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Manual de Frases en Ingls para manejarse en diferentes lugares cuando viajamos a pases de

habla inglesa: En el aeropuerto, en el restaurant, de compras, etc.

Common Expressions Good morning !o" are #ou$ %hat&s #our name$ ' At the Airport (he
plane is landing )ta*ing off+ %here is m# seat$ ' At the Hotel ,ould I see the room$ ,ould
#ou "a*e me up at - am$ ' At the Restaurant %ould #ou li*e an#thing to drin*$ %aiter, the
chec* please. ' Traveling by Bus / Train %hat&s the ne.t stop$ /o I have to get off here$ '
Public Transportation Is there a bus stop around here$ 0lease ta*e me to' ' Shopping !o"
much is this article$ Ma# I tr# this dress on$ ' At the Post Oice Is there a post office nearb#$
%here can I bu# envelopes$ ' Phone Calls %ho is calling$ 1ou must dial this number' ' At
the !octor"s I am not feeling "ell %hat are the s#mptoms$ ' At the !rugstore ,ould I have
some sleeping pills$ !ere #ou are. (hat&ll be 234.56 ' At the Ban# %here can I find an 7(M$
!o" much is the rate of e.change$ ' $ovies % Theater %here is the tic*et8office$ 7re there
an# seats left$ '
9os pronombres en ingls pueden clasificarse en: personales )o nominales+, acusativos,
indefinidos, posesivos, relativos # recprocos. 9os pronombres son palabras :ue se;alan o
sustitu#en a otras :ue normalmente #a se han nombrado.
Pronombres Personales I, #ou, he, she, it, "e, #ou, the# Pronombres Acusativos me, #ou, him,
her, it, us, #ou, them A&'etivos Posesivos m#, #our, his her, its, our, #our, their Pronombres
Posesivos mine, #ours, his, hers, ours, #ours, theirs Pronombres Relexivos m#self, #ourself,
himself, herself, itself, ourselves, ' Pronombres (n&eini&os an#one, someone, nobod#,
ever#bod#, an#bod#, ' Pronombres Relativos that, "ho, "hose, "hich, "hom Pronombres
Rec)procos each other, one another
*istos en perspectiva
I me my mine myself
you you your yours yourself
he him his his himself
she her her hers herself
it it its -- itself
we us our ours ourselves
you you your yours yourselves
they them their theirs themselves
Pronombres Indefinidos
everybody nobody somebody anybody
everyone no one someone anyone
everything nothing something anything
Pronombres Relativos
who which that whom whose
Pronombres Recprocos
each other / one another
Gua de la pronunciaci<n del idioma ingls.
Temas importantes
!ierentes soni&os &e la +i, !ierentes soni&os &e la +a, Pronunciaci-n &e la terminaci-n
+e&, Palabras Hom-onas . P/gina 0 Palabras Hom-onas . P/gina 1 Palabras Hom-onas .
P/gina 2
Palabras con patrones &e letras para ciertos soni&os
Soni&o +/i,line, night, fl#, lie, find, ' Soni&o +3i,tail, place, sta#, eight, ' Soni&o +-u,gold, coat,
hole, slo", ' Soni&o +/u,round, out, do"n, no", ' Soni&o +i4,cube, use, ne", vie", ' Soni&o
+3ar,care, rare, fair, pear, ' Soni&o +3er,learn, turn, bird, sir, ' Soni&o +)ar,fear, near, beer,
here, ' Soni&o +/ier,fire, hire, dr#er, fl#er, ' Soni&o +-o,ball, la", cause, fraud, '
Palabras con letras mu&as 5Silent +letters6
Silent +b,debt, doubt, subtle, ' Silent +c,muscle, scene, science, ' Silent +&,hand*erchief,
handsome, ' Silent +g,gnome, sign, foreign, ' Silent +h,heir, honest, ghost, ' Silent +#,*nee,
*nife, *not, ' Silent +l,could, half, fol*, palm, ' Silent +n,autumn, column, h#mn, ' Silent
+p,cupboard, corps, receipt, ' Silent +s,aisle, island, debris, chassis, ' Silent +t,castle, listen,
ballet, depot, ' Silent +7,"rap, "rec*, ans"er, s"ord,

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