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These are the titles currently loaded to my Scribd account, as of 5/25/2014.

They are from:
! "anual of #ahla$i: Te%ts: &yber'
! "anual of #ahla$i: (lossary )olume 1: &yber'
! "anual of #ahla$i: (lossary )olume 2: &yber'
! *eader of "anichaean "iddle #ersian and #arthian: +oyce
!n !rmenian *ussian ,n'lish #ahla$i -ictionary
!bar ,wena' &ama' &ibesishnih
!bar "adan i Shah .ahra i .arzawand
!bar Stayenidarih i Sur !frin
!bar /em ud /rad i 0arro% "ard
!bdih ud Sahi'ih i Sa'astan
!durbad *oznama'
!ndarz i !durbad "aras1andan
!ndarz i !oshnar i -ana
!ndarz i -ana'an o "azdesnan
!ndarz i -astwaran
!ndarz i -astwaran 2
!ndarz i 2husraw i 2a$adan
!ndarz i 2husraw i 2a$adan 2
!ntholo'ie -e 3ads1ram
!rda )iraf
!rda )iraf 2
!rda )iraf &ama' Transliteration 4 5thers 6*ussian7
!tash +eheram: 6(u8arati 4 #ahla$i7
!$esta (lossary Te%t
!$esta, #ahla$i and #ersian Studies: San8ana
!$esta )olume 1 / 1
!$esta )olume 2 / 2
!yyad'ar i 3amas1i 9!yyad'ar i :ams1i';
!yyad'ar i )azur'mihr
!yyad'ar i 3arriran
+ondahesh<e 0arsi /
+oo of !rda )iraf: ! #ahla$i Student=s 2012 *endition, Transcri1tion 4 Translation: 2assoc
+oo of the "ainyo i 2hard #azend and Sansrit: -ha$al
+undahishn: #azad
+undahishn 9(reater;: !nlesaria
+undahishn 4 +ahman >asht ,n'lish Translation: "ueller
+undahesh: .ester'aard
?hida' !ndarz i #oryoteshan
?om1lete Te%t of the #ahla$i -inard: )olume @: "adan
?om1lete Te%t of the #ahla$i -inard: )olume @@: "adan
?oncise #ahla$i -ictionary: "ac2enzie
?or1us of #ahla$i Te%ts: :amas1<!sana
-adestan i -ini: Annown !uthor
-adestan i "eno' i /rad Translation: .est
-aftar i .izirard i -ini: San8ana
-aru' i Bunsandih
-atistan i -ini: #ursishn @ < /C: !nlesaria
-ictionary of "anichaean "iddle #ersian: -urin<"eisterernst
-ie "edizin -e 3ads1aram
-ina "ainu 2hrat
-inard +oo ) / ! "# $
-inard )olume 1: San8ana
-inard )olume 2: San8ana
-inard )olume D: San8ana
-inard )olume 4: San8ana
-inard )olume 5: San8ana
-inard )olume E: San8ana
-inard )olume F: San8ana
-inard )olume G: San8ana
-inard )olume H: San8ana
-inard )olume 10: San8ana
-inard )olume 11: San8ana
-inard )olume 12: San8ana
-inard )olume 1D: San8ana
-inard )olume 14: San8ana
-inard )olume 15: San8ana
-inard )olume 1E: San8ana
-inard )olume 1F: San8ana
-inard )olume 1G: San8ana
-inard )olume 1H: San8ana
-ra%t i !ssuri'
-ra%t i !ssuri': An$ala
0acsimile of the ?om1lete #ahla$i Te%t of the #ahla$i -inard: )olume 1: 2assoc
0arhan' i #ahla$i )ol 1: :uner
0arhan' i #ahla$i )ol 2: :uner
0ire !lter of Ba11y 0rayosh: 2roll
0rahan' i #ahla$i: &yber'
0ra$ardin >asht
(athas / %&' () *+,- .&- /
(athas / 0 1 2
(osht i 0ryano
(ozideh<haye 3ads1ram / 34' /*2
(reater @ranian +undahishn: ! #ahla$i Student=s 201D (uide: 2assoc
(reater +undahishn: !nlesaria
Badoht &as
:amas18i: #ahla$i, #azend and #ersian Te%ts: "odi
2arnameh !rdashir #a1a'an +) .- # ) / 3
2arnama' i !rdashir #a1a'an: San8ana
2assoc #ahla$i *e1roductions: "iddle #ersian +oos @n *e1rint
2hordeh !$esta
2hordeh !$esta in 0arsi: !zar'oshash
2hordeh !$esta #ahla$i "anuscri1t :1: :amas1 !sa
Cesser +undahishn < -er +undahesh: :usti
Cessons in #ahla$i<#azend: )olume 1: +harucha
Cessons in #ahla$i<#azend: )olume 2: +harucha
"adi'an i Bazaar -adestan: #erihanian
"adi'an i Bazaar -adestan #ahla$i "anuscri1t 025: :amas1 !sa
"adi'an i Bazaar -adestan and 4 !ndarz Te%ts #ahla$i "anuscri1t -DH: :amas1 !sa
"ani=s Sabuhra'an: "ac2enzie
&amaiha i "anushchihar
&yaishes Transliteration: -halla
#ahla$i !ndarz &ama': Tara1ore
#ahla$i ?ode% 4H
#ahla$i ?ode% 51!
#ahla$i ?odices of the &iran'istan
#ahla$i (rammar: 6(u8arati7
#ahla$i @nscri1tions of !sia
#ahla$i "anuscri1t -F: -astur :amas1 !sa 9#ahla$i *i$ayat, -adestan i -eni', &amaiha i
"anushchihar, .izida'iha i 3ads1ram;
#ahla$i "anuscri1t 02D: -astur :amas1 !sa
#ahla$i #oem: Bennin'
#ahla$i #rimer $1.12%: S8aer$o
#ahla$i *i$ayat
#ahla$i *i$ayat !ccom1anyin' the -adestan i -eni': -habar
#ahla$i *i$ayat #art @: .illiams
#ahla$i *i$ayat #art @@: .illiams
#ahla$i *i$ayat of !dur 0arnba' and 0arnba' Sros )olume 1: !nlesaria
#ahla$i *i$ayat of !dur 0arnba' and 0arnba' Sros )olume 2: !nlesaria
#ahla$i Te%ts: @rani
#ahla$i >asna and )is1erad
#and &ama' i !durbad "aras1andan: -adabhoy
#azend Te%t of &eryosan': Shian (umani )i8ar: :amas1<!sana
.- ! # 56 78
#azend Te%ts: !ntia
#azend Te%ts Transcri1tion
#salter Transliteration
#ahla$i )endidad 93and i :$it -e$ -at;: !nlesaria
#ursishniha: ! 3oroastrian ?atechism: :amas1a
*e$ayat of !mid !sha$ahishtan: !nlesaria
Sad -ar &aser !nd Sad -ar +undehesh: -habar
Sassanian @nscri1tion of the #aiuli
Shayest &e Shayest: Ta$adia
She'oft i Sistan
Sifat i Sirozah
Sur i Sa%wan
Tafshir i (ahanbar: 6(u8arati 4 #ahla$i7
Teach >ourself !$esta: 2aran8ia
Te%tual Sources for the Study of 3oroastrianism: "ary +oyce
)aacheh &aameh 2ooche #arsi "iyaaneh / .-+ ! 9:( .- /;
)aazheh &aameh Shayest &e Shayest / %<&- %<) .- /;: Ta$oosi
)endidad: San8ana
)endidad: Sacred +oo of the #arsis: (eldner
)ichitaiha i 3ats1aram: !nlesaria
)is1erad and 2hordeh !$esta: Sacred +oo of the #arsis: (eldner
.ist ud -o .aza'
.izarishn i ?hatran' ud &ihishn i &ew !rdashir
>ashts: The .ahram, Bordad, -en, !shtad and *am >ashts
>asna of the !$esta: Study of >asna 1: "ills
>asna: Sacred +oo of the #arsis: (eldner
3am1as &ama #art @: +ailey
3am1as &ama #art @@: +ailey
3and !asih: !nlesaria
3and i 2hurta !$ista: -habar
3and i )ohuman >asn: !nlesaria
3and i .ahman >asn: ?ereti
3and #ahla$i (lossary

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