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CandldaLes for Lhls exam are seeklng Lo prove lnLroducLory knowledge of and skllls wlLh daLabases,
lncludlng relaLlonal daLabases such as MlcrosofL SCL Server or Wlndows Azure SCL uaLabase. lL ls
recommended LhaL candldaLes be famlllar wlLh Lhe concepLs of and have hands-on experlence wlLh Lhe
Lechnologles descrlbed here elLher by Laklng relevanL Lralnlng courses or by worklng wlLh LuLorlals and
samples avallable on MSun and ln MlcrosofL vlsual SLudlo. AlLhough mlnlmal hands-on experlence wlLh
Lhe Lechnologles ls recommended, [ob experlence ls noL assumed for Lhese exams.
CandldaLes for Lhls exam are ln Lhe process of expandlng Lhelr knowledge and skllls ln Lhe followlng
core daLabase concepLs
relaLlonal daLabase concepLs
securlLy requlremenLs for daLabases and Lhe daLa sLored ln Lhem
daLabase ob[ecLs, such as Lables and vlews
graphlcal Lools and 1-SCL scrlpLs
daLabase querles
sLored procedures
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1. Understanding Core Database Concepts
1.1. undersLand how daLa ls sLored ln Lables.
1hls ob[ecLlve may lnclude buL ls noL llmlLed Lo: undersLandlng whaL a Lable ls and how lL
relaLes Lo Lhe daLa LhaL wlll be sLored ln Lhe daLabase, columns/flelds, rows/records

1.2. undersLand relaLlonal daLabase concepLs.
1hls ob[ecLlve may lnclude buL ls noL llmlLed Lo: undersLandlng whaL a relaLlonal daLabase ls,
Lhe need for relaLlonal daLabase managemenL sysLems (8u8MS), and how relaLlons are

1.3. undersLand daLa manlpulaLlon language (uML).
1hls ob[ecLlve may lnclude buL ls noL llmlLed Lo: undersLandlng whaL uML ls and lLs role ln

1.4. undersLand daLa deflnlLlon language (uuL).
1hls ob[ecLlve may lnclude buL ls noL llmlLed Lo: undersLandlng how 1-SCL can be used Lo
creaLe daLabase ob[ecLs such as Lables and vlews

2. Creating Database Objects
2.1. Choose daLa Lypes.
1hls ob[ecLlve may lnclude buL ls noL llmlLed Lo: undersLandlng whaL daLa Lypes are, why Lhey
are lmporLanL, and how Lhey affecL sLorage requlremenLs

2.2. undersLand Lables and how Lo creaLe Lhem.
1hls ob[ecLlve may lnclude buL ls noL llmlLed Lo: purpose of Lables, creaLlng Lables ln a
daLabase by uslng proper AnSl SCL synLax

2.3. CreaLe vlews.
1hls ob[ecLlve may lnclude buL ls noL llmlLed Lo: undersLandlng when Lo use vlews and how Lo
creaLe a vlew by uslng 1-SCL or a graphlcal deslgner.

2.4. CreaLe sLored procedures and funcLlons.
1hls ob[ecLlve may lnclude buL ls noL llmlLed Lo: selecLlng, lnserLlng, updaLlng, or deleLlng daLa
3. Manipulating Data
3.1. SelecL daLa.
1hls ob[ecLlve may lnclude buL ls noL llmlLed Lo: uLlllzlng SLLLC1 querles Lo exLracL daLa from
one Lable, exLracLlng daLa by uslng [olns, comblnlng resulL seLs by uslng unlCn and

3.2. lnserL daLa.
1hls ob[ecLlve may lnclude buL ls noL llmlLed Lo: undersLandlng how daLa ls lnserLed lnLo a
daLabase, how Lo use lnSL81 sLaLemenLs

3.3. updaLe daLa.
1hls ob[ecLlve may lnclude buL ls noL llmlLed Lo: undersLandlng how daLa ls updaLed ln a
daLabase and how Lo wrlLe Lhe updaLe daLa Lo Lhe daLabase by uslng Lhe approprlaLe uuA1L
sLaLemenLs, updaLe by uslng a Lable

3.4. ueleLe daLa.
1hls ob[ecLlve may lnclude buL ls noL llmlLed Lo: deleLlng daLa from slngle or mulLlple Lables,
ensurlng daLa and referenLlal lnLegrlLy by uslng LransacLlons

4. Understanding Data Storage
4.1. undersLand normallzaLlon.
1hls ob[ecLlve may lnclude buL ls noL llmlLed Lo: undersLandlng Lhe reasons for normallzaLlon,
Lhe flve mosL common levels of normallzaLlon, how Lo normallze a daLabase Lo Lhlrd normal

4.2. undersLand prlmary, forelgn, and composlLe keys.
1hls ob[ecLlve may lnclude buL ls noL llmlLed Lo: undersLandlng Lhe reason for keys ln a
daLabase, chooslng approprlaLe prlmary keys, selecLlng approprlaLe daLa Lype for keys,
selecLlng approprlaLe flelds for composlLe keys, undersLandlng Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween
forelgn and prlmary keys

4.3. undersLand lndexes.
1hls ob[ecLlve may lnclude buL ls noL llmlLed Lo: undersLandlng clusLered and non-clusLered
lndexes and Lhelr purpose ln a daLabase
5. Administering a Database
3.1. undersLand daLabase securlLy concepLs.
1hls ob[ecLlve may lnclude buL ls noL llmlLed Lo: undersLandlng Lhe need Lo secure a
daLabase, whaL ob[ecLs can be secured, whaL ob[ecLs should be secured, user accounLs, and

3.2. undersLand daLabase backups and resLore.
1hls ob[ecLlve may lnclude buL ls noL llmlLed Lo: undersLandlng varlous backup Lypes, such as
full and lncremenLal, lmporLance of backups, how Lo resLore a daLabase

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