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Listening skill

Dfnition-lundsteen= highly complex, interactive

process- spoken language converted into
meaning in the mind- more than hearing.
-Process of receiving & responding of
spoken/unspoken mesej.
-trying to see the problem as the speaker sees
-steinberg- listening more than merely hearing-
consist 4 stges : sensing & attending,
understanding and interpreting, remembering,
Good listening- attention- visual & verbal,
hearing-physiosologi act, understanding,
remebering-storing meaningful info.
Level- acknowledging, sympthizing,
Active listenig- paying attention, holding
judgement,reflecting, clarifying,summarizing, &
Factors- sensory factor, sights, smell, sound,
temperature & humidity, dcor, physical
comfort.discomfort, illness,fatigue,stress
Trying understand every words,get left
behind,dont know most of the important
words, dont recognise the words they
know,problem with diff accents,lack of
stamina/get tired,mental block, distracted by
b/g sound,cant cope without images,hearing
prob, cant tell between diff voices
Test- two kinds- specifik aspect of listening like
sound discrimination & task based test.
Nouns,adjecives, verbs, preposition, tenses,
understanding direction &
insturction,understanding discours.
Technic- build up pupils skill & self confidence
by making pupil understand clearly what they
are expected to do, provide context for
listening (kind of text-talk of story), set some
straigthforward question, plenty of pre-
listening task, question appropriate with level
of proficiency, less writing text. Arrangement of
Aspect of listening-understanding words &
concept ( name of object, verb meaning,
pictures,concepts of attributes, developments
of concepts, classes of object)- understanding
concept ( directions, identifying the correct
picture, fuction words)-listening
comprehension( following directions, sequence
of events, listening to detail, getting the main
idea,making inferences & drawing)- critical
listening (recognizing absurdities, listening to
advertisements,correct me, story reading.
Speaking- skill to use language to ekspress and
idea or message
-problems- stammering, repetitive, aphasia,
Types of test- checklist, progress
test,proficiency test
Tteknik-developing vocab-naminig,
departmental store, rapid naming,missing
word,word pair.-teaching sentences pattern-
picture activities, combine simple
sentences,question form.
Reading skill- prosess of constructing meaning
from written text ( anderson)- translated of
printed symbol into oral language.
Factors-physical( vision, hearing,speech, &
coordination),emotional, intelctual,linguistic
Basic reading skill-word recognition,word
analysis (phonetic), phonetic analysis, structual
analysis, comperehension
Assesment- use variety of assesment
Formal assesment- standardized achievement
and reading survey test, diagnostic test,
criterion-referenced test,normed-referenced
Informal-teacher obeservation,graded word
list, cloze procedure, teacher made test,
informal reading inventory.
Tecnic-basal reading,phonic
reading,multi sensor,rebus,
Factors-visual defects,hearing defect,
Developmental psychology-
function,vizualization/visual memory,closure,
Writing skill- generally called written expression
Factor- fine motor-writng,grasping small
objects-drawing,origami,teach hold pencil
correctly-grip & fingers positions.big to small.
-visual-motor coordination-cordinate vision
with movement of body parts.
-perception-someone view
-auditory perception
auditori closure-create clear auditory imej
conceptualizing-interpret & form a clear
localization-source of sound based on hearing
memory-ability to restore & reacall
sequential memory-store siies of info in the
order it was heard & racall
Writing problems-handwriting, spelling, written
spelling-subtitutes,omit vowel in two
syllable,middle wrong spelling,vowel
confuse,uses of synonym,wrong
sequence,reverse letter,inverts letter,mixed up
capital, spelling phonetically.
Writing language problems(vocab)-
semantic,syntax( ekspress idea)
language awreness-sentences
types(simple,compound & compelx)
Language skill-mechanic of writng-technical
aspect of writing- spelling,
sentences construction-
paragrpah writing-
Different type of text-narrative,description,
Teaching tecnic-cloze-isi tempat kosong.-
spelling-tgk,ingat, tulis balik, tgk-developing
vocab-simple sentences contruction-tulis ayat
berdasarkan gambar,tulis karangan
binatang,sentences completing.
Teaching writing text-susun teks,susun gambar
Teaching grammer-troublesome grammer-
filling the blank,-sentence structuring-susun2
kad ayat2.-memory games,miming an
action.creating time lines,splt
sentences,grammer quiz, growing stories

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