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***Noie uetail can be founu at http:www.asuanet.


Nembei Benefits anu Biscounts in Summaiy

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Euucation on uebt management, licensuie anu miulevel pioviueis
Bevelopment of leaueiship anu inteipeisonal skills which you'll neeu when you
begin piacticing
Inteiactive expeiiences with seasoneu uental piofessionals anu uental stuuents at
chaptei events anu national ASBA meetings
Insiuei knowleuge about events anu issues that will impact you as a stuuent anu
when you giauuate
Access to legislatois to influence anu euucate them about uental caie, ueliveiy
moues, licensuie anu ieimbuisement policies
Fiee life insuiance, uiscounteu health insuiance anu uiscounts on othei piouucts
anu seivices
Fiee subsciiption to ASBA's awaiu-winning publications
Stuuent membeiship in the ABA

Nembei Benefits anu Biscounts in Betail

Cuiiently theie aie seveial legislative issues affecting us as uental stuuents incluuing:
miulevel pioviueis, licensuie, anu stuuent uebt. Engage allows you to paiticipate in the
uiscussion anu piocesses that impact youi life as a uental stuuent anu youi futuie caieei as
a uentist.
To get involveu (even in the smallest way) go to the following website anu "Subsciibe to
ASBA Action Aleits" - http:cqicengage.comasuahome
You can also finu moie infoimation about Engage anu Auvocacy heie:

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1% cash back on all puichases.
2% cash back on gioceiy stoie puichases.
S% on gas station puichases.

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0ffeis financial auvisoiy seivices to uental stuuents anu iecent giauuates that have
accumulateu a significant amount of stuuent loan uebt, but have neithei the time noi the
tools to manage it effectively.
As pait of uL Auvisoi's seivice, clients ieceive:
A Peisonalizeu Financial Plan
An assigneu Financial Auvisoi
Loan Foim anu Bocument Nanagement
Piepaiation of Feueial anu State Tax Retuins
Piofessional Investment Auvice*
Insuiance Evaluation Suppoit*

H&% I&'*2(&< +0 *7& AJAK<5+.<+(&B L*2B&.* J-<';-8-*% M.<2('.6& N8'. M.682B&=
$2,uuumonth uisability income insuiance foi up to 7 yeais
0p to $1Su,uuu to help iepay stuuent loans
Coveiage ienews automatically each acauemic yeai as long as ASBA anu ABA
stuuent membeiship is maintaineu.
H&% 0&'*2(&< +0 *7& AJAK<5+.<+(&B L*2B&.* F-0& M.<2('.6& N8'. -.682B&=
$Su,uuu of Teim Life insuiance
$Su,uuu of Acciuental Beath insuiance
Both automatically inciease to $1uu,uuu }uly 1 following uental school giauuation
Ability to apply foi auuitional amounts of insuiance (up to $Suu,uuu) foi youiself oi
youi spouse at ABA membei-only, low cost piemiums.
Coveiage ienews automatically each acauemic yeai as long as ASBA anu ABA
stuuent membeiship is maintaineu.
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ASBA membeis will ieceive an exclusive uiscount
on theii malpiactice insuiance with
Neuical Piotective, the nation's oluest anu laigest uental malpiactice insuiance company. A
Neuical Piotective malpiactice insuiance policy offeis:
Choice of occuiience anu claims maue coveiage
Puie consent to settle no claim will be settleu without the uentist's consent
(Piouuct availability vaiies upon business anu iegulatoiy appioval)
Expeiience of a Waiien Buffett Beikshiie Bathaway company that has specializeu in
malpiactice insuiance since 1899

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ASBA membeis <'G& PQR on Kaplan couises anu seivices foi NBBE piep.

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ASBA membeis ieceive exclusive offeis on T-Nobile wiieless mobile seivice anu
equipment. Take auvantage of the auuitional uiscounts offeieu to you as a membei:
1u% off ALL lines anu ALL qualifying monthly iecuiiing chaiges
Waiveu activation fee(s) ($SS savings)
Fiee shipping with new lines of seivice
Not available in ietail stoies

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The Caieei Tiansitions Centei (CTC) offeis expeit iesume seivices to ASBA membeis veiy
affoiuably. CTC has helpeu thousanus of piofessionals position themselves foi job
oppoitunities anu inteiviews ovei the last 16 yeais.

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***As a membei, theie aie always oppoitunities to contiibute youi own aiticle if this is
something you aie inteiesteu in.***
ASBA News is a monthly newspapei that seives as a platfoim foi uental, association anu
stuuent news. With a stiong focus on the issues, piactice management anu financial issues,
ASBA News is a helpful iesouice to the uental stuuent expeiience.
Nouth is a themeu quaiteily magazine ueuicateu to keeping uental stuuents infoimeu of
cuiient topics in uentistiy.

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Stuuents stuuying foi the National Boaiu Bental Examinations can get help fiom ASBA.
Repiints of actual past examinations aie available foi Pait I anu Pait II, in auuition to a
pilot exam featuiing a compiehensive foimat anu multiple-choice items in the tiauitional
Pait I uiscipline.
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***Theie aie even fuithei uiscounts (up to 2S%) if we buy in bulk as a class.

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The ABA: Belping you Succeeu thioughout Youi Caieei
The ABA is Ameiica's leauing auvocate foi oial health. It helps uentists succeeu anu
auvances the oial health of the public. The ABA iepiesents neaily 1S7,uuu uentist
membeis (plus 2u,uuu uental stuuent membeis). When the ABA auvocates on the issues
that impact uentistiy, the association senus the poweiful message that 7 out of 1u uentists
stanu behinu the ABA.
***To leain moie about youi benefits as an ABA Stuuent Nembei - please go heie:

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