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Document for National Shopping
APRIL 2013
Table of Content
Section I ! Intruction to Supplier""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""1
A. Introduction...........................................................................................1
B. Request for Quotations..........................................................................1
C. Preparation of Quotations......................................................................1
D. Submission of Quotations.....................................................................2
E. Openin and E!a"uation of Quotations.................................................2
#. A$ard of Contract.................................................................................2
Section II # Re$uet for %uotation"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""&
Section III # Sample 'orm"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""(
1. Quotation %etter.....................................................................................&
2 ' Samp"e Price Sc(edu"e..........................................................................)
* ' Sc(edu"e of Requirements
Detai"ed +ec(nica" Specifications of t(e ,oods.............................-
. ' Contract #orm......................................................................................./
Request for Quotations Instructions to Suppliers
1" ,eneral 1.1 0 Da1 2means ca"endar da1.
-" R)%+)ST '*R %+*TATI*NS
2" Content of the
Re$uet for
2.1 +(is 0 3ationa" S(oppin 2 document describes t(e s(oppin
procedure4 t(e oods and t(e terms and conditions of t(is contract. It
contains t(e fo""o$in 5
6a7 Request for Quotation
6b7 Description and Quantit1 of t(e ,oods
6c7 Samp"e %etter of Quotation
6d7 Samp"e #orm of Contract
6e7 +ab"e of Comparison of Quotations
2.2 +(e Supp"ier s(a"" e8amine t(e instructions4 samp"e documents and
specifications pro!ided in t(e Request for Quotations.
3" Language *.1 +(e Quotation and a"" re"ated correspondence s(a"" be in En"is(.
&" %uotation
..1 +(e Quotation s(a"" contain t(e fo""o$in documents5
6a7 9ritten Quotation %etter4 sined and dated
6b7 Price Sc(edu"e and quantities4 dated and sined
6c7 Draft #orm of Contract comp"eted4 dated and sined
(" %uotation &.1 +(e supp"ier s(a"" detai" in t(e Quotation %etter t(e p"ace of de"i!er1
and t(e nature of t(e price 5
ta8es and duties "isted separate"1.
+(e supp"ier comp"etes t(e price sc(edu"e and quantities furnis(ed
$it( t(e Request for Quotations4 indicatin t(e c(aracteristics of t(e
supp"ies in t(e required space4 t(e unit4 t(e tota" price for eac( item and
t(e proposed de"i!er1 time to carr1 out t(e contract.
&.2 +(e supp"ier comp"etes and sins t(e draft #orm of Contract.
." Currenc/ of the ).1 +(e prices are quoted in 3aira.
Request for Quotations Instructions to Suppliers
0" 1ali2it/ of the
-.1 +(e quotations s(a"" be !a"id for t(e period stipu"ated in t(e Request
for Quotations.
D" S+-3ISSI*N *' %+*TATI*NS
4" Sealing an2
mar5ing of
/.1 +(e supp"iers s(a"" p"ace t(e oriina" and one cop1 of t(eir quotation in
a sea"ed outer en!e"ope containin t$o sea"ed en!e"opes4 one mar:ed
;oriina"< and one mar:ed ;cop1<4 as fo""o$s5
6a7 addressed to t(e Purc(aser as indicated in t(e Request for
Quotations= and
6b7 bearin t(e Pro>ect name 6if app"icab"e74 t(e tit"e and number of
t(e Quotation as indicated in t(e Request for Quotations.
6" Dea2line for the
Submiion of
?.1 Quotations must be recei!ed b1 t(e Purc(aser at t(e address specified in
pararap( /.1 at t(e "atest at t(e time and date specified in t(e Request
for Quotations.
?.2 An1 quotation recei!ed b1 t(e Purc(aser after t(e dead"ine for t(e
submission specified in pararap( ?.1 s(a"" be returned unopened to t(e

)" *P)NIN, AND )1AL+ATI*N *' %+*TATI*NS
10" *pening of
%uotation b/
the Purchaer
1@.1 +(e purc(aser s(a"" open a"" quotations recei!ed before t(e dead"ine
indicated in t(e Request for Quotations at t(e same time on t(e date
specified in t(e Request for Quotations.
1@.2 +(e Purc(aser s(a"" prepare Ainutes of t(e openin of t(e quotations.
12" )7aluation an2
Comparion of
12.1 +(e Purc(aser s(a"" e!a"uate and compare t(e Quotations as fo""o$s5
E8amine if t(e quotation conforms to tec(nica" specifications and
t(e de"i!er1 time=
Berif1 an1 arit(metica" errors. #or e8amp"e4 if t(e quotation in
fiures is different from t(e quotation in $ords4 t(e amount in
$ords s(a"" pre!ai". If t(ere is a discrepanc1 bet$een t(e unit price
and t(e tota" price t(at is obtained m1 mu"tip"1in t(e unit price
and quantit14 t(e unit price s(a"" pre!ai" and t(e tota" price s(a"" be
+abu"ate t(e Quotations t(us arri!ed at.
12" A9ar2 of
12.1 +(e Purc(aser s(a"" a$ard t(e contract to t(e supp"ier $(ose quotation
(as been determined to be substantia""1 responsi!e to t(e requirements
Request for Quotations Instructions to Suppliers
of t(e Request for Quotations and t(e "o$est responsible evaluated
price4 i.e. based on t(e qua"it1 of t(e items quoted for in accordance
$it( t(e specifications.
13" Notification of
1*.1 3otification of t(e a$ard s(a"" constitute t(e formation of t(e contract.
+(is 3otification s(a"" be sent b1 reistered mai"4 in!itin t(e supp"ier
to de"i!er t(e oods in accordance $it( t(e conditions of t(e Request
for Quotations.
1&" Signing of the
1..1 9it(in fifteen 61&7 da1s fo""o$in t(e notification of t(e a$ard4 t(e
Purc(aser s(a"" sin and date t(e #orm of Contract and send it bac: to
t(e Supp"ier
1(" 'rau2 an2
1&.1 +(e personne" of t(e Purc(aser and t(e Supp"iers s(a"" ad(ere to t(e
(i(est et(ica" standards4 bot( durin t(e se"ection process and
t(rou(out t(e e8ecution of t(e contract. In pursuance of t(is princip"e4
t(e1 s(a"" abstain at a"" times from corruption or fraudu"ent practices.
Corruption and fraudu"ent practices are defined as fo""o$s5
6i7 ;corrupt practice< means t(e offerin4 i!in4
recei!in4 or so"icitin4 direct"1 or indirect"14 of
an1t(in of !a"ue to inf"uence t(e action of a
pub"ic officia" in t(e se"ection process or in
contract e8ecution=
6ii7 ;fraudu"ent practice< means a misrepresentation or
omission of facts in order to inf"uence a se"ection
process or t(e e8ecution of a contract=
6iii7 ;co""usi!e practices< means a sc(eme or
arranement bet$een t$o or more supp"iers $it(
or $it(out t(e :no$"ede of t(e Borro$er4
desined to estab"is( prices at artificia"4
noncompetiti!e "e!e"s=
6i!7 coercive practice means (armin or
t(reatenin to (arm4 direct"1 or indirect"14
persons or t(eir propert1 to inf"uence t(e
procurement proceedins4 or affect t(e e8ecution
of a Contract.
1&.2 +(e Purc(aser s(a"" re>ect a proposa" for a$ard if it determines t(at t(e
Supp"ier recommended for a$ard (as4 direct"1 or t(rou( an aent4
enaed in corrupt4 fraudu"ent4 co""usi!e or coerci!e practices in
competin for t(e contract in question.
Section II Request for Quotations
S)CTI*N II # R)%+)ST '*R %+*TATI*NS
CLetter Head of the Procuring Entity]
Sub>ect5 Request for Quotations for 6name the goods7
Ref. 5 6Pro>ect 3ame4 if app"icab"e4 or ot(er Reference7
+o5 3ame and Address of S(ort %isted Supp"ier.
+(e Cname of the Procuring EntityD is see:in bids for t(e supp"1 of Cname t(e oods to be
#or t(is purpose4 1ou $i"" find enc"osed a sc(edu"e for t(e oods to be supp"ied. Eou are
requested to comp"ete t(is sc(edu"e pro!idin us 1our best offer and return t(is to us no "ater t(an
FFFFFat hours, in a sea"ed en!e"ope at t(e address indicated abo!e4 indicatin on t(e
en!e"ope 0 ;3ationa" S(oppin for Cname supp"iesD2. +(e outer en!e"ope s(a"" contain t$o sea"ed
en!e"opes $it( t(e requested quotations4 one mar:ed ;oriina"< and one mar:ed ;cop1<. +(e
openin date of Quotations $i"" be5 FF..2@.F at FFF(ours at t(e fo""o$in address5 FF.
+(e price of 1our quotation s(a"" c"ear"1 indicate t(e tota" price4 and t(e time and p"ace of de"i!er1
of t(e oods. +(e oods s(a"" be supp"ied and insta""ed at t(e p"ace of de"i!er1 C name time, for
example, within two weesD from t(e date of contract sinin. Eour quotation s(a"" remain !a"id
for )@ da1s and t(e supp"ies s(a"" be accompanied b1 most fa!orab"e $arrantees a!ai"ab"e. Eour
quotation s(a"" inc"ude t(e sined #orm of Contract4 $(ic( $i"" become t(e contract in case 1our
quotation is retained.
C"arifications can be as:ed before F.(ours FFF..2@... at
!"ame Procuring Entity]
Eours tru"14
Section III Sample Forms
1" %+*TATI*N L)TT)R
&to be filled by 'upplier(
Request for Quotations 3
5 6fi"" in name of requested supp"ies7
+o5 6fi"" in name of Procurin Entit17
%ttn$ &name of responsible officer(
Ga!in e8amined t(e documents reardin t(e Request for Quotations, t(e receipt of
$(ic( is (ereb1 du"1 ac:no$"eded4 $e4 t(e undersined4 offer to supp"1 and de"i!er t(e &name
the goods( in conformit1 $it( t(e said Request for Quotations for t(e sum of !total bid amount in
words and figures] or suc( ot(er sums as ma1 be ascertained in accordance $it( t(e Sc(edu"e of
Prices attac(ed (ere$it( and made part of t(e Quotation.
9e underta:e4 if our Quotation is accepted4 to de"i!er t(e oods in accordance $it( t(e
de"i!er1 sc(edu"e specified in t(e Sc(edu"e of Requirements.
9e aree to abide b1 t(is Quotation for t(e period specified in t(e Request for
Quotations as of t(e date of t(e openin of t(e Quotations and it s(a"" remain bindin upon us and
ma1 be accepted at an1 time before t(e e8piration of t(at period.
Hnti" a forma" Contract is prepared and e8ecuted4 t(is Quotation4 toet(er $it( 1our
$ritten acceptance t(ereof and 1our notification of a$ard4 s(a"" constitute a bindin Contract
bet$een us.
9e understand t(at 1ou are not bound to accept t(e "o$est or an1 bid 1ou ma1 recei!e.

!signature] !in the capacity of]
Du"1 aut(oriJed to sin t(is Quotation for and on be(a"f of
Section III Sample Forms
#o$ &"ame of Procuring Entity(
%ttn$ &"ame of responsible officer(
Quotation 3o of FFF2@F. Date of Price quotation IIKIIKII
2 # SA3PL) PRIC) SC:)D+L)
6te8t of description be"o$ is i!en as an e8amp"e and s(ou"d be rep"aced b1 specifics of t(e requested oods7
6Description and Quantities to be comp"eted b1 t(e Purc(aser4 Hnit Price to be comp"eted b1 t(e Supp"ier4 desired de"i!er1 period and site to be
comp"eted b1 t(e Purc(aser7
No Detaile2 2ecription of the item %uantitie +nit Price
6In fiuresK"etters7
Total Price Deli7er/
perio2 ite
6+(e Purc(aser prepares t(e "ist of oods to be acquired4 comp"etes t(e first t(ree co"umns and t(e supp"ier comp"etes t(e remainin co"umns. +(e
purc(aser s(a"" describe eac( item $it( precision4 $it(out reference to specific ma:es. Indicate a"so t(e "ist of spare parts and accessories. +(e supp"ier
is free to comp"ete t(e form b1 (and or to reproduce t(e form on computer4 as "on as t(e format is maintained. 7
Section III Sample Forms
#o$ &"ame of Procuring Entity(
%ttn$ &"ame of responsible officer(
Quotation 3o F. of FFF.2@.... Date of Price quotation IIKIIKII
3 # SC:)D+L) *' R)%+IR)3)NTS
6to be comp"eted so"e"1 b1 t(e Purc(aser7
No Detaile2 Decription %uantit/ Deli7er/
Perio2 Site
Sinature of Bidder
"ote5 In case of discrepanc1 bet$een unit price and tota"4 t(e unit price s(a"" pre!ai".
Section III Sample Forms
& # C*NTRACT '*R3
+GIS A,REEAE3+ made t(e IIIII da1 of IIIIIIIIII 2@.... bet$een 6name of Procurin Entit1
6(ereinafter ca""ed ;t(e Purc(aser<7 and !name of 'upplier] of !city and country of 'upplier] 6(ereinafter
ca""ed ;t(e Supp"ier<75
9GEREAS t(e Purc(aser in!ited quotations for t(e supp"1 of certain oods Cand anci""ar1 ser!icesD4 6name
the goods, and ancillary services, if applicable74 and (as accepted a quotation b1 t(e Supp"ier for t(e supp"1
of t(ose oods and ser!ices in t(e sum of !contract price in words and figures] 6(ereinafter ca""ed ;t(e
Contract Price<7.
3O9 +GIS A,REEAE3+ 9I+3ESSE+G AS #O%%O9S55
1. +(e fo""o$in documents s(a"" be deemed to form and be read and construed as part of t(is
Areement4 !iJ.5
6a7 +(e Request for Quotations sent to t(e Supp"ier=
6b7 t(e Price Sc(edu"e submitted b1 t(e Supp"ier Cand the delivery periodD and
6c7 Sc(edu"e of Requirements 6tec(nica" specifications7.
2. In consideration of t(e pa1ments to be made b1 t(e Purc(aser to t(e Supp"ier as (ereinafter
mentioned4 t(e Supp"ier (ereb1 co!enants $it( t(e Purc(aser to pro!ide t(e oods and ser!ices and
to remed1 defects t(erein in conformit1 $it( t(e pro!isions of t(e Contract.
*. +(e Purc(aser (ereb1 co!enants to pa1 t(e Supp"ier in consideration of t(e pro!ision of t(e oods
and ser!ices and t(e remed1in of defects t(erein4 t(e Contract Price or suc( ot(er sum as ma1
become pa1ab"e under t(e pro!isions of t(e contract at t(e times and in t(e manner prescribed b1 t(e
contract5 Cmethods of payment$ by ban transfer within +, days on satisfactory installation and
provision of warranteesD.
I3 9I+3ESS $(ereof t(e parties (ereto (a!e caused t(is Areement to be e8ecuted in accordance $it( t(eir
respecti!e "a$s t(e da1 and 1ear first abo!e $ritten.
Sined4 sea"ed4 de"i!ered b1 t(e 6for t(e Purc(aser7
Sined4 sea"ed4 de"i!ered b1 t(e 6for t(e Supp"ier7
Section III Sample Forms
( # Comparion of %uotation
No Name of Supplier
Reponi7ene of
Deli7er/ che2ule
Total Price
;9ith an2
>e?no perio2
Section III Sample Forms

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