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Second Year

Details Syllabus
Course title: Applied Sociology and Anthropology
Course code: BPH-201
ull !ar"s: 100 Pass #ar"s: $0
Contact Hrs: 120
Course Description:
The courses has been designed to impart the basic concepts and understanding in
sociological./anthological theories , culture and belief system, The course also aims to impart
the basic concepts and the knowledge in health psychology, motivation, and adoption of health
Programs and Provide a perspective on traditional health care services related to local practices
in the contest of Nepalese society. The courses provide a perspective on the relationship
between politics and formulation of public health policies.
%earning &b'ecti(es:
Upon the successful completion of the course, the students will able to
!pply the concept of sociology/anthropology in health care practices.
"evelop a holistic cross#cultural approach in planning e$ecution, monitoring and
evaluation of health programs.
Understand and describe historical evolution of society and health care practices.
%$amine socio#cultural patterns, environmental health and human conditions as related to
health illness, sickness and diseases.
"escribe Nepalese# ethno#medicine health practices and belief systems constituting
attitudes and human behaviours from sociological and anthropological perspectives.
"escribe the importance of health psychology in health the planning, implementation,
monitoring and evaluation of health programs.
!naly&e the factors influencing motivation in adopting of innovations on acceptance of
modern health care facilities.
"escribe the relationship between health and political process.
%$plain the legislative procedures of health policy formation and sanctioning of public
health laws and by laws.
Course Contents
)nit-1: Applied #edical Sociology *2
1+ Historical De(elop!ent o, Society and Sociology-Anthropology .
'ntroduction, definition, nature and scope of sociology/!nthropology.
(ranches of sociology/anthropology
)istory, present status and %mergence of medical *ociology and
+edical !nthropology.
,ommon terminologies, society, culture, caste, enthicity, folk ways,
norms and values, roles and status, conflict cooperation, competition ,
stratification, sanskriti&ation, westerni&ation moderni&ation ethno
medicine, acculturation, enculturation, ethno psychiatry and self
2+ Health and Diseases in Di,,erent Stages o, Hu!an /(olution 10
)istorical development and introduction to medical sociology and
medical anthropology.
)ealth and sickness in different stages.
o )unting
o -ood gathering stages
o !gricultural stages
o 'ndustrial stages.
"efinition of health, disease, illness, sickness, social role of illness
and sickness.
*tages in 'llness
o The symptom e$perience stage.
o !ssumption of sick role stage.
o The medical care contact stage.
o The dependent/patient role stage.
o The recovery of rehabilitation stage.
0+ Sociali1ation and Social %earning in health 2
+eaning and significance of sociali&ation and health sociali&ation.
*ociali&ation of industrial/health elements and importance.
!gencies of sociali&ation in health.
*ocial learning and its importance in health.
%ssentials of sociali&ati/ons in health.
3+ health Ser(ice Pro(ider Consu!er 4elationships 10
+eaning and significance of the interpersonal relationship.
Person0s sick role model.
*wa& and )ollander0s model
,ommunication pattern between modern provider#consumer and
indigenous provider# consumer relationship.
(arriers on effective provider consumers relationship.
$+ Culture and Health 1.
+eaning and definition of culture.
,haracteristics of culture.
%lements of culture.
%thno medicine/entho#phychiatry
Non# medical system, strength and weakness.
Presonalistic, naturalistic medical system.
,ross#culture e$amples of culture in relation to behavior and health
problem in health care system.
'ndigenous healers in changing world with particular reference to
1ole of indigenous healers in primary health care.
*elf#medication and other prevailing health care practice in Nepal.
Perception of illness, hierarchy and food habits in Nepal.
*e$ual health, its education and youths.
.+ Social Cultural Change5 Social Proble! and Control 12
"efinition and nature of social and cultural change.
,auses and barriers of change.
+eaning, nature and cause of social problem.
*ocial problems, Prostitutions, se$ual abuse, alcoholism, drug
models, crime, suicide, child labor and their impact in society and
+eaning of social control.
Purpose of social control.
,ontrol by law, social sanction and other means.
Practice of social control in health in Nepal.
*+ 4esearch #ethods in Sociology-Anthropology 10
+eaning steps and concepts of basic, applied and sociological
anthropological research.
"istinction between 3ualitative and 3uantitative research.
+ethods of sociological and anthropological research.
*ignificance of sociological and anthropological research.
%$amples of sociological and anthropological research related to
health in Nepal.
)nit-2: Applied Health Psychology 23
1+ 6ntroduction to Beha(ioral Sciences Psychology 0
"efinition and significance of behavioral science.
1elationship between sociology, psychology and anthropology in
2+ #oti(ation 10
+eaning and definition of motivation
+aslow0s concept of human motivation, including hierarchy of
1ole of motivation in learning and health education.
+otivation and adoption of innovation.
+otivation towards utili&ing modern health facilities.
0+ Perception 3
+eaning and definition of attention perception and sensation.
1ole of perception.
Perception of health beliefs and practices.
Perception and attention in )ealth.
3+ 7er!inology *
Terminology and concepts useful in studying health problem.
(ody mind relationship
4evel of consciousness
"ynamic system of personality.
"rivers and motives.
!d5ustment mechanism
*tress, crisis and disease.
)nit-0: Health Politics 23
1+ Concepts o, Health Politics 0
1elationship between health and politics
Politics theories as related to health system.
6orlds trends of health politics.
2+ %egislati(e aspects o, health+ 3
Political decisions and their affects on health policy formation.
1ole of health advocacy and lobbying in health policy formation.
4egislative Procedure related to health.
0+ /8ecuti(e aspects o, Health $
)ealth 1elated role and functions of the e$ecutive.
%$ecutive structure for health service administration and
%$ecutive decision#making in health sectors.
o The decisions making style.
o %$ecutive decision and their effect on the health policy
o %$ecutive decision making and their effect on health
program implementation.
Political commitment and health services.
3+ 9udicial Aspects o, Health $
)ealth 4aw nature, implementation strategies and challenges.
o )ealth behavior modification through legal measures and
o ,ontrol of contra health products.
o ,ontrol of health ha&ards through health laws and
4egal protection against the threats to physical, mental and social
health of public.
)ealth law and preventive public health.
%pidemic and health laws.
$+ Political 6ssues in health *
Political pressure, propaganda and public health.
Public )ealth mandates of political parties.
Politics, business and public health.
Political instability, war and their effect on health public and health
service system.
The structural ad5ustment program and their effect on public health.
4eco!!ended boo"s and 9ournals:
1. (hatia and (hatia 8 Psychology and Nurses
.. "i$it ). 9uest of )ealth 8 1///.
2. "ifferent +anifestoes of Political Parties.
7. "aily, 6eekly and other Newspapers.
:. ;artoulla, 1P !n 'ntroduction to +edical *ociology and +edical !nthropology
<. ;artoulla, 1P Theraphy pattern of conventional +edicine, 1%,'" in 1//=.
>. 4aw and Nepalese ,onstitutions 1//?.
=. 4egal documents of )+;.
/. Publication of ""!.
1?. 1ules and 1egulations /@ob description of different professional organi&ation.
11. 1amcharandan 4, "harmalingam, T. A '*(N ?#>?<>#.2.=#<B C ! te$t book of health
educationD Eikas Publishing )ouse, Pvt. 4td. "elhi.
1.. *anders ", ,aver 1., CThe struggles for )ealth, +edicine and Politics of
12. *harma, *aritaF Psychology, )4+", 'G+.
17. Eolkov -+, et al edited Psychology Progress Publishers +oscow, 1/=<.
1:. 6erner "# The 4ife and "eath of P), 8 1//:.
1<. 6ood# -undamental of Psychology.
Course title: /n(iron!ent And Health
Course code: BPH-202
ull !ar"s: 100 Pass #ar"s: $0
Contact Hrs: 120
Course Description:
This courses aims to analy&e how the occurrence of human disease and health problem are
casually interlinked to the structure to the structure and the function of the ecosystem
AenvironmentB approach to human health and the development of effective policies and
interventions to improve human health through environmental management.
%earning &b'ecti(es:
Upon the successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
Understand the concept of ecosystem approaches and the environmental determination of
human health.
"escribe and develop the ecosystem approach for assessing casual linkage between human
health and the natural an anthropogenic environments.
!pply ecosystem management approaches to improve human health with particular
emphasis on the use of participatory methods.
Inow the e$isting states of the environmental problems and strategy of management.
"isseminate the concept of improving human health through better ecosystem
AenvironmentB +anagement that respects humans developments imperativesF
Course Contents
)nit-1: 6ntroduction 3
)nit- 2: /cosyste! Approaches to Hu!an Health 1.
)nit-0: Co!!on /n(iron!ental Proble!s in :epal 10
,oncepts of ecology, ecosystem and environment.
)uman environment interaction and human impact on ecosystem.
6hat is ecosystem approachedJ
)ealth as a generic and holistic concept.
%cosystem approach to human health and diseases.
o !gro eco system
o 4inks between agro ecosystem and human health.
o ,oncept of human well being.
'nternational, regional and national concept of health and
)nit- 3: Air Pollution and Hu!an Health 13
)nit-$: ;ater Pollution and Hu!an health 1.
%nvironmental Problems in 1ural !reas
o "eforestation
o *oil erosion
o 1iver siltation
o -looding and drought
o "esertification
o Unsafe drinking water
o Poor sanitation and hygiene
o 4oss of (iodiversity
%nvironmental Problems in Urban !reas
!ir Pollution, global warming and green houses gases
o 'ndustrial Pollution
o 6ater pollution
o *olid waste disposal and management.
Types and sources of air 8pollution
%ffects of air pollution on biological system.
%ffects of air 8pollutions on human health.
%ffects of air#pollutions on G&one layer and global climate.
,ontrolling air#pollution.
)nit- .: Solid and Ha1ardous ;astes and hu!an Health 13
)nit-*: Pesticides Pollution and Hu!an Health 2
Types, sources and effects of water pollution.
1ivers and ground water pollution.
*ources of water supply and availability in Nepal.
)uman health and water 3uality.
6aters and water related disease.
6aters purification, 6)G standard and prevention and control
6ater Pollution control.
*olid waste production and disposal
1esource recovery from solid waste
Types, sources and effects of ha&ardous wastes
,ontrol and management of ha&ardous wastes.
)uman e$creta production and disposal.
National Policy of waste management.
Pesticides Types and uses
Pesticides pollution
!lternative method of pest control
Pesticides regulation.
)nit-2: ood Production5 <uality and Hu!an health 23
ood Production and <uality 2
1elationship between food and environment.
-ood contamination, adulteration and fortification.
-ood borne diseases
+anagement of food hygiene
o "omestic
o ,ommercial
o 'nstitutional
)!,,,PA)a&ard !nalysis and ,ritical ,ontrol PointB
-ood act and food laws
#il" Hygiene 2
'mportance of milk and milk products
+ilk borne diseases
+anagement of milk
"airy farm
#eat Hygiene
'mportance of meat in health.
+eat borne diseases.
+anagement of +eant.
o *laughterhouse and practices
o *anitation measures.
9uality control of meat
)nit- =: Shelter and Hu!an health 2
)nit-10: /n(iron!ental %a> .
4eco!!ended boo"s5 #anual an 9ournals
1. (eacon press, +GP%A .???B, *tate of the %nvironment of Nepal, Iathmandu. +inistry of
Pollution and %nvironmental Nepal.
.. ,arson, 6alter A 1//?B, The ;lobal %cology )andbook, (oston, U*!.
2. %hlents and *teel, +unicipal and rural sanitation.
7. -!G/6)GA1//>B, )ealth and %nvironment in *ustainable "evelopment 6)G/%);//>.=
:. -!G/6)GA1//>B Pesticide 1esidue in -ood, 6)G.
<. +iller, Tyler A 1//=B, %nvironmental *ciences, U*! 6adsworth 'nc.
>. +GP%','+G"/UN%P A .??1B, Nepal *tate of the %nvironment 1eport .??1,
Iathmandu UN%P/','+G"
=. G5ha, * A (. *.?7<B 6atawarniya *wasthya re sarasphai, Iathmandu, )ealth 4earning
+aterial ,entre.
/. Park, @e and Park I. A .??B Te$t book of Preventive and *ocial +edicine, 'ndia (anasidas
"efinition of shelter
"etrimental effect of poor housing
Principles of housing and health
*tandards of housing
Urbani&ation and health
,oncept of healthy cities and healthy villages.
Gverview of environmental law.
Pollution control measures and mechanism
%nvironmental health program in Nepal.
1?. *alvato, %nvironmental *anitation.
11. *teel, 6ater supply and sewage.
1.. *loan, 6+ A 1//2B site selection for new ha&ardous waste management facilities, 6)G.
12. 6)G A1//.B )ealth Grgani&ation C 6)G commission on health and environmentD 1eport
of the panel on food and agriculture, ;eneva 6)G.
17. 6anger, %; and 4anoi$ @n %$creta disposal for rural areas and small comities, 6)G.
1:. 6)G A1//<B, ,limate ,hange and )uman )ealth. 6)G/6+G/UN%P.
1<. 6)G A1//<B, ;uideline for "rinking 6ater 3uality )ealth ,riteria and other *upporting
'nformation, 6)G.B
1>. 6)GA1//<B, (iodiversity, (iotechnology and *ustainable "evelopment in )ealth and
!griculture %merging connection. 6)G.
1=. 6)G A1///B, )!,,PA)a&ard !nalysis and ,ritical ,ontrol PointB Principle and Practice.
1/. 6)G A 1///B, +onitoring !mbient !ir 9uality for )ealth 'mpact !ssessment, 6)G.
.?. 6)GA1//1B, *urface 6ater "rainage for 4ow#income communities, 6)'/UN%P.
.1. 6)G, *olid waste disposal in *outh %ast !sia.
... 6hyte, ! A 1/=<B, ;uidelines, for planning community participations in water supply and
sanitation Pro5ects, 6)G
.2. (iosciences @ournal of %cosystem health.
.7. @ournal of %nvironment and Population published by +inistry of %nvironment and
Population, )is +a5esty0s ;overnment of Nepal.
.:. *tate of %nvironment of Nepal published of +inistry of %nvironment and Population, )is
ma5esty0s ;overnment of Nepal.
Course title: Applied /pide!iology
Course code: BPH-200
ull !ar"s: 100 Pass #ar"s: $0
Contact Hrs: 120
Course Description:
This courses has been designed to impart the basic epidemiological concepts and knowledge
on different infectious and non#infectious diseases. The course also aims to impart skills and
techni3ues to evaluate, assess and e$amine different interventions, surveillances and
monitoring programs in the field of public health.
%earning &b'ecti(es:
Upon the successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
"escribe the applied epidemiology of infectious diseases prevalent in Nepal.
"escribe the applied epidemiology of non#infectious diseases and health problem
commonly prevalent in Nepal.
Use the epidemiological concept and tools of diseases management to plan and organi&e
control programs for diseases prevalent in Nepal.
,onduct an epidemiological study in a real life situation to understand the current
prevalence, disease trends and management for the prevention of those disease.
Course Contents
)nit-1: Applied /pide!iology o, 6n,ectious Diseases Pre(alent in :epal .0

1+ ?iral 6n,ectious 20
,hickenpo$, +easles, ;erman measles, +umps, )erpes Koster,
)erpes *imple$, 'nfluen&a, ,ommon cold, Poliomyelitis, 1otavirus
and toehr viral gastro#enteritis, viral hepatitis, !'"* and other *T"s
of viral etiology, dengue, dengue hemorrhagic fevers, @apanese
encephalitis, 1espiratory sensitial viruses, etc.
1iskettsial diseases and chlamydial infectious.
%pidemic typhus, endemic typhus, trachoma , etc.
1+ Bacterial 6n,ectious 20
*treptococal infections, meningococcal infection, staphylococcal
infections, diphtheria, whooping cough, typhoid, and paratyphoid,
fevers, shigella dysentery and other diarrhoeal diseases of bacterial
etiology, cholera plague, anthra$, brucellosis, listeriosis, tenanus, gas
gangrene,tuberculosis, leprosy, *T"s of bacterial etiology,
yersiniosis, cryptosporidiosis, campylobacter infection, food
poisoning of facterial etiology, including facillus cereus, clostridium
per fringes and botulinum, salmonelloses, staphylococcal and various
%. ,oli trains of importance.
0+ ungal 6n,ections 2
"ermatophytosis, candidiasis, aspergillosis.
3+ Hel!inth 6n,estations 10
-ilaria, infestation by hookworms, roundworm, strongyloides and
other nematodes, to$ocara dna visceral larva migrants, taenia saginata
and solium hymenolepis nana and dimunita, diphllobothrium latum,
echninococcus granulosus and hydatid cyst infecstations, trematodes
and their infestations.
)nit-2: Applied /pide!iology o, :on-6n,ectious Disease and health Proble!s Co!!only
Pre(alent in :epal 00

$+ Progra!to1oal 6n,ections .
+alari&a, leishmanisis, trichomoniasis, to$oplasmosis, pneumocystics
carinni infection, amboebiasis, giardiasis.
.+ @oonotic diseases 2
!rea of collaboration between veterinary and medical services.
*+ #iscellaneous 2
*nakebites, scorpion bites
"iseases due to meta&oa scabies
1+ #ulti-,actorial Deter!inants 1$
;rowing nature of Problem and their impact on the population.
+ethods of analy&ing information to determine etiology.
'dentification of problems encountered in investigations with respect
non#infectious diseases and health problems commonly prevalent in
!pplied epidemiology of accidents ,GP", ,E!, cancer drug, abused
poisoning, industrial ha&ards.
"eficiency diseases, Iwashiokar, P,+/P%+, nightblindness,
$erophthalmia, rickets osteomalacia, beriberi, marasmus and
)nit-0: Health-#edical Aspects o, Disasters #anage!ent 12
)nit-3: Application o, ield /pide!iology 12
2+ Health Ser(ices ,or 6n,ectious Diseases in :epal 1$
*creening and screening programs.
*urveillance techni3ues
,ontrol programs and health services.
,linical %pidemiology and 1esearch
%pidemiology as a tool for health planning.
ConseAuences on Disasters
"isease outbreak
-amine and starvation.
Disaster Planning5 Preparedness and Pre(ention o, Disease
*hort#term management
o +anagement of medical problems.
'ntersectional courses#operation and course ordination.
4ocal resources mobili&ation
4ong#Term +anagement
-orecasting of disasters
Principles of field epidemiologyAtheoryB
Grientation to and planning for and epidemiological study.
4eco!!ended Boo"s5 #anuals and 9ournals
1. !bralu *( editor C ,ontrol of communicable diseases in manD
.. (arker "@P C Practical epidemiologyD %4(s.
2. Park @%, Park I. C Te$t book of social and preventive medicineD.
7. 1eport of "epartment of )ealth *ervices recent publications.
Course title: Public Health Ad!inistration and Health /cono!ics
Course code: BPH-203
ull !ar"s: 100 Pass #ar"s: $0
Contact Hrs: 120
Course Description:
The course offers opportunity to learn the modern concepts and principles of administration in
general and public health administration in particular. The students will also get an opportunity
to familiari&e with the basic concept of the health economic, financing and health budgeting,
The courses attendant will also develop the competency of pro5ect formulation and
%earning &b'ecti(es:
Upon the successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
'ntroduction to the concepts of administration and management, ;eneral !dministration,
"evelopment administration and )ealth !dministration.
%$plain the modern concept of administration and principles of management.
%$plain the components of public health administration.
"escribe organi&ational development and techni3ues of improving administrative and
financial effectiveness.
"efine health economics and its significance in health planning.
Gverview the health care marketing and price mechanism in the conte$t of social
"escribe and define the law, limitation and importance of demand and supply in health.
1eview the national budget of Nepal in different : years plan periods.
'dentify health services resources and health care cost.
Perform cost effectiveness/cost benefit analysis and describes its significance in health
policy and planning.
"escribe the significance of book keeping and auditing in financial control.
"escribe national financial procedure and prepare budget for district health office.
Gverview of the )ealth cares various cost having sachems prevalence in Nepal
Course Contents
)nit-1: 6ntroduction to Public Health Ad!inistration 20
6ntroduction 10
,oncept, principle and scope of public health administration and
Philosophy, methods and ob5ective of the delivery of public health
-unctions of public health management/administration.
1. PG*",1G( model .. +odels of P)! and +anagement.
Planning o, Health Ser(ices 10
'ntroduction of )ealth services.
*trategy of formulation
%lements of planning.
*etting ob5ectives operations, research for planning
+anagement by ob5ectives.
*ystem approach in planning.
&rgani1ation o, Health Ser(ices .
'mportance of organi&ations structuresAorgans gramB
Grgani&ation theory aB ,lassical bB +odern
Sta,,ing Aspects o, the &rgani1ing ,unctions 10
*taffing pattern.
1ole and responsibilities
1ecruitment and placement
,areer planning opportunities training promotion.
Performance appraisal
*taff grievances and negotiations.
)uman 1esources development.
Directing 10
)uman factor
Ieys to successful directing
"elegation as a means of directing
+otivational aspects
+onitoring supervision and evaluation.
,ontrolling function in health services administration.
Co-ordination o, health Ser(ices
Types of co#ordination
o ,onceptual co#ordination
o -unctional co#ordination
Grgani&ational co#ordination
Budget 0
'ntroduction, Process of budgeting
-iscal planningAbudgeting, accounting and auditingB
)nit-2: Health /cono!ics-inancing -Budget control 30
#anage!ent Pro!otion Strategies 10
Grgani&ational communication
Grgani&ational development
Grgani&ational behavior management
+anagement evaluation.
Pro'ect or!ulation and #anage!ent 12
Pro5ect 'dentification
Pro5ect Proposal writing
'dentifications of funding sources.
Pro5ect +anagement
Pro5ect +onitoring
P1G;1!+ evaluation review techni3ue/critical path method.
4eport 3
Techni3ues of report writing format and content
"efinitions of economics, concepts and the framework of health
economics and its significance in health planning
)ealth cares marketing and price mechanism, critical overview, trend
in health manpower and health services
+arketing systems, forms of monopolistic to perfect competition to
social marketing
Theory of demand supply and price system in health
o "efinitions, law, limitation and importance of demand and
supply in health care elasticity if demand supply.
o Pricing, policy change and e$ternalities in
)ealth (udgeting
o ,oncept, types of budget, regular development Program
and operating budget.
o (udget release and disbursement procedure of practical
o Gverview of National budget and budget of healthcare in
various : yrs. Plants.
)ealth services resources identification and allocation
o ;overnment and private sources.
o )istorical allocation.
o +odern approach
o !dvantage and disadvantage.
)ealth care cost concepts
o ,apital cost, recurrent cost, opportunity cost, analysis,
direct and indirect cost, fi$ed and variable cost, marginal,
average and total costs.
%conomic evaluation
o ,ost benefit, cost effectiveness and cost efficiency
analysis in health efficiency analysis in health
Budgeting process in health sector
o Principle of budgeting
o Preparation, screening, sanction, receipt of budget.
o !gencies involved in budgetary process.
Boo" Beeping
o "ifferent AvariousB method
o *ingle and double entry.
o ,oncept of entry.
o ,redit debit, balance, assets, liabilities and capital and
operating e$penditure.
o !ccount and suspense account.
o ,oncept of audit
o 'nternal and e$ternal audit
Health inancing
o )istory of health financing
o Public and private sources
4eco!!ended Boo"s5 #annual and 9ournals
1. "i$it ) C 9uest for )ealthD %ducational %nterprises. Iathmandu 1///.
.. C %stimating costs for ,ost L effectiveness analysis guidelines for +angers of
"iarrhoeal "isease ,ontrol Program.
2. C -inancial )ealth *ervices in "eveloping ,ountriesD an !genda for 1eform , ! 6rold
(ank Policy *tudy 6ashington ", .?722 U*!.
7. ;riffing ,, C )ealth *ector -inancing in !siaD The 6orld (ank 1eport No. '"P<=,
:. Nanion, )omian C Public )ealth !dministration.
<. 4ee I A %ducationB, C The %conomics of health in "eveloping countriesD G$ford
University Press 1/=2.
>. +ills ! ;ilson 4. C)ealth %conomics for developing countries C! survival Iit %P,
Publication number 1>, summer 1/==. A 1eprinted !ugust 1//.B
=. Tripathy P, and 1eddy PN C Principles of +anagementD
/. Moung "6 C -inancial ,ontrol in )ealth ,areD ! +anagerial perspective, !n !spen
publication, !spen publisher 'nc. 1ockville, +aryland, U*! 1/=7.
Course title: 6ntroduction Health /ducation and School Health
Course code: BPH-20$
ull !ar"s: 100 Pass #ar"s: $0
Contact Hrs: 120
Course Description:
The courses has been designed to impart fundamental concepts and knowledge in health
education activities of various health services organi&ations and schools A;overnmental and
non#governmentalB. The graduates will be able to appreciate and apply the theories and
principles of educational health and behavioural sciences to deal with Practical Problems
encountered in real life and schools situation at community level.
%earning &b'ecti(es:
Upon the successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
!ppreciate the significance of health education, in preventive, promotive, curative and
rehabilitative ends.
!pply the theories and principles of health behavioral sciences in the process of health
'dentify, select and utili&e suitable health education tools, methods and media for
successful implementation of health services program.
!ppraise the need, importance, scope and areas of school health programs.
+aintain inter and intra#sectoral co#ordination and conduct school health program in the
Course Contents
)nit-1: 6ntroduction to Health /ducation 12
,omprehensive preventive, promotive, curative and rehabilitative concepts and role of health education.
,ritical analysis of various definitions of health education definition of "( Nuswander ,. %. TurnerF 1%
;rant, 46 ;reen 6)G scientific group *GP)%/!PP)%1 and ,6 *tewart.
,oncepts, definition, ob5ectives and strategies of health promotions.
'nternational perspective in )ealth Promotion and health education Gttawa ,harter, @akarta declaration
*%!1G charter on health development and the role of international and national organi&ations
'nternational Union for health promotion and education A 'U)P%B. *uccess stories and strategies of
Eictoria -oundation.
!ims, purposes, principles and scope of health education in relation to health promotion.
'dentification of persons responsible for health education health education specialists, health care
providers, and school teachers.
1ole of health %ducation *pecialists.
Earious approaches in )ealth education
o 'mpersonal Propagandist approach
o Pedagogy vs andragogy approach APaula -ereireB.
o (ehavioural change approach AP1%,%"% +odelB
o ,hild to ,hild approach
o "istinguishing between education and propaganda.
1elations of life skills approach in biomedical sciences and behavioral sciences in health education.
1ole of health education/health promotion in primary health care/and health development in the concept of
health promotion in .1
1ole of health education in public health programs 1ole of health education in various public health
program such as malaria control, tuberculosis control, control, %P' productive )ealthA1)B, 'ntegrated
management of childhood illness A'+,'B programs.
1ole of health education in disaster and epidemic management.
)nit-2: unda!ental actors o, Health Pro!otions 0.
)nit-0: Health /ducation #ethods and #edia 0.
!ppraise of meaning definition, principles and concept of learning and its application in health
4earning ,omprehension, critical analysis, competency in skills, creativity and confidence.
Earious approaches of learning such as non#formal education and adult learning distant
*teps in learning as information, motivation, readiness to act taking action.
+eaning, definition and determination of perception and its significance in health %ducation.
+eaning and definition, motivation motivates and drives and the theories of motivation by
!braham +aslow, 1osenstock, Iurt 4ewin. (unchman and Ielly.
,oncepts, meaning and definition of human behaviour.
4evels of human behavior cognitive, affective and psychomotor and their relationship with the
educational process.
,oncept and principle of behavioral changes and the changes process in health education.
%. +. 1ogers !doption Process and its application in the selection of health education and
4ewins0 three phases unfree&ing, moving and refree&ing theory and its application to health
+eaning, elements and types of communication, its communication and principles of effective
Theories and principles of interpersonal and mass communication.
!ppraisal of various methods of health education such as
o 'ndividual methods ,ounseling interview.
o ;roup methods "emonstration, group discussion, bu&&es session, field trip, workshop,
symposium, mini#lecture, brainstorming, interview forum, role play.
o +ass methods %$hibition, advertisement, film show public addressing system, speeches,
milking radio broadcasting, and television telecast.
Principles theories and criteria for the selection and use of appropriate method of health education.
Earious types of health education media, its advantages and disadvantages including the process of its
preparation. The various type of health education media poster flash cards flip chart, hand puppets, hand
bill, pamphlets, slides film strip, film, video, model, hoardings, banners, stickers folk mediaF songs,
stories radio, television.
Preparation and use of selected health education media in classroom and field setting poster, flashcard
flip chart, hand puppets, models, handbills, pamphlet, slide song video film.
)nit-3: School health 0.
4eco!!ended boo"s5 #anual and 9ournals
1. !nderson, ,.4., *chool )ealth or Practice.
.. !merican !cademy of Padediatric, *chool of )ealth Politics, report of the committee
on *chool health.
2. !mar, "* C 4earning by PerceptionD word health -orum, Eo. 12 No. 7 1//..
7. "ale, %. C !udio Eisual +ethod in TeachignD The "ryden Press 'nc. )onsdale, 'llinois,
U*a. 1/</.
:. -odor, @T%T !4., health 'nstruction theory and application.
<. ;unarantne, ET) C health for all by the year .??, The role of )ealth %ducationD
'nternational @ournal of )ealth %ducation, No. 4. @an 8+arch /=?.
>. ;ulley, )% C "iscussion ,onference and ;roup ProcessD )olt. 1inehart and 6inston,
'nc. U*! 1//<.
*election and use of health education methods
o 'ndividual counseling
o ;roup discussion
o "emonstration
o 1ole play
o +ini lecture
Preparation and use of health education media
o -lash card
o -lip chart
o Poster
o -lannel graph
Preparation of lesson plan, and classroom teaching.
"evelopment tools Acheck lists, 3uestionnaire etc.B survey of school health environment.
'ntroduction, importance ob5ectives, scope and area of school health.
)ealth instruction
o 'ntroduction
o ,ontent of health instruction in high school curriculum
)ealth *chool 4iving
*chool plant
*chool building, Eentilation, lighting, heating and furniture.
o *afe and ade3uate water supply.
o 6aster management Agarbage sewagesB
o Toilet
*chool )ealth services
o )ealth %$amination Eision, hearing cleanliness inspection.
o 'solation of sick child in school
o ,orrection work of school
*chool and community 5oint health services.
@oint health activities including school participation in camps.
6ays of developing good relationship between school and community.
*chool health committee.
'nter sect oral communication#ordination in school physical planning, Population and %nvironment
A *chool *anitation ProgramB, and !griculture A*chool nutritionB
=. )anson @@. "esign for health
/. Pradhan, )( C ! Te$t (ook of health %ducationD %ducational 1esources for health.
1?. Park, @% and Park I. C Te$tbook of social and Preventive +edicineD 1:
11. Pradhanaga MP C Eidyalaya *wastya 1! *wasthya Iarya IartaharuD
1.. 1amachandaran, 4 and "harmalinyam, T., C Te$t book of health %ducationD New
"elhi, Eikas Publishing )ouse, Pvt 4td. 1/=2.
12. *hrestha "( and Pradhananga MP C *amudaya *wasthya *hikshyakp 1ooprekhaD
Iathmandu 1//:.
17. *harma , *itaF (ehavioral *ciences, )4+N 1//>.
1:. *erchan 4(. (inddyalaya *wastya shikshya Iaryakaram.
Course title: a!ily Health5 Producti(e Health C De!ography
Course code: BPH-20.
ull !ar"s: 100 Pass #ar"s: $0
Contact Hrs: 120
Course Description:
This course is designed to impart knowledge and skill on family health, which includes safe
motherhood initiatives A*+'B and productive health to the public health students. The course
also impart the basic knowledge and understanding on demography, which will provide a
better perspective in, managing public health care system in keeping with the knowledge of
family and productive health and their components.
%earning &b'ecti(es:
Upon the successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
Understand the importance and the implication of family and productive health.
,onceptuali&ed the problems and solutions of maternal and child health.
Inow the different method of family planning and provide counseling to the clients for the
adoption of appropriate family planning scheme.
Understand the structure, characteristic, and components of population and population
Understand the conse3uences and the implication of population growth on health and
resources base.
,onceptuali&ed the interrelationship between population growth and sustainable
Course Contents
)nit-1: Concept o, a!ily Health 23
)nit-2: #aternal health 12
"efinition of family, family health, family environment, family support, scope of family
-unctions of the family in maintaining health, role of the family in achieving healthy
behaiours functions of family in health care utili&ation sickness role interactions among
Afamily health needs/ needs assessment family membersB family members in health disease,
counseling and rehabilitation.
Population change and family health, population growth, migration, urbani&ation aging ,
health and social policies, implications of changes in age structure.
6omen, conflicting demands as providers, careers and income earners.
+en as fathers, family and community members#economic providers, father0s responsibility
in childcare, woman right health promotion and rehabilitation.
+otivating father for family health personal hygiene, se$ual hygiene, birth spacing.
-ather0s supportive role during and after wife0s pregnancy.
+a5or indication of family health m family health and productive health.
(io#physico, social#interactive community development.
Prevailing family health practices, self#medication/alternative medication, health#seeking
behavior, decision#making process on family health.
,oncept and *cope of Productive )ealth
*afe motherhood and neonatal care
o Gverview of maternal health status
o +a5or conditions causing morbidity and mortality.
o -amily planning
o +anagement of complication
o -ertility
o !dolescent health.
o *T"/)'E/!'"*,
o ,ancer
o *ocio#economic, educational and cultural factors affecting material morbidity
and mortality and utili&ation of material care.
,omponents of maternal health care inducing !N,, PN,, 'ntranasal care, prevention of
teenage marriage and pregnancy and safe motherhood, maternity waiting home safe
birthing practices.
)uman se$uality, body politics, role and training of T!(s in Nepal.
%mpowerment and self#help of women.
%ducating women in health related materials.
Planning organi&ing, managing and evaluating health services.
)nit -0: Child Health 12
,hild )ealth priorities analysis of child health data#trends in health.
Prioriti&ing the child health needs.
+a5or causes of infants and child morbidity and mortality in Nepal.
*ocio#economic, educational and cultural factors affecting child
rearing practices and child health care activities in Nepal.
,omponents of child health care 8;G('#f2
)-! targets for year beyond .???. !. ".
(aby friendly hospitals, breast feeding, complementary feeding.
Principles of screening and child health surveillance.
,are for common disorder including community management of
diarrhea and parasitic diseases.
1ecommendations from 6orld *ummit for ,hildren ,aire )abitat ''
,hild abuse, Prostitution, girl trafficking, child protection and child
rights and child laws.
,linical features of child abuse and neglect.
UN convention on the 1ights of ,hild.
!bandoned children and labour, street children and girl trafficking.
%ffect of conflicting situation, urbani&ation and refuge situation of
Planning, organi&ing managing and evaluation of child health service
including %P', ,"", !1', childhood nutrition problems vaccines
preventable childhood dieses.
!dolescent health special need for growth and development of
spiritual, physical emotional and social life.
!dolescent problems in Nepal, including teenage pregnancy, *T"s
)'E/!'"*, drug abuse, alcoholism, smoking, accidents, violence,
crime etc with emphasis on prevention and rehabilitation.
,are of handicapped and disabled and those weight chronic
+a5or causes of accident and handicapped conditions, in Nepal,
prevention, rehabilitation, ,(1 vs. 'nstitutionali&ation.
4egal issues regarding handicapped persons.
,oncept of '+', and other new terminologies.
)nit-3:a!ing Planning 12
Population problems and need for family planning in Nepal.
Population politics of Nepal and its strategies.
"efinition and concept of -P.
"ifferent methods of -P including indications contraindication and
side effects.
,ounseling of eligible couples.
Natural family planning.
-actors affecting use and non# use of contraceptive methods.
Planning, organi&ing, managing and evaluation -P activities
including health education with special emphasis on the Nepalese.
)nit-$: 6ntroduction to De!ography 10
)nit-.: Population Structure5 Characteristic and Co!ponents+ 1.
'mportance and implication of population study, concept and
definition of some useful terms, sources of demographic data
Population growth, trend and conse3uences at global and national
,urrent population situation of Nepal and its trend and implication of
Nepal0s resources and 3uality of life A the 3uality of life inde$, the
human suffering inde$B
Population policy and Program in Nepal.
'mportance of se$ and age structure, marital status, literacy rate, se$ ration,
religion, ethnicity, dependency ratio and growth of population.
,omponents of Population growth
+easure of fertility
,oncepts and its importance, ,rude and specific rates, total fertility rate
standardi&ed rates, child women ration.
+easures of reproduction "efinition and its importance gross and net
reproduction rateF replacement level of fertility.
+easure of mortality
"efinition, and importance of crude and specific rates standardi&ed rates,
infant and maternal mortality rates.
Gther mortality rates.
Neonatal and post neonatal mortality, foetal, prenatal mortality rates.
,oncepts, sources of data, some term, types of migration.
%stimation of life time and intercensal migration from place of birth
Percentages of population in urban areas.
1atio of urban and rural population.
*i&e of locality of residence of the median inhabitant.
Tempo of urbani&ation.
Gthers concepts.
"etermination of rates and ratios
'ncidence rates period prevalence rate prevalence rate
)nit-*: Population 7heories and Population Pro'ections 2
)nit-2: Population /8plosion5 /cology C De(elop!ent 1$
+athematical methods and models of population pro5ection.
Neo#malthusians and ,ornucopias doctrines and demographic
transition theory.
Population, momentum, baby boom syndrome, decaying of
population, young and old population, ageing of population and
contraceptive prevalence rate.
)uman environmental interaction and its impact on resource base.
Population growth and economic development.
'nterrelation between population, resources, environment and
'mpacts of human population growth on ecosystem and human
,oncepts of sustainable development and population growth.
9uality of human life Ahuman development inde$ and indicatorsB
4eco!!ended boo"s5 #anual and 9ournals
1+ Behende5 AA and Barni"ar 75 D Principles o, Population studiesE Hi!alya
Publishing House5 Bo!bay5 ourth editionF1=22G
2+ Bogue5 D+5 D Principles o, De!ographyE 9ohn >iley and Son :e> ;or"s 1=.=+
0+ C/;6n publications: a state o, the rights o, children in :epal+ Co!prehensi(e
,a!ily planning FC&PG course :H6C-:epal+
3+ Co8+5 4C5 D De!ographyE Ca!bridge )ni(ersity Press5 1=2.+
$+ reid!an ## D a!ily-7heory and PracticesE 0
.+ Hartoulla 4P5 Child Se8ual Abuse: A hidden horror5 !ental health depart!ent5
6&#+ 1==$+
*+ Hartoulla 4P : An 6ntroduction to #edical Sociology and Anthropology5
4/C6D-:5 1==25 Bath!andu+
2+ 6!pro(ing access t o Auality care in ,a!ily planningE a!ily and producti(e
health ;H&5 Hene(a5 1==.+
=+ 9/ Par" and B+ par"5 A te8tboo" o, pre(enti(e and social !edicine++
10+ 9HP6/H&-:epal5 re,erence !anual certi,icate nursing progra!5 co!!unity
health nursing 665 ,a!ily planning unit+
11+ Batal5 A public health !anual+
12+ #isra BId5 Art 6ntroduction to the study o, population D South Asia Publishers
P(t+ %td+ :e> Delhi 2
edition 1==1+
10+ :ational adolescent health and de(elop!ent strategy 200+ HD-DHS-#&H+
13+ D:ational !aternity care guidelines ,or :epalE H#H):6C/+
1$+ Patha"5 BB C 4a! + D 7echniAues o, De!ographic AnalysisE Hi!alaya Pub+
1.+ Sryoc"5 HSJ Siegel 9s: and Associates5 D7he !ethods and !aterials o,
de!ographyE )S bureau o, the census5 ;ashington5 DC 1=2=+
1*+ Sribasta(a+ &S+ De!ography and Population Studies ?i"as Publishing House P(t+
%td+ 2
edition 1==3+
12+ Sinha ?C5 @acharia /+ D /le!ents o, De!ography D Allied Publishers P(t+ %td+
edition 1==3+
1=+ ):6C/-:epal 5 Children and ;o!en in :epal K A situation analysis 1==.+
20+ ;allace H;5 Hiri B+ Dhealth care o, >o!en and children in de(eloping countries
Course title: Co!!unity Health Diagnosis
Course code: BPH-20*
ull !ar"s: 100 Pass #ar"s: .0
Contact Hrs: 120
Course Description:
This course has been designed to impart the basic concepts, procedure and the skills needed for
collecting and analy&ing re3uired information for community health diagnosis. The course also
aims to impart the basic concepts and skills in designing and diagnosing community health and
prepare a holistic community health management plan.
%earning &b'ecti(es:
Upon the successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
"efine community diagnosis in related to community health/medicine.
"escribe community diagnosis process and procedures.
"escribe various components of community diagnosis and design and community
diagnosis and prepare a sketch map of the community.
,ollect, analy&e and interpret information re3uired of a community procedure.
,arry out a community diagnosis in actual setting community.
Presents finding of community diagnosis O carry out micro health pro5ect.
Prepare a report of community diagnosis e$ercise and develop community health.
Course Contents
)nit-1: 6ntroduction to Co!!unity Health Diagnosis 12
)nit-2: &(er(ie> o, ?arious Co!ponents o, Co!!unity Diagnosis 0.
"efinition of community health, ways of preventing and treating
disease and the function of clinical and community medicine and the
role of community diagnosis.
"efinition, concepts importance and use of community diagnosis.
The Process of community diagnosis.
,ommunity diagnosis and health surveillance in primary health care.
-acilities O resources in the communityF assessment of internal,
e$ternal resources.
;eographical inheritanceF political divisionsF popular, folk and
provisional health care service situation.
!ccessibility0 spotting A+appingB of health care structure,
environment health conditions and access roads.
Political, religious, environmental, social development O recreational
facilities of health significanceF formal and informal leaders in the
!ttitude, knowledge and practices related to health and diseases
including beliefs, values, norms, etc, P1%,%"% diagnostic
,onstraints reviewingF man, money AtimeB, materialsF pattern O use
of health services, e$pressed and felt health need, poverty, ignorance
Training of health and disease morbidity, morality, ma5or health
problem, nutrition status, health and disease stating of school
"esigning the study to make the community diagnosis
o *etting of ob5ectives.
o ,hoosing variables re3uired meeting ob5ectives.
o ;eneration of methodology, including sampling method,
survey instruments, logistic, data analysis, presentation
and communication of health information.
+ethods of collecting information
o 'nterview schedule, interview techni3ues and schedule
development, key interview, interview, focus group, P1!,
P1! in depth interview.
o Gbservation concepts and checklist.
o 9uantitative measurement.
o *econdary data analysis.
'nterpretation of information
o ,ontent analysis and describe the results obtained.
1eview of epidemiological studies.
1eview of theories, formula and indicators applied techni3ues of
Presentation of preliminary finding in community level and seminar
at N')**),,.
,ommended health intervention program or the basis of community
Techni3ues for working with community members.
"etermination of propriety micro health actions or health basis of
community fact need and students community diagnosis.
-ormat for report of community diagnosis.
Preparation of written community diagnosis report steps,
components and format.
%thnical aspects
%thnical aspects of community diagnosis A-ollow N)1, modelB
Planning, implementation and assessment of micro health pro5ect.
)nit-0: 4esidential ield Progra! 0.
Grientation of community diagnosis
!ctual field.
)nit-3: Presentation 12
Presentation at community
Presentation in the N')*/*),,
)nit-$: 4eport ;riting and /(aluation 12
1eport 6riting evaluation
Course e(aluation Sche!e
4eco!!ended Boo"s:
1+ Hale CJ Shrestha 6B and Bhattacharya A DCo!!unity Diagnosis #anualE
H%#C5 6&# 1==.+
2+ #c Cur"er 9 D/pide!iology in Co!!unity Health: A!erican #edical and
4esearch oundation D4ural Health series5 Bong #etal5 D7ropical #edicine+
0+ Progra!+ 9 BennettF/d+G: DCo!!unity Diagnosis and Health Action- a
!anual ,or tropical and rural areasE 1=*=+
3+ Sydney % Bar" #D5 D7he Practice o, Co!!unity &riented Pri!ary Health
CareE Appleton-Century Cra,ts5 A Publishing Di(isions o, Prentice-Hall 6nc
$+ ?anghan 9P and #orro> 4HF/dGJ !anual o, /pide!iology ,or district Health
!anage!ent:5 ;orld Health &rgani1ation Hene(a 1=2=+
*************************The End *************************
iled >or" and presentation -$0M
-iled work ATeam participationB 8 1?P
*upervision by -ield ,oordinator 8 ?:P
Presentation by tudentst mmunity # 1?P
*upervision by Teacher from ,ampus/'nstitute 8 ?: P
Presentation by *tudents at ,ampus/'nstitute # .? P
,ommunity "iagnosis and 1eport 6riting # :?P
,ommunity "iagnosis -ield 1eportAwrittenB # 7?P
Gral %$amination # 1?P

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