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1934 Royal Navy Fleet Signal Book

Aeroplane Flag
a) Singly: - Indicates certain stages of flying off, flying on
,catapulting, or embarking aircraft. Flown by any ship or boat indicates
that she is attending on aircraft. During exercises, when flown by a
destroyer it also indicates that she is taking no other part in the exercise.
(b) Singly or superior to a pendant:- Distinguishing signals for an
(c) In conjuction with a numeral and/or relative position flag:-
Description signals for Aircraft.
(a) Singly: -
(i) sed by the !dmiral to answer Flag or "emaphore signals #he
!ffirmati$e hoisted close up by the !dmiral in answer to a flag signal
containing a proposal indicates that the proposal is approved.
(ii) sed by a picking-up $essel when picking up torpedoes to indicate
the track or the sighting of torpedoes ("ee !eneral Signalling Instructions"
Art #$%)

(&) Inferior to distinguishing signals: - !ffirmati$e indicates that the
proposal (or the proposal in the message indicated) of the unit-s
addressed is appro$ed. ('he message containing the proposal is identified" if
necessary" as shown in (isual Signals Instructions" Art )*+)

(c) Inferior to the Answering ,endant: - Yes
(d) -ccupying the )
or a succeeding place in a series of flags: - Is
the substitute for the first flag of the series.
(a) Singly:- %elati$e position Ahead

(&) Singly at .ardarm in har&our:- Is flown by the ship ha$ing the
Medical Guard
Aircraft /arrier
(a) Singly" or superior to a pendant: - Distinguishing signals for
Aircraft carriers.
(&) To be advised Not discernable from photo.
(a) Singly: - %elati$e position Astern
(&) Inferior to numeral flag-s at the yardarm: - You are astern of station
(a) Singly or superior to a pendant: - Distinguishing signals for Battle
(&) In conjunction with a numeral and/or position flag: - Description
signals for Battle cruisers
0attleship Flag
(a) Singly or superior to a pendant: - Distinguishing signals for
( &) In conjunction with a numeral and/or position flag: - Description
signals for Battleships
(c) Singly at the yardarm in har&our: - Am embarking or disembarking
ammunition or petrol.
0lac1 Flag
sed to answer a flashing signal by day by a ship which does not wish to
use a light, or has no light a$ailable
0lue Affirmative
(a) Singly: -
Is used in the same manner as the !ffirmati$e by officers commanding
s&uadrons or flotillas, when in the presence of a senior officer, to answer
or approve signals.
(&) Singly" &y the Senior -fficer of a 2ocal /onvoy 3scort: - Is flown as
re&uired when escorting con$oys. ( "ee !eneral Signalling Instructions"
0lue Flag
(a) Singly:- 6uring !unnery practice ( "ee !eneral SigInstruct
Art#$+ )
(&) Singly or superior to certain flags during peace e7ercises:-
Identification signals for ships of the Blue leet. ( "ee !eneral
SigInstruct Art#$8 )
(c) Inferior to 9ed Flag during Su&marine 37ercises:- !hip ma" be
attacked b" !ubmarines and torpedoes ma" be fired.
/ruiser Flag
(a) Singly" or superior to a pendant:-
Distinguishing signals for #ruisers.
(&) In conjunction with a numeral and/or relative position flag:-
Description signals for #ruisers s ) p 4)
6estroyer Flag
(a) Singly" or superior to a pendant:-
Distinguishing signals for $estro"ers.
(&) In conjunction with a numeral and/or relative position flag:-
Description signals for $estro"ers. s ) p 4)
6ivision ,endant
Singly or superior to a pendant:-
Distinguishing signal for $ivisions.
Fishery ,endant
(a) Singly :- Is flown by '.(. ships employed on isher" protection
(&) Superior to the /hurch ,endant or a :umeral !roup:- Distinguishing
signals for Au%iliar" &essels.
(c) Superior to a o!a!y Signal :- "ignifies that the purport of the
signal of which the 'orary "ignal forms part is to be completed b" the
time indicated.
(d) Superior to groups other than the a&ove)- "ignifies that the group
immediately inferior or, or when used with a tackline, all two and three *
letter groups inferior, are taken from +art I of the Au%iliar" &essel
!ignal ,ook.
a) Singly :- It is optional to follow the !dmiral-s motions
(&) Superior to any signal" or superior with a tac1line to more than one
signal:- .o$erns the signal immediately inferior, or when used with
a tackline, all signals inferior and signifies that it is optional for the ships
addressed to carr" out the purport of the signal's.
(c) Superior to 6istinguishing signals :- It is optional for the ships
included in these distinguishing signals to carr" out the purport of the
,ort Flag
(a) Singly :- %elati$e position, (ort !ide, except in "tationing signals,
when it signifies (ort Beam.
(&) Inferior to numeral flag-s at the yardarm:- )eep more to (ort.
s+ p +5
a) Superior to any signal" or superior with a tac1ling to more than one
signal:- .o$erns the signal immediately inferior, or when used with a
tackline, all signals inferior, and directs preparation to be made to carry
out the purport of the signals which will be made again when they are to
be carried into execution
(&) Superior to three numeral flags &efore the enemy is sighted:- All
turrets to be trained on the bearing indicated.
(c) Singly in har&our:- Is hoisted / minutes before the time of hoisting
colours, and of "unset, and is hauled down as the 0xecuti$e signal for
9ed Flag
(a) Singly or superior to the 0lue Flag)- Informs ships not
operating with ships flying this signal that they are to keep
well clear and that submarines which are submerged may be
in the $icinity. It informs ships operating with the ship flying
this signal that she may be attacked by submarines and, if used
singl"* that torpedoes are not to be fired If Superior to 0lue
Flag:- #orpedoes ma" be fired.
(&) Singly &y a destroyer after action:- "hip is in the irst
state of fitness ( See /onduct of the Fleet" Art +;))
(c) Superior to certain flags during peace e7ercises:-
Identification signals for ships of the +ed leet ( "ee !eneral
Signalling Inst Art #$8 )
(d) Inferior to a cone" point up:- Am engaged in hunting an
enem" submarine.
Screen Flag
(a) Singly:- 1hen '.(. ships are underway in certain home
ports it is flown by those ships that are not underway ( "ee
!enSigInst Art #88 )
(&) In conjunction with alpha&etical and/or numeral flags:-
!keleton screening diagram signals.
c) Superior to a pendant:- 6isting signals for Sc!eening
Singly or superior to a pendant:- Distinguishing signals for
!,uadrons, or lotillas.
Station Flag
(a) Singly:-
(i) $isregard m" motions.
(ii) =oisted &y a su&marine after an attac1
indicates:- Am taking no further part in the e%ercise.
(&) In conjunction with other groups:- !tationing signals.
s %" p +;
(c) Inferior to numeral flag-s at the yardarm:- Take up
"our appointed station. s +" p+5
Star&oard Flag
(a) Singly:- 9elative position > Sta!$oa!% "i%e" e7cept in
Stationing signals when it signifies Sta!$oa!% $ea&.
(&) Inferior to numeral flags at the yardarm:- )eep more to

Singly or superior to a pendant)- Distinguishing signals for
Su&marine Flag
(a) Singly" or superior to a pendant)- Distinguishing signals
for !ubmarines .

(&) In conjunction wiht a numeral and/or relative position flag:-
Description signal for !ubmarines.

?nion Flag
At the pea1 or yardarm in ships where there is no gaff:-
A #ourt Martial is sitting or about to sit on board.
( "ee !en Sig Instr Art #85 )

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