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The bank of Punjab
Zameer Haider
I N S T I T U T E O F A D M I N I S T R A T I V E S C I E N C E S Page 1
Table of contents


THE OR%ANIZATION''''''''''*''''''''**'**'''',-20
Histor. / Introd0ction
ore 1al0es
Ob2ecti3e Strate4ic Plannin4
ode Of 50siness Princi6le
Prod0ct / Ser3ices
I N S T I T U T E O F A D M I N I S T R A T I V E S C I E N C E S Page 1
or6orate P7iloso67.
5oard Of $irector
5OP &ana4ement
Or4 Str0ct0re
entral &ana4ement Hierarc7.
Str0ct0re Of Re4ional Office
A8ards / Ac7ie3ements
or6orate Social Res6onsibilit.
* &ANA%ERIA# 1IE" O) 5AN!'''''''''''''''''''****20-29
STR;T;RES / $ESI%N'''''''''''''''''''''''*2(-2<
$i3ision /de6artments
Or4ani:ation str0ct0re
%eo4ra67ic distrib0tion
Str0ct0re / dimension of 5OP
I N S T I T U T E O F A D M I N I S T R A T I V E S C I E N C E S Page 1
H;&AN RESO;RE &ANA%E&ENT'''''''''''''*''''*29-=1
HR $e3elo6ment
HR Plannin4
>ob $escri6tion
Orientation Trainin4
om6ensation / 5enefit
PROS / ONS''''''''''''''''''''''''''''***9=-99
Researc7 6ro2ect''''''''''''''''''''''''''''9,-++
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Up and above everything, all praise goes to ALLAH ALMIGHT! I a" profoundly thankful to
ALLAH ALMIGHT, the "ost gra#ious, #o"passionate and benefi#ent and His P$%PH&T
'(!A!)!)* +ho is forever a true tor#h of guidan#e for the +hole hu"anity!
My spe#ial thanks to the "anage"ent of ,The bank of Punjab, regional offi#e, Lahore-, +ho
provided "e the opportunity to have a real pra#ti#al e.posure to the banking se#tor of Pakistan
during "y / +eeks internship period!
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I have "y keen regards for Mr. Noman Afzal Sab, the "anager of the regional offi#e Lahore,
+hose kind guidan#e and friendly attitude not only fa#ilitate "e in learning but also help "e get
fa"iliar +ith the environ"ent of bank and re"oved "y prior strains regarding internship joining!
I +ould like to give spe#ial thanks to "y "entor Miss Nabila Shafi, +ho supported and tea#h "e
at ea#h and every step of "y pra#ti#al e.posure during "y internship period! (he not only
fa#ilitate "e to+ards learning in true "eanings but she also inspired "e in her styles of
"anage"ent and infa#t it +ould be a very diffi#ult for "e to learn ho+ H$ a#tually pra#ti#e in
the bank +ithout her #orporation and en#ourage"ent!
I +ould also like to give thanks to Mr. Sohail Aamir, Mr. Zulfiqar Butt and other staff of regional
offi#e 0%P, their friendly attitude en#ouraged "e to dis#uss about various issues regarding H$,
"anage"ent, 0%P #ulture and their proble"s and learning about "any "anagerial aspe#t of
banking se#tor!
Last but not the least1 I +ould like to thanks "y Prestigious Institute, Punjab University and "y
depart"ent Institute of Administrative Sciences +ho provided "e this +onderful opportunity of
pra#ti#al e.posure!
0anking se#tor o+es a pivotal i"portan#e in the e#ono"y of any #ountry through its vibrant
fun#tions! This is the deep seated "otivator that geared up "e to join any bank for internship!
Moreover the pra#ti#e and fa"iliarity learned during this tenure +ould also attest very helpful
and alleviating in the a+aiting profi#ient life!
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This report is an upshot of "y eight +eek internship in 0ank of Punjab, $egional offi#e, Lahore!
0ank of Punjab posses an i"perative i"portan#e in the banking se#tor of Pakistan! It al+ays
re"ains the #entre of hustles in business a#tivities! It al+ays endo+s +ith great #ovenant of rally
round in ter" of funds and servi#es at all epo#hs of its dyna"is"!
Although a derisory period of si. +eek is not enough to learn the #o"ple. operations of bank yet
I "ade industrious efforts to #onverse the" #o"prehensively in this report! Parti#ularly I have
re"unerated "ore a##ents on study of distinguishing features and servi#es of 0ank of Punjab! I
have "ade "a.i"u" venture to elaborate this report +ith the "aterial read, listened and
I have strong believe that this report +ill guide and ease the reader to understand ho+ the H$
pra#ti#e in the bank and also get good kno+ledge about the bank of Punjab, one of the "ost
trusty and leading bank in Pakistan!
2ear readers I hope that you +ill appre#iate "y report and sense that reading "y report is not
like to +aste the ti"e in any respe#t!
THE 5AN! O) P;N>A5
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The bank of Punjab established in 34/4, in pursuan#e of The 0ank of Punjab A#t 34/4 and +as
given the status of s#heduled bank in 3445! The bank of Punjab started fun#tioning on 6ove"ber
37, 34/4! It +as established under the provisions of se#tion 8/ of the federal list in#luded in the
s#heduled of the #onstitution of the Isla"i# republi# of Pakistan 349:!
The bank of Punjab +as established under an a#t of the Punjab asse"bly vi;! the bank of Punjab
a#t 34/4! The bill to this effe#t +as passed by provisional asse"bly on <uly :
34/4 and assented
to by Governor Punjab in a##ordan#e +ith the provision of the #onstitution on <uly 8= 34/4! This
a#t provided for the foundation for +hi#h the stru#ture of bank +as ere#ted! It also in#luded and
provided for various "odalities #on#erning the stru#ture, the organi;ation and the s#ope of the
bank laying do+n the obje#tives, share #apital and prin#iples of lending!
The entire responsibility of poli#y for"ulation and "anage"ent has been pla#ed, under the a#t,
+ith the board of dire#tor! The 0oard is headed by the >hair"an?Managing 2ire#tors appointed
by the Govt! that runs the affairs of the bank as per guidelines provided by the bank!
The board of dire#tor fully parti#ipates in the poli#y for"ulation of the bank and "eets every
third "onth for this purpose! To deal +ith day to day operations, 0oard #onstituted a Managing
#o""ittee #o"prising of si. of its "e"bers, in#luding the Managing dire#tor and five other
dire#tors +ho "eet at least on#e every "onth!
The 0ank of Punjab is no+ +orking as a s#heduled #o""er#ial bank +ith its net+ork of 89:
bran#hes at all "ajor business #enters in the #ountry! The 0ank provides all types of banking
servi#es su#h as 2eposit in Lo#al >urren#y, >lient 2eposit in @oreign >urren#y, $e"ittan#es,
and Advan#es to 0usiness, Trade, Industry and Agri#ulture!
The bank of Punjab has indeed entered a ne+ era of s#ien#e to the nation under e.perien#e and
professional hands of its "anage"ent! The bank of Punjab plays a vital role in the national
e#ono"y through "obili;ation of hitherto untapped lo#al resour#es, pro"oting savings and
providing funds for invest"ent! Attra#tive rates of profit on all types of deposits, opening of
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foreign #urren#y a##ount and handling of foreign e.#hange business su#h as i"ports, e.ports and
re"ittan#es, finan#ing, trade and industry for +orking #apital reAuire"ents and "oney "arket
operations are so"e fa#ilities being provided by the bank! The lending poli#y of bank is not only
#autious and #onstru#tive but also based on prin#iples of prudent lending +ith "a.i"u"
e"phasis on se#urity! As agri#ulture is #onsidered as ba#kbone of our e#ono"y the bank of
Punjab has introdu#ed BKissan Dost Agriculture Finance Scheme- to s"all far"ers!
The bank of Punjab +as in#orporated under 0%P a#t 34/41 its shares are listed on all sto#k
e.#hanges in Pakistan i!e! Cara#hi, Lahore and Isla"abad! The Govt! of Punjab holds the
"ajority shares of the bank!
In 34/4, the Govt! of Punjab o+ned =DE o+nership and autono"ous bodies, general publi# and
foreigner o+ned 5DE!
After that +ith the in#lusion of foreign investors the ratio +as disturbed asF
Govt! of Pakistan 73!3E
General publi#
Autono"ous body 5/!7E
@oreign investors
2ue to in#lusion of foreign investor the "arket pri#e of the share of the bank of Punjab +as
in#reased up to $s! 37D fro" $s! 3: and up to the end of 3443 it raised up to $s! 397 +hi#h +as
the "a.i"u" pri#e in the history of the bank of Punjab!
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To e.#eed the of our stakeholders by leveraging our relationship +ith the
Govern"ent of Punjab and delivering a #o"plete range of professional solutions +ith a fo#us on
progra""e driven produ#ts G servi#es in the Agri#ulture and Middle Tier Markets through a
"otivated tea"
HTo be a #usto"er fo#used bank +ith servi#e e.#ellen#eH
0stomerB As their first priority!
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Profitabilit.B @or the prosperity of our stakeholders that allo+s us to #onstantly invest,
i"prove and su##eed!
or6orate Social Res6onsibilit.B To &nri#h the Lives of #o""unity +here they
Reco4nition and Re8ardB @or the talented and high perfor"ing e"ployees!
E@cellenceB In every thing they do!
Inte4rit.B In all dealings!
Res6ectB @or #usto"ers and ea#h other!
&nsure that its perfor"an#e in all fa#ts of its operations "ore than "at#hes that of its
Maintains a #o"prehensive range of do"esti# and international a#tivities
Ma.i"u" #ontribution fro" its key sour#es of personal Ma#hines, 0rands,
$epresentation and >apital!
0e innovation progressive and the need of its #usto"ers +ith the fra"e +ork of
operational and prudent risk taker!
A#t as a reputable effi#ient and responsible organi;ation!
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Pursue personal poli#ies +hi#h re#ogni;e the aspirations and perfor"an#e of individual
and +hi#h are suited to the levels of skills!
0ank of Punjab is a spe#iali;ed finan#ial institution founded in 34/4! The obje#tive of the bank
is to pro"ote e#ono"i# gro+th in the Pakistan by diversifying its sour#es of in#o"e and
assisting in the develop"ent of its industrial stru#ture! The bank ai"s both to aid the
establish"ent of ne+ industries and #onsolidate and strengthen the e.isting one!
The bank is "ainly dedi#ated to serve private and se"iIprivate enterprises engaged in industrial
a#tivities +ith "ini"u" lo#al?G>> eAuity parti#ipation of 73E! In addition the bank provides
other servi#es reAuired by industrial se#tor!
The "ain obje#tives are
T7e 5anC of P0n2ab
The bank is to #hanneli;e the resour#es into se#tors, +hi#h have suffered fro" negle#t! %ther
obje#tives in#luded!
3! To provide speedier servi#es to the #o""on "an!
8! To provide the highest rate of return to the shareholders by a#hieving good profitable
:! To enter into finan#ing #ontra#ts and to "obili;e resour#es in lo#al and no+ in foreign
#urren#ies #onsistent +ith the obje#ts of the bank!
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The @ederal 0ureau of Prisons '0%P* uses a strategi# planning approa#h to "anage"ent!
(trategi# planning is driven by the 0%PJs "ission and vision state"ents, +hi#h are supported by
seven broad #orre#tional goals, ea#h of +hi#h, in turn, is supported by spe#ifi# obje#tives! The
0%PJs &.e#utive (taff holds regular planning sessions to ensure that the agen#yJs strategi# goals
#ontinue to address the "ajor issues and #hallenges that fa#e the agen#y both today and into the
future! The 0%PJs national strategi# planning goals keep resour#es and efforts fo#used on
a#tivities that dire#tly support the agen#yJs "ission
%oal 1B Po60lation &ana4ement
The @ederal 0ureau of Prisons '0%P* +ill proa#tively "anage its offender population to ensure
safe and se#ure operations, and +ork to+ard ulti"ately a#hieving an overall #ro+ding level in
the range of 37 per#ent!
%oal 2B H0man Reso0rce &ana4ement
The 0%P +ill have a #o"petent, diverse +orkfor#e operating +ithin a professional +ork
environ"ent prepared to "eet the #urrent and future needs of the organi;ation!
%oal =B Sec0rit. and )acilit. &ana4ement
The 0%P +ill "aintain its fa#ilities in operationally sound #onditions and in #o"plian#e +ith
se#urity, safety, and environ"ental reAuire"ents
%oal 9B orrectional #eaders7i6 and Effecti3e P0blic Administration
The 0%P +ill "anage its operations and resour#es in a #o"petent and effe#tive "anner +hi#h
en#ourages #reativity and innovation in the develop"ent of e.e"plary progra"s, as +ell as
e.#ellen#e in "aintaining the basi#s of #orre#tional "anage"ent! The 0%P #ontinually strives
to+ard i"prove"ents in its effe#tive use of resour#es and its effi#ient delivery of servi#es!
%oal (B Inmate Pro4rams and Ser3ices
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The 0%P provides servi#es and progra"s to address in"ate needs, providing produ#tive useIofI
ti"e a#tivities, and fa#ilitating the su##essful reintegration of in"ates into so#iety, #onsistent
+ith #o""unity and standards!
%oal +B 50ildin4 Partners7i6s
The 0%P +ill #ontinue to seek opportunities for e.panding the involve"ent of #o""unity, and
lo#al, state, and @ederal agen#ies, in i"proving the effe#tiveness of the servi#es it provides to
offenders and #onstituent agen#ies! The a#tive parti#ipation by 0%P staff to i"prove
partnerships +ill allo+ the 0%P to #arry out its "ission +ithin the #ri"inal justi#e syste" and to
re"ain responsive to other agen#ies and the publi#! The 0%P +ill develop partnerships to fo#us
the shared responsibility for the establish"ent of a supportive environ"ent pro"oting the
reintegration of offenders into the #o""unity
%oal ,B o0nter-Terrorism
The 0%P +ill provide for publi# safety and se#urity by fo#using on the prevention, disruption,
and response to terrorist a#tivities!
A#t +ith honesty and integrity in#luding ethi#al handling of a#tual or apparent #onfli#ts
of interest bet+een their personal, finan#ial, #o""er#ial interest and responsibility to
Give a true a fair vie+ of the state of affairs of the bank in the reports and do#u"ents that
0%P files +ith or sub"it to shareholders! Govern"ent authorities and sto#k e.#hange or
other+ise "akes publi#!
$espe#t the #onfidentiality of infor"ation a#Auire in the #ourse of their +ork, e.#ept or
other+ise legally obligated to dis#lose and not to use su#h #onfidential infor"ation of
third party, +hi#h 0%P has rightfully re#eived under on dis#losure agree"ent a +ellF
I N S T I T U T E O F A D M I N I S T R A T I V E S C I E N C E S Page 1
A#hieve responsible use of and #ontrol over all assets and resour#es e"ployed or
&.er#ise good judg"ent to ensure the safety and +elfare of its e"ployees, agents and
#ontra#tor and to "aintain a #orporative effi#ient, positive har"onious nad produ#tive
+ork environ"ent and business organi;ation!
To #o"ply +ith the trading #odes of #ondu#t as laid do+n by 0%P!
Proa#tively pro"ote and be an e.a"ple of ethi#al behavior as a responsible partner
a"ong peers, in the +ork environ"ent and #o""unity!
Produ#ts are divided into three "ajor heads
$e6osit 6rod0ctB
00A A##ount
>urrent A##ount
(aving A##ount
Tijarat A##ount
@> (upre"e >urrent A##ount
I N S T I T U T E O F A D M I N I S T R A T I V E S C I E N C E S Page 1
Profit #oss S7arin4 Term Acco0nts
Pehle Munafa (#he"e
>orporate Pre"ier Ter" A##ount
Munafa Hi Munafa Ter" A##ount
0ai Missal Ter" 2eposit A##ount
(enior #iti;en saving a##ount
Gharayaloo saving a##ount
Kyada "unafa saving a##ount
#oan 6rod0ct
>o""er#ial finan#e
>onsu"er finan#e
Agri#ulture #redit
ATM fa#ility
%nline banking
& banking
2ebit #ard
I N S T I T U T E O F A D M I N I S T R A T I V E S C I E N C E S Page 1
>onsu"er finan#ing
Agri#ulture finan#ing
>orporate finan#ing
>o""ission free re"ittan#e
KA$>% e.#hange re"ittan#e
>olle#tion of utility bills
Lo#kers fa#ility
A##ount opening
Pri;e bond
The bank of Punjab has a progressive and a dyna"i# hu"an resour#e philosophy! The bank
believes in transfor"ing its hu"an #apital into a key sour#e of #o"petitive advantage! There is a
strong value syste" in pla#e, +hi#h is driven by result orientation, adaptability to #hange
hu"ility and respe#t for sub ordinates and peers! The bank believes that invest"ent in hu"an
#apital is #riti#al for a#hieving and sustaining gro+th!
The bankLs #onstant endeavor is to #reate a perfor"an#e driven +ork #ulture +ith fo#us on
e"ployee satisfa#tion and retention!
0%P strongly believes that the interest of the bank and the e"ployees are inseparable! They try
to #reate WE #ulture +here there is a "utual trust and respe#t for ea#h other! 0%P en#ourages
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o+nership behavior so that everyone feels responsible for the perfor"an#e and reputation of the
bank! The bank #o""itted to develop and enhan#e ea#h e"ployeeLs skills and #apabilities
through e.tensive inIhouse and e.ternal training progra"s and job rotation!
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The board of dire#tors of the bank #o"prises of the bankers, industrialists, business"en, holding
i"pe##able reputation in the business #o""unity! The board #o"prised ofF
(afdar <aved (yed >hair"an
6aee"IudI2in Chan President
A;har Ha"eed 2ire#tor
Haroon Cha+aja 2ire#tor
@arooA Ah"ad A+an 2ire#tor
6aveed Masood 2ire#tor
Mujtaba <a"al >haudhry 2ire#tor
(hafAat &lahi 2ire#tor
(hafAat Meh"ood 2ire#tor
TariA Meh"ood Pasha 2ire#tor
)aAar Ah"ad Chan 2ire#tor
$a;a (aeed (e#retary to the board
I N S T I T U T E O F A D M I N I S T R A T I V E S C I E N C E S Page 1
Names $esi4nation
Ija; Ur $eh"an Mureshi Head Audit G $isk Asset $evie+
LiaAat Ali Head >o""er#ial 0anking
Mian Muha""ad (harif Head >redit Ad"inistration
Ah"ad $a;i Gha;ali Head >onsu"er 0anking 2ivision
(!M Atif Head Agri#ulture >redit 2epart"ent
Mustafa Ha"dani Head Transa#tion 0anking
(hahid )aAar Meh"ood Head $etail 0anking 2ivision
Abdul $a;;aA Head $isk Manage"ent
(yed Mudassar Hussain 6aAvi Head Legal
Moghis 0ukhari General Manager H$
6adee" A"ir General Manger @inan#e
(harjeel Masud General Manager %peration
Cha+ar (hahid Ansari General Manager Treasury
@aisal A;"at Chan General Manager IT
(al"an (aeed General Manager (pe#ial Asset
Chalid Maiyu" Head >orporate G Invest"ent 0anking
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I N S T I T U T E O F A D M I N I S T R A T I V E S C I E N C E S Page 1
Senior Vice
Vice President
Asst Vice
Cas# O$$icer
%unior O$$icer
I N S T I T U T E O F A D M I N I S T R A T I V E S C I E N C E S Page 1
0%P is highly #entrali;ed and partially de#entrali;ed organi;ation! All the de#isions are
"ade by board of dire#tors, "e"ber of e.e#utive #o""ittee and division heads! The
#entrali;ed stru#ture help the" to "ake big de#isions +hile de#entrali;ed stru#ture
provide authority to area "anagers and bran#h "anagers to "ake any de#isions regarding
their field of interest!
@ollo+ing is the stru#ture of 0%PF
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Regiona) c#ie$
RC Nort# RC Sout#
E@cellence A8ard b. t7e entral 5oard of Re3en0e
The >entral 0oard of $evenue presented H&.#ellen#e A+ardH to the 0ank of Punjab in
re#ognition of the #ontribution "ade by the bank to+ards Govern"ent e.#heAuer!
=rd !issan Time A8ards
In re#ognition of 0ankJs #ontribution in develop"ent and gro+th of agri#ultural se#tor, the 0ank
honored +ith HTop 0ank for Agri#ulture LoansH and H0est 0ank >rop Insuran#eH under :rd
Cissan Ti"e A+ards year 8DD=!
5est or6orate Re6ort A8ard
Annual $eport of the 0ank for the year 8DD7 +on 7th position for HThe 0est >orporate $eport
A+ardH for the @inan#ial se#tor, adjudi#ated jointly by the Institute of >hartered A##ountants of
Pakistan and the Institute of >ost and Manage"ent A##ountants of Pakistan!
1+t7 5olan E@cellence A8ard
I N S T I T U T E O F A D M I N I S T R A T I V E S C I E N C E S Page 1
'R d*t
MIS d*t O*eratio
n d*t
Credit d*t
Agri d*t Consu&er
IT d*t
The 0ank +as a+arded 0est 0ank A+ard under 37th 0olan &.#ellen#e A+ards distributed in
Ac7ie3ement A8ard
The Lahore >ha"ber of >o""er#e G Industry 'L>>I* a+arded the 0ank HL>>I A#hieve"ent
A+ardH 8DD=!
;#T;RE O) THE 5AN! O) P;N>A5
The bank of Punjab is the se"iIGovt! organi;ation, not fully private or (&TH but itLs a "i.ture
of both! 0ut a part fro" that, #ulture is Auite friendly! All e"ployees +ork in a rela. "anner!
There are no stri#t for"alities bet+een the "anager and the staff! The "anager believes in
having a #o"fortable +ork environ"ent for his staff! He hi"self tries not to #reate tension
a"ong e"ployees infe#t at ti"es +hen so"e proble" arise he support his subordinate very +ell!
The #ulture is Auite friendly and attra#tive a"ong e"ployees and it is as "u#h +el#o"ing for the
interns too! &veryone is so helpful and en#ouraging the interns! &veryone is so en#ouraging and
keen to "ake us learn ne+ things! &ven both regional #hief are also very friendly to+ards the
staff +orking under the"!
This easy rela. #al" #ulture add point to their effi#ien#y and "ake this offi#e one of the best for
%verall 0%P is very friendly #ooperative and having strong #ulture! 0%P follo+ their key and
ethi#al values very stri#tly and at the sa"e ti"e it "otivate the innovative #ulture too!
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As a responsible #orporate #iti;en, 0%P reali;e its so#ial responsibilities to+ards its so#iety apart
fro" its #usto"er and stakeholders!0%P #ontribute to different so#ial seg"ents of the e#ono"y
in various +ay for i"proving Auality life in the #ountry! (o"e i"portant events are given belo+
that highlight the role of bank of Punjab in #orporate so#ial responsibility!
@ro" lasts fe+ years bankLs #orporate responsibility +as sho+n through full and partial
sponsorship of follo+ing eventsF
$e#ently 0ank of Punjab set &id holiday #a"p for flood vi#ti"!
In 8DD7 0%P held golf tourna"ent ,Golf for life- and ,Gala dinner- to help earth Auake
It also held 9
Asian baseball #up!
International (Auash Tourna"ent
All Pakistan $ugby >ha"pion
A;har Kaidi Testi"onial >ri#ket Mat#h
Punjab poli#e polo tourna"ent
It also #ondu#t se"inar on ,&#ono"i#s Perfor"an#e And 0udget &.pansion-
MA6AG&$IAL NI&) %@ TH& 0A6C %@ PU6<A0
I N S T I T U T E O F A D M I N I S T R A T I V E S C I E N C E S Page 1
The planning pro#ess of 0%P is "u#h for"ali;ed1 they follo+ #lear #ut rules and follo+ing a
hierar#hy style! The 0%P have integrated net+ork of goals in +hi#h the a##o"plish"ent of goals
at the higher level serves as the "ean for a#hieving the goals at the operational level! 0ank of
Punjab has "ultiple goals but it is a profit seeking organi;ation so it e"phasis on one profit
"aking goal! The basi# strategi# plan of the bank of Punjab is establishing the organi;ations
basi# goal that they desire to a#hieve for profit "aking!
The short ter" plans deal +ith the "inor goals of the bank and long ter" deals +ith "ajor plans!
The bank stated only those goals +hi#h give benefit to stakeholder! All long ter" and short ter"
goals are "ade and approved by the board of dire#tors and 0%P "anage"ent! The head offi#e
set the goals and "akes plans for the a#hieve"ent of goals a##ording to the standards set by state
bank of Pakistan!
0%P use for"al planning but prefer group de#ision "aking style for planning!
The planning pro#edure start +ith the planning do#u"ent +hi#h is "ade by head offi#e and then
it #ir#ulate in all bran#hes of the bank! The bran#h "anager shares these plans +ith the
e"ployees +orking under hi"!
0%P use "ulti te#hniAues for planning that are fore#asting and ben#h"ark! 0ank of Punjab use
strategi# planning +ith ti"e fra"e of long ter" and the nature of planning nor"ally dire#tional
+hi#h #an be #hange a##ording to the reAuire"ent!
%rgani;ing of 0%P involves asse"bling and #oordinating the hu"an, finan#ial, physi#al
infor"ation and other resour#es needed to a#hieve goals! It in#lude attra#ting people to the
I N S T I T U T E O F A D M I N I S T R A T I V E S C I E N C E S Page 1
organi;ation, spe#ifying job responsibilities, grouping jobs into +ork units, "arshaling and
allo#ating resour#es and #reating #ondition so that people and thing +ork together to "a.i"i;e
The bank of Punjab has for"al arrange"ents of jobs! In bank +ork spe#iali;ation is an i"portant
organi;ing "e#hanis"! The bank of Punjab is depart"entali;e on the basis of geographi#al
territory and fun#tions su#h as #redit poli#y division, treasury and international division,
"arketing division, ad"inistration division, finan#e and share depart"ent et#! the bank of Punjab
running its 89: bran#hes at all "ajor business #enters! (o a single "anager had to handle a large
no of e"ployees at one ti"e +hi#h is a diffi#ult task for hi"! He has to keep an eye on their
+ork and "onitor the"! Top level "anagers tell the other "anagers +hat to do so the #hain of
#o""and in the bank is not very sti#k!
Top level "anage"ent takes all the de#isions about the organi;ation! &"ployees have no right to
take de#ision but they #an give their opinion and suggestions to the top "anage"ent! 6o+ the
bank "oving to+ards the de#entrali;ed approa#h as sin#e the lo+er level "anagers have "ore
detailed kno+ledge about the proble"s and their de#isions than do top "anagers so the authority
has been pushed do+n to the regional and operational levels and top level "anagers take their
suggestions into their #onsideration! &"ployees in the bank are guided by the rules and
pro#edure about the organi;ation! The bank of Punjab is "oderately for"ali;ed!
The bank has proper rules and regulation poli#ies! The bank is follo+ing a presidential order
syste"! The bank follo+s servi#e rules that are issued by se#retariat!
>o""uni#ation in the bank of Punjab is very friendly and for"ali;ed! They use "odern and
traditional syste" for #o""uni#ation!0%P use both do+n+ard and up+ard #o""uni#ation
I N S T I T U T E O F A D M I N I S T R A T I V E S C I E N C E S Page 1
Meetings are held in all "ajor regional offi#es, to provide a foru" +here by e"ployees #an
intera#t +ith senior "anage"ent and dis#uss "arket trends and business update +ith the"! They
also provide a platfor" for e"ployees to voi#e their #on#ern and suggestions! Any sort of
infor"ation #o""uni#ated in the bank is through group "eetings, telephone, for"al
presentation, "e"os, traditional "ails, fa. "a#hines, e"ployeesL publi#ations, #onferen#es and
ele#troni# "ails!
The bank of Punjab is one of the leading banks in Pakistan! It has al+ays "aintained an
opti"isti# vie+ on the future outlook for Pakistan! 0op ranks as 8
top ten traded #o"panies and
as holds the 9
position in top 3D gainers of the #ountries!
In 0%P the top level "angers and supervisors use different leadership style to attain their goals
and influen#e their e"ployees! Their "otivating styles #ould be in the for" of their task,
relationship, delegation, parti#ipation and #o""uni#ation!
Motivating high level of e"ployee perfor"an#e is an i"portant issue of any organi;ation! The
bank of Punjab has highly "otivated e"ployees be#ause 0%P kno+s this fa#t that they #an not
go for+ard +ithout their hu"an resour#e, so they give lots of re+ards, in#entives and re#ognition
for their e"ployeeLs perfor"an#e! It in#ludes bonus, "edi#al fa#ilities, insuran#e and job
se#urity! The organi;ation gives loan for auto"obiles houses and other things +ith lo+ rate of
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interest! &"ployees #an also get so"e #ost of living allo+an#es by 0%P like "edi#al allo+an#es,
house rent and "ahngaee allo+an#es! 0%P fa#ilitates their every regular e"ployee +ith &@U
insuran#e fa#ility and it is also offered to their #hildren and +ife as +ell! Medi#al fa#ilities are
also given!
6o+adays all the organi;ation pro"otes tea" +orking at"osphere be#ause it in#rease the
produ#tivity level! &spe#ially in the banking se#tor tea" and group task are "ore en#ouraged!
0%P also +ork in tea" for"! Although every e"ployee is trained to do every kind of +ork
individually but there is a division of labor!
The offi#ial +ork of 0%P is done under the supervision of t+o authorities! %ne is state bank of
Pakistan as they "ake rules and regulation that "ust be follo+ed by bank and 8
head is 0%P
head offi#e +hi#h are #onsist of board of dire#tors, audit G inspe#tion, president and general
"angers +ho "ake poli#ies and rules for the bank and all the bran#hes +ork a##ording these
poli#es and rules G regulation!
The bank of Punjab uses t+o approa#hes of #ontrol to "onitor e"ployee perfor"an#e and
3! 0ureau#rati# #ontrol
I N S T I T U T E O F A D M I N I S T R A T I V E S C I E N C E S Page 1
8! >lan #ontrol
The bank use "i. of both #ontrol! The bank use rules and regulation for bureau#rati# #ontrol and
values believes and nor"s for #lan #ontrol!
>ontrolling in the bank of Punjab is i"portant be#ause of : "ain reasons
3! To #he#k +hether things are going as they are planned
8! To avoid +rong use of e"po+er"ent
:! To prote#t bank fro" sudden #risis, se#urity alert, be#ause #o"panies +ho have
aggressive #ontrol #an fa#e less disruption of their business!
The bank does not use the +hole #ontrolling pro#ess to "onitor a#tivities and perfor"an#e! It
just "easures the perfor"an#e of e"ployee and "anagers take i""ediate a#tion to #orre#t the
deviations and inadeAuate standards!
The overall perfor"an#e of bank is "easured in t+o +ays
3! The perfor"an#e of all bran#hes and regional offi#es
8! The overall perfor"an#e of bank
The perfor"an#e of bank is "easured by #he#king the Auality and Auantity of servi#es being
provided to #usto"ers and also through audit!
I N S T I T U T E O F A D M I N I S T R A T I V E S C I E N C E S Page 1
0%P has its o+n audit depart"ent that "easured the perfor"an#e and #he#ks the illegal +ork
and frauds on yearly basis1 and no+ "ost pre#isely it is done regularly after si. "onth!
There are t+o types of audit e.ternal and internal! Internal audit is usually both for bran#hes and
the +hole organi;ation! There are nor"al inspe#tions and supervise inspe#tions to #he#k the
perfor"an#e of bank and it is done by the audit #o""ittee!
&.ternal audit is done by so"e other audit organi;ation! 0%P has its e.ternal audit! Its purpose is
to #he#k that there should not be any irregularity in the revenues, profit, lose, servi#es or
a##ounts of the bank! The e.ternal audit is usually done by state bank of Pakistan!
(T$U>TU$& G 2&(IG6 %@ TH& 0A6C %@ PU6<A0
H0man Reso0rce $i3isionB
I N S T I T U T E O F A D M I N I S T R A T I V E S C I E N C E S Page 1
This division deals +ith the proble"s relates to the staff ad"inistration! The "ain fun#tion of
this depart"ent is to arrange a #o"prehensive training progra" for re#ruited staff! %thers
fun#tion in#ludesF
3! $e#ruit"ent
8! (taff re"uneration
:! Pla#ing the staff
5! Providing and defining the opportunities for #areer develop"ent and gro+th
7! 2evising and i"ple"enting servi#es rules!
=! Pro"otion and de"otion
+ (uspension and ter"ination
, Transportation
- (e#urity, health and benefits!
O6eration $i3isionF
This 2ivision is #on#erned +ith the operational +orking in general banking, +hi#h is #on#erned
+ith the routine +orking of the bank! Any proble" or a"biguity arise in any bran#h +orking are
re#tified and suggested for #orre#tion by this division! This 2ivision usually takes te#hni#al
pro#edures involved the de#isions like #o""issions! And also
1 The "aintenan#e of the e.isting building of the bank
. %pening ne+ bran#hes and their "aintenan#e
/ Also deal +ith the stationary proble"s of the bank
I N S T I T U T E O F A D M I N I S T R A T I V E S C I E N C E S Page 1
50siness $e3elo6ment $i3isionB
It is the other na"e of the "arketing division! It pro"otes the bank #ause i!e! deposits and +ork
for the over all develop"ent of the bank! 2eposits are the lifeblood of any bank! )ithout
deposits bank #annot perfor" any fun#tion of banking! This division the deposits target of
every bran#h by keeping and eye over the potential #usto"ers in the area! It gives "otivation to
bran#hes to a#hieve their targets through different #a"paigns and s#he"es like #ash pri;es and
spe#ial in#re"ents! It publishes a bulletin in +hi#h those bran#hes are en#ouraged +ho a#hieves
their "onthly targets! The "ain fun#tion is to develop and attra#t the #usto"ers and depositors! It
also "anagesF
3! Advertising poli#y
8! (ales pro"otion
:! (#he"es offered by the bank
redit $i3isionB
This division #ontrol over all #redit operations like san#tion of loans, Inland 0ill Pur#hased 'I0P* and also
keeps #he#k over se#urities "ortgage, hypothe#ating or pledge! It also fi. the rate of "arkIup and other
de#isions #on#erning +ith the #redit!
There is a #redit #o""ittee, +hi#h #onsists of senior offi#ers1 0ran#hes send the #redit proposal
to head offi#e #redit division! >redit #o""ittee approves it after "aking a through analysis! It
also prepare the poli#ies regarding the san#tioning loan, "onitor loans and #redit, look after the
portfolio of the bank, define #redit li"its against spe#ified se#urities!
International $i3isionB
This division is providing i"portant servi#es to the bank regarding the "atters of International
Trade, I"port, &.port Letters of >redit, Travelers #heAue et#!
It develops ,>orrespondent $elationship- +ith others on #o""ission basis and this
helps to deal +ith the #lients having i"port e.port business!
I N S T I T U T E O F A D M I N I S T R A T I V E S C I E N C E S Page 1
It handles treasury operations!
The Marketing and (pot Inspe#tion #ell, +hi#h +ere introdu#ed by the bank, are
sho+ing positive results in ter"s of a#hieving foreign #urren#y deposit targets and other
foreign related business
)inance $i3isionB
It #ontrols the routine finan#ial "atters! The per"ission of spe#ial e.penditure in#urred in the
bran#hes, and other su#h #ases! The daily position and H% &.tra#ts are daily sent to this division
by all the bran#hes! This division not only esti"ates the profit and loss of every bran#h but also
prepare overall in#o"e state"ent and balan#e sheet of the #o"plete bank! It also keeps re#ord of
total deposits of the bank and then their #lassifi#ation in the for" of loans into different se#tors
of e#ono"y!
The basi# fun#tions areF
3! Monitoring the fis#al and finan#ial poli#ies of the bank!
8! 2eals in e.ploring "eans for investing surplus bank funds!
:! Maintenan#e and invest"ent of Gratuity and Pension @unds of the e"ployees!
Reco3er. $i3isionB
The re#overy division, +hi#h +as established in 3445 to assist in regulari;ing the diffi#ult loan
a##ounts, has rendered valuable servi#es in this respe#t! To effe#t re#overies in an effi#ient
"anner, a poli#y has been fra"ed in a##ordan#e +ith the guidelines issued by the (tate 0ank of
Pakistan Moreover, re#overy #ells at regional levels have been set up to assist the head offi#e!
This division looks after the "atters of re#overy of loan +ith the assistan#e of legal advisor!
A0dit / Ins6ectionB
This depart"ent ensures appropriate syste" of #he#ks and balan#es! It #he#ks all the
irregularities, errors and forgeries if any, under the rules and regulations for"ed by the
Govern"ent of Punjab! @or this purpose it doesnLt only keep and eye on the bran#hes in their
vi#inity but also #ondu#t surprise and #o"prehensive audits of the bran#hes! This strategy has
i"proved +orking at the bran#h level! It not only points out the dis#repan#ies but also tries to
I N S T I T U T E O F A D M I N I S T R A T I V E S C I E N C E S Page 1
solve it! (urprise audit "aintain a good #he#k on the over all +orking of the bran#h espe#ially of
the side of finan#e!
In todayLs #o"petitive +orld +here globali;ation is bringing people #loser to one another no
organi;ation #an survive +ith pure "e#hanisti# stru#ture! &ven the banking se#tor has been
influen#ed by te#hnology and the 0%P reali;es this fa#t! The stru#ture of 0%P is not pure
"e#hanisti# rather is trying to bit fle.ible! (tru#ture of organi;ation depends upon si;e of the
organi;ation, strategies, te#hnologies and degree of un#ertainty of the environ"ent! 0%P +hi#h a
large organi;ation is having :=/3 e"ployees +orking in it and it tends to have "ore
spe#iali;ation, depart"entali;ation and rules and regulation!
0ank of Punjab is running its 898 bran#hes in all over #ountry! These bran#hes are #ontrolled
and supervised by different regions! The regional #hief hi"self send #ir#ulars to all the bran#h
"anagers about daily and "onthly reports! There are seven "ajor regions under +hi#h the
net+ork of 89: bran#hes is divided! These regions are very +ell #oordinated +ith all its
bran#hes! These seven regions are Lahore, @aisalabad, Gujran+ala, Multan, Pesha+ar,
$a+alpindi and Cara#hi!
@or"ali;ation "ean +ritten do#u"ents of the organi;ation, +hi#h in#lude rules and regulation,
job des#ription, "anuals and reports et#!The bank of Punjab is highly for"ali;ed organi;ation!
%ne of the reason it its bureau#rati# stru#ture and as being a govern"ent o+ned subsidy! The
I N S T I T U T E O F A D M I N I S T R A T I V E S C I E N C E S Page 1
rules regulation, poli#y "anuals are +ritten do+n and properly do#u"ented! The jobs are
defined and job des#riptions are Auite #o"prehensive!
(pe#iali;ation "eans degree to +hi#h tasks are subdivided into separate job a#tivities perfor"ed!
The bank of Punjab is the largest banks in Pakistan! It has large no of depart"ents in +hi#h large
no of e"ployees are +orking, but the spe#iali;ation is see"s Auite lo+ as a single person do
"ore than 8I: tasks! Usually e"ployees in the bank are not spe#iali;ed to spe#ifi# +ork
a#tivities! The division of labor #on#ept is not apply to all +orking staff but to so"e #ase of
>entrali;ation refers the hierar#hal level that has an authority to "ake de#isions +hen de#ision
"aking authority kept at top level! In bank of Punjab all the de#isions regarding hiring of
e"ployees, establishing goals, setting pri#es, de#iding "arket territory all "ade by top
"anage"ent! (o +e #an say that 0%P is highly #entrali;ed organi;ation! 2e#isions are taken by
top "anage"ent and for+arded do+n to the e"ployees to i"ple"ent on the"! The targets are
given and everyone has to a#hieve his? her targets!
Hierar#hy of authority refers to follo+ up to do+n! The hierar#hy at the top is Auite +ide but as it
goes do+n it gets intense! Hierar#hy of authority is verti#al instead of hori;ontal! The "ajor
burden starts at the regional #hief level be#ause he has to take the reports fro" all the bran#hes
under his region! As the hierar#hy goes up it be#o"e +ider!
HUMA6 $&(%U$(& MA6AG&M&6T
I N S T I T U T E O F A D M I N I S T R A T I V E S C I E N C E S Page 1
The effi#ient, hard+orking, talented and Aualified hu"an resour#es are the "ain drivers behind
the su##ess of any organi;ation! &spe#ially for those +ho +orking in the servi#e industry hu"an
resour#e is the key to su##ess! @ortunately 0%P is gifted +ith talented and dedi#ated e"ployees
+ho not only kno+ and understand the vision of the bank but also do great effort to a#hieve
organi;ationLs goals and obje#tives!
The bank is a+are of #ontinues training of its e"ployees due to e"ergen#e of day to day
i"proved "anage"ent and other business te#hniAues! The bank has its offi#er training institute
'%TI*! This %TI is full ti"e dedi#ated to+ards the develop"ent of its e"ployees! %utside %TI
e"ployees are also provided +ith opportunity to attend training session and se"inars held by
P0A, (0P and I0P et#!
To en#ourage the effort and loyalty of e"ployees 0%P re+arded the" +ith pro"otions and
bonuses! The bank also fa#ilitates the" by providing group life insuran#e and "edi#al insuran#e!
Hu"an resour#e depart"ent play a vital role in the develop"ent of people +ithin the
organi;ation! 0ank of PunjabLs H$ pro#ess in#lude attra#ting talented people, "aintaining a +ell
trained and highly "otivated +ork for#e, "anaging diversity, dividing effe#tive #o"pensation
syste" and "anaging layoffs, health#are and pension #ost!
)hen organi;ation needs e"ployees then they sho+ job des#ription and job spe#ifi#ation! 0ut
before that they analy;e the job by gathering infor"ation fro" e"ployees and identified job
spe#ifi# #hara#teristi#s! >urrently bank is trying to revise its H$ planning poli#y! In the past fe+
"onths the H$ planning +as not +ell as the shortage of staff indi#ates so"e loop holes in this
"atter! The bank fa#e serious proble" of e"ployees shortage, +ith the e"ergen#e of foreign
banks and their attra#tive pay stru#ture 0%P e"ployees "ove to+ards the"! 6o+ +hen I joined
the bank as an internee I found its H$ is very +ell #oordinated and "anaged and H$ planning is
I N S T I T U T E O F A D M I N I S T R A T I V E S C I E N C E S Page 1
very strong! 2uring "y internship period I e.perien#ed : intervie+s session for job #andidate
and training are held very freAuently! Usually 8 training sessions per +eek "ust be held at
regional offi#e!

The job des#ription for" of the bank des#ribes the job to the ne+ly hired e"ployee! The job
des#ription for" has the follo+ing for"at!
&"ployee no
2epart"ent? unit
@un#tional area
(pe#ifi# fun#tion of this job
Prin#iple task perfor"ed
<ob +orkload
(pe#ifi# kno+ledge and skill needed
&du#ation? Aualifi#ation
)ork e.perien#e
I N S T I T U T E O F A D M I N I S T R A T I V E S C I E N C E S Page 1
<ob depth
In the bank of Punjab the re#ruit"ent is done by attra#ting e"ployees through internet,
ne+spapers and #o"pany +ebsite! (in#e the every outset the bank of Punjab has pla#ed great
pre"iu" on "erit! The bank devised its offi#er training s#he"es in early 344DLs! The poli#y of
re#ruit"ent is purely on the basis of "erit, found its fullest e.pression in the diplo"a results
announ#ed by the institute of bankers in 2e#e"ber 3443, <uly 3448 and <anuary 344:!
(ele#tion builds on re#ruiting and involves de#isions about +ho" to hire! It is an in
predi#tion! In 0%P the "anagers follo+ a proper pro#ess of sele#tion! They use a no of sele#tion
tools like appli#ation for"s, +ritten test, and intervie+ and ba#kground investigation! The "ost
used sele#tion devises are preli"inary test, final test, preli"inary intervie+ and final intervie+!
A ne+ e"ployee +hen he hired need so"e kind of introdu#tion to his?her job and the
organi;ation! In orientation the e"ployee is "ade fa"iliar to his? her job, +ork environ"ent and
realisti# job intervie+! In 0%P the ne+ly hired e"ployee is introdu#ed +ith +ork unit, +orking
hours, pay pro#edure, rules and regulation and H$ poli#ies and benefit!
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In 0%P the offi#er training institute is "ade for training the e"ployees! Training of e"ployees is
based on their reAuired skills and position! They are trained +ith interpersonal skills like
#o""uni#ation, #usto"er servi#es, diversity and #ulture a+areness, leadership #oa#hing,
te#hni#al skills about their job, infor"ation te#hnology and #o"puter appli#ation skills!
The e"ployees are provided +ith #o"pensation and benefit and also an e"ployee #an have
holidays na"ed as privileged and #asual leaves! There are s#holarships and stipends for the
e"ployees, #hildren! &"ployees are also re+arded +ith bonus, "edi#al fa#ilities, insuran#e and
job se#urity!
5ell c0r3e a8ardB it is a perfor"an#e a+ard! These are spe#ifi# grader 'A, 0, >* given to every
e"ployee a##ording to his perfor"an#e that the end of the year the e"ployee +ith outstanding
grades gets a pro"otion or 9 basi# salaries as a bonus!
0eside this &id bonuses are also given to every e"ployee on both &ids! There is a travelling
allo+an#e TA2A for auditors! Petrol is also given to the e"ployees but this in#entive is not for
every e"ployee it start +ith assistant vi#e president '87D liter petrol per "onth* to top! @or top
"anagers there are "anagerial allo+an#es and "obile fa#ility is also given to the"!
P&$(%6AL &OP&$I&6>& G I6T&$6(HIP A>TINITI&(
The bank of Punjab given "e the opportunity for internship at regional offi#e Lahore and give
"e a #han#e to e.plore ho+ the H$ pra#ti#es done in the bank! As internship is a sour#e of
pra#ti#al training and it "ade "e effi#ient in #o"petitive business environ"ent! I have tried "y
best to use "y previous kno+ledge about H$ and I reali;ed that previous kno+ledge really
prove fruitful! The #redit obviously goes to our fa#ulty "e"bers and bankLs staff +ho guided "e
to+ards banking syste"! (i. +eeks internship in this su""er va#ations +as never favorite ne+s
I N S T I T U T E O F A D M I N I S T R A T I V E S C I E N C E S Page 1
for all of us! )e al+ays #onsider it an e.tra burden and hassle in the +ay of our degree progra"!
0ut no+ +hen I have #o"pleted internship I +ould greatly appre#iate "y tea#hers and #ourse
#oordinators +ho have given this opportunity of learning e.perien#e before for"ally entered into
pra#ti#al field! This internship has not only "ade "e fa"iliar +ith +orking environ"ent of
banking se#tor but also has boost up "y #onfiden#e level to enter in any pra#ti#al field!
)&&C 3F
Audit & maintained leave record: In the 3
+eek I "aintained leave data of e"ployees of
regional offi#e and kept it in file and register and then update the data on syste" as +ell! In this
spe#ifi# task I have "aintained data fro" <an 3
8D3D to <uly :3
8D3D! I also audit the previous
leave re#ord of al"ost =D e"ployees and then put it on ne+ register! And finally I prepaid
state"ents of leave re#ord on their syste"!
)&&C 8
Maintained employee record & updateB fro" this task I #a"e to kno+ ho+ "any e"ployees is
in the bank, +hatLs their ranking and ho+ "any e"ployees are in ea#h bran#h! I also understand
the hierar#hy by seeing the organogra" of ea#h bran#h +orking under Lahore region! In ea#h
bran#h there is a seat for "anager, "anager operation, operational staff, and #redit and #ash staff!
)&&C :
Maintain employees personal fileF in "y internship period I also given +ith the task to "aintain
e"ployeeLs personal file in +hi#h all the +ritten offi#ial do#u"ents are kept fro" his joining till
his resignation or retire"ent!
Maintain record of transfer cases: I also "aintained and re#ord the transfer #ases of e"ployees
in regional offi#e! In this task I #a"e to kno+ ho+ "any people is transfer either in or out the
regional offi#e sin#e <an 8D3D! Initial infor"ation #a"e fro" daily attendan#e register and then I
prepare e.#el sheet and finally update it on the "ain database of transfer re#ords of 0%P!
)&&C 5
I N S T I T U T E O F A D M I N I S T R A T I V E S C I E N C E S Page 1
Update trainin order: I have also given +ith the opportunity to update the training orders on
their syste"! There are t+o types of training order 3
one is ,staff order- in +hi#h there is a list
of e"ployees +ho are no"inated for spe#ifi# training progra"! Usually ea#h staff order #ontain
5D to 7D e"ployees na"e! 8
state"ent is given by %TI na"ed as ,relieving order-! %TI send
this to H$ depart"ent +hen training is #o"plete, so that H$ depart"ent #onfir"s that all
e"ployees +ho are in staff order list had attended the training session! I update al"ost 7D
state"ents on their syste"!
)&&C 7
Short listin of !"s: during "y internship period 0%P is engaged in hiring e.perien#ed staff for
their ne+ bran#h and for this purpose >Ns of job #andidates are sent to its H$ depart"ent! I "y
self short list the >Ns of #andidate on the basis of their relative e.perien#e, Aualifi#ation and salary!
#bserve $hole selection process: I " so fortunate that during "y presen#e there are : intervie+
sessions held at regional offi#e Lahore! These intervie+s are for #ash, operation and bran#h
"anagerLs post! I keenly observed the +hole sele#tion pro#ess and I learned a lot fro" intervie+
pro#ess! I found "y self lu#ky to have an e.perien#e to observe an i"portant fun#tion of Hu"an
resour#e i!e! re#ruit"ent G sele#tion!
)&&C =
Maintained internship documentsF I personally arranged and kept all the internship #ases in
their offi#ial internship files, fro" <an 8D3D till the last date of "y internship period!
%ecord the sanction approval order: I also "aintained and update the re#ords of san#tion
approval of loan taken by e"ployees of regional offi#e, on their syste"!
I N S T I T U T E O F A D M I N I S T R A T I V E S C I E N C E S Page 1
$&>%MM&62ATI%6( A62 P$%( G >%6(
0ig organi;ation, having net+ork of 89: bran#hes all over the #ountry
ItLs a banking se#tor +hi#h al+ays been in running
<ob se#urity to the e"ployees
2evelop"ent opportunities for fresh e"ployees
Learning opportunity for internees 'they a#tually "ake the" learn in professional +ay*
Proper training session for develop"ent of e"ployees
Those +ho +ork fro" this bank have "ore "arket value
Provide 85 hours online banking servi#es
It ranked 8
in top ten traded #o"panies
It ranked 9
in top ten gainer #o"panies
&ffi#ient and e.perien#ed "anage"ent
He#ti# +orking hours
>entrali;ed organi;ation
I N S T I T U T E O F A D M I N I S T R A T I V E S C I E N C E S Page 1
(alary pa#kage and pay s#ale is less than other banks operation
6o fle.ibility
the #he#k and #ontrols over the "anage"ent are not very strong thatLs +hy bank suffered
fro" t+o "ajor #orruption #ases
e.tra ordinary influen#e of Govern"ent
shortage of #o"petent staff
Have s#ope to be#o"e a "ajor private banking se#tor
>an arrange fle.ible +orking ti"ing for fe"ale
>an redu#e turnover rate by offering good salary pa#kage
>an be#o"e de#entrali;ed organi;ation
Proper +orking in H$ and "arketing depart"ents #an lead the bank to top position
As banking se#tor in Pakistan is properly organi;ed and developed se#tor therefore 0%P
have lot of opportunities to gro+ in this s#enario
%ther private and #o""er#ial banks +orking in Pakistan
Turnover rate
PakistanLs e#ono"i# and politi#al #onditions
The foreign banks that have started operations are attra#ting the valuable e"ployees
through handso"e salary pa#kages
I N S T I T U T E O F A D M I N I S T R A T I V E S C I E N C E S Page 1
%n the basis of "y = +eeks internship and keen observation I suggest so"e re#o""endations so
that bank #an +ork "ore effi#iently and effe#tively!
0ank should give "ore in#entives and benefits to their e"ployees spe#ially to #ontra#tual
Pay s#ale should be revised and i"proved
The si;e of all bran#hes "ust be enhan#ed and +orking #ondition should be i"proved lil
bit "ore so that produ#tivity level +ould in#rease "ore
I N S T I T U T E O F A D M I N I S T R A T I V E S C I E N C E S Page 1
Usually so"e e"ployees are over burden +ith +ork! @or this +ork should divide eAually
or it #an i"proved by hiring "ore e"ployees
@ull and i""ediate attention should given to #usto"ers
Proper for"al dressing should #o"pulsory for all staff "e"bers
0ank of Punjab should hire H$ spe#iali;ed people for its H$ depart"ent
H$ planning should i"proved "ore so that over all +orking be i"proved and enhan#ed
&very year and periodi#ally all of the e"ployees should be sent for training +ith the
advan#e studies in their field
>areer develop"ent opportunities should given to e"ployees
1 +++!bop!#o"!pk
8! The bank of Punjab prospe#tus
:! Annual report 8D3D G 8D33
I N S T I T U T E O F A D M I N I S T R A T I V E S C I E N C E S Page 1
5! The banker "aga;ine
7! 0%P senior "anage"ent profile
DB Ho8 4et satisfied t7ro047 t7e com6ensation 6acCa4es offered to t7em
in P0n2ab banCE
Ob2ecti3e of t7e st0d.
To identify and #orre#tly des#ribe the #o"pensation of the stru#ture of the organi;ation
To #he#k the level of the satisfa#tion of the e"ployees +ith the various #o"pensation
To study the role of #o"pensation in re#ruit"ent and sele#tion
To study the role of #o"pensation in re#ruit"ent and sele#tion
I N S T I T U T E O F A D M I N I S T R A T I V E S C I E N C E S Page 1
To study the effe#tiveness of #o"pensation and satisfa#tion
Sco6e of t7e st0d.B
The s#ope of this study is all about the #o"pensation +ith the e"ployee
satisfa#tion a"ong punjab bank! This study +ill #ondu#t a survey to support the
finding! The respondents of the survey are the different depart"ent e"ployee of
Punjab bank!
I a" #hoosing this topi# as a resear#h proje#t be#ause I noti#e that #o"pensation
plays very i"portant role in the e"ployee satisfa#tion to+ards organi;ation
#o""it"ent! @inan#ial re+ards in ter"s of "oney enhan#e the e"ployee
perfor"an#e G loyalty +ith the organi;ation!
In the 83st #entury organi;ations, by and large, people pay "u#h "ore attention to
their life style and the "oney they earn fro" the +ork than their prede#essors!
Ho+ever, it still re"ains un#lear +hether "any of the" +ould #ontinue +orking
if it +ere not for the "oney they earn! &"ployee of a #o"pensation
plan are that it is fair and eAuitable, that it provides the" +ith tangible re+ards
#o""ensurate +ith their skills and, further, that it provides re#ognition and a
livelihood! >o"pensation, in the organi;ations of today is a "ajor #onsideration
in Hu"an $esour#e Manage"ent 'H$M*, and ho+ it is allo#ated sends a "essage
to e"ployees about +hat the organi;ations believe to be i"portant and +orth
en#ouraging! @or e"ployers, the #o"pensation usually represents a si;eable
proportion of operating #osts!
6o+adays, #o"pensation and benefits are one of the fastest #hanging fields in
Hu"an $esour#es, as "any #o"pany are #ontinue to investigate various +ays of
re+arding e"ployees for in#rease their job satisfa#tion and their perfor"an#e!
Here, #o"pensation refers to all for"s of finan#ial return and tangible servi#es
and benefits e"ployees re#eive as part of an e"ploy"ent relationship, +hi#h
in#ludes topi#s in regard to +ages or salary progra"s1 for e.a"ple, salary ranges
for job des#riptions, "erit based progra"s, bonus based progra"s, #o""ission
based progra"s, long ter" or short ter"s in#entives progra"s, and et#! 0esides,
e"ployeeJs benefit in#ludes the allo+an#es, in#o"e prote#tion, life insuran#es,
life balan#e, va#ation, and et#! 0enefits are for"s of value, other than pay"ent,
I N S T I T U T E O F A D M I N I S T R A T I V E S C I E N C E S Page 1
that are provided to the e"ployee in return for their #ontribution to the
organi;ation, that is, for doing their job! Tan4F RobertoF Toto / Tan4 G2009H
from ;nited States and S6ainF
>o"pensation is the #ore of "anage"ent of hu"an resour#es! In the everI#hanging
so#iety, it be#o"es a greater #hallenge to attra#t, detain e"ployees and to inspire their
e.#ellent perfor"an#e than ever before! Under su#h #hallenge, ho+ to detain e.#ellent
e"ployeesP Ho+ to develop their skills in present and future +orkP Ho+ to keep
e"ployees +orking to a better degreeP 0uilding up a good syste" of #o"pensation
"anage"ent and #o"pensation strategy +ill be the key to "aintain e"ployeesL loyalty!
>urrently, there are t+o typi#al theories on #o"pensationF ,6e+ >o"pensation- put
for+ard by
<!$!(#huter, +hi#h "eans that the #o"pensation is deter"ined by "arket +age, and
in#reases along
+ith perfor"an#e! The e"ploy"ent relationship is indefinite and unstable! The t+o
parties "aintain a su##essIandIriskIsharing partnershipQ! Another theory is ,Highly
@aithfulness- raised by &!$olle, +hi#h says that the organi;ation offers relatively high
basi# +age and the e"ployees only share the su##ess of the organi;ation
>o"pensation and benefits is a pri"ary "otivator for e"ployees! 6o+adays,
people look for a job not only suit their #reativity and talents, but #o"pensate
the"I both in ter" of salary and other benefitsIa##ordingly! '&notes!#o", 8DD/*
The positive i"pa#t of #o"pensation, su#h as pay and in#entives on +ork
attitudes #an be derived fro" the argu"ent that an individualLs per#eption of
being valued by the organi;ation "ay be signifi#antly influen#ed by the
organi;ationLs #o"pensation for the individualLs effort 'Meyer and Allen, 3449*!
>o"pensation is a strategi# hu"an resour#e "anage"ent issue +here it is also
kno+n as salary and +ages, re"uneration, re+ard and?or pay syste"! These ter"s
are often used inter#hangeably in organi;ations, but their "eaning is si"ilar
'0erg"an G (#arpello, 8DD81 Milkovi#h G 6e+"an, 8DD4*!
The signifi#ant and positive #orrelation bet+een #o"pensation design and e"ployee
satisfa#tion '>hang,344=* indi#ates that #o"pensation is an i"portant fun#tion in hu"an
I N S T I T U T E O F A D M I N I S T R A T I V E S C I E N C E S Page 1
resour#e "anage"ent! If the design and "anage"ent of a #o"pensation syste" are
#iterat0re Re3ie8
This literature revie+ dis#usses #o"pensation in general follo+ed by studies on #o"pensation
strategies in high te#hnology #o"panies! The "ain ideas of the literature revie+ are #aptured and
used to develop the theoreti#al fra"e+ork
Im6ortance of om6ensation
It has been said that ,+hat gets re+arded gets done-! $e"uneration is one of the "ost po+erful
"otivators of behavior '>urrin, 3449*! The re"uneration syste" should drive the right e.e#utive
behaviors that #an +ithstand governan#e Auestions, "edia and stakeholder s#rutiny '>orporate
Leadership >oun#il, 8DD3d1 &lson, 8DD:*!
T7eor. on om6ensation
Labor "arket essentially e.#hanges personal produ#tivity +ith #o"pensation! &"ployee
#ontributes to the #o"panyJs obje#tives, the #o"pany pays e"ployee ba#k! &"ployee pay is
roughly #o""ensurate +ith his?her relevant skill level! @or salary +orkers, #o"panies usually
adjust e"ployeeLs #o"pensation on#e a year and e"ployees do not look for ne+ jobs on a +hi"!
The bla#k #urve and the grey stairI#ase lines, illustrated in figure 3, sho+ the relationship
bet+een the value of skills and a#tual #o"pensation! &"ployee earned pay refle#ts the
i"prove"ents of oneLs skills! >o"panies do this in a ;ig;ag +ayF so"eti"e overIpaying and
so"eti"e under! The gap bet+een these t+o lines #annot be too +ide for too long! &ither
e"ployee +ill find a ne+ job that pays the "arket rate, or the #o"pany +ill fire e"ployee for
not giving the #o"pany its "oneyJs +orth! %n#e in a +hile, opportunity kno#ks and e"ployees
#hange job, usually for better pay! &"ployee +ill find hi"self in the shaded sAuare &uropean
<ournal of (o#ial (#ien#es R Nolu"e 33, 6u"ber 3 '8DD4*3D7 area! Three possibilities e.plain
the e"ployeeLs ne+ly elevated +ealth status! The e"ployee "ay have re#ently a#Auired so"e
skills, or have found a "arket for those that the e"ployee already had, but not appre#iated +ell
enough! In this #ase, the e"ployee +ould have ju"ped fro" the regular #urve to the elevated one
I N S T I T U T E O F A D M I N I S T R A T I V E S C I E N C E S Page 1
and started #li"bing the ne+ ladder! %r, sadly, e"ployee "ay have si"ply got the raise that
+ould have #o"e just fe+ "onths later fro" the old jobF sa"e #urve, sa"e ladder! In this #ase,
the e"ployees is being Hgolden handI#uffed!H The e"ployee #annot leave until his?her skills
have #aught up +ith the pay!
T7e %eneral Princi6les of om6ensation P7iloso67.
The #o"panies in se"i#ondu#tor industry #o"pete for e.e#utive talent +ith #o"panies in the
se"i#ondu#tor, ele#troni#s and various other se#tors of the high te#hnology industry! In
evaluating the #o"petitive lands#ape, the #o"pensation #o""ittee of a #o"pany looks at broad
industry, peer groups and national survey results in order to align the #o"panyLs pra#ti#es +ith
other #o"panies in the industry! 0en#h"arking is used to deter"ine the appropriate levels! There
are three general prin#iples of #o"pensation philosophy used in "ost of the #o"panies operating
in high te#hnology industry! The e.e#utive #o"pensation progra" is designed to align ea#h
individual e.e#utiveLs #o"pensation +ith the #o"panyLs shortIter" and longIter" perfor"an#e,
based on these prin#iples +hi#h areF
a* Pay for a#hieve"ent of business and strategi# obje#tives, "easured on the #o"panyLs
finan#ial and operating perfor"an#e and individual strategi#, "anage"ent and develop"ent
b* Pay #o"petitively, +ith #o"pensation set at levels that +ill attra#t and retain key e.e#utives1
#* Align #o"pensation +ith of sto#kholders through the use of a balan#e of eAuity
#o"pensation and e.e#utive o+nership guidelines!
T7e om6onents of 7ief E@ec0ti3e Officer om6ensation
>hief e.e#utiveLs #o"pensation "ay e"bra#e "any #o"ponents that #onstitute the total
re"uneration pa#kage! The ter"inology used by a#ade"i#s and industry is not al+ays #onsistent
and #an therefore be #onfusing! There are also differen#es bet+een #ountries! @or e.a"ple,
perfor"an#e share plan is a #o""on ter" in the UC +hile the sa"e type of plan is referred to as
an LTIP 'Long Ter" In#entive Plan* in the U(! Table 3 des#ribes the various ele"ents of pay
and the ter"inology used in business! A basi# pay is provided "onthly +ith no risk of
nonpay"ent to the e.e#utive! A shortIter" in#entive &uropean <ournal of (o#ial (#ien#es R
Nolu"e 33, 6u"ber 3 '8DD4*3D= 'bonus* is typi#ally offered to re+ard annual #o"pany
I N S T I T U T E O F A D M I N I S T R A T I V E S C I E N C E S Page 1
perfor"an#e! The a"ount of bonus due is at risk be#ause it is dependent on #o"pany
perfor"an#e! A "a.i"u" bonus is paid for perfor"an#e beyond an upper threshold +hile no
bonus is paid for perfor"an#e belo+ a lo+er threshold! 0onus is paid at different levels of
perfor"an#e bet+een the lo+er and upper threshold! In so"e #ases annual earned bonus is
deferred to be paid at a later date and "ay also be subje#t to further longer ter" perfor"an#e
#onditions1 this is #alled a deferred bonus! &.e#utives are also usually eligible for grants of
e.e#utive share options and ?or grants of restri#ted shares under the rules of a longIter"
in#entive plan! The value of share options and shares +ill "ove in line +ith the #o"pany share
pri#e and are therefore at risk of de#reasing in value! @urther, virtually all grants are subje#t to
perfor"an#e #onditions before vesting and "ay be referred to as perfor"an#e options or
perfor"an#e shares! (i"ilarly to the shortIter" in#entive, a "a.i"u" a+ard vests for
perfor"an#e beyond an upper threshold +hile no a+ard vests for perfor"an#e belo+ a lo+er
threshold! The a+ard vests at different levels of perfor"an#e bet+een the lo+er and upper
threshold! In the U(, share options and restri#ted shares, are usually granted +ithout further
perfor"an#e #riteria and +ill therefore vest in full provided the e.e#utive is still e"ployed! The
e.e#utive "ay also be eligible for other all e"ployee share save s#he"es +hi#h +ill generally
only for" a s"all proportion of the e.e#utives overall re"uneration! &.e#utives are also usually
entitled to benefits in kind su#h as gy" "e"bership, a #hauffeur, housing allo+an#e et#! In "ost
#ases benefits in kinds +ill not be a substantial proportion of re"uneration +ith the possible
e.#eption of e.e#utives +ho "ay be entitled to a housing allo+an#e as part of an international
relo#ation pa#kage! The #o"pany +ill also typi#ally provide the e.e#utive +ith a retire"ent
plan! The stru#ture of #hief e.e#utive #o"pensation is #o"ple. and #ontinually #hanging to
refle#t best #orporate governan#e pra#ti#e and "arket nor"s! In an analysis of U( #hief
e.e#utive #o"pensation data, To+ers Perrin sho+ that in 8DD5 sto#k options represented :/E of
>&% #o"pensation! 0y 8DD/ the proportion of sto#k options had fallen to only 8:E of
#o"pensation! )hile, perfor"an#e share plans have in#reased fro" /E of the pay "i. to 83E,
in the UC, the nature of sto#k option plans has #hanged signifi#antly over the past fe+ years due
to enhan#ed #orporate governan#e guidelines! @or e.a"ple, it is no+ regarded as BpoorL
#orporate governan#e to issue dis#ounted sto#k options 'The >o"bined >ode, 8DD:*! There are
also different pay pra#ti#es bet+een
I N S T I T U T E O F A D M I N I S T R A T I V E S C I E N C E S Page 1
#ountries! @or e.a"ple, a##ording to the Hay GroupJs 8DD= Top &.e#utive >o"pensation study,
U( e.e#utive sto#k options 'ti"eIvested options* are nor"ally issued +ithout perfor"an#e
#onditions, +hile in the UC the vesting of e.e#utive sto#k options are virtually al+ays subje#t to
perfor"an#e #riteria 'perfor"an#e options*! Although the stru#ture of pay #ontinues to #hange,
the "easure"ent of #hief e.e#utive pay does not appear to refle#t the "ore re#ent #hanges to
#o"ponents of pay or #ountry differen#es! &uropean <ournal of (o#ial (#ien#es R Nolu"e 33,
6u"ber 3 '8DD4*
as7 om6ensation
A #o""on "easure of #hief e.e#utive pay is #ash #o"pensation and is usually the su" of basi#
pay and shortIter" in#entive! This is the "ost #onsistently defined "easure in the literature
although there are still so"e differen#es a#ross studies! (o"e studies in#lude all #ash
#o"pensation, in#luding allo+an#es 'Gregg et al!, 8DD7 and >onyon et al!, 8DD3*! %thers only
in#lude basi# pay and annual bonus 'M#Cnight and To"kins, 8DD51 M#Cnight and To"kins,
3444 and Henderson and @rederi#kson, 344=*! >ash #o"pensation is a relatively si"ple "easure
and does not in#lude the longIter" in#entive ele"ent of the e.e#utiveLs re"uneration! A large
nu"ber of studies only "easure #ash #o"pensation 'Gir"a et al! 8DD91 Gregg et al! 8DD71
<ohnston, 8DD8 and 0enito and >onyon, 3444*! A reason for e.#luding the longIter" in#entive
#o"ponent is often due to the diffi#ulties in #olle#ting the data and the #o"ple.ity of attributing
a value to e.e#utive share options or longIter" in#entive plans! early studies are parti#ularly
#onstrained by the availability of share option data! @or e.a"ple, it is only sin#e 8DD8 that UC
listed #o"panies have been reAuired to dis#lose detailed re"uneration data! &.#luding in#entive
#o"pensation, +hi#h is linked to "easures of #o"pany perfor"an#e, su#h as gro+th in earnings
per share '&P(* or total shareholder return 'T($* "ust alter the validity of the #o"pensation
"easure! It is proposed that one reason for finding only a s"all asso#iation bet+een #hief
e.e#utive pay and #o"pany perfor"an#e is due to the great nu"ber of studies that do not
in#lude longIter" in#entives! Gir"a et al! '8DD9* justify the e.#lusion of share options on the
basis that before the >adbury $eport '3448* the data +as not #o"plete to enable valuation!
Ho+ever, Gir"a et al! '8DD9*
#on4-Term Incenti3es
Measure"ent #on#erns are "ainly related to the longIter" in#entive #o"ponents of #hief
e.e#utive pay! The "easure"ent of longIter" in#entive data varies in nu"erous +ays! (everal
I N S T I T U T E O F A D M I N I S T R A T I V E S C I E N C E S Page 1
studies report the effe#ts of longIter" in#entives and the effe#ts of total #o"pensation '>arpenter
and (aunders, 8DD5 and M#Cnight and To"kins, 8DD5* +hile others only report total
#o"pensation '<iraporn et al! 8DD7 and 0u#k et al! 8DD:*! More i"portantly, "any studies only
in#lude sto#k options 'M#Cnight and To"kins, 8DD5 and >ordeiro and Neliyath, 8DD:* in the
longIter" in#entive "easure +ith so"e also
>onsidering the value of shareholdings and?or perfor"an#e share grants! In the se"inal pay
perfor"an#e study, <ensen and Murphy '344D* in#lude shareholdings and the value of option
holdings, &uropean <ournal of (o#ial (#ien#es R Nolu"e 33, 6u"ber 3 '8DD4*as do Main and
<ohnston '344:*! In a later study, Main et al! '344=* e.#lude shareholdings fro" their "easure of
#o"pensation be#ause it ,#onstitutes a personal invest"ent-!
E@ec0ti3e S7are O6tions
The valuation of options and shares also varies +idely and the #hoi#e of valuation "ethod is
likely to influen#e the interpretation of the results '>ore et al!, 3444*! <ensen and Murphy '344D*
use 0la#k(#holes pri#ing "ethodology to value the options! M#Cnight and To"kins '3444*
#ha"pion the "ini"u" share option 'M(%* valuation "odel! >ordeiro and Neliyath '8DD:* use
a bino"ial valuation "odel! >arpenter and (aunders '8DD5* use the (e#urities and &.#hange
>o""ission '(&>* "ethod and Henderson and @rederi#kson '344=* si"ply value options at
87E of the pri#e! (tudies also vary in ter"s of +hat is in#luded in the share option
valuationF 'i* ne+ option grants only1 'ii* #hange in value of all outstanding options1 and, 'iii*
gains fro" sto#k options and in#ludeF ,!!!!the value of the options a+arded during the year plus
the #hange in the value of all outstanding options during the year plus the profits 'pri#e "inus pri#e* fro" options during the year- '<ensen and Murphy, 344DF pp887I8=7*
In #ontrast, Henderson and @rederi#kson '344=* are not e.pli#it and therefore it is not #lear
+hether the "easure in#ludes previous grants together +ith #urrent grants
Performance S7ares and #TIP
The treat"ent of perfor"an#e share grants and LTIPs has also varied! $esear#h has atte"pted to
#onsider the i"pa#t of perfor"an#e #onditions on the in#entive payout by dis#ounting
perfor"an#e share a+ards for the probability of vesting! >onyon et al! '8DD3* "easure in#entive
#o"pensation and dis#ount LTIP a+ards by 8DE to refle#t the perfor"an#e #onditions! %ther
resear#h uses the fa#e value of the a+ard at the ti"e of grant '&i#hholt; et al!, 8DD/ and >ore et
al!, 3444*! There is a re#ent tenden#y in U( resear#h to in#lude the LTIP payout in the longIter"
I N S T I T U T E O F A D M I N I S T R A T I V E S C I E N C E S Page 1
in#entive "easure +hi#h suggests there are so"e pre#edents to #onsider the payout +hen
perfor"an#e #onditions are present! @or e.a"ple, <iraporn et al! '8DD7* in#lude the LTIP payout
but do not justify +hy it is in#luded! &i#hholt; et al! '8DD/, p!53:*, the "ost re#ent UC study,
does not in#lude perfor"an#e share plan payouts and instead in#ludes the ,full value of
options and shares-! &i#hholt; et al!, '8DD/, p!53:* a#kno+ledge ,the pra#ti#e of granting
options and shares +ith fir"Ls perfor"an#e - but "ake the assu"ption ,that fir"s set
perfor"an#e targets eAual to perfor"an#e-!
Total om6ensation
Total #o"pensation is typi#ally #ash #o"pensation plus longIter" in#entives! As dis#ussed, the
definition of #ash #o"pensation does not vary e.tensively, so the "ain influen#e on total
#o"pensation is the longIter" in#entive "easure! Measures of total #o"pensation are also often
dependent on the sour#e of data! If the data is hand #olle#ted fro" annual reports the "easure
#an be #usto"i;ed for the purpose of the resear#h! Ho+ever, data sour#ed fro" a finan#ial
database is reliant on the #al#ulated field in the database! <ensen and Murphy '344D* use @orbes
total #o"pensation data and note that the "easure is less than perfe#t be#ause it #hanges fro"
year to year! The "easure also does not in#lude sto#k options! In order to in#lude sto#k options,
<ensen and Murphy '344D* study U( pro.y state"ents! Hallo#k '3449* also uses @orbes data and
a#kno+ledges that ,0e#ause total #o"pensation in#ludes options, it "ay not refle#t
#urrent #o"pensation as a##urately as the other "easures-! This is be#ause options
represent a personal invest"ent not #urrent #o"pensation! A study of "i. of >&% #o"pensation
sho+ed that high perfor"ing fir"s e.hibited in#reases in #o"pensation +hile lo+er perfor"ing
fir"s provided #ash #o"pensation that +as appro.i"ately flat fro" the previous years! This +as
dis#losed by a study done by >onnell G Partner '8DD=*! As reported in Te#h3DD (tudy '8DD7*,
very fe+ fir"s are truly ,s+it#hing- fro" sto#k options to restri#ted sto#k or perfor"an#e based
long ter" in#entive plans! )hile sto#k options #ontinue to be the "ost popular long &uropean
<ournal of (o#ial (#ien#es R Nolu"e 33, 6u"ber 3 '8DD4*ter" in#entives instru"ent e"ployed,
only :5E of the fir"s studied have #hosen to use only sto#k options, +hile 7:E of fir"s have
#hosen to provide a portfolio of long ter" in#entives a+ards! Majority of te#hnology fir"s have
adopted a strategy other than providing only sto#k option! The "i. of >&% #o"pensation
#ontinues to shift! Total #ash #o"pensation 'base and bonus* fell fro" 5:E in 8DD5 to :=E in
I N S T I T U T E O F A D M I N I S T R A T I V E S C I E N C E S Page 1
8DD7! The value of restri#ted sto#k grants #ontinues to in#rease fro" 3DE in 8DD5 to 37E in
8DD7! (urprisingly, the value of sto#k option grants in#reased fro" 58E in 8DD5 to 5=E in 8DD7
for the total #o"pensation! @urther study #ondu#ted by Matt+ord and )hittlesey '8DD:*,
suggests that "any, perhaps "ost #o"panies ulti"ately +ill abandon options altogether due to
their various #ost aspe#ts su#h as a##ounting #harges, poor #ost ? benefit ratio and high share per
#o"pensation dollar ratio! This opens the door for #reative #o"pensation plan design that better
links strategy, finan#ial effe#tiveness and behavior! The "ost likely of these alternatives in#lude
restri#ted sto#k, sto#kIsettled sto#k appre#iation rights and perfor"an#e shares! At the >&%
level, the #o"pensation of a >&% is al+ays tied to a pay "i. +ith variable portion! (u#h
variable portion #an be sto#k option grants, sto#k grant +ith "ultiple years of vesting period! %n
top of this, as the tenure of >&% position is subje#t to revie+ by the board of dire#tors every one
year or t+o, it is not un#o""on that >&% is also #o"pensated in #ase of ter"ination during the
serving period as >&%! In the U(, leading te#hnology #o"pany, Intel, has spent a large portion
of profit for the long ter" #o"pensation pa#kage for those in key e.e#utive "anage"ent level!
There is a #o""on pra#ti#e for #o"panies to ben#h"ark the #o"pensation strategies of other
#o"panies in si"ilar industry! (u#h ben#h"arking pro#ess has naturally given rise to a very
#o"petitive #o"pensation for talents +orking in the industry! Talents are free to "ake #hoi#es
in +orking for any #o"pany that suits their #areer develop"ent! The sa"e #on#ept holds true
for #o"panies in the pro#ess of re#ruit"ent, retaining and develop"ent of hu"an #apital! 0ased
on the revie+ of literature and the study of the five AT& #o"panies, a theoreti#al fra"e+ork has
been developed for #o"pensation strategy in a high te#hnology #o"pany! This is presented in
figure 8! The fa#tors to #onsider are business strategy, innovation strategy, #riteria for
#o"pensation, ben#h"arking +ith si"ilar type in industr.
The hypotheses for"ulated for the present study isF
Higher level of the satisfa#tion of #o"pensation influen#e e"ployee satisfa#tion
I N S T I T U T E O F A D M I N I S T R A T I V E S C I E N C E S Page 1
In this resear#h, nonIprobability sa"pling +as used, in +hi#h Purposive sa"pling
+as preferred on other sa"pling "ethods! The total sa"ple for the present study
#onsisted of 5D e"ployees of the organi;ation as follo+ing the depart"entsF
3! H$ R38 e"ployees
8! %perations R/e"ployees
:! @inan#e R3D e"ployees
5! $e"ittan#e R: e"ployees
7! Audit I9e"ployees
Tool for data collectionB
(elfIad"inistered Auestionnaire +as used as a tool for data #olle#tion in this
resear#h! The "ain reason for using the Auestionnaire +as that all of the
respondents +ere +ell edu#ated +ho understand the Auestionnaire +ithout any
diffi#ulty! This "ethod of data #olle#tion is less ti"e #onsu"ing for both
respondents and resear#hers, and the response rate is higher in it! They are
+orking in different fields at different pla#es so1 resear#hers #an easily drop out
the Auestionnaire and fill out the"! There are 3D Auestions in the Auestionnaire,
+hi#h all Auestionnaires are #losed ended! I use s#ale for "easuring the e"ployee
satisfa#tion their #o"pensation pa#kages for this purpose five point likert s#ale
+ere used, i!e!
o Nery satisfied
o (o"e+hat satisfied
o 6eutral
o (o"e+hat dissatisfied
o Nery dissatisfied
$e3elo6in4 scores and indicators!
Scorin4 sc7eme
I N S T I T U T E O F A D M I N I S T R A T I V E S C I E N C E S Page 1
(o"e of the Auestions have D to 5 s#oring and so"e of the Auestions have
reversed s#oring! (#ores to the responses of the respondent +ere given a##ording
to the follo+ing s#oring s#he"e!
The responses sho+ing high level satisfa#tion of IT servi#es +ere given the
"a.i"u" s#ore that +as 5, +hile the responses sho+ing "ediu" level of satisfa#tion
+ere given :, 8 and sho+ lo+er level of satisfa#tion +ere given the 3 and D!
I N S T I T U T E O F A D M I N I S T R A T I V E S C I E N C E S Page 1
ate4or. score assi4ned
Nery satisfied 5
(o"e+hat satisfied :
6eutral 8
(o"e+hat dissatisfied 3
Nery dissatisfied D
$ata Anal.sis
In this #hapter, resear#her dis#usses the general #hara#teristi#s of the sa"ple! The
total sa"ple for present study #onsisted of 5D respondents +orking in the Punjab
bank 7 different depart"ents! Muestionnaire +as used as a tool for data #olle#tion!
After giving s#ores to the responses, resear#her analy;ed the data
TA5#E 1B 2istribution of the respondents a##ording
Salar. satisfaction
)reI0enc. Percenta4e
3D 87E
(atisfied 8D 7DE
(alary "ust be
3D 87E
+ith salary
@ro" the above table sho+s the satisfa#tion of the e"ployees to+ards their
#o"pensation pa#kages I filled up the 5D Auestionnaire +hi#h 8D e"ployees are
I N S T I T U T E O F A D M I N I S T R A T I V E S C I E N C E S Page 1
satisfies their #o"pensation pa#kages! 3DE of e"ployee for#e to in#rease their
TA5#E 2B $istrib0tion of t7e res6ondents accordin4 to D0estion =
)reI0enc. Percenta4e
Nery satisfied D D
(atisfied 7 38!7E
6eutral 3D 87E
2issatisfied 8D 7DE
7 38!7E
Total 5D 3DD
Above table sho+ the AuestionS: data analysis that is ho+ satisfied are you +ith
the #onsisten#y of raisesP After #ondu#ted the analysis of the Auestionnaire
response sho+n the e"ployee result as e"ployee of the organi;ation are
dissatisfied for the #onsistent #hange in salary
TA5#E =B $istrib0tion of res6ondents accordin4 to Salar. 6acCa4es batter
/ at 6ar ot7er com6anies
I N S T I T U T E O F A D M I N I S T R A T I V E S C I E N C E S Page 1
5atter /
at 6ar
)reI0enc. Percenta4e
yes 3D 87E
no :D 97E
total 5D 3DD
The table sho+s that "ostly e"ployees are satisfied their salary pa#kages provide
bank! Punjab bank salary pa#kages are better than other banks running in
Pakistan! %nly 3DE respondents are disagreeing +ith the #o"pensation pa#kages
are provided in the organi;ation!
Table 9B $istrib0tion of t7e Res6ondents Accordin4 to salar. 6la.s im6ortant role
in 6rod0cti3it. of
. of
)reI0enc. Percenta4e
Aes 5D 3DDE
No D D
Total 5D 3DD
I N S T I T U T E O F A D M I N I S T R A T I V E S C I E N C E S Page 1
The above table taken the result that 3DDE respondents are agrees that
#o"pensation pa#kages affe#t the produ#tivity of e"ployee in every organi;ation
be#ause finan#ial re+ards are "ore valuable!
Table (B $istrib0tion of t7e res6ondents accordin4 to t7e om6ensation 6acCa4es
affects t7e satisfactionB
)reI0enc. Percenta4e
Aes 5D 3DDE
No D D
Total 5D 3DD
Table sho+s 3DDE result sho+ing that all respondents are agree +ith that
#o"pensation pa#kages are plays i"portant role in the e"ployee satisfa#tion in
the organi;ation!
I N S T I T U T E O F A D M I N I S T R A T I V E S C I E N C E S Page 1
Table +B $istrib0tion of t7e res6ondents accordin4 to t7e D0estionJ10B
: 9!7
High pay
8 7
0oth :7 /9!7
Total 5D 3DD
The above table told that i"portant role #arrier G higher pa#kages both are
i"portant! In it :7 out of 5D, /9!7E of the respondent have sort of both type of
i"portan#e are valuable e"ployee professional life*
Res0lt of t7e H.6ot7esisB
TH& result of the +hole analysis +as sho+n that higher level of the satisfa#tion of
#o"pensation influen#e e"ployee satisfa#tion!
I N S T I T U T E O F A D M I N I S T R A T I V E S C I E N C E S Page 1
An atte"pt is "ade to dis#uss a#hieve"ent of obje#tives of the study in light of finding
of previous #hapter and relevant literature! %ur study obje#tives, as earlier "entioned in,
are to find out the influen#e of #o"pensation pa#kages affe#t e"ployee satisfa#tion on
their de#ision "aking po+er and freAuen#y distribution to high satisfa#tion of
#o"pensation affe#t e"ployee satisfa#tion! A hypothesis +as established that higher
level of #o"pensation pa#kages affe#t e"ployee satisfa#tion! To test the above
hypothesis a survey +as #ondu#ted as des#ribed earlier! $esults of the survey +as that
e"ployee satisfa#tion influen#e #o"pensation pa#kages!
>o"pensation is an i"portant tool in hu"an resour#es! An effe#tive #o"pensation
syste" design signifi#antly influen#es organi;ational develop"ent by revealing e.ternal
#o"petitiveness, internal eAuity and individual eAuity! &.ternal #o"petitiveness attra#ts
talent, and internal eAuity helps #o"panies to retain talent by ensuring that e"ployees
and #olleagues "aking the sa"e #ontributions obtain the sa"e #o"pensation! Individual
eAuity allo+s e"ployees to feel that their potential is fully re+arded1 thus, they are
en#ouraged! The #onne#tion bet+een #o"pensation syste"s and overall organi;ational
strategy has be#o"e a signifi#ant #hallenge in #o"pensation "anage"ent of the 83

#entury '0alkin and Go"e;IMejia, 344D*!Ho+ enterprises #an "a.i"i;e advantages
fro" #o"pensation syste"s is the "ost #riti#al issue fa#ing hu"an resour#e "anagers
'Ala", 8DD4*! %nly a fe+ s"all and "ediu" enterprises are #on#erned about
#o"pensation syste"s and #o"pensation eAuity, and are thus +illing to #onstru#t a long
ter" syste" of #are for e"ployees! The o+ners of s"all and "ediu" enterprises +ould
first like to kno+ if #o"pensation strategies #an satisfy e"ployees 'Ala", 8DD4*!
Psy#hologists divide hu"an beingsL basi# needs into five levels that #orrespond to Maslo+Ls
,hierar#hy of needs!- @ro" the perspe#tives of "anage"ent and personnel psy#hology,
#o"pensation #an satisfy physiologi#al, safety and se#urity needs, +hi#h #o"prise the first t+o
levels, and also an e"ployeeLs needs for so#ial intera#tion, selfIestee" and selfIa#tuali;ation!
Tsai '8DD5* suggested that if these needs #an all be satisfied, e"ployees +ill +ork at ease!
Therefore, "any studies argue that absen#e rate and job satisfa#tion are #losely related! In order
I N S T I T U T E O F A D M I N I S T R A T I V E S C I E N C E S Page 1
to enhan#e e"ployeesL job satisfa#tion, effe#tive re+ards 'e!g!, a full attendan#e re+ard and
bonus* #an be adopted to redu#e e"ployee absen#e and in#rease job perfor"an#e!
All enterprises en#ounter obsta#les in "anage"ent! >o"pensation is parti#ularly i"portant for
intelligen#e intensive industries in +hi#h talents are the #ore resour#es of enterprises and pay is
i"portant! (in#e pay is a sensitive issue asso#iated +ith e"ployeesL benefits, enterprises are
often not +illing to "ake signifi#ant #hanges in this area! &ven #o"panies having pay refor"
tend to be #onservative! &"ployee satisfa#tion relates to the #o"pensation syste" design of an
enterprise! (in#e this is the key indi#ator of the sele#tion of pay strategies, it should be highly
valued! 0ased on data analysis, this study proposes t+o pra#ti#al suggestions regarding
#o"pensation syste" designF
3! Nalue e"ployeesL &"ployeesL refer to the general analysis of
e"ployees regarding infor"ation #ontrolled and e.ternal infor"ation obtained!
&"ployees #onstru#t a basi# reAuire"ent for ,produ#ts- 'in#luding +orks, #o"pensation
and +elfare* provided by enterprises and further #ertain business behavior!
&"ployeesL "anage"ent "eans that enterprises should ai" to eli"inate
unreasonable by providing satisfa#tory e.planations of pay, +orking
#onditions, et#!, and "ake efforts to satisfy reasonable! They should also
guide e"ployees to #onstru#t effe#tive that #an be fulfilled!
8! Adopt #o"pensation syste" refor"s that en#ourage internal and e.ternal eAuityF
>o"pensation eAuity does not "ean setting up an average value a##ording to age,
edu#ational level and post! Instead, it "eans establishing a reasonable pay based on the
overall level of the business, the develop"ent of the enterprise, an overall evaluation of
posts and e"ployees, as +ell as lo#ations and overall industrial situations!
I N S T I T U T E O F A D M I N I S T R A T I V E S C I E N C E S Page 1
Ho8 4et satisfied t7ro047 t7e com6ensation 6acCa4es offered to t7em in P0n2ab

1* Ho8 8o0ld .o0 describe .o0r 6osition in t7e banCE
a* Part ti"e e"ployee
b* @ull ti"e e"ployee
#* >ontra#tual e"ployee
d* &"ployee on probation
2* $escribe .o0r salar. satisfaction from t7e follo8in4 4i3en o6tions
a* Highly satisfied
b* (atisfied
#* (alary "ust be in#reased
d* Unsatisfied +ith salary figure
=* Ho8 satisfied are .o0 8it7 t7e consistenc. of raisesE
a* Nery satisfied
b* (atisfied
#* 6eutral
d* 2issatisfied
e* Nery 2issatisfied
I N S T I T U T E O F A D M I N I S T R A T I V E S C I E N C E S Page 1
9* As com6ared to t7e ot7er banCsF are .o0 satisfied 8it7 .o0r 6a. 4i3en to ot7er
em6lo.ees of same desi4nationE
a* es
b* 6o
(* $o .o0 t7inC 4et satisfied 8it7 t7e com6ensation 6acCa4es offer to t7em in
P0n2ab banCE
a! es
b! 6o
+* Are .o0 satisfied 8it7 .o0r com6ensation PacCa4eE
a! es
b! 6o
,* $o .o0 feel t7at t7e salar. is at 6ar 8it7 ot7er or4ani:ationsE
a* es
b* 6o
<* Is t7ere an. difference in t7e salar. recei3ed in anot7er de6artmentE
a* es
b* 6o
9* $o .o0 t7inC t7at 6rod0cti3it. can 4ain t7ro047 salar. 6acCa4esE
a* es
b* 6o
#* To so"e e.tent
10* "7at is more im6ortant to .o0E
a* >areer #hoi#e
b* High pay pa#kage
#* 0oth
I N S T I T U T E O F A D M I N I S T R A T I V E S C I E N C E S Page 1
I N S T I T U T E O F A D M I N I S T R A T I V E S C I E N C E S Page 1

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