc said some relati(es felt that the Malaysian a)thorities had treated them
More than t,o;thirds of the passengers ,ere .hinese, and many of their relati(es ,ere
distr)stf)l of Malaysian a)thorities0 assertion that the plane ,ent do,n in the so)thern
*ndian +cean
4We j)st ,ant to tell them, 0Stop lyingE04 Wang reportedly said
4:hey are telling to the ,hole ,orld that they ha(e good comm)nication ,ith the
relati(es,4 he said, e-plaining that 8)estions family mem#ers ha(e tried to pose ,ere met
,ith opposition from officials
4:hey j)st said, 0+h, stop asking the 8)estions and face the fact,4 he contin)ed 4What
is the fact< What kind of fact 5do6 they ,ant )s to face< =o they ha(e the fact5s6< So they
are lying to the ,hole ,orld again4
Bajc, mean,hile, has #een contin)o)sly posting intimate and ang)ished "ace#ook
messages to Wood
*n the past $% ho)rs, Bajc ,rote@ 4good morning #a#y its #een a ,hile since i posted to
yo) p)#licly despite the many message i send to yo) daily it takes energy to make my
tho)ghts fit for others to see i hope yo) can feel that piece of +D' ,orld that is ,aiting
and ,anting right ,here yo) left it too long ago i miss yo) so m)ch SB4
Wang and Bajc said they0re not interested in filing la,s)its for the money B)t if a
la,s)it applies more press)re on a)thorities to release information they are asking for,
they0re open to that
4* am not s)re ,hether 5a6 la,s)it co)ld #ring )s the tr)th,4 Wang said
:he A)stralian a)thorities coordinating the search for the Boeing 777;$00F' 59M;M'+6
in the *ndian +cean said in a statement that )p to && military aircraft and && ships ,o)ld
take part in todayGs search for MH370
:he A)stralian Maritime Safety A)thority has planned a (is)al search area totalling a#o)t
%9,?77 s8 km
:he centre of the search area lies a#o)t &,?00km from Perth
B)t the ,eather ,o)ld likely hamper todayGs search ,ith forecast of hea(y rain and lo,
:he Boint Agency .oordination .entre also said the Bl)efin;$& a)tonomo)s )nder,ater
(ehicle had completed its &$th mission in the )nder,ater search area
*t has no, completed more than 90H of the foc)sed )nder,ater search area #)t has not
disco(ered anything of interest, the BA.. said ! April $%, $0&%
Australian transport bureau says bea! debris not from
April 24, 2014
le ,alk past a #ill#oard in s)pport of missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 at the
Metro Park Hotel in Beijing yesterday ! A"P pic, April $%, $0&%
=e#ris picked )p on a #each in Western A)stralia this ,eek is )nlikely to ha(e come
from the Malaysian Airlines jet that (anished nearly se(en ,eeks ago, A)stralia0s
transport #)rea) said today
:he A)stralian :ransport Safety B)rea) 5A:SB6 has assessed the material that ,ashed )p
on the coast &0km east of the to,n of A)g)sta, near the so)th,estern tip of A)stralia, the
#)rea)0s spokesman said
4*t0s considered highly )nlikely to #e from MH370,4 spokesman :ony Simes said
A:SB commissioner Martin =olan earlier told A)stralian Broadcasting .orporation
radio that the #)rea) had e-amined detailed photographs of the de#ris and ,as satisfied it
,as not a lead in the h)nt for the plane
4We0re not seeing anything in this that ,o)ld lead )s to #elie(e that it is from a Boeing
aircraft,4 he told AB. 'adio
A)thorities ha(e gi(en no details on the material, ,hich ,as the first disco(ery of
s)spected de#ris in ,eeks and the first since the detection of ,hat ,ere #elie(ed to #e
signals from the plane0s #lack #o- flight recorder on April %
Sea#ed scans of a &0km >one off the ,est coast of A)stralia ha(e failed to t)rn )p any
,reckage, #)t Malaysia and A)stralia ha(e (o,ed to plo)gh on ,ith the search for the
plane that ,ent missing on March 1 ,ith $39 people on #oard
:he DS na(y drone that has #een sco)ring the sea#ed is d)e to end its first f)ll mission in
the so)thern *ndian +cean ,ithin days
Malaysian acting :ransport Minister Hishamm)ddin H)ssein said the search a)thorities
,o)ld need to 4regro)p and restrategise4 if nothing ,as fo)nd in the c)rrent search >one,
#)t said the search ,o)ld 4al,ays contin)e4
4* can confirm in fact ,e are increasing the assets that are a(aila#le for deep;sea search,4
he told a ne,s conference in 2)ala 3)mp)r yesterday, adding that the go(ernment ,as
seeking help from state oil company Petronas, ,hich has e-pertise in deep;sea
e-ploration ! 'e)ters, April $%, $0&%
MH370 aut!orities" t!e no 1 noise#ma$ers in t!e %orld
& 'obert C!aen
April 2(, 2014
Those who do nothing will make the most noise. Robert Chaen
By noise * don0t mean those ,ho ha(e physically lo)d (oices, o ,ho are (ery (ocal a#o)t
their stand, principles or their gen)ine concerns
* define noise as ,hining, complaining, gi(ing e-c)ses, deli#erately distracting attention
from poor performance, negati(e gossiping 5(s disc)ssing a#o)t others in order to gain a
#etter )nderstanding of the sit)ation6, #ack;sta##ing, to-ic conflicts, character
assassination, immat)re chatter, no;s)#stance presentation, empty threats, long;
,indedness and no;action;talk;only 54/ato46
:he opposite of noise is silent reflection and daily re(ie,, peace and calm, intelligent
comm)nication, clear directions, #re(ity, presence, sit)ations ,here less talking is more,
and praise as 4m)sic to the ears of the listener4
Based on this noise;making #enchmark, my report card on the Malaysian go(ernment,
MAS .F+, police chief, and the ministers handling MH370 reads th)s@ they are the no &
#iggest noise;makers in the ,orld
Ao) get the o#(io)s, gen)inely s)spicio)s feeling that they are planning among
themsel(es ,ho sho)ld make the ne-t deli#erately conf)sing, contradictory, and
sensational P' statements ! in order to co(er each otherGs sorry ass
Why< Beca)se the Malaysian go(ernment )ses shenanigans, has an atrocio)s track record
and #ad rep)tation of distracting attention a,ay from its poor performance, lack of
acco)nta#ility, corr)ption, )tter incompetence, )nprofessional ethics, immat)re childish
p)#lic o)t#)rsts from mainly )nheard of gangster;like M)slim Malay /C+s, the
go(ernment f)nded e-tremist and #igoted Perkasa and minister s)pporters
Someone pro#a#ly hired the Bomoh clo,ns and made them ,ear Western s)its to add a
sensational #am#oo dance in the circ)s game of distraction
:he noise;makersG #ad rep)tation practices contin)e endlessly ,ith scapegoatingI
#laming the opposition like tyrants for e(ery ,rong e(en tho)gh there are no
connectionsI the pot calling the kettle #lack made pop)lar #y the s)preme, dictatorial, #)t
con(eniently forgetf)l :)n =r MahathirI and incidents like the disgracef)l Home
Minister JahidGs >ero *nterpol passport check
:he list contin)es@ the indifferent *nspector;Ceneral of Police :an Sri 2halid A#) Bakar
,hose police force has only &0H staff fighting crimeI the spineless, ,eak, and missing
Prime Minister /aji# 'a>ak r)nning a,ay scared from international media 8)estions 5his
P' people m)st ha(e told him not to do it as he ,o)ld fail misera#ly ! after all his co)sin
is shielding him from the heat and spotlight6
:he cl)eless, spin doctor acting :ransport Minister Hishamm)ddin added to the high
le(el noise ,ith his insensiti(e 4MH370 ,as a #lessing in disg)ise4 t,eet Many insiders
#elie(e that he arrogantly thinks he did a historically great jo# in MH370 and this
international P' e-pos)re might make him the ne-t PM
/e(er mind that the rest of the ,orld doesnGt think so :hey are not so easily fooled,
)nlike many home gro)nd citi>ens Political commentators agree that if he ,ere a
go(ernment official in Bapan or Hong 2ong he ,o)ld ha(e #een )nceremonio)sly sacked
#y day 7 of the crisis
:hese are top go(ernment officials ! ,e ha(e not e(en e(al)ated the lo,er le(els of
noise;makers do,n to the officers at the go(ernment ser(ice co)nters
Malaysia has a first class, glo#ally )nmatched #)nch of clo,ns, noise;makers, and lately
golfing and =)#ai;shopping holiday;makers
And the #est part is@ ,e the ta-payers are paying for their salaries, f)n holiday escapes in
go(ernmental pri(ate jets, #illion;ringgit;,orth s)#marines that canGt sink to search for
MH370 and are th)s r)sting at the port, the ,orld0s no & record )tility #ills for the
residences of #oth the prime minister and his dep)ty that amo)nted to more than 'M3?
million last year, grossly o(er;priced monopoly go(ernment s)ppliers, and the ,astage of
,hite elephant projects
=oes it not make yo) sick to p)t )p ,ith this daily r)##ish, ,hile the citi>ens are
s)ffering, str)ggling to s)r(i(e and to make ends meet< Dnfort)nately, political clo,ning
is no longer entertaining or f)nny :he ,orld is definitely not la)ghing at the Malaysian
go(ernmentGs MH370 shenanigans *tGs gone totally and no, glo#ally intolera#le :his is
has to change
Ao) can fool some Malaysians all the time, #)t yo) can0t fool the ,orld all the time My
team of P' associates, management cons)ltants, and international o#ser(ers0 net,ork of
media and in(estigati(e jo)rnalist friends are ,atching closely and can see thro)gh them
By the ,ay, ,e are not a glo#al net,ork of conspiracy theorists * sense the MH370
incident ,as more likely d)e to a lo, tech, pilot iss)e ! not a high tech, .*A co(er;)p, or
(ery possi#ly a Malaysian #otch;jo# co(er;)p
+n another note, * ,o)ld not call the poor .hinese families 4noise;makers4 as they are
gen)inely (ocal and distra)ght a#o)t the lack of clos)re in their li(es d)e to not ha(ing a
single piece of solid e(idence of ,reckage or de#ris
K)estion@ =o yo) think the a#o(e o#ser(ations are o#(io)s to the majority of
+r are they #lindly ,orshipping and admiring their clo,n hero 4emperors ha(e no
clothes4 ! in #lind defence and in denial< Ci(e )s yo)r tr)thf)l feed#ack comments !
April $?, $0&%
* Robert Chaen is an international change expert and online pollster. He writes at and
* This is the personal opinion of the writer or pblication and does not necessaril!
represent the "iews of The #ala!sian $nsider.
How to change a tyre
%! &a"een 'ictor ( #otor Trader #ala!sia )) hors ago
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:yre s,apping made easy
Changing a pnctred t!re is a danting task for man!* bt it doesn+t ha"e to be if !o
follow or ,, step process.
2no,ing #asic (ehicle maintenance methods can sa(e yo) a lot of grief and heart ache in
the long r)n :elling yo)rself man)al la#o)r isnGt yo)r thing, is a foolish mind;set, and is
one that ,ill keep yo) stranded at the side of the road till help arri(es
Wear and tear iss)es are a gi(en ,ith most cars, more so ,ith those that are a decade old
than ones that ha(e j)st rolled off the sho,room floors B)t #eing a#le to spot early signs
of a malf)nction #efore it leads to a #reakdo,n, can mean the difference #et,een
heading do,n to yo)r ,orkshop o(er the ,eekend and #eing stranded some,here ,hen
yo) need to #e at an important meeting 30 min)tes ago
+(er the past fe, months, ,eG(e co(ered a n)m#er of (ehicle maintenance articles to
help yo) in times of tro)#le, #)t ,hat yo) m)st kno, a#o(e allI ho, to change a tyre
*t may not #e rocket science, #)t yo)Gd #e s)rprised ho, many Me-periencedG dri(ers feel
completely lost after taking o)t the spare ,heel and car jack Well, ,onder no more as
here are &$ steps to help yo) s,ap tyres in no time
)tep 1" Make s)re the (ehicle is on a le(el road
*f yo) ha(e parked on an inclination, apply ca)tion ,hen jacking the car )p
)tep 2" Make s)re that the (ehicle0s gear is in Park or for man)al gear#o- (ehicles, &st or
re(erse gear :his is only needed if yo) are changing one of the rear tyres *f one of the
front ones needs to #e s,apped for the spare, yo) only need to p)ll the hand#rake then
make s)re that the gear is in ne)tral
*+!is met!od is only valid for front %!eel drive ars,
*Most ars in Malaysia are front %!eel drive %it! t!e e-eption of Meredes#.en/,
.M0 and Audi models1 .ut if unsure, refer to your instrution manual,
)tep 3" *dentify the proper mo)nting point for the jack "or most cars, itGs ,here the
)nderside of the #ody #egins 'efer to yo)r (ehicle instr)ction man)al sho)ld yo) ha(e
any do)#ts .ars s)ch as a Mercedes;Ben> )ses a completely different method
)tep 4" Before jacking the car )p, )sing the ,rench, loosen the ,heel n)ts from the
,heel =onGt remo(e them completelyI j)st eno)gh so that they donGt offer m)ch
resistance later on
:he logic #ehind this is, trying to loosen the n)ts after the car has #een jacked )p ,ill
res)lt in yo) t)rning the ,heel instead of the n)t Make s)re yo) loosen them in a star
pattern meaning if itGs a %;n)t ,heelI remo(e & and % then $ and 3 :his ,ill make it
easier to loosen all fo)r n)ts ,itho)t damaging one of them
)tep (" :ake o)t the spare tyre *t ,o)ld #e incon(enient and to an e-tent dangero)s to
do this once the car has #een ele(ated
)tep 2" :hro)gh grad)al adj)stments, get the jack to line )p ,ith the )nder #ody of the
(ehicle properly +nly then, start raising the car )p f)rther At any point d)ring this
process the (ehicle starts to feel o)t of #alance, #ring the car #ack do,n and set the jack
)tep 7" Make s)re the car is raised to a height that is con(enient eno)gh to s,ap tyres
/e(er raise it too high as in the e(ent that the jack sho)ld come loose from its mo)nting
point, it ,ill hit the gro)nd ,ith a higher intensity and inj)re yo) in the process
)tep 3" 3oosen and remo(e all ,heel n)ts attached to the tyre
)tep 4" Place p)nct)red tyre directly #eneath the car as a safety preca)tion Sho)ld the
jack fail at some point d)ring the tyre change process, the p)nct)red tyre ,ill #e a#le to
c)shion the impact, pre(enting damage to the car, and yo) from getting inj)red
)tep 10" Place the spare tyre on the ,heel h)# and align it properly so that the ,heel
st)ds can pass thro)gh perfectly Place all n)ts #ack on the tyre and tighten them in the
same order yo) remo(ed them ,ith :ighten them till they stop mo(ing
)tep 11" Bring the car #ack to the gro)nd and tighten them again #)t this time ,ith the
,rench :ighten them appropriately in the same order as ,hen yo) took them off :his
sho)ld #e done to make s)re the tyre lines )p perfectly ,ith the ,heel h)#
:hatGs it /o,, ,hen yo) do ha(e a flat tyre, thereGs no reason to panic A ,ay to red)ce
the chances of getting a flat tyre in the first place is to inflate them at least once a ,eek
:hat ,ay, ,hen one tyre takes considera#ly longer to inflate till the recommended
press)re le(el than the others, is a clear indication it has a p)nct)re of some sort
Other articles that might be of interest to you:
? tips to get #etter (al)e for yo)r car
*ngraining skills thro)gh practice
Wo)ld yo) agree to install a #lack #o- in yo)r car
7 steps to j)mp start yo)r car
"or more ne,s, re(ie,s and feat)res (isit the Motor :rader ,e#site at
NyahooOMA on :,itter, #ecome a fan on "ace#ook
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al-koy . , hor )/ mintes ago Report 0bse
*n Malaysia this article is nonsense ca)se Malaysian road f)ll of pot holes and
most of )s are e-pert in changing tires

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A Yahoo User . , hor 11 mintes ago Report 0bse
Who0s need to read this article< We can ,atch this in Ao):)#e (ideo St)pid

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shan . ) hors ,2 mintes ago Report 0bse
this article is j)st nonsense, the easiest ,ay is j)st p)ll o(er and call AAM, if
yo)0re a se-y chick j)st #end o(er and pretend to fi- the tyre, someone ,ill stop
#y and assist< done and d)stedEE

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George . 3 hors ago Report 0bse
* tho)ght yo) ,as going to gi(e me some magical tips on changing a tire *t t)rns
o)t yo) are changing a ,heel instead :ires are already on the ,heel =)rE May#e
if yo) had said changing the spare ,heel * might ha(e seen the pict)re more
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7 steps to jmp start yor car
%! &a"een 'ictor ( #otor Trader #ala!sia Te* Feb )5* )-,3

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B)mp starting a car isn0t to)gh
6o don+t need an engineering degree to 7mp start a car. Here are 8 simple steps to get
!o on !or wa!.
F(er tried to start yo)r car only to #e greeted #y a#sol)te silence< *f yo) ha(e, then yo)
already kno, ,hat its like to ha(e a dead #attery Many consider a carGs #attery a
maintenance free component :ho)gh this is tr)e ,hen it comes to maintenance free
#atteries, from time to time yo) sho)ld get yo)r #atteryGs (oltage checked +(er time, a
#atteryGs a#ility to retain its charge decreases
When this happens, it ,ill #ecome increasingly diffic)lt to get the engine to start
Sometimes it ,ill re8)ire a fe, t)rns of the key or holding it in the cranking position a lot
longer than yo)Gd normally do
B)t sometimes, the ina#ility of the engine to start might not #e d)e to the #attery *f yo)
try to start it )p #)t j)st hear the cranking noise 5Q)s)al starting noise6 ,itho)t the engine
firing )p, the pro#lem isnGt ,ith yo)r #attery :here may#e an iss)e ,ith the f)el p)mp
B)t if yo) hear nothing, it0s pro#a#ly the #attery
So, make s)re that the #attery is tr)ly at fa)lt #efore trying to j)mp;start the engine *f it
isnGt at fa)lt, donGt #other looking for yo)r j)mper ca#les B)t if it is, here are se(en steps
to get yo)r engine to start@
'e6uirements" B)mper ca#les, a car ,ith a good #attery, common sense
Cet the car ,ith the good #attery as close as possi#le to the car ,ith the dead #attery
.efore ontinuing, ma$e sure bot! engines are s%it!ed off1
Step &@ .onnect one end of the red ca#le to the car ,ith the positi(e terminal 5R6 of the
dead #attery
Step $@ .onnect the other end of the red ca#le to the positi(e terminal 5R6 of the good
Step 3@ .onnect one end of the #lack ca#le to the good #atteryGs negati(e terminal 5;6
Step %@ .onnect the other end of the #lack ca#le to a non#painted metal s)rface of the
car ,ith the dead #attery 5Pict)red a#o(e6
7on8t onnet t!e end of t!e bla$ able to t!e negative terminal of t!e dead battery1
C!anes of t!e battery e-ploding or spar$s s!ooting out are really !ig!1 +!is may
not !appen often but it9s reommended not to !ane it1
Step ?@ Start the engine of the car ,ith the good #attery Wait for a#o)t t,o min)tes
Step 7@ Start the engine of the car ,ith the #ad #attery
Step 7@ 'emo(e the ca#les in re(erse order
3et the engine r)n for a good 30 min)tes #efore attempting to t)rn it off
:hatGs itE Lisit yo)r mechanic as soon as possi#le to find o)t if the #attery is still in good
,orking order Sometimes a #attery j)st cannot #e recharged regardless of ho, long yo)
keep the engine r)nning
+ther times, the reason a #attery dies on yo) is #eca)se of a malf)nctioning alternator
Ask yo)r mechanic to check to see if it0s charging yo)r #attery
:t!er artiles t!at mig!t be of interest to you"
'+/ and yo)r car0s engine
:he '+/ list for pre;o,ned (ehicles
:ips for a f)el sa(ing $0&%
More articles from Motor :rader on AahooE A)tos can #e fo)nd here
"or more ne,s, re(ie,s and feat)res (isit the Motor :rader ,e#site at
NyahooOMA on :,itter, #ecome a fan on "ace#ook
R!" and yor car#s engine
%! &a"een 'ictor ( #otor Trader #ala!sia Wed* Feb 5* )-,3

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Al,ays )se the right '+/ for yo)r (ehicle
#ost of s know that sing a grade of fel that isn+t recommended b! the manfactrer
ma!be detrimental to a car+s engine* bt what+s the science behind it9
:here are often misconceptions ,ith regard to the technical aspects of high and lo,
octane f)el so here0s ,hat it is all a#o)t "irstly, if yo)r car0s engine is t)ned and
recommended #y the man)fact)rer for a minim)m of '+/9$, then yo) are not going to
get increased performance )sing '+/97 or '+/99 B)st #eca)se the octane is higher
does not gi(e yo) more 0po,er0 #eca)se it does not ,ork like that in com#)stion
:he second thing is that octane re8)irements are not dependent on #ody styles so it is
incorrect that SDLs r)n on higher octane :he earlier Honda .';L has #een t)ned to r)n
on '+/9$ and a n)m#er of other SDLs can also )se this f)el *t is dependent on the
man)fact)rer and the engine and e(en then, large engines can r)n on lo, octane f)el :he
"ord Fscape 30 L7, for e-ample, is t)ned for '+/9$
3et0s no, look at some iss)es concerning the )se of petrol, ,hich is of an )ns)ita#le
octane for the engine *f the engine is t)ned to r)n ,ith '+/97, then yo) cannot )se a
n)m#er lo,er :hat means '+/9? is o)t *f yo) )se '+/9?, a condition called 0pinking0
or 0knocking0 is likely to occ)r and this is the res)lt of improper com#)stion
:he condition gi(es off a so)nd like mar#les rolling inside the engine, especially if yo)
are going )phill *f it happens long eno)gh and often eno)gh, damage can occ)r to the
engine #eca)se those are so)nds of )n,anted e-plosions inside the com#)stion
cham#ers *n some cases, these e-plosions occ)r as the piston is rising and create a
do,n,ard force on the piston 3oss of po,er also res)lts d)ring pinking
Dsing the right f)el octane or a higher one pre(ents this condition *n more e-pensi(e
engines, there are also de(ices called knock sensors, ,hich are like little microphones
that detect knocking When s)ch a condition is detected, the engine control )nit 5F.D6
,ill adj)st the ignition timing to compensate :his )s)ally eliminates the knocking #)t
there ,ill also #e slight red)ction in po,er o)tp)t
Ho,e(er, a Shell engineer did once make a case for )sing an octane higher than
recommended, mainly for older engines His e-planation ,as that ,ith older engines, the
acc)m)lation of deposits inside the engine can ca)se a slight increase in the compression
ratio and tho)gh not al,ays the case, a higher compression ratio )s)ally re8)ires higher
octane f)el :his #eing the case, if the compression ratio in an older engine gets higher,
then there is a remote possi#ility that pinking can occ)r so it may #e #etter to )se the
higher octane petrol e(en if a lo,er one is recommended
Ho, ,o)ld yo) kno, ,hat is the right '+/ for yo)r engine< :his information is )s)ally
stated in the +,ner0s Man)al and the minim)m '+/ is specified :here may also #e a
sticker on the f)el lid co(er, ,hich indicates the correct '+/ What0s important is that
yo) do not )se an octane lo,er than that specified When in do)#t and the man)fact)rer
or local representati(e cannot help, then the safest #et is to )se the highest octane possi#le
,hich, at this time, is '+/97 +nly a small n)m#er of models ,o)ld need a higher
octane than that and 8)ite likely, they ,o)ld ha(e knock sensors in their engines
:here are also 0octane #oosters0, ,hich are a(aila#le in some stores :hese additi(es can
#e added to the f)el in order to #oost horsepo,er Fngineers in oil companies )s)ally
a(oid commenting on s)ch additi(es as they feel there is a possi#ility that adding
something else may )pset the optimised form)lation of their f)el :here is also the
possi#ility that these additi(es may lea(e #ehind deposits after com#)stion, an
)ndesira#le #y;prod)ct that ,ill affect performance in the long r)n So it0s )p to yo) to
)se them if yo) are con(inced that there are ad(antages to #e gained
B)t the key to tro)#le free motoring is to follo, the ad(ice of the man)fact)rer e(en past
the ,arranty period .)tting corners may shorten the lifespan of the engine and other
0rticle b! Chips 6ap
:t!er artiles t!at mig!t be of interest to you"
"AK regarding the '+/ of yo)r f)el
:he '+/ list for pre;o,ned (ehicles
:ips for a f)el sa(ing $0&%
Shell L;Po,er@ Cood for yo)r car
"or more ne,s, re(ie,s and feat)res (isit o)r Motor :rader ,e#site at
$% regarding the R!" o& yor &el
%! &a"een 'ictor ( #otor Trader #ala!sia #on* :an )8* )-,3

Related Content
Lie, Photo
'+/ "AK ans,ered
Caltex answers or most fre;entl! asked ;estions regarding the fel that we se and
bsts a few m!ths in the process.
We sent some 8)estions to .he(ron Malaysia regarding the )se of different '+/ f)els
and the follo,ing are the ans,ers they ga(e )s
0!at is ':N;
'+/ stands for 'esearch +ctane /)m#er and is a rating of petrol *t determines a
petrolGs anti;knock 8)ality or resistance to pre;ignition or detonation as it #)rns in the
com#)stion cham#er 2nocking is an a#normal condition d)ring com#)stion and sho)ld
#e pre(ented as it can #e damaging to the engine
0!at ve!ile types are able to use ':N4(;
Most (ehicles ,ith petrol engines can )se '+/9? Ho,e(er, it is #est to refer to the
+,nerGs Man)al for the recommendation #y the man)fact)rer of the (ehicle model or, in
some cases, check the la#el ,hich is st)ck on the #ack of the f)el filler lid ,hich ,ill
indicate the minim)m octane re8)ired
0ill an engine %!i! !as been running on ':N42 be damaged %!en it is s%it!ed
to ':N4(;
:he main difference #et,een '+/9$ and '+/9? is the octane rating and )sing a higher
'+/ ,ill not harm the engine Ho,e(er, it is #est to choose the most s)ita#le grade for
yo)r engine and this can #e done #y referring to the +,nerGs Man)al for the
recommendation #y the man)fact)rer of the (ehicle model or, in some cases, check the
la#el ,hich is st)ck on the #ack of the f)el filler lid ,hich ,ill indicate the minim)m
octane re8)ired
0ill an engine %!i! !as been running on ':N47 be damaged %!en it is s%it!ed
to ':N4(;
Dsing a petrol ,ith a lo,er '+/ may or may not ca)se harm to the engine *f in do)#t, it
is #est to refer to the +,nerGs Man)al for the recommendation #y the man)fact)rer of the
(ehicle model or, in some cases, check the la#el ,hich is st)ck on the #ack of the f)el
filler lid ,hich ,ill indicate the minim)m octane re8)ired
)!ould < empty t!e fuel tan$ before refueling %it! ':N4(;
:his depends on the amo)nt of petrol remaining in the tank :he less the amo)nt, the
faster the #enefits of '+/9? can #e deri(ed
0!at %ill t!e effet on performane be if petrol of a different ':N is mi-ed;
*t is not recommended to mi- petrols ,ith different '+/ ratings as this might res)lt in
s)#;optimal performance "or e-ample, if the mi-t)re contains a lo,er;than;
recommended '+/, then knocking might occ)r, accompanied #y loss of po,er
)!ould < al%ays selet t!e !ig!est ':N grade available for my ve!ile;
:he highest '+/ rating a(aila#le may not necessarily #e the #est for yo)r engine :he
#est thing is to refer to the +,nerGs Man)al for the recommendation #y the man)fact)rer
of the (ehicle model or, in some cases, check the la#el ,hich is st)ck on the #ack of the
f)el filler lid ,hich ,ill indicate the minim)m octane re8)ired
7oes a !ig!er ':N rating indiate a more environment#friendly fuel; Ho% about
greater po%er;
:he tr)e difference #et,een grades of petrol lies in an engineGs re8)irement :here is no
g)arantee of greater po,er or a more en(ironment;friendly option as the n)m#er gets
higher :his infers that cars )sing f)el ,ith '+/ greater than ,hat their engine re8)ires
may not #e necessarily gaining #etter performance than if they adhered to the
recommendations the man)fact)rer of the car has made
0!at is t!e impat of ':N4( usage on t!e environment;
At present, there is ins)fficient data to ade8)ately pro(e that a higher or lo,er '+/
grade poses an en(ironmental iss)e
The R!" list &or pre'owned (ehicles
%! &a"een 'ictor ( #otor Trader #ala!sia Te* Feb 3* )-,3

Finding ot what+s the lowest grade of fel !or car can rn on isn+t eas!. Here+s a list
that might shed some light on what can and can+t be sed.
H)nting for yo)r dream car can #e to)gh *t getGs a ,hole lot more complicated ,hen
information and tech specifications are non;e-istent :his especially tr)e ,hen the
(ehicle of interest doesnGt ha(e an o,nerGs man)al and the seller or car dealer canGt gi(e
yo) the proper information for maintenance methods
Haynes repair man)als, considered the #i#le of car repairs, arenGt easily accessi#le
especially in o)r co)ntry So =*A jo#s re8)ire more time than needed #eca)se of all the
trial and error in(ol(ed B)t ,ith proper g)idelines jo#s can #e made far simpler and the
time needed red)ced significantly
:he most important fact to kno, #efore making a p)rchase is, ,hatGs the lo,est '+/
yo)r car can take :he dealer may tell yo) Qthe engine is #)lletproofS or QdonGt ,orry itGs
an old engine, it can e(en r)n on keroseneES /e(er #elie(e those ,ords as e(en old cars
can re8)ire premi)m f)el especially if they ha(e #een )sed and a#)sed for years
*f yo) are in the market for a car that came o)t aro)nd $009 or earlier, heGs a list that
might #e a#le to shed some light on ,hat can and canGt #e )sed :he list has #een
compiled #ased on confirmation and )nofficial disc)ssions ,ith some car companies *tGs
only a g)ide and sho)ld not #e taken as the final say on ,hat can and canGt go into yo)r
(ehicle We do not accept any lia#ility or responsi#ility for any effect arising from )se of
this information
:his is #eca)se in some cases, e(en tho)gh an engine may #e originally t)ned to r)n on
f)el ,ith a certain '+/, its age and condition may re8)ire a higher '+/ grade to a(oid
knocking Some engines may also ha(e knock sensors, ,hich can a)tomatically adj)st
ignition timing if knocking is detected #)t this ,ill res)lt in some red)ction in po,er
o)tp)t *f in do)#t, do contact the car company dealing ,ith yo)r model
'+/ list part &Most Mercedes;Ben> engines, e-cept for the high;performance ones in
the AMC and S3TS32 models are a#le to r)n on f)el ,ith '+/9& to '+/9? Ho,e(er,
for optim)m performance, '+/9? is recommended ,hile )se of '+/9$ ,ill res)lt in
marginally red)ced o)tp)t
'+/ list part $"or the .efiro 30, M)rano, 3?0JT370J, '+/97 is recommended for
optim)m performance "or older models s)ch as the S)nny &30A, Bl)e#ird, Altima and
A= 'esort, '+/9? can #e )sed
'+/ list part 3Lol(o engines can )se '+/9& to 91 )nleaded petrol Lol(o .ar Malaysia
says that for #est performance and lo,est f)el cons)mption, '+/91 5or closest '+/6 is
recommended "or normal dri(ing, '+/9? is accepta#le and knock sensors in the
engines ,ill adj)st the engine timing to pre(ent damage if the '+/ is too lo,
:t!er artiles t!at mig!t be of interest to you"
"AK regarding the '+/ of yo)r f)el
Shell L;Po,er@ Cood for yo)r car
:ips for a f)el sa(ing $0&%
.ars to ,atch for in $0&%
"or more ne,s, re(ie,s and feat)res (isit the Motor :rader We#site at
Tips &or a &el sa(ing )*+4
%! &a"een 'ictor ( #otor Trader #ala!sia Wed* :an ,5* )-,3

Related Content
Lie, Photo
:o sa(e f)el, don0t change yo)r car j)st change yo)r dri(ing style
The best wa! to spend less mone! on fel is to se less of it. $nstead of rshing ot to b! a
h!brid "ehicle* here are a few tips that can help !o tra"el frther on e"er! litre of fel.
*tGs the #eginning of $0&% and the time to plan yo)r acti(ities and spending #)dget for the
entire year +ne of the #est ,ays to c)r# f)el e-penses is #y limiting the n)m#er of (isits
to the petrol stations :he less yo) spend on f)el the more yo) ,ill ha(e to sa(e So here
are ten tips to help yo) go f)rther on e(ery litre of f)el that yo)r car cons)mes
11 =>>? +H> >N@<N> +AN>7
:)ne and ser(ice yo)r engine reg)larly A properly t)ned engine can impro(e f)el
economy #y )p to ?H
21 A)> H<@H>' @>A')
When yo) dri(e slo,ly in a higher gear, yo) ,ill #)rn less f)el #eca)se the engine re(s
are lo,er 5pro(ided the gear selected is s)ita#le for the speed6 .hange )p to the highest
possi#le gear ,hene(er possi#le
31 5<M<+ A<'#C:N7<+<:N>' A)A@>
Air conditioning p)ts added strain on the engine, res)lting in e-tra f)el #eing cons)med
:ry to limit its )se or alternati(ely yo) can ,ind do,n the ,indo, :ho)gh yo) ,ill lose
some f)el efficiency ,ith the ,indo, open, it is still far more economical than )sing the
air conditioner Dp to 1H sa(ings can #e gained #y not )sing the air;conditioner *f yo)
close the ,indo,, yo) can still get air in #y selecting the "resh Air mode in the
(entilation system
41 A)> C'A<)> C:N+':5
*f yo)r (ehicle has cr)ise control, )se it #eca)se it helps maintain a constant speed, ,hich
is #etter for f)el economy
(1 AB:<7 >CC>)) <75<N@
While the engine is idling, yo)r (ehicle is going no,here #)t f)el is still #ring #)rnt
:)rn off the engine if yo) are in a 8)e)e or jamI as a r)le, if yo) ha(e stopped for o(er &0
seconds, s,itch off the engine
21 AB:<7 :B>'#'>BB<N@
Accelerate in each gear smoothly and change )p to the ne-t higher gear as soon as
possi#le :aking the re(s all the ,ay to the redline ,ill #)rn )p a lot of f)el
71 AB:<7 'A)H H:A'
')sh ho)r traffic is stressf)l and )npleasant for any motorist and it is also ,here a lot of
f)el is ,asted *f possi#le, plan yo)r ro)te to a(oid jams or #etter still, tra(el o)tside the
peak ho)rs ,hen congestion is less and yo)Gll find that yo)r f)el economy ,ill #e #etter
31 A)> C:''>C+ +D'> ?'>))A'>)
2eep yo)r tyres at the right press)re Properly inflated tyres are safer, last longer and
dri(e more efficiently A tyre that is )nder;inflated #y j)st & psi can red)ce f)el
efficiency #y &;$H d)e to increased rolling resistance 'efer to yo)r carmakerGs
recommendation for the correct press)res to )se and check them reg)larly
41 @>+ '<7 :E ANN>C>))A'D 0><@H+
A(oid carrying e-cess ,eight "or e(ery e-tra %? kg on #oard, f)el efficiency can ,orsen
#y & ; $H So clear yo)r #oot of st)ff, ,hich does not need to #e there all the time 5eg
golf#ags, s)itcases, picnic gear, etc6
101 EA>5 MA++>')
")el economy can #e #etter ,ith good dri(ing ha#its and )sing the right f)el .ertain
f)els f)nction #etter in some (ehicles rather than others :ho)gh there are (arying res)lts,
identify the one that s)its yo)r car #est and stick to it Mi-ing f)els may sometimes lead
to an increase in yo)r f)el cons)mption
,-maller, si.e /eeps women loyal to men0 -tdy
%! $ndo 0sian &ews <er"ice ( $0&< $ndia 4ri"ate =imited/6ahoo $ndia
&ews ,8 hors ago
Share 37

Latest News
Water price to go )p $0H in Penang
'elati(es of .hinese MH370 passengers protest at Malaysian em#assy in Beijing
Selangor says not follo,ing Pahang non;*slamic #ooks #an
Penang )tility to seek $0pc a(erage hike to ,ater rates
S)hakam sees drop in complaints on h)man rights a#)se, lo,est in fi(e years
As ,ater le(els rise, Selangor says may end rationing #y ne-t ,eek
3ondon, April $% 5*A/S6 =oes si>e of yo)r penis ,orry yo) a lot< Stop thinking and get
on ,ith the act as a st)dy re(eals that ,omen are more loyal to men ,ith 0smaller0
A team of researchers from the DS and 2enya fo)nd that there ,as a strange link
#et,een the si>e of the penis and infidelity in a marriage
.ontrary to ,hat many men may ass)me, they fo)nd that men ,ith #igger penises are
more likely to ha(e ,i(es ,ho cheat on them
4:he reason is that ,omen e-perience more painf)l se- ,hen their partner is 0#ig0 :hat
prompts them to seek another partner ,hom they may ha(e more pleas)ra#le se-,4 the
st)dy noted
:he st)dy ,as cond)cted among the fishermen comm)nity in 3ake Lictoria in 2is)m)
.o)nty, 2enya
+ne of the ,omen said that she had to look for another man ,ith a 4smaller one4 so that
she co)ld 4do it in a ,ay4 she co)ld enjoy
According to the st)dy, p)#lished in the jo)rnal PloS +ne, other possi#le reasons of a
,oman0s infidelity in a marriage incl)de denying her a preferred se- position as ,ell as
domestic (iolence
F-tramarital affairs may also happen ,hen a ,oman is se-)ally dissatisfied, the st)dy,
reported #y *nternational B)siness :imes, said
1ormer 2M1 chie&,s e3 ,didn,t /now, a4ot swinging se3
0F4 &ews Te* 0pr ))* )-,3

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Lie, Photo
"ormer *M" chief =omini8)e Stra)ss;2ahn is pict)red at the "rench Senate on
B)ne U
Lie, Photo
"rench jo)rnalist Anne Sinclair attends a 3egion of Hono)r ceremony at the
Flysee U
Latest News
Water price to go )p $0H in Penang
'elati(es of .hinese MH370 passengers protest at Malaysian em#assy in Beijing
Selangor says not follo,ing Pahang non;*slamic #ooks #an
Penang )tility to seek $0pc a(erage hike to ,ater rates
S)hakam sees drop in complaints on h)man rights a#)se, lo,est in fi(e years
As ,ater le(els rise, Selangor says may end rationing #y ne-t ,eek
:he e-;,ife of former *M" chief =omini8)e Stra)ss;2ahn says she kne, nothing a#o)t
his penchant for se- parties ,hich has left him facing a possi#le ten;year prison sentence
for pimping
Anne Sinclair, a ,ealthy heiress ,ho ,as )ntil recently one of "rance0s #est;kno,n
tele(ision ne,s anchors, left Stra)ss;2ahn after he ,as forced to resign as head of the
*nternational Monetary ")nd follo,ing his $0&& arrest for an alleged se-)al assa)lt on a
/e, Aork hotel maid
.riminal charges in the case ,ere dropped and at the end of $0&$, Stra)ss;2ahn settled a
ci(il s)it #ro)ght #y the maid #y paying her )ndisclosed damages, ,hich reportedly
e-ceeded V&? million
His former ,ife is tho)ght to ha(e helped him raise the f)nds for the damages payment
and his legal #ills
Sinclair, ,ho has rarely spoken p)#licly a#o)t the affair, has told "rance $ tele(ision that
she ,as )na,are of the li#ertine side to the personality of a man ,ho ,as, )ntil his arrest,
a strong contender to #ecome president of "rance
43isten, yo) can #elie(e me or not #elie(e me, #)t * did not kno,,4 Sinclair says in an
inter(ie, d)e to #e #roadcast on :)esday e(ening
4When * married =omini8)e, * kne, he ,as a charmer, that he ,as a sed)cer :hat m)ch
* kne,,4 she said
Sinclair admitted that she heard r)mo)rs a#o)t ,hat 4=S24 might #e )p to, #)t claims
she paid no heed
4')mo)rs are made to destroy, to kill, to damage ;; so * ignored them,4 she says
4* had do)#ts, the do)#ts yo) can ha(e ,ithin a co)ple and often, or sometimes, * ,o)ld
ask him if things ,ere tr)e or not He kne, ho, to deny them and ho, to reass)re me4
Sinclair also says that she does not #elie(e for one min)te the allegations made #y the
/e, Aork hotel maid, /afissato) =iallo
Stra)ss;2ahn0s arrest in /e, Aork triggered a n)m#er of in(estigations into his se-)al
cond)ct, the most serio)s of ,hich ,as kno,n as the 4.arlton Affair4 and centred on se-
parties he attended at the .arlton Hotel in the "rench city of 3ille
Stra)ss;2ahn0s la,yers insist he had no idea the ,omen taking part ,ere prostit)tes B)t
the prosec)tion says he ,as central to the organisation of ,hat amo)nted to orgies and,
last A)g)st, a j)dge sent Stra)ss;2ahn and &$ others for trial on charges of aggra(ated
pimping as part of an organised gang
Whilst a,aiting trial, Stra)ss;2ahn has fo)nd ,ork as an ad(isor to the Ser#ian
go(ernment and the story of his spectac)lar fall from grace has #een made into a film,
4Welcome to /e, Aork4, starring Cerard =epardie)
5omen with wider hips p &or more one'night stands6
%! $ndo 0sian &ews <er"ice ( $0&< $ndia 4ri"ate =imited/6ahoo $ndia
&ews )1 hors ago
Share 3

Latest News
Water price to go )p $0H in Penang
'elati(es of .hinese MH370 passengers protest at Malaysian em#assy in Beijing
Selangor says not follo,ing Pahang non;*slamic #ooks #an
Penang )tility to seek $0pc a(erage hike to ,ater rates
S)hakam sees drop in complaints on h)man rights a#)se, lo,est in fi(e years
As ,ater le(els rise, Selangor says may end rationing #y ne-t ,eek
3ondon, April $% 5*A/S6 Ao)r hip re(eals a lot than yo) may imagine ; e(en yo)r se-)al
According to a fascinating research, ,omen ,ho are more inclined to ha(e one;night
stands )s)ally ha(e ,ider hips
+(erall, ,omen in this st)dy ,ith hips ,ider than 37 centimetres 5&%$ inches6 had more
se-)al partners and more one;night stands than ,omen ,ith hips )nder 3& centimetres
5&$$ inches6 ,ide
4+)r res)lts sho, that the n)m#er of se-)al partners a ,oman had is largely dri(en #y
one;night stand #eha(io)r :his, in t)rn, correlates ,ith a ,oman0s hip ,idth and not
,aist;to;hip ratio,4 e-plained lead a)thor .olin A Hendrie from Dni(ersity of 3eeds
:he st)dy into ,hether hip ,idth or ,aist;to;hip ratio ,as a #etter predictor of a ,oman0s
se-)al #eha(io)r ,as cond)cted among &%1 British ,omen #et,een &1 and $7 years old
:o reach this concl)sion, the researchers meas)red hip ,idth ; defined as the distance
#et,een the )pper o)ter edges of the iliac crest #ones of the pel(is ; as ,ell hip
circ)mference at the ,idest point and ,aist circ)mference at its narro,est point
Participants also completed a 8)estionnaire a#o)t their se-)al histories, incl)ding the age
at ,hich they lost their (irginity and the n)m#er of se-)al partners they had
4More specifically, the ,omen for ,hom one;night stands acco)nted for three o)t of
e(ery fo)r of their se-)al relationships had hips at least t,o centimetres 501 inches6
,ider than their co)nterparts in ,hose li(es s)ch fleeting relationships ,ere not as
pre(alent,4 Hendrie emphasised
Women0s hip ,idth has a direct impact on their risk of potentially fatal child#irth;related
4*t seems that ,hen ,omen ha(e control o(er their o,n se-)al acti(ity, this risk is
reflected in their #eha(io)r Women0s se-)al acti(ity is, therefore, at least in part
infl)enced #y hip ,idth,4 said Hendrie
:he paper ,as p)#lished in Springer0s jo)rnal Archi(es of Se-)al Beha(ior

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