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Pro/ENGINEER Object Names

1. What is the maximum umber o! characters a""o#e$ i a Pro/ENGINEER object ame%
Thirty one (31) characters can be used in Pro/ENGINEER object names. This number does not include the
etension! i.e.! ."rt! .asm! .dr#! or the object $ersion number! i.e.! .1! .%! .3.
&. 'a u((er case characters be use$ i Pro/ENGINEER object ames%
&""er case characters cannot be s"eci'ied in Pro/ENGINEER object 'ile names. &""er case characters can
be s"eci'ied durin( object creation! ho#e$er! the 'ile #ill be #ritten to dis) usin( lo#er case characters only.
*. Is a $e!au"t co!i).(ro !i"e create$ #he Pro/ENGINEER is ista""e$%
*hen Pro/ENGINEER is initially installed! there is no de'ault con'i(."ro 'ile that is created automatically.
+o#e$er! a lar(e number o' the o"tions do ha$e de'ault $alues #hich are used unless the o"tion settin( is
chan(ed in a con'i(."ro 'ile. The Configuration Options section o' Pro/HELP lists the de'ault con'i(."ro o"tion
$alues in italics. There are t#o methods that can be used to create a con'i(."ro 'ile. The 'irst method is to utili,e
any tet editor! $i 'or eam"le! and manually create the 'ile. Each o"tion should ha$e its o#n line in the 'ile!
#ith the 'ormat bein( -."tion /alue0. The second method is to use the Pre'erences dialo( bo #ithin
Pro/ENGINEER! #hich can be accessed by selectin( Uti"ities+ Pre!ereces... *hen you eit the dialo( bo!
the con'i(."ro 'ile #ill be #ritten to your local directory. 1ee the Suggested Technique for Using the
Preferences Dialog Box 'or a detailed descri"tion o' the 'unctionality 'or this ne# dialo(.
,. Where $oes Pro/ENGINEER "oo- !or co!i).(ro !i"es%
Pro/ENGINEER loo)s 'or con'i(."ro 'iles in 3 di''erent directories in the 'ollo#in( order2
3on'i(."ro 'iles residin( in the load"oint/tet #ill be read 'irst.
%) The user4s home directory
*ith &NI5 systems! Pro/ENGINEER #ill read the con'i(."ro 'ile in the user4s home directory. This is
most commonly used 'or s"eci'yin( user customi,ed con'i(."ro o"tions such as colors and ma")eys.
3) *or)in( directory
The directory in #hich Pro/ENGINEER starts is searched 'or a con'i(."ro 'ile.
I' the same o"tion a""ears in more than one con'i(."ro 'ile! the one that #as read last #ill be utili,ed by the
.. /!ter co!i).(ro is e$ite$+ #h0 are1t the cha)es re!"ecte$%
6'ter con'i(."ro is edited! the /$$/'ha)e and /(("0 buttons must be selected in the Pre!ereces dialo(
bo in order 'or the modi'ications to be re'lected in the Pro/ENGINEER session! or Pro/ENGINEER can be
restarted. 7e a#are that some con'i(."ro o"tions re8uire Pro/ENGINEER to be restarted in order 'or con'i(."ro
modi'ications to be re'lected.
2. /!ter co!i).(ro is e$ite$+ is it ecessar0 to restart Pro/ENGINEER%
6'ter con'i(."ro is edited! the /(("0 button must be selected in the Pre!ereces dialo( in order 'or the
modi'ications to be re'lected in the Pro/ENGINEER session! or Pro/ENGINEER can be restarted. 9odi'ications
to the 'ollo#in( con'i(."ro o"tions re8uire Pro/ENGINEER to be restarted2
2. What is the $i!!erece bet#ee co!i).(ro a$ co!i).su(%
There are t#o main di''erences bet#een con'i(."ro and con'i(.su".
&nli)e con'i(."ro! con'i(.su" can only be located in the load"oint/tet directory.
3on'i(.su" o"tions caot be o$erridden by o"tions 'ound in a0 other con'i(."ro. 6lso! items contained in
the con'i(.su" can only ha$e one entry "er o"tion. ;ee"in( this in mind! it is im"ortant that items #hich can
ha$e multi"le entries! such as <ma")ey<! <search:"ath<! and <de':layer< are not s"eci'ied in con'i(.su".
3. Is there a "imitatio o the umber o! characters that ca be ic"u$e$ i a co!i).(ro etr0%
Each line in con'i(."ro is limited to => characters. En$ironment $ariables can be used to s"eci'y con'i(."ro
<search:"ath< $alues containin( more than => characters. Re'er to Configuration Options in Pro/HELP 'or
4aa)i) Pro/ENGINEER !i"es usi) the 5i"e 4eu
7. Where are Pro/ENGINEER objects store$ #he 5i"e+ Sa8e is se"ecte$%
7y de'ault! Pro/ENGINEER objects #ill be stored to the current #or)in( directory.
I' the #or)in( directory is chan(ed usin( 5i"e+ Wor-i) 9irector0! Pro/ENGINEER objects #ill be sa$ed to
the ne# directory.
I' a Pro/ENGINEER object is retrie$ed 'rom a directory other than the current #or)in( directory!
Pro/ENGINEER #ill sa$e the object bac) to the directory 'rom #hich it #as retrie$ed. I' the user does not ha$e
#rite "ermission in that directory! the object #ill not be sa$ed unless the con'i(."ro o"tion
<sa$e:object:in:current< is set to <yes<.
:. What $oes 5i"e+ Sa8e /s $o%
5i"e - Sa8e /s #ill ma)e a co"y o' a s"eci'ied Pro/ENGINEER object usin( a ne# name. ?ist the object that
is to be co"ied in the !odel "a#e s"ace in the Sa8e /s dialo( bo! the current object bein( the de'ault. In the
"e$ "a#e s"ace! a ne# 'ile name should be s"eci'ied. Pro/ENGINEER #ill create this object in the current
#or)in( directory.
1;.What $oes 5i"e+ <ac-u( $o%
5i"e+ <ac-u( can be used to sa$e Pro/ENGINEER objects to a s"eci'ied directory. The object #ill be sa$ed
in the s"eci'ied directory usin( the ori(inal 'ilename(s).
5i"e+ <ac-u( in 6ssembly! @ra#in(! or 9anu'acturin( modes #ill sa$e all related objects to the s"eci'ied
11.What $oes 5i"e+ Reame $o%
5i"e+ Reame is used to chan(e the name o' Pro/ENGINEER objects in memory and on dis).
Pro/ENGINEER #ill rename all $ersions o' the object bein( renamed.
*hen renamin( an object that #as retrie$ed 'rom directory other than the current #or)in( directory! the
renamed object #ill be sa$ed in the directory 'rom #hich the object #as retrie$ed.
1&.What $oes 5i"e+ Erase+ 'urret $o%
5i"e+ Erase is used to clear the s"eci'ied object 'rom #or)station memory. This 'unctionality #ill not
remo$e objects 'rom dis). .bjects re'erenced by an acti$e assembly or dra#in( can not be erased.
6 list o' objects in the current model #ill then be dis"layed. .nly the current to" le$el model (i.e.. assembly or
dra#in() can be erased! and selected objects as #ell.
13. What $oes 5i"e+ Erase+ Not 9is("a0e$ $oA
5i"e+ Erase+ Not 9is("a0e$ is used to erase all objects 'rom the current session! ece"t 'or those that are
currently dis"layed and any objects re'erenced by the dis"layed objects.
Bor eam"le! i' an assembly instance is bein( dis"layed at the time Erase+ Not 9is("a0e$ is selected! the
instance! the instance4s (eneric! and it4s com"onents #ill not be erased.
There is a con'i(."ro o"tion related to 5i"e+ Erase+ Not 9is("a0e$ called <"rom"t:on:erasenotdis"<.
yes (de'ault) C a messa(e #indo# 'or each eli(ible object in 8uestion a""ears! as)in( i' you #ant to 'irst sa$e
the object be'ore it is erased.
no C the system #ill immediately erase all eli(ible objects.
1,.What $oes 5i"e+ Istace O(eratios $o%
5i"e+ Istace O(eratios #ill sa$e a "articular instance o' a "art or assembly in a se"arate 'ile called an <
instance accelerator 'ile< (su''i <."r< 'or a "art! <.as< 'or an assembly). This 'ile is used to retrie$e "articular
instances 8uic)ly 'rom dis) rather than ha$in( to 'irst retrie$e the (eneric into memory! selectin( the "articular
instance accordin( to the 'amily table! and then re(eneratin(. There'ore! #ith this 'unctionality the amount o'
time that it ta)es to retrie$e an instance o' a "art or assembly 'rom dis) can be considerably reduced. The trade
o'' is that more dis) s"ace #ill be used to store the accelerator 'iles.
*hen 5i"e+ Istace O(eratios is selected! the IN1T @791 menu a""ears #ith the 'ollo#in( o"tions 2
InstInde2 create or u"date the Instance Inde 'ile 'or a s"eci'ied directory
&"date 6ccel2 create or u"date accelerator 'iles 'or all instances currently in session
Pur(e 6ccel2 eamine each instance accelerator 'ile and delete it i' it is not current #ith the (eneric
1a$e6ccelEn$2 brin(s u" the 1/ IN1T 633 menu
*hen Sa8e/cce"E8 is selected the 1/ IN1T 633 menu a""ears #ith the 'ollo#in( o"tions2
none (de'ault)2 the system does not sa$e the instance in a 'ile se"arate 'rom the model.
al#ays2 the system al#ays sa$es the instance in a se"arate 'ile
e"licit2 the system sa$es the instance in a se"arate 'ile onl% #hen the instance is e"licitly sa$ed.
The con'i(."ro o"tion <sa$e:instance:accelerator< can also be used to control instance accelerator 'iles. The
$alues 'or this con'i(."ro o"tion are also none (de'ault)! al#ays! e"licit. *hen you brin( u" the 1/ IN1T 633
menu! one o' the o"tions #ill be hi(hli(hted to re'lect the last settin(. That settin( could ha$e been either
loaded 'rom a con'i(uration 'ile or selected "re$iously 'rom this menu.
1.. 9oes Pro/ENGINEER o8er#rite existi) objects #he sa8i) to $is-%
Pro/ENGINEER #ill not o$er#rite eistin( objects #hile sa$in( to dis). .bjects are sa$ed to dis) #ith an
object $ersion number a'ter the 'ile etension. Pro/ENGINEER #ill create a ne# object 'ile each time the object
is sa$ed! monotonically increasin( the $ersion number each time.
Eam"le2 6 "art called $al$e."rt #ill be initially #ritten to dis) as $al$e."rt.1. 1ubse8uent stora(e o' this object
#ill result in the 'iles $al$e."rt.%. $al$e."rt.3! etc. *hen an object is retrie$ed and the directory contains
multi"le $ersions o' the same object! the object #ith the hi(hest $ersion number #ill be retrie$ed.
12. What $oes the object 8ersio umber i$icate%
The object $ersion number indicates the number o' times the object has been stored. .bjects are sa$ed to
dis) #ith an object $ersion number a'ter the 'ile etension. Pro/ENGINEER #ill create a ne# object 'ile each
time the object is sa$ed! monotonically increasin( the $ersion number each time.
Eam"le2 6 "art called $al$e."rt #ill be initially #ritten to dis) as $al$e."rt.1. 1ubse8uent stora(e o' this object
#ill result in the 'iles $al$e."rt.%. $al$e."rt.3! etc. I' the directory is "ur(ed! the object #ith the hi(hest $ersion
#ill remain.
*hen a to"Cle$el object is retrie$ed ('or eam"le! an assembly dra#in()! it al#ays retrie$es the most recent
$ersion o' the assembly and its "arts. There'ore! the $ersion o' the dra#in( does not necessarily ha$e to ha$e
the same $ersion number as the "art or assembly. This #ill 're8uently be the case #hen se$eral di''erent users
are #or)in( on the same 'iles.
This #ouldn4t cause a "roblem unless a user deletes or rede'ines a 'eature that is used as a re'erence by some
other object. Bor eam"le! i' a 'eature is deleted 'rom a "art that is used 'or assemblin( another com"onent in
an assembly! then that com"onent #ill 'ail "lacement #hen the assembly is retrie$ed! and must be rede'ined.
6nother eam"le is #hen "lanar sur'aces are used to orient the model in a dra#in( $ie#! and the 'eature is then
deleted or su""ressed. This #ill result in the messa(e! <model (eometry 'or dra#in( $ie# is missin(<! and the
$ie# #ill re$ert to an isometric orientation! and must be reCoriented (usin( the de'ault datum "lanes to orient the
$ie#s #hene$er "ossible #ill hel" to "re$ent this).
The best method 'or a$oidin( these situations is to use a database mana(ement "roduct that #ill mana(e
re$ision chan(es made to "arts/assemblies/dra#in(s. *ithout a system li)e this! any user can chan(e any
model! re(ardless o' #hat other users are doin(.
13. 9oes Pro/ENGINEER o!!er a auto-sa8e !uctio%
6utoCsa$e 'unctionality is not currently im"lemented in Pro/ENGINEER. The <"rom"t:on:eit< con'i(."ro
o"tion can be utili,ed to "rom"t the user to sa$e objects in session be'ore eitin( Pro/ENGINEER.
17. What ha((es i! I ru out o! $is- s(ace #hi"e sa8i) m0 objects%
I' a$ailable dis) s"ace is de"leted durin( stora(e! Pro/ENGINEER #ill issue the messa(e2
&o'(ect)na#e could not 'e sa*ed+ Chec, dis, space or $rite access Error in storage Chec, pre*ious #essage
-then press Enter.+&
Pro/ENGINEER #ill ot sa$e any "ortion o' the object to dis). @is) s"ace must be made a$ailable be'ore the
object can be sa$ed.
1:. What is the $i!!erece bet#ee 5i"e+ Erase and 5i"e+ 9e"eteA
5i"e+ Erase remo$es the object 'rom #or)station memory. The object is ot remo$ed 'rom dis).
5i"e+ 9e"ete remo$es either old $ersions or all $ersions o' the object and a"" associate$ objects 'rom dis). It is
recommended to a""roach this menu selection #ith a (reat deal o' caution. 3reatin( bac)u" co"ies o'
Pro/ENGINEER objects is considered (ood "ractice and can reduce the e''ect o' accidental remo$al o' data.
&;. Wh0 is the !o""o#i) messa)e )i8e6 ='hec- $is- s(ace a$ #rite access=%
The messa(e <3hec) dis) s"ace and #rite access< is (i$en i' the amount o' dis) s"ace re8uired to sa$e the
object eceeds a$ailable dis) s"ace or i' the user does not ha$e #rite access to the s"eci'ied directory.
&1. Wh0 is the !o""o#i) messa)e )i8e6 =P94 $atabase object must be reame$ b0 Pro/P94
7y de'ault! Pro/ENGINEER #ill not allo# Pro/P@9 objects to be renamed #ithin Pro/ENGINEER. The
con'i(."ro o"tion <let:"roe:rename:"dm:objects< set to <yes< #ill allo# Pro/ENGINEER to rename Pro/P@9
Wari)6 .bjects renamed in Pro/ENGINEER #ill be considered ne# Pro/P@9 objects #hen submitted bac)
to a Pro/P@9 database.
Part 4o$e6
&&. Wh0 are1t (art !i"es sa8e$ #he 5i"e+ Sa8e is se"ecte$ i S-etcher%
*hile in 1)etcher! the 5i"e+ Sa8e 'unctionality #ill sa$e the sectio to dis) rather than the "art 'ile. This
'unctionality allo#s sections to be stored to dis) 'or 'uture use in 'eature creation. 1ection 'iles are sa$ed to dis)
#ith a .sec 'ile etension. .nce 1)etcher is eited by either com"letin( the 'eature creation or 8uittin(! 5i"e+
Sa8e #ill sa$e the "art 'ile to dis).
&*. >o# are !ami"0 tab"e istaces store$ to $is-%
6ll 'amily table instance in'ormation is stored #ithin the (eneric model. Pro/ENGINEER does not sa$e a
uni8ue object 'ile to dis) 'or each instance.
&,.>o# ca co(ies o! a (art be create$%
The 5i"e+ Sa8e /s 'unctionality allo#s co"ies o' "art 'iles to be created usin( the 'ollo#in( techni8ue2
1elect 5i"e+ Sa8e /s. Pro/ENGINEER #ill o"en a 1a$e 6s dialo( bo. The current object in memory #ill be the
de'ault object to co"y (in the 9odel Name section o' the dialo(). The name o' the ne# object is s"eci'ied in the
Ne# Name line in the dialo(.
/ssemb"0 4o$e6
&.. 9oes Pro/ENGINEER sa8e a"" com(oets each time a assemb"0 is sa8e$%
7y de'ault! Pro/ENGINEER does not store all assembly com"onents to dis) u"on each 5i"e+ Sa8e o"eration.
Instead! Pro/ENGINEER #ill sa$e the assembly 'ile and only com"onents that ha$e been modi'ied. 7y settin(
the con'i(."ro o"tion <sa$e:objects<! this can be chan(ed. 7y usin( this o"tion! Pro/ENGINEER can be
instructed to sa$e all de"endent objects! sa$e only the objects that #ere modi'ied! or sa$e modi'ied objects and
objects s"eci'ied by the user.
&2. Where $oes Pro/ENGINEER sa8e (art !i"es that are assemb"e$ !rom a $irector0 $i!!eret tha the
curret #or-i) $irector0%
7y de'ault! Pro/ENGINEER #ill store objects that are assembled 'rom other directories bac) to the directory
o' ori(in. I' the user does not ha$e #rite access to the directory! Pro/ENGINEER #ill not store the objects in the
current #or)in( directory! unless s"eci'ic con'i(."ro o"tions ha$e been set. The con'i(."ro o"tions
<o$erride:store:bac)< and <sa$e:object:in:current< allo# (reater control o$er this ty"e o' situation.
&3. What ha((es $uri) stora)e o! a assemb"0 i! its $e(e$et (art !i"es are "ocate$ i a #rite-
(rotecte$ $irector0A
7y de'ault! Pro/ENGINEER #ill only store modi'ied objects and #ill al#ays store objects bac) to the
directory 'rom #hich they #ere retrie$ed. There'ore! i' a "art 'rom a #rite "rotected directory has been
modi'ied and 5i"e+ Sa8e is selected! Pro/ENGINEER #ill not be able to sa$e the object unless the con'i(."ro
o"tions <o$erride:store:bac)< and <sa$e:object:in:current< are utili,ed.
&7. Wh0 ca1t a assemb"0 be retrie8e$ a!ter c"eari) it !rom memor0 or a!ter starti) a e# sessio o!
@urin( assembly creation! it is "ossible to add com"onents to the assembly that are located in directories
other than the current #or)in( directory. *hen the assembly is sa$ed! the assembly 'ile is sa$ed to the current
#or)in( directory #hile modi'ied com"onents are sa$ed bac) to the directories o' ori(in. I' the assembly is
cleared 'rom #or)station memory by either eitin( Pro/ENGINEER or by selectin( 5i"e+ Erase+ and selectin(
all the objects in the ER61E dialo( bo and then retrie$ed! it is "ossible that Pro/ENGINEER #ill not be able
to locate certain com"onents. The con'i(."ro o"tion <search:"ath< can be used to s"eci'y directories #hich
Pro/ENGINEER #ill search 'or objects. The con'i(."ro 'ile must contain a se"arate <search:"ath< o"tion 'or
each directory to be searched. Re'er to the Configuration Options section o' the Pro/HELP 'or details
&:. >o# $oes 5i"e+ Sa8e /s !uctio i /ssemb"0 mo$e%
In 6ssembly mode! the 5i"e+ Sa8e /s 'unctionality allo#s any or all members o' the assembly to be co"ied.
7y de'ault! a'ter selectin( 5i"e+ Sa8e /s! a dialo( bo #ill a""ear #ith the name o' the assembly to be co"ied
s"eci'ied net to 9odel Name. The ne# assembly name is s"eci'ied on the net line (Ne# Name). 6'ter
selectin( O?+ a chec) mar) can then be "laced net to each assembly com"onent to be co"ied or Ic"u$e a""
subcom(oets can be selected to co"y all assembly com"onents.
I' a chec) mar) is "laced net to any o' the com"onents or i' Ic"u$e a"" subcom(oets is selected!
Pro/T67?E #ill be dis"layed #here ne# com"onent names can be s"eci'ied in the cell adjacent to the ori(inal.
I' O? is selected #ithout selectin( a com"onent or Ic"u$e a"" subcom(oets! Pro/ENGINEER #ill create
only a co"y o' the assembly #hich re'erences the ori(inal com"onents.
The con'i(."ro o"tion <model:rename:tem"late< is used to create a user de'ined renamin( scheme.
Re'er to the Configuration Options section o' the Pro/HELP 'or 'urther in'ormation
*;. Wh0 $o (arts itersecte$ b0 assemb"0 !eatures re@uire reami) be!ore the0 ca be store$%
6ssembly 'eatures #hich intersect assembly com"onents alter the (eometrical intent o' the ori(inal object.
*hen the assembly is in session! the com"onent eists in memory in t#o di''erent states. *hen
Pro/ENGINEER tries to sa$e the assembly! it is unclear #hich state o' the com"onent is to be sa$ed.
Pro/ENGINEER #ill "rom"t the user to sa$e the object #ith a ne# name. This #ill create a co"y o' the object
containin( the (eometric result o' the assembly 'eature.
*1. What $oes the co!i).(ro o(tio =o8erri$eAstoreAbac-= $o%
I' the con'i(."ro o"tion <o$erride:store:bac)< is set to <yes<! Pro/ENGINEER #ill sa$e objects retrie$ed
'rom other directories to the current #or)in( directoryD
I' <o$erride:store:bac)< is set to <no<! #hich is the de'ault! objects #ill be sa$ed in the directory o' ori(in. I'
the o"tion is set to <no< and the user does not ha$e #rite access to the directory o' ori(in! Pro/ENGINEER
utili,es the con'i(."ro o"tion <sa$e:object:in:current<.
*&. What $oes the co!i).(ro o(tio =sa8eAobjectAiAcurret= $o%
*hen the con'i(."ro o"tion <sa$e:object:in:current< is set to <yes<! Pro/ENGINEER #ill sa$e objects to the
current #or)in( directory i' the user does not ha$e #rite access to the directory 'rom #hich the object #as
ori(inally retrie$ed. I' the o"tion is set to <no<! Pro/ENGINEER #ill not sa$e the object at all. This o"tion
should be used in conjunction #ith the con'i(."ro o"tion <o$erride:store:bac)<.
**. What is the (re!erre$ metho$ to ma-e a co(0 o! a assemb"0%
The Bile! 1a$e 6s 'unctionality is the best #ay o' co"yin( assemblies.
*,. What is the (re!erre$ metho$ to reame assemb"0 com(oets%
The 'ollo#in( "rocedure should be used to rename assembly com"onents2
Retrie$e the assembly #hich contains the com"onents to be renamed
1. In a subC#indo# retrie$e the com"onent to be renamed
%. *ith the com"onent acti$e! select 5i"e+ Reame and enter the ne# com"onent name
3. 1elect Wi$o#+ /cti8ate and "ic) in the #indo# containin( the assembly
E. Re(enerate the assembly
F. 1elect 5i"e+ Sa8e to sa$e the assembly #hich contains a re'erence to the ne# com"onent name.
9ra#i) 4o$e6
*.. What is the (re!erre$ metho$ to reame a $ra#i)%
The 5i"e+ Reame 'unctionality should be utili,ed to rename a dra#in(.
*2. What is the (re!erre$ metho$ to co(0 a $ra#i) a$ its mo$e"%
The 'ollo#in( "rocedure should be used to create a co"y o' a Pro/ENGINEER dra#in(2

1. 1elect 5i"e+ Sa8e /s+ #hich #ill brin( u" a 1a$e 6s dialo( bo
%. Enter the name o' the dra#in( to co"y! the current dra#in( is s"eci'ied by de'ault
3. Enter the ne# dra#in( name! and select O?.
The 'ollo#in( "rocedure can be used to create a co"y o' a dra#in( a$ a co"y o' the dra#in( model2
1. 3reate a ne# directory
%. 1elect 5i"e+ <ac-u( 'rom the dra#in( #indo#! and s"eci'y the ne# directory as the destination.
Pro/ENGINEER #ill create a co"y the dra#in( and the model
3. 1elect 5i"e+ Erase and clear the current dra#in( and model 'rom memory
E. 1elect 5i"e+ Wor-i) 9irector0 select the ne# directory as the current #or)in( directory
F. Retrie$e the bac)u" dra#in(
G. 1elect 5i"e+ O(e and retrie$e the "art to be co"ied in a subC#indo#
H. *ith the "art acti$e! select 5i"e+ Reame and rename the "art
=. 1elect Wi$o#+ /cti8ate and "ic) in the #indo# containin( the dra#in(
I. Re(enerate! rename i' necessary (selectin( 5i"e+ ReameB and sa$e the dra#in(.
The 'ollo#in( "rocedure can be used to create a co"y o' a dra#in( a$ a co"y o' the dra#in( model! .N?J IB
both the model and the dra#in( ha$e the same name (i.e.. $al$e."rt and $al$e.dr#)2
1. 1et the con'i(."ro o"tion <rename:dra#in(s:#ith:object< to <both<
%. Retrie$e the model and ha$e the dra#in( either in session or in the current #or)in( directory
3. 1elect 5i"e+ Sa8e /s on the model
E. Enter the ne# model name in the Ne# Name 'ield in the 1a$e To dialo( bo.
F. 6nd a messa(e #ill a""ear in the 9essa(e *indo# sayin( that the @ra#in( and the Part #ere co"ied to
the ne# name.
Cie# 5uctios
*3. >o# ca the orietatio o! the $e!au"t 8ie# be cha)e$%
The de'ault model orientation can be rede'ined by settin( the con'i(."ro o"tions <:an(le< and <y:an(le< to
the desired $alues o' the rotation! in de(rees! o' the object about the and y ais. In addition! the model can be
sa$ed in user de'ined orientations by selectin( Cie#+ Sa8e$ Cie#s+ enterin( a uni8ue $ie# name! and then
Sa8e. The model can easily be reoriented into the sa$ed $ie# orientation by selectin( Cie#+ Sa8e$ Cie#s+
selectin( the sa$ed $ie# name and then Set.
*7. >o# must Pro/ENGINEER be co!i)ure$ to reco)iDe a s(aceba""%
No con'i(uration is re8uired #ithin Pro/ENGINEER in order 'or a s"aceball to be reco(ni,ed. I'
Pro/ENGINEER does not res"ond to the s"aceball! #e recommend contactin( your systems administrator or
hard#are $endor 'or dia(nostics.
*:. >o# ca the @ua"it0 o! a sha$e$ mo$e" be icrease$%
The 8uality o' the shaded model can be increased be selectin( Cie#+ 4o$e" 9is("a0+ Sha$e. 1"eci'y the
shade 8uality bet#een 1 and 1>D the number 3 is the de'ault. Increasin( the shade 8uality to hi(her $alues may
result in an increase in shadin( time. In addition! Sma"" sur!aces may be chec) mar)ed in order to shade $ery
small sur'aces! such as round 'eatures! #hich other#ise may not be shaded unless the model is ,oomed in.
,;. Whe a sha$e$ mo$e" is s(u+ #h0 $oes it re8ert bac- to #ire!rame%
Pro/ENGINEER shaded models #ill re$ert to #ire'rame i' the machine is not con'i(ured 'or hard#are
shadin( ca"abilities. In order to ha$e the model remain shaded durin( a s"in o"eration! the #or)station must
ha$e an a""ro"riate (ra"hics card installed! and the <(ra"hics< o"tion in the con'i(."ro 'ile must be set based on
the ty"e o' #or)station bein( used. Re'er to the Hard$are Configuration "otes on ###." 'or s"eci'ic
,1. >o# ca a (ostscri(t !i"e o! a sha$e$ mo$e" be create$%
CTo create an enca"sulated "ostscri"t (EP1) 'ile o' a shaded model select 5i"e+ Ex(ort+ Ima)e+ chan(e the
ty"e to EPS+ and then O?. 1elect @imensions SiDe! or Resolution 9PI or Ima)e 9e(th 'or additional o"tions
and 'inish by selectin( O?.
Re'er to the Hard$are Configuration "otes on ###." 'or details on EP1 "lotter su""ort.
,&. Wh0 are1t sur!ace !eatures $is("a0e$ #he the mo$e" is sha$e$%
*hen the con'i(."ro o"tion <shade:sur'ace:'eat< is set to <no<! sur'ace 'eatures #ill not be dis"layed #hen
the model is shaded.
,*. >o# is a co"or ma( !i"e store$ to $is-%
6 user de'ined color ma" can be stored to dis) by selectin( Cie#+ 4o$e" Setu(+ 'o"or /((earaces+ 5i"e+
Sa8e /s+ a$ eter the ame co" in the Ne# Name 'ield in the 1a$e 6s dialo( bo. Pro/ENGINEER
#ill create a 'ile called" in the current #or)in( directory.
,,. Where $oes the co" !i"e ee$ to be "ocate$ i or$er !or Pro/ENGINEER to reco)iDe it%
The color ma" 'ile!"! #ill be automatically loaded i' it is located in the directory that
Pro/ENGINEER is eecuted 'rom. The con'i(uration 'ile o"tion <"ro:colorma":"ath< can be used to s"eci'y
the location o' a color ma" 'ile that is not located in the startu" directory.
,.. >o# ma0 $i!!eret co"ors ca be $e!ie$ a$ store$ to the co" !i"e%
The eact number o' colors that can be de'ined #ill $ary! de"endin( on the ty"e o' #or)station and the
(ra"hics card that is bein( used. +i(her end (ra"hics cards #ill ty"ically allo# a (reater number o' colors to be
,2. Wh0 is the Tras(arec0 meu se"ectio ot a8ai"ab"e%
The trans"arency 'unctionality is o''ered only #ith hard#are (ra"hics con'i(urations. Re'er to the Hard$are
Configuration "otes 'or other items a$ailable #ith hard#are (ra"hics con'i(urations.
.n machines con'i(ured to use hard#are (ra"hics! the trans"arency 'unctionality must be enabled by selectin(
Cie#+ 4o$e" 9is("a0+ Sha$e+ and Eab"e the Tras(arec0 o"tion.
,3. Whe a co"or is assi)e$ to a (art i /ssemb"0 mo$e+ #h0 is the co"or ot re!"ecte$ i Part mo$e%
3olors assi(ned to "arts in 6ssembly mode do not e''ect Part mode. This 'unctionality allo#s assembly
colors to re"resent a "roduction o"eration done a'ter assemblin( the indi$idual "arts! e.(.! the a""lication o'
,7. I /ssemb"0 mo$e+ #h0 $oes the (art $is("a0 #ith a $i!!eret co"or tha #hat #as $e!ie$ i Part
3olors a""lied to com"onents in 6ssembly mode #ill o$erride colors de'ined at the Part le$el. To unset an
assembly color! retrie$e the assembly and select Cie#+ 4o$e" Setu(+ 'o"or /((earaces+ 'om(oet! select
the com"onent in 8uestion and then Uset.
Ex("o$e$ Cie#s6
,:. Wh0 $oes a subassemb"0 ex("o$e #he the to(-"e8e" assemb"0 is ex("o$e$%
7y de'ault! subassemblies e"lode #hen the to"Cle$el assembly is e"loded. The to"Cle$el assembly can be
modi'ied to s"eci'y #hich subassemblies and #hich "arts #ithin the subassembly to e"lode by selectin(
4o$i!0+ 4o$ Ex("$+ Ex("$ Status. 1elect To))"e Ex("$ 'rom the E5P?@ 1T6T&1 menu and "ic) the
com"onents in the 9odel Tree that are not to be e"loded (chan(in( the $alue to &ne"loded).
.;. >o# ca ex("o$e$ 8ie#s sho# the axes o! the ex("osio%
This 'unctionality is not currently im"lemented in Pro/ENGINEER. +o#e$er! datum aes can be created
usin( one o' se$eral a$ailable methods. The ty"e o' datum ais to use #ill de"end on the s"eci'ic situation.
.1. >o# ca a ex("o$e$ 8ie# be sa8e$ to a ame$ 8ie#%
E"loded $ie#s can be sa$ed to a name by e"lodin( the assembly! then selectin( Cie#+ Sa8e$ Cie#s+ and
then Sa8e a ne# name. *hen an e"loded $ie# name is retrie$ed! the assembly can be une"loded usin( Cie#+
4isc O(eratios
.&. What is the 5i"e+ Wor-i) 9irector0 meu se"ectio use$ !or%
The 5i"e+ Wor-i) 9irector0 menu selection allo#s the Pro/ENGINEER #or)in( directory to be chan(ed.
6'ter selectin( Wor-i) 9irector0! Pro/ENGINEER allo#s na$i(ation throu(h the directory tree structure.
.*. What is the Wi$o#+ O(e S0stem meu se"ectio use$ !or%
*hen Wi$o#+ O(e S0stem is selected! Pro/ENGINEER #ill eecute a system shell. The current #or)in(
directory 'or this shell is the Pro/ENGINEER #or)in( directory. The Pro/ENGINEER session #ill be
sus"ended #hile the system #indo# is acti$e. Eitin( out o' the system #indo# #ill allo# the Pro/ENGINEER
session to continue.
.,. Wh0 $o the Pro/ENGINEER #i$o#s become iaccessib"e a!ter Wi$o#+ O(e S0stem is se"ecte$%
The Pro/ENGINEER session #ill be sus"ended #hile the system #indo# is acti$e. Eitin( out o' the system
#indo# #ill allo# the Pro/ENGINEER session to continue.
... What is the Techica" Su((ort I!o meu se"ectio use$ !or%
AThe Techica" Su((ort I!o menu (43ustomer 1er$ices In'o4 in earlier $ersions) selection #ill o"en a
Pro/ENGINEER in'ormation #indo# (i$in( the acti$e Pro/ENGINEER con'i( I@ number! the Re$ision and
build o' Pro/ENGINEER! and almost all in'ormation about your system4s con'i(uration. This in'ormation is
s"eci'ic to your site and used by Parametric Technolo(y Technical 1u""ort as a means o' determinin( your
so't#are con'i(uration and licensin(.
.2. What e"se $oes the Techica" Su((ort I!o meu se"ectio (ro8i$e%
The Techica" Su((ort I!o menu selection #ill o"en a Pro/ENGINEER in'ormation #indo# "ro$idin( the
'ollo#in( in'ormation2
K 1o't#are /ersion
K 3on'i(uration Id
K Pro/ENGINEER load"oint directory
K ?icense 3on'i(uration (?oc)ed or Bloatin()
K 6ll included Pro/ENGINEER o"tions
K 9achine In'ormation
K +ostname
K &sername
K 3P& id
K 9achine ty"e! .1 name! release! and $ersion
K Pro/ENGINEER (ra"hics ty"e
K Installation @irectories and 3ommand In'ormation
K 3on'i(uration In'ormation C 3on'i(uration 'iles read
K 6uiliary 6""lication In'ormation (includes 'loatin( o"tion in'ormation i' a$ailable)
This in'ormation is s"eci'ic to your site and used by Parametric Technolo(y Technical 1u""ort as a means o'
determinin( your so't#are con'i(uration and licensin(. It is #ritten to a su""' 'ile in the current #or)in(
directory o' Pro/ENGINEER.
.3. What is the Uti"ities+ 4a(-e0 meu se"ectio use$ !or %
The Uti"ities+ 4a(-e0 menu selection is used to create a ma")ey by recordin( a series o' menu "ic)s and
assi(nin( these "ic)s to a )eyboard )ey or )eys. The created ma")ey can be stored in the con'i(."ro 'ile 'or use
in other sessions o' Pro/ENGINEER or be s"eci'ied to be used in the current session only.
*hen Uti"ities+ 4a(-e0 is selected the 9a")ey dialo( bo a""ears #ith the 'ollo#in( o"tions.
Ne# C 3reate a ne# ma")ey and startin( recordin( "ic)s.
9odi'y C 9odi'y the hi(hli(hted ma")ey.
Run C Eecute the hi(hli(hted ma")ey.
@elete C @elete the hi(hli(hted ma")ey.
1a$e C 1a$e the current ma")eys to a con'i(."ro 'ile.
Trai" 5i"es6
.7. I #hich $irector0 $oes Pro/ENGINEER create trai" !i"es%
Each time Pro/ENGINEER is eecuted! a trail 'ile is created called #here n re"resents the 'ile
$ersion number #hich monotonically increases #ith each ne# 'ile. 7y de'ault! Pro/ENGINEER trail 'iles are
#ritten to the current #or)in( directory. The con'i(."ro o"tion <trail:dir< can be used to s"eci'y a directory to
#hich the Pro/ENGINEER trail 'iles are to be #ritten.
.:. Wh0 is Pro/ENGINEER uab"e to execute a trai" !i"e #ith the !i"e ame =trai".txt=%
Pro/ENGINEER does not allo# trail 'iles to be eecuted ha$in( the 'ile name <<. The 'ile must be
renamed since Pro/ENGINEER creates a ne# 'ile << each time the so't#are is eecuted. Trail 'iles must
be in the 'ormat filena#e.ttD #here filena#e re"resents a strin( other than <trail<.
2;. What #ou"$ cause a trai" !i"e to )o out o! se@uece%
There are many "ossibilities that #ould lead to a trail 'ile (oin( out o' se8uence. 7e'ore eecutin( the trail
'ile! the Pro/ENGINEER en$ironment must be eactly the same as it #as durin( initial creation o' the trail 'ile.
Bor eam"le! i' the trail 'ile retrie$es a "art and ma)es modi'ications to it! the same $ersion o' the "art must
reside in the same location as it #as 'ound initially. In addition! the same con'i(."ro o"tions must be utili,ed. I'!
'or eam"le! the dis"lay o' datum "lanes #as modi'ied! this could cause an out o' se8uence error. I' a trail 'ile
does (o out o' se8uence! the user #ill be noti'ied o' the line number that could not be eecuted. To troubleshoot
this ty"e o' "roblem! co"y the ori(inal trail 'ile to a bac)u" name! then edit the ori(inal trail 'ile by remo$in( all
the lines a'ter the one that caused the out o' se8uence error. 6lso remo$e 'i$e to se$en lines be'ore the "oint o'
'ailure. 6t this "oint! rerun the edited trail 'ile! then manually #al) throu(h the menu selections by $ie#in( the
bac)u" trail 'ile. 7y doin( this! it #ill be clear #hat is causin( the "roblem.
21. Is there a #a0 to !orce the trai" !i"e to sto( a!ter each meu (ic-%
*ith the con'i(."ro o"tion <set:trail:sin(le:ste"< set to <yes<! a trail 'ile #ill sto" a'ter each trail 'ile ste".
Enterin( a carria(e return #ill allo# the trail 'ile to "roceed.
2&. Is there a #a0 to !orce the trai" !i"e to (ause a!ter each meu (ic-%
The con'i(."ro o"tion <trail:delay< #ill 'orce a trail 'ile to "ause 'or a s"eci'ied number o' seconds bet#een
trail 'ile ste"s. The $alue 'or the <trail:delay< o"tion is the delay "eriod s"eci'ied in seconds.
Scree Ea0out
2*. >o# ca the siDe o! the Pro/ENGINEER #or-i) #i$o# be cotro""e$%
The de'ault si,e o' the Pro/ENGINEER #or)in( #indo# can be controlled usin( the con'i(."ro o"tion
<#indo#s:scale<. The #indo# scalin( 'actor is s"eci'ied as the $alue to the <#indo#s:scale< o"tion ran(in(
'rom >.F to 1.>. The de'ault $alue 'or the <#indo#s:scale< o"tion is 1.>.
Pro/ENGINEER must be restarted in order 'or modi'ications to the $alue o' <#indo#s:scale< to a""ear.
2,. >o# ca the !ots use$ i the Pro/ENGINEER meus be cha)e$%
There are se$eral con'i(."ro o"tions that can be used to chan(e the Pro/ENGINEER menu 'onts.
The con'i(uration 'ile o"tion <de'ault:'ont< o"tion is used to chan(e the 'ont used by Pro/ENGINEER 'or
items other than the menu bar! menus and their children! and "o"Cu" menus. Bor &ni machines! this must be
the name o' a 'ont a$ailable at the 5Cser$er runnin( Pro/ENGINEER. The <ls'onts< command can be used to
list a$ailable system 'onts. The standard de'ault 'ont 'or &ni systems is hel$etica! re(ular!1%. The standard
'onts 'or *indo#s NT and *indo#s IF are inherited 'rom the system settin(s made #ith the 3ontrol Panel.
The <de'ault:'ont< 'ormat should be2
default_font na#e/ st%le/ point)si0e
1"aces are acce"table and the $alues may be in any order. Eam"le2
default_font courier, italic, 12
In addition! the con'i(uration 'ile o"tions <menu:'ont< and <"o"u"hel":'ont< can be used to se"arately control
the 'ont o' the menus and "o"Cu" screens. Pro/ENGINEER must be restarted in order 'or these modi'ications to
2.. >o# ca the $e!au"t "ocatio o! the Pro/ENGINEER #or-i) #i$o# be cha)e$%
Pro/ENGINEER does not currently allo# the de'ault location o' the Pro/ENGINEER #or)in( #indo# to be
rede'ined! ho#e$er the scale o' the #or)in( #indo# can be modi'ied usin( the con'i(."ro o"tion
22. Is it (ossib"e to (re8et the seco$ co"um o! meus !rom o8er"a((i) the Pro/ENGINEER #or-i)
*ith the con'i(."ro o"tion <menu:hori,ontal:hint< set to <ri(ht<! Pro/ENGINEER #ill "lace the second
column o' menus to the ri(ht o' the "rimary menus i.e. the EN/IR.N9ENT menu #ill a""ear to the ri(ht o'
the 96IN menu instead o' o$erla""in( the Pro/ENGINEER #or)in( #indo#. 7e a#are that the #or)in(
#indo# may re8uire a scalin( 'actor usin( the con'i(."ro o"tion <#indo#s:scale< to "ro$ide am"le screen
s"ace 'or the secondary menus to be dis"layed.
Pro/ENGINEER must be restarted in order 'or modi'ications to the $alue o' <menu:hori,ontal:hint< to a""ear.
23. >o# ca a se(arate ico be ma$e o! each i$i8i$ua" #or-i) #i$o# rather tha icoi!0i) the etire
Pro/ENGINEER sessio%
*ith the con'i(."ro o"tion <iconi'y:entire:"ro< set to <no<! indi$idual #or)in( #indo#s can be iconi'ied.
The de'ault $alue 'or <iconi'y:entire:"ro< is <yes<.
27. What #ou"$ cause a ma(-e0 to ot #or- (ro(er"0 #he it is execute$%
The ma")ey 'unctionality allo#s a series o' Pro/ENGINEER menu selections and )eyboard in"ut to be
eecuted by a )eyboard command. I' a ma")ey #ill not eecute "ro"erly! chec) the 'ollo#in(2
1. I' the ma")ey #as de'ined durin( a session o' Pro/ENGINEER! $eri'y that the con'i(."ro 'ile has
been loaded into the Pro/ENGINEER session usin( Uti"ities+ Pre!ereces...
%. /eri'y that the ma")ey synta has been s"eci'ied correctly in con'i(."ro.
3. /eri'y that the 'irst menu selection de'ined in the ma")ey is dis"layed in an acti$e
Pro/ENGINEER menu.

E. /eri'y that each Pro/ENGINEER menu selection that the ma")ey is callin( is not <(rayed out<.
In other #ords! a ma")ey #ill 'ail i' a menu selection can not be interacti$ely "ic)ed #ith the
mouse "ointer.

F. /eri'y that the de'inition o' the ma")ey in con'i(."ro does not eceed => characters. It i' does!
continue it to the net line usin( a <L< at the end and then continue the de'inition on the net line.
2:. Where is the ma(-e0 !uctioa"it0 $ocumete$%
The ma")ey 'unctionality is documented in the Pro/HELP Online Docu#entation/ under the to"ic To
Define 1our O$n !ap,e%s.
3;. Is there a "imitatio i the umber o! characters that ca be ic"u$e$ i a ma(-e0%
6ll lines in con'i(."ro are limited to => characters. 9a")eys containin( many characters may be nested
to(ether to de'ine a sin(le o"eration2
31. >o# ca a ma(-e0 be $e!ie$ to tur $atums o a$ o!!%
The dis"lay o' datum "lanes is a to((le 'unction in Pro/ENGINEER. .ne ma")ey is used to to((le the
!2P3E1 dt# 4E"567O"!E"T8 4Disp Dt#Pl
.r! as o' Release %>! there is a Toolbar icon #hich can be unselected 'or each o' the datum 'eatures.
3&. Wh0 are ma(-e0s ot reco)iDe$ i the co!i).su( !i"e%
.nly the 'irst ma")ey de'ined in con'i(.su" #ill be reco(ni,ed in Pro/ENGINEER! "er the de'inition o'
3*. 'a -e0boar$ !uctio -e0s be use$ i a ma(-e0%
Bunction )eys may be used 'or ma")eys and should be de'ined as 'ollo#s2

!2P3E1 9:; 4:E2TU7E/ 4C7E2TE/ 4COS!ET6C/ 4S3ETCH/ 4"O <H2TCH/ 4DO"E
The <M< si(n tells Pro/ENGINEER that B% is the 'unction )ey <B%< and not the al"haCnumeric characters <B<
<%<. Bor NT machines! B1> is "rede'ined as an NT utility and cannot be de'ined 'or a ma")ey. Bor more
in'ormation re'er to the Pro/+E?P .nline @ocumentation.
3,. >o# ca a ma(-e0 ca"" aother ma(-e0%
6 ma")ey may eecute another ma")ey. This is called nestin( ma")eys2
!2P3E1 para# 4set up8 4para#eters8
!2P3E1 string =para#8 4part8 4create8 4string8
This eam"le has the 'irst ma")ey <"aram< ma)in( the menu selections to shade the model. The second ma")ey
eecutes the 'irst ma")ey <"aram<! de'ined by N"aram! and then creates a strin( "arameter. Bor more
in'ormation re'er to the Pro/HELP Online Docu#entation
3.. >o# ca -e0boar$ i(ut be ic"u$e$ i a ma(-e0%
;eyboard in"ut can be entered durin( the eecution o' a ma")ey by selectin( Pause !or ?e0boar$ I(ut
durin( the ma")ey creation. Then! #hen ma)in( the menu selections that #ill be included in the ma")ey!
Pause must be selected to allo# the ma")ey to sto"! so that )eyboard in"ut may be entered. Bor eam"le! to
create a ma")ey that #ill automatically create a ne# "art! #ith a userCde'ined name! consistin( o' a de'ault set
o' datum "lanes! re'er to the Suggested Technique for Creating !ap,e%s using the !ap,e% :unctionalit% In
this case! the ma")ey #ould "ause and #ait 'or the user to in"ut the name o' the model! then continue on a'ter
the user "resses the Resume button to create the de'ault datum "lanes.
32. 'a a ma(-e0 (rom(t !or a scree (ic-+ the cotiue%
6 ma")ey may "rom"t 'or a screen "ic)! ho#e$er it cannot continue once the selection has been made. 6n
alternati$e techni8ue is to de'ine a second ma")ey #hich #ill continue once the screen selection has been
'ustomiDi) meus usi) meuA$e!.(ro
HH. *here is there detailed documentation on the menu:de'."ro 'ileA
@etailed documentation can be located in the Suggested Technique for Custo#i0ing Pro/E">6"EE7 #enus
using #enu)defpro .
H=. *here does Pro/ENGINEER loo) 'or menu:de'."ro 'ilesA
1imilar to con'i(."ro! menu:de'."ro 'ile can reside in any o' 3 directories.
HI. +o# can a menu "ic) be remo$ed 'rom a menuA
The de'ault Pro/ENGINEER menu selections may not be modi'ied or remo$ed.
7;. Wh0 $oes1t a meuA$e!.(ro meu se"ectio #or- #he it is (ic-e$%
I' the added menu selection aborts "rematurely! chec) the 'ollo#in(2

1. I' the menu:de'."ro 'ile #as created #ithin the Pro/ENGINEER session! Pro/ENGINEER must
be restarted in order 'or the modi'ication to be reco(ni,ed.

%. /eri'y that the menu synta has been s"eci'ied correctly in menu:de'."ro.

3. /eri'y that the 'irst menu selection de'ined in menu:de'."ro is dis"layed in an acti$e
Pro/ENGINEER menu.

E. /eri'y that the each Pro/ENGINEER menu selection that added menu selection is callin( is not
<(rayed out<! in other #ords! an added menu selection #ill 'ail i' a menu selection can not be
interacti$ely "ic)ed #ith the mouse "ointer.

F. /eri'y that the de'inition o' the menu selection in menu:de'."ro does not eceed => characters.
71. >o# ca a e# meu se"ectio be ("ace$ at the to( o! a meu%
6ll menu:de'."ro menu additions #ill be dis"layed in the bottom o' the tar(et menu.
7&. >o# ca meuA$e!.(ro be use$ to create a e# meu%
6 menu:de'."ro #ill not allo# a ne# menu to be created. .nly ne# menu selections can be added to
eistin( menus.
5ami"0 Tab"es
7*. >o# ca the ames o! !ami"0 tab"e items F!eatures+ $imesiosB be cha)e$ so that the ames that
a((ear i the co"um hea$i)s are more $escri(ti8e%
To chan(e the name o' a 'eature! select Set U(+ Name+ 5eature+ select the 'eature! then enter the ne# name
'or the 'eature. To modi'y dimensions! select 4o$i!0+ 9im 'osmetics+ S0mbo"! then enter in the symbol to
re"lace the dimension symbol! <dO<.
7,. Is there a "imit to the umber o! ro#s a$/or co"ums that ca be ic"u$e$ i a !ami"0 tab"e%
There is no limit to the number o' ro#s and/or columns that can be included in a 'amily table. The si,e o' the
dialo( bo may ha$e to be e"anded! in order to see a lar(e number o' ro#s and/or columns at one time.
7.. >o# ca e)ati8e $imesio 8a"ues be etere$ i a !ami"0 tab"e%
In order to enter ne(ati$e $alues! the dimension symbol must be "receded by a <M< si(n #hen added to the
'amily table.
72. What $oes it mea to ha8e este$ istaces%
Nested instances re'er to instances created #ithin other instances.
73. What are .(t$ a$ .i$x !i"es% 'a the0 be $e"ete$%
6 ."td 'ile is a tet 'ile containin( all the in'ormation 'ound in the 'amily table! includin( all instance names
and their current $alues. The ."td 'ile is created by selectin( 5i"e+ Ex(ort Tab"e! and selectin( Pro/T67?E as
the ty"e o' 'ile to e"ort. This 'ile is not re8uired 'or "art retrie$al and can be deleted. +o#e$er! the ."td 'ile
can be used to edit the 'amily table outside o' Pro/ENGINEER. I' an instance is deleted by modi'yin( the ."td
'ile! subse8uent retrie$al o' the (eneric #ill as) the user i' he or she #ishes to clean u" the 'amily table! at
#hich "oint any modi'ications made to the ."td 'ile #ill be re'lected in the internal 'amily table. In addition! as
soon as the (eneric is stored! the internally stored 'amily table #ill ta)e "recedence o$er the local ."td 'ile! i'
one eists in the current directory. *hen a (eneric "art is retrie$ed in a directory #here an eternal ."td 'ile
resides! the eternal 'ile #ill ta)e "recedence o$er the internally stored 'amily table. The name o' the "td 'ile
#ill al#ays ha$e the same "re'i as the name o' the (eneric "art. The .id 'ile is an instance inde 'ile and
contains a list o' all current instances #ithin a directory. @urin( object retrie$al usin( 5i"e+ O(e! all instances
#ill be listed in the menu structure i' the .id 'ile is "resent in the current #or)in( directory. The de'ault name
o' all instance inde 'iles #ill be
77. What shou"$ be $oe i! a re)eeratio !ai"ure is ecoutere$ $uri) Ceri!0%
I' a re(eneration 'ailure is encountered durin( $eri'ication o' one o' the instances! retrie$e the (eneric "art
and modi'y the dimensions o' the (eneric to those o' the instance that 'ailed. 6t that "oint! the reason 'or the
re(eneration 'ailure o' the instance can be determined.
7:. >o# ca the "isti) o! a"" istaces be (re8ete$ !rom a((eari) i the meus #he retrie8i) a
object usi) 5i"e+ O(e%
To "re$ent all instances 'rom sho#in( in the Pro/ENGINEER menu structure! delete the instance inde 'ile!
or set <menu:sho#:instances< to <no< in con'i(."ro.
:;. >o# ca a (art or assemb"0 istace be a$$e$ to a Pro/ENGINEER $ra#i) as a $ra#i) mo$e"%
To add an instance as a dra#in( model! the instance must be s"eci'ied 'rom the directory tree! either by
usin( the .id 'ile or usin( the I Sessio button.
:1. What ha((es to the )eeric a$ a"" other istaces i! !eatures are create$ o a (art or assemb"0
*hen a 'eature is created on an instance! the ne# 'eature is automatically "laced in the 'amily table and #ill
be su""ressed in the (eneric and all other instances.
:&. I a assemb"0 !ami"0 tab"e+ ho# ca com(oets be re("ace$ #ith other (art istaces !rom the
same !ami"0 tab"eA
In order to re"lace assembly com"onents usin( an assembly 'amily table! enter the name o' the "art instance
in the 'amily table cell! instead o' enterin( G or N.
:*. >o# ca (art !eatures a$ $imesios be cotro""e$ b0 a assemb"0 !ami"0 tab"e%
To control "art 'eatures and dimensions 'rom an assembly 'amily table2
1. 3reate a "art instance #ith the desired $alues.
%. 6dd the com"onent to the assembly 'amily table.
3. Re"lace the (eneric "art #ith the a""ro"riate "art instance.
Paret 'hi"$ Re"atioshi(s
:,. What is meat b0 a (aret-chi"$ re"atioshi(%
*hen a 'eature is created in Pro/ENGINEER! dimensional and (eometric re'erences are created. These
re'erences! #hether they are ed(es! sur'aces! or $ertices! #ill belon( to other 'eatures that already eist on the
model. *hen such a re'erence is established! this is re'erred to as a "arentCchild relation. The ne#ly created
'eature is no# considered a child o' any 'eature that contains an entity that #as used as a re'erence.
:.. 'a a !eature ha8e more tha oe (aret%
Jes! a 'eature can ha$e more than one "arent. Bor eam"le! i' a cut is created in such a #ay that the
s)etchin( "lane chosen #as a sur'ace on the base 'eature and then the cross section o' the cut has a dimension
that de'ines a distance 'rom a datum "lane! both the datum "lane and the base 'eature are considered "arents o'
the cut.
:2. 'a a !eature ha8e more tha oe chi"$%
Jes! a 'eature can ha$e more than one child. It is not uncommon 'or the 'irst 'eature o' a model to ha$e
do,ens o' children. Bor eam"le! i' a de'ault set o' datum "lanes is the 'irst set o' 'eatures created on a model!
all subse8uent (eometry #ill be children o' one or more o' these datum "lanes. The initial 'eature #ill ty"ically
use t#o o' the datum "lanes 'or re'erences! one as a s)etchin( "lane and one as $ertical or hori,ontal re'erence.
In addition! any 'eature that uses this ne#ly created 'eature as a re'erence #ill no# become a child o' the the
datum "lanes that are the "arents o' the 'irst 'eature.
:3. What #i"" ha((e to a chi"$ i! a (aret is $e"ete$ or su((resse$%
I' a 'eature containin( children is selected to be deleted or su""ressed! Pro/ENGINEER #ill hi(hli(ht the
child in blue and as) 'or an action to be ta)en. *ithout the "arent! the child #ill not ha$e a com"lete set o'
re'erences and #ill not be able to re(enerate. There'ore! #hen attem"tin( to delete or su""ress a "arent! the
child must be rerouted! deleted (or su""ressed)! or sus"ended. These o"tions #ill be listed in the 3+I?@ menu!
#hich #ill a""ear automatically #hen attem"tin( to delete or su""ress a 'eature #ith children.
:7. >o# ca a "ist o! a"" (arets a$/or chi"$re o! a s(eci!ic !eature be obtaie$%
In order to obtain a com"lete list o' "arents or children o' a "articular 'eature! select I!o+ Paret/'hi"$. 6t
that "oint! a "rom"t #ill a""ear as)in( i' in'ormation on "arents or children is desired. .nce this selection is
made! select the desired 'eature! and the in'ormation #ill be dis"layed.
::. >o# ca Pro/T/<EE be uti"iDe$ #ithout rui) Pro/ENGINEER%
Pro/T67?E is a standCalone "ro(ram that can be in$o)ed #ithout usin( Pro/ENGINEER. To eecute a
session o' Pro/T67?E 'rom a command line! ty"e in the command <"rotab<. This allo#s some tables! such as
sheet metal bend tables! to be edited outside o' Pro/ENGINEER.
1;;. >o# ca the #i$th o! the Pro/T/<EE co"ums be mo$i!ie$%
The #idth o' a Pro/T67?E column can be chan(ed by selectin( 5ormat 'rom the Pro/T67?E menu. 6ll o'
the columns can be chan(ed by selectin( G"oba" Wi$th! or some o' the columns can be chan(ed by selectin(
'o"um Wi$th and hi(hli(htin( the desired cells. In order to reset the column #idth bac) to the de'ault $alue!
select 5ormat+ Reset Wi$th.
1;1. /!ter usi) Pro/T/<EE+ #h0 $oes s0stem s(ee$ $ecrease%
6'ter utili,in( a session o' Pro/T67?E! the si,e o' the bu''er used to #rite data to the trail 'ile #ill increase.
I' the trail 'iles are bein( #ritten across an NB1 mount! i.e.! i' the Pro/ENGINEER startu" directory is a shared
'ile system that has been mounted across the net#or)! there may be a noticeable decrease in system s"eed. To
sol$e this! set the con'i(."ro o"tion <trail:dir< to a directory that is local to the Pro/ENGINEER client machine.
1;&. Is there a "imit o the umber o! ro#s a$ co"ums that ca be use$ i the Pro/T/<EE e$itor%
There is no limit as to the number o' columns and ro#s that can be used in Pro/T67?E.
1;*. The Pro/4E'>/NI'/ motio aa"0sis ru !ai"s
Pro/9E3+6NI36 9otion re8uires to install a 9icroso't 3 com"iler on your system. 9ost li)ely you just
'or(ot to set the 99:3:+.9E en$ironment $ariable a'ter the installation. In order to a$oid an unnecessary
slo#do#n o' your machine! #asted harddis) s"ace etc. users o' other 3Ccom"ilers or users #hich do not
"ro(ram 3 at all mi(ht #ant to co"y the <bin<! <lib< and <include< directories 'rom a collea(ue ha$in( a
com"lete installation.
@on4t 'or(et to order/re(ister your co"y at @I1TRI?.G! as each license must be re(istered #ith the 1I3.
Eam"le (usin( the 91 /isual 3PP de'ault "athD include in autoeec.bat)2
1ET 99:3:+.9EQ<32LPro(ram BilesL9icroso't /isual 1tudioL/3I=<
(&nder *inNT/%>>> you mi(ht #ant to use the <En$ironment /ariables< dialo()
1;,. The 1ite)rate$ mo$e1 $oes ot #or-+ i.e. #he se"ecti) 14echaica1 i the 1/(("icatios1 meu o"0
the 5E4-mo$e is accesib"e+ a$ 14otio1 $oes ot #or-.
6 "ossible reason C besides a missin( license C is a miscon'i(ured en$ironment $ariable. Jou need to set or
correct 9E3+:+.9E #hich contains the "ath to your Pro/9E3+6NI36 eecutable.
Eam"le (include in autoeec.bat)2
1ET 9E3+:+.9EQ@2L"romech%>>>i%LiE=G:nt
(&nder *inNT/%>>> you mi(ht #ant to use the <En$ironment /ariables< dialo()
?parts of the faq are -C. PTC@

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