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Fax Back to

Conlact us at
02-818-9-818 (Metro Manila) I HIOO-I0M3189M818(I>olllcslic TolIMFrceNumber)
Mcrchant N me
Tran Amount Tran Dale Post Date Reference Number
. But all10unt has nol bcen credited to my account.
(mmyy) aoll do not agree wilh the transaction/s stated above duc to
I received my billing statemcnt on (mmddyy) for the month of
thefollowing reasOIt: (copies of documentation/s attached)
1)leasecheck appro~riate reasun of dislJ Ute:
o I am not sure of the transactioJ l and am rcquesling fur acopy 0 the sales draft.
o I have becA charged twice I thrice
Suppurt Ducumellts Needed:
Cardholder's copy of Saleslip 1'Retail Transaction
Cardholder's copy of ATM Re1'iptfor Cash AdwlI/ce olld ATM Transactio"
J have heel charged an incorrect amount. The amount agreed is amounting to :lnd billed as
Support Documenls Needed: I
Any written documenr or prOO~hat stipulales valid amounl
Ex. COlltract/S(J!es raft! ltemized Billing
Copy of Sratement 0 I Account
My cardls were reported Lost/Slolcn on (lIIll1ddyy) atllhout llIn/am. Call was recelwd hy _
SUPllOrlDocumenlS Needed:
Affidavir OJ Loss
My Allied 1C card is :lIways in my possession. I havc not a thorized anyone to lise my card. The transaction performed at the
merchant indicated above was nol maiJ e with my credit card and I have 1I0t benefited directly or indirectly from the transaction. I
shall be sending owr s:lid physic1card for proper im!estigalion bn (1IlIJ lddyy).
Supporl Documents Needed: t
Photocopy of Front and Back P' t of credit card
Statement of AccOIl!lt
Pl'ysical Cordfor processing of ord Replacement
Merchant promised to reverse the tr:lIIsaction but amount has nut been credited to my account.
Support DOCllmenfsNeeded ~
oedit Memo ICredit AdVIce / Y Ided SaleslJp Issued by merchant
Mel chant's letter confirmmg rel' rsal 0/ rhe amoullr
Cardholder s letter mdlcotmg d e of cancel/allOII
I ordercd go tis/sen-ices relating to the above transaction/s "hiel I have not received.
Support Documents Needed:
C(Jfltract!Merclwlrt',~u((er/ Any ritlen do,'lIment showing
delive,y date of ordered item., ICprdholder 's Progre,fsive Letter
Cardholders Copyo/Sales Dra}
. Statement of Account
I returned III'ordered goods on Ml\lDDYY due to
Support DocumenU Needed:
Rerurn Receipt
Cardholder's progressive letter / ales Draji wilh merchallt's
o Others:
In cOJ lnection with III abovc claim, I fully understand that any amoUld credited to my account is provisional pending final outcome uf
investigations. Further should the transaction provc to he truc and gcnui~c. I understand that the dislHlted amount shall be reflecled on my
'; ; : ; ; : ; : : : " '~ : : ~ ~ ~ : '" " " . . " " , = : " '. . . . '" : : ~ I . . ,. , . . . . '" " " . , , " :
Sale Slip: P400.00 US$15.00
Stat mcnts: P S O . D O P50.DO
Note: Fees subject to Clange without prior notice.
A scanned or cJ r copy of valid ID with verifiable signature is required for all dispute cases.
Required docu lcnts must be submitled ",'ithin five (5) banking dll)'S from date of complaint. other",.isc. dispute ,"yill be
cUlIsidcred closed.

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