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26/5/2014 ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM) - Testing, debugging, and error handling, formal methods,

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ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM) - Testing,
debugging, and error handling, formal methods, lifecycle concerns, evolution and
Volume 22 Issue 4, October 2013
Table of Contents
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Test-and-adapt: An approach for improving service interchangeability
Giovanni Denaro, Mauro Pezz, Davide Tosi
Article No.: 28
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Service-oriented applications do not fully benefit from standard APIs yet, and many applications fail to
use interchangeably all the services that implement a standard service API. This article presents an
approach to develop adaptation strategies that ... expand
A methodology for testing CPU emulators
Lorenzo Martignoni, Roberto Paleari, Alessandro Reina, Giampaolo Fresi Roglia, Danilo Bruschi
Article No.: 29
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A CPU emulator is a software system that simulates a hardware CPU. Emulators are widely used by
computer scientists for various kind of activities (e.g., debugging, profiling, and malware analysis).
Although no theoretical limitation prevents developing ... expand
Exception handlers for healing component-based systems
Herv Chang, Leonardo Mariani, Mauro Pezz
Article No.: 30
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To design effective exception handlers, developers must predict at design time the exceptional events
that may occur at runtime, and must implement the corresponding handlers on the basis of their
predictions. Designing exception handlers for component-based ... expand
A theoretical analysis of the risk evaluation formulas for spectrum-based fault localization
Xiaoyuan Xie, Tsong Yueh Chen, Fei-Ching Kuo, Baowen Xu
Article No.: 31
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An important research area of Spectrum-Based Fault Localization (SBFL) is the effectiveness of risk
evaluation formulas. Most previous studies have adopted an empirical approach, which can hardly be
considered as sufficiently comprehensive because of ... expand
Path exploration based on symbolic output
Dawei Qi, Hoang D. T. Nguyen, Abhik Roychoudhury
Article No.: 32
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Efficient program path exploration is important for many software engineering activities such as
testing, debugging, and verification. However, enumerating all paths of a program is prohibitively
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expensive. In this article, we develop a partitioning ... expand
Path- and index-sensitive string analysis based on monadic second-order logic
Takaaki Tateishi, Marco Pistoia, Omer Tripp
Article No.: 33
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We propose a novel technique for statically verifying the strings generated by a program. The
verification is conducted by encoding the program in Monadic Second-order Logic (M2L). We use M2L
to describe constraints among program variables and to abstract ... expand
On software component co-installability
Jrme Vouillon, Roberto Di Cosmo
Article No.: 34
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Modern software systems are built by composing components drawn from large repositories, whose
size and complexity is increasing at a very fast pace. A fundamental challenge for the maintainability
and the scalability of such software systems ... expand
Software effort estimation as a multiobjective learning problem
Leandro L. Minku, Xin Yao
Article No.: 35
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Ensembles of learning machines are promising for software effort estimation (SEE), but need to be
tailored for this task to have their potential exploited. A key issue when creating ensembles is to
produce diverse and accurate base models. Depending ... expand
A web-centred approach to end-user software engineering
David Lizcano, Fernando Alonso, Javier Soriano, Genoveva Lopez
Article No.: 36
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This article addresses one of the major end-user software engineering (EUSE) challenges, namely,
how to motivate end users to apply unfamiliar software engineering techniques and activities to
achieve their goal: translate requirements into software ... expand
Portfolio: Searching for relevant functions and their usages in millions of lines of code
Collin Mcmillan, Denys Poshyvanyk, Mark Grechanik, Qing Xie, Chen Fu
Article No.: 37
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Different studies show that programmers are more interested in finding definitions of functions and
their uses than variables, statements, or ordinary code fragments. Therefore, developers require
support in finding relevant functions and determining ... expand
Evaluating a query framework for software evolution data
Michael Wrsch, Emanuel Giger, Harald C. Gall
Article No.: 38
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