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Special Report:

7 Crippling Mistakes In Your Thinking You Dont

Know You Are Making That Are Actually Repelling
The aw !" Attraction#$
%&The Secret 'eyon( )ositi*e Thinking+

Countrymen, lend me thy thoughts!
It all starts with a thought, doesnt it?
You, me, the world around us. All originated in thought, the device you are viewing this
article on, the article itself.
However, correct thining !right hand" is something very few actually #ractice. !If it
were, wed have a much more harmonious situation on our hands and a lot less misery
and suffering caused $y not e%#eriencing what we intend"
&ets define the secret of correct and incorrect thining 'uicly(
Correct thining !right hand" is what $rings us the results we want, as effortlessly as
Incorrect thining !left hand" sends us on a wild)goose chase where we 'uicly $ecome
negative and unsatisfied with the fruits of our thining, regularly $laming others and the
world instead of our own thoughts.
*as that the secret, you might #onder?
&et me as you a 'uestion.
*hat is the only thing you have com#lete and total control over? !left hand"

+ae a moment.

Your thoughts.

+his is not some hocus #ocus conce#t, its a #sychological rule that is so #owerful, it
directly affects your #hysical reality. A##earing to create the illusion that ,what you
thin, is what you e%#erience.
Putting some serious responsibility in our laps as to how we think.
-elow is a shortlist of some of the most common thought mistaes my clients !and
myself of course, were all human anyway!" have re#orted as sym#toms of incorrect
.ee# in mind, these #rinci#les a##ly to s#eech too, as most of us s#ea our minds
directly without too much fore)thought on what we say, es#ecially in rela%ed / social

1# Thinking In ,egati*es#

- I never want go through losing 0 again. !right hand"
- I really dont lie $eing not having enough 0. !left hand"
- -ad things will never ha##en to me when I have lots of 0. !right hand"
+ae out the words in italics and you see the $latant command.

+his is a very common mistae that #eo#le mae in their internal dialogue, the
sim#licity lies in sim#ly removing the words that frame the negative of the
statement, and 'uite clearly see that the conscious command to the
su$conscious mind is very direct.

All the #ositive thining in the world cant fi% this, as the energy cancels out!

1ince the su$conscious does not understand the difference $etween ,I want 0
!left hand" versus ,I dont want 0 !right hand". 1ince all that is focused on is 0, all
thats left for it to act u#on is 0! !left hand"

-# Thinking A.out The )ast#

1ince the su$conscious mind doesnt now the difference $etween future or
#ast, it o#erates in a state of #er#etual 2ow.

1o whenever referencing any less)than)#ositive e%#erience, whether in casual
conversation or mulling it over in your head when you thin no)one is noticing,
you are still focusing your awareness on that less)than)#ositive e%#erience.

1im#ly #utting it in a #ast)tense reference unfortunately does not inoculate you
from the ill)effects on your 'uality of thought. -y re)mem$ering the #ast you
$ring it right $ac into your awareness, lie re#laying an old movie over and
over, $ecause you asked !$y sim#ly thining a$out it" your su$conscious mind to!

+he su$conscious mind is a creature of ha$it, so it recons you en3oy the #ast
and $rings it all u# in widescreen +echnicolor surround. 4nfortunately, that also
affects your stress levels, a$ility to focus, and all the other side effects of
reviewing and reliving aforementioned less)than)#ositive e%#eriences.

3# Staying stuck in /)ro.le01Think

Again, if you wish to manifest your dreams, focusing on what is ee#ing you from
it certainly will not hel# your 'uest.
Its lie focusing on cleaning a mess $y 3ust staring at it. 5ositive)constructive)
action is re'uired.

+his is where lots of #eo#le start $laming ,the universe and whatever they can
come u# with for not $ringing them what they want.

*e im#ress u#on our su$conscious whatever we focus on, so $y not actively
seeing out a solution, we are again telling our #owerhouse of a mind that you
want more #ro$lems!

*hen all you have $een doing all your life is fi%ing things, when you run out of
things to fi% what do we do?

You create new #ro$lems.
+he only real way to get rid of a #ro$lem is to re#lace it with something $etter
and less trou$lesome, lie say, a $righter vision of the future! Your su$conscious
is a store)house of inner resource to aid you with this tas of creative #ro$lem
solving. 4se it!

2# Allowing others to in"luence our well1.eing#

&ets face it, you get a lot more done when you are feeling good! And $y $eing in
a state of gratitude e%#onentially #ro#els the &aw 6f Attraction in your favour.

6nce you em$ar on your 'uest of attracting the life you want, youll notice that
others wont share that e%act same sentiment and will sometimes even act out
to get you to return to your old self.

+his is $ecause once you commit to #racticing #ositive thining, you start to
emit a very #leasant energy, this is can and will $e felt $y everyone on some
level, whether it $e conscious or unconscious.

+his either re#els or attracts #eo#le to you and youll soon find out which ones
are worth ee#ing, and is #ro$a$ly one of the most #owerful factors to master
and fully harness the &aw 6f Attraction in your life.

-y understanding that it is your choice to res#ond emotionally to anyone who
,triggers you, you remain in control of your state at all times. 2o$ody can ever
u#set you without your consent!

If you were made fun of for having green sin when in fact, you dont have green
sin, you would automatically shrug it off and go a$out your day, would you not?

In much the same way, if you felt lie you were a ,green)sin !2o offence to any
actual green shaded sin fol out there, nothing #ersonal.", you would tae
offence to such a statement and 'uicly discharge some of that 2eanderthal
$ehavior on the unlucy reci#ient.

Staying in a state of #ositive thining not only o#ens u# the door to more
manifestation, it unlocs connections to similar #ositive thining #eo#le who are
starving to meet others lie you.

5# 3oking# %Seriously+

+heres nothing wrong with a funny 3oe, dont get me wrong here.
+he cul#rit in this #oint is mocingly entertaining negative thoughts, since again,
the su$conscious doesnt distinguish $etween fantasy and reality, in fact, the
more realistic and detailed you get with this ,entertained notion, the more
#owerfully it will $e acted u#on and made reality, all unconsciously.
If we only s#ent a fraction of the time entertaining #ositive and constructive
notions wed see so much more ha##iness in our life and fulfillment with the
Instead we are so $usy constantly #re)occu#ying ourselves with future scenarios,
all draining our vital life force energy till we are $ut em#ty huss, roaming
around aimlessly looing for a 'uic fi% out of sheer des#eration.
+his definitely adds a lot of weight on the saying careful what you wish for
doesnt it?

6# ,ot Re0aining Consistent 4ith 4hat You Seek To Attract

I will #ut this in the form of a 'uestion( 7o you now what you want?
5ause and reflect on that for a few moments $efore considering this 'uestion(
2ow how much do you now a$out what you want com#ared to what you dont
1ee the difference?
-ecoming clear a$out our goals is definitely one of the most crucial ste#s
towards the #rocess of attraction.
I often lie to use the following analogy ( +hin of $eing really hungry and
ordering some #i88a !gluten)free of course", you #ic u# the #hone and #lace
your order.
*hilst sitting at the door voraciously awaiting your feast, you lose focus and in
the #anic of hunger, #lace another order for a #i88a, this time may$e a different
flavor as your focus has changed. You ee# doing this every few minutes and
what ha##ens? 2o fucing #i88a arrives!
9very time you change the order, they have to resend it, cancel the #revious and
you still sit there, e%as#erated and angry at the severe shortage of
aforementioned #i88a.
It $ecomes very easy at this #oint to e%#erience less)than)#ositive feelings,
resulting in a negative heads#ace dou$ting whether this all wors, which does
-oots your right $ac to s'uare one in scarcity mode.

7# Its ,ot A.out 4hat You 4ant5 Silly#

Lets quickly look at the semantics.
Unconsciously, want signifies a situation of lack that is to be addressed, and
emits the aura of scarcity right from the get-go.

Yes, one of the most o$vious a##lications of the &aw 6f Attraction is towards
attracting more money into your life, $ut $ecoming solely o$sessed with the
thought of money and not actually actively doing something to o$tain it, is the
e'uivalent of staring at a #late of food and $latantly stating Hither hither, food!
5lace thyself in my mouth!

Action is still re'uired to #lace each $ite in your mouth, unless you are a$le to
magically gul# u# the entire ta$le, so $reaing the tas down to sim#le
re#eata$le ste#s, is ey. 2one of this is #ossi$le without a $urning desire, which
in this case, is hunger.
+he su$conscious mind is im#ressed only $y constructive action, which is really
accelerated $y a $urning desire to achieve that goal.
Not knowing why you desire your goal, can most definitely throw water on your
inner fire. Becoming clear on your motivations help strengthens your trust with
your subconscious that it is achievable.
+his is the life)force of the &aw 6f Attraction, and can $e e'uated to its #ower
su##ly. +he more firmly we $elieve what we desire is already there, and act u#on
it, #retending if you will, it has a much more direct and immediate effect of
creating some very ra#id results.
2ow, Im not saying you should go out and s#end money you dont have
,#retending itll magically re)a##ear, its the attitude you have towards what you
+hin of the goal as satisfying that hunger, whether for financial success, a new
car, a new house or a new soul)mate to share life with, focusing on 3ust what you
want without taing dramatic ste#s toward getting there, sorry to inform you,
the &aw 6f Attraction wont wor so well for you.
+he other thing to ee# in mind is where money comes from, no Im not going to
go into some cons#iracy rant a$out -ans.
As long as humans will be around, there will $e trade of value, of some ind or
another. *hether a #iece of #a#er, a shiny roc or some esoteric e%change of
strange noises.
Im taling a$out people.
And what do #eo#le lie? Value.
:ive #eo#le lots of value, and guess what? &ots of money will magically start
streaming your way. +his $eyond the $asics, $ut crucial.
+heres a #sychological rule called +he &aw 6f ;eci#rocity !aa ;eci#rocal
Altruism, use whichever you #refer", where$y in evolutionary terms we are
hardwired to hel# each other out. 2evermind that, the Collective <ind #ics u#
on all of this and hum$ly assists you as well!
.arma definitely #ays.
I can name a huge list of #eo#le, $ut 3ust loo at the most some of the most
successful self)made millionaires lie ?oe @itale, Aran .ern, 9$en 5agan, to
name a few. +hey give a ton of value in what they do.

+he su$conscious mind is a$le to change at the s#eed of thought !thats #retty darn
fast", and has the a$ility to either em#ower or cri##le your efforts in creating an
a$undant life.
Its main #ur#ose is to serve us, and $y focusing our thoughts on what we do truly
desire, we end the suffering of not getting what we wish for in life.
If you are e%#erience more than one of these sym#toms, may I suggest you $oo a
com#limentary evaluation session to fast)trac your #ersonal develo#ment.

&ourens -adenhorst is a certified Clinical Hy#nothera#ist from @ancouver, Canada. He
wors with a handful of clients at a time via 1y#e and tele#hone internationally, and
locally at his downtown @ancouver office.
He s#eciali8es in removing fear and an%iety and assisting others in creating ra#id
transformation in their lives.
+o learn more a$out the 1u$conscious and how to mae it wor for you, visit
www.2ew& for more information.

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