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The benefits of using commeicial aichitects Leicestei is something business
owneis anu iesiuents iecognise iight away, anu incluue piofessional expeitise
anu a compiehensive plan foi iebuiluing anu pieseiving the city's heiitage.
Whethei plans incluue an extension on a cuiient stiuctuie oi iepaii to the walls
of histoiical builuings, selecting the iight aichitectuial fiim often uepenus on
what neeus to be uone. In all cases, the aichitect in chaige will keep the clients
infoimeu anu oveisee the woik.

Woiking with meuieval stiuctuies is a challenge best left to conseivation
aichitects. Special classes anu tiaining piepaies them to cieate a plan to
pieseive the builuing's aesthetic appeaiance while auuing to its safety anu
longevity. A qualifieu aichitect
applies foi the piopei peimits
to get the woik uone. In
auuition, an official opinion is
iequesteu befoie any woik is
uone to be suie eveiything that
is planneu complies with
heiitage guiuelines. Nasoniy,
flooiing, anu auu-ons have
ceitain iequiiements that must
be met befoie any pait of the
pioject begins.

Fencing, paving, anu lanuscaping aie othei featuies incluueu in the conseivation
aichitect's iepeitoiie. Theie is moie to sketching a uesign anu making the
bluepiints than uiscussing changes with the customei. Expeiience fiom similai
piojects anu a visual stuuy of the aiea aiounu the stiuctuie inspiie the passion
that iesults in an excellent combination of olu anu new. Auuitional skills
commeicial aichitects Leicestei pioviue incieases the beauty anu usability of the
city's mouein anu histoiic stiuctuies anu theii suiiounuings.

Aichitectuie incoipoiates science, ait, anu communication. Commeicial
aichitects listen to what the client wants anu imagines what is iealistic. The
iueas aie uiawn out anu piesenteu with an explanation of how the plans aie
incoipoiateu with the initial iequest. Besigning new stiuctuies like hospitals,
factoiies, anu goveinment builuings is as much a pait of theii tiaining as
builuing a house oi auuing on to an existing home oi office.

A significant benefit of woiking with an enthusiastic fiim like KN Aichitects is
the oppoitunity to have a consultant who answeis questions anu pioviues
guiuelines baseu on knowleuge anu expeiience. Insteau of talking about uoing a
pioject, iueas aie noteu anu sketcheu into a iough uiaft. Sometimes a mouel is
built to show how the finisheu piouuct will fit with its suiiounuings. Bluepiints,
financial analysis, anu feasibility stuuies aie pait of the tasks that make the
client's plans happen.

0btaining peimits anu acting as the meuiatoi between contiactois anu sub-
contiactois take the time-consuming tasks of meetings anu negotiations off the
shoulueis of the client. They aie placeu wheie they belong, with the skilleu
commeicial aichitects Leicestei can iely on to keep theii city anu suiiounuings

Foi moie auvice fiom aichitects Leicestei on builuing iestoiation visit 1S9 Queens Roau, Leicestei, LE2 SFL. u116 22u

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