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If only we knew the things that are coming upon America, upon the world, we would be on our faces
daily begging that the gift of Repentance and Revival would come. How only 50 Million Americans
will survive the coming Russian Nuclear strike, and the following Chinese Invasion. God has a *score*
to settle with America and China, just as He had a score to settle with Egypt. Even though Pharaoh
repented, the Lord came and hardened his heart so that he could bring more plagues. If Pharaoh
repented why did the Lord harden his heart? It was because of all the Israeli males under two that were
not only thrown into the Nile river, but sacrificed to Molech before the screaming eyes of their
mothers! God kept that score in His heart. As the Israeli first born were thrown to drown into the river,
God compensated the shedding of innocent blood by the killing of the Egyptian first born first during
the Passover, and then the drowning of the Egyptian military as they followed the departing Israelis
into the Dead Sea. God has a *score* to settle with America for her abominable filth, and as America
departs from His Word will determine in direct proportion the level of the curse that they will live
under, which will be distributed by Apollyon the Destroyer.
As Egypt was judged so shall America be judged.
It is only the fruits of the Holy Spirit that will help us, by eating daily the Lord's bread and body
(ingesting His Word) will we have those fruits. We need to spend more time on our knees in prayer and
more time in His Word. If these two people had Christ in their heart they would have never done such a
thing. If police kept Christ in their hearts they would never go about abusing their duties. Both sides
have fallen away from Christ. Repent quickly because HE IS COMING. And believe me, you *do not*
want to be around after the bride is taken up, which is coming very soon. The scriptures were clear The Word was God and Jesus came as the Word made flesh. As He said He who does not partake of my
body (my Word) has no part in me.
Once upon a time in America we said the Lord's prayer every day at school. It spiritually ignited Christ
in people's hearts as they meditated even a short portion of the Word by the reciting of the Lord's
prayer. Statistics were clear, when that simple prayer departed from the schools the filth in the schools
soon followed.
Where our souls will spend eternity is dependent upon our fruits. Hell is very real and there are many
souls enduring all kinds of eternal tortures because they figured that their sins on this earth did not
matter. They do people! Do not think that because you once recognized Christ as your Savior that you
have a get-out-of-hell free card, and a sin-till-you-drop-pass! It doesn't work that way. Jesus was clear
any vine that does not bear fruit is cut down and cast into the fire.
We either bear the fruits of the anti-christ (hate, greed, malice, jealousy, envy, strife, backbiting, lust,
fornication, adultery, murder, homosexuality) which will leave his impression upon us (666) towards
eternal damnation - or we bear the fruits of Christ, as the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace,
longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith Galatians 5:22)
One day the judgement books will be opened and you will give an account of what you have done on
this earth. The people that are being given visions of this coming event were shown that the vast
majority of the people could not stand on that day, they were blown away as chaff, and entered into the
fires that burn day and night. WIDE is the path that lead to destruction and NARROW is the path that
leads to eternal life and there be few that find it. The message of righteousness is coming BACK to
America people.

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