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PEMCO Initiatives to Reduce IT Cost

1. Environment consolidation: Eliminated all the unnecessary environments and worked

on opportunities to provide shared environments to multiple teams/groups.
2. Reduce full size environments: All the test environments at PEMC were having
production si!e data. PEMC reduced the volume o" data in almost all the test
environments and introduced E#ceed $ata Copy %tility which helps user to re&uest
re&uired policy copy "rom production to any test environment. 'his tool uses (o"t)ase
provided solution 'est)ase to copy E#ceed policy data "rom one environment to other
environment. 'his initiative eliminated a lot o" maintenance cost o" test environments.
*. PEMCO Application Deployment tool: 'his in+house tool automated code movement
,etween various environments to reduce release management work and manual errors.
'his tool is so ro,ust that -A team on their own can move re&uired releases to various
test environments with almost !ero "ailures.
.. Reduce CPU usage and MIPS cap: PEMC has reduced M/P( cap "rom 1200 to *12
in last three years ,y improving )atch Cycle e""iciency and load ,alancing to move 3o,s
to o"" peak hours wherever possi,le.
2. Earning credit of MIPS: PEMC implemented a process/solution which provides option
to e#ceed M/P( cap in a . hour window to a certain limit i" M/P( usage in last . hour slot
was ,elow the de"ined CAP.
4. Automated reports for usiness and Support groups: A lot o" reports are ,eing
generated to capture production errors and apply checks at various levels. 'his helps
,usiness and support group do their work e""iciently. E#amples o" such reports are
Pending Policy report5 Missed 6enewal report5 M76 not applied report etc.
1. Streamline Production Releases: 6egular and (cheduled maintenance releases
instead o" emergency releases to reduce overall release work
8. Develop in!"ouse trac#ing tools: 6eplaced licensed tools "or time keeping5 ,ug
tracking etc with in+house tools. Cumulative savings were reasona,le.
9. $ools in C%ist and RE&&: 7arious tools were developed "or technical/non+technical
users in application support group to remove manual intervention and ,etter tracking o"
con"iguration items. E#amples are:
a. )%(ME:% ; Provides "acility to )usiness Analysts to add $)<s/C)<
modules generated on )usiness Processor to Endevor without any technician=s
,. )/<$6E< + $evelopers can create main"rame package "or delivering it to -A.
$)2 ta,les keep track o" where a particular package is at a given point o" time
c. $)< tool ; )As can use this tool to update support ta,le entries in #ls or te#t pad
and upload to main"rame >Endevor? without technician=s involvement

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