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What is Enlightenment?

Gan, Chennai

To realize the fact that there is 'No Enlightenment possible' and
'Everything is just a play of our Minds' is to achieve

For you to speak, this air has to exist. For you to walk, this space must
exist. For you to exist, the basic 5 elements, Air,Water, Land, Fire and
Space must exist. Even for the plants and trees to exist these are must.
Everything is a combination of multitude of factors - a combination of
combinations. For you to speak, thoughts have to arise. First of all, we
don't know how our thoughts arise at all. Then, secondly, for thoughts to
arise neurons must exist. For neurons to exist the DNA is a fundamental
requisite. For the DNA to exist the atoms should exist. For, the atoms
themselves are components of energy. This Energy itself dissolves into
empty space, nothingness or void.
Where is my independence here?

I am a combination of million and billions of unknown forces and factors.
So also all the rest of the existential things. We just don't how things go
about functioning. Everything functions like a computer simulation.
Everything simply functions without even ever knowing why and how. I
realize that I am not independent of the world around me. The seer and
the seen, the hearer and the heard, the feeler and the felt, the taster and
the tasted, the smeller and the smell, the thinker and the contents of
thoughts are conspicuously separated to give a sense of separation, but in
fact they are intertwined same thing. This make me feel that I and all all
that exist around me are my own self only. So, my own self is the
blemish-less 'Pure Awareness' in which the whole Universe arises as a
mere Thought.
We are Awareness Unmanifest

The Whole universe is 'Awareness Unleashed as Manifestations', You and I
are 'Awareness Unmanifest' Everything just happens in one single
Awareness, even without anybody's concurrence. Everything just happens
spontaneously without Past or Future. Our Mind creates a Past and Future
so that the whole show and drama goes on for ever. There is no Destiny.
There is no Fate. The are no karmas, except as a concept in our Minds.
Everything is True only as long as we believe in them. Belief is a
component of Mind which is not True. Once, we transcend the Mind and
and we become the 'Pure Awareness' everything dissolves and vanishes
like a Dream.
Even the Word 'Enlightenment' is a great fake

The whole Universe is a Construction of our Mind. Since, you are not an
Independent Piece, you don't have independent action, except as a belief
in your Mind. Everything Happens Spontaneously at this moment, which is
Eternal, even without your concurrence. Even the word Enlightenment is
fake, as it springs up only from your Mind. In essence, to realize the fact
that there is 'No Enlightenment possible' and 'Everything is just a play of
our Minds' is to achieve 'Enlightenment'.

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