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What is the name of your company?

2. How long has your company been operating in the Indian Market?
3. With how many other companies your company is competing in the life insurance
4. What is your current market share of the life insurance business being done in India?
. What ha!e been the growth strategies of your company? "an you please rate them on
e#tent of impact?
$a% &ow High
$b% 'ocus on (d!ertising )(d campaigns
$c% *utting hard work in building brands through (ds+ promotions+ *,+ -ponsorships+
e!ents etc.
$d% Managing the marketing mi# in an integrated manner.
$e% .nderstanding prospecti!e buyers at segment le!el in the Indian insurance market
through Marketing ,esearch )sur!ey.
$e% /ringing out products that suit specific needs of the buyers.
$f% 0#panding product portfolio and heating different brands as per market re1uirements.
$g% "reating markets and redefining markets to e#plore growth opportunities.
$h% 'ocusing on the proper channel2mi# for distribution of product.
$i% "ontinuously looking for growth opportunities by using appropriate strategy
$3% /uilding a strong corporate brand through company performance+ good *, and
corporate ad!ertising
5. Which are the different modes that ha!e been adopted by your company to deli!er the
brand message in an effecti!e and efficient manner?
a) (d!ertising in electronic and print media
b) Making use of flurry of media+ including internet e2mail+ fa#+ telemarketers+ In2
store ad!ertising etc. Working with the media 6epartment of (d (gency to define
reach+ fre1uency and impact of the (d "ampaign
c) Making use of tools like *,+ sponsorships+ e!ents+ soul causes+ and getting media
to talk about the brand
d) *ercolating traits of our brand through all of the company7s marketing acti!ity
e) -tressing on long term relationships with the customers and creating brand loyalty
"larifying and li!ing the company7s basic !alues and building the corporate
f) 6e!eloping a brand building plan to create positi!e customer e#perience at
e!ery customer contact point+ person2to2person contact+ e!ents+ seminars+
telephone+ e2 mail
g) .sing the brand !alue proposition as the key deri!er of your "ompany7s
strategy+ product de!elopment operations and ser!ices?
8. Which are the different methods of promotional mi# strategies had been adopted by
your company? "an you please rate them?
a. (d!ertising in electronic and print media
b. (d!ertising campaign
c. *, and publicity
d. *ersonal selling
e. -ales promotion
f. 6irect marketing
g. 9ele marketing
h. Word of mouth
i. "ombination of all of them
:. How does your company decide the (d!ertising budget? What factors are generally
taken into account for arri!ing at (d!ertising /udget?
;. While ad!ertising what is the main message that you wish to con!ey about life
insurance to your consumer
4<. How does your company measure about communication effecti!eness2 What works
well in the (d and what works poorly?
44. 9o what e#tent ha!e the !arious promotional strategies adopted by the company
impacted the sales of insurance products?
42. "an you e#press in terms of increase in !olume of business+ percentage of growth
and)or a!erage of new li!es?
43. 6oes your company subscribe to the !iew that mass ad!ertising is likely to
diminish in its in thence and use?
44. If answer to 1ue. 42 is =yes7 what kind of publicity and promotional measure in
being undertaken by your company to market the products in !ast rural areas?
4. What kind of support does your company pro!ide to the buyers and ser!ice pro!iders?
45. What plans does your company ha!e to create stronger and long lasting relationships
with customers?
48. What practices has your company de!eloped to understand customer needs instead of
3ust pushing out products in the market?
4:. Has your company chalked out plans to register it presence online and operate in
cyber space by using the internet for selling insurance products recruiting+ training and
consumer casting with the customers and prospecti!e buyers?
4;. With all promotional strategies being effecti!ely put in action what response can your
company aim to achie!e in terms of growth in premium and market share?
>ame?@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Aender@@@@@@@@@@@ (ge? @@@@@@
6esignation@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 0? mail @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
C4. 6o you ha!e any life Insurance policy?
a% Des
b% >o
C2. Which company7s Insurance policy you prefer the most? $,ank them from 4
to %
a% &ife Insurance "orporation
b% H6'" -tandard life Insurance
c% I"I"I *rudential life Insurance
d% -/I &ife Insurance
e% /a3a3 (llianE
f% (ny other@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ $please specify the name of company%
C3. (re you aware of the concept of /anc assurance?
a% Des
b% >o
C4. What is the main reason for buying life Insurance policy?
a% ( sa!ing tool
b% ( ta# sa!ing tool
c% ( tool to protect family
d% ,eturn
e% (ny other reason @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ $please specify%
C. Which benefits influenced you most for buying life policy through banks?
a% 9rust and loyalty
b% 0asy accessibility
c% 0#pert7s ad!ice
d% "on!enience
C5. (ccording to you which is the most preferred channel to obtain life Insurance
a% (gents
b% /rokers
c% /anks
d% Internet
e% (ny other@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@$ *lease specify%
C8. (re you aware with the type of policies sold by the banks?
a% Des
b% >o
c% >o response
C:. (re you satisfied with the ser!ices of banks?
a% -atisfied
b% Highly satisfied
c% Moderately -atisfied

d% 6issatisfied
e% Highly 6issatisfied
C;. What is your future plan to take life Insurance policy?
a% Des
b% >o
c% >ot decided

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