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EDUC 513 Project One ( 1 computer)

Technology Implementation and Management Plan

Objective: Students will research and collect data to prepare for their non-fiction animal
Duration of activities: 5 days with a daily block of 70 minutes
Standard: W3.1.3 Research & Technology-understand the structure and organization of
various reference materials (e.g., dictionary, thesaurus, atlas, and encyclopedia)

Students will have selected and been assigned an animal to research. This is the initial week of
gathering information for these reports.
Students will work in four groups of six (one table has seven) at their tables. The research
materials, information print outs and reference books, for their specific animals will be in a
basket on their table to be used throughout the week. Each student has been given a folder to
keep all their research materials organized. Monday through Thursday students will rotate to
the 4 different stations and complete the tasks for the day. Friday will be a catch-up day for all
students to complete any task not done at the stations and then work on a writing assignment.
Station One: Animal Picture and Video
Each student at this station will each rotate to the computer for 10 minutes to complete the
following tasks for the day.
Students will use the following sites to locate and print a picture of their animal
in their habitat.
Students will use the following sites to locate a video of their animal in motion.
When students are not at the computer, they will complete the follow activity:

Using pens, colored pencils and crayons, students will create two detailed
pictures: one of their animal standing still and one with their animal in motion.
Station Two: Animal Information Sheet
During the 70 minutes students at this station will work at tables using resources, pre-printed
by teacher from , to find and complete the animal fact page
Class, order, family and common name
Number of young
Students will use this information to write a two paragraph rough draft for the body of their
Station Three: World Map and Habitat Picture
During the 70 minutes students at this station will work at tables using resources provided to
complete the following:
Students will create a color map showing where in the world this animal lives.
Students will use any of the materials provided to make a detailed poster of the
animals habitat.
Station Four: Title Page and Bibliography
During the 70 minutes students at this station will work at tables using resources provided to
complete the following:
Students will create the title page for their report, as modeled by teacher.
Title Page will include: name of animal, animal picture* students name and report
date due.
*Students will glue the picture they printed of their animal when they work at
Station One to the center of their title page.
Locate and record the resources they used to obtain information on their animal
in bibliography format, as modeled by the teacher.

Station Five: Personal Narrative from the animals perspective
During the 70 minutes groups will work at tables to complete any of the tasks that have not
been completed during the week. Those students who have completed all assignments will
complete the following writing assignment.
Students will use all the information they have gathered about their animal to
create a personal narrative from the perspective of their animal.

EDUC 513 Project One (5 computers)
Technology Implementation and Management Plan

Objective: Students will research and collect data to prepare for their non-fiction animal
Duration of activities: 5 days with a daily block of 75 minutes
Standard: W3.1.3 Research & Technology-understand the structure and organization of
various reference materials (e.g., dictionary, thesaurus, atlas, and encyclopedia)

Students will have selected and been assigned an animal to research. This is the initial week of
working on these reports. The second week will include rotations for the students to write and
begin typing their reports into a Word document.
Students will work in five groups of five at their tables. The research materials for their specific
animals will be in a basket on their table to be used throughout the week. Each student has
been given a folder to keep all their research materials organized.
Each group will each rotate to the computers, one student at each computer, for 15 minutes to
complete the following task for the day.
Students will each use to locate and read and
print their animals information sheet to be used tomorrow.
During the remaining 60 minutes groups will work at tables using resources provided to find
and complete the animal fact page topics:
Class, order, family and common name

Number of young
Each group will each rotate to the computers, one student at each computer, for 15 minutes to
complete the following task for the day.
Students will use the following sites to locate and print a picture of their animal
in their habitat.
During the remaining 60 minutes groups will work at tables using resources provided to
complete the following:
Using the information paper they printed yesterday, students will create a map
showing where in the world this animal lives.
Students will use all materials to make an illustration of the animals habitat.
Each group will each rotate to the computers, one student at each computer, for 15 minutes to
complete the following task for the day.
Students will use the following sites to locate a video of their animal in motion.
Watch the video(s) a couple of times and observe the animals legs, body and head
After watching the videos, student will write down at least three descriptive
adjectives to describe their animal on post it notes.
During the remaining 60 minutes groups will work at tables using resources provide to:
Using the information resources and photos they printed yesterday, students will
create a collage or draw a picture of their animal.

Each group will each rotate to the computers, one student at each computer, for 15 minutes to
complete the following task for the day.
Students use word to create the title page for their report.
Title Page will include: name of animal, student name, and report date due.
During the remaining 60 minutes groups will work at tables using resources provide to:
Students will locate three interesting facts about their animal. Write a paragraph
including these facts.
Students will use their notes from the animal in motion video to write at least three
descriptive sentences about their animal.
Students will rotate to computers in their group, one student at each computer, for 15 minutes
in order to complete any tasks that were not done during the week.
Students will complete the following tasks at their tables:
Locate and record the resources they used to obtain information on their animal in
bibliography format, as modeled by the teacher.
Finish any of the tasks that were not completed on days one-four.

EDUC 513 Project One (25 computers)
Technology Implementation and Management Plan

Objective: Students will research and collect data to prepare for their non-fiction animal
Duration of activities: 5 days with a daily block of 30 minutes on the computers and 30 minutes
at their tables
Standard: W3.1.3 Research & Technology-understand the structure and organization of
various reference materials (e.g., dictionary, thesaurus, atlas, and encyclopedia)

Students will have selected and been assigned an animal to research. This is the initial week of
working on these reports. The second week will include time at computers to type their reports
into a Word document.
The research materials for their specific animals will be in a basket on their table to be used
throughout the week. Each student has been given a folder to keep all their research materials
Each student will be at a computer for 30 minutes to complete the following tasks for the day:
Students will each use to locate and read and
print their animals information sheet.
With time remaining students will use Google to search another resource. They
will also print information from this reference making sure to write down the
name of the resource and URL address for the bibliography.
During the remaining 30 minutes students will use the resources they just printed to find and
complete the animal fact page topics:
Class, order, family and common name
Number of young
Each student will be at a computer for 30 minutes to complete the following tasks for the day:
Students will use the following sites to locate and print a picture of their
animal in its habitat.
Students will use the following sites to locate a video of their animal in

During the remaining 30 minutes students will work at tables using resources provided to
complete the following:
Using the information paper they printed yesterday, students will create a map
showing where in the world this animal lives. This map will be colored and labeled
with the oceans and seven continents.
Each student will be at a computer for 30 minutes to complete the following task for the day:
Using the pictures they found yesterday to refer to, students will use KidPix
to create a picture of their animal in its habitat.
During the remaining 30 minutes students will work at tables using resources provide to:
Students will locate three interesting facts about their animal. Write a
paragraph including these facts.
Each student will be at a computer for 30 minutes to complete the following task for the day:
Students use Word to create the title page for their report.
Title Page will include: name of animal, picture, student name, and report date due.
Students will focus on: centering, changing font and resizing pictures (Students will
also make sure to copy the URL address to give credit to sources.)
During the remaining 30 minutes students will work at tables using resources provide to:
Locate and record the resources they used to obtain information on their
animal in bibliography format, as modeled by the teacher.
Each student will be at a computer for 30 minutes to complete the following task for the day:
Finish any of the tasks that were not completed on days one-four.
Students will use Word to create the bibliography document for their report
using the format modeled by the teacher.
During the remaining 30 minutes students will work at tables using resources provide to:

Finish any of the tasks that were not completed on days one-four.
Students will begin to write the body of their report from the information
gathered on their animal facts pages.

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