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Daily Lesson Plan Teacher: Mary Cutter/Miranda De Young

Subject and Stream: AP Statistics

Date: Monday, September 16, 2013
Holiday or Special Note:

Lesson Objective: Identify and interpret the standard normal distribution.

Do Now: Find mean and median of a density curve.

Agenda: What is the teacher doing?
What are students doing?
1 Normal Curves and the Normal Distribution
Define basic characteristics of the normal
2 3 Drawing normal curves
3 3 Revisit definition
4 68-95-99.7 Rule

Applet in lab?

Define Empirical Rule
6 This is an example from your book if you
want to look back later. (Read off Stats 2.2
PP. First example is of ITBS scores with
distribution of N(6.84, 1.55). Well work
together to set up the scale (starting with
6.84 in the middle and
increasing/decreasing by 1.55 3 times: 2.19,
3.74, 5.29, 6.84, 8.39, 9.94, 11.45) and
sketch the curve (tall and somewhat skinny
since st. dev. is small-ish).

Then well find the percent of scores less
than 3.74 (How many st. devs from the
mean is 3.74? It is 2 st. dev. below at 95%,
so that leaves 5% above and below 2 st. dev.
So we divide by 2 and were left with 2.5% of
scores below 3.74.)

What percent of scores are between 5.29
and 9.94? How many s are they from ?
From 5.29 to 8.39 is 68% of scores and then
we need half of the distance between 95
and 68%, which is 27/2 = 13.5%. So we add
that back on to our 68% giving us 81.5% of
scores between 5.29 and 9.94.

Practice calculations using rule
The next example is of young females
heights with N(64.5, 2.5). First lets label the
points 1, 2 and 3s from the (57.0, 59.5,
62.0, 64,5, 67.0, 69.5, and 72.0). Then
sketch the curve (somewhat wider/shorter
than last example). (Have students work on
their own or with elbow partner. Ask
someone to share on board.)

What % of them have heights greater than
67 inches? (Students again work on
own/with partner.) (100 68)/2 = 16% or
(1 - .68)/ 2 (Have student show work on

What % of females have heights between 62
and 72 inches? .68 + ((.95-.68)/2) + ((99.7
95)/2) = about 84%. (Or, its half of 99.7%
plus half of 68%.) (Student shows work on

Remind them only to use Empirical rule with
Normal distributions.
7 Standard Normal Distribution

Use and to define SNM
Introduce Table A
8 If we want to know what area under the
standard Normal curve of a certain z-score,
we cant always use the Empirical Rule. So
we use Table A which gives us the
proportion of observations or areas to the
LEFT of certain z-scores. Flip to it in the back
of your book. Say we want to find the
proportion of observations less than 0.81.
Find the z-score of 0.8 along the right and
0.01 on the top. What is the area? .7910.
Does this make sense? Are there any
questions before we go on to another

-Next example: find observations GREATER
than -1.56.
-Make sure they are sketching the curve,
and shading in which part of the area they
are looking for. Put up work bit by bit so
someone doesnt fall behind.
-Area under curve is 1, so subtract to find to
the right. (Have student put up
work/equation used to solve.)
Practice Problems

-Next example is finding proportion
between two z-scores: See if two people did
it differently. Have them each put up their

-Last example: working backwards. What is
the z-score for which 93 percent of the
observations are below? (Find the closest
area in Table A to .93, since its all
approximate values, anyway.) Does it make

Subtotal for agenda minutes

Exit Slip:

Total planned instructional minutes (Do Now, Agenda, Exit Slip)




Reflection (What went well, what could be improved)

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