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Active Models
Each spreadsheet contains an example from your textboo for which you may chan!e the data in order to see how the chan!es
easily enable you to restore the ori!inal data.
the relationship amon! the parameters of the problem. "lease note that every time you chan!e #uestions the data will automatically reset
to the ori!inal parameters. $fter !ettin! to the last #uestion% a "&'() option is enabled so that you will have a record of your answers for
yourself or for your instructor. $lternatively% you may use the *'+",$- button to see the .uestions and $nswers on a spreadsheet.
$ detailed explanation of the #uestion form is on the
shaded in !reen should be chan!ed. 'n !eneral% the cells may be chan!ed directly or with the scrollbar. $s a rule% you should (O)
chan!e cells that are shaded in red /ells shaded in yellow may be chan!ed but you will be deletin! a formula.
!enerate lar!e chan!es.
'f you need practice see the
will automatically remove the !ridlines and row and column labels. )o restore them use the 0iew tab 1Excel 20072 or )ools% Options% 0iew tab 1Excel 20032
scaled accordin! to the numbers bein! demonstrated. )hus% chan!in! the basic data may lead to a nonreadable !raph.
These spreadsheets have been desi!ned to help you understand the #uantitative methods in Operations 3ana!ement.
will affect the answers. 4herever possible% we have provided a !raph. Each Active Model spreadsheet contains a &E+E) button to
In addition% each spreadshseet contains a .5E+)'O( button which will lead you throu!h a series of #uestions to help you to better learn
#uestion form sheet.
The spreadsheets are not loced which means that you may enter or chan!e values in any cell. $s a rule% only the cells
Most scrollbars operate in the same fashion. /licin! on the arrows will !enerate small chan!es while clicin! on the bar will
Experiment with the scroll bar if you need help.
For several of the modules you will be ased to read !raphs. 3ove the mouse alon! the !raph in order to have Excel display the value.
!raph sheet.
Excel6s formula bar is automatically hidden by Active Models. )o see it use 0iew% 7ormula 8ar from the Excel menu9ribboon. 'n addition% Active Models
The intention is (O) to provide these sheets as solvers but many of these sheets can be used in that way. :owever% the !raphs have been
'f you want an Excel solver then you should use Excel OM or POM for Windows which came with your "rentice;:all textboo.
Use the menu sheet to navi!ate to the appropriate worboo or you may load the worboos directly.
Any comments% su!!estions or criticisms should be sent to ds+oftware<
will automatically remove the !ridlines and row and column labels. )o restore them use the 0iew tab 1Excel 20072 or )ools% Options% 0iew tab 1Excel 20032
. )o see it use 0iew% 7ormula 8ar from the Excel menu9ribboon. 'n addition% Active Models
Active Models to Accompany
Operations Management by Heizer & Render
rinciples o! Operations Management by Heizer & Render
"#apter Model Te$tboo% E$ample
3.1 =antt /hart >
?.1 3ovin! $vera!es 1
?.2 Exponential +moothin! ?
?.3 Exponential +moothin! with )rend $d@ustment 7
?.? )rend "ro@ections A
5.1 *ecision )ree 3
>.1 "areto /hart 1
+>.1 p;/hart +?
+>.2 "rocess /apability +>
+>.3 O/ /urve 7i! +>.B
7.1 /rossover /hart ?
+7.1 /apacity +1
+7.2 8reaeven $nalysis +3
A.1 /enter of =ravity 3
B.1 "rocess ,ayout 1
+10.1 4or +amplin! +5
12.1 Economic Order .uantity 3odel 3
12.2 "roduction Order .uantity 3odel A
13.1 ,evelin! +trate!ies 2
1?.1 Order &eleases 3
15.1 Cob +hop +e#uencin! 5
17.1 +eries &eliability 1
17.2 &edundancy 3
8.1 ," =raph 7i! 8.?
*.1 +in!le;+erver 3odel *1
*.2 3ultiple +erver +ystem with /osts *2D*3
*.3 /onstant +ervice )imes *?
E.1 5nit /urve% /umulative /urve and /osts E2 D E3
"ro@ect 3ana!ement
*esi!n of =oods and +ervices
3ana!in! .uality
+tatistical "rocess /ontrol
"rocess +trate!y
/apacity "lannin!
,ocation +trate!ies
,ayout +trate!y
4or 3easurement
'nventory 3ana!ement
$!!re!ate "lannin!
3aterial &e#uirements "lannin! and E&"
+hort;)erm +chedulin!
3aintenance and &eliability
,inear "ro!rammin!
4aitin!;line 3odels
,earnin! /urves
8ac to overview
/lic on the left arrow
to decrease the value
in the cell by 1
/lic on the ri!ht arrow
to increase the value in
the cell by 1
/lic on the bar% between
the left arrow and the slider
to decrease the value in the
cell by 10
/lic on the bar% between
the ri!ht arrow and the slider
to increase the value in the
cell by 10
8ac to overview
.uestion number label
(avi!ation buttons for #uestions.
&ote' )he data will reset to the
ori!inal problem with each chan!e in
(ame of spreadsheet with data.
&oteE 'f the worboo contains
multiple spreadsheets they will
be chan!ed automatically when
the #uestions refer to a different
)he #uestionFF
)ext box into which to place
your answer.
'f you want to copy an
answer from the
spreadsheet then clic on
the cell and then use this
button. 5sin! this will
erase whatever text is in
the answer text box.
)he #uestions and answers are
stored in a worsheet ready to be
'nstead of printin! you may loo at
the spreadsheet that contains the
#uestions and your answers.
1)hen you could print this sheet2.
8ac to overview
;1 1 3 5 7 B 11 13 15
(ample grap#
=raph 1 =raph 2
'f you are ased% what is the value of - on
!raph 1 when x G 5 you could eyeball the
!raph and !uess.
E$cel )**+ and earlier
$lternatively% 'f you place the mouse on
=raph 1% where x G 5% a toolbar tip type of
explanation will appear indicatin! which
!raph 1!raph 1 or !raph 22 you are looin!
at% which point and what the value of the
point is.
-ou should try this by movin! the mouse
alon! each of the two !raphs.
;1 1 3 5 7 B 11 13 15
(ample grap#
=raph 1 =raph 2
x x2 191xH32
0 0 333.3333
1 1 250
2 ? 200
3 B 1>>.>>>7
? 1> 1?2.A571
5 25 125
> 3> 111.1111
7 ?B 100
A >? B0.B0B0B
B A1 A3.33333
10 100 7>.B230A
11 121 71.?2A57
12 1?? >>.>>>>7
13 1>B >2.5
1? 1B> 5A.A2353
15 225 55.5555>

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