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The Contract Document consists of

1. 1. Artices of A!reement
2. ". Genera Con#itions of Contract
3. $. S%ecifications
4. &. 'is of (uantities
) Contract Dra*in!s an# mo#ification #ocuments *hich are %ro+i#e# ,- architect from time to
. CD / Contract Document is com%ementar-.
.meanin! if some chan!e is ma#e once the construction starts an# %ut in contract ater ,- sa-0 the
architect an# the o*ner0 then0 it is a%%ica,e to a the %arties/
CD sha remain in the custo#- of the architect so that it is a+aia,e for the reference an#
ins%ection of a o*ner0 contractor etc.
Once Contract is e1ecute#0 architect shou# su,mit .*ithout char!e/
2 1 co%- of Contract Doc0 " co%ies of Contract Dra*in!s an# " co%ies of s%ecifications
.#escri%ti+e sche#ue/ to Contractor
2 1 co%- of Contract Doc to O*ner
The s%ecifications su%%ie# to the contractor shou# not im%ose an- ne*er o,i!ations on him
*hich are not area#- a %art of the Contract Document.
3arties in+o+e# in the Contract
1. 1. The O*ner
2. ". The Contractor
3. $. The Architect
4. &. The Consutant .structura/
2 each of these %arties ha+e their #efine# successors0 e!a re%resentati+es .a*-ers/
an# other assi!ns. 'ut for the sa4e of contract the- are treate# as one %erson of mascuine
The Site
This is the site5%ot of the contract *or4 incu#in! an- e1istin! ,ui#in! an# erections an# an- other
an# aotte# ,- the o*ner for contractor6s use .construction %ur%ose/.
The Su,2Contractor
2 a secon#ar- contractor *ho is em%o-e# ,- the o*ner for s%ecia construction *or4
.s%ecia #esi!n accor#in! to %ans an# s%ecifications of his *or4/. He is in #irect contact
*ith the ori!ina contractor an# the Contractor is ia,e to %ro+i#e him *ith a #ocuments
an# s%ecifications of %re+ious *or40 *hiche+er he nee#s.
2 He *or4s on a %iece rate ,asis
.He !ets %ai# on- for %art of the ,ui#in! assi!ne# to him ,- the o*ner not for the *hoe
2 Contractor is su%%ose# to sen# 7ritten Notice to the Su,2contractor6s office or an-
mem,er of that firm.
2 The term 87or49 2 a,our or materia or ,oth
2 A Time Limits main essence of the contract
2 La* of the 3ace or '-e2a*s !o+ern the Contract Doc
2 Date of :irtua Com%etion is s%ecifie# in CD so that o*ner can occu%- the %ace
*hen it is #eci#e#. An- mo#ifications or +ariations are un#erstoo# as a!ree# ,- a %arties.
1. 1. After the a*ar# .sanction/ of Contract to the contractor0 the architect an# his
Consutant are su%%ose# to imme#iate- %ro+i#e a the #ra*in!s an# #etais to him *ithout
an- char!e; Same !oes for other #etai #ra*in!s0 *ritten e1%anations an# *ritten
#ocuments *hich are re<uire# from time to time0 as the construction is carrie# out u% ti the
com%etion of *or4 accor#in! the these con#itions
1. ". The Contractor sha 4ee% one co%- of a #ocuments *ith him .S%ecifications0
Descri%ti+e Sche#ue an# other simiar #ocs/ an# 4ee% one co%- on the site so that it is
a+aia,e to the architect .or his re%resentati+e/ at an- time.
1. $. The contractor sha use none of the #ocs for an- other %ur%ose than that %articuar
contract *or4; same !oes for the Architect an# the Consutant.
1. &. =n#er cause $1.>/0 if the architect re<uests ,ac4 a the #ocuments .*hich ,ears his
name or the consutant6s name/ after the fina %a-ment0 the contractor is ia,e to return.
The Contract sha ,e an item2rate contract. The contractor sha ,e %ai# for the actua <uantit- of
*or4 #one0 as measure# at site0 at the rates <uote# ,- him in the Contract 'is.
Contract 'i consists of Sche#ue of (uantities. The- are %ro+isiona0 meant to in#icate intent of
*or4 an# to %ro+i#e a uniform ,asis for ten#erin! .#eci#e the rou!h tota amount/
O*ner reser+es the ri!ht to increase or #ecrease or tota- omit an- of the <uantities of items an#
contractor cannot caim e1tra mone- for such oss.
An- error in #escri%tion or <uantit- of the item #oes not +itiate .#estro- e!a-/ the contract. 'ut0
sha ,e treate# as a +ariation .a correction to ,e #one ,- the architect/.
1. 1. In !enera0
a. a. the #ra*in!s in#icate #imensions0 %osition an# t-%e of construction;
b. ,. s%ecifications in#icate <uaities an# metho#s
c. c. 'i of <uantities in#icate <uantit- an# rate of each item of 7or4
A chan!e in #etai ma#e in one of the a,o+e is a%%ica,e to that item in a of them.
a. ". Contractor6s *or4 sha not #e+iate from these a,o+e an# the architect6s
inter%retation of these #ocs are fina an# *ithout a%%ea.
a. $. Errors or inconsistencies #isco+ere# in the Dra*in!s an# S%ecifications shou# ,e
,rou!ht to the attention of the architect0 throu!h Cer4 of 7or4s0 for inter%retation or
correction. Chan!e in oca con#itions0 *or4 not carrie# out accor#in! to contract etc shou#
,e ,rou!ht to architects attention. Corrections of #efecti+e *or4 cannot ,e a ,asis for
caimin! time e1tensions.
a. &. On- *ritten #imensions an# ar!e scae #etais on the #ra*in!s shou# ,e
consi#ere#. For sma scae #etais0 #etaie# #ra*in!s from the architect must ,e o,taine#.
An- *or4 #one *ithout this consent can ,e remo+e#0 re%ace# or a#@uste#. Contractor is
ia,e to %a- for such #ama!e.
a. A. A #ra*in!s an# #ocuments furnishe# ,- the architect are his %ro%ert- an# cannot
,e use# ,- contractor or an-,o#- ese for an- other %ur%ose. The- are to ,e #u- returne#
on re<uest.
a. >. Stee Reinforcin! an# 'ar 'en#in! Sche#ues shou# ,e !i+en to the architect at
east 1A #a-s %rior to fa,rication if re<ueste#.
The Contract Sum sha not ,e a#@uste# or atere# in an- *a- .uness there is a %ro+ision for it in
general conditions of the contract/. An- error in arithmetic or com%utation sha ,e un#erstoo# as
acce%te# ,- a %arties from there on.
The <uait- an# <uantit- of 7or4 .materias an# a,our/ incu#e# in the contract sum *i ,e in
accor#ance *ith Contract 'i .'is of (uantities/. If a ne* item is intro#uce#0 it has to ,e %re%are#
an# e1ecute# accor#in! to ISI Principles of Standard Method of Measurement of Building Works.
An- error in #escri%tion or omission of items from the Contract 'i #oes not +itiate .e!a-
terminate/ the contract ,ut is treate# as a +ariation .correction ,- the architect/.
SCO3E 2 The !enera character an# sco%e of *or4 is #efine# ,- S%ecifications0 'is of (s an#
si!ne# #ra*in!s. If the contractor fin#s an- errors or #iscre%ancies in the a,o+e0 he shou# !i+e a
*ritten notice to the architect s%ecif-in! the error an# act accor#in! to Carchitect6s instructions6.
EDTENT The Contractor shou# carr- out *or4 in e+er- res%ect accor#in! to the Contract an#
*ith the #irections an# reasona,e satisfaction of the Architect. The instructions issue# ,- the
architect from time to time in the form of #ra*in!s0 ,is an# *ritten #ocuments are coecti+e-
cae# CArchitect6s Instructions6. A these #ra*in!s etc shou# o,e- the main Contract Document.
INTENT The intention of the CD is to incu#e a the a,our0 materias0 e<ui%ment an#
trans%ortation necessar- for %ro%er e1ecution of the *or4. Baterias of 7or4 shou# ,e #escri,e#
in *or#s an# shou# ha+e a *e24no*n technica name an# tra#e meanin! of a reco!niEe#
a. 1. The Contractor sha com%- *ith an# #u- e1ecute an- *or4s com%rise# in
CArchitect6s Instructions6. The architect em%o*ere# ,- General Conditions of Contract has
the ri!ht to issue instructions aso in +er,a format. These ha+e to ,e then committe# to
*ritin! ,- the contractor .or his re%resentati+e/ an# confirme# ,- the architect.
a. ". If the contractor #oesn6t e1ecute a +er,a instruction *ithin F #a-s .after confirmin!
*ritten notice/ the O*ner ma- em%o- or %a- some other %erson5s to e1ecute that %articuar
instruction an# a costs to*ar#s this sha ,e incurre# ,- the Contractor .in form of #e,t or
#e#uction in %a-ment/
a. $. After recei+in! the *ritten notice of the +er,a instruction0 the contractor ma- re<uest
to the architect2 %ro+isions for this %articuar instruction0 to ,e ma#e in the General
Conditions of Contract so as to em%o*er this notice.
a. &. A +er,a instructions issue# are of imme#iate effect ,ut shou# ,e confirme# from
the Architect *ithin F #a-s.
If not0 the confirmation is consi#ere# to ta4e effect after the se+en #a-s e1%ire.
a. a. 3ro+i#e# that the architect himsef confirms in *ritin!
b. ,. 3ro+i#e# that the architect confirms this in *ritin! an- time %rior to the issue
of Fina Certificate of Com%etion.
a. 1. In case of *or4s in#icate# on the #ra*in!s ,ut not %art of the ori!ina Contract
Document .e1tra *or4s/0 the contractor sha %ro+i#e a the necessar- faciities an# co2
o%eration to the Su,2contractor. The contractor has to #o the ,ase *or4 com%etion of his
%art to the satisfaction of the architect6s #irections ,efore Su,2contractor ,e!ins. An- oss
cause# #ue to #efects or i2time# *or4 *i ,e then ,orne ,- the %art- res%onsi,e for his
o*n *or4.
a. ". The Contractor sha not en#an!er an- 7or4 ,- cuttin!0 fiin! an# e1ca+atin! *ithout
the e1%ress consent of the architect.
a. 1. The Architect sha %ro+i#e accurate- #imensione# #ra*in!s0 an- ine e+es on the
site an# other such info0 *hich sha ena,e the contractor to start *or4 at !roun# e+e.
a. ". The Contractor is res%onsi,e for settin! out an# e+ein! of the site an# the accurac-
of the same. He sha %ro+i#e a instruments0 e<ui%ment0 atten#ance etc at his o*n cost to
the satisfaction of the architect.
a. 1. 'efore ten#erin!0 the Contractor shou# +isit the site an# ta4e a 4no*e#!e of its
nature0 e1istin! roa#s0 means of communication0 #imensions0 faciities for o,tainin! s%ecia
artices .if in the Contract Doc/ an# a other information that mi!ht ,e re<uire# for !oo#
%ro!ress of the 7or4.
a. ". No e1tra char!es *i ,e !i+en to the Contractor for an- incorrect information in the
CD. If he notices an- fa*s or #iscre%ancies0 he sha ,rin! the <uestions to the architect6s
attention not ater than 1G #a-s after ast #ate of ten#er su,mission.
The Contractor is ao*e# a#mittance on the Site on the Date of Commencement .state# in
a%%en#i1/ *hen he sha ,e!in the 7or4 an# com%ete it on or ,efore Date of Com%etion
.a%%en#i1/ uness su,@ect to time e1tension.
An- treasures0 coins or o,@ects of anti<uit-0 *hich ma- ,e foun# on the site sha ,e han#e# o+er
to the O*ner.
a. 1. After the a*ar# of the contract0 the contractor sha furnish for the a%%ro+a of
Sam%es from the architect; aso re<uestin! sho% #ra*in!s an# s%ecifications.
a. ". A sche#ue !i+in! #ates for su,mission of sam%es sha ,e su,mitte# to the
architect. .Cause 1&/ Su,mission must ,e #one *ithin >G #a-s of si!nin! the contract an#
not ess than 1"G #a-s ,efore Date of Commencement.
a. $. The Architect sha chec4 sam%es for their conformit- to the #esi!n conce%t of the
%ro@ect an# its com%iance *ith the Contract Documents.
The Contractor sha aso %re%are 3ro!ress Charts an# su,mit for a%%ro+a *ithin "1 #a-s of the
A*ar# of Contract. The charts sha in#icate Date of Commencement an# Com%etion for each
item of *or4 an# shou# ,e in the form a%%ro+e# ,- the architect. The- shou# aso ha+e
sche#uin! #ates of sam%es0 sho% #ra*in!s an# a%%ro+as.
The architect an# his re%resentati+es sha at a reasona,e times ha+e access to the *or4s an#
*or4sho%s or other %aces *here *or4 is ,ein! %re%are# for the Contract. The Contractor sha
ha+e a term in CSu,2Contract6 so as to secure ri!ht of access to *or4sho%s or %aces for the
architect an# his re%resentati+es.
Durin! the construction %erio#0 the architect is the O*ner6s re%resentati+e. The architect sha
%erio#ica- +isit the site an# ins%ect *hether the *or4 is !oin! on accor#in! to Contract
2 He is not re<uire# to ma4e e1hausti+e an# continuous site ins%ections to
chec4 the <uait- of *or4.
2 He is not res%onsi,e for Contractor6s faiure to carr- out *or4 accor#in! to CD
2 He sha 4ee% the o*ner informe# of the 3ro!ress of the *or4
2 He sha !uar# the o*ner a!ainst #efects an# #eficiencies
2 He sha con#emn .ea+e/ the *or4 if it fais to o,e- the CD
2 He sha act on ,ehaf of the o*ner on- to the e1tent s%ecifie# in the CD
2 He sha ha+e the authorit- to sto% the *or4 *hene+er such sto%%a!e is
necessar- to ensure %ro%er e1ecution f contract
He is the inter%reter of Conditions of the Contract an# the @u#!e of its %erformance. He sha si#e
neither the o*ner nor the contractor an# see to the fair e1ecution of Contract.
In case the architect is terminate# from his @o,0 the o*ner sha a%%oint a ca%a,e an# re%uta,e
architect a!ainst *hom the contractor cannot o,@ect unreasona,-. The ne* architect is to ,e
!i+en the same status as the former. An- #is%ute reate# to this0 ,ecomes su,@ect to Ar,itration.
The architect sha *ithin reasona,e time ma4e #ecisions on a caims of the o*ner or the
contractor an# a other matters reatin! to the e1ecution an# %ro!ress of the *or4.
The architect ma- issue further #ra*in!s from time to time as re<uire#. Other #etais incu#e2
a. 1. :ariation or mo#ifications of #esi!n
b. ". (uait- or <uantit- of *or4s
c. $. Discre%anc- ,et*een #ra*in!s an# s%ecifications
d. &. Remo+a of *or4s e1ecute# ,- contractor
e. A. Dismissa of an- %ersons
f. >. O%enin! u% for ins%ection
g. F. Amen#ment of #efects in #efects ia,iit- %erio#
h. I. Remo+a of materias from site
i. J. Assi!nment n su,ettin!
j. 1G. Dea- an# e1tension time
k. 11. 3ost%onement of *or4
Architect can #ismiss an- %erson5*or4er on the construction site *ho is incom%etent in his
*or4 accor#in! to the architect. Such a %erson sha not ,e em%o-e# a!ain on the *or4
*ithout the e1%ress %ermission of architect.
7ithin 1G #a-s of si!nin! the contract0 the contractor sha su,mit Securit- De%osit aon! *ith
Earnest Bone- De%osit as a !uarantee of #ue %erformance. This is #e%osite# in the form
a%%ro+e# ,- the architect an# remains *ith the architect ti the en# of Defects Lia,iit- 3erio#.
Securit- De%osit immuniEes5in#emnifies the O*ner a!ainst oss from #efects #ue to faiure of the
Contractor to e1ecute the 7or4 %ro%er-.
CCer4 of 7or4s6 is a %erson .architect6s re%resentati+e/ *ho is a%%ointe# an# a%%ro+e# ,- the
architect to ins%ect the *or4s in the a,sence of the architect. He is %ai# ,- the O*ner an# shou#
,e !i+en a faciities an# assistance re<uire# for ins%ection ,- the Contractor.
Ins%ection .*or4s0 materias0 chec4in! an# measurin! materias an# time.
The Cer4 of 7or4s or an- re%resentati+e of the architect #oes not ha+e an- ri!ht to ater0 e+o4e or
ma4e an- 4in# of chan!es to the Contract Document uness the Architect confers a *ritten
%ermission to him.
He has the ri!ht to !i+e notice to the Contractor of his non2a%%ro+a of an- *or4s or materias.
Such *or4 *i ,e #iscontinue# unti the #ecision of the architect. Ho*e+er0 this #oes not mean that
the Contractor is not o,i!ate# to re%air the #efects. The Contractor ho*e+er aso ta4es0
instructions on- from the Architect.
The Contractor sha e1ecute the *or4 un#er the !ui#ance of a com%etent En!ineer2in2char!e. He
is res%onsi,e for carr-in! out the *or4s to the true meanin! of the #ra*in!s0 s%ecifications0
sche#ues an# other #ocs to the satisfaction of the architect
An- instruction !i+en to him ,- the Architect *i ,e consi#ere# as !i+en to the Contractor. A
structura *or4 has to un#er!o a%%ro+a of the architect *ithout *hich the *or4 #one is ia,e to ,e
A e<ui%ment incu#in! 2 Hoists0 La##ers0 scaffo#in!0 toos0 tac4es0 %ants0 trans%ort for a,our
materias an# %ant necessar- for e1ecution of *or4 on site is to ,e %ro+i#e# ,- the Contractor.
Sim%e *aterti!ht office accommo#ation for the foreman an# Cer42of27or4s on site to ,e
erecte# an# maintaine# ,- the contractor as #irecte#. It has to ,e *e2i!hte#0 *e2+entiate# *ith
*in#o*s0 #oors *ith a oc4 an# a tee%hone. 1GG s< ft room #es40 chair0 #ra*ers .to 4ee%
#ra*in!s/ an# ta4e ,oar# .to #is%a- #ra*in!s/ This has to ,e #emoishe# on 7or4 Com%etion.
To ,e %ro+i#e# ,- Contractor arran!e for securit- at his o*n cost strict contro on mo+ement of
materia an# a,our shou# aso arran!e securit- of stora!e %ace of materias.
3ro%er She#s to ,e erecte# 2 for stora!e an# %rotection of materias an#2 to sheter %re%aration
of *or4s C6s @o,
3ro%er sanitar- con+enience for site2staff0 *or4men maintain cean an# or#er- #eo#oriEe
!roun# on com%etion Contractor6s @o,
Contractor6s e1%ense one %hone connection ,i to ,e %ai# #urin! e1ecution
Shou# %ro+i#e a a,o+e shou# %ro+i#e su%%ort *hich has to ,e stron! tem%orar- accesses
to ,ui#in! *or4s shou# aso ,e ri!i#0 stron! an# safe this arran!ement shou# ,e a%%ro+e# ,-
Ta1es shou# ,e incu#e# in the amount of Ten#er at the ,e!innin! Saes Ta1 Dut- an# other
ta1es a%%ica,e 2 No caim *i ,e entertaine# ater on this front.
a. 1. The Contractor shou# com%- *ith an- ne* amen#s0 rues0 or#ers etc un#er Act of
3ariament or an- oca re!uation of '-e2a* etc.
a. ". The Architect shou# ,e informe# of the amen#ments or chan!es in the La* in the
form of 7ritten Notice.
a. $. The Contractor cannot ma4e chan!es accor#in! to these amen#s *ithout consutin!
the Architect.
a. &. If the architect #oes not issue an- corres%on#in! instructions0 the 7or4 has to ,e
carrie# out accor#in! to the ne* La* .Act of 3ariament or '-e2a*/.
a. A. An- correction in Contract Document is #eeme# a +ariation to ,e #one ,- the
a. >. The Contractor is ia,e to %a- the O*ner an# ta4e res%onsi,iit- of an- oss or e!a
#ama!e incurre# as a resut of such ne!ect.
A %atente# *or4s an# their %a-ment #etais sha ,e mentione# in the Contract 'is ,eforehan#
for s%ecia artices of #esi!n. In case of infrin!ement0 the Contractor is soe- res%onsi,e an# is
ia,e to %a- the o*ner for an- oss or e!a #ama!e.
To ,e o,taine# ,- Contractor throu!h coa,oration *ith !o+t an# o*ner char!es for this shou#
,e incu#e# ,eforehan# in the ten#er
Contractor shou# ma4e a%%ication for metere# *ater ser+ice at the #esi!nate# %oint in the site
%an %a- fees to su%%- authorit- for the connection for the *ater use# %rior to Date of
Sha %ro+i#e tem%orar- %i%in!0 ser+ices etc if contractor %ro%ose# to su%%- his Co*n6 *ater
su%%ose# to su,mit a ,i of *ater ana-sis for Architect6s a%%ro+a
Contractor *ithout *ritten consent from the Architect not ao*e# to assi!n the Contract to an-one
ese Not ao*e# to su,et an- %ortion of the 7or4

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