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... through Bertha Dudde

Understanding the working of the spirit ....
The knowedge whi!h is i"parted to #ou through an instru"ent
of $# !hoi!e !o"es forth fro" $e% the &terna Truth% and
therefore aso has to 'e true ....
With good wi #ou !an !ertain# re!ognise it as a dire!t re(eation
fro" $e% 'e!ause the trans"ission pro!ess of spiritua
knowedge on this s!ae de"onstrates an e)traordinar# a'iit#% an
a'iit# whi!h no hu"an 'eing !an e(er a!*uire hi"sef 'ut shows
the working of a +ower Whi!h has this knowedge at its disposa
and !an aso trans"it it to peope ....
,t is God-s spirit whi!h is speaking to peope% that is% the spirit
within the person% 'eing in !onstant !onta!t with the Father.
/pirit% whi!h is edu!ating the person fro" within .... ,t is not an
instru!tion fro" person to person 'ut a re(eation on $# part
whi!h , pro"ised peope when , $#sef i(ed on earth.
0o hu"an 'eing !an !ai" that he is a'e to intee!tua#
penetrate the truth% and this is wh# spiritua infor"ation that has
originated fro" $e is often dou'ted% for as ong as the hu"an
'eing is sti spiritua# unenightened he !annot understand su!h
1working of the spirit- whi!h gi(es e(iden!e of $e $#sef% that ,
re(ea $#sef to peope in order to 'ring the" the pure truth.
On# the &terna Truth ,tsef !an 'e the +ro(ider of truth% and
then it is on# up to #ou hu"ans to s!rutinise the spiritua
knowedge as to whether it is the truth fro" God .....
/piritua knowedge !an ne(er 'e pro(en .... 'ut if a person is
taught fro" within he wi need no e)terna resour!es% he wi
need no instru!tions fro" other peope% and '# wa# of inner
edu!ation he wi aso re!ei(e iu"ination ....
he wi re!ognise that the i"parted knowedge is the truth%
'e!ause , aso 'estow upon the instru"ent% whi!h is used '# $e
to !on(e# the truth to earth% power of 2udg"ent and fu
understanding for e(er#thing whi!h e)tends into the spiritua
rea"% whi!h !annot 'e e)pained or pro(en in an earth# wa# ....
whi!h therefore has to 'e 'eie(ed and aso !an 'e 'eie(ed
'e!ause it e"anates wisdo" and grants !ear reaisation and
e)tensi(e knowedge to so"eone who a!!epts these re(eations.
When peope e)!hange their points of (iew the# are not
prote!ted fro" error% for when hu"an intee!t gets a!ti(e error
!an o!!ur through the ad(ersar#-s infuen!e% and fu !on(i!tion of
the truth wi 'e a!king in peope .... But , want peope to i(e in
truth% 'e!ause on# truth !an "ake the" happ#.
3nd the trans"ission of truth !an on# take pa!e through an
o'edient earth# !hid whi!h wiing# ser(es $e as a (esse into
whi!h $# spirit !an fow. 3nd then #ou hu"ans !an aso 'e
!onfident that the &terna Truth ,tsef is speaking to #ou% that it is
i"parting su'stantia knowedge to #ou whi!h #ou wi ne(er 'e
a'e to re!ei(e in an# other wa# 'ut through the working of $#
The fa!t that it is dou'ted ti"e and again that , re(ea $#sef to
#ou is proof that peope sti keep the"se(es (er# distant fro"
$e% that the# the"se(es ha(e no !onne!tion with $e as #et and
are therefore of darkened spirit% in whi!h $# ad(ersar# wants to
keep the" in order to pre(ent the" fro" re!ognising $e and
taking their path to $e.
0e(ertheess% , know how urgent# peope need the truth% , know
that the# are taking the wrong path as ong as the# are not
taught '# $e $#sef% Who instru!ts the" truthfu# and e)pains
the purpose and goa of their earth# ife to the" ....
3nd sin!e , #earn for their return to $e , show the" the path
whi!h eads to $e4 , !on(e# truthfu knowedge to the" whi!h
wi guide the" out of the darkness of night into the ight of
da# ....
The truth !an on# !o"e forth fro" God and that is wh# #ou
hu"ans ha(e to ask $e for it% for #ou ha(e to a!ti(ate #our free
wi and desire the truth% sin!e then the hu"an 'eing wi aso
desire $e $#sef .... 3nd , wi not den# $#sef to an# person% ,
wi not withhod the truth fro" an#one who serious# re*uests
it ....
But the fa!t that earth is shrouded in profound darkness% that
peope wak aong without ight% si"p# de"onstrates that the#
are tota# indifferent to the truth% that the# don-t want to
es!ape the darkness% otherwise the# woud tru# find another
path whi!h , iu"inate for the" $#sef and whi!h eads to the
right goa.
3s soon as the# want to know the truth the# wi aso reaise
when , re(ea $#sef and su'se*uent# aso know that , !on(e#
nothing 'ut purest truth to #ou hu"ans% if on# #ou are of good
wi ....
+u'ished '# friends of new re(eations of God 5,nfor"ation%
downoad of a transated re(eations% the"e.'ookets at4


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