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Ascended Master Kuthumi

Subconscious Flush Channelling

All Rights Reserved & Copyright Michelle Manders
Channelled in Johannesburg, South Africa on ! September "#
$his transcript has been published free of charge by %& o'ner Michelle Manders and &alace of &eace
in support of people see(ing clarity, healing and peace) $herefore, 'e appreciate the *a' of
%ntegrity being honoured and as( that no person, group, organisation, or any body of any sort under
any circumstance alter any part of this document or publish it in part or in full for personal financial
gain) +ou are 'elcome to publish an e,cerpt 'ith the lin( to the do'nloadable full transcript on
Please note that reading this information will have an effect on you. You will energetically be linked with the
Channelling Being and a similar process facilitated with you, which is just as powerful. Do not concern yourself
too much regarding time lines given to the participants in the live channelling. You will be taken through a similar
one in accordance with your Divine Plan, iming ! Purpose.
" am #uthumi and " come forward upon the rays of love and wisdom to greet you upon this
day and to bring unto you the blessings of healing, integration, trust, and willingness$
greetings beloved ones.
%nd it is with great joy and pleasure in our hearts that we gather with you upon this day, as
we hold you firmly within the heart of Christ and securely upon the hands of &od.
Beloved ones, the purpose of this subconscious flush today is to assist you in bypassing
many of the levels of consciousness attached to third dimensional consciousness and the
lower planes of fourth dimensional consciousness. he collective consciousness consists of
many fields of information. his information does not necessarily support the positive
creation of life$ and in many instances pulls one's energy down. "ts density makes it difficult
for one to rise above many of the situations one is often faced with. (owever, you have
devoted yourself to moving beyond the dense vibration of old paradigm thinking, reactions,
and thought patterns.
Yet, the one aspect of you still affected by this cesspool of darkness is the subconscious. he
reason for this is because the subconscious is connected to what we call the %kashic )ield,
also known as the %kashic *ecords, which is a field of energy holding the information of
absolutely everything that has ever happened on +arth. apping into the %kashic )ield is
done all the time. +ach soul has a specific file within the %kashic *ecords consisting of
everything that has ever happened in this incarnation and many others.
,cience has begun to accept that the %kashic )ield is in fact real, for there is now proof of
this. ,cientists are also now beginning to accept the concept of reincarnation from a different
angle however, because the %kashic )ield holds information of everything that has ever
happened they believe it is possible therefore, mentally, to tap into the field - tapping into
timelines or e.periences that occurred in the past. /hen this is done, in many instances, one
adopts this information as part of one's personal e.perience, feeling the emotions that go
with it, and labels it past life e.periences. ,ome of this is true, however not in every
he collective consciousness taps into this field and whatever is focused upon primarily, is
what becomes most charged with energy. his charges the emotional body of the collective
consciousness resulting in either a positive, creative, constructive response, or a negative, 0ichelle 0anders 1
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fear-based, destructive reaction. You have the power to choose your reactions and
responses, however, the subconscious often catches one unawares, resulting in self-
sabotaging patterns amongst many others, leaving one feeling helpless, hopeless, powerless,
and down right angry. "t is for this reason that many people give up on their path of self-
he subconscious flush we conduct with you today initiates a very deep, very powerful
release which will impact on you genetically$ therefore everyone connected to you
genetically will undergo a level of the subconscious flush. /e are initiating a ninth
dimensional wave of energy moving through the %kashic )ield simultaneously penetrating
the psychic, physical, mental, emotional, and spirit bodies of you as individuals and planetary
consciousness. his puts you in a very different position, beloved ones. he effects of the
subconscious flush will last up to 23 days, at which time you can conduct another
subconscious flush, or perform any other work you are attracted to, to maintain the
strengthening of your conscious interaction in the e.perience of your life. Because the
%kashic )ield is filled with such a grand diversity of information and energy, we suggest you
conduct this particular process at least every ! days. Do not do it more often than once
per month. he subconscious flush can also be utilised to specifically focus on clearing a
specific issue influencing your genetic lineage either mentally, emotionally, physically,
psychically, or spiritually. "t is a valuable tool and is to be used wisely.
he %kashic )ield energy is constantly influencing you because everything is energy. hus,
when an energy is projected, it creates what it consists of which gets stored in a number of
dimensions within the bodies of a human - the various dimensions of consciousness cellulary.
/hen the focus of energy is positive, then the collective consciousness e.periences the
positive surge of energy as with negative energy focus. he %kashic )ield is also filled with
an immense amount of volatile information. 4ook at the history of your planet over the last
5333 years. /hat has been the majority of the human e.perience during that time6 "t has
been mainly pain and suffering, war, violence, not so6 ,urvival consciousness has been the
order of the day. +verything has been predominantly motivated by fear. )earful projections
have created the constant unfolding and repetitive patterns of such behaviour$ the
programming subconsciously influenced by the projections of energy everybody is focusing
on at one given time, which causes waves through the %kashic field. his in turn emits a
fre7uency, which you tune into, based on your thought patterns or emotional fre7uency.
he thought processes of humanity are primarily self-destructive to a great degree.
herefore, in order to completely reverse the tides of the old times, it is up to those devoted
to the path of conscious full awakening to maintain their empowered aspects and continue
to grow with the flow of &olden Consciousness rising to meet every soul on earth.
*ord Kuthumi may % as(, 'ill 'e ever in our lifetime, or in this incarnation get to
a point 'here 'e 'ill not be influenced by these energies and 'ill be immune to
it, or 'ill it al'ays rely on us to protect and flush ourselves regularly against that
,ister we believe that with the devotion we are observing at this time, those serious about
overcoming the influences of the ego will most certainly permanently rise above it. You then
become &uardians of the 8sleeping world,9 and your role as a &uardian involves waking
those who still sleep, pretty much like the %scended 0asters and the %ngelic #ingdoms are
working with humanity now. here are many of you in human form who are already
awakeners of the sleeping ones, but your focus is not primarily on awakening others, it 0ichelle 0anders 1
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includes the awakening of all the aspects of the self. Do you understand6 +es, than( you.
You are welcome.
4et us now proceed with the flush. Please place yourself in a comfortable position, and take
a deep breath filling your lungs, hold it to the count of five, and e.hale fully. (old to the
count of three. Breathe in deeply, hold to the count of five and e.hale fully. ake another
deep breath in, this time holding to the count of seven, and e.hale fully. ake another deep
breath in, holding to the count of seven again and e.hale fully. )ind your own natural
comfortable rhythm of deep breathing and invoke the presence of your personal &uides,
%ngels, and &uardians. /elcome the &reat Brotherhood ! ,isterhood of he 4ight into your
personal sacred space. Call upon the ,irian %rchangelic 4eague of the 4ight. Call upon the
Pleiadian +missaries of the 4ight. Call upon any member of the animal kingdom, the crystal
and mineral world who you have a strong connection with. Call upon any member of the
nature kingdom as a whole. /elcome &oddess "shtar. /elcome &oddess "sis. /elcome
&oddess "nanna, &oddess Diana, &oddess %rtemis, and &oddess :enus. Call upon the
&oddess of the ,un, the &oddess of the 0oon, and &oddess &aia.
"magine these &oddesses forming a circle around you, and all the other Beings whom you
have welcomed form a circle around the &oddesses with you in the centre. 4ord 0aitreya
manifests a potent white light which surrounds you. 4ord ,ananda manifests a potent silver
light one meter above your crown chakra, which penetrates the core of your crown chakra
and moves into your brainstem. he &oddesses standing around you join hands and begin
humming. "magine this sound creating an energy vibration you can feel in your ears, and in
your head. ;ow imagine your brain filling up with the silver light 4ord ,ananda manifested.
ake a deep breath in, and as you e.hale, a high-pitched sound manifests and initiates the
process of the subconscious flush through all levels of all your energy bodies.
"magine all the chakras of your physical body opening up, and all sorts of debris running out
of them. "magine everything stored in the subconscious, not serving your pathway,
manifested as addictive behaviour, destructive behaviour, and all behaviour causing you
deep pain and suffering, melting and pouring out of your chakras. +very chakra has a
psychology behind it$ your subconscious influences all of your chakras. he sound vibration
created by the &oddesses now raises a pitch and increases the vibration of light creating all
the energies re7uired for your subconscious flush.
;ow, in your mind, please repeat these words after me. /hilst you do this all the energy will
do what needs to be done so focus on the intention you are now setting with us. % .state
your name/, stand before you beloved 0oddesses of our universe) % stand before
you the 0reat 1rotherhood & Sisterhood of $he *ight, and all the 1eings of the
*ight 'hom % love and respect dearly) % than( you for being 'illing to facilitate
the process of my subconscious flush, and 'ith conscious intention, % call forth
the 2niversal &o'ers of 3ivine *ight, 3ivine $ruth, 3ivine 4isdom, and 2niversal
Kno'ledge) % call forth all the vibrations of truth, love, positive po'er, and 5oy
e,isting 'ithin the A(ashic Field, and open my subconscious to align 'ith and
merge 'ith these vibrations of *ight) % set the intention no' before you 1eloved
6nes of $he *ight, that all the mechanisms of my subconscious be held in true
and divine alignment 'ith the Cosmic 0od Mind, the Cosmic 0oddess Mind, and
the Cosmic 2niversal &rinciples of 3ivinity, %ntelligence, &ositive &o'er,
Kno'ledge, and $ruth)
ake a deep breath in, e.haling fully as all the energies now begin to align with your
subconscious and the intention you have set. hese new energies now accelerate the rate at 0ichelle 0anders 1
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which the old energies are flushed out of your subconscious, being released through your
chakras. Continue to breathe in deeply and e.haling fully, allowing the energies to settle
themselves. ake one more deep breath in, e.haling fully as the energies continue to
increase. ,ome of you may feel a pressure in your head$ you may feel as if your head is
becoming warm and e.panding, just rela. into this. "t is the increased vibration of the
energies performing the subconscious flush. ;ow let us continue.
3ivine *ords, *adies, and Masters of *ight of our universe, % as( you to hold me
'ithin the realms of Cosmic %ntelligence, so % may learn the true principles of
emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence, mental intelligence, and utilise the
Cosmic %ntelligence to maintain harmony and balance in my actions, my
thoughts, and my 'ords) % align my consciousness 'ith the divine 0od70oddess
Mind of our universe) % as( this to be e,tended to connect 'ith the 8" Christ
2niverses beyond ours, calling forth the positive po'er, maturity, 'isdom, and
light of the 'orlds beyond all 'orlds) % intend to complete all initiations,
activations, and anchoring of energies, light, and consciousness that shall ensure
and secure the full a'a(ening of every aspect of myself, my immediate group
soul members, and every other member of my collective group of soul star
brothers and sisters) May the flush of 2niversal light clear all layers of self9
conscious and subconscious programming no longer supporting us through all
these realms) % as( that this energy move through all parallel, alternate, and
multi9dimensions % am a part of)
ake a deep breath in now, e.haling fully as the fre7uencies increase another notch, and
you notice the sound the &oddesses are now emitting is a high-pitched tone, which
increases the velocity of the energy being drawn into your body by your chakras, as well as
the 7uotients of light you are integrating. he higher 7uotient of light you bring into your
body serves as an e.plosive force releasing the density and darkness in the realms of your
brain serving consciousness, no longer serving your path, and all the threads of
consciousness connected to the %kashic )ield no longer serving your plan and purpose.
ake another deep breathe in and as you e.hale fully, we increase the volume of energy
coming to you through the silver light created by 4ord ,ananda. Breathe as this energy
begins to move down your spine accesses all the codes of your blueprint linked to the
%kashic )ield which triggers subconscious reactions and responses within you that no longer
serve the journey you have chosen. he silver energy begins to act as a laser beam burning
through all the veils of illusion created by the subconscious, and all the supporting illusions
you tap into within the %kashic )ield.
Breathe in deeply, e.haling fully, and now feel the energy rushing down your spine, e.iting
through your base chakra. his flush along your spine, connected to the subconscious is
being released through your base. &oddess &aia takes these energies and she transmutes
them into light.
;ow repeat after me< 3ivine Masters, *ords and *adies of $he *ight of our 2niverse,
% give full permission for the 3ivinity of Mother7Father 0od to 'or( through me
consciously and subconsciously) % as( for a space to be created 'here % can
safely spend time focusing on the ne' energies % 'ish to call into my space, my
body, and my being that shall specifically replace 'hat % have released through
my subconscious flush today) % as( that you all continue to support me, guide and
protect me through this) % call upon my fully mastered self, my higher self, and all
the divine aspects of myself to suggest and present to me the opportunities of 0ichelle 0anders 1
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light % need to consider as options to integrate, releasing 'hat no longer serves
me, and al'ays replacing it 'ith that 'hich is in alignment 'ith my plan of light)
So it is, and % give than(s that this is done)
ake a deep breath in, e.haling fully. he &oddesses now begin to walk anti-clockwise
around you, their humming now a gentle sound, and emitting rainbow vibrations from their
heart chakras, which act as a nurturing and nourishing energy. hese energies clean out
your chakras - clearing all residue from your flush. Breathe while the process unfolds.
hey now pause, turn, and walk in a clockwise direction, all the time humming, emitting the
rainbow fre7uencies giving your chakras a deep cleaning. ;ow imagine a rainbow light
moving down your spine recalibrating all your chakras, aligning all your energies with all
your bodies, maintaining divine harmony in your being, your body, your mind, your heart,
your spirit, and your soul. hey stop, their palms facing you, emitting energy which forms a
beautiful rainbow egg around you. his is the space in which you will be held for the ne.t =>
hours, giving you the opportunity to consciously focus on that which you wish to tune into$
the energies you wish to integrate and align yourself with, which will replace what you have
released subconsciously.
*ainbow +nergies embody all the energies of the chakra systems and all its positive
psychology, its potential, creativity, and divinity. hus be clear in your intentions, be specific
with what it is you ask for, and it is vital that you perform this within the ne.t => hours. he
&oddesses will remain in this position around you for the ne.t => hours, holding you in the
*ainbow emples.
4ord ,ananda now projects dimensional love to you. his fluid energy will continue
projecting love and allowing it to flow through your being, maintaining the cleansing that has
taken place.
&ive thanks for what you have created today, what you have e.perienced, and for the
blessings of joy you will e.perience in the future. %sk the 0asters, %ngels, &uardians and
&uides of all the members of your family to watch over your family very closely as each
member undergoes a similar flush, undoing the genetic ties to the old paradigm of defensive
thinking, fear motivated behaviour, and destructive intentions, attitudes, and beliefs. ,et the
intention that all of this unfold under grace, peacefully, harmoniously, and miraculously.
ake another deep breath in and as you e.hale, draw your shoulders back, straighten your
spine, and rotate your neck so that the energy can flow freely. Drop your chin onto your
chest, and rotate your head to the right, backwards, to the left, and back to the front with
your chin on your chest. ,lowly raise your head, breathe in deeply and as you e.hale,
surrender to the energies within you and all around you.
&ive thanks to all the Beings of the 4ight whom you have called forth today for their
presence, support, guidance, and facilitation. &ive thanks to yourself for choosing to undergo
this e.perience today, and welcome another ool of 4iberation into your life, serving your
path to complete soul liberation.
Breathe in as you draw your consciousness back into your physical body, and with each
e.halation, ground yourself back on earth. Breathe in deeply, e.haling fully, anchoring
yourself in your physical body, and in the physical timeline of the here and now.
Beloved ones are there any 7uestions we can assist any of you with6 0ichelle 0anders 1
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*ord Kuthumi, for the first time in my life % am having moments of an,iety and
feeling that the 'orld is not a safe place anymore, and % feel very vulnerable)
4hy is this happening to me-
his is a classic e.ample of the influence of the %kashic )ield on your mental body. his is
seen as the collective consciousness, often also referred to as the astral plane. he astral
plane holds a predominance of negative energy$ negative thought forms created by
humanity. Because of the violence across the world as it is right now, there is a huge
amount of volatile and frenetic energy within the ethers, and the an.iety you feel is not
yours$ it is planetary. his is e.actly what we were referring to earlier on. ,ometimes people
may feel sadness and have no idea what the sadness is. "t is planetary beloved ones$ this is
why self-awareness is so vital. )or then you have the ability to distinguish between what is
your 8stuff,9 and what is planetary. "s this clear6 +es it is, than( you very much) You
are most welcome. ,ister let us add at this point, you are especially sensitive to this
because of the work you do on the inner planes with the survivors of traumatic e.periences.
You understand6 +es % do, than( you) You are welcome. Peace be with you. %ny further
*ord Kuthumi % 'ould li(e to as( you, % am having a fearful pain in my left ear
and the feeling is % am not hearing 'ell-:)
,ister it is more comple. than you think, for it is connected to your throat chakra as well as
your third eye chakra. he throat chakra is your tool of communicating verbally, and is also
a tool of creativity. he third eye is one's inner eye, however it is also the centre which
embodies the energies of the patterning one e.perience throughout one's life. his
patterning is linked specifically to your relationship with your mother$ the patterns she lived
out in her life which you adopted as your own, which influenced and to a degree, inhibited
your creativity and ability to communicate your feelings, and what you are sensing within.
here is a part of you afraid of listening to the divine feminine$ trusting your intuition
completely is another aspect of it. 0any women are afraid of their feminine power, and you,
and many women in fact are now within the throes of healing that aspect of self and
completing the initiation that brings more trust into the conscious power of your Divine
)eminine. Do you understand6 +es))) " am not convinced. % am going to have to 'or(
on it) So many people have said that % have issues 'ith my mother) % (no' % have
certain issues 'ith her but % feel:)% feel % have re5ected her:)/hat is it that upsets
or irritates you the most about your mother - off the top of your head. % thin( her lac( of
po'er) (ow does she display lack of power6 1y continuing to be more stupid than she
is, in a 'ay, by being needy and vulnerable) Do you allow yourself to feel needy and
vulnerable6 % don;t li(e it, but % mean % do feel needy and vulnerable< % thin(
everybody does) %nd what happens when you feel like that6 % try and control the
situation) hat is part of the issue we are referring to$ the needy vulnerable aspect of self
is part of the feminine 7uality$ the feminine archetype. "n truth, vulnerability is very
powerful, and neediness gives one the space to define what one needs. he difference is
one can use the neediness and vulnerability to manipulate one's environment, or one can
use it to empower oneself and grow within it. 0any times it is used for manipulation, even
on a subconscious level people make their neediness and vulnerability their identity and live
their lives with a 8woe is me9 attitude. ,o, when we speak of your mother?s issues, look at
what we have just suggested to you$ look at all the things you dislike about her, you reject,
or feel uncomfortable with, and look at how you deal with those aspects within yourself, and
you will recognise certain patterns which will lead you to your deeper healing. Do you
understand6 +es, than( you) You are most welcome, peace and blessings be with you. 0ichelle 0anders 1
%ll *ights *eserved
*ord Kuthumi, can you 5ust give us more clarity on the intention setting over the
ne,t 8" hours that you mentioned-
You now have an 8open canvas9 within your subconscious$ what would you like to fill it with,
what picture would you like to create6 "magine you have rid yourself of all the negative
energy, what positive energy would you like to replace it with6 4hat;s coming up for me
is to go and study some of the boo(s that % have on the positive of the
cha(ras:: positive sense) :ery well, and what else6 Be creative@ /hat comes to mind A
off the top of your head6 Some fun, some creativity, some 5oy) #eep going. 1eauty
and harmony) here you have it. Ah= Focus) Continue along those lines. "s this clear6
$han( you) Be specific about the kind of harmony, the kind of beauty, the joy, and fun. Do
you understand6 +es, than( you) Play with it, be creative$ you need to understand what
you mean by beauty. You need to understand what your definition of harmony is so that you
recognise what you are creating. ,omeone might call forth beauty with the thought in their
mind that perhaps they will lose weight or their wrinkles will fade overnight, only to find that
nothing much changes e.ternally, but a deep inner change begins to take place, and
everything considered ugly, so to speak, comes to the surface. %ll the ugly emotions, ugly
thoughts, the feelings about self, which must be cleared out, and then the beautiful self is
what remains. "f one does not understand that aspect of beauty, then they may very well
reject the process, not recognising that this process is part of the process of integrating
beauty. "s this clear6 Ah, yes= hat is why we say, Bbe specific@B Be clear in your intention
and what you are asking for. Does this make sense to you6 +es it does) :ery well. And %
'ould 5ust li(e to than( you for this opportunity, for this period of time has been
absolutely so ama>ing getting to (no' myself and getting a deeper
understanding of 9 % thin( %;m 5ust touching the tip of the iceberg of the
archetype, and the dramas of people in my life and (no'ing 'ho % really am)
$han( you for the opportunity) Don't thank me, thank &od you know me@ .*aughter/
Peace and blessings be with you sister.
%s this information regarding my understanding of my relationships authentic
coming through me-
%bsolutely. Perhaps you need to address your definition of relationships. /hat does your
mind and subconscious programming tell you about the demands of relationships6 /hat
compromises do you e.pect you will have to make$ not that it is necessarily true6 Do you
understand6 +es) here is a very important key for you$ your understanding of the
e.pectations placed on one within relationships. 8/hat sacrifices while " have to make69 is
what a part of you is asking. Do you understand6 +es, and the higher part of myself
'asn;t happy 'ith the outcome, is part of this energy thing that;s happening
no') "t is so. $han( you very much) You are welcome.
Brothers and sisters thank you for coming together with us today, and for opening the
etheric web to receive the energies of the subconscious flush. "t is vital that you
acknowledge what you have e.perienced today and how it will influence your future. Ctilise
this process to maintain your well-being and rise above the collective consciousness and the
effects its negative energy has upon you. Cse the %kashic )ield as a centre of information
from which to grow$ tap into that which is of the light. You will be astounded by what you
receive$ all of it is a real science, science has proven it. ake some time to research the
scientific discoveries of the very recent age, how 7uantum physics is showing signs of a new
world. *esearch the scientists who have found the une.plainable, and in their discovery, 0ichelle 0anders 1
%ll *ights *eserved
have found the answers to what was previously une.plained. You are living in a universe
constantly creating and re-creating$ no thing is stagnant, neither are you.
Dpen your heart and your mind to grow with the flow. 0ay all that you re7uire to hold you in
the light, to anchor you within the divinity of self come to you gracefully, miraculously, and
harmoniously. #now that we are ever present and that not ever are you alone.
" am #uthumi, Chohan of the &olden *ay of love and wisdom, and " greet and bless you in
love, %donai.
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Copyright ;otice - /e ask that you honour the 4aws of rust and "ntegrity and acknowledge
that none of this information may be used for monetary gain, be altered, translated,
reproduced, digitally recorded or deleted in part or whole or built upon in any way
whatsoever. he Palace of Peace has assigned translators for the channellings and may not
be translated by anyone other than these people. Please contact us
if you would like this channelling in another language, or if you would like to translate this
material into your language. his information remains the sole intellectual property of
0ichelle 0anders at all times. 0ichelle 0anders 1
%ll *ights *eserved

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