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Stress (0) ... often called a 21st century illness but it has always been
with us if perhaps (1) ... different names. These days we regard stress
(2) ... a necessary evil of modern living. Yet stress is not negative and
without () ... we would not en!oy some of the highpoints in life (") ...
as the anticipation before a date or the tension leading (#) ... to an
important match. $ll these situations produce stress but (%) ... you can
control it and not the other way (&) ... you will feel stimulated' not worn
(() ... )nli*e these situations' which are generally positive and easier to
deal with' sitting in a train (+) ... is late' (10) ... stuc* in a traffic !am'
wor*ing to a tight deadline are (11) ... harder to manage and control.
Stress is now recognised as a medical problem and as a signficant factor
(12) ... causing coronary heart disease' high blood pressure and a high
cholesterol count. ,atients are often unwilling to admit to stress
problems (1) ... they feel they are a form of social failure and it is
important that symptoms (1") ... identified in order to avoid
unnecessary suffering. So what should we be loo*ing out for as danger
signals- .ommon signs of stress are increased tiredness' irritability and
(1#) ... inability to cope with certain situations.
Turn A Hobby into a Business
/t is not (0) unusual to ma*e a hobby pay for itself )S)$0
even if initially you had no (1) ... of turning it /1T213
into a business.
3epending upon the hobby' the necessary (2) ... 24)/,
can be e5pensive and the idea of () ... offering items 6..$S/61
up for sale can at the very least help pay for the
7or those loo*ing to ma*e a profit on their (") ...' .82$T2
these days an audience for products can range from
the local to the truly global. Some hobbyists begin
by donating a piece of wor* to a (#) ... sale .9$8/TY
!ust to see how :uic*ly and (%) ... it sells. ,867/T
0ocal shops can be the ne5t outlet for items'
often the step ta*en by those ma*ing things li*e
hand;made greetings cards for instance. $nd for the
truly ambitious' websites li*e e<ay enable the
hobbiest to reach a (& ) ... audience. =6803
$s with any business idea' an honest (() ... should be $,,8$/S2
underta*en regarding the demand for the wor* and the
price the customer is prepared to pay in (+) ... . 82$0
9owever' do not forget the degree of personal (10) ... S$T/S7Y
as well.
>apped Sentences
For questions 1-5, think of one word only which can be used
appropriately in all three sentences Here is an e!a"ple#
.ould you do me a ........and hold the door open while / bring in the
$ll those in ........ of the proposal please raise your hand.
$fter being out of fashion for years the painter is now in ........ with the
25ample? 7$@6)8
Aohn has !ust ta*en up the ........ of Bar*eting Banager at a local college.
9e put me in a really difficult ........ as*ing for money when he *nows /Cm
not very well off.
The yoga teacher told everyone to remain in a standing ........ for 0
$pparently' the police are going to ........ the man with assault following
that fight the other wee*.
/ couldnCt get the car to start this morning and finally had to ........ the
battery as it had gone flat.
The company have been as*ed to submit a proposal outlining how much
they will ........ for the consultancy wor*.
3uring the tutorial / was as*ed to give my........ of the portrayal of the
main character in the film.
There was a wonderful ........ from the hotel window' which loo*ed out
over beautiful countryside.
6ur son couldnCt see the game as his ........ was bloc*ed by the people in
/ had a real ........ of achievement when / passed the e5ams and got my
/ donCt see the ........ of going all the way into town when we can buy the
dress locally.
,aul has a great ........ of humour and always has everyone in the office
in fits of laughter.
/t wasnCt my ........ ; the vase !ust fell off the table.
There was a ........ with the computer and we had to ta*e it bac* to the
shop to get it repaired.
The manager is always finding ........ with people and complaining about
the :uality of their wor*.
6pen .loDe
For questions 1-15, read the te!t below and write the word which
best fits in each space (se only one word in each space
That fragment of pottery' that little piece of bone or the remains of an
early human tool are (1) ... often the only evidence we have of our early
history. 9owever' (2) ... a conse:uence of the wor* of archaeologists and
others in this field' we have () ... the years built (") ... an e5tremely
good understanding of early human development. This is the case (#) ...
the fact that there is no written evidence of the period we term ,re;
9istory. (%) ... is startling to note is that this period' which predates the
invention of writing' accounts (&) ... ++E of human e5istence. /t was
(() ... this time that discoveries that shaped the human race were made'
early settlements created that (+) ... to become our ma!or cities and (10)
... general was the time when the very foundations of human civilisation
were laid. The evidence of our pre;history can be found everywhere' from
remnants of human e5istence buried deep in the ground (11) ... ancient
pathways and burial grounds. The first and easiest place to start your
e5ploration of prehistory is of (12) ... your local museum' particularly
(1) ... you are interested in discovering more about the area where you
live. You may (1") ... have a local archaeological group that would be
prepared to let you wor* (1#) ... a volunteer.
%1st *entury +orkplace
The economy of the 21st century will be based on
s*ills and (0) ... according to a recent report. F16=
The study shows that throughout this century there
will be more !obs in the wor*place for those with (1) ... 4)$0/7Y
and the right s*ills' and fewer !obs for those with none.
The best (2) ... will be one that can demonstrate a level 2B,06Y
of academic or () ... achievement that can enable the @6.$T/61
individual to support their .@ with evidence of
desirable personal :ualities. $s (") ... and >06<2
technological advances ma*e typical wor*ing
practices redundant (#) ... employees will need ,86S,2.T
to show various personal attributes.
$s well as wanting people who are fle5ible'
companies are also loo*ing for evidence of (%) ... $3$,T
/t is also (&)............ necessary to be an e5cellent /1.82$S2
communicator as the ma!ority of (() ..... ma*e their 68>$1/S2
profits from the s*ills of people selling their goods as
much as from the producers themselves.
The new economy is here to stay and unless
businesses show the (+) ... to adapt they may find they =/00
are (10) ... according to the authors of the report. S)ST$/1
G COPYRIGHT Flo-Joe 2008. All rights reserved.

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