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SAS Library

Data Transformations and Data Manipulation in SAS

This page was adapted from a page created by Professor Oliver Schabenberger .
We thank Professor Schabenberger for permission to adapt and distribute this
page via our web site.

1. Making a copy of a SAS data set
2. Creating new variables
2.1. Transformations
2.2. Operators
2.3. Algebra with logical expressions
3. Dropping variables from a data set
4. Dropping observations from a data set (Subsetting data)
5. Setting and merging multiple data sets
6. Sorting your data
6.1. By-processing in PROC steps
6.2. By-merging of sorted data sets (sorted matching)
7. Formatting
7.1. Labels
7.2. Formats
7.3. SAS Dates
8. Advanced data manipulation
8.1. Renaming of variables
8.2. Retaining of variables
8.3. DO Blocks and DO Loops
8.4. IF .. THEN .. ELSE statements
8.5. SELECT case distinction
8.6. Arrays
8.7. Lagged variables
8.8. Generating multiple data sets in a DATA step
8.9. Converting character variables to numeric variables

1. Making a copy of a SAS data set
Manipulating data is possible in the initial DATA step when you read in or access data for the first
time or in subsequent data steps when you modify or replace an existing data set. Assume that
data set MYDATA exists and you wish to create new variables, drop variables, subset the data
set or perform some other manipulation of it. This requires a new DATA step in which you have to
make available the information stored in MYDATA to SAS. There easiest way to do this is with
the SET command. There are two forms:
data mydata;
set mydata;
< more statements>
data newdata;
set mydata;
<more statements>
The SET command adds the contents of a data set to a DATA step. In the first example the data
set being created (MYDATA) and the data set being added are the same. This works, since SAS
does not assign a name to the data set until the DATA step completed successfully. In the
interim, a dummy data set name is being used. The statement data mydata is interpreted as "I
should create a new data set, if the DATA step executes without errors, I will call it mydata". Prior
to completion of the DATA step the data set mydata exists in its unmodified, original form. This
construction, to use the name of an existing data set in the DATA and SET command is a
convenient way to modify an existing data set. If you wish to modify mydata but store the results
in a new data set use syntax as in the second example. The names of the data sets in the DATA
and SET command are different. Upon completion of the DATA step a new data set named
newdata is being created. Mydata remains unchanged.
2. Creating new variables
2.1. Transformations
SAS' power makes it unnecessary to perform most data manipulations outside of The SAS
System. Creation of new variables, calculations with existing variables, subsetting of data,
sorting, etc. are best done within SAS. Transformations in the narrow sense use the built-in
mathematical functions available in The SAS System. An example DATA step would be:
data survey; set survey;
x = ranuni(123); /* A uniform(0,1) random number */
lny = log(inc); /* The natural logarithm (base e) */
logy = log10(inc); /* The log to base 10 */
rooty = sqrt(inc); /* The square root */
expy = exp(inc/10); /* The exponential function */
cos = cos(x); /* The cosine function */
sin = sin(x); /* The sine function */
tan = tan(x); /* The tangent function */
cosz = cos(z);
z = ranuni(0);
This DATA step calculates various transformations of the income variable. Watch out for the
subtle difference between the log() and log10() functions. In mathematics, the natural logarithm
(logarithm with base e) is usually abbreviated ln, while log is reserved for the logarithm with base
10. SAS does not have a ln() function. The natural log is calculated by the log() function. The
RANUNI() function generates a random number from a Uniform(0,1) distribution. The number in
parentheses is the seed of the random number generator. If you set the seed to a non-zero
number the same random numbers are being generated, every time you run the program.
The expressions (function calls) on the right hand side of the '=' sign must involve existing
variables. These are either variables already in the data set being SET, or are created previously.
For example, the statement tan = tan(x); will function properly, since x has been defined prior to
the call to the tan() function. The variable cosz however will contain missing values only, since its
argument, the variable z, is not defined prior. Here is a printout of the data set survey after this
DATA step.
1 1 F 35 17 7 2 2 0.75040 2.83321 1.23045 4.12311
2 17 M 50 14 5 5 3 0.17839 2.63906 1.14613 3.74166
3 33 F 45 6 7 2 7 0.35712 1.79176 0.77815 2.44949
4 49 M 24 14 7 5 7 0.78644 2.63906 1.14613 3.74166
5 65 F 52 9 4 7 7 0.12467 2.19722 0.95424 3.00000
6 81 M 44 11 7 7 7 0.77618 2.39790 1.04139 3.31662
7 2 F 34 17 6 5 3 0.96750 2.83321 1.23045 4.12311
8 18 M 40 14 7 5 2 0.71393 2.63906 1.14613 3.74166
9 34 F 47 6 6 5 6 0.53125 1.79176 0.77815 2.44949
10 50 M 35 17 5 7 5 0.14208 2.83321 1.23045 4.12311
1 5.47395 0.73142 0.68193 0.93234 . 0.32091
2 4.05520 0.98413 0.17745 0.18031 . 0.90603
3 1.82212 0.93691 0.34957 0.37312 . 0.22111
4 4.05520 0.70637 0.70784 1.00208 . 0.39808
5 2.45960 0.99224 0.12434 0.12532 . 0.18769
6 3.00417 0.71359 0.70056 0.98174 . 0.43607
7 5.47395 0.56736 0.82347 1.45141 . 0.26370
8 4.05520 0.75579 0.65481 0.86639 . 0.55486
9 1.82212 0.86217 0.50661 0.58760 . 0.86134
10 5.47395 0.98992 0.14160 0.14304 . 0.86042
For more information about mathematical, trigonometric, and other functions see the Help Files
(go to Help-Extended Help, then select SAS System Help, select SAS Language, select SAS
Functions, select Function Categories)
2.2. Operators
The most important operators are listed in the following table. The smaller the group number, the
higher the precedence of the operator. For example, in the expression y = 3 * x + 4; multiplication
is carried out before addition, since the group number of the multiplication operator is less than
that of the addition operator.

Type of
Operator Description
0 ()
expression in
parentheses is
evaluated first
y = 3*(x+1);
1 Math **
raises argument to a
y = x**2;
2 Math +,-
to indicate a positive or
negative number
y = -x;
3 Math * multiplication y = x * z;
4 Math
y = x + 3;
z = y - 3*x;
5 String || string concatenation name = firstname
|| lastname;
6 Set In
whether value is
contained in a set
y = x in (1,2,3,4);
gender in ('F','M');
7 Logical =, eq equals if x = 12;
Logical <>, ne does not equal if x ne 5;
Logical >, gt greater than if sin(x) > 0.4;
Logical <, lt less than is cos(x) < sin(z);
Logical >=, ge greater than or equal
Logical <=, le less than or equal
8 Logical and logical and
if (a=b) and
Logical or logical or
if (a=b) or (sin(x)
< 0.3);
Logical not logical not if not (a=b);
2.3. Algebra with logical expressions
Algebra with logical expressions is a nifty trick. Like many other computing packages, logical
comparisons in SAS return the numeric value 1 if true, 0 otherwise. This feature can be used in
DATA steps elegantly. Imagine you need to create a new variable agegr grouping ages in the
survey examples. The first group comprises ages between 0 and 25 years, the second group
between 26 and 40 years and the third all individuals age 41 and older.
data survey; set survey;
agegr = (age <= 25) + 2*((age > 25) and (age <=40)) + 3*(age > 41);
For individuals less than or equal to 25 years old, only the first logical comparison is true, the
resulting algebraic expression is agegr = 1 + 0 + 0;. For those between 26 and 40 years old,
the second expression is true and the expression yields agegr = 0 + 2*1 + 0;. Finally for
those above 40 years old, you get agegr = 0 + 0 + 3*1;. Using algebra with logical
expressions is sometimes easier and more compact than using if..then..else constructs. The
if..then syntax that accomplishes the same as the one-liner above is
data survey; set survey;
if age <= 25 then agegr = 1;
else if age <= 40 then agegr = 2;
else agegr = 3;
3. Dropping variables from a data set
Variables are dropped from a data set with the DROP DATA step statement or the DROP=
option. To drop the variables r1, r2, and r3 from the survey data the two syntax constructs are
data survey; set survey;
drop r1 r2 r3;
if you use the DROP statement and
data survey; set survey(drop=r1 r2 r3); run;
if you use the DROP= option.
The end result of the two versions is the same. The variables r1, r2, and r3 are no longer part of
the data set survey when the DATA step completes. There is a subtle difference between the two.
When you use the DROP statement inside the DATA step all variables in survey are initially
copied into the new data set being created. The variables being dropped are available in the
DATA step itself. Dropping takes place only at completion of the DATA step. When you list
variables in a DROP= option as in the second example, the variables are not copied (SET) into
the DATA set. This version is slightly faster, since the interim data set being manipulated is
smaller. But it precludes you from using the variables r1, r2, r3 somewhere in the data set. For
example, if you want to calculate a new variable, the sum of r1, r2, r3 before dropping the
variables you have to use
data survey; set survey;
total = r1 + r2 + r3;
drop r1 r2 r3;
If you would use
data survey; set survey(drop=r1 r2 r3);
total = r1 + r2 + r3;
the total would contain missing values, since r1, r2, r3 are not known after survey has been
copied into the new data set.
If many variables are to be listed that form a numbered list, such as r1, r2, r3, etc. you can use a
shortcut to describe the elements in the list:
data survey; set survey(drop=r1-r3); run;
The complementary DATA step command and data set option to DROP (DROP=) are the KEEP
statement and KEEP= option. Instead of dropping the variables listed, only the variables listed
after KEEP (KEEP=) are being kept in the data set. All others are eliminated. If you use the
KEEP= data set option, variables not listed are not being copied into the new data set. The next
line of statements eliminates all variables, except age and inc.
data survey; set survey(keep=age inc); run;
4. Dropping observations from a data set (Subsetting data)
Dropping observations (subsetting data) means to retain only those observations that satisfy a
certain conditions. This is accomplished with IF and WHERE statements as well as the WHERE=
data set option. For example to keep observations of individuals more than 35 years old use
data survey; set survey;
if age > 35;
SAS evaluates the logical condition for each observation and upon successful completion of the
DATA step deletes those observations for which the condition is not true. An alternative syntax
construction is IF <condition> THEN DELETE;:
data survey; set survey;
if age <= 35 then delete; /* or use: if not (age > 35) then delete; */
If you use this construction, the condition has to be reversed of course.
The WHERE statement functions exactly like the first IF syntax example:
data survey; set survey;
where age > 35;
The advantage of the WHERE construction is that it can be used as a data set option:
data survey; set survey(where=(age > 35)); run;
Only those observations for which the expression in parentheses is true are copied into the new
data set. If a lot of observations must be deleted, this is much faster than using the WHERE or IF
statement inside the DATA step. The other advantage of subsetting data with the WHERE= data
set option is that it can be combined with any procedure. For example, if you want to print the
data set for only those age 35 and above you can use
proc print data=survey(where=(age >= 35)); run;
without having to create a new data set containing the over 35 year old survey participants first.
To calculate sample means, standard deviations, etc. for 1994 yield data from a data set
containing multiple years:
proc means data=yielddat(where=(year = 1994)); run;
5. Setting and merging multiple data sets
Setting data sets means concatenating their contents vertically. Merging data means combining
two or more data sets horizontally. Imagine two SAS data sets. The first contains n1
observations and v1 variables, the second n2 observations and v2 variables. When you set the
two data sets the new data set will contain n1+n2 observations and max(v1,v2) variables.
Variables that are not in both data sets receive missing values for observations from the data set
where the variable is not present. An example will make this clearer.
data growth1;
input block trtmnt growth @@;
year = 1997;
1 1 7.84 2 1 8.69 3 1 8.11 4 1 7.74 5 1 8.35
1 2 6.78 2 2 6.69 3 2 6.95 4 2 6.41 5 2 6.64
1 3 6.79 2 3 6.79 3 3 6.79 4 3 6.43 5 3 6.61
proc print data=growth1(obs=10); run;
Data set growth1 contains 15 observations and four variables (BLOCK, TRTMNT, GROWTH,
YEAR). Only the first 10 observations are displayed (OBS=10 data set option).
1 1 1 7.84 1997
2 2 1 8.69 1997
3 3 1 8.11 1997
4 4 1 7.74 1997
5 5 1 8.35 1997
6 1 2 6.78 1997
7 2 2 6.69 1997
8 3 2 6.95 1997
9 4 2 6.41 1997
10 5 2 6.64 1997
The next data set (growth2) contains 10 observations. The variable YEAR is not part of the data
set growth2.
data growth2;
input block trtmnt growth @@;
1 4 6.64 2 4 6.57 3 4 6.78 4 4 6.54 5 4 6.48
1 5 7.31 2 5 7.65 3 5 7.26 4 5 6.98 5 5 7.39
To combine the data sets vertically, use the SET data set statement and list the data sets you
wish to combine. The data sets are placed in the new data set in the order in which they appear
in the SET statement. In this example, the observations in growth1 go first followed by the
observations in growth2.
data growth; set growth1 growth2; run;
proc print data=growth; run;
The combined data has four variables and 50 observations, the variable year contains missing
values for all observations from growth2 since year was not present in this data set.
1 1 1 7.84 1997
2 2 1 8.69 1997
3 3 1 8.11 1997
4 4 1 7.74 1997
5 5 1 8.35 1997
6 1 2 6.78 1997
7 2 2 6.69 1997
8 3 2 6.95 1997
9 4 2 6.41 1997
10 5 2 6.64 1997
11 1 3 6.79 1997
12 2 3 6.79 1997
13 3 3 6.79 1997
14 4 3 6.43 1997
15 5 3 6.61 1997
16 1 4 6.64 .
17 2 4 6.57 .
18 3 4 6.78 .
19 4 4 6.54 .
20 5 4 6.48 .
21 1 5 7.31 .
22 2 5 7.65 .
23 3 5 7.26 .
24 4 5 6.98 .
25 5 5 7.39 .
Merging data sets is usually done when the data sets contain the same observations but different
variables, while setting is reasonable when data sets contain different observations but the same
variables. Consider the survey example and assume that the baseline information (id, sex, age,
inc) are in one data set, while the subjects ratings of product preference (r1, r2, r3) are contained
in a second data set.
DATA baseline;
INPUT id sex $ age inc;
1 F 35 17
17 M 50 14
33 F 45 6
49 M 24 14
65 F 52 9
81 M 44 11
2 F 34 17
18 M 40 14
34 F 47 6
50 M 35 17
DATA rating;
INPUT r1 r2 r3 ;
7 2 2
5 5 3
7 2 7
7 5 7
4 7 7
7 7 7
6 5 3
7 5 2
6 5 6
5 7 5
Merging the two data sets in a DATA step combines the variables and observations horizontally.
If the first data set has n1 observations and v1 variables and the second data set has n2
observations and v2 variables, the merged data set will have max(n1,n2) observations.
Observations not present in the smaller data set are patched with missing values. The number of
variables in the combined data set depends on whether the two data sets share some variables.
If variables are present in either data set, they are retained from the data set in the merge list that
contains the variable last. If the rating data set above would contain a variable ID, the value of the
ID variable in the merged data set would come from the rating data set.
data survey; merge baseline rating; run;
proc print data=survey; run;
1 1 F 35 17 7 2 2
2 17 M 50 14 5 5 3
3 33 F 45 6 7 2 7
4 49 M 24 14 7 5 7
5 65 F 52 9 4 7 7
6 81 M 44 11 7 7 7
7 2 F 34 17 6 5 3
8 18 M 40 14 7 5 2
9 34 F 47 6 6 5 6
10 50 M 35 17 5 7 5
6. Sorting your data
If your data is entered or read in some "ordered" fashion, one could consider it ordered. For
example the data set growth in the example above appears sorted first by the variable TRTMNT
and for each value of TRTMNT by BLOCKS. As far as SAS is concerned, the data are simply
ordered by these variables, but not sorted. A data set is not sorted, unless you process it with the
SORT procedure. The basic syntax of PROC SORT is
proc sort data=yourdata;
by <variable list>
<variable list> is the list of variables by which to sort the data set. If this list contains more than
one variable, SAS sorts the data set by the variable listed first. Then, for each value of this
variable, it sorts the data set by the second variable. For example
by block trtmnt;
will cause SAS to sort by BLOCK first. All observations with the same value of variable BLOCK
are then sorted by variable TRTMNT.
By default, variables are sorted in ascending order. To reverse the sort order add the key-word
DESCENDING before the name of the variable you want to be arranged in descending order. For
by descending block trtmnt;
will sort the data in descending order of BLOCK and all observations of the same block in
ascending order of TRTMNT.
Why is sorting so important and how does it differ from arranging (reading) data in an ordered
sequence to begin with? When you sort data with PROC SORT, SAS adds hidden variables for
each variable in the BY statement. For example the code
proc sort data=growth; by block trtmnt; run;
sorts data set growth by BLOCK and TRTMNT. The hidden variables added to the data set are
You are not able to see these variables or print them out. However, they can be accessed in
DATA steps. By default these are logical variables containing the values 0 and 1 only. In a group
of observations with the same value of BLOCK first.block takes on the value 1 for the first
observation in the group and last.block takes on the value 0. For the last observation in the group
last.block takes on the value 1. With some trickery, I made first.block and last.block visible in the
printout of the sorted data set growth:
first. last.
1 1 1 1 0 7.84
2 1 2 0 0 6.78
3 1 3 0 0 6.79
4 1 4 0 0 6.64
5 1 5 0 1 7.31
6 2 1 1 0 8.69
7 2 2 0 0 6.69
8 2 3 0 0 6.79
9 2 4 0 0 6.57
10 2 5 0 1 7.65
11 3 1 1 0 8.11
12 3 2 0 0 6.95
13 3 3 0 0 6.79
14 3 4 0 0 6.78
15 3 5 0 1 7.26
16 4 1 1 0 7.74
17 4 2 0 0 6.41
18 4 3 0 0 6.43
19 4 4 0 0 6.54
20 4 5 0 1 6.98
21 5 1 1 0 8.35
22 5 2 0 0 6.64
23 5 3 0 0 6.61
24 5 4 0 0 6.48
25 5 5 0 1 7.39
A convenient way to process data in procedures is to use BY-processing. This is only possible if
the data contains the hidden variables first.whatever and last.whatever. Before you can use BY-
processing, the data must be sorted accordingly.
The next code example shows how the first.whatever and last.whatever variables can be used in
DATA steps. Here only the first observation for each block is output to the data set. This trick
allows counting the number of unique values of BLOCK in the data set:
data blocks;
set growth; by block;
if first.block;
proc print data=blocks; run;
1 1 1 7.84 1997
2 2 1 8.69 1997
3 3 1 8.11 1997
4 4 1 7.74 1997
5 5 1 8.35 1997
Notice that the SET statement is followed by the BY statement. It is the presence of the BY
statement in the DATA step that forces SAS to copy the first.block and last.block variables from
the sorted data set. When the BY statement is omitted, first.block can not be accessed.
The SORT procedure has many nifty aspects. Like for any other procedure you can access help
and explore the syntax by entering
help procedurename
into the little white box in the top left corner of the SAS application workspace. Then click on the
checkmark to the left of the box. Here are some other uses of PROC SORT:
1. By default the data set being sorted is replaced with the sorted version at completion of PROC
SORT. To prevent this, use the OUT= option.
proc sort data=growth out=newdata; by descending block; run;
sorts the data set growth by descending levels of BLOCK but leaves the original data untouched.
The sorted data is written instead to a data set calle newdata.
2. Sometimes you want to identify how many combinations of the levels of certain variables are in
your data set. One technique to determine this is shown above, a DATA step using the
and/or variables. More conveniently, you can use the NODUPKEY option. If there are
multiple observations for a certain combination of the sort variables, only the first one is retained:
proc sort data=growth out=blocks nodupkey; by block; run;
6.1. By-processing in PROC steps
By-processing in general refers to the use of the BY statement in PROC or DATA steps. If a BY
by <variable list>
appears in a PROC or DATA step the data set(s) being processed must be sorted as indicated by
the variable list. However, if you sort data with
by block tx a b ;
for example, by processing is possible with any of the following:
by block;
by block tx;
by block tx a;
by block tx a b;
since a data set sorted by BLOCK and TX is also sorted by BLOCK and so forth. You can not,
however change the order in which the varaibles appear in the list or omit a variable ranked
higher in the sort order. By statements such as
by b;
by tx a;
by a block;
and so forth will create errors at execution.
A BY statement in a procedure causes SAS to execute the procedure separately for all
combinations of the BY variables. For example,
proc means data=growth;
var growth;
will calculate mean, standard deviation, etc. for the variable growth across all observations in the
data set. The statements
proc means data=growth;
var growth;
by block;
will calculate these descriptive statistics separately for each level of the BLOCK variable in the
data set.
6.2. By-merging of sorted data sets (sorted matching)
By-merging is a powerful tool to merge data according to variables contained in both data sets.
The easiest case is one-to-one merging where each data set in the merge contributes at most
one observation for a variable according to which the data sets are to be matched. Consider the
following example: In a spacing study two levels of P fertilization (0 and 25 lbs/acre) and three
levels of row spacing (40, 80, 120 cm) are applied. Yield data are collected in 1996 and 1997.
The data sets for the two years are shown below. Each data set contains 17 observations. To
calculate the yield difference between the two years the data sets need to be merged. Upon
closer inspection one sees however, that the observations do not have the same P and SPACE
variable arrangement. There are only two observations for P=0, SPACE=40 in the 1996 data set
whereas there are three observations for this combination in the 1997 data set. Conversely,
replicate 2 for P=25, SPACE=120 observations in 1996 is not represented in the 1997 data set.
/* 1996 yield data */
data spacing1;
input P space rep yield96;
0 40 1 57
0 40 2 58
0 80 1 57
0 80 2 58
0 80 3 56
0 120 1 49
0 120 2 54
0 120 3 53
25 40 1 53
25 40 2 45
25 40 3 46
25 80 1 54
25 80 2 50
25 80 3 48
25 120 1 63
25 120 2 57
25 120 3 53
/* 1997 yield data */
data spacing2;
input P space rep yield97;
0 40 1 35
0 40 2 28
0 40 3 29
0 80 1 38
0 80 2 29
0 80 3 27
0 120 1 10
0 120 2 25
0 120 3 34
25 40 1 24
25 40 2 24
25 40 3 17
25 80 1 25
25 80 2 31
25 80 3 29
25 120 1 44
25 120 3 28
The following DATA step merges the data incorrectly. It matches observation by observation and
since both data sets contain variables P SPACE, and REP, the observations for these variables
are pulled from spacing2, the last data set in the list.
data spacing;
merge spacing1 spacing2;
proc print data=spacing; run;
1 0 40 1 57 35
2 0 40 2 58 28
3 0 40 3 57 29
4 0 80 1 58 38
5 0 80 2 56 29
6 0 80 3 49 27
7 0 120 1 54 10
8 0 120 2 53 25
9 0 120 3 53 34
10 25 40 1 45 24
11 25 40 2 46 24
12 25 40 3 54 17
13 25 80 1 50 25
14 25 80 2 48 31
15 25 80 3 63 29
16 25 120 1 57 44
17 25 120 3 53 28
Yield measurements in the two years are matched up correctly for the first two observations, but
incorrectly for the third and all following observations. Since the P, SPACE, and REP variables
contained in data set spacing1 were overwritten by the variables in spacing2, the problem is not
at all obvious on first glance.
To correctly merge the two data sets, we sort them both such that each observation is properly
proc sort data=spacing1; by p space rep; run;
proc sort data=spacing2; by p space rep; run;
Then merge them using BY-processing:
data spacing;
merge spacing1 spacing2;
by p space rep;
proc print data=spacing; run;
This produces
1 0 40 1 57 35
2 0 40 2 58 28
3 0 40 3 . 29
4 0 80 1 57 38
5 0 80 2 58 29
6 0 80 3 56 27
7 0 120 1 49 10
8 0 120 2 54 25
9 0 120 3 53 34
10 25 40 1 53 24
11 25 40 2 45 24
12 25 40 3 46 17
13 25 80 1 54 25
14 25 80 2 50 31
15 25 80 3 48 29
16 25 120 1 63 44
17 25 120 2 57 .
18 25 120 3 53 28
The observations are now matched up properly.
By-merging is also useful to match many-to-one relationships in data sets. Assume that data set
one contains the cahnge in ear temperature at treatment and 4 days after treatment of 5 rabbits
treated with three different treatments each:
data rabbits;
input Treat Rabbit day0 day4;
1 1 -0.3 -0.2
1 2 -0.5 2.2
1 3 -1.1 2.4
1 4 1.0 1.7
1 5 -0.3 0.8
2 1 -1.1 -2.2
2 2 -1.4 -0.2
2 3 -0.1 -0.1
2 4 -0.2 0.1
2 5 -0.1 -0.2
3 1 -1.8 0.2
3 2 -0.5 0.0
3 3 -1.0 -0.3
3 4 0.4 0.4
3 5 -0.5 0.9
A second data set contains the treatment means averaged across the five rabbits for each
treatment group:
data means;
input treat day0mn day4mn;
1 -0.24 1.38
2 -0.58 -0.52
3 -0.68 0.24
You want to calculate the deviation between each observation and the respective treatment
means. That means one observation in data set means myst be matched with five observations in
data set rabbits. This is done easily with By-merging. Sort both data sets by TREAT and merge
them by TREAT.
proc sort data=rabbits; by treat; run;
proc sort data=means; by treat; run;
data deviate;
merge rabbits means; by treat;
dev0 = day0 - day0mn;
dev4 = day4 - day4mn;
proc print data=deviate; run;
which produces:
1 1 1 -0.3 -0.2 -0.24 1.38 -0.06 -
2 1 2 -0.5 2.2 -0.24 1.38 -0.26
3 1 3 -1.1 2.4 -0.24 1.38 -0.86
4 1 4 1.0 1.7 -0.24 1.38 1.24
5 1 5 -0.3 0.8 -0.24 1.38 -0.06 -
6 2 1 -1.1 -2.2 -0.58 -0.52 -0.52 -
7 2 2 -1.4 -0.2 -0.58 -0.52 -0.82
8 2 3 -0.1 -0.1 -0.58 -0.52 0.48
9 2 4 -0.2 0.1 -0.58 -0.52 0.38
10 2 5 -0.1 -0.2 -0.58 -0.52 0.48
11 3 1 -1.8 0.2 -0.68 0.24 -1.12 -
12 3 2 -0.5 0.0 -0.68 0.24 0.18 -
13 3 3 -1.0 -0.3 -0.68 0.24 -0.32 -
14 3 4 0.4 0.4 -0.68 0.24 1.08
15 3 5 -0.5 0.9 -0.68 0.24 0.18
This type of merge works well too, if the two data sets do not have the same levels of the BY
variables. Assume, for example, that the third observation is missing in data set means:
data means;
input treat day0mn day4mn;
1 -0.24 1.38
2 -0.58 -0.52
To keep only observations when the data sets are merged, for which a mean value exists, you
can use the IN= option:
proc sort data=rabbits; by treat; run;
proc sort data=means; by treat; run;
data deviate;
merge rabbits means(in=y); by treat;
if y;
dev0 = day0 - day0mn;
dev4 = day4 - day4mn;
proc print data=deviate; run;
which produces
1 1 1 -0.3 -0.2 -0.24 1.38 -0.06 -
2 1 2 -0.5 2.2 -0.24 1.38 -0.26
3 1 3 -1.1 2.4 -0.24 1.38 -0.86
4 1 4 1.0 1.7 -0.24 1.38 1.24
5 1 5 -0.3 0.8 -0.24 1.38 -0.06 -
6 2 1 -1.1 -2.2 -0.58 -0.52 -0.52 -
7 2 2 -1.4 -0.2 -0.58 -0.52 -0.82
8 2 3 -0.1 -0.1 -0.58 -0.52 0.48
9 2 4 -0.2 0.1 -0.58 -0.52 0.38
10 2 5 -0.1 -0.2 -0.58 -0.52 0.48
7. Formatting
By formatting we mean the display of variable names and observations on SAS printouts in a
user-defined form. By default if a data set is printed, SAS labels the columns with the variable
names and displays the values of the variables with their actual content. For readability, it is often
advisable to replace the short mnemonic variable names with more descriptive captions and to
display observations differently. In the preceding example, the variable TREAT refers to a
treatment applied in the experiment. Without explicitly knowing what treat=1, treat=2, etc. refers
to, printouts may be hard to read. Rather than re-entering the data and changing the contents of
treat to a descriptive string, you can instruct SAS to display the contents of the variable
differently, without changing its contents.
7.1. Labels
Labels are descriptive strings associated with a variable. Labels are assigned in data steps with
the LABEL statement. The following data set is from an experiment concerned with the
accumulation of thatch in creeping bentgrass turf under various nitrogen and thatch management
data chloro;
label block = 'Experimental replicate'
nitro = 'Nitrogen Source'
thatch = 'Thatch management system'
chloro = 'Amount chlorophyll in leaves (mg/g)';
input block nitro thatch chloro;
1 1 1 3.8
1 1 2 5.3
1 1 3 5.9
<and so forth>
proc print data=chloro label; run;
Thatch chlorophyll
Experimental Nitrogen management in leaves
OBS replicate Source system (mg/g)
1 1 1 1 3.8
2 1 1 2 5.3
3 1 1 3 5.9
The LABEL option of PROC PRINT instructs SAS to display labels instead of variable names if
these exist. It is not necessary to assign labels to all the variabels in the data set.
7.2. Formats
While labels replace variable names in displays, formats substitute for the values of a variable.
Many formats are predefined in The SAS System (check the SAS/Lanuage or SAS/User's Guide
manuals or online help files). We are concerned here with user-defined formats. These are
created in PROC FORMAT. The next example creates two different formats, NI and YEA. The
definition of a format commences with the VALUE keyword followed by the format name. Then
follows a list of the form value = 'some string'. If a variable is associated with a format and SAS
encounters a given value, it displays the string instead. For example, values of 2 are displayed as
Amm. sulf. for the variable associated with the format NI.
proc format;
value Ni
1='Urea' 2='Amm. sulf.' 3='IBDU' 4='Urea(SC)';
Yea 1='2 years' 2='5 years' 3='8 years';

The association between variable and format is done in a DATA step (it is also possible to create
this association in certain procedures such as PROC FREQ, PROC PRINT, etc.) with the
FORMAT statement.
data chloro;
label block = 'Experimental replicate'
nitro = 'Nitrogen Source'
thatch = 'Thatch management system'
chloro = 'Amount chlorophyll in leaves (mg/g)';
format nitro ni.
thatch yea.;
input block nitro thatch chloro;
1 1 1 3.8
1 1 2 5.3
1 1 3 5.9
<and so forth>
The name of the format follows the name of the variable to be formatted. The format name must
be followed with a period. Otherwise SAS will assume that the format name is a variable name.
Printing this data set after assigning of labels and formats produces a much more pleasing
Thatch chlorophyll
Experimental Nitrogen management in leaves
OBS replicate Source system (mg/g)
1 1 Urea 2 years 3.8
2 1 Urea 5 years 5.3
3 1 Urea 8 years 5.9
4 1 Amm. sulf. 2 years 5.2
5 1 Amm. sulf. 5 years 5.6
6 1 Amm. sulf. 8 years 5.4
7 1 IBDU 2 years 6.0
8 1 IBDU 5 years 5.6
9 1 IBDU 8 years 7.8
10 1 Urea(SC) 2 years 6.8
11 1 Urea(SC) 5 years 8.6
Once labels and formats are associated with variables, procedures will take advantage of it. The
following statements calculate descriptive statistics for the variable CHLORO with PROC
proc means data=chloro;
class nitro thatch;
var chloro;
which produces
Analysis Variable : CHLORO Amount chlorophyll in leaves (mg/g)

NITRO THATCH N Obs N Mean Std Dev Minimum
Urea 2 years 2 2 3.8500000 0.0707107 3.8000000
5 years 2 2 5.3500000 0.0707107 5.3000000
8 years 2 2 5.1000000 1.1313708 4.3000000
Amm. sulf. 2 years 2 2 5.6000000 0.5656854 5.2000000
5 years 2 2 5.8500000 0.3535534 5.6000000
8 years 2 2 5.8000000 0.5656854 5.4000000
IBDU 2 years 2 2 6.5000000 0.7071068 6.0000000
It is important to note that formatting a variable does not replace the values of the variable. It is
simply a device for displaying the values of the variable. In DATA steps, for example,
observations are accessed using the original , not the formatted values. In the thatch experiment,
assume you want to subset the observations that received Urea treatment. :
data urea;
set chloro;
if nitro = 1;

7.3. SAS Dates
Dates are closely linked to formats in SAS. For example, date variables imported from an Excel
spreadsheet or dBase file are automatically formatted and displayed in month/day/year or some
other form. Often one has to make selections and data manipulations based on the value of a
date variable. Since the original value determines how to access a variable, not the formatted
value it is important to know how dates are represented in SAS.
In general, dates are measured as the number of days since January 1, 1960. May 16, 1998 for
example, corresponds to a SAS date of 14015. To select all observations from a data set whose
date variable falls between September 12, 1997 and May 16, 1998 one needs syntax such as
data one; set one;
if (date >= 13769) and (date <= 14015);
since SAS queries the unformatted values. The following data step is helpful to find out which
SAS date a certain calendar day corresponds to. The dates are being read with the date7.
informat, which consists of a numeric day (two digits), a three letter descriptor of the month and a
numeric year (two digits).
data time;
input date date7.;
sasdate = date;
format date mmddyy8.;
proc print; run;
1 01/01/60 0
2 09/12/97 13769
3 05/16/98 14015
8. Advanced data manipulation
8.1. Renaming of variables
Renaming variables in SAS is not really an advanced data manipulation. But it has a quirk, which causes
novice users frequently trouble. Variables are renamed with either the RENAME= data set option or the
RENAME statement. The data set option form is shown here:
data two; set one(rename=(y=x1 u=z1)); run;
The statement form is part of the data step:
data two; set one;
rename y=x1 u=z1;
The difference between the two statements is that the RENAME= data set option is executed when data
set one is copied into the new data set. The RENAME statement is executed upon successful completion
of the DATA step. Consequently, if you wish to access the variables being renamed inside the DATA
step, you have to access them under their new name, if you chose the RENAME= data set option and
under their old name if you chose the RENAME statement. The following code examples are correct and
produce the same result:
data two; set one(rename=(y=x1 u=z1));
logx = log(x1);
/* logy = log(y); This will produce an error, since variable Y */
/* is unknown inside the DATA step */
/* It has been renamed to X1 */
date two; set one;
/* logx = log(x1); This will not work, since x1 is unknown. */
/* The RENAME statement is not executed */
/* until the end of the DATA step. */
logy = log(y);
rename y = x1 u=z1;
8.2. Retaining of variables
To understand the concept of variable retaining, it is helpful to look at DATA steps in some more detail.
data one;
input x ;
data one; set one;
y = log(x);
if y < 0 then z = 'negative';
if y >= 0 then u = sqrt(y);
keep u x y z;
rename z = isneg;
The second data step consists of five statements. The KEEP and RENAME statement are executed at
the very end of the DATA step. They are sort of "set aside" until all observations have been processed.
The first three statements are executed in sequence for every observation in the data set. SAS picks
the first observation and executes the three statements. Then it moves to the second observation and
executes the statements again. At the beginning of each cycle, variables that are not in the data set (y, z,
and u) are being initialized with missing values in the case of numeric variables or blanks in the case of
character variables. If a statement generates a value for the variable the missing value is overwritten. If a
value is not generated, the missing value code remains. In the example above, u is assigned a value only
if y is positive. Since y is the natural logarithm of x, this is the case for the thrid and fourth observation.
The variable z is assigned a value only, if y is negative. The printout of this data set is as follows:
1 0.1 -2.30259 negative .
2 0.5 -0.69315 negative .
3 1.0 0.00000 0.00000
4 2.0 0.69315 0.83255
U contains missing values for the first two observation, ISNEG is set to an empty string for observation
three and four.
Since SAS sets new variables to missing for each observation, how can one, for example, add variables
successively. In the DATA step
data one;
input x ;
data one; set one;
c = c + x;
the variable c will contain missing values, since c has no value assigned to it at the beginning of the data
cycle. This can be remedied with the RETAIN statement. It causes SAS to do two things. The variables
being retained are not initialized with missing values at the top of the cycle, but retain their previous value.
Also, a starting value is assigned to the retained variable. The DATA step
data one; set one;
retain c 0;
c = c + x;
proc print; run;
sets initially variable c to 0. Since c is part of a RETAIN statement, it keeps the value from the previous
data cycle. In successive cycles c on the right hand side of the "=" sign contain the previous sum of
variable x and the current value of x is being added to it. The data set one at the end of the DATA step is
1 0.1 0.1
2 0.5 0.6
3 1.0 1.6
4 2.0 3.6
A short-cut for this syntax construction can be used:
data one; set one;
The syntax c+x implies that c is automatically retained and the values of variable x are successively to be
added to it.
Retaining variables is also very convenient if you work with sorted data sets. In the next example
data spike;
input rating $ tx;
apparent 1
discrete 2
apparent 3
discrete 4
discrete 5
discrete 6
none 7
discrete 8
discrete 9
apparent 10
data set spike contains a character variable (rating). We want to find out how many observations are in
the data set for each unique value of variable rating and how many unique values there are. First, sort
the data by rating. Then define two new variables, both of which are initialized with 0 and retained. For
each new value of rating, the variable cnt is reset to 1. Variable howmany is incremented only when a
new value of rating is found.
proc sort data=spike; by rating; run;
data countem; set spike; by rating;
retain cnt 0 howmany 0;
if first.rating then cnt=1; else cnt+1;
if first.rating then howmany+1;
if last.rating then output;
proc print data=countem; run;
Here is the printout of data set countem:
1 apparent 10 3 1
2 discrete 9 6 2
3 none 7 1 3
There are three observations with rating='apparent', six observations with rating='discrete'
and one with rating='none' and a total of three unique values of rating.
8.3. DO Blocks and DO Loops
A DO block begins with the reserved word DO and ends with the reserved word END. The statements
enclosed inside DO..END are called a block. The DO..END construct is an important device to group
statements inside a DATA step.
data two; set one;
if x < 0 then do;
y = .;
z = sqrt(-x) + rannor(123);
Tx = 'Control';
If the condition in the IF statement is true, SAS executes the statements in the DO..END block. Otherwise
the statements are ignored. Without the DO..END block, the DATA statement would require three IF
statements. The DO statement also is part of looping constructs (iterative DO). These can be written in
various ways. Here are examples:
do i = 1 to 4; /* A index loop, runs from 1 to 4 in increments of 1 */
< SAS statements>
do i = 1 to 10 by 2; /* index loop, runs from 1 to 10 in increments of 2 */
<SAS statements>
/* index loop over x=10, 20, 30, 50, 55, 60, 65, ... , 100 */
do x = 10, 20, 30, 50 to 100 by 5;
<SAS statements>
do month = 'FEB', 'MAR', 'APR';
<SAS statements>
/* the statements inside the loop are executed only while the */
/* expression in parentheses is true */
do k =1 to 12 while(month='APR');
<SAS statements>
The next example generates 100 observations from a Gaussian distribution with mean 12 and variance 3.
For each observation, it calculates its right-tail probability:
data Gauss;
do i = 1 to 100;
z = rannor(8923);
p = 1 - Probnorm(z);
x = z*Sqrt(3) + 12;
Notice that the DO i1 to 100; .. END; construct is executed for each observation in the data set. Since no
observations are input or transferred from another SAS data set, you need the OUTPUT statement inside
the DO loop to instruct SAS to write to the data set when the loop is completed.
executes the loop do i = 1 to 4; output; for each observation and simply produces four copies of
each observation. The OUTPUT statement should be the last statement inside the loop.
Other forms of DO loops are the DO..WHILE() and DO..UNTIL() constructs. A logical expression inside
the parentheses is evaluated for each repetition of the loop. The loop continues as long as the statement
is true for the DO..WHILE() loop or until the statement becomes true (DO..UNTIL()). DO..WHILE and
DO..UNTIL loops are dangerous. For example, if the logical statment in the WHILE() expression is not
true, the loop will never executes. If it is not true, there must be a mechanism inside the loop that
eventually makes the statement false, otherwise the loop will continue infinitely. It is important to
remember that the loop is executed for each observation in the data set. Care must be exercised not to
write infinite loops with DO..WHILE. For example, the following loop
do while(n <= 5);
works, since n is changed inside the loop and the WHILE() condition eventually will become false. If you
forget to increment n inside the loop, the statements will be processed indefinitely. In this case, a DO n =
.. END; loop is much safer:
do n=1 to 5;
8.4. IF .. THEN .. ELSE statements
Also known as conditional statements, these are very important when subsetting data or processing
observations conditionally. The ELSE part is not required as we have seen earlier with statements like
if x < 0 then delete;
if name='Smith';
In the form IF <condition> THEN <statement1> ELSE <statement2> SAS evaluates for each
observation the logical condition. If the condition is true, it executes statement1, if it is false statement2.
Important to note is that only a single statement follows the THEN and ELSE clause. For example,
data two; set one;
if (x < 0) then
y = .;
z = sqrt(-x);
else z = sqrt(x);
will cause an error, since SAS expects the ELSE clause after the y=.; statement. If more than one
statment is to be executed in the THEN or ELSE clause, group them into DO blocks:
data two; set one;
if (x < 0) then do;
y = .;
z = sqrt(-x);
end; else z = sqrt(x);
IF .. THEN .. ELSE statements can be nested:
data two; set one;
if score < 4 then rating='below ave';
else if score < 6 then rating = 'average';
else if score < 8 then rating = 'above ave.'
else rating = 'superior';
If many cases are to be distinguished, or multiple statements are to be executed for one or all conditions,
this construct is hard to read and debug. A simpler method uses the SELECT case distinction.
8.5. SELECT case distinction
SELECT expressions are more convenient to program and easier to read than a series of nested (and
convoluted) IF..THEN expressions. Recall the survey data set
DATA survey;
INPUT id sex $ age inc r1 r2 r3 ;
1 F 35 17 7 2 2
17 M 50 14 5 5 3
33 F 45 6 7 2 7
49 M 24 14 7 5 7
65 F 52 9 4 7 7
81 M 44 11 7 7 7
2 F 34 17 6 5 3
18 M 40 14 7 5 2
34 F 47 6 6 5 6
50 M 35 17 5 7 5
We wish to recode variable r3 and assign character strings. This could be accomplished with a series of
IF..THEN statements:
data survey; set survey;
if r3 < 3 then rating='below ave';
else if r3 < 5 then rating = 'average';
else if r3 < 6 then rating = 'above ave.'
else r3 = 'superior';
The SELECT construct would be
data two; set survey;
select ;
when ( r3 < 3 ) rating = 'below ave.';
when ( r3 < 5 ) rating = 'average';
when ( r3 < 6 ) rating = 'above ave.';
otherwise rating = 'superior';
SAS evaluates a logical expression for each of the WHEN expressions. For the first expression that
returns true, the statement is executed. If no WHEN expression is true, SAS executes the statement
following OTHERWISE. The OTHERWISE statement is optional, but should be used as a safeguard. If
none of the WHEN expressions is true and the OTHERWISE clause is missing, SAS stops the DATA step
with an error message. An alternative method of writng the SELECT..END construct in this example is
data two; set survey;
select ( r3 );
when ( 1,2 ) rating = 'below ave.';
when ( 3,4 ) rating = 'average';
when ( 5 ) rating = 'above ave.';
otherwise rating = 'superior';
The variable which follows the select keyword in parentheses is compared against the values in the
WHEN expressions. The first WHEN expression that is true will be executed, all others will be ignored.
8.6. Arrays
Arrays in SAS are different from arrays in other programming languages. A SAS array is simply a
grouping of variables in a data set for ease of processing. Array processing in SAS consists of three
1. Define the array which groups variables
2. Process the array by repeating an action
3. Select an individual element of the array at each repetition of the action.
This probably sounds more complicated than it should. Here is an example. Three variables (X, Y, Z) are
read into a data set. Initially, missing values were coded as 9999. You want to replace them with a
missing value (.), to prevent accidental involvement in calculations. You could of course do this with three
IF statements:
data two; set one(keep=X Y Z);
if x = 9999 then x = . ;
if y = 9999 then y = . ;
if z = 9999 then z = .;
Notice that the structure of the IF statements is very similar. Each variable is compared against 9999 and
if it contains that value, it is replaced with . ; Processing the same problem with arrays could proceed as
data two; set one(keep = X Y Z);
array vars{3} x y z; /* define the array, i.e., group the variables x y z
into array vars */
do i =1 to 3; /* repeat an action for each element of the array */
if vars{i} = 9999 then vars{i} = .; /* select individual elements of the
array */
The ARRAY statement tells SAS that you are about to define an array. It is followed by the name of the
array and its dimension (the number of variables being grouped) in curly braces. Then, you follow it with
the names of the variables being grouped. The number of variable names should match the number in
curly braces. If the variables being listed are not part of the data set they will be created. You can omit the
number of array elements in curly braces and replace it with an asterisk. SAS will then determine the
number of array elements from the number of variables in the list:
array vars{*} x y z;
Alternatively, you can omit the variable names and SAS will create variables named ArrayName1,
ArrayName2, .... For example
array vars{4}
will create variables VARS1, VARS2, VARS3, VARS4.
A particular element of the array is accessed inside the DATA step by following the array name with a
number in curly braces. The second element of the vars array, the variable y, is accessed as vars{2}, for
example. DO i=1... loops are very common to process the elements of an array in turn.
If the variables in the list of the ARRAY statement are not part of the data, they are added to the data set.
Sometimes, you need an array only during the DATA step, then you can follow the array definition with
the reserved word _TEMPORARY_:
array temparr{10} x1-x10 _temporary_;
A typical example where array processing is helpful is when switching a multivariate data set into a
univariate data set. The next data set stems from a repeated measures study in which a temperature
difference was measured at four time points for 15 subjects. 5 subjects each received one of three
treatments. The time points are spaced 15 days apart.
/* The data as a multivariate data set */
data repmeas;
input Treat subject time1 time2 time3 time4;
1 1 -0.3 -0.2 1.2 3.1
1 2 -0.5 2.2 3.3 3.7
1 3 -1.1 2.4 2.2 2.7
1 4 1.0 1.7 2.1 2.5
1 5 -0.3 0.8 0.6 0.9
2 1 -1.1 -2.2 0.2 0.3
2 2 -1.4 -0.2 -0.5 -0.1
2 3 -0.1 -0.1 -0.5 -0.3
2 4 -0.2 0.1 -0.2 0.4
2 5 -0.1 -0.2 0.7 -0.3
3 1 -1.8 0.2 0.1 0.6
3 2 -0.5 0.0 1.0 0.5
3 3 -1.0 -0.3 -2.1 0.6
3 4 0.4 0.4 -0.7 -0.3
3 5 -0.5 0.9 -0.4 -0.3
This data set is setup appropriately for a repeated measures analysis with PROC GLM, but not for a
repeated measures analysis with PROC MIXED. PROC MIXED requires that the four measurements
appear as separate observations indexed by a variable measuring passage of time. The next data step
creates this univariate structure with the help of an array:
/* create the univariate data set */
data univ; set repmeas;
array t{4} time1-time4; /* group variable time1 through time4 into an array
do i=1 to 4; /* loop through the array */
time = 15*(i-1); /* calculate the variable measuring passage of time
temp = t{i}; /* record the temperature as the ith element of
the array */
output; /* write the observation to the new data set
drop time1-time4 i; /* no need for those anymore
proc print data=univ(obs=20); run;
The DO i = 1 to 4 loop creates four observation from each observation in the multivariate data set. TREAT
and SUBJECT variable remain unchanged, but a variable for time and one for the actual measured
temperature must be created. Since each temperature is stored in a different variable (time1 .. time4) in
the multivariate data set, the array is perfectly suited to deal with the problem. Here are the first twenty
observations of the univariate data set:
1 1 1 0 -0.3
2 1 1 15 -0.2
3 1 1 30 1.2
4 1 1 45 3.1
5 1 2 0 -0.5
6 1 2 15 2.2
7 1 2 30 3.3
8 1 2 45 3.7
9 1 3 0 -1.1
10 1 3 15 2.4
11 1 3 30 2.2
12 1 3 45 2.7
13 1 4 0 1.0
14 1 4 15 1.7
15 1 4 30 2.1
16 1 4 45 2.5
17 1 5 0 -0.3
18 1 5 15 0.8
19 1 5 30 0.6
20 1 5 45 0.9

8.7. Lagged variables
At any cycle of the DATA step, only the values of the variables for the current observation are available
for processing. Values for previous or upcoming observations are not accessible. You can make the
values of previously processed observation available through the lag() functions
LAG(variable name) returns the previous value
LAG2(variable name) returns the value of the observation processed second to last
LAG5(variable name) returns the value of the observation processed 5 cycles ago
and so forth. Lagging temperatures in the previous example:
data univ; set univ;
lagt = lag(temp);
lag2t = lag2(temp);
proc print data=univ(obs=20); run;
1 1 1 0 -0.3 . .
2 1 1 15 -0.2 -0.3 .
3 1 1 30 1.2 -0.2 -0.3
4 1 1 45 3.1 1.2 -0.2
5 1 2 0 -0.5 3.1 1.2
6 1 2 15 2.2 -0.5 3.1
7 1 2 30 3.3 2.2 -0.5
8 1 2 45 3.7 3.3 2.2
9 1 3 0 -1.1 3.7 3.3
10 1 3 15 2.4 -1.1 3.7
11 1 3 30 2.2 2.4 -1.1
12 1 3 45 2.7 2.2 2.4
13 1 4 0 1.0 2.7 2.2
14 1 4 15 1.7 1.0 2.7
15 1 4 30 2.1 1.7 1.0
16 1 4 45 2.5 2.1 1.7
17 1 5 0 -0.3 2.5 2.1
18 1 5 15 0.8 -0.3 2.5
19 1 5 30 0.6 0.8 -0.3
20 1 5 45 0.9 0.6 0.8

8.8. Generating multiple data sets in a DATA step
Sometimes you want to generate multiple data sets in a single DATA step. For example, when reading a
large amount of data from a file, you may want to separate it into data sets according to the year of
measurement. This can be done by listing multiple data set names after the DATA keyword and using
separate OUTPUT statements for each:
filename inf 'C:\Research\Data\Allyears\The Whole Thing.txt';
data y1994 y1995 y1996 y1997;
infile inf firstobs=20;
input year location block a b absorp transloc;
select (year);
when (1994) output y1994;
when (1995) output y1995;
when (1996) output y1996;
otherwise output y1997;
Notice that the SELECT..END construction was used here instead of multiple IF..THEN statements.
8.9. Converting character variables to numeric variables
SAS uses several rules to convert character to numeric variables. For example, if a character variable is
used with a numeric operand such as addition, multiplication, etc., the variable is automatically converted
to a numeric variable. If a numeric variable is used on the left side and a character variable on the right
side of a statement, the character variable is converted to numeric format.
data test;
input s $ ;
x = 0;
x = s;
In this example, variable S is defined as read as a character variable. The statement x = 0; defines as a
numeric variable. The next statement, x = s;, invokes the character-to-numeric conversion, x will contain
the values of s in numeric format. Alternatively, you could have combined the two statements into a single
x = s + 0;

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