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Placement Location: Crime Research/Investigation & Criminal Apprehension: Heinous Crime

ISBN-10: 1499728875/ ISBN-13: 978-1499728873

PLACE LOCATOR EXPERT, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals
This Document is Meant for Prosecutionary Purposes.

The Following Map is My,REBECCATACOSAGRAY,CALIFONIAs Work Alone, there were no others involved, and I have place Located
Approxi-mately 21 Satanistic PORTALS in the Fresno, Modesto, Manteca, Sacramento Areas. This Document is Meant for the Law Enforcement for
Immedi-ate Action to Investigate, Apprehend and Put Down a Crime Ring of Criminals who are Murderers of Heinous intent, and who use Murder to
Upkeep what are Called Satanistic PORTALS [Reference Alastair Crowley, the Portals are Real], which Rely on Sacrifice, Desecration, Continuance of
Pain and Murder in the Preternatural Bio-Physical as well as Earth Physical, and Sacrificial and Ritual Practices that are Heinous in Nature. The
Following Map should Assist the Law Enforcement outright, in 99% Accuracy: I will sent a Full Report with Coordinates, and as Much Information as
I could see that shows Nature of Crimes in Each Location, and the Criminal Profiles. I ask that Immediate Action Be Taken upon this Ring of
Criminals, the Crimes are Heinous. If I have missed any locations, and there would be very few, I will have to send them to You as I continue My
Research in Looking at Google Map and the Regions in Question, as I have found, as I did with Watthal and McMullin, that Present Place Verification
in the Exact Criminal Locations, which I did Myself in Person, reveal More Crimes and Crime Locations. I apologize for any Shortcomings, but I
believe that My Work is Fully Correct, and is as close to complete that I could manage at this Time. I will send further Information shortly this
afternoon, as I have to Type the Report: I do not own a Laptop computer., and am surviving on the Streets. I did My Work by Hand last Night, in
order to shut down this Criminal Ring in Immediacy. The Crimes are such that I felt they require Immediate Prosecution and Restitution for the
Crimes, as the General Public and All to remain Safe. Again, My Work is Earth Physical, of My own Work, and I do Not Employ Archangelic or
Godself Problems, it is Against the Preternatural Law to do so. Thus, this Work is Grounded in the Earth Physical, and in Honor done. Also, No
Police Departments or Female Employees were involved in this Work. I have had trouble with Several Females in Different Departments, and the
Earth Physical, trying to steal My Work. As I have been trying to manage a Job in Honor with One Police Department, who will appreciate My
Abilities and Honor, I hope You will Understand that the comment is not meant to hurt, but to protect My Own Physical and Physical Work, which
is Extensive.

PLACE LOCATION EXPERT, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals

Place Location Expert, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals

PLACE LOCATOR EXPERT, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals
This Document is Meant for Prosecutionary Purposes.

The Following Map is My,REBECCATACOSAGRAY,CALIFONIAs Work Alone, there were no others involved, and I have place Located
Approxi-mately 21 Satanistic PORTALS in the Fresno, Modesto, Manteca, Sacramento Areas. This Document is Meant for the Law Enforcement for
Immedi-ate Action to Investigate, Apprehend and Put Down a Crime Ring of Criminals who are Murderers of Heinous intent, and who use Murder to
Upkeep what are Called Satanistic PORTALS [Reference Alastair Crowley, the Portals are Real], which Rely on Sacrifice, Desecration, Continuance of
Pain and Murder in the Preternatural Bio-Physical as well as Earth Physical, and Sacrificial and Ritual Practices that are Heinous in Nature. The
Following Map should Assist the Law Enforcement outright, in 99% Accuracy: I will sent a Full Report with Coordinates, and as Much Information as
I could see that shows Nature of Crimes in Each Location, and the Criminal Profiles. I ask that Immediate Action Be Taken upon this Ring of
Criminals, the Crimes are Heinous. If I have missed any locations, and there would be very few, I will have to send them to You as I continue My
Research in Looking at Google Map and the Regions in Question, as I have found, as I did with Watthal and McMullin, that Present Place Verification
in the Exact Criminal Locations, which I did Myself in Person, reveal More Crimes and Crime Locations. I apologize for any Shortcomings, but I
believe that My Work is Fully Correct, and is as close to complete that I could manage at this Time. I will send further Information shortly this
afternoon, as I have to Type the Report: I do not own a Laptop computer., and am surviving on the Streets. I did My Work by Hand last Night, in
order to shut down this Criminal Ring in Immediacy. The Crimes are such that I felt they require Immediate Prosecution and Restitution for the
Crimes, as the General Public and All to remain Safe. Again, My Work is Earth Physical, of My own Work, and I do Not Employ Archangelic or
Godself Problems, it is Against the Preter-natural Law to do so. Thus, this Work is Grounded in the Earth Physical, and in Honor done. Also, No
Police Departments or Female Employees were involved in this Work. I have had trouble with Several Females in Different Departments, and the
Earth Physical, trying to steal My Work. As I have been trying to manage a Job in Honor with One Police Department, who will appreciate My
Abilities and Honor, I hope You will Understand that the comment is not meant to hurt, but to protect My Own Physical and Physical Work, which is

PLACE LOCATOR EXPERT, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals

Manteca, California, Origin of Crime Set [Nile Road, Manteca, California]

Sacramento Police Department
Manteca Police Department
Modesto Police Department

If You Could Please send All Relevant Police Departments a Link to this Map, with a Request to Prosecute the Associated Crime Ring with that Area,
I would deeply appreciate it. I ask that this particular set of crimes be looked at, Investigated, and Prosecuted Immediately. Criminal Preternaturals are
different, and I would like them put down. I hope that it may be possible within the next two days, and the Week. The Crimes that I have viewed
in the Preternatural Bio-Physical are Heinous, they are Painful for those who went through such Pain. Thank You.

18 Locations of Lookouts. Sacramento Verified and One to the South. One More next to Manteca Bridge/I-5.

YOLO Count Wetlands Documentation: SATANISTIC PORTAL 1. Documentation of Blood Upon the Farm to the Right, upon the Grain Bins.
Documentation of Tall Dark Male who shows hurt to a Boy over an Extended Time, and possible hurt to a young by in the past by water in a bathtub,
it shows blood in a bathtub. 2. Documentation of Body at head of Entrance, to Car Drive, long water and plant life, there is a wooden Head that I
removed that was a Skull, and a Bullet with a skull that marked a placement of Life Hurt to a Boy, old Crime, possible body at head of water, the Boy
looks to have been hurt in the mountainous area past Davis on the Way to Napa. I have place located the exact, but need to locate Earth Physical. The
long entry water area looks to have interval Fires that are part of a Ritual. 3. Mass Grave, which I have not yet looked at. It looks as if the Mass Bodies,
most are Preternatural Bio-Physical, with possible 5 bodies cementing the Grave. It was stated that the Grave might be bone, ground, I cannot verify
this. 4. I have not determined the Water Problem with the White Structure, looks to have one body attached to a rope, or tied down, but cannot verify.
5. Body to the East/East North, cementing the Portal, which I shut down. White Haired Being, Thin, Wraith Like [Possibly the Person who was Life
Hurt], and the Male who is the Portal, a Celtic or Long Ago Origin of Extremely Large Stature. In Largest Form, a Powerful Being who is of the
Earth, but not necessarily negative, His Power was turned to Negative or His most Negative form, which is that of Negative Form Problem. 0. Portal
of Female to South, still determining. Place of Flowers has been seen, not Place Located Yet.

HIGHWAY 12 Portal:
I,REBECCATACOSAGRAY,CALIFORNIA, will Place Verify this Set of Locations 5.24.2014, Saturday.

The Male of this Portal may be a Mass Murderer who murders up and down the Sacramento/San Joaquin Delta/Little Potato Slough, in that Area. He
looks to be Heinous, and His Blood Crimes are Pain, the Murder that brought He to My Attention was a Female who was in Deep Pain, Beyond Pain,
Mortal Hurt to Life and Soul. Pain Unbearable. Deep Blue/Black Pain. [This Means that when Life Hurt Occurs, the Mortal is in a Space that shows
the Pain to Sit Long Beyond the Life, and The Stars show no hope, it is Condemnation in Pain to see]

The Crime of the Woman looks to have taken place on a Boat, moored at 38.118055,-121.535182. The Area shows the Pain to Descend Below the
Water, in the span of a Circle, and is Depth in Pain. The House at 17251 Wt. State Highway 12, Lodi, California is a House of Pain/Murder. Houses to
side okay, but House to Back shows Depth of Blood. Boat at 38.117455,-121.536181 shows Bone Structure to Front of Boat. Possible Bone Struc-ture
at 38.117555,-121.535756. Possible Bone Structure at 38.117526,-121.535498. Check for Bone Structures Possibly buried under Large Tree [Possible
Oak] at back of Back Building, to the Left. Check for Entry Bone Structure, which look to be part of Satanic Property Problems: 38.117381,-
121.535072. Problem at 38.117337,-121.536891. Possible Problem, Heart at 38.11731,-121.536376. Bones at 38.118086,-121.535069, in Water.
2nd Murder, Young Boy. 38.118815,-121.532344 A Young Boy looks to have been hurt by a Female, and may have viewed a blood crime on another
boy at that location. The Female is related to the House at 17251 Wt. State Highway 12, Lodi, California, is related to the Male Criminal of the Portal
[Heinous Value Male/Murder]. The Boy looks to have lived at 17101Wt. State Highway 12, Lodi, California, possibly still there. The Male may have
been struck on the Head in heinous Fashion, strength, true hate. Approximate Crime View: 38.118082,-121.53441. The Male might have been from

Prosecution of Modesto Police Department: 5.22.2014 I document the Problem of the Female Hispanic Officer physically taking the life of a woman
upon a Boat in the Highway 12 area. The Actual Physical Shows that the Female Hispanic Officer, who is an Earth Physical Associated with Preter-
natural Females of Ill Repute, willfully put to the Male Criminal, who hurt the Woman upon the Boat in Life Hurt/Murder. This is the Documenta-
tion. REBECCATACOSAGRAY,CALIFORNIA 5.22.2014 approx. between 10-2 pm, Ceres, California.

Devils Isle:
2600 Nile Road:
Lookout, Male Host, large [see above detail] 8 Females, 3 Children. The Stars into Night, in Condemned form, and a Portal to Pain. Each Portal Has
its Own Criminal.
24076 Hays:
Lookout, with Pool of Bones, Murders. Half Circle Ritual Field. Murders in Field Adjacent. Problems of Waiting at Gas Tank, and the Trees to the
Left of Gas Tank near Road. Cross Road in Field Point of Sickness. Out to the North/Northwest, on Diagonal from Lookout, Half Moon of Trees
that is a Possible Ritual/Sexual/Murder.
House of Metal, Located in the River: There seems to be a Body buried in side of road, right across from House: I detected a male in the River, to the
Hays Area:
37.740009-121.288559: Area just across from Lookout, 24076 Hays, near Half Circle Field. This has a Lookout, as well.
37.740009-121.280559: Area like Face or Ear, To Hear. Field Anomaly or Problem, Possible Arrangement, or Work Problem. Possible Location of
Some Type of Event. Need to Place Verify. Square in Field, near the Base of the Neck, which is near the Brain Stem, or just above: a Placement of at
Godship Problem.
26 Stewart Road Bridge: 26 Stewart Road Place Located for Body of Young Girl, who was hurt in the Hays Road Area, and then taken to this Loca-
tion. Possible into a Feed Problem. Possible Del Osso Farms: 4 Grain Bins.
To the South, spanning from Manteca Location:

Possibly One near Ripon, or near the I-5 Freeway to L.A. A Town between The Two, Possibly.

Small Town, slight Flowery Feel. To the West of the Freeway, Between Turlock and Fresno Curve to L.A.

It looks as if one Might be near Bakersfield.

To the North, spanning from Manteca Location:
Check the Area of Devils Isle, which is out Highway 12. White Slough. Correia Road.[ Core: E I A]. Check for Lookouts or Water Towers. Check
11411 Correia Road, and also, check 11411 Eight Mile Road. 11705 Eight Mile Road, Near King Island. In this Biophysical Vision, I show a Boy under
Water. The Pier might be a problem in the Events.

I traveled to Sacramento to Place Verify My Place Location which was a Mass Grave, a Possible Association by Metal Lookout on a River Like Loca-
tion near the Mass Grave, and a Possible Problem across from a White Cross on the Mass Grave, which I determined to be a PORTAL. My Place
Verification was True, and determined Several Things:

YOLO Count Wetlands Documentation: SATANISTIC PORTAL

1. Documentation of Blood Upon the Farm to the Right, upon the Grain Bins. Documentation of Tall Dark Male who shows hurt to a Boy over an
Extended Time, and possible hurt to a young by in the past by water in a bathtub, it shows blood in a bathtub.

2. Documentation of Body at head of Entrance, to Car Drive, long water and plant life, there is a wooden Head that I removed that was a Skull, and a
Bullet with a skull that marked a placement of Life Hurt to a Boy, old Crime, possible body at head of water, the Boy looks to have been hurt in the
mountainous area past Davis on the Way to Napa. I have place located the exact, but need to locate Earth Physical. The long entry water area looks to
have interval Fires that are part of a Ritual.

3. Mass Grave, which I have not yet looked at. It looks as if the Mass Bodies, most are Preternatural Bio-Physical, with possible 5 bodies cementing
the Grave.

4. I have not determined the Water Problem with the White Structure, looks to have one body attached to a rope, or tied down, but cannot verify.

5. Body to the East/EastNorth, cementing the Portal, which > I shut down. White Haired Being, Thin, Wraith Like [Possibly the Person who was
Life Hurt], and the Male who is the Portal, a Celtic or Long Ago Origin of Extremely Large Stature. In Largest Form, a Powerful Being who is of the
Earth, but not necessarily negative, His Power was turned to Negative or His most Negative form, which is that of Negative Form Problem. Portal of
Female to South, still determining. Place of Flowers has been seen, not Place Located Yet.

PLACE LOCATOR EXPERT, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals


This was a Tip I Originally Saw when looking at the Environs of Manteca, and happened to see it Manifest near BASS [Fishing]. It showed the Layout
of a Murder Set, and also showed the Male, who is a Large, Tall Male, with Large Bone Structure, large Face, and Very Strong in hands and Body. Not
built, but large male. Dark Hair. I put the Tip in to the Police Station Via E-mail to Mr. Nick Obligacion, The Chief of Police of Manteca Police
Department. I did not, until later, look closer at the Vision.

2nd Viewing: I determined the 2nd Viewing by Place Locating on Google Maps. The Marsh Name is the Exact Location, and is in a Curve in the
River, South of the Water Park, down the River. I realized that the 1st Viewing was a showing of Body Placement, of Many. There are 8 Women & 3
Possible Children. I Verified on Google Map that it was a True Structure. I made a Mapof the Body Placements in the March, just inside the Curve of
the River, and Reported a copy of the map to the Manteca Police Department.


terpark on Woodward Road, Manteca, and PLACE VERIFIED, which is MY, REBECCATACOSAGRAY,CALIFORNIAs Copyrighted Method of
Work, No Other Can, to Verify the Energy, The Placement of the Crime, and the True of the Crime, to its Problem.

I began My Walk Across from a House [38425 Woodward Approx], end of Houses to New Development, and walked out to the Levee. I found, on
the Way, a PVC to Protect Myself, and placed My Large Backpack under a Large Plastic Bag to Hide and Protect My Belongings. {I decided later to
use the Plastic cut up to give to each Persons Fami-ly that I Place Locate and Bring Home, in True Love of Justin Gaines, who was lost and buried in
a Marsh Like Environment in Duluth. He was wrapped in a Carpet., and is Important to Myself in History]

I progressed with Caution, as it was Life Risk for Me to Place Visual in the Circumstances of Murder. I met the river, which was the Marsh, early in the
River, and it showed that the Murder was True, to the Area. All along the Way, I showed the Visuals of Location and Nature of Emotional Value upon
the Environment, which is useful for Preternaturals to understand the Nature of the Crime, and the Areas Reaction to the Crime, and some-times, the
Placement of Crime and Criminals. It was careful, and grew more dangerous as I drew near the Curve to the Place that I looked at as being the
Location of Crime.

1. There is a Swinging Gate with an Area that needs to be looked at in More Detail. It looks as if either a crime was committed here, or there are
multiple Crimes in that Area: Possible More Complications: Possible Bodies: they must progress past the Gate and across, there is something in the
area that is of Criminal Problem. At the Time, there was a car nearby with the door open, and I did not feel comfortable looking further.

2. I decided to go past the car, despite the Problem, and I did so, it was a Farm Worker, Hispanic. He saw Me and I said Hello. I continued along the
Road, to the Residence, and found that it showed Blood Murder, White, All over the Land. Right on the Ground, and near the Objects to the Left.
Also, I noted across the River a Well Extending into the Water, which is a Problem in the Visuals of those who were Murdered. It is a Strong Visual,
and I have Place Verified that One of the Women. In reaction to the Place and the Well, showed sick, meaning visual confirma-tion of the Murder and

3. I Note that it shows that the Family knows something about the Murders. It shows that they are Aware of, in Full Awareness, of the Murders. They
should be Interrogated.

4. The Male noted in the First Viewing is Still the Murderer, as I stated. It is possible that there were others involved. This should be Investigated by
the Law Enforcement.

PLACE LOCATOR EXPERT, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals


Chief of Police Mr. Nick Nobligacion
San Joaquin County Sheriff
3455 McMulllin Road Crimes
Nile Road Crimes

It is certain that the 3455 McMullin Road Location includes a Set of Murders that is Related to the Nile Road Murders. The Water Tower over the
Water re-occurs in this Location, from the Entry behind the Slough at a Hays Road Entry, behind the 3455 McMullin Road House. Take the Curve
Around the Slough, turn Right, there is a Large, perfect rowed Field, half Circle, that shows beings at 4-5 possible locations: Might also be bodies.
Body Registered near middle of Field.

Turn to the Left, just to the left, and there is a Water Tower out over the Slough that is exactly like the Water Tower at the Nile Road Location. There
are Bodies in profusion at the bottom of the "lake'/Slough, Possibly Bones. I walked the Perimeter of the Field and recognized the Middle of the Field,
out near the gas [White Tank, close to the Slough and noted that I saw the same, that there is a location in the Middle of the Field, no explanation.
someone of preternatural Origin Mentioned, after I had identified that the Murder Weapon might be a piece of Farm Equipment [I can draw what I
saw in the Preternatural for You.] He said that they might possible have run People over with a Piece of Farm Equipment. This is documented for
Posterity, the male is Honorable.

At Gas Tank:
Look to Your Right, on a Diagonal from the Water Tank, there is a Large stand of Tall Trees that look like a Half Circle: From My Location [I was on
My Way out], there is a Large Problem there, Possible more Bodies/Murder. Possible Portal. I have not Place Verified it yet. Look to Your Left, first
House. There is a long Shed that I believe might hold Farm equipment: the Doors show blood. I would check this Shed. Beyond that, behind, in the
Slough, there is another location that shows Dark Blood Murder. I have not yet Place Verified this Location Yet, it is a True Location.

Of these Crimes: I believe them to be Satanism in Nature, and I, looking closer at the Water Towers, Located One More in Sacramento, and another
in a Place to the South. I will have to locate them and Let You Know. I believe this to be a Ring of Organized Murder. I'll Provide a more Detailed
report on the Nature after I look at the Google Map.

Place Locator Expert, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals

PLACE LOCATOR EXPERT, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals


18 Lookouts, Locations in this Satanic Crime Ring, which I viewed as they Showed them in the Investigation I,REBECCATACOSAGRAY,
CALIFORNIA, alone did on the Night of 5.15.2014. Also, Viewed a Set that Showed all of the Satanic Rings throughout the United States,
which I grounded and put down in a True Grounding, and will Document when I have time to look at the Bio-Physical Visual and Determine
the States and Place Locations.

However, I found a ride with Two Males in a Black Car from the McDonalds Located on Union Road and Yosemite, an Officer was Present to the
Left of the Parking Lot, I made Myself Visible to let Him Know that I was going to Proceed with My Investigation, and that He would realize My
Location. The Two Males, who are kind, dropped Me off at Union and Woodward, and I proceeded South, and viewed the Watthal Slough
Location with intent to Understand what the Rituals Are that include the Murders that I have documented upon the Crime Scene. The Murders in
this Crime Ring are Heinous. I Determined:

The Field that I viewed at McMullin Road with the 4-5 Being in the Half Circle are a Suffering, meaning that the Crime incurred upon the Soul
Selves of those of Innocence is that of Being Murdered Continually in the Preternatural/Bio-Physical, in order to maintain energy to Open what
is called a Satanic Portal. The Portals are a Death Portal of Eternal pain, they show a Night Sky of Stars that are in Eternal Condemnation, with
those who have been Murdered bound in Pain, asking Why They must die. Each Portal has its own Owner, who is a Murderer/Criminal, at
each Location, Headmaster/Ringleader. The WATTHAL SLOUGH Crimes are a Tall Dark Haired Male, who is Heinous, Large Bodied, muscle
but not muscular, and of Heinous in Psychological: He Does Not Regret His Crimes. Large Face, Bone Structure. The McMullin Road is a Female
Of Soft White Problem, and is the Head Leader of a Satanic Cult, and is Knowledgable in Satanic Ritual and Ways. Both the Male and Femael are
Condemned in Soul Self already for Their Crimes.

Of Statement, I,REBECCATACOSAGRAY,CALIFORNIA, in My Capacity as MENTOR of TheASTARITEFAITH, Sole and Only Direct
Representative of THE ALPHA AND THE OMEGA, OUR EXACT CREATOR, forced the Entire of McMullin to Cease Satanic Activity,
which They did, for the Day, it seems. I have witnessed that Marietals of the Catholic Faith, Mary and Misses M, keep returning to the Criminals
to try to illicit Criminality, as well as Deirdre Mulvhill, who is a Criminal of Downstairs Problems Already. What I explained was the Nature of
the Crimes upon the Soul Self, I condemned them outright and Prosecuted them in the Bio-Physical Preternatural for the Crimes, and I Told them
that their Crimes are Against Preternatural Law and told them to Go to Jail and to Cease Satanic Activity. I also explained the State of the Soul
Self, and also Documented that their Elders are Criminal Problem Structures, not Elders at all in Being or Look. The Above Showings are Fraud,
In order to gain Confidence of the Community Law Enforcement and others. They understood the Weight upon their Soul Selves and Being, and
understood that if they turned themselves in, they would over a very, very long period of Time, reconcile with their Creator and lift back up into
goodness, but only after True Suffering for their Crimes, for which they would have to be responsible for, now and in the Afterlife: They would suffer
in Jail and During Life, Deeply, and then suffer True And Painful Condemnation in full in the Afterlife, No exceptions, they must suffer outright for
their Crimes, in Depth to the Crimes, and Accept Responsibility for it. They, during life, must make Amends, and then Renounce All Evil, knowing
they will suffer for Their Crimes. When they have served their Time, very, very long suffering, pain, in the Afterlife, the Soul Self would rectify with
True in that of They and of Our CREATOR, and they would Reconcile to Goodness, having Made True Amends, as it Demanded and is Truth of
Restitution. They have No Choice. If they Do Not Turn themselves in, they will Be Condemned to Eternal Damnation, with No Hope of Restitution,
At All.


It is stated that in this History, all Crimes are upon the Exact Earth Selves, and cannot be taken upon by Others: Also, The Beings cannot be other
Being, they stay themselves, and they cannot be a type of being of another, either: This is LAW. As an Example, in My History, Deirdre Mulvihill is
Herself [who committed serious Crimes in the Preternatural Bio-Physical], and is Condemned for it, must take responsibility for Her Crimes: She is
Not Myself, and Never will, and I will not in responsibility be for, at all. Deirdre Mulvihill is also prosecuted for Crimes involving My Work, as Im
the Only PLACE LOCATION EXPERT in the United States and Otherwise, of My Methodry and Ability. The Manteca Police Department seems to
be aligned with Deirdre Mulvihill in the Physical Preternatural, and might need to be investigated in regards to the Watthal Crimes and Violations by
Deirdre Mulvhill, as well as My Work, which She has Nothing to do With. Also, a Hispanic/Latino Modesto Officer, who was a Basic Officer at
5.2.2014, when I applied for a job at the Modesto Police Department: She tried to steal in the Preternatural and Earth Physical soon after, and was
Told No. I have told all Females of Officer Type, Sheriff Type, and Others of Human Preternatural No to Rape and Theft of My Work.

Place Location Expert, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals
Location: Stockton, California Portals [2] 5.28.2014: Physical Viewing In Person.

Approximate Arrival 7:00 p.m/7:15p.m on 6:45 Bus, at the Eight Mile Road Shopping Center Location. I Proceeded Across the Road to Determine
or Approximate the Portal Location, which I assumed Might be further or closer than expected. The Location was Exact, upon the Earths Surface.

1. 12751 N Thornton Rd, Lodi, CA 95242 0.1 mi E, 38.088719,-121.386373/ Whiteslough Water Pollution Control Facility [209] 333-6749:
There is Blood on the Factory [on the Lands, meaning Murder is Present on these lands.] The Factory looks as if women have been
brought out and hurt, Life/Blood/Bone Hurt in blood problem. The Murders are Two, at Present, both Owners, one a Working Owner
who is a larger bodied Male, shorter stature, who knows the Crimes, and is associated with bone to bone hurt. Blood and Bone is what I
call it, and it is aggressive physical hurt to the body, possibly to Life Hurt, and is of a Dark Blood Nature. The Other Owner is a
Diplomatic Owner, thinner, and of Medium to Average Stature, and is unaware of the Crimes Upon the Structure, but by comment of a
viewer, it looks as If the Male of Younger Age who possibly lives at Miramonte is the Criminal, and who is related to the Diplomatic
Owner. There may be only a few employees who know about the Crimes.
2. The Portal is to the West, and is the Slough on the Property [38.084201,-121.396345] next to N. Rio Blanco Road. The Slough itself,
which is like a Lake/Slough, viewed from the South End, is a Long Platform Portal, with the End to the North, and the Physical beginning
the Two Triangle Electric Towers and one Central Electric Tower the Physical beginning. The Towers Point possibly to something, which
I cannot determine. From a Later Experience, which is called a Preternatural Bio-Physical Pointer, which I experienced on UOP Campus,
it may be a Tree, or Physical Location that is a Natural Location. Extreme Blood, Possible Bodies at 38.090903,-121.400291, which is
Second Slough Behind the Portal Slough of White Slough Property.
3. Miramonte Apartment/Homes: Surrounded by Mokolume [East], Hennessy [South], and Scott Creek Drive [North]. Problem Structure:
Mira Monte Across from Silver Oaks. This is a reference to the Preternatural Structure of the Negative against the Positive, [Gospel
Mission Male Vs- REBECCATCOSAGRAY,CALIFORNIA and THE ALPHAAND THE OMEGA. Silver is My Designated color of
My Faith and being, Sterling/Honor and the Oak is the Absolute Tree that Designates THE ALPHA AND THE OMEGA, outright, and
has been part of My Faith History for a long time.] What I will state at present is that the Crimes are Natural, meaning that they are
separate from the Faith History, but that the Way Of is Present, and this is just a true of a Physical Preternatural History. The Problem of
Miramonte is that I believe it is physically Put Upon, and shows the Pain of the Crime Being Present upon Itself. The Crimes are hurtful
to the Place, and the Establishment does not like it. It looks as if several crimes have already taken Place in the Environs. The Crimes are
Thin Crimes, which means that they are underhanded, and with a smile dealt, meaning that the Criminal weasles, or is such that He is
Undetected, and then Murders Heinously. There is a Possible Problem to the Back Area of the Golf Course, which is registering with a
Problem. 38.071729, -121.397335 Blood on Bone Problem. 3804'18.2"N 12123'50.4"W
6.11.2014: Add Documntation of Portal Information


I walked all the Way out to the end of the Walkway of Eight Mile Road to View the Landscape, and took a look at Placement. It might be wise to take
a look at an Aerial View of the Crime Placements, just to see how they Lay. I was looking at Proximity of crimes from the Del Osso Crime Scenes,
which are just to the North, to the Stockton Crime Scene, which is the White Slough Water Treatment Facility. Overall, a good look at the exact
Layout of the Crimes might provide some information on How they are built, in order to determine a Commonality of the Way Such Crime Rings
develop. It Might be different for different Types of Crime, as the Three Prevalent Types of Crime in this Satanic Ring I call the Blue Star
Condemnation [Deep Pain, No Way Out, Condemnation of the Stars, of Hopeless, and of Condemnation into Night. Terrible Pain.] Another is the
Red Crimes, which are Extreme Blood Crimes which have no explanation of the Type of Pain and Bloodshed: it is Heinous and beyond Pain [It means
the Criminal is Heinous, and of a Problem Heinous], the last, Blood on Bone or Bone to Bone. Extreme Physical Hurt, sometimes to Bone, and to

Place Location Expert, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals

Place Location Expert, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals
Location: Del Osso Farms, Manteca, California

Evidence: MANTECA POLICE DEPARTMENT : Shovel, 1 Handwritten Report [copy], and Sketches of Two Criminals/Basic Structure

I Place Located this PORTAL in Looking at the WATTHAL CRIMES and the MCMULLIN CRIMES, which I also Place Located and Place Verified
[In Person]. Upon First View, the Portal appeared as a Place next to the Mossdale Bridge. The Bridge was the Indicator for the Portal. Also, a second
Portal Showed up to the West/North, that was of a Woman. I have not yet Determined this Portal on the Face of the Earth. The DEL OSSO
PORTAL is a SEVERE CRIME PORTAL, of True Pain and Blood.

1. Entry, 4 Stone Towers. The Portal/Windows face East/Slight South East at Top of Stone Tower. The Portals are Blood Problems, and
are the Exact of Each Criminal. A. Young Man/Possible Young Man of Watthal/McMullin Crimes, of Children Criminality and of Blood.
Thin Crime, meaning that He is of a Sexuality Problem. B. Stars Condemnation/Night/Blood Murder/Watthal Type Crime/Watthal Male
Association. C. Blood and Bone, Severe hurt/ to Murder/Heavy/Stars Condemnation/DifferentWatthal Type. D. Blood Red
Crimes/Gospel Mission Type, to Blood Sea, the Crimes are indescribable: This Type of Crime is Blood beyond Blood, the Criminal is
Heinous. To Understand the Portal, walk inside the Stone Tower to View Only, the Crimes are of the Portal, and of the Criminal.
2. DEL OSSO PORTAL: Major. The Major Portal of DEL OSSO is a Large Structure. The Structure consists of Two Brick Towers to the
West of the Property, near the Train Tracks. The Two Brick Towers show Two Criminals: The Left Tower, viewed from the Entrance, is
of the Watthal Male Criminal, of the Blue Star Condemnation, Deep Pain, Blue, Death, No Way Out. The Right Tower is Blood, Blood
Red, and is of Heinous Crime, bathed in blood, Blood beyond Blood: The Criminal is Heinous. The Two Portals Correlate with Two Oaks
out Beyond the Train Tracks, on the Next Property Over, which is of River Islands New Housing Development. The Access is on a
stone/dirt road behind the Train Tracks, and on the Property, the Ring which is Willow-Like in Nature [Surrounded by Willow-like Plants],
which is a place of Witchery/Satanism. There is a Lone Willow to the Left of the Circle, out past the Dividing Road [which is off of the
stone/dirt road], which shows deep weeping, and a Boy: Possible Body. The DEL OSSO PORTAL is a Major Blood Portal. Walk
Between the Oaks and there is a Record of All of the Murders that have taken place there, in deep pain: it is also Part of the Portal Itself.

The Day was a hot day, and I went off of the stone/dirt road, down the side path and to the Oaks which were showing as Problem Structures. When
I stepped into the space between the Oaks, it was like water, or swimming, and was a Preternatural Problem, as what it was that I walked through was
a Preternatural Problem of the Murders Themselves. The Physical was clear, outright Clear, and the pain was excruciating, I could barely Physically
Bear it. What I did was pay attention to It, to understand the Nature of It, and saw the Pain of some of the Crimes, which were Heinous. I believe
that My BODY and BODY EL showed this Reaction, and it is also a True Bio-Physical/Physical of the Portal. When I walked out it was a Problem of
Pain as I assessed the Pain, and then just held the Entire. To look at the Pain is too Painful, it is Traumatic. This is a Documentation of the Exact
Physical of the Viewing and Event of the Portal between the Oaks.

The Portal Directly Corresponds to the Ring. It is Two Brick Towers/Oaks/Ring. Also, it may *Look directly at another Location, which
May be the McMullin Site. It is facing the direction of the Mcmullin and Watthal Sites, but I believe it directly related to the McMullin Site.

3. The Possible Grave or Burial Mound. The Grave or Burial Mound is on the River Island Property, and is just diagonal from the
Intersecting Road, to the Right. There is a small wooden round, buried into the Ground, that has old red paint on it. I found a shovel
there, half buried and left, and I entered it as Evidence at the Manteca Police Station with one of the Employees at approximately 7:00-7:30
p.m. that day. I believe it might be an old Crime, and that there is a Possible Male buried there in the Mounded Area. It may have been
4. The Record of Watthal Crimes: Upon the Property, there is a Halloween Type Structure that I believe is also a Record of Crimes, in
regards to the Satanic Ring. I recognize them as I place Verified All Locations on Foot and in Person, and Recognize the Place Problems
in the showing of Crimes by the Del Osso Crime Location. The Fence portion at the bottom of the Showing by Del Osso, seen from the
View of the Train Tracks, is of the McMullin Site. If One View the Portal [Lookout/River] at the Pool of Bones, across the River is the
House and the Fence. To the Right of the Fence, a large Structured Male dummy whom I believe is the Watthal Male. It looks as if He is
Orating. There are various forms of Farm Equipment, and I believe it correlates to the McMullin Site, and the hurt by Farm Equipment to
Bodies. There is a RIP Gravestone, uncorrelated, but I might view that differently if I had a closer look at the Entire. What I documented
above was all I was able to see in the short time that I was there to Place Verify, having to leave due to Possible Life Threat. I stay only as
long, in each place, as is Possible without hurt to the Person, or identification by those who might be near. At the finding of the Shovel, I
left the Property, and in Certainty of having Documented and Investigated all that needed to be seen for that day.

Final Notes:

I gave a handwritten Report to the Manteca Police Department that day, as soon as I returned, with the Shovel as Evidence of Possible Crime in the
River Island Property, that it might provide just cause for Investigation in Physical Means, upon further investigation by the Law Enforcement The
DEL OSSO Portal is a True Satanic Portal, and this is said Without a Doubt. As I have seen interference from several Locations, including some of
Law Enforcement, as well as those of Downstairs Regions, I Document the Following: Any interference by Deirdre Mulvihill is rejected, as a viewer,
after the Fact, of the Location, as Deirdre Mulvhill is known for Desecration of Crime Scenes. This Means Misdirection, Mislocation, and also the
drilling of a Bone Structure or Body to determine History, which is Illegal and is hurtful to the Body and the Person of the Victim, as it affects the
Life Path and Being, despite their Death. I only View the Being and the Life Path, I do not interfere with the Physical or Hurt the Victim, at all, in any
way. Also, I document that Downstairs Regions being have been influencing the Moving of bodies on Locations by direct Interference in the
Preternatural by direct conversation in the Preternatural with the Criminals of Each Location. Thus, time is an issue with reported sites. Also, the
Mary, who have often tried to be a Viewer after, are cited for Misdirection, Mislocation and Misinformation. I advise all who read My reports to stay
with the Physical Report only, and to understand that what they might have viewed with Myself, in attendance of My Work, is True and Accurate. My
Reports are accurate, in the Earth Physical, thus, I state, follow the Report, and do only Earth Physical Work, as it always is. I advocate, also, non-
interference of Other Preternaturals while the work is done, and to rely on only Earth Physical or Myself,REBECCATACOSAGRAY,CALIFORNIA,
who Place Located, Investigated and Reported the Crime, as it should be. It is My Work, and Im Pragmatic and demand that Earth Physical/Bio-
Physical/Preternatural be Exact and Earth Verified, which I do in My Work, and which was confirmed by an FBI Agent upon viewing of My Work.
Im a true being who requires Evidence of Confirmation, and Re-Confirmation of Physicals to Prove Existence. As I said, I place Direct Physical of
Blood Shown Houses or Structures, the exact Metal or Wood, up against Innocent Structures to look at the State of their Problem. It always proves
the Presence of Murder, Crime or Blood, and the Type and Degree of Crime. As Im an Honorable being, I state that Honor should be maintained,
and that all unnatural relationships that result in Desecration of the work be avoided. An Earth Physical Investigation will probably do as it should,
which is Investigate and Prosecute appropriately and Properly, by the Report given in Honor and exactitude of the Place and the Crime Itself. I have
found that the showing up of so called preternaturals and those who are of Mary or Deirdre, have done more harm to a Crime Scene than good.
Im hoping that the Documentation of the Problems will resolve the Problems naturally, as the Desecration of Bodies, and Misunderstandings, as well
as Misrepresentations of Energy on Earth Physicals and Physicals will abate. I report the Crime Exact, I view in Impartial Attitude, and Place Check
against Structures that are not of the Crime to Determine Truth. This is the Nature of My Work.

PLACE LOCATOR EXPERT, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals

Place Location Expert, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals
Location: Stockton, California Portals [2] 5.28.2014: Physical Viewing In Person Approx. 7:00-9:30 p.m.

Approximate Arrival 7:00 p.m/7:15p.m on 6:45 Bus, at the Eight Mile Road Shopping Center Location. I Proceeded Across the Road to Determine
or Approximate the Portal Location, which I assumed Might be further or closer than expected. The Location was Exact, upon the Earths Surface.

1. 12751 N Thornton Rd, Lodi, CA 95242 0.1 mi E, 38.088719,-121.386373/ Whiteslough Water Pollution Control Facility [209] 333-6749:
There is Blood on the Factory [on the Lands, meaning Murder is Present on these lands.] The Factory looks as if women have been
brought out and hurt, Life/Blood/Bone Hurt in blood problem. The Murders are Two, at Present, both Owners, one a Working Owner
who is a larger bodied Male, shorter stature, who knows the Crimes, and is associated with bone to bone hurt. Blood and Bone is what I
call it, and it is aggressive physical hurt to the body, possibly to Life Hurt, and is of a Dark Blood Nature. The Other Owner is a
Diplomatic Owner, thinner, and of Medium to Average Stature, and is unaware of the Crimes Upon the Structure, but by comment of a
viewer, it looks as If the Male of Younger Age who possibly lives at Miramonte is the Criminal, and who is related to the Diplomatic
Owner. There may be only a few employees who know about the Crimes.

2. The Portal is to the West, and is the Slough on the Property [38.084201,-121.396345] next to N. Rio Blanco Road. The Slough itself,
which is like a Lake/Slough, viewed from the South End, is a Long Platform Portal, with the End to the North, and the Physical beginning
the Two Triangle Electric Towers and one Central Electric Tower the Physical beginning. The Towers Point possibly to something, which
I cannot determine. From a Later Experience, which is called a Preternatural Bio-Physical Pointer, which I experienced on UOP Campus,
it may be a Tree, or Physical Location that is a Natural Location. Extreme Blood, Possible Bodies at 38.090903,-121.400291, which is
Second Slough Behind the Portal Slough of White Slough Property.

3. Miramonte Apartment/Homes: Surrounded by Mokolume [East], Hennessy [South], and Scott Creek Drive [North]. Problem Structure:
Mira Monte Across from Silver Oaks. This is a reference to the Preternatural Structure of the Negative against the Positive, [Gospel
Mission Male Vs- REBECCATCOSAGRAY,CALIFORNIA and THE ALPHAAND THE OMEGA. Silver is My Designated color of
My Faith and being, Sterling/Honor and the Oak is the Absolute Tree that Designates THE ALPHA AND THE OMEGA, outright, and
has been part of My Faith History for a long time.] What I will state at present is that the Crimes are Natural, meaning that they are
separate from the Faith History, but that the Way Of is Present, and this is just a true of a Physical Preternatural History. The Problem of
Miramonte is that I believe it is physically Put Upon, and shows the Pain of the Crime Being Present upon Itself. The Crimes are hurtful
to the Place, and the Establishment does not like it. It looks as if several crimes have already taken Place in the Environs. The Crimes are
Thin Crimes, which means that they are underhanded, and with a smile dealt, meaning that the Criminal weasles, or is such that He is
Undetected, and then Murders Heinously. There is a Possible Problem to the Back Area of the Golf Course, which is registering with a
Problem. 38.071729, -121.397335 Blood on Bone Problem. 3804'18.2"N 12123'50.4"W


I walked all the Way out to the end of the Walkway of Eight Mile Road to View the Landscape, and took a look at Placement. It might be wise to take
a look at an Aerial View of the Crime Placements, just to see how they Lay. I was looking at Proximity of crimes from the Del Osso Crime Scenes,
which are just to the North, to the Stockton Crime Scene, which is the White Slough Water Treatment Facility. Overall, a good look at the exact
Layout of the Crimes might provide some information on How they are built, in order to determine a Commonality of the Way Such Crime Rings
develop. It Might be different for different Types of Crime, as the Three Prevalent Types of Crime in this Satanic Ring I call the Blue Star
Condemnation [Deep Pain, No Way Out, Condemnation of the Stars, of Hopeless, and of Condemnation into Night. Terrible Pain.] Another is the
Red Crimes, which are Extreme Blood Crimes which have no explanation of the Type of Pain and Bloodshed: it is Heinous and beyond Pain [It means
the Criminal is Heinous, and of a Problem Heinous], the last, Blood on Bone or Bone to Bone. Extreme Physical Hurt, sometimes to Bone, and to

PLACE LOCATOR EXPERT, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals

PLACE LOCATOR EXPERT, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals

HIGHWAY 12 Portal:

I,REBECCATACOSAGRAY,CALIFORNIA, will Place Verify this Set of Locations 5.24.2014, Saturday.

The Male of this Portal may be a Mass Murderer who murders up and down the Sacramento/San Joaquin Delta/Little Potato Slough, in that Area. He
looks to be Heinous, and His Blood Crimes are Pain, the Murder that brought He to My Attention was a Female who was in Deep Pain, Beyond Pain,
Mortal Hurt to Life and Soul. Pain Unbearable. Deep Blue/Black Pain. [This Means that when Life Hurt Occurs, the Mortal is in a Space that shows
the Pain to Sit Long Beyond the Life, and The Stars show no hope, it is Condemnation in Pain to see]

The Crime of the Woman looks to have taken place on a Boat, moored at 38.118055,-121.535182. The Area shows the Pain to Descend Below the
Water, in the span of a Circle, and is Depth in Pain. The House at 17251 Wt. State Highway 12, Lodi, California is a House of Pain/Murder. Houses to
side okay, but House to Back shows Depth of Blood. Boat at 38.117455,-121.536181 shows Bone Structure to Front of Boat. Possible Bone Structure
at 38.117555,-121.535756. Possible Bone Structure at 38.117526,-121.535498. Check for Bone Structures Possibly buried under Large Tree [Possible
Oak] at back of Back Building, to the Left. Check for Entry Bone Structure, which look to be part of Satanic Property Problems: 38.117381,-
121.535072. Problem at 38.117337,-121.536891. Possible Problem, Heart at 38.11731,-121.536376. Bones at 38.118086,-121.535069, in Water.
Check 38.117593,-121.534451

2nd Murder, Young Boy. 38.118815,-121.532344 A Young Boy looks to have been hurt by a Female, and may have viewed a blood crime on another
boy at that location. The Female is related to the House at 17251 Wt. State Highway 12, Lodi, California, is related to the Male Criminal of the Portal
[Heinous Value Male/Murder]. The Boy looks to have lived at 17101Wt. State Highway 12, Lodi, California, possibly still there. The Male may have
been struck on the Head in heinous Fashion, strength, true hate. Approximate Crime View: 38.118082,-121.53441. The Male might have been from

Documentation: Docurmentation of the Female Called Mia [a Hispanic Officer of the Modesto Police Department], who Interfered in a Criminal
Investigation an dCrime Scene. Mia, in collusion with Downstairs Being, After I had run the Criminal Off by Preterantural Problem in success. Mia
called Him back to the Crime scene and told Him to finish what He was doing, and the Womans Life was lost. Mia is Directly Responsible for the
Murder of the Woman of the Highway 12 Boat, the Woman was Brutally Murdered in Life Hurt in Blue Star Pain. The Woman of the Boat demanded
Mias Life, and the Crime is directly on Mias Body, and Mia of the Modesto Police Department is registered as a Murderer. She will be Held
Accountable by the Woman She Murdered, Now and in the Afterlife. This is a Direct Documentation by the Protectory, Crime Investigator, who
Witnessed the Crime that Night, and who is Innocent, in all regards, Under THE ALPHA AND THE OMEGA, and GODs OATH outright.

PLACE LOCATOR EXPERT, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals

PLACE LOCATOR EXPERT, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals

I traveled to Sacramento to Place Verify My Place Location which was a Mass Grave, a Possible Association by Metal Lookout on a River like
Location near the Mass Grave, and a Possible Problem across from a White Cross on the Mass Grave, which I determined to be a PORTAL.
My Place Verification was True, and determined Several Things:

YOLO Count Wetlands Documentation: SATANISTIC PORTAL

Documentation of Blood Upon the Farm to the Right, upon the Grain Bins. Many Deaths. Documentation of Tall Dark Male who shows hurt
to a Boy over an Extended Time, and possible hurt to a young by in the past by water in a bathtub, it shows blood in a bathtub.

Documentation of Body at head of Entrance, to Car Drive, long water and plant life, there is a wooden Head that I removed that was a Skull,
and a Bullet with a skull that marked a placement of Life Hurt to a Boy, old Crime, possible body at head of water, the Boy looks to have been
hurt in the mountainous area past Davis on the Way to Napa. I have place located the exact, but need to locate Earth Physical. The long entry
water area looks to have interval Fires that are part of a Ritual.

Mass Grave, which I have not yet looked at. It looks as if the Mass Bodies, most are Preternatural Bio-Physical, with possible 5 bodies cementing
the Grave. [38.515108-121.620133] This is the Exact location I believe to be the Burial Ground. There is a White Cross to the Lower Left upon
the Ground, and I believe You might want to check what the Cross is Looking at. Also, to the lower Right, there is a Lookout Tower/Water
Tower, and this is Particular to the WATTHAL Crimes on Nile Road in Manteca. This might be an Area of Murder, so You might wish to check
it, as well.

South Fork Putah Creek is the Location of the LookoutTower/WaterTower. I have not determined the Water Problem with the White Structure,
looks to have one body attached to a rope, or tied down, but cannot verify. This Water Structure lays to the East/Slightly East-South, with a
Lookout Type Structure. I did not view this Structure, thus it is an Undetermined Structure. My Determination was 5 bodies, and that the rest
might be Preternatural. Someone commented that it might be bone, and I cannot verify this accurately, there are problems with the
Determination. I would suggest testing the soil, as I already documented.

Body to the East/EastNorth, cementing the Portal, which I shut down. White Haired Being, Thin, Wraith Like [Possibly the Person who was
Life Hurt], and the Male who is the Portal, a Celtic or Long Ago Origin of Extremely Large Stature. In Largest Form, a Powerful Being who is of
the Earth, but not necessarily negative, His Power was turned to Negative or His most Negative form, which is that of Negative Form Problem.

Portal of Female to South, still determining. Place of Flowers has been seen as a Vision/Bio-Physically, not Place Located or Placed VerifiedYet.

Two males in the Wetlands Area, who are Hunters and part of the Establishment [Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area Headquarters] who show as having
murdered women with a gun.

PLACE LOCATOR EXPERT, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals

PLACE LOCATOR EXPERT, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals
Place Verifcation Report, in Person, 6.16.2014 approx 2:00-8:15 p.m

Note: I state that I have prosecuted the Modesto and Ceres Police Departments by Documentation, in the Problem of a Female of the Modesto
Police Department named Mia [ A Hispanic Female Modesto Officer of Ill Repute] for Attempted Interference in a Criminal Investigation. Upon
the Preternatural it shows that an Attempted Police Report was possibly filed by Mia or a Male in the Police Department, without Permission, as it is
Against the Law for They to do so: it is Not Their Work. I will be requesting by My Own Attorney of the Validity of a Filed Report, with Intent to
Prosecute. They were informed by Physical Notification that they are Not Allowed to Interfere with My Work, nor to produce any Reports upon
My Physical Verification Work, at all. It is a Violation of My work and Profession. Im Self-Employed, and called PLACE LOCATION EXPERT:

Preliminary Viewing:

Upon First Viewing, the Male is a Younger, or Average Aged, above Younger, Male. He seems to be a bit Handsome. He commits His Murders in a
scene of Love, in which He makes love to a Woman, and takes them out to the Pier. In the Viewing, the woman was looking at Something White
across the Water. There was a sweet sadness to the viewing, and there was deep pain. The Male would make Love to the Female, and then Murder at
the End.

Place Verification Report

I, REBECCATACOSAGRAY,CALIFORNIA, Place Verified Visually and Physically the Location on Kassan Road, which is Located Directly next to
Critchett Road, in Person, on Foot. I was given a ride to the Location by a Young Hispanic Male , who was on His way home from His Job at the
Airport Way Mcdonalds near the Freeway. Out of kindness, He drove all the Way out to the Critchett Road Location where He dropped Me off, and
then continued on with His Day. I proceeded down Critchett Road with hope for Legal Access to the San Joaquin River. There was only One Road
at the End, which I took and proceeded to the Slough itself. It is stated that there is an access Road to the River, which is part of the Physical road
above the Slough. However, what Ill state first is that the Viewing was successful, and that the Purpose of the Physical Viewing to know the Environs
by way of Viewing, and also being directly near the Energy of the Physical Earth and Environs of the Crime I Place Located, which is called The
BOAT. Many were Beside Myself, Preternaturally, also Viewing, some who did not understand the Purpose of the Place Verification by Walk
Through. In this Crime, upon the Crime, and I verified the Location as being the Seat of the Crime, Immediately. Someone showed a Heinous Crime
near the Hook/ with large Grain Pile, and I stated both Verification and Non-Verification. Of this day, I walked Straight through in Viewing, and let
the Crime sit upon My Physical by Physical understanding of the Natural Environment through Body, to be viewed later through Re-Verification by
Review of My Place Verification and Physical Environs.

Nothing much showed in Direct Physical at the Exact of the Walk Through, in immediate Fashion, and I state that I could Feel the Rest, as it sat upon
My Person. I chose the Method to cover up My Presence, as the Criminal Properties sit right on the Slough, and I was at High Risk that day. The
Criminal is a Blood upon Blood Heinous Problem. But, the Following was apparent:

1. The Original Lookout I located is not the Portal Itself. It is an Indicator upon the River of the Criminal and the Crime, in this Case.
Upon Viewing the Lookout, I recognized the Non-Presence of Physical PORTAL, but the Presence of the Crime Bio-Vision. However, I
determined Immediate, upon viewing the Field, that an Wedding Arch placed in the Middle of the Field, in the Main Crime Location, [The 28998 Kassan Road] is the PORTAL Itself [GPS: 37.704854,-121.288698]. My Original [See Original Bio-Vision Notes above]
Arch Layout of the Victims I believe to be Associated with the Wedding Arch. The Physical of the PORTAL showed Immediately, with
Full Energy and Preternatural Physical of the Crime Upon it. The Following is True, which I determined the Next Day in the Morning
upon Review, of the Detail of the PORTAL: The Female of the Original Bio-Vision Holds all of the Females that are Victims of the
Criminal in Her Body: There are Approximately 15 Victims. As of 8:59 a.m. 6.18.2014, I have Viewed in Detail and documented only
Three. It will take possible one to two more days to View in Detail each Life Physical to determine Bone Structure Location and Nature of
Crime. The Younger Mid-Age Woman was beautiful, and the Criminal Married Her in the Earth Physical, to Her Person, and Murdered
Her on the Night of Their Wedding. This is the Reason I had such trouble with the Original Bio-Vision, which showed Her being
Murdered by He as He made Love to Her, at the Lookout Site, which showed as a Pier. Her Head was turned to the Right, and She was
looking out over the Water of a River or Slough, or a Place with a Pier. I have determined the Presence of Eagal Resort, as I have
determined that Particular Information to be upon the Female Victims Physical Body. However, She looked at something upon the
Water, it showed up bright, White, and was of Deep Pain. It was the Bio-Physical for the Murder, called a landscape, that I,
REBECCATACOSAGRAY,CALIFORNIA have been looking at, in concern, as I was determining exactly why She was looking at it, and,
what it was in exactitude. Upon the Object, or White Reflection of Light or the Moon, is the Exact Physical of She asking Why She was
Murdered in the Manner in which She Murdered, on the Night of Her Wedding to He. The pain is the Exact Nature of the Bio-Vision: He
murdered Her in Cold Blood, after having Married Her, with a Knife to the Breastbone, as He Made Love to Her. The Pain in the Bio-
Vision is Beyond Acute, and the Intensity Extreme. The Wedding Arch points to or Views a Location to the East, on the Properties near
Airport Road. I determined them to be Grain Bins. The Approximate Crime Date of this Victim is 2002-2004. The Earliest victims date
from about the year 2000, in this Particular Crime
2. The Farm at 28998 Kassan Road is the seat of the Crimes, as the Crime Location, and there are many issues with the Employees, as some
of the Victims may have been Employees of the Farm. The Original Determination of One Dark blood crime on the last Long Metal Enclosed Unit is
True, at the End of the Unit, North, on the right Side, viewed from the South. The Hook and Grain Pile also may have Crimes associated with it.
The Entire Farm shows blood upon the Land in Two Ways: Cow Slaughter and Physical Crimes against Female Victims.

3. The Female Victims:

a: Original Victim [See Above.]
b. Woman [Side of Slough Bone Structure Location]. This Particular Victim is an Older, but Physical Pleasing/lovely Face and Body Strructure,
Moderate, above average Beauty. Slightly Heavier Nature, and of a Strong type. It looks as if she worked at the Farm, and in a Position of Upper or of
some kind of Authority. He Hit Her, and assault to death, and placed Her in the Side of the River, Location near the curve, to the Right [view facing
West], on Opposite side of River from the Farm.

PLACE LOCATOR EXPERT, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals
Location: Kassall Road, Tracy 1.3.2014
Place Verification in Person, on Foot, from Approximately 8:00 a.m. to 3:45p.m.

It is stated that I, REBECCATACOSAGRAY,CALIFORNIA, did all of the Work, in the Earth Physical, Grounded, with all Preternaturals Put Down.
They are Not Allowed to be when I work. It is stated that The Establishment is to understand it is My Work, and that those who have been
Prosecuted in the Earth Physical and Preternatural [Mary, Mary of Magdalene, Deirdre Mulvihill, Misses M, Mary[of Hayel, of Modesto]: who is related
to the Hispanic Female Officer.] are Not, and are not allowed near this Work. I have stated, again, that there will be NO Liasons, At All, for My
Work. Im to be Directly Communicated With, Here, in Manteca, or by Email []. Ill Prosecute all Offenses in regards to My
Work in a Full U.S. Court of Law. I have stated this in a Letter of Introduction to Eight Locations, as Im Self-Employed, and will Not allow
infringements on My Methodry or Body of Work. I will be requesting Case Reports and Conclusions to on All of My Work from Each Location. All
Investigations by the Law Enforcement should be Male Only, and non-associated with Preternatural Being: If Assistance is needed, I, Myself, in the
Earth Physical should be called upon. Also, The Manteca Bulletin is aware of My Work and Todays Work in Place Verification, and knows that I
recovered One Complete Bone Structure Goat/Lamb, the Head and Spinal Column of the Second Goat/Lamb, and The Third, Entire Bone Structure
of White Goat/Lamb. I have no problems looking at Bone Structures, as I have studied the Human Anatomy for some time now and Bone Structures
do not bother Me.

Place Verified: Entire River from Near Airport Road, down the Entire River to the Bridges.
Evidence/Physical: 3 Bone Structures of Goats/Lambs: Two Gold and One White Goat/Lamb. This is Evidence of a Negative Ritual. The Goat
first viewed and Retrieved was placed in such a Manner that the Hind resembled a Death Mask/Talking Mouth, and the heads of All Three carry small
Horns. Two were placed Before Willow Like Trees, and the White Goat/Lamb before a Very Large Oak [Quercus].

I Place Located this SATANIC RITUAL AREA in Looking at the WATTHAL CRIMES and the MCMULLIN CRIMES, which I also Place Located
and Place Verified, in the Process of Locating the Area called The BOAT by the Establishment, the Reference does not entirely Refer to the Crime. I
Viewed the Entire River from Near Airport Road, to the Bridges. I asked for Permission at some places on My Walk Through, which was granted.
[Point of Beginning: Daniel. I spoke with Representatives of Eagal Lakes.] What I have Determined is this:

That the Area Between Del Osso and the Airport Road Area Hold Satanic Activities, outright, that include blood Ritual, Slaughter of Animals and
Possible Slaughter of Human Beings, which I have Verified in the Bio-Physical in Some Locations to be True. I have determined that the Entire Area
of the Places Between the Bridges and that of the San Joaquin River need to be looked at for Satanic Activity and Ritual, I Determined Bio-Physically
that there is the Presence of Satanic Activities in those Areas. It looks as if there are Four Bodies in that Area. Of the Area I Viewed:

The Area of the San Joaquin River that I Personally viewed was just below Eagal Lakes Resort [12 w. Lorenzen Road, Tracy, California 95304
209.640.4252], in a Curve of the River, in which a set of Three Willow Like Trees and Two Stone Structure and One Wood Structure [Piles], with an
inordinate Flower Showing, look as if Placement for Ritual: The Placement looks directly at the Oak on the Opposite Side of the Small Slough that
Divides, at which I found the Three Goat/Lambs, which I retrieved using a Glove and brought back as Evidence. There is a Two Oak Entry with a
Road that can Be driven to, which lead directly to a Sand Bar. It looks as if it is a Location that is also used for Play/Recreation. However, there is a
Path to the Right that leads into a sheltered Area that is of the Satanic/Negative Ritual. The Remains of the Bone Structures are Still Evident upon the
Ground, as they were left just laying there. I believe the Location Might look to the McMullin or Watthal Sites. I believe, outright, that the Activities
Here are related to the Del Osso Site. I cannot Verify this, yet. There is a Dam that is Stone that leads by Path from Areas close to Del Osso, out to
this Location Exactly. It is of Interest, as the Entire Area is Fence, excepting Access from the Mossdale Bridge., just on the side where the Gas
Stations Are, at the End of the Street.

The Oak: 37.758181,-121.306223 [2880 Mancuso Rd Tracy, CA 95304 0.1 mi NW]
Ring with Three Willows, Two Stone Triangular Piles, one pile of Sticks/Twigs. [2880 Mancuso Rd Acampo, CA 95220 0.8 mi W]

Eagal Lakes Resort Might Possibly have a Criminal related to the Two Water Lookouts at 1-499 E Lorenzen Rd [Tracy, CA 95304 486 ft. SE
37.750231,-121.302978] Two Water lookouts: Possible Blood and Bone Problem. Im still determining if there is a Crime. It looks as if
It is a Male, who is the Criminal, I have not determined the Crimes. Eagal Lakes Resort does show up as having heavy problems, towards the
Resort Area [Areas with People, but not along the Paths that comprise the Nature Walk.] and in the Resort/Peopled Areas. When I spoke with
The Eagal Lakes Representatives, I told them I would call to make an Appointment to View the Grounds, as I used to be married to a Landscape
Designer and Contractor [John Edwin Gray]. Ill determine further what the Crimes might have been, or are, as well as possibly the Person and
Nature of the Criminal.

This is the Body of Todays Work, and I have yet to manage the Portal that is the BOAT, which is part of the SLOUGH, just opposite the San Joaquin
River. Ill view the Slough Tomorrow, only if it looks favorable for Safety. I was relatively safe, today, on My View of the River. It is highly likely that
Ill have to ask Permission to view the Lands past the San Joaquin River, Ill determine that Tomorrow.

Place Location Expert, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals

PLACE LOCATOR EXPERT, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals
Location: Watthal Slough, Union Road Access at Katthall Road Junction, Tracy 6.11.2014
Place Verification in Person, on Foot, from Approximately 2:00 p.m. to 7:45 p.m.

It is stated that I, REBECCATACOSAGRAY,CALIFORNIA, did all of the Work, in the Earth Physical, Grounded, with all Preternaturals Put Down.
They are Not Allowed to be when I work. It is stated that The Establishment is to understand it is My Work, and that those who have been
Prosecuted in the Earth Physical and Preternatural [Mary, Mary of Magdalene, Deirdre Mulvihill, Misses M, Mary[of Hayel, of Modesto]: who is related
to the Hispanic Female Officer.] are Not, and are not allowed near this Work.

The Following Work was directed at Place Verifying The BOAT Portal and to Place Verify the Entire Watthal Slough to determine the Possible
Crimes Present which were undeterminable by My Own Place Location of the Direct Portals. It is stated from this Place Verification that the Watthal
Slough, which is exceedingly beautiful, is also a Place that is highly present in Celtic and Satanic Rites and Rituals, both Positive and Negative, due to
the Nature of the Natural and Wildlife Habitat, and the Natural Beauty and Growth that is Determinate of both Traditions. Of the Area Between
Airport/Kassan and Mortenson, there is a Heavy influence of both the Celtic and Satanic Ways. At First Entry, two locations that may also be cleared
areas of Double Usage, that of Celtic Ritual and Rites, and also for Camping or other, as use shows in some debris on the Property. However, the
Evidence shows that there is Heavy Celtic Presence in these Areas.
29429 S Airport Way
Manteca, CA 95337 0.2 mi SW
AREA GPS Coordinates: 37.6932,-121.253985

1. Direct Walk In, Past Very Large Oak in Center of Dirt Road, there is a Rope hanging from a very large Branch of the Tree. It is an
Unusual Problem as the Rope is Shorter, at Hanging Length, and not of a play type structure: Possible Problem [hangings, hangings of
dummies, or other. Undetermined.]
2. Continued in, to the Left, an Idyllic Spot. Possible Problem in the Corner area, with Entry to Slough, which also may be swimming access.
It looks as if a Problem occurred there at some point in time, as it looks as if a Female was either Hurt there or drowned at some point in
time. There is a Death Structure Present in the Environment. See

3. To the Curve of the Road, immediate Access to a Celtic Structural Area, with Many Rooms , a Wild Rose in Center of Entire, which is
natural to the Area. It looks as if it may be used for Celtic Type Problems, and is Heavy in Celtic type Energy. Also, there are indications
of the Negative, both Celtic Philosophy and Satanic, as well. *
4. Further along, a Rock Pile with a Desecrated Plastic Deer, which holds upon Its Forehead a piece of the Body, making it into a Satanic
Type Form, or Negative structure, indicating a negative Area, or Negative Ritual Area Problem. I have Photographs Documenting this

* The Celtic Traditions view the Negative as part of the Nature of the Universe, meaning a manifestation of a Negative Entity would not be
Regarded as Negative, if it tended to a Type of Negative that is Simply Negative Manifestant. However, in the Watthal Area, the Negative
Manifestations that I have Documented, two in Photograph to show the Problem, show that in One, a Female Negative Structure in Wood, is
both Celtic Negative and, on a Different Perspective, also Satanic. The next, the Wood of the Tree in a Roasted Body with Long tubular Nose,
is Satanic Outright. I explain to those of Strict Earth Perspective is this, that in natural Problems, when long Term Usage of Negative Structures
that are also Blood or Human Hurt, and are Heavy Negative Problems in the Preternatural, also manifest in the Natural Environment by care of
the Feel of the environment, the Actual Physical, sometimes of the Environment, and it sits in the Tree Life and the Soil. It shows up in the
Natural Environment.

It is stated that the Farm Associated with the First the First Field from the Airport/Kassan Road Access of the Watthal Slough looks to have
Crimes attached to it, of a Male who has Problems with Women. There look to have been possible Blood Crime. It looks as if a Woman Was
murdered, She is s Heavy Personality Type, but lovely, Approx.. 58-59. buried on a Straight Line from the House, White/Green Trim, and
close to the Rectangular Structure on the Property.

29480 Kassan Road [29134 Co Hwy J4, Tracy, California, United States]: This is the Possible Location of Probable Association with BOAT Portal, or
of a Different Crime Association, in regards to. The Male of the BOAT Portal seems to have a Decent Job, Possibly in Town: People know who He is
in an Honorable Fashion. Fairly Good Looking. Multiple Murders of woman, in Sexuality: Possible Burial in a U shape.

28500-29008 S Kasson Rd, Tracy, CA 95304 31 ft SW [FARM: GPS: 37.693503,-121.294341]: Seems Fairly Innocent. 1 Blood Crime, Exact
Coordinates [GPS: 37.694098,-121.293263]

PLACE LOCATOR EXPERT, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals
Location: Watthal Slough, 31742 & 31784 S Kasson Rd, Tracy, California, United States [Blood and Bone]

PLACE LOCATOR EXPERT, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals

PLACE LOCATOR EXPERT, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals

PLACE LOCATOR EXPERT, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals

PLACE LOCATOR EXPERT, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals

PLACE LOCATOR EXPERT, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals

PLACE LOCATOR EXPERT, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals

PLACE LOCATOR EXPERT, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals

PLACE LOCATOR EXPERT, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals

PLACE LOCATOR EXPERT, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals

PLACE LOCATOR EXPERT, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals

PLACE LOCATOR EXPERT, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals

PLACE LOCATOR EXPERT, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals

PLACE LOCATOR EXPERT, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals

PLACE LOCATOR EXPERT, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals

PLACE LOCATOR EXPERT, Missing Persons/Crimes/Criminals

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