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"#$%& '()*+ 111 8esume ur. | Sample, ln 34321 | 111.222.3333 | resume[sample.


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uynamlc, creaLlve, and resulLs-drlven sysLems admlnlsLraLor wlLh excellenL communlcaLlon and problem-solvlng skllls.
8road Lechnologlcal skllls wlLh a proven ablllLy Lo keep abreasL of emerglng Lrends ln Lhe changlng fleld of lnformaLlon
Lechnology. uemonsLraLed lngenulLy ln LroubleshooLlng Lechnologlcal lssues wlLh Lhe resources aL hand ln a cosL-
efflclenL and Llmely manner. Superlor mulLlLasklng skllls. CCnA cerLlfled.

-%01+/0#2 &3/22&

!"#$"# &''()*+,)-./ +.0 !"#$)*"/1 SAM8A/LuA and Wlndows uomalns, 1lnyunS, AsLerlsk, ChosL SoluLlon SulLe,
1lgerpaw, Apache, 18AMS, Culck8ooks, WSuS
2)#,3+()4+,)-.1 vMware, roxmox (kvM) and xen
567+)(1 osLflx/uovecoL, Coogle Apps, Lxchange
!*#)',).81 8ash
9-.),-#).81 CacLl, naglos, 81C, WhaLs up Cold, Solar Wlnds, Splceworks
:+,+;+/"/1 osLgres, MySCL, MSSCL
<+#0=+#"1 lnsLall and malnLaln prlnLers ln neLwork envlronmenL, C componenLs and consLrucLlon, server consLrucLlon
and componenLs lncludlng P, uell Supermlcro, enguln
>'"#+,).8 !?/,"7/1 MlcrosofL Wlndows x, Wlndows 7, Llnux (CenLoo, ubunLu, 8edhaL), Wlndows 2003-2008 Server,
@",=-#A).81 Clsco, mlgraLed away from uell, Ad-1ran, P neLopla
!-B,=+#" &''()*+,)-./1 MlcrosofL Cfflce (MS Word, Lxcel, owerolnL)

4()5%&&/)+#2 %64%(/%+0%

7+/-%. 0)$$7+/0#-/)+& &,&-%$&8 Chlcago, lL 9::;<4=>?>@A
1elecommunlcaLlons reseller. Annual revenues of $30M wlLh 3 saLelllLe offlces, 40 servers, and 130 co-workers.
!?/,"7/ &07).)/,#+,-#
Analyzed, malnLalned, deployed, and modlfled neLworks, servers, and oLher l1 resources ln a mlxed unlx/Wlndows
envlronmenL. 8esponslble for deploymenL, monlLorlng, malnLenance, and conflguraLlon of user Cs. Worked ln a Leam-
coordlnaLed efforL Lo ensure lnvenLory needs were meL and budgeLs were adhered Lo. Worked closely wlLh lnLernal
developers Lo lmplemenL resources ln a Llmely, effecLlve, and cosL-efflclenL manner.
Coached, developed, and provlded dlrecLlon for sysLems speclallsL and help desk personnel.
Made use of open source soluLlons and repurposed exlsLlng hardware where necessary Lo keep cosL aL a
mlnlmum, ofLen lmplemenLlng funcLlonal soluLlons aL no cosL.
ArchlLecLed, planned, deployed, and malnLalned neLwork and servers for an ln-house Lravel agency. 1hls vasLly
lmproved rellablllLy, flexlblllLy, and performance.
o ueployed open source Llnux-based soluLlon CenLoo Lo ensure maxlmum upLlme Lo meeL SLAs seL forLh
by buslness.
o CenLrallzed and consolldaLed exlsLlng soluLlons Lo address lack of sLandardlzaLlon, rellablllLy, and
managemenL of appllcaLlons. 1hls resulLed ln a 20 rellablllLy lncrease.
o MlgraLed e-mall soluLlon from osLflx Lo Coogle Apps, resulLlng ln lncreased performance, rellablllLy,
and feaLure seL galn.
o lanned envlronmenL around Lravel agency lnfrasLrucLure, keeplng ln mlnd necessary connecLlons Lo
exLernal alrllne servlces vla olnL Lo olnL and vn connecLlons.
age 2 of 2
111 8esume ur. | Sample, ln 34321 | 111.222.3333 | resume[
key conLrlbuLor ln Lhe mlgraLlon from open source soluLlons Lo enLerprlse class soluLlons.
o MlgraLed from l1ables Lo Clsco ASA3310 and Clsco CaLalysL 3730x L3 swlLch, resulLlng ln a neLwork
performance lncrease of 40.
o MlgraLed from CpenLuA soluLlon Lo AcLlve ulrecLory.
o MlgraLed neLwork lnfrasLrucLure from mulLlple vendors Lo a Clsco-based lnfrasLrucLure, resulLlng ln a
more coherenL and easler Lo malnLaln lnfrasLrucLure
Advlsed and asslsLed Lechnlcal englneers on cusLomer lnfrasLrucLure lssues Lo vasLly reduce downLlme for
exLernal cusLomers and man-hours bllled Lo cusLomer.
8esearched, advocaLed for, and deployed ChosL SoluLlon SulLe resulLlng ln a 90 reducLlon ln man-hours for
many Lasks lncludlng C deploymenL, conflguraLlon, and managemenL, sofLware developmenL, and sofLware and
hardware lnvenLory.

/+&/B1-98 lndlanapolls, ln 9:C:<4=>?>@A
ConsulLlng flrm wlLh 1 offlce, 2 servers, and 8 employees.
C.0"'".0"., CD E-./3(,+.,
MalnLalned, analyzed, and updaLed servers. AsslsLed lnslghL2 employees wlLh day-Lo-day lssues. Servlced equlpmenL
and asslsLed users wlLh soluLlons. MalnLalned offslLe backup soluLlon.
8ebullL and redeployed lnslghL2's neLwork uslng exlsLlng resources ln order Lo lncrease rellablllLy and
o 8edeployed exlsLlng hardware Lo seL up and malnLaln Llnux server ln order Lo address rellablllLy lssues
wlLh lnslghL2's lnfrasLrucLure, resulLlng ln a 30 upLlme lncrease.
o MlgraLed lnslghL2 from Lxchange Lo Coogle Apps Lo address e-mall rellablllLy. 1hls resulLed ln a 30
upLlme lncrease.
o ueployed and malnLalned offslLe dlsasLer-recovery soluLlon uslng open source soluLlons. 1hls decreased
esLlmaLed downLlme from 2 days Lo 3 hours ln Lhe evenL of server hardware fallure.
o 8eplaced prevlous phone soluLlon, resulLlng ln a 23 cosL savlngs.
MeL and coordlnaLed wlLh Lechnlcal vendors Lo provlde lnLerneL and phone servlce aL a cheaper cosL.

-)*+ )5 $7+&-%(8 MunsLer, ln 9::D<9::;
MunlclpallLy wlLh 3 saLelllLe offlces, 4 servers, and 100 employees.
MalnLalned Lown hall neLwork llnklng Lhe Lown munlclpallLy offlces. 8epalred and malnLalned compuLer hardware
componenLs. SupporLed and malnLalned Wlndows Server 2003 servers. AsslsLed MunsLer employees by LroubleshooLlng
l1 lssues and provldlng supporL and Lralnlng wlLh sofLware programs and backup. 8esponslble for deploymenL of Cs,
neLwork componenLs and programs, as well as back-up and recovery of sysLems and lnformaLlon.
ulsassembled, organlzed, and caLegorlzed parLs lnLo an ordered sysLem whlch lncreased organlzaLlon, efflclency,
and speed of repalrs.
8epalred and resLored damaged lapLops ln order Lo provlde lapLops for user needs wlLhln Lhe budgeL.

0/+%(B, 0)$$7+/0#-/)+&8 Lvansvllle, ln 9::E<9::F
lormer lS wlLh 30 employees.
C.,"#.", D"*F.)*+( !3''-#, D"*F.)*)+.
AsslsLed cusLomers wlLh lnLerneL appllcaLlons and lnLerneL connecLlvlLy lssues. lnLeracLed wlLh lnLernal deparLmenLs as
approprlaLe for resoluLlon of cusLomer lssues. 8esponslble for malnLalnlng Llve ChaL" program, allowlng cusLomers Lo
communlcaLe wlLh Lechnlclans uslng lnsLanL messages. 8epalred and malnLalned compuLer hardware componenLs.

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'HIJ>KL= LM #=A? N@ 1N?AL=O-urdue unlverslLy, WesL LafayeLLe, ln (uecember, 2012)
00+# (March, 2012)

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