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F.Y.I: Almonds are a member of the peach family.


Questioning pornography’s place

Adult films social tured, showed his film on the same phy becoming more and more main-

value scrutinized subject and took questions for more

than an hour.
“I don’t see the connection just
by guest speaker The program, entitled, “The to men though … it’s just inherent
Price of Pleasure: Pornography and in the nature of people … pornogra-
By Andrew Flohr-Spence the Decline of Masculinity,” was in phy and violence has been around as support of his recent book, “The long as humans,” Furlong said. “Un-
Price of Pleasure,” which looks at fortunately technology is spreading
Robert Jensen wants people to the progression of the pornography it uncontrollably.”
take another look at pornography — industry over the last several decades UCD Political Science Majors Erin
a critical look. and analyzes it from a feminist per- Bailey and Brittany Groom said they
“Pornography is a very impor- spective. thought what Jensen said was in-
tant mirror on the culture we live Asserting that new develop- teresting but “he only scratched the
in,” said the author and University ments in pornography show a grow- surface.”
of Texas at Austin communications ing lack of empathy for women, and The two attended the lecture as
professor, who has studied pornog- for people in general, Jensen asked part of a course titled Race, Class,
raphy for twenty years. And what it the crowd to remember that real Gender: Law and Public Policy, but
shows, Jensen said, isn’t good. people had to perform the acts in the said they found the lecture more in-
“We may not be as civilized a films and that each time a person teresting as women than as political
society as we think we are,” Jensen watched a film he or she was sup- science majors.
said. porting a “very cruel economy.” “I really liked his point that it’s a
Based on his study of the chang- Metro Senior in Communica- mirror of society,” Bailey said. Citing
es over time in the plots, content and tions Kara Sutton said Jensen had Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential
featured sex acts, and from inter- a lot of good points, but she didn’t campaign and the current political
views with producers of the films, he think pornography is bad in all cases. climate, Bailey said she thought the
asserts that pornography is becom- “It really depends on the person’s U.S. was currently confronting many
ing increasingly sexist, racist, brutal sexuality,” she said. of the topics Jensen said porn exploit-
and antiquated stereotypes toward Jensen said that porn lets people ed, such as sexism and racism.
women and minorities are common. find sexual release in private and that “People are really learning to re-
Tracing the industry’s introduc- was not necessarily a bad thing. evaluate their actions … everybody
tion of new sex acts into the films “I know men who are obsessed knows about this really disgusting
and a new genre that does away with with it and I know others who won’t stuff, and it’s good we start to talk
any plot altogether, Jensen said that touch it … there is a whole spectrum about it,” Bailey said.
the progression of porn in the last out there … and it’s just like every- “Getting uncomfortable is good,”
decade increasingly shows women thing: if it goes too far, then it is de- Groom said. “It makes you think.”
being dominated and subordinated structive,” Sutton said. And people getting uncomfort-
by men. “I would certainly agree that able is exactly what Jensen hopes will Robert Jensen, author of the book “The Price of Pleasure,” speaks
“And we’re just talking about the pornography is incredibly damag- come from his work on the subject.
about the link between pornography and masculinity during his
presentation “Porn and the Decline of Masculinity” in the Multi-
legal porn here,” he said. ing,” UCD Denver psychology major “If this lecture today leaves you
Cultural Lounge Oct. 16. More than two hundred people crowded
An installment of the Distin- Patrick Furlong said. disturbed, I am happy,” Jensen said into the Multi-Cultural Lounge for the event, forcing administra-
guished Lecture Series sponsored by While violence, in his opinion, at the end of his speech. tion to move the event into the Tivoli Turnhalle. Photo by Mark Farnik
the student activities departments would never disappear, Furlong said, •
of Metro, UCD and CCD, Jensen lec- what bothered him was pornogra-

On the street By Ben Wiebesiek • Photos by Dan Clements

People around the nation were fixated as the “balloon boy” saga unfolded Oct. 15 in Ft. Collins.
The Heene family claimed their six-year-old son was carried away in a helium-filled balloon. The
sheriff’s department has since concluded the situation was a hoax to garner media attention. What
is your perspective of the “balloon boy” saga?

“That dad is a clown for doing that “A boy that is in a balloon! I think “It’s just publicity. They were on “I didn’t pay attention to it. This “To spend all that money, it was
to his kid. His kid is going to be there are more important issues out ‘Wife Swap’ like a week ago. It was was a waste of a lot of money be- close to $40,000 in expenses with
labeled for life now. My understand- there than a boy trapped in a bal- kind of retarded. For him to have cause the whole police department all the helicopters, ambulances and
ing is the whole family is pretty loon. Such as the new world order been in the garage for so many had to go out. And the media made police officers. For five minutes of
messed up. It’s unfortunate that and the economy crash. There are hours not saying anything, I don’t a big deal out of it too. Maybe they fame, $40,000 down the drain. It’s
the dude would want to go through so many other things we should be think that was true. A little boy should have researched the story a waste of time. Especially when
that much to just get a little bit of worried about than a boy in a can’t stay quiet for that long.” more before they reported it.” there are other needs out there.
air time. Especially to mess with the balloon right now.” Jimena Santiago Carsen Snyder There could have been a huge fire
FAA. It sucks to be them I guess.” Bryan King Metro, Sophomore UCD, Junior out in Ft. Collins while everybody’s
Jake Spooner UCD, Freshman worried about this kid that’s 700 ft.
Metro, Junior up in the air.”
John Yohannes
Metro, Sophomore

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