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RF / DBR Series

Oper at i on &
I nst al l at i on Manual
DB2R20 & DR20 (Dual Band)
Two Sub-Band Repeat ers for
In-Door Applicat ion
DB2R20 & DR20 (Dual Band)
Two Sub-Band Repeat ers for
In-Door Applicat ion
February 2010
The information contained herein is
proprietary to Shyam Telecom Limit ed.
Unauthorized access, copy and replication
are prohibited. This document must not
be copied in whole or part by any means
or it shall not be disclosed or divulged to
any third Party without the prior written
consent of Shyam Telecom Limit ed.

1. Document Hist ory
2. Disclaimer
3. Saf et y Inst ruct ions and Warnings
4. Int roduct ion
5. Funct ional Descript ion of DB2R20 & DR20 Repeat ers
6. To Get st art ed-Basic Sof t ware Cont rol of t he Syst em
7. Repeat er Specif icat ions
8. Inst allat ion
9. Syst em Maint enance
3.1. Personnel Saf et y .........................................................................................3
3.2. Equipment Saf et y .......................................................................................3
3.3. Elect rost at ic Sensit ivit y ...............................................................................4
4.1. Purpose ......................................................................................................5
4.2. Scope .........................................................................................................5
4.3. Def init ions .................................................................................................5
4.4. Ref erences .................................................................................................6
4.5. General ......................................................................................................6
5.1. General Descript ion ....................................................................................7
5.2. Typical In- Building Coverage ......................................................................9
6.1. General ....................................................................................................11
6.2. Terminal Set - up ........................................................................................11
6.3. Block Diagram Descript ion .......................................................................21
7.1. Elect rical Specif icat ion- RF.........................................................................26
7.2. Elect rical Specif icat ion Pow er Requirement ...............................................27
7.3. Ext ernal Elect rical Int erf ace.......................................................................27
7.4. M echanical Specif icat ion ..........................................................................27
7.5. Environment al Specif icat ion ......................................................................27
7.6. Cont ent s of Delivery ................................................................................27
8.1. Preparat ion Sheet - Pre Inst allat ion .............................................................28
8.2. Engineering Considerat ion........................................................................39
8.3. Inst allat ion Tools.......................................................................................31
8.4. Inst allat ion Procedure ...............................................................................32
8.5. Gain Set t ings............................................................................................33
8.6. Commissioning.........................................................................................34
8.7. Checklist Post Inst allat ion ........................................................................34
8.8. Dos & Don't Dos ......................................................................................36
8.9. Display Det ails of DB2R20 & DR20 Repeat ers ..........................................37
9.1. General ....................................................................................................38
9.2. Prevent at ive M aint enance ........................................................................38
9.3. In- Building Coverage Problems.................................................................38
1. Document Hist ory
5920 0060 600 DB2R20 & February Inderj it Ramvir
DR20/ 2010 Singh
Repeat ers
Revision Revised Sect ion Dat e
Document Document Dat e Compiled Approved By Revision
Number Name By
Int ent ionally Lef t Blank
2. Disclaimer
Every at t empt has been made t o make t his mat erial complet e, accurat e, and up- t o-
dat e. Users are caut ioned, how ever, t hat Shyam Telecom Limit ed reserves t he right t o
make changes w it hout not ice and shall not be responsible f or any damages including
consequent ial, caused by reliance of t he cont ent s present ed, including, but not limit ed
t o, t ypographical, arit hmet ical, or list ing errors.
Product name(s) ref erenced in t his document may be t rademarks or regist ered
t rademarks of t heir respect ive companies, and are hereby acknow ledged.
In areas w it h unst able pow er grids (mains) all repeat ers must be inst alled w it h a volt age
regulat or ensuring a const ant volt age level at t he repeat er pow er input . A maximum
volt age deviat ion should remain w it hin t he input range t o t he repeat ers f or w arrant y
All ant ennas must be inst alled w it h light ing prot ect ion. Damage t o int ernal modules, as
a result of light ning are not covered by t he w arrant y.
3. Saf et y Inst ruct ions and Warnings
3.1. Personnel Saf et y
Bef ore inst alling or replacing any equipment , t he ent ire manual should be read and
underst ood. The user needs t o supply t he appropriat e AC pow er t o t he Repeat er.
Incorrect AC pow er set t ings can damage t he repeat er and may cause inj ury t o t he
Throughout t his manual, t here are "Caut ion" w arnings, "Caut ion" calls at t ent ion t o
a procedure or pract ice, w hich, if ignored, may result in inj ury or damage t o t he
syst em or syst em component or even t he user. Do not perf orm any procedure
preceded by a "Caut ion" unt il t he described condit ions are f ully underst ood and met .
3.2. Equipment Saf et y
When inst alling, replacing or using t his product , observe all saf et y precaut ions
during handling and operat ion. Failure t o comply w it h t he f ollow ing general saf et y
precaut ions and w it h specif ic precaut ions described elsew here in t his manual
violat es t he saf et y st andards of t he design, manuf act ure, and int ended use of t his
product . Shyam Telecom Limit ed assumes no liabilit y f or t he cust omer's f ailure t o
comply w it h t hese precaut ions. This ent ire manual should be read and underst ood
bef ore operat ing or maint aining t he repeat er syst em.
All specif icat ions are subj ect t o change wit hout prior not ice.
It calls at t ent ion t o a procedure or pract ice w hich, if not f ollow ed, may result in
personal inj ury, damage t o t he syst em or damage t o individual component s. Do not
perf orm any procedure preceded by a CAUTION unt il described condit ions are f ully
underst ood and met .
3.3. Elect rost at ic Sensit ivit y
O bserve elect rost at ic precaut ionary procedures.
Semiconduct or t ransmit t ers and receivers provide highly reliable perf ormance
w hen operat ed in conf ormit y w it h t he int ent ions of t heir design. How ever, a
semiconduct or may be damaged by an elect rost at ic charge inadvert ent ly
imposed by careless handling.
St at ic elect ricit y can be conduct ed t o t he semiconduct or chip f rom t he cent re
pin of t he RF input connect or, and t hrough t he AC connect or pins. When
unpacking and ot herw ise handling t he Repeat er, f ollow ESD precaut ionary
procedures including t he use of grounded w rist st raps, grounded w orkbench
surf aces, and grounded f loor mat s.
4. Int roduct ion
4.1. Purpose
The purpose of t his document is t o describe t he elect rical and mechanical
specif icat ions, operat ion and maint enance of t he DB2R20 & DR20 Repeat ers. .
4.2. Scope
This document is t he product descript ion of t he Shyam DB2R20 & DR20
Repeat ers f or indoor applicat ions
4.3. Def init ions
AGC Aut omat ic Gain Cont rol
ALC Aut omat ic Level Cont rol
APC Aut omat ic Pow er Cont rol
BCCH Broadcast Cont rol Channel
BTS Base Transceiver St at ion
BSEL Band Select ive
CDMA Coded Division M ult iple Access
CMC Conf igurat ion & M onit oring Console sof t w are
CMB Combiner Unit
CSEL Channel Select ive
DCS Digit al Communicat ion Syst em
DL Dow nlink signal (f rom base st at ion via repeat er t o mobile st at ion)
EGSM Ext ended Global Syst em f or M obile Communicat ion
ETSI European Telecommunicat ions St andard Inst it ut e
GSM Global Syst em f or M obile communicat ion
LAC Locat ion Area Code of t he BTS sit e
LED Light Emit t ing Diode
LNA Low Noise Amplif ier
LO Local O scillat or
MS M obile St at ion
MSC M obile Sw it ching Cent er
NMS Net w ork M anagement Syst em
PA Pow er Amplif ier
PCN Personal Communicat ion Net w ork
PCS Personal Communicat ion Syst em
PSU Pow er Supply Unit
RF Radio Frequency
RMS Remot e M anagement Syst em
RSSI Received Signal St rengt h Indicat ion
RTC Real Time Clock
TACS Tot al Access Communicat ion Syst em
TDMA Time Division M ult iple Access
UL (Uplink) Uplink signal direct ion (f rom mobile st at ion via repeat er t o base st at ion)
4.4. Ref erences
Radio Equipment and Syst ems Land mobile service Technical charact erist ics and
t est condit ions f or radio equipment w it h an int ernal or ext ernal RF connect or
int ended primarily f or analogue speech.
Digit al cellular t elecommunicat ions syst em (phase 2): Base St at ion Syst ems (BSS)
equipment specif icat ion: Part 4: Repeat ers.
Radio Equipment and Syst ems (RES): Elect ro- M agnet ic Compat ibilit y (EM C) f or
European Digit al Cellular Telecommunicat ions syst ems. Base St at ion Radio and
ancillary equipment and Repeat ers meet ing phase 2 GSM requirement s.
4.5. General
M obile Communicat ions Syst ems are planned as cellular syst ems and each cell of
t he base st at ion is required t o provide RF coverage over a cert ain geographical
area as per def ined RF pow er levels. Due t o t he RF propagat ion propert ies, even
using high radiat ed RF pow ers or complicat ed ant enna syst ems, t here are zones
w it hin t he coverage area w here t he RF signal st rengt h f rom base st at ion remains
inadequat e f or est ablishing t he desired connect ivit y t o mobile users.
Repeat ers t radit ionally are deployed in t he M obile Communicat ion Net w ork t o f ill
in t he Dead Zones caused by blocking of signals by geographic t opologies such
as mount ains, valleys, dense f oliage, high rising urban landscapes and ot her man-
made st ruct ures. The dist ance f rom t he base st at ion also adversely af f ect s t he RF
signal st rengt h. The user view s repeat ers as a means t o ext end base st at ion
coverage so as t o reduce t he number of base st at ions and t hereby accelerat e
net w ork availabilit y.
Repeat er syst ems are inst alled af t er met iculous planning bet w een BTSs and t he
mobile users t o provide RF coverage in t he shadow ed regions. Repeat er syst ems
are available f or dif f erent applicat ions and ult imat e choice shall depend on some
of t he f act ors ment ioned below :
- Area t o be provided w it h coverage.
- Indoor/ out door coverage.
- Availabilit y of BTSs in t he vicinit y.
- Ant enna isolat ion t o be achieved.
ETS 300 086
ETS 300 609-4
ETS 300 342-3
5. Funct ional Descript ion of DB2R20 & DR20 Repeat ers
5.1. General Descript ion
The DB2R20 & DR20 Repeat ers are designed t o provide indoor coverage and are
int egrat ed in design.
DB2R20 repeat er can handle signals in up t o t w o sub bands in t w o of t he service
bands in 1+ 1 conf igurat ion, used around t he World by various service operat ors.
DR20 repeat er is also capable of handling signals in t w o sub bands conf igured in t he
same band or t w o dif f erent bands. The advant age is t hat t he repeat er w it h same
band carrying signals in t w o sub bands; each sub band is equipped w it h separat e
Furt her t w o server port s are provided t o radiat e signals f or coverage t hrough t w o
separat e ant ennas. How ever, if t he cust omer's requirement is f or single port only, it
can also be incorporat ed. This gives f lexibilit y t o t he cust omer.
Bot h repeat ers provide highly select ive amplif icat ion in t he pre- set band(s). The
det ails of operat ing service f requency bands are given below :
The Cust omer is advised t o ref er t o t he st icker on t he repeat er unit giving t he
det ails of f requency bands set & t he bandwidt hs of dif f erent sub bands
equipped in t he repeat er.
Models: IDB2R2- Equipped wit h 2 sub bands
ID2R2-Equipped wit h 2 sub bands
- The DB2R20 repeat er has been designed t o meet t he requirement of users w ho
are allocat ed f requency spect rum in dif f erent bands. It is provisioned t o be
equipped up t o t w o sub bands maximum in bot h t he bands in 1+ 1
conf igurat ion
- The repeat er adopt s duplex mode and bi- direct ional amplif icat ion f or UL & DL
signals bet w een t he base st at ion and mobile users. It has been designed f or
indoor applicat ions t o meet t he requirement s of large number of users in t he
t arget ed area.
S.No. Service Band DL Frequency (MHz) UL Frequency (MHz)
1. SM R 800 851- 866 806- 821
2. Cellular 869- 894 824- 849
3. SM R 900 935- 941 896- 902
4. EGSM 925- 960 880- 915
5. GSM 900 935- 960 890- 915
6. DCS 1805- 1880 1710- 1785
7. PCS 1930- 1990 1850- 1910
8. UM TS 2110- 2170 1920- 1980
- Bot h repeat ers conf orm t o ETSI st andards & saf et y requirement s.
- Each repeat er can be incorporat ed w it h opt ional Remot e M onit oring Syst em
(RM S). It enables st at us monit oring, remot e conf igurat ion & speedy
maint enance.
- The repeat ers are cust omized t o meet requirement of user in t erms of number of
sub bands w it h t he desired bandw idt h of each. Each repeat er is incorporat ed
w it h monit oring f acilit y t hrough USB port w it h easy GUI int erf ace.
- The repeat ers receive signals f rom t he BTS t hrough a DO NO R ant enna (highly
direct ional out door ant enna) connect ed t o BTS port and dist ribut es t he signals
t o mobile users af t er amplif icat ion t hrough a set of indoor SERVER ant enna(s)
(O mni / direct ional) syst em in t he DL.
- In t he UL, t he signals f rom t he mobile users are picked up by SERVER ant enna(s)
and ret ransmit t ed t o t he BTS af t er processing & amplif icat ion in t he repeat er.
DB2R20 repeat er consist s of t he f ollow ing sect ions:
- Convert ers
- Pow er amplif iers
- Diplexer f or segregat ing t he f requency f or dif f erent bands.
- Duplexer f ilt ers f or t ransmit / receive direct ions
- Supervisory
DR20 repeat er consist s of t he f ollow ing sect ions:
- Convert ers
- Pow er amplif iers
- Hybrid couplers f or segregat ing f requencies f or bot h sub bands.
- Duplexer f ilt ers f or t ransmit / receive direct ions
- Supervisory
- A met allic case houses t he repeat er. Provision is made f or heat dissipat ion
especially f or amplif iers, w hich generat e more heat . The choice of suit able
met al as t he case mat erial gives a light w eight design w it h good heat
conduct ion. It is not w at erproof and t heref ore, should be inst alled at indoor
locat ions only. met al as t he case mat erial gives a light w eight design w it h
good heat conduct ion. It is not w at erproof and t heref ore, should be
inst alled at indoor locat ions only.
5.2. Typical In-Building Coverage
The DB2R20 & DR20 repeat ers are designed t o provide opt imal coverage over an
area of approximat ely 1,000 t o 2,000 sq. met ers (10,000 t o 20,000 Sq f t .).
How ever, ult imat e perf ormance depends on t he obst ruct ions blocking/ absorbing
of t he RF signals inside t he building and t he available f orw ard signal level at t he
donor ant enna.
Typical coverage is usually planned f or relat ively small areas such as large
conf erence rooms or several adj acent rooms in smaller of f ice areas.
Coverage is primarily det ermined by t he available f orw ard signal level at t he
out door ant enna input , loss due t o t he RF cable lengt h, t ype of RF cable inst alled
and achievable isolat ion f or opt imum perf ormance. Indoor coverage varies great ly
due t o t he nat ure of various building const ruct ion t echniques and mat erials.
Approximat ions of signal level/ coverage can be det ermined w it h t he f ollow ing
assumpt ions:
- 10dBi t o12dBi- donor ant enna. 2dBi indoor omni/ direct ional ant enna.
- Inst alled t ot al cable and connect or loss of approximat ely 5 dB (125 f eet of
t ypical 1/ 2 coaxial f oam cable).
Figure 1: Typical In-building Coverage
Ant enna

Figure 2: Applicat ion of DR20 In a mult i-st orey building
- Int erior building st ruct ure consist s of t ypical vert ical st ud and dryw all
composit ion.
- Isolat ion bet w een t he donor and server ant ennas should be 15 dB more t han t he
gain of t he repeat er.
6. To Get st art ed-Basic Sof t ware Cont rol of t he Syst em
6.1. General
DB2R20 & DR20 repeat ers are equipped w it h supervisory sect ions t hat allow t he
monit oring and cont rol of various paramet ers such as RF pow er, at t enuat ion,
t emperat ure, st at us of door and alarm condit ions et c.
The communicat ion int erf ace bet w een t he local t erminal and t he cont rol module
can be set up using t he Conf igurat ion & M onit oring Console sof t w are (CM C),
w hich is an easy t o use GUI f or simple cont rol and monit oring. It enables monit oring
of paramet ers & subsequent adj ust ment if required.
This f unct ion can be perf ormed eit her using a t erminal (PC/ lapt op) locally, or
t hrough remot e login using t he w ireless modem (O pt ional) locat ed in t he repeat er.
USB port is provisioned in t he equipment f or connect ing PC/ lapt op.
6.2. Terminal Set -up
The syst em is delivered w it h sof t w are loaded in order t o perf orm conf igurat ion as
per requirement . The lapt op/ PC should be loaded w it h t he CM C sof t w are available
on t he supplied CD along w it h t he USB driver.
Funct ions as described below are carried out t hrough CM C sof t w are:
I) Login Repeat er (Figure 3)
Af t er running t he Conf igurat ion & M onit oring Console (CM C), user needs t o login
t he repeat er. To login t he repeat er:
- Click t he Login on t he command bar.
- Select t he user t ype.
- Ent er t he passw ord.
- Finally click t he O K .
Af t er successf ul login, a message Logged in successf ully w ill be f lashed on t he
screen. Now user can st art t he operat ion t hrough CM C.
There are t w o t ype of users' viz. ADMINISTRATOR and SUPERVISOR. If user
logged in as an ADM INISTRATO R, all t he operat ion t hrough t he CM C can be
carried out . The passw ord by def ault is SHYAM .
SUPERVISOR is allow ed t o perf orm monit oring of t he st at us & alarms but no
change in conf igurat ion is permit t ed. How ever, t he SUPERVISOR can change
passw ord if so desired
Administ rat or can limit t he syst em access aut horit y of t he SUPERVISOR.
Import ant : The GUI w indow s f or t he repeat ers described are ident ical displaying
respect ive f requency sub bands/ bands & RF pow er.
II) Conf igurat ion
Conf igurat ion means set t ing dif f erent repeat er paramet ers f or proper
operat ion. Conf igurat ion of Shyam repeat ers can be perf ormed locally w it h a
lapt op / PC connect ed t o t he repeat er by means of local USB serial int erf ace
Clicking t he CONFIGUREon t he command bar, displays conf igurat ion w indow.
This w indow allow s access t o all t he conf igurable repeat er paramet er.
- SET:This is f or updat ing/ modif ying t he repeat er paramet ers.
- READ: This is f or reading exist ing paramet ers f rom repeat er.
Repeat er ID (Figure 4)
User can assign a unique repeat er ID t o each repeat er inst alled. Up t o 10
charact ers are allow ed f or t his f ield.
Repeat er Locat ion (Figure 4)
User can assign t he address of locat ion w here repeat er is inst alled. Up t o 30
charact ers are allow ed f or t his f ield.
UP Link/ DL Frequency (Figure 5)
The UL / DL f requency ranges are def ined f or all t he equipped sub bands
(M aximum up t o six) depending on t he bands being used.
Figure 3: Log-in Repeat er
Figure 4: Repeat er ID/ Locat ion Set t ings
Figure 5: Frequency Set t ings in sub bands
Figure 4: Repeat er ID/ Locat ion Set t ings
Sub Band ON/ OFF Set t ings (Figure 6)
The w indow show s maximum provision of six sub bands t hrough sof t w are.
How ever, t he syst em can be equipped up t o t w o sub bands so t w o sub bands
can be conf igured as ON & ot hers OFF .
PA ON/ OFF (Figure 7)
User can set UL and/ or DL PA as O N or O FF independent ly in each of t he bands
f or t est ing purpose at t he t ime of inst allat ion.
Af t er complet ing t he inst allat ion it must be in O N condit ion only.
Threshold Set t ings f or Out put Power (Figure 8)
M aximum O ut put Pow er limit in DL & UL pat hs are def ined. PA Pow er High
alarm w ill be generat ed w hen PA pow er exceeds t he upper limit .
RSSI limit s (Figure 8)
Low er & High RSSI Limit s in dow nlink & uplink pat hs are set as per requirement .
A RSSI High alarm w ill be generat ed w hen RSSI exceeds t he upper limit , and a
RSSI Low alarm w ill be generat ed w hen RSSI goes below t he low er limit set by
user. Upper and low er ranges t hat can be set by user vary f rom - 50 t o - 80dBm.
At t enuat ion Set t ings (Figure 9)
Through t his set t ing, t he at t enuat ion is insert ed in bot h t he bands in UL & DL
pat hs as per t he requirement of RF pow er. The mode of insert ion of at t enuat ion
could be aut omat ic, manual or t hrough DIP sw it ch & is set in f act ory as per
requirement of t he user.
Figure 6: Sub Band ON/ OFF Set t ings
Figure 7: PA ON/ OFF Set t ings
Figure 8: Threshold Set t ings
Figure 9: At t enuat ion Set t ings
III) Monit oring (Ref er Figure 10)
At t enuat ion (Band 1 & 2) Displays UL/ DL At t enuat ion insert ed in
t he syst em in bot h t he bands.
O ut put Pow er Displays PA out put pow er in UL & DL
pat hs in bot h t he bands.
RSSI DL/ UL Real t ime RSSI DL/ UL signal st rengt h in
bot h t he bands is indicat ed.
Locat ion Syst em locat ion is displayed.
Serial Number Ser i al number ( f act or y set t abl e) i s
Repeat er ID A unique repeat er ID set by t he user is
5.5 V pow er supply Act ual vale of derived Volt age is displayed
Syst em Temperat ure Displays t he t emperat ure of t he syst em
Alarms Displays if t here is any alarm viz. crit ical,
maj or or minor. Det ails can be view ed by
clicking at DETAIL ALARM .
At t enuat ion Type Di sp l ay s t h e t y p e o f i n ser t i o n o f
at t enuat ion (M anual or Aut omat ic) set in
t he f act ory
Paramet er Remarks
Import ant : The GUI w indow s f or monit oring show n below is f or DBR20 repeat er
SimilarWindow shall be equipped f or DR20 Repeat er
Figure 10: Monit oring St at us
Synt hesizer Fail (UL & DL) Failure of synt hesizer of a part icular sub band
eit her in DL or UL is indicat ed by t his alarm.
PA O N/ O FF (DL & UL) Indicat es t he st at us of PA if it is O N or O FF
(manual/ aut o) t o draw t he at t ent ion of t he
maint enance st af f .
RSSI Low (DL) Indicat es t hat t he RSSI has exceeded t he low er
limit set .
RSSI High (DL) Indicat es t hat t he RSSI has exceeded t he higher
limit set .
PA Pow er Low (DL) When PA Pow er goes below t he low er limit set by
t he user, t his alarm is generat ed.
PA Pow er High (DL) When PA Pow er exceeds t he upper limit set by
user, t his alarm is generat ed
Syst em Temperat ure Indicat es t he rise in t emperat ure of syst em.
5.5 V pow er supply f ailure Indicat es t he f ailure of 5.5V DC f ailure.
Observat ion Remarks
IV) Alarms (Ref er Figure 11)
M onit oring int erval is 3 seconds i.e. af t er every 3 seconds dat a on t he monit oring
w indow w ill be ref reshed.
Import ant : In t he event of PA going in shut dow n mode due t o any reason, it shall
t end t o recover af t er a delay of 10 minut es.
Figure 11: Display of Alarms
V) Communication
In CO M M UNICATIO N w indow user can select serial communicat ion port of t he
comput er and t ype of connect ion bet w een repeat er and comput er. There are
t w o t ypes of connect ions viz. Local and Remot e
a) Local Conneczzt ion
In t his t ype of connect ion, user comput er CO M Port and repeat er's USB
Port are connect ed direct ly using cable. St eps as indicat ed below are
f ollow ed:
- Cl i ck t he COMM. on t he command bar t o di spl ay t he
CO M M UNICATIO N w indow.
- Select t he Connect ion Type as LOCAL
- Select t he comput er's Comm. Port w here t he repeat er is connect ed.
- Click OK .
b) Remot e Connect ion
In t his t ype of connect ion, User communicat es f rom/ t o remot e locat ion
w it h t he repeat er using w ireless M odem.
To connect :
- Cl i ck t he COMM. on t he command bar t o di spl ay t he
CO M M UNICATIO N w indow.
- Select t he Connect ion Type as REMOTEl .
- Select t he comput er's Comm. Port w here t he w ireless M odem is
connect ed.
- Click OK .
- Now click t he DIALUP on t he command bar t o display t he DIALUP
w indow.
- Ent er / Select t he repeat er phone number.
- Click t he DIAL and w ait (maximum 60 seconds) f or connect ion.
A message CONNECTED w ill appear on t he screen af t er t he modem
Connect ion is est ablished.
Click t he DISCONNECT on t he DIALUP w indow t o disconnect remot e
communicat ion w it h t he repeat er.
Wireless Modem (O pt ional) is equipped inside t he housing of t he repeat er
and it can be easily locat ed t hrough a st icker provided on t he same. It has a
groove w it h SIM cardholder in w hich t he SIM card can be insert ed f or
remot e communicat ion.
VI) Securit y (Figure 13)
The syst em has been incorporat ed w it h Securit y t o prot ect t he set t ings and t o
avoid unaut horized access. It is t hrough a Passw ord, w hich can be set / reset .
Click t he Passw ord on t he command bar t o display Passw ord Set t ing w indow
w here administ rat or can change passw ord.
When t he communicat ion bet w een repeat er & PC/ Lapt op is in progress t hrough USB:
1. Do not remove cable f rom t he USB port .
2. Do not sw it ch of f t he repeat er.
In case t he communicat ion is not required any more, click at EXIT bef ore removing cable f rom
USB port t o avoid hanging of t he PC/ Lapt op. In case t he PC/ Lapt op goes in t o hanging mode,
it has t o be re- st art ed af t er closing/ sw it ching O FF & O N t he repeat er.
Figure 12: Communicat ion Set t ing
Figure 13: Password Set t ings
6.3. Block Diagram Descript ion
The signals int ercept ed t hrough t he Donor ant enna in t he DL pass t hrough dif f erent
devices f or f urt her signal processing; explanat ion is given below :
Figure 14: Block Diagram DB2R20 Repeat er (1+ 1Conf igurat ion)
Figure 15: Block Diagram DR20 Repeat er wit h 2 sub bands in same band
a. DONOR Ant enna
Donor ant enna of appropriat e bandw idt h & gain int erf aces t he BTS on one side
and repeat er syst em on ot her side t hrough RF cable. It is used t o receive signals
f rom t he base st at ion and t ransf orms elect romagnet ic w aves int o RF signals in
t he DL and vice versa in t he UL.
The ant enna w it h more t han 10dBi t o 12dBi gain t ransf ers t he received signals in
DL, t o t he repeat er and t ransmit s uplink signals amplif ied by t he repeat er.
b. Diplexer
The signals received in t he DL, t hrough t he ant enna are split f or individual
band processing. The dual out put s are f ed t o t w o dif f erent duplexers. O ne
Diplexer is also provided bef ore t he server ant enna in order t o dist ribut e
combined signals t o mobile users.
In t he UL, signals received f rom server ant enna are split and f ed t o t w o
duplexers f or processing. The amplif ied signals f rom bot h t he duplexers are
combined f or f urt her t ransmission t hrough Donor ant enna t o BTS. The
locat ions of dif f erent diplexers in DB2R20 repeat er are show n in t he block
diagram (Figure 14).
DR20 repeat er is equipped w it h hybrid couplers inst ead of diplexers. The
hybrid coupler is responsible f or dividing t he incoming signals f rom BTS port
in t o t w o in DL pat h. In UL, t he signals received f rom t w o server port s are
combined f or f urt her processing in each sub band as show n in f igure 15
c Duplexer
The main f unct ion of duplexer is t o isolat e t he uplink f requency f rom t he
dow nlink f requency, i.e. isolat e t ransmit pat h f rom receive pat h in each
band. Four duplexer unit s as show n in Figures 14 & 15 are provided in each
repeat er, t w o in t he Donor ant enna side and t w o in t he server ant enna side.
Each duplexer t ransf ers/ receives signals f rom respect ive diplexer f or f urt her
Figure 16: A Typical Donor Ant enna
connect ivit y t o low noise amplif ier. The bandw idt h of t he duplex f ilt er
depends on t he operat or's f requency band (25M Hz, 15M Hz, 10M Hz,
9M Hz, or as per requirement of t he cust omer).
d. Low Noise Amplif ier (LNA)
This sect ion is provided af t er duplexer bef ore t he convert er. The LNA
provides compensat ion f or t he losses suf f ered by t he st ream of w eak signals
as it passes t hrough diplexer/ duplexer (passive devices) et c. FourLNAs are
provided, t w o each f or individual bands in t he UL & DL direct ions.
e. Convert er
The basic block of convert er is comprised of L.O., f requency mixer, f ilt er and
int ermediat e amplif ier. The low noise amplif ied signals are convert ed t o IF in
f requency mixer w it h f requency f ed f rom LO. The signals are passed
t hrough sharply t uned f ilt ers. Number of convert ers equipped shall depend
on t he number of sub bands conf igured in t he syst em. Tw o convert ers (one
f or DL & one f or UL) f or each sub band are provided.
f. Power Amplif ier
It is t he core module of repeat er. It includes driver st age and f inal st age. It is
inst alled direct ly on t he heat sink of t he repeat er. Driver st age and f inal
st age of pow er amplif ier are in t he same unit . Four pow er amplif iers w it h
specif ic f requency bandw idt hs & gain are provided, t w o each f or individual
bands in t he UL & DL direct ions.
g. Supervisory
The man- machine communicat ion bet w een t he cellular operat or and t he
repeat er is est ablished t hrough t his module. O ne of t he t w o opt ions as
given below can be used f or achieving t his obj ect ive:
- USB int erf ace
- Wireless modem (O pt ional)
Remot e cont rolling f unct ion of repeat er can be achieved by insert ing
Wireless modem. This arrangement also enables st at us of repeat ers at
dif f erent locat ions t o be monit ored.
The repeat er is operat ed f rom AC mains w it h input volt age 100 V t o 240 V
t hrough an AC/ DC adopt er.
i. SERVER Ant enna
Server ant enna t ransmit s signals f rom t he repeat er st at ion t o mobile users
and t ransport received uplink signals f rom t he mobile users t o t he base
st at ion. Based on t he coverage area, a set of select O mni/ direct ional
ant enna(s) having proper gains w it h connect ers may be inst alled at pre-
planned spot s.
Figure 17: Typical Server Ant ennas
7. Repeat er Specif icat ions
7.1 Elect rical Specif icat ions -RF
Specif ied limit s of DR20
Number of Bands
Frequency band uplink
Frequency band dow nlink
Number of Sub bands
RF out put pow er in DL
Spurious Emission
At t enuat ion range f or
adj ust ment of gain in UL
& DL pat hs in bot h bands
Noise f igure
Propagat ion delay /
direct ion in t he signal pat h
Impedance at RF port s
Remot e cont rol &
Aut omat ic Pow er Cont rol
Tw o w it h one of t he
combinat ions:
900 M Hz + 1800 M Hz
850 M Hz + 1900 M Hz
900 M Hz + 2100 M Hz
850 M Hz + AWS f requency
Cust omized as per requirement
of t he user.
Incorporat ed as per
requirement of t he cust omer in
accordance w it h f requency set
f or uplink.
Tw o w it h one sub band in each
band w it h 1+ 1 conf igurat ion
+ 19dBm (P1 + 26dBm)
70 dB
< - 36dBm @ 9KHz t o 1GHz &
< - 30dBm 1GHz t o 12.75 GHz
0 t o 31dB in st eps of 1 dB (Sof t
w are cont rol Aut omat ic
/ M anual / Dip sw it ch)
6 dB M ax.
< 5.5 us
50 O hms
Through opt ional w ireless
5 dB min.
Any one of t he bands or t w o
bands as indicat ed in clause
Cust omized as per requirement
of t he user.
Incorporat ed as per
requirement of t he cust omer in
accordance w it h f requency set
f or uplink.
Tw o sub bands in t he specif ic
band(s) conf igured
+ 15dBm(P1 + 22dBm)
70 dB
< - 36dBm @ 9KHz t o 1GHz &
< - 30dBm 1GHz t o 12.75 GHz
0 t o 31dB in st eps of 1 dB
(Sof t w are cont rol Aut omat ic
/ M anual / Dip sw it ch)
6 dB M ax.
< 5.5 us
50 O hms
Through opt ional w ireless
5 dB min.
Paramet er S.No. Specif ied limit s of DB2R20
7.2. Elect rical Specif icat ions - Power Requirement
Input AC Volt age Range 100- 240 V, 47/ 63 Hz
AC/ DC adopt er
Pow er Consumpt ion Approx 50 w at t s M ax.
Paramet ers Specif ied/ Limit s
7.3. Ext ernal Elect rical Int erf ace
RF port UL N- t ype (F)
RF port DL N- t ype (F)
7.4. Mechanical Specif icat ion
Dimensions (w x h x d) 400x223x87 mm (13x9x3 inches)
Weight Approx. 4.5 Kg. (10 lbs.)
Housing Indoor applicat ion
Housing Color Grey
Cooling Convect ion
7.5. Environment al Specif icat ion
o o o o
O perat ing Temperat ure - 5 C t o + 55 C (+ 23 F t o + 131 F)
o o o o
St orage Temperat ure - 30 C t o + 75 C (- 22 F t o + 167 F)
Enclosure In accordance w it h indoor applicat ions
7.6. Cont ent s of Delivery
Repeat er unit DB2R20 or DR20 1
PC int erf ace cable f or USB port 1
AC/ DC adapt or w it h pow er cable 1
O perat ion & Inst allat ion manual 1
CD cont aining t he applicat ion sof t w are 1
Wireless M odem (O pt ional) 1
Paramet ers Specif icat ion
Paramet ers Specif icat ion
Condit ions Specif icat ion
8 Inst allat ion
8.1. Preparat ion Sheet -Pre Inst allat ion
Bef ore t he commencement of inst allat ion, a preparat ion sheet is compiled f or
expect ed perf ormance & bet t er maint enance.
1. General
Applicat ion: Indoor
Number of Sub Bands: Tw o
Sub Band 1: Frequency Band DL- UL-
Sub Band 2: Frequency Band DL- UL-
2. Technical requirement s
3. Proposed sit e Address: ...............................................................................
4. User's Address & ot her part iculars: .............................................................
Dat e: ............................... Prepared by: ...............................
Remarks S.No. Requirement
1. Est imat ed RF Pow er available at sit e w here donor
ant enna is t o be inst alled
2. Est imat ed Cable loss f rom donor ant enna t o t he
repeat er unit
3. Est imat ed Dow nlink RF pow er t o t he input of t he
repeat er
4. Desired RF Pow er in DL
5. Proposed Gain set t ings in DL pat h
6. Proposed At t enuat or insert ed in DL pat h
7. Est imat ed Cable loss f rom repeat er unit t o server
ant enna port
8. ERP at server ant enna
9. Desired RF Pow er in UL
10. Proposed gain set t ings in UL pat h
11. Proposed At t enuat or t o be insert ed in UL pat h
8.2 Engineering Considerat ion
a Sit e Select ion
Sit e select ion is one of t he most crit ical decisions af f ect ing t he overall
perf ormance of t he syst em. A repeat er must be locat ed w here it can receive t he
maximum signal st rengt h f rom t he donor sit e in order t o maximize t he repeat er's
out put and perf ormance, signal st rengt h great er t han or equal t o - 75dBm is
Examples of donor ant enna locat ions include (but are not limit ed t o): t he roof of
a building adj acent t o t he af f ect ed area, w it h t he ant ennas mount ed on t he
highest point in t he building; t he t op of t he hill t hat is obst ruct ing t he donor sit e's
coverage, w it h t he ant ennas mount ed on poles at ground level; a w at er t ow er
w it h ant ennas mount ed at t he t op or as t he sit uat ion permit s.
Dist ance f rom bot h t he donor sit e as w ell as f rom t he new area t o be covered
must be t aken int o considerat ion. The repeat er unit should be locat ed close t o
t he donor sit e so as t o receive adequat e signal st rengt h and at t he same t ime it is
locat ed in t he vicinit y of area w here coverage is desired. In addit ion, t he donor
ant enna associat ed w it h t he repeat er unit should have line of sight w it h BTS sit e
t o reduce t he ef f ect s of f ading.
Anot her import ant aspect w hen choosing a repeat er locat ion is t he availabilit y
of AC f or operat ion of t he syst em. Sit es w here repeat er unit is inst alled should be
easily accessible f or t he maint enance t eam.
b. Ant enna Select ion and Placement
Proper select ion of t he repeat er's donor and server ant ennas is crucial in
designing t he repeat er syst em. Appropriat e ant enna charact erist ics help t o
provide proper isolat ion bet w een t he server (coverage) and donor ant ennas,
w hich helps t o prevent f eedback. An isolat ion of at least 15 dB more t han t he
gain set t ing of t he repeat er is maint ained t o avoid t he possibilit y of oscillat ions.
Specif ic w ays t o achieve proper isolat ion include: using high gain, direct ional
ant ennas w it h good Front t o Back rat ios (25dB or bet t er); physical separat ion of
t he repeat er's donor and server ant ennas; and ext ernal shielding bet w een
ant ennas. A high gain ant enna w ill help minimize overall pat h loss t o achieve t he
desired out put pow er. Donor ant enna gains are t ypically 10 t o 12 dB, w hile
server ant ennas w it h gains as per requirement are deployed.
- The ant ennas should have proper f requency band of operat ion.
- Adequat e separat ion is t o be ensured f rom t he pow er lines t o avoid damage
t o t he equipment and humans.
- The beam w idt h f or t he DO NO R ant enna should be as small as possible.
- The beam w idt h f or SERVER ant enna is 60 degree t o 120 degree.
- There should be adequat e vert ical & horizont al separat ion bet w een t he
DO NO R & SERVER ant ennas t o avoid int erf erence and noise.
Separat ion can be det ermined by t he mat hemat ical f ormulas:
Vert ical Separat ion:
Isolat ion (dB) = 28 + 40 log (D/ in met ers)
Horizont al Separat ion:
Isolat ion (dB) = 22 + 20 log (D/ in met ers) (Gain of donor ant enna
+ gain of server ant enna)
D - Dist ance bet w een donor & server ant ennas in met ers
- Wave lengt h in met ers
The f ollow ing example illust rat es a t ypical signal level at input of t he repeat er and
ot her losses w it h f inal EIRP:
Received Signal Level - 62 dBm
Donor Ant enna gain 12 dBi
Cable loss (100 f t . of 7/ 8 inch) 2 dB
Input t o Repeat er - 52 dBm
Gain of Repeat er set 70 dB
O ut put of Repeat er + 18 dBm
Cable loss (100 f t . of 7/ 8 inch) 2 dB
Server Ant enna Gain 7 dBi
Repeat er EIRP + 23 dBm
c) Overlapping Coverage
Ideally, t he repeat er syst em w ill be engineered w it h minimal overlapping
coverage bet w een t he donor base st at ion and t he repeat er. How ever, t he
mobile w ill occasionally receive signals f rom bot h t he donor and t he repeat er at
similar levels. This sit uat ion is comparable t o a mobile receiving mult iple signals
at varying t imes due t o mult i- pat h propagat ion.
The repeat er cont ribut es a maximum signal delay of 5.5 microseconds in each
direct ion.
d) Call Processing
The mobile communicat ion syst em perceives calls handled by t he repeat er as
act ually being handled by t he donor sit e (BTS); t he repeat er is j ust an ext ension
of t he base st at ion's coverage. Theref ore, t he donor handles call init iat ion, pow er
cont rol messages, hand- over request s, et c., f or mobiles in t he repeat er area.
When t he base st at ion assigns a channel t o t he mobile, t hat channel is sent
t hrough t he repeat er and t hen reradiat ed at t he same f requency. Since t he
repeat er is t echnically part of t he base st at ion, no hand- over t akes place w hen a
mobile moves f rom t he repeat er's coverage area t o t hat of t he base st at ion.
When t he mobile moves f rom t he repeat er's area t o a neighboring sit e, t he base
st at ion handles t he hand- of f in t he same w ay as f or a mobile in t he base st at ion
8.3. Inst allat ion Tools
You w ill need t he f ollow ing basic t ools f or inst allat ion:
a. St andard w renches/ screw drivers/ cable st ripper/ cable cut t er/ pliers set f or
i nst al l i ng t he repeat ers and ant ennas. (Ref er t o t he manuf act urer's
recommendat ions f or inst alling t he ant ennas).
b. RF cable connect ing t ool f or inst alling connect ors.
c. M ult i- met er.
d. M obile handset loaded w it h NET engineering sof t w are t o be used f or signal level
measurement .
e. M agnet ic compass f or measuring t he azimut h of t he BTS and repeat er sit e.
USB Int erf ace Port BTS Port
Figure 18: A View of BTS & USB port s
8.4. Inst allat ion Procedure
1. RF cable rout ed must comply w it h local or Nat ional Elect rical Codes. The cable
shall have nominal 50- O hm impedance. Pull and rout e t he RF cables as per t he
sit e inst allat ion plan.
2. Fix t he supplied connect ors t o t he RF cable and verif y t he f ollow ing:
- The cent er conduct or t o out er shield of RF coaxial cable indicat es O pen
Circuit condit ion.
- Check f or any short circuit bet w een cent er conduct or and out er shield.
- Place short bet w een t he cent er conduct or and out er shield using a piece of
w ire t emporarily and check t he ot her end of conduct or f or any break in t he
RF cable.
3 M ount t he repeat er unit on t he int ended w all surf ace using t he appropriat e
screw s.
4. Inst all t he indoor coverage ant enna according t o t he ant enna manuf act urer's
inst ruct ions. Connect t he RF cable bet w een t he indoor ant enna and t he M S
port on t he repeat er unit .
5. Inst all t he donor ant enna (O ut door ant enna) according t o t he ant enna
manuf act urer's inst ruct ions. Connect t he RF cable bet w een t he donor ant enna
and t he BTS port on t he DB2R20 unit
Server Port s
Input supply connect or
Figure 19: A View of Server port s in DR20 Repeat er
Import ant : There is provision of t w o server port s in DR20 repeat er but it can be even
one port if t here is such requirement f rom t he cust omer, providing
addit ional f lexibilit y f or dist ribut ion of signals.
8.5. Gain Set t ings
The repeat er gain is one of t he vit al paramet ers since it also decides t he area t o be
provided w it h RF coverage. The noise cont ribut ion has t o be minimum w hile set t ing
t he gain hence it should be set w it h ut most care. The variat ion in gain up t o 31 dB in
st eps 1 dB is possible t o be achieved w it h t he help of at t enuat or provided in t he
syst em. O pt ions f or set t ing gain are M anual, Aut omat ic t hrough sof t w are cont rol &
t hrough DIP sw it ch.
Signals received by DO NO R ant enna f rom BTS and t ransmit t ed t o t he repeat er are
t ermed as DL/ Forw ard signals and t he signals originat ed by mobile users and
int ercept ed by SERVER ant enna f or applicat ion t o repeat er are t ermed as
UL/ Reverse signals.
a Forward Gain Set t ing
The process of set t ing t he f orw ard gain is very simple. Forw ard signal level
st rengt h can be measured w it h any mobile handset loaded w it h engineering
sof t w are.
In case t he gain set t ing mode in t he repeat er is aut omat ic, t he at t enuat ion is
aut omat ically insert ed depending on t he t hreshold level set f or maximum RF
pow er/ RSSI.
In case t he repeat er is set f or manual mode f or gain set t ing eit her t hrough
sof t w are or DIP sw it ch, required amount of at t enuat ion can be insert ed
depending on t he RF pow er requirement . The f act ory set t ings involve set t ing of
gain in aut omat ic mode or manual mode t hrough sof t w are.
O nce t he RF out put pow er has been det ermined, t he at t enuat ion w ill have t o be
modif ied t o reach t he desired out put signal level.
b. Reverse Gain Set t ing
For reverse gain set t ing, a 31 dB variable at t enuat or is provided; t he required
value can be insert ed f or t he desired gain in manual mode. The gain is set t o such
a value so as t o cause minimum int erf erence at t he base st at ion but high enough
t o ensure a st rong signal. The insert ion of at t enuat ion in aut omat ic mode is in
accordance w it h t he at t enuat ion insert ed in f orw ard/ DL pat h.
8.6 Commissioning
1. Plug t he pow er cable t o t he AC mains and sw it ch O N t he unit .
2. O nce t he repeat er is O N, t he LEDs w ill not glow under normal condit ion.
3. The UL Align indicat ion LED and DL align indicat ion LEDs w ill blink f or
adj ust ing t he DL gain and UL gain aut omat ically.
4. Review t he int ended coverage area according t o t he sit e inst allat ion plan.
M easure & monit or signal level at various point s w it hin and around t he
perimet er of t he coverage area w it h a mobile handset loaded w it h NET
engineering sof t w are and t he SIM card of cellular operat or.
8.7 Checklist Post Inst allat ion
Af t er complet ion of inst allat ion, point s as st at ed in t he checklist may be verif ied t o
ensure t hat all aspect s have been covered.
Service Bands Part iculars:
Frequency Band f or Band 1 DL
Frequency Band f or Band 1 UL
Frequency Band f or Band 2 DL
Frequency Band f or Band 2 UL
A. Repeat er Inst allat ion
S.No. Point (s) To be Verif ied Remarks
Import ant : - Repeat er should not be connect ed t o Pow er w it hout t erminat ion at
t he ant enna port s. The t erminat ion can be carried out eit her by t he ant enna
connect ion as w ell as a dummy load or t he 50 t erminat ed connect ion of a
measuring inst rument (Pow er M et er, Spect rum analyzer w it h appropriat e PAD)
1 Ensure isolat ion bet w een server and donor ant ennas,
it has t o be 15 dB + Gain set of t he repeat er.
2. Act ual isolat ion measured
3. Ensure proper grounding of t he unit
4. Cable f rom donor ant enna connect ed t o donor
ant enna port
5. Cable f rom server ant enna connect ed t o t he relevant
port in t he unit
6 . M ains cable connect ed t o t he repeat er unit
7. Cable prot ect ion ensured and out door connect ions
are w at erproof
B. Repeat er Set Up
S.No. Point (s) To be Verif ied Remarks
Any Ot her Remark/ Comment :
Dat e of Inst allat ion: .............................. .......
Repeat er ID & Sit e Address: ........................................................................................
Name of t he Inst aller: ..............................
1. Number of sub bands equipped
2. Number of Sub band(s) in Band 1 w it h f requency
bandw idt h of each.
3. Number of Sub band(s) in Band 2 w it h f requency
bandw idt h of each.
4. Repeat er sw it ched O N
5. Any error (alarms) observed
6. Gain set
7. Pow er level in DL
8. At t enuat ion in DL
9. Pow er level in UL
10. At t enuat ion in UL
11. O bservat ion on CM C sof t w are & GUI
12. Repeat er secured & locked
8.8. Dos & Don't Dos
1. The sit e should be accessible f or maint enance purposes.
2. Arrangement is t o be made t o avoid unaut horized access t o t he repeat er.
3. For indoor applicat ions, t he housing should be kept aw ay f rom direct exposure
t o t he Sunlight & chemical f umes
4. St able pow er supply f or repeat er unit should be ensured.
5. The rout e of Cables t o/ f rom ant ennas should be short t o minimize t he cable
losses and should be f ree f rom sharp bends & kinks.
6. There should be adequat e separat ion bet w een ant enna syst em and pow er lines
t o avoid damage t o syst em and humans.
7. Local st andard of cabling should be f ollow ed.
8. The donor ant enna should have proper line of sight w it h t he BTS f rom w here t he
signals are t o be int ercept ed f or maximum signal st rengt h and t o reduce t he
ef f ect of f ading.
9. The select ion of BTS should be made t aking ot her BTSs in t he same vicinit y in t o
considerat ion t o avoid int erf erence.
10.Gain of t he repeat er should be set af t er t aking ant enna isolat ion in t o
considerat ion.
11. The est imat ion of coverage area should be conf irmed.
12. The syst em should be made over f or normal t raf f ic af t er act ual measurement of :
a) RF pow er in t he DL
b) RF pow er in t he UL
c) Ant enna Isolat ion
d) Gain set t ings in DL & UL
13. Feedback regarding perf ormance of t he syst em may be sent t o Shyam Telecom
by t he user.
8.9. Display Det ails of DB2R20 & DR20 Repeat ers
In order t o display t he st at us prevailing in t he syst em, LEDs are provided on t he t op
cover of t he housing. These LEDs display t he condit ions in bot h t he bands.
There are t w o row s of LEDs show ing st at us of each band.
- UL ADJ. w ill blink w hen syst em is in Uplink Alignment mode.
- DL ADJ. w ill blink w hen syst em is in Dow nlink Alignment mode.
- ALC alarm w ill blink w hen, w hen syst em is in ALC.
- St at us RED LED w ill Glow w hen t he syst em goes out of order (poor isolat ion).
The syst em needs a rest art af t er t he suf f icient isolat ion is provided.
- DL RSL alarm w ill glow in t he event of RSL alarm in DL.
- Alarm indicat or glow s w hen some alarm is present in syst em.
- Dow nlink RSSI is cont inuously monit ored and displayed t hrough 8 LED's in each
Figure 20: Displayon DB2R20/ DR20 Repeat ers
-45 dBm
-50 dBm
-55 dBm
-60 dBm
-65 dBm
-70 dBm
-75 dBm
-80 dBm
9. Syst em Maint enance
9.1. General
The syst em normally operat es w it hout any operat or int ervent ion or maint enance. In
t he event of f ault , t he f ield replaceable unit s (ant enna & cables) should be checked
f or f ault s and t he syst em rest ored if possible. A f ault y unit can be removed and
replaced w it h a spare w hile t he rest of t he syst em is st ill operat ing. Soldering or local
repair of t he modules should be avoided. Fault y module/ unit should be replaced
w it h genuine spares f rom Shyam Telecom Limit ed only.
How ever, t he pow er supply of t he f ault y unit should be isolat ed f rom AC mains and
DC pow er bef ore any module is replaced. In t he event of a syst em malf unct ioning,
t he st at us of t he ant enna syst ems should be checked as w ell as t he cont inuit y of t he
cabling bef ore replacing any modules w it hin t he repeat er.
9.2. Prevent at ive Maint enance
The repeat ers do not require any prevent at ive maint enance.
9.3. In-Building Coverage Problems
If t he coverage area appears t o be smaller t han t he inst allat ion sit e planning, t here
are only a f ew possibilit ies t hat limit t he signal level in t he area.
I) Physical obst ruct ions degrading t he signal level-Visually inspect t he area of
w eak coverage. If possible, rearrange obj ect s t hat may be int erf ering w it h t he
signal pat h. Pay part icular at t ent ion t o large met allic obj ect s t hat ref lect or block
t he signals t o t he w eak coverage area. If w eak coverage area st ill persist s, check
t he f ollow ing:
a. Inspect t he indoor RF coaxial cable and it s connect ion w it h connect or
b. Indoor ant enna direct ion and it s t ilt ing
c. Repeat er gain set t ing
II) Def ect ive Indoor coaxial cable/ Ant enna- Check t he RF coaxial cable and
ant enna. If necessary, replace each individually w it h a know n f unct ional unit ,
and verif y t he respect ive signal level. This can be achieved by observing t he
signal st rengt h indicat or on a mobile handset t hat has an unobst ruct ed line- of -
sight view, 15 t o 20 f eet (5 t o 7 met ers) f rom t he indoor ant enna. If t he signal
level increases at t his t est locat ion, re- verif y t he signal level in t he w eak coverage
area. If t he signal level remains marginal, inspect t he unit .
III) Def ect ive Unit Replace t he unit w it h a know n operat ional unit . Verif y t he
signal level at t he unobst ruct ed t est locat ion. If t he signal level increases, re-
verif y t he w eak coverage area. If t he w eak coverage area remains marginal, an
addit ional indoor ant enna or repeat er may be required t o cover t he addit ional
area. If t he unit is f ound t o be def ect ive, please cont act our Technical support
t eam. The unit serial number must be available t o est ablish a ret urn
aut horizat ion. If replacing any part , Shyam aut horized service dealer should
replace it and no soldering/ repairing of PCBs should be carried out in t he f ield
f or reliable service t hereaf t er.
IV) Signal Qualit y Problems-Under cert ain condit ions, t he signal level on t he
mobile handset may indicat e adequat e signal st rengt h, but t he qualit y of t he
signal is degraded (i.e. dist ort ion).The signal level at t he donor ant enna is
probably t oo st rong. Under t hese condit ions, t he service provider's ext erior
signal level is adequat e, in such condit ion, reduce t he f orw ard pat h signal using
t he f orw ard at t enuat ion in t he repeat er and minimize t he f orw ard signal level in
st ep of 1dB unt il t he problem subsides.
But ensure t hat t he In- Building signal level remains adequat e f or t he coverage
V) Ant enna Isolat ion
Ant enna isolat ion is def ined by t he pat h loss or at t enuat ion, bet w een t he donor
and server ant ennas. It is import ant t o ensure t hat t he ant ennas are suf f icient ly
separat ed, such t hat t he signal t ransmit t ed by donor ant enna is not received by
server ant enna and vice versa. For opt imal perf ormance, t he separat ion of t he
t w o ant ennas must provide a pat h loss of at least 15 dB great er t han t he set gain
of t he repeat er.
In most cases, isolat ion w ill be achieved by properly locat ing t he donor and
server ant ennas, respect ively. The opt imal locat ion f or t he donor ant enna is high
above t he roof line, and ext erior t o t he building. The indoor coverage ant enna
(server) should be inst alled inside, near or below t he ceiling. Follow ing
guidelines should ensure adequat e isolat ion bet w een ant ennas.
a) Never mount t he donor or server ant enna near a w indow, w here signals can
easily pass t hrough t he glass.
b) M ount t he donor ant enna as high as physically possible t o t he ext erior of t he
building, maximizing t he vert ical separat ion bet w een t he donor and server
ant ennas. The donor ant enna should point t ow ards t he base st at ion sit e.
c) Inst all t he ant ennas t aking advant age of any exist ing building st ruct ure such
as brick w alls, met al roof s, or mult iple w all st ruct ures t o addit ionally
at t enuat e t he pat h bet w een t hem.
d) Whenever using direct ional ant ennas inside t he building t o cover corridors
and hallw ays, point t he indoor ant enna aw ay f rom t he donor ant enna
locat ion.
e) In ext reme cases, t he building conf igurat ion may not allow f or such
separat ion and isolat ion. If addit ional isolat ion is required, coaxial
at t enuat or may be insert ed bet w een t he donor ant enna and t he repeat er or
reduce t he f orw ard pat h signal using t he at t enuat ion cont rol w it h t he likely
compromise t o t he overall coverage w it hin t he building.
Home Boost er
Mainaschaf f er St r. 113
D-63741 Aschaf f enburg, Germany
Email: cont act @shyamt
Technical specif icat ions, designs and concept s are t he sole and
exclusive propert y of Shyam Telecom Lt d. and all right s reserved.

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