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BCC Intensive English Program Grade 10

Course Syllabus for Semester 1 / 201!201"

Course #b$e%tives&
This course is an outcomes-based, English language enrichment course designed to
develop and consolidate students skills in the areas of ' (1101!Reading, Writing,
Listening and Speaking, and '(021)! Standardized Testing and rammar!
Specific course ob"ectives include ke# stage indicators$
Strand 1&
Standard *1+1 ! ,nderstanding of and %a-a%ity to inter-ret .hat has been
heard and read from various ty-es of media/ and ability to e0-ress o-inions
.ith -ro-er reasoning+
%! &bserve instructions in manuals for various t#pes of 'ork, clarifications,
e(planations and descriptions heard and read!
)! *ccuratel# read aloud te(ts, ne's, advertisements, poems and skits b# observing the
principles of reading!
+! E(plain and 'rite sentences and te(ts related to various forms of non-te(t information,
as 'ell as specif# and 'rite various forms of non-te(t information related to sentences
and te(ts heard or read!
,! -dentif# the main idea, anal#ze the essence, interpret and e(press opinions from
listening to and reading feature articles and entertainment articles, as 'ell as provide
"ustifications and e(amples for illustration!
.! To encourage students to be active and constructive in their o'n learning, using
English as a tool to create meaning, seek kno'ledge, and to interact effectivel# 'ith
others in the school conte(t and in the broader communit#!
Standard *1+2 Endo.ment .ith language %ommuni%ation s1ills for e0%hange
of data and information2 effi%ient e0-ression of feelings and o-inions+
%! /onverse and 'rite to e(change data about themselves and various matters around
them, e(periences, situations, ne's0incidents and issues of interest to societ#, and
communicate the data continuousl# and appropriatel#!
)! /hoose and use re1uests and give instructions, clarifications and e(planations fluentl#!
+! Speak and 'rite to e(press needs and offer, accept and refuse to give help in simulated
or real situations!
,! Speak and 'rite appropriatel# to ask for and give data, describe, e(plain, compare and
e(press opinions about matters0 issues0ne's and situations heard and read!
.! Speak and 'rite to describe their o'n feelings and opinions about various matters,
activities, e(periences and ne's0incidents 'ith proper reasoning!
2! To e(tend students competence and confidence in using English in a range of
demanding and challenging conte(ts!

Standard *1+( 3bility to -resent data/ information/ %on%e-ts and vie.s about
various matters through s-ea1ing and .riting+
%! Speak and 'rite to present data themselves0e(periences, ne's0incidents, matters and
various issues of interest to societ#!
)! Speak and 'rite to summarize the main idea0theme identified from anal#sis of matters,
activities, ne's, incidents and situations in accordance 'ith their interests!
+! Speak and 'rite to e(press opinions about activities, e(periences and incidents in the
local area, societ# and the 'orld, as 'ell as provide "ustifications and e(amples for
Strand 2& 4anguage and Culture
Standard *2+1 3--re%iation of the relationshi- bet.een language and %ulture of
native s-ea1ers and %a-a%ity for use of language a--ro-riate to o%%asions and
%! /hoose the language, tone of voice, gestures and manners appropriate to various
persons, occasions and places b# observing social manners and culture of native speakers!
)! E(plain0discuss the lifest#les, thoughts, beliefs and origins of customs and traditions of
native speakers!
+! 3articipate in, give advice and organize language and cultural activities appropriatel#!
Standard *2+2 3--re%iation of similarities and differen%es bet.een language and
%ulture of native and 5hai s-ea1ers/ and %a-a%ity for a%%urate and
a--ro-riate use of language+
%! E(plain0compare differences bet'een the structures of sentences, te(ts, idioms,
sa#ings, proverbs and poems in foreign languages and Thai language!
)! *nal#ze0discuss similarities and differences bet'een the lifest#les, beliefs and culture
of native speakers and those of Thais, and appl# them appropriatel#!
+! *bilit# to present data, information, concepts and vie's about various matters through
speaking and 'riting!
,! To integrate learning English 'ith other areas of the /ollege curriculum!
Strand (& 4anguage and 6elationshi- .ith #ther 4earning 3reas
Standard *(+1 ,sage of foreign languages to lin1 1no.ledge .ith other learning
areas/ as foundation for further develo-ment and to see1 1no.ledge and .iden
one7s .orld vie.+
%! Research0search for, make records, summarize and e(press opinions about the data
related to other learning areas, and present them through speaking and 'riting!
)! To encourage students to become responsible, independent, reflective learners!
+! To promote an atmosphere of collaboration and co-operation amongst students!
,! To ensure our students are full# prepared to pass the 4niversit# entrance e(am and
'rite an outstanding letter of interest and self-reference!
Strand & 4anguage and 6elationshi- .ith Community and the 8orld
Standard *+1& 3bility to use foreign languages in various situations in s%hool/
%ommunity and so%iety+
%! 4se language for communication in real situations0simulated situations in the
classroom, school, communit# and societ#!
Standard *+2& ,sage of foreign languages as basi% tools for further edu%ation/
livelihood and e0%hange of learning .ith the .orld %ommunity+
%! 4se foreign languages in conducting research, collecting, anal#zing and summarizing
kno'ledge0various data from the media and different learning sources for further
education and livelihood!
)! 5isseminate0conve# to the public data and ne's about the school, communit# and the
local area0the nation in foreign languages!
Course boo1s
Top 6otch + 7 Second Edition 89oan Saslo' and *llen *scher:
rammar 3ractice 7 -ntermediate 7 8Sheila 5ignen and ;rigit <ine#:
5ea%hing 4earning 9aterials and 6esour%es
Student coursebook= rammar course book, various entrance e(am preparation books,
flashcards, /5s, 5<5s= supplementar# materials to complete pro"ects and activities
8construction paper, colored markers, paint etc:= overhead pro"ector= television= video
camera= cassette0/505<5 pla#er= smart boards and support and assistance of Thai
Language Teachers!
Course S%hedule
9ay 12!1:
Student #rientation
We 'ill discuss class schedules and routines, the discipline
code= have ice breaking activities and introductions!
-ntroduction to the
5o- ;ot%h ( and Grammar
Pra%ti%e student books!
02 0"
9ay 1< !
=une 1(
,nit 1 9a1e Small 5al1
Students 'ill discuss cultural manners, eti1uette and cultural
changes over time! We 'ill discuss cross cultural
communication and greetings and schedules! rammar 7 Tag
1uestions and the past perfect
,nit 1
Student ;ook pg!)-%+
rammar ;ook pgs! ,-%.
0: 0<
=une 1:
=ul 11
,nit 2 >ealth 9atters
-n this unit students 'ill talk about making appointments to
see a doctor, describe s#mptoms and discuss different t#pes
of medication! rammar 7 >a#, might, must and be able to=
possibilit#, conclusions, abilit#
8ee1 ? .ill in%lude the 6eading/ 8riting/ 4istening
and S-ea1ing C35@s+
8ee1 ) .ill in%lude SA and Grammar 5ests+
,nit 2
Student ;ook pg! %,-).
rammar ;ook pgs! %2-)?
10 1(
=uly 1
3ug 0)

,nit ( Getting 5hings Aone
Students 'ill discuss ho' to re1uest e(press service, ask for
recommendations, evaluate the 1ualit# of service and plan
social events! rammar - The passive causative= causatives
get, have and make!
,nit (
Student ;ook pg!)2 7 +@
rammar ;ook pgs! )A-,2
1! 1?
3ug 11
Se- 0"
,nit 6eading for Pleasure
-n this unit 'e 'ill learn about the 1ualit# of reading
materials, reading habits, 'a#s to en"o# reading and t#pes of
books! rammar 7 6oun clauses$ usage, form and common
8ee1s 1?B1) .ill in%lude a revie. and End of
Semester E0ams
Student ;ook pg!+?7,A
rammar ;ook pgs! ,@-.?
Se- 0)
Se- 12
IEP End of Semester E0am
'(1101!!! 6eading/ 8riting/ 4istening and S-ea1ing
'(021)!! SA and Grammar
1" 1<
9ain S%hool *inal E0ams for Se%ondary E0ams

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