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DOB: 11/02/1990
Address: 24/291Khuong Trung St, Thanh Xuan District, Hanoi
Mobile number: 0124. 3514. 888
Email: ngoc.anh.doan1102@gai!.co
-To pursue a career and to become associated with a professional environment where I can
utilize my skills and gain further experience while enhancing the companys productivity and
VNU Univeri!" #$ E%#n#&i% 'n( B)ine* H'n#i+
Maor! International "usiness
#rade! $redit
#%& overall! '.()*).(
Thesis! "#o$%titi&%n%ss o' (i%tna)s t%*ti!%s and gar%nts %*$orts to
+, ar-%t". #rade! +istinction.
Top grade in class with research assignment .Sasung/s ar-%ting
strat%g0 in (i%tna ar-%t1 29.5/103
VNU Univeri!" #$ L'n-)'-e 'n( In!ern'!i#n'. S!)(ie* H'n#i+
Maor! ,nglish -anguage Teacher ,ducation
#rade! +istinction
#%& overall! '.')*).( .Top ' in class/
0niversitys grants and certificate of excellence for high results in each
Thesis! 4#o'orting aong stud%nts in (i%tna%s% and 5%rican
+ng!ish6as s%%n 'ro int%rcu!tura! counication1. 7rad%8 Distinction.
10/2012 IELTS %er!i$i%'!e. -ocation! "ritish $ouncil. 1verall band score! 2.(* 3.(
0/2012 S#$! 1i.. %er!i$i%'!e issued by $enter for $ooperating and Transferring 4nowledge5 670
2/2013 $ertificate of training program in 8ingapore
J)." 2013-
6$).. !i&e7
In!er5re!er %)& Ai!'n! 8'n'-er* B#(i!e%9 8e(i%'. De5'r!&en!* N'& D)#n- Inve!&en! J#in!
S!#%1 C#r5#r'!i#n
Interpreting from 6ietnamese to ,nglish and vice versa for the manager5 staffs and customers at
meetings5 seminars5 business trips or necessary.
Translating reports5 document and re9uests for the manager and staffs
%erforming a full range of professional standard assistant! arranging work schedules5 organizing
meetings5 making meeting records5 preparing work procedures.
&ssisting manager in sales plan by compiling and analyzing data and statistics with graphs on health
and medical e9uipment field
Managing and regularly updating customers profiles5 price list5 market situation and documents
related to management level.
-iaising and communicating with customers to investigate customers feedback or problem
%erforming other duties as re9uested by the manager
J)ne 2013-
J)ne 2013
69#r! !er&7
In!er5re!er %)& '.e5er#n in !9e 'r! e:9i;i!i#n <Se'#n in !9e e"e=* Vie!n'&ee >#&en
Interpreting for the artist and exhibition audiences
Introducing and selling paintings to customers
&chievement! :' paintings were sold in : week5 obtaining ;( million 67+ in revenue for the
8'r1e!in- Ai!'n!* 8'r1e!in- De5'r!&en!* T9e Se'$##( In!ern'!i#n'. 8'r1e! 'n( Re!')r'n!
3TE LTD* Sin-'5#re
%rocessing membership application
0pdating customers information and activating memberships accounts in portal
%rinting membership cards and mailing to customers
&ssisting the manager in writing revenue reports and analyzing data
S)&&er 2010 T#)r G)i(e* A? Q)een Tr've. A-en%"
#uiding tourists to some popular attractions in <anoi
Introducing attractions history to customers
%lanning and organizing tours around a certain area of interest
200, S'.e5er#n $#r Ori$.'&e Be')!" C#&e!i% C#&5'n"
8erving customers by helping them select products.
&dvising customers by providing information on products.
4eeping clients informed by notifying them of preferred customer sales and future merchandise of
potential interest.
=inding potential salesperson for the company
2013 - 5reen!
En-.i9 !e'%9er* ENCI En-.i9 !r'inin- %en!er
0sing a wide range of exam preparation textbooks and other materials5 including materials at various
levels to improve students ,nglish language skills! $ommunicative ,nglish and Toeic courses.
En-.i9 !e'%9er* TOEIC %#)re* Ni'n !e%9n#.#-" %#&5'n"
0sing a wide range of exam preparation textbooks and other materials5 including materials at various
levels to improve >apanese staffs? Toeic scores.
Further acquired skills:
- #ood "usiness ,nglish $ommunication skills especially with >apanese businessmen
8'r%9 2012 S!)(en! Te'%9er* Gr'(e 11* Vie! D)% 9i-9 %9##.* H'n#i
@riting detailed lesson plans before classes and creating effective lessons that meet the learning
needs and abilities of all students.
&ctively participating in head teacher activities which included! assessing student progress5
assigning grades5 taking attendance5 recessing duty5 supporting students in extra-curriculum activities.
&ssisting schools activities! Intel I8,= contest A(:A5 <anoi "est Teacher contest A(:A5 and mid-term
o 9&%ra!! grad%8 Distinction 9rgani:ationa!, su$$orting and r%$orting s-i!!s
2011- 5reen!
En-.i9 !e'%9er* H'55" H#)e En-.i9 %en!er
$ontinuously teaching and integrating with art5 dance5 and music.
Beporting learning progress to center.
$ommunicating with parents on a regular basis.
Further acquired skills: 9rgani:ationa! ; r%$orting s-i!!s< custo%r s%r&ic% s-i!!s
2009- 5reen!
En-.i9 !)!#r $#r '().! 'n( 9i-9 %9##. !)(en!
Taught T1,I$ to a graduate5 using teachers curriculum to raise her score from '(( to );( over the
course of a month
Taught I,-T8 to a post-graduate5 using teachers curriculum to raise his score from ).( to ;.( over a
three-month period.
200A-200, 8e&;er #$ !9e E:e%)!ive C#&&i!!ee5 C#&&)ni! B#)!9 Uni#n* C9) V'n An Hi-9 S%9##.
H%ad o' 5dinistration D%$art%nt! collecting and reporting schools extra-curriculum activities
#hairan o' =it%ratur% #!u>8 organizing literature activities for )( members
(ic%6chairan o' ?n'oratics #!u>8 organizing Informatics activities for '( members
2009-2011C Te'& .e'(er* B#)!9 C.);* Univeri!" #$ L'n-)'-e 'n( In!ern'!i#n'. S!)(ie
&ssisting the elderly in the 7ursing <ouse5 Tu -iem5 <anoi.
&ssisting candidates in 0niversity ,ntrance ,xaminations in summer A((3 and A(:(
%articipating in other schools musical shows and activities
S)&&er 2011 V#.)n!eer $#r Ai' TELF- En-.i9 E()%'!i#n %#n$eren%e 2011
%icking up international delegates at 7oi "ai airport.
@elcoming and giving information to delegates at the conference.
#uiding some delegates to some tourist attractions around <anoi.
S)&&er 2011 V#.)n!eer $#r CEO C#..e-e C).!)r'. 3r#-r'&
Involving in some cultural seminars together with foreign friends.
Introducing 6ietnams cultures by guiding them to some tourist attractions around <anoi
S)&&er 2011 Invi-i.'!#r $#r Univeri!" En!r'n%e E:'&in'!i#n 2011
1verseeing candidates and ensuring that candidates do not talk and cheat.
&ssisting with the packing of examination papers before and after the examination.
S)&&er 2012 V#.)n!eer $#r 8TV E:i! 2012
&dvertising the show by updating information about registration procedures on the Internet
%roviding free tickets to registered customers
@elcoming 6I%s to main entrances and halls in My +inh stadium
$omprehensive knowledge of Microsoft @ord5 ,xcel5 %ower %oint5 1ut -ook
<igh speed typing in both ,nglish and 6ietnamese .C(w*m/.
8trong organizational5 administrative and analytical skills.
#ood presentation skills and confidently speak in public.
&bility to produce consistently accurate work even whilst under pressure.
&bility to multi task5 arrange activities and manage conflicting demands.
"eing creative5 active5 punctual and responsible
Sun Teo Ms!"
Assistant Marketin# Mana#er$ Marketin# De%artment$ The Sea&ood 'nternational
Market and Restaurant (TE )TD$ Sin#a%ore
M: *+,-../012/ E : sun!teo3%la4#round!com!s#
Assoc! (ro&! Dr! 5a 6an 5oi$
Associate Dean
Facult4 o& 'nternational Business and Economics$ 6N7 7EB
Mobile: -2" /2.0.+///
E8mail: hoih939nu!edu!9n: hoiktqt3#mail!com
@gA0 sinh8 11/02/1990
BCa chD 8 24E @gF 291 KhGHng Trung, Thanh XuIn, HA @Ji
BiKn thoLi di MJng8 0124.3514.888
+ai!8 ngoc.anh.doan1102@gai!.co
TDn dEng thFnh cGng khH nIng cJa mKnh LM LHm bHo tNnh hiOu 9uH trong cGng viOc tPi mQt
mGi trRSng lFm viOc chuyTn nghiOp.
CN n9On !rPQn- DRi 9S% @in9 !T- DHQG HN
$huyTn ngFnh! 4inh tU vF kinh doanh 9uVc tU.
WUp loPi! 4hX
YiMm T"! '.()* ).( 2(ui !Nng *% >Ong MiP Mi -Q3
<oFn thFnh xuZt s[c niTn luDn v\i L] tFi! 4@Rng !Sc cLnh tranh hAng dKt
a0 cTa (iKt @a *uUt -hVu sang thC trGWng +,12MiP8 9.43
YPt LiMm sV cao L^ng L_u l\p v\i tiMu luDn `$hiUn lRac Marketing cJa
8amsung trTn thb trRSng 6iOt 7amc .LiMm! 3.;/
CN n9On !rPQn- DRi 9S% N-#Ri N-U- DHQG HN+
7gFnh! 8R phPm tiUng &nh
WUp loPi! #idi
YiMm T"! '.')*).(-L^ng th^ 'trong l\p 2(ui !Nng *% >Ong MiP Mi -Q3
Yaet hoec bGfng mGgi kyh dahnh cho sinh viTn giofi vah hoahn thahnh xuij t sIj c khoja
luien tGjt nghiTep vkji LTh tahi `=Wi an Ti giXa sinh &iYn trong tiZng (iKt &A
tiZng [\6 dG]i g^c giao tiZ$ !iYn &Rn h^ac
10/2012 C9Xn- %9Y IELTSZ Tlng LiMm! 2.(*3.(
0/2012 C9Xn- %9Y 1[ n\n- &]& cZp bmi trung tim hap tXc vF chuyMn giao tri th^c5 Y<n#.
2/2013 C9Xn- %9Y !9^% !_5 tPi $Gng ty T7<< 7hF hFng vF thb trRSng nuVc tU <Hi sHn5 8ingapore
`/2013-n'" 39ian (b%9 1ia& !rc .d e)fn .d* Bg 59_n !9iT! ;b " !T B#(i!e%9* Chn- !" C3 DT N'& DPin-
%hiTn dbch &nh-6iOt* 6-& gioa trRmng bQ phDn5 nhin viTn5 khXch hFng tPi cXc cuQc hpp5 hQi nghb5 trong
cXc chuyUn cGng tXc hoqc khi c_n thiUt.
"iTn dbch cXc vIn bHn5 bXo cXo5 tFi liOu cho 9uHn lr vF cGng ty
Tra gisp trRmng "% trong cXc cGng viOc 9uHn lr thSi gian5 s[p xUp cuQc hpp5 lDp bXo cXo.
Tra gisp 9uHn lr trong cGng viOc Lbnh hR\ng kinh doanh! tDp hap phin tNch thb trRSng thiUt bb y tU
nuHn lr vF thRSng xuyTn cDp nhDt thGng tin khXch hFng5 tKnh hKnh thb trRSng5 giX cH.
$hIm stc vF gio liTn lPc v\i khXch hFng5 tKm hiMu nhu c_u5 th[c m[c5 vF phHn hui v] sHn phvm
Thwc hiOn cXc nhiOm vE LRac giao khXch tx trRmng bQ phDn.
1/0/2013- 39ian (b%9 vian-n9On vian -iji !9ik) vl ;mn fn 59n&* Trion .p& !r'n9 <8q' !r#n- &r!= !Ri Bf#
10/0/2013 !ln- 59s nU VN
%hE trXch biTn phiTn dbch gioa tXc giH vF khXch thRmng lym
#i\i thiOu vF bXn sHn phvm tranh nghO thuDt
4Ut 9uH thu LRac! :' tXc phvm LRac bXn trong : tu_n5 thu v] ;( triOu
Trc .d 8'r1e!in-* Chn- !" TNHH N9l 9ln- vl !9b !rPQn- Q)t% !T Hfi fn* Sin-'5#re
<z tra lynh LPo vF trRmng ph{ng theo d|i kU hoPch hoPt LQng Marketing
Thu thDp5 cDp nhDt thGng tin khXch hFng vF kNch hoPt tFi khoHn khXch hFng thFnh viTn trTn hO thVng
clng thGng tin.
Thwc hiOn 9uX trKnh g}i thR5 in vF cung cZp th~ 6I% cho khXch hFng.
TR vZn5 chIm stc khXch hFng vF cung cZp thGng tin khuyUn mPi LUn khXch hFng.
Tlng hap do liOu bXo cXo doanh thu theo thXng*9ur.
7hDn giZy ch^ng nhDn thFnh tNch thwc tDp tPi $Gng ty.
HPjn- (un vian () .b%9 %9# vRi .d () .b%9 Sin9 C'$w* %hn- !" () .b%9 A? Q)een+
<R\ng dn du khXch nR\c ngoFi t\i nhong Lba LiMm du lbch trong thFnh phV! -Ing "Xc5 "Ho tFng <$M5
$ha TrZn nuVc5 6In MiUu5 <u #Rkm.
MG tH nhong LiMm thu hst vF gi\i thiOu lbch s} cXc di tNch5 th[ng cHnh.
200, N9On vian ;mn 9ln- v' %x5 %9# Chn- !" &[ 59n& Ori$.'&e
TKm kiUm vF gi\i thiOu sHn phvm cho cXc khXch hFng ti]m nIng.
TKm kiUm vF gi\i thiOu nhin viTn ti]m nIng cho cGng ty.
`/2013-n'" Gim# vian TiTn- An9 !Ri !r)n- !O& vR# !l# !iTn- An9 ENCI
#iHng dPy cho sinh viTn khta TiUng &nh giao tiUp vF Toeic
`/ 2012-
Gim# vian (R" TiTn- An9 %9# n9On vian %hn- !" NISSAN
#iHng dPy chRkng trKnh luyOn thi T1,I$ ph hap v\i txng trKnh LQ hpc viTn ngRSi 7hDt.
"Xo cXo tiUn trKnh hpc viTn trong cXc buli hpp.
@in9 n-9ik& ;y )n- vR! vPc%C
YPt LRac k nIng tiUng anh thRkng mPi tVt.
%hong tXc lFm viOc chuyTn nghiOp5 ph hap nki cGng sm
3/ 2012 Gim# vian !9^% !_5* .j5 11* !rPQn- 59y !9hn- !r)n- 9S% Vik! DX%* Hl Ngi
8oPn tFi liOu5 giXo Xn vF giHng bFi kUt hap v\i cXc hoPt LQng hpc phong phs.
Tham gia vF hz tra cXc hoPt LQng cJa nhF trRSng! hQi thi khoa hpc vF k thuDt 9uVc tU A(:A5 hQi thi giXo
viTn dPy gidi <F 7Qi A(:A5 kK thi gioa kK cJa trRSng.
-iep bajo cajo chi tiTjt 9uaj trih nh thRec tiep .
Tha_nh ti`ch8 XY`$ !oaai thGac tIa$ 7iobi.
@in9 n-9ik& ;y )n- vR! vPc%C
4 nIng s[p xUp tl ch^c5 hz tra vF tlng hap bXo cXo kUt 9uH
11/ 2011-
Gim# vian TiTn- An9* !Ri !r)n- !O& !iTn- 'n9 H'55" H#)e
$ufng cGj vah luyTen tiep caf ) kyg nIng .nghe5 nti5 Lpc5 viUt/ cho hpc sinh.
"Xo cXo5 Lajnh giaj tihnh hihnh hoe c tiep cufa hpc sinh vah LTh ra hRkjng caf i thiTen.
ThRSng xuyTn liTn lPc vF thGng bXo kUt 9uH v\i phE huynh hpc sinh
@in9 n-9ik& ;y )n- vR! vPc%C
4 nIng tl ch^c5 bXo cXo vF liTn hO khXch hFng
9/ 2009- Gi' P !iTn- 'n9 %9# &Si .X' !)yi 6!z 9S% in9 %x5 3 vTn n-PQi vi .l&7
#ia sR cJng cV tiUng anh cho nhi]u hpc sinh cZp '
-uyOn thi Toeic cho ngRSi Li lFm vF Ly gisp hpc viTn nFy cHi thiOn LiMm sV tx '(( LUn );( trong : thXng
-uyOn thi I,-T8 cho ngRSi Li lFm vF Ly gisp hpc viTn nFy cHi thiOn LiMm sV tx ).( LUn ;.( trong v{ng '
200A-200` " vian B'n %9x5 9ln9 D#ln !rPQn- !r)n- 9S% 59y !9hn- C9) V\n An
TrRmng ban thi Lua! lFm viOc trTn A thFnh viTn khXc trong cGng tXc sl sXch thi Lua cJa trRSng.
$hJ nhiOm $-" 6In hpc! tl ch^c cXc hoPt LQng vui chki v] vIn hpc cho )( thFnh viTn hoFn thFnh tDp
san $Hm tRmng v] chb Yqng Thy Trim vF tl ch^c cuQc viUng thIm5 tqng cho gia LKnh chb.
%ht chJ nhiOm $-" Tin hpc! tl ch^c cXc hoPt LQng vui chki vF thi ^ng dEng %T8
Tham gia tl ch^c cXc hoPt LQng YoFn khXc tx nuDn5 ThFnh y5 cXc chRkng trKnh +P hQi5 cuQc thi theo
sw kiOn cJa trRSng.
YPt bng khen cJa ThFnh y v] thFnh tNch trong cGng tXc YoFn nIm A((C-A((2
2009-2011 TrPn- n9& %O) .R% ;g SX% Tr* DRi 9S% N-#Ri N-U* DHQG HN
Tham gia gisp L5 ThIm hofi cajc cue cao tuGf i kf viTen dRkgng lago tae i TRh -iTm - <ah 7Gei.
TiTjp sRjc muha thi heh A((3 vah A(:( .tihm nhah troe 5 hRkjng dign sk LGh phohng thi5 trGng LGh cho thij sinh5 bafo vTe
an ninh khu vRec thi.../
<z tra cXc hoPt LQng sw kiOn5 vIn nghO khXc cJa trRSng
H 2011 T9'& -i' !i{n9 n-)"a}n %9# 9h}i !9'# e)h|% !a| .O{n !9P| , va{ -i'n- ('}" !ia|n- An9 %)' -i'|# vian %9O) A|
Ytn tiUp LPi biMu 9uVc tU tx sin bay
$ung cZp thGng tin cho LPi biMu v] chRkng trKnh hQi thHo vF thGng tin dbch vE vIn hta khXc tPi 67
#i\i thiOu vF LRa LPi biMu tham 9uan <F 7Qi
H 2011 T9'& -i' !n9 n-)"kn %9Pin- !rn9 !r'# vyi v\n 9' vji in9 vian vRi 9S% CEO* 8[
Tham gia vF hR\ng dn hoPt LQng hQi thHo trao Lli vIn hta cng sinh viTn M
#i\i thiOu vIn hta 6iOt 7am vF hR\ng dn LPi biMu tham 9uan <F 7Qi
H 2011 H !rc !r#n- %hn- !m% -im& !9b !r#n- 1 !9i vRi 9S% !Ri !rPQn- DRi 9S% N-#Ri N-U+
Theo d|i thN sinh5 LHm bHo thN sinh khGng gian lDn trong kK thi
Tra gisp trong cGng tXc chuvn bb vF hDu thi
H 2012 Tn9 n-)"kn vian %9# %9Pin- !rn9 8TV E:i! C9Pin- !ri{n9 C' n9'}% 59i Li}i n9)O}n 1a) -#}i 59#{n-
%9h|n- Th}i 59'}& &)' ;'|n n-Pi{i
nuHng bX chRkng trKnh vF cXch th^c LIng kN 9ua phRkng tiOn Internet
$ung cZp v cho ngRSi LIng kN
$hFo mxng vF hR\ng dn khXch 6I% tPi sin vDn LQng M YKnh.
ThFnh thPo k nIng tin hpc! Microsoft @ord5 ,xcel5 %ower %oint5 1utlook5 cajc cGng cue Internet khXc.
TVc LQ LXnh mXy nhanh cH tiUng &nh vF tiUng 6iOt .C( cho*phst/.
$t nIng lwc hoPt LQng nhtm5 LQc lDp5 giao tiUp tVt vF tw tin nti trR\c LXm LGng.
$t nIng lwc tl ch^c5 liep kTj hoaech5 lynh LPo vF 9uHn lr tVt.
$t k nIng thu thDp thGng tin5 phin tNch5 LXnh giX tVt.
$t trXch nhiOm cao vF chbu LRac Xp lwc cGng viOc.
<pc hdi nhanh5 nIng LQng5 sXng tPo5 Lsng giS vF trXch nhiOm.
S)n Te# 68+7
Ai!'n! 8'r1e!in- 8'n'-er* 8'r1e!in- De5'r!&en!* T9e Se'$##( In!ern'!i#n'. 8'r1e! 'n( Re!')r'n! 3TE LTD*
8C 0A,339`029
E C )n+!e#5.'"-r#)n(+%#&+-
Gim# P* TiTn Hl V\n Hgi*
TrPn- 19#' @in9 !T vl @in9 (#'n9 e)t% !T* DH @in9 !T* DHQG HN
8C ,2923`30999
E-&'i.C 9#i9vvn)+e()+vn

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