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Obamacare & the VA Hospital Scandal: An

inconvenient truth
Link to Video of President Obamas VA Hospital Crisis May 21, 2014 Press Conferene
For the past few days this writer has watched news of the scandal surrounding mismanagement
of the VA Hospital System percolate.
For those still unaware, 40 Veterans are alleged to have died as a result of unacceptably long
delays in seeing a doctor andor receiving !edical "reatment. #nly upon the discovery of
documentation verifying attempts to cover up, andor understate the length of the delays, has the
#bama Administration decided that ignoring or denying the scandal would no longer wor$.
%esterday, &resident #bama finally had a press conference at which he addressed the scandal
and said that such mismanagement would not be tolerated.
"hat having been said, lets bac$ the truc$ up.
'efore #bamacare, a$a the Affordable (are Act )A(A*, ever was passed many persons pointed
to mismanagement of the VA Hospitals as evidence the Federal +overnment was incapable of
properly managing healthcare for the entire nation. ,n response, many -emocrats denied the
allegations of bad management at the VA Hospitals, and some even pointed to the e.cellent
management of the VA Hospitals as evidence that +overnment could manage all of the nation/s
0ssentially the proponents of #bamacare shouted down the factual evidence that the +overnment
was failing in its management of healthcare for !ilitary Veterans1Veterans who should receive
the best care possible. "his factual evidence showed that the +overnment could not even
properly manage the health of a very small fraction of the nations entire population.
'ut those us of familiar with the VA Hospitals/ long history of mismanagement and cover up,
$new better.
"his writer repeatedly tweeted and emailed a lin$ to a film clip of a 2334 movie called Article
33. "his movie was directly on point to the issue of mismanagement that comes with
government involvement with healthcare. ,n this instance, in the very VA Hospitals now
embroiled in the current scandal.
"his is the "weet this writer currently periodically sends out on "witter 5-!asha$.
6#bamacare1&oliticians admitted cost way more7 Solution8 69ationing: 6-eath&anels;
<hat will that loo$ li$e 6Article33>?,@v.#0a&A$
"hough the wording has change slightly since before #bamacare was passed, the video and the
lin$ remain the same as the one this writer posted many times before the passage of #bamacare.
#bamacare was signed by &resident 'arrac$ #bama on Bune 4C, 4020. )"his date will become
important when the timeline of the VA Hospital scandal)s* is disclosed*
,n the interview contained in the article in the following "weet 5-!asha$, it is reported that
this scandal went on for a Dlong timeD. "he printed portion of the article shows the currently
documentable timeline begins in early 4024.
"imeline8 "he story behind the VA scandal http8usat.ly2n@fm,g via 5usatoday
'ut the end of the Article 33 movie indicates that the problems the movie e.posed within the VA
Hospital were never really resolved. &eople got fired and the status @uo management Eust
continued under new management. So has the VA Hospital scandal really went on for 44 years=
0vidence that our +overnment has continuously mismanaged the healthcare of military and
Veterans since 2334 appears in the form of two other scandals8
AriFona VA boss accused of covering up veterans/ deaths lin$ed to previous scandal
<alter 9eed !edical (enter Scandal. "he <alter 9eed !edical (enter scandal ran from
4004 and culminated a series of articles published in 400G.
#bama warned about VA wait;time problems during 400H transition
"he point being that this writer and many other Americans specifically pointed to the Federal
+overnments inability to manage healthcare on a much smaller scale than #bamacare will
cover. %et &resident #bama, most of (ongress and !ain Stream !edia failed to give these
failures the emphasis they merited in the #bamacare debate.
"his writer suggests to you that the facts seem to indicate their was a deliberate conspiracy to
cover up the bad conditions at the VA Hospitals until after #bamacare was passed and
implementation began. Are you really going to believe that these three latest +overnment
!edical Scandals suddenly ended in in 4003 and did not begin again until 4024= #r is it more
li$ely that these scandals were intensely covered up until after the passage of #bamacare in
4020, to ma.imiFe the probability of passage=
And this writer submits that ma.imiFing the possibility for passage of #bamacare was also the
reason that, after the fact, Americans learned they could not $eep their prior insurance nor their
doctor, as &resident #bama emphatically promised.
And, before we go farther, let us address the protests of -efenders of #bamacare who insist there
are no death panels in #bamacare. "his is another "weet this writer often posts on "witter
6-eath&anels a$a 5#bamacare 9ationing:0nd of Aife issues
http8www.a$dart.comobama2HC.html 5<0"H0&0#&0"A9 6teaparty 6occupy 6p4
5-emocrat 59epublican
!a.imiFing the possibility of passage would also be the plausible reason, &resident #bama
apparently deliberately deceived the American &ublic as to the e.istence of death panels in
#bamacare. &resident #bama apparently used the prete.t that if the -eath &anels were called
D,ndependent &ayment Advisory 'oardD, it would not be a lie to say their were no death panels
because they were not called -eath &anels. ISimilar to how former &resident (linton said he
wasn/t lying when he said he didn/t have se. with !onica Aewins$y because #ral se. isn/t se.J
And this writer/s concerns over these various lies and misrepresentations are reflected in this
writer/s following fre@uent posting on "witter 5-!asha$8
!argin of victory for 5#bamacare was so small that the deliberate, malicious lies :
misrepresentations were the difference between passage : failure
?ow we move on to the !illion -ollar @uestion this writer has as$ed of our +overnment in two
prior articles which remains unanswered8
#bamacare "ransparency= <hat does si. million mean=
#bamcare8 Knspinning some of &resident #bama/s spin
"hat @uestion addresses the entire premise #bamacare is based upon8 DHow many persons who
said they wanted but could not afford #bamacare, are now covered by #bamacare=D &resident
#bama and his "al$ing Heads $eep spewing out numbers that are relatively meaningless. "hey
spew all the numbers e.cept the number #bamacare was premised on.
<0 "H0 &0#&A0 were told that the number of Americans that wanted but could not afford
#bamacare was so huge, nothing short of a ?ational Solution involving every American could
address the problem. "hat number was originally finally set at 2LM of the population. 'ut when
confronted, #bamacare proponents were forced to admit that half of that number were fol$s who
simply e.ercised there the freewill choice and chose not to be covered. "hese persons were
predominately 2H;4L years old. )And &resident #bama avoided their resistance by dumping that
cost onto the parents of 2H;4L year olds by ma$ing them covered on their parents insurance* "hat
left HM of Americans who allegedly wanted but could not afford Healthcare. And HM of N2C
!illion is 4C.4 !illion.
So this writer calls &resident #bama out again for an answer to this @uestion8 DHow many fol$s
who said they wanted but could not afford healthcare and did not previously have healthcare, are
now covered under #bamacare=D ,f that number was the premise dumping the entire traditional
healthcare system for #bamacare, should not that have been a number the #bama Administration
specifically trac$ed from day one= ,n implementing any new system or product line, does not
private business trac$ the numbers the new system or product was premised on from day one=
For the purpose of adEusting premises to real time results andor to abort the systemproduct at
the first instant the systemproduct appears unwor$able to minimiFe loss=
'arring near instantaneous production of this number by the #bama Administration, this writer
submits that it is reasonable to conclude based on his trac$ record that &resident #bama has once
again lied about #bamacare.
And, as his writer/s regular reader already $nows his position is that their is only one "yrant
(lass pretending to be two maEor political parties in the KS, they will not be surprised when this
writer lays blame at the feet of the other alleged maEor political party.
'oth 9epublican and -emocrats too$ (ampaign (ontributions andor bribes andor other
consideration from Hospitals and ,nsurance (ompanies to ignore the demands of them masses to
fi. traditional healthcare. ,t is only the refusal of both -emocrats and 9epublicans to fi.
traditional healthcare that formed the Dperfect stormD prete.t premise for Dfi.ingD all of
healthcare in one fell swoop.
#nce again this writer reminds the reader of his position that the numbers of fol$s who wanted
but could not afford healthcare were so small that a separate safety net program, along with
correcting the problems with traditional healthcare that the masses demanded, was the better
Ksing the numbers &roponents of #bamacare themselves produced, 34M of Americans were
satisfied with traditional healthcare. And the failure of the #bama Administration to date to
produce the number of persons who wanted but could not afford and are now covered under
#bamacare points to the HM or 4C.4 !illion number as being wildly e.aggerated.
So its up to you my fellow Americans8 -o you want to die waiting to see a doctors as 40
Veterans have appeared to have done)olr be driven to suicide*, or are you Eust going to contact
your (ongressfol$s and force your government to overturn the #bamacare Albatross that was
enacted with fraudulent representations=
And don/t e.pect to get any answer from the +overnment that you can actually rely up. After all,
remember the evidence and statements to date that there was a massive conspiracy to fudge the
wait times at VA Hospitals and cover up the mismanagement of the VA Hospitals. )-o you thin$
this same +overnment will fudge and cover up your complaints when DmismanagementD
happens to you=*
Yet the individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he
cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil
which has been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures
could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent.
F', -irector B. 0dgar Hoover, )Banuary 2, 2H3C O !ay 4, 23G4* was the first -irector of the
Federal 'ureau of ,nvestigation )F',* of the Knited States. Appointed director of the 'ureau of
,nvestigationPpredecessor to the F',Pin 2344, he was instrumental in founding the F', in
23NC, where he remained director until his death in 23G4* "he 0l$s !agaFine, August 23CL
#bamacare was never about Health (are, ,t has always been about control.
Agenda 42 is not about the environment, its about control.
+un (ontrol is not about +uns, its about control
And, in theirs writer/s humble opinion, all the evidence points to the 9epublican 0stablishment
actually wanting #bamacare as much as the -emocrat 0stablishment. However the 9epublican
0stablishment is hamstrung by that darn 9epublican &latorm whereby those pes$y ran$ and file
9epublicans voiced their adamant opposition to ?ationaliFed Healthcare.
All of this would seem to be a very Dinconvenient truthD. An inconvenient truth not only
&resident 'arrac$ #bama, but for the entire American "yrant (lass pretending to be two maEor
political parties.
"hose were my thoughts.
,n (losing8
"han$ you, my fellow citiFens, for ta$ing your valuable time to read and reflect upon what is
written here.
,f what is written here rings true to you, perhaps you should contact your local elected officials
and let them $now. ,f you are afraid of repercussions, snail mail it anonymously and as$ them to
respond in the local paper or their own monthly@uarterly internet newsletter. 0ven if this article
refers to something outside you geographic area, it still li$ely applies to your location.
9emember all those ta.payer training Eun$ets we ta.payers send the bureaucrats on= "hey all
learn the same Qlivestoc$ managementR techni@ues to use on <0 "H0 &0#&A0.
And that leaves <0 "H0 &0#&A0 with this conundrum8 <hile our 6+overnment wor$s full
time with compensation and funded with our money for the cause of 6"yranny1 <0 "H0
&0#&A0 are forced to wor$ part time without compensation for the cause of 6liberty with what
is left over of our time, money and energy.
Finally, this article is written with the same intentions as "homas &aine
http8ushistory.orgpaine. , see$ no leadership role. , see$ only to help the American &eople find
their own way using their own Q(ommon SenseR$b9uar
Seep Fighting the +ood Fight7
,n Aiberty,
-on !asha$
"he (ynical &atriot
-on !asha$ +oogle &lus http8goo.gl2AKr0
<0 "H0 &0#&A0 "A9 6<0"H0&0#&A0"A9
0nd the Fed)eral 9eserve 'an$ System* 60"F
?ational http8bit.lytaN9Eu !inneapolis http8bit.lytETBSF
'ring Home the &oliticians 6'H"&
Aawless America 6AawlessAmerica
"erm Aimits 6"ermAimit
Bustice in !innesota 6B,!
(ritical "hin$ing ?otice ; "his author advises you as no politician would dare. 0.ercise (ritical
"hin$ing )http8bit.lyub,Lve* in determining the truthfulness of anything you read or hear. -o
not passively accept nor believe anything anyone tells you, including this author... unless and
until you verify it yourself with sources you trust and could actively defend your perspective to
anyone who might debate you to the contrary of your perspective

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