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Five Stars

by ipam
Smashwords Edition Copyright 2014 Pamela Joan Barlow Smashwords Edition, License Notes
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Bec" ,ctworth, st$dent, gee"
Billy Jac", st$dent, #oot!all player, !rother o# Bo!!y Joe
Bo!!y Joe, st$dent, #oot!all player, !rother o# Billy Jac"
Cinta -ar#ield, ma%orette, .isa*s girl !est
/a(y .ay, st$dent, #oot!all player
0arth -ar#ield, st$dent, #oot!all player
Lara Lee 1odges, head ma%orette
.isa /awn Patillo, ma%orette, Cinta*s girl !est
Friday. Night. November 8th. Cintas bedroom. 11:02 pm. ) la$nch the se2$ined top
rolled into a messy spi"y r$!!er !all as the tiny pellets o# glittery metal acc$rately #ling against
the la(ender'colored wall o# her !edroom& , #ew, may!e, #i(e or si3 o# the !ro"en se2$ins
!o$nce along the top o# my open hard steel s$itcase then hit the l$sh carpet as Cinta nec" snaps
her dead pan #ace to the so#t tin"ling noise presenting d$c" lips, $gly on her golden s"in while
staring at the !right star twin"les on her white thic"ly so#t carpet then r$dely #inger points her
manic$red !a!y !l$e inde3 #inger nail at the #looring&
4/on*t destroy yo$r ma%orette $ni#orm, sweetie5 6a need it when the !and marches in the
1oliday Parade ne3t month7&,8 orders Cinta with a stern clarinet tone&
) sing in my new !ass #l$te m$sic& 4Naw5 )*(e decided that we*ll wear the !a!y !l$e
sweat shirt and matching sweat pants o(er a white t$rtlenec" with the c$te #$rry head!and that
"eeps my earlo!es #rom #ree9ing o## my s"$ll since the temperat$re*s going to pl$mmet into the
40*s this time ne3t month d$ring /ecem!er at nighttime&8 ) whip o## the se2$ined shorts'li"e
!i"ini !ottom aro$nd my tight !$tthole which is part o# my two'piece ma%orette $ni#orm tossing
it acc$rately into my s$itcase lea(ing more detached se2$ins on the r$g while slipping into my
so#t hot pin" sil"y designer !rand pa%ama top and matching shorts&
4hat*s not what Lara Lee says78 Cinta hangs her ma%orette $ni#orm inside the closet
de!ating with me& ) remo(e my thic" painted ma"e$p #rom my #ree'pimpled #ace with three oil
oli(e pads sitting my #anny $pon the so#t la(ender satin padded stool o# Cinta*s pretty :aple
wooden (anity !$rea$ with the !$ilt'in three'#o$rths !ody si9e mirror&
) say& 4;iddlestic"s on Lara Lee5 She might !e head ma%orette, !$t )*m co'head& hen
there*re si3 o# $s ma"ing a per#ect !loc" against a single e(il #emale dictator7which is the #irst
one in Earth*s history& .ight, Cinta< 1ow*da she got to !e head ma%orette o(er me, anyways& )*m
the !etter !aton twirler& Period5 No 2$estion mar"58 ) do not giggle a(oiding any oli(e oil drops
in my eye!all&
Cinta p$lls her la(ender satin !edspread #rom the top to the !ottom e3posing the three
"ing'si9ed pillows #or the e(ening sl$m!er& 4She can charm a co!ra'sna"e one, and two, she can
do a two't$rn,8 hea(y !reathing #rom %$mping o(er the wide mattress tossing the !edspread #rom
the #ar wall& She loo"s at .isa #or71 second then 2 seconds and then names& 4.isa<8
) hold the oli(e oil cleaning pad and stare into the mirror as my eye!alls stare !ac" at me&
) word with annoyance& 4=$t o# all days to miss my #a!$lo$s two't$rn !aton spin which )
originated long !e#ore Lara Lee did last year remem!er, Cinta< hen d$ring the7 one cotton
pic"in* day o# the entire solar s$n year that co$nted the mostest which was Band :a%orette ry'
o$t /ay, #iddlestic"s, ya "now7) can do a two't$rn and catch my !aton all at the same time&8
Cinta says& 4Lara Lee can do a three't$rn&8 She neatly twirls the #a!ric down into a #lat
log as she slips it #rom the !ed into the hori9ontal wooden chest i# she dirties the delicate
la(ender satin #a!ric&
4Naw&8 ) sing in #l$te m$sic&
46es&8 Cinta sings in clarinet m$sic&
4Naw5 6o$*re lying !ig time, Cinta&8
4) eye witnessed it !e#ore the Pep .ally7last wee"&8 Cinta con#esses, wrestling with
long "ing'si9ed !edspread li"e a ;lorida alligator as ) watch her in the mirror then #lip #ace to her
!ody, wrin"ling my #orehead, $gly and&
4-here was )<8 ) wonder thro$gh my mental !rain cells&
4Bathroom peeing or7glossing one or !oth o# yo$r chee"s< 6o$ always seem to !e
somewhere else when the #$n*s happening, .isa&8 Cinta comments o$t o# !a!y !l$e ,la!ama s"y
then she adds& 4She says that we7yo$ and me are going to per#orm a two't$rn while she does a
three't$rn then the other #o$r slo mo ma%orettes will do a one't$rn7all at the same time ne3t
wee" on the second marching !and song as we twirl in #ront o# the a$dience&8 Cinta details then
silences #or71 second then 2 seconds then 3 seconds as Cinta loo"s into the mirror seeing .isa
and names& 4.isa<8
4-hoa the stagecoach58 )*m impressed&
Cinta giggles with a girly twang, commenting& 4) li"e to read them e'no(els, too, girl'
!est& ) recall that phrase in the e'!oo" 4hian8 !y the new e'writer pen named ipam.8
) mentally (is$al the hori9ontal line'$p o# the ma%orettes along the #oot!all #ield as the
m$sic 2$e$es then the girls pitch their !atons into the air while #o$r o# them t$rn one time, catch
the !aton, then two o# them t$rn two'times, catch the !aton and Lara Lee t$rns three #$ll
rotations o# her slender !ody, catching the !aton posing with her million dollar smile li"e a
!ea$ty 2$een witho$t the crown and !arely whisper& 4hat*s so cool58
Cinta giggles at her #riend .isa and comments& 4hat*s why Lara Lee is captain&8 ) twist
my lips, $gly at that comment and remo(ing the dar" colored maroon lipstic"&
) sing in my #l$te m$sic& 4Naw& She only won !y de#a$lt since ) missed my two't$rn and
she catch her !aton& L$c"y dang dog5 )*m still not wearing that s"impy se2$ined thing on that
cold night 1oliday Parade, since )*m #ree9e my !$tthole o##& No, ) declare7a war !e#ore that
4Lara Lee r$les&8 Cinta remar"s with a happy clarinet, smiling&
4Lara Lee drools&8 ) comment with a nasty #l$te, snarling&
4hat*s not nice, .isa anyways Lara Lee is pop$lar and pretty and7,8 d$mps Cinta
patting her !edspread li"e a "itty'cat&
4No, she ain*t&8 ) present a set o# d$c" lips, $gly&
46es, she is7(ery pop$lar and (ery pretty and well'li"ed78
4) don*t li"e her7,8 since the ;irst 0rade when she p$shed me o## the play gro$nd swing
set !$t ) can*t tattle that old memory with Cinta !eca$se she seems to !e acting weirdo tonight&
46o$ don*t li"e /a(y .ay& No one li"es /a(y .ay since he*s more rednec" than
cow!oy&8 Cinta twangs in a cheery clarinet, la$ghing&
41e*s more hill!illy then rednec" always slo!!ering on Lara Lee*s #ace li"e a piglet on
her :ama*s tit&8 ) o!ser(e too ac$tely with my !ig open eyelashes, snorting li"e a wild !oar&
Cinta (icio$sly attac"s with her alto clarinet& 46o$ sho$ldn*t c$rse, .isa&8
4)t*s not a c$rse word& )t*s part o# a mammal*s !ody& )58 ) sing in my new piccolo
41$sh, .isa5 0ee97my parents will hear they sleep %$st down78
47stairs on the #irst #loor7,8 reminding Cinta o# the layo$t o# her own home&
4,nd7with yo$r !ig mo$th c$ssing in piccolo m$sic $p to the hea(ens that will get me
more than yo$ into !ig time tro$!les& -hat*s yo$r pro!e, .isa<8 Cinta wrin"les her #orehead
while loo"ing with eye!alls at .isa*s !ac" m$scles&
) s$!%ect change& 4-hy don*t yo$ challenge her more, Cinta< 6o$ can do a two't$rn (ery
well along with me& )#*an yo$ had (ied #or Captain then ya wo$ld*(e gotten it then we7!e li"e
!ee stingers $nstoppa!le as co'r$les o# the ma%orette s2$ad (etoing all o# Lara Lee*s st$pid
poopy decisions&8
4;oot!all season is almost o(er so Lara Lee can*t dictate ya anymore, .isa& ,nd, ) don*t
want to co'anything with Lara Lee& ) don*t li"e her which means that ) don*t associate with
people that ) don*t li"e&8
4=7that*s a good r$le ) sho$ld remem!er that one5 6a li"e me, right<8
4=# co$rse, girl !est&8
4,m ) pop$lar with o$r classmates<8 ) in2$ire staring at my #ace&
4Pop$lar, pretty, and a pampered princess which ma"es #or a new r$le in my room is
don*t trash my new r$g, .isa& 0ee9, :ama*ll ha(e a !a!y cal# with a #ew new!orn "ittens&8
Cinta 2$ic"ly tr$c"s her na"ed #eet to the !ro"en metal, "neecapping on her !ody and collecting
gingerly the shiny pieces with her #i(e le#t #inger pads tossing elegantly the tiny man'made gems
into her right palm and lect$res& 4;$dge ca"es, i# :ama steps her na"ed toes on these sharp
o!%ects while cleaning my room d$ring her nosy motherly in(estigation o# my precio$s !$t well'
hidden secret st$##, she*d gro$nd me $ntil La!or /ay o# ne3t year&8
4Sorry, Cinta& Loo", get the (ac$$m cleaner then )*ll !r$sh it aro$nd yo$r new r$g& ) li"e
the color o# white !$t want it get really dirty7really #ast #rom wal"ing ro$nd and ro$nd in the
same spots #rom the yo$r doorway to yo$r (anity chair to yo$r !athroom door then !ac" to yo$r
!ed mattress& hen the white*ll get a dirty white tint and t$rn into a light !eige, not matching the
!right white in the corners and78
46a thin" too m$ch, girl'!est, one and two, its ele(en'si3teen at night& 6a "now sleeping
time #or the -ar#ield clan, i# my :ama hears any type o# wa"ing'$p'rac"et #rom my room at this
$nholy ho$r, .isa7she*ll !irth a #o$r'legged #illy along sides a litter o# Beagle p$ppies&8
46o$*re going to ma"e a great (eterinary some day Cinta since ya spea" !ra(ely #or all
the animals #ighting #or s$r(i(al against man"ind&8
4-ell, earthlings are m$rdering the !l$ish'green planet and s$c"ing the li#e o$t o# all the
other species that don*t trot $pright on their designer co(ered na"ed ten manic$red and hand'
painted toe nails&8 ) giggle with a girly twang assisting with the proper cleaning chore along side
Cinta then she slowly stands $pright in her yellow d$c"ie'patterned sil"y pa%ama with o# a
slee(eless top and a pair o# matching shorts with ca$tion holding with !oth hands the remnants
o# my (iolent shredding while she slowly piro$ettes towards her pri(ate !athroom which*s
shared !y no other !lood'related si!ling&
)*m a ma%orette in the ,pollo 1igh School >,1S? :arching Band along with my girl
!est7"inda li"e a g$y pal7!$t #or my #emale #riend named Cinta -ar#ield since we were little
ti"es at ,1S Pre'"indergarten when #o$r'year'old Bec" ,ctworth tripped o(er his Big#oot
snea"ers landing on my #lat little girly chest then the new class mate Cinta "ic"ed the snot o$t o#
his ri! cage !etween the si3th and se(enth ri!s while Bec" rolled o## my #allen !ody in the
opposite direction in !oth childhood pain and s$##ering&
Ten years ago. ), along with my classmates, shoc"ingly learn that si3'year old Bec"
,ctworth has contracted a permanent m$sc$lar disease, which is attac"ing the se(enth disc o# his
spinal cord and ner(o$s system at the age o# #o$r'years'old& hat (ery day is the #irst attac" on
his !iological !ody& So he doesn*t really mean to p$rpose#$lly land on my #lat chest ca$sing me
to #all $pon my tender !ac" m$scles on the so#t grass at .ecess ime on the ,pollo Elementary
Playgro$nd #ield& ) %$st happen to !e the one so#t #leshy o!%ect to c$shion his pre'destined #all&
1owe(er Cinta and ) are introd$ced !ecoming !estest girly #riends since then and now in almost
my entire e3istence&
resent. )*m si3teen'years'old .isa Patillo, who li(es and !reathes at 21@ :aple Street in
a #arm town ,pollo in the great State o# ,la!ama that r$ns in the geographical east to west
parallel to AS 1ighway 2B that leads so$th into the State o# ;lorida& )*m a Bama girl in heart,
soil, and twang& :y :ama !irthed me on No(em!er Bth which is in precisely 42 min$tes and CD
seconds as Cinta*s alarm cloc" co$nts #orward towards ;ather ime on her night stand as ) #inish
whac"ing e3actly 2C stro"es down my a$!$rn waist'length semi'wa(y hair !e#ore o$r sched$led
trash tal"&
E(ery ;riday night is the ,1S #oot!all game, where e(ery so!er and a #ew into3icated
de(oted ,pollonians stand and sho$t at their old ,lma :ata*s s$ccess #or a new (ictory win
while they drool and drone #or the ,S1 :arching Band with the line'$p o# pretty ma%orettes7
>that*s me?7leading the lo$d m$sicians& ,nd e(ery ;riday night, ) spend'the'night with Cinta
a#ter the ;oot!all 0ame, since 10th grade, !eca$se one, we*re girl !ests& ,nd two, my parents
lea(e on Sat$rday mornings at precisely 4+C0 am with o$r li(estoc" inside the rolling wheeled
cattle stalls and millions o# har(ested #ield crops o# pean$ts sealed inside three long semi'tr$c"
tractors ha$ling o$r #arm*s precio$s merchandise to the capital city o# :ontgomery #or the
wee"ly monetary income tally o# /addy*s hard wor"&
his partic$lar ;riday night, in a!o$t #orty'one more min$tes, )*ll t$rn7only once7
se(enteen'years'old at midnight, witho$t !eing asleep or !eing at my home& :ama and /addy
le#t this morning, instead o# tomorrow morning, d$e to the $rgency o# the AS ;ederal
0o(ernment st$pid p$ppy poopy r$les and reg$lations& )t*s no !ig deal to me really since my
immediate #amily will cele!rate my !irthday, later, tomorrow e(ening& :ama and /addy will
ret$rn #rom their re2$ired chore o# ma"ing money to p$t #ood on o$r ta!le along with my
re2$ested three'tier !irthday (anilla !$tter crEme #rosted with a total o# se(enteen sets o# tightly
!$nched red'colored !$tter crEme rose !$ds #or my new years o# e3istence on Planet Earth
aro$nd the three le(els o# sweet (anilla ca"e&
Cinta ret$rns wringing her precio$sly manic$red hal#'an'inch #inger nails that paints li"e
mine in pretty !a!y !l$e with the good smelling water apple anti'!acterial hand wash as she
e3tends the pin"'colored !ottle o$t #or !oth my hands& ) gladly accommodate with my c$pped
palms as Cinta s2$ints me a dime'si9ed goop& ) r$! within my palms and #inger pads as we each
str$t $p the small three'tiered step stool into her old #ashion Plantation wooden !ed #rame which
stands #rom at !ottom #loor a set o# elegantly cra#ted #o$r wooden lion'pawed #eet to a grace#$lly
topple o# the la(ender'colored chi##on #a!ric canopy #i#teen #eet high !elow her eighteen'#eet
) clim! on #o$rs >palms and toe !ones? sin"ing into the micro #i!er mattress as my long
!ody drowns in so#tness o# la(ender'colored satin sheets& ) pad aro$nd the edge o# the mattress
and occ$py the le#t side o# the "ing'si9ed !ed& ) smash my sleeping 2$een'si9ed pillow $pright
against the wooden head !oard along with Cinta then she lays a "ing'si9ed satin p$rple draped
pillow (ertically !etween $s while she dims the lamp on her night stand as ) do the same since
we li"e to gossip in the semi'dar"ness witho$t awa"ing her #ol"s as ) place my cell on the
nightstand& )*m with my girl !est and my parents are so$nd asleep #rom their e3ha$sti(e day a#ter
they te3ted me on the cell d$ring the #oot!all game with an electronic lo(ing h$g and a "iss since
) don*t ha(e a So$thern !ea$ to send me an electronic h$g and "iss so ) don*t need to access my
cell phone&
Cinta holds her cell as the small light shines in her pretty #ace, !eing the !estest collector
o# hot wash gossip at ,1S& 46a can go with c$te and se3y Billy Jac", who thin"s yo$*re !ooty is
c$te and se3y, too7
4Cinta, Billy Jac" has ne(er e(er shown an interest, an eye win" or a tong$e !$rp in me
other then spilling that !atch o# dead !rownish'!eige #rog g$ts on !oth my cowgirl !oots in
Biology last year& hat was a total accident&8
41e*s still c$te and se3y ma"ing a dynamic imprompt$ do$!le'date with me and Bo!!y
4No, Cinta&8 ) sha"e my c$rls in angry& 4;iddlestic"s, )*(e told ya a!o$t h$ndred and
si3teen times that ) can*t go with yo$ on a do$!le'date&&&8
4-hy not< 6o$r parents li"e me, well, they adore me& )*m the one that sa(es yo$r sorrow
!eeFhind in ,lge!ra, almost e(ery wee"& /id ya #inish the homewor" assignment #or Chapter
;i(e its d$e on :onday<8 ) gr$nt with !oth the 2$estion and the d$ty o# completing my $n'le#t
and $n'#inished academic 1igh School wor" assignments #or ne3t wee"*s school&
4hen, yo$ !e their da$ghter #or the rest o# ,lge!ra&8 ) growl& 4-hy did ) ta"e ,lge!ra
this year< ) !lew it in 0eometry last year and #inally passed& ) tried to e3plain to my parents that
)*m lo$sy at math and science and history and literat$re and7e(erything e3cept7twirling a
4.isa, 0eometry is totally di## #rom ,lge!ra& 6o$ ha(e to try a little harder& ,nd yo$
need a set o# hard core 1igh School co$rses7li"e Physics and Calc$l$s that mashes with yo$r
so#t c$rric$l$m o# English Lit and -orld 1istory classes to get accepted as a #irst year #reshman
at Birmingham Ani(ersity in the !ig :etro City o# Birmingham& 6o$ do remem!er that*s it*s in
the middle o# the state o# ,la!ama and yo$ do remem!er that college now days is e3tremely
competiti(e #or 1igh School Seniors not li"e when my :ama and /addy attended& 6a "now7
we !oth agreed to start college this s$mmer right a#ter o$r !each time (acation to the 0$l# o#
:e3ico on :emorial /ay with o$r special #riends& 6a "now7<8
4Breathe, Cinta& ) "now yo$*re win"ing yo$r le#t eyelash at me since )*m not a !arn !at
and can*t see in the dar" and ) do remem!er yo$r stated !oring college #acts& hat*s precisely
why7) can*t date a !oy, a dog, or a sna"e7<8
46a want to date a sna"e what in 1ea(ens #or, .isa< hat*s a silly re2$est #or an
earthling& he cold !looded reptiles hiss and possess sharp #angs along with paraly9ing poison
especially rattlers and copperheads&8
4)*m !eing pro#o$nd, Cinta& ) can*t go on a date $ntil )*m old and gray and wrin"led in
my #ace with saggy !oo!s at 42 years old& )t7is so #r$strating& ) t$rned si3teen years old this
e3act time last year getting (er!al permission #rom :ama and a physical shown crossed heart
promise with his two #ingers on his #lannel wor" shirt #rom /addy7then7)7&,8 complain in
my semi'so#t #l$te m$sic& 4) made the grade letter o# an G;* in !oth s$!%ects o# Chemistry and
0eometry #or the ;all si3'wee"s term !eing so o(er'con#ident a!o$t my school wor"
assignments and o(er %oyo$s a!o$t dating #or the #irst time7e(er in my li#e with a !oy7&and
the #irst time "iss7e(er78
Cinta !lows her !reathe (oicing in her new !ass clarinet& 46eah, !a!y5 6a !lew that
mo$ntain pea" with deadly wic"ed tons o# N& ,nd, hey, girl'!est5 ) t$tored ya, !a!e& ) ain*t
#a$lt here, either& -hat happened<8
4)7)*m not holding any !lame towards yo$, Cinta& ) %$st #lat o$t #ailed the test& ) g$ess )
didn*t st$dy li"e ) was s$pposed too&8 ) pa$se #or !ea$ty then contin$e& 4;ailing at test wasn*t
the pro!& :ama and /addy were my !iggest ma%or pro!lems& hey were in#lamed, incensed, and
intolera!le as caring and lo(ing gentle are's$pposed'to'!e parents o# my contin$o$s !ad grades&
hey gro$nded me $ntil New 6ear*s /ay and almost ma"e me 2$it the ma%orette s2$ad along
with ta"ing the car "eys o# my new :$stang and hired me a t$tor78
4,nd, than"s #or the money& ) p$t these 0eorge -ashington*s to good $se78 Cinta
e3presses and giggles with a girly twang&
4=5 ) had78 d$mping the partial sentence then stopping&
41ad what, .isa<8 Cinta 2$estions&
4) had78 ) pa$se #or !ea$ty and then contin$e& 4) had #orgotten to say than" yo$ #or
helping me, girl'!est& ) co$ldn*t passed witho$t yo$r t$toring, Cinta&8
4hat*s why ) !e !orn& hey say that e(ery earthling has a p$rpose& 6o$, girl'!est are my
p$rpose, -ell, ) %oyo$sly happen to possess two ma%ordomo p$rposes while the second one
!egins right a#ter Ch$rch ser(ice lets o$t S$nday night Bo!!y Joe and ) are going to the Sin'
4/on*t call them that, Cinta& he ,ctworth #amily mem!ers are not7sin'eaters #or
goodness sa"e&8
4heir #amily !$siness owns that creepy #$neral home which highly 2$ali#ies them #or
that (ery descripti(e name, one and two, that low patch o# green grass and that sweet d$c" pond
!etween their #$neral home par"ing lot and the occ$pied cow past$re which can only !e accessed
) might add !y a 4 34 %ac"ed $p monster tr$c" that Bo!!y Joe happens to dri(e is neatly well'
hidden #rom the roadway which is per#ect7>giggles?7#or watching the twin"ling stars and #$ll
46eah, well, ) wo$ldn*t "now a!o$t that watching stars and moon st$## witho$t $sing a
telescope and the property strip is properly called Singer ;ields, not Sin'Eaters&8
4/o ya "now what a sin'eater is, .isa since yo$ scored what7on yo$r last English Lit
test7a D1< hat*s not e(en a passing grade, girl !est7it*s a high /H7ya "now&8 ) ignore her
academic lect$re since it*s the same one that ) heard #rom my :ama this morning !e#ore ) was
sent to school with a good hardy !rea"#ast as ) swing the cell into my #ace, th$m!'typing the
word sin'eater and Cinta contin$es& 4Lara Lee and /a(y .ay hide o$t in ,pollo city*s gra(eyard&
here*s not a so$l, there7Lara Lee li"es to 2$ote into my nostrils on :onday morning&8 Cinta
giggles with a girly twang&
40ross me o$t78
4hat*s grosses me o$t, too5 Switching to a sweeter s$!%ect, Billy Jac" ain*t grossed o$t
!y yo$, sweet pea& 1e*s got his own 4 3 4 %ac"ed $p tr$c"78
4,ll rednec" hic"s dri(e 4 3 4 %ac"ed $p tr$c"s with their loaded twel(e'ga$ge shotg$n
stored $nder the passenger side7,8 then read o$t lo$d the word de#inition directly #rom the Net
te3t& 4Sin'eater is a person hired at a #$neral in ancient time &li"e ,ncient 0ree" or Neanderthal
Ca(emen period to eat !eside the corpse and so ta"e $pon themsel(es the sins o# the dead so the
so$l goes to 1ea(en which is horse shit co(ered in !ig emerald green #lies&8
Cinta giggles lo$dly then drops her alto into a low o!oe so her parents didn*t #ig$re o$t
that we*re awa"e and !eing na$ghty& 46a might get an ,, this time, i#*an yo$ $se yo$r creati(e
constr$ct on yo$r ne3t English Lit paper78
4=r7permanently "ic"ed o$t o# :iss 1elena*s English Lit and Principal .$ssell*s
,pollo 1igh School #ailing as a Senior and re'ta"ing the twel#th grade all o(er, again, #or a
second misery& No than" yo$, doll5 hat*s not good ad(ice #rom yo$, Cinta&8
4)t*s a %o"e, .isa& 6o$*re tense, girl !est& 1mm5 1ow a!o$t a dish o# chocolate ice
cream, sweetie pie, )*m getting a s$gar call<8
46o$*re declining a scoop o# delicio$s ice cream& 1mm5 1ow a!o$t some chocolate
candy !ars :ama p$rchased a new !ag not e(en opened so they*re #resh and sealed and well
hidden #rom garage deposal 0arth, sweet ca"es, ) "now :ama*s secret hiding po$ch<8
46o$*re really !$mmed& 1mm5 -ant me to gi(e ya a !ac" r$!, !a!y li"e ) do my !oy toy
/a(y .ay< 1e p$rrs li"e a new!orn "itten in my arms&8
4="ay& hen, yo$ tell me what ya want7may!e ) can o!lige7since we*re girl !ests&
-hat*da yo$ want<8
4) want7sometimes really silly&8 ) propose o## the wall, smiling as Cinta lightly giggles in the
4) li"e silly& -hat*da ya want, sweetie<8
4) want7sometimes that ) can*t ha(e&8 ) hint, smiling&
4) gots lots o# sin#$l delights in the "itchen& )*ll share& -hat*da ya want that yo$ can*t
4) want a "iss&8
41oly :oley, .isa& ,re ya carrying7$h7some girly girl #eelings #or me that ) need to
"now a!o$t< Since, yo$*re7sleeping in my !ed in my !ed room with me78
4No, silly worm& ) want to "iss a !oy& ) dream a!o$t it all the time& ) can*t stop thin"ing
a!o$t it& ) can*t stop thin"ing a!o$t him&8
4-ho him, sweetheart<8
4,ny him7ya "now7a male as in a !oy that*s my age7that*s get a set o# so#t pin" lips
#or "issing<8 ) pa$se #or !ea$ty then contin$e& 4he only "iss ) get is when :ama*s pec"s my
right chee"!one7always my right chee"!one #or the start o# school day and /addy gently "isses
my #orehead when he comes home o$t o# the corn #ield a#ter school& hat*s it58
41mm5 )7am !eginning to see the single #ading #lashlight !$rning !etween the dar" tree
lim!s& hat*s why yo$*re not st$dying< hat*s why yo$*re contin$ing to ma"e !ad grades<
4Ieep yo$r (oice so#a, Cinta& 6o$r :ama78
4.isa7who him7are yo$ daydreaming a!o$t<8
4,ll the him*s7&the dating eligi!le !oys at o$r school that attend o$r classes, Cinta& ,ll
!oys that wo$ld li"e to "iss7me7#or the #irst time&8 ) stare my eye!alls o$t the twin sets o#
hori9ontal windows in Cinta*s !edroom that displays the pretty yellowish'white lights #rom the
glowing #lowers that !reed along the water p$ddles in ,pollo, ,la!ama&
4.isa, i# yo$ "eep $p this day dreaming nonsense co$pled with ma"ing a set o# poor
academic grades, yo$7&will not get into college& =ne, ya !lew o$r #$t$re college plans and two,
yo$ will li(e with yo$r parents #ore(erly&8
4;ore(erly< hat*s not a word&8 ) ponder within my a(erage !rain cells&
4)t*s a c$te e'no(el teen word #rom a new e'!oo" writer ) #o$nd on the Net& ) li"e the
word& ,nd, the word #its yo$ li"e a G* as #ore(erly7&li(ing with yo$r !iological old and
wrin"led parents $ntil death do ya*ll part&8 Cinta giggles silly while ) distorted all pretty #eat$res
o# eye!rows, lips e(en cross my eye!alls, $gly&
4;ore(erly7,8 whispering li"e delicate !$tter#ly*s wings&
4)*m sorry, .isa& ) didn*t mean to add more depression into yo$r li#e, sweet pea&8 Cinta
%iggles the !ed mattress on her side and h$ms in her alto clarinet& 41mm5 1ow a!o$t ) tell ya a
secret<8 Cinta gently smac"s with a single tap o# her !a!y !l$e manic$red inde3 #inger nail $pon
the night stand lamp as the single light !$l! ill$minates her #ace and the white !ed head!oard
li"e headlights in my eye!alls then ) !lin" my eyelashes once, twice then thrice clearing the
(ision& Cinta smiles !rightly with good teeth and dances her eye!alls side to side loo"ing at me
then she sh$##les the "ing'si9ed pillow down to the edge o# the !ed and shi#ts her !ody towards
) scoot across the mattress to hear the newest %$icy gossip at ,S1 since Cinta always
ser(es the !estest new !l$r! #or the latest more c$rrent item then we go to sleep #or the e(ening
while ) ease my #ace into her #ace so my eardr$ms can hear the hot wash news& ) 2$estion with a
!iggy smile& 4)s it good<*
4his hot st$## is si99ling the la(ender tint #rom my paint&8 Cinta grins&
) nod& 4ell5 ell58
46a "now5 he No(ena 1ar(est is ne3t wee"7,8 Cinta d$mps7way too slowly&
4)*ll !e attending that school e(ent since ) was #o$r years old %$st li"e yo$ #or the
n$mero$s #$n "iddie rides, the ca"e wal", tons o# #inger lic"in* BBJ #ood, and all the cheap #i#ty
cents toy pri9es that my /addy can win #or me #rom the #i3ed am$sement !ooths to raise money
#or the new te3t!oo"s at the school& ell me more, Cinta&8
46a "now5 he word Gno(ena* represents the n$m!er Gnine* on the ancient .oman
Calendar& )n the /$tch calendar, it*s "nown as Sla$ght'man a time d$ring the Gsla$ghter'month*
when the !easts are slain and salted down #or the winter months #eeding and in the old Sa3on
world it is called -ind'month #or Gwind'month* when the #ishermen drew their !oats ashore and
gi(e $p #ishing $ntil ne3t spring78
4Breathe, Cinta&8
4So7at the root o# these historical #acts there*s one single re'occ$rring c$stom li"e7
when the !easties are all gi(en $p and the #ishies are all let go7&ya "now7e(eryone*s gone and
lost #ore(erly&8
4;ore(erly what, Cinta< ) don*t $nderstand that weird c$stom or yo$r silly re#erence to
No(em!er which happens to !e my !irthday month7ya "now<8
4/$ring No(ena 1ar(est when each school grade is #orced to send a representati(e
co$ple7a !oy and a girl to compete #or the year*s titles o# 1ar(est Prince and Princess, Iing
and J$een, Empress and Emperor nonsense and then they*re all gi(en those great !ig real really
good pri9es that consists o# e3pensi(e electronic de(ices which are gi(en !y the snotty nosed
teachers and won !y the less pop$lar nerdy gee"y "ids in the class7&8
46a "now the ones we hate78
4) don*t hate any o# the "ids in o$r class, Cinta& hat*s yo$r !ig hot dangling secret<8
46a "now7Bo!!y Joe told Billy Jac" who told /a(y .ay who told me7that78
4hat what Cinta<8
4Ieep the (ol$me down, girl !est&8 She smiles wic"edly& 4Bo!!y Joe is going to
nominate Bec" ,ctworth #or 1ar(est Emperor in o$r class and Billy Jac" is going to s$ggest that
Lara Lee !e o$r 1ar(est Empress&8
4hat*s nice&8
4,nd7here*s the na$ghty part78 Cinta smiles with good teeth, and pa$ses #or !ea$ty
then shares with a giggle& 4Lara Lee ain*t showing $p on that No(ena night #or the 1ar(est .oyal
in the !$tthole competition Gca$se her :ama and /addy are lea(ing right a#ter school to (isit her
0randma in 1$nts(ille which is way north o# $s #or the wee"end&8 She giggles with a nasty
twang as ) drop my mo$th li"e a h$nger shar"&
) reprimand& 4hat*s low down7worser than low down& hat*s meaner than a !iting
rattlesna"e on yo$r new cowgirl !oot toe& -hy*s Bo!!y Joe doing this<*
4Not %$st Bo!!y Joe, Billy Jac", /a(y .ay, Konnie S$e, Lara Lee7almost all the
Seniors are playing in on the gag7&incl$ding me and yo$, girl !est&&&,8 smile Cinta into the light&
4)7,8 do not li"e this new game&
4)7what, sweetie<8
4) want to $nderstand some illogic reasoning here7earthling& -hen*da ya t$rn into an
e(il princess, girl !est< Bec"*s a nice !oy with a set o# good gentlemanly manners ta$ght !y his
:ama which some local co$ntry hic"s that )7will not name !$t "indly o!ser(e co$ld learn to
4Bo!!y Joe has manners7,8 compliments Cinta with a sweet smile&
47when the #$ll moon t$rns a2$a !l$e d$ring three stri"es o# white lightning along the
indigo midnight s"y78
46adda5 6adda5 6adda5 /on*t yo$ !egin to ins$lt my man78
4Bec" is !oth college pro#essor !oo" smart and Bam!i'li"e c$te i#*an yo$*re willing to
loo" with yo$r per#ect ac$te (ision and yo$r partial open mind !eyond his ro$nded #rame
eyeglasses& 1e*s got that long slightly wa(y hair that drapes aro$nd his chee"!ones with he tal"s
and it c$ddles his s2$are %aw line that*s d$sted in a light pattern o# !lac" whis"ers along with his
pretty dar" !l$e eyes with a to$ch o# (iolet that "inda twin"les li"e electric !l$e stars against his
pale s"in7&8
46o$7&li"e7him&8 Cinta staccatos presenting d$c" lips, $gly then she 2$estions with
her "itty'cat c$riosity& 4-hy*da ya li"e him o(er Billy Jac"<8
4Cinta, admit it5 Bec"*s %$st as c$te as78
47Billy Jac"&8
Cinta stands with her #olded manic$red #ingernails on her hips& 4hey*re totally di##,
.isa& Billy Jac" has a set o# short cropped !londe hair that don*t to$ch any part o# his handsome
#ace with side !angs that sweep o(er to the right eye!row, c$te'li"e7>giggles?7his /addy
wo$ld whip the tar o# that !oy*s !eeFhind, i#*an his golden loc"s grow !eyond the top o# his
earlo!e li"e&&&li"e a hippie& Bec"*s #amily loo" and act li"e them hippie #ol"s #rom the 1BL0*s
that we st$died a!o$t in ,merican 1istory class, last year& .emem!er, .isa< he hippie people
ta"e illegal dr$gs, eat with their #eet, and played !ongo dr$ms all the time7"inda li"e that
,ctworth !$nch o# mon"eys who pro!a!ly were transported #rom So$th ,merican, not !y
airplane, either& 6o$ can*t de!ate me with them tr$e #acts& hey*re all old #arts and old #eathers
that*s what :ama says all the time& hat*s why we don*t spend any time with their yo$ng
4he ,ctworth clan is (ery conser(ati(e, highly respected, and to $se an ancient term,
old'#ashion& hem !e my :ama*s words, Cinta& hat*s more a So$thern tradition then my
0randmother*s corn!read recipe& 6a see their great !ig ho$se o(er there on Birch Street that
ta"es $p the entire roadside o# Birch Street78
40irl !est, don*t ya "now anything a!o$t ,pollo the city o# o$r !irth& =ne, the ,ctworth
mansion was the #irst !$ilding erected #or that #amily when their wooden wagon wheels in(aded
the dense woodlands proclaiming their stay $pon the red clay& Bac" then, roads were only m$ddy
two trac"s o# iron sto"es witho$t any proper names other than the common landmar" the
occ$pied a geographical area !y its gro(e o# the most pop$lar tree types that thri(ed here7#or
#ar more cent$ries $ntil dist$r!ed !y nasty earthlings& hat*s how the little town o# ,pollo
ac2$ired the named road street signs mostly !y the pre'dominate tree !ar"& he ,ctworth #orest
holds a large patch o# o(ergrown Birch so the ,pollo Cham!er o# =ld 0randpas !ac" in 1@1B
named the street GBirch*& 6o$ li(e on G=a"* Street& /a(y .ay li(es on G:aple* Street& ) li(e on
Pine Street78
4So5 hat*s why new saplings are re'planted year a#ter year to honor o$r ancestry in
1@1B& hat*s nice&8
4No, .isa& o "eep the red clay aro$nd the crop #arms #rom eroding down towards the
!each shore d$e to greedy Earthlings destroying the land, air, and water s$pply7ya "now7we
all ha(e to li(e and !reathe clean air and clean water to s$r(i(al on Planet Earth&8
4) "new that&8 ) eye !$rn the pretty lights !eaming into the window glass&
4,nd second, inside that !ig ole ,ctworth mansion their pri(ate Parlor .oom was $sed
#or !oth sociali9ing the li(ing and the dead78
4) spea" the tr$th #or !oth the li(ing and the dead& 6a go and as" yo$r :ama, .isa< he
ho$se is ha$nted with the ghostly dead so$ls that perished7here d$ring them )ndian !attles and
other s$ch "illing e(ents mar"ed in o$r Ninth 0rade ,la!ama 1istory !oo"s& 6a see, at the
time7here7there wasn*t a ch$rch !$ilding as m$ch as a social gathering o# residents in the
little small #arm town ,pollo at Preacher 0arrett*s pri(ate home #or the wee"ly ch$rch ser(ice&
Bac" then, when #ol"s died they %$st lay the 9om!ie o$t in the Parlor .oom since it wasn*t $sed
#or eating meals or sleeping 2$arters only #or old men tal"ing o(er !$siness transactions li"e
cotton and sla(es and yo$ng maidens #lirting with their #$t$re !ea$s #or marriage
4) "now what at Parlor .oom is $sed #or, Cinta& ) passed ,merican 1istory with a7a
passing grade&8 Cinta giggles at my mediocre academic s"ills as ) pa$se #or !ea$ty and as"&
4/oes the ,ctworth mansion still ha(e a Parlor .oom, since that*s on old'#ashioned concept that
was $sed d$ring the 2$ote ante!ell$m times $n2$ote in the =ld So$th< 1a(e ya e(er seen the
real Parlor .oom, there at the ,ctworth ho$se<8
4, Parlor .oom, now days, is #ormally called a /en& 6a "now where my 0rand#ather
goes to drin" his m$g o# !eer away #rom !oth :ama and 0randmother while reading the
newspaper or a !oo" in peace and 2$iet #rom their nagging7or a man ca(e #or modern g$ys to
watch sporting e(ents or a playroom #or yo$ng children away #rom the ;amily .oom and the
"itchen& 6a got a /en, right<8
) nod& 4)t holds a wall o# old smelly !oo"s, a second wall o# some old r$sty and some
new metal #iling ca!inets, a third wall o# partial open and closed shel(ing in which all o# it
contains :ama*s and /addy*s e3istence since their marriage and the world o# #arming related to
the money !$siness acco$nts and legal paper7&8
46o$r /en is $sed as an o##ice& 6a sho$ld in(estigate those loc"ed #iling ca!inet see what
yo$ can #ind&&&&,8 smir"s Cinta&
4) agree it*s an o##ice setting where !oth :ama and /addy attend nightly a#ter s$pper #or
a co$ple o# ho$rs while ) s$r# the Net7&instead o# doing my homewor"&8 ) !end my arms at my
el!ows, smiling li"e a de(ilette and wiggle my ten #inger pads since ) lo$nge $nder the canopy o#
Cinta*s Plantation !ed which pre(ents me #rom #$lly tossing my long arms into the air witho$t
accidentally ca$sing a mid'air collision with the la(ender r$##les and so#tly word& 46eah, !a!y58
Cinta sha"es her s"$ll& ) detail& 4hey 2$ietly tal" a!o$t the #arm st$##, !$t )*d #eel #$nny
stomping my #eet aro$nd the room and opening $nloc"ed drawers that don*t !elong to me&8
4)t all !ee7longs to yo$, girl'!est& 6o$*re the only heir to the princess'throne, .isa&
6o$*re an only child o# :r& and :rs& Patillo& )*m %$st ad(ising that yo$ need to introd$ce
yo$rsel# into the world o# #arm operations& 6o$r dear :ama and /addy wo$ld !e pro$d yo$
ha(e showed an interest in yo$r #$t$re career as a #armer and a #$t$re wi#e o# a #arm !oy& 6a
"now5 6o$ and Billy .ay can marry and merge ya*ll*s #arm land ma"ing the spread o#
woodlands one o# the largest crop #ields in So$th ,la!ama #or prod$cing cotton7&8
4Billy Jac"*s c$te li"e his !rother& 1ec", all them co$ntry !oys are c$te with their golden
tans #rom the harsh s$nlight o# #arming, their !road sho$lders #rom tractor plowing and their
slow molasses So$thern draws o# se3y !aritone trom!one that echoes lo(ely into my eardr$ms&
B$t ) don*t li"e or lo(e or desire Billy Jac"& -e %$st had this disc$ssion thread a!o$t #i#teen
min$tes ago78
46eah5 6o$7li"e7him& ,nd7) %$st told ya a!o$t #o$rteen min$tes ago that my :ama
won*t let $s7-ar#ields associate with them weirdo So$thern clan& ,nd, no, )*(e ne(er !een to
their mansion, !eca$se it*s ha$nted& hey say yo$ can hear m$sic78
4Cinta, the m$sic*s comes #rom an array o# piano notes, g$itar str$ms, !an%o pic"ing, and
snarl dr$m rolls& Each #amily mem!er is do$!ly talented with m$sical instr$ments78
41ow ya "now that, girl'!est<8 ) eye !$rn the wallpaper o# delicate !a!y !l$e and
la(ender #ield #lowers perched into a wic"er white !as"et that repeats along the wallpaper design
e(ery three inches against the #aint la(ender !ac"gro$nd aro$nd the room as Cinta (icio$sly
attac"s, leaning into my space as her nostrils !reathe on my le#t collar !one& 46o$ spy7on7
him&8 ) !lin" my eyelashes once, twice then thrice at the pretty !as"et on the wallpaper not
re(ealing my deep down secret& She says& 46a*ll are neigh!ors, i# yo$ $se that (ery loose term,
since the ,ctworth :ansion is what7two or three miles #rom yo$r #ront porch !$t the closest
directional angle o# the northwest corner o# yo$r /addy*s cow past$re& 6es, that spot wo$ld
pro(ide an e3cellent (iew o#7&8 ponders the geographical landscape& 4)t*s not the #ront porch
since that #aces d$e north #rom the roadside& hen, yo$ m$st !e a!le to see their !ac" porch7the
patio !etween the thic"ets o# li(e =a" trees& -e $sed to ride the horses down to the cree" water
#or #$n pretending we*re cowgirls e3ploding the old -est& .emem!er, .isa< So, there*s a pretty
clear hi"ing path #rom yo$r !arn right along side (iew o# Bec"*s ho$se& -hat does Bec" do on
the patio, .isa< 1mm5 /oes it t$rn ya on, girl'!est<8
) (iew the !ed linens& 4) li"e all my class mates at ,1S& -e all were !orn and raised here
li"e a litter o# piglets "nowing each other*s :ama and /addy, their :ama and /addy and go to
school with each other co$sins7&8
46o$ don*t ha(e any co$sins, .isa& 6o$*re an only child7,8 d$mps Cinta with a #ish
lips, $gly&
4) "now that&8
4-ell, girl'!est, yo$ m$st !e the only one that li"es him, since78
47&Bec"*s in a wheel chair #or the rest o# his earth'!o$nd days& 1e has that m$sc$lar
disease, !eca$se he can*t wal", e(er, Cinta& -hy are we pic"ing on Bec"<8
4Bec"*s a nerdy gee"& -e %$st !e ha(ing some #$n, .isa& hat*s all&8
4;$n5 Bac" to the ne3t wee"*s night o# No(ena, Bec" will wheel his person and his chair
in #ront o# a pac"ed ho$se o# nosy ,pollo citi9ens seating nosily and eating hotdogs inside the
school a$ditori$m witho$t Lara Lee since she*s completely o$t o# the social pic with her parents&
hen Bec" will lose the competition #or ya*ll*s #$n and his pride #or ya*ll*s re(enge& -hy*s that
important, Cinta<8
4Lara Lee doesn*t wanna stand !eside him that*s the #$n part& 6a "now Bec"*s a smart'
hole& 1e "nows e(erything a!o$t e(erything7&,8 d$mps Cinta with a sneer&
41e doesn*t "now how to wal", dance, r$n or7,8 reminding #or hea(enly mercy&
46o$*re missing the #$nny !one, .isa&8 Cinta smiles with a set o# good teeth and pa$ses
#or !ea$ty& 46a "now70arth had to de#end yo$r honor against Bec" yesterday d$ring l$nch&8
4-here was ) d$ring l$nch<8 ) pa$se #or !ea$ty then recall& 4=5 6eah7tal"ing to the
school co$nselor a!o$t my lo$sy 1igh School grades, she told me to reta"e the ,C test !e#ore )
#ill my entrance papers #or college so ) don*t ha(e to sit in those d$ll and !oring r$dimentary
English Lit and ,lge!ra classes78
4So, 0arth7yo$r older !rother 0arth who says only Ghowdy* and Gnaw* to me since the
;irst 0rade !eca$se he #ailed7,8 #or some dang reason that isn*t disc$ssed with my other school
mates !$t ) don*t really care to "now&
4hat*s not a #air statement since 0arth was (ery sic" when he started school at the age
o# si3 years old& 1e was so sic" that he missed the #irst si3 months !eing home'!o$nd in the !ed&
1e almost died, .isa&8
4)*m sorry, Cinta& ) don*t mean to ta"e my7sappy emotions o$t on yo$7or 0arth& )*m
%$st ha(ing a !ad time7in this period o# my short li#e o# si3teen years& So, 0arth had to de#end
my honor #rom Bec"& -hat did Bec" do to my honor !eca$se as #ar as ) #eel7>giggles?7its still
here<8 ) pop the side o# my hip since ) lay on my #olded "neecaps as ) #ind my honor easily
translates into my !eeFhindie since ) "now 0arth a lot !etter than Cinta thin"s as ) snort li"e a
wild !oar&
4Bec" called yo$ a silly little cowgirl&8 Cinta tattles in clarinet m$sic, snarling li"e a
capt$red mo$ntain lion&
4:ama calls me a lot worse than that when she gets hornet mad at my $gly grades& )
don*t #ind that sentence really o##ensi(e, Cinta& Beca$se, one, )*m a cowgirl li(ing in a #arm town
o# ,pollo which*s way o## the tra(eled map o# any normal city slic" ci(ili9ation and second, )7
am silly in a ha7ha7h$moro$s "inda7way&8 ) smile&
Cinta sha"es her c$rls& 4.isa, yo$ sho$ld !e appreciati(e that 0arth stepped $p to the role
o# a ro$ge gentleman to yo$r precio$s So$thern !elle image& )mage is e(erything5 6o$ "now
that, li(ing her, girl'!est,8 twanging so dare c$te with her ,la!ama accent&
) giggle& 46eah, ) "now that as yo$ repeat and my :ama repeats, all the dang time&8
he hallway cloc" chimes& November !th. "idnight. Sat#rday. 41appy !irthday,
.isa58 Cinta cele!rates as her alarm cloc" anno$nces the ping gi(ing me a eddy !ear h$g as we
separate and ) nod my s"$ll, once in silence cele!ration since it*s (ery late at night #or ha(ing
one o# the !estest #riends in the entire world as she holds !oth my hands while ) try to p$ll !ac"
then she leans her #ace into my nostrils whispering li"e delicate !$tter#ly*s wings& 4) want yo$ to
do something silly on yo$r !irthday&8
4="ay, what silliness sho$ld we tac"le later today a#ter !rea"#ast !$t it*s gotta !e !e#ore
the a#ternoon& .emem!er, my !irthday party*s at three&8
4) want yo$ to "iss 0arth&8 Cinta con#esses with a !a!y*s !reathe in my #ace, grinning
with a wic"ed smile&
4-hat7"iss 0arth<8 ) !arely word when my tong$e*s hanging #rom my lips li"e )*m a
dead cat&
Cinta whispers the secret plan, grinning at me& 46o$ wanna do something silly
li"e7&"iss a !oy7on his lips7#or the #irst time right, girl !est< )t*s midnight& -e*re the only
ones awa"e and yo$*re se(enteen7only once7this is yo$r moment, .isa< he timing is too
per#ect& 6a "now5 6o$r parents won*t "now a!o$t it& 0arth won*t "now& :y parents won*t
"now& -e*ll !e the only ones that share yo$r deep dar" secret78
4-hat the hec" moment are yo$ tal"ing a!o$t, Cinta<8 ) whisper parting my lips li"e a
dying #ish along with !$ll #rog eye!alls and #lip #lopping t$mmy with a set o# in(isi!le !$tter#lies
while not !eing a!le to !reathe and my palms sweat thin"ing o# "issing a !oy which is the
opposite o# me a girl as Cinta giggles li"e a girly twang then she #orce#$lly drags !oth o# my
wrists to her side o# the !ed towards the mattress edge then Cinta steps her sole heels !ac"wards
$pon the step stool dragging my !eeFhindie with her and&
Cinta plots in her so#t piano notes singing in my eye!alls& 4his is !rilliant& 6a get to "iss
a !oy and #$l#ill yo$r wandering day dream #antasy then7>drops alto clarinet?7&yo$ can
concentrate on yo$r school wor"& 6a "now7there*re lots !etter !ig !oys in college which ) plan
to !e at this time ne3t year78
4:y day dreaming doesn*t wander, Cinta& his is totally weird& 0arth*s yo$r !rother&
6o$*re his sister& 6o$*re my !est #riend& )*m yo$r girl'!est78
4=ne, ) ain*t "issing ya& -e %$st #inished that B;; disc$ssion thread a!o$t thirty min$tes
ago and two, ) don*t "iss my !rother e(er, and three, ) "issed !oth Bo!!y Joe and Billy Jac"&
hey*re !etter than !rothers !eca$se they*re twins& here*s no di## !etween them since !oth are
good lip smac"ers&8
4No&8 ) toot in #l$te m$sic&
Cinta stomps to her open door #or any in(ading aliens then swings at me& 4Shh5 Not so
lo$d5 his*ll !e #$n& ) promise not to tell anyone& )t*s o$r secret, girl !est& ,nyways, no one
wo$ld !elie(e this princess #airy tale& Loo", )*m gi(ing yo$ permission& /oes that ma"e ya #eel
!etter< Little sister stamps her 0rade G,* appro(al to attac" her !rother&8 Cinta p$lls on me as we
plow down the empty hallway and then she swings her #ace at me par"ing !oth her #olded #ists
$pon the waist!and o# her pa%amas and sweet !reathes into my #ace& 4/o it or not<8 She stares at
me while ) eye !$rn her #ace then ) nod my s"$ll, once leaning my %aw into her lips&
) whisper& 4/o it58 Cinta smiles, holding her hand #or me as ) gra! it& 40o girl58
-e h$ddle as one shadowing the right side o# the wall li"e a pair o# coc"roaches trailing
to 0arth*s !edroom on the third #loor at the end o# the corridor which is on the opposite side o#
her single !edroom& he #irst le(el ho$ses the "itchen, den, li(ing room, recreational room and
!edroom while the second #loor ho$ses only more !edrooms and the third #loor is additional
pri(ate sleeping 2$arters #or her large #amily&
) whisper into her le#t eardr$m& 4-onder i#, he wa"es $p while )*m doing it78
4Naw5 0arth sleeps li"e a winter time*s hi!ernating !ear thro$gh tooting rain, !ass dr$m
th$nder, cym!als o# lightning !olts along with a #ew deadly tornado warnings& -e %$st tossed his
!eeFhind down into the !asement #or sa#ety !eing his lo(ing #amily& Nothing wa"es him !$t
:ama #rying some #resh patties o# hog sa$sage in the morning&8 Cinta stops in #ront o# the
partial closed wood as ) hold her le#t hand while !oth my palms are sweating with water and my
heart th$mps #aster than speeding train since ) am #inally going to "iss a !oy with my two lips #or
the #irst time while ) smile so wide that my %aw might crac" open& Cinta #lips her le#t hand #rom
!oth my sweaty paws, p$shing with her ten #inger pads on 0arth*s pri(ate !edroom door open as
) see with my eye!alls his head and $pper chest&
0arth 2$ietly lays li"e a !ea$ti#$l sl$m!ering prince along the dar"'colored linen sheets
wrapping aro$nd the !ed mattress in the dim light #rom the three 2$arters moon pee"ing !etween
the open c$rtains or may!e7) mentally %$st #$l#illing my princess #airy tale with the opposite
role play as ) pad my le#t na"ed #eet then my right na"ed #eet then my le#t na"ed #eet and sl$mp
my a(erage height li"e the h$mp'!ac" o# Notre /ame o(er his !ed& ) nec" snap my #ace !ehind
my le#t collar !one at Cinta while she #lops her right hand li"e a tra##ic cop #or 4go8 then ) slowly
twist my #ace to the !ed& ) rapidly e3amine the prince who sleeps on his !ac" m$scles which is
per#ect #or a secret stealing "iss with !oth his arms rela3ed at the side o# his !ody while his
el!ows to wrist rest on the #olds o# his loose !ed sheet that co(ers him #rom his ele(enth ri!
down to his toe !ones& oo !ad5
)*m an only child with elderly parents witho$t any !lood'related !rothers or sisters or
co$sins incl$ding the a!sence o# maternal and paternal grandparents as well ma"ing this
ad(ent$re my #irst time seeing with my real eye!alls a male*s !ody $p close and (ery personal
where my hormones are l$sting hea(y& :y heart is po$nding o$t o# my ri! cage while my #inger
pads and toes !ones are sweaty with e3citement& :y t$mmy #lip #lops with three do9ens !atches
o# in(isi!le !$t harmless !$tter#lies as ) hope that ) don*t (omit on 0arth*s !ed sheets&
1is head displays per#ectly a (ertical #ormation #rom his smooth #orehead to his hearted'
shaped chin $pon the dar"'tinted pillow with his eyelids closed, a steady !reathing pattern o# air
molec$les, and his hair nicely parts on the le#t side o# his s"$ll while the right side !angs #all a
little o(er his right eye!row, c$te'li"e as ) silently sigh with a##ection, smiling& ) shi#t my
eye!alls to his chest na"ed witho$t any 'shirt or pa%ama top while his ri! cage slowly shi#ts $p
and down #rom his rela3ed sleeping pattern as the moon light !athes his $pper !ody and #ace in a
glowing golden tan li"e a mythological 0ree" god #rom my -orld 1istory te3t!oo" o#
photographed art m$se$m colored slic" glossy pict$res& hen, ) notice the small patch o# chest
hairs !etween his deltoids that shimmery in the moon light as ) reach with my right hand to to$ch
the c$rly'J so#t matter then ) 2$ic"ly %er" my right palm in #ront o# my lips instead reali9ing that
)*m wasting my precio$s time& ) #irmly !low air and test the sweetness o# my mo$th !reath then
2$ic"ly slam my right hand at my right leg since 0arth loo"s deader than a #resh #$neral corpse
at the ,ctworth ;$neral 1ome while ) snigger li"e a sly weasel&
) mo(e closer to the mattress as my "neecaps !arely to$ch the so#t !ed sheets parallel
with 0arth*s si3th and se(enth ri! cage and gently place and distance a hand li"e an o!t$se
triangle shape which ) learned #rom c$te Bec" s$pporting my torso and head while ) slowly
lower my $pper torso o(er his chest li"e a new!orn #illy trying to stand and ) slo mo lean my
#ace deeper towards his chin then a strand o# stray tail ends o# my long hair !r$shes against my
le#t el!ow as ) 2$ic"ly %er" my torso $pright away #rom 0arth*s chest and !reathe hea(y& Too
Cinta has secretly in#ormed me& 0arth sleeps well d$ring nosily t'storms, !$t one single
tiny mos2$ito aggra(ates #arm*s stallion into r$nning and acting cra9y li"e a wild animal when
!itten& 0arth co$ld easily awa"en to a tender tic"le #rom one o# my many hair c$rls& ) try a
second time #or stealing a precio$s "iss #rom the sleeping prince #or my !irthday present and lean
!oth my torso and my #ace a little #aster into 0arth*s #ace as ) hold my hair with my right hand in
a ponytail while my le#t hand sin"s into the so#t mattress #oam s$pporting my #alling #olding
) !end at my "nees sec$ring the lower part o# my !ody li"e a ocean oil rig plat#orm !ase
while my "neecaps !race a little deeper into the so#t !ed mattress and ho(er my nostrils o(er
0arth*s chin then scoot my #ace $p where my lips are e(en with his lips which are slightly parted
with no e3posed teeth& 0arth doesn*t snoo9e or snarl while sl$m!ering as ) smir" with a set o#
croo"ed lips, right since that*s one #law my /addy possesses that :ama en%oys #la$nting and
ta$nting with him e(ery morn, noon, and night at the /inner ta!le&
) slowly lower my parted lips o(er his golden #lesh and hold my sweet !reathe as my
wider !ottom lip tenderly to$ches the so#tness o# his !ottom #lesh then my top lip co(ers his top
#lesh o# warmth& ) 2$ic"ly close !oth my lips and close my eyelashes gently pressing them onto
his lips recording inside my heart and mind the #irst memory o# a #or!idden "iss #eeling the
intense heat o# o$r hot s"in to$ch and e3periencing the hardness o# lip #lesh li"e a ro$gh cheap
#i(e'dollar cotton 'shirt p$rchased at the 0rocery store as my girly teen hormones l$st o$t o#
) see&
Garth stands at the end of my boot toes as I lay flat on my back muscles inside a pretty
flower bed of loose pink rose petals strewed along on the grass. I clearly see an upright position
of Garths six feet and one inches with a sweaty wet T-shirt that clings to his board shoulders,
muscular chest, and eight-pack of abs like he want swimming in the creek water forgetting to
change out his farm clothes. He wears a pair of slightly dirty rippled blue eans and his familiar
orange and red ostrich cowboy boots. His hands are parked on his leather belt as the sil!er
bucket blinds both my eye balls with a piercing yellowish-white light.
Garths sexy baritone trombone says. "Howdy, #isa. $a wanna be mine my cowgirl,
) 2$ic"ly %er" awa"e #rom my mental #antastic day dream opening my eyelashes wide
seeing the dar" wall wood panel in 0arth*s !edroom as Cinta 2$ic"ly drags me !ac"wards #rom
0arth*s mattress with her right hand o(er my open drooling mo$th and her le#t arm aro$nd my
!reasts as we silently sh$ttle o$t 0arth*s !edroom clearing the doorway and pacing !ac"wards
two #eet #rom the wood into the empty hallway witho$t ma"ing any additional noises that might
awa"e the -ar#ield sleepers&
Cinta power#$lly swings o$r !odies as one aro$nd li"e a pro#essional walt9 lead dancer to
the opposite side o# the hallway while padding o$r #o$r na"ed #eet to her !edroom as ) !reathe
thro$gh my nostrils li"e a raging !$ll and she whispers into my le#t eardr$m& 4Sh5 :ama might
hear& 1ot dangling, yo$ almost #ell on top o# 0arth*s #ace in yo$r 9om!ie #rea"ing pose& ) meant
#or ya %$st to tap his lips with a tiny to$ch "iss, not s$c" his tonsils o$t his esophag$s& 0ee9, that
m$st*(e !een some "ind o# #irst "iss& ) didn*t thin" 0arth was that se3y o# a male to the little
cowgirls !$t he charmed ya in his sleep78
4Sh5 Ieep wal"ing, not tal"ing& 0ee9, my hand*s wet #rom yo$r lip spittle& 0ross, ) hope
) don*t (omit on my new r$g&8 -e t$rn le#t and enter her semi'dar" room as Cinta releases my
!ody then r$dely #inger points at her !ed #rame and orders& 4Now, ya got yo$r se(enteenth
!irthday present #rom me #or !eing yo$r !estest #riend in the entire world& ime #or !ed5 )t*s late&
,nd, don*t pee in my !ed, .isa&8 She sho(es me !ac"wards as ) step my right #oot towards the
small step stool and twists my wea" !ody aro$nd and direct points me at her pri(ate !athroom
inside her !edroom and commands& 4Better yet, go to the !athroom and pee and wash yo$r dirty
#ace& 6o$*re sweating li"e a r$naway horse #or all yo$r e3ploded teen hormones7>giggles?7&)
do that, too and7it gets !etter !$t that*s another !irthday present&8
) limp my right #oot then my le#t #oot then my right #oot onto the cold tile that paints in
yellow, slowly sh$tting the door !$t not 2$ite closing it completely into the wood as ) mo(e my
!ody and stand in #ront o# the single porcelain yellow sin" as ) (iew my #ace in the mirror& )*m
a(erage height at #i(e #eet and eight inches with a slightly se3y !ody made $p o# a pair o#
!o$ncing per"y C4B c$ps and more shapely leg length than a narrow waist all s$rro$nded !y
tons o# !ron9y tone s"in color #rom the hot s$n that ) inherited #rom my )rish 0randmother along
with waist'length nat$rally wa(y a$!$rn hair color highlighted !y million o# golden strands that
#orces the hair color into a light golden !rown which is tainted !y the s$n ma"ing me loo" li"e a
!ron9e stat$e 0ree" goddess #rom ,ncient .ome& :y !ody composition is a #$nny com!o o# one
single s"in and hair tone !$t wor"s per#ectly #or li(ing in a semi'tropical hot eastern part o#
So$th ,la!ama where the s$n shines more than it rains and the #arm wor" ne(er 2$its $ntil the
moon light 2$iets the wild animals in the woodlands then all the mammals get to sleep&
) st$dio$sly stare at my red in#lamed #ace that co(ers !oth with straw!erry red o# #riend
em!arrassment and p$re wet sweat o# teen l$st as ) slowly %er" open the side ca!inet #or a clean
washcloth then nosily r$n the cold water #rom the sin" #acet sliding the cloth $nder the tap then
lowering my torso towards the sin" and drowning my #ace in the cool sweet li2$id& ) silently
co$nt one7two7three7and remo(e the cloth %er"ing my #ace to the mirror which does appears
a little closer to my nat$ral !ron9e !ea$ty'goddess then the red warrior')ndian as my #eelings
!om!ard my mind and my heart in #o$r di##erent directions& :y heart th$mps o$t an odd rhythm
as it slows down into a normal steady !eat while ) inhale thro$gh my nose and e3hale o$t my
mo$th li"e ta$ght when learning to sprint aro$nd the !ase!all diamond o# 1ealth Class in Si3th
0rade which calms the mind and controls the heart !$t my hands and legs are still sha"y with the
thrill o# e3citement and the s$ccess o# the dare& ) sho$ld !e mad and angry at Cinta #or gloating
me with the challenge which ) hal#'way e3pected my person to chic"en shit o$t o# !$t didn*t as )
reli(e the stolen "iss #rom se3y 0arth*s lips while ) giggle with a girly twang&
he stolen "iss was more ro$gh then smooth as ) always pict$red that c$ddle moment
when yo$ see in a romantic teen 1ollywood #ilm a "iss shared !y two lo(ers are !oth sweet and
so#t !$t 0arth*s lips were a little wind chapped and the to$ch o# his #lesh was hot7almost
si99ling my lips with o$r hot l$st#$l passionate as ) giggle with another girly twang&
) hear the "noc"& ) tr$c" to the !athroom door seeing Cinta*s !$ll'#roggy eye!alls and her
wiggling sna"e'li"e #inger pads in the air near her distorted #ace witho$t any (ocal commands to
my eardr$ms as ) nod my s"$ll, once in silence then 2$ic"ly pad o$t the !athroom on na"ed toes
and clim! $p with palms and toes on the step ladder and par" my !eeFhind into her !ed while
Cinta c$ts o## the night stand lamp o# light& ) don*t #eel tired !$t e3cited with my short
per#ormance as ) watch the #airy angels play hoc"ey with the d$st !$nnies in the moon light near
the e3posed window glass thin"ing a!o$t lots o# neat topics& hat 0arth*s c$te and se3y !$t he is
Cinta*s !rother as ) slowly twist my #ace toward Cinta while she lays on her le#t side and all*s )
see is the !ed co(ers hiding her collar !one and her messy !londe hair pondering that she !etta
not tell a #rea"ing so$l a!o$t my girly per#ormance then ) t$rn my #ace #orward and stare at the
wall intersection o# the popcorn ceiling as the moon rays !o$nce and re#lect li"e a set o# car
headlights dancing aro$nd the whiteness& ) ponder that Billy Jac" is c$te and se3y, too and he
li"es me (ia Cinta !$t Cinta is my girl'!est, li"e a g$y'pal, since we ha(e !een #riends #rom o$r
introd$ction at #o$r years old, the year ) collided with Bec" ,ctworth&
) #eel restless and #lip my !ody towards the wallpaper seeing more spot lights r$m!a
aro$nd randomly hitting or missing the #i3ed #lower !as"ets as ) ponder that Cinta, Billy Jac"
and the other Seniors are totally mean #or playing the $pcoming ho"es on Bec" and ) don*t want
to !e a part o# that nasty act as ) wonder what ) can do a!o$t it& ) close my eyelashes, dri#ting my
tired mind and !ody into sleep&
Cintas bedroom. !:02am. 40et $p, la9y !ones& he s$n*s !een hollering at ya since
si3&8 Cinta whispers in my le#t eardr$m !o$ncing her "nees on the !ed as it sha"es me and the
mattress since ) didn*t mo(e a tiss$e m$scle a#ter closing my eyelashes last night a#ter that stolen
"iss then ) #lip my !ody $pon my !ac" m$scles and stare at the la(ender chi##on that #orms her
so#t canopy co(er r$!!ing the crappy sleeping cr$m!s o$t o# !oth o# my eye soc"ets&
4Cinta, ) had this great awesome dream o#7,8 tattling #rom my re#reshed and recalled
awesome dream&
Cinta smiles& 46o$r parents are here, eating !rea"#ast78
) %er" $pon my el!ows $pright ad(ancing my #ace into Cinta*s nostrils& 4:ama and
/addy are here7!oth o# them78 Cinta nods as ) scoot my !eeFhind across the !ed sideways
and land on my na"ed #eet storming to my s$itcase, dropping my pa%amas shorts in e3change #or
my s"inny !l$e %eans and donning the GB$rn A* hooded sweatshirt o(er my s"$ll while com!ing
my long hair with my ten #inger pads as ) search with eye!alls #or my cowgirl !oots& ) p$ll the
white dirty soc"s #rom the inside sliding o(er my narrow !ones while Cinta rearranges my
personal clothes in a more neater #olding order inside the s$itcase so the ends will close properly
Cinta $pdates& 46eah5 6o$r /addy p$lled $p a chair and dig into the #ood& ) g$ess he
li"es my :ama*s coo"ing&8
46o$r :ama*s a good coo"& ) don*t $nderstand why !oth my parents are here and eating
!rea"#ast with yo$r #amily78
4han"s #or the compliment o# :ama*s coo"ing since her sons seem to #orget she*s a
mother, #irst and a maid, second& -hy ya so s$rprised, .isa< )t*s yo$r !irthday7ya "now7the
day o# yo$r !irth on Planet Earth&8 Cinta closes the hard s$itcase that my :ama $sed when she
was si3 years old as a child then ga(e to me to carry on my personal away (isits with my #riends
#rom my ho$se&
) word& 4=5 6eah& oday is that day& hat ma"es per#ect sense, since ) didn*t see them
yesterday or this morning&8 Cinta hands the s$itcase then swings towards the door& ) want to
tattle tail a!o$t my awesome dream and the words that 0arth spo"e into my mind and start& 4Last
Cinta (iews me, %er"ing her inde3 #inger o(er her lips& 4Not here, not now, .isa& Call me,
later78 ) nod my s"$ll, once in silence and ) #ollow the leader as we tr$c" down three #lights o#
steps one'at'time thro$gh the ;amily .oom into the hallway and ro$nd to the right into the
Brea"#ast .oom as ) silently pa$se in the archway seeing the entire -ar#ield clan aro$nd the
s2$are :aple ta!le& /N, molec$les are am$sing since my !rain cells can*t comprehend the
medical e3planation !$t each -ar#ield son loo"s li"e their /addy with tallness with !ig !road
sho$lders #or wor"ing the #arm e2$ipment and hay !ales and a set o# short cropped loc"s o#
!londe hair min$s the heated sweat o(er their golden tanned !odies with Emerald green p$pils
while Cinta is an e3act (ersion o# her healthy :ama&
) shi#t my eye!alls to my parents s2$ee9ed !etween the clan in the middle o# the long
ta!le as :ama possess light !rown hair roots that always tied in a tight 0randma*s !$n at the
nape o# her nec" as ) #a(or her /N, #acial #eat$res with my c$te !$tton nose and a pair o# !ig
doe eye soc"ets on an o(al #ace li"e her*s along with o$r matching light !rown p$pils !$t she
loo"s so m$ch old and worn than ,nna!elle in !oth her #ace and !ody with her wrin"led and
deeply s$n tanned #ace showing no glow o# happiness more li"e an o(ercast o# death while her
lips sip slowly on the white m$g o# co##ee instead o# cho"ing down some #resh #r$it %$ice #or a
healthy ca$se and her $n'manic$red ratty #inger nails co(ers the warm China tea c$p& :ama is
also almost #o$r years yo$nger than ,nna!elle -ar#ield !$t #arm li#e isn*t easy !$t /addy
always seems to la$ghs with an easy smile and a so#t spo"en tenor tim!re displaying his years o#
hard times on the #arm wearing his wrin"les aro$nd his light !rown eyes mostly as his light
!rown whis"ers co(ers his lips and chin that matches his light !rown hair&
he Iitchen has two sections one part ma"es $p o# the coo"ing and !a"ing piece which
ho$ses an $ni2$e two sto(e top o(ens and #o$r microwa(es along with #orty separate ca!inets
storing pans, pots, dishes, and #ood items since the -ar#ield ho$sehold contains ,nne !elle and
her h$s!and J/, their !iological sons "nown as Shel!y, Logan, =wen, Ba3ter, 0ordon, and
-eston along with their nice and polite married wi(es pl$s !a!y !rother 0arth, and the !a!y
sister Cinta& Eye!alls stare at me #rom the second section o# the "itchen called a Brea"#ast .oom,
where a long s2$are ta!le sniggles !etween three walls #illed with clean hori9ontal glass walls
#or (iewing the miles o# !right green and yellow cow past$re land o(er the #lat panca"e
landscape !elow the wooden ta!les o# n$mero$s potted #lowering plants that !reed #rom !right
"itchen s$nlight and daily tap water while /addy greets with a smile and&
:y /addy sings in his tenor sa3ophone& 41appy Birthday, .isa&8 hen the echo rotates
aro$nd the ta!le in m$sical tones o# !aritone trom!one, alto clarinet, #l$te soprano7>that*s my
:ama?7and a #ew !ass dr$m tim!res as ) nod at each si!ling and !rightly smile li"e a princess
and so#tly wa(e li"e a !ea$ty 2$een as the room 2$iets then /addy stands on his #i(e #eet and ten
inches, scooting his chair #rom the ta!le and wiping his #ace and hands with the nap"in& 4han"s
#or the gr$!, ,nna!elle& 6o$*re a great coo"& Let*s go home, .isa& -e ha(e lots to do !e#ore
yo$r !irthday party& /on*t #orget ya*ll her party and treats start at #o$r&8
46o$*re welcome, J&/& Please stop !y more o#ten, we always ha(e more then eno$gh
#ood while ) #eed a stall o# stallions& ,nd we*ll !e there at #o$r as planned&8 /addy gentlemanly
p$lls :ama*s chair #rom the Brea"#ast ta!le as ) witness his tenderly mo(ements then see :ama
2$ic"ly drop the right side o# her !ody lower than the le#t as ) shi#t #rom the doorway& B$t,
/addy wrangles her #rom !ehind, t$rning his !ody as a cr$tch #or her to stand and to wal"
aro$nd the ta!le and&
:y /addy orders& 46a got yo$r s$itcase, .isa& ) need #or ya to dri(e $s home&8
4:ama7,8 slightly whimper in my so#t piano, seeing& :y :ama limps with a new white
colored leg cast #rom her "neecap to the end o# the #i(e toe !ones&
/addy says& 46o$r :ama got stomped on the shin !y that !$ll we toted to :ontgomery,
yesterday& She*s #ine %$st needs to !e o## her #eet #or a!o$t eight wee"s or so& 0et the car, .isa,
please and mo(e it near the #ront door so :ama doesn*t ha(e to wal" so #ar&8
46es, sir&8 ) t$rn a!o$t and #ace the hallway while Cinta %ogs with me&
She nods& 46o$r :ama*s o"ay& Bones heal really #ast, .isa& 6o$r /addy was tal"ing
a!o$t the incident, !e#ore ) was sent to raise ya #rom the dead& hey want to the Emergency
.oom, yesterday and don*t want to alarm ya& hat*s nice, they care so m$ch a!o$t yo$r
4Sent to raise ya #rom the dead< 1ow long< Ne(er mind a!o$t that&8 ) switch mental
gears and con#ess with !oth #ear and sadness& 4) #eel so !ad& ) sho$ld*(e missed the #oot!all
game and tra(eled with them to :ontgomery& 6a "now& ) can handle that mean old !$ll a lot
!etter than :ama&8
Cinta #rowns& 4No5 6o$ can*t .isa& 6o$r :ama*s a tr$e cow rancher with years and
years o# #arm e3perience& hat*s why yo$r /addy lea(es yo$ home, ya*ll %$st !e in the way and
then yo$r :ama co$ld really get h$rt&8
4) g$ess&8
4) "now& Loo"5 6o$ need to help o$t at yo$r ho$se& /o whate(er yo$r :ama wants<
;etch her #ood, water, drin"s7anything& hat*ll ma"e her #eel !oth lo(ed and happy&8
4="ay& han"s #or the ad(ice, Cinta&8 ) %er" open the passenger door o# the pic"'$p tr$c",
tossing on the !ench seat my small hard o(ernight s$itcase then sh$t the door& ) wal" aro$nd the
#ront !$mper, clim!ing with !oth my hands and !oot toes into the dri(er*s seat o# the ca! tr$c",
cran"ing the engine while Cinta swings aro$nd, pathing !ac" into the ho$se&
) shi#t the gear into 4/8 and ease the (ehicle to the #ront step o# the ho$se while /addy c$ddles
:ama who loo"s to !e in great pain on her distorted #ace standing !etween ,nna!elle and J&/&
-ar#ield& :r& -ar#ield trots down the #ront steps, opening the rear door as /addy li#ts :ama
easing her down the #ront steps then sorta totes her along the gra(el as he hands her o## to :r&
-ar#ield& hen, :r& -ar#ield li#ts at her waist, helping her into the rear !ench seat as ) watch
with sadness and pain as my :ama str$ggles with the clim!, the seat and her casted #oot& hen, )
hear the door nosily sh$t while /addy scoots and rattles the rear seat and mo(e !esides :ama
/addy orders& 41ome, .isa& B$t dri(e really slow o"ay& he dr$g medication :ama*s ta"ing
doesn*t agree with her delicate stomach&8
46es, sir&8 ) o!ey and slide the par"ing stic" into 4P8 while the !ig hea(y pic"'$p tr$c" starts
mo(ing !y itsel# since it*s a wor"ing tr$c" #or ha$ling three ,#rican elephants in the tr$c" !ed as
) so#tly press the gas pedal slowly pathing down the pri(ate dri(e o# the -ar#ield :anor7&that*s
ho$se, ya*ll& ) t$rn to the le#t at the end o# the dri(eway and steer down Pine Street towards the
intersection o# :aple .oad where /a(y .ay*s li(es with his #amily at a snail'li"e pace o# 1M
:P1& ,t this road speed )*m made it home #or my eighteenth !irthday as ) giggle with a girly
/addy instr$cts #rom the rear !ench. "I gots the farm hands pulling the pork meat from
the roasted pigs along with them boiling the corn-on-the-cob while the women folk made the
potato salad and some of the younger males are trying their first task at baking beans which is
real easy'>ch$c"les?7the ponies are eating. The bouncy house is floating upright for the time
,s #ar as my memory cells can process which is aro$nd #o$r years old ) clearly remem!er
one o# my earliest !irthday parties that is always ho$sed inside the !iggest !arn on o$r property
since the interior #loor is $sed to storage #resh green hay and tons o# oats #or the horses and
grains o# wheat #or the crops, not the smelly old horse crap le#t !y the stallions& he o$ter raw
wood paints in white, not red to re#lect the hot s$nlight while the s$rro$nding grass is composed
o# light !rown soil and white sand since we*re so close to the ;lorida state line which is a!o$t
twenty miles north o# the 0$l# o# :e3ico warm waters so the local soil gets mi3ed with white
s$gar'colored sand that grows o$tstanding crops o# soy!eans, pean$ts, and wheat& he landscape
is #lat #or miles, not li"e in the central part o# ,la!ama where the edge o# the ,ppalachian
mo$ntains "iss the green grasslands with pea" le(els as high as L00 #eet on the some o# the
mo$ntain tops or the rolling hill tops in northern ,la!ama&
he interior !arn is an array o# two !y #o$r sta(es o# (ario$s colored wood #rom !eige to
tan to light !rown #rom a (ariety o# local tree !ar"s o# =a", Pine, :aple and Elm depending
$pon the wood a(aila!le as the !arn grew wide eno$gh to ho$se two #$ll si9ed plow tractors or
eight horse stalls or threeN#o$rths o# a #oot!all #ield that accommodates o$r 1M0 #ield hands
incl$ding their spo$ses and children #or my ann$al Birthday 0ala& he !arn has a second le(el
called a 4lo#t8 !$t no one (ent$res $p their at least not the h$man "ind since it ho$ses a pri(ate
acti(e den o# great !ig -ol# spiders7i# yo$ ha(en*t seen one then loo" it $p on the Net& )t*ll
ma"e a tarant$la shit in its own spider we!& Yee-haw.
Starting the party at three in the a#ternoon, /addy pro(ides "iddie pony rides, hay wagon
rides, a !o$ncy #oam ho$se e3hi!ition #or the yo$ng "ids o# the #arm wor"ers and #or the pre'
teens there are !ow and arrow #$n and a long horse trail lead !y the responsi!le teens as well as
ser(ing #ol"s with tons o# #resh por" BBJ, tho$sands o# gallons o# !a"ed !eans, h$ndreds o#
corn'on'the'co!s, !ig containers o# #resh sliced potato salad, oceans o# sweet tea, and !atches o#
#reshly home'!a"ed rain!ow'colored sprin"led c$pca"es that*s really #or the yo$nger "ids then at
precisely #i(e all the children go home to watch K or to sleep as the party entertains the ad$lts
with a 1oe /own7&>that*s dancing #or ya*ll rednec"s?7with real m$sicians pic"ing on !an%os
and pl$n"ing on #iddles&
) t$rn o## Pine .oad heading down o$r pri(ate resident road where o$r #arm stands at the
!ig dead end o# the pa(ed asphalt while /addy contin$es to list all the necessary wor" items to
complete !e#ore the three pm deadline "'so, that lea!es us with stapling the balloons and
streamers along the entrance and exit doorways and ceiling planks which usually (ama does
for your birthday party'.&
) say as !irthday girl& 4-e sho$ld cancel some o# the acti(ities, /addy&8
")o.& :ama sho$ts in her new piccolo m$sic #rom the rear !ench as ) p$rse my lips,
$gly thin"ing :ama needs to rest her wea" !ody, not !e limping aro$nd a hard dirt #looring in a
cold damp !arn $ntil ele(en o*cloc" tonight&
4hen, how a!o$t we ni3 the !alloons and streamers78 ) d$mp&
:ama o(err$les me& ")o, #isa. *ll this is for you'this is your birthday party that we
celebrate each year. I want you to look back when youre old and gray and remember that your
birthday was a !ery special e!ent that cant be repeated or replace.&
46es, ma*am&8 ) totally disagree since )*m se(enteen years old with other new interests
li"e may!e collecting a conscio$s "iss #rom 0arth tonight since )*m the !irthday girl as ) grin
with a wic"ed smile rather then tie !alloon r$!!er to the tho$sands o# protr$ded nail heads that
/addy whac"ed with his hammer along the !arn wood when ) was #o$r years old since :ama
has done that %o! #or me ) g$ess #or si3teen years& ) s$spect my #irst !irthday party wasn*t so
co$ntry, ya*ll as ) giggle with a girly twang and p$ll the tr$c" towards the three'car garage&
/addy proclaims. "+ackup, sweetheart and stop the truck in front of the porch door, sos
I can help (ama into the house.&
46eah, o"ay, sorry a!o$t that&8 ) correct thin"ing ) sho$ld !e worried more a!o$t :ama
than day dreaming a!o$t another stolen "iss #rom 0arth as ) stop the tr$c" and "ill the engine
since ) am de#initely not thin"ing in my right state o# mind and %$mp, "itten'li"e o$t the dri(er*s
seat& ) trot aro$nd the rear !$mper $pon seeing o$r ho$se sta## while one male holds the tr$c"
door #or :ama*s ad(ancement o$t the tr$c" with /addy*s assistant and a second man stands and
waits at the se(en steps o# !ric" stairs #or :ama*s limping and a third male properly opens and
g$ards the set o# do$!le doors #or entrance into o$r !ig ho$se #or :ama*s grand entrance as )
stand !y the side and watch&
) totally #orget a!o$t the hired ho$se sta## people since ) don*t see their #aces !e#ore
school classes or a#ter my school session !eca$se ) dri(e my :$stang sports car to the school
par"ing lot as they arri(e at o$r ho$se !$t :ama employs the ho$se sta## #or cleaning and
coo"ing d$ties at o$r ho$se to help #eed and ser(e all the di##erent wor"ers and their #amilies
while :ama really en%oys her h$s!andry7>that*s !a!ying the animals, ya*ll?7d$ties more than
her domestic7>that*s ho$se"eeping the ho$se, ya*ll?7&ones as ) snort with li"e a wild !oar&
) #ind that ) li"e7naw7lo(e dri(ing my car and getting "issed since ) don*t thin" a!o$t
more than that or my $n'#inished homewor" !eing the day o# my !irth as ) giggle with a girly
twang while ) #ollow :ama and /addy into the ho$se as :ama slowly sits $pon the !right red
so#a holding her arms aro$nd her stomach since she doesn*t #eel well& /addy swings his !ody
aro$nd and gently gra!s my arm, p$lling me thro$gh the "itchen which leads to the side patio as
we hit the !right s$nshine on the 2$iet terrace& /addy c$ddles me in his arms, pec"ing my
#orehead li"e he always does since ) was a child and smiles at me and so#tly instr$cts& 4), too,
o##ered to ditch some o# the acti(ities at yo$r party since :ama h$rts7!$t she disagreed with
me& ,nd, ) lo(e yo$r :ama, .isa& ,nd, ) lo(e yo$, !a!y&8 1e h$gs my sho$lders than p$lls !ac"
his !ody and #aces me with a smile& 4)*m glad yo$ (ol$nteered the same notion o# canceling
some o# the party e(ents along with the tac"y !alloon display7>ch$c"les?7&!$t :ama wants
yo$ to remem!er yo$r (ery special day& 6o$*re o$r little angel that we lo(e more than o$r li(es
so yo$r day is (ery important to :ama&8 /addy pa$ses #or drama #or me to agree and&
) sing in my #l$te m$sic& 46es, sir&8
4Soo7&:ama #eels !adly that she can*t decorate the !arn !$t she has assigned all the
tas"s to o$r #arm sta##& ) g$ess7yo$ noticed the !$sy !ea(ers wor"ing aro$nd the ho$se78 )
nod my s"$ll, once in silence since ) learned as a child to ne(er interr$pt yo$r elders or yo$r
/addy $ntil he as"s a 2$estion #rom yo$ as he contin$es to lect$re to me& 47and i# yo$ (ent$red
o$t towards the !arn there*s a team o# !$sy little !ees o$t there per :ama*s orders& She has
decided that yo$*re e3empt #rom any party decorations78 ) silently cheer inside my head so )
can waste my precio$s time !y calling and chatting with Cinta a!o$t my stolen "iss #rom 0arth
and tattling a!o$t that weird sensation within my !rain cells $ntil she arri(es #or the 1oe /own
at #o$r then /addy proclaims& 4B$t7) need #or ya to hay the horses o$t in the past$res& hat*s
:ama*s %o! !$t she can*t go and she wo$ld send 1$tch !$t he*s !$sy decorating #or yo$r party& )
%$st don*t want :ama worried a!o$t her horses when she has too m$ch to worry a!o$t, o"ay,
p$mp"in& /o this #or me<8 /addy h$gs my sho$lders, again then pec"s my #orehead as ) wiggle
lose #rom his !$g h$g and smile da$ghterly at him&
4) do this #or yo$ and :ama& )*ll !e 2$ic" then ret$rn to get dressed #or my party li"e a
good !irthday "id& :ama won*t s$spect a thing& )*m good at "eeping secrets78 ) grin and giggle
with my #irst dar" secret as /addy screws his eye!rows, $gly staring st$dio$sly at me&
/addy in2$ires with his tomcat c$riosity& 4-hat other secrets are yo$ "eeping #rom me
and :ama, .isa<8 ) sha"e my s"$ll side to side with a set o# dead pan straight lips&
) lie honestly& 4No other secrets, /addy& ) promise&8 1e smiles and sho(es his !ody #rom
my #ace and nods his s"$ll in silence as ) whip my !ody aro$nd n$m!ing my !rain cells o# any
mental tho$ghts %$st in case /addy can read a teenager*s mind li"e some o# parents can and
2$ic"ly path on my cowgirls !oots to the old r$sty painted t$r2$oise and white'colored pic"$p
tr$c" in #ront o# the real wor"ing !arn a!o$t 200 #eet #rom the patio that holds all the pregnancy
mares that eat all day long and sleep d$ring the night as their little #olds grow inside their
) %$mp, "itten'li"e $pon the tail gate o# the old 1BM0*s tr$c" that*s !een in the Patillo
#amily longer than some o# the well'no$rished shit weeds aro$nd the septic tan" as ) toss !ac"
the cloth tarp and do$!le'chec" (is$ally #or eight !ales o# 100 po$nds o# yellow hay to #eed the
horses& ) don*t ha(e to pitch the hay #rom the tr$c" !ed %$st "ic" it with my !oot o(er the tail gate
into the grassy #ield so the horses can snac" d$ring the night time #or added strength o# their
morning chores the ne3t day& ) %er" the cloth !ac" o(er the right n$m!er o# !ales then crawl
down the tail gate and stomp aro$nd to the dri(er*s seat then do$!le'chec" #or at least a hal#'a'
tan" o# gas as the ga$ge shows there*s threeN#o$rths o# a tan" o# gasoline& ) don the wor" glo(es
o(er my manic$red !a!y !l$e nails !e#ore to$ching the steering col$mn since it holds
permanently stains o# dried engine oil, particles o# #ossili9ed seed grain, and sometimes an odor
o# gas since the wor"ers $se their na"ed hands per#orming #arm chores& ) cran" the engine that
holds the single "ey since no one wo$ld e(er steal this thing !$t ) can wish so /addy wo$ld !$y
one o# the c$te ,K (ehicles then ) wo$ld hay !oth the horses and cows right a#ter school $ntil
s$ndown as ) giggle with a girly twang&
he tr$c" mo(es slowly than a snail aro$nd the #lat hard soil since /addy and a co$ple o#
his !est machine mechanics re'designed the engine so that it only p$tt'p$tts on land and drowns
in water so ) don*t r$n the tires tho$gh any m$d p$ddles deeply than my an"le !ones !$t that*s
not my destination since the horse are in the so$th past$re while ) #ollow the well'worn two sets
o# tire trac"s permanently car(ed into the hard dirt towards the horses&
)t*s 10+02 am7already7so time does #ly when yo$*re wor"ing too hard as ) giggle with
a girly twang and my stomach r$m!les with h$nger while ) #ling my right arm o(er to the closed
cooler container that ho$ses !$nches o# dry snac"s and lots o# hot sodas #or the #arm wor"ers and
gra! a single power !ar and a hot dar" soda not really caring at the moment& =nce, ) #inish my
assigned chore which will wor" o## the calories, )*ll prance !ac" home, !ath my stin"y sweat,
and l$nch with :ama, trying to ma"e her #eel !etter a!o$t7e(erything&
) eat the power !ar that co(ers in hard coated chocolate on the o$tside with tons o#
pean$ts, rice ch$n"s, and a gooey stic"y !rown st$##ing in the middle in three !ites then s$c"
down the soda in #o$r sl$rps as ) stomp on the !ra"e pedal hard while the tr$c" slowly halts and
#inally rolls to a stop par"ing the gear into 4P8 as ) stare at an empty corral o# no horses only
chewed down grasslets and mowed weeds and words so#tly& 4:ama mo(ed the horses& hat*s
why she wanted to per#orm the chore7hersel#& ;iddlestic"s58 ) #ling the wor" glo(es o## my
hands onto the !ench seat, %er"ing the dri(er*s door handle o# the tr$c" and stand $pright o$tside
along the open door in the !right s$nny day o# my !irthday as ) dig deep into my !l$e %eans #or
my cell then th$m!'te3t /addy&
$here are horses.
/addy te3ts !ac"& North. $est. st#re.
Than%s pa. ) te3t !ac" with my shorter name #or /addy& 1e doesn*t li"e reading the
te3ts #rom me, only #or me doing my short #arm wor"& ) stomp a cowgirl !oot li"e ) ha(e stepped
in an old pile o# horse shit& Beca$se, ) %$st did&
) slowly pace my !ody !ac"wards wiping the smelly crap o## the sole o# my right !oot
!e#ore ) enter the ro$gh and old cloth matting on the #loor inside the tr$c" since )*ll get a new
lect$re #rom :ama on #arm e2$ipment cleanliness&
4;iddlestic"s58 ) proclaim in #l$te m$sic, clim!ing into the tr$c" seat and twisting the
non'powered steering col$mn aro$nd in a !ig wide circle pathing !ac" down the two trac"s o#
hard soil towards the water p$mp ho$se then hang a right towards the northwest #ield& )
sho$ld*(e recalled that we mo(e the herd o# geldings and stallions into the north past$re since
:ama does that mane$(er e(ery single year aro$nd my !irthday&
) %$st #orgot li"e the time ) #orgot to chec" the correct n$m!ered !ales o# hay7a co$ple
o# months ago when ) ass$med that there were eight and it was only #o$r then ) had to tr$c" the
(ehicle all the way !ac" to the !arn #or #o$r more !ales to #ind the h$ngry stallions which wasted
a total o# three ho$rs o# my precio$s teen time& hen, ) #orgot to chec" the gas tan" !eca$se the
ga$ge showed less than one'#o$rth o# a tan" in the old tr$c" as ) was assigned to #eed the horses
#or :ama on a di##erent occasion d$ring the s$mmer time when it was hotter than hell and ) ran
o$t o# the gas cran"ing the air conditioner $p to the ma3 while ) sweated my weight in water and
calories $nder a gro(e o# not'help#$l'shade'trees waiting #or /addy to resc$e me which he did
!$t a#ter all his #arm chores where done as ) giggle with a girly twang at my mista"es7naw7
) #lash !ac" to last night when ,inta made a big deal that Garth had to defend my dang
honor with +eck.
Bec" was act$ally (ery "ind with the tic"ed phrase a 4silly cowgirl8 and sho$ld*(e say a
4d$m! cowgirl8 which he had 2$oted n$mero$s things that c$te phrase in my pretty #ace d$ring
o$r s$mmer time rende9(o$s as ) giggle with delight at the recall memory&
Fo#r months ago. 6a*ll see7a#ter ) !lew my #inal 0eometry test #or the last si3'wee"s
o# ,pollo 1igh School with a total acc$m$lated score o# CM points o$t o# a possi!le 1007>that*s
an 4;,8 ya*ll?7 my worried parents hired a personal t$tor %$st to get me passed o$t o# the 11th
0rade which ma"es me wonder why )*m trying my le#t hand since )*m dominate righty at that
College atmosphere thingy as ) giggle with a girly twang& ) originally hired Cinta #or the t$toring
%o! !$t she spent the s$mmer nights with Bo!!y Joe and her s$mmer days sleeping late while her
s$mmer electi(e incl$ded splashing her !i"ini co(ered !reasts and !eeFhind into the cool ,pollo
.i(er that r$ns o## the ,la!ama soil straight down thro$gh the State o# ;lorida right into the 0$l#
o# :e3ico !$t Cinta had more #$n with Bo!!y Joe #ishin*, !oatin*, and #$nnin* while ) stayed,
str$ggled, and st$died since ) wasn*t e3actly in a s$mmer school program !$t ) had to a!sol$tely
re'ta"e the 0eometry co$rse again or recei(e an 4;HH8 and #ail the ele(enth grade o# 1igh
School with a !ig red'#aced em!arrassment&
-hen ) wasn*t progressing at my proper pace my parents o(err$led me and hired
!oo"worm Bec" ,ctworth to pri(ately t$tor me inside my ho$se in the Li(ing .oom section
while :ama protecti(ely watched o(er $s which wasn*t necessary !$t she did and ) learned a lot
more a!o$t 0eometry and a little more a!o$t Bec"&
Bec" is the !a!y !rother o# all !rother si!lings who*s age range #rom C2 years to 1D years
which is one child two years and they all wor" in the #amily #$neral home !$siness as well as
some other side interests in the local hospital, the local !an", and the local law #irm that "eeps
his #amily !$sy aro$nd ,pollo, ,la!ama& 1e*ll grad$ate with me, planning to attend B$rn A as a
medical researcher in the #ield o# ne$ros$rgery since he rides in a wheelchair all day long as we
chatted lightly !etween snac" time !rea"s& 1e doesn*t tal" a!o$t his medical condition that he
contracted at the age o# #o$r when he contin$ed trip and #all o(er his !ig toes in school then one
day magically he*s wheeled into the Pre'I in a rolling chair and wearing a pair o# eyeglasses&
First &rade. ,t #irst, we, little cowgirls and cow!oys, entertained Bec" ma"ing him
la$gh and giggle with all o# $s ha(ing a good time and #$n moments& B$t day a#ter day the #$n
worn down to d$ll and !oring daily chore d$ty li"e ma"ing yo$r !ed co(er straight and o(er the
pillow when yo$*re %$st going to clim! !ac" into the !ed later that night so why !other& Right?
hen some "id had to open the door, holding it #or Bec"& hen some "id had to close the
door, waiting #or Bec" and then some "id had to tote his l$nch plate, !$ltering7>that*s toting the
plate in yo$r hands li"e a ser(ant?7#or Bec"& ,ll the "id too" their t$rns with their assigned
Bec"'d$ty !$t a#ter a #ew wee"s all the "ids didn*t li"e it ma"ing all the "id not li"e Bec" d$ty
and not li"e Bec" person which was mean in a way !$t that*s the down low o# what happened in
,pollo Elementary School&
S#mmertime. Bec" doesn*t allow this physical handicap to !other him since he always
smiles then and now and is the happiest person on Planet Earth always grinning, ch$c"ling, and
telling silly %o"es while #ree wheeling his chair inside the empty hallway along with !eing the
smartest "id in the entire school in e(ery single academic s$!%ect matter& Bec" is (ery nice,
#riendly, and sweet to d$mmy me #or not getting the 0eometry angles right on the third time as
he leans across the wiggling $pright cheap card playing ta!le and gingerly to$ches my hand with
his warm #i(e #inger pads #or s$pport and enco$ragement then he wo$ld repeat in a se3y !ass
dr$m while p$shing $p his drooping eye #rames on his nostrils& 4Silly cowgirl, an isosceles
triangle doesn*t ha(e any e2$al sides&8 ,#ter re'doing all the homewor" assignments, re'wor"ing
all the pro!lems, and re's$!mitting the new lessons to the 1igh School, ) recei(e a letter grade o#
4/8 which is total passing #or my parents who coo and ooh with parental pride&
resent. ) p$tt'p$tt o(er the dirt terrain to the top o# the high grassy platea$ and stop the
tr$c" then gra! the !inoc$lars #rom the dash!oard loo"ing #or the dang horses since the #eeding
range goes #or one mile northeast and two miles so$th #rom my par"ed tr$c" position and
2$ic"ly spot them in an o(al'type pattern h$ddle& 46ee'haw58 ) re!el whisper then clim! my
!eeFhind !ac" into the tr$c" seat, slowly dri(ing down the steep hill&
) h$g the !ra"es going slo mo down the hill par"ing the tr$c" near the #irst gro$p o#
horses, %$mp, "itten'li"e o$t the tr$c" and clim! with glo(es and !oot toes onto the tail gate then
"ic" the snot o# the #irst hay !ale as it gr$nts in silent and whips o$t the tail end o# the tr$c" onto
the green grass while the horses li#t their #aces and stare at me then stare at the hay then patiently
wait #or me to lea(e&
) %er" the gear into 4/8 dri(e to the semi'gro$p another set o# horses, get o$t the tr$c",
clim! onto the tail gate and p$sh the hay onto the lip then "ic" the snot o$t o# the rectang$lar
organic !o3 as it slowly slips o## with a little help o# earth*s gra(ity in the green grass while )
repeat this man$al e3ercise si3 more #rea"ing times $ntil the tr$c" !ed is empty& hen #or my
o$tlaw #$n a#ter ) slo po"e sh$ttle sa#ely away #rom the horses #or sa#ety hal# way $p the second
hill ) 2$ic"ly g$n the gas pedal down to the #loor while the old engine "ic"s into o(erdri(e riding
the tr$c" li"e a snow mo!ile on pretend snow that colors in p$"e green instead o# p$re white
while cleaning !rilliantly the loose strands o# hay and grain seedlings o$t the tr$c" !ed and o(er
the horse #ield witho$t /addy*s permission, o# co$rse& ) #ind that my new inno(ati(e method is a
swi#ter way to empty the tr$c" !ed then sweeping it o$t man$ally with a hard stic" !room once
)*m re2$ired to store the tr$c" !ac" into the !arn& he tr$c" and ) sail li"e a sic" seag$ll slow and
low $p the third hill t$rning to the north dri(ing $nder the gro(e o# cool =a" shade trees cooling
the #eisty engine !e#ore ) p$tt'p$tt her home #or its a#ternoon sl$m!er, stopping the motor,
slapping my glo(es on the steering wheel, cooing to !oth me and the tr$c" so#tly& 40ood %o!,
!a!y girl58 ) giggle with delight as ) %er" the door handle, sliding o$t o# the hot leather seat then
stand !eside the tr$c" loo"ing #or a last time at the horses !eca$se :ama is going to as" me i#
they are eating or sleeping or shitting in the #ield&
) can see them !$t ) remo(e the !inoc$lars !linding my eye!alls into the s$nlight
s2$inting at the roo# top o# the old tr$c" pondering the !etter !ird*s eye (iew since one o# the
stallions that ) can*t see is :ama*s #a(orite #ellow ne3t to /addy, o# co$rse& :ama will
speci#ically as"ed i# ) eye spied B$ster eats his hay or !$sts his two hoo#s in some other horse*s
m$99le so ) lay the !inoc$lars on the tool !o3 and clim! with two hands and two !oot toes o(er
the short tr$c" railing and !o$nce li"e a r$!!er !all into the tr$c" !ed& hen ) gra! the !inoc$lars
searching #or B$ster not seeing B$ster so ) twist towards the tool !o3 and clim! to the ne3t le(el
while sitting my !eeFhind on the roo# top as my !oots s$pport on the tool !o3 my seated position
noting that B$ster eats 2$ietly !y his lonesome sel# on a single !ale o# hay so ) can report to
) gently plop my s"$ll and !ac" m$scles along the warm roo# top o# the tr$c" (iewing the
!a!y !l$e s"y with the !inoc$lars which only loo" more li"e a !igger !loc" o# !right !a!y !l$e
as a tip o# a white clo$d passes within the lens which only loo"s li"e a great !ig tip o# a white
clo$d since the !inoc$lars aren*t telescopes to scope o$t the !right stars and moons o# the night
loo"ing #or aliens as ) snort li"e a wild !oar since )*m !ored witho$t anything to do !$t wait on
my more !oring Birthday Party which starts at three #or two ho$rs with the children then at si3
with the dancing and then ends at nine #or sleeping& Beca$se tomorrow is ch$rch and 1ea(en
help me i# ) miss one dang day o# ch$rch ser(ice which is more !oring then my $pcoming
Birthday Party& 4) need another li#e&8 ) moan with pity #or my poor sweet so$l&
) drop my chin #ollowing my eye!alls with the enlarged two lens o# the power#$l
!inoc$lars #oc$sing on the em!edded !ird nest that lo$nges !etween the sec$re !rown !ar" o#
the high =a" tree that doesn*t hold any !irds then shi#t the lens to the le#t seeing the wide (ery
good camo$#laged light !rown threads that shimmery li"e AS gold minted !ars that contrasts
with the nat$ral dar" !rown tree tr$n" that )/s the tree tr$n" spider7>yeah, that*s the real name,
, tree tr$n" spider is a mem!er o# the tropical or semi'tropical ;amily Hersiliidae
pop$lar in so$th ,la!ama in and aro$nd ,pollo, ,la!ama7>where ) li(e?& here are 1M0 species
in this #amily which displays two (ery prominent and (ery light golden spinnerets on their
!$ttholes that ma"es them "nown as a 4two'tailed spider8 which hide their golden shiny e3o'
s"eleton !ody in plain eye!all sight waiting patiently #or their prey then rapidly shoot their sil"y
we!!ing li"e a shotg$n !arrel into the san )/ed prey casting a sil" rope and circling aro$nd and
aro$nd its dinner %$st li"e steer roping& 6ee'haw5 hen, they !ite and s$c" the !lood thro$gh the
#$neral shro$d #or their daily meal& Gross!
, good cowgirl "nows her spiders and sna"es, so she doesn*t die& ) giggle silly !etting
that the tree tr$n" spider s$pped good on the entire #amily o# !l$e swallows that once occ$pied
that well'!$ilt !$t empty !ird nest& ) shi#t !ac" the !inoc$lars to the right spotting a pair o# #lying
s2$irrels !etween the pine trees ha(ing hang'gliding #$n in the slight !ree9e& ) #lip o(er on my
stomach as my s"$ll #aces the geographical direction o# north instantly seeing the hea(y (ines o#
Spanish moss crawling and "illing the tree !ar" o# old =a" trees near the horse path, mentally
noting to tell /addy& Spanish :oss grows rapidly winter or s$mmer& 1e can c$t down the tree to
pro(ide the deadly spread&
) hear with !oth eardr$ms the tiny litter o# piglets s2$ea"ing !e#ore ) see the !right sil(er
stars as ) whip my chin downwards with the !inoc$lars temporally attached to my eye!alls
#oc$sing on the stars that are really #ormed #lying sil(er strea"s o# metal #rom o$r neigh!ors ne3t
door at the ,ctworth :ansion7&naw7Castle& ) see lots and lots o# sil(er reamed !lac"'tired
wheelchairs as the !rothers play a sporting game o# co$rt !as"et!all o$tside in the warm rays
with each other while ) spy sed$cti(ely&
Bec" grace#$lly swirls in a circle inside his chair !o$ncing the single !as"et!all with his
right hand then swi#tly pitches it to his le#t arm pawing it !etween palms #rom his !rother*s arm
span who rides in a di##erent style o# wheelchair then #lings the !as"et!all to his third !rother
inside a third wheelchair then ) slowly drop the !inoc$lars #rom eye!alls& ) remem!er that all o#
Bec"*s !rothers tra(el aro$nd in wheelchairs since they all ha(e contracted the same medical
condition that ca$ses m$scle loss in their legs and #eet as my heart sin"s li"e the ,tlantic =cean
Liner into the ,rctic -ater with my sad mental tho$ghts that ro!s an entire !iological #amily o#
wal"ing, s"ipping, r$nning, hopping then ) n$m! my !rain cells&
) ret$rn the !inoc$lars to my na"ed eye!alls and 2$ietly spy some more as the !rothers
cheer and sho$t at each other in a #ormat o# two sets o# competiti(e teams with white tan" tops
(ers$s red tan" tops o(er their $pper !ody that co(ers their chest and e3poses their arm m$scle
and nec"s as each are t$c"ed into their wheelchairs showing a set o# !lac" shorts, soc"s, and
snea"ers o(er their non'#$nctioning #eet&
Bec" doesn*t participate in any o# the local sporting e(ents at ,pollo 1igh School simply
!eca$se ,pollo, ,la!ama is a (ery small #arm town with a!o$t 1,000 #ol"s that li(e, wor", and
play aro$nd an eight mile wide !y a three mile long geographical city limit mar"er& he school
doesn*t ha(e e3tra money #or #ancy school te3t!oo"s, s$ch as Physics or Calc$l$s along with any
addition highly pri9ed 1igh School instr$ctors, m$ch less e3ceptional sporting acti(ities that
s$pports male or #emales with physical handicaps& ) #eel really sad with my %$m!led emotions #or
a second time&
) do note that Bec" has a nice set o# sc$lpt$red m$scles along his triceps and nice deltoids
h$gging o$t o# his tight slee(eless tan" top as ) smile with delight and his legs are nicely
m$sc$lar !$t that*ll #ade o(er his mat$re ad$lt years as he grows older and can*t wor" the lean #it
teenage tiss$es& 1e doesn*t tan m$ch appearing with a glowing peachy'rose comple3ion that
accent$ates his !lac" sil"y hair while ) always en%oyed smelling his cologne o# leather and tangy
#r$ity this past s$mmer&
:r& ,ctworth rolls #irst #rom the open set o# triple'wide do$!le patio doors then #ollows
!y :rs& ,ctworth since their wheelchairs are electric while Bec"*s chair is a man$al transport
since he told me that the constant mo(ement "eeps his !iceps tight and ta$nt as ) spent the entire
s$mmer spying on these tight and ta$nt arms as ) giggle with a girly twang with the #ond recall
Bec" spins his chair to the le#t slamming his wheel into Co3 the eldest !rother who*s a
lawyer !y trade and pro#ession and li"es to wear a goatee in his #ace and red #ramed eyeglasses
o(er his eye!alls while the ne3t older !rother Perry wears a #$ll !eard $p to his nostrils and down
to his throat with a set o# !l$e #ramed eye glasses where Barton has a set o# !lac" !r$shy
side!$rns that clashes with his set o# orange #ramed eyeglasses so it seems that each !rother
might !e physical handicapped in a wheelchair !$t their #acial hair is matted in a disting$ishing
#ormat #or easy identi#ication since they all possess a healthy comple3ion o# peachy'rose s"in
tone and !lac" hair and colored eye #rames&
Bec" shows o## !y stealing the !all #rom Perry then hands o## to Barton as Barton drills it
down the smooth concrete sla! then rears !oth his arms and shoots it sails li"e a do(e and rings
per#ectly aro$nd the orange metal dipping down !etween the white netting which stands at si3
#eet in height rather than the reg$lation o# ten #eet #or an a(erage $pright !as"et!all 1igh
Schooler& Co3 tosses the !all to Perry who dri!!les with his le#t hand on the concrete then slams
his right arm rest into Bec"*s wheelchair on the le#t as Bec" la$ghs as the !all !o$nces in the
opposite direction !$t Barton snatches it wheeling with his right hand the tire #or the ne3t point
as he c$ddles the !all li"e a !a!y inside his lap and wheels with !oth hands on the tires r$shing
to the opposite o# the hoop netting then pitches the !all #or the e3tra points as Bec" yells echoing
$p to the hea(ens and down to hell and o(er to me& ",heat, cheat, eat my feet, cheaturd.&
he !rothers hoot and toot li"e !arn owls that silly slogan as ) contin$e to spy and clearly
hear the ta$nt echo across the open plains o# the rolling past$re lands that connect o$r two #arms
and giggle silly& ",heat, cheat, eat my feet, cheaturd.& hen the high'#i(e slaps collide air'!orne
against their manly !ones along with a set o# lo$d animal sniggers li"e a den o# hiding #o3es&
) e3pand my (iewing range and see that the ladies are setting $p the twin picnic ta!les
loaded down with many !owls o# #ood and lots o# plates o# emptiness while the !oys wrap $p
their competiti(e !as"et!all game then Co3 rolls his electric chair aro$nd #rom the dar" side o#
the ho$se with a hose pipe lea"ing a steady #low o# water !etween his ten #inger pads spraying
down the stin"y crew& he !oys giggle li"e a #loc" o# #arm t$r"eys each ta"ing their t$rn
remo(ing their eye gear then raising !oth their arms high into the air as the water hits each a
na"ed hairy armpit then a sweaty 'shirt, and #inally mo(es down washing #olded at "neecaps
the legs inside the chair along with wetting their pair o# !lac" snea"ers& Bec" dri(es his personal
carriage in #ront o# the made'shi#t water #o$ntain #or his splashing #$n as he li#ts with two hands
and two arm m$scles straining into my !ird*s eye (iew his rippled ta$nt !iceps $p righting his
$pper !ody #rom the seat while his collar !one rises clearly a!o(e the metal !ac" rest then he
sh$##les !oth his #eet #orward and o$t o# chair pedals then stands sorta $pright li"e a healthy
teenage as ) mo$th drops open li"e a h$nger shar" while Co3 sprays the water starting low at
Bec"*s snea"ers, soc"ed an"les, soc"ed shins, na"ed "neecaps, clothed hips, clothed waist, '
shirt, e3posed nec" then hits the water into Bec"*s smiling #ace !$t Bec" stands soldierly
accepting the water*s p$nishment while his !rothers clap li"e sea lions their hands at Bec"*s
ama9ing s$per'h$man strength when :r& ,ctworth dri(es his wheelchair #rom the same dar"
side o# the ho$se tossing white towels at each son as they la$gh li"e ,#rican hyenas drying their
wet s"in and soggy clothes in the hot s$n&
hey #inish their s$n!athing and toss the towel across the !ac" o# their wheelchair #or
drying then roll one'at'a'time along the smooth !eige concrete to the o(al'shaped picnic ta!le
par"ing a chair $nder the e3panded wood as they sorta 2$iet down then :r& ,ctworth tal"s
slowly and chins whip down his #ace into his chest while all #amily mem!ers copy'cats the
!owing mo(ement #or the Lord*s Blessing o(er the #ood as ) close my eyelashes and slightly tilt
my chin downward into my chest #or honoring all o# 0od*s creat$res and gi#ts #or'1
second'.2 seconds'.3 seconds.
) hear the #ood !owls so#tly ting li"e a set o# m$sical triangles and the plates rattle li"e a
set o# perc$ssion cym!als while the $tensils lo$dly ping li"e a section o# piccolos dishing o$t the
many di##erent types o# #ood items li"e an car shop assem!ly line which starts with :r& ,ctworth
then rotates to 0randma ,ctworth to Ancle ,ctworth and $ntil each clan mem!er has #illed their
empty plate& he second ta!le holds the sons and da$ghters o# the ,ctworth clan while Co3
empties his #ood #rom the !ig !owl, #irst then each !owl slowly rotates aro$nd the o(al ta!le as )
interest in Bec" only& 1e smiles with a set o# good teeth and ch$c"les watching his !ottom %aw
slightly shi#t, c$te'li"e side to side li"e he*s en%oying the !rilliant %o"e !$t Bec" always smiles
ne(er sad a!o$t anything d$ring school then he reaches o(er the arm rest and play#$lly slams his
right #olded #ist into Perry*s #$rry #ace #or #$n then they !oth la$gh at each other then they start a
dog paddle #ighting with their #o$r hands in the air !etween the empty space o# the chairs li"e
two silly !rother si!lings will do&
Co3 sits on Bec"*s le#t wa(ing his right hand side to side at Bec" and tal"s mo(ing his
lips !$t ) can*t hear Co3*s so#t words at the mischie(o$s p$ppies then Bec" and Perry 2$iet
down o!eying their elder si!ling while grinning and giggling& Bec" care#$lly wraps the o(ersi9ed
!right !l$e cloth nap"in aro$nd his throat and a second one he lays inside his lap li"e a tr$e
So$thern gentleman while ) smile at his nice manners which was pro!a!ly ta$ght !y his :ama
li"e good So$thern "ids are as ) spy watching that e(ery one cat'copies Bec"*s nap"in
placement& ) slowly %er" the !inoc$lars !ac" to Bec" as he still smiles and ch$c"les staring at his
plate o# #i(e pieces o# #ried chic"en, a mo$ntain o# mashed white potatoes that co(ers in yellow
!$tter, a !igger helping o# !rown pinto !eans !eside an e2$al height o# yellow sweet corn as
Bec" stirs two o# his (egeta!les together which ma"es me really h$ngry& Beca$se, ) li"e to eat
the so#t tart tasting pinto !eans and %$icy sweet corn mi3ed together li"e a can o# wet and dry dog
#ood #or the Beagle p$ppies at my #arm as ) giggle with delight that Bec" and ) share a weirdo
pattern o# #ood cons$mption&
)# that isn*t eno$gh #ood #or a growing teenager then there*s a side plate #illed with
delicio$s loo"ing #r$it salad consisting o# sliced straw!erries, orange slices, grapes, apples,
waln$ts all mi3ed together as my t$mmy gr$m!les #or #ood as Bec" 2$ic"ly go!!les down one
chic"en !reast, two thigh legs, and two dr$ms stic"s while polishing o## the entire pile o# mashed
potatoes& 1e li#ts the plate, spinning it aro$nd as his mi3t$re o# !eans and corn #ace him then he
cons$mes the heap in #o$r !ites $sing a spoon to gather the delicio$s sweet %$ice o# the corn then
mops the resid$e with three pieces o# golden !rown corn!read as he chews then smiles then
ch$c"les then swallows then chews, again& 1e cleans the /inner plate then sits the small side
plate with the #r$it salad inside the larger plate li"e a good mannered yo$ng man #inishing the
!right ripped #r$it along with the rest o# the clan wrapping $p the l$nchtime meal&
:r& ,ctworth slowly sh$##les his wheelchair #rom his "ingly spot at the head o# the o(al
ta!le and gently gathers the dirty plates #rom each #amily mem!er laying o(er the e3tended tiny
tray that positions !etween his arm rests while Co3 copy'cats the same mane$(er at the
yo$ngling*s ta!le then they roll one'at'a'time into the dar"ness o# the Iitchen i# ) ha(e g$essed
the hidden space since )*(e ne(er (isited their residential place&
) glide the !inoc$lars into the dar"ness mashing the glass 9oom lens to the ma3im$m
setting o# M0O #or a loo"'see o# something interesting !$t see a low'lying Brea"#ast a!le that
ro$nds li"e the o$tside picnic ta!les then ) see a low'lying Bar Co$nter that easily #its #o$r
wheelchairs& he rest o# the dar" space appears li"e a li#e'si9ed ho$se #or a #i(e'year old little
girl since the steel plated appliances and white ca!inets are short and wide #or easy reach #or a
wheelchair as ) end my !oring snooping and slide the !inoc$lars !ac" to Bec"&
:rs& ,ctworth, along with 0randma ,ctworth and two sets o# ,$nt ,ctworths, that )
recall #rom ch$rch, cha##erers o$t the Iitchen the indi(id$al dessert plates on top o# their own
sideway ta!le s$r#ace that hangs across the arm rests o# their wheelchairs as the ladies drop one
piece o# pecan pie at each place setting while ) watch and smile at the recorded happy moment in
Bec"*s li#e with his !rothers and "inda #eel a little %ealo$s since ) don*t ha(e any si!lings li"e his
!rothers and co$sins&
) mentally thin" when ) marry the per#ect g$y that ) plan to ha(e three little !rats r$nning
aro$nd the carpet messing $p the Li(ing .oom with all their dangero$s toys while ) wipe their
precio$s noses o# snot and their pin" lips o# #resh grape %$ice& ) giggle with a girly twang at my
day dream&
Bec" nods to his :ama& She wears a pin" #ramed eyeglasses and mo$ths with his pin"
lips, thank you. 1e st$dio$sly stares at the o(ersi9ed piece o# pecan pie then $ses his #or" and
slices o## a !ig ch$n" that*ll #it nicely into his man'si9ed mo$th&
Bec" li#ts the #$ll #or" into the air !etween his throat and his lips then shi#ts !oth o# his
eyelids $pright inside his !lac" #ramed eyeglasses and stares directly into the !inoc$lars& ) #ree9e
li"e an ice c$!e with total shoc"& Bec" win"s at me&
) 2$ic"ly drop the !inoc$lars #rom my eye!alls, staring at the ,ctworth patio, seeing
them as small ants against the tall pine trees&
) #ree9e my mental mind and my n$m! #inger pads aro$nd the thic" metal o# the
!inoc$lars and whisper so#tly& 41e win"ed at me&8 ) sha"e my s"$ll side to side and repeat& 4No&
No& No& 1e can*t see me witho$t $sing7these&8 ) 2$ic"ly slide down the roo# top li"e a sea lion
and de#tly land on top o# the metal tool !o3 with a lo$d th$d then %$mp, "itten'li"e into the #lat
tr$c" !ed as the tr$c" slightly %iggles #rom my com!o o# weight and impact& ) li#t the lid and
2$ic"ly replace the !inoc$lars into the tool !o3 where they*re $s$ally stored since ) don*t want
/addy or any o# the #arm wor"ers noticing the wor" item is o$t o# place !eca$se some one might
get the idea that ) was spying at the c$te sons in the ,ctworth :anor on the patio that corners o$r
#arm which is the only (iewing access #rom a na"ed pair o# eye!alls&
) hold my right c$pped palm onto the metal railing then %$mp, 're3 o(er the side o# the
short ancient tr$c" padding towards the door slamming the r$sty hinges o## the metal and sliding
into the dri(er*s seat& 4) wasn*t spying, /addy7,8 as ) practice my rehearsed speech& 4) %$st
noticed that the old gray loo"ing y$c"y Spanish moss is co(ering them old 2000'year old =a"
trees& 6a, "now /addy where the horses were mo(ed, when ) was sent to #eed& Not good7not
good at all7 that*s too close to the ,ctworth property line&8 ) sha"e my s"$ll side to side,
care#$lly #ollowing the old two tires mar"s along the worn dirt path !ac" down the hill then t$rn
le#t as ) see the white !arn straight along as ) p$tt'p$tt the tr$c" towards its par"ing spot on the
le#t side o# the !arn wall $nder the old cra! apple tree so the tart apples can #all o(er the hay
!ales sweetening the grain #or the pic"y eaters among the horses&
ati((o )omestead. 1:01pm. ) arri(e at the !arn which seemed li"e ) dro(e #or three
min$tes instead ) tr$c"ed down the hills and o(er the (alleys #or a total o# twenty'#i(e min$tes as
) slam the gear into 4P8 #or par" and "ill the engine and stare into the hea(y thic"et o# green
lea(es& ) word so#tly, thin"ing o(er and o(er again& 4Bec" win"ed at me& 1e saw me spying on
them&8 ) cringe !ea$ti#$lly with my mi3ed emotions o# happy and em!arrassment as ) slowly pad
right !oot then le#t !oot then right !oot wiping o## hay, sawd$st, clay, and grass #rom my %eans
#or a presenta!le da$ghter at the /inner ta!le stepping onto the !ac" patio& ) settle my !eeFhind
in the padded patio chair, remo(ing !oth my !oots since one is slightly co(ered in horse shit
!etween the heel and sole that re2$ires a toothpic" and ) don*t eat well a#ter cleaning animal crap
#rom shoes&
) sit in soc"ed #eet padding on the ro$gh orange !ric" gently parting the wood #rom the
metal trying to !e a good So$thern !elle since :ama #eels !ad as ) slide on sweaty soc"s into the
La$ndry .oom t$rning right into the Iitchen where :ama sits at the Brea"#ast a!le on the
so$th side wall with her leg propped parallel with the #loor as her s"$ll lo$nges in !oth hands
loo"ing li"e she*s in really !ad pain&
) scoot into my assigned seat 2$ietly then shi#t the plate o# #ood slowly aro$nd the ta!le
!elow my mo$th with my !estest ta!le manners that ) can m$stard as ) loo" at :ama then stare
at my thic" pile o# t$r"ey a!o(e the two slices o# red tomatoes, a entire !ed o# green lett$ce as
the white mayo drips li"e a lea"y #a$cet down the !oth sides o# the #resh white loa# !read since
/addy #i3ed o$r l$nch today $sing his college engineering s"ills li"e he*s !$ilding a !ridge not
#eeding a pic"y teen as ) smile li#ting the hea(y sandwich to my #ace and as" so#tly& 41ey,
/addy5 1ow*s yo$r leg, :ama<8 ) attac" with !oth lips, sin"ing teeth into the delicio$s meal as
) win" my eyelash, right at /addy& /addy st$##s potato chips into his mo$th while holding the
last !ite o# the thic" t$r"ey sandwich ease dropping on the con(ersation&
:ama li#ts her #ace, smiling at me then t$rns her s"$ll and eye !$rns her propped leg,
$pdating& 4)*m healing as we spea", dear&8 ) (igoro$sly chew with my mo$th closed and slowly
swallow my chopped $p #ood !y toothies so ) don*t r$dely gag or co$gh at the ta!le to annoy
:ama #$rther&
) tattle on mysel#& 4han"s #or the sandwich, /addy& :ama, ) started my chores78
:ama tenderly pats my right !icep while ) hold the sandwich #or the ne3t attac", smiling and
sha"ing her s"$ll side to side&
4=5 So, that*s where ya !een hiding o$t, it*s passed one o*cloc", .isa& ,nd, this is yo$r
!irthday, dear& here*re no chores re2$ired #or yo$ to per#orm today other than yo$r homewor"
assignments that are d$e on :onday&8 :ama pa$ses #or !ea$ty as ) nod my s"$ll, once accepting
the silence c$e o# the $pcoming academic lect$re that :ama per#orms when she*s in a !ad mood
that has !een ca$sed !y her temporary leg in%$ry !eca$se she lo(es to ride aro$nd the #arm
!ar"ing orders li"e a :ama dog to the #arm wor"ers instead o# cooped $p inside the ho$se& )*m
$sed to the side !ar lect$res that started in the Eighth 0rade when ma"ing the letter grade o# 4C8
was not accepta!le $ntil :ama #inally #ig$red o$t that her precio$s only child wasn*t a geni$s
%$st a cowgirl& :ama shares her mental tho$ght o$t lo$d with me and /addy& 4Cinta does any
e3cellent %o! o# t$toring yo$ in ,lge!ra, don*t yo$ thin" so, dear& 6o$ sho$ld ma"e a decent
grade #or the $pcoming si3'wee" term in school& -hen is yo$r test<8 ) !lin" my eyelashes in
silent code while ) chew my sandwich as :ama slowly smoothes her #i(e #inger pads hori9ontal
!ac" and #orth o(er the ta!le s$r#ace when she gets #r$strated at me then contin$es& 4,s" Cinta,
o"ay<8 ) nod as she contin$es& 46o$ don*t seem7&as con#$sed when Cinta e3plains the
pro!lems in yo$r school wor"&8 ) nod and listen as :ama loo"s at /addy and e3presses& 46o$r
/addy and ) ha(e !een pondering yo$r sit$ation, especially in regards to yo$r academic, not
s$ccesses78 :ama pa$ses #or !ea$ty& 46o$*re still planning to go to college& .ight,
sweetheart<8 ) nod as :ama as"s& 46o$r school co$nsel called me in#orming $s that she wants
yo$ to ta"e the ,C, again& 6o$ can do that in Jan$ary& ) ha(e the in#ormation #rom the Net& -e
!oth thin" that*s a good idea then when yo$ apply to college yo$*re !e really #or the !ig
challenge& ) #eel that yo$*ll really clic" in college #rom an academic point o# (iew&8 ) snap the
dill pic"le in hal# with my incisor teeth chomping on the tart taste as ) catch the %$ice with my
/addy says& 46o$r :ama has to report !ac" to the physician in :ontgomery on ;riday
morning& Since there*s not a game we tho$ght yo$ co$ld s"ip school, ride with $s then we wo$ld
ta"e a short (ent$re tra(el $p to B$rn A&8 ) stop chewing my sandwich, staring eye!alls at my
plate o# two dill pic"les and a heap o# potato chips& ) planned to cons$me !e#ore /addy*s wild
anno$ncement& ) ponder my plot 2$ic"ly while /addy smiles and nods& 4:ama and ) are (ery
pride that yo$ want to attend o$r old ,lma :ata& -e can dri(e !y the ,dmissions =##ice loo"
aro$nd #or a !it at the pretty landscape& hey got snow #la"es $p there d$ring the winter time&
hat*s really pretty& -hat*da ya thin", p$mp"in<8
) stare at the plate acti(ating my !rain cells into s$mming a great answer #or /addy*s pre'
arranged plans, since )*d li"e to a? s"ip school7!? (isit B$rn A7and c? go to ;esti(al&
1owe(er, ) can only choose one e(ent, since ) personally some how and some way am going to
de#eat Lara Lee and sa(e Bec" #rom total teen h$miliation on ;riday night& B$t, ) can*t sa(e
Bec", i# )*m o$t o# town li"e lying Lara Lee is going to proclaim on :onday morning at school
since she ne(er comes to ch$rch& ) nosily clear my throat o# a #ew lingering #ood particles then
re%ect so#tly& 4=5 hat*s so$nd li"e #$n, ya*ll&8 ) loo" at /addy& 4B$t, ;riday night isn*t a #oot!all
game !$t the No(ena ;esti(al& .emem!er, /addy< -hen yo$ won all those pri9es #or me when )
was a ;irst 0rader< ) still remem!er how m$ch #$n the games were78
:ama says& 4he No(ena ;esti(al is #or yo$nger children, not really a teenager hang o$t,
dear& -e want to show yo$ some o# the college places where the st$dents interact !etween their
st$dy classes&8
4) wanna to (isit there, :ama& B$t, this is my last time7ya "now7to go and play the
silly "iddie games with my #riends7#or the last time 7&ya "now7!e#ore ) go o## to college li"e
ya*ll ha(e dreamed #or me7,8 d$mping ya "now with nonsense&
:ama sha"es her s"$ll side to side while smoothing her #i(e #inger pads o(er the ta!le
s$r#ace !$t loo"ing at me& 4hat*s weird5 ,nna!elle told me that Cinta was going to s"ip the
;esti(al on ;riday since it isn*t a game night& /oesn*t she hang with her !ea$ Bo!!y Joe when
not at school< ) tho$gh ) saw them h$rsday night at the Pi99a 1o$se on Elm Street, did yo$
"now that the location o# that #ast #ood place, .isa<8 ) stare into her #ace !eca$se there is an
e3cellent reason that Cinta told her :ama that part lie and part tr$th so that Cinta won*t !e
acc$sed and p$nished !y the Principal o# ,pollo 1igh School along with the rest o# the meanie
seniors #or a!andoning Bec" at the ;esti(al and co(ering #or Lara Lee& Beca$se, i# there isn*t a
Senior girl present to replace the missing Lara Lee then Bec" will !e all alone to lose the title o#
1ar(est Emperor with a 1ar(est Empress !y his side on the #loor o# the a$ditori$m while the
gossiping ,pollonians stare and la$gh at him as ) twist my lips, $gly&
46es, ma*am, ) "now the place7&,8 when ) eat with my parents sometimes on S$nday
a#ternoon since ) can*t date a !oy $ntil )*m 4C years old with gray hair, s$n"en chee"s, and saggy
!oo!s while li(ing with my !iological #amily #ore(erly as ) moan so#tly placing the sandwich on
the plate& ) lie honestly& 4) thin" that Cinta might !e con#$sed her ;riday nights since the games
are almost done& She*s going to !e there, may!e not the entire ;esti(al !$t some o# it& Sooo7&)
want to7&8
4-ell, ) can $nderstand that spending time with yo$r #riends is important in this part o#
yo$r li#e, .isa, right, dear<8 :y /addy smiles at my :ama& She narrows her eyelashes at me
when /addy contin$es& 4B$t, we*ll !e lea(ing (ery early on ;riday morning with a new load o#
cattle& -e*re per#orming two tas"s at the same time away #rom ,pollo deli(ering o$r load and
carrying :ama to the doctor along with spending'the'night in :ontgomery on ;riday night and
Sat$rday night78
4-hy !oth nights<8 ) eat&
4)*m recei(ing some additional tests that can*t !e per#ormed on ;riday only Sat$rday
a#ternoon with their special hospital machines78
4,re yo$ sic", :ama<8 ) eat&
4No, dear5 he !one7or the pain is (ery tro$!lesome on my leg, so the doctor wants to
see the !one thro$gh my cast "inda li"e an old #ashioned O'ray !$t with some o# the !etter
technological medical e2$ipment& -e*ll ret$rn on S$nday morning, lea(ing (ery early #or the
road trip&8
4) can hang with Cinta on ;riday and Sat$rday nights& hat*s not a pro!&8 ) smile&
46o$7hang too m$ch with Cinta, dear& 6o$ sho$ld e3pand yo$r #riends7ship to some
o# the other "ids at yo$r school&8 :ama s$ggests&
) giggle and smile& 4) sho$ld get a !oy#riend&8
4.isa, yo$r /addy and ) want to yo$ start dating !oys& -e ga(e o$r !lessing this e(ery
day one year ago $ntil78 :ama pa$ses #or !ea$ty and sings in her #l$te m$sic& 4B$tttt7&this is
o$r ho$se& hese are o$r r$les& he #irst r$le is that yo$r homewor" comes #irst, yo$ng lady&8
She pa$ses #or !ea$ty, again then adds& 4he second r$le o# the ho$se is !eing accepted into
college& College is !oth #$n and #$l#illing& ) !elie(e5 6o$*ll thrice as a #reshman with a #resh #ace
in a new #resh learning en(ironment& So, the newest third r$le is to st$dy #or yo$r ,C which is
in Jan$ary&8 ) po$t, c$te'li"e with my lips since that means only one thing st$dying my hindie o##
$ntil Jan$ary ,C /ay& :ama adds& 4:ay!e78
4Cinta can help me&8 ) (ol$nteer&
4No58 :ama sings in her #l$te m$sic and sha"es her s"$ll side to side which is a do$!le
whammy& 4Cinta pro(ed to !e a (ery poor teacher #or yo$r (ery poor st$dies which doesn*t ma"e
any logical progress in yo$r slow academic st$dies i# yo$ want to !e accepted into college, .isa&
,nyways, since Cinta wrec"ed her car last wee" she isn*t on my #a(or*s list7&8
4hat cow78 ) de#end too slowly while :ama sha"es her s"$ll side to side, staring at me
#or the e3panded #i! ) was a!o$t to lo(ingly create&
4-rec"s in(ol(e speed which in(ol(es not o!eying the speeding laws& 6o$ o!ey all the
laws all the time li"e a good So$thern !elle as ta$ght !y me7&&8 :ama compliments as ) !ite
into the sandwich and listen& 4:ay!e7) can con(erse with :rs& ,ctworth and see i# one o# her
college sons can assist yo$r ,C pro!lems and ,C re(iew !etween their 1oliday !rea"7&8
4Bec" can&8 ) s$ggest&
4Bec" did an e3cellent %o! this s$mmer with yo$r 0eometry co$rse !$t right now, he*s
dealing with too78 :ama pa$ses #or !ea$ty, loo"ing at /addy then says something totally o##
the wall& 4.isa, yo$ m$st learn to handle yo$r own decisions with !oth grace and wisdom& hat*s
the only way yo$ will learn #rom yo$r mista"es&8
4oo m$ch, what<8 ) 2$estion with my "itty'cat c$riosity&
4oo m$ch, 1igh School wor" li"e yo$, p$mp"in and st$dying #or his own set o# ,C to
enter college, a good college*s (ery competiti(e among yo$r teen peers, .isa& hat*s why the
school co$nsel and $s, yo$r lo(ing parents want to yo$ re'ta"e the ,C& =r yo$ might !e le#t
attending one o# the many o(ercrowded %$nior colleges which is a wor"ing sol$tion #or yo$r
dilemma !$t something yo$*re re2$ired to ta"e more class co$rses7,8 /addy says&
) drop the sandwich and raise !oth my arms !ending at the el!ow while !$ll'#rogging my
eye!alls o$t o# their soc"ets7really weird& 4Stop, o"ay5 ) $nderstand& Please, don*t end one
lect$re than !egan another one while the s$n*s still o$tside on the !ac" porch& )t gi(es me a
headache7o$t o# all days78 /addy tenderly pats my le#t #orearm drawing it down o$t o# the
G!an" ro!!er* #ormation, leaning his #ace into my sho$lder&
41appy Birthday, .isa58 /addy wishes then he stands as ) lower !oth my arms down to
the plate, pic"ing it $p along with any scattered cr$m!s #rom my messy ta!le manners and stand
$pright !eside /addy&
) nod my s"$ll, once and o##er with a smile& 4han"s, /addy58 ) loo" at :ama sitting in
the chair since she waits on /addy to clean the dishes and ta!le !e#ore he mo(es her into the
Li(ing .oom& :ama smiles at me&
She greets sweetly& 41appy Birthday, dear5 ,nd, we lo(e yo$& -e %$st loo" a#ter yo$r
interests in a di##erent way #rom other parents, .isa&8
46eah5 ="ay5 )*m going to !athe and change #or the party at three&8 ) e3c$se my person
li"e a tr$e So$thern !elle #rom the /inner ta!le as ) wal" the plate and place inside the steel'
plated sin" then swing my !ody e3iting the Iitchen padding $p the stairs t$rning right down the
wing o# the ho$se as ) t$rn right at the last door on the right into my room&
*edroom. ) close the wood with a slow and gently swing o# my le#t hand while ) pad into
my white !athroom with pin" rose!$ds stripping the dirty %eans and peeling the sweaty la(ender'
colored 'shirt #rom my !reasts then tosses the items on the #loor as ) twist at the small time the
hot and cold water #or a com!o wash o# my dirty !ody& ) strip panties and !ra witho$t admiring
my teen !ody in the !athroom mirror clim!ing slowly into the shower letting the slightly hot
warm r$n #or #$n down my !ody& ) plan to $se all the hot wash on this side o# o$r ho$se since we
ha(e two separate hot water heaters along with two airNconditioning and heater $nits since the
:anor was !$ilt at di##erent periods o# time !e#ore ) was !orn and then a#ter ) was !irth&
Bec" saw me spying on him with the !inoc$lars as the dim light !$l! !$rns o$t inside my
!rain cells and is replaced with a !righter one since Bec" act$ally saw a s$n light re#lection #rom
the !inoc$lars since he wears eyeglasses and can*t see that #ar and ) pro!a!ly saw with my M0O
magni#ication a s$n #lare re#lection #rom his shiny eyeglasses as ) 2$ic"ly slap my #orehead with
a right soapy hand getting soap !$!!les in my right eye!all while ) 2$ic"ly d$n" my entire s"$ll
$nder the pleasant temperat$re thin"ing ) really am a d$m! cowgirl& ) sho$ldn*t ha(e !een
spying on my neigh!ors !$t it wasn*t a mission #or e(il& 4) %$st was at the right spot at the right
time7,8 as ) practice my rehearsed speech #or Bec" tomorrow at ch$rch since )*ll see him there
witho$t a do$!t& hat*s sol(es one pro!lem& Bec" won*t !e too mad since he*s the happiest
person ) "now that en%oys li(ing on Planet Earth&
0arth didn*t see me "iss him in the moon light as ) giggle with a girly twang reli(ing that
e3citing moment this morning as my prime !irthday present #rom Cinta who*s my !estest girl in
the world !$t ) do interest in that weird dream when ) "issed 0arth*s lips as ) recreate in my
mind while ) s$ds the #r$ity !$!!les o(er my !ody #or a #resh clean smell o# green apples !e#ore
the three o*cloc" party&
:y mind (ision is a little #$99y !$t ) recall 0arth standing o(er me li"e )*m dead or
something as ) stand $nder the water letting the !$!!les drain down the pipes sha"ing my s"$ll
side to side and concl$ding that )*m not dead& hen, ) "inda really remem!er a #ew distinct
physical o!%ects li"e that c$te pair o# cowgirl !oots on my #eet and one o# 0arth*s sil(er !elt
!$c"le aro$nd his waist and then )*ll ne(er #orget his se3y (oice saying& "'be mine little
46es& 6es& 6es,8 practicing my rehearsed speech in the shower when 0arth as"s me that
2$estion hope#$lly soon and wishing tonight at my !irthday party& -e seem to !e on the same
mental le(el while washing the shampoo o$t o# my hair roots and my eye!alls #inishing my !ath
giggling with a girly twang&
"y rednec% dance hoedo+n. ,:01pm& 4St$pid,8 whisper li"e delicate !$tter#ly*s wings
capt$ring !y my own eardr$ms& ) slowly wal" to the ne3t "iddie e3hi!ition and toss a !ase!all
into a great !ig target, a gigantic si9ed 're3 toothy mo$th& So, the little "id, standing on my
toes, can win all the st$##ed animals that her "etch$p'stained #inger pads can carry hanging on
protr$ded nails along the !arn o$tside wall as ) pitch the !all into the hole with s$ccess as the
s$rro$nding "iddies s2$ea" li"e dying pigs in a sla$ghter ho$se then twist my !ody and #orce
another goo#y grin on my #ace #or more tort$re& he e3hi!itor hands o$t the rest o# the wall toys
to the "ids since it*s time to wrap $p the "iddie show and start the ad$lt entertainment e(ent o#
the ann$al 1oe /own which lasts $ntil B+01pm !eca$se we all get $p and go to ch$rch ser(ice at
@+00am on S$nday morning&
) two'step to the right o# the 're3 Base!all E3hi!ition into nothingness since ) ha(e
completed my 4princess d$ty8 o# (isiting at least three times each "iddie e3hi!ition when two
hands swi#tly p$ll me !ac"wards as ) swing my !ody to #ace Cinta with a toothy smile& She
o!ser(es& 46o$ o"ay, girl !est& 6a loo" "inda !ored&8
4Sad&8 ) d$mp, twisting my lips, $gly as Cinta mo(es closer into my #ace&
Cinta as"s with a "ind tone and concerned #ace& 4Sad, a!o$t what<8
) complain with po$ted lips, c$te'li"e& 4Sad, that ) don*t ha(e real !irthday party with !ig
!oys and girls&8
4Ne3t year58 Cinta swings me towards the patio so we can get ready #or the dance&
) comment with an e(il grin !o$ncing my eye!rows $p and down #or #$n& 4Ne3t year )*ll
!e dr$n" on alcohol, ha(ing wild se3 with some c$te college !oy78 Cinta stops wal"ing t$rning
her distorted #ace at me as ) giggle silly and gra! her le#t #orearm dragging into the ho$se since )
only ha(e an ho$r to dress #or the dance&
Cinta drops her mo$th& 4.isa, ) can*t !elie(e yo$7%$st con#essed that lie&8
41ow ya "now it a lie, honey<8 ) win" at her&
4)*m yo$r roommate in that apartment in Birmingham and ha(e sworn a secret oath to
yo$r :ama that7that scene will not happen to yo$r little girl&8
4Party poopy&8 ) stop li#ting my le#t !oot twisting it at a weird angle that my eye!alls
can*t see completely&
Cinta slows her pace t$rning to stare at me& 4Party pooper&8
4Naw& Party poopy&8 ) #inger point at the slightly !rown wet !oot sole& 4) thin" its dog
shit #rom one o# the roaming Beagle p$ppies&8 Cinta roars with %$ngle cat la$ghter along with me
since )*m a tr$e and tried cowgirl, who owns a!o$t #i#teen pairs o# cowgirl !oots& ) collect !oots
li"e a city slic"er chic" collects hand !ags&
Cinta par"s her #olded #ists on her %eans !elt& 4-here to ne3t<8
) #inger point at the patio& 4o d$mp these !oots !e#ore )*ll chase o## all the !ea$s78
4-hat !ea$s<8
4he ones that ) ha(e already chased o##&&&8 ) lightly %o"e since ) don*t ha(e a !ea$ and
will not ha(e one at the end o# tonight with !oth my parents watching o(er the eagle*s nest as
Cinta giggles with a girly twang&
4Naw& hat*s yo$r /addy*s right#$l doing&&&on p$rpose& hat*s the role o# a /addy to
chase o## all them h$nger wol(es #rom his little !a!y woolly lam!&8 ) spin my !ody into the patio
chair while p$lling my right leg o(er my le#t "nee wor"ing on the smelly !oot while staring at
/addy who en%oys the !irthday party more than ) since he*s a little "id pretending to !e a grown'
$p smiling that*s someone*s ha(ing #$n with the games& ) %er" !oth !oots placing them at the end
o# the patio !ric" #or tomorrow*s spit shin and polish witho$t the p$ppy*s poop as Cinta opens
the !ac" door and calls& 4Come on5 Let*s #ind ya a dress #or tonight&8 ) rise slowly #rom the patio
padded lo(eseat that decorates in !ea$ti#$l yellow and !lac" !$tter#lies while sha"ing my s"$ll
side to side and staring at Cinta*s !eeFhind as she leads into the dar"ness&
4-hy<8 ) mo(e into the cool ho$se o# the La$ndry .oom as we stomp thro$gh the
4;or yo$r !ea$78 Cinta d$mps witho$t any more e3planation, giggling with a girly
twang while ) raise my eye!row, le#t&
) demand in my new !ass #l$te m$sic with a slight snarl on my lips& 4-hat !ea$< -hat
ha(e yo$ planned, Cinta<8
4Nothing&8 Cinta giggles and grins while sha"ing her s"$ll side to side&
4Cinta<8 ) sing in #l$te m$sic as we tromp $p the stairs witho$t #ear o# my parents o(er
hearing o$r secret plans since ) eye witnessed !oth o# them saying good'!ye to the #arm "ids
while some ad$lts will ret$rn to participate in the dance and other parents will stay home with
their "iddies wrapping $p the !$sy daylight ho$rs as Cinta contin$es to giggle and grin witho$t
any more cl$es o# her secret plot&
Cinta %$st words so#tly& 4Nothing5 ) promise with !ows and r$##les across my la(ender
!lo$se since we !oth lo(e the color o# la(ender&8 ) t$rn into my !edroom #rame so#tly sh$tting
the door closed with !oth hands witho$t loc"ing the latch since :ama gets really s$spicio$s
when ) ha(e my #riend Cinta (isit #or any length o# time&
) march towards the !ed, plopping my !ac" m$scles o(er the !edco(ers and comment&
4Encrypted answer which means an encrypted e(ent #or me& his is not the night to toss a
#irecrac"er into the !oiling chic"en stew, Cinta& :ama isn*t in a good mood since her leg aches
with pain ta"ing all her misery on the hired help& So, stay clear o# her eye radar, Cinta&8 Cinta
t$rns le#t colliding with the so#t clothes, eye !$rning the three dresses then gra!s one #or each
Cinta as"s with her "itty'cat c$riosity while deciding she doesn*t li"e these clothing
items, tossing them at the !ed as the !ed !arely catching the hanger as ) 2$ic"ly shi#t my right
hand to resc$e the gra(ity #alling #a!rics, p$lling !ac" to sa#ety& 46o$r :ama doesn*t care #or
me& -hy*s that, .isa<8
4Pro!a!ly7!eca$se ya too" her money in the s$mmertime7&8 ) d$mp witho$t thin"ing,
Cinta stops tort$ring the hangers, loo"ing at me, #rowning& 4) t$tored yo$ this past s$mmer& 6o$
passed with the letter grade, / in 0eometry& So, ya didn*t #ail the Ele(enth 0rade& hat*s an
a(erage academic score #or any a(erage 1igh Schooler, here in ,la!ama& -hat more does she
want #rom me<8
) stare at the ceiling and co(er !ea$ti#$lly& 46eah, right5 6o$ did a good %o! t$toring me
#or that (ery !ad letter grade o# /, Cinta& B$t, my :ama*s an o(erachie(er in her li#e and
e3pects her da$ghter to !e one, too& 6a "now, ) g$ess she wanted me to get a letter o# B at least&8
) cringe !ea$ti#$lly with the white lie& Cinta did recei(e my :ama*s money and did not t$tor me
properly, li"e Bec" did& )# Bec" hadn*t helped ) wo$ld*(e !een repeating the 11th 0rade& )
$pright and wal" li"e a woman towards my chest o# eight drawers p$lling the third drawer on the
le#t side& ) say& 4)*m wearing a clean pair o# s"inny %eans7&the #aded ones&8 ) hold the %eans
co(ering my #ace as Cinta stares at me thro$gh the thic" %eans pro!a!ly pondering my dishonest
statement& ) contin$e& 4) li"e this pair !est #or the 1oe /own& hat*s what old maiden teen girls
with no !ea$s wear to a 1oe /own*s in their /addy !arn&8 ) wal" !ac" to the !ed, plopping my
!ody $pon my !reasts as ) shoot my #ace o$t o# the way s$staining no danger while sa(ing my
#ine ma"e$p %o!& ) say tossing Cinta o## the scented trac"& 4;iddlestic"s, Cinta5 ) can*t get a date
since )*m gro$nded $ntil78
Cinta ret$rns to e3amining the clothes inside my closet, tossing her re%ections onto the
!ed& 4Not this5 =r this5 =r that58
4:ama ordered me to re'ta"e the ,C test in Jan$ary g$aranteeing that ) get accepted
into B$rn A& )s it that hard to get into college< ) tho$ght e(eryone went to college #or the #$n and
the !eer and the getaway #rom their annoying parents& -hat*da ya ma"e on yo$r ,C<8
4Pero&8 Cinta pic"s the pin" !lo$se #rom the hanger, sha"ing her head at the #a!ric then
lays it across the !ed& 4)*m ta"ing it with yo$& -hen*s o$r date, s$gar<8
) o!ser(e the collection o# scattered clothes that droop #rom their hangers, since Earth
gra(ity p$lls the #a!ric sideways, instead o# $pright on my !ed& 4) ha(e a great idea, Cinta& P$ll
all my clothes o$t the closet at once, then, when yo$ re%ect each hanger yo$ can place it neatly
$pon the rac", instead o# tossing it on my !ed which )*ll need to $se to sleep, tonight& ,nd, the
S, testing is in Jan$ary& ) tho$ght yo$ said that yo$ too"78
4-hat*s this<8 Cinta holds the white #ormal an"le'length plantation dress with a
sweetheart nec"line and a #itted waist in her right arm which loo"s li"e the Scarlett =*1ara
in#amo$s picnic dress, witho$t the little green apple design& 4)t*s !rand new with the sale*s tag
still display $pon the sweetheart nec"line&8
4:y prom dress7,8 #lipping onto my !ac", staring at the white popcorn ceiling&
4;rom the Prom that yo$ didn*t attend in :arch&8
4he one, ) was gro$nded #rom attending in :arch #or ma"ing an G;* in 1istory which )
made $p magically rose into a G/,* when ) pasted li"e a 9illion pict$res o# army #ol"s !om!ing
the crap o$t o# each other in the o##icial AS -ars #rom time period o# 1@12 into present Earth
day& ) decorated li"e a ;irst 0rader with a pair o# scissors, gallons o# gl$e, and tons o# stic"y tape
into three great !ig #at note!oo"s&8 Cinta giggles sorting thro$gh my closet as ) complain (ery
so#tly, so :ama doesn*t hear with her :ama'eardr$ms& 46eah5 hat Prom, it comes only once'
per'year as a once'per'%$nior to ne(er !e repeated #or the rest o# eternity&8
46o$r parents wo$ld*(e let yo$ attended, i# yo$ didn*t go shopping with me that
Sat$rday right !e#ore the Sat$rday night*s Prom& 6o$ came home with a new pair o# riding
!oots, instead o# st$dying #or yo$r 1istory test& 6o$ lied to them, .isa& hat*s not right as child
to a parent&8 Cinta holds the dress aro$nd her waist chec"ing the #itting on her !ody& -e*re the
same height, not the same weight on their lower !ody parts, !$t the gown wo$ld compliment her
!londe hair&
) e3hale& 4) "now that, now& B$t, it was only a little #i!& :y J$nior Prom was a !ig #at
thing,8 slamming my le#t hand $p and down steady on the so#t !ed in !oth gathered #$ry and
a!sent pain while slapping my right hand (icio$sly attac"ing the growing army o# clothing along
the !edspread&
4-hy didn*t yo$ ta"e the dress !ac"<8 Cinta mo(es to the #$ll'length mirror admiring the
delicate so#t tiers o# lace !etween her hands&
4Beca$se, they don*t "now a!o$t the dress<8
Cinta swings to me& 4-hat<8 She swings !ac" to the mirror& 4=r the !etter 2$estion is+
how come yo$r :ama don*t "now a!o$t this prom dress<8
4)*m going to pretend to !$y it, #irst, then, really $se it, second #or this year #a!!y time at
my one only last Prom #or the rest o# my teen years o# my short li(ed li#e&8 ) $pright my torso
while noting her admiration o# my oldNnew Prom /ress in the mirror, then stand&
4.isa, yo$*re lying, again&8 Cinta meas$res the sweetheart line against her la(ender
!lo$se& ) slowly stand !eside her& She hands o## my dress then ret$rns to the closet&
) stand in #ront o# the mirror& 4-hate(er5 See, how pretty&8 ) wal" aro$nd in the dress
then st$m!le into the hidden presents& 4) lo(e presents&8 ) open the gi#ts #inding a new pair o#
cowgirl !oots, staring at the same colors which ) had saw in my nighttime dream with 0arth&
Cinta p$lls another clothing item #rom the closet& 4New pairs5 So pretty #rom yo$r
4) g$ess so&8 ) p$ll my soc"s on and try on the new !oots& 4Per#ect #it58 ) giggle&
4ime #or yo$r grand entrance58 Cinta scans my messy room which holds hal# o# my
closet on the !ed&
4Cinta, my !ed78 ) #inger the mess, whining&
4Let*s go&8 Cinta wal"s o$t the doorway as ) nosily e3hale then #ollow her o$t the door&
)oe -o+n. .:01pm. ) wal" with my escort, !eing the one and only /addy as we to$r
aro$nd the enclosed #o$r wooden walls greeting and meeting the #amiliar #aces that ) ha(e seen
#or many yesteryears, the hired #arm wor"ers& he #arm wor"ers come with their spo$ses and all
their children& Some o# the children ha(e grown into ad$lts with their own children&
6eah5 )*m that old& ) slowly rotate in a semi'circle "issing #emale chee"!ones, sha"ing
male hands, and tweeting "id*s noses with my #inger and th$m!, witho$t any (is$al !oogers or
sil"y r$nning snot& he $gly !oogers and green snot ma"es me t$rn towards the #loor and nosily
gag, !e#ore ) act$ally p$"e green (omit on /addy*s !oots& ) smile with my lips so wide that my
teeth grind li"e gra(el inside while we slowly promenade aro$nd the s2$are'!o3 #loor o# the
he #irst dance is with my /addy, o$r traditional !irthday #eet stomp when ) stand
$pright in my !a!y pin" cowgirl !oots at the age o# one year old& he second dance is with
/addy, again, since :ama*s lower leg cast !oot pre(ents her #rom two'stepping the night away
as the #iddles pea" at the high octa(e'c& ) swing in the right direction o# /addy*s pointy cow!oy
,#ter si3 consec$ti(e dance sessions, ta"ing twenty min$tes each, /addy*s getting short'
winded and ) get throat thirsty& he song slowly #inishes the last m$sical scale o# pretty notes
then /addy stops mo(ing his !ody then gently slaps a #atherly h$g and "issing the center o# my
#orehead li"e he*s done #or se(enteen years& 1e whispers& 41appy !irthday, .isa58
) grin with happiness and whisper !ac" into his sweaty #ace& 4han"s, /addy&8
4En%oy the rest o# yo$r party, p$mp"in&8
4) will&8 ) nod as the m$sic completely ends& he li(e m$sicians sh$##le m$sic sheets #or
the ne3t t$ne as ) rapidly escape #rom /addy mo(ing 2$ic"ly towards the old !eaten green
!e(erage cooler loo"ing #or a !eer7naw7soda& ) gra! a cold one and then !ody spin right into
the wide open arms o# 0arth& ) grin li"e the cat that has eaten all these c$te sweet'singing !irdies&
0arth grins with a goo#y smile !ac" at me, too, li"e he might "now something a!o$t that stolen
"iss, last night&
he m$sic 2$e$es the ne3t song signaling the ne3t set o# dancers as 0arth (iews the
semi'crowded #loor !$t tightens his hands aro$nd my !iceps& 1e ret$rns his !a!y !l$e eye!alls at
me, smiling& 4-ill ya two'step with me, .isa<8
46o, !oy58 ) scoot the soda across the ta!le s$r#ace, witho$t !rea"ing 0arth*s lo(ely
em!race #rom my arms& 1e shi#ts his stance sideway to my le#t while releasing his le#t hand #rom
my right arm then gently shi#ts his hand& 1e gra!s my le#t hand t$gging me across the wide #loor
towards the #ront o# the !and, which is a!o$t the only descent spot #or a co$ple to dance&
)n the c$te nic"named 4c$ddle two'step8 mane$(er, the partner co$ple holds !oth their
hands, all the time, while swinging the girl all aro$nd the g$y*s !ody "inda li"e twirling a !aton
!$t not dropping it& So the dance co$ple needs #i(e #eet width on each other o# their ri! cages to
per#orm the proper dance ro$tine which doesn*t allow #or h$ndreds o# co$ples to in(ade the #loor
space& /addy*s !arn is 2,000's2$are'#eet o# empty space incl$ding the #ood ta!les and !and
mem!ers along with the partly empty and occ$pied metal #olding chairs h$gging the walls a!o$t
si3teen dancing co$ples& Period&
0arth and ) ma"e $p co$ple n$m!er #i#teen as :r& and :rs& .$!in #loats ne3t to $s
completing the wide circle&
) stand directly in #ront o# 0arth #acing the inner circle o# the #loor slicing my eye!alls at
the other #emale dancers, hal# old #ol"s li"e /addy and hal# yo$nger #ol"s li"e me& he #iddle
pl$c"s on a constant single note g'chord as my "neecaps !end and !o$nce $p and down& ) r$!
my !eeFhind against 0arth*s !l$e %eans #eeling !oth his heated and my happy& 0arth crosses !oth
his arms aro$nd my !reasts entangling o$r arms, together, li"e #lowering (ines& 1ey5 hat*s part
o# the dance #ormation, ya*ll&
-e !oth !o$nce $p and down !ending o$r "neecaps li"e a #$n"y shaped !as"et!all
waiting on the #irst !eat o# the dr$m roll& oday*s dance, yo$ don*t $se a Caller to sho$t o$t the
step instr$ctions #or the dance mo(es, since e(ery girl and !oy are ta$ght as a child the two'step
he snare dr$m rolls while we li#t o$r arms towards the hea(ens li"e a wiggling !ig
sna"e& =$r !iceps stretch ta$nt (ertically together then ) swing my !ody !ac"wards on my right
!oot heel and #ace 0arth with a !ig smile& 1e grins with a goo#y one with o$r hands in the air
holding o$r entwined ten #inger pads with o$r open palms& ) slice my eye!alls to the right,
seeing& :y /addy and :ama !etween the shi#ting #ig$res that nicely !loc"s his (iew o# me and
0arth& ) rapidly %er" my le#t hand #rom his light gripe and tenderly tic"le his le#t ri! cage which
is per#ectly e3posed #or my girly attac"&
0arth %er"s his chest to the le#t #rom my play#$lly #$m!ling o# #i(e #inger pads& 1e
giggles li"e a #arm t$r"ey then slides !oth his Big#oot cow!oy !oots on the o$tside o# my tiny
girly !oots !loc"ing me #rom mo(ing and then sh$ttles his #ine !ody closer to my #ace, my
!reasts, and my hips& ) giggle with delight&
he #iddle screams with lines o# a'chords when 0arth drops !oth his hands aro$nd my
waist gently li#ting me a!o$t two inches #rom the #loor as my !reasts gently r$! into his chest&
1e swirls my air'!orne !ody to his right side as we entangle o$r arms and twirl aro$nd and
aro$nd #or the 4/$nlap Spin,8 where we hold hands t$rning o$r !odies !ac"wards li"e a mini'
tornado spinning on o$r !oot heels, together along with the pl$c"ing o# the #iddle string&
0arth gra!s my right hand with his le#t and my le#t hand holds his right as we slowly spin
aro$nd while he p$lls me closer into his side& ) #eel his right ri! cage to$ching mine, since he*s
tall at si3 #eet, one inches and )*m tall at #i(e #eet and eight inches ma"ing $s a good dance
co$ple& ) giggle with delight&
0arth $ses his inde3 #inger on his le#t hand tic"ling my ri! cage as ) giggle silly& ) try to
loosen any one o# my griped #inger pads, witho$t s$ccess as he smiles wic"edly and tightly holds
all my ten #inger nails along with gr$nting li"e a wild animal in my le#t eardr$m #or his
am$sement& he m$sic com!ines the #iddles and dr$ms when we stop spinning and then mo(e
#orward side !y side !$t holding hands with o$r entangled arms li"e s"ipping o(er patches o#
li(e #lowers along the #loor in a #$ll circle& 0arth $ses his strong !iceps and gently li#ts my !oots
#rom the #loor !y two inches as we glide smoothly across the #loor p$lling me into his right side&
he le#t side o# my !ody o(erlaps into his chest while ) giggle #or #$n& 1e gr$nts li"e a wo$nd
animal in my le#t eardr$m then 2$ic"ly spins $s in a tiny circle while stealing a "iss $pon my le#t
temple& he "iss is will and well hidden #rom my /addy, since we don*t see each other lips, only
each other nose pro#iles& ) giggle with #$n, !eca$se, only, the !est dance co$ples spin li"e that
within the s"ipping circle& hey*re $s$ally married and !een dancing #or many years&
-e s"ip hal# the diameter o# the circle as 0arth spins $s aro$nd #or a second time,
stealing another o# his wet slo!!er $pon my le#t chee"!one& ) giggle while we dance towards the
ne3t 2$arter mar"& 0arth swirls me #or a third time li#ting me higher towards his %aw then ) t$rn
my #ace inward #or the so daring "iss& 0arth drops his %aw way too low and then "isses my
pointy chin while we !oth giggle li"e #arm t$r"eys at the missed opport$nity& 1e 2$ic"ly lowers
me to the #loor, !e#ore /addy sees my missteps as we s"ip side !y side to o$r original positions&
he #iddles play in solo #or the ne3t c$ddle two'step mo(ement& 0arth and ) sh$##le o$r
!odies and step #orward on o$r right !oots then tap o$r le#t !oot heels twice, then we step
!ac"wards on o$r le#t !oot heel then tap o$r right !oot toes, twice& ) step on my right !oot t$rn to
the le#t side and parade my !ody aro$nd 0arth in a completed circle while he gently twirls my
right hand inside his le#t hand& 1owe(er, in the olden days o# two'step dancing women wore
these c$te wide m$ltiple tiered t$t$'loo"ing s"irts paired with their cowgirl !oots while only the
edge o# the #a!ric s"irt to$ched her g$y&
) don*t wear a m$ltiple tiered t$t$'loo"ing s"irt& ) rotate aro$nd 0arth*s !ody and the
(icio$sly slam my le#t hand against his ri! cage #or my #$n while he stands li"e a 0ree" god
stat$e and ta"es my girly a!$se& ) giggle& 0arth gr$nts e(ery time ) slap my #olded #ist into his
ta$nt m$scles going all the way aro$nd his #ine !ody $ntil )*m in my original position #or the
ne3t mo(ement&
-e c$ddle li"e sweethearts side !y side as we contin$e o$r ne3t mo(ement& 0arth lowers
his tong$e and attac"s my le#t eardr$m, saying in his se3y !aritone& 46o$*ll pay #or them pain
p$nches, darling5 ) promise, cowgirl&8
) win"& 4hem !e my lo(e taps, honey'pie& ,nd, ) wanna share some more (iolent with
ya a#ter o$r dance&8 0arth ch$c"les while ) giggle&
he #iddle pings with a c'chord #or the swinging o# yo$r dance partner& ) spin my !ody to
the right in a hal#'circle and #ace 0arth with a giggle and a smile while wrapping my right arm
aro$nd his le#t arm& -e circle and giggle in a two #$ll rotation while s"ipping li"e little "ids in
the hay #ields in one spot& hen we s$ddenly stop in o$r original position and switch the arms&
-e circle and giggle in two rotations and stop, #acing the doorway& hen we gallop #orward #i(e
#eet leading with the right #oot while stomping the coc"roaches !etween the #loor plan"s then
stomp !oth !oot soles, twice times, (ery lo$dly& -e contin$e the dance !y galloping li"e horses
#orward another #i(e #eet leading on the le#t #oot as we approach the do$!le set o# !arn doors
showing the night lights in the woodlands o# ,pollo, ,la!ama&
-e stop in place as ) spin my !ody to the right in a hal#'circle and #ace 0arth& 1e win"s
when ) giggle& ) wrap my right arm aro$nd his le#t arm as we circle in a wide radi$s& :y lead
partner twirls $s towards the doorway then we dance o$r !ody as one in ro$nding circles o$tside
into the night s"y, then aro$nd the !arn corner into the dim lighted #looding against the horse
!arn& Beca$se horses sleep standing $p with their eyelids closed and don*t need a nighty'night
dim light li"e a scary'cat child&
-e stop $nder the o(erhanging lim!s o# three trees as the !right moon pee"s !etween the
thic" !ranches& 0arth releases my arms& -e !oth !ac" step #rom each other in the 2$iet #orest&
1e leans into my #ace, whispering, 41appy !irthday, .isa&8
) drop my #ace into my chest par"ing my hands !ehind my !ac" acting slightly shy, since
this is the #irst time )*(e e(er !een alone with a !oy near my age& 0arth is eighteen years old and
)*m se(enteen today& -e !oth are in the same school and same grade, !$t don*t share the same
4clic"8 o# #riends& )*m a !and mem!er& 1e*s a %oc" on the #oot!all team&
) whisper li"e delicate !$tter#ly*s wings& 4han"s, 0arth&8
4) li"e yo$r !oots&8 0arth smiles at me then his eyelids #oc$s on my ner(o$s #eet& ) %er"
my right "neecap li"e )*m marching down the #oot!all #ield twirling my !aton, e(en with my
waist #or him to see& he delicate so#t patches o# p$rple =strich s"in aro$nd the !lac" inlays o#
the leg, when ) accidentally smac" him in the %aw line&
1e had dropped his #ace closer to the grass (iewing my !oots that were standing on the
gro$nd, then we (iolently collided&
0arth groans when ) !race my ten #inger pads aro$nd !oth his apple chee"!ones #eeling
!oth so#tness and gentleness o# his clean sha(en #ace& 4So, sorry, )*m so sorry& 6a o"ay, 0arth<
/o ya need something li"e a !$c"et o# ice c$!es or a raw piece o# stea" or a wet washcloth<8 )
act li"e ;lorence Nightingale caressing !oth his chee"!ones, which ) li"e& ) #lirt, (ery so#tly,
which ) li"e e(en more& 4)*ll get ya anything, ya "now& -hat do want, sweetheart< ,nything, )
1e releases his %aw with his hands, placing them aro$nd my sho$lders as he mo(es closer
to my #ace while ) grin and hold !oth his chee"!ones with my ten #inger pads not ready to let go
and he whispers& 4,nything, cowgirl<8
) whisper li"e delicate !$tter#ly*s wings& 4) promise, cow!oy&8 1e slowly dips his #ace
into my #ace as ) smile and part my lips #or a second "iss within a 24'ho$r period #rom the !oy
and slowly shi#t my !ody into his 'shirt while ) so#tly giggle with a girly twang& :y t$mmy #lip
#lops with in(isi!le !$tter#lies while my legs slight wo!!le li"e a toddler trying to wal" as 0arth
c$r(es his ta$nt !iceps and warm #inger pads aro$nd my sho$lders than drops his hands to my
waist p$lling me closer to his so#t lips&
hen, two strong hands swi#tly gra! !oth my sho$lders and rapidly p$ll me #rom !ehind
while ) recogni9e the la(ender per#$me and !londe loc"s tic"ling my %aw line as Cinta drags my
!eeFhind away #rom 0arth and ) whisper so#tly to the posed 2$estion& 4) will&8 0arth stands
$pright in total con#$sion with his mo$th dropped open li"e a h$nger shar" and hands e3tended
o$t towards me while ) snort in angry twisting my !ody e(en with her gate padding !ac" into the
Cinta whispers into my le#t eardr$m& 46o$r /addy*s calling yo$r name, wondering& -hy
ya o$t wandering some place else, instead o# two'stepping with all the yo$ng !$c"s, li"e ya did
last year at yo$r si3teenth !irthday party within his eagle eyesight< 1ot dangling, girl'!est5
6o$*re l$c"y that yo$r :ama is maimed with a !$m #eet or78
4/addy78 ) whisper li"e delicate !$tter#ly*s wings&
Cinta releases my sho$lders as we wal" li"e two reg$lar teens nearing the door& She says&
4)t*s time to c$t yo$r !ig !irthday ca"e, .isa&8
) po$t my lips, c$te'li"e, swishing my long hair and di99y head at 0arth, who trails, not
to close !ehind o$r !oot soles& -e enter the !arn& ) whisper, 4;iddlestic"s5 J$st when it was
a!o$t to get good&8 ) smile li"e a !ea$ty 2$een and wa(e my right hand li"e a 1ollywood starlet
as ) slowly pad towards the center o# the !arn #loor that holds a s2$are ta!le with a !ig tall ca"e& )
pose !eside the !irthday ta!le& :y :ama stands in /addy*s arms and&
/addy yells in tenor& 4Sing on three& =ne& wo& hree&8
"Happy birthday to you',& the m$sical (oices !lend lo(ingly #or the start o# the song& )
hold the long sharp sil(er "ni#e with all ten #inger pads li"e an $nidenti#ied serial "iller with a
goo#y grin on my #ace in #ront o# the !ottom tier o# my !irthday and st$dy the #o$r'tiered ca"e
where the top layer holds se(enteen #laming red and !l$e #ire o# lighted solid white wa3 candles
that wet on the white icing and isn*t eaten since #ol"s don*t want to taste hot candle wa3 or my
wet mo$th spit& he rest o# the ca"e decorates in tightly !$nched single pods o# !$tter crEme
!right la(ender roses !$ds wrapped in tiny (i(id green !$tter crEme (ine lea(es slapped !y the
hands o# three'year old children in a weirdo pattern against the delicate pretty p$re white !$tter
crEme icing all o(er di##erent angles o# the ca"e li"e someone #ailed their 0eometry test as )
giggle with a girly twang d$ring the 1appy Birthday Song& he on'"ey and o##'"ey m$sical
(oices end and ) gently !lew only air not particles o# #ood or mo$th spit along the se(enteen
#lames which are not tric"ed candles since my parents are7way too serio$s a!o$t e(erything in
li#e #or them to s$ddenly try to ta$nt me with !irthday h$mor as ) wish they wo$ld sometimes&
he candle #lames slowly e3ting$ish into tiny white pillars o# thin smo"e stac"s while the
;arm Ba"er that !a"ed and designed my lo(ely ca"e 2$ic"ly slices the top le(el o# ca"e and
icing li"e whac"ing the #eathered nec" o# a downed hen chic"en which ) ha(e honestly
witnessed7&way too many times since this is a #arm town with real cows, chic"ens, hogs,
peacoc"s, goats, dogs, cats, and other #o$r legged mammals&
) gently attac" the icing with the %agged teeth o# the "ni#e !eca$se this is my !irthday
party and :ama started this st$pid tradition when ) was #o$r years old and co$ld hold the "ni#e
witho$t endangering her or me as ) deeply p$sh the sharp !lade into the so#t ca"e down to the
#oiled'co(er hardwood that holds a #i#teen po$nd sweet monster o# #lo$r, s$gar, and eggs then
the ;arm Ba"er remo(es the #irst piece #rom my art wor" handing o## to me since )*m 4Princess
#or the /ay&8 he paid #arm wor"ers cheer, la$gh, and h$m as ) cons$me the #irst !ig !ite o# the
#irst !ig piece o# ca"e while the icing coats !oth my lips& ) smile li"e a three'year old toddler as
the paid sta## clap li"e clowns&
) mo(e #rom the ca"e when the ;arm Ba"er ta"es o(er, slicing and stac"ing e(enly
geometric shapes li"e she passed her 0eometry class in 1igh School $pon the ro$nd la(ender'
colored paper plates #or the rest o# the attendees& ) p$rpose#$lly pic" o$t o# the crowded #loor the
selected male and sh$##le my new !oot toes towards 0arth while smiling li"e a !ea$ty 2$een and
giggling li"e a !a!y toddler& 1e stands !etween two o# his !rothers la$ghing and ch$c"ling at a
co$ntry hic" %o"e& ) plant my !ody right in #ront o# his sil(er !elt !$c"le that matches the item in
my !oth my #antasy day dreams& 1e won that !$c"le in the one o# many .odeos near
:ontgomery, li(ing on the o$ts"irts o# the !ig :etro City&
he !rothers !$mp their pointy el!ows into 0arth*s ri! cage #or my attention as he #olds
!oth his hands o(er his in%$red ri! cage #rom the (iolent p$nch& hen the three rednec"s giggle
li"e t$r"eys& 0arth smiles and stares e3cl$si(ely at me and the other $n'welcomed g$ests swi#tly
shi#t their !oot soles in the opposite direction lea(ing $s7me and 0arth alone against the wall
intersection in the northeast corner o# the !arn as ) nec" snap my s"$ll scanning #or my /addy
who protecti(ely sits with my :ama clear across the !arn #looring near the lo#t which occ$pies
the so$thwest corner o# the !ig !arn&
) swing my #ace to 0arth, seeing& , golden colored inde3 #inger stri"e my $pper lip with
a gently tap& 0arth rapidly holds his #inger in thic" goo o# la(ender !$tter crEme !irthday ca"e
icing, smiles at me, 2$ic"ly places that decorated #inger !etween his parted pin" lips& ) stare in
total shoc" while my t$mmy %$mps into my empty throat and twirls li"e a (iolent tornado while
stopping my (itally important !reathe o# air molec$les& ) (iolently co$gh #rom the s$icidal
cho"ing when 0arth 2$ic"ly remo(es his wet inde3 #inger #rom his l$scio$s so#t pin" lips and
places all ten #inger pads o# his digits on my collar !one, steadying my co$ghing and my
#ainting& Golly.
1e in2$ires& 46a o"ay, .isa<8
) nosily clear my throat o# the in(isi!le tornado and sing in piccolo m$sic& 46eah&8 hen,
) giggle with silliness, since my !rain cells can*t operate& B$t, my heart is !anging o$t o# my
chest while my hands are sweating and p$rr li"e a new!orn "itten& 46o$<8
"#isa-& ) twist my s"$ll o(er my right collar !one at my name #rom the o!no3io$s tenor
caller, seeing& /addy holds a shotg$n $pright on his le#t hip, motioning me with his #ree right
hand& ) (iew 0arth, who stands !$ll'#rog eye!alled with an open mo$th& 1is hands wai(er
slightly li"e he*s !eing thie#'ro!!ed #or his wallet o# money then slowly !ac" steps #rom me&
) swing my head and my !ody, not at the same time while closely glancing my gri##in'
li"e my swan nec" at 0arth, my (ery #irst !ea$ $ntil /addy displayed that dang shotg$n on his
person& ) !ris"ly pace towards /addy with a set o# dead pan straight lips, since )*m emotionally
con#$sed !etween $pset, happy, sad, glad, mad, and relie(ed that 0arth isn*t dead& ,nd, )*m
pissed that ) won*t get another sweet "iss, tonight, in addition ha(ing to start the co$rtship
process #rom s2$are one&
/addy holds o$t his right hand #or me to !$g h$g his #it waist then he direct points the
shotg$n at the !ig !o3 wrapped in many sheets o# (ario$s colored la(ender& Someone completely
has emptied the Lo':art aisle o# all the colored la(ender7>my #a(or color?7gi#ting paper& )
smile !rightly then whisper into /addy*s #ace& 4he g$n<8
4Not loaded with any !$llets& ) g$ess some !ody le#t it near the oats #eeding !in& ) didn*t
want one o# the "ids to gra! !y mista"e, !$t its ma"es #or a great prop& .ight, p$mp"in<8 /addy
ch$c"les in !oth his ro$gh h$s"y la$gh and sic"'o h$mor& ) c$t eye!alls at 0arth, who has
mo(ed pretty m$ch o$t o# my (iewing range&
) h$g /addy*s waistline& 46eah, /addy, great prop58 ) (iew the !ig #rea"ing B*day
present #or me meas$ring eight'#eet high !y ten'#eet long and si3'#eet wide as my !rain cells go
!lan" a!o$t my B*day gi#t&
40o #or it58 :ama yells li"e a cheerleader, !eing an ancient one in 1igh School& she
slowly clops !eside /addy on her leg cast while holding a pi"e a3e !etween her ten #inger pads
then presents that weapon to me as ) smile and 2$ic"ly gra! the item with two palms since an a3e
weighs #o$rteen po$nds as ) stomp towards the !o3 noticing that the paper is not a tradition
wrapped presentation !$t some type o# delicate #orm o# Paper :ache which is composed o# the
la(ender ripped pieces o# tho$sands o# paper strips gl$ed together !y hand creating my delicate
pac"ing o(er my present&
) nec" snap my #ace at :ama, smiling sweetly and nodding my s"$ll since this too"
ho$rs may!e days o# her precio$s time #rom her precio$s #arm along with si3teen helping hands
o# some o# the #arm wor"ers to create this lo(ingly art wor" placed o(er my real present as )
!eside my !ody sideways at the side wall taller than me o# the monster gi#t then rear !ac" the
pi"e a3e o(er my le#t sho$lder !lade !eing a dominant right'hand talent holding my !reathe and
(icio$sly slam the sharp point into the wea" wall ma"ing a small hole& hen, ) (iolently %er"
!ac" the a3e part o# the so#t wall hangs onto the tool and parts o# it #all $pon the #looring then )
re'coc" my arms, hold my !reathe and #erocio$sly swing a second !igger opening into the wall
more pieces #all to the gro$nd while the wea" !o3 sha"es side to side&
/addy calls o$t& 4ear it down, !oys58 he yo$nger g$ests o# pre'teens along with the
e3cited teens7>mostly males?7race to the !o3 with e3tended #inger nails clawing and tearing
the so#t material which #inally e3poses my !irthday gi#t as we !ac" step and admire the strange
4,K&8 ) whisper then swing my !ody, smiling with delight& 46a get me an ,K,
0arth impresses me, #irst, with a great !ig smile, win"ing at me& 4Painted in !right
la(ender on the metal engine hood along with the #o$r wheel #enders, loo"ing pretty li"e .isa&8
4B$ilt yo$r own ,K site on the )nternet, !oys&8 /addy smiles, nodding with his
awesome s$rprise #or his lo(ing child&
4, side !y side with two seats and a steering wheel, ) want one, :ama&8 Konnie S$e
!o$nces on her toes, #ingering my cool girly machine, 47in pin"& ) want my ,K in pin" metal,
4-ow5 ,n o## roader58 Bo!!y Joe and Bo!!y Joe*s r$de 6an"ee manners gallops to the
opposite side, tenderly patting the roo# li"e a ner(o$s stallion& 1e narrates& 4)t tra(els on low'
press$re tires7>"ic"s the #ront tire?7ya !e sitting pretty, .isa7>slides into the dri(er*s seat and
taps the horn?& *//0 *//0 4, red steering wheel7&>to$ches?7&8 Birthday g$ests giggle and
clap at silly Bo!!y Joe&
Billy Jac" acts li"e a showcase model, to$ching each !ody part on the car li"e a rednec"&
4Loo"y, a #ront !r$sh7&g$ard7>"ic"s it with his !oot toe?7&and a sissy colored la(ender
engine hood well, ) g$ess ) can !e seem !ehind that7and prison %ail g$ard protectors o(er the
headlights& hat*s good thin"ing, /addy since .isa can*t dri(e worth sh78
4Billy Jac"7,8 0arth slams Billy Jac"*s arm&
Bo!!y Joe inspects& 4here*s a set o# g$ard protectors o(er the tail lights, too along with
a rear !r$sh g$ard %$st in case o# mo(ing thorny !$shes that happens to wander into .isa*s racing
path& 1ey, there*s a license plate that reads, .)S,& So cool58
Billy Jac" still declares e3amining parts o# the ,K& 4-ell, she can*t& S$n top and side
mirrors #or !ac"ing into the garage doors which .isa did her Charger&8
/addy loo"s at me as ) to$ch the roo# o# my new !irthday present& 4-hat does Billy Jac"
mean, .isa<8
4Billy Jac"5<8 Cinta p$nches his arm then smir"s wic"edly at him&
Bo!!y Joe slides into the dri(er*s seat& 4Chec" this o$t5 here*s a g$n mo$nt !etween the
steering col$mn and installed !a!y glo(e compartment #or yo$r shotg$n while "illing them
leaping deer whilst listening to yo$r #a(orite co$ntry song on the em!edded satellite radio along
with a holder #or yo$r cold !eer78
46o$r what, yo$ng man<8 /addy in2$ires rising his eye!row, le#t then lays the shotg$n
across his sho$lder&
4, #lashlight holder, wind de#lector, and a rear window along with !ed rails sec$ring that
the hay !ales don*t #all o## the roader&8 Billy Jac" to$ches that part o# the ,K&
Bo!!y Joe reads the paper man$al& 4:an, listen to these stats& Bed capacity is 400
po$nds and #$el holds D&B gallons&8
4)t co(ers D0 miles o# #lat terrain with its D&B gallon tan", .isa&8 /addy smiles as ) nod
tenderly to$ching my new toy&
Billy Jac" anno$nces to the world o# earthlings, witho$t loo"ing at me& 4hat*s a!o$t
#rom here tra(eling aro$nd yo$r #arm a!o$t #o$r times so*s ya don*t r$n o$t o# gasoline li"e last
ya did last s$mmer, remem!er, Bo!!y Joe, we were sent to resc$e .isa who co(ered in sweat
!ees7and horse shit&8 Lo$d t$r"ey la$ghter echoes to the !arn lo#t&
4M0 ponies with speeds $pwards to L0 :P1, !oys7,8 d$mps Bo!!y Joe reading the
4hat translates #or .isa to a ma3im$m speed cr$ising speed o# 20 :P17only7on #lat
terrain7only and m$ch less o(er hilltops&8 /addy orders&
46es, sir&8 ) o!ey&
Bo!!y Joe anno$nces& 4he gro$nd clearance is twel(e inches&
Billy Jac" p$nches my !ac" m$scles and holds his right palm #rom the #looring and
e3plains& 47a!o$t this high, .isa, since yo$ can*t math properly or pass 0eometry on the #irst
try, one #oot& So, don*t go %$mping o(er green !ean pods, !eca$se that*s o(er twel(e inches,
darling& ,nd, this !a!y won*t ma"e it&8
4Can tow $p to 1212 po$nds7,8 Bo!!y Joe #lips the man$al #or more data&
Billy Jac" places his hand on a chin, 41mm5 hat*s only si3 s"inny de#ensi(e linemen&
hat*s not a lot o# po$ndage #or $s, men&8
4) only see rednec"s little !oys& -here*s the men<8 Cinta smiles at Billy .ay&
1e (iews me, nodding& 4Let*s see5 here*s .isa, the !irthday girl, me, Bo!!y Joe, and
/a(y .ay pl$s 0arth& hat*s a total o# a!o$t 1100'po$nds& So, we !e at ma3, ya*ll&8
4-or"s #or me58 /a(y .ay sits his !eeFhind inside the tr$n" as his legs drag on the !arn
#looring, while the ,K*s metal s$spension groans in pain&
Billy Jac" commands, snorting li"e wild !oar& 4-ell5 1op on, !oys5 Let*s go #or a sweet
ride5 Cran" $p the motor, Bo!!y Joe&8 Bo!!y Joe t$rns the ignition "ey as the !irthday g$ests
2$ic"ly dance on !oots #rom the roaring engine and the o(erloaded ,K& wo rednec"s sit in the
#orward seats and two more c$ddle inside tr$n" compartment, which $s$ally holds piles o#
chopped #irewor" or light camping e2$ipment as %$ngle cat la$ghter !o$nces o## the ceiling !ac"
down to the eardr$ms as Billy Jac" calls& 4$rn on the headlights5 Let*s see, i# #ind them #emale
does& 6ee'haw58 ) giggle with silliness as /addy slowly %ogs o$t the !arn doors watching the
co$ntry hic"s wrec" my !irthday present&
S#nday. morning. November 10th. Ch#rch. Cedar 1oad. !:0,am. ) slo mo pad #rom
the tr$c" !ehind :ama and /addy towards the ch$rch doors which stand open since the air
conditioning isn*t needed #or the cool morning temperat$res o# late ,$t$mn while we arri(e last
as $s$al !eca$se :ama needs to #eed her #a(ored stallion !e#ore she lea(es the #arm while
te3ting Cinta on my cell phone !e#ore !rea"#ast, a#ter !rea"#ast and the ride o(er #rom !rea"#ast&
) stomp care#$lly each !oot toe ens$ring ) don*t trip and #all and !rea" my cell phone !eca$se it
will die #irst !e#ore my c$te !$tton nose slams into the polished hardwood #loor o# the Anited
:ethodist Ch$rch in ,pollo, ,la!ama o## Cedar .oad near Bo!!y Joe and Billy Jac"*s #arm
creating a p$ddle o# y$c"y red !lood while wearing my old la(ender cotton %$mper paired with a
white short slee(ed so#t cotton 'shirt and my new la(ender and !lac" cowgirl !oots& Beca$se
:ama li"e to preach to me that ,lmighty 0od wants $s nicely dressed #or 1)S ser(ice in 1)S
ho$se so ) #aith#$lly o!ey my :ama and my ,lmighty 0od as stated in en Commandment
n$m!er #i(e as ) giggle with a girly twang&
) li#t my eye!alls 2$ic" eno$gh to smile at Cinta who sits and wa(es her #i(e #inger pads
2$ic"ly in the last row o# the pew !enches on the right side o# the ch$rch a$ditori$m which holds
precisely 100 #ol"s while ) t$rn sharply to the le#t ass$ming my assigned seat along the last
1$nter green (el(eteen padded pew row on the le#t side as Preacher'man soldierly stands !ehind
the wooden podi$m in #ront o# the ch$rch holding with !oth palms o(er the !ig torn !rown
leather !o$nd he 1oly Bi!le in #ront o# his !l$e and !lac" #lannel cow!oy shirt& 1e nods his
s"$ll, once at his wi#e who plays her ten #inger pads on the small $pright piano while we stand7
well ) contin$e to stand& -e*re late as the song elegantly #an#ares into the g'chord o# the gospel
song, 4,ma9ing 0race8 $sed e(ery S$nday morning to than" "indly e(ery one ,pollonian
attending the Ch$rch on Cedar .oad&
:ama taps on my cell& ) store it inside my dress poc"et part o# the reason that ) wear this
partic$lar old #ashioned an"le'length #roc" #or the color o# la(ender and hiding my cell d$ring
ch$rch preaching so ) can read Cinta*s te3ts while ) $pright my sho$lder !lades into my tallness
o# #i(e #eet and eight inches li"e a good girl, staring at Preacher'man who*s settling into the
podi$m laying o$t his preaching notes along with opening his Bi!le to the S$nday lesson #or
today as ) so#tly sing on'"ey& ) slice my eye!alls right at the pretty stained and c$t glass windows
that narrate some type o# Bi!le moment then c$t my eyelashes to the right where there stands
more windows that !loc" the pretty s$nrays into the ch$rch wondering i# the old #arts "now that
wo$ld happen in 1@1B when the clay !ric" was #irst !a"ed and laid into the !rown soil&
he windows pretty in (i(id colors o# !old reds, greens, !l$es, yellows, oranges and
may!e a to$ch o# gold !$t it ma"es the a$ditori$m loo" and #eel dar" since this is s$pposed to
the ho$se o# ,lmighty 0od, not a creepy 1ollywood mo(ie set& ) sing ro$nding my eye!alls to
the !ea$ti#$lly arched cathedral ceiling that ) !et no !ody has cleaned, since 1@1B, then arch my
!ac" m$scles snea"ing my s"$ll !ac"wards to pee"'a'!oo at Cinta and see 0arth, who*s smiles
and nods his s"$ll, once at me& ) giggle and grin not wanting to alert :ama to any distress& So, he
isn*t a chic"en shit o# my /addy as ) slowly mo(e my head !ac" in the d$c"ling line'$p then
pace my eye!alls down each row o# #ol"s on the right that ma"es $p the entire #amily tree o#
-ar#ields& ) see that e(ery single space is occ$pied with sho$lders and s"$lls all the way to the
#irst row as ) stand on my tippy toes with the new re(elation as ) li#t my eye!alls to the #loor&
:ama e3plained to me the partic$lar ch$rch tradition was #ormed !y a silly seating
arrangement inside my little ch$rch since all the -ar#ield clan occ$pies e(ery single space on si3
!enches on the right side o# the a$ditori$m con#irmed !y my eyesight with :r& and :rs&
-ar#ield on the aisle seating& Se(ens sons and one da$ghter sit and stare at the preacher'man on
the last row& he other -ar#ield*s co$sins along with their a$nts and $ncles occ$py the other #i(e
rows with their matriarch 0randma and 0randpa -ar#ield7>that*s their names?7slap da! in the
middle row as 0randpa li"es to hang his el!ow on the arm rest&
) sh$##le my eye!alls to the #irst row on the le#t side that holds the entire ,ctworth clan
that li(es in ,pollo along with their wheelchairs which occ$py twice the !ody space o# a reg$lar
person holding #i(e wheelchairs on each row !eca$se the !enches ha(e !een remo(ed allowing
#or the do$!le'wide space& ) don*t ha(e to stand on my tippy toes since ) can clearly see the rear
o# Bec"*s s"$ll in the third row right !eside his :ama*s wheelchair with his /addy g$ards the
open aisle& )n #ront o# Bec" are his si3 !rothers and their wi(es who li(e in a wheelchair, too&
,nd, !ehind Bec"*s hair cowlic" are three more rows o# Bec"*s a$nts, $ncles, and co$sins with
!oth his grandparents occ$pying the #o$rth row as ) swing my eyelashes parallel to the ,ctworth
#o$rth row which is slightly right across #rom -ar#ield grandparents on the right as ) ponder the
intrig$ing #acts& ,ll the ,ctworth clan li(e inside wheelchairs which ) was told that they all
possessed the degenerating m$sc$lar disease in their legs ma"ing me wonder why :rs& ,ctworth
who carries the same /N, gene that cripples her wo$ld want to pass that medical condition
along to another generation& ) can $nderstand :r& and :rs& ,ctworth desiring one !iological
child !$t they had se(en sons as ) !ow my head thro$gh the prayer and a$tomatically 2$ote #rom
my long term memory the Lord*s Prayer&
) sit a#ter the praying while Preacher'man starts his !oring sermon o# something in
:atthew n$m!er something inside chapter n$m!er something while ) pee"'a'!oo the cell #rom
my poc"et a#ter #eeling the (i!ration on my hip #rom Cinta*s te3ting and read&
-o yo# need he(p +ith home+or%2
) te3t& 3es.
"eet me at the cree% bottom in the 4T5 and dont 6orget the boo%. Cinta te3ts&
) giggle then :ama pops her pointy el!ow into my right !icep while ) sh$t down the cell
or she*s act li"e a real :ama and gra!s my phone #rom my hand which she has done in the past&
)*ll !e glad when her leg has healed ma"ing her a nicer person&
) li#t my chin #rom my lap staring at Preacher'man as he mo(es his arms and #ingers then
ponder how the entire clan ac2$ired the disease since )*m not a physician and don*t plan to
!ecome one act$ally ) don*t plan to !ecome nothing !$t a #armer as ) so#tly giggle then wonder i#
there*s c$re !eing de(eloped with the newer medical research !$t Bec" told me that plans to !e a
doctor #or that (ery reason as ) %iggle my n$m! !$tthole on the o(erst$##ed (el(eteen padded
!ench& ) #eel the (i!ration again inside my poc"et !$t dare not e3pose my cell as ) slowly lean
my torso down to eye!all Cinta who*s doing the same mo(ement presenting d$c" lips, $gly
gi(ing her the (is$al signal, -ont te7t.
Cinta nods her head as ) slam my sho$lder !lades !ac" into the hard wood #eeling e3cited
a!o$t dri(ing my new ,K #or the #irst time which ) co$ld do this morning since ) awo"e !e#ore
se(en o$t o# total e3citement and dressed in %eans stomping down the steps $pon meeting :ama
and /addy sitting aro$nd and drin"ing a c$p o# co##ee as my mo$th opened li"e a h$nger shar"&
/addy silently sha"es his head while reading my wic"ed teen*s tho$ghts which parents
seem to !e a!le to do witho$t ya #ig$ring o$t how so ) spent #irst #i#teen min$tes reli(ing the
#amo$s moments o# my !irthday party7last night that :ama and /addy li"e to share #or some
weird reason with me since ) was present always thin"ing this is their last !irthday gala with me
on Planet Earth& he ne3t #i#teen min$tes with /addy*s lect$re on ,K care, maintenance, and
dri(ing r$les as ) roll the words on the top o# my gray matter&
/addy starts& 4/ri(ing an ,K is di## #rom steering a car or motorcycle& his model is a
sports $tility #or o$t!ac" among the #lat or rolling hills #or #$n riding& )t does ha(e some good
ha$ling capacity to tote #irewood or hay !ales (ia the operator*s man$al !$t yo$ are $nder no
circ$mstances to dri(e li"e them rednec"s did last night still ya can h$rt or "ill someone
incl$ding yo$rsel#, $nderstand, .isa<8 hat*s the c$e to tal" when as"ed a single 2$estion !y an
elder a$thority as ) nod my s"$ll, once&
46es, sir&8 ) 2$ote #ondly #or !oth lo(e and respect o# my !iological parents&
/addy contin$es& 4his model is not designed #or mo$ntaino$s $ne(en terrain and l$c"y
we don*t ha(e any mo$ntains here7>ch$c"les?7the little cart has lots o# new s$spension tra(el,
good load !earings and lots o# p$lling capacity& ) "now these #$nny words don*t mean m$ch !$t
it translates into a (ery important smooth ride #or yo$r delicate !ody along o$r #arm land, not to
!e $sed #or any reason or e3c$se on the p$!lic roadways not e(en !etween o$r ho$se and
Cinta*s, do ) ma"e my words clear<8
46es, sir&8 ) 2$ote #or a second time #or a second moment o# lo(e and respect&
/addy ends with a smile& 40ood& he ,K (ehicles are "nown to !e hard on yo$r !ac"
ca$sing sometimes spine damage or !one %arring ride on yo$r !eeFhind& /o these words ring a
!ell, .isa<8
46es, sir&8 ) 2$ote stomping my !oots #rom the !rea"#ast chair then stomp o$t the "itchen
while stomping nosily $p the stairs, down the hallway, into my room and changing into my
S$nday dress&
) #eel the (i!ration inside my poc"et as Cinta te3ts me, again& ) don*t react t$rning o## my
mind o# Cinta*s distress and pondering Bec"*s $pcoming distress thin"ing how to sa(e him #rom
h$miliation on Novena Festiva(& here are a #ew options a(aila!le to me #or replacing Lara Lee
whom ) don*t really li"e and am not e(en #riends with that incl$de a? as" her to step down7!?
!eat the shit o$t o# her #ace7c? "ill her and hide the !ody& ) giggle with am$sement the odd
direction that my !rain #$nctions #or !ecoming the newest serial "iller in the AS,&
) li"e the last option, C landing me in %ail or some other place, not nice and co9y with a
set o# ten #l$##y marshmallows dancing on top o# my hot chocolate !e(erage that :ama ser(es to
me at Brea"#ast& ) 2$ic"ly eliminated that option& ) can $tili9e option, B, !eca$se ) can !eat the
crap o$t o# Lara Lee& ) did in the hird'grade when she p$shed me o## the see'saw pad when my
!eeFhind was com#orta!ly seating& hen, ) soc"ed'it'to'her !y way o# a !lac"ened her le#t eye
soc"et with my e3pert #ighting right #olded #ist as ta$ght !y my /addy, mar"ing o$r permanent
warship7>get it, not #riendship?7&#ore(erly&
) will !e a w$ssie !a!y and as" her to step down as 1ar(est Empress& hat*s the sa#ety
and most logical option which will !e7not easy7i# Cinta*s hot gossip is tr$e and my entire
Senior classmates are inside traders o# the ho"es& ) m$st #ight #ig$rati(ely with some other 4@
#aces o# !lac"ened eye soc"ets& ) slowly lean my torso #orward and pee"'a'!oo at 0arth since he
li"es me and wants to "iss me, again& 1e might !e a good alley #or me and might e(en threaten
Lara Lee i# my sweet iced tea charm can*t mi3 with her tart tea lea#s& ) giggle so#tly listening to
the !oring preacher'man&
ati((o Farm. atio. 1:23pm. /addy #ollows me o$tside padding towards the !arn where
we "eep my new toy, instr$cting& 46a go no more then 20 miles'per'ho$r on #lat soil, i# ya hit a
hill lots more slower, girl& ="ay<8 ) h$g /addy then he swings towards the o$tdoors&
) pace my !oot toes o$t the !arn doors while ) smile with an e(il grin to$ching the
la(ender painted engine hood with my right inde3 #inger then trac" the smooth metal that /addy
cleaned #or me right a#ter S$nday preaching since that cow!oys get dirt and m$d $pon my new
) trace my right inde3 #inger to the edge o# the metal then #ollow it with my eye!alls
lining the tire #ender o# the le#t #ront wheel then wal" aro$nd then raise my #inger #eeling the
smooth metal o# the la(ender door then stop my hand at the door handle gently s2$ee9ing the
hard plastic li"e popping a 9it as the latch crac"s open& ) slowly open the door as the !ree9e
catches the light weight metal teasing it sh$t then ) %er" it with my girly m$scles while the metal
mice s2$ea"s #$lly open& ) slide my #olded !ody into the cool la(ender and cold leather seats that
match the o$tside paint %o! slamming the door sh$t and loc"ing it tight, since /addy reminded
me to do that a!o$t 1,000 time then slap my ten #inger pads onto the ro$nd steering wheel
caressing $p and down aro$nd the to$gh leather that paints !lac" cold leather grinning with a
wic"ed smile&
) ease my right hand to the small ignition switch which is ro$nded sil(er with a hanging
sil(er plated galloping horse, since we are a horse and cow ranch& ) giggle with a girly twang at
my /addy*s lo(e #or me then twist the "ey #orward& hose #i#ty'ponies inside the engine roar
li"e tiny mo$ntain c$!s while ) grin with a wic"ed smile& ) press the gas pedal witho$t mo(ing
the stic" into 4/8 to let the ponies rear and roar then release the pedal %er"ing into #irst gear #or
my #irst pleas$re ride in my pleas$re roadster witho$t the road as ) snort li"e a wild !oar& ) s$c"
the motorcycle helmet o(er my long !r$shy hair sec$ring the tiny strip $nder my chin then grin
and p$tt'p$tt li"e a crawling !a!y o$t the wide do$!le set o# !arn doors into the !right s$nshine
light t$rning to the right as ) pad on the #lat soil towards the horse past$re&
) slowly ch$g my way $p a small hillside !y pressing the gas pedal as ) #eel the engine
roar li"e a %$ngle cat while h$nting its prey !$t /addy still watches !y his spying !inoc$lars as
my !ac" m$scles ting with e3treme ca$tion& ) enco$nter my #irst tr$e trail o!stacle a patch o#
plowed $p #ield which shows rows o# !$tton nose'li"e dirt in a (ertical direction #rom my
hori9ontal pathway as ) hit the #irst dirt pile at 1M :P1 then the wheels act$ally !o$nce one'at'a'
time $p into the air li"e a rearing pony with the right #ront $p then down while the le#t passenger
tire soars $p then down then the le#t !ac" tire li#ts $p then down !ringing in the right !ac" tire $p
then down as ) !o$nce li"e loose set o# !as"et!all released #rom the !arrel while my open !ottle
o# soda wiggles and spills into the holder& ) slow the engine down to M :P1 !$t it*s still a ro$gh
go with tiny ant'li"e mo$ntains o# plowed #ield !e#ore ) reach the grass plane&
he #o$r tires !o$nce my inners loose #rom the tiss$e walls& -ell, it #elt li"e it& he
passenger !ac" tire rolls onto the #lat gro$nd then release my we!!ing o(er my precio$s !ody
and ) "ic" it into the ma3im$m possi!le speed li"e a cheetah while ) $pright my torso o(er the
steering wheel col$mn while planting my le#t !oot #irmly inside the low #loor!oard !ending at
the "neecap& ) stomp my right !oot sole pressing the gas pedal all the way to the #loor as the
aerodynamic wind created !y the me #erocio$sly !lows thro$gh my nose g$ard whac"ing
pain#$lly li"e #ighter %et e3ha$st on my e3posed eye!alls, mo$th and lips thin"ing ) need to carry
aro$nd a pair o# s$nglasses and a %ar o# Kaseline !eca$se my lips are going to !e red and raw #or
a little while& ) 2$ic"ly glance with my eye!alls at the speed'o'meter seeing that the little red
needle str$ggles to reach that M0 :P1 mar" since ) #ight drag $pon the ro$gh !$mpy grass and
"noc" a #ew limestone roc"s o$t o# my pathway so ) press with a hea(y #oot #or more power as
the little engine roaring li"e a capt$red lion #or my (ictory lap&
) hit the property line clearing the !$sted #ence post, witho$t #ear or damage sailing down
the hill with inertia as ) easy my !oot o## the pedal then r$n into the soggy cree" !ottom that*s
!e#ore o$r rende9(o$s point at the picnic ta!le when the #ront tires hits the m$d sorta stalls !$t
p$tts and slides the ,K to the le#t o$t o# control as my right ri! cage and !reast hits the wheel
when my le#t hip hits the door "eeping me inside the (ehicle which is wonder#$l since )*(e ha(e
e3plain why )*m co(ered in !rown m$d with a red !loody nose on my #irst o$ting at C0 :P1 or
) swi#tly #all into the leather seat and 2$ic"ly compensate the twirling transport !y t$rning
the st$!!orn steering col$mn to the right with de#eat as the ,K slides in a completely rotation
witho$t any gas to the motor while ) catch my !reathing and slow my rapid heart !eating #rom
the scary impact and thrilling e3citement o# o##'roading as ) giggle with a girly twang&
) nosily inhale then slowly e3hale with a calm heart rate and normal p$lse then gently tap
on one #lic" o# the gas pedal as the tor2$e p$lls the tires into the so$th direction $ntil ) cross the
#i(e #eet wide soggy m$d then ) gingerly press the gas pedal (ent$ring towards two #ig$res that
wa(e and stand !eside the picnic ta!le&
) meet and greet Cinta with a #a"e smile and a sore !eeFhindie as ) sorta slow then halt
the ,K par"ing right !eside the hand'cra#ted =a" wooden rectang$lar picnic ta!le that holds
#i(e people on each long !ench and two people on the shorter !ench which can eat #o$rteen sets
o# mo$ths since the -ar#ield #amily is !ig& he picnic ta!le lo$nges o$tside the tiny )ndian h$t
!$t entirely hollowed and ma"e #rom wood sta(es o$tside and inside instead o# animal s"in with
a wooden #loor #or sleeping or something more #$n that locates on their property line at the #ar
so$theastern corner o# o$r #arm& ) remo(e my helmet #irst laying inside the passenger seat while
0arth #ingers the s"y to$ching the e2$ipment& 4he s$n*s the ne3t nearest o!%ect
BC,LBB,4M4 miles #rom $s& J$st to the le#t o# the s$n, we see the planet o# :erc$ry in the northern
hemisphere, which is a third o# the s$n*s distance #rom $s& , !it #$rther to the le#t is Sat$rn,
c$rrently (isi!le low in the western s"y %$st a#ter s$nset, i# yo$ are interested starga9er& =## to
the right o# the s$n in the northern hemisphere are the planets o# :ars and J$piter, (isi!le in the
morning s"y, %$st !e#ore s$nrise,8 t$rning to me& 4) !et it*s a pl$sh ride,8 mo(es #rom his solider
stance loo"ing at the toy not me&
4Pl$sh&8 ) lie, since the ride is ro$gh on my !ody !o$ncing my %aw line and !ones into
rattling #aster then a sna"e tail, thin"ing& )*ll wear more pillow'type padding aro$nd my !$tthole
and $pper thighs&
4Let*s ride, now&8 Cinta gallops li"e a horse to the other side o# the door&
40arth gets to entertain himsel#, #irst, while we #inish my homewor"<8 ) o##er !eca$se )
plan to e3tort a "iss or two #rom that ride as 0arth eye!alls the ,K !o!!ing his s"$ll li"e a
#arm pony while ) sway my !ody side to side hoping #or his same mo$th drool which will !e
later on my lips& 0arth #olds his tallness into the dri(er*s seat patting the console and wheel li"e a
li(e sna"e with a !ig goo#y smile then cran"s the engine as he slowly p$tt'p$tts towards one o#
the wor" wood shreds that ho$ses cans o# #ood and !ottles o# water #or any type o# woodlands
ad(ent$re or h$nting trip d$ring the proper season&
) !o! my s"$ll $p and down li"e a #airy princess and order& 4Loo", ya do these pro!lems
then yo$ can dri(e it !ac" and )*ll ta"e ya home& ,greed<8
Cinta sings in alto clarinet& 4Agh7that*s !lac"mail, .isa&8
4Naw& )t*s going to ta"e me all night to #inish my homewor"& So please %$st do the
pro!lems then )*ll reward ya with a dri(ing lesson& )t*s not as easy as it loo"s, Cinta&8 )
Cinta complains& 4Both !lac"mail and e3hortation, .isa& 6a "now yo$ co$ld ma"e a
good li(ing as a con woman, thie#, and !an" ro!!er i#*an yo$ #ail yo$r co$rses in college7&8 )
ignore Cinta*s whining since she will !end to my command !eca$se she wants to dri(e my ,K
or wear my new !$t old Prom dress as ) giggle with a girly twang and&
) wal" towards the 1$t made o# real =a" tree !rown !ar" on the o$tside with sandy
smooth l$m!er plan"s ma"ing $p the interior o# the slight B0 degree tepee str$ct$re when )
watched as a little girl at the age o# #o$r years old the -ar#ield !oys chop down the (ertical =a"
logs along the so$th #ield then chop $p the rolled logs with a set o# indi(id$al chain saws while
wearing a set o# sil(er lined %$mps$its, cow!oy hats, and white ro$nded mas"s to "eep the tree
sawd$st o$t o# their eye!alls, nose holes, and eardr$ms& hen they nailed and hammered the
(ertical sta(es into a long hori9ontal picnic ta!le with two long !enches and two short !enches
and a c$te h$t #or me and Cinta to pretend as a ;airy Princess ower as ) #irmly stro"e with my
right #i(e #inger pads the o$tside decoration o# s2$irrel s"ins that line !etween the !ald spots o#
the old tree !ar" commenting on the white so#t #$r& 4) didn*t "now al!ino s2$irrels e3isted in o$r
woodlands7,8 noting a new s"in scalpel o# !lac" and white #$r li"e a dead s"$n"&
Cinta giggles, 4/ead cat&8
4-hat<8 ) %er" my hand #rom the white s"in and the !lac" s"in, sneering&
4-hen the old cats die =wen li"es to preser(e their earth'!o$nd memories so he nails
them so#t #$rry s"ins onto the h$t&8 Cinta comments and ch$c"les as ) gag with disg$st doing an
a!o$t #ace #rom the side o# the h$t and !$sy my person at the new machine growing #rom the
#orest grass&
4-hat*s this<8 ) in2$ire strolling in a completed circle aro$nd the (ertical man'made
o!%ect witho$t to$ching it #earing its #ossili9ed rattlesna"e in disg$st and disg$ise& he stand has
three sets o# #eet loo"ing li"e a set o# eagle*s talons digging nicely into the !rown dirt c$r(ed
#rom the =a" wood li"e a !ird*s claw that steadies the stand in either dirt or m$d as ) %er" with
my strong right hand the middle part o# the (ertical stand #or end$rance passing with an ,H !$t
that*s 0arth straight laced and straight ,H as ) giggle with a girly twang and Cinta writes in my
notepad the answers to the ,lge!ra 2$estions and&
She e3plains& 40arth*s st$pid pro%ect #or his ;$t$re ;armer class so he can get a good
grade& -hy !other is !eyond my ne$rons< ) %$st want to !e #inished with school and start college
with the real !ad !oys78
4Bo!!y Joe is a real !ad !oy78 2$oting a tr$e #act$al statement as ) note with eye!alls
and hands the weird machine on top o# the stand loo"s li"e a pair o# pregnancy !inoc$lars with
side !$mps ro$nd the le#t, right and top smooth lines o# metal& 4, telescope7it*s really ni#ty&8 )
to$ch the cool !lac" metal #eeling the ro$ghness o# the metal te3t$re li"e a set o# !ig p$##y !lac"
9its as it is holds sec$rely inside another !ird*s claw with the talons pointing towards the hea(ens
then ) sha"e the !inoc$lars testing the strength as it holds in place&
4) "now&8 Cinta whispers !$t it catches my eardr$ms as ) roller !all my p$pils into the
rear o# my s"$ll swinging my #ace !ac" to the pregnant'li"e !inoc$lars ready to pop o$t !a!y
!inoc$lars searching into the #ramed eye glass made #or !oth yo$r real eye p$pils&
he podi$m tilts $pward towards the hea(ens as ) lower it down e(en with the dirt then
spy with my eye!alls !right white wooden !arn then ) %er" my #ace #rom the !inoc$lars not
seeing a physical !arn witho$t my e3cellent 20N1M (ision !eca$se my !rain cells "nows that !arn
is with two miles as ) in2$ire with my "itty'cat c$riosity& 41ow #ar does a person*s normal
eyesight see, girl !est<8
Cinta lect$res writing down n$m!ers in the notepad& 4he c$r(at$re o# Planet Earth gets
in the way o# yo$r eyes so yo$ can only see in a straight line at 2&B miles $sing yo$r normal
eyesight while d$st, water (apors, and poll$tion in the air wa(es let yo$ see no more than 12
miles e(en on a clear day& =n the top pea" o# :t& E(erest, yo$r eyes can see 211 miles !$t
clo$ds do !loc" some o# that distance& )#*an yo$ loo" $p into the stars on a clear night, yo$ can
see the ,ndromeda 0ala3y with the na"ed eye which is 2&2M million lights years away& =r i# yo$
percei(e that an o!%ect is a twin"le o# light which is called an arcmin$te o# a s$!tend angle which
is one si3tieth o# a degree then the #$ll moon is C0 arcmin$tes across while Ken$s is !arely
co(ers one arcmin$te across78
) swing my #ace towards her !ac" m$scles and challenge& 4-hat !a!!le is that, Cinta<8
4;or yo$ simple mind, .isa, yo$ can see two headlights o# a car at two miles7&and ) am
all done with yo$r homewor", .isa& 6o$, girl !est own me7mega !ig time #or this7,8 shares
and smiles Cinta standing #rom the picnic ta!le as ) pony'prance to the side s$r#ace eye !$rning
the note !oo" and&
) #inger and complain in #l$te m$sic& 4hese are only the answers&8
4he right answers7,8 smiles Cinta watching something !ehind my sho$lders as ) li#t the
note !oo" to my #ace e3amining her wor"&
4)*ll only get hal# credit in ,lge!ra witho$t showing the math wor" !ehind the answer,
46a !lac"mail yo$r way then ) ransom my way, girl !est&8 Cinta reminds with a !right
smile as 0arth p$lls $p in a shiny clean ,K as the la(ender paint twin"les in the s$nlight&
) drop my mo$th e3posing my pin" tong$e& 46a cleaned it, than"s, 0arth&8
4)ts got a good power c$r(e with nice nim!le handling with a li2$id'cooled, D4Bcc, #o$r'
stro"e K'twin power plant and an a$tomatic CK that gi(es ya the option o# high and low range
in two'wheel dri(e and #o$r'wheel dri(e& )# yo$ r$n on the low range, yo$r ma3 speed is L0'
miles'per'ho$r, !$t to engage the #o$r'wheel dri(e, ya need to slow to speeds o# ten'miles'per'
ho$r and !elow78
46a going to !e an engineering ma%or in college, 0arth<8
4Naw& ) ain*t going to college& )*m a cow!oy #or the rest o# my li#e, right here&8 0arth
smiles sweetly at me and contin$es& 4,ll the controls are easy to reach #rom the dri(er*s coc"pit
that incl$des setting my !eer here7>win"s at me?7my g$n there and my special gi#ts inside the
glo(e compartment #or those special moments78
) as"& 4-hat special moments<8
Cinta stands !eside the dri(er*s door, scratching nasty her "itty'claws on his na"ed !icep&
40et o$t 0arth5 )t*s my t$rn58 0arth clic"s open the handle sliding his !oots on the soil as Cinta
drops her s"$ll $nder his arms scooting into seat and g$ns the engine then #lies o## #aster than the
space sh$ttle towards the soggy creed !ottom #or #$n and aggra(ation since 0arth spent more o#
his time washing the thing then dri(ing the thing&
0arth in2$ires st$dying the ,K& 4) en%oy a smooth mellow ride going slo mo& -onder,
what it does in #ast mode<8
4Bone %arring mo$nt7,8 whispering so#tly #or my eardr$ms as Cinta swi#tly dri(es o##
towards the soggy m$d&
0arth watches the tail lights #lare with danger slowing the ,K o(er the wet gro$nd,
snarling& 4) %$st cleaned yo$r cart&8
) sit on top o# the picnic ta!le with my right leg crossed o(er my le#t leg wa(ing my right
leg $p and down leaning my chin toward my "neecap with my le#t arm h$gging my !reasts and
my right hand c$pped to my chin as ) tal" in my new se3y h$s"y alto& 4) %$st cleaned yo$r cart&8
0arth nec" snaps his s"$ll so #ast his eye!alls spin towards the le#t then plasters a great !ig goo#y
smile on his handsome golden tan #ace while his !angs #l$tter li"e !$tter#lies in the cool !ree9e
!lowing #rom the west& ) smile !ac" at him&
0arth manly str$ts in my direction stepping his le#t cow!oy $pon the edge o# the wooden
!ench o# the picnic ta!le tipping his hat !ac" away #rom his pretty a2$amarine p$pils still
grinning and slightly giggles li"e a girl and says& 4) %$st cleaned yo$r cart& ) g$ess& )*ll %$st do it,
) giggle, tal"ing in my new se3y h$s"y alto& 4J$st do it, again&8 ) win" #lirting with the
!oy, since Cinta*s en%oying the ,K& :y parents are en%oying their a#ternoon S$nday catnap
along with my homewor"*s done #or the wee"&
0arth c$ts his eyelids towards the s"yline& 4Loo"s li"e rain them clo$ds are getting pretty
dar"& ) didn*t li"e getting my 'shirt wet,8 p$lls on the collar& 40$ess, we sho$ld par" it inside
the h$t $ntil the threat passes&8 ) (iew the old h$t& Cinta and ) pretended to !e cowgirl princesses
that needed resc$ing, while o$r parents roasted hotdogs and ham!$rgers d$ring the s$mmertime
o$ting with the -ar#ield'empire& hey ha(e eight "ids, #itting #i(e or less& he interior plan"s o#
plat#orm meas$res a!o$t eight #eet long !y si3 #eet wide and a #$n"y ten #eet high which pea"s
li"e a mo$ntain top towards the wooden ceiling&
) ret$rn my eye!alls to see the golden #i(e #inger pads soar at my le#t sho$lder when #i(e
more pads gra! my right !icep then magically ) #ly li"e a !ird in the air& ) giggle with delight
while 0arth gently sh$##les me o## the picnic ta!le towards his !ody& ) land on two !oots& -e
dance !ac"wards in slo po"e walt9 towards the h$t*s entrance which doesn*t ha(e a doorway
only a triangle shaped opening #or easy in and o$t& his is a child*s cow!oy playho$se where )*m
a!o$t to play with my new cow!oy& ) giggle with am$sement&
0arth mo(es me steady li"e an airplane when my !oots get entwined with his Big#oot
toes& 1e li#ts me two inches #rom the dirt& 46a can*t dri(e a car& 6a can*t dance& 6a can*t eat
yo$r ca"e& -hat in tarnation can yo$ do, cow girl<8 ) giggle with silliness at his st$pid !anter&
) try to de#end my honor !$t my !rain cells only thin" o# one nasty mental acti(ity that )
ha(e ne(er done physically& ) giggle with a girly twang then propose in my new se3y alto&
4Cowgirls are good #or something that cow!oys might "now a!o$t&8
4) g$ess& hey*re at that&8 0arth says with a goo#y grin as we stop in #ront o# the triangle
entrance way& 0arth #ingers the opening& 46a head in #irst and spread o$t the #olded !lan"et in
the corner& he wood a!sor!s some o# the capt$red morning moist$re $nder the plan"s ma"ing
the sta(es (ery cool on yo$r hands&8 ) giggle with delight then 2$ic"ly swing my !ody towards
the opening& ) slowly lean my torso towards the #irst set o# plan"s stomping two palms on the
cool sta(es as my !ody cat'wal"s towards the middle and my right "neecap to$ches the #irst
plan"& hen ) #eel two large palms gra! #irmly and stop my wiggling hips as ) nosily gasp then
giggle with delight&
) stretch my nec", gira##e'li"e to the right seeing 0arth directly !ehind my !eeFhind as he
drops his #ace into the top angle o# the triangle and orders& 4.emo(e yo$r !oots5 he dirt
imprints on the wet wood lea(ing a !ad odor7&8
4Shore&8 ) word then grace#$lly #lip my entire !ody li"e a #lying whale landing onto my
!eeFhind while slowly raising my right leg and o##ering my right !oot into his #ace #or 0arth*s
pleas$re as he ch$c"les&
4) g$ess ya #o$nd o$t what cow!oys are good #or, h$h<8
40$ess ) did #or remo(ing #ine pieces o# lady leather and lace&8
4-here*s the lace, lady<8
46a got #ind it, cow!oy&8 0arth #irmly p$lls my right !oot #rom my thin !ones along with
the cotton soc" st$##ing it inside the !oot then t$c"ing it $nder his le#t armpit& ) raise the le#t leg
presenting my le#t !oot then he copies'cat the same proced$re, while we !oth giggle and grin
with #$n& ) slowly drop my le#t leg stretching !oth legs in a straight pin position, win"ing& 0arth
grins and gr$nts& ) slide my !ody $sing strong !iceps, ten #inger pads, and my hips towards the
middle o# the #looring then elegantly twist my !ody into a cat'pose with my palms and "neecaps
on the #loor& ) wiggle my !eeFhindie str$tting towards the three #olded !lan"ets on my right side
as 0arth ch$c"les li"e a silly clown&
) gra! the !lan"et then $pright on my "neecaps !ac" sliding my !ody into the slightly
arched wall swinging !oth arms as the !lan"et #lies temporarily li"e a "ite than lands in a messy
o$tstretched sorta #lat plain& ) reach and to$ch the !lan"et #eeling the coolness #rom the moist
sta(es ma"ing $p the #looring and gra! and #loat the second wool !lan"et o(er the #irst one then
to$ch it& ) #eel more warmth with the two pads, eno$gh tho$, the $pcoming action might ma"e
the room a little too heated& ) giggle and crawl on #o$rs >palms and "neecaps? across the !lan"et
then sit cross'legged li"e an )ndian watching 0arth dance aro$nd in the dirt li"e a silly chic"en
remo(ing his right !oot with s$ccess& 1e lands his #anny on the edge o# the #irst set o# sta(es
then p$lls his le#t !oot and soc" o## and places his pair o# !oots right !eside mine in the low
corner o# the h$t& hen, he twists his !ody landing in a dog'pose with palms and "neecaps
grinning at me as ) giggle with girly twang while he slo mo mo(es his right palm #orward then
his le#t palm #orward, then his right "neecap #ollows& 1is le#t "neecap comes ad(ancing towards
he in(isi!le !$tter#lies #l$tter inside my t$mmy tic"ling my organs with delight all the
way $p to tight l$ngs& ) !reathe in a set o# shallow gr$nts ca$sing my heart organ to th$mp so
hard that ) might #aint #rom o(er e3citement and anticipation while !lin"ing my eyelashes o(er
and o(er again signaling my !rain cells to do something to control my !eating heart !$t it isn*t
wor"ing& :y palms sweat and my mo$th drools with thic" sal(ia while watching 0arth slowly
doggie wal" towards me li"e a !ig gri99le !ear that growls in a low G!'#lat&* ) grin and giggle
then swi#tly di(e towards the end o# the !lan"et $nder 0arth*s chest, a!s, and legs as 0arth lands
his !$l" sideways on his le#t !eing "ind eno$gh not to stomp my s"$ll and !ac" m$scles as he
yelps li"e p$ppy& 41ey58
) twist then #lip my lim!er !ody aro$nd #acing him as he lies sideways #le3ing !oth
!iceps to hold that pose with a really !ad snarl on his c$te pin"s lips along with the capt$red
alligator so$nd as ) smile presenting the tiny green li9ard in my le#t #i(e #inger pads and
anno$nce& 4Sa(ed the little #ellow58 0arth giggles and grins !o!!ing his s"$ll at me while ) twist
my waist to the le#t ret$rning the li9ard !ac" into the woodlands&
46o$*re a sweetheart7,8 compliments and ch$c"les on 0arth patiently waiting #or my
ne3t girly mo(e as ) 2$ic"ly slid my !ody along the !lan"et into a straight pin plopping onto my
!ac" m$scles staring $p into his dancing a2$a p$pils when 0arth gently descends and shadows
me #rom s"$ll to na"ed toe !ones then s$ddenly stops as his !iceps !$l" and strain #le3ing their
strength as he ho(ers magically o(er me with a goo#y smile then slo mo lowers his s"$ll only
directly at my lips with his dancing eye!alls stinging my !lin"ing eyelashes as we giggle and
grin then so#tly plows his lips into mine and tenderly "isses them while ) close my eyelashes
e3ploding my mind, heart, and so$l into an array o# color#$l #irewor"s& ) g$ess this is called lo(e&
0arth parts his lips, #irst, #rom the warmth o# my #lesh as coldness hits my lips
reacti(ating my eyelashes open as ) see 0arth*s goo#y grin staring into my #ace along with my
st$pid smile then he slowly descends his !ody $pon my entire !ody co(ering me with his #ine
#orm while we giggle and grin li"e little "iddies at Play .ecess& 1e scoots his leg arm $nder my
nec" li"e a pillow then "isses my lips #or a second time while ) s$ddenly recall that ) didn*t see
that mental (ision on this "iss !$t the color#$l #irewor"s "ept getting in the way o# my mental
tho$ght processes as ) giggle while 0arth gently lies his weigh o(er my !ody that #eels good
thin"ing that he*s crash my ri! cage !$t my ri! cage, heart organ and l$ngs wor" per#ectly
holding him o(er me& 0arth releases the "iss #rom my lips then mo(es his mo$th and m$99les
li"e a horse nose my %aw line then "isses it then m$99les my right chee"!one and "isses it then
m$99les my #orehead and "isses it&
1e li#ts his #ace, commenting and ch$c"ling& 4) g$ess )*ll sa(e the rest on the
honeymoon&8 ) giggle then wrin"le my #orehead, $gly a#ter my !rain matter has processed that
English sentence since my ne$rons are dancing to a di##erent !eat than my heart at the moment&
4Sa(e the rest on the honeymoon<8 ) repeat with p$99lement and con#$sion&
46a "now, that comes a#ter the wedding in the !ig :ethodist ch$rch on Cedar .oad&8
4-e*re getting married<8 ) translate with more p$99lement and con#$sion&
4)*m glad yo$ accepted, cowgirl&8
4Cowgirl7) lo(e yo$&8 ) str$ggle $pright on my el!ows as 0arth holds my collar !one
with !oth his hands, smiling& 4Let me e3plain58 1e contin$es to smile and story tells& 4) ha(e
"nown ya since !irth7well7literally we*re !orn in the same year since )*m older !$t we*re
!irthed in the same hospital, the same town, the same place7here in ,pollo& ,nd, here is where
) !elong& 6o$ teased me a!o$t college7>sha"es s"$ll sideways?7&) don*t desire to lea(e here
#or college7anywhere on Planet Earth, .isa& ) don*t need the #ormal ed$cation that a #arm
teaches ya& ) lo(e the #arm, the open s"y, the horses, and yo$& 6o$ and ) are ali"e, cowgirl& 6o$
lo(e yo$r #arm, the hori9on that sails #or miles o(er green colored grass, the horses and7&me&8
1e pa$ses #or !ea$ty as ) smile since ) possess really weird #eelings #or him especially since )
stole that "iss on my !irthday at midnight which ) don*t thin" 0arth "nows anything a!o$t my
secret in(asion as he contin$es& 4-e*ll grad$ate in this :ay o$t o# 1igh School then start o$r
new li#e o$r #armers that the only thing ) want& ) !et inside yo$r heart that the only thing yo$
really want, right<8 ) nod my s"$ll, once in silence since ) do #eel close to my #arm, not really
wanting to go o## to college !$t my parents ha(e this great !ig dream #or me&
1e ch$c"les& 4) "now& People says that a newly married co$ple has the rest o# their days
to $nderstand each other*s will or wants !$t ) #eel li"e that ) $nderstand yo$ already, .isa& 6a
li"e eating li"e me& 6a li"e riding horses li"e me& 6a li"e sa(ing helpless critters li"e me7
>smiles?7see how ali"e we are, .isa& B$t, ) !et ya can come $p with some more li"es !etween
$s&8 1e pa$ses #or st$dy then contin$es& 4,nd, ) #eel that li#e*s too short to waste time #ig$ring
o$t what yo$r mate li"es or disli"es when yo$ can ha(e the right one7#rom the get'go to share
in a world that ya*ll !oth lo(e and don*t want e(er lea(e& ) ha(e admired yo$r girly to$ghness #or
years, .isa& 6o$*re what ) li"e& ) hope )*m what yo$ li"e&8 1e pa$ses #or !ea$ty& 4) #eel that )*(e
!een a part o# yo$r li#e seeing ya e(eryday at school, e(ery S$nday at ch$rch, watching ya twirl
yo$r !aton in yo$r se3y shiny !i"ini7>ch$c"les?7&then when ya stay o(er with Cinta e(ery
single ;riday or Sat$rday night since ya*ll were si3 years old78
46o$*re a stal"er, !oy<8
46o$*re only stal"er, !a!e& ,nd7i#*an ) #ind o$t there*s another h$nger wol# gra9ing
near my #illy7&well7) ain*t promising nothin*78 ) giggle with am$sement that my hand pic"ed
cow!oy is ready and willing to de#end my honor right here with #ists and !lood as he contin$es&
4-e are meant to !e7.isa&8 1e "isses my lips so tenderly and so#tly then remo(es the warmth
that si99les my restless !rain cells and melts my g$shy heart then he as"s sweetly& 4Li"e the stars
that a line e(ery night in the s"y #or the nati(es to (iew and admire with a p$rpose we*re
destined to !e together, #ore(er&8
4;ore(erly7,8 whispering li"e delicate !$tter#ly*s wings as ) smile, st$dying his smile,
his eyes, his smooth golden comple3ion the way his !angs dance o(er his #orehead and really do
#eel lo(e or may!e l$st since this is only the #o$rth "iss !y a #ellow in my entire li#e !$t 0arth
ma"es some good arg$ments that we do need each other, #ore(erly&
0arth whispers so so#tly into my #ace& 4Please, ponder my words& Please, search in yo$r
heart #or a place #or me and wander thro$gh yo$r ne$rons a!o$t $s and see what*da #ind,
cowgirl&8 ) smile, !o!!ing my s"$ll $p and down slowly since ) do "now what )*ll #ind !$t )
won*t say these three words lo$dly or easily now as ) #oc$s my eye!alls o$t the triangle door
noting the d$s" settling across the hilltop&
4;iddlestic"s5 )t*s only dar"&8 ) $pright on my el!ows, str$ggling my hori9tional !ody as
0arth $prights his torso away #rom into a cat'pose crawling on #o$r >palms and "neecaps?
towards the doorway while collecting my !oots as ) settle on the #lat sta(es slipping on my right
soc" and worrying& 4/addy*s going to !e worried& -here*s my cell< ) !et he has78 ) slap my
le#t hand which is empty to my #orehead which doesn*t h$rt and remem!er& 4) lea(e it inside the
glo(e compartment o# the ,K& 1ot dangling, :ama*s going to !oth worried and mad&8
4B$t, ya got permission to lea(e the #arm #or yo$r homewor"& .ight, .isa<8
4Not all a#ternoon $ntil s$nset, time to ride home& -here*s Cinta<8 ) in2$ire with my
"itty'cat c$riosity as she magically appears o(er the hilltop going aro$nd the soggy m$d cree"
since she learned the #irst time li"e me as ) #inish dressing my #eet %ogging in the middle o# the
grass holding !oth arms in a 4K8 pattern #or her to approach me&
4.isa, it*s too dar" o$tside #or yo$ to dri(e the ,K home& )t ain*t a tr$c" with wide
!right headlights #or seeing deer leaping78
4Stop with the deer %o"es5 )*m serio$s& ) m$st go home, now&8
4) dri(e ya&8
46ay, !a!e5 hen /addy*ll ha(e !oth a heart attac" and a hit with his loaded Colt &4M on
stand'!y on top o# his night stand li"e a trained assassin on yo$, cow!oy& ) ha(e !een #or!idden
to date !oys7,8 con#essing with !oth heart and so$l&
4) li"e that concept since )*m it7&8
4)t, spit man7/addy and :ama will !irth "ittens i#*an yo$ dri(e me home in yo$r tr$c"
with my ,K in the !ac" o# the !ed& )*m s$pposed to !e wor"ing with Cinta to #inish my
46a did&8
4Cinta did my homewor" #or me& So we co$ld ha(e a pri(ate con#erence, !eca$se )
!lac"mailed her,8 giggling& 4/addy really will tan my !eeFhind, i# he sees yo$ with me, here,
!eca$se ) can*t e3tort my /addy or :ama&8
4.isa, )*m (ery concerned a!o$t the dim lighting especially o(er the landscape yo$ can*t
see the ra!!it holes or the sna"e nests with the low intensity tiny headlights on the ,K7&and
Cinta can*t !e yo$r co'na(igator7see we do thin" ali"e& Beca$se, :ama will tear me a new one
i#*an Cinta is o$t and a!o$t in the dar"ness since )*m her !ig !ro watching o(er my !a!y sister
i#*an she gets h$rt with yo$r lo$sy dri(ing78
46es, .isa& 6o$*re a (ery7not (ery good at some st$##7&8 1e stops then contin$es&
4Loo"y, how a!o$t this idea& ) ta"e yo$ and the ,K down Pine .oad $ntil we hit the cree"
!ridge then drop yo$ and (ehicle o## the sho$lder o# the roadside then ya t$rn le#t head down a
#lat plain with no hills or e3posed ditches& hat*s yo$r side o# ho$se yard which yo$ "now li"e
the !ac" o# yo$r hand& J$st t$rn to the right tra(eling !ehind one o# the many !arns so*s yo$r
/addy don*t see ya #lying !ac" then par" it inside the !arn& 6o$*re home and sa#e on #irst !ase&8
40reat idea& ) lo(e it&8
4/o yo$ lo(e anything else<8
4:ay!e7&8 ) win" my eyelash, right as 0arth c$ddles me into his 'shirt while Cinta
slides the ,K into o$r !oot toes with the headlights !eaming on o$r %eans as she opens the door
standing ne3t to the ,K which co(ered #rom helmet to !oot toes in !rown m$d, white sand, and
chapped lips&
4hat was #$n5 Bring the thing, tomorrow, too, .isa since ya need to complete yo$r
,lge!ra !y ;riday&8 ) drop my mo$th open li"e a h$nger shar", staring at the !rown color that
hides the pretty la(ender stomping my !oots to the engine hood and swishing my two #inger pads
o(er the heated metal&
4Cinta, it*s wet7and completely co(ered with !oth sand and m$d&8 ) complain as 0arth
pads !eside me, wiping his hand o(er the #ront tire #ender and smelling the elements with his
nostrils and !o!!ing his s"$ll $p and down li"e a #arm pony as ) !$rn red hot #ire!alls into
Cinta*s smile and crash her windpipe with my non'ele power o# ele"inesis that ) learned #rom
my #a(orite science #iction e'no(els which doesn*t seen to !e wor"ing properly&
0arth c$ddles me inside his 'shirt and ad(ises& 4)t*s o"ay, .isa& 6o$r /addy*ll !elie(e
that yo$r really dro(e to the property line and !ac" i# it*s was cleaner than my dinner'plate,8
ch$c"les& 41e might get s$spicio$s, otherwise&8
4;iddlestic"s, let*s go& ) got to go home, now&8 ) order with a motherly tone as 0arth
slides into the dri(er*s seat pedaling slowly the ,K towards his 4 3 4 %ac"ed $p tr$c" while
Cinta and ) slowly wal" !ehind allowing 0arth to set $p the ramp pads #or dri(ing the ,K into
the tr$c" !ed&
Cinta !o$nces on her wet !oots, clapping her hands with delight a#ter dri(ing the #$n
machine& 4Come, right here directly a#ter school, .isa& ) promise to do all yo$r ,lge!ra
homewor" this wee" :onday thro$gh ;riday then yo$ can mate with 0arth78
4-hat<8 ) #rown&
4) ta"e all the credit #or hoo"ing ya $p with 0arth, so don*t !e so shy& 1e*s per#ect #or
4Billy Jac"<8 ) raise !oth my eye!rows at her&
She giggles& 4) li"e ha(ing two !ea$s (ying #or my $ndi(ided attention& ) handle Billy
Jac" #or ya& Come, right here5 So, ) can dri(e the ,K& /one deal, girl'!est58
41andle Billy Jac"< ;iddlestic"s, ) can handle a li(e rattlesna"e !etter and swi#ter then
handling Billy Jac"& 6o$ !etter !e (ery care#$l, Cinta, yo$*ll get a rep$tation other than a
cowgirl hanging with Billy Jac" and his twin Bo!!y Joe& ,nd, ) can*t come !ac" here tomorrow,
Cinta& :ama*d s$spect something, since we don*t ha(e homewor", e(ery night, only e(ery other
4/on*t worry, honey& 0arth protects my So$thern !elle rep$tation& hat*s why he and )
are in the same grade&8
4) tho$ght he got so sic" and missed so m$ch school that the School Principle #ailed him
the ;irst 0rade&8
4Naw& -here ya here that r$mor< 1is !irthday is later in the year& -hen it was
disco(ered !y the S$perintendent o# the School /istrict then my parents were ordered to remo(e
0arth #rom his ;irst 0rade class& So, then, we !oth started ;irst 0rade, together li"e twins or
aliens or something weird& ,nd, only yo$ wo$ld remem!er when homewor" is not assigned,
.isa& 1ot dangling, well, then thin" o# something&&&8
4B$t, yo$ said7,8 sha"ing my c$rls& 4Naw5 ) e3aggerate a!o$t st$## way too m$ch
which might get me gro$nded along with me permanently e3iled #rom yo$78
46a mean, 0arth& ) got that s$!tle non'(er!al hint& 6eah5 6o$r :ama is !ig pro!lem
when it comes to yo$r teen lo(e li#e& -hat we going to do a!o$t that, girl'!est<8
) giggle with entertainment& 4,ssassination is always an (ia!le option since we li(e in the
stic"s7&literally witho$t indoor toilets, aNc, and ca!le K !$rying a !ody is pretty easy since we
don*t "now the sheri## too well78
4,n e3cellent point, that part'time law man can*t !e tr$sted !$t don*t ha(e any !rains
may!e inside his worn cow!oy !oots& 1e does wal" $pright li"e a hairy ape78 Cinta d$mps
with nonsense as ) giggle with entertainment at her imprompt$ play acting with my imagination
since ) wo$ld ne(er e(er harm my parents&
4-e ha(e to rid o# /addy, too, so the entire #arm can !e mine, #ore(erly&8
41mm5 6a got a great imagination, .isa& 6o$ sho$ld ma%or in English Lit and write
horror no(els #or li(ing& hat*s a good career78
4Naw& ) !e a #armer&8
Cinta s$ddenly stops wal"ing as my !ody %er" !ac"wards #rom my sisterly arm h$g& )
(iew her distorted #eat$res& She says& 4-e7are !oth attending a post'ed$cational instit$tion
to7not !e d$sty dirt co(ered #armers, .isa& -hy ya say that<8
4)7might na$ght !e going to college78
4-hy not, !eca$se o# yo$r 1igh School grades< -ell they*re poorly presented on paper,
honey !$t yo$r smarter than paper& ,nd, don*t worry a!o$t yo$r S, testing )*m going to help
yo$ st$dy, again& -ell, yo$ really don*t need to st$dy, again& 6o$ can !e accepted with yo$r
c$rrent S, score %$st send in the paperwor" to B$rn A #or processing the school*s co$nselor
can help ya there& -hat*s yo$r ,C score<8
-e contin$e wal"ing as ) complain& 4B$t, 0arth isn*t going to college with yo$ and
46es& 1e is& -e*re enrolled at B$rn A to start in the s$mmertime& -e, three will ha(e
4B$t, 0arth told me78
4old ya what, honey<8 Cinta #rowns at me&
) !ite my lower lip and narrow my eyelashes, pondering& ) missed something& ) say& 46o$
ha(en*t ta"en the ,C testing, yet& -e*re going to go with me in Jan$ary when my :ama
re2$ested that ) re'ta"e the test #or a !etter score so*s ) don*t ha(e to ta"e the r$dimentary
English and :ath class&8
4) too" it with ya in the s$mmertime search yo$r !rain cells remem!er at :ontgomery
1igh School since ,pollo 1igh*s to st$pid to ha(e proper instr$ctors to administer a ;ederal
go(ernment test& -e sit right ne3t to get other7well, not really since we were re2$ired to sit
!etween empty chairs li"e anyone co$ld cheat on a handwritten essay test& .emem!er, girl !est<8
Cinta present !$ll #rog eye!alls as ) !ite my lower lip and narrow my eyelashes pondering
something that ) missed&
4) remem!er ta"ing the S, in the s$mmertime&8 ) recall (i(idly with my !rain cell
sitting two chairs apart #rom other S, testers !$t ) do not remem!er Cinta !eing with me&
4See, girl'!est5 6o$ !e done with all yo$r college application testing so %$st spent the rest
o# yo$r 1igh School days passing yo$r 1igh School co$rses then we !e #ree o# ,pollo, ,la!ama
and really ha(e some !ig girl #$n in the !ig !ad :etro City o# B*ham with some !ig !oys7
46o$*re engaged78
4-hat a!o$t Billy Jac"<8
41e*s going to college with $s& hat*s yo$, me, 0arth, Bo!!y Joe78
4Can he e(en read<8 ) ch$c"le li"e a t$r"ey inside my throat (ocals&
4=# co$rse silly girl e(en rednec"s can read !oo"s and writes their name& So, this
a#ternoon %$st tell that to the school co$nselor on :onday instead o# prepping #or another test&8
4:onday7li"e tomorrow :onday with the ,pollo*s school co$nselor<8 ) repeat while
!iting my lower lip narrowing my eyelashes li"e ) missed something&
46o$ ha(e an appointment to disc$ss yo$r grades with that old maiden %$st tell her what
yo$ want to do, .isa not what yo$r :ama wants done& She*s not the one going to college since
her li#e*s here on the #arm with her horses&8 Cinta lect$res as the engine roars li"e a !a!y c$!
with the tiny M0 horsepower while 0arth slams the !ra"es discs which "eeps the metal #ront
!r$sh g$ard #rom !ending (iolently against the steady thic" wor"man*s tool !o3 made o# (ery
hea(y steel inside his tr$n" !ed as 0arth literally sails li"e !ird the machine into the air wa(es
#or'1 second'.2 seconds'.o(er the steep angle o# the tail gate par"ing the ,K sa#ely into
the !ac"&
1e "ills the engine scooting o$t o# the door then pads to the tail gate and leaps, 're3 in a
standing position and de#tly lands on !rown p$##s o# dirt $pon !oth !oots !ending at his
"neecaps& 1e spins his !ody aro$nd collecting the ma"e'shi#t pieces o# long l$m!er with hands
and !iceps that he $sed as a (ehicle ramp and care#$lly slides them down the sides o# the tr$n"
!ed which will !e $sed to $nload the ,K o$t his tr$c" o## the roadside #or .isa to snea" !ac"
home !e#ore her parents get to worried and send o$t a search party&
) stop wal"ing and comment with a set o# dead pan straight lips !eside Cinta& 4College,
go or no go< ) do plan to ret$rn here7!ac" to my home and !e a #armer7may!e a #armer that
writes horror no(els&8 Cinta sha"es her s"$ll side to side loo"ing at 0arth shi#t his !oots aro$nd
the tiny ,K and&
She sings in alto clarinet& 4-hy< here*s a whole world #or e3ploring, .isa& -e grad$ate
college and tra(el #rom co$ntry to co$ntry see what*s o$t there e3perience salt oceans, dry
deserts, heated !odies&78
) in%ect staring at the #ine !ody o# 0arth& 4B$t, 0arth wants7) mean to say that when
0arth grad$ates #rom college he*ll want to ret$rn to the #arm78
Cinta sha"es her s"$ll side to side and sings in her new #l$te soprano& 4Naw& 0arth wants
to tra(el to Paris, #irst then another co$ntry and then another co$ntry78
4han"s #or all the $pdates, Cinta& )*ll go home and ponder them #acts&8
0arth approaches #inger pointing at Cinta& 46o$, ride in the !ac" o# the tr$c" !ed with
the m$d& ) don*t want the smell on my 'shirt or inside my cloth seats& ,nd, .isa can ride with
me in the #ront !ench78
4No& -e !e girl'!ests& -e ride together, #ore(erly& .ight, .isa<8
40i(e her a smac" on the lips, cow!oy so*s we can go home, too& :ama and /addy*ll !e
wondering why we*re wandering along the cow past$res in the dar"&8 0arth lightly taps my lips
as Cinta #orce#$lly %er"s my right hand towards the tr$c" !ed then 0arth %ogs !ehind $s and
power#$lly li#ts me $pon the tail gate as ) pad towards the wheel rim sliding my !eeFhind on the
smooth metal while Cinta s"ips on her dried m$ddy !oots and scoots ne3t to me since 0arth*s
tr$c" is !igger than the space sh$ttle !eing a co$ntry hic" cow!oy that li"es tr$c"s&
0arth trots to the open door sliding into his tr$c", cran"ing the engine slowly gliding o(er
the small !$mps and d$mps o# the earth soil towards the highway as ) !$99 into Cinta*s le#t
eardr$m since we h$g li"e !a!y #leas on each other !ody on the short width wheel ream& ) start&
4) was thin"ing a!o$t Bec"78
4Bec"7Bec" ,ctworth instead o# 0arth -ar#ield7why ya !e thin"ing a!o$t Bec",
41ar(est Emperor7,8 croa"ing li"e a pond #rog as Cinta smiles and smir"s with an e(il
glare #rom the moon light and&
She s$ggests& 4=5 6a gots more wic"ed ideas to play on him on ;riday night&8
4No, ) do not ha(e any wic"edness7at all7#or Bec"& ) want to end all the wic"edness
that a!o$t to happen to Bec" on ;riday night&8
4-hy< 1e deser(es any and all wic"edness and may!e !eyond wic"edness i#78
4) don*t $nderstand why7yo$78
4-e7this is a ya*ll7all o# $s, Seniors, .isa78 Cinta d$mps as the tr$c" slows to a
crawl then stops with a slight %olt while 0arth %$mps o$t the seat moseys down tr$c" railing and
drops the tail gate& ) stand, #irst wanting to get away #rom Cinta since she*s so$nd li"e a new
Gwic"ed witch o# the so$th* !eing sno!!y nosed a!o$t wanting to em!arrass Bec" ,ctworth #or
no good reason !$t p$re meanness since there m$st !e an e(il #airy tale !ehind the total
(engeance o# the entire wel#th 0rade& -ell, ) might na$ght !e a!le to #ind a 4why8 !$t s$re
eno$gh ) can per#orm a 4how8 as ) giggle with girly twang&
0arth sweetly poses !oth his arms o$tstretched #or me& )*m !lind #rom the pitch !lac"
dar"ness in the middle o# =a" Street, where my #arm #aces the roadway& ) %$mp #rom a !ody'
standing position on the tail gate into his hands gra!!ing his strong, ta$nt, and steel ro$nds !icep,
gasping with the hardness caressing !oth the side o# my !reasts& ) #all into his open arms while
he capt$res my heart and my !ody witho$t dropping my !oot soles to the pa(ement& 1e 2$ic"ly
man'p$lls me towards his smiling #ace planting sweetly a wet heated "iss $pon my smiling lips& )
descend li"e an angel to the pa(ed roadway then he 2$ic"ly wraps these ro$nded !iceps aro$nd
my sho$lder !lades s2$ee9ing them #or his lo(ing a##ection as ) emotion sweetly with hotness,
l$st, happiness, desire, passion, and lo(e then he 2$ic"ly remo(es his lips as the cold air in(ades
my lip #lesh shi(ering my emotions while we grin li"e two goo#y "ids in the moonlight&
Cinta clim!s down the tail gate witho$t any assistance #rom her !rother since we !oth are
to$gh and ro$gh cowgirls that really don*t need the little girl treatment !$t ) #ind that lo(e
#loating li"e an angel into the strong lim!s o# an earth 4god8 especially !eing greeted with a
sweet smile and a hot "iss then she pain#$lly %er"s my le#t #orearm away #rom 0arth towards the
patch o# low plants !etween the roadway and my yard as 0arth sets to wor" propping $p the
ma"e'shi#t ramp !ac"ing the ,K o$t o# the tr$c" !ed&
) swing my #ace towards my ho$se which !la9es li"e a tiny (illage against the
s$rro$nding walls o# midnight !l$e s"y o# dar"ness with the o$tside !ig !ase!all #ield'type #lood
pole lights $p high and the small !$l!s c$pped into the iron decorati(e holders aro$nd the porch
signaling rest time on the #arm #rom a hard day*s wor" as Cinta and ) sh$##le near the plants
away #rom 0arth then Cinta warns& 4)*m going to pretend that yo$ do not agree with the plan #or
Bec" ,ctworth& Some o# o$r class mates won*t li"e yo$r chic"en !elly attit$de or tattle tail
threats& Anderstand, girl !est<8
)t*s too dar" to see the details o# my #ace so ) %$st gr$nt li"e a wo$nded animal since that
message translates #or her into the word Gyes* and #or me into the word Gno* as ) smir" with a set
o# croo"ed lips, right since Cinta can*t see anything !$t the re#lection o# moon light mo(ing
across the grass then 0arth 2$ic"ly appears !ehind Cinta*s s"$ll&
0arth orders in his se3y !aritone trom!one& 4Somethin* wrong7.isa78 B$t his s"$ll
and eye!alls narrow onto Cinta li"e he*s going to slap her #ace with his eye!alls ma"ing me
wonder i# he*s heard some o# my m$shy #eelings a!o$t the entire Senior class playing that
planned (ile %o"e on Bec" as Cinta 2$ic"ly imprints her "itty'cat #i(e #inger claws o# her le#t
hand into my right arm that she holds me hostage against her !ody li"e a nice step'sister wo$ld
as ) sha"e my s"$ll side to side then smile prettily at him&
) sing in my nat$ral #l$te m$sic& 4No&8
4Come here5 0i(e me a good night "iss58 ) 2$ic"ly #ling my aching #orearm #rom the
h$man tigress trotting into 0arth*s wide arms #or the #o$rth time tonight #eeling his hotness
warm my cold mind and my cool !ody as we pad towards my ,K which straddles the edge o#
the roadway part tires on the asphalt and part tires in the grass while 0arth whispers so#tly into
my le#t eardr$m& 4/ri(e (ery slow along the #lat plain then t$rn right at the chic"en coop straight
along the rear walls o# the three !arns since there*s no ditches, no water, and loose e2$ipment
laying aro$nd #or yo$ to !$mp& ="ay, .isa<8
4B$t, it*s #aster %$st #ollowing the roadway,8 loo"ing my eye!alls down towards the end
o# the road that*s !lac" and empty o# cars, !eca$se the only cars that tra(el the night is /addy*s&
)*m not allowed to go any other place !$t to the school which*s d$ring the day and complain
more& 46o$r set o# instr$ctions carries me #$rther north when ) want to go east which is a!o$t a
mile o# ro$gh land not a smooth pa(ement&78
4,nd, yo$r /addy*ll !e on the o$tloo" o# yo$r smooth ride when he #ig$res o$t that the
d$ll headlights !elong to the ,K&8 1e pa$ses #or !ea$ty, c$ddling me into his chest than p$lls
me away #rom his #ace& 46o$r :ama*s will gro$nd yo$ #aster than a meteorite& -e !oth "now
that, right< ) was hoping yo$*d come with me to the No(ena ;esti(al on ;riday night< ) come
and pic" ya $p at the ho$se7!$t not li"e a real date78
4None o# the seniors are going to the ;esti(al on ;riday&8 ) tattle tail my in#o #rom Cinta
into 0arth*s right eardr$m&
1e sings in his se3y !aritone trom!one& 4Naw& -e !e all going incl$ding Bo!!y Joe and
Billy Jac" since this is o$r last ;esti(al !eing Seniors& 1ec" #ire, we !eat all the !oys in the Pole
Clim!& ) heard they*re gi(ing away a dirt !i"e&8
) remind, giggling& 46o$ possess a dirt !i"e, 0arth&8
4)*ll win #or ya, honey so*s we can %$mp m$d p$ddles together7%$st the two o# $s&8 1e
c$ddles me again then 2$ic"ly smac"s his hot lips $pon my cold lips then gently p$shes me
towards the ,K& 4See ya, tomorrow, .isa&8
4Bye, Cinta&8 ) sorta yodel witho$t the lo$d echo&
4Bye, girl !est&8 Cinta calls mo(ing towards 0arth as he #inger points her&
0arth orders with sneer li"e a %$n" yard dog& 46o$7in the !ac" with the m$d& 6a smell
li"e horse shit&8
40arth5<8 Cinta sings in her nat$ral clarinet m$sic&
4=r wal" home< /on*t matter m$ch to me& ) gots a ride, little sis&8 0arth en%oys ta$nting
his !a!y sister str$tting to the dri(er*s door handle&
41ot dangling7&8 Cinta whines li"e she stepped her le#t cowgirl !oot in an old pile o#
cow shit while his hea(y ch$c"les echo into my eardr$ms& Cinta so#tly c$rses and clim!s her
palms and her twin pair o# m$ddy !oots onto the tail gate sitting on the tire ream as 0arth slowly
rolls the tr$c" in the direction o# their home while ) pad to the ,K sliding into the dri(er*s seat
watching them soar down the street then o(er the slight hill o$t o# my eye sight&
) wrap the we!!ing aro$nd my !ody #or sa#ety then slowly twirl the ,K to my le#t
rolling the tires o(er 100Q o# pl$shy smooth pa(ed road instead o# ro$gh loose gra(el and
$ne(en dirt pods as ) 2$ic"ly swirl the wheel straight and parallel with the road ditches and
#reshly c$t grass !y the #arm wor"ers #or a smooth ride on =a" Street since 0arth*s sweet
directions are too long& oo ro$gh5 oo m$ch5 ) c$t the radio o## so ) don*t alert /addy to my
deception plan as ) press the gas pedal #eeling the wind hit my eye!alls, mo$th, and lips at a
!listering in(isi!le s$n ray pelt while ) steady my !oot deeply into the #loor !oard on the gas
pedal ta3iing on the smooth pa(ement li"e an air pane readying #or ta"e'o##, plotting to achie(e
that highest L0'miles'per'ho$r setting, !e#ore ) t$rn my toy into the !arn #or sleeping&
) glance my eye!alls at the speed'o'meter as the red needle 2$ic"ly passes the n$m!ers o#
C0, CM, 40, 4M, M0, MM&&&almost there, as h$rricane'type winds !lew my !ody against the leather o#
the seat while dragging on the engine smooth !$t not aerodynamic grill and nose o# the hood as
the ,K (ent$res slightly to the le#t then ) compensate (ery slightly to the right "eeping the
machine steady $nder my hand controls as ) reach my racing speed o# L0 :P1 while #lying
passed the end o# the three'door garage o# my ho$se tra(eling #$rther down the dar" road #or
another C,000 #eet while releasing the gas pedal as the machines slowly rolls into a steady pace
with the speed'o'meter*s ga$ge co$nting !ac"wards #rom L0, MM, M0, 4M, 40, CM, C0, 2M, 20& )
stomp on the discs #eeling the machine sh$##le li"e a hoc"ey p$c" while ) slowly t$rn the wheel
to the le#t then p$ll the ,K straight on the pa(ement #or another 20 #eet then stomp on the
discs& ) glide down the smooth pathway on the right thro$gh the o(er story o# ancient =a" trees
that ha(e named o$r street then !ra"e the ,K to a slower pace& ) near the !arn doors and then
p$tt'p$tt her into the smooth concrete #or her nap& ) "ill the engine, release the we!!ing and gra!
my !ac"pac" with the K)P !lac"mailed homewor" since ) #o$nd a new method o# manip$lating
Cinta& ) giggle&
) #ind& Cinta !lac"mails me #or all "inds o# st$## that incl$des, !$t, not limited to my
clothes, my shoes, my p$rses, my hair !ows, and :ama*s money& )*m not rich !$t li(e o## my
parents* nice ann$al income& ) merrily go along with Cinta*s antics with a child*s innocent
!lindness !$t #or some reason the !lind#olds ha(e !een c$t in hal#& ) see Cinta in a di##erent light,
thin"ing, now&
0arth with his !old honesty and !ra(e emotions and his three words echoes inside my
ne$rons, so s$ddenly& 1owe(er, his words are tr$e& -e*(e "nown e(ery other #or age, !eing in
each other eyesight #or se(enteen years& :y :ama and /addy are (ery good #riends with the
-ar#ield clan since my !irth&
) really spent more time with Cinta as a yo$ng girl, so it ma"es per#ect sense that 0arth
wo$ld #ind me attracti(e as a potential mate& 1e li"es #arming li#e as ) slam the !ac" porch door
and holler #or attention& 4)*m home&8
) pad aro$nd the right corner seeing no $pright !odies sitting at the clean ta!le s$r#ace o#
the Brea"#ast ta!le when ) hear /addy (oice echo #rom the Li(ing .oom& 4)n here, .isa& -e ate
in #ront o# the K, tonight&8
) step onto the thic" light !eige carpet pondering that we*re eating inside the #or!idden
white carpeted Li(ing .oom& 4:ama7,8 singing in my new !ass #l$te seeing her propped li"e a
doll against the arm rest loo"ing li"e death warmed o(er since her #ace is ashen pale compared to
her $s$al s$n'tanned healthy comple3ion while her right leg props on li"e an ant hill o(er three
sets o# !ed pillows as she tenderly h$gs a steaming c$p o# hot li2$id at her throat then she slowly
!lin"s open her eyelashes loo"ing at me, parting her mo$th li"e a dying #ish&
4.isa7,8 sings :ama in her new so#t piano which ) hear within my eardr$m range&
4Clean $p, .isa5 S$pper*s in a!o$t #orty'#i(e min$tes, p$mp"in&8 /addy so#tly e3plains
while ) st$dio$sly stare at :ama mo(ing sideways my !ody down the wall that holds the c$te
pict$res o# me #rom new!orn to Ele(enth 0rade eye !$rning :ama who loo"s worse #rom a
greater distance as ) swer(e aro$nd the attac"ing roc"ing chair then hit my right soc" $pon the
padded stair case going $p to shower my stin"y !ody #or s$pper thin"ing that :ama loo"s aw#$l
as a h$man !eing&
"onday. November 11th. 8:01am. 4po((o )igh Schoo(. )omeroom. ) happily !o$nce
along my soc"ed toes in my new cowgirl !oots sliding into my assigned seat in 1omeroom since
the st$dents ha(e ass$med the regal stat$e 2$o as $s$al witho$t yelling li"e cheerleaders or
#ighting li"e rednec"s& )n the real world li"e in ,pollo, ,la!ama the real "ids hang in 4clic"s li"e
m$sicians8 or 4clan"s li"e rednec"s8 or 4cl$c"s li"e chic"ens8 or 4clashes li"e %oc"s&8 ) am a
4clic"8 since )*m in the :arching Band and play a clarinet (ery poorly !$t ) try really hard li"e )
(ocal my e3c$se to :ama as ) giggle with a girly twang& ) place my thin empty spiral note!oo"
on top o# my des" ta!le watching my #ellow school mates 9ip into the room towards their
assigned seats since the room s2$are is a semi's2$are which ) g$ess is called a rectang$lar since )
passed 0eometry with a 4/8 last year with a set o# #o$r white walls sorta li"e a directional map
on yo$r cell&
he north wall ho$ses an old #ashioned wide and high !lac" !oard that really is $sed a lot
to show pro!lems and sentences in white chal" since o$r poorly #$nded p$!lic school doesn*t
ha(e any e3tra state #$nded monies #or a set o# #ancy cool ,K e2$ipment li"e comp$ters so the
teacher %$st lect$res and yells a lot& hen directionally going #rom north to the so$th wall there
are hori9ontal rows o# "ids mostly made o# the %oc"s, rednec"s, and m$sicians with the three last
rows e3cl$si(ely the %oc"s& he west wall holds small amo$nt o# 4cl$c"s8 who are the really
smart "ids that are easily ta$nted and moc"ed li"e real chic"en hens on a #arm then the east wall
holds the m$sicians li"e me who are made o# the ma%orettes and dance team girls who li"e to
#la$nt with their g$ys d$ring class time instead o# pay attention to the teacher&
Bec" rolls his wheel chair with two ta$nt !iceps o(er the smooth #loor then t$rns the
chair to the right !e#ore hitting the west wall heading $p the row near the teacher*s des" to
accommodate the wide and high wheelchair as he smiles with a !ig happy grin, nodding his s"$ll
at each school mate li"e a 1ollywood mo(ie star then 2$ic"ly ad%$sts his eye #rames as they drop
down his nose !ridge while my t$mmy aches with a nasty set o# wasps stinging the lining o# my
throat !eca$se Bo!!y Joe is going to nominate Bec" #or 1ar(est Emperor as the !ell rings
echoing into my eardr$ms while my heart rate increases&
he 1omeroom eacher sits at his des" mar"ing o## the names o# #aces with an in" pen
that he has "nown #ore(er as present #or the daily 1igh School session then he drops the st$dent
roll !oo" $pon the des" and loo"s into the middle o# the "ids and anno$nces& 4,nno$ncement #or
all st$dents !$t ya*ll sho$ld "now this since yo$ ha(e attended ,pollo 1igh #or #o$rteen years
straight7>!reathes?7there will !e no si3th period o# class #or !and practice, #oot!all practice, or
st$dy hall attendance since this is o$r (al$ed No(ena ;esti(al wee"& ,ll st$dents will lea(e the
camp$s #or home !eing dismissed at precisely 1+MB pm $nless ya want to help tote ta!les, carry
chairs or decorate the game !ooths7>pa$ses and !reathes?7&howe(er, Bo!!y Joe and Billy Jac"
can not (ol$nteer #or anything78
4-hy7&,8 whispering into Cinta*s le#t eardr$m as she giggles and grins and&
Cinta tattles& 4Billy Jac" greased the Clim!ing Pole last year& he #irst competitor get
st$c" in a place that my So$thern !elle manners won*t let me prono$nce7&,8 narrates and
giggles Cinta #or a second time&
) in2$ire with "itty'cat c$riosity !$rning my eye!alls at Billy Jac"& 41e*s really !anned
#rom the ;esti(al&8
47along with Bo!!y Joe&8 Cinta whispers into my #ace as my !rain ne$rons "ic" my
nodes and&
) whisper !ac"& 4-as it ,ctworth< Naw, not possi!le&8
4,ctworth tattled on Billy Jac"&8 Cinta swing to st$dio$s Bec" listening to the teacher*s
) whisper with shoc"& 4Bec" tattled&8
Cinta corrects& 4-e ain*t* #or shore !$t the r$mor is that the Elder ,ctworth m$st*(e eye'
witnessed the silly crime then ratted on Billy Jac" to Principal .$ssell ma"ing !oth rednec"s
!anned #rom the ;esti(al this year e(en this !eing o$r Senior year at ,pollo&8
4-ell, ) didn*t hear a!o$t this&8 ) ret$rn as Cinta loo"s at Bec"&
46o$*re always too late #or e(erything, girl !est7&,8 stings Cinta with a wic"ed smile as
) p$rse my lips, tightly swinging my eye!alls at the 1omeroom eacher&
he 1omeroom eacher e3presses& 4he last anno$ncement #rom my list we need
nominations #or 1ar(est Emperor and 1ar(est Empress #rom the Senior Class& ) want to remind
ya that the winning co$ple will recei(e a nice set o# new electronic toys that wo$ld #ancy any
cow!oy*s !oots& So*s, let*s start with the nomination names #or 1ar(est Emperor<8
Billy Jac" stands li"e a solider #rom the rear row and yells in his se3y !aritone trom!one&
"I nominate my boy, +eck *ctworth.& Lo$d hoots, claps, and !oot stomps along with smiles and
giggles echo o## the #o$r walls and high ceiling as eye!alls and eardr$ms stare at Bec"&
he 1omeroom eacher swings his #ace smiling and complimenting& 4) thin" Bec"
wo$ld do $s pro$d as emperor7>pa$ses?7&are there any more names #or Senior class 1ar(est
Emperor in the po"er pot&8 Silence echoes into the classroom #or71 second then 2 seconds then
the eacher comments& 4) want to than" Billy Jac" #or an e3cellent nomination as this year*s
1ar(est Emperor as ) recall :r& Bec" has not had the honor o# ser(ing that title #or the class& So
in the tr$e spirit o# competition Bec", do yo$ accept<8
) !arely whisper #or my eardr$ms& 4No&8 Bec" twists his nec" m$scles side to side since
his wheelchair seats perpendic$lar to the #o$r sets o# hori9ontal rows that compose almost all o#
the Senior class while ) swi#tly #idget my !ody in my chair !o$ncing my sho$lder !lades #rom
the wall as he loo"s s$spicio$sly aro$nd at his #ellow classmates then he smiles !rightly with a
set o# good teeth !o!!ing his s"$ll $p and down se(eral times li"e a #arm pony in naR(e
acceptance& ) gr$nt li"e a dying dog& 4/ang it58
4/id ya say something<8 Cinta in(ades her red'painted lipstic" into the right side o# my
%aw so close that ) can smell her wintergreen chewing g$n as ) slam my !ac" m$scles into the
rear o# my wooden des" as it slightly wo$nds the three inched thic" concrete wall #olding my
na"ed !iceps o(er my !reasts loo"ing at Bec" while he smiles and ch$c"les not $nderstanding
that he*s %$st a pawn in the chess game&
Bec" p$shes the edge o# his dor"y glasses into his nose and nosily clears his throat while
ret$rning his #linging arms and hands !y slamming them onto his wheelchair tray and anno$nces
with a smile& 46es, ) do& ) want to thin" the class #or in(iting me to participate in this old
traditional time honored school e(ent& )*m (ery honored and (ery e3cited #or the opport$nity to
represent the Seniors& ) plan to win the competition #or my classmates8 Lo$d claps, cheers, and
#oot stomps !o$nces along the wooden #loor in the room&
he 1omeroom eacher holds !oth his hands parallel to the #loor !o$ncing his ten #inger
pads $p and down along with his head !o! li"e a sic" cow signaling the so$nd o# silence in the
classroom then as"s& 4Kery good, Bec"5 /o we ha(e nominations #or the role o# 1ar(est
Empress who will accompany the handsome 1ar(est Emperor this ;riday night as o$r c$te !oy
and girl Senior Class representati(es at the No(ena ;esti(al<8
) swi#tly shi#t !oth o# my !oots $nder my des" as Cinta slams her le#t hand into my right
#orearm slicing my eyelashes at her em!edded imprint o# a set o# manic$red "itty'claws $pon my
golden s"in as Cinta growls li"e a !a!y gri99le !ear& 4-hat*da yo$ doing, .isa<8
4Shi#ting my !oots aro$nd the #loor, Cinta Gca$se my !$tthole*s n$m!&8 ) smile at her&
4=5 ) tho$ght may!e yo$ !e wanting something7&,8 in(ades Cinta into my air poc"et
space almost to$ching my right chee"!one with her do$!le set o# red'painted lipstic" as ) 2$ic"ly
shi#t my !ody to the le#t into Lara Lee*s #linging right hand&
4Lara Lee&8 Bo!!y Joe stands and sings in his se3y !aritone trom!one right on 2$e$e as )
nec" snap my #ace to my other neigh!or and p$rse my lips tightly !$rning my in(isi!le red hot
#ire!alls into her pretty #ace !$t her s"in #lesh doesn*t melt into a !rown goo instead she smiles,
stands, and !ows li"e a real princess then giggles li"e a silly cowgirl witho$t waiting #or any
more names o# 1ar(est Empress nominations& Since the entire Senior class has rigged, plotted
and participated in this e(il deed as ) gr$nt li"e a dying dog&
Lara Lee sings in clarinet& 4han"s to my #ans and #riends at ,pollo 1igh ) promise7
>shows inde3 #inger in cross shape on her !lo$se?7cross my heart and hope to die !eing the
!estest empress o# them all&8 She giggles with a girly twang as ) snarl li"e a capt$red alligator
while staring my sad eye!alls at Bec" who happily claps !oth his hands together with a great !ig
smile across his handsome yellowish'!eige s"in comple3ion witho$t any pre(io$s "nowledge o#
$pcoming tragic e(ent that will change his li#e, #ore(erly&
he 1omeroom eacher claps his hands #or attention as the so#t echo o# hot gossip
r$m!les #rom my side aro$nd the rear o# the wall then #lows !ac" into the teacher*s right
eardr$m and the teacher compliments& 4E3cellent choices, cow!oys and cowgirls58 ) cross my
slee(es o(er my 'shirt pondering how to help Bec" and e3pose the secret while not getting into
tro$!le with my #riends as the !ell lo$dly rings&
2:0. pm. ar%ing (ot. ) lean my !eeFhind against the /odge Charger*s passenger door
with a C&L'liter KL 24'(al(e engine and a #i(e'speed a$tomatic transmission and a$dio steering
wheel mo$nted a$dio controls #or cell phone and satellite radio in the color o# red with the
signat$re LE/ racetrac" tail lamps while reading the late te3t message on my mo!ile telephone
#rom my /addy that they*re coming to school #or my appointed sched$le meeting with :iss
Shirley who*s the 1igh School*s 0$idance Co$nselor #or promising st$dents to attend college
impatiently waiting #or :ama and /addy while the other l$c"y "ids get to go home, eat #ood,
and waste the rest o# the daylight ho$rs watching K or s$r#ing the Net& hen my eye!alls catch
the mo(ement to my right as ) spy on the #$ll si9e yellow li"e a daisy (an as Bec" and Bec"*s
wheelchair lo$nges on the solid eight #oot plat#orm ele(ating to the lip o# the rear #looring o# his
ser(ice (an #or home since !oth o# $s are the last academic st$dents to lea(e the 1igh School
camp$s #or the day& Some o# the "ids and parents o# the "ids are wor"ing inside the elementary
school and gymnasi$m on the No(ena ;esti(al decorations !$t that*s way across the camp$s
where ) sit inside the st$dent par"ing lot&
he plat#orm stops in place as Bec" care#$lly rears his !ac" wheels into the dar"ness o#
the (an disappearing #rom my eye!alls while wondering i# he really saw me spying on him and
his #amily last S$nday a#ternoon or may!e he was s2$inting at the re#lecti(e light #rom the
!inoc$lars ma"ing it loo" li"e he was win"ing his eyelid, le#t at me as ) nosily sigh with
!oredom then ) heard the se3y !aritone trom!one in(ade my le#t eardr$m& 46a loo" really c$te
%$st lo$nging there in the s$nlight58 ) giggle with a girly twang witho$t eye !$rning my admirer
4)*m c$te7,8 agreeing with that smart o!ser(ation as 0arth sets his stac" o# school
!oo"s on the roo# o# the car then mo(es his !ody perpendic$lar to my #rame as ) giggle again #or
!oth ner(es and #$n&
41ey, .isa, why*s ya here, darling< ,re ya ha(ing car tro$!les with yo$r Charger< 6a
sho$ldn*t since it*s a new model&8 1e loo"s #rom tail !$mper to engine hood&
41ey, 0arth %$st wondering why ya didn*t nominate me as 1ar(est Empress&8 ) loo" at
the te3t on my cell phone #ollowing my parents* dri(e in their tr$c" to the 1igh School as he
mo(es closer to my !ody ch$c"ling and&
0arth so#tly words& 4) wo$ld*(e (oted #or ya as empress to !ad yo$ didn*t nominate
) "ic" !ac" and giggle #or !oth #$n and ner(es while staring at the old te3t& 4oo !ad yo$
didn*t nominate me #or the honor&8
0arth sings in deep !aritone& 4Shoot5 ) sho$ld*(e !$t ) wasn*t thin"ing li"e since that*s
not what )7,8 stopping and re'directing and ch$c"les into my le#t eardr$m& 46eah, ya loo" li"e
an elegant swan swirling aro$nd in the air with yo$r !aton, too&8 ) giggle, again and&
) accept& 4han"s, 0arth& hat*s really nice o# ya to say&8 0arth leans his chest !arely
to$ching the edge o# my le#t sho$lder while !oth my hands remain on my cell phone #or !oth #$n
and ner(es as ) lean against the car and&
0arth whispers into my le#t eardr$m& 4) gots lots o# nice things to really say to ya, .isa&8
1e smiles and s$ms& 4oo !ad, it*s only :onday a#ternoon since )*s gots to go home7ya "now
may!e on Sat$rday morn7since yo$ sleep at my ho$se78
) giggle and grin along with a sweet reprimand witho$t loo"ing at 0arth #or !oth #$n and
ner(es& 4hat*s doesn*t so$nd right to me, cow!oy&8
0arth ch$c"les into my le#t eardr$m& 46a spend the night with Cinta as her girl !est,
may!e7we7yo$ and me7alone can go horse!ac" riding near the cree" !ottom and #ish7#or a
co$ple o# ho$rs since #ishing ta"es a co$ple o# ho$rs sometime $ntil s$nset& 6a li"e to #ish,
.isa<8 ) smile and stare at the ne3t te3t message #rom /addy wondering how he*s a!le to te3t
and dri(e at the same time then reali9e that he stops p$lling the tr$c" to the side o# the highway
then te3ts me since a? it*s against the law to te3t and dri(e and !? it*s not :ama doing the te3ting
on my cell phone and&
4) li"e to #ish and h$nt and ride along with spitting and shooting and saddling&8 0arth*s
chest r$!s against my na"ed s"in o# my le#t sho$lder since ) wear a slee(eless 'shirt o(er my
#a(orite pair o# #aded destroyed !l$e %eans and my new set o# cowgirl !oots and&
0arth smiles, sweet !reathing into my le#t earlo!e while ) smell his cologne o# woody
leather& 46o$*re a good cowgirl& ) watched ya ride yo$r horse aro$nd the !arrels coming in third
place at the co$nty .odeo in ,$g$st& hat*s really good, ya "now&8
) smile and share& 46eah, /addy was really pro$d, too&8 *eep0 *eep0 0arth swi#tly whip
lashes his #ace !ehind his le#t collar !one snarling li"e a capt$red alligator and&
1e sings in high tenor& 4Cinta5<8 *ong0 *ong0 ) chin whip my #ace !ehind my right
collar !one $pon seeing /addy*s tr$c" dri(ing aro$nd the school !$ilding as 0arth swi#tly
gathers his school !oo"s #rom the roo# o# my car while ) 2$ic"ly slide my !eeFhind o## the door
padding towards the mo(ing tr$c" away #rom 0arth and&
) call o$t lo$d witho$t loo"ing !ehind my !eeFhind since ) ha(e that st$dent 3'ray (ision
and st$dent telepathy that reads yo$r parents* $nhappy #aces& 4Bye, 0arth& See ya in class
tomorrow&8 ) stand near the deep ditch while /addy par"s the tr$c" into an empty spot then
#aster than lightning he %$mps, 're3 #rom the dri(er*s seat o# the ca! swinging his !ody in the
direction o# 0arth*s tr$c" while 0arth slams the door o# the tr$c" o$t o# /addy*s narrowed
eyesight then /addy nec" snaps his #ace at me and&
/addy in2$ires with his tomcat c$riosity& 4hat !e one o# the -ar#ield*s !oys&8
46ay, /addy& hat*s 0arth& 1e dri(es Cinta to and #rom school since they*re in the same
class& :ama with ya58 ) s$!%ect change #oc$sing on the passenger side o# the tr$c" not seeing
:ama*s #ace !$t !oth her pale hands o(er her s"$ll thro$gh the clean and shiny window shield
li"e she*s in (iolent pain #rom her !ro"en leg& ) 2$ic"ly sh$##le to the passenger side o# the tr$c"
as /addy swings his !ody mo(ing passed me towards the tr$c" !ed, dropping the tail gate and
retrie(ing a wheelchair as my mo$th drops open li"e a h$nger shar"& 4hat*s a wheelchair,
/addy #or :ama*s leg<8
/addy e3plains& 4:ama needs to sa(e her strength& he doc says she*ll #eel !etter inside
a wheelchair instead o# $sing a pair o# cl$msy cr$tches& =pen the door, please, .isa& )*ll li#t
:ama o$t the tr$c"&8
46es, sir58 ) open the door holding it #rom swinging $pon :ama*s !ody accidentally&
/addy ad%$sts the chair with the right leg panel stic"ing o$t li"e a straight arrow #or her in%$red
leg as /addy reaches and li#ts her li"e a little "id #rom the tr$c"*s captain chair witho$t any
e##ort !eing a healthy male with manly strength then gently places her into the chair& hen
/addy #$sses o(er her in%$red leg, her drooped sho$lders, and her shawl co(ered arms as he
t$c"s the light wool !eige !lan"et o(er the lower part o# her !ody then whispers a secret set o#
words into her right eardr$m as she slowly smiles then he orders p$shing the wheelchair*s hand
4Lead the way, p$mp"in !$t $se the ramp on the so$th side o# the !$ilding #or :ama&8
/addy orders as ) slo mo stroll ahead o# them waiting #or /addy and :ama to catch me while )
slowly clim! the concrete ramp and meet :iss Shirley*s smiling #ace on golden tanned smooth
s"in #or a lady o# M0ish years old wearing a cotton paisley dress down o(er her lady li9ard red
and !rown cowgirl !oots&
41ello, .isa5 Come on $p ma"e room #or yo$r :ama&8 :iss Shirley pats the empty air
!eside right side #or me to mo(e o$t o# the pathway o# the wheelchair and she greets with a
happy clarinet twang& 4Lottie ,nn, -halen welcome7>pa$ses?7how*ya #eeling, Lottie ,nn<8
4)7ha(e7had !etter days, Shirley&8 Lottie ,nn words so#tly with a #aint smile as /addy
rolls her $p the ramp into the worn and scratched wooden plan"s o# the old 1igh School that was
!$ilt in the year 1B00*s $sed !y the #irst inha!itants o# ,pollo, ,la!ama& he walls paint in
colored concrete o# d$ll yellow which #ades thro$gh the !right and hot s$mmertime in the
so$thern part o# ,la!ama on the right side !etween the open archways o# the middle grade
classrooms while the le#t side decorates with !right red metal st$dent (ertical loc"ers consisting
o# a top and a !ottom loc"er #or a "id&
4-ell, yo$*ll get !etter, soon, darling& )*(e ne(er !ro"en a lim! !$t they heal 2$ic"ly&
Please wheel her in here, -halen&8 Shirley r$dely #inger points to her le#t into a single
classroom& 4-e can $se this classroom instead o# my o##ice which is too #ar on the other side o#
the !$ilding& his is one o# the se(enth grade*s room7&>points at des"?7) ha(e my #olders on
the teacher*s des"& Please roll Lottie ,nn $p the teacher*s spot #or o$r meeting&8 -halen gently
sh$##les the wheelchair parallel Lottie ,nn*s side to the teacher des" as :iss Shirley seats in a
single armless chair on the short length o# the teacher*s des" opposite me while ) sit my !eeFhind
in a second armless chair and /addy enters the empty st$dent des" slamming his hands on the
empty s$r#ace waiting o(er :ama&
Lottie ,nn starts the con(ersation holding her right hand against her #orehead li"e she*s
in pain& 4Can she go to college<8
Shirley e3plains while tapping her #i(e #inger pads on the thin (anilla'colored #lat #older
on the s$r#ace& 4) remem!er& , nice loo"ing yo$ng co$ple mo(ed to o$r little #arm town o#
,pollo, right a#ter yo$r marriage, when ya*ll grad$ated #rom college, ) !elie(e& 6o$r
0rand#ather Patillo occ$pied that land #or almost a cent$ry78
40randdaddy was a (ery old !ird lo(ing his wi#e and his #arm while into his nineties&8
-halen smiles and ch$c"les !o!!ing his s"$ll $p and down with a #riendly gest$re as Shirley
smiles at him and he story tells& 4) inherited the #arm a#ter his passing& -e were only twenty'two
years old straight o$t o# college with nothing to do !$t #ind a career& -e didn*t e(en "now i#
we*d li"e the #arming li#e !eing city slic"ers o# :ontgomery !$t7>smiles at Lottie ,nn?7now
we*re still here in o$r early #i#ties en%oying o$r little girl&8
4)*m in my #i#ties, too en%oying li#e&8 Shirley loo"s at me while ) ret$rn my eye!alls
admiring her pretty golden s"in with may!e a total o# three s"in wrin"les aro$nd !oth her eye
soc"ets on her #ace as ) shi#t my eye!alls to :ama whose also in her #i#ties since :ama and
/addy !irthed me in their later age o# li#e while she who appears li"e a !eige ghost and Shirley
compliments& 4.isa, ) recall her precio$s !irth, here&8 Lottie ,nn remo(es her le#t hand #rom her
#ace loo"ing at Shirley and&
She complains& 4)t wasn*t here in ,pollo !$t at a hospital in :ontgomery, Shirley& -e
dro(e an ho$r while ) la!ored in the rear !ench o# the tr$c"& ) act$ally tho$ght )*d deli(ery .isa
inside that cold tr$c" instead o# a warm !ed& ) don*t $nderstand why the town doesn*t ha(e an
ad$lt medical center !esides all the di##erent physician clinics& -e decided against a second child
!eca$se o# the lac" o# proper medical protocols and treatments&8
Shirley lect$res& 4Lottie ,nn, all "ids are !orn in :ontgomery since7&>pa$ses?7the
!eginning o# time, here in ,pollo& -e simply can*t come $p with monies #or any type o# proper
medical #acility here in o$r little cow town and the state go(ernment is too cash'stripped to
pro(ide any capital assistance& 6o$ do "now that we ha(e as"ed most #re2$ently and yo$ "now
as well as ) that e(ery thing is !ased on money, -halen& B$t, e(eryone that li(es here is !oth
healthy and happy&8
4-e*re (ery happy here, right, Lottie ,nn<8 -halen smiles at her as she slightly nods
her s"$ll inside her !oth palms while ) e(al$ate my :ama compared to Shirley as Shirley smiles
at me and pats the #older on the ta!le and&
She e3presses& 4)*m (ery e3cited that one o# o$r own is reaching o$t to college& )t*s (ery
rare #or o$r chic"s to lea(e the hen*s nest since e(ery #amily*s li(elihood is !ased on the #arm
!ecoming cow #armers&8
4Nothin* wrong in !eing a #armer, right, /addy<8 ) add smiling at /addy as he nods his
s"$ll, once at me in silence while Shirley loo"s at -halen and&
She e3plains& 4;irst, ) want to clari#y the high e3pense o# college, -halen& )t&&&is7not7
cheap since the small city o# ,pollo doesn*t ho$se a post'grad$ate )nstit$tion along with no
:edical 1ospital& here#ore, yo$ are responsi!le #or .isa*s college t$ition, her !oo"s, her
camp$s #ees, and her camp$s acti(ities along with her apartment rental co$pled with the
electricity, water, sewer, and all the other li(ing e3penses that are re2$ired on a monthly !asis
while she stays in the city o# :ontgomery& 6es, her car e3penses as well&8
Lottie ,nn words sharply& 4-e $nderstand all the e3traneo$s monies that*ll !e re2$ired
#or .isa to attend college o$tside o# ,pollo, Shirley& -e grad$ated #rom B$rn A where .isa will
e(ent$ally and we ha(e planned ahead %$st tell $s what*s the stat$s o# her college application&8
Shirley nosily inhales then deeply e3hales then starts witho$t a smile loo"ing at Lottie
,nn& 4Let me !egin with that .isa7>smiles at me?7has !oth a set o# low grades and a (ery low
0P, ma"ing her a high ris" #reshman at any college& She scored a twel(e on her ,C test which
will re2$ire that she ta"e r$dimentary co$rses o# !oth math and English7only&8 -halen taps
!oth his ten #inger pads on the s$r#ace and&
1e in%ects in a high tenor loo"ing at Shirley& 4=nly7what does that mean&&&only< ,ny
college #reshman has a choice o# (ario$s academic s$!%ects incl$ding math, science, history,
literat$re, art, m$sic or78
Shirley sha"es her c$rls& 4-halen and Lottie ,nn, .isa can s$!mit her college
application anytime !$t ) am warning !oth o# yo$ that she will !e limited to two7>hold two
#ingers in the air?7college co$rses which is math and English& ) m$st e3press that it will !e a
total waste o# her time and yo$r money i# she doesn*t re'ta"e the ,C test78
) sha"e my c$rls& 4Naw&8
4Silence, .isa&8 Lottie ,nn reprimands with a 2$ic" piccolo m$sic then places her right
hand to her #orehead as -halen agrees !o!!ing his s"$ll $p and down li"e a #arm pony and&
1e says& 4hat*s #ine7with the !oth o# $s& She can start d$ring the s$mmertime session
ta"ing the two re2$ired r$dimentary classes o# math and English&8 ) sha"e my s"$ll side to side
) disagree& 4) !e a #armer7instead78
he (oice permeates lo$dly in the class room !e#ore her distorted #ace appears #rom her
open palms& 4/o not em!arrass me with yo$r hill!illy slang, .isa< ) do declare ) cannot
$nderstand the morals that are ta$ght these days in the p$!lic school system& /o other children
tal" li"e that, Shirley<8 Lottie ,nn whip lashes her nec" as #ar to her le#t as possi!le since her
!ody #aces the wall instead o# me as she holds !oth hands at her sweaty #orehead&
Shirley smiles at Lottie ,nn, then grins at -halen and commands to me& 4Kery well5 -e
agree& .isa will re'ta"e the ,C test so she can enter college as a reg$lar #reshman witho$t
wasting any more time& Since time is all we ha(e&8 ) chin whip my #ace into my nec" pondering
how ) get o$t o# this one&
T#esday. November 12
. Fo#rth period. Science c(ass. 11:02 am. he classroom !ell
lo$dly rings echoing !etween my yellow ear wa3 still not acc$stomed to the #og horn !last #or
the last #i(e years since the Se(enth 0rade thin"ing that )*ll !e glad to grad$ate #rom silly 1igh
School into serio$s College $nderstanding that there isn*t any school !ells, school co$nsels, or
school principals to monitor the hallway when yo$ can*t #ind yo$r st$pid academic te3t!oo"& )
stroll into the room holding my thin note!oo" li"e a "night shield o(er my !reasts #lirting in the
#orm o# !atting my eyelashes, smiling really !iggy, wa(ing with three #inger pads on my right
hand then giggling li"e a 1ollywood mo(ie star at 0arth& 1e sits on the last row !etween Bo!!y
Joe and Billy Jac" "eeping the twin rednec"s #rom #ighting, tal"ing, and dist$r!ing o$r academic
class o# Science where ) hold an a(erage o# a n$meric (al$e o# DL points o$t o# 100 which is the
grade letter o# 4C8 ) thin" ) will as" Cinta&
) plop in my $s$al teen des" !etween Lara Lee and Cinta along with the other ma%orettes
in Band since the enth 0rade when st$dents were assigned descripti(e 4titles8 instead o# c$te
nic"names& ;or e3ample 4she*s a ma%orette8 as opposed to cheerleader, %oc", gee", !ea$ty,
rednec" or egghead& Whatever! ) note the s$!stit$te teacher whose s"$ll !arely misses the top o#
the teacher*s des" with her p$re white p$##y hair p$lled li"e a ro$nd powdered s$gar don$t on
top o# her #lat head "inda li"e an alien ) saw in a mo(ie and night and along with her (ery
nota!le thic" rimmed s2$ared'shaped !lac" eyeglasses that clashes with her heart'shaped #ace
consisting o# !l$e %eans poc"ets o# sagging white s"in aro$nd tight wrin"les o# mo$th lips and
eye soc"ets !$t she smiles !rightly so that means today will !e an easy day #or me at least&
4She*s a shorty&8 To(d ya0 Bo!!y Joe #inger points then roars with la$gh as 0arth slams
his right #ist into Bo!!y Joe*s le#t !icep signaling to show some type o# So$thern manners o(er
the new instr$ctor as the entire three rows o# rednec"s and %oc"s ch$c"le li"e #arm t$r"eys while
) hold my !ottom lip #rom sniggering li"e a sly #o3&
he new s$!stit$tion teacher doesn*t stand !$t she can holler li"e a #emale cat in heat&
40ood morning, class& Please ta"e o$t a sheet o# paper and a pencil&
4Boo7,8 (is$al st$dent S1 screams in his alto sa3ophone&
4Naw7,8 (is$al st$dent S2 hollers in his !aritone trom!one&
4Boom7,8 (is$al st$dent SC yells in his alto ;rench horn&
4-here*s :r& L<8 Konnie S$e in2$ires in her so#t piano m$sic sitting along my wall o#
the classroom&
4,n in" pen, o"ay<8 Lara Lee as"s in her alto clarinet sitting ne3t to me as the new
teacher !o!s her s"$ll $p and down li"e a #arm pony and&
She sings in alto sa3ophone& 46es, yo$ may $se an in" pen #or this pop 2$i9& ,nd let me
e3plain that all o# ya*ll will !e recei(ing a per#ect score o# h$ndred points #or this test&8 Lo$d
cheers and claps #rom the Senior class st$dents echo $p to the ra#ters as the teacher motions her
ten #inger pads $p and down in the air and reprimands with a so#t tone& 4Class, please !e 2$iet& )
do not want the principal in(ading o$r pri(ate sanct$ary #or the new two ho$rs since )*m ta"ing
yo$r class to the l$nchroom aro$nd noon& /oes e(eryone ha(e their pencil ready<8 She waits and
watches #or'.1 second'2 seconds'then nods her head #or the silence ac"nowledgement and
nosily inhales& 4J$estion n$m!er one+ the s$n rises o(er 1eel Stone on :id'S$mmer and sets on
:id'-inter& -hich is considered the #irst astronomical o!ser(atory "nown as7,8 smiling,
4Please, #ill in the !lan"&8
4Blan"&8 /a(y .ay sho$ts in !aritone as the st$dents so#tly snigger along with me
!eca$se that*s what my mental mind is presenting a !ig wide !oth (ertical and hori9ontal
geometric pie o# !lac" !lan"ness so ) chic"en scratch the word Ne+ "e7ico& ) !elie(e there are
some star telescope o!ser(atories in that AS State&
46o$*re not a smart rednec"& ,re ya, !oy<8 he teacher ch$c"les& 4J$estion n$m!er
two+ what is the other name #or the G)mperisha!le Star,8 which designates a Iing*s !$rial
cham!er alignment with !oth the !elts o# =rion and h$!an<8
Crap0 ) wonder& -hat planet is this woman li(ing on< he land o# coo"ies5 /oes she
mean =reo coo"ies with the chocolate o$tside and crEme white #illing inside< ) plan to p$rchase
in the (ending machine #or l$nch& ) slide my eye!alls le#t then right as my #ellow st$dents write
their answers on their paper& ) draw !lan" #or a second time #or the second 2$estion, so ) scri!!le
the word, "ars. ) "now the answer isn*t the s$n, moon, or earth, so that lea(es a co$ple o# the
other solar system planets which ) can*t recall #rom my Se(enth 0rade science class&
he teacher says& 4J$estion n$m!er three+ who con2$ered parts o# :esopotamia in CC4
BC while em!racing and a!sor!ing its astrological st$dy and wisdom across the 1ellenic world
which was !irthed in ,le3andria in Egypt<8
) ha(e got this answer it is 4(esander. ) smile and cross o$t the word, 4(esander with
my in" pen and spell it, sorta more right& 4(e7.
he eacher sits at the des" ad%$sting the rim o# her eyeglasses staring at the ner(o$s
"ids& 4J$estion n$m!er #o$r, what science st$dy acco$nts #or the mo(ement o# the stars and
other hea(enly !odies that a##ect o$r li(es here on o$r world<
) g$ess it is 0od that*s the only !ody that can mo(e stares and hea(en& ) scri!!le the word
4(mighty &od. ) slice my eyelashes aro$nd the room as st$dents write their answers on their
paper& ) won*t cheat since ,lmighty 0od might see it&
he eacher anno$nces& 4Please pass yo$r papers to her7&>points at .wanda?7what*s
yo$r name, sweetie<8
4.wanda&8 She smiles as papers shi#t into her #ace along her right arm then her le#t hand
while single and m$ltiple sheets gather !ehind her s"$ll&
4-hile )*m grading yo$r tests7,8 words the eacher staring at the st$dents&
41ey, yo$ said7,8 (is$al st$dent yells in his !aritone trom!one&
4) m$st pretend to !e a teacher, today& .ight, st$dent<8 he eacher smiles accepting the
messy pile o# papers #rom .wanda and e3plains& 4) m$st place a letter grade on each paper so )
can t$rn in yo$r wor" and my lect$re #or the day to the principal*s o##ice& B$t ) can m$lti'tas" !y
tal"ing and grading at the same time& ) am S$mer -inters7,8 ch$c"ling and commenting& 46es,
my :ama wasn*t a nice So$thern !elle& )*m here only #or a two'wee" period since :r& Ino3 is
ha(ing dental s$rgery !$t will ret$rn as yo$r science teacher& So #or today*s lesson please #ollow
my #i(e steps shown on the !lac" !oard&8 She th$m!s her #old #ist at the !lac" !oard while she
eye!alls the papers&
41ey, :iss S&8 .wanda lays the papers on her des" then ret$rns her assigned seat&
:iss S instr$cts& 4a"e o$t another piece o# paper and draw a circle& /raw twel(e
intersected pies inside the circle& La!el the top pole with the letter G,* then go aro$nd the circle
to the right c$r(e o# the pie mar"ing it with the letter G* then G0* contin$ing aro$nd the twel(e
a3is points as shown on the !lac" !oard& /raw a !ig ro$nd !all a!o(e yo$r circle which is also
displayed on the !lac" !oard& his represents the solar s$n in o$r :il"y -ay 0ala3y& Please a
medi$m ro$nd !all !etween the letters G* and G0* then draw a medi$m ro$nd !all in the radi$s
o# the circle& hen draw a tiny !all on the le#t side o# the radi$s point& ,nd #inally draw a
medi$m ro$nd !all $nder the letter GP*&8 She #lips 2$ic"ly thro$gh the papers "nowing the
answers #rom her school lect$res in the city o# :ontgomery where she li(es and wor"s then
so#tly words& 4-ell7this is ama9ing& he entire class has scored h$ndred points o$t o# h$ndred
points on these #i(e pop 2$i9 2$estions where $s$ally ) am l$c"y to #ind #i(e o$t o# #i#ty st$dents
to get all the answers correct&8
4-e*re smart rednec"s&8 /a(y .ay yells #rom the rear o# the wall&
4) do !elie(e it, since my old eyes see only a set o# correct answers, e3cept #or a #ew
st$dents& So let*s disc$ss 2$estion n$m!er one7&,8 :iss S with an e(il smir"&
4,#ter l$nch7,8 (is$al st$dent S1 yells in his !aritone trom!one&
4Now7,8 (is$al st$dent S2 screams his ;rench horn&
4,#ter potty time7,8 (is$al st$dent SC (oices in her alto clarinet along with some
trom!one, #l$te, and sa3ophone ch$c"ling t$nes&
4J$estion n$m!er one, the s$n rises o(er 1eel Stone on :id'S$mmer and sets on :id'
-inter which is considered the #irst astronomical o!ser(atory "nown as Stonehenge in 0reat
Britain which was !$ilt in phases7,8 stops :iss S&
4)n stones7,8 d$mps /a(y .ay as he ch$c"les along with some o# the !oys in the %oc"
section as :iss S doesn*t stop and&
She lect$res ad%$sting her eye #rames& 4Stonehenge was !$ilt in stone phases #rom CC00
to 2000 BC as the s$n rises o(er 1eel Stone on a :id'S$mmer which is early ,$g$st and sets on
a :id'-inter which is early ;e!r$ary and considered the #irst astronomical o!ser(atory #or
planetary alignments st$died !y ancient astrologists& he answer to second 2$estion is the 0reat
Pyramids o# Egypt which were !$ilt in 2L00 BC !y the ancient Egyptians pro(iding #or the
Pharaoh two pathways o# renewal and res$rrection in the a#ter'li#e&8 She pa$ses #or !ea$ty then
contin$es& 4he answer to the third 2$estion is the in#amo$s 0ree" hero and leader ,le3ander
the 0reat&8 She smiles and comments& 4)# yo$ ha(e !een paying attention yo$ wo$ld ha(e hear
part o# the answer when ) mentioned that astrological st$dy and wisdom is most #amo$s in
,le3andria in Egypt since the 0ree"s were o!sessed with their god and goddesses creating
mar!le stat$es and naming the s"y a#ter their heroes&8
4hat dang wisdom didn*t help since they all died o$t right, Lara Lee<8 /a(y .ay smir"s
with a set o# wic"ed lips, right staring at Lara Lee as her po$ts her lips, c$te'li"e !$t Bec"
(icio$sly reacts to /a(y .ay*s ta$nt o# her as Bec" parts his lips li"e a dying #ish coc"ing his
s"$ll sideways !eaming #rom his eye #rames a set o# hot in(isi!le iron ores that come the local
,la!ama coal mine sha#t at /a(y .ay& ) #rown with intrig$e&
:iss S contin$es& 4J$estion n$m!er #o$r, the oldest science in the world is astrology
which started in 0ree" with Ptolemy& -hen the 0ree"s #irst assigned a series o# twel(e S$n
signs li"e ,ries to their calendar then that #ascinating astrological system spread as #ar as )ndia
which created the 1ind$ gods and goddesses #or their own #ol"s ancient eye!alls ha(e !een
sco$ting the hea(ens #or cosmic meaning in the patterns o# stars and planets& ,strology is
st$dying the mo(ement o# the stars and other hea(enly !odies that a##ect o$r li(es here on o$r
world& , good e3ample is the moon has in#l$ence o(er ocean tides& Nati(e ,mericans $sed
medicine wheels to interpret sic"nesses and the Chinese astronomers were the #irst to st$dy
s$nspots& So astrology has emerged as a way to predict certain li#e e(ents& hat is o$r topic #or
disc$ssion today& he night s"y has inspired and awed people #or cent$ries !eca$se it*s !ig and
!right #or one and a second reason the star ga9ers saw re#lections o# their own c$lt$re*s
mythology, gods, and heroes78
4-e li(e in the AS,, so we ain*t got no heroes !$t my twel(e'ga$ge&8 /a(y .ay
declares as so#t ch$c"les !o$nces along the #loor&
4he stars allowed #or ocean sailors to na(igate the water and desert nomads to tra(el the
sands at night which created some pretty #amo$s astronomers& -ho can name me one<8 :iss S
in2$ires witho$t smiling&
0arth raises his right arm as she nods her s"$ll, once& 4Ptolemy o# ,le3andria was a
.oman astronomer who wrote ,lmagest in second cent$ry ,/ and also gro$ped 1,022 stars into
4@ constellations which was $sed !y Copernic$s #or his primary writing in 1,M00 years later&8
:iss S smiles, nodding& 4Kery good58
Bec" raises his hand as she nods& 4he oldest "nown catalog o# 0ree" constellations
comes #rom Catasterismi o# Eratosthenes who li(ed #rom 2DL to 1BL BC and in the second
cent$ry BC 1ipparch$s prod$ced a star catalog ran"ing the stars !y their magnit$de which is
!rightness&8 1e smiles&
:iss S ch$c"les& 4Kery, (ery good5 hat*s an e3cellent set o# e3treme history research&
6o$ m$st !e the (aledictorian here at ,pollo #or the Senior Class&8
4, (alid dic" t$rd7,8 words with a nasty !aritone #rom Billy Jac" loo"ing at Bec"&
:iss S %er"s her distorted #ace #rom grading the papers at Billy Jac"& 4-hat did yo$ say yo$ng
4Kelcro7dang it tore loose7,8 holds his pant*s !elt into the air as so#t rooster ch$c"les
echo to the ceiling&
:iss S stares at Billy Jac", lect$ring& 4Both, Ptolemy and Copernic$s o!ser(ed a !elt o#
#i3ed stars called constellations78
4=ne*s called the !ig dipshit&8 Bo!!y Joe grins&
0arth pops his !icep& 4Naw& )t*s prono$nced as the Big /ipper, rednec"&8
47and then there*s the little dipshit7,8 in%ects Bo!!y Joe with a !igger smile and slight
ch$c"le as 0arth slams his #olded #ist into Bo!!y Joe*s le#t !icep #or a second time and&
1e reprimands& 4Bo!!y Joe, the stars are called the Big /ipper and little /ipper&8
:iss S #rowns then lect$res& 4here are #i3ed stars along with #i(e prominent ones which
are really planets !$t to o$r na"ed eye!alls they loo" li"e stars $ntil yo$ $se a telescope& he
planets had their own irreg$lar celestial mo(ements !ased on the rotations o# planets, the s$n
meas$red !y o$r calendar o# time& ,#ter all the stars and all the "nown planets were seen !y
eye!alls then the 0ree"s had some #$n $sing their named heroes and heroines !y writing and
acting o$t the characters into plays with real action gods and goddesses& -ho can name a
Bec" raises his hand, waiting li"e a good ,'pl$s st$dent& She nods& 4he #irst 0ree"
playwright was ,eschyl$s who wrote ninety plays and is nic"named the #ather o# tragedy& 1e
was !orn into an aristocratic #amily near ,thens aro$nd M2M BC and ser(ed as a soldier in the
Persian -ars and participated in the 0reat /ionysia which is part o# a #esti(al honoring
/ionys$s who is the 0ree" god o# wine& 1e wrote his #irst play in 4BB BC& Se(en o# his plays
s$r(i(e today that incl$de The .ersians, /e!en *gainst Thebes, The /uppliants, *gamemnon,
The 0ibation +earers, The 1umenides, and .rometheus +ound sharing a ma%or theme o# %$stice&
,eschyl$s !elie(ed that the gods and goddesses resented when so'called h$man !eings
attempted to attain greatness at the e3pense o# others h$man !eings& hen the gods or goddesses
wo$ld tric" the h$man !eing into ca$sing his own down#all thro$gh pride&8
/a(y .ay ch$c"les& 4B$t, sometimes, a direct h$man !eing ain*t p$nished the right way
then the p$nishment #alls to one o# their many descendants o# that h$man !eing #or later& .ight,
Lara Lee<8
4Pe$s is the god o# %$stice and a central #ig$re in ,eschyl$s*s wor"& ,eschyl$s died
aro$nd 4MM B&C& in 0ela, Sicily at the age o# si3ty'nine honored with a p$!lic #$neral&8
:iss S #rowns at Bec"& 41$mans5< 6o$ mean to state the delicate word, mortals as
opposed to the immortal gods o# 0ree" mythology&8
Bec" nods& 46es, ma*am&8
:iss S says& 4he important point o# (iew o# any and all ancient plays, s$ch as the wor"s
o# ,eschyl$s, a richest so$rce o# classical myth, all the 0ree" gods and goddesses inter(ened
into h$man a##airs&8
/a(y .ay in2$ires& 4:iss S, are ya saying that these #ine gods and goddesses sho$ld not
#lirt with h$mans, then and now<8
:iss S loo"s at /a(y .ay, smiling& 4) don*t see the harm& Let*s ha(e some #$n7,8
4Boo7,8 the (is$al st$dent'one yells in his ;rench horn&
4Naw7,8 the (is$al st$dent'two sho$ts in his !aritone trom!one&
46ee'haw7,8 the (is$al st$dent'three hollers in his alto sa3ophone&
4hin" o# the night s"y as a circle&8 She smiles& 4he night s"y li"e yo$r circle on the
paper is di(ided it into twel(e parts& Each part is li"e yo$r home which we will call a Gho$se*& ,s
the s$n tra(els in a circle it enters into a ho$se li"e yo$ wal"ing into yo$r garage door then
eating #ood #rom the re#rigerator then d$mping yo$r !oo"s in the li(ing room going to the
!athroom $rinating and7,8
4) shi7,8 Bo!!y Joe la$ghs when 0arth slaps his !icep&
4Bo!!y Joe<8 0arth reprimands&
:iss S contin$es& 4,#ter yo$r !odily #$nctions ha(e !een eliminated yo$ go into yo$r
!ed room and play on the Net instead o# doing yo$r nightly homewor"& So the s$n has settled in
yo$r room with yo$ li"e a girl#riend&8
46ee'haw5 )s she pretty li"e&&&,8 says /a(y .ay&
:iss S nods& 4She is pretty li"e the .oman goddess o# lo(e, Ken$s& Loo" at yo$r circle
the s$n sets o$tside the circle which $s$ally represents yo$r !irth month& Please place the month
o# yo$r !irth inside the appropriate pie&8
4/on*t "now7,8 /a(y .ay wor"s on drawing his circle&
:iss S mo(es mo(ing towards /a(y .ay& 46o$r !irth date< hen yo$ are a silly
/a(y .ay con#esses tapping his in" pen on the paper& 4Inow the month ) was !orn,
which pie does it !elong, too< ) !e !orn in ,$g$st&8
:iss S nods& 46o$ are a Leo& -rite ,$g$st, right here7,8 placing her $n'polished
trimmed inde3 #inger nail at the letter GL* while she strolls $p and down the aisle chec"ing the
st$dent*s progress& 4Kery good5 So, let*s loo" at the di##erence !etween the ho$ses since the
phase Ga$r$s rising* means7that yo$r star7&or yo$r personality78
47yo$r shotg$n<8 /a(y .ay anno$nces as gr$nts echo to the ceiling&
:iss S nods her s"$ll, once & 47or yo$r shotg$n !ecomes mi##ed when a planet
dominates yo$r ho$se& ;or #$n we*re going to translate within yo$r ho$se the Gintercepted* sign
which ma"es yo$ the interceptor #or tro$!le7or #or pleas$re that dominates yo$r ho$se and yo$r
planet& )# yo$r planet dominates o$r ho$ses then yo$*re li"e a !$lly on the play gro$nd tossing
the little "iddies o## their swing sets& Some !elie(e that a 1o$se holds lots o# magical powers as
well& Let me $se an e3ample #or the 1o$se o# ,ries which is a pioneer7or person who goes o$t
into the world #irst lea(ing the others !ehind while the 1o$se o# Pisces swims thro$gh the waters
o# the emotions&8
4)*m the 1o$se o#7,8 d$mps Cinta staring at :iss S&
4Pain7Lara Lee7yo$*re the ho$se o# constant thorny pain in my as',& adds /a(y .ay
in the rear o# the room then ch$c"les with a hea(y tone as :iss S eye !$rns him and&
She comments& 46o$ng man, than" yo$ so (ery m$ch #or yo$r ac$te o!ser(ation& 6o$
li(e in yo$r 1o$se that*s on the sheet o# paper !$t e(ery home has a :ama and /addy who is
$s$ally the r$ler o(er yo$r teen e(il ways7&>ch$c"les?7&the same concept applies to yo$r
1o$se since yo$ are r$led not !y #lesh and !one parents !$t !y a celestial planet& 0ood e3ample,
the Planet o# :ars is r$led !y the star ,ries& he Planet o# Nept$ne is r$led !y the constellation
Pisces& Ken$s is r$led !y the #i3ed star o# a$r$s& :erc$ry is r$led !y the star 0emini& 1owe(er
the planet o# :ars is the most power#$l r$ler o# all the planets which wo$ld incl$de its
presentation inside any o# the 1o$ses& /oes that ma"e sense<
4he reason we*re st$dying the silly 1o$ses and Planets is !eca$se ) don*t ha(e a
prepared lect$re #or yo$r class since ) was contacted at si3 o*cloc" this morning to s$!stit$te at
this 1igh School& ) li(e in :ontgomery which isn*t a short hop here witho$t ta"ing a train& So )
li"e astronomy deciding that ) wo$ld teach a short imprompt$ lect$re #or today& ,nd ) promise
e(eryone has recei(ed the letter grade o# an ,& Let*s ha(e some more #$n !e#ore we go to l$nch&
,stronomers predict that something #antastic will happen o(er the s"ies o# Earth ya "now the
$s$al eclipse and loss o# cell phone ser(ice !$t astrologists !elie(e yo$7as a #lesh and !one teen
will !e a##ected may!e yo$r hair grows longer or yo$r teeth !ecome sharper or yo$ start peeing
on the #loor li"e a dog7,8 la$ghing #rom the non'academic st$dents as :iss S orders& 46o$r
4Boo7,8 (is$al st$dent S1 sho$ts in his ;rench horn&
4Naw78 (is$al st$dent S2 yells in his !aritone trom!one&
4Boom7,8 (is$al st$dent SC hollers in his alto sa3ophone&
46ee'haw7,8 (is$al st$dent S4 screams in his !ass dr$m&
:iss S e3plains& 46o$r assignment is d$e on ;riday morning o# the twenty'second o#
No(em!er in a typed #ormat which ) pre#er or a hand written report is totally accepta!le to me
which will detail the date and the (ery rare celestial phenomena will hints #rom the paper in yo$r
hands& ) ha(e pro(ided the named planets and the star map which will easier lead to yo$r
concl$sion&8 She inhales then e3hales commenting& 4Let*s ha(e some #$n and see i# something
will happen to yo$ on this rare e(ent& -ho wo$ld li"e to !e my #irst c$stomer< No ta"ers, how
a!o$t yo$, dear< -hat*s yo$r name<8 :iss S pads to Cinta*s des" on her le#t&
4Cinta&8 She names loo"ing at :iss S&
4:ay ) see yo$r circle, Cinta&8 :iss S as"s holding o$t her right hand as Cinta li#ts the
paper into :iss S*s nostrils while :iss S smiles& 4Cinta, let*s see7yo$ are a 0emini which is
r$led !y :erc$ry& he Planet o# :erc$ry represents the sign o# comm$nications7>ch$c"les?7
4old her right& Cinta tal"s all the dang time a!o$t hec" #ire o# any thing, any one and
any where&8 /a(y .ay adds to the lect$re as so#t ch$c"les !o$nce on the #loor&
:iss S lect$res& 4Cinta is mar"ed !y a 2$ic" in(enti(e mind yo$ are $p'to'date on all
c$rrent e(ents78
41ot gossip7,8 d$mps Lara Lee with a sweet smile at Cinta&
4,nd has shrewd powers o# o!ser(ation& 6o$ ha(e an adapta!le, (ersatile intellect, and
int$ition a!o$t the relationship7,8 lect$res :iss S&
4Se378 declares Bo!!y Joe with a great !ig smile&
4No, ma*am7,8 words Cinta sha"ing her s"$ll side to side&
4Sh$t $p, Bo!!y Joe&8 0arth reprimands in tenor p$nching his #olded #ist into Bo!!y
Joe*s !icep&
:iss S details reading the circle& 46o$ en%oy tra(eling&8 1ea(y claps and cheers echo to
the ceiling&
4:e&&&me7me7pic" me ne3t&8 .wanda wa(es her right hand in the air as :iss S
contin$es to read the single sheet o# paper and&
She concl$des& 4Lastly7yo$r star o# 0emini is !eing swallowed !y the Planet o# :ars
which is dominating yo$& hat*s interesting5 6o$ sho$ld de#initely stay home and watch K,
dear&8 She p$rses her lips, $gly handing o## the paper to Cinta then two'steps on low heels to her
le#t smiling and e3tending her hand to .isa& 4-hat*s yo$r name<8
4.isa&8 ) sing in #l$te m$sic and smile&
:iss S e3plains reading my circle& 4.isa, yo$r star o# a$r$s is rising o(er yo$r planet o#
Ken$s& his is lo(e& /id yo$ "now that<8 ) giggle 2$ic"ly c$tting my eye!alls to 0arth& 1e grins
with a goo#y smile !ac" at me, when Billy Jac" and Bo!!y Joe !oth plow their #olded #ist
p$nches into each o# 0arth*s !iceps& ) smile at :iss S& 46o$ will #orm deep emotional lo(e
4Boom&8 /a(y .ay sho$ts along with arms raised to the ceiling&
:iss S contin$es to (iew the paper& 46o$ e3$de great charm, wit and a good
4B$t, not good in academics, that*s #or dang shore7,8 Billy Jac" adds #or my torment
while so#t giggles echoes aro$nd the room&
46o$*re pop$lar and en%oying tra(eling& :arriage is important #or yo$& wenty'second o#
No(em!er will !e a (ery nice day #or yo$, sweetie&8 :iss S nods at me then hands me the paper&
4han" yo$&8 ) smile as :iss S a!o$t #aces her !ody marching her legs straight to Bec"
holding her right arm o$t #or his circle as he presents his paper ch$c"ling and smiling silly&
4)*m Bec"&8 1e greets with his $s$al happy sel#&
4Bec", yo$ are the constellation o# ,ries, here on yo$r paper& )t is r$led !y the planet o#
:ars that means yo$ go a#ter, what yo$ want& 6o$*re not disco$raged !y o!stacles7,8 tapping
his wheelchair tire& 46o$ possess sheer determination and strength o# will e3pressing yo$r shared
energy !est with yo$r peers, which pro!a!ly means yo$r #amily mem!ers&8
40ot that right<8 Lara Lee yells, smir"ing&
:iss S lect$res& 46o$*re a great leader and a #earless competitor&8
41ar(est Emperor7,8 /a(y .ay ch$c"les along with some o# the Seniors #or their e(il
4Kery good&8 She mo(es to the row last in the rear o# the room tapping on collar !ones
then stops at 0arth& 4:ay )<8 :iss S holds her right palm open as 0arth hands o## his circle and&
40arth&8 1e names with a smiling at the teacher and&
:iss S pats his right collar !one with her le#t hand and e3plains& 4his is simply
mar(elo$s& 6o$r star constellation is Pisces which is r$led !y the int$iti(e Planet o# Nept$ne&
6o$*re #ired on many, many le(els in yo$r li#e physically, emotional, and mentally& 6o$*re a
#laring !om! #ire at the ri(er !an"& 6o$ are p$re logic and reason& 6o$ #ind e3pression thro$gh
!ea$ty and harmony ma"ing yo$r $ltimate p$rpose lo(e and marriage which only go hand'and'
hand& 6o$ will !e Iing o# yo$r 1o$se and ) hope yo$ ha(e a J$een to share with yo$r #$n on
twenty'second o# No(em!er&8
4Boom7,8 (is$al st$dent S1 yells in his !aritone trom!one&
46ee'haw7,8 (is$al st$dent S2 hollers in his ;rench horn&
4L$nchtime7,8 (is$al st$dent SC sho$ts in her alto sa3ophone&
4Boo7,8 (is$al st$dent S4 yells in his !ass dr$m&
:iss S ret$rns to her des", nodding and #ingering the window& 4) ha(e one more item #or
yo$r lect$re& here are two di##erent ways #or the :il"y -ay gala3y planets to align& /oes
anyone want to pitch me a theory< ) will award h$ndred points towards yo$r si3'wee" grade o#
the semester&8
0arth raises his hand, saying& 4he #irst way, when #ol"s hear the words, planetary
alignment, they imagine (iewing the solar system o# planets o(er the North Pole which #orms a
straight line towards the S$n& Planet :erc$ry will !e the #irst then is #ollowed !y the other
worlds hidden !ehind :erc$ry&8
:iss S nods, smiling& 4Kery good5 6o$ recei(e h$ndred points&8
Bec" tosses his hand, waiting& She nods& 4he second type o# alignment, the planets
#ollow a straight line traced o$t in the !l$e s"y& ,ll the planets will line in the same plane or
space o# the s"y, which can !e seen with yo$r na"ed eyes& Each or!ital plane will lie within a
#ew degrees o# Earth*s or!ital plane, appearing as a per#ect straight line&8
:iss S smiles, nodding at him& 46o$, too, recei(e h$ndred points& :y stars5 -e ha(e lots
o# smart cow!oys and cowgirls, here at ,pollo 1igh School& ,nd, ) do !elie(e that the smart
cow'#ol"s can determine their wee"ly assignment& 6ay58
he school !ell rings&
4Naw58 Billy .ay stands, sha"ing his s"$ll, e3iting the classroom&
$ednesday. November 13
. 46ternoon. ati((o Farm. 2:11pm. ) p$ll my car into the
garage, slamming the garage door sh$t as ) enter the "itchen and stop at the "itchen hal#'circ$lar
!ar co$nter pa$sing at :ama, /addy and Co3 s$rro$nding the ro$nd Brea"#ast ta!le #or a #ormal
meeting standing li"e a solider $pon the #loor as /addy stands then stomping his cow!oy !oots
while gi(ing me a h$g and a 2$ic" pec" on my right chee"!one& /addy wal"s me to his once'
occ$pied chair as ) stand opposite side o# :ama and diagonally #rom Co3 while Co3 e3tends his
right hand #or sha"ing then ) sha"e it and sit in the chair 2$ietly staring at :ama witho$t any
#acial distortion since she*s get mad when ) po$t li"e a toddler in #ront o# (isiting g$ests&
41ello, .isa it*s (ery nice to meet ya&8 Co3 smoothes in a !ass dr$m matching Bec"*s
(oice and wheelchair !$t not eye #rames as ) c$t my eye!alls and nod my s"$ll, once in silence at
him li"e a good So$thern !elle&
/addy whispers into my right eardr$m& 4E3cellent timing, .isa&8 /addy pads aro$nd me
ta"ing the seat on my le#t as :ama holds !oth hands in her #ace and&
:ama so#tly intros& 4his is Co3 ,ctworth& 1e*s o$r representati(e attorney #or all o$r
personal and !$siness transactions regarding o$r #arm, land, !$ildings7assets&8
Co3 li#ts, drags, and presents a three'inched stac" o# (ario$s papers #rom palm'si9ed to
legal'si9e papers with !lac" in" o(er the white paper and a single colored red ta! on each sheet
while #inger pointing at the top paper while p$shing his eyeglasses with his right inde3 #inger
$pon his nose !ridge as ) answer li"e a good da$ghter& 4;iddlestic"s, :ama5 ) "now who :r&
,ctworth is and what he represents& :r& ,ctworth is a lawyer #rom his own law #irm named
,pollo Legal which is right ne3t door to the ,pollo Ban" where we and all the #ol"s o# ,pollo
goes #or loans and money&8 Co3 #ingers the #irst legal doc$ment while ) eye !all and e3amine
the small palm'si9ed paper noting that the red ta! highlights a straight hori9ontal line #or my
personal hand signat$re&
Co3 smiles at me& 4.isa, this is a signat$re note card #or yo$r :ama and /addy*s
personal !an" acco$nt at ,pollo Ban"&8 ) loo" at the note card then eye !$rn :ama and&
) as" with p$99lement wrin"ling my #orehead, $gly& 4;or ya*ll*s money, why, :ama<8
:ama does not loo" well since her #ace is ashen and her !ody is limp inside the wheelchair that
co(ers in two light wool !lan"ets #rom her chest to !oth her legs and does not stare at me !$t
holds her s"$ll inside !oth her palms&
4)t*s %$st a preca$tion7,8 m$m!les :ama as my eardr$ms catch the words&
) loo" at /addy& 4Preca$tion o# what e3actly, /addy<8 B$tter#lies in(ade my stomach&
4)n case o# any emergencies, that*s all .isa&8 /addy pats my le#t arm since the lim!s
hang on the ta!le s$rro$nding the stac" o# papers protecting them #rom harm as ) sign the #irst
note card with my #$ll name .isa /awn Patillo while Co3 p$lls the paper #rom the top o# the
stac" near his dress shirt then ) loo" at the second note card with a second red ta! #or my name
signat$re then ) stare at the "itchen wall a!o(e :ama*s s"$ll and then ) swing my #ace to stare at
/addy and&
Co3 e3plains& 4his is the note card #or yo$r parents* !$siness #arm*s !an" acco$nts&
Please sign at the red ta!, .isa&8
) yell& 4= my stars5 6o$*re dying& hat*s why yo$ going !ac" to the doctor #or a special
set o# testing to determine the day that yo$ will die& :ama5< )t all ma"es sense7&,8 dropping my
mo$th, staring at :ama as she slightly sha"es her head then loo"s into my eye!alls and&
:ama remar"s with a so#t soprano& 4.isa, yo$ ha(e a (i(id imagination& 6o$ sho$ld
ma%or in theater and !ecome an actress& )*m not dying7#or a (ery, (ery long time, dear&8 ) loo"
at the note card and sign my name .isa /awn Patillo as Co3 whips it away li"e a lightning !olt
4,nd, why ) am signing all these papers #or the #arm<8 ) scan the ne3t letter paper which
lists the #arm loans on the land, ho$se, #arm e2$ipment, and animals signing my name as Co3
p$lls the sheet into his stac" o# papers&
/addy taps his right #i(e #inger pads on the ta!le s$r#ace which is a ha!it #or him o# !oth
happiness and ner(o$sness& 46o$*re o$r only relati(e on the planet, .isa& )t*s most logical #or
yo$ to ha(e the #arm7in case o# any type o# emergency&8 ) scri!!le my name on the loan paper
as Co3 retrie(es it #asting then a rattlesna"e attac" and ) eye !$rn /addy&
4Stop $sing that phrase7,8 yelling in piccolo m$sic as Co3 #inger points at the ne3t
paper and&
1e e3plains& 4his is78
4No58 ) yell in soprano piccolo and stand #rom the chair rattling the small #lower
arrangement on the s$r#ace& 4ell me5 -hy ) am signing papers when ) %$st t$rned se(enteen
years old< ) "now that the legal age is eighteen years old in ,la!ama #or all ad$lt decision78
4Co37,8 /addy names and stands loo"ing at Co3& 4Please wait #or $s at the !an"& -e
will !e there !e#ore the closing ho$r o# #i(e with all the papers #or yo$& )*ll e3plain the legal
doc$ments to .isa as she #inishes her wor"&8 Co3 nods !ac"ing his chair away #rom ta!le,
witho$t slapping the "itchen wall then smoothly mane$(ers his right to the right o$t the wide
archway then le#t towards the #ront door& /addy held modi#ied the #looring %er"ing the carpet
#rom the Li(ing .oom and remo(ing the #ront door screen while adding the ramp plate #rom the
#ront porch to the #ront sidewal" allowing an easy ride #or Co3 and Co3*s wheelchair&
-e, three place in silence as we watch o$t the #ront porch window #rom the Iitchen Co3
disappear aro$nd the !$mper o# his ser(ice (an and hear the lo$d whining o# the plat#orm li#t
him into the rear o# the (an as /addy taps his inde3 #inger at the ne3t paper and&
1e e3plains& 4here*s not a lot o# papers le#t, .isa& 6o$*re o$r only da$ghter which is
logically #or yo$ to ha(e access to o$r7&>smiles?7now yo$r personal and !$siness !an"
acco$nts #or the #arm& oday*s di##erent then in yesteryears past& 6o$*re right the legal age o#
any ad$lt is eighteen years old here in ,la!ama $nless that parents o# that child grants that child
access to the #inancial and legal !an" acco$nts which we are doing& 6o$ will !e going o## to
college in the s$mmertime, p$mp"in while ha(ing #$n and en%oying yo$r #ree spirited days o#
#$n and play !e#ore yo$ ta"e o(er the #arm& 6o$r :ama and ) tho$ght it !est that yo$ sign all the
papers so*s ya don*t ha(e to ret$rn to ,pollo d$ring yo$r school session& ,nd*s yo$ will ha(e a
direct access to money #or yo$r li(ing e3penses in college witho$t !othering $s& 6o$*re one
l$c"y little girl, .isa since not many parents wo$ld tr$st their child&8 1e smiles patting my le#t
!icep as ) nosily inhale then deeply e3hale loo"ing at :ama as she holds her s"$ll in !oth her
(y parents are dying. 46es, sir58 ) sit in the chair p$lling it closer to the ta!le s$r#ace
while ) 2$ic"ly re(iew the doc$ment then 2$ic"ly scri!!le my hand writing on the rest o# the
papers that consist o# the deed to the #arm land, the a!stract #or the homestead, and the #inal
:ama and /addy*s Last -ill and estimony as ) hold !ac" my teardrops since this mo(e
doesn*t ma"e any sense !eca$se :ama loo"s li"e dead already !eing pale and wea"& /addy
doesn*t eat either worrying a!o$t :ama pro!a!ly going to die right a#ter her death as ) so!
witho$t any noise then #inish the Last -ill and estimony& ) land the in" pen down then straight
the papers into a neat stac" and hand o## to /addy*s pre'o##ered hand&
1e smiles placing the legal papers into his !rie#case at the side o# his chair and orders&
4-e*re going to !an" to see Co3 !e#ore the !an" closes at #i(e o*cloc",8 loo"s at wall cloc"&
4)t*s almost three o*cloc"& -e*ll #inish o$r part o# the signat$re #ormality !$t pro!a!ly will
arri(e home late in the e(ening& /on*t worry5 6o$*ll !e a rich little girl when this is o(er with
!$t in the meantime since :ama*s not #eeling well& 1ow*s a!o$t we eat three !o3es o# cheese
pi99a tonight instead o# pinto !eans and corn !read& Nice treat, o"ay, .isa<8
46es, sir58 ) nod my s"$ll, once loo"ing at :ama who doesn*t mo(e her s"$ll or
ac"nowledgement anything with her words since S$nday a#ternoon !$t only la9ily lo$nges inside
that wheelchair d$ring the day or inside her dar" !edroom at nighttime as ) wonder what*s she
dying o#& /addy ro$nds the ta!le positioning !ehind :ama*s wheelchair care#$lly mo(ing her
!ac"wards #rom the ta!le witho$t ca$sing any in%$ry as ) watch and so! !ac" the tears that are
going to #low down my #ace as they disappear o$t the #ront doors into the new ser(ice (an that
/addy p$rchased yesterday to transport :ama aro$nd the #arm and the city o# ,pollo&
) stand #orce#$lly slamming my #ist on the ta!le, sho$ting& 4No58 ) so! with tears
scanning the window, noting& :y /addy is !ac"ing the ser(ice (an o$t the dri(eway #or the
Ban"& ) slam the chair against the wall twisting towards the !ac" door o# the ho$se, racing
o$tside to my ,K inside the !arn&
) %er" open the door sliding into the cool leather seat cran"ing the cold engine crying and
so!!ing !etween the tears then plow my right !oot on the gas pedal as the ,K ha$ls its metal
can #rom the opening into the !right s$nlight& ) twist the steering wheel to the right #ollowing the
old worn dirt path to the north past$re o# cows then twist the wheel to the le#t pathing towards
the 1$t where 0arth*s playing on the silly pregnancy !inoc$lars&
) soar li"e a !ird across the smooth open #ield o# tall "nee'high wild red and yellow
#lowers dancing in the !ree9e while !o$ncing my !ody $p and down li"e a trotting horse in the
leather seat since ) #orget to we! my !eeFhind into the seat dri(ing at C0 :P1 as the ,K drops
li"e a yo'yo down the slight sloped grade into the tiny stream o# #resh water $sed !y the cows #or
drin"ing& ) li#t my right !oot o## the pedal slowing my speed when ) hit the water spraying lo(ely
water#alls o# water into the air !athing the wheels, doors, me, and the $nder!elly o# the ,K
then ) stomp my !oot on the gas plowing into the gently rolling $p a slight hill then down a slight
hill o# a single cow past$re $sed #or ho$sing the !ee# cows who don*t pay attention to me as )
whip aro$nd their tiny gro$ps o# gra9ing s"$lls and wiggling tails&
) dri(e !etween the tractor path consisting o# #lat and dried pac"ed !rown dirt at M0 :P1
lea(ing tornado tails and sliding tears down my #ace as ) see the o$tline o# the tiny h$t !etween
the !l$rry tears since my hands and #oot "now where to dri(e witho$t the $se o# my eyesight and
mind pro!e& ) (eer to the right down the secret !$t o(ergrowth pathway since the h$t and the
picnic ta!le are $sed to o#ten these days !eca$se little "ids t$rn into !ig "ids who li"e to date the
opposite se3 who li"e to e3plore new sights and new places&
40arth,8 yelling, while seeing& 1e "neecaps, #iddling with the wooden stand holding the
pregnancy !inoc$lars& ) holler, again& 40arth5<8
1e stands scanning with eye!alls the s$rro$nding #ields then twists aro$nd and sees me
plowing thro$gh the m$d p$ddles towards him as he mo(es #rom the stand into the clearing
!ending at his el!ows with his hands spread'eagle #or me to stop& ) slam on the !ra"es as the
,K slides to the right in the m$d while ) compensate to the le#t then it g$ides to the le#t while it
per#orms a hal#'completed circle with the tail lights #acing 0arth then it stops with me #acing the
cotton #ield a#ter ) slam on the !ra"es&
) stand #rom the leather and cro$ch my nec" and !ac" m$scles $nder the metal roo# top
since )*m a tall girl as 0arth races to my distress slamming open the dri(er*s door catching my
#alling !ody into his arms p$lling me into his chest as he drags me #rom the ,K and c$ddles me
li"e a !a!y inside his #olded arms whispering into my right eardr$m& 46o$*re not wearing yo$r
we!!ing, sweetheart& hat*s (ery dangero$s78
) cry and so! with so#t words near his %aw line& 4:y parents are dying&8 0arth 2$ic"ly
tr$c"s $s to the edge o# the wooden !ench at the picnic ta!le scooting his !ac" m$scles against
the ta!le h$gging his arms aro$nd me and "issing my wet #orehead with dry so#t lips&
1e sings in deep !ass dr$m& 4/ead< /id ya say that yo$r parents are dead<8 ) cry with
tears r$nning down my dirty and sweaty #ace with sha"ing my s"$ll slightly side to side and&
) anno$nce with a hea(y heart and con#$sed mind& 4No, they*re dying&8
0arth loosens his !ear h$g, saying& 4Shh5 )t*s o"ay, .isa, !reathe& 6o$*re
hyper(entilating, sweetheart& )nhale with a deep !reath then e3hale with a slow deep !reathes&8 )
swallow the gathered thic" sal(ia inside my mo$th !reathing thro$gh my parted lips since my
nose is clogged with clear snot o# r$nning m$c$s then he words into my right eardr$m& 40ood
girl5 /ying< hat*s a strong word< -hat has happened, .isa<8
) so! then cry, then so!& 4Co378
4Co3 ,ctworth, he*s Bec"*s older !rother&8
) state with wet eyelashes at the grass& 4Co3 was at the ho$se when ) came home today
a#ter school& 1e had papers, legal papers #or me to sign&8
4Co3 is a lawyer&8 0arth "isses my #orehead&
4:y parents ha(e gi(en the entire #arm to me, !eca$se they*re dying o# something& -hy
didn*t they say< ell me5 Something*s medical wrong with them< )*m going to !e alone in the
world7,8 so!!ing and crying a#ter my story&
0arth h$gs me into his chest, pec"ing a light "iss on the top o# my earlo!e then
whispering into my right eardr$m li"e a !a!y& 4Shh5 ="ay, .isa& 6o$*re not going to !e alone&
)*m here with ya, !a!e& So*s7let $s together loo" at all the tr$e #acts, one, yo$r :ama and
/addy*s not inside a hospital in :ontgomery, right<8
4No5 B$t :ama goes to the doctor this wee"7,8 peeling o## the $pcoming medical tests
that will determine when she dies while 0arth h$gs my !ody then p$lls !ac" and&
1e contin$es& 4She s$stained a nasty !one !rea" with a !$ll*s hoo#, right< She*s l$c"y
that hei#er didn*t slice her !one clear thro$gh& B$llies are !ig and mean #or a reason since we let
to eat them s$c"ers with lots o# greens and tons o# taters7,8 words 0arth as ) giggle with delight
at 0arth*s sic" h$mor which ma"es me #eel so m$ch !etter a!o$t my silly concl$sion a!o$t my
:ama and /addy since ) lo(e them so m$ch ya "now !eing with them all my se(enteen years o#
0arth lect$res& 4wo, they*re (ery healthy& )*(e see yo$r /addy eat three '!ones stea"s
witho$t !$rping7now that*s a hardy and healthy male, right<8 ) nod my s"$ll, once and 0arth
contin$es& 4hree, my parents also signed a legal doc$ment #or sections o# their land o(er to me
and my !rothers #or some "inda ta3 and legal p$rposes which ) don*t really to $nderstand& ,nd*s
)*s didn*t as", either& ) %$st scratched my name and initialed that solid line down at the !ottom o#
e(ery page, right< 6o$ did the same thing&8
46eah7,8 singing in alto m$sic staring my !l$rry eye!alls at the grass&
4here, sweetheart, see its no !ig deal& hey aren*t dying& 6o$*re %$st $pset a!o$t yo$r
:ama !$mping into that !$ll !$t yo$r parents are really smart in pro(iding #or yo$ always7#or
the rest o# yo$r days&8
4=58 ) sing in low alto, since ) got snot in !oth my nose holes and down my throat #rom
crying& 4Sorry7&,8 wording so#tly while wiping my eyelashes and nose with the clean
hand"erchie# pro(ided !y 0arth since all so$thern gentlemen carry hand"erchie#s&
4="ay, .isa& ) am here #or yo$, sweetie&8
4han"s7,8 singing in alto c$ddling into his chest with his strong arms wrapped aro$nd
my !ody while he tenderly "isses my #orehead and ) welcome& 4-ell, )*m going to !e a #armer
#or the rest o# my li#e, here& /id Cinta get a section o# the land, too<8 0arth shi#ts me aro$nd
inside his lap then read%$sts the angle o# his #ace and&
1e sings in !aritone& 4Naw5 She doesn*t want any land& She*s going to tra(el aro$nd the
4,#ter ya*ll grad$ate college, aren*t !oth o# yo$ going to (isit Paris in yo$r tra(els<8 )
in2$ire !ased on Cinta*s statements&
4=nly i# ya want it to !e o$r honeymoon spot, a#ter we marry, precio$s then we !e a
co$ple o# #armers7right !ac" here7,8 words and ch$c"les #rom 0arth into my right eardr$m as
) wrin"le my #orehead, $gly&
4B$t, Cinta7,8 saying&
0arth loo"s #$nny at me& 4B$t, Cinta, what<8
4) #eel so st$pid ma"ing a !ig deal o# signing some shiny #ancy pieces o# papers& )*m so
4/on*t !e, !a!e5 1ow*s a!o$t ) calm yo$*re !eating heart inside o$r h$t7,8 s$ggests and
grins 0arth with an e(il smile&
4) can*t& )*m not s$pposed to here !$t at home ta"ing a !ath&8
4) can assist in there, too7,8 smir"s 0arth&
) t$rn !right pin" in my #ace with the a#ternoon !eing slightly dar" o$tside so he can*t see
it& 46o$7,8 reprimanding with a so#t m$tter dropping my red #ace into his chest&
40arth7,8 correct while he ch$c"les and smiles #rom his happy #ace into my nec"&
46o$ !east7,8 ins$lting while giggling with my #l$te m$sic&
4No, 0arth&8 1e smiles and "isses my #orehead ch$c"ling with his am$sing silly h$mor
holding me tighter& 4Cheer $p5 6a "now5 =n :onday, the s$n, moon, and all the planets #rom
:erc$ry to Sat$rn will cl$ster within an 1@'degree area o# o$r s"y along with a new moon& So,
there*ll !e total eclipse o# the s$n somewhere in there& Pretty m$ch ens$ring a portend o# doom&8
) #rown in his arms, 4) #eel !etter already&8
0arth to$ches the telescope then #ingers the stars& 4Loo" at the night s"y& 6o$*ll see what
)*m seeing& ,nd the Science teacher*s tal"ing a!o$t&8 ) ga9e into the s"y& 1e narrates& 4See the
p$"e green !all, that*s tiny :erc$ry& .ight now, :erc$ry and Ken$s are 2L'degrees apart&8 1e
smiles, 4)*m so glad yo$*re here, .isa&8
4:e, too&8
1e slides $nder the telescope, lying on the gro$nd, patting the !lan"et& 4Lay with me,
.isa&8 ) par" ne3t to his warm !ody, smiling& 1e ga9es in the telescope, saying& 4:ars and
J$piter are a!o$t 21'degrees apart, with Sat$rn at 14'degrees away& he moon ma"es this a
pretty sight, this e(ening&
46eah, a pretty sight,8 ga9ing at his chin, then his nose, then his le#t eye!all, giggling&
4:ars is 2'degrees #rom Sat$rn and then mo(es away ma"ing the s$n and the #i(e planets
span closer& :erc$ry comes within 1'degree #rom Ken$s, not too close #or o$r na"ed eye!alls&
4Na"ed eye!alls,8 giggling&
4he s$n and planets are now #alling within 2@'degrees o# each other& 6o$ start to see
some o# the planets loo"ing !ig white ro$nd !alls in the night s"y& =n sy9ygy78
4Py9y thingy&8
1e t$rns to smile at me, ch$c"ling& 4he Py9y thingy, the s$n, moon, and the #i(e planets
#all within 1@'degrees o# each other, (ery close to Earth,8 (iews the telescope& 4J$piter will pass
thro$gh an Earth'S$n'J$piter alignment& :erc$ry will slide !y J$piter& Sat$rn goes thro$gh a
Ken$s'S$n'J$piter alignment, where Ken$s and J$piter will !e separated !y only 4M seconds o#
an arc& Ken$s will pass in #ront o# J$piter& :erc$ry will 9oom !y :ars within 1'degree& J$piter
r$ns thro$gh !oth Sat$rn and Ken$s a#ter passing directly !ehind the s$n within 2'degrees #rom
:ars& he #inal mass o# !right stars incl$ding the s$n, the moon, $s, and the #o$r other planets
will occ$r on :onday, No(em!er 1@th #or one ho$r or L0 min$tes or CL0 seconds,8 ch$c"ling&
47#itting in a circle o# eight'degrees in diameter&8
4hat*s hot58
4hat*s not all, either& he closest cl$stering o# the #i(e na"ed'eye planets occ$rred
;e!r$ary, 2D in the year 1BMC BC, when :erc$ry, Ken$s, :ars, J$piter, and Sat$rn #ormed a
#o$r'degree circle& ,ll se(en hea(enly !odies, #i(e planets, the s$n and the moon, was the closest
on :arch 22, 1L22 within 1M'degrees o# each other&8
41L22 is that year important #or some reason&8
0arth wears the telescope& 4=n :arch 20, 2LDM, the ne3t closest cl$stering o# #i(e'stars
will !e within 22'degrees&8
4-ow5 he month o# :arch, 2LDM, that*s LD0 years #rom now&8
46eah5 he gra(itational strengths o# the planets will !e at ma3im$m payload& hat
means& Big gigantic tidal wa(es #rom the oceans across all the seas, e(en in the smaller #resh
la"es inland, since the moon will !e the closest, e(er to Earth& Some ma%or and minor
earth2$a"es, too& ,nd o# the planets, the ma%or contri!$tor will !e Ken$s&8
4he lo(e planet,8 smiling and nodding&
46eah5 he lo(e world,8 he win"s at me& 47will pro%ect the strongest gra(itation p$lls,
e##ecting people emotions&8
4:a"ing #ol"s thin" goo#y tho$ghts and m$shy st$##, d$ring the planetary alignment&
J$piter, the largest o# the planets pl$s Sat$rn will a!sor! the s$n*s light then !o$nce on poor
Earth& , #$ll egocentricity is impossi!le, tho$78
4Ego'center me78
4,ll the planets will ne(er #orm a per#ect straight line o$t #rom the S$n or will !e
s$perimposed on each other in the s"y, !eca$se each planetary or!it is tilted slightly with respect
to the Earth& h$s, i# yo$ (iew the night s"y yo$ see a planetary con#ig$ration or a loose
gro$ping o# the planets& he Solar system is dominated !y the S$n, which contains BB&B0Q o#
the gala3y*s mass& he other tenth is composed o# the gas giants, and the solid !its and !ites o#
the other smaller worlds, li"e Earth&8 0arth nods& 4Ne3t wee", on :onday, there*ll !e presented
o(er yo$r s"$ll, a heliocentric planetary alignment& )t had occ$rred CB0 or so years ago, !e#ore )
was !orn,8 ch$c"ling with me& 4;i(e o# the planets will !e on the same side o# the S$n within
BL'degrees, really close together in a line, #ooling the na"ed eye!all& /oes the Earth tilt o(er<
Naw5 /o tidal wa(es trigger earth2$a"es< 6eah5 /o the polar ice caps melt< 6eah5 /o ya see
the con%$nction o# dar" planets< 6eah5 hen, yo$ were !linded #rom the light,8 ch$c"ing&
4So$nds, not good58
4:y parents are planning a Planetary Party& 6a wanna go, .isa<8
4Ander an 1@'degree o# planetary alignment7,8 giggling&
1e h$gs me& 4hat*s my cowgirl&8
Th#rsday. November 18
. 46ternoon. ati((o Farm. 2:12pm. ) tr$c" into the "itchen
#rom my early release #rom school& :y :ama and /addy sit aro$nd the ta!le and /addy calls
wa(ing his right hand at me& 40ood, honey5 Come and sit down, here7>pats the empty chair?7
we something new in#ormation to share&8 1e slides the !owl o# #r$it that contains whole green
grapes, slices o# straw!erries, and apples as ) chow down with my right #inger pads&
4="ay&8 ) sit with my arms r$dely s$rro$nding the small plate on the ta!le while ) stare at
:ama loo"ing (ery pale inside her wheelchair&
4.isa, honey, we ha(e some !ad news to share with ya*ll7&>pa$ses?7well7>loo"s at
Lottie ,nn?7&ha(e ya heard that ,ctworth has their ho$se and land $p #or sale<8
) drop my mo$th li"e a h$nger shar" and so#tly word& 4Bec"*s mo(ing, that*s weird& )
wonder why7>pa$ses?7the ,ctworth*s land*s e3cellent property #or more cows or corn, don*t
ya thin", /addy<8
4:y !a!y*ll !e a good #armer&8 /addy compliments patting my le#t hand as ) pop a grape
into my mo$th with my right two #inger pads& 46a "now, we don*t engage in gossip aro$nd the
comm$nity !$t ) did see the walls o# !rown s2$are !o3es on the #ront porch and a !ig ;=.
S,LE sign along the roadside as well as meeting Co3 at the Ban" this morning to #inish signing
o$r legal papers& 1e mentioned that we sho$ld start to #ind a new lawyer since he*s closing his
o##ice !y the end o# the month&8
4Bec"*s mo(ing, why, /addy< 1e won*t #inish 1igh School with me and 0arth&8 ) eat a
grape and chew&
46o$ and 0arth7&,8 2$estions :ama as she li#ts her ashen #ace to stare at me&
4:e, 0arth, and Cinta, ya "now, we*re all in the Senior class together along with Bec"&
-ill he stay and grad$ate 1igh School with me since there*s only7&$h7#o$r months o#
school<8 ) eat an apple slice and chew&
4here*s #i(e months o# school le#t, .isa, not #o$r& /id yo$ e(ery pass a math class<8
Lottie ,nn corrects in a harsh alto tone&
:y /addy says, not chewing with good So$thern gentleman manners& 4-e don*t "now
why, either, honey& he ,ctworth ;amily is mo(ing away #rom ,pollo78
4-here to7another city in Bama< /id ya as"<8 ) eat two grapes and chew loo"ing at
4No, sweetie& he scoop is that the -ar#ields ha(e proposed an o##er on the ,ctworth*s
land& B$t, that isn*t o$r !$siness so #or now o$r !ad news7&>loo"s at Lottie ,nn?7we can*t sent
to yo$ college, .isa&8 1e smiles nodding his s"$ll side to side staring at me then adds& 4:ay!e7
ne3t year, sweetheart&8
4No college& hen, ) will !e a #armer, /addy&8 ) smile then eat the straw!erries and chew&
4No, yo$ will not !e a #armer .isa& -e*ll send yo$ to college ne3t s$mmer7,8 m$m!les
so#tly #rom :ama with her #ace into her hands that )*m $sed to seeing all the time&
/addy presents a set o# dead pan straight pin lips and in#orms& 4-ell, p$mp"in, we might
ha(e to sale o## some o# o$r #ields i# yo$r :ama*s medical treatment re2$ires her to stay inside a
hospital in :ontgomery&8
4:ama to stay inside a hospital !$t yo$ said that yo$*re going #or a co$ple o# tests&8 )
repeat :ama*s words wrin"ling my #orehead, $gly while #eeling my esophag$s drop into my
4omorrow, .isa, yo$r :ama and )*ll raise at #o$r'thirty in the morning lea(ing o$t #rom
the #arm with o$r load o# cows and corn to the ;armer*s :ar"et Coop& 6o$r :ama starts her
medical tests in the last a#ternoon while she spends the night inside the hospital7,8 $pdates
/addy as ) drop my mo$th li"e a h$nger shar"&
41ospital7,8 mice s2$ea"ing the word and loo"ing at :ama&
4)t is only a preca$tion, .isa since the tests will ma"e yo$r :ama tired and7&>smiles at
Lottie ,nn?7a!sent #rom her wor"ing d$ties on the #arm& So*s we plan to stay the night on
;riday in :ontgomery departing late in the a#ternoon #or home arri(ing aro$nd s$ppertime& so*s
yo$r to stay the e(ening with the -ar#ields78
4)*ll contact ,nna!elle #or her permission7,8 words :ama so#tly h$gging her hot
!e(erage in the co##ee c$p as ) eat a grape, chew real #ast and&
) smile and share& 4No need, :ama& )*s !een spending'the'night with Cinta on ;riday
since we were in the se(enth grade&8
4)t is more So$thern manners than rednec" ha!its, .isa& Please remem!er that lesson and
please discontin$e $sing that hill!illy slang&8 :ama holds !oth hands inside her s"$ll& 4/on*t
yo$ ha(e homewor"<8
) o!ey, standing #rom the ta!le& 46es, ma*am&8 ) slowly t$rn to head to my room to a? not
st$dy and !? po$t&
Friday. November 1,
. Night. Novena Festiva(. .:21pm. ) sel#ishly dangle my car "eys
in the air with my right hand ma"ing tiny pings o# noise as the small red !ac"pac" elegantly
!o$nces against my sho$lder !lades holding my wallet #or dri(ing and money #or paying while
dragging Cinta*s !eeFhind !y her right arm towards my car& he closed and loc"ed tr$n" o# my
Charger holds my Gold* !$t Gnew* white #ormal prom dress and a second red !ac"pac" with a
pair o# white sandals and a pac" o# pin" lipstic" since ) don*t normally wear pin" lipstic" aro$nd
class& ) $se cosmetic ma"e$p at the #oot!all games #or #$n since :ama only allows me to do that
once per wee" so ) $se and a!$se that pri(ilege straight down to hell $ntil ) li(e home and go to
college& ) lect$re in #l$te m$sic& 4Let*s go, Cinta& -e*re r$nning late& he ;esti(al started at si3&
6a "now how crowded some o# the game !ooths get& )*m dri(ing&8 :y e(il plot is to dominate
Cinta*s person and Cinta*s personality thro$gho$t the ;esti(al e3hi!itions which she hates with a
p$rple passion since ) "now her li"e a tr$e sister then Cinta will r$n o## and #ind one o# the sweet
cow!oys to escort her aro$nd the remaining !ooths o# the ;esti(al while lea(ing me playing with
mysel# so ) can snea" o##, change into the #ormal white Prom dress, and 2$ic"ly stand'in #or
a!sentee Lara Lee as G1ar(est Empress* right !eside Bec" so he*s not em!arrassed and No(ena
;esti(al is o(er #or all the Seniors& ) ponder that Bec"*s mo(ing away #rom ,pollo is pro!a!ly
!est #or him since he and his #amily are especially not well'li"ed !y the other #ol"s o# cow town
,pollo with a wor"ing theory that*s connected to money& E(ery thing is money& he ,ctworth
clans seen ha(e tons o# money while the -ar#ields ha(e tons o# "ids&
) stop at the passenger side o# my car then %er" with my le#t #i(e #inger pads open the
door as it swings li"e a wide mo$th !ass #or the dangling !ait while Cinta stands li"e a solider
loo"ing at the clean shiny !lac" leather interior o# my car then swings her #ace to the old SAK
that her :ama*s dri(es aro$nd town and Cinta ad%$sts& 4) can dri(e&8 ) smile with a wic"ed lips
and an e(il tho$ght leaning my #ace into her nostrils and&
4) ha(e my car which has a #$ll tan" o# gas, one and two, :ama doesn*t li"e that yo$
wrec"ed yo$r car two months ago and still rely $pon7&,8 reminding in my new !ass #l$te as
Cinta two'steps #rom my !ody and&
She mews in so#t "itty'cat tone& 46a told yo$r :ama<8 ) roller !all my p$pils into the
rear o# my s"$ll and&
) sing in #l$te m$sic& 4;iddlestic"s, Cinta5 E(eryone told my :ama and yo$r :ama and
their :ama& he entire township "nows that yo$r car somehow #o$nd that #ence post chasing
down Bo!!y Joe78
4;ine& )*m getting into the car7,8 words Cinta sliding into the passenger seat slamming
the door as ) pedal my !oots aro$nd the tr$c" scooting into the dri(er*s seat& ) cran" the cold
engine letting it idol as ) sec$re my sa#ety !elt as ta$ght7na+7drilled into my s"$ll !y my
/addy #or !oth lo(e and protection&
4Sa#ety !elt&8 ) remind Cinta who wasn*t properly drilled !y her /addy while #iddling
my hands with the electronic c$tting o## the radio and t$rning on the headlights since it*s dar"
already in the late a#ternoon No(em!er as Cinta sec$res her !elt and&
She lect$res as ) slowly path the car down the long concrete pri(ate dri(eway& 4-e don*t
ha(e to lea(e so early, .isa&8
40arth le#t at #i(e'thirty or so 7&,8 tattling #rom my spying as Cinta loo"s o$t the
window and&
She orders& 4Stop spying on 0arth& 6o$*re gi(ing me raised goose !$mps e(ery time )
see yo$r eye!alls t$rned into his direction which incl$des d$ring classes in 1igh School, at the
ta!le in the Iitchen, and watching K in the Li(ing .oom& 1ot dangling, .isa58 She swings her
#ace at me and lect$res& 4:y :ama*s going to notice that something*s $p with yo$ and him&8
46o$r :ama li"es me&8 ) smir" with a set o# wic"ed lips, right while concentrating on the
road dri(ing a little #aster then normal on the empty road that ) "now !y heart since the -ar#ield
#arm s$rro$nds my ho$se on the so$th side while the ,ctworth #arm lo$nges on the north side&
he east and west sides o# property are owned !y respecti(e #amilies that goes all the way to the
co$nty lines as Cinta !$sies with something in her p$rse re(ealing her lipstic" since her :ama
allows her to wear ma"e$p and&
She lect$res& 4.emem!er the plan, .isa& -e lea(e right !e#ore the o(erhead spea"er
anno$ncement #or the representati(es to go to the gym which is a #ew min$tes !e#ore eight
o*cloc"& hat*s o$r (ocal signal all Seniors are gone #rom ;esti(al& So*s we ain*t s$spect o# !eing
in(ol(ed in the e(il plot& ,ctworth, Senior can !e a !$ll in a China shop as the old a3iom goes
i#*an he*s pro(o"ed ca$sing $s some ma%or tro$!le&8
4hen, may!e the plan sho$ld !e #oiled&8 ) m$se with a slee" smir" o$t o# Cinta*s
eye!alls since the interior o# the car is dar" as Cinta snorts li"e wild !oar and&
She corrects& 4;oiled, yo$ mean7#olded li"e it sho$ld !e closed down& )s that the proper
(er! yo$*re trying to prono$nce, .isa<8
46eah, that*s the proper word since )*s gots that G/* in English grammar, last year&8 )
giggle with a girly twang since my rotten academic grades pro(ide an e3cellent e3c$se o# my
$pcoming e(il plot& 4) heard that the ,ctworth clan is lea(ing&8
4hey aren*t lea(ing the ;esti(al since Bec" represents the Senior7,8 d$mps Cinta&
) clari#y& 4No, /addy told that the ,ctworth clan*s mo(ing away #rom ,pollo&8
4No& hey*ll ne(er lea(e, e(er&8 Cinta plays on her cell te3ting&
4/addy saw a ;=. S,LE sign along the roadside&8 ) $pdate dri(ing the car&
4No& hey*re not mo(ing, e(er& 6o$r /addy needs reading eyeglasses, .isa&8 Cinta plays
on her cell phone while te3ting&
4Co3 told /addy to #ind another lawyer !eca$se their mo(ing #rom ,pollo&8
4-hy*s yo$r /addy tal"ing to Co3< Co3 is a lawyer&8
4:ama and /addy ha(e added me to the #arm !an" acco$nts and legal papers so*s )7,8
$pdating witho$t thin"ing while dri(ing the car&
Cinta stares at me with her mo$th open li"e a h$nger shar"& 46a own the entire #arm
incl$ding the ho$se, the !arns, the tractors and the cows& 1ow in the $ni(erse are ya going to go
to college with me i# yo$*re responsi!le #or an entire #arm, .isa<8
) !y'pass the st$dent par"ing lot t$rning into the third road on the right e3plaining as !est
as ) can since there*s lots o# things happening in my li#e& 4:ama and /addy ta"e care o# the
#arm& )*m only se(enteen'years old& )*m not re2$ired to ass$me #arm o!ligations !$t since
:ama*s got h$rt they ha(e decided to add me legally to all the assets, Cinta& 6a "now, %$st li"e
0arth*s added to yo$r parents* #arm along with yo$r !rothers sectioning o$t the lots o# land #or
their #$t$re&8
4No&8 Cinta sings in high clarinet&
46es&8 ) sing in high #l$te as Cinta loo"s at me and&
She corrects& 4No, .isa& 0arth doesn*t own any parts o# the #arm, !eca$se he*s going
tra(el the world right a#ter grad$ation lea(ing tiny ,pollo #or Paris, ;rance& 1e tal"s a!o$t it all
the time and can*t wait to grad$ate&8 ) p$rse my lips, tightly contrasting Cinta*s words with
0arth*s statement& 0arth wants to !e a #armer& 1e has told me a!o$t a million times& Cinta wants
to go to college, since she has told me a!o$t a 9illion times&
0arth told me that she wanted to tra(el& 1owe(er, Cinta has told me that 0arth wants to
tra(el, and now he doesn*t hold any sections o# the #arm to !e a #armer&
Cinta presents d$c" lips, $gly staring at me& 4) don*t $nderstand yo$, .isa& 6a spy on
poor 0arth& hen yo$ tal" a!o$t !eing a #armer& -hile we ha(e decided to go to college sharing
an apartment to !ecome #amo$s horror no(el writers, and now, yo$ own the dang #arm& -hat*s
going on here, .isa< -hich is the tr$th, here, .isa<8
4-e*re here58 ) %er" the gear into par", stopping the car, right !e#ore hitting the set o#
children*s swing sets in the playgro$nd arena&
Cinta swings her #ace staring at the swing set, !ig slide, tree swings, and other elementary
school playgro$nd e2$ipment as ) c$t o# the headlights& She complains& 4his ain*t the par"ing
lot, girl !est& ) thin" ) sho$ld dri(e $s in the #$t$re& he st$dent par"ing lot !ac" there7>th$m!s
her #ist towards the east?7this is the "iddie*s playgro$nd78
4, per#ect place #or par"ing, i# ya need to escape, witho$t detection, girl'!est& 6a see i# )
par" in the st$dent par"ing lot then one o# the many sin'eating ,ctworth clan mem!ers will
recogni9e my slee" new Charger since its #ire engine red& Beca$se li"e yo$ "ept mentioning we
don*t want to !e a potential s$spect o# the e(il plot&8 ) nod& 4Bac" here, see, there*s no !right
pole lights only that single one that*s casting shadows o(er the gro$nds and d$lling my red #inish
on my car& hen, we scoot o$t the ;esti(al and !ac" home while we are #ore(erly #orgotten& he
Cinta c$rls a slight smir" on her red'painted lipstic" then holds her right hand in a high'
#i(e as ) !$st it with my open palm& She compliments& 46o$*re a slic" serpent, .isa& ) didn*t
"now ya !eing a good spy and great escape planner& 6o$ go, girl !est&8
) crac" the door open& 4ime to go5 /o o$r thing58 ) slide o## the leather gra!!ing the red
!ac"pac" trotting aro$nd the rear !$mper &
Cinta stands soldierly staring at the rear o# the !$ilding& 4-here are we<8 ) entangle her
le#t arm into my right arm li"e a pair o# tr$e sisters leading her into the side door which the
elementary st$dents ;irst thro$gh ;o$rth 0raders $se to access the playgro$nd e2$ipment on
pretty school days and&
) e3plain, pathing towards the door& 4he elementary side o# the !$ilding, where the
children play& /on*t ya remem!er o$r recess time, here in the Second 0rade, Cinta<8 ) smir"
with a set o# wic"ed lips, right in the dar"ness since that historical playgro$nd pad had !een
mo(ed since o$r days o# #ree and #rolic as yo$ng "ids only !eca$se /addy seats on the P,
>parent and teacher association? and attends all the nightly meeting #or $pgrading the school
gro$nds& hen /addy disc$sses the dat$m with :ama at the /inner a!le as ) don*t really listen
!$t the English words "inda stic" !etween my !rain cells li"e gl$e and now ) can $se in my
co$nter e(il plot to the original e(il plan&
46eah, ) remem!er&8 Cinta words so#tly then ) slam open the side door re(ealing an
empty plain white concrete hallway with a set o# d$ll white o(erhead lights and no windows then
t$rn o$r !odies towards the le#t side& his is the second entrance point into the school*s
gymnasi$m which is $sed !y the elementary "ids a? to access the playgro$nd #or sec$rity and !?
to access the gym d$ring a nat$ral disaster drill& ) "now a!o$t the passage way !eca$se ) to$red
it with /addy d$ring one o# planned the P,*s inspections since /addy didn*t want to go alone
while :ama attended her sic" horse&
:y e(il plot will !e implemented s$ccess#$lly when ) ha(e #illed my small red !ac"pac"
with as many cheap ;esti(al pri9es that o(er#low #rom the pac" while Cinta gets pissed at my
o(er dominate !eha(ior then she r$ns o## to #ind a cow!oy while ) r$n away #rom her $sing the
secret hallway which leads o$t o# the elementary side o# the school !$ilding, dropping !y my car,
gra!!ing my hidden Prom gear and pathing into a side door o# the gym which happens to !e
$nloc"ed #or the nat$ral disaster preparedness State o# ,la!ama legal code& hat partic$lar side
door o# the gym leads to the right into the 0irl*s Loc"er .oom #or me to change into my Prom
dress witho$t Cinta or any Senior "nowing or to the le#t into open #looring o# the gym #or all
types o# sporting, !and, and social acti(ities at the school&
he gym is a !ig s2$are with a center stage plat#orm that contains nothing on a reg$lar
day !$t tonight it ho$ses all the prettily new electronic toys that each 1ar(est .oyalty co$ple
will win that incl$des new Ks, radios, laptops, mo!ile telephones, and other electronic st$##& =n
each side o# the center stage is a s2$are archway witho$t any doors, the le#t archway locates the
0irl*s Loc"er .oom that )*ll $se to ma"e my s$rprise grand entrance #or s$!stit$ting as 1ar(est
Empress Candidate while the right archway leads down into the Boy*s Loc"er .oom where each
male 1ar(est Emperor Candidate will emerge then the .oyal co$ple meets in the middle o# the
#loor !eside the other candidates #rom the other grade classes& he ,pollo teachers who ser(e as
%$dges %$st anno$nce the winner o# each category which is $s$ally !ased on the com!ined
co$pled 0P,& ) do #eel strongly that the %$dging element in the No(ena ;esti(al is a little !ias
since this is a #arm cow, not an academic camp$s where lots o# the "ids are going to !e #armers,
not pro#essors& here#ore, the co$ple that wins almost, always, and all the time are the $gly
smarty "ids, not the c$te d$m! #armers so ) can $nderstand Cinta*s angry !$t not her hatred
pic"ing on Bec" ,ctworth&
) co(er my plot dragging her !y the arm whispering into her le#t eardr$m& 46a see, my
!rilliant plan, Cinta& No one par"s their cars o$t here !$t $s& No one $ses this passage way !$t $s
#or a clean escape&8 ) !$99 her mind with my #riendly $ser plan while she listens and records my
e(ery mo(ement since ) ha(e #o$nd Cinta to !e a smart #riend !$t a smarter re!el when she really
wants something then she gets that something no matter what or who is in her way&
Cinta comments dragging her !oots along with concrete scanning with her na"ed eye!alls
the empty hallway while we head towards a na"ed wall with a single d$ll red painted side door
on the right& 4) sho$ld tell the "ids&8
) co$nter 2$ic"ly with #alse or tr$e in#ormation& 46a told me that no other Seniors are
present #or the night*s e(ent, Cinta& 6a "now, %$st me and yo$78
4.ight, yeah5 -hy are we here, since its early in the e(ening<8 ) path towards the side
door noting there are no g$ards, no g$ards with weapons, and !est o# all no nosy Seniors&
) con#ess with a !ig smile& 4) wanna #orm a long lasting memory, !eing a Senior at
,pollo 1igh School o# my last No(ena ;esti(al to tell my grandchildren, Cinta& ) plan to li(e
here #or the rest o# my li#e&8 ) release her le#t arm and open the side door as Cinta enters #irst then
she s$ddenly stops inside the archway then rapidly !ac" steps li"e she saw a rattle sna"e and&
Cinta !arely whispers #alling e(en with my !ody as ) play a great actress& 4, #armer7hot
dangling, it*s the gymnasi$m*s entrance& 0et !ac" !e#ore a teacher sees yo$&8 She %er"s the door
#rom my hand as it slowly sh$ts d$e to the good hydra$lics on the metal #rame so*s not to s2$ash
the little "ids in case o# a nat$ral emergency as ) swing my #ace towards the opposite side o# the
hallway and&
) comment innocently& 4=5 -rong side, ) don*t "now this side o# the school !$ilding& )
g$ess the elementary door m$st !e on the opposite end&8 Cinta %er"s on my right hand leading $s
to the correct side and&
She orders& 4Let*s get o$t o# here and get lost in the ;esti(al e3hi!itions !e#ore someone
recogni9es $s&8 -e nosily trot on !oot heels down the entire length o# the hallway reaching a
new set o# do$!le doors that paints in p$"e green which designates the Elementary grades o#
Iindergarten, ;irst, Second, hird, ;o$rth, and ;i#th in case one o# the "id*s (omits on the
#looring which matches the #looring& he :iddle School ho$ses the Si3th, Se(enth, Eighth
grades in a neon !right orange which is one o# the cheapest paint colors in the 1ardware Store
while the 1igh School is composed o# the Ninth, enth, Ele(enth, and wel#th grade st$dents
loo"ing at !a!y !l$e walls all day long since it*s the o##icial color o# the sports teams&
Cinta !$sts thro$gh the #irst door standing on my le#t near the wall scanning the #aces
inside the crowded corridor o# sh$##ling #ol"s mo(ing passed a series o# rectang$lar archways
that represents each grade classroom (eering towards the le#t and to the right is the school*s
l$nchroom where the #ood (endors are selling tons o# #resh steamed hotdogs, grilled ham!$rgers,
%$icy BBJ sandwiches, cold ice cream, hot popcorn, Carmel apples, dipped pean$t !ananas, and
other #ood st$##s as Cinta whispers into my right eardr$m& 4-e got in #ree o# charge& here*s no
door monitor here&8
) whip my #ace towards the le#t which is the original entrance point o# the No(ena
;esti(al #or all participants since the p$rpose o# the ;esti(al is to raise money #or the school to
p$rchase !oo"s, notepads, and pencils #or the "ids since money is a !ig iss$e with e(eryone in
,pollo, ,la!ama as ) comment& 4-e sho$ld pay78
4No, .isa& his is yo$r !rilliant idea par"ing o$tside near the playgro$nd& )7do&&&not7
want any tro$!le, especially tonight&8 ) twist my !ody towards the le#t eagerly wanting to start
with the #irst ;esti(al e3hi!ition ho$sed at the ;irst 0rade class room on the le#t then wor"ing
my way aro$nd the entire A'shaped school !$ilding attac"ing each e3hi!ition winning a pri9e
then st$##ing it into my small !ac"pac" which !egins my e(il plot as ) snort li"e a wild !oar and&
46o$*re right, Cinta& ="ay, lets7,8 ordering while ) almost slam my nose !ridge into
Cinta*s nose holes since we*re the same height and&
47&eat7,8 commands Cinta t$rning her !ody #rom the le#t to the right towards the
l$nchroom as ) twist my !ody #rom right to le#t then we (iolently #ace each other !loc"ing o$r
mo(ements towards o$r single minded goal and&
) remind in my new !ass #l$te& 4Eat, we %$st snac"ed at yo$r ho$se&8
Cinta whines li"e she stepped her right cowgirl !oot in a pile o# #resh horse shit and
r$dely #inger pointing at the l$nchroom o(er my right sho$lder& 4) want some !$ttered popcorn
and two Carmel apples& :ama doesn*t ma"e Carmel apples& hat*s the only reason we7&are7
here, .isa instead o# home watching K&8 ) 2$ic"ly rationali9e Cinta*s words inside my mind
since )*m here #or a totally di##erent reason and temporally s$rrender !eca$se Cinta doesn*t ha(e
any money inside her pretty leather p$rse hanging #rom her le#t sho$lder only her cell phone, a
t$!e o# red lipstic" and a second t$!e o# !lac" mascara& ) $s$ally pay #or o$r togetherness
entertainment at school #$nctions li"e a#ter school !and practice when we tr$c" o$r h$nger
!odies and tired snea"ers #rom twirling o$r !atons #or a solid ho$r to the l$nchroom #or sodas
and snac"s since Cinta*s :ama doesn*t li"e her eating %$n" #ood and&
) a!o$t #ace s"ipping e(en with Cinta*s sho$lder wal"ing towards the set o# do$!le doors
leading into the l$nchroom and lightly negotiate contin$ing my e(il plot& 4="ay, o"ay, let*s get
yo$ some #ood !$t yo$ eat while ) play my games& ) wanna play all the games going aro$nd the
!$ilding !e#ore we ha(e to lea(e, Cinta&8
46o$*re s$ch as a !a!y, .isa& 6o$ can play the silly toddler games to #orm yo$r long
lasting memory as long as my #ood lasts #or my e(er empty stomach&8 Told ya! Cinta records my
e(ery action and act as ) la$gh and she smiles at me while we stand in the popcorn line and&
4-here*s 0arth<8 ) eye !all e(ery single #ace who marches with their spo$ses and
children in tow aro$nd the n$mero$s #ood (endors while searching #or any other Senior st$dent
and come to the tr$e concl$sion that Cinta*s correct that my e(il class mates ha(e really ditched
on Bec" which ma"es me #$ry with angry and #ill with re(enge along with c$rdling my appetite
#or any #ood items&
41e*s o$t on the #oot!all #ield competing in the Pole Clim!& hat*s why he le#t so early to
!e one o# the #irst clim!ers then he waits #or the other st$pid !oys to #inish their clim!s !e#ore
they can anno$nce the second wa(e o# contenders&8 Cinta holds the #ree small #ood !as"et that
slowly #ills with #ood consisting o# a !ag o# hot !$ttered popcorn, two Carmel apples, and
accepts the single chocolate c$pca"e while we two'step le#t into the hotdog line and she
s$ggests& 4-e sho$ld ditch the toddler games, .isa then ya can spend all yo$r time with 0arth
ma"ing a long lasting memory to tell no one78
46o$ said that ) spied too m$ch on 0arth&8
4hat ain*t spying& )*ll !e right ne3t to ya, !$t yo$ ha(e my permission to entertain 0arth
while we wait the !oring Pole Clim!ers&8
4Bo!!y Joe*s there, too& hat*s why yo$*re here& .ight, Cinta<8
46eah5 Come on5 ell the tr$th, Cinta58
4No& Bo!!y Joe and Billy Jac" are not here at the ;esti(al& ) told ya they are !anned #rom
showing their #aces or !eeFhind, here78
4-e shall see&8 ) word strongly with a low gr$nt li"e a dying dog&
46a don*t !elie(e me7>eats the hotdog and swallows?7&let*s go to the Pole Clim!7,8
orders Cinta twisting her !ody towards the second set o# do$!le sets that leads o$tside to the
!ric" yard that connects the !$ildings and #oot!all #ield&
) gently swing her !ody towards the elementary !$ilding and command holding her close
to my le#t armpit& 46a got yo$r treats, now& ) get my tric"s, the toddler games&8 ) stop at the ;irst
0rade archway which drapes three'#o$rths #rom the top to the !ottom with a solid dar" !l$e thic"
piece o# #a!ric that represents the ocean waters in a "id*s mental mind set&
his game is called G;ishing Pond,* where the #ishermen >child? recei(es a hea(y stic" o#
wood >#ishing pole? with a long white piece o# rope >#ishing line? that holds a plastic #i(e'inched
container >#ishing !ait? #or carrying the catch >the #ish?&
) pay one'dollar #or the pleas$re o# #ishing inside the ;ishing Pond, recei(ing a wooden
ro$nd smooth tree stic" with a thin roper& ) gently toss the rope and !$c"le'container o(er the
dar" !l$e #a!ric, while the teacher on the other side places a cheap pri9e inside plastic& he
teacher tenderly t$gs on the rope indicating that ) ha(e a #ishing catch& ) gently li#t the rope and
!$c"le'container o(er the !l$e #a!ric, smiling and staring at my cheap toy, a set o# #a"e pearls
that contains a little girl*s nec"lace, !racelet, and ring& ) will donate to the ch$rch on S$nday
morning, since they collect all $n'$sed gi#ts #or the "ids aro$nd the ,pollo'comm$nity&
) hand the stic" to the (ol$nteer'parent, who helps the elementary "ids with their #ishing
pole while retrie(ing and giggling at my pri9e& Cinta snorts !etween the !ites o# popcorn& 4)*d
toss it !ac", .isa&8 ) #lip the lip o# my !ac"pac" placing my precio$s item inside mo(ing to the
le#t to the Second 0rade archway&
) pose on the opposite wall, reading& eddy Bear 1$g& ,n ad$lt is dressed as a !ig !rown
hot woolly s$it made o# matted #a"e !rown material with a 1alloween mas" that decorates in !ig
o(al eye!alls o# !rown with red smiling lips and two egg'shaped !ear ears as ) la$gh at the c$te
scene o# a child clim!ing into the !ear*s lap #or a h$g then the child recei(es a pri9e while Cinta
m$nches on the popcorn then challenges& 40arth*ll !e mighty %ealo$s, i# ya to$ch that g$y&8
4;orget it, ) might get #leas& Let*s mo(e to the ne3t e3hi!it&8 ) command sliding down the
wall waiting the "id pop a single !l$e !alloon on the GShoot the /eer* e3hi!ition& -e head
thro$gh the doorway where a single #o$r'inched rectang$lar piece o# wood stands eight #eet high
and three #eet wide as a h$nter >"id? shoots with a dart the !alloon that has !een painted in white
with a deer*s nose, two eye soc"ets, and a pair o# twig an"les taped on the !alloon as ) giggle
with a girl twang& ) pay T2&00 at my chance to shoot two sissy st$## toys o# deer, winning& ) stand
in line and watch Cinta #inish the !ag o# popcorn when she moseys o(er to my #ace& ) whip o$t
#i(e dollars as"ing her to get !oth o# $s some cold sodas&
Cinta lea(es my eyesight as ) accept the two darts then target the yellow !alloon with
white paint and !ranch tree twig as ) hold the single dart right #i(e #inger pads aiming then shoots
as the dart s"ims to the le#t o# .andolph*s nose !$t #orce#$lly impacts eno$gh to pop the !alloon
re(ealing a little*s !oy toy g$n as the (ol$nteer remo(er the dart and my pri9e then ) aim the
second dart on the other side o# the h$nting !oard at the !l$e !alloon& ) meas$re, see" then shoot
as the dart penetrates into the middle o# the radi$s popping the !alloon as the dart #alls to the
#looring re(ealing a set o# plastic soldiers& he (ol$nteer remo(es the toys and o##ers my pri9es
as ) giggle with a girly twang $pon seeing Cinta then ) hold !oth items in each hand as she po$ts,
c$te'li"e her lips at my childish display&
) swing my !ac"pac" aro$nd to the #ront o# my white 'shirt #lipping the lip as Cinta
stands with her open soda can in her right hand and the !as"et with my closed soda can in her
le#t as she o!ser(es& 41mm5 6o$*re sho$ld !ro$ght a !ig p$rse, .isa& 6o$*re going to #ill that
one $p 2$ic"ly&8
) win" my eyelash, right at her and ta$nt& 4hen, ya can store my acc$m$lated toddler
pri9es inside yo$r p$rse #or me, girl !est&8 Cinta screws her eye!rows, $gly wal"ing away #rom
She orders& 46a r$n them things o$t to yo$r car, #irst&8 ) giggle with a girly twang at my
e(il plot !looming li"e tight rose!$d in the morning s$nlight marching !eside Cinta to the ;o$rth
0rader archway where the sign reads G.oad Iill* we enter the class room&
he st$dent des"s ha(e !een sho(ed to the side o# the #ar wall where #o$r racing lanes are
clearly di(ided !y (ertical stripes o# #o$r'inched white !$tcher paper on the #looring at the #ront
o# each lane near the !lac" !oard is a single cheap plastic red and white three'wheeled tricycle
>car? #or little ti"es to learn how to pedal their #irst (ehicle made #or three'year'olds and at the
end o# the lane is a st$##ed toy animal >critter? that needs to !e ran o(er !y the toy tricycle >road
"ill? to recei(e a pri9e within #i#teen seconds7that*s not a lot o# time, ya*ll& ) lea(e my !ac"pac"
with Cinta as !oth stand in the a$dience side o# the room and pay T1&00 pathing my !oots to the
last racing lane s2$atting my !ig !eeFhind on the "id*s tricycle as ) giggle with a girly twang
creating my new and #$n memory o# my last No(ena ;esti(al& his race is timed against yo$ and
the cloc", not against yo$r racing opponents since the o!%ect is to r$n o(er and "ill the st$##ed
animal with any one o# the three tricycle wheels within #i#teen seconds&
) cro$ch against the small d$el handle!ars #acing the wall #oc$sing on the st$##ed animal
which appears to !e a medi$m'si9ed eddy !ear placing the tips o# my !oot toes in the middle o#
the small !a!y pedals and impatiently wait #or the so$nd o# the !ell& *9N&0
4=ne :ississippi&8 ) !reathe co$nting o## the seconds !y the tr$sty :ississippi method as
) rotate !oth my "neecaps $p and down p$mping li#e into the two !a!y pedals& 4wo
:ississippi&8 :y right !oot toe 2$ic"ly slides and ) c$rse& 4Shit, :ississippi&8 ) stomp the pedal
with my right toe again dri(ing towards the little harmless eddy !ear li#ting my "neecaps $p
and down as they hit on the hard plastic !a!y handle!ars& 4;i(e :ississippi&8 ) slide my tricycle
to the right almost slamming the tra(eler in his lane then 2$ic"ly compensate !y steering the twin
handles to the le#t straightening my (ehicle #or a direct path to the little harmless eddy !ear and
g$ess& 4Eight :ississippi&8 ) am r$nning o$t o# time and a!o$t hal# way there and pedal my !oot
toes #aster as ) co$nt& 4Nine :ississippi&8 )*m almost there "eeping the handlers parallel !etween
the racing line rotating my "neecaps while !anging the snot o# my !ones against the hard plastic
handle!ars and co$nt& 4Ele(en :ississippi&8 ) slam the #ront wheel into the !$tthole o# the eddy
!ear and yell so#tly& 4.oad "ill&8 ) "eep dri(ing rotating my "neecaps p$nching the poor
harmless eddy !ear*s so#t s"$ll into the hard wall ens$ring my s$ccess#$l win and my greedy
pri9e as the (ol$nteer #inger points at me and&
1e yells& "#oad kill, o!er here. Gi!e her a pri2e.& 1e holds the tricycle as ) stand #rom
the little toy then !o$nce $p and down on my !oot toes and clapping my hands li"e a "id as the
second (ol$nteer hands o## a miniat$re eddy !ear #or me as ) pad towards Cinta who*s wor"ing
on the Carmel apple while s$c"ing down my cold soda& ) li#t my !ac"pac" #rom the #loor st$##ing
my pri9e into the small space noting that it is almost #$ll while ha(ing a hard time sh$tting the
Cinta s$ggests !etween the open mo$th chewing& 4-e sho$ld mo(e aro$nd the 1igh
School side since yo$ want to e3tend that long lasting memory clic" Gca$se its passed se(en
o*cloc"& ,nd we*re lea(ing right !e#ore eight7the stri"e o# !ad l$c" #or ,ctworth&8 ) don*t wear
a wrist watch since all (ehicles ha(e cloc"s !$ilt $pon the consoles and when )*m o## doing #arm
chores time doesn*t matter as long as ) complete my #arm chores per /addy& ) don*t li"e twirling
my !aton with any %ewelry since it inter#eres with my #inger spins as ) #ollow !ehind Cinta o$t
the ;o$rth 0rade class room door then s"ip on my !oot toes marching !eside her&
4.ight !e#ore eight&&,8 not #or me as ) smir" with a set o# wic"ed lips while my e(il plot is
wor"ing too well as Cinta and ) #low pass the ;i#th 0rade classroom then o$t the do$!le doors
into the inner co$rtyard composed o# colored !rown and red and !lac" clay !ric"s that are
le#to(ers #rom residential homes !etween the gym and the school !$ilding& No cars are allowed
to par" inside the !ric" co$rtyard since it*s $sed mainly #or teen gatherings d$ring s$n shine or
no gatherings d$ring rain time !$t the !and mem!er line $p inspection time and #or their grand
entrance onto the #oot!all #ield&
,pollo School contains all the :iddle, the 1igh School classrooms, a s$per !ig one room
1ome Salon #or girls learning to coo" meals #or their cow!oys and sew on clothes #or their
da$ghters and a -or" Shop #or !oys learning to !$ilt !ird ho$ses #or their sons and $se electric
power tools li"e a chain saw #or #$n twirling aro$nd in an $pside down A'shaped !$ilding& he
loc"ed and !olted set o# metal #ront doors o# the school !$ilding where the Principal*s =##ice and
eachers* =##ices is located #aces 1ighway 20 at the c$r(e o# the letter 4A8 with two entrance
points in the rear o# the !$ilding on the so$thwest side parallel to the st$dent par"ing lot and
#oot!all stadi$m and on the so$theast side #or the teacher*s par"ing lot and a gro(e o# trees& he
Elementary section and 0ym #aces the rear o# the A'shaped school !$ilding with a long concrete
o(erhang pre(enting rain inside the lo!!y leading into the a wide lo!!y that holds all the glassed
trophies #rom past sporting e(ents with a set o# side doors in each corner stepping onto the
polished wood as !leachers s$rro$nd three sides o# the s2$are room with a center stage #or
nothing important&
Cinta diagonals o$r !odies towards the so$theast entrance point which accesses the 1igh
School side o# the !$ilding where my class is held as ) comment nec" snapping my #ace at the
other entrance point on the so$thwest side& 4Let*s hit the :iddle school, ) promise to limit my
play to one game&8 Cinta s$c"s on the soda can and&
She sings in high clarinet& 4No& 6o$ #inish a co$ple o# more silly games on this side o#
the !$ilding to win a co$ple o# more ridic$le pri9es then we sit together on the !leachers and
watch 0arth win the Pole Clim!&8
41ow*da ya that he*s going to win<8 ) in2$ire since ) am thin"ing how to ad%$st Cinta*s
41e won last year&8 ) remind slowly wal"ing towards the :iddle School section loo"ing
#or more silly games to #ill my !ac"pac" so ) can annoy Cinta&
4E(eryone got a pri9e, last year7,8 recalling the !ig stin" when all the Pole Clim!
competitors recei(ed each a pri9e %$st #or to$ching the greasy pole !$t ) didn*t care since ) don*t
li"e r$nning on grass or water on a dirt !i"e&
4Beca$se o# the greased pole incident7,8 starts Cintas as ) giggle and&
4hat7,8 thing that Bo!!y Joe did, was ca$ght and p$nished #or the #irst time in that
!oy*s li#e& ) was 2$ite s$re there are other incidents which %$st weren*t reported to Principal
.$ssell& ) snigger&
Cinta screws her eye!rows, $gly& 47&) don*t wanna to tal" a!o$t, .isa& 1a(e pity on me,
tonight, ) don*t want to come the ;esti(al !eca$se Bo!!y Joe can*t !e here since he !anned and
)*m st$c" with yo$&8
4Sorry5 6o$*re st$c" with me since ) li"es !eing st$c" with me7,8 sorta patting Cinta*s
!r$ised ego& )*m glad Bo!!y Joe isn*t here to ca$se tro$!le #or me or Bec"& -e stomp $p the
hard concrete steps into the archway hallway o# ,pollo 1igh School, a #amiliar place in my
c$rrent li#e& Cinta and ) roll pass the Senior class on o$r le#t& ,pollo is a (ery small co$nty
school which is common in the lower parts o# ,la!ama since there are lots o# #arm lands and
#armers !$t not m$ch ind$stry or commercial !$siness li"e Ban"s, 1ospitals, /epartment Store
or 1otels li"e the !ig metro cities& he school holds !ig thirteen classrooms one #or each grade
incl$ding "indergarten along with a !and room, a l$nch room, a machine shop, and a
ho$se"eeping salon so all the "ids in each grade st$dy, wor", play, and #ight together li"e a litter
o# "ittens then mo(e li"e a gro$p o# #ish to the ne3t grade $ntil the !ig smart'ass teens a#ter years
o# annoying their wise elder teachers grad$ate 1igh School ma"ing each class on the a(erage
a!o$t 40 "ids more or less&
Cinta stares into the Senior class homeroom& 4hey hadn*t closed the ,pple Bo!!ing
display #or #ighting, yet& 6a*ll #eel li"e getting yo$r hair wet, girl'!est& 6o$ might get a new
radio or some cool electronic gadget #or the tort$re and torment,8 ch$c"les&
) snort& 4-ho*s in there drowning the eighth graders since we passed !y too 2$ic"ly<8
4) saw John Co(ey, Prissy Lo$, and Lloyd :ac d$n"ing some middle school heads&8
Cinta giggles& 4he old 1ar(est tradition contin$es& /o ya plan to (ol$nteer #or the ,pple
Bo!!ing ne3t year, .isa<8
4No& )t*s a st$pid tradition& ) don*t $nderstand why Principal .$ssell allows the gone and
grad$ated last year*s Senior to ret$rn and annoy the lower grade st$dents&8 ) complain&
41e started it when he grad$ated eons ago #rom here& hat*s why it r$ns e(ery year&8
4-hate(er58 ) so#tly moan&
4=r ya can "iss Lewis =llie #or a dollar< he enth and Ele(enth 0rade always get di!s
on the Boy and 0irl Iissing Booth hanging at their doorways& he Boy Iissing Booth ma"es the
most money at the end o# the night pro!a!ly winning that great !ig K monitor #or their
4) wo$ldn*t let Lewis =llie "iss my !eagle*s !$tthole with his to!acco stained teeth&8
4,we5 B$t, he smells so good sweet li"e wintergreen candy with his new dipping
to!acco& 6a li"e candy& .ight, .isa<8
) watch the side show action o# the Iissing Booths, 4Straw!erry candy&8 Cinta slows as
we pass the enth 0rade archway with Clara Nell s$c"s on a !oy*s #ace seeing /a(y .ay and
0arth stomping #rom the Ninth 0rade doorway&
40arth5<8 Cinta sho$ts as they stop, twisting their #aces towards $s then we pad to each
other as they smile and she wrin"les her #orehead, $gly& 4/id the Pole Clim! #inish<8
/a(y .ay el!ow p$nches 0arth*s right !icep and sings in !aritone& 4Naw5 0arth got c$t,
%$st li"e last spring in !ase!all practice, !eing too slo on the pole compared to them swi#t'ass
tenth graders&8
Cinta drops her mo$th& 46a got !eat !y a enth 0rader<8
4) gots a dirt !i"e&8 0arth sha"es his s"$ll&
) de#end my man& ) nod, smiling, 4.ight, sweetheart5 Let*s play a new game, honey58 )
sh$##le my !oots to his #ace then c$ddle my !eeFhind into his !l$e %eans as he smiles at me
tossing his right arm aro$nd my sho$lders which is o$r #irst show o# a##ection in #ront o# the
st$dent !ody as we a!o$t #ace padding aro$nd the wall corner towards the :iddle School section
o# the !$ilding #or #$n&
Cinta par"s her !oots ne3t to /a(y .ay wal"ing side !y side while reminding in a low
tone !ehind o$r s"$lls& 4-e lea(e right !e#ore eight o*cloc" so*s don*t get carried away with
yo$r #a"e game playing, .isa&8 ) gr$nt li"e a wo$nded animal as ) pad along with 0arth scanning
the wooden plan"s on the #loor and&
) whisper so#tly into his le#t eardr$m& 4) don*t li"e7,8 whispering li"e delicate !$tter#ly*s
wings into his le#t eardr$m as 0arth gently %er"s me sideways towards the ne3t ;esti(al
e3hi!ition and&
1e co(ers o(er my words with a lo$d tenor& 41oop Shoot, ) can shoot a !all into a !as"et&
6a want me to win ya pretty pony, princess&8 0arth smiles as ) grit my teeth !oth #r$stration at
him and happiness at him then !o! my s"$ll $p and down in silence acceptance while he mo(es
towards the archway& 1e stands a little inside the room as the (ol$nteer shi#ts the portal
pro#essional !as"et!all hoop in #ront o# 0arth then hands o## a single !as"et!all while 0arth
holds the !all with !oth hand then aims and shoots landing the !all in the middle o# the hoops #or
a pri9e& he (ol$nteer gi(es 0arth a small p$rple st$##ed pony as 0arth a!o$t #aces sha"ing the
pony in the air and ch$c"ling and we meet and "iss on o$r lips #or a second p$!lic display o#
a##ection in #ront o# the st$dent !ody as ) hear coos !ehind me& 0arth gi(es me a h$g then holds
the pony in my #ace and as"s& 46a want a second one, lo(e& hat was #$n and easy&8 ) draw
0arth away #rom the archway and Cinta as we pedal o$r !oots down the hallway desiring to
#inish the secret con(ersation a!o$t Bec" may!e hoping that 0arth will %oin me and&
4Let*s "eep going aro$nd the room and try a new game, o"ay<8 -e scoot to the ne3t
;esti(al e3hi!ition (eering towards the archway and pee"'a'!ooing inside which is a GSac" 1it*
where yo$ toss a r$!!er !all into a paper !rown sac" to win a single pri9e&
4) can sac" them groceries #or ya, ma*am&8 0arth r$dely #inger points as ) hear the
#amiliar song 4Pop5 0oes the -easel8 twisting my #ace towards the noise and smile&
4, ca"e wal"5 Let*s do the ca"e wal"& Let*s play&8 ) p$ll 0arth towards the 1ome Salon
department which is really a great !ig room with eight "itchen sto(e top o(ens on the le#t side #or
learning to coo" and a set o# eight sewing machines on the right side #or learning to sew with a
eacher*s o##ice des" !ehind the wall o# home and garden maga9ines and !oo"s with a set o#
three (ertical long ta!les #or the st$dents to c$t and ma"e their own home'made clothes as Cinta
and /a(y .ay dri#t !y $s heading to another game& -e enter the archway mo(ing to the right
wall standing ne3t to the #ol"s waiting #or the show to start as ) see that the (ertical ta!les ha(e
!een replaced with three ro$nd ta!les that decorates prettily and hold in the middle an elegant
display o# (ario$s #ood desserts ranging #rom pies to ca"es to p$ddings to c$p ca"es #or the
, Ca"e -al" is !oth #$n and #r$it#$l as yo$ don*t sit !$t stand !etween one o# the ten
placement chairs aro$nd the ro$nd ta!le when the m$sic starts which is the #amiliar child*s song
4Pop 0oes the -easel8 then yo$ wal" slowly aro$nd ta!le& -hen the m$sic 2$ic"ly stops
playing then yo$ gra! an empty chair as #ast as yo$ can !e#ore the person on either side o# yo$
sits !eca$se at the start o# the game there are only M chairs and L people whoe(er doesn*t #ind a
chair is tossed o$t o# the ca"e wal"& Get it!
Be#ore the start o# the same m$sic, one o# the ten chairs is remo(ed ma"ing a total o# #o$r
chairs and #i(e people who roam aro$nd the ta!le #or an $ncertain amo$nt o# seconds then the
m$sic stops and yo$ gra! an empty chair or ya get tossed o$t o# the ca"e wal"ing&
0arth sees the array o# desserts leaning into my #ace and whispers& 4-hy< hat*s my
:ama*s pe'can pie in the center o# ta!le n$m!er two& )*s get them #ree at home&8
) smile with an e(il smile and order& 4Pay the man and play the game, cow!oy or7ya
don*t get me #or dessert&8 ) #lirt with #$n win"ing my eyelid, right at 0arth as he p$lls his wallet
and drops a #i(e into the eacher*s open palm #or !oth o# $s to participate while racing a#ter my
!eeFhind #or more #$n& ) stand in #ront o# an empty chair right !eside 0arth as we el!ow and
po"e each other ri! cages li"e a pair o# little "ids and giggle li"e a pair o# t$r"eys with a set o#
!ig goo#y grins on o$r #aces !eing %$st ali"e and "nowing each other #ore(erly&
he m$sic starts as ) t$rn to my !ody to the le#t leading 0arth !$t #ollowing !ehind a
smaller "id that*s loo"s li"e a Se(enth 0rader as ) 2$ic"ly to$ch the seat o# the chair with my le#t
#i(e #inger pads pretending to claim it #or my own when the m$sic starts then the m$sic s$ddenly
stops& ) lay !oth my hands o(er the metal seat and scoot my !eeFhind into the empty chair as the
poor "id is too slo mo with his action missing o$t on my chair and the one ne3t to him !$t 0arth
claims the seat ne3t to me so we*re !oth still in the game as ) giggle with a girly twang and slap
my hand into his chest as he gr$nts li"e a wo$nded animal at my #$n&
-e stand then the eacher remo(es the chair ne3t to me as the ad$lt (ol$nteers reposition
all the chairs a!o$t the same distance to gi(e each player a #ighting chance to gra! a chair and
the m$sic starts as the crowd sings along with the "id*s song !$t ) listen to the g$itar m$sic&
"#ound and round the cobblers bench. The monkey chased the weasel. The monkey
thought 3twas all in fun. .op- Goes the weasel.& hen m$sic stops as ) gra! the chair ne3t to me
!$t 0arth 2$ic"ly hand'shoots me #rom that chair and ) #ight on my right with the #at lady #or her
chair and ) win then ) twist my distorted #ace and sneer li"e a capt$red alligator&
) yell at him& 46a cheated&8
0arth smiles& 4;or pie, ) steal*s anytime&8
-e stand then the eacher remo(es another chair lea(ing only three chairs and #o$r ca"e
wal"ers& ) s"ip aro$nd to the ne3t chair which is a nice distance #rom each other&
he m$sic plays, "#ound and round the cobblers bench.& hen, the m$sic stops&
) 2$ic"ly race to an empty chair !eating o$t the tall g$y since he had passed it !y and
slide my !eeFhind into the smooth seat holding onto the !ottom with ten #inger pads as the g$y
tries to (icio$sly wrangle me #rom the metal !$t the ad$lt (ol$nteer 2$ic"ly taps his right collar
!one #or physically attac"ing me while 0arth cr$dely !$mps the older girl o$t o# his way then
sideways his !l$e %eaned !eeFhind seating inside that chair on the opposite side o# the ta!le as
we loo" at each other giggling and grinning&
-e stand then the eacher remo(es one chair lea(ing on two chairs and three ca"e
wal"ers then the m$sic starts as we march li"e a set o# drilled little soldiers aro$nd a circle&
"#ound and round the cobblers bench. The monkey chased the weasel. The monkey thought
3twas all in fun.&
hen m$sic stops as ) gra! an empty chair right in #ront o# my legs while 0arth l$c"ily
lands in the empty chair !eside his !l$e %eans then we #lop into o$r chairs #or claiming the ne3t
ro$nd o# #$n as we giggle and grin at each other& -e stand then the eacher %er"s my chair #rom
me as 0arth*s chair remains and will !e crowned the ca"e wal"er as the m$sic starts& "#ound
and round the cobblers bench. The monkey chased the weasel. The monkey thought 3twas all in
fun. .op- Goes the weasel.&
0arth is closest to the empty chair since ) passed it on the second trot as ) a!o$t #ace and
race towards the occ$pied chair so ) land my !eeFhind into his open lap li"e a tiny "itten as he
gr$nts li"e a dying dog catching my !ody then ch$c"les into my right eardr$m at my c$te
mane$(er as the a$dience ch$c"les at o$r entertainment per#ormance&
he eacher stomps to $s sitting inside the chair on top o# each other& 4No, no, no& 1e
wins& 6o$ m$st get o$t o# his lap, yo$ng lady&8
0arth smiles, tenderly wrapping his arms tightly aro$nd my !ody& 4She*s my girl& )t*s
o"ay& -e !oth won, tonight& Pic" o$t a ca"e, .isa&8 ) stand and st$dy the middle o# the ta!le #or
my ca"e pri9e and select the .ed Kel(et Ca"e that ) "now :ama li"es to eat as ) giggle with a
girly twang and smile li"e a !ea$ty 2$een& he eacher will hold the ca"e #or me $ntil ) ro$nd
!ac" here !e#ore heading to my car and changing into my Prom dress #or playing the s$!stit$tion
1ar(est Empress&
Cinta claps and hoots #or $s inside the 1o$se Salon room within the watching a$dience
we7#o$r e3it the door witho$t my ca"e as she drags my !oots in #ront o# the ;ace Painting
E3hi!ition while ) note ) ha(e less than #i#teen min$tes !e#ore the !ig hand hits the eight o*cloc"
time and she e3plains r$dely #inger pointing at the #o$r ta!les with each a silly clown holding a
single !r$sh with a single water !ased paints& 4=$r last game #or the night ma"ing o$r Senior
No(ena ;esti(al last #ore(erly inside o$r minds, right, .isa<8 ) stand with my mo$th open li"e a
h$nger shar" staring at the empty ta!les as Cinta in(ites scooting to the #irst ta!le& 4) wanna paint
my #ace li"e a !$nny ra!!it with !lac" whis"ers, a pin" nose and a co$ple o# #$rry white ears&8
/a(y .ay #lops into the second empty ta!le and anno$nces& 4Paint me as a h$nter to
shoot that pretty !$nny ra!!it&8 Cinta motor !oats her lips at /a(y .ay as he ch$c"les li"e a
t$r"ey and the clown sm$gs a thic" !lo! o# 1$nter green paint on his wide #orehead while ) !ac"
step on my !oot heels #rom the ta!le since ) don*t ha(e time #or #ace painting and ) don*t ha(e
time to wash the paint #rom #ace !e#ore ) e3it onto the gym #loor as Cinta #inger points at the
three ta!le and&
She orders& "#isa will be a'what'precious kitten or cute doggie, girl best.&
) slam my !eeFhind into 0arth*s chest staring at the (ario$s #ace paints and whisper&
4No&8 Cinta doesn*t loo" at me as the clown whac"s her nose with a thic" go! o# pin" at the #ace
painting ta!le and&
She commands& "$es- #isa will be a kitten face, right, Garth%&
)*m trapped !etween 0arth*s strong !iceps and de!ate& 4No& ) don*t want that smelly
paint on my #ace& )t ma"es me sic" with na$sea&8 0arth leans into my right eardr$m ch$c"ling
1e says& 4) li"e to see ya li"e painted as a se3 "itten, !a!e&8 ) deeply inhale then nosily
e3hale at his c$te s$ggestion pondering what to do since ) plan to s$!stit$te as 1ar(est Empress
Lara Lee wearing my Prom dress that*s hidden inside my tr$n" in my Charger witho$t anyone*s
"nowledge or help as ) s$rrender and&
) stomp, sit, and demand& 4, pin" nose, two white triangles o(er my eye!rows #or the
ears and two sets o#7&>thin"ing?7whis"ers7made them white&8 ) #ig$re that the water colored
patient o# white will wash o## #aster than the color o# !lac" as the clown wor"s on my nose
smashing a !lo! o# pin" as it splashes on my shirt and my chin while ) #eel the wasps stinging the
inside my !owels with !oth e3citement and an3io$sness as 0arth !ehind her and watches with a
goo#y smile&
=(erhead spea"er anno$nces& "*ll Har!est 4esti!al #oyalty, please report to the
gymnasium for attendance.& :y heart sin"s li"e the itanic into the cold waters o# the ,rctic as )
sit trapped in this chair co(ered in paint as my nose itches and my eye!alls water #rom !oth
#r$stration and #ear&
Cinta tromps !esides 0arth with her #ace painted c$te'li"e with a white !ac"gro$nd and
a pin" ro$nd spot #or the !$nny*s nose, three set o# !lac" hori9ontal lines across her chee"s #or
the whis"ers and a pair o# triangle red ears loo"ing similar to !$nny ra!!it and orders& 40i(e her
!lac" whis"ers, not white& 6a can hardly see the paint&8 he clown re'paints !lac" o(er the two
pairs o# lines across my chee"!ones as ) steam with #$ry and panic as 0arth smiles goo#y at me
and Cinta in%ects with her !ossy personality& 4,nd co(er the ears with !lac" also&8 he clown re'
paints the cat ears then Cinta orders& 4:ore stripes #or the whis"ers&8 ) 2$ic"ly stand #rom the
ta!le as it sha"es and rattles the tiny !ottles o# water and paint and&
) command& 4-e need to lea(e&8 /a(y .ay p$lls !eside me with a series o# (ertical lines
o# colored 1$nter green, white, !lac", and !rown loo"ing li"e a war !attle solider than a rednec"
deer h$nter and&
"Good e!ening, folks of *pollo-& Clapping #rom the a$dience (ia the o(erhead spea"ers
as the anno$ncer waits #or the silence then contin$es& 45elcome to the 667
)o!ena 4esti!al.
5e will start the competition with our little tikes from the 1lementary section of the High /chool
which represent the 8indergarten, 4irst, /econd, Third, 4ourth, and 4ifth grades for the Har!est
.rince and Har!est .rincess.& Clapping #rom the a$dience (ia the o(erhead spea"ers as the
anno$ncer waits #or silence then names& "9ur 8indergarten is represented by (iss :aisy *nn
who is the daughter of (r. and (rs. ,harlie 1stes and (ister 0ester )eal who is the son of (r.
and (rs'.&
1e !o!s his s"$ll $p and down r$dely #inger pointing at his cell& 4Bo!!y Joe*s here
!esides yo$r tr$c", 0arth& )*m riding home with him& Come on, 0arth& Bye, Cinta and .isa&8 1e
a!o$t #aces mo(ing li"e lightning towards the opposite direction which is closer to the par"ing
lot as 0arth mo(es #rom his spot and wraps me into his arms then tenderly "isses my lips which
aren*t painted as ) accept the wet "iss !$t #eel n$m! #rom worry and anticipation& ) don*t want to
decei(e 0arth !$t Bec" sho$ldn*t !e h$miliated in #ront o# the entire #ol"s o# ,pollo, ,la!ama
who occ$py each single seat inside the gym&
) !elie(e in my lo(ing heart that 0arth will $nderstand and #orgi(e me rather than i# ) as"
his (er!al permission to entertain as the new 1ar(est Empress and he might say Gno* so ) "eep
my secret and my secreti(e plot inside my acti(e !rain as 0arth s$r#aces #rom his "iss and smiles
at me while we slowly mo(e away #rom the ;ace Painting E3hi!ition standing li"e three soldiers
in the middle o# the hallway with nothing to do which is (is$ally almost empty since e(ery
parent wants to see their "id as 1ar(est .oyal some day&
1e whispers and smiles& 4-e can get $p early right at s$nrise and go #ishing, tomorrow
since ya don*t ha(e to home $ntil78
4Ah7s$ppertime7:ama and /addy are coming !ac" at s$ppertime&8 ) word with a
#irm tone&
46ee'haw58 1e words, so#tly and smiles and leans into my #ace and whispers& 4)*ll pac"
$s a !lan"et and a l$nch we can #ish !y the ri(er !an" all day long7%$st the two o# $s ma"ing
some progress on that lo(e (ow& 1ow*s that, sweetheart<8
46es, )*ll li"e that& 6a !etta go since we7,8 d$mping with a pained heart and a n$m!
tong$e since no one wants to tal" a!o$t the $pcoming h$miliation e(ent o# Bec" !$t s$re wants
to !e a!sent when it happens as ) 2$ic"ly t$rn my !ac" m$scles to 0arth wal"ing slowly towards
the elementary section as he wrin"les his #orehead, $gly at me&
0arth in2$ires with his tomcat c$riosity& "Hey'the trucks this way.&
Cinta %$mps in wal"ing !ac"wards on her !oot heels !eside me as ) wipe my #ace with
my short slee(e o# my white 'shirt cleaning o## the pin" paint #rom my nose and she giggles&
4-e par"ed !eside the elementary playgro$nd&8
0arth presents d$c" lips, $gly since he wears his cow!oy hat o(er his eye!alls& "5hy ya
do that%&
Cinta win"s with her eyelash, right and calls o$t& 4;or o$r #ast escape plan, honey child&
0et going5 See ya at home58
he ,nno$ncer $pdates (ia o(erhead spea"er system& "The winner of Har!est .rince
and .rincess is the Third Grade #epresentati!e of (iss'&
4-e need to go, too, Cinta&8 ) holler in her le#t eardr$m then start trotting on my !oots as
she sprints along side me which sh$ts o$r lips as ) start to !reathe hea(y #rom panic and #ear
needing to d$mp Cinta into the car while ) gra! my dress #rom the car as we path towards the
second entrance point o# the school thro$gh the :iddle School grades then !$st o$t the do$!le
set o# door into the cool moon light as ) contin$e to %og on the hard !ric"&
40ood thing e(eryone*s inside the gym&8 Cinta comments 2$ic"ly as we near the
elementary section with the set o# do$!le doors open #or any remaining #ol"s to play games and
get any #ood !e#ore the 1ar(est .oyalty competition ends then the #esti(al is #inished #or another
year& -e tra(el in silence and enter the elementary section while we slowly wal" down the short
corridor as ) hear&
"The /ixth Grade #epresentati!e is (iss',& $pdating (ia o(erhead spea"er system&
-e arri(e at the do$!le set o# doors that lead down the secret corridor to the gym and my
car as ) stop staring into the l$nchroom and yell in #l$te m$sic& 4/ang5 ) #orgot my ca"e&8
4he ca"e<8 Cinta sha"es her c$rls and #ingers the door& 4;orget the dang ca"e, .isa& -e
need to lea(e& 1a(en*t yo$ !een listening they*re a!o$t to anno$nce the winner o# the 1ar(est
Iing and J$een any min$te then the representati(es o# the Ninth, enth, Ele(enth and wel#th
grades will !e anno$nced witho$t Lara Lee present78
4Stop !a!!ling5 ) got the ca"e #or my :ama she*s sic" and lo(es .ed Kel(et& )t*ll ta"e
me less time then yo$r #ore(er #arewell speech7,8 lect$ring then ) toss my red !ac"pac" at
Cinta and orders& 40et me a soda and a Carmel apple& 6o$ get one, too& here*s money in the
!ac"pac" and wait #or me at the car& he "eys are in there, too& 6o$ can dri(e !ac" i# ya
Cinta parts her lips li"e a dying #ish and comments so#tly& 4) can dri(e7yo$r car&8 Cinta
smiles and shares grinning at me as ) gently sho(e her right sho$lder towards the l$nchroom
doors as she t$rns and trots li"e a pony with her !ac" m$scles to me and sho$ts& "9kay, I get to
dri!e your car.&
) e3it into the right door witho$t Cinta noticing me as ) race li"e a thoro$gh!red horse to
the side door ma"ing a set o# lo$d clomping so$nds li"e a herd o# elephants "nowing that the
door is still open since it*s a designated escape e3it in case o# a #ireN#loodNwhate(er emergency
#or e3iting the Elementary School !$ilding and 0ymnasi$m and ) hope my car is still there since
) didn*t loc" the car doors %$st in case ) had to do$!le !ac" to the car witho$t my !ac" pac" and
Cinta& ) #eel more con#ident that my car*s there and ) will !e ma"ing that intro o# the wel#th
0rade 1ar(est Empress anno$ncement as ) slam open the door witho$t stopping and gallop
directly to the dri(er*s seat then %er" open the door and man$ally pop the tr$n" hood which ) had
to loo" $p inside the thic" car man$al since ) only $se the car electronic "ey to open the door and
) press the hidden !$tton $nder the le#t side o# the dri(er*s wall $nder the console as the
tr$n" slowly opens then ) race and gra! the #olded Prom dress #olding it twice o(er my le#t
#orearm to "eep #rom tripping on it and !$sting my nose !ridge as ) li#t the second red !ac"pac"
#rom the side wall then slam the tr$n" hood sh$t& ) %og aro$nd and smash my le#t !oot7cool
mo(e7witho$t stopping into the dri(er*s door as it sh$ts !$t doesn*t loc" since )*m not worried
a!o$t Cinta disco(ering that the car is $nloc"ed !eca$se she*ll $se the electronic "ey to open the
Charger and not !eing #amiliar with that gadget will pro!a!ly open then loc" then open it again
and not tell me she co$ldn*t #ig$re it o$t since she*s got more ego then pride&
) %og towards the side door !$sting o$t and galloping towards the #inish line which is the
secret and $nloc"ed side door o# the gym p$lling o$t one o# my oli(e oil pads which are the
greatest in(ent since the microwa(e ripping o## the paper and cleaning the "iddie water paint
crap o## my #ace as ) trot #aster to the gym door not worrying a!o$t Cinta #inding me& Since,
she*s on the opposite side o# the hallway eating her third Carmel apple, padding slowly on her
!oots towards my car& she carries two drin"s and two Carmel apples within her arms& ) dirty the
oli(e oil pad good with the crappy #ace paint dropping it into my !ac"pac" $sing a #resh clean
second one as ) #eel the wetness o# the cool oil moist$re and clean the dried itchy shit o## my
smooth s"in then stop and drop the dress to the #loor and loo" !ehind my right sho$lder seeing
no people !ody or no in(isi!le ghost and swi#tly rip o## my 'shirt e3posing my strapless white
lacy !ra, and !l$e %eans, and !oots then #old it twice and wipe the e3cess oli(e oil o## my #ace
then toss the wadded 'shirt into the !ac" pac" and hear&
"The )inth grade representati!e is (ister',& !ia the o!erhead speaker system.
) desire to rid the %eans o## my legs and don the pretty high heeled white sandals on na"ed
toes !$t ) only ha(e a set o# precio$s seconds as ) toss the dress o(er my !ra and %eans while
wearing my new cowgirl !oots while r$nning o$t o# time and r$nning down the rest o# the empty
hallway as ) straighten the o##'the'sho$lder collar aro$nd my swan nec" e3posing my good s"in
then %er" it down o(er my na"ed waist and tie the #ront lacy ri!!ons since ) wear a pair o# low
c$t !l$e %eans that !arely co(er my lacey panties& ) li#t the #ront s"irt o# the dress holding in my
right hand so ) don*t trip and #all on the hard concrete allowing the !ac"pac" to !o$nce side to
side on my right arm hanging li"e a mon"ey #rom my el!ow as ) p$## and #l$## my messy long
hair and pinch my chee"s with my le#t two #inger pads #or some color !esides panic"ed engine
red then ) stop at the side door and nosily inhale and nosily e3hale calming my !eating heart, my
racing p$lse, and my sha"ing "neecaps&
) twist the door "no! with !oth hands since )*m (ery ner(o$s and a little sha"y (ery
slowly opening the side door as ) see the !ac" m$scles and pin" r$##led dress o# the Ele(enth
0rader as ) draw a !lan" on her name7
4(iss .hoebe *nn is the 1le!enth Grade #epresentati!e....,& d$mps the anno$ncer as )
!o! my s"$ll giggling and smiling while the girl mo(es her dress #rom the dar" hallway into the
light #looring while ) toss my small !ac"pac" down the steps o# the 0irl*s Loc"er .oom
retrie(ing it a#ter the closing o# the competition #or 1ar(est Empress as ) giggle with a girly
twang #or !oth s$ccess and secret&
)*m not worried a!o$t Cinta o(erhearing the anno$ncer on the spea"er system or
searching #or me since she*s inside the dri(er*s seat o# my Charger getting stic"y Carmel coating
o(er the steering wheel7>which can !e cleaned?7while getting #amiliar with the car*s
instr$ments on the console as she listens to the co$ntry radio station and ) stand soldierly waiting
#or my 2$e$e to enter as the s$!stit$tion 1ar(est Empress& ,nd )*m not worried a!o$t winning
since Lara Lee has a set o# lo$sy grades li"e me e(en co$pled with Bec"*s they wo$ldn*t win as
1ar(est Empress and Emperor which is sad as ) #eel my emotion #all down to my soc"ed toe
nails along with the mental tho$ghts that none o# my classmates are here to gi(e Bec" a good
showmanship appla$d which is angry as ) #eel my emotions spring #rom my toes $p to my throat
m$scles as ) growl li"e a !a!y gri99le !ear&
"The Twelfth Grade representati!e is (ister +eck *ctworth who is the son of (r. and
(rs. ,ohen *ctworth',& words the anno$ncer as Bec" is dressed in a nice slee" !lac" t$3edo
%ac"et o(er his !road sho$lders and a pair o# polished cotton !lac" tro$sers co(er his legs with a
white shirt and !right red !ow tie aro$nd his nec" as he rolls his chair with his right hand and
wa(es to the crowd with his le#t hand then he s$ddenly stops !eside the Ele(enth 0rade !oy and
re'ad%$sts his eyeglasses that hang on his aristocratic nose which is happy as ) #eel my emotion
!o$nce rapidly $p and down inside my g$ts with e3$ltation holding !ac" the tears #rom my
eye!alls at the content moment o# my short li#e o# se(enteen years old that )*m here to represent
the Senior class as 1ar(est Empress co$pled with c$te and nice !oy'Bec"&
Ne3t ) swi#tly %og on my cowgirl !oots swirling my long Prom dress in the slight !ree9e
#rom my gallop #rom the dar"ness into the light racing to the #ace o# the eacher who acts as the
,nno$nces and whispers a set o# secret words as ) grin and giggle& 1e anno$nces& "5e ha!e a
substitution for the night. (iss #isa who is the daughter of (r. and (rs. 5halen .atillo
represents the Twelfth Grade as Har!est 1mpress.& ) smile li"e a !ea$ty 2$een, !low "isses with
!oth hands li"e a royal princess, and wa(e with my le#t hand li"e a 1ollywood mo(ie star
trotting right !eside Bec" and smiling at him&
1e smiles and nods his s"$ll, once while his dor"y thic" eyeglasses drops towards his
nose as ) swi#tly drop to my "neecaps !eside his wheelchair*s right wheel while my dress spreads
li"e a !looming rose petals o(er the polished #loor so we*re e(en in lips then ) to$ch my ten
#inger pads to his right arm rest as he in2$ires with his tomcat c$riosity loo"ing into my eyes
with his !ig !l$e eye!alls& 4.isa5<8
) lean into his !right smile whispering into his happy #ace and #i! honestly& 4Lara Lee*s
0randma in 1$nts(ille is really, really sic"& She and her parents le#t a!o$t an ho$r ago& So*s ya
got me, slic"& Sorry that )*m second !est&8 Bec" contin$es to smile with his happy demeanor and&
1e compliments& 46o$*re #irst !est, .isa& han"s #or s$!stit$ting as the lady o# the
ho$se& ) really appreciate it&8
) smile and share& 46o$*re the #irst !est, too, Bec"&8 ) remain on the s2$atted #loor e(en
to his lips since the winner part is really #ast then )*ll !e o## the #loor, o$t the door, and racing to
my car #or the getaway !ac" to Cinta*s ho$se #or the night ending No(ena ;esti(al&
he anno$ncer says& "The Har!est 1mperor and 1mpress is (ister +eck *ctworth and
(iss #isa .atillo.& he a$dience claps, cheers, and stomps !oots into the wooden !leachers as )
giggle and grin with silliness (ery happy #or Bec" as he claps #or $s also while ) stand #rom the
#loor then he read%$sts the eyeglasses aro$nd his #ace&
Last year*s 1ar(est Empress sets a small #a"e diamond !$t glittering crystal encr$sted
tiara o(er my messy hair as ) accept the pretty arm !o$2$et o# #resh c$t red long stemmed roses
then she hands o## the white cow!oy hat as ) sho(e the roses into my le#t el!ow and accept the
hat& Each girl royal gets a tiara and a set o# #lowers while the !oy gets a trophy and a cow!oy hat
compliments o# the local 1ardware Store then the girl royal places the cow!oy hat on her royal
!ea$*s s"$ll in !oth honor and tradition&
) stand in #ront o# Bec"*s wheelchair smiling at his #ace !ehind the dor"y thic" eye lens
then "neecap !oth legs on the #loor #or a second time so )*m e(en with his s"$ll while ) place my
!o$2$et o# #lowers on the le#t side o# his chair and his trophy on the right side o# his wheel then )
lean my sho$lders and #ace into his $pper torso positioning with e3tended arms and wiggling
ner(o$s ten #inger pads the cow!oy hat e(er o(er the middle o# his s"$ll& ) slowly lower the hat
o(er his head as Bec" giggles and grins with happiness roc"ing his wheelchair !ac" and #orth as
) ner(o$sly %iggle the hat o(er his hairline then ) swi#tly drop the hat o(er his eyeglasses as the
pair o# !lac" #rames #all into his laps while the hat rim co(ers !oth his eye!rows and eye!alls& )
whisper& 4Sorry&8
4="ay&8 ) 2$ic"ly #lip the #ront rim o# the hat $pright so Bec" can still not see me with
his eye!alls witho$t his prescription eyeglasses laying inside his lap as ) lean deeper into his
chair almost to$ching his #ace with my nose then the chair %er"s !ac"wards %$st a little as ) lose
my $pright "neecap !alance #alling !ac"wards while Bec"*s 2$ic" reactions and two strong
hands catch me dragging my torso into his chest& 1e coc"s his %aw sideways giggling and
grinning while his hair drapes o(er his right chee"!one and %aw line then p$lls me into his #ace
seeing $p close his pretty !l$e p$pils with a to$ch o# (iolet that twin"les li"e a pair o# electric
!l$e stars then he swi#tly "isses my parted lips&
) #eel a #a!ric o# sil"y #lesh li"e satin co(er !oth my lips with a cool sensation o# !ree9e
calming my ner(o$sness while my t$mmy #l$tters with tho$sands o# tiny !$tter#lies wanting to
get #reed and my ten #ingers caress his chin'length c$rls o# so#t sil" and my toes literally c$rl
inside my cowgirl !oots with my !ody cools with deep passion then ) mentally day dream o#
He wears a black tuxedo, a white shirt, and a neon purple and candy pink poker-dotted
bow tie around his neck muscles while his right open palm extends outwardly to me as he stands
at six feet and three inches upright on a pair of black leather shoes, not inside his wheelchair
beside a stark white Grand +aby piano with a big crystal !ase of red long stemmed roses
flaming from the center of the polished wood inside a large room with a wall of mirrors on my
right and a wall of black wallpaper on my left with a double fireplace center stages the room.
+eck tilts his aw to the right as slightly wa!y hair drapes around his right cheekbone
and cuddles the side of his s;uare aw line thats dusted in a light pattern of black whiskers
along with his pretty dark blue eyes with a touch of !iolet that twinkles like a pair of electric blue
stars against his pale skin without his eyeglasses. He smiles with a million dollar smile and
shares with happiness. "5elcome to my world, #isa. ,ome to me, darling-&
wo "itty'cat clawed manic$red #inger nails swi#tly gra! !oth ends o# my collar !one as
she %er"s me #rom Bec"*s lips while ) st$m!le !ac"wards hearing the rip o# the dress at the same
time standing on my !ooted #eet in a wo!!ly stance as she swings my #ace towards the a$dience&
) see 0arth, /a(y .ay, Bo!!y Joe, and Billy Jac" in that order !loc"ing the wide archway on the
le#t side o# the gym*s lo!!y staring !ac" at me as Cinta snarls li"e a capt$red alligator into my
right eardr$m& 46o$7yo$ ha(e ca$sed a !ig mess, .isa& ime to lea(e58 ) drop my mo$th li"e a
h$nger shar" #oc$sing on 0arth then he 2$ic"ly !ac" steps into the dar"ness o$t o# my eyesight
while ) #eel h$ndreds o# emotions #lood my mind, my heart, and my !ody with sadness, pain,
e3citement, mystery, angry, s$rprise, shoc", loss, gladness, happiness, and wonder#$l&
"+ye, #isa.& Bec" yells !ehind my sho$lder !lades as Cinta swi#tly twirls me towards the
(is$al side door o# the gym mo(ing me away #rom !oth Bec" and 0arth while we g$ide li"e
dancers across the polished #loor since )*m really in shoc" more than s$rprise and angry more
then #$ry and l$st more than lo(e&
Cinta %er"s open the side door as we pad o$t the archway side !y side li"e con%oined
twins down the hallway which is the only direction towards my car inside the playgro$nd as she
whispers into my right eardr$m as ) hold my dress #rom tromping and tripping o(er the hemline&
4) can*t !elie(e this mess, .isa& ) was waiting in the car when yo$ didn*t show& So ) get worried&
hen ) le#t the car and wal"ed !ac" to the Ca"e -al"& 6o$ were not there& 6o$ hadn*t arri(ed to
pic" $p the dang ca"e& ) got really worried& 6o$ told me that yo$ were collecting the ca"e #or
yo$r :ama, .isa&8 She pa$ses as we slide down the concrete since ) don*t want to lie anymore
and don*t want to #ight with Cinta since she*s my girl !est and %$st ta"e the (ocal a!$se& Cinta
contin$es& 4-ell, li"e a good #riend ) te3ted 0arth who t$rned his tr$c" aro$nd and came !ac" to
the school to help me #ind yo$, .isa& ) tho$ght yo$ had !een "idnapped or stolen or in%$red or
capt$red or something !ad& ) searched the rest o# the 1igh School property while 0arth com!ed
the gym& 1e #o$nd yo$, #irst, .isa&8 ) slow my !oots as she %er"s my !ody #orward then slams
open the side door as we split and part aro$nd the car pondering what e3actly did 0arth see and
when did 0arth see it !$t its so clear he saw me and Bec" together&
4po((o /(ementary (ay gro#nd. ) enter the dri(er*s side sliding into the leather while
starting the cold engine since Cinta le#t the "ey in the ignition and the doors $nloc"ed as ) stare
at the steering col$mn that*s co(ered slightly in light !rown Carmel !eca$se Cinta sat here and
ate her candy apple while worrying a!o$t me li"e a tr$e girl !est as ) c$t my eyelashes to spy on
Cinta as Cinta th$m! #iddles with the cell phone te3ting to someone& ) ret$rn eye!alls to the
steering wheel then do$!le chec" all three rear'(iew windows snapping my nec" m$scles le#t
!ac"ing o$t the gra(el then do a three'point t$rn pathing down a !$mpy gray pa(ement towards
the highway then t$rn right as ) tra(el at 20 :P1 in silence #or'.1 seconds then 2 seconds
then 10 seconds then 1, min#tes as ) p$ll into the dri(eway o# the -ar#ield :anor par"ing in
my $s$al spot on the other side o# the si3'garage doors lea(ing the car idol then ) eye !$rn Cinta
holding !oth my #$ry and disappointment&
$ar6ie(d drive+ay& 4-hy*ya so mad, Cinta< ) didn*t wanna win& )*m 2$ite shoc"ed
recei(ing the title o# 1ar(est Empress, !elonging to Lara Lee& Loo"5 6o$ can ha(e the roses,
since they go so$r a#ter three days, !e#ore :onday morning& ,nd )*ll gi(e Lara Lee the
crown7,8 con#essing my earthly sins&
Cinta stares at her cell and says so#tly witho$t any angry& 4his is not a!o$t the silly roses
or the st$pid crown& 6o$ !ro"e my tr$st, :iss Patillo& ) tr$sted yo$&8
) sneer with more #ighting #$ry& 4r$sted me with an e(il plot that h$rt7him& hat*s
totally $n#air, Cinta&8
4ime #or !ed5 )t*s near ele(en o*cloc"& Bedtime at the -ar#ield :anor58 Cinta
commands with a so#t clarinet and #irmly crac"s the door with her right hand as my eye!alls
gleam the radio cloc" noting it*s 10+MC pm wondering where the time #lew too as ) p$##
m$sically with shoc", #r$stration, and h$ndred other emotions !anging silently and painlessly
!oth palms on the stic"y steering wheel and&
) sing in #l$te m$sic& 4;iddlestic"s, since yo$ can*t !e ci(il or nice and act li"e a little "id
that got her !icycle stolen& )*m lea(ing to go !ac" home&8 Cinta reaches o(er clic"ing o## the
engine then stealing the "ey #rom the ignition and&
She sings in #l$te m$sic& 4No5 6o$ can*t since my parents will "now that something*s not
right& ,nd7yo$r parents aren*t home& No one is there at yo$r ho$se to o(ersee a minor& 6o$*re
a minor child !eing less than eighteen years old, .isa& 1ot dangling, my parents are responsi!le
#or yo$r sa#ety i# yo$ wildly dri(e o## and st$pidly r$n away then something not nice happens to
yo$ o$tside or inside that empty ho$se then :6 parents are lia!le& hat*s the ,la!ama law&8 )
slam my le#t hand on the steering wheel and&
) sing in piccolo m$sic staring at her pro#ile& 4=5 Now7ya #ollow the law& -here was
the law and order when yo$ a!andoned Bec" at No(ena ;esti(al #or !eing what7a nice "id that
ma"es good grades<8 Cinta loo"s at the glo(e compartment and&
She so#tly words witho$t loo"ing at me& 46o$ simply don*t $nderstand the sit$ation,
:iss Patillo&8 ) !eat !oth my hands at the steering wheel ma"ing a #$nny th$mping noise #or her
eye!all attention and&
) command with piccolo m$sic& 4hen, e3plain it to me& E3plain yo$r secret meeting with
Lara Lee& 6o$ hate Lara Lee& .emem!er, girl !est<8 Cinta scoots her !oots o$t the door while
sitting in pro#ile and&
She anno$nces with a so#t clarinet& 4)*m going to !ed, :iss Patillo&8 She slides o## the
leather, standing and padding into the garage door as ) scoot o$t the dri(er*s seat and gently sh$t
the open since it*s late in the e(ening wondering where the time went as ) #ollow Cinta into the
garage then the "itchen while we !oth stop in #ront o# ,nna!elle -ar#ield&
$ar6ie(d :itchen. ,nna!elle stands with a c$p o# steaming mil" in her right hand
smiling at me and o##ers& 4Congrat$lations, .isa&8 She places the c$p on the !rea"#ast ta!le
padding in her pin" ho$se slippers to me then h$gging my sho$lder !lades p$lling !ac" and
smiling into my #ace& 46o$*re a #ine 1ar(est Empress&8 She !ac" steps dragging the c$p towards
her right hand staring at Cinta& 4B$t, ) didn*t rightly $nderstand the !rie# anno$ncement& .isa
was a s$!stit$tion #or whom, darling<8 Cinta #idgets while eye !$rning the "itchen tiles since )
ha(e always li"ed ,nna!elle !eing "indly mannered and so#tly spo"en to me and her #amily
mem!ers while raising a litter o# "ittens ha(ing se(en sons and one r$de da$ghter as ) nosily
clear my throat #or attention and&
) o##er& 4han" yo$, :rs& -ar#ield& ,nd7Lara Lee had !een (oted !y the class as the
1ar(est Empress .epresentati(e !$t she can*t come tonight, right, Cinta<8
,nna!elle presents a set o# dead pan straight lips loo"ing at Cinta& 4hat*s (ery odd,
didn*t yo$ !elie(e so, Cinta< ) #ind that Lara Lee always e3ceeds her social o!ligations, won*t
yo$ agree, Cinta<8 Cinta !o!s her s"$ll $p and down while tilting her %aw line at the "itchen
#loor with a silence ac"nowledgement to her :ama as ,nna!elle gingerly to$ches my Prom
dress at the waistline& 46o$ made a !ig impression with the crowd, tonight, .isa elegantly
stomping o$t in her cowgirl !oots $nder the #ormal gown& E(eryone will remem!er yo$r grand
entrance7>giggles?7and7now $pon learning yo$r sel#less sacri#ice yo$ sa(ed the night #or
Bec" ,ctworth& 6o$*re 2$ite a daring yo$ng lady& 6o$r :ama will !e pro$d5 1ow*s she
4han"s, again, :rs& -ar#ield& :ama*s getting m$ch !etter& hey*re at the hospital in
:ontgomery #or the night& hat*s why )*m here #or the e(ening !$t )*ll !e lea(ing, #irst thing in
the tomorrow morning&8
46o$*re always welcomed, here, right, Cinta< ime #or my !edtime5 /on*t stay $p to
late, girls since ) "now my da$ghter& Cinta has pro!a!ly cons$med too many Carmel apples,
right, dear ma"ing a s$gar high inside yo$r !ody<8 She giggles and eye !$rns Cinta as Cinta
!o!s her s"$ll in silence and comments& 4=ne day, )*ll per#ect the Carmel apple !$t not tonight&
0ood night, girls58
4Nite, :rs& -ar#ield&8 ) call so#tly watching her e3it the "itchen as Cinta mo(es passed
me #ollowing her :ama and&
4Night, :ama&8 Cinta so#tly calls as ,nna!elle pads o$t the Iitchen r$nning thro$gh the
Li(ing .oom into the hallway #or her master !edroom as ) plop my !eeFhind on the "itchen #loor
hearing a new rip in my Prom dress while slipping o## my right dirty cowgirl !oot #rom my #oot
!e#ore ) stain the !eige carpet in the -ar#ield :anor as ta$ght !y my /addy while Cinta lea(es
me alone in the "itchen&
) %er" the le#t !oot o## then twist my !ody in #$nny position standing #rom the "itchen tile
while dragging the torn hemline on the #looring t$c"ing !oth dirty !oots $nder my le#t armpit as
) li#t the #ront o# the Prom dress to my "neecaps witho$t the chance o# #all on my #ace& ) silently
pad on na"ed toe !ones thro$gh the Li(ing .oom then $p the stairs to the second #loor t$rn right
entering the ne3t to last !edroom on the le#t& he room is dar" !$t ) "now the layo$t !eca$se the
!edroom con#ig$ration hasn*t changed since we were #riends in the ;o$rth 0rade with her
!edroom #rame h$gs the so$thwest wall in the corner and the windows "iss the north wall, the
(anity !$rea$ and !athroom door decorates on the west wall with nothing !$t la(ender #lowered
wall'paper on the east wall&
Cintas bedroom. 11:1,pm. ) change into the dangling yellow night shirt !arely h$gging
the sheets o# the !ed mattress since ) totally a!sent'mindedly #orgot my o(ernight pac" since )
had snea" one !lac" !ag into my car and two !ags wo$ld ha(e !een serio$sly 2$estioned !eca$se
:ama and /addy didn*t lea(e at their planned #o$r'thirty in the morning as $s$al !$t waited
aro$nd this morning #or me to wa"e'$p, !athe, eat, and !$ll'shit aro$nd the !rea"#ast ta!le !e#ore
sho(ing my !eeFhind o$t to the door #or my day*s acti(ity o# academic schooling witho$t any
additional night time clothes li"e my real o(ernight !ag that contained a tooth!r$sh, a hair !r$sh,
and a night gown& So, Cinta m$st*(e noticed that ) was lac"ing my $s$al 1$nter green o(ernight
l$ggage since she doesn*t miss a thing as ) toss the %eans #rom my legs and the dress #rom my
$pper !ody slamming them on the carpet along with my lacey !ra&
) gently as possi!le witho$t igniting Cinta cat'crawl on two hands and two #eet into the
le#t side o# the !ed noo" as Cinta #aces her door ignoring my sighing and !o$ncing then ) twist
and lay o$t li"e a conscio$s 9om!ie on the so#t mattress staring at the pretty la(ender satin o# the
canopy*s !ed #rame while my ten #inger pads and ten toe nails wiggle #rom !oth the night*s
electri#ying e3citement and an3io$sness since ) can*t sleep !$t close my eyelashes as my acti(e
ne$rons recall (i(idly with h$ndreds o# emotions&
) still #eel the coolness o# Bec"*s lips on my hot mo$th as ) gingerly to$ch my !ottom lip
with my right inde3 #inger sliding a so#t pad across my warm #lesh remem!ering emotionally the
so#tness o# his thic" lips en(eloping the cold ner(o$sness o# my !ody pressing his mo$th into
mine as ) #eel warm and tingling li"e a !right spring day with his hands steadying my !ody #rom
roc"ing !ac" and #orth li"e a grandma*s chair while he slowly p$lls me closer into his torso #or a
deeper "iss& Boom5 ) see&
+eck standing upright and tall on his two feet wearing a nice pair of tuxedo slipper shoes
in black matching the polished cotton black tuxedo acket and trousers with a white dress shirt
and a silly neon purple and pink poker-dotted tie around his muscular neck while he extends his
right hand with the palm open to me like an engra!ed in!itation not wearing his eyeglasses o!er
his face. 1e says& "5elcome to my world, #isa. .lease oin me, darling-&
ing. ) %er" my eyelashes open slowly tilting my s"$ll towards the right in(estigating
that tiny so$nd noting the !right red alarm cloc" reads 12:00am recalling this moment last wee"
was my special day o# !irth along with my special !irthday present o# stealing a #or!idden "iss
#rom 0arth #or the (ery #irst time as ) smile so wide that ) might crac" my #acial chee"!ones with
pain then hold the silly giggling so*s not to wa"e Cinta and&
) (i(idly remem!er my day dream when ) "issed 0arth so solid and color#$l in my mind
when Garth stands six feet and one inches with a sweaty wet T-shirt that clings to his board
shoulders, muscular chest, and eight-pack of abs like he want swimming in the creek water
forgetting to change out his farm clothes since he wears a pair of slightly dirty rippled blue
eans and his familiar orange and red ostrich cowboy boots. His hands are parked on his leather
belt as the sil!er bucket blinds both my eye balls with a piercing yellowish-white light. His se3y
!aritone trom!one r$m!les. "Howdy, #isa. $a want be mine my cowgirl, fore!er%&
4=nly a dream7,8 whispering with too m$ch e3citement and eagerness a!o$t my
s$ccess#$lly e(il plot sa(ing the c$te lam! #rom the h$nger wol(es, ending my #riendship with
Lara Lee which ) don*t really gi(e a UST a!o$t, praying #or Cinta*s #orgi(eness, and #i3ing my
personal relationship with 0arth then my !rain nodes "ic" in with a !rilliant idea& 4al" to
0arth7now&&&,8 whispering #rom my lips into my eardr$ms& Yeah!
)t*s dar" and 2$iet with 0arth inside his !edroom and )*m here while Cinta*s asleep as )
slowly li#t my (ertical !ody !ending at the "neecaps shi#ting !oth hand palms and #eet soles
mo(ing towards the end o# the !ed mattress as my na"ed toes hit the so#tly padded sitting !ench
decorating the length o# the canopy !ed #or holding Cinta*s !edspread which is now laying on
the carpet #rom my #oot attac"& ) contin$e to !$tt'crawl o(er the !ed sheets when my #eet slam
so#tly onto the carpet then ) arch my !ac" m$scles li"e an =lympic gymnast slowly !eaming o##
the mattress $nder the tall r$##led canopy !ending at my "nees then slowly $p right #or the #inal
pose as ) giggle so#tly&
) slowly tip toe with my sho$lders sl$mped and my arms t$c"ed into my chest li"e a
$pright gopher mo(ing across the carpet then o$t the open door into more dar"ness since the
hallway doesn*t ha(e tiny night lights #or "ids or a set o# open windows #rom moon light !$t )
ha(e li(ed one day o$t o# the wee" with Cinta since the ;o$rth 0rade as ) slowly pad along with
wall witho$t to$ching it to 0arth*s room which at the end o# Cinta*s corridor !eca$se the
staircase !ranches into three separate a(en$es #or the -ar#ield clan o# n$mero$s !edrooms since
all the children li(e with their parents&
&arths bedroom. November 1.
. Sat#rday. "idnight. he door is slightly a %arred
eno$gh #or my slender !ody to #it diagonally witho$t crea"ing the door open as ) stroll closer
seeing 0arth*s head o# !londe hair and golden s"in lying li"e a 0ree" god $pon his dar" pillow
while ) disappoint greatly that he*s #$lly so$nd asleep as ) note the rotating eye!alls $nder his
closed eyelids !$t ) thin" another !rilliant sol$tion li"e the #airy !oo" tale o# S(eeping
)andsome as ) giggle so#tly staring lo(ingly at 0arth&
:y heart e3cites while my hands sweat with eagerness with the mental tho$ghts o#
0arth*s opening his eyelids seeing pretty me as ) c$r! my smile holding my long hair with my
right hand c$pping my le#t arm into my !reasts witho$t any !ody part to$ching 0arth #or my
special s$rprise as ) care#$lly lean my s"$ll parallel with his head then slowly tilt my %aw and
nose to the right witho$t ca$sing an accidental nose !ong& ) slowly lower my closed lips o(er his
parted lips #rom a deep sl$m!er holding my sweet !reathe and close my eyelashes "nowing
where )*m placing my mo$th then press !oth my lips gently onto his hot #lesh #eeling a series o#
(ery intense heat #rom his mo$th that immediately warms my hot passion into a series o# s$n
#lares while his ro$gh lips #eel li"e a cheap cotton 'shirt& ) day dream&
Garth standing at the end of my boot toes as I lay flat on my back muscles inside a pretty
flower bed of loose pink rose petals strewed along on the grass as I clearly see an upright
position of Garths six feet and one inches with a sweaty wet T-shirt that clings to his board
shoulders, muscular chest, and eight-pack of abs like he want swimming in the creek water
forgetting to change out his farm clothes since he wears a pair of slightly dirty rippled blue
eans and his familiar orange and red ostrich cowboy boots. His hands are parked on his leather
belt as the sil!er bucket blinds both my eye balls with a piercing yellowish-white light.
Garths sexy baritone trombone rumbles. "Howdy, #isa. $a want be mine my
hen within the !linding light ) see that Garths two hands are reaching out slo mo out
and gently touches both my naked biceps which rest on top of the pink rose flowers as ) 2$ic"ly
#eel my !ody #alling !ac"wards instead o# #orward snapping open my eyelashes seeing the dar"
walls mo(e away #rom my dri#ting !ody while !ac" pedaling with aided assistance o$t o#
0arth*s !edroom&
Cinta has her le#t arm aro$nd my !reasts while her right hand completely co(ers my open
mo$th swi#tly p$lling me !ac"wards swi#tly #rom 0arth and so#tly yelling into my right eardr$m&
46o$*re a sic" person snea"ing aro$nd a g$est*s ho$se witho$t permission attac"ing 0arth while
he sleeps& )*m glad yo$ didn*t ha(e a "ni#e since he*d !e dead7and,8 swinging $s #rom the
!edroom door towards her !edroom as ) el!ow her right hand #rom my mo$th and&
4here*s more o#7,8 the dream then the #irst time ) stole the #or!idden "iss #rom 0arth
which is really weird since )*(e "issed on 0arth since S$nday a#ternoon and didn*t (is$al repeat
any part o# this encrypted day dream as Cinta 2$ic"ly re'co(ers my mo$th with her right smelly
and wet #inger pads as we swi#tly pad on !oth o$r na"ed #eet li"e a two'headed and #o$r'#eeted
monster and&
Cinta so#tly yells into my right eardr$m& 46o$*re a weird'o, a mental, a sic"'o, a per(ert
acting li"e a #rea"ing #rea"&8 ) str$ggle to get loose and #ree #orce#$lly el!owing and "ic"ing
#rom her grip, her hands, and her arms then )*m #ree and swi#tly swing my tall !ody to #ace her
in#lamed nostrils and !$ll'#rogged eye!alls and&
4here*s more o# the dream7&,8 tattle so#tly to Cinta as Cinta (iolently sho(es !oth her
open palms into my chest ca(ity as ) 2$ic"ly #ling !ac"wards on !oth #eet then Cinta swi#tly
charges li"e a raging !$ll while ) rapidly !ac" step witho$t m$sic into the solid wall with no
pict$re #rames or art wor"s then Cinta r$dely #inger points into the open door way on the le#t o#
me while !ad !reathing into my #ace and&
She orders in so#t #$ry& 4here7yo$ stay here in the spare !edroom and don*t pee in the
!ed li"e a p$ppy dog when yo$ get scared the #irst time yo$ spent'the'night with me&8 ) part my
lips to tal" as Cinta stares me down with her cold dead eye!alls then ) close my mo$th as she
swi#tly piro$ettes to her !edroom door& ) slowly t$rn to the le#t marching into the cold, dar"
room pondering e(erything&
&#est bedroom. .:30am. 4:orning7&,8 singing in #l$te m$sic as ) smile with a goo#y
grin, #eeling the hea(y weight o# a !ody on the le#t side o# the !ed mattress then sitting $pon my
two el!ows smiling while staring with eye!alls at Cinta*s in#lamed nostrils and&
She orders in a scary !ass alto& 4ime #or yo$ to lea(e to go home&8 ) pretend to ignore
her #a"e angry smiling and sni##ing with my two nostrils since we*re girl !ests and&
4) don*t smell !rea"#ast<8 Cinta swi#tly !ac" steps #rom the mattress witho$t smiling at
me #inger pointing at my clothes o(er the dressing ta!le then swinging her !ody towards the
open door and&
She orders& ")o breakfast, time for you to lea!e to go home.& ) $pright twisting my !ody
!o$ncing on "neecaps and palms o(er the !ed and then o## the !ed and stand on #eet and&
) o##er peace#$lly with a so#t #l$te wa(ing my arms $p, down, and sideways to get her
attention& 4)*m sorry, Cinta& ) was acting st$pid or7&something& ) can*t e3plain it&8
Cinta wal"s o$t the door& "$oure stressed and distressed with your bad grades, your
bad beha!ior, your bad girl image',& #ading her clarinet m$sic in the hallway as ) stare o$t the
empty doorway with po$ted lips, c$te'li"e and a wrin"led !row, $gly&
4-hate(er7,8 singing in a so#t piano ripping the !orrowed yellow night shirt #rom my
chest tossing on my %eans o(er my legs and the dirty Prom dress #rom laying on the dirty gym
#loor o(er my head then sh$##le a na"ed #eet into each cowgirl !oot sliding my car "eys in my
right hand and carrying my cotton dirty soc"s in my le#t hand as ) slowly pad o$t the room
eye!alling the empty and 2$iet second #loor then so#tly step down the staircase noting the lac" o#
#ood smells and !ody so$nds in the empty Li(ing .oom& ) tr$c" o$t towards the "itchen thro$gh
the open garage loo"ing at my red Charger&
$ar6ie(d drive+ay. .:8,am. ) hold my right #ist with my "ey cars o(er my eye!alls
since it*s #rea"ing si3'thirty in the morning !eca$se it*s the winter time in so$th ,la!ama and the
s$n #rea"ingly gets $p at si3 o*cloc" and goes to sleep at #i(e o*cloc" in the early a#ternoon as )
%er" open the dri(er*s seat scooting into the leather sni##ing the sorta sno!!y snot !ac" into my
nose holes #rom Cinta*s tart treatment o# me smelling the sweet aroma o# #resh roses that ) le#t
inside the car #or the night then slam the door sh$t cran"ing the engine witho$t prod$cing any
physical wet tears in my eye!alls since Cinta is %$st a little $pset with me7&na+7her& She*ll
cool down li"e an ice c$!e !y :onday morning in o$r 1omeroom class then we*ll !e girl !ests,
again as ) giggle with a girly twang& ) start the car pondering7too dang m$ch as slowly t$rn to
the right then straight heading in the direction the roadway as ) p$tt'p$tt down the !ric"
dri(eway when my eye!alls catch the motion o# horses on my right then ) p$ll my car to the side
o# dri(eway slam the gear into 4P8 #or par" lea(ing the motor r$nning watching the posse o#
horses and men remem!ering that 0arth*s going #ishing at the ri(er !an" with7me&
) open the car door #ling my !ody $pright wa(ing !oth arms li"e a cra9y women when
0arth*s older !rothers Shel!y and =wen slams their #olded #ists into 0arth*s !iceps then Shel!y
r$dely #inger points at me while ) smile li"e a 1ar(est Empress and drag my dress o(er the loose
gra(el and green grass staining the p$re white #a!ric e(en more i# that*s possi!le o# the #ormal
gown li"e a #airy princess then ) ro$nd the #ront !$mper tr$c"ing down the side o# the dirty car
then lean my !eeFhind7naw7my dress against the passenger door grinning with a goo#y smile&
0arth tosses his right leg o(er the saddle horn sliding !oth !oots onto the dirt then str$ts
manly o(er the grass d$c"ing his head, nec", and sho$lders !etween the two and three #ence
posts wiggling his tallness #rom the cow past$re into the dri(eway then $pright stomping to me
witho$t a smile as ) !at my long eyelashes giggling with a girly twang $sing my So$thern !elle
charms on his cow!oy rednec" manners and&
) sing in #l$te m$sic& 40arth7&)*m not appropriately dressed #or #ishing !$t )*s can !e a
2$ic" change artist78
40o home7,8 !ad !reathes 0arth witho$t a smile with a slightly sneer li"e a %$n" yard
dog in a dangero$s !aritone trom!one right in my #ace as ) stand $pright then lo(ingly !at !oth
!lac" eyelashes and po$t my lips, c$te'li"e and e3tend !oth my arms not to$ching his !ody #or
an anticipated eddy !ear h$g and&
) sing in #l$te m$sic& 4)*ll go home and come !ac" in a %i##y with my riding gear78
40o home7,8 !ad !reathes 0arth witho$t a smile then he 2$ic"ly !ac" steps #rom me
swinging his tallness to #ace his !rothers who stare sitting 2$ietly on top o# their steeds at me
witho$t the show o# their shotg$n !arrels !$t pro!a!ly waning a #ew he3es i# that*s h$manly
possi!le as ) drop my arms to my sides staring as 0arth d$c"s !etween the #ence posts wiggling
away #rom me then $prights mo(ing #arther away #rom me then loads his !ody $pon his stallion
shi#ting more #arther away #rom me then t$rns his steed towards so$th riding totally away #rom
me as ) nosily sigh and deeply !reathe&
) gather the torn #ront o# my dress in a !ig $gly wad with !oth hands plowing my !ody
aro$nd the #ront !$mper scooting me and my dress into the leather witho$t !othering to !elt into
the sa#ety !elt and p$tt'p$tt the car down the winding dri(eway o# Cinta*s ho$se since ) ha(e
!een ta$ght So$thern manners !y /addy not speeding down the roadways endangering other
#ol"s or mysel# and /addy wo$ld dri(e me to school #or month since ) wo$ld not ha(e my
Charger as ) slowly stop at the intersection o# the -ar#ield dri(eway and =a" .oad then loo"
right then le#t then right again noting the roadway is clear o# (ehicles&
) p$ll into the road tra(eling the two miles $ntil ) hit the yellow !ric" o# my pri(ate
dri(eway o# my ho$se pondering that Cinta*s %ealo$s that ) accidentally won 1ar(est Empress
since we*re Seniors and that opport$nity has slipped her !y #ore(erly as ) giggle with a e(il
smir" and also Cinta*s mad that ) s$ccess#$lly sa!otaged that Senior e(il plot #or h$miliating
sweet nice'!oy Bec" while 0arth*s %ealo$s that ) accidentally won 1ar(est Empress which
happened to pair me with the 1ar(est Emperor that was Bec"& -ell, they*ll get o(er it !y the
wee"end !eing old #riends7girl and !oy on :onday morning o# school&
ati((o )omestead. ;:00am. ) slowly t$rn to the right #rom the roadway into my
dri(eway sna"ing aro$nd the long !ric"s o# yellow when :ama saw the road design in a pop$lar
1ome :aga9ine then clic" the garage door opener with my le#t two #inger pads then slowly stop
the car right o$tside my assigned single garage space inside the ho$se*s si3'garage set o# doors
since )*m terri!ly $pset and accidentally might hit a plaster garage wall or a metal garage #rame
that :ama did one time since ) am an emotional $nsta!le %er" at the moment then li#t the door
handle sliding #rom the leather and gallop $pright to the dar"ness o# the garage then s$ddenly
halt as the dress lands on the smooth concrete then elegantly swing my !ody along with the
#ormal dress in a hal#'circle and pad !ac" to the passenger door*s&
) pop it open leaning my !ody !ac" !ehind the seat gra!!ing the arm !o$2$et o# red long'
stemmed roses since the #resh petals co$ld stain the leather seats then ) gallop #or a second time
with the roses in my le#t hand thro$gh the garage slamming open the $nloc"ed door with my
right hand mo(ing in the enclosed La$ndry .oom and yell to my ,ngels in 1ea(en in piccolo
m$sic& 4:ama7/addy7,8 wal"ing aro$nd the corner into Iitchen, noting&
he clean co$nters and empty "itchen stainless stain sin" not gi(ing $p and tr$c" into the
Li(ing .oom with the wide thic"ly yellow'clothed !$tter#ly'patterned window drapes
completely closed sh$tting o$t the morning s$n #rom the west& :ama has a thing #or the color
yellow and the insect !$tter#ly so the Li(ing .oom #l$tters in !oth a c$te com!o o# yellow
!$tter#lies on the c$rtains, the co$ch, two matching padded chairs, and a lo(eseat loo"ing li"e
someone peed on the #a!ric since the rest o# the #$rnit$re is /addy*s #a(orite old !rown matted
lo$nge chair that will !e !$ried with the man inside his #$neral tom!&
:y ne$rons swi#tly "ic" !ac"wards in time that /addy told me they*d !e home later on
Sat$rday e(ening aro$nd s$ppertime which is a!o$t #i(e o*cloc" close to the d$s" as the s$n is
setting in the west which in reality will !e se(en o*cloc" !eca$se /addy will7 a? stop #or s$pper
and7 !? dri(e really slow in the dar" since he*s in his #i#ties and his eyesight isn*t that great
pondering that ) sho$ld ha(e dro(e my parents to the !ig city o# :ontgomery at the ;armer*s
:ar"et and the hospital instead o# sel#ishly attending No(ena ;esti(al which is depressing as )
#eel really rotten li"e a wet log #or not helping my #ol"s who lo(e me (ery m$ch&
) right #oot then le#t #oot into the middle o# the Li(ing .oom then #lop down on my
!eeFhind $pon the thic" carpet as my dress spreads li"e a !looming rose petals with my legs
crossed as ) hear the Prom dress rip somewhere near the le#t side o# my waist line echoing into
!oth my good set o# eardr$ms dropping the hea(y rose !o$2$et !etween my legs with !oth
#r$stration and sadness whispering li"e delicate !$tter#ly*s wings& 4) didn*t do anything
wrong7&,8 practicing my rehearsed speech #or :ama since ) can*t hide my awesome !ea$ty
per#ormance at the No(ena ;esti(al $nless ) magically !lind the twin eye!alls o# e(ery
,pollonian in town who sat inside the o(er'crowded !leachers o# ,pollo 1igh School as ) sni##
the slo mo r$nning snot #rom my nostrils&
he hot gossip is spreading #aster than a cell te3t that not only did ) s$!stit$tion #or the
pretty, pop$lar, and prissy Lara Lee spoiling the Senior class e(il plan !$t ) created a new
#ashion trend in my 4new8 !$t 4old8 Prom dress wearing my new cowgirl !oots that :ama
doesn*t e(en "now a!o$t and o# all the #rea"ing l$c" ) won the 1ar(est Empress title witho$t
really !eing legally nominated as 1ar(est Empress within the No(ena ;esti(al competition
!eca$se o#7
) nosily sigh then deeply !reathe !eca$se ) didn*t "now why ) won7well7Bec"*s
grades are s$perior to mine and e(ery other #armer*s at ,1S so he really did won since ) %$st
stood7naw7sit on my "neecaps on the #loor #or st$dent s$pport o# my #ellow class mate& B$t
an ad$lt only sees a logical sol$tion while a teen li"es a social one so !eing a teen ) made the
social s$!'conscio$s snea"y emotional decision to help Bec" all !y my lonesome do(e sel# since
all my #ellow Seniors incl$ding 0arth had chain'ganged $pon him !$t :ama !eing an ad$lt will
see only #laws o# my teenage plan&
) can hear her #l$te soprano echoing !etween my earlo!es&
"$ou should ha!e told me, #isa. Then, I would ha!e contacted .rincipal #ussell who
would ha!e contacted (rs. Hodges then 0ara 0ee Hodges could ha!e dropped from the )o!ena
4esti!al competition allowing you to legally take her place as Har!est 1mpress. +ut, instead as
usually you plowed the field without remo!ing the rotten corn tusks, now, you ha!e stirred up the
wasp nest slithering around ust like a serpent behind our backs under the noses of the teacher
and least not forget within the eyeballs of your classmates at school',& giggling with a girly
:ama li"es to analogy $sing lots o# h$man !ody parts as ) grin at my st$pid imagination
as my mind gears switch into o(erdri(e #rom last night as ) giggle with delight #or a second
stolen "iss pondering i# Cinta*s #i!!ed on me !$t ) do$!t it& ) stare at the pretty rose arm !o$2$et
that meas$res #rom my middle #inger to the length o# my el!ow with almost #$lly !loomed
twel(e deep colored red roses while ) caress the tip o# !ottom #lower on the right then 2$ic"ly
pl$c" a single rose petal #rom the rose tossing into the air as ) recall 0arth*s words last night7
lo(e (ow and&
) croon so#tly& 41e lo(es me7>pl$c" second rose petalV toss?7he lo(es me not7>pl$c"
third rose petalV toss?7&he lo(es me7>pl$c" #o$rth rose petalV toss?7he lo(es me not7>pl$c"
#i#th rose petalV toss?7he "isses me7>pl$c" si3th rose petalV toss?7he "isses me not7>pl$c"
se(enth rose petalV toss?7he "isses me7>pl$c" eighth rose petalV toss?7he "issed me7>pl$c"
ninth rose petal?& ) stare at the single petal and repeat so#tly& 41e "issed me& ) didn*t "iss him& 1e
"issed me& ) didn*t initial the "iss& 1e "issed me7,8 standing swi#tly on !ooted #eet as the dress
rips and sho$ting lo$dly to my ,ngels in 1ea(en with a !right smile on my chapped lips holding
!oth my arms and happy #ace towards the ceiling as the rose petals #all grace#$lly o(er my hair&
41e "issed me& 6a*ll hear& hat*s it5 Bec" "isses me& ) didn*t "iss Bec"& ) get Bec" to e3plain to
0arth that it was a congrat$latory "iss, not a !oy#riend "iss&8 ) lower my arms and #ace staring at
my c$te little !a!y pict$re thin"ing one day when 0arth and ) are married )*ll !e nailing my three
"ids* !a!y pict$res on the wall li"e :ama does and smile so wide that it crac"s my #ace then )
hi"e my dress to my "neecaps galloping towards the stairs to change my dirty clothes&
*arn. ;:30am. ) race o$t the !ac" door o# the ho$se across the patio on my #aded %eans,
my new cowgirl !oots, and a #resh smelly pin" !lo$se with a set o# c$te r$##les on the #ront since
pin" !ows wo$ld !e too ostentatio$s with :ama*s e3pensi(e #lowery per#$me aro$nd my nec",
earlo!es, pin" !lo$se collar, and wrists since )*m going to need to $se more then my !ea$ty and
my So$thern charms to pers$ade gro$chy 0arth to tal" to sweet Bec"& Bec" is always the
So$thern gentleman and the happy'go'l$c"y "id o##ering to do anything #or anyone so he*ll
gladly chat with 0arth& ,nd, ) don*t want to arri(e at Bec"*s home in my car since )*ll loo" !oth
really desperate and pathetic #or his assistance so ) tra(el in a slightly less o!(io$s mode o#
transport !eing my new ,K gi(ing me something to lightly chat a!o$t on the #irst ro$nd o# teen
con(ersation !e#ore ) as" #or his help on the second ro$nd o# teen con(ersation as ) giggle with a
girly twang at my !rilliant idea&
) %er" open the door crawling into the tight seating o# the ,K cran"ing the single "ey
that "isses the ignition switch since no one can steal my toy !eing right !ehind the ho$se patio
with a tho$sands o# eyes7>giggles?7!ird eye!alls watching o(er my !irthday present still dirty
with m$d #rom the last spin in the m$ddy clay water p$ddles as ) stomp on the gas pedal o$t the
do$!le wide doors into the !right early s$nrise o# a new day&
) whip the wheel to the le#t tra(eling at 40 :P1 on the !$mpy !ric"s o# the dri(eway as
my ri! cage and !eeFhind !oth !o$nce ro$ghly in the padded leather #ollowing the sna"y
dri(eway towards the =a" .oad then pa$se at =a" .oad as ) loo" right then le#t then right& )
stomp the gas pedal riding on the pa(ed co$nty road p$tt'p$tting towards Bec"*s ho$se which is
two miles $pwind o# my ho$se since this is my chance to #i3 it with 0arth getting him !ac" into
my li#e& ) #eel something deeper #or 0arth li"e we*re connected on more than a physical le(el&
1e*s the right g$y #or me, the only g$y #or me as ) press the gas pedal to tra(el #aster speeding
$p to MB :P1 which is a nice ride on a smooth pa(ement then ta"ing the land terrain which
almost tears a new one in my !eeFhind&
) do$!le'chec" the rear (iew mirrors #or any #amiliar 4 3 4 %ac"ed $p tr$c"s #rom the
-ar#ield clan dri(ing $p my !$tthole !$t the other sons are (ery nice and well'mannered
So$thern gentlemen towards me as ) see the entrance point o# the pri(ate dri(eway as ) giggle
with a girly twang deciding to o##'road my ,K #rom the main road since ) don*t want to seem
too eager or desperate since it*s only @+00am as the le#t tire hits the loose gra(el then plows the
engine grill down into the dirt road ditch !o$ncing one tire at'a'time in a com!o earth material o#
lots o# grass weeds, tiny amo$nts o# spring water, and miles o# moist$re !rown soil splashing
m$ddy water onto the #loor !oard and the side doors than"ing /addy #or adding the ,K doors
to this thing&
) slowly crawl o$t li"e a lady!$g that s$rprising deep ditch and $p the slope li"e a sna"e
$pon a smooth le(el patch o# dead Pine needles and yellow :aple lea(es then 2$ic"ly g$n it
straight !etween the col$mns o# tall and short trees consisting o# Shaggy Pines, tall =a"s, and
short :aples !$t the poor :aples don*t get m$ch s$nlight cro$ched !etween the !ig story co(er
=a" canopies& he trees set the proper property line !o$ndary !etween my #arm and Bec"*s #arm
as ) roll $p the slight hillside o# !rown pine needles and dead yellow lea(es #eeling the motion in
my stomach 2$i(er with seasic"ness then hit a platea$ le(eling my stomach and the ,K o# tall
trees on my right and a deep (alley o# (ertical rows o# cotton on my le#t growing with a series o#
tall and green stal"s which will !loom with a set o# !ig white !$shy tails o# cotton li"e a !$nny
ra!!it ne3t wee" as ) giggle with a girly twang&
) race $p another slight hillside o# more yellow dead lea(es and matted pine needles
going higher into the tree line at 40 miles'per'ho$r with the wind !lowing my hair #rom my !ac"
and the s$n !$rning more #rec"les on my s"in while nec" snapping my #ace to the right seeing
the #ront porch o# Bec"*s ho$se as ) pass it thin"ing )*ll attac" #rom !ehind going to the !ac"
patio pretending to !e ha(ing a %oy ride early in the morning ho$rs on my !irthday mo!ile
present since the ,ctworth can hear the !$99ing noise o# the #i#ty'ponies inside the motor
passing their lawn with eardr$ms as ) giggle with a girly twang&
hen ) swi#tly %er" the wheel to the right sliding the ,K towards the le(el gro$nd
slamming on the !ra"es landing me and the ,K perpendic$lar to the ,ctworth ho$se while )
narrow my eyelashes s$spicio$sly staring at the o!(io$s (ertical col$mns o# !rown material
s2$are !o3es that completely !loc" the set o# do$!le entrance doors on the ,ctworth manor and
whisper to my eardr$ms& 4hey*re mo(ing away #rom ,pollo li"e /addy told& -hy wo$ld Cinta
say the opposite that the ,ctworth*s will ne(er lea(e here<8 ) silently co$nt the stac"s o# !o3es
coming $p the n$m!er #i#teen and that*s within my eye!alls as ) stare at the #ront porch then )
decide that*s my !rilliant idea #or d$mping onto the ,ctworth*s patio to in2$ire a!o$t the
mo(ing !o3es and the mo(ing date as ) giggle with a girly twang&
) slowly press the gas pedal heading #arther $p the pea" o# the hilltop where the past$re
land !egins on my le#t side with more tall, short, !end, and !ro"en 9illions o# trees, tree lim!s,
and tree tr$n"s while pee"'a'!ooing with eye!alls at the long and large ,ctworth*s mansion
which is !$ilt more li"e a castle with #o$r le(els o# space #or their !ig #amily while ) remem!er
that Cinta told me that it was the #irst place #or death #$nerals in the city o# ,pollo as ) shi(er
with a set o# goose !$mps #rom that creep mental tho$ghts&
) reach the pea" la$ghing at the silly "id*s game 4Iing o# the 1ill8 as ) release the gas
pedal allowing the ,K to slow at the top (iewing with my na"ed eye!alls the pretty array o#
morning colors on my /addy*s #arm7&naw7my #arm, now since ) signed all those legal papers
hoping that ) didn*t wand my parents a dead march into 1ea(en& ) see the !lac" and white !ee#
cows gra9ing !ehind my !eeFhind getting #at #or the ;armer*s :ar"et ne3t spring and the wild
yo$ng set o# mares galloping aro$nd the corral #or playtime eager to !ecome :amas ne3t spring
while ) giggle with a girly twang&
) lo(e the #arm li#e, the #resh air, and the s$n shine #eeling deep down to my !a!y !l$e'
painted toe nails that ) don*t want to lea(e my #arm happy that :ama and /addy can*t a##ord the
e3pense o# college li#e since ) want to stay #or the s$mmertime, #all, winter, and springtime
planning my wedding ne3t s$mmer with 0arth as ) smile li"e my #ace is crac"ing open as )
deeply inhale then nosily e3hale the #resh smells o# hay, soy!eans, and cow t$rds then ) stomp
the gas pedal #or my #$n trip down the hillside into the (alley o# red wa(ing wild#lowers !e#ore )
plan to t$rn right onto the pri(ate lawn o# Bec"*s home& ) do not mo(e&
) wiggle my !eeFhind in the leather stomping the gas pedal with my right cowgirl !oot
down to the #loor!oard and ) do not mo(e then ) slam my right !oot holding the gas pedal down
to the #loor and ) do not mo(e then ) li#t my right !oot #rom the pedal holding it in the air $nder
the dri(er*s console and listen #or the engine noise& 4;iddlestic"s5 ) #looded the engine&8 ) twist
the "ey to the Go##* position and co$nt $sing the :ississippi system to calm the motor rotors as
ta$ght !y my /addy& 4=ne :ississippi& wo :ississippi& hree :ississippi& ;o$r :ississippi&
;i(e :ississippi,8 2$ic"ly t$rn the "ey ignition #orward indicating the on position with my three
#inger pads not hearing the #amiliar grinding so$nd o# the engine as ) 2$ic"ly release the "ey
placing my right two #inger pads to my mo$th pondering the mechanic pro!lem since )*m not
good with !a!y cars, only !a!y cows as ) giggle with a girly twang and whisper #or my
eardr$ms& 4) don*t hear the motor !$99ing o# my new toy&8 hen ) press the ,K*s !ra"e pad
and slam the dri(ing gear into ne$tral then 2$ic"ly #lic" the "ey ignition to the o## position, then
!ac" to the Gon* position, %amming my right !oot into the gas pedal& ) hope to #low a small spar"
o# #iery dino gasoline into the motor #or a 2$ic" %ac" ra!!it start& ) do not hear the engine roar&
) %er" open the door with my le#t hand scooting o$t the leather strolling aro$nd the nose
o# the engine dropping my le#t eardr$m to hear7nothing no tiger roaring $nder the hood as )
giggle with a girly twang at my silly h$mor then 2$ic"ly stand $pright with my tallness staring at
the dirty p$rple paint #inish&
) eye!all the #ront grill with more m$d then loo" at each headlight that ill$minates d$ll in
the s$nlight !$t ) can see with my 20N1M (ision since /addy ta$ght me to dri(e with my
headlights on all the time #or d$m! deer and d$m! asses on the roadway, so ) had t$rned the
headlights on the ,K !e#ore !o$ncing o$t o# the !arn& ) slowly wal" aro$nd to the right eye
!$rning the di##erent parts o# the ,K noting water stains, grass stems, and m$d slaps on the
wheel #ender, the door, the lower "ic" li#t, the $nder!elly, and !oth tires as ) pad aro$nd to the
rear end and see the tail lights are !laring in red colors& ) contin$e my (is$al inspection seeing
more water mar"s, grass stems, and yellow lea(es, and m$d splatters decorating the tires, the
door, and the rest o# the nice paint %o! as ) stand !eside the ,K staring at the le#t #ront wheel
that loo"s good then the le#t rear wheel that loo"s properly in#lated with air and whisper& 4) don*t
) slide into leather then clic" o## the ignition "ey as the console lights go 4o##8 within the
dri(er*s console& ) #lic" the "ey #orward witho$t any so$nd #rom the engine !$t scan each ,K
ga$ge with my eye!alls, noting& he .:P needle*s down to 9ero and the speedometer needle
goes down to 9ero& ) pass my hand o(er the radio dial and p$nch the !$tton then a happy co$ntry
song !lasts #rom the console spea"ers into my eardr$ms as ) dance to side to side #rom the ,'
chord o# m$sical #iddles& he !attery needle is #$lly charged along with an oil digital read o$t
shows the n$m!er at 100Q o# good oil inside the silent engine as my eye!alls scan the gas circle&
) cry li"e a !a!y& 4;iddlestic"s58 ) reach and #lic" the "ey to Go##* as the m$sic dies then
twist the "ey to Gon* while the song in(ades my eardr$ms& B$t the gas needle*s lays dead li"e
road "ill with a warning engine light o# red indicating, 47&no gas7,8 sho$ting to my ,ngels in
1ea(en& 4;iddlestic"s58 ) %er" open the door e3iting my !oots onto the matted pine needles and
yellow dead lea(es& 4No gas5 -hy am ) o$t o# gas<8 ) chin whip my #ace into my nec" pacing
!ac" and #orth !eside the open door with my inner mental tho$ghts tal"ing li"e an insane person&
4-hen was the last time ) gassed the thing< /addy told me D&B gallons o# #$el& 0et one o# the
#arm hands to p$mp it #rom the tractor station7&,8 sliding on my !oot toes to a stop and staring
with a set o# in(isi!le #ire !alls at the ,K& 4/addy told me, yesterday morning& hat*s why they
dragged aro$nd the ho$se on ;riday morning !e#ore lea(ing #or the trip to :ontgomery, so
/addy co$ld remind me to get the ,K gassed& Shit58 ) drop my s"$ll into my open palms and
m$m!le& 4) #orget to do that& ) ran o# gas& /o$!le shit58 ) li#t my head swinging my #ace and
!ody towards my #ar away ho$se that ) can see with my good eyesight which is almost two miles
to the east as ) ponder hi"ing in my !oots !ac" home then ta"ing the old tr$c" and #inding one o#
the #arm hands then dri(ing !ac" here with gas& 4;iddlestic"s58
) twist my !ody towards the roadway po$nding silently on nat$re li"e a solider going into
war witho$t dr$ms !$t lots o# #ighting #$ry at my st$pid mista"e then trip o(er the medi$m'si9ed
tree !ranch #alling #orward li"e a dr$n"er then catching my tallness li"e a dancer !e#ore ) !$st a
nostril and stop my motion panting hea(y with emergency air molec$les& ) swing my !ody #acing
the poor dead tree lim! then (iolently attac" !y reaching !oth hands down and li#ting the !ranch
to my #ace which is the diameter o# my right arm tiss$e and m$scles then ) rapidly gallop li"e a
horse with a distorted #ace and (icio$sly assa$lt the ,K #or !oth st$pidly o# me and st$pidly o#
) (iolently po$nd the rear tail light as the !lac" prison cells o# a g$ard rail protect the
delicate plastic #rom my physical attac" and anal #$ry and name call in a new !ass #l$te& )*m too
angry to !reathe #or more air molec$les& 46o$*re a st$pid machine&8 he !ranch 2$ic"ly
ricochets #rom the le#t g$ard rail !ac" into my #ace then ) rear and swing !oth !iceps and whac"
the snot o$t o# rear end o# the metal roo# top as it l$ngs !ac" li"e a !oomerang and call& 46o$*re
a st$pid machine7>slide and whac" the side door?7st$pid machine7>slide and whac" the #ront
wheel #ender?7&st$pid machine7>slide and whac" the middle o# the engine hood?7no one
li"es yo$& E(eryone hates yo$7&,8 and stop my assa$lt then $p right my tallness panting li"e a
tired dog chasing a ra!!it with an set o# in#lamed nostrils and stand in #ront o# the poor
de#enseless little ,K with no (is$al reactions to my #$ry as my h$ndred #ling o# deep emotions
!leed all o(er my mind, my #ace, and my hands since the some o# the sharp tips o# the green
lea(es ha(e scratched tiny diagonal tears into my open palms& ) drop the tree !ranch on the
gro$nd and hear the piglet s2$ea"s as ) twist my #ace to the le#t seeing mo(ing on the ,ctworth*s
) swing my !ody spying on the commotion watching the ,ctworth #amily eat their
!rea"#ast trays in this s$nny Sat$rday morning on the !ac" patio rolling li"e a set o# choo'choo
trains towards the two separate picnic ta!les la$ghing and giggling& ) gr$nt li"e a wo$nded
animal in pain, pity, and pio$s pride, then ) nec" snap my #ace at the ,K p$rsing my lips, $gly&
) march to the ,K then gently pat with my right hand on the totally cold engine motor,
since it has !een dead #or a!o$t C0 min$tes, i# ) ha(e g$essed the angle o# the s$nlight& ) so#tly
word& 4/on*t worry5 :ama*s going to get ya help, little one&8 ) plan to see" the aid o# Bec"
,ctworth with my real #rea"ing personal emergency, since he can ta"e me home& ) will elegantly
e3plain my delicate dilemma, regarding 0arth, then we can sched$le an imprompt$ (isit with
0arth*s :ama waiting #or 0arth to arri(e home& )t*s nice to ha(e a !ig stic" when entering the
sna"e pit& ) giggle with a girly twang&
) !ac" step my le#t !oot heel #rom the ,K when ) s$ddenly hear clearly within !oth
eardr$ms a series o# metal mice s2$ea"s along with tho$sands o# h$stling dry lea(es li"e a
Python sna"e is wiggling its !ody $nderneath the ,K as ) slowly !end at my waist and gingerly
st$dy with a pair o# ac$te eye!alls the low and smooth $ndercarriage o# the ,K #or a !ig !ad
monster seeing nothing !$t !rown pine needles clash against the dry yellow dead trees lea(es
then the ,K*s #ront right tire c$ts to my le#t li"e magic #ollows !y the #ront le#t tire slicing into
the pine needles li"e a s$rgeon*s "ni#e&
) $pright staring at the magic moment o# the !a9aar angle o# the twin #ront tires when the
,K s$ddenly shi#ts to my right then !ac" to my le#t then !ac" to my right li"e a #rea"ing sna"e
and rolls !ac"wards li"e a de#ected roller coaster #rom me on #o$r rotating tires going down the
hill as my slo mo ne$rons remem!er& ) le#t the gear !o3 in 4N8 #or Ne$tral while trying to %ac"
ra!!it start an empty gas tan" o# a hot engine sitting on top o# a loose pile o# slic" wet pine
needles that has shi#ted the total weight o# the ,K acti(ating the non'de#lated tires to roll down
rather than $p& ) holler wa(ing my arms and !oot toes& 4;iddlestic"s58
he ,K wiggles li"e an earthworm le#t to right as the tires determine the tra%ectory o#
the path since gra(ity is "eeping the little tr$c" on the hill then it 2$ic"ly slides down the hill li"e
a snow s"ier towards the roadway as ) leap, "itten'li"e trying to gra! the swinging dri(er*s door
as the ,K #alls #aster than a meteorite then (icio$sly %er"s its metal #rame sideways to my le#t
then h$rts with its tr$n" and tail light the !ig =a" tree that*s h$ndred years old as ) stop r$nning
and %$st watch it smash into the !ar" tossing tiny wood splitters into the air and tree lea(es o(er
the ,K and the dirt then ) moan so#tly& 4;iddlestic"s58
) slo mo wal" down the hill while staring my eye!alls at my wo$nded !irthday gi#t,
pondering& he reason #or e3plaining this shitty mess to my :ama and /addy, since :ama
already #eels sic" with her !ro"en leg along with her wanting to send me to College& B$t we
can*t a##ord #or me to go&
Now ) ha(e messed $p my short se(enteen'years o# li#e !y snea"ing aro$nd !oth o# them
and Cinta #i3ing the 1ar(est Empress slot #or Bec"& Bec" owns me !ig solar'system time& 1e
and his #amily can help me #i3 this good eno$gh with !oth my parents and the -ar#ield clan& )
thin" too m$ch, tromping #ar on a right !oot then a le#t !oot o(er the wet pine needles then hit
the pa(ement care#$lly wal"ing along the loose gra(el away #rom incoming cars&
) twist my !ody $pon the concrete dri(eway o# Bec"*s ho$se s$rro$nding on my right a
nicely manic$red pretty lawn o# !right green short thic" grass that e3tends #rom the dri(eway
across a!o$t h$ndred #eet to the animal past$re #ence posts all e(en'le(eled and neat to the
eye!alls& ) march #orward admiring the #irst !ig !road'lea(ed canopy o# an =a" tree that
meas$res a!o$t C0 #eet in circ$m#erence and a!o$t @M #eet in height meaning that !a!y is
pro!a!ly older than the town o# ,pollo& ,ro$nd the =a" tree is a cedar wooden tree !ench
wrapping completely aro$nd the circ$m#erence that can seat si3 people to en%oy the cool shading
o# the o(erhanging !ranches creating a romantic, timeless escape #rom the real world o# wrec"ed
,Ks as ) giggle with a girly twang noting there*s planted a patch o# pretty !l$ish'p$rple
,#rican (iolet #lowers as ) step closer to the #ar away #ront porch&
he le#t side o# the dri(eway lines with an array o# assorted oli(e trees with white !looms
co$ple with the sweet wa#ts to my nose holes and a !atch o# pretty ,pricot trees with their
reddish'yellow #r$it hanging o## the lim!s as ) s$ddenly halt placing my hands o(er my empty
!elt loops pondering why there*s #r$it on the !ranches when that #r$it only grows d$ring the
s$mmertime as ) sha"e my s"$ll side to side and march #orward&
) pass another @0'#eet high #$ll canopy =a" tree on my right with its own cedar wooden
!ench aro$nd it ho$sing a set o# orange wild roses $nder yo$r !eeFhind giggling that an orange
rose represents the emotion o# desire and #ascination 2$ic"ly thin"ing a!o$t stealing one rose #or
0arth !$t a3e that silly idea as ) stomp my !oots closer to the #ront porch wal"ing passed a third
=a" tree that co(ers the entire gro$nd !$t the short green grass grows nicely $nder the thic"
o(erstory as ) s$ddenly stop and stare at the lawn& Normally, the !ig shade trees will destroy the
grass !$t the ,ctworth*s lawn is (ery l$shy and pl$shy with thic" yards o# green grass all the
way to the #$ll Pecan trees lining the edges o# the #ence posts as ) tromp ahead towards the #ront
)*m a!o$t twenty #eet #rom the sla! o# concrete, not a series o# se2$ence tall steps, since
all the ,ctworth tra(el in wheelchairs& he #ront porch isn*t a raised plat#orm o# stairs !$t a
single piece o# concrete e(en with the dri(eway and sidewal"s& ) slam to a stop #or the third time,
noting& he #lowers $nder the #o$rth =a" tree are yellow !$tterc$ps, "nowing& he #lower only
!looms in the springtime as ) sha"e my s"$ll side to side at the wrong wor"ings o# nat$re on this
) stomp my right !oot $pon a smooth (anilla concrete and stop rotating my nec" m$scles
$p, down and side to side staring at the many, many tall stac"s o# !rown s2$are !o3es that
represent mo(ing containers co(ering almost the entire s2$are #ootage o# the #ront porch !$t they
aren*t taped or closed sh$t& ) slowly stroll to the closed and sh$t do$!le set o# cherry wood #ront
doors loo"ing #or a door !ell as ) scan my eye!alls right then le#t o# the pretty wooden #rame
noting no electronic ring'a'ding #or g$ests&
) scratch the right side o# my hair with a set o# dirty #ingernails then #old my right #ist and
"noc" lo$dly on the hard wood door waiting #or an answer li"e a So$thern !elle #or 1 second
then 2 seconds then 3 second. ) remem!er the clan is in the rear patio eating !rea"#ast& ) decide
to in(ade li"e an army o# ants, since this is tr$ly an emergency #or me, !eca$se ) wrec"ed !oth
my ,K and my heart&
) twist the door "no! to the right slowly g$iding the hea(y door open as it a$tomatically
swings inside with ease, re(ealing& , wide #reshly painted !eige entrance hall that parallels the
#ront porch in !oth length and si9e and also mysterio$sly matches the #ront porch with many,
many stac"s o# ceiling high !rown material s2$are'shaped mo(ing !o3es& :y "itty'cat c$riosity
o(ercomes my proper So$thern manners&
) slowly pad into the 2$iet ;oyer two'stepping o(er to the #irst !o3 on my le#t with the
card!oard lip #lipped open, seeing& Stac"s o# color#$l maga9ines noting the top one displays
di##erent types o# tele(isions with si9e, length, and #eat$res& ) p$rse my lips, $gly& hen ) rotate
my nec" m$scles aro$nd the room& No (is$al #$rnit$re #or sitting or eating&
) remem!er /addy*s news#lash& he ,ctworth clan is mo(ing concl$ding that the stac"
o# s2$are !o3es might !e #amily trash collected #rom years o# hording st$## inside this old ho$se&
he Entrance'hall is rectang$lar'shaped with a set o# si3 low'le(el do$!le wide windows,
remem!ering& he #ront'Porch #aces the pretty manic$red lawn while the east and west wall
holds only a set o# two windows& ,ll are closed and draped with a pair o# dar" !rown c$rtains
o(er each glass #rame "eeping the s$nlight o$t and their trash inside& ) giggle with a girly twang&
) swing my #ace towards the so$th wall which is colored a solid !eige lac"ing any
decoration o# art wor"s, paintings, #amily pict$res or !$ilt'in !oo" shel(es !$t they are mo(ing
then nec" snap my #ace at the #looring made o# so#t (anilla color li"e real (anilla ice cream with
an o!(io$s center pathway consisting o# slightly o##'!eige large'si9ed tiles #orming a directional
a(en$e towards the set o# do$!le doors that colors in solid !eige as ) (is$al cringe with my
mental decision since ) go aro$nd to the patio li"e a thie# or thro$gh the doors li"e a g$est as )
smile with a wic"ed grin&
) slowly pad to the door on the right that*s #l$sh with the wall then care#$lly reach with
my right #i(e #inger pads tenderly to$ching the solid gold'plated metal with my inde3 #inger and
th$m! then gently twist the "no! to the right as the door silently swings open re(ealing a well'
lighted grand room standing in the archway !lin"ing my eyelashes once, twice then thrice seeing
a set o# do$!le #ireplaces s$rro$nded !y white !ric"s&
) swing my #ace to the right e3amining the wall o# mirrors that re#lects standing #ig$res
aro$nd the large room then nec" snap my !ody #acing an opposite wall o# sheer !lac" wallpaper
with !a!y white stars scattered li"e o$ter space moons among the dar" hea(ens then my
!reathing stops while my mo$th parts li"e a dying #ish&
1e wears a !lac" t$3edo, a white shirt, and a neon p$rple and candy pin" po"er'dotted
!ow tie aro$nd his nec" m$scles while his right open palm e3tends o$twardly to me as he stands
at si3 #eet and three inches $pright on a pair o# !lac" leather shoes, not inside his wheelchair
!eside a star" white 0rand Ba!y piano with a !ig crystal (ase o# red long stemmed roses #laming
#rom the center o# the polished wood& Bec" tilts his %aw to the right as slightly wa(y hair drapes
aro$nd his right chee"!one and c$ddles the side o# his s2$are %aw line that*s d$sted in a light
pattern o# !lac" whis"ers along with his pretty dar" !l$e eyes with a to$ch o# (iolet that twin"les
li"e an pair o# electric !l$e stars against his pale s"in witho$t his eyeglasses&
1e smiles with happiness& 4-elcome to my world, .isa& Come to me, darling58
) stand in the archway dropping my mo$th and drooling mo$th spit& ) whisper&
4;iddlestic"s58 hen, Bec" wal"s, not rolls to me& 1e*s wal"ing with his two straighten $pright
lim!s o# legs $nder a nice set o# !lac" tro$sers #rom his !lac" t$3edo&
1e smiles, t$r"ey str$tting #ast, too& 4.isa, welcome to my ho$se5 )*m so delighted that
yo$ desire to spend the day with me& he time is early, darling&8
) stand in the archway #lipping my #ace going #rom le#t to right while darting my ac$te
per#ect (ision aro$nd the e3otic room& he tile is !lac" !am!oo, three walls o# !lac" paint with
no design, one wall o# solid #rea"ing top to !ottom single mirror, and a #orward wall o# twin
white !ric"ed #ireplaces& he #ireplaces are !ig eno$gh to !$rn me, standing tall&
hen, ) !ac" step with panic, #ear, and #right as Bec" ad(ances towards me&
1e is 2$ic", too&
Bec" gra!s my hand, which %$st hangs in the air with my other hand li"e twin helicopters
ho(ering& 1e 2$ic"ly c$ddles me into his so#t %ac"et o# lam!*s wool& 4.isa, yo$ remem!er my
#amily mem!ers,8 ch$c"ling& 4here are too many to name& J$st nod and say hi, darling&8
) see his #amily mem!ers at ch$rch, e(ery S$nday morning& ,nd, ) "now the eldest
!rother, Co3 #rom the !an"*s #arm operations& ) really don*t associate with any o# Bec"*s #amily,
since the #amily !$siness is #$neral home ser(ices&
) don*t li"e dead cada(ers or #loatie ghosts&
he ,ctworth clan stands on two !iological lim!s, not sit in rolling chairs& Each lady is
dressed in a #loor'length e(ening gown o# pretty colors ranging #rom gold, sil(er, pin", red,
orange, yellow, green, !lac", and other colors along with glittering gems aro$nd nec"s, arms, and
earlo!es& Each !rother wears a #ormer t$3edo in di##erent te3t$res and colors #rom !lac", gold,
sil(er, white to gray&
) stare&
1e whispers into my eardr$m, !eca$se ) cannot stop staring at the $pright !rothers and
sisters& 4.isa, say a sweet good'!ye to my #amily mem!ers5 hey*re heading o$t #or the day&8
) stare then so#tly whisper& 4Bye78
1e ch$c"les, scooting me into the room, leading to the le#t o# them&
:r& ,ctworth smiles, ch$c"ling and nodding, tossing his hands in #riendship and
hospitality& 4-elcome to o$r ho$se, .isa5 )*m glad yo$ co$ld #inally (isit $s,8 pa$sing&
41ope#$lly, we can sit and chat, this a#ternoon& ;or now, we all ha(e pre'arranged plans #or the
morning&8 1e wa(es his arm towards the mirror& 4E(eryone5 Let*s !e away,8 ch$c"ling and
strolling with his wi#e, :rs& ,ctworth& hey*re dressed in pretty !lac" attire #or a dancing gala&
:rs& ,ctworth wears diamonds aro$nd her nec", carrying a !lac" cl$tch !ag&
hey wal" towards the mirror& he mirror is a solid piece o# re#lecti(e glass& :r&
,ctworth stops at the glass then gently taps the mirror with his #inger& hen, the mirror swi#tly
morphs into an array o# d$ll whitish'gray swirling clo$ds&
) watch the swirling clo$ds&
:r& and :rs& ,ctworth march into the clo$ds then disappear&
) part my lips, 4;iddlestic"s58
Bec" gently t$gs on me wrapped into his %ac"et, whispering and ch$c"ling& 4.isa, please
come this way5 ) ha(e m$ch to e3plain,8 p$lling me towards the le#t&
) watch each !rother and wi#e elegantly stroll into the swirling gray clo$ds then
disappear, completely& hen, the room is empty o# them&
Bec" halts at the ta!le, whispering& 4.isa5<8
) swing my #ace, seeing& , long ta!le is !lac" mica, m$ch similar to a dining'room eating
ta!le witho$t any dining'room chairs #or sitting or platters o# #ood #or cons$ming, leaning
against the entire width o# the wall& he ta!le holds neat stac"s o# maga9ines, pro!a!ly g$essing,
h$ndreds o# glossy papers&
1e smiles, p$lling a maga9ine #rom a tall stac", lying on the ta!le& 1e #ingers the
pict$res& 4-e need to #ind yo$ something to wear, .isa& -ell5 ;irst, let me as" i# yo$ want to
%oin me #or !rea"#ast, this morning& ) do hope so,8 ch$c"ling& ) nod, witho$t words, st$dying the
maga9ine o# glossy color#$l #ormal e(ening gowns& 1e #ingers the pict$re, witho$t to$ching the
photo& 4/o yo$ li"e the color o# !lac" or red, may!e<8
) swing my #ace to the mirror, seeing& he whitish'gray swirling clo$ds& 4)78
1e c$ddles me, whispering& 4)7will e3plain e(erything& ;irst, please select a gown& )
li"e the yellow one, !est& he color will ma"e yo$r s"in gleam li"e gold !ars&8
4.isa, ) am not h$man& B$t, ) g$ess yo$ ha(e ded$ced that #rom my appearance or may!e
my #amily*s appearance pl$s the mirror tric",8 ch$c"ling& 1e #ingers the gown& 4/o yo$ li"e this
one< ) do, (ery m$ch&8 ) nod at him, staring& 1e smiles, tearing the single page #rom the
maga9ine& 1e replaces the maga9ine !ac" on top o# the tall stac" then (iews me, smiling&
4,lright5 )*d li"e #or yo$ to ho(er yo$r inde3 #inger o(er the photo& )*m going to g$ide yo$r
#inger o(er the dress&8 ) o!ey, staring at the #ormer o##'the'sho$lder slender'#itting yellow !all
gown& 1e c$ps the top o# my hand with his palm then glides my #inger towards the photo& 4-hen
yo$ to$ch the gown it will !e on yo$r !ody, li"e magic,8 ch$c"ling&8
1e glides my #inger then we to$ch the glossy page o# the maga9ine&
) #eel a so#t spar" o# energy, not pain#$l swirl aro$nd my !ody li"e a gently !ree9e& ) step
!ac" #rom the ta!le, wearing the gown o(er my !ody, not my dirty %eans or cowgirl !oots or t'
shirt& ) gasp then sigh then giggle& 41ow did )7or yo$7or we do this<8
1e smiles, admiring my gown& 46o$ need shoes, too&8
) giggle then gasp& 4) #eel a dri#t, a !ree9e7$h7&8
Bec" ch$c"les while placing a second maga9ine in #ront o# $s& ) see pict$re o# girly
$ndergarments then t$rn pin"y'pin" color o# em!arrassment& 1e glances towards his right, while
holding his le#t hand, saying& 46o$ select one& hen, repeat o$r #irst proced$re, yo$ #inger the
item while my hand is piggy'!ac"ing o(er yo$r hand& ="ay<8
) gra! his c$pped palm with !oth my hands then gently ho(ers my inde3 #inger o(er a
girly pair o# panties& ) immediately #eel the sil"'ness o# the panties along with swirls o# #ast hot
air, giggling& ) smile& 4/one58 hen, ) see the maga9ine has completely disappeared #rom its
sitting place, #rowning& 4)t78
1e swings to me, ch$c"ling& 4Now, #or yo$r shoes,8 tossing a third maga9ine in the
empty spot, opening the page to girly high heeled sandals& 4-hat is yo$r pleas$re, darling<8
) #inger and giggle, not to$ching a pair o# se3y yellow leather sandals with #o$r'inches o#
high heels& :y :ama wo$ld #aint regarding the whore'li"e items, i# she were present&
40ood selection,8 he tears the single page then mo(es the maga9ine aside& 1e gently
glides my inde3 #inger towards the glossy photography& hen, ) #eel the so#t leather, smiling and
giggling, while standing e(en with his eye!alls& 1e says, grinning& 46o$ loo" !ea$ti#$l, .isa&8
) e3hale, (iewing the swirling clo$ds, then the maga9ine& )t has disappeared, too& ) #inger,
4he page is gone along with the other page and the other maga9ine& ) don*t $nderstand& Bec",
what*s going on here, and there, and e(erywhere inside yo$r magical ho$se<8
1e gently to$ches his #inger to my lips, smiling& 4)*m h$ngry& 1ow a!o$t a picnic,
darling< hen, ) promise, ) will e3plain e(erything that yo$r h$man mind can comprehend,8
holding his arm #or an escort&
) (iew the swirling clo$ds then his smile& ) nod, 4="ay5 )*m h$ngry and intrig$ed,8
gra!!ing his #orearm while he scoops a large !rown wic"er picnic !as"et #or o$r ad(ent$re&
-e slowly wal" towards the mirror o# whitish'gray swirling clo$ds&
1e says& 4/on*t !e a#raid, .isa& his is the -all o# ime, which ) can*t e3plain the
physics& his is o$r transportation o$t o# this ho$se to any place on Planet Earth& his is how my
#amily tra(els, not !y car, !$s, !oat, train or airplane& he sensation is going to #eel li"e #lying,
witho$t air and stomach t$r!$lence& ) promise& hen, we*ll gently land into a new part o# soil&8
-e stop& 1e smiles at me then wraps his arm aro$nd my waist& 4/on*t hold yo$r !reathe, either&
J$st !reathe li"e normal&8
) (iew him& 4-hat are yo$<8
46o$rs7,8 c$ddling me while ch$c"ling& -e wal" towards the swirling clo$ds within
the o$tline o# the (anished mirror&
) stare at the swirling clo$ds o# gray, seeing& Nothing5 hen, we stroll into the mist&
aris. France. 222 r#e de 1ivo(i. ;,001. 4partment terrace. he space displays a
rectang$lar sitting room with two s2$are large !edrooms #$rnished in Lo$is OK)) so#as, chairs,
and side ta!les& he sense o# orchids #reshen the two cream'colored mar!le !athrooms& here is
a separate eating'room decorated in crystal and gold colors, when Lara Lee stomps her high
heels o(er the so#t rose petals co(ering the tile #looring&
:rs& ,ctworth carries her #l$ted glass o# champagne towards the o$tside terrace, sitting
ands staring at the landmar"s, 4he #ashion capital o# the world& ) lo(e Paris&8
4-hy are we eating on the terrace< )t*s #i#ty'degrees o$tside,8 #ingering her delicate lace
o(er her na"ed arm, (iewing the landmar"s&
4) lo(e (iewing the Ei##el ower twin"ling o(er the morning*s s$nlight& Pap o$t a #$r
coat5 he maga9ines are on the co##ee ta!le, child&8 She sips her drin"&
Lara Lee #rowns at the animals, to$ching the maga9ine& , white #$r appears o(er the
chair& She stands, sliding into the warmth& 4-hy on earth are there smell stin"y ponies inside the
pretty #lowers<8
4-e*re in the heart !eat o# Pairs, child, across the street #rom the $ileries 0arden and
the :$see d$ Lo$(re& -e can ta"e a stroll later (iewing the :$see d*=rsay, Notre /ame78
She #rowns, chewing her !rea"#ast& 4) don*t thin" Bec" li"es me, ,nna!elle&8
She (iews the late a#ternoon s$n, smiling& 41e*s shy& 6o$*re #orty'years mat$re, then the
teen& 1e*ll ad%$st in aro$nd #i(e years or so& 6o$ sho$ld marry, here in Paris, Lara Lee&8
She #rowns down at the street o# people and cars& 4) don*t "now& ) was thin"ing a hot
si99ling climate li"e the Bahamas or Kirgin )slands&8
She e3hales, 4) miss London, too, in the #all, !eca$se o# them& Since, we (er!ali9ed that
treaty we can*t tra(el, anywhere, witho$t !eing spied&8
Lara Lee #rowns then eats her #ood& 4) ha(e other worries then them&8
4=nce they*re swi#tly terminated& =$r worries will !e eliminated& Bec" will !e yo$rs& )
promise& =$r -ar will !egin soon and end #aster&8
Lara Lee chews& 46o$*re his mother& Bec"*s a mat$re god'"in, who does still o!ey his
parental a$thority&8
41e will& ) "now !est,8 watching the s"yline while sipping her tea&
Socotra <s(and. 46rica. 1,0 mi(es east o6 )orn o6 46rica. ,!= h#midity. 3; mph.
scattered c(o#ds. ;!>F. ) step my right glamoro$s high heel sandal onto hard red dirt, scanning
the weird landscape& 4-hat are yo$, Bec"<8
4-here are we,8 giggling, 47on the planet o# :ars&8
Bec" smiles, c$ddling me, closer& 4Socotra, which is a!o$t 1M0 miles so$th o# mainland
6emen, east o# the 1orn o# ,#rica, a !each,8 ch$c"ling& 4)t*s not li"e a normal !each !eca$se,
#irst, it*s empty and it*s (ery, (ery wild& he sand and the mo$ntains smash together, nicely,
"inda li"e yo$, .isa&8
4) see only the color o# red li"e sand crawling $p the mo$ntain side on the planet o# :ars,
(iewing him& 4)s this really :ars, Bec"<8
1e leads $s, smiling and #ingering at the trees& 4Socotra has @2M plant species, B0Q o# its
reptile species and BMQ o# its land snail species are, not #o$nd anywhere else in the world& he
signat$re species are the dragon !lood trees, which resem!les a m$shroom or an $m!rella& he
short tree is red resin or dragon*s !loody reddish'p$rple which as dyes #or medical medicines
and cleaning ho$sehold prod$cts #or years&
4Kery arid, not (ery green, not (ery !l$e,8 smiling& 4:oonli"e roc"s co(ered in red dirt
with small m$shroom'shaped pl$m'colored trees growing #rom the !rown roots& his is really
plain and strange, Bec",8 giggling& 4)s this o$r #irst date< /o yo$ really !ring other girls, here to
the $gly spot<8
4he 6emeni island is !iggest isle, a!o$t 1,400 s2$are miles, !$t it pac"s a lot o# (ariety
and character into that small space&
) #rown, li#ting my gown& 4)t pac"s scattered m$shroom trees aro$nd color#$l tiny roc"
pe!!les which are tic"ling my toes&8
1e smiles& 4)t is (ery di##ic$lt to tra(el into the island in certain months, and there hasn*t
!een m$ch de(elopment, here, either& ,ct$ally, it*s (ery empty and thoro$ghly wild with no
hotels, no in#rastr$ct$re #acilities !$ilt #or to$rists& here*s a road a #ew years ago that can !ring
#ol"s, here& B$t, today, we*re all alone,8 grinning&
1e stops at the tree in the middle o# the third'row then wa(es his hand&
) see& he red roc"s and peddles #loat into the air then magically mo(e towards o$r right
into another shady spot $nder a di##erent /ragon'tree& Bec" ch$c"les& 4) can mo(e st$## with a
slight o# hand or a tho$ght& B$t, the hand motions are m$ch more #$n& here, ) am cleared $s a
smooth spot $nder the tree #or o$r picnic&8 1e gently drops the picnic !as"et on the smooth red
dirt, nodding& 4-e ha(e shade #rom the /ragon'tree& Now, we need a !lan"et #or o$r pretty
clothes and o$r prettier eating companion,8 win"ing at me& 1e s2$ats o(er the time, #lipping the
lid open as ) lean o(er into the dar"ness&
) s2$at !eside me, getting my new dress dirty with !its o# red dirt !$t don*t to$ch the
picnic, staring& 4)# ) to$ch the !as"et will it t$rn into a real gri99ly !ear or something that might
eat me<8
4No& )t*s a plain old !rown wic"er picnic !as"et holding o$r !rea"#ast entrees&8 ) lean my
#ace into the dar"ness, not smelling any #ood items, when Bec" p$lls o$t a stac" o# glossy
color#$l maga9ines& 1e $prights, standing ne3t to me, ) #eel the wind !lowing the gown train
aro$nd my legs& 1e #ingers the glossy page, a "ing'si9ed thic" !l$e and yellow sleeping !ag& 4)
am not h$man& here#ore, ) possess some really cool s$pernat$ral powers& Loo"5 /on*t as"
47physics5 ) won*t& J$st do yo$r thing, s$per'teen5 ) thin" ) can catch on,8 giggling&
1e drops the maga9ine then stomps it with his right leather& :agically, a !l$e thic"
!edspread appears o(er the red dirt&
Bec" says& 4) got his neat power to materiali9e any o!%ect #rom a glossy maga9ine, a
single photography or a colored pict$re, not a drawing& , pencil or pen drawing is not real& ,
maga9ine is a tr$e color#$l photography o# a real o!%ect, somewhere in the world, li"e my !l$e
and yellow sleeping !ag, here& 6o$ need a sleeping !ag, too& -hich one do yo$ want<8
) ho(er my #inger aro$nd the page, selecting& 4)*d li"e the orange one with a diamond
pattern, please&8
1e tears the page then stomp it then magically a sleeping !ag appears !eside the !l$e and
yellow one& Bec" contin$es to tear pages prod$cing thic" !lan"ets #or each sleeping !ag in the
color o# white& he !lan"ets thic"en the sleeping !ags #or com#ort on my !$tthole& 1e smiles,
as"ing in a smooth !ass dr$m& 4/o ya want chairs or eat on o$r "neecaps<8
) nod, smiling& 4his picnic $nder a really weird $gly tree is strange, Bec"& B$t, we can
eat on o$r "neecaps #or #$n li"e a real h$man picnic&8
1e tears the page #rom the maga9ine, to$ching the o!%ect& 4,ll ) ha(e to do is pic" o$t the
item then to$ch it with my #inger, hand, el!ow, nose,8 ch$c"ling& 4=r any other !ody part which
contains my !lood, #lesh, and !ones, since my power is within my !ody& ) materiali9ed a plate
#or o$r #ood,8 dropping the paper then stomps it& , large eating'plate appears& 4)7am not a
magician& ) don*t carry a hat& )*m not a wi9ard, either& ) don*t own a wand, either,8 stomping on
the torn paper& wo crystal go!lets appear on the side o# the platter& Bec" says, #ingering& 4-hen
) stomp the photo or page o# the maga9ine, the paper disappears& )t is replaced with the o!%ect&
4-hat does my darling want to eat #or morning #or !rea"#ast<8 1e holds a paper #ood men$ #rom
a local /iner in Birmingham showing a listing o# prepared meals&
) giggle, 4hat*s #rom /ee*s /ee 1am!$rger in ,pollo, where we li(e and play& /o yo$
carry'o$t to here<8
41ow a!o$t scram!led eggs< -atch my cool tric"s<8 1e tears the words #rom the #ood
men$ then places inside the o(ersi9ed eating'platter& 1e gently taps the paper when yellow hot
steaming scram!le eggs appear&
) gasp& 4,re those really eggs #rom real chic"ens #rom a real #arm&8
1e ch$c"les& 4here are real eggs #rom real chic"ens #rom a real #arm& )*m not a coo"&
)*m a thie#&8
1e contin$es to tear and to$ch the #ood men$ words when the platter is #illed with
sa$sage lin"s, m$##ins, #r$it, and don$ts with two go!lets o# grape %$ice pl$s ice c$!es& wo
large cloth nap"ins appear, last& 4,ll done, darling58
) giggle, smiling& 4Nice tric", Bec"5 -hat are yo$<8
46o$rs7,8 grinning at me, while ) smile&
he twin sleeping !ags holds in the corner a "ingly #east& 1e assists me to sit in my
#ormer gown, wrapping the nap"in aro$nd his nec"& ) place my nap"in inside my lap& 4here is
only one plate o# #ood&8
1e scoots $p the eggs with a spoon, gliding the spoon towards me& 4-e share& =pen yo$r
mo$th5 )*ll #eed ya&8
) giggle& 4) can #ed, mysel#&8
1e wiggles his eye!rows, 46eah5 B$t, this is more #$n #or me&8
) chew then swallow& 4he eggs are good,8 watching him chew& ) (iew the swirling
clo$ds, e3haling& 4="ay5 )*m impressed with yo$r magic tric"& ime #or some detail e3plaining,
1e swallows, #ingering the clo$ds& 4) am a (ampire in the co$ntry o# .omania&8
) swallow my #ood, sha"ing my c$rls& 4) don*t !elie(e ya&8
4)*m werewol# in England&8
4)*m a healer in )reland& )*m the de(il in ,rgentina& )*m the anti'Christ in Latin
,merican& ,nd, ) am s$perman in ,merica&8
1e swallows, smiles, then e3hales& 4) am the se(enth son o# the se(enth son&8
) (iew the swirling clo$ds, then my go!let o# %$ice, then Bec"& 4=ld ancient s$perstition
#rom old ancient #ol"s, a se(enth son possesses magically, power#$l, and l$c"y s$pernat$ral
a!ilities,8 nodding& 4) can accept the no(ice concept,8 #rowning at him& 41owe(er, yo$ are more
than a #ew magic tric"s& 6o$ can mo(e earth and materiali9e o!%ects #rom paper&8
1e sha"es his s"$ll, chewing& 1e swallows& 4No5 ) cannot materiali9e nothing&8
) ting the crystal go!let, nodding& Bec" says, #ingering the maga9ine on top o# the picnic
!as"et& 4he maga9ine is real& he photographs in the maga9ine are real& he go!let is real in
yo$r hands& )*m a replacement'con man,8 ch$c"ling& 4) am a thie#& han" goodness5 here isn*t
a s$pernat$ral %$dge, %$ry, and e3ec$tor& )*d !e #o$nd g$ilty, 6o$r 1onor,8 sniggering&
) sha"e my c$rls& 4) don*t $nderstand&8
1e li#ts the maga9ine& 4his page shows pict$res o# an array o# di##erent types o# eating'
platters& he platters are real and really are stored inside a physical wareho$se,8 #lipping to the
#ront o# the maga9ine& 4his is a catalog #rom the co$ntry o# 0reat Britain& -hen ) to$ch the
photography on the page, the item is teleported to me, where(er )*m sitting or standing or
eating,8 ch$c"ling& 4) am a thie#& ) can teleport any o!%ect !ig, tiny, gigantic or small to me
within the parameters o# my space&8
) smile, giggling& 46o$ don*t pay #or the item&8
4No5 -hat happens, theorically< he item is replaced with the torn page #rom the
maga9ine, which is "inda li"e a reminder to replace the misplaced item& -hen the item is here, )
getta "eep it, #ore(erly&8
) grin, 46o$*re a thie#&8
4)*m a god&8
) part my lips then smir"& 4)*m ne(er met a s$pernat$ral !eing& ,m ) s$pposed to c$rtsey
or "iss yo$r hand, teen god Bec"<8
1e ch$c"les 46eah5 ) #orget& Iiss it,8 presenting a don$t to me& 4Iiss my don$t, h$man58
) giggle then !ite into the s$gary white don$t, chewing& 1e says& 4) am god li"e the "ind yo$
ha(e read a!o$t in yo$r English Literat$re class& -e*re the 0ree", .oman, )ndia, :e3ican gods
and goddesses,8 #ingers the clo$ds& 4he array o# whitish'gray swirling clo$ds is li"e a
teleportation de(ise #or $s& )nside my ho$se, the mirror is called the -all o# ime,8 ch$c"ling,
when ) giggle& 4) "now& )t*s a silly name, !e#ore my time, ya "now& -hen mirror or a solid wall
is to$ched with god'magic then he can teleport to anywhere in the world&8
) e3hale, (iewing the swirling clo$ds& 4="ay5 6o$ can teleport& )*m not a goddess'"in&
1ow will ) get !ac" to ,pollo<8
46o$*re with me& 1old on my hand, ) can ta"e yo$ anywhere, .isa&8
46o$*re sweet5 /oes it disappear, the swirling clo$ds<8
4No& )t is the only teleportation de(ise a(aila!le #or a god'"in& )# the clo$ds dissipate, the
goddess'"in is st$c", here, #or a (ery long time $ntil help arri(es or any god'"in party shows $p&8
Can something ca$se the swirling clo$ds to dissipate<8
1e #rowns, (iewing the swirling clo$ds& 4)*(e ne(er heard o# that& Since, each god'"in
$ses the #ormat o# a solid re#lection mirror inside their ho$se #or goddom teleportation& ,s long
as the mirror remains $ndamaged, the teleportation de(ise is sa#e&8
4) can see it78
4No5 6o$ can*t& , h$man can*t see the gray clo$ds, only a god'"in,8 holds his hand& 4)*m
holding yo$r hand& :y god'magic is allowing yo$ see things that normally a h$man doesn*t&8
4hat*s cool58 ) swallow& 4Can yo$ time tra(el<8
4Can yo$<8 ) sha"e my c$rls& 40od'"in doesn*t time tra(el& )t is not against any r$le& )t
%$st doesn*t e3ist li"e the 1ollywood #ilms depict& -e don*t propel o$r !odies #orward or
!ac"wards in time or space, li"e sci'#i cartoon characters,8 nodding& 4) ha(e tra(eled all o(er the
world, .isa& =$r planet is a !ea$ti#$l wondro$s place78
4Can*t yo$ lea(e Planet Earth<8
4Can yo$<8 ) sha"e my c$rls& 4)*m earth'!o$nd, too, with yo$, darling&8
4-hat does god'"in and goddess'"in do all day and night long<8
1e smiles, nodding& 4-e ha(e #$n& -e dance& -e sing& -e play& -e paddle& -e e3plore
the world #rom the #o$r rotation corners& here*s so m$ch to see and do #rom s$nrise to s$nset
and in'!etween& -e*re "inda li"e a #loc" o# geese that #lies so$th #or the wintertime& -e do
e(erything within o$r god'"in #amily& :y god'"in #amily is named ,ctworth&8
4,ren*t all ya*ll "ind "in to each<8 ) giggle&
4here are lots o# h$man #amilies thro$gho$t the world with the s$rname o# Smith< ,re
they all related !y one o$nce o# my !lood<8
4he same concept applies, here& -e*re only "in !y o$r !iological goddess'mamas, god'
daddies, !rothers, sisters, grandmas and grandpas, a$nts, $ncles, and co$sins, li"e a h$man
#amily tree with many !ranches& , god marries a goddess then the #amily sets $p shop in a little
small town, #ar away #rom the h$mans li"e in the r$ral co$ntry spot o# ,pollo&8
) drop my mo$th& 4,pollo is pop$lated only with god'"in and goddess'"in peoples78
4hey ha(e a god'child in the same geographical spot& hen, the child is reared in the
small town li"e h$mans going to school, learning ta!le manners and stopping the sports car at the
red tra##ic light& he god'"in #amily marries the god'child into a di##erent god'"in #amily& he
) drop my mo$th& 4,re my parents "in to yo$< ,re my parents a god and goddess co$ple<
) didn*t "now& /o ) carry special powers, too< ) didn*t "now that, either&8
1e sha"es his s"$ll, #rowning& 4)*m god'"in, .isa& 6o$*re h$man, !$t di##erent #rom an
a(erage h$man'teen&8
41ow am ) di##erent< ) #eel the same&8
4Beca$se, yo$*re with me, darling,8 smiling and "issing my na"ed hand&
4/o yo$ possess other s$pernat$ral powers !esides stealing ta!le ware,8 giggling&
1e e3hales, sha"ing his s"$ll& 4)*m the se(enth son o# the se(enth son o# a se(enth son,
that*s my $ni2$e royal title o# a god& ,ll gods can heal themsel(es, not others& ,ll gods can*t #ly
li"e !irds& ,ll gods can*t swim li"e #ishies& ,nd all gods can lea(e the planet li"e a roc"et
space,8 ch$c"ling& 4Pretty m$ch, ) am little a!o(e a(erage o# an earthling, li(ing on Planet
) sha"e my c$rls& 4) don*t $nderstand& -hy me< -hy*da ya pic" me<8
1e smir"s& 46o$, .isa pic"ed me& ) sho$ld !e as"ing yo$ that posed 2$estion& 1mm<8
4-hat are yo$, Bec"<8
Bec" stands& 4)*m st$##ed&8 1e s2$ats, gently li#ting me !y my waist #rom the !lan"et,
sweet !reathing into my smile& 1e says& 41ow*s a!o$t we wor" o## o$r !rea"#ast<8
) (iew the red hard dirt, then my long gown, then him& 4)*m not appropriately dressed #or
a hi"e&8
1e smiles& 4)t*s a per#ect day to play and paddle&8
) (iew the dirt, then the s"y, #rowning& 4here isn*t any water, not a teardrop o# rain #rom
the s"ies,8 nodding at him&
1e smiles wic"edly& 4Beca$se, we will go paddle !oarding on the ri(er o# the
:ississippi& 6a wanna come with me< :y #amily is there, too, #or the a#ternoon,8 nodding&
) smile, nodding& 4Lo(e, too&8
1e holds a new maga9ine, pointing at the page o# clothes& 4-e need to dress #or paddle
!oarding on :ississippi& ) wo$ld s$ggest cool cotton #a!rics #or a pair o# shorts, shirt, and
snea"ers& he ri(er has roc"s and peddles, too, along with ic"y green slimy moss& Press yo$r
middle #inger and yo$r th$m! to a set o# shorts and shirt,8 ch$c"les& 4=r ) get to yo$ hal# o# yo$r
hidden !irthday s$it,8 grinning with wic"edness&
) gasp& 46a mean58
46es& ) am mean and wic"ed and yo$rs&8
) sha"e my c$rls, giggling while pressing hardy !oth my middle #inger and th$m! onto
the same page, when Bec" to$ches my hand& :y yellow gown 2$ic"ly morphs into a pair o#
a2$a'colored shorts and short'slee(ed shirt when the page disappears $nder o$r #lesh and !one
digitals& ) #eel a swi#t !ree9e, when ) am wearing my new clothes, standing in the yellow sandals&
) to$ch a pair o# a2$a'colored snea"ers, #eeling all the so#t leather aro$nd my na"ed #eet&
1e changes in similar attire& hen, he pac"s the platter and go!lets& 4,ll the items
incl$ding the sleeping !ags !elong to $s& ) can*t ma"e the platter disappear #rom Socotra )sland&
,nd, we need the s$pplies at the ri(er&8 1e stands, nodding& 4.emem!er, we li(e here on Planet
Earth& -e m$st practice "eeping it clean and healthy #or o$r7,8 smiles, 47children&8
4)s that a marriage proposal, Bec"<8
Bec" smiles and holds my hand wal"ing into the swirling gray clo$ds, the -all o# ime&
"ississippi 1iver. 130 6eet deep. .1>F +ater temperat#re. 80>F air temperat#re.
s#nny. 10:01am& ) step a right snea"er into dirt red clay, hearing&
4;lat, calm water #ree o# o!stacles li"e !oats and !$oys and !odies,8 ch$c"ling #rom :r&
,ctworth& 1e wears a pair o# c$t'o## !l$e'%eans and t'shirt while smiling, nodding and wa(ing
!oth arms in an"le'#oot #resh water&
) still my !ody, seeing& he ,ctworth #amily and other #amilies #rom ch$rch and school
e3cept they*re all s$rro$nded with the color o# rich !lac" with di##erent shades o# tint&
Bec" t$gs on my hand, 4his way5 -e*ll stow o$r gear, the sleeping !ags and picnic
!as"et in a shady spot,8 leading down a moist path o# short green grass, red soil, and an aisle way
o# tall trees and short !$shes& hen, he stops in a !ald spot o# short grass, d$mping the sleeping
!ag and picnic !as"et&
4)s yo$r /addy really named Pe$s< )*(e always called him, :r& ,ctworth&8 ) see !l$e
wiggling dots aro$nd :rs& ,ctworth and red wiggling dots aro$nd :r& ,ctworth& 4Bec", )
see78 !ehind his collar !one& , set o# pin" wiggling dots aro$nd her, the yo$ng goddess'"in is
aro$nd my age in my Senior'classroom& hen, ) gasp in con#$sion and p$99lement& 4Lara Lee<8
Lara Lee parallels o$r stance, #rowning in my #ace& 4Pe$s, the name o# a cartoon
character de(eloped !y the h$man s$perstition !ased on some type o# real god'magical
Bec" gr$nts then swings aro$nd, c$ddling me& 4Shoo5 Lara Lee58 1e leads $s towards a
wall o# color#$l man'made materials& , wall o# (ertical !oards appears m$ch li"e a set o# ocean
!each s$r# !oards in (ario$s colors and pattern designs o(er the pointy shape& ) see&
6ellow d$c"s& Bl$e diamonds& Pin" circles& Blac" growling !ears& 0ray #lying eagles&
.ed s"$ll and !ones& -hite #loating ghosts&
1e #ingers, saying& 4Paddle !oarding58
) (iew the smooth la"e& 4)n the water< )t*s #i#ty'degrees o$t there o(er the water s$r#ace&8
1e smiles& 4,ct$ally, the coastal water s$r#ace temperat$re is si3ty'degrees& ,nd, )*ll
"eep ya heated, !a!e&8
) giggle, e3haling& 4)*ll hold yo$ to that honor&8
1e says& 4he !oard a(erages ele(en #eet and #o$r inches in height, !$t there*re smaller
ones #or the smaller !odies&8
) giggle, nodding& 4, stand $p paddle!oard, )*(e hear o# this play sport& )s it really
47and sta!le and #$n& he !oard is lightweight #or 9ooming aro$nd the la"e li"e a
shar",8 c$ddling me, when we la$gh& 4)ts got two #ins li"e a #ish to mane$(er aro$nd the water
holding 220 po$nds o# weight&8
) #rown, (iewing the di##erent types o# colors on the paddle !oard then scan his #ine !ody
with m$scles& 4B$t, yo$ and me o(erta"e that 220'weight limit, honey&8
1e c$ddles, whispering into my eardr$m, 4Not with god'magic, we don*t& hat*s o$r
little secret&8
) giggle, 40otcha58
4he #resh water here is smooth li"e glass o(er the la"e& 6o$ won*t ha(e tro$!le
!alancing the on the paddle!oard,8 spinning $s towards the la"e& 4he la"e is lined on !oth side
with o(erhanging trees and dangling sna"es& -e don*t (ent$re there #or any reason78
) giggle, smiling& 46a scared o# sna"es, s$gar&8
4Sna"es are scared o# me, honey& 6$m& 6$m& Sna"e ca"es,8 la$ghing&
46o$ li"e, too&8
4he si9es are !ased on the paddler*s weight and e3perience& )*m (ery e3perience,
darling&&&8 "isses me& 4he more e3perienced paddlers handle the lighter and narrower !oards #or
a #aster racing time,8 "isses me& 4he slo mo no(ice paddler $ses the wider, #latter !oard li"e
Lara Lee, which has more sta!ility& So, she doesn*t get her ma"e$p wet&8
Lara Lee sneers, holding her paddle !oard $nder an arm& 40et her #ace wet&8
40et her7,8 c$ddling me $nder his armpit, smiling& 4han" ya5 ) will,8 "isses me then
Bec" narrates& 4,ll stand $p paddles ha(e an angle or el!ow in the a#t #in #or ma3im$m
riding pleas$re on top o# the still water& 6a choose a paddle that*s ro$ghly eight inches taller then
yo$ are& -e will choose this s$c"er, a red one #or o$r (ictory&8
4-e practice, darling7&"isses her #ace&8
) #inger Lara Lee*s li#e'sa(ing (est o# yellow !a!y d$c"lings& 4/o ) need a personal
#loatation de(ice, too<8
Bec" ch$c"les& 4Lara Lee wears it as a !a!y !i! to catch her mo$th drool&8
Lara Lee #rowns, smiling& 4he AS Coast 0$ard classi#ies stand $p paddle!oards as
(essels, so yo$ m$st wear a P;/ when paddling in na(iga!le waters&8
4;or Lara Lee, only7ya want one, darling& ) can magic one $p #or ya*ll&8
) scoot closer, h$gging his waist& 4)*ll hold onto yo$r waist&8 Lara Lee hisses then gra!s a
paddle !oard with her matching yellow !a!y d$c"ling&
1e nods, ch$c"ling& 4,ct$ally, )*ll !e h$gging yo$r waist and other parts, since )*m
hea(y and stand in the rear78
) (iew the la"e& 4-e co$ld !e e3posed to hypothermia in the cold water& Sho$ldn*t we !e
wearing a wets$it li"e di(ing s$it<8
4)*ll "eep ya hot&8
4,nd, cool,8 win"s at me&
) s2$irt at the s$n*s !right rays glittering the dar" waters with yellowish'red light&
4Sho$ld ) wear s$nscreen #rom the !right s$n<8
4S$nglasses,8 he places the cheap !lac" #rames o(er my eyes when ) giggle& 46a loo"
4) #eel cool&8
4hat*s me ma"ing yo$ !oth smooth and cool,8 he sweet !reathes into my ear&
) giggle& 4here*s no handle&8
4:y god'handle,8 raising his palm, when ) slap it, giggling& 4he !oard magic #loats with
an in(isi!le hand in #ront o# $s towards the #inish line, winning the race,8
1e c$ddles me, saying& 4Paddle s$r#ing is ancient sport created !y Captain James Coo"
o# Sandwich )slands in 1DD@& 1e and the nati(es o# the Iara"o"ooa in =wyhee rode the wa(es in
the ocean lagoon& =lo is called a 1awaii paddle!oard also ridden !y the ancient 1awaiian "ings
call& he pict$re was drawn !y artist John -e!!er in 1D@1 o# a paddle s$r#er rider !oy on the #lat
Perry la$ghs, #ingering his wet t'shirt& 4hat was me58
Co3 slams into his !rother*s side #or #$n, ch$c"ling& 4No, d$de5 hat was me,8 carrying
his paddle !oard with red s"$lls and !ones&
) #rown at Perry*s wet 'shirt, whispering into Bec"*s ear& 46o$r !rothers are that m$ch older
than yo$7me7$s&8
Bec" nods& 4:y #amily is that m$ch ancient than yo$7me7$s&8
=ne o# the yo$ng goddesses sits on "neecaps with her paddle!oard, p$shing the paddle
on her right side, slowly scooting across the water& =ne o# the yo$ng gods straddles his !oard
slapping his paddle right side then le#t side while mo(ing towards the starting line&
Some !oards are #lat, e(en with the water holding a single !ody& Some are reared $p high
in a (ertical pose hiding a single !ody&
Bec" wa(es his hand silently gliding the !oard o(er the water then silently releases it&
he paddle!oard nosily splashes with water and so$nd& 1e h$gs me then #loats $s $p and o(er
the still water& -e land while ) !alance on the paddle!oard in the middle o# the la"e with glass'
smooth !lac" greenish depths seemingly !ottomless to my eye!alls& he s$n casts a golden'pin"
ray o(er the mo$ntain o$tlining the race co$rse&
41ang on, darling& )*m tilting the !oard (ertical #or o$r #ight78
4=$r race7,8 giggling&
4=$r #ighting (ictory,8 ch$c"ling&
) lay against his chest ca(ity, waist, hips, and thighs with my snea"ers apart& :y legs
pose !etween his snea"ers, !alancing two !odies $pright& 1e wraps his arms tightly aro$nd my
!reasts sweet !reathing down my le#t nec"& ) giggle getting really heated with my %$m!led
emotions #rom his to$ch&
1e sweeps his le#t arm across my le#t sho$lder than down !etween my !reasts to access
the handle o# the paddle intersecting with his right hand& -e loo" li"e a two'head monster with a
#loated !ody o# #o$r legs& ) giggle&
)t sweeps the paddle tic"ling my nec", !reasts and waist as ) giggle& 4) li"e&8
4) li"e, too& he race co$rse is o$tlined !y the !eams o# the s$n that sna"es along the la"e
aro$nd three islands o# trees&8
:r& ,ctworth c$ps two hands o(er his mo$th, yelling& 41ere ye, gods and goddesses,8
smiling& he #amily h$ddles aro$nd him& 4he h$man r$les are #ollowed, no god'r$les are
allowed& Each paddle !oard m$st to$ch or s"im the water s$r#ace along the edge o# yo$r paddle
or !e dis2$ali#ied& :e and :rs& ,ctworth are the only %$dges& he hal#'way mar" is that center
tree clearly on the opposite side o# the starting point& 6o$ m$st go aro$nd the e3posed tree in a
completely circle, then t$rn !ac" towards the #inish line& hree& wo& =ne& 0o&8
Bec" sweeps the paddle side to side while #eel his !iceps harden then rela3& ) whisper&
46o$*re cool&8
46o$*re hot,8 he whispers into my ear&
Bec" steers aro$nd each tree island then towards the #inish line& he other god'"in and
goddess'"in lag !ehind& 1e 2$ic"ly sails into the woodlands away #rom his god'"in then stops
the paddle !oard&
1e c$ddles me, "issing my chee"!one& -e e3it the !oard, waling aro$nd the #orest&
Bec" gathers #r$it #or o$r snac"s, while c$ddling and giggling #or o$r #$n&
he water moccasin swi#tly dropped #rom the tree #or !oth o$r shoc" and s$rprise& )
2$ic"ly gra! !ehind sna"e*s head, missing the c$rling slimy #orm, completely& he sna"e swi#tly
soars and then !ites into my hand& Bec" to$ches the sna"e*s middle, when the sna"e releases my
hand& 1e c$rls the sna"e into his hands, st$dying its eyes, whispering to the reptile& 1e gently
drops the sna"e onto the gro$nd&
hen, he reaches #or my hand& 1e holds my hand !etween !oth palms&
4) need a hospital&8
4) can heal yo$&8
4No& -ater moccasins are poisono$s& )*ll die& ) need a physician, Bec",8 !oth seating and
so!!ing with pain and #ear&
4Sh58 1e closes his eyelids, s2$ee9ing my hand& ) #eel the pain #rom the physician to$ch and the
sting #rom the pain#$l to3in #loating aro$nd the !lood (eins& hen, my hand er$pts with white
#l$id #rom the twin #ang p$nct$re mar"s, draining o(er Bec"*s hands, the grass, and my arm& he
opens his eyelids, staring at my wo$nd&
1e drags me towards the la"e water, d$n"ing my hand& 4) drew o$t the poison, not
related to yo$r !lood& he (ermin was starting to attac" yo$r tiss$es&8
:y wo$nd #eels li"e a hot iron po"er co(ers my hand, thro!!ing& ) hear& , sl$rping
so$nd drains the sna"e (enom #rom the open wo$nds& ) e3hale, cringing& 4) #eel pain& ) #eel
grate#$l& 6o$ sa(ed me& :y hand h$rts&8
1e nods& 4Sorry, )*m not a physician with a medicine ca!inet& )t*s a limited tric" o#
emergency #irst aid&8
40od'tric",8 #rowning at the pain in my hand, while Bec" gently r$!s soil dirt aro$nd the
4, se(enth'son tric",8 he release my hand then s2$ats, searching the gro$nd& 1e stands,
opening his palm&
) see& , wiggling !rown earthworm slithers in his palm&
1e closes the #ingers& 4) can p$ll the moist$re #rom li(ing organisms li"e this harmless
) #rown, 4P$ll the moist$re<8
Bec" opens his palm, showing& he poor earthworm is swi(eled and pr$nie li"e a tiny
!rown s"eleton& 4he %$ices are gone58
"idnight. :rs& ,ctworth stands in the m$d, #ingering and sho$ting& 40et into position
#or sleep time& ,ll the married co$ples are !ehind my head& ,nd, ) want to see all the yo$ng
single #emales laying and sleeping on my right& he single males will lay on my le#t& ,nd, :r&
,ctworth and ) will !e in the middle with a !on#ire glowing !rightly and one eye!all open,8
smiling and nodding&
Lara Lee gra!s my arm then drags me towards the !right !on#ire& 46$c"58 She wipes her
#ingers on her shorts, (iewing my hand& 4-hat happened to yo$r sweaty hand<8
) cradle my lim!& 4) got7c$t on the !l$e!erry !$sh, eating some o# the #resh #r$it& )
#orget the !$shes ho$se a set o# nasty with pointy thorns a#ter my #inger attac"ed the %$icy
She #rowns, (iewing my wo$nd& 4)ts swollen, red, !$sting with white thic" p$ss,8
(iewing me, nodding& 46a sho$ld go !ac" home to ,pollo and see a physician, .isa& 6a "now5
6a might catch a nasty in#ection then die, here o$tdoors in the woods&8
) grin, seeing her wiggling pin" dots aro$nd her s"$ll& ) nod& 46a "now& ) thin" )*m going
to !e o"ay& )t !leeds& hat*s a good sign o# a non'nasty in#ection which "ills ya, dead,8 giggling&
She #rowns, 46a !leed o$t& -hy*s that a good sign<8
4-hen ya !leed yo$ e3pel all the to3ic poisons #rom yo$r !iological !ody ma"ing ya
li(e, the ne3t day,8 giggling&
46o$ sliced it on a !$sh& B$shes are poisono$s&8
4Bl$e !erries are not poisono$s,8 laying o$t my sleeping !ag, sitting on top, sha"ing my
She leans into my smile& 46a "now& ) don*t li"e the wildness #amily time, either& 6o$
sho$ld go home&8
46a "now,8 crin"ling my nose& 4) sho$ld stay since ) do li"e the wildness #amily time&8
46a "now& ) can send ya thro$gh the -all o# ime to go !ac" home&8
) #rown& 4-hy don*t yo$ ride inside a wheelchair< 6o$*re a goddess& Correct<8
She (iews the acti(ities people& 4)*m a goddess& ) don*t !elie(ing in #a"ing my person,
#la$nting a disa!ility that ) don*t lac"& )t*s r$de and improper& ) li"e !lending in with ya*ll,
h$mans& ) lo(e h$mans& 6a*ll are #$n and games, all the time,8 smiling at me&
) (iew the !right moon then her& 46o$ spend more time with 0arth and his #riends& -hy
do they do it<
40arth7,8 smir"s& 41e*s #$n and #$nny, handsome, honest, witty& ,nyways, :r&
,ctworth r$ns his god'"in #amily& 1is thing& 1is r$le& 1is reign& 1e*s an old leader who doesn*t
want any change o# his ways or his eye ma"e $p78
4Eye ma"e$p5< No one wears "ohl cream, anymore,8 giggling at my lame %o"e&
4Cold cream5<8
4Iohl cream5 he !lac" liner, Egyptians $sed aro$nd their eye soc"ets #rom the heat o#
the s$n, !ac" them,8 giggling&
She #rowns then smir"s& 4=5 ,nd, yo$ smell li"e oposs$m poo"ie, girl'!est58
) e3hale, slamming into the gro$nd onto my pretty orange com#orta!le sleeping !ag and
smile& Lara Lee is so %ealo$s o# me and my poss$m poo"ie&8 ) lay on the so#t pillow co(ered in
sil", seeing the moon casting its golden'pin" rays across the la"e& ) hear the splish'splash o#
gently wa(es "issing the red clay with the #aint m$sic o# alto, roc"ing me asleep& ) li"ed my
!each'side #$n with the ,ctworth ;amily& ) close my eyelashes, resting&
S#nday morning. 8:02 am. s#nny. 82>F. "ississippi m#d& ) roll then land on my !ac"
m$scles, opening my eyelashes& ) see&
Bec" leans o(er me& ) smile when he says& 40ood morning8 1e stands, e3tending his
hand& ) gra! it then stand $pright& 4ime #or $s to #led,8 smiling& 4-hat ya li"e to see my secret
) (iew the !$sy acti(ities aro$nd the ri(er !an"& Children are playing& ,d$lts are eating&
eens are h$ddled $nder a tree, th$m!'typing on their mo!ile telephones& ) #inger the dirty
sleeping !ag co(ered in dirt, sand, grass, and dew drops& 4)78
Bec" gra!s me arm, c$ddling into his clean t'shirt& 4:y :other will clean $p o$r
camping mess& She*ll ta"e the items home, cleaning and storing them #or o$r new ri(er
campo$t,8 (iews me, smiling& 4hat*s what :others are #or,8 ch$c"ling& -e wal" into the
swirling clo$ds&
4po((o. 4(abama. *ec%s manor. $a(( o6 Time. ) land a slightly wet snea"er on the
!lac" wooden #looring when Bec" 2$ic"ly swings $s towards the archway& 1e c$ddles and
win"s& 4-e ta"e a di##erent transport, today&8
4) tho$ght the swirling clo$ds were yo$ only teleportation de(ice,8 scanning an empty
and cool'air conditioned hallway&
4)t is& ,ll god'"in and goddess'"in $se it, only, and all the time& he mirror is similar to a
recoding de(ise on a comp$ter& ,ll god'"in can !e traced to any (isitation, !ac"wards& Since, a
god'"in can*t leap #orward in the space and time contin$$m&8
4B$t, god'"in can*t go !ac"wards into the past, either&8
40ood st$dent, darling58 1e nods& 4No& he god'"in cannot, !$t their pathway can !e
traced !ac"wards to their past destinations& hen, a c$riosity god'"in co$ld (isit it #or some more
c$riosity reason&8
46o$*re scaring me& ) tho$ght the god'"in were all #riendly and #riends&8
4,re all h$mans #riendly and #riends<8 Bec" drags me towards the Iitchen&
) see& , room is rectang$lar space with waist'high "itchen co$nters, ca!inets, and
reg$lar'height eating #$rnit$re #or a(erage standing people& ) halt, #ingering the !ar stools, which
are made #or reg$lar people li"e me& 4he !ar stool is tall78
1e ch$c"les, dragging me towards the patio doors& 46o$ were spying on me&&&8
1e smiles& 4-e maintain a god'ill$sion #or protection, mostly #rom spying #arm girls on
top o# hot tr$c" roo#s,8 ch$c"ling& 1e dashes across the !ac" yard&
) nod& 4No single h$man !eing wo$ld $nderstand or e(er accept yo$r presence, here&8
1e smiles, nodding& 4-e*re nati(es o# Planet Earth li"e yo$, .isa& his is o$r home&
Some o# $s are older than the #ossili9ed m$d ca"es that the ca(e children played with d$ring the
sa!er'tooth tiger age,8 he ch$c"les& 4-e $se a god'ill$sion #rom the others&8
4-hat others,8 #rowning, when he stops&
Bec" stands in #ront o# do$!le'doors o# a red'colored horse !arn, wiggling his hands& he
doors magical open& ) see& , white glider, witho$t a motori9ed engine, two wings #or #lying& 1e
smiles, wiggling his hands when the pointy nose comes towards $s& -e !ac" step #rom the open
doors& 4-e*re ta"ing my glider&8
4,way #rom the others7,8 #rowning at his nose pro#ile&
4;or o$r #$n, ) li"e to $se the glider, instead o# the mirror&8
4,way #rom the others7,8 #rowning at his nose pro#ile and #olding my arms with
Bec" li#ts the glider ten'inches #rom the !arn #looring, into the air, and then gently lands
with a slight th$d inside a patch o# grassy grass aro$nd tall trees and electricity power light&
) #rown, (iewing the crowded s"yline o# dangero$s li(e power wires& 46o$ sho$ld mo(e
the glider #$rther o$t into the open $nplowed #ield witho$t trees and hanging electricity lines,
1e drags me towards the open coc"pit& 4here*s no sliding coc"pit lid& ) might #all o$t&
=r, worse, ) might eat a !$g or a !ird or a !$99ard&8 1e #ingers inside the coc"pit when ) panic
with more #ear& 4) "now that gliders don*t possess engines, only wings& B$t, the coc"pit is empty&
-here*s the instr$ment ga$ges, the %oystic", and the radio<8
1e c$ddles me when we !oth #loat $p and o(er the gilder& -e gently land and stand on
the long seat& 1e says& 4here*s only a long seat #or sitting& )*m the pilot, na(igator, and engine,8
ch$c"ling& 1e sits #irst while ) stand to$ching the wooden #rame& 4Sit, .isa& )t*s li"e riding a
horse& B$t, )*m the saddle&8
) e3hale& 4Bec"58 ) straddle the leather then sit inside his lap& 1e ch$c"les while ) wiggle
side to side with am$sement& ) giggle with #$n& 1e wraps two arms aro$nd me when ) say& 4)
tho$ght yo$ don*t pass the a!ility to #ly li"e a !ird&8
1e ch$c"les& 4) don*t& ) possess the a!ility to li#t an o!%ect li"e a #ire crac" when it sails
into the air a#ter igniting& hen, the air c$rrents will s$rro$nd the glider& he wind will literally
#ly $s towards o$r destination&8
4-here*s o$r #inal destination<8
4he J$arry&8
Bec" e3tends his arms o$tside the open coc"pit, wiggling his #ingers& ) t$rn my #ace,
seeing& , golden twin"ling #lare o# light s$rro$nd the glider and $s&
) #eel the glider li#t #rom the grass air towards the s$n& he tree tops !ecome e(en with
my nose, then e(en with my snea"ers& ,nd, the grass and #lowers !ecome tiny li"e color#$l ants&
) close my eyelashes in #ear, when Bec" r$!s my arms with com#ort& 1e whispers& 4Loo"
at yo$r #arm, .isa5 -e*re gliding o(er it, now& )n a #ew more seconds, we pass it #lying in a
northwestern direction&8
) see& , (alley o# green meadows, yellow rows o# corn, !l$e semi'ro$nd la"es o# water,
white hori9ontal rows o# cotton, !lac" dots o# horses, white dots o# cows then h$ndreds, a sinlge
gray !eam with !rown #rec"les& 4Agh58
46o$r /addy*s #arm is an7$gh& -hat does that mean<8
4)t*s horri!ly $gly&8
4-hat*s horri!le<8
4) see many, many raising !eams o# tainted d$ll grey !eam with spec"les o# !rown
#la"es& Agly&8
46o$*re seeing the $gly a$ras o# aliens&8
4,liens5< .eally, aliens ha(e (isited Planet Earth, !e#ore&8
4hey (isited and stayed& ,liens are here with $s li(ing with $s on Planet Earth& hey
come #rom the #ar side o# the gala3y&8
41ow do yo$7,8 e3haling& 4;orget it5 6o$*re god'"in& 6o$ wo$ld "now& -e*re #lying
o$t o# the alien space (iew& -hat do yo$ see, now<8
4,we5 So pretty5 ) see pin"s, yellow, p$rples, greens, orange, gold colored !eams o#
light,8 (iewing the hea(ens, while shading my eyelashes&
4, h$man a$ra lights $p o$r world with its !ea$ty& he aliens aren*t !ea$ti#$l, .isa& hey
taint o$r planet with their #$mes&8
4he others7,8 saying, when the glider drops slowly& 4,h5 his is so !ea$ti#$l& ) see a
swimming pool on top o# the mo$ntain& -here are we<8
Bec" descends to a smooth landing pad, gently perching the glider o(er the hard roc"&
-e stand #rom the long seating, together& 1e #loats $s $p in the air and then o(er the glider*s
open hatchway& 4:y spot5 -e*re three miles so$thwest o# Kance, ,la!ama&8
) s2$at and to$ch the smooth roc"& 4-hat*s this<8
4/ar" !l$e limestone roc", (ery common, here&8
4)*m $sed to seeing gray and white limestone roc", not !l$e& Pretty, too58
) stand when he c$ddles me, #ingering the green trees& 4his place is act$ally three steep
hills o# phyllite that were smac"ed together d$ring a thr$st earth2$a"e #a$lt a!o$t DM0 million
years ago& he !asement roc" came #rom (olcanic ash 1,000 million years ago78
46o$r age<8
1e ch$c"les& 4No&8
46o$r :ama*s age<8
1e ch$c"les& 4Pro!a!ly5 -ith my special god'magic, ) d$g a rectang$lar trench along the
sides then lined the !ottom !asement roc" o# red clay with all the "nown and a(aila!le
geological #ormation in the area,8 he opens the rear panel o# the glider, p$lling o$t more glossy
maga9ines& 1e closes the rear panel, c$ddling me& -e wal" towards the #orest& 4) opened one
side o# the hills allowing !oth the r$nning spring !ranch and the capt$red rain water to #lood and
#low o(er my newly constr$cted swimming pool&8
41ow old are yo$r god'"in<8
4) t$rn se(enteen'years old, tomorrow&8
) snap my #ingers, sha"ing my c$rls& 4hat*s right5 6o$ told the class on ;riday when the
new science teacher read o$r astrology charts or whate(er78
4)*m h$ngry& /o ya want some !rea"#ast<8 ) nod, (iewing the new maga9ines in Bec"*s
hands, seeing only !athing s$its& Bec" leads $s towards a picnic ta!le near the edge o# the #orest
on a slightly ele(ated plat#orm& 4), normally, come $p here, alone& 6a "now5 o thin"5 See the
4-hy do ya hide !ehind the wheelchairs< hat seems, so wrong&8 ) sit on the cool stone&
Bec" e3hales, standing and tapping on the stac" o# maga9ines in #ront o# me& 4) can*t
materiali9e one o# /ee /ee*s ham!$rgers #or !rea"#ast, witho$t the paper #ood men$& Since, )
only tra(erse $p here, alone& -hy did yo$ come to my manor, yesterday, .isa< 6o$ ha(e !een
my neigh!or #or years&8
) (iew the trees, smoothing my #ingers o(er the cool stone& 4=5 )7got7got h$rt,8
(iewing him and showing o## my semi'healed el!ow c$t on my arm& 4See, here58 ) nod, smiling&
4)7r$n o$t o# gas in my ,K& =, !oy5 hen, ) wrec"ed my new !irthday present, an ,K& )t hit
into the tree line o# yo$r property, while ) was #eeding my :ama*s pri9ed stallions& She*d ha(e a
litter o# "ittens, i# her pri9ed stallions went h$ngry #or one day,8 (iewing the ta!le, then him,
smiling& 4) mean& ) came o(er to e3plain a!o$t the #allen !a!y trees& he ,K*s too small to
damage the !ig trees,8 nodding&
4=5 ) g$ess yo$ don*t possess s$personic hearing or s$personic seeing,8 #ingering my
wo$nd with a sappy smile #or !oth #orgi(eness and con#$sion&
4=5 )*m sorry #or yo$r accident& ,nd, ) don*t possess s$personic hearing or seeing& B$t, )
do possess #$t$re seeing&
46o$ do< ,nd, what do yo$ see in the #$t$re<8
1e smiles, to$ching my arm& 4As5 :e and yo$, together,8 wa(ing his arm while loo"ing
towards the s"y& 4:e and yo$ to$ring the world #or the rest o# o$r days as one, a co$ple&8
) giggle& 4) li"e& -hat else do yo$ see<8
1e nods& 4=$r per#ect wedding ceremony, !right, light, !ea$ti#$l with only yo$&8
) giggle& 4) li"e& ,nd, what else do yo$ see<8
1e smiles, loo"ing at the maga9ine& 4) can*t !ring $s #ood, here,8 whirling his hand in the
s"y then loo"s into the #orest& 4B$t, ) can as" some o# my #riends to !ring $s #ood&8 hen, ) see&
, ('shaped #loc" o# !irds in the s"yline #ly then (eer towards the picnic ta!le& Each !ird
drops a so#t single petal o# #lora roses and daisy #lowers $pon the cool mar!le& ) smile& 1e
) hear the noise, t$rning& ) see& ,n h'shaped row o# #lying s2$irrels soar in the air wa(es
then drop their we!!ed #$rry !odies down towards the picnic ta!le& Each s2$irrel drops a shelled
n$t incl$ding waln$ts and pean$ts $pon the mar!le&
) smile, giggling& 4) li"e&8
1e smiles, 4-e*re %$st getting started,8 motioning his hand at the woodlands&
) hear r$stling #rom the edge o# the trees, seeing& hree hori9ontal rows o# raccoons, each
one carry a piece o# #r$it incl$ding an assortment o# !erries, apples, pears, and peaches&
Bec" mo(es to the open pit wa(ing his hands o(er the dried wood "indle, when a #ire
ignites, immediately& ) nod, 4;ire #or o$r #ood&8
) #rown, hearing more nothing& 1e #ingers !ehind my !ac"& ) see& Si3 little orange'colored
#o3es !ring inside their mo$ths a dead ra!!it&
) don*t sneer or p$"e& )*m a #arm girl&
he #o3es drop each dead ra!!it at Bec"*s #eet then sc$rry away& ) giggle& 4,re yo$ their
4No5 :other Nat$re is their :istress& ) ha(e the a!ility to thin" and s$m items #rom
animals& ) can*t to$ch to animals, only send sorta li"e a mental tho$ght o# an o!%ect li"e ra!!it
#or #ood&8 1e wiggles his #ingers, remo(ing the #$r hair then e3poses the pin" meat& 1e le(itates
the raw meat o(er the hot rac"& ) hear the heat si99ling, smelling the sharp odor o# meat&
Bec" retrie(es a single clean platter #rom the picnic !as"et& ) #rown, 4No magical plate&8
1e smiles, 4,h5 -e, god'"in m$st learn to conser(e nat$re and o$r powers, too, li"e
4) agree& Earthlings don*t seem to "now when to !e happy or content& ,re yo$ happy,
) nod, 46es& )*m (ery happy, here with yo$ in yo$r paradise spot, Bec"&8 he ra!!it meat
#inishes si99ling and coo"ing into a light !rown, when Bec" le(itates it #rom the hot rac"& ) nod,
giggling& 46o$r god'magic is per#ect as a pair o# coo"ing tongs&8
1e smiles, sitting ne3t to me, 46es5 hey*re (ery con(enient& ) present a #est #or my
4=$r drin" o# choice<8
1e wa(es his hand& ) see& , tall go!let #lies #rom the picnic !as"et then disappear into the
woodlands& ) stare and wait& hen, the go!let re'appears& Bec" smiles, sitting it in #ront o# o$r
platter o# coo"ed ra!!it meat, n$ts, and #r$it pieces& 4Nectar o# the gods&8
) pee" o(er the edge, #rowning& 4;resh cree" water5<8 ) giggle, 4Nectar o# teens58 1e
di(es into the #ood, chewing& ) pic" the ripen straw!erry, chewing& 4-hat are we going to do,
here, today<8
1e #ingers the water& 4Swimming, #irst, then m$d wrestling, second&8
) giggle, (iewing my shirt& 4) g$ess ) can swim in my shorts and t'shirt& B$t, i# we m$d
wrestle, ) will need some new clothing,8 win"ing& hen, he smiles and "isses me&
1e chews, #ingering the maga9ine& 4) ha(e planned o$r spot and attire, appropriately& )
ha(e a new set o# maga9ines&8
) (iew the top page o# photographs& 4Bathing s$its5<8 ) eat the meat, chewing&
1e ch$c"les, mane$(ering my #inger towards the #irst photo& 4) li"e this one,8 to$ching
my #inger on the pict$re&
) giggle and slide o$r hands to the le#t then #eel a slight !ree9e& :y clothes change into an
old'#ashioned #emale !athing swimming s$it #rom the year 1BC0s, co(ering #rom my throat to
"neecaps& ) stand, twirling and giggling&
Bec" #rowns, sha"ing his s"$ll, #ingering the maga9ine, 4Not that one5 ) li"e this one&8
) lean into the photo, giggling& ) slide his hand towards the other photo, a one'piece girly
!athing s$it&
1e scoots his #ingers towards the other photo, a two'piece !i"ini& 1e smiles, nodding
when ) reach towards the one'piece s$it& Bec" slides my #inger towards the two'piece !i"ini&
hen, ) #eel a swi#t !ree9e #rom wearing the two'piece !i"ini and the mo$ntain air
#lowing aro$nd my semi'na"edness& ) !ac" step, yelling& 4Bec"58
1e t$rns the page, to$ching the photo when his !ody changes into a pair o# swimming
tr$n"s& hen, he gra!s my hand, dragging towards the water&
1e clim!s o(er the geological nat$ral !arrier while lo(ingly yan"ing me o(er the wall
and then into his open arms& 1e ch$c"les& ) giggle, seeing him then (iew the calm water&
) see& , wall o# pretty colors& ) to$ch the inner wall o# the swimming pool&
Bec" says& 4) c$r(ed o$t a #lat semi'rectang$lar ditch made o# red clay dirt& ) added o(er
the dirt a layer o# white shale& hen, ) o(erlaid the shale with !lac" mar!le then #ormed a slanted
#loor o$t towards the nat$ral water#all& he woodlands cree" stream and s"y rain water #lood my
pool "eeping the water #lowing o(er the mo$nting wall then down into the (alley&8 ) to$ch each
color as he says& 4=(er the !lac", there*s yellow sandstone, then pin" granite, and #inally gray
limestone& Each mineral, ) p$lled #rom the s$rro$nding soil and #orest landscape& )t was really
4)t*s really !ea$ti#$l, here&8
1e c$ddles me, "issing my chee"!one& 4)*m so glad that yo$ agree& )*(e ne(er shown
anyone my swimming pool, here in my secret paradise,8 "issing my smile then my lips& -e
s$r#ace, grinning&
) (iew the water, the hills, the s"y then Bec"& ) sit on the edge o# the wall inside the
swimming pool, roc"ing my na"ed #eet !ac" and #orth& Bec" sits with me, c$ddling me into his
heated chest& ) giggle then e3hale, smiling& 4)*(e en%oyed my o$t o# this world wee"end&&&8
4Not o(er, yet5 )t*s only late morning time&8
) nod& 4) "now& B$t, ) wanna "now, honestly& -hy me<8
he smiles, saying witho$t hesitation& 4-e*re neigh!ors, .isa& )*(e "nown yo$ all my li#e,
se(enteen years and a #ew days& -e*re the same h$man, #$nny, c$te, and here&8
) (iew the water, recalling almost the same e3act sentences #rom 0arth& ) #rown at him&
4="ay& ) can !$y that reasoning& -hat are yo$ not telling me<8
1e nods& 4)*m a moonchild& )*m l$c"y, god'"in, too& ) get to pic"y my mate o$t #rom all
the goddess'"in, since my mate ac2$ire my e3act s$pernat$ral powers,8 smiling, 4thro$gh the
mating rit$al, o# co$rse&8 ) nod& 4;ol"s !elie(e that the se(enth son sees the depths o# the inner
minds o# h$mans m$ch li"e mind reading& )n the :iddle ,ges, my ;ather, the se(enth son o# the
se(enth son, laid his hands $pon h$mans then c$red diseases and !ody disorders, witho$t proper
permission,8 ch$c"ling, 4o# co$rse, starting that silly r$mor& 1e can*t really heal anyone on a
grand scale li"e a medical physician& 1e can read minds or see into the #$t$re&
4Can yo$ read minds or heal h$mans or see into the #$t$re<8
1e nods, smiling, holding my hand, 4) can #oresee one certain #$t$re e(ent78
4= my stars5 6o$ can see the end o# time, here&8
1e smiles& 4) can see $s getting married, here&8 ) smile then "iss his #ace&
S#nday morning. 1oman Theater. Coos *ay. 9regon. So#th *road+ay )igh+ay.
s#nny. ,:18 am. a#ditori#m room. he s$per %$m!o %et !lows three o$t o# #o$r engines
!ea$ti#$lly shooting o$t in colors o# red and yellow #lames among clear !a!y !l$e s"ies& hen,
the s"y rains down small, medi$m and large !l$ish heated ch$c"s o# metal onto the lawns, roo#s,
chimneys, (ehicles, h$mans in the city limits o# E$gene, =regon&
Co3, the oldest !rother and #irst !orn o# the ,ctworth ;amily, enters the rectang$lar'
shaped a$ditori$m #rom the lighted hallway, seeing wall to wall and row o# rows, gods and
goddesses, incl$ding his #amily& 1e wears his gray t$3edo, clapping and nodding, 40reat
shooting, 0randma&8
-ray, grandmother o# Bec" lo$nges in one o# se(eral chaises lining the #ar wall opposite
o# a solid wall& he solid wall c$rrently displays an array o# whitish'gray swirling clo$ds aro$nd
a descending helpless and hopeless damaged airplane& She smiles, nodding, witho$t words&
;olsom, another !rother o# Bec" rests inside his indi(id$al chaise watching the #alling
#ire!all, #rowning& 4-hat are we doing #or #$n, today, Co3<8
Perry, another !rother o# Bec", nods& 4)*m tired o# practicing&8
Co3 slaps the swirling clo$ds, deleting the doomed airplane& 1e t$rns, smiling& 4-e are
,3son, another !rother o# Bec", #rowns& 4-hy*s Bec", not here with $s in =regon< -hy
does Bec", not train with $s<8
-ray says #rom her chaise& 4Bec"*s going to !e $seless #or the -ar& he planet
alignment drains and d$lls his $ni2$e s$pernat$ral powers against them& -e shall carry on,
witho$t yo$r !a!y !rother& ,nd, #$rthermore, Bec" will !e imprisoned and g$arded !y his
/addy d$ring the d$ration&8 She rests her gown and heels on the chaise, while Co3 gently taps
on the swirling clo$ds& -ray says& 40od'children, please, pay attention5 his is yo$r lesson #or
the day& Co3 is going to pro(ide a cle(er demonstration while ) narrate& , heliocentric planetary
alignment is de#ined when all or almost all the planet line on the same side o# the S$n within a
BL'degrees o# each other in the s"y, not really in a straight line as the st$pid h$mans !elie(e&
his phenomenon occ$rs a!o$t more or less aro$nd 400'years, rare as #ar as we are concerned,
!$t not rare as #ar as the gala3y& he geo'centricity planets will #orm a per#ect straight line in
o$ter space in #ront o# the S$n& hey will !e s$perimposed on top o# each other and (iewed !y
the eye in the s"y& he gas planets o# J$piter and Sat$rn, the !rightest and !iggest worlds will
a!sor! the S$n*s ray standing !ehind Planet Earth then re#lect the same !and o# rays directly
towards Planet Earth& h$s, the soil and s"y will glow with a completely circle o# !right pretty
yellowish light& E(ery h$man eye!all will either !e sheltered #rom the light or totally clinically
!linded, permanently,8 nodding&
)ma, the grand a$nt o# Bec", nods& 4he gra(itational #orces o# the other planets will !e at
the ma3im$m p$ll& 0iant ocean tides will alter the earth*s weather& here will !e changes in
wind press$re on the pea"s o# the mo$ntains #rom the e3tra heat, melting the polar ice caps into
steam& h$s, all weather phenomena will create earth2$a"es pl$s tremendo$s th$nder storms #or
the h$mans&8
0rayden, another !rother o# Bec", stands the window, (iewing the ocean and !oats&
4-hy aren*t the h$mans preparing #or the heliocentricity<8
Pasty nods, 4=n :ay 14, 1L0D, the #irst settlers li(ed, here in ,merica& he last
heliocentric occ$rred a little o(er CB0 years ago on :arch 20 d$ring a #atal G)ndian attac"* on the
English colony o# Jamestown, Kirginia within the woodland ,merican #rontier& 1al# the colony
died all !linded #rom the s$nrays, e3cept those h$mans hiding inside their stic" and m$d homes&
he ,merican h$mans do not $nderstand the power o# $s or the planetary alignment, while the
E$ropeans are sha"ing their high heels inside their closets, now& )n the year 1L22 ,/, there were
C2M'earth2$a"es rattling the soil along with th$nder, lightning and !linding heat and light78
,nna!elle smiles #rom her chair& 4he same phenomena will occ$r on :onday at se(en
o*cloc"& his is o$r time #or -ar&8
he door swings open when a tall #emale ho(ers inside the archway, smiling& She
possesses long wa(y !lac" hair, pale s"in& .ice, another !rother o# Bec" sneers, standing& 4-hat
is she doing here<
he ;emale smir"s in alto sa3ophone& 4) am teaching&8
,3son stands and sneers& 4She*s a So$l'catcher&
Co3 shi#ts #rom the swirling clo$ds, when it ret$rns !ac" into a large pro%ector screen,
nodding& 1e stands in #ront o# the chaises& 4$esday e(ening is o$r time to de#eat them& -e can*t
#alter in a #ail$re o# a missed s$n'!lessed !linding opport$nity,8 ch$c"ling&
0randmother Patsy nods& 4Co3 is correct& Please, teach $s, So$l'catcher&8
he So$l'catcher stands !eside the wall, saying& 4o de#eat the ,liens, yo$ cannot, $ntil
yo$ de#eat their in(isi!le !ody part, the so$l& ) ha(e the a!ility to trap a li(ing so$l,8 p$lling #rom
her sho$lder a designer hand!ag& She clic"s open the p$rse, la$ghing& 4Long ago, ) $sed a picnic
!as"et& oday, )*m !lessed with the #iner o# leather goods, a hand!ag& Be#ore, ) share my eternal
secret o# the goddom,8 sneering& 46o$r #irst tas", the containment o# the alien*s se(enth son, is
named 0arth& 1e7is an e3ceptional indi(id$al with e3ceptional powers, witho$t reaching his
e3ceptional potential& 1is potential shall come and mani#est on $esday d$ring the
heliocentricity alignment with the planets and against each one o# yo$r, personally& 6o$ call this,
Sy9ygy or the ;i(e'stars& 6o$ m$st capt$re and contain him within the Sphere o# :otion,8
to$ches the wall& )t swirls in clo$ds then orders& 4Show me, the tepee&8 he wall shows, a tepee&
he So$l'catcher giggles then grins, (iewing the gods and goddesses& 4, triangle o# #$n and
ad(ent$re #or h$man !oys, $s$ally, this partic$lar o!%ect is decorated with animal s"ins and
scalpels #or the alien*s na$ghty am$sement& he o!%ect has !een !lessed with a li#e #orm,
accidentally, o# co$rse,8 smiling and nodding& 4Str$ct$res, e2$ipment, a$tomo!iles, and
electronics are not ali(e and do to come ali(e with pi3ie d$st, gods and goddesses& his tepee
holds one or more h$mans, which are s$rro$nded !y nat$ral earth elements, trees, soil, s"y, and
wind& he earth elements pro(ide a secondary protecti(e shield aro$nd the tepee& o contain an
alien inside the tepee, we will collect his own species, alien so$ls, th$s decorating the o$ter
str$ct$re o# nat$ral triangle with his similar energy #orces, creating a #orce #ield& , god or
goddess can*t accomplish this #eat& he alien so$ls will !oth g$ard and protect 0arth #rom his
alien "in, h$man'"ind, and $s, earth'gods&8
0rayden #rowns& 4hat*s de#eats o$r god'p$rpose, So$l'catcher&8
4hat completes the #irst step, god& he second step is destroying the other li(ing aliens
in one #inal swoop $sing o$r hand!ags, not #ists& =$r intangi!le s$pernat$ral powers are slightly
di##erent !$t a!sol$tely e2$al in e(ery aspect, !oth chemically and !iologically and physically&
=nce the alien is trapped within the charmed cow leather,8 holding a new hand!ag& She drops it
$pon the #looring then stomps it with her high heel shoe& he hand!ag screams when the gods
and goddesses co(er their eardr$ms& 4he hand!ag is destroyed along with the alien& he end&8
Co3 nods, 4Easy proced$re&8
She says, demonstrating& 4he So$l'catcher process is (ery elegantly simple& =pen the
hand!ag*s mo$th then ha(e the alien to$ch any part o# the leather& hen, he or she is ca$ght,
capt$red, and contained& 6o$ may depose o# the hand!ag in any nasty #ashion s$ita!le #or yo$r
nasty personality& ) ca$tion& he hand!ag m$st not !e opened or the alien will escape and then
morph !ac" into its original !iological shell !ody, appearing h$manoid, again& /oes e(eryone
,3son sneers, 4,liens can smell $s, girl&8
She nods, smiling& 46es& 6o$ are a (ery ast$te, god'"in& he !ag is made o# cow*s hind
or dried leather& 1$mans will smell the sweet slightly tart odor, %$st li"e aliens& o co(er yo$r
stench, yo$ spray the leather with girly per#$me or manly cologne,8 holds a !ottle o# per#$me& 4)
will allow yo$ to select yo$r odor #or yo$r capti(e&8 She wal"s towards the ta!le, holding stac"s
o# open maga9ines&
She p$lls a stac" o# torn maga9ines #rom her second hand!ag placing them in an empty
spot on the ta!le s$r#ace& She to$ches each pict$re when a wall o# hand!ags, cl$tches, !rie#cases,
man'p$rses, and coin p$rses, all in color#$l leather, appear& he shel(es o(er#low with the leather
items&8 She #ingers, 46o$r weapons5 ,s yo$ and ) "now, we are not magicians, wi9ards, witches,
ghosts or (ampires& -e don*t materiali9e o!%ects #rom ashes and d$st& he o!%ects, !e#ore yo$r
eyes are not specially designed& ,ny leather container will do as long as it sh$ts and 9ips o$t the
air, wind, s$n completely& ,nd, do not to$ch the alien with one o# yo$r lim!s or digits s"imming
his or her s"in& -hen the alien to$ches the leather he or she will !e s$c"ed into the sil" lining o#
the hand!ag and then yo$ swi#tly 9ip it sh$t& ,nd, i# yo$ are (ery careless, then yo$ will !e,
also&8 She wa(es !oth hands aro$nd the image o# the tepee& 4he tepee m$st !e completely
co(ered with other alien'so$ls, a!o$t 4,000& -e don*t ha(e m$ch time !e#ore Sy9ygy& 6o$r
immediate tas" is to #ind and trap the re2$ired alien so$ls to con#ine the se(enth son o# the alien&
-e shall start, right now&8 She wal"s to the #irst chaise, to$ching the !lac" sil"y hair o# yo$ng
teen goddess, smiling& 4-o$ld yo$ !e my #irst st$dent, pet<8
he yo$ng goddess (iews her :ama& 1er :ama nods then the teen stands& he So$l'
catcher escorts her to the wall o# leather, nodding and saying& 4Pic" o$t a hand!ag58 he teen
chooses a yellow colored saddle !ag& 4E3cellent choice5 Now, please, select a #lora per#$me #or
yo$r hand!ag&8 he teen sni##s each !ottle then holds the glass in the air, smiling&
he So$l'catcher nods, smiling& 4Kanilla& ) lo(e the sense, too&8 he teen sprays the
hand!ag with the desired per#$me #ragrance when the So$l'catcher nods& 46o$ are ready #or
!attle action, teen'goddess,8 (iewing the crowded room& 4Each one o# yo$, please stand and
select yo$r weapon and yo$r disg$ise&8 She mo(es away #rom the wall standing !ehind the
chaises while o!ser(ing each entity selects a p$rse then a #ragrance&
Co3 approaches, smiling and nodding when the So$l'catcher #rowns at him& 4) was
e3pecting a !igger crowd o# heroes&8
1e sha"es his s"$ll& 4/on*t worry5 :y ,gent is still recr$iting& -e li(e all o(er the
planet& J$st do yo$r thing5 Contin$e to teach o$r $ni2$e species& ,nd, ) 2$ic"ly noted that yo$
didn*t show me yo$r #ancy hat tric", either&8
he So$l'catcher smir"s& 4) did that on p$rpose& 6o$ want strong warriors, #ighting
against the aliens& -ea" warriors are not created in a #ield o# !attle& he !a!ies need to stay
home with :ama #or protection or terminated on sight& 6o$ will lose most ass$redly with a
!$nch o# pansies smelling li"e sweet #lowers& al" is cheap& Blood is (al$a!le&8
Co3 raises an eye!row, #olding his arms& 4Be (ery care#$l, So$l'catcher&8
4Be (ery wise, god'"in& 6o$ are not the destined as leader& 6o$r ;ather has many o#
each+ #riends, #ollowers, and #oes& )# ) remem!er correctly, the #riends o$t n$m!er the #oes, three
to one&8
46o$r ratio is inacc$racy& )*m not ner(o$s& -hen the sit$ation presents, itsel#, then ) will
ha(e more #ollowers then #oes& ,nd, we*re slightly in a disad(antaged d$ring Sy9ygy e(en with
o$r strongest warriors&8
4,h5 ) ha(e a s$rprise #or yo$, #$t$re leader&8 She wal"s to the ta!le, to$ching the
maga9ine page& , wall o# tiny !o3es appears on the opposite side o# the hand!ags& She #ingers,
smir"ing& 4hese are called contact lens, e3cept they are coated with a special chemical #or
polari9ing the s$n*s rays& )t will !e most e##ecti(e #or the stronger god'"ind warriors& ,las5 ,
wea"er solider will s$##ice to the !linding rays, $seless&8
1e gra!s one o# the !o3es, opening it, seeing the tiny little eye pieces& 1e smiles at her&
4)*d li"e to introd$ce yo$ to my ,gent& She needs to see o$r new weapons& /o yo$ en%oy (isiting
Paris d$ring the s$mmertime<8
She smir"s& 46es5 ) do !elie(e yo$ re2$ested a show, Co3&8 1e nods& 4oday is S$nday,
a day o# rela3ation and #$n, a day o# gathering #or !oth h$mans and non'h$mans& -e tread $pon
a gathering e(ent, a wedding at the local ch$rch& here are aliens, present, o# co$rse, who en%oy
#ondling wit the s$!'creat$res& -e will !e capt$ring their so$ls, the entire #amily o# so$ls, too
!oot& /o not lea(e any mem!er o# the #amily escape d$ring today*s demo58
Co3 stands in #ront o# the tepee, wa(ing his arms #or attention& 40od'"in and goddess'
"in, we ha(e ac2$ired o$r weapons, soon, o$r lesson in $sing these weapons& As$ally, the normal
dawn hori9on wo$ld color in !lac" dirt, red hori9ontal line o# heat, yellow air o# s$n radiation, a
p$rple s"y o# !l$e highlighted with the astronomical planets in white inside o$r solar system&
=ne planet will !e located on e3treme top portion o# the s"y with a second planet might !e in the
lower le#t o# that pict$re& , third planet might !e in the lower right& =n :onday e(ening, #i(e
planets will align in a straight line& his is called a Sy9ygy& Sy9ygy comes #rom o$r 0ree" word,
su2ugos& )t means, yo"ed together78
,3son sneers& 4his is ,merica& he new ,merican word o# Sy9ygy means, cho"ed
together,8 he #olds his #ingers li"e a noose& 4hen, they die, together&8
Co3 nods& 40ood analogy, god'!rethren& /$ring the con#ig$ration o# the #i(e stars78
0rayson sha"es his s"$ll& 4his is the only sh$nt #or entering the Sy9ygy& he nasty
aliens possess two eyelids li"e a cat& hey can see thro$gh the !linding s$n rays& he god'"in
cannot, Co3&8
;olsom nods& 4hen, we*ll !e de#eated, god'!rethren&8
Co3 sha"es his s"$ll& 4-e ha(e new technology, compliments o# o$r h$man !rethren,8
ch$c"ling with the others then #ingers the corner wall& 4he small !o3es contain a pair o# tiny
contact lens which are polari9ed to withstand the !linding s$nray and protect o$r corneas while
we attac" and "ill,8 gr$nting with the others& 1e tosses his arms #or silence, nodding& 4,n
e3traordinary astronomical e(ent will occ$r that day, too& ,t e3actly at L+01pm, the planet Ken$s
will pass directly !ehind J$piter in relation to Earth& his rare con#ig$rement translates into a
com!ined gra(itational #orce o# two planets which will e3ert the strongest tidal p$ll o# the
Earth*s moon& ;or one ho$r, Earth*s gra(ity along with $s will weigh less& he o(erall e##ect will
allow $s to %$mp into the air e3periencing a strange #loating sensation #or the #irst time in CD0
,3son #rowns& 4J$mp into the air& 6o$ mean, we can #ly into the s"y li"e an airplane&8
Co3 nods& 4)# yo$ %$mp o## at precisely L+01 pm on :onday e(ening then yo$ will !e
air!orne li"e a !ird #or one ho$r& hen, at D+01 pm, yo$ will #all !ac" onto the soil, !ecoming
land'loc"ed& -e will a!le to #ly li"e a !ird and leap o(er tall trees& ,nd, the aliens can*t do that&
hey are not !irthed here d$ring the 0reat :oment o# Li#e& -e were& -e are part o# Earth since
the !eginning o# ime&8
0rayson yells, raising his #ist& 4-e can "ill them, all&8
Co3 nods, raising his #ist, too& 4-e*re going to "ill e(ery last one o# them&8
he So$l'catcher giggles !eside the pro%ector screen, to$ching the smooth material&
4,#ter yo$r #irst lesson o# death7,8 when the swirling clo$ds appears, showing a ch$rch and
city street corner&
&eorgia. Savannah. $ater6ront. Ch#rch. 12:01pm& Perry (iews the landscape,
sni##ing the salty warm sea air& 4,tlantic =cean !asin, where are we<8
,3son #rowns, (iewing the ch$rch, then the roadway& 4Not in Bama, do'do58
he So$l'catcher c$ddles the teen'goddess, whispering& 40oddess, yo$r #irst o# many
s$ccess#$l capt$res, do yo$ see the yo$ng teen in the !l$e s$ndress near the old woman& She*s an
alien with her #amily alien'clan& Separate the teen'alien #rom her :ama, #irst, and then show her
yo$r new cool p$rse o# #$n& 0et her to to$ch the so#t leather, then poo#, magically, she7will
disappear& 6o$ ha(e yo$r #irst capti(e, dearie&8
he teen'goddess #rowns, staring& She pawns the hand!ag with ner(o$s #ingers and
emotions& 4She*s so yo$ng and pretty aro$nd my age& -hat do ) do< -hat do ) say< 1ow do ) do
46es& She is& -al" slowly to her then prod$ce yo$r cell phone& Show her some photos o#
yo$r7doggie,8 ch$c"ling&
4) don*t own a doggie&8
he So$l'catcher e3hales& 4hat*s o"ay& -e*re pretending yo$ on a doggie& 6o$r #irst
capt$re5 0o, dearie&8
he teen'goddess strolls in her new party dress then stops a!o$t two'#eet #rom the
targeted teen'alien& She opens her new hand!ag allowing the mo$th o# the p$rse to hang in the
air as the eager gods and goddesses watch&
he teen'goddess raises her mo!ile telephone to her ear pretending she is tal"ing with a
#riend while ad(ancing towards the yo$ng teen alien& She wiggles her s"$ll side to side, #ingering
the cell& hen, the alien and goddess mo(e away #rom the standing crowd, going aro$nd the side
o# the ch$rch in the cool shade o# the tall trees&
he goddess #ingers, smiling then #ingers the opening o# the p$rse& he alien reaches #or
the hand!ag, when the goddess sho(es the ho(ering hand towards the sil" #a!ric opening& hen,
the goddess swi#tly to$ches the leather, when they !oth disappear&
he So$l'catcher smir"s& 4=, dearie58
Co3 sneers into the So$l'catcher*s eardr$m& 4-hat %$st happened<8
he So$l'catcher #rowns, nodding& 4She to$ched the alien*s hand then they !oth to$ched
the p$rse& hen, they !oth disappeared into thin air&8
Co3 sneers& 4-here are they<8
he teen*s :ama and /addy sho$t in (ile words while storming towards the So$l'
catcher& 1er /addy tosses his #ist, yelling& 4-here is my da$ghter78
he So$l'catcher sho(es Co3 to the side then elegants swing her wide'mo$th leather
p$rse at each parent& he leather hits the /addy*s #ist then he disappears& -itho$t stopping the
inertia swinging, the leather hits the :ama*s #ace then she disappears&
he So$l'catcher dances in a completely circle, while snapping the metal clip sh$t,
he other gods and goddesses dances away #rom the So$l'catcher&
Co3 stomps then sneers in her #ace& 4.elease them, now58 he So$l'catcher hands the
hand!ag to him, instead&
She (iews the tree& 4)n a moment, hold them& Both the teen'goddess and the teen'alien
are trapped inside the yellow hand!ag,8 pa$sing and narrowing her eyelashes& 4)t loo"s to !e
sec$rely closed&8
4,re yo$ certain it is closed< -hat happens i# it isn*t sh$t<8
She nods, (eri#ying with her s$pernat$ral sight& 46es& )t is closed& =r the alien wo$ld
ha(e morphed into h$man'#orm !ac" $nder the shade tree,8 marching away #rom Co3 towards
the hand!ag lying $nder the tree& She stands $nder the tree o!ser(ing the p$rse then retrie(es it
while smelling o# (anilla #ragrance& She hears the lo$d terri#ied sho$ts o# !oth the two yo$ng
#emales, who are trapped inside&
he So$l'catches dashes away #rom the crowd o# nosily h$mans mi3ed with some aliens,
witho$t interr$ption& hen, she marches towards the water #o$ntain, snatching her personal
hand!ag #rom Co3& She halts at the !ric" wall holding the spar"ling water then leans o(er& She
pl$nges !oth hand!ags into the #resh water, smir"ing& She p$shes !oth the p$rses completely
$nder the splashing wa(es #or ten'seconds& he p$rses #loats towards the !ottom o# the water
then disappear into nothingness, lea(ing no e(idence #or the h$mans or alien& he So$l'catcher
smiles into the water, 4,ll gone58
Co3 c$ddles her le#t side, sneering with disg$st and angry& 46o$ didn*t try to sa(e the
teen or her parents&8
he So$l'catcher drops her smile then #rowns with a so$r tone& 46o$ cannot&8
46o$ said78
She so$rs& 4his is death war, not a tea party& ) co$ldn*t !ring the teen'goddess !ac" #rom
the p$rse, witho$t morphing o$t the teen'alien& So, ) sol(ed the nasty pro!lem #or yo$&8
4So$l'catcher5<8 Co3 sneers when the So$l'catcher !ac" steps #rom the water&
She holds !oth wet hands, saying& 4his is an o$tstanding lesson o# what, not to do,
ya*ll,8 grinning and nodding towards the h$ddle o# gods and goddesses& hey stand in !oth #ear
and #right #rom the So$l'catcher, who is normally, alone, e3ec$ting her partic$lar !rand o# the
god'dom& 4Now5 here*s a #amily o# mother, #ather, and sister waiting inside the ch$rch #or the
dead teen'alien,8 #ingering three goddesses& 46o$, yo$, and yo$ go and get the alien'parents
accomplishing o$r tas", here in Sa(annah, 0eorgia& ) want the other gods and goddesses to ret$rn
thro$gh the -all o# ime,8 p$lling her mo!ile telephone, th$m!'typing& 4)*m sending a listing o#
cities with alien presence& Pic" one and go to wor"5 6o$ goddom senses will select yo$r target&
,nd, please, do !e (ery ca$tio$s, indeed,8 giggling&8
Co3 sneers, sha"ing his s"$ll& 4So$l'catcher5<8
46o$ wanted a change& )*m pro(iding yo$ a change, ;$t$re'leader& -ar isn*t pretty or
sa#e, !$t can !e swi#t and #$n& =$r (ictorio$s e3hi!ition needs to !e 2$ic"ly shared with o$r
species thro$gho$t the world, witho$t showing o## and e3posing o$r little secret weapon&8
Co3 nods, (iewing the h$ddle o# gods and goddesses spea"ing to them with god'
whispers& 4-e ha(e yo$r weapons& 0o and get yo$r capti(es& Bring them !ac" to me inside the
.oman heater #or sa#e"eeping& o yo$r #ight58
he h$ddle wal"s tho$gh the swirling clo$ds, silently&
4ct+orth manor. ,:01pm. Bec" smoothly lands the glider in the open space o# the
!ac"yard& 1e opens the hatch then crawls o$t, assisting me to stand& 1e wa(es !oth hands li#ting
and storing the glider into the open doors o# an empty horse !arn&
) hear the !aritone (oice, !e#ore the "noc" o# the wood while !oth so$nds echo into my
eardr$ms, whispering, 4/addy5<8 ) dash towards the rows o# tall trees and short !$shes, spying
on my #arm stead, seeing& :y parents are home, !$t mo(ing towards the !arn& hey*re loo"ing
#or me&8 Bec" stops ne3t to me, when ) whisper& 4) m$st lea(e,8 smiling at me& 4:y parents are
home& )7don*t ha(e the proper words to e3press a!o$t yo$, me, $s, the wee"end,8 giggling with
ner(o$sness& 4,nd, when are we78
Bec" "isses me then we s$r#ace& 1e smiles, h$gging me& 1e says into my eardr$m,
whispering& 41ow a!o$t, later in the wee"< 6o$ can ponder o(er all my proposals& ,#ter all, we
ha(e only had #$n #or two whole days li"e a co$ple o# teenagers,8 ch$c"ling&
) nod, not mo(ing, en%oying the sweet em!race, when ) hear the echo o# !aritone& ) !ac"'
step when he c$ddles me, tightly, ch$c"ling& hen, he swings $s towards the #ront porch,
ch$c"ling& 4) "now yo$ m$st go& 6o$ "now yo$ can*t tal" a!o$t $s&8
) nod& 4) promise& ) hope to spend more time7not tal"ing,8 giggling and c$ddling into
his chest&
-e wal" along the plain sidewal", rows o# pretty #lowers, short !$shes o# !lac", red, and
!l$e !erries while the !irds dance in the s"y& hen, we stop at the edge o# the #ront'porch& Bec"
#ingers the new pin"'colored ,K sitting in the middle o# the dri(eway& ) gasp, smiling& 4:y
,K, yo$ #i3ed it&8
1e sha"es his s"$ll& 4No5 ) can*t #i3 things&8
) nod& 46o$ stole me a new one, along with my new clothes,8 h$gging his !ody, giggling&
4)*m so happy& :y /addy wo$ld !e !oth angry #or the destr$ction o# the little machine and then
con#$sed #or my secret (isit, here,8 (iewing my new sandals& ) gasp& 4:y cowgirl !oots7,8
(iewing him&
1e h$gs me then "isses my lips, smiling& 4,ll yo$r personal possessions are inside the
,K& ) can*t materiali9e st$##, !$t ) can le(itate st$##& 6o$ are good to go, darling&8
) (iew him, #rowning& 4) don*t wanna go& ) wanna stay78
4) promise& -e*ll ha(e some more #$n tomorrow, the day a#ter tomorrow, and the day
a#ter that& 1owe(er, we ha(e school, tomorrow&8
4School5< 6eah5 )t*s :onday& -hat a!o$t the planetary alignment on :onday e(ening<
,re yo$ going to watch it<8
4,ct$ally, no one is going to watch it& he planets will #orm a per#ect line e(en with the
S$n& )# yo$ happen to try to (iew the line'$p o# planets, then J$piter and Sat$rn*s re#lecti(e
!right rays will !lind yo$r eye!alls&8
46eah5 ) #orget a!o$t that,8 nodding&
1e smiles& 4)*m ha(ing a planetary party& 6a interested in coming, tomorrow night<8
46es& ) wanna come&8
4hen, we shall !e, together, #or o$r third gathering&8
) e3hale& 4hen, yo$*re going to mo(e away #rom ,pollo a#ter 1igh School 0rad$ation,8
#ingering& 4he ;or Sale sign78
1e nods& 46es& :y god'"in is mo(ing to another small town, not close&8
) #rown, 4) won*t see my78
1e smiles, nodding& 4No5 6o$*ll !e seeing them, more&8
) #rown, 4:ore5< -hy is that, Bec"<8
) hear the roar o# a car, seeing& :y parents are dri(ing o$t my dri(eway then down the
dar" r$ral roadway& 4;iddlestic"s5 :y parents are too o(erprotecti(e& hey*re h$nting me
down,8 (iewing and smiling at him& 4) had #$n with ya, Bec"& )*ll come to yo$r planetary party&
-hat time does it start<8
-e wal" towards the ,K, he c$ddles me& 4Come here, anytime, !e#ore /$s"& /$s" will
!egin precisely at L+01pm&8 ) slide into the seat& 1e nods, leaning into my #ace& 4)*ll !e here,
waiting, .isa&8
4)*ll !e coming& 0ood night, Bec"58 ) spin the ,K aro$nd, ha$ling metal towards the
roadway, #inding my parents&
4ct+orth "ansion. ?iving@room. Bec" strolls into the room, stopping in the archway,
seeing& , tower triangle o# colored #ine leather goods, mostly #emale hand!ags and male
!rie#case occ$py the wall corner& 1e coc"s his s"$ll, hearing& , series o# #aint noises compose in
!oth soprano and tenor m$sical notes& 1e slowly wal"s towards the pile o# hand!ags, pondering
with con#$sion and c$riosity&
1e spins, smiling& 1is :other and Lara Lee stand in the archway& 4:other, how was
Paris<8 :rs& ,ctworth sho(es her hand at Lara Lee&
Lara Lee dashes towards the grand piano, sitting& She immediately plays a classical song
in so#t notes& :rs& ,ctworth !ows her arms #or her son, smiling and nodding& 4=$r meal was
delicio$s& =$r ser(ice was di(ine& =$r trip was pleasant,8 po$ting& 4) do wish yo$ wo$ld %oin me
and Lara Lee #or l$nch, tomorrow, child& 1ow are yo$ #eeling, at the moment, child<8
1e nods, (iewing the #loor then her& 1e e3hales, 4)*m #eeling drained, a lot o# tired, a
little wea"&8
Lara Lee sneers, while playing the piano in her e(ening gown& 46o$ wasted yo$r energy
entertaining the h$man'#emale, all day, Bec"& 6o$ sho$ld practice more restrain as a god&8
:rs& ,ctworth h$gs him, smiling& 4)*m glad yo$ got yo$r little ad(ent$re o# h$mans, o$t
o# yo$r system& 6o$r !rothers acted the same piti#$l way with the h$mans, o# co$rse, $ntil they
were married o# god'"ind& /on*t !other with the little h$man'#emale, anymore, Bec"& ,nd, yo$
are con#ined, here #or the ne3t two days& ) will not ta"e a chance with yo$r person, yo$r powers
or yo$r energy& Sy9ygy will a##ect yo$, all o# $s&8
1e e3hales, #rowning& 41ow, :other< ) do not $nderstand& 6o$ didn*t share yo$r ancient
years o# wise in#ormation with me& -here is all this written down<8
:rs& ,ctworth gently pats his so#t chee"!one, smiling& 46o$*re too yo$ng, still a child
compared to my ancient chorological time 9one& Sy9ygy prod$ces an astronomical e##ect in
Planet Earth, mostly, not the h$man !eings, $nless they accidentally are ca$ght !etween the
$pcoming earth2$a"es, #loods, or !lac" o$ts& here will !e no electricity or electronics #or
(iewing the $pcoming weather storms #rom the Sy9ygy& 1owe(er, each Nation*s go(ernmental
!ody has wisely ad(ised all the h$mans to stay home and see" shelter #rom the alignment o# the
planets #or the entire e(ening ho$rs& hey*ll !e sa#e, as $s$al& 1owe(er, yo$ co$ld !e in%$red or
harmed& ) wo$ld !e most $pset, son& B$t, ) was more shoc"ed to see her physical*s presence,
here, within o$r #amily time, Bec"&8
Lara Lee sho$ts, playing so#t notes on the piano& 4She*s mar"ed&8
:rs& ,ctworth #rowns at him& 4:ar"ed< =5 hat does e3plain, a lot& Bring her !ac",
here, tomorrow night d$ring the Sy9ygy& ) will ta"e care o# it, child& -e*re (isiting .ome #or an
actor*s play& ,re yo$ interested in %oining me, Bec"<8
1e sha"es his s"$ll& 4No, madam&8
:rs& ,ctworth "isses his chee"!one then smiles& 4En%oy yo$r e(ening, Lara Lee and
Bec"58 She !ac" steps #rom Bec", spinning towards the mirror&
1e says, (iewing her disappear into the -all o# ime& 40ood'night, :other58 1e
e3hales, e3iting the room&
?ibrary. Bec" slowly pads into the hallway towards the #ront'porch then t$rns le#t& Lara
Lee gallops !eside him, smir"ing& 4She*s mar"ed&8
4She*s mine&8
She giggles& 4She smells li"e a dang dog, !eing mar"ed !y one o# the aliens& 6a "now5
.isa hangs with them, incl$ding her girl'!est named Cinta&8
4,nd yo$ hang with smelly s"$n"s, incl$ding the nasty rats&8
4She mar"ed& here*s nothing to do& 6o$ can ha(e only one !elle, here& .isa is ta"en,8
pa$sing, smir"ing& 4-e wanna start a war !etween them and $s& Loo" what happened the last
time, aliens and gods #o$ght& he :ilans& he ,9tecs& he Egyptains& he Ba!ylonians& he
,tlantians& heir indi(id$al ci(ili9ations are all gone, witho$t a single trace element o# c$lt$re,
!$t, may!e, a #ew ro$gh stones disintegrating #rom the winds o# time& No h$man dies, !eca$se o#
$s& his is o$r treaty #or cent$ries which has wor"ed, (ery well&&&,8 she dashes ahead o# him then
stops in #ront o# his #ace&
4) wo$ldn*t "now& )*m only se(enteen years old, since )*(e li(ed #or cent$ries and78
4) lo(e yo$, Bec"&8
1e (eers aro$nd her, 40o away5 6o$*(e ca$sed me too m$ch tro$!le #or the past
se(enteen years, Lara Lee&8 Bec" (ent$res down the hallway t$rning into the Li!rary+ !oo"s,
writing des"s, chairs, concrete stat$tes, small mar!le !$sts, art paintings, treas$res o# ancient
-orld 1istory& Bec" enters the room then stops in the middle o# the #loor& 1e wa(es his hand,
tossing the helmet o# .oman goddess ,thena at Lara Lee*s #ace, spinning aro$nd and sneering&
4-hy are yo$, a tattle'tail<8
She !ac" steps #rom the #lying o!%ect then wiggles her #ingers& he shield o# Caesar sails
across the room towards Bec"& 4-hy are yo$ a liar<8
1e two'steps #rom the o!%ect then throws the !$st o# Pe$s at her& 4-hy are a phony<8
She a(oids the air collision then whips the Japanese mirror #rom the wall& )t soars at Bec"
when she sneers& 4-hy are yo$ a !$sy'!oy<8
1e sneers, wa(ing !oth hands and then tosses a Ki"ing miniat$re wooden ship at her&
4-hy are yo$ %ealo$s<8 he o!%ect misses her, again&
She p$nches another copied treas$re relic at Bec", missing& She sneers& 4-hy are yo$
he 1orn o# Charlemagne glides towards his #ace, missing& 1e says& 4)*m angry, !eca$se
) ha(e 2$estions, witho$t answers& ) ha(e #amily witho$t #riends& ) am single witho$t78
4:e,8 Lara Lee li#ts then #lies the art painting at him, missing&
1e tosses the stat$e, 4) ha(e enemies, witho$t allies&8
4) am not yo$r enemy,8 she sneers then la$nches a row o# !oo"s at him&
46o$ are not my #riend, either& 6o$78
47ga(e the answer yo$*re see"ing and the #riend yo$*re wanting,8 smiling& 4J$st gimme
a chance, Bec"&8
46o$ don*t ha(e any more chances& 6o$r time is ending& Sy9ygy #orces yo$ to ta"e a
mate #or eternal or die& 6o$ ha(e no option !$t me&8
4)*m the only goddess, within C00'enemies& E(en among the god'"ind clans, a stranger is
4.isa doesn*t $nderstand $s or yo$ or me& She is h$man, only greatly intrig$ed, ha(ing
some cowgirl #$n& 0arths will ma"e all her #$n go away with a whisper& 6o$ ha(e me&8
4-e can !e happy, together, tra(el the world and en%oy the e3citing sights, so$nds, and
sensation o# Planet Earth& :e and yo$& 6o$ and me& hen, we plan o$r own #amily, !a!y ma"es
46o$r :other has ta$ght and trained me as yo$r goddess'wi#e& ) will ma"e yo$ happy,
4Be st$!!orn& Be mad& Be $nhappy& omorrow is done& -e will !ecome one& ) promise&
6o$ will !e happy with me&8
1e spins at her, smiling& 4ell me a!o$t tomorrow<8
She dances side to side, smiling& 4-e*ll !e getting married, Bec"& hat*s all yo$ need to
"now d$ring the ho$r o# Sy9ygy&8
4/$ring the ho$r o# Sy9ygy78
4Sy9ygy lasts precisely L0 min$tes, here on Planet Earth&8
4/oes the marriage ceremony go on #or L0 #$ll min$tes< /o yo$ where a wedding dress,
a ca"e, a ring<8
46o$ hang aro$nd with too many h$mans pic"ing $p their silly traditions&8 She giggles&
4-e are gods and goddesses& -e can pop anything we want into o$r world, a dress, a ca"e, a
ring& )t is most important that we7me and yo$7engage o$r so#t #lesh and l$sh lips #or more
intimate entertainment d$ring sy9ygy& Sy9ygy will ma"e $s, one and strong&8
41$s!and and wi#e& As& -e& :e and yo$& 6o$ and me&8
46o$r powers will !e wea"ened almost down into a #ilthy s$!'creat$re #ilthy earthling
$ntil Sy9ygy has ended& /$ring the entire ho$r, )*ll protect yo$, watch o(er yo$, and de#end yo$&
Beca$se, ) lo(e yo$, Bec",8 smiling&
4,#ter Sy9ygy, my powers do ret$rn to #$ll ser(ice& Correct<8
46es& -e will !e stronger, together as man and woman, almost in(inci!le&8
4-hy didn*t mother e3plain this<8
46o$*re her little !oy, the !a!y, the se(enth son& She didn*t want to #righten her child&
,nyways, yo$ will !e g$arded #or the ho$r !y7
4he act$al marriage ceremony loo"s li"e78
47more a committee o# actions, witho$t any words, darling& =$r !odies intertwined #or
eternal will spea" (ol$mes o# words&8
4) see& :other has instr$cted yo$, (ery well&8
4:y %o! as a goddess'wi#e to honor yo$, god'h$s!and, #ore(er&8
46o$ li"e that word&8
4) lo(e that word and yo$&8
4,phelion is the point on the or!it o# a celestial !ody that is #arthest #rom the s$n&8
4,phaeresis is a medical proced$re in which !lood is drawn #rom a donor and separated
into its components some o# which are retained s$ch as plasma or platelets and the remainder o#
which are ret$rned !y trans#$sion to the donor&8
4Blood trans#$sion78
4,phesis is the loss o# an initial $s$ally $nstressed (owel as in c$te #or ac$te& , release5
o let go5 o send, li"e a wedding into an e!!ing o# the high ocean tides o# good'!ye&8
She smir"s, nodding& 4)*m not the one that holds a :ar"ing& )*m the only one that*s
a(aila!le #or marriage& Smell me5 :arry me, Bec"58
46o$ do smell li"e l$st, greed, and re(enge& 6o$ arranged #or 0arth and .isa to mar"
with each other, didn*t yo$& 1ow did yo$ do it<8
4)mpossi!le& )*m a goddess, not an alien&8
46o$ re!el e(ery chance ya get, Lara Lee& 6o$ don*t hide yo$r goddess talents, too good,
sweetheart& hree't$rn, my !owtie5 hat is a (ery di##ic$lt mane$(er with a !aton e(en #or a
talented h$man !$t the head ma%orette managed to per#orm it #lawlessly three times within a ten'
min$te #oot!all game per#ormance on one night& 6o$ ha(e e3posed yo$rsel# and $s along with it,
e(ery single chance yo$ get&8
4) lo(e, Bec"& .isa*s history li"e the dang ci(il war o# 1@LM& She*s mar"ed #or 0arth,
who*s cra9y o(er her&8
4)s she<8
She swirls aro$nd him, nodding and smiling& 4=# co$rse, yo$ can*t re(erse the :ar"ing&
here*s no re(ersal, no remo(al, no ret$rn&8
1e gra!s her arm, nodding& 46o$ had something to do with arranging 0arth and .isa to
meet and mar"& )*ll !et my !illion dollar !an" acco$nt7,8 pa$ses then smiles& 4hen, yo$ %$st
had to do it& /idn*t ya, Lara Lee< he No(ena ;esti(al, one o# the most traditional, as well as,
most social highly anticipated school e(ents o# the year, since, the elementary children are
in(ol(ed in the gala& Practically, e(ery ,pollonian was there that night en%oying the silly "iddie
games, great So$thern #ood, h$man #$n !ooths, !$t yo$78
4So, what< ) missed it& ) do not $nderstand yo$r silly 1igh School earth'!oy statement&8
1e smir"s& 46o$, little goddess, really do resent the h$man !eings& ) %$st don*t
$nderstand why, Lara Lee& hey*re harmless to yo$, me, 0arth, and his o$t o# this world "in&8
1e wal"s aro$nd her then sits inside the $n!ro"en chair, to$ching the #resh arrangement o#
#lowers, then priceless (ase& 4B$t, ) do want to sal$te and than" yo$, Lara Lee& 6o$ arranged #or
.isa and ) to mate78
4) clari#y, since )*m the se(enth son o# a se(enth son&8
46o, !oy58
4Stop with yo$r hill!illy slang78
4,ct$ally, part o# the word is #rom the lang$age o# Spanish78
46o$*re a se(enth son, almost li"e royalty among the god'"in& -hy do yo$ insist on
playing mind games with me< ) get 2$iet annoyed with yo$r silly hic" !anter&8
4he night, yo$ wanted to h$miliate me in #ront o# the entire township, ) s$spected
something was $p& ) had !eaten yo$, !e#ore, Lara Lee& ) rolled my chair o$t onto the a$ditori$m
#loor watching and waiting #or that something !ad to happen& 1onestly, ) tho$ght that yo$ ha(e
gotten that rednec" /a(y .ay to shoot his BB'g$n into my tire or something other hill!illy hic"s&
hen, .isa elegantly walt9es to my resc$e loo"ing li"e a tr$e So$thern Belle in her #lowing
(irginal dress o# p$re white, %$st li"e an angel& hen, she apologi9ed #or ya, honey in her so#t
soprano& GSorry, Lara Lee co$ldn*t come& 1er 0randma is sic"&8 1e la$ghs& 46o$r 0randma died
in the last war !etween the aliens78
46o$r o(erdrawn point, please&8
4:y point, yo$ were a!sent ma"ing .isa "iss me&8
She parts her lips& 4No&8
46o$ m$st*(e heard the hot %$icy r$mors with !oth eardr$ms, i# not tal"ed directly with
4.isa is78
4Come again58
4She is not committed& 6o$ do see that the :ar"ing can only !e per#ormed !y a se(enth
son o# a se(enth son&8
4)mpossi!le,8 she drops his mo$th&
4;or a do$!le spy, yo$*re really d$m! a !elle, Lara Lee&8
4)*m lea(ing&8
4;inally5 1a(e a nice goddess li#e as long as )*m not in it,8 Bec" wal"s towards his wing
o# the ho$se as Lara Lee #lees towards the #ront door o# the ,ctworth manor&
,:,8 pm. AS )igh+ay@2.. nighttime& ) dri(e illegal in the middle o# the roadway inside
the ,K, seeing& :y parents are dri(ing away #rom o$r ho$se in the opposite direction o# me,
pondering a logical reason&
) ponder that reason then par" the ,K inside the !arn& /addy wo$ld !e $pset, i# ) lea(e
it o$tdoors, when he hits it with the car& ) giggle with the am$sement nasty tho$ght, wal"ing&
) slam open the "itchen door, strolling thro$gh the La$ndry'room then stop& ) see& he
hand written note reads+ 0arth*s Birthday Party& Now5 Bring the gi#t&
) whisper& 40arth*s !irthday party< ) didn*t "now his !irthday was, today& ) g$ess that )
#orgot,8 scooping the gi#t& ) admire my clean !ody wearing my new !l$e %eans and sweater,
&arths ho#se. dining@room. ;:12pm& ) sit !etween an empty chair and 0arth at the
-ar#ield dining'ta!le, hearing& he tings o# m$sical notes come #rom the sil(erware, crystal, and
plates d$ring the !irthday part o# the s$ppertime meal& ) (iew the pretty colors s$rro$nding each
mem!er o# the -ar#ield clan& Cinta has a !l$e circle& 0arth has a green a$ra& :r& ,ctworth has a
yellow a$ra& :rs& ,ctworth has an orange a$ra& ) giggle at my new talent o# earthling, rotating
my #ace aro$nd the ta!le, while chewing&
:y :ama gra!s a new #or" and a piece o# ca"e then sits !eside me& ) (iew my :ama&
She wears a red a$ra then ) whisper to her& 4:ama, ya loo"&&&so pretty7and healthy7and
She so#tly sneers& 4=, my stars, .isa5 -here ha(e ya !een hiding< -e*(e !een loo"ing
#or yo$, since we arri(ed a!o$t two ho$rs, ago& his e(ening is the night !e#ore yo$r ne3t day*s
school, yo$ng lady&8
) pic" at the ca"e& 4) "now& ) saw yo$ lea(e o$t in the car& ) dro(e my ,K, here&8
She sha"es her c$rls& 4=nto the open roadway, witho$t my permission,8 e3haling& She
nods& 4)*m #eeling !etter& ) had some type o# !$g inside my stomach& ,ll gone, now5 So, there*s
nothing to worry a!o$t& -hy were !othering :rs& and :rs& ,ctworth<8
4)*m not !othering :r& and :rs& ,ctworth, :ama& Bec" was helping me with some my
homewor" on earth alignment astro'st$## #or school& )*m trying to impro(e my grades #or
4hat is a least one good !it o# news& =$r ho$se*s a mess, .isa& -hy did yo$ p$ll my
roses #rom the #lower garden then scatter them into the li(ing'room< )s that a new teen'rit$al #or
4No ma*am& Sorry, :ama& )*ll clean it $p !e#ore !edtime&8
4-here did yo$ get that pretty cashmere sweater< )*(e ne(er seen it, !e#ore& ,nd, why do
yo$ smell,8 sni##ing& 46o$ smell li"e wild #lowers< /id ya go shopping, witho$t my permission,
yo$ng lady< -e don*t ha(e #inances #or #illy items li"e that<*
) clear my throat, pic"ing at my #ood& 4, gi#t #rom my #riend, Bec"78
4Bec"5< 1e*s not here at my !irthday party&8
) #rown at 0arth #or interr$pting my con(ersation with my :ama& 4) "now Bec"7,8
watching the -ar#ield clan shr$g their sho$lders then so#tly gr$nt& ) repeat& 4) "now Bec" isn*t
here& 1owe(er, ) didn*t "now that it was yo$r !irthday party& ) tho$ght yo$ were !orn78
4&&&today,8 Cinta nods, smiling& 4-hat*da ya get 0arth #or his !irthday gi#t, .isa<8
:y :ama whispers into my #ace& 4/id yo$ !ring 0arth*s !irthday<8
) nod, reaching !ehind my chair to the wall ta!le, gra!!ing the ga$dy $gly wrapped paper
!o3 o# pale's"inned cow!oys on their !rown'colored galloping horses& :y :ama hasn*t learned
that children grown into teens then into ad$lts& ) display the gi#t then place it !eside 0arth*s
el!ow& 1e smiles at me while ripping o## the $gly paper, 2$ic"ly&
) see& , wrist watch&
:y :ama giggles& 4)7) mean7.isa noted that yo$ don*t wear a wrist watch& She
tho$ght the item wo$ld !e (ery $se#$l&8
0arth stares at the item inside the !rown tiss$e paper, nodding& 46es, ma*am5 ) don*t own
a watch,8 smiling& 4han"s #or the $se#$l gi#t, .isa&8
:y :ama nods, #ingering the watch& 4ry it on yo$ng man5 ) didn*t "now what style yo$
li"ed& ,nd, ) didn*t "now i# it wo$ld #it& here are so many di##erent si9es and shapes and colors
#or a yo$ng man, now days&8
0arth swallows, staring at the watch& 4)t*s a per#ect #it& ) can tell, %$st !e loo"ing at it&8
:y :ama giggles, pointing with her #or" o# ca"e& 4Nonsense5 :odel #or $s& 6o$*re the
!irthday !oy #or the day and night& omorrow, we*re all going to !e inside o$r ho$se #or the7
4Sy9ygy or #i(e'stars, it is a planetary alignment o# #i(e plants e(en with the solar s$n&8
:rs& ,ctworth nods, smiling& 4-e*re preparing and planning a popping planetary party& -hy
don*t ya*ll come o(er and cele!rate the once'in'a'li#etime e(ent, :rs& Patillo,8 giggling&
:y :ama sha"es her s"$ll, (iewing her& 4-e wo$ld lo(e to attend, !$t we*ll !e #etching
and !oarding the animals& he AS 0o(ernment has iss$ed a (icio$s warning a!o$t the !linding
s$nlight #or all mammals, incl$ding h$mans and animals,8 giggling&
:rs& ,ctworth nods, (iewing me, and smiling& 4:ay!e, .isa can %oin o$r #$n planetary
) nod, pic"ing at the ca"e& 46es, ma*am& ) can come&8
:y :ama #ingers the watch& 4) wanna see the watch one time on yo$r wrist, 0arth&
Please, try it on58
0arth loo"s at the watch then his :ama& She nods& 0arth ho(ers a #inger at the o!%ect
then gently to$ches the glass watch& 1e slowly li#ts it #rom the !o3 then slides it o(er his writs& )
%er" 0arth*s arm assisting with loc"ing the so#t leather !and aro$nd his wrist&
1e stares at the wrist watch in midnight !l$e colors then ) hear& , popping so$nd& hen, )
see& , stream o# white p$## #rom 0arth*s wrist watch& 1e $nloc"s the watch tossing it onto the
ta!le when ) #rown at my :ama& 4)t*s de#ecti(e, :ama& 6o$ sho$ld ret$rn the wrist, tomorrow
#or a money re#$nd or get 0arth a new one&8
0arth clears his throat when ) swing to him& 1e sha"es his s"$ll& 4Naw5 )t*s me58
) th$m! my :ama& 4:ama can ac2$ire yo$ another one or a di##erent ma"e or model,
since today*s yo$r !irthday& ,nd, this is yo$r !irthday present&8
0arth (iews his :ama& She nods& hen, he (iews me, e3haling& 4Naw5 ) made the watch
pop with smo"e& )*m a se(enth son,8 #rowning&
) #rown, hearing& :y :ama and /addy la$gh& ) (iew her& :y :ama giggles, 4=, my
:y /addy says, nodding at 0arth& 4, se(enth son5 ) !e dare& ) hear that ya*ll ha(e
s$pernat$ral a!ilities li"e creating electricity within yo$r !ody #or !oth am$sement and healing&
)s that tr$e, son<8
0arth nods, slapping his t'shirt& 4)*m ne(er sic", sir,8 ch$c"ling with the others&
:y /addy smiles when my :ama says& 4) grew $p hearing all a!o$t it #rom my
0randmother the stories, legends, #ol"lore, and yarns a!o$t the se(enth son s$perstition&
1onestly, ) tho$ght them to !e mere silly %o"es ro$nding the dinner ta!les at the s$mmertime
#amily re$nions than anything else& 6o$*re a se(enth son, 0arth& /o yo$ possess any other
special powers, !esides "illing wrist watches, se(enth son<8
46eah58 0arth nods, when his parents drop their mo$th& 1e grins& 4) can eat all the #ood
inside the re#rigerator in one day, witho$t gaining any weight<8 1e ch$c"les along with the
others then #ingers the wrist watch& 41onestly, than"s #or the tho$ght#$l !irthday present&8
) gra! the watch handing to my :ama, saying& 4:ama will get ya aro$nd gi#t, a di##erent
gi#t witho$t the $se o# !atteries or steel #raming& .ight, :ama<8 She nods, placing the r$ined
watch and $nwrapped !o3 into her p$rse&
Cinta clears her throat, saying& 4) can*t eat all the #ood inside the re#rigerator in one day,
witho$t gaining any weight& B$t, ) do ma"e good grades on my wor" assignments li"e in science&
his partic$lar homewor" assignment is d$e, tomorrow& .emem!er, .isa<8
) chew the ca"e, (iewing Cinta& 4-hat homewor" assignment, Cinta<8
:y :ama #rowns at me& 4.isa, ha(e yo$ missed another class assignment< -here were
yo$ this wee"end< -e called yo$r twenty'#i(e di##erent times, witho$t yo$ answering yo$r cell
) part my lips, (iewing my :ama& 4Sorry5 he cell ran o$t o# %$ice& ) #orgot to pl$g it into
a wall o$tlet78
Cinta smiles& 4=$r night time assignment ga9ing at the stars& .emem!er, .isa<8
) #rown& 4Naw, a nighttime assignment78
Cinta smiles at my :ama& 4-e ha(e a new s$!stit$tion teacher in Science class& he
original science teacher had her !a!y, missing the rest o# the semester $ntil the ne3t year& She*s
teaching $s a!o$t the s$!%ect o# ,stronomy&8
) gr$m!le $nder my !reath, 4, $seless co$rse #or #armers78
4, $se#$l co$rse to grad$ation 1igh School7,8 Cinta nods then eats her ca"e&
:y :ama (iews me& 4hat s$c"y attit$de is e3actly why yo$ "eep ma"ing the letter
grade o# / in all yo$r academic classes, yo$ng lady,8 nodding to Cinta& 4-hat "ind o# nighttime
Cinta chews, (iewing me& 4-e*re to locate and path a meteor shower and also plot
) giggle with my $seless "nowledge, 4Ken$s is nic"named, the lo(e planet&8
:y :ama #rowns at me, as"ing& 46o$ loo" s$n!$rned on yo$r #ace and chapped lips&
-hy*s that girl<8
) pic" at my ca"e& 4) went riding aro$nd the place in my ,K ha(ing some #$n78
47scaring my stallions7,8 my :ama #rowns #or a second time&
4No, ma*am,8 sha"ing my c$rls&
Cinta (iews me, smiling& 4-e will send the cold e(ening inside the tepee, so we can see
the s$nrise and record o$r empirical data #or the science report, d$e tomorrow, .isa& 1ow*s that,
4So$nds li"e #$n7&,8 my :ama giggles then eats her ca"e&
47#or the #ro9en non'#lying horse#lies,8 #rowning at my ca"e&
0arth clears his throat& 4-ell5 ) ha(e had a great !irthday party, ya*ll& ) gotta do my
science homewor" assignment, too&8
) part my lips, (iewing 0arth, #rowning& 46o$ always #inish yo$r homewor", !e#ore the
rest o# the class&&&8
4Not on the !irth o# my day, .isa,8 win"ing at me, then he stands& 4han"s #or the
present, :r& and :rs& Patillo& :ama, )*ll going to pac" my tr$c"& ) gotta (iew the s$nrise and
record my science data, too&8 She nods&
Cinta stands, ordering& 4Let*s go and pac" yo$r ,:, .isa, with a #ew wool !lan"ets and
some more warmer clothes, so we can #inish o$r homewor" assignment, too, ma"ing ya a good
grade in science class&8
) stand, e3haling then (iew my :ama& She nods&
8:08pm. te(escope e7hibition stand. tepee. no c(o#ds. no rain. starry s%y. ,0>F. ) stop
near the telescope e3hi!ition, e3iting the ,:& ) pad to 0arth& 1e sits inside the telescope chair,
watching the !right stars while scri!!ling n$m!ers on a notepad& ) whisper into his ear& 4)
tho$ght yo$ hated me&8 1e (iews the !right stars with the telescope then ) (iew the soil&
41ow*da yo$ get78 pa$sing, while st$dying the nightly landscape& 4-e le#t yo$r ho$se way
!e#ore ya&8
1e (iews the stars with the telescope& 4:y tr$c"& ) dro(e it, here&8
) (iew the landscape #or second time& 46o$r tr$c" is here& -here is it< ,nd, why did yo$r
!irthday present, a !rand new watch, stop wor"ing<8
Cinta holds the !lan"ets #rom the ,K& 4-hy did yo$ gi(e me a !rand new watch #or my
!irthday gi#t, .isa<8
) sha"e my c$rls& 4:y :ama p$rchased that watch&8
4-here did the watch come #rom, .isa<8*
) e3hale with con#$sion and #$ry& 4;rom the -atch Shop, where else wo$ld a per#ectly
#$nctioning new watch come #rom, Cinta<8
Cinta nods then (iews her !rother& 4ell her, 0arth<8 1e p$rses his lips, $gly, staring at
Cinta& 4ell her, 0arth< She has the right to "now, too&8
1e (iews .isa& 4) can*t wear watches&8
) repeat, #rowning& 46o$ can*t wear watches&8
1e nods& 4he watch and ) don*t mi3, "inda li"e water and !lood&8
Cinta moans, (iewing her !oots then him& 4/on*t go gho$l, here, 0arth& .isa, 0arth is78
47a teenager7,8 he grins, nodding with a ch$c"le& 47who can*t wear a per#ectly
#$nctioning !rand new watch& he end&8
Cinta e3hales, (iewing me& 4-here*da ya get the watch, .isa< -hy didn*t gi(e 0arth a
watch at his !irthday party<8
) sha"e my c$rls& 4) don*t "now it was 0arth*s !irthday party& ) tho$ght yo$r78
Cinta sneers& 4-here were yo$ o(er the wee"end, .isa< ) came !y the ho$se and yo$
47with the cal(es, the cows, the cotton, and the corn, Cinta7,8 win"ing at her then
giggle& 4Li"e my c'listings78
1e smiles at me& 4.isa, )*m sorry, too& ) sho$ldn*t ha(e !een %ealo$s& ="ay& ) wanna !e
%ealo$s& ) was %ealo$s& Can yo$ #orgi(e me<8
) e3hale, (iewing me and smiling& 4)*m sorry, too& )t %$st happened78
Cinta giggles while spreading the !lan"ets into the h$t& 4-hat ya con#essing to there,
) #inger 0arth, (iewing her& 4)s he staying, too< GCa$se my /addy will78
1e rises, tapping the telescope& 4Naw5 ) set $p the telescope #or the s$nrise e(ent, Cinta&
6o$*re ready to collect yo$r data #or yo$r78
47 science homewor" assignment58 ) #rown, (iewing Cinta& 4) tr$ly don*t remem!er
!eing told or writing down an o$tdoor s$nrise homewor" assignment, Cinta,8 (iewing nothing&
4=r 0arth< -here*s 0arth<8
Cinta stands, #ingering the night s"y& 4-e camp o$t here among the stars, waiting #or the
meteor shower&8
) stomp my cowgirl !oot, #rowning& 46o$*re %oshing me&8
4,nd, the raising o# the #$ll moon&8
46o$*re %o"ing me&8
4,nd, the planet alignment at s$nrise&8
46o$*re "idding me&8
Cinta e3hales, par"ing her hands o(er the !elt $nder her winter coat& 4his is part o# o$r
science pro%ect lesson pl$s an oral assignment, d$e tomorrow, not yesterday, not the ne3t day,
!$t tomorrow& -here ha(e yo$ !een li(ing on another solar planet, girl'!est<8
41ere,8 giggling, 47and there, too&8
Cinta #rowns& 4,nd, what were yo$ doing at Bec"*s ho$se, this wee"end< Iissing his
#ace #or a second time7&8
) (iew the soil& 4) tho$ght we were doing o$r science homewor" assignment,8 (iewing
her with my secret& 4) was riding aro$nd my #arm when ) spotted :rs& ,ctworth on the rear
patio& She wa(e at me& hen, she in(ited me inside her !ig mansion #or some mil" and coo"ies&
="ay< /rop yo$r !$sy !ee nosy hairy nostrils58
4/id ya see a ghost or two wal"ing aro$nd the Parlo$r'room, the #irst room on the le#t
inside the e3'#$neral home<8
) (iew the h$t, then the s"y& 4,re we staying o$t here, all #rea"ing night<8*
She (iews the s"y& 46$p& -e ha(e to descri!e a meteor shower attac"ing the grassy
plains in ,ri9ona&8
) #old my arms #or warmth, giggling& 4) saw a set o# #alling white stars with a long
mon"ey tail #rom the hea(ens&8
4-e ha(e to descri!e the #$ll moon&8
) !ow my arms, giggling& 4, !ig !right yellowish !all o# roc" not made o# cheese, moon
4,nd, we ha(e to answer the 2$estion& -hat color is Ken$s<8
) part my lips& 4=, my stars5 , color< he lo(e planet is&&&$h&&&gimme a second& )*m
accessing the proper colored answer,8 typing into my mo!ile telephone, giggling& 4:erc$ry is
p$"e green ha(ing only a roc"y s$r#ace with no atmosphere& Earth is !l$e& E(ery Earthling at the
age o# #o$r years old "nows that planetary #act& :ars is red #rom the r$sty colored dirt& J$piter is
orange and white !ands o# clo$ds #rom ammonia clo$ds& Sat$rn is pale yellow, white ammonia
clo$ds with red clo$ds at the So$th Pole& Nept$ne and Aran$s is a light !l$e dot in !lac" space
d$e to methane clo$d co(er& Pl$to is a !rown ro$nd dot #or the presence o# dirty methane ice on
the s$r#ace& See, e(en the Cosmic ;airy doesn*t clean the corners o# space,8 giggling&8 Ken$s is
yellow or white or pin", depending on the angle o# the s$l#$ric acid clo$ds when s$nlight !and
hits the atmosphere& here it is78
4-hat is the color o# Ken$s<8
) (iew her, #ingering my mo!ile telephone& 4-e %$st pic" a #rea"ing color #rom the
)nternet& -hich do yo$ li"e the !estest o# colors< 6ellow or white or pin"< ) li"e yellow&8
Cinta e3hales& 4.isa, Ken$s holds a #alse'color image to !oth the na"ed h$man eyes and
the na"ed telescope eyes, e(en #or pro#essional starga9ers& )n the planet*s atmosphere, Ken$s is
yellow& /epending on the angle o# Ken$s to Earth, the $ltra(iolet light displays the color o#
!lac" in the low regions and white in the high altit$de mo$ntains, presenting an o(erall color o#
white& =n the s$r#ace, the (olcanic roc"s throw o## a red'color, !$t the atmosphere !loc"s a lot o#
the light ma"ing the s$r#ace to o$r eye!alls $sing a telescope "inda dim with a reddish tinge
which is called pin"&8
4, reddish tinge is pin", li"e a girl, which is me and yo$, girl'!est,8 smiling and nodding&
46o$ and ) ha(e answered all the 2$estions #or o$r homewor" assignment in the middle o# a
#rea"ing corn #ield& ) wanna go home and sleep in my !ed, Cinta&8
Cinta crawls into the tepee while ) listen& 4,nd, yo$ can go home and sleep in yo$r !ed,
.isa& -hile ) will contin$e onto college o# my choice and yo$ will !e repeating o$r Senior'class
#or a second time& ,nd, yo$r :ama will prod$ce a litter o# "ittens& his pro%ect co$nts as #i#ty'
percent o# yo$r grade in the s$!%ect o# science& )# yo$ #ail then yo$ will attend s$mmertime
school and then miss the #irst semester o# college with me78
4;ine&8 ) toss my arms, witho$t losing my mo!ile telephone& ) crawl o(er the !lan"ets,
sitting on top o# the wool& 4="ay& ,lright5 -here are !inoc$lars<8 Cinta hands me an in" pen
while ) write down the data #eeling the chill in the air& Cinta says& 4onight is going to !e M0'
degrees& No rain& here will !e a clear s"y #or a good hori9on reading #or o$r homewor"
assignment& omorrow is No(em!er C0& -e arise at L+C0 am, seeing the !right dawn light at
B1&LDD miles #rom the s$n&8
4-hate(er&8 ) toss the pen and paper to the side o# the tepee then pile layers o# the #irst
!lan"et, the second !lan"et and then the third !lan"et o(er the ro$gh, raw smell'good wooden
cedar plan"s inside the tepee& he #looring is not co(ered in #ine carpet, only thic" moist wood&
hen, ) place a #lannel cotton sheet on top o# the !lan"et& ) crawl li"e a !$g into the sheets then
place another wool !lan"et o(er the #lannel cotton sheet, sleeping in my #lannel shirt, t$rtlenec"
and #rea"ing dirty cowgirl !oots&
Cinta sni##s, whining, #olding into her !lan"ets& 46o$ smell&8
4:y cowgirl !oots smell&8
4)t smells li"e poss$m'poo&8
4:y cowgirl !oots smell li"e poss$m'poo&8
She whines, so$nding li"e a threat& 4/$mp them o$tside, .isa&8
4Close yo$r nose holes, girl'!est& )t*s too cold, too mo(e my warm !reasts and !$tthole,
Cinta,8 wrapping into the three wool !lan"ets, closing my eyelashes and ne$rons to the n$m!ing
winter cold o# Jan$ary in ,pollo, ,la!ama&
:onday& Sy9ygy e(ent& L+C0 am& s$nrise& 4MW;& clear s"y& epee& 4.isa5< ime to rise
and shine,8 he ch$c"les into my eardr$m&
) swing into the pillow wrapping the wool !lan"et aro$nd me, whispering& 4Naw&8
4.isa, please, wa"e $p&8
4Naw,8 caressing my #ace into the warmth o# the #lannel pillowcase&
4.isa, ) ha(e hot chocolate #or yo$, honey'pie&8
) twist to the (oice then open my eyelashes, seeing& 40arth5<8
1e smiles, nodding holding the steaming hot cocoa& 46o$ g$essed my name&8
) !lin" eyelashes with eye cr$d #rom my eye soc"ets& 4-here*s Cinta<8
1e smiles, nodding& 4She #inished her homewor" assignment then scooted home #or a
real mattress&8
) !olt $pright e3posing my wool sweater, #rowning& 4She le#t me, here, alone&8
1e "neels handing me the cocoa& 4)*m here&8
) smile& 46eah& 6o$*re here&8 ) !low on the steaming cocoa& 4-hat do we do #irst<8
0arth crawls !ac"wards o$t o# the tepee then stands& ) hand o## my cocoa when he hands
o$t his other hand #or me& ) crawl then stand& 0arth #ingers the soil& 4-e lay $nder the stars&8
) giggle, thin"ing more #$n acti(ities& 4Lay down on the !lan"et& ,re we going to "iss<8 )
(iew the part'dar"ness and part'lightness o# the d$ll dawn&
) #rown at him& 4Later<58
1e shi#ts the telescope e2$ipment o(er his !ody while lying on the !lan"et& 4-e*re doing
o$r science homewor" assignment, so ) can grad$ate 1igh School,8 patting the empty space& ) lie
!eside 0arth in my #lannel clothes, wool sweater, and #$rry coat& 1e win"s at me& 4hen, we can
start some new !iology homewor" assignment,8 ch$c"ling with him& 1e hands me the eye piece
type o# e2$ipment, e3plaining& 4his is a mini'telescope #rom my in(ention with two'times the
magni#ication& ) place o(er my eyelashes& 4-e gots l$c"y& hat*s a meteor shower going on,
) (iew the meteor shower& 4)t #ills the s"y li"e shiny glittering snow#la"es with tails
hitting in my #ront lawn& ) !et my /addy*s mad at the spar"s hitting the manic$red grass& hey
strea" #rom le#t to right across the s"y& So, pretty58
4, storm o# meteors, pro!a!ly a rate o# one h$ndred'per'min$te& his is part o# the
Sy9ygy e##ect in o$ter space, !e#ore the act$al #i(e'star alignment& -e*re pretty l$c"y to witness
this #antastic celestial e(ent& Can ya see Ken$s<8
1e ad%$sts my eye pieces towards the right& 4She*s a delicate crescent shape, now&
onight, Ken$s will !e in #$ll ro$ndness, her so#t (apors steaming o# s$l#$r and acid !om!arding
her soil than dri#ting into the atmosphere li"e pin" smo"e&8
46$p5 he color o# Ken$s is pin" d$e to the hea(y concentrate o# s$l#$r78
) whip the eye piece #rom my !linding p$pil& 4he s$n*s coming $p& ) need to get home
!e#ore my78
1e gently slams his arm o(er my !reasts& 4Naw5 Loo" at this thing&8
) lay down, ad%$sting the telescope& 4,t what<8
4-atch5 Loo" at the green #lash o(er the setting s$n5 )t lasts #or a!o$t two seconds&8 )
position the telescope o(er the s$n& 1e says& 4Earth is the #arthest point #rom the s$n in J$ly and
is closet to the s$n in Jan$ary& he space !etween the calendar months comes in the #ormation o#
colored radiant heat recei(ed !y Earth& -atch, it lasts mere seconds&8
, !rie# neon green #lash occ$rs o(er the top o# the s$n& ) gasp& 4) saw& ) see& )7,8
pa$sing& 4-hat*s it mean<8
4he landmass in the Northern hemisphere will !e winter cold& /$ring Sy9ygy, the
so$thern hemisphere, here, will !e e3tremely s$perheated s$mmertime hot,8 t$rning and "issing
my #ace& 4So, we stay indoors d$ring the Py9y thingy&8 ) "iss his #ace, giggling, too&
4po((o )igh Schoo(. ;:,1am. he s"y loo"s more d$ll and gray than normal when ) par"
my car in the st$dent par"ing lot& ) t$rn r$nning into a wall o# m$scle& 0arth whirls aro$nd me
then c$ddles me into his chest&
-e slowly stroll in class with 0arth*s wrapped aro$nd my sho$lders, then stop& Bec"
sees me&
) e3hale with pained sadness, "nowing the tr$th o# his "ind& )*m h$man'"ind& 1e*s not&
) lean into 0arth*s chest, (iewing the #looring& 1e*s h$man'"ind li"e me&
0arth nods, smiling while (iewing Bec"& 1e says inside the h$ddle o# cow!oys& 4:e and
.isa did o$r science homewor", together, this morning&8
Bo!!y Joe grins, 4his morning<8
4his morning,8 smiles Billy Joe&
4his morning58 0arth s2$ee9es my sho$lders& 4-e*ll !e together, since last night in the
4)nside the tepee7,8 win"s Billy Joe at 0arth&
4)nside the tepee7,8 repeat Bo!!y Joe #or his am$sement when ) see Bec" !ac" trace
then wheel towards o$r homeroom class&
) e3hale, #eeling aw#$l&
Fo#rth period. Science c(ass& :iss S sits at her des", smiling& 40ood morning, class5
-ho wo$ld li"e to report on their cosmic ad(ent$re at s$nrise< -e were !lessed with
spectac$lar celestial !odies, this am,8 nodding&
Bo!!y Joe nods, sho$ting& 4So was 0arth and .isa, another spectac$lar celestial pair o#
!odies, this am $nder the starry s"y,8 ch$c"ling along with the other st$dents& ) (iew Bec"& 1e
st$dies his closed academic te3t!oo" co(er&
0arth doesn*t !other to raise his hand #or the teacher& 1e lect$res& 4he :il"y -ay
0ala3y stretches across the night s"y in shades o# midnight !l$e #alling into royal p$rple
cascading into light !l$e, then pale yellow into !right orange r$nning down towards radiated red
heat o# the earth*s hori9on& he earth*s a3is wo!!les slightly inside my telescope with the p$ll o#
gra(ity #rom the other planets a##ecting the Earth*s atmosphere& hen ) pic" o$t the ro$nded
o!%ects, seeing :erc$ry78
:iss S raises her palm, (iewing 0arth& 41old $p5 )# yo$, two !oth wor"ed on the science
class assignment, together& ) want yo$, two !oth to report on the science class assignment,
together& -hat colors were in the cosmic planet o# :erc$ry<8
0arth #ingers me& ) (iew Bec" then my ta!le s$r#ace& 4P$"e green&8
4Correct58 :iss S nods, smiling&
0arth nods, smiling& 4he gen$ine cosmic phenomenon has !een predicted !y the
:ayans, .omans, 0ree"s, and S$merians& he #i(e'stars will align the s$n, the moon and #i(e
planets in semi'croo"ed line'$p while Ken$s acts as the common denominator o# the
4-hat color is the Lo(e'planet<8 :iss S stares at me&
4Pin",8 (iewing my des" s$r#ace&
4Correct58 She nods, smiling&
0arth nods& 4,#ter mapping o$t the #i(e'stars o# :ars, J$piter, Sat$rn, Ken$s, and
:erc$ry, we #inished (eri#ying the celestial locations $sing the Sigma =ctantis in the d$ll
so$thern constellation o# =ctans, the =ctant&8
:iss S #rowns& 4he Polaris o# the So$thern S"y is only one'twenty'#i#th as !right as the
North Star& 1ow did yo$ #ind it<8
Billy .ay sho$ts& 41e*s #rom there, ya*ll,8 ch$c"ling with some o# the male st$dents
when ) #rown at 0arth&
0arth nods& 4) relayed $pon the So$thern Cross, where the longer !ar points almost
precisely toward the so$th pole o# the s"y&8
:iss S c$ts the lights when a !lac" screen appears on the wall& 4Planetary alignment is
o$r s$!%ect topic, today& oday, the moon and lots o# !right planets are gathering aro$nd the s$n&
6o$ can sometimes see the planets as white glittering o!%ects against the !lac" s"y at s$nrise&
Beca$se, the earth*s atmosphere scatters the s$nlight in all di##erent directions !loc"ing o$r the
celestial !ody alignment& ,nd, d$ring the daylight, the celestial playgro$nd contains all the
worlds with the s$n 9apping its !right ray o(er the planets& B$t, i# ) to$ch this !$tton7,8 when
st$dents gasp& 4) ha(e remo(ed Earth*s atmosphere and shielded the s$n*s ray& 6o$ are seeing a
line'$p o# the S$n, :erc$ry, Earth, :ars, J$piter, Sat$rn, all cl$stered together& he se(en
o!%ects are (ery, (ery close to #alling in a straight line& he point is that the newest rare
phenomenon is called sy9ygy& he occ$rrence will !e present and seen li"e a li(e action
tele(ision show& 6o$ will e3perience it, also& )t is predicated to happen within, here the #arm
lands and green meadows o# ,pollo&8
40imme my shotg$n&8
40imme my "ni#e&8
Billy .ay sneers at Bec", 40imme my enemy&8
:iss S says& 4Ken$s is the #arthest away #rom $s than the s$n& B$t, the Lo(e'planet is
getting closer, ya*ll,8 giggling&
3:03 pm. "onday a6ternoon. Footba(( 6ie(d. "aBorette practice. Cinta slams her !ody
into Lara Lee& 4She didn*t "now&8
Lara Lee e3hales, p$rsing her lips, $gly& 4;ig$res& She*s not part o#78
4She*s not part o# anything, Lara Lee&8
Lara Lee tosses her !aton then catches it, staring at Cinta& 4;ine5 /o a two't$rn #or
ma%orette practice< So, ) can pamper the "itties as ) pow wow with Cinta&8
4/o as yo$ are told, Cinta58
Cinta (iews the yo$nger ma%orette 4)t*s (ery easy, ,lma& Let*s start with yo$r pose&8
4Iiss my !oot, Lara Lee&8 ) grin li"e a silly teen&
Bec" appears inside his wheelchair rolling into the #ence& 4.isa<8 hen, 0arth
) gallop to him, not smiling&
0arth hangs !oth arms o(er the #encing o# the #oot!all #ield, win"ing and wa(ing at me
with silliness& ) giggle while dropping my !aton&
Lara Lee sneers !ehind my !ac"& 4/o it, again, .isa58
) (iew the s"yline, then 0arth& 4/o it, tomorrow,8 giggling and dancing towards 0arth on
the #ence& ) e3it the #oot!all #ield into his open arms&
1e h$gs then "isses my #ace with his ro$gh cat whis"ers, c$ddling me $nder his armpit&
-e wal" towards o$r separate cars& 0arth whispers into my ear, 4.isa, ) ha(e a secret&8
) e3hale, watching Bec" roll towards his transport (an, witho$t a good'!ye "iss& 4;i(e'
stars alignment&8 ) #eel terri!le #or em!arrassing a good s$pernat$ral !eing&
4) ha(e an admission& ) can do things&8
) e3hale, watching Bec" roll onto the li#ting plat#orm, witho$t a good'!ye wa(e& 4Py9y
thingy,8 #eeling lo$sy #or h$rting his emotions&
4) ha(e a declaration& ) lo(e yo$&8
) watch the (an*s tail lights !la9e while it dri(es towards the roadway& ) #eel aw#$l
ma"ing a s$pernat$ral god $nhappy&
4Planetary party, tonight78
4) ha(e a statement& ) am an alien&8
) #rown at 0arth& 46o$*re an illegal alien& 6o$*re !orn here in Bama, the year !e#ore
41a(en*t ya !een listening to me, .isa< his is important&8
) nod, #rowning& 46eah& Sorta& tell me58
1e e3hales, (iewing the soil then me& 4) am di##erent #rom yo$& ) am not li"e yo$& ) am an
alien& ) ha(e s$perpowers& ) lo(e yo$&8
) p$ll #rom his c$ddle then swing aro$nd to 0arth& ) #old my arms, #rowning& 46o$ ha(e
s$per powers& -hat "ind o# s$perpowers< Show me< -ait5 ,re yo$ going to "iss me< Beca$se, )
thin" that wo$ld !e s$per, too, gi(ing my some s$perpowers,8 win"ing at him&
1e sha"es his s"$ll (iewing the soil then me& 4)*m !eing !oth (ery serio$s and (ery
sincere, here&*
) toss my hands in #r$stration and sadness at ma"ing Bec", an $nhappy god& 4;ine, 0arth5
Can ya read my mind<8
4Can ya disappear< Can ya le(itate my car< Can ya do something< Show me yo$r
s$perpowers, s$per !oy&
1e searches the soil then smiles& 1e catches the wiggling !rown earthworm holding
!etween his palms& ) #rown, when he says& 4-atch this<8 1e places it inside his open palm then
co(ers completely with his #ingers& 1e closes his eyelids, angling his head at the stadi$m
!leaches, top le(el, while ) watch& 1e gr$nts then sighs then opens his palm& he worm is
swi(eled $p&
) e3hale, (iewing the pr$nie earthworm, %$st li"e Bec"*s earthworm& 4he %$ices are
46eah58 1e nods, smiling& 4) made the worm die, when ) p$rpose#$lly a!sor!ed the water
moist$re o# the worm*s !ody&8
) drop my mo$th, saying& 46o$*re a g7a good alien&8
46eah& 6eah&8 1e ch$c"les& 4B$t, )*m good& So, don*t !e scared& :y alien'"ind has !een
here #or cent$ries, !e#ore h$mans& -e were, here, #irst&8
) e3hale, tossing my arms& hen, ) h$## then p$## and !low hot air into the wind !$t 0arth
doesn*t !$rn& ) yell& 4/on*t !e scared& )*m mi##ed, annoyed, pee(ed, chagrined, ir"ed, 0arth&
6o$*re a good alien& 6o$*re a s$pernat$ral !eing, here, li(ing here with me& 6o$ tell me, now&
-hy are yo$ telling me, now< Py9y thingy& )*m right& .ight< 6es, o# co$rse& his all ma"es
per#ect sense& he celestial !odies, the planetary alignment& 6o$*re a se(enth son& 0ee95 )*m so
!lind, dea#, m$te, and7and7h$man& 6o$*re di##erent #rom me& )*m di##erent #rom yo$& Cinta,
she*s an alien, too& 6o$r :ama& 6o$r /addy& ,re my parents, aliens, too<
4Naw& 6o$*re e(er smart, .isa& )*m (ery smart& -e go together, so well, meshing and
mashing and mi3ing together, me and yo$& 6o$ and me&8
4) am shoc"ed, s$rprised, in#lamed, and #$ry with yo$, 0arth& -hat is this all a!o$t< he
Py9y thing& he lights are coming on in the middle o# the night, a rare phenomena& ,re ya*ll
ca$sing this Py9y thingy<8
4Naw, .isa&8
4)*m h$man, not alien& ,re yo$ going to hide inside a tree or $nder a stone or inside the
ho$se& 6es& -e*re all to !$ry o$rsel(es inside the ho$se& -hy are we to do the hiding<8
1e e3hales& 4his is a celestial occ$rrence some CD0 years& ) wanna ya to hide with me,
!e with me& 6o$ and me& :e and yo$& hat*s all5 ) lo(e yo$, .isa& ) wanna say that& ) want $s to
!e together #or Sy9ygy& -e7&8
47yo$ and me& :e and yo$7,8 !ac" stepping #rom 0arth and sha"ing my c$rls& 4Naw5
-hat else< -hy is sy9ygy so important #or yo$, 0arth<8
4)t %$st is& hat*s all ) can say, .isa& )t is (ery important #or me&8
4)s it important to planetary party important #or78
) !ac" step towards my car when 0arth e3hales, standing in #ront o# the passenger door&
46o$ and me& :e and yo$& As& -e& .ight, 0arth< )s that yo$r #rea"ing #amed alien pic"$p line<8
) hear, h$mming&
) (iew Lara Lee&
Lara Lee changes her snea"ers into high heeled sandals, h$mming and strolling towards
Lara lee smiles, to$ching 0arth*s !icep& 4)*m pooped #rom ma%orette practice per#orming
my three't$rns& Can ya ta"e me home, 0arth<8
0arth gr$nts then opens the door as Lara Lee slides into the tr$c"& 1e stomps aro$nd the
#ront !$mper, while staring at me& hen, he slides into the dri(er*s seat& 1e starts the cold engine&
) swing towards my car, #iddling with door handle when a cold hand slams on my collar
!one when ) hear the tr$c" roar towards the roadway&
4a"e me home, .isa,8 Cinta says with a$thority& ) e3hale, sliding into the dri(er*s seat&
Cinta dash aro$nd, scooting into the passenger seat&
She e3hales, (iewing the window shield& ) e3hale, (iewing the window shield&
Cinta loo"s at her hands& 46o$*re mar"ed& ) mar"ed with 0arth& -hy*d ya thin" yo$*re
my girl !est<8
46a lie&8
4) tr$th&8
4.isa, )*m so sorry&8
46o$ didn*t "now&8
40arth is the se(enth son o# a se(enth son !y tradition is l$c"y and s$perstition, magical&
here are plenty o# aliens li(ing on Earth with h$ndreds o# distinct #amilies li"e me and 0arth&8
4)s there a .$ler or Iing or J$een< ,re yo$ an alien princess<8
Cinta giggles, 4Naw5 hat*s a science #iction !oo" !y my #a(orite a$thor, ipam& She li"es
writing a!o$t ,lien Princesses& hat ain*t me,8 e3haling& 4-e occ$py a region o# the land li"e
here in ,pollo& =$r li#e style is !ased on o$r a!ilities& :y 0rand#ather has li(ed here #or
cent$ries pre#erring the simple li#e o# a #armer rather than the city li#e o# a lawyer or physician or
!$sinessmen& Some o# yo$r /addy*s #arm wor"ers are aliens& Some are %$st wor"ing h$mans&
-e entwine, (ery well&8
46o$*re h$ndred'percent h$man, .isa& 0arth admires yo$ as a #armer, adores yo$ as a
#riend, and lo(es yo$ li"e a wi#e& 1e told yo$ so inside the tepee with his !oyish mi3ed $p
emotions78 ) slap the steering col$mn& 40arth tattled on me<8
4) sho$ldn*t ha(e inter#ered& ) tric"ed yo$& )*m sorry& 6o$ don*t "now& 6o$ didn*t
4) remem!er, too m$ch,8 e3haling& 4)*m cl$eless a!o$t this :ar"ing thingy78
4here are three stages with a !eginning, a middle and an end& hree dreams78
4) "issed him at midnight on my se(enteen !irthday,8 to$ching my lips& 4B$t, ) didn*t
really #eel his "iss& ) cro$ched o(er his sleeping !ody li"e a thie# then stole a "iss right #rom his
so#t lips7,8 e3haling then (iew her& 4)t was all a dream&8
4No& )*(e st$died the :ar"ing #or years a#ter learning o# 0arth, !eing the se(enth son, not
solar s$n, either& -e are the children o# aliens& ) selected 0arth #or yo$, .isa& he :ar"ing is
) (iew her& 4E3plain the p$rpose o# the :ar"ing thingy&8
She sha"es her c$rls, (iewing the window& 4Pretty easy5 he "iss li"e any nat$ral h$man
"iss is an e3change o#78
4:o$th spit& Sal(ia& 0arth*s sal(ia has !onded yo$ and him78
4As,8 whispering&
46a*ll are li"e newlyweds going to get married& 6a*ll are !onded, together, #ore(er,
) #rown, nodding and tapping on the steering wheel& he new in#ormation is not good&
4-hat happens i# ) re%ect 0arth and this :ar"ing thingy<8
She shr$gs& 4No !ig deal, really& )t*s li"e an engagement ring in the alien world& Some
h$man girls "eep their precio$s e3pensi(e engagement ring, i# the wedding doesn*t complete on
the planned e(ent& 6o$ can %$st re%ect 0arth, tossing his #anny o$t the door li"e stin"y trash&8
4) got the pic& ) mean to as"& 1e doesn*t die or t$rn into a monster or a ghost or
41e t$rns into an $na(aila!le !achelor& 1e can*t e(er marry, again, a hermit, alone&&&8
4his :ar"ing thingy, is it dangero$s to me<8
4)t act$ally heightens yo$r #eelings #or him& 1is #eelings #or yo$ are78
40arth*s sic"ness in the ;irst 0rade& hat was his s$pernat$ral powers coming or
4he #irst set o# stars gathered to #orm the #i(e'stars which also it a##ected my #amily, too&
) !arely remem!er& 0arth was pale loo"ing and in a coma #or days $ntil the right star mo(ed into
planetary alignment& he stars mo(e aro$nd, e(ery day and night #orming an alignment that
g$ides all the aliens aro$nd the gala3y& hat is o$r destiny, .isa&8
) start the engine watching Cinta with one eye!all, seeing& )# my #ormer girl'!est
per#orms some "ind o# new alien tric"& Cinta (iews my nose pro#ile when ) stomp the gas,
dri(ing home !rea"ing the so$nd !arrier& 4his is a!o$t yo$, .isa, darling& 6o$*re the pri9e,
princess& he #i(e'stars sec$re 0arth in the tower "inda li"e the #airy tale o# sleeping !ea$ty, !$t
opposite& 0arth is the sleeping prince stored in his tower away #rom the #lying !odies and de!ris,
once Sy9ygy is completed& 1e*ll emerge then ya*ll two get married, #ore(erly&8
4) hate that word,8 sneering and ro$nding the corner towards Cinta*s ho$se&
,:38 pm. Tepee. 0arth c$ps his hand, (iewing the #orest landscape& 4-here*s .isa,
again, Lara lee<8
Lara Lee c$ps her hands, (iewing the s"y& 46o$ can almost see e(erything with yo$r
na"ed eyes, 0arth& he #i(e'stars glow !rightest, an array o# ro$nded circles o# white among the
dar" !l$e s"y o# No(em!er, slowly aligning into a per#ect straight line with the s$n& hen,
Sy9ygy !egins #or precisely one ho$r, L0'min$tes or CL0'seconds a#ter complete dar"ness,8
giggling and watching his arms mo(ements&
1e e3hales& 4.isa ain*t hiding the tepee or present aro$nd the #orest woodlands&8
She #ingers the west side o# the meadow, st$dying him& 4) thin" ) %$st saw that old !eat $p pic"$p
0arth mo(es in #ront o# the tepee entrance, s$r(eying the western past$re land& 4)
Lara stands in #ront o# him, #rowning& 4She*s mar"ed, 0arth&8
4Naw,8 searching the eastern side o# the past$re&
She nods mo(ing closer to him& 4She mar"ed with his sense& She e3changed his li2$id&
She was !itten !y a sna"e in the wildwoods&8
1e (iews her, #rowning& 4, sna"e<8
She nods, mo(ing closer to !oot toes& 4his wee"end, when .isa en%oyed him, witho$t
yo$& hey en%oyed, each other, witho$t yo$r awareness& ) li"e yo$, 0arth& his time'period o#
Sy9ygy is !oth rare and e3otic #or !oth o# $s,8 win"ing& 4-e can en%oy, each other, only, this
one time, only,8 nodding&
Naw5 -here*s .isa< 6o$ said she was here&8
She po$ts, swaying her !ody side to side& 40arth, ) "now that )*m only second place,
r$nner'$p o# the show& ) li"e yo$& ) want yo$ to "now that& ) twirl& Loo", where we ha(e planted
o$r roots, here in Bama& ) wanna li(e, here, #ore(erly& :y parents and !rothers li(e here,
#ore(erly& -e co$ld grow o$r roots, here, #ore(erly&8
4She mar"ed with a god'"ind sense& She*ll smell nasty to yo$r alien'"in nostrils& She
does to mine&8
1e #rowns, sha"ing his s"$ll& 4Naw5 She doesn*t smell to me& ) didn*t notice any !ad
odor !$t her #lora per#$me& -ait5 1ow come .isa smells nasty to ya, Lara Lee< ,ll h$mans
smell c$te to $s, aliens and gods li"e a new!orn p$ppy& , p$ppy doesn*t smell nasty&8
4=5 ) mean not a p$ppy smell !$t poss$m'poo&8
4)# she mar"ed with a god'"ind sense .isa will smell !ea$ti#$l to yo$r nose holes& hat*s
means7,8 seeing& , single !lac" plastic gar!age !ag drop to the grass with a lo$d #lop& 0arth
hears& , set o# #aint soprano and !aritone (oices coming #rom the gar!age !ag& 1e #rowns,
stomping towards the mysterio$s !ag, when more gar!age !ags #all #rom the semi'dar" s"y&
1e (iews the s"yline when Lara Lee sho(es him !ac"wards into the opening o# the tepee&
he So$l'catcher #lies down #rom the s"yline then ho(ers o(er the tepee& She le(itates all
the gar!age !ags, ripping o## the plastic&
ho$sands o# color#$l leather p$rses and !rie#case carrying the so$ls o# the aliens t$m!le
o$t #rom the torn plastic material& Each leather good slowly #loats then magically attaches to the
weathered tree !ar" and animal s"ins li"e stic"y !ee honey&
he So$l'catcher lands, smir"ing and strolling towards the tepee&
0arth*s (oice echoes #rom inside the enclosed tepee in !aritone, (iewing the tall ;emale
with goddess'"in pale s"in and !lac" hair& 4-hat*s this< -ho are yo$<* -hat*s happening<8 1e
rams the in(isi!le door with his sho$lder, hearing& Lo$d soprano and !aritone screams o# (oices
witho$t !odies& he swi#tly !ac" steps #rom the in(isi!le door, scanning the walls o# the tepee,
dropping his mo$th, 4-hat*s aro$nd the tepee<8
he So$l'catcher smiles in #ront o# the in(isi!le door then stomps closer& She whispers&
4Stand 2$ietly, ,lien& ,nd, %$st listen,8 pa$ses then says& 4hese are yo$r "ind, so$ls o# the
1e scans the interior o# the tepee twirling inside the h$t*s diameter, #rowning& 1e
whispers& 4So$ls o# aliens, my "in and "ind,8 swirling aro$nd to see her smile o# good teeth&
he So$l'catcher nods& 40ood %o!, ,lien5 the god'"in will #inally #inish o## the alien
in#ection on Planet Earth,8 giggling& 4he Sy9ygy ho$r has approacheth, ,lien& 6o$r "ind is7as
the teen says7totally gone&8
he !aritone (oice echoes across the open meadow& "Garth-%&
he So$l'catcher (iews the meadows, listening&
"Garth-%& a second !aritone (oice echoes in the air&
he So$l'catcher narrows her eyelashes, seeing& , posse o# males on top o# horses&
4-hat*s that<8
Lara Lee (iews the posse o# horses, #rowning& 40arth*s alien'!rothers& hey*re on
horse!ac" searching #or the se(enth son& Since, his s$pernat$ral powers triple in strength,8
win"ing at 0arth, 47against their enemies& =nly i#, the se(enth son can !e #o$nd, that is,8
he So$l'catcher (iews 0arth, nodding and smiling& 46o$ alien'!rothers can*t hear yo$r
(oice or see yo$r !ody, once Sy9ygy starts while hiding sa#ely inside this tepee& /on*t worry my
handsomeness5 )7will come !ac" #or yo$ when Sy9ygy has ended& ,nd, all yo$r alien'"ind is
dead,8 (iewing Lara Lee, #rowning& 4) can*t lea(e him or here, witho$t their nasty alien'senses
detecting me& 6o$ go and entertain them, dearie, #or a little while !e#ore the !rightness o# s$n
Lara Lee stomps her !oot toe in the dirt, (iewing her& 4he smelly aliens5< No& )*m
lea(ing& .isa is missing #rom her home& She*s with Bec", my #$t$re god'h$s!and& ,nd, )*m
going to dispense my nasty attit$de on the little nosy So$thern !elle78
he So$l'catcher twists to Lara Lee, #rowning& 4.isa was o$r !ait& 1er %o!*s #inished& -e
are #or!idden to harm any single h$man& -hy*s she with Bec" at his manor&8
Lara Lee nods& 4She*s mar"ed& She lo(es Bec" #or some silly Earthling reason li"e teen
lo(e& =r what not< ) sho$ld78
46o$*re not ma"ing any logical sense, Lara Lee& Speci#ic to me, teen lo(e<8
She #rowns& 4She smells, too&8
he So$l'catcher so$rs& 4.isa was o$r only o$r !ait& -hy does she smell to yo$r
sensiti(e senses<8
4) %$st told ya& She*s mar"ed !y Bec"&8
he So$l'catcher sha"es her c$rls& 4hat doesn*t ma"e any sense, goddess'"in&8
Lara Lee #rowns then po$ts& 4=5 ) meant she was mar"ed !y 0arth&8
he So$l'catcher sho(es on Lara Lee*s sho$lder& 40o and scoot away the nosy !rother
aliens, !e#ore they (eer towards the tepee& )t glows within their two sets o# eyelids which also
protects them #rom the $pcoming Sy9ygy*s !lin"ing s$n rays& )*ll disg$ise with it with my inner
So$l swirling in #ade green li"e similar to tree #orest, instead o# a glowing golden'yellow& .$n
along5 ) can*t hold my So$l image, too long&8
Lara Lee wal"s towards the in(isi!le door, smir"ing& 41ey, 0arth5 /on*t* get co9y5 )*ll
!e !ac", too, a#ter seeing all yo$r alien'"in dead& a'ta, dearie&8
he So$l'catcher watches Lara Lee r$n in god'speed towards the posse o# horses& hen,
she closes her eyelashes #laring her so$l into the color o# #ade green& 1er stretched !ody co(ers
the tepee within one'inch&
41ey58 0arth !ac" steps, twirling aro$nd while scanning the wall& 4-here*s the yellow
s$nlight< -hy*s it d$ll orange inside here< -hat*s going on< -hat*s happening< -here*s Lara
Lee< -ho are yo$<8
, single shotg$n echoes across the open meadow&
he So$l'catcher #lies withdrawing her So$l then gently drops to the soil&
4:$ch !etter, the yellow has ret$rned,8 (iewing the So$l'catcher, smir"ing& 4,nd, ) !et
my !o3 o# #resh y$mmy (anilla don$ts that Lara Lee don*t ret$rn,8 ch$c"ling&
She sneers at 0arth when he snarls !ac" to the $n"nown goddess'"in& She nods& 4)*ll
p$nish yo$ #or that, too, ,lien&8
46o$& Can& ry& -itch&8 0arth growls, then she #lies into the s"yline away #rom the
tepee& 1e !angs on the in(isi!le door& 1e !ac" steps, %er"ing on the single wooden pole holding
$p the tepee, witho$t s$ccess& 1e e3hales, (iewing the wooden plan"s& 4.isa78
M+ C@ pm& 0arth*s ho$se& ) p$ll into the dri(eway when Cinta %$mps #rom the stopped car&
She gallops to her :ama& ) e3hale with con#$sion and sadness& ) roll down the window, listening&
:rs& -ar#ield #lings her arms, sho$ting& 40arth5 1e*s missing& -e can*t #ind him, any
where on the #arm&8
Cinta !ac"s steps, (iewing the pa(ement and sha"ing her c$rls& She (iews her :ama&
4Naw5 1e le#t long !e#ore me and .isa in his tr$c", right a#ter o$r ma%orette practice, right a#ter
school& ) saw him le#t,8 (iewing the pa(ement& 40arth le#t with Lara Lee&8
:rs& -ar#ield drops her mo$th& 47with Lara Lee& -hy did he do that<8
Cinta sha"es her c$rls, so!!ing& 4) don*t* "now& ) was7,8 (iewing me then her :ama& 4)
wasn*t paying attention& )*m so sorry, :ama&8
:rs& -ar#ield h$gs her da$ghter& 40arth is ali(e& Co3 and his !rothers are trac"ing him
down on horse!ac"& he horses can sense the god'"in& 0arth is ali(e& ) "now it& ) #eel it& hey*ll
#ind hi and Lara Lee&
) ro$nd the circ$lar dri(eway witho$t wa(ing good'!ye& 40arth is missing& 1e is an alien&
Lara Lee was with 0arth& Lara Lee is a goddess'"in& Not good5 Bec" is god'"in& 1e can help me&
Bec" can me #ind Lara Lee,8 racing down the roadway to my ho$se&
) t$rn into the dri(eway slamming the !ra"es at the #ront door& ) enter my ho$se,
sho$ting& 4:ama5< /addy58 ) halt at the re#rigerator door, seeing&
, hand written note& 1erding the animals into the !arns& Stay inside5 )# not home !e#ore
si3, we stay with the stallions&8
) !ac" step, nodding& 4="ay& Parents are #ine& ) am #ine& 0arth is not #ine& Lara Lee is
!ad& Bec" can help,8 dashing o$t the rear patio door towards the !arn&
) need a good plan, witho$t drawing attention to my emergency or worried desperation&
) start my new ,K then p$tt'p$tt down the dri(eway& ) slam the steering col$mn o# the
,K& 4Both o# them are s$pernat$ral !eings& 0ods and aliens5 ,m ) li(ing on the correct
planet,8 e3haling& ) switch on the radio, hearing&
he anno$ncer o# the radio news station says& 4here will !e a (ery strong Planetary
,lignment o# the #ollowing planets on :onday morning starting at midnight& Ken$s& S$n& Earth&
Aran$s& J$piter& he com!ined with the Earth reaching Perihelion along with strong L$nar
astrological aspects which may #oreshadow a potential one or two earth2$a"es o(er D&M
:agnit$de ,la!ama, ennessee, and ;lorida& here#ore, the AS 0o(ernment has iss$ed an
earth2$a"e watch #or these AS States in the /eep So$th& here will !e solar #lare acti(ity
pre(enting telecomm$nication ser(ices, incl$ding mo!ile telephones, tele(ision stations, and
radio stations comm$nication& So, #ol"s hide in the closet, since the cell phone ain*t going to !e
wor"ing with a wor"ing #lashlight& he weatherman wants each person to tric" this phenomenon
li"e a tornado drill&8
) stop at the roadway, loo"ing le#t then right then $pwards into the s"yline&
here are no clo$ds !$t, the air is crisp& he s"y is mean'loo"ing in pretty p$rple'
midnight !lac", witho$t rain clo$ds or yellow lighting !olts& he night time ho$r approaches&
he #i(e'stars !$rn in !right white circles o# ro$ndness, ma"ing a horror pict$re show o# the
) whisper, switching the radio channel to m$sic& 4) "now that&8
) e3hale, t$rning onto the highway, p$tting towards Bec"*s manor&
he second radio anno$ncer says& 4;ol"s, we*re going to !e !linded #or precisely one'
ho$r min$tes and three seconds& he Planetary ,lignment, the strongest in CD0'years, which was
a#ter the esta!lishment o# Jamestown, Kirginia, the #irst English colony in the ,merica occ$r at
midnight& )t will loo" li"e the s$n is shining in 1awaii, #ol"s& -ith the !lindness, the L$nar
astrological signs indicate an earth2$a"e potential registering D&M :agnit$de or higher& here
will !e only one !ased on the NS), the National Space )nstit$tion reso$rces $sed !y this radio
station& he L$nar :od$lation #a(ors ,la!ama& 6$p, #ol"s5 hat*s $s5 So, stay inside yo$r
homes with the doors !olted and loc"ed $ntil this thing passes $s !y& ,nd, it ain*t Brother Jes$s
coming #or $s, either&8
,:88 pm. 4ct+orth manor. ) t$rn into the dri(eway, seeing& he manor is dar" with no
o$tside porch lighting or inner lamps& Bec" in(ited me to his planetary party& here#ore, he m$st
!e alone in the ho$se&
=r, he has le#t his ho$se, since ) ha(e re%ected his lo(e and o##er o# marriage&
) slam the !ra"es near the #ront porch, witho$t s2$ealing the tiny tires& ) %$mp #rom the
,K, seeing&
he nighttime s"y is really dar", most $s$ally !lac"er than normal as the #i(e planets
appear li"e great !ig !alls o# whiteness inside a !ea$ti#$l p$rple'!l$e s"y along with a swarm o#
tiny yellowish lighted #ire #lies (eering towards Bec"*s ho$se&
4Strange7,8 whispering, then stomp towards the #ront door& ) swi#tly twist the door
"no!& Loc"ed& hen, ) #old my #ist, raising it !ang the nails o## the wood, hearing& , cascade o#
#aint (oices in alto, soprano, !ass, !aritone, and tenor m$sical notes o# a #oreign'spea"ing
lang$ages, not ,merican&
) #eel "itty'cat c$riosity with the new series o# #$nny so$nds&
) two'step #rom the #ront door towards the edge o# the #ront'porch, seeing& he tiny #ire
#lies are (eering towards the rear patio o# the ho$se& ) #eel my "itty'cat c$riosity, more&
) cro$ch then !$tthole'crawl on !end "neecaps towards the edge o# the rear patio, passing
the pretty #lowers, tall trees, and short !$shes, which ) can hardly see in the total dar"ness o# the
weird night o# whate(er&
he :oon has aligned directly with Earth ca$sing an eclipse or something li"e that&
) #all on my "neecaps in pain then dog paddle towards the (ery edge o# the !ric", seeing&
, h$ndreds o# #aceless people+ !lac" hair, pale s"in, tall, slender&
40ods and goddesses7,8 whispering and spying&
Co3 yells, witho$t me seeing him, and, most importantly, witho$t him seeing me& 40o5
0o5 0o straight down the hallway towards the third archway, t$rn right& he -all o# ime has
!een acti(ated& Stay in the room $ntil the planetary alignment& Sy9ygy will ignite with the
s$nlight& his is o$r #ight with the aliens& he aliens ha(e "illed o$r 0oddess Lara Lee in cold
) gasp, whispering& 4Lara Lee is dead&8
Co3 yells& 4hey*ll !e !oth wea" and (enera!le #rom the s$n e##ects o# Sy9ygy& -e "ill
them in a #ew more min$tes at the stro"e o# !rightness and !e#ore the s$nlight #ades& ,ll aliens
will !e dead&8
) gasp, whispering& 4he aliens are in danger& 0arth5<8 ) !ac" pedal towards the middle
o# the sidewal" then stand, r$nning towards the edge o# the porch& ) slide in my cowgirl !oots,
) !ac" pedal t$rning towards the glass window, smir"ing& 4hie(es ne(er $se the #ront
door, :ama,8 s2$atting then gra! one o# the short thic" hard i"i stones creating a circle o#
!ea$ti#$l lawn ornaments #rom the #lower garden& ) rear !ac" my arms then smash the thin glass&
4Lawn decorations, thie(es lo(e Gem&8 ) %er" the tall semi'light weight iron stat$e o# a pin"
;lamingo then !ang its legs into the open space, then yan" the window open, witho$t c$tting my
hands& he windows are nicely greased #or a home'selling&
) t$m!le into the Entrance'hall, sitting on the #loor, hearing& , series o# so#t gr$nts o# the
gods and goddesses in the #ar distance& ) stand then s2$at, !$tt'crawling along the wall, stopping&
) pee"'a'!oo aro$nd the door corner, seeing& /ar"ness& hen, ) hear& Lo$d sho$ts o# %oy
come #rom the room with the -all o# ime& :y ) slam my sho$lder !lades into the dar" room
while my heart po$nds against the ri! cage&
hen, ) see light, co(ering my eye!alls with !oth hands&
Sy9ygy has started& he #i(e planets ha(e aligned when !right s$nrays shine thro$gh the
parts o# the !ro"en glass window !etween the thic" c$rtains o# (ertical spacing #rom my
snea"ing into the Entrance'hall&
) pant with #ear& ) don*t want to go !lind #rom the s$nrays re#lecting o## J$piter and
) e3hale my hot !reathe, hearing&
40o5 0o5 Iill the aliens58 Co3 stands inside the hallway, sho$ting to the gods and
hen, ) hear& Silence&
) e3hale, sliding towards the dar" part o# the hallway& ) pee"'a'!oo aro$nd the door
corner, seeing& Nothing& ) close my eyelashes, hearing& , #aint gr$nt echoes #rom an inner room&
) open my eyelashes then swi#tly !$tt'crawl along the entrance space into the #irst
hallway on my right towards the #aint so$nd&
) really don*t "now the layo$t o# Bec"*s ho$se, !$t he is pro!a!ly not in the room with
the -all o# ime&
) cro$ch near the wall, scanning !ehind my sho$lder& Nothing& hen, ) scan ahead in the
dar"ness& Nothing& ) stand, #earing e(erything& ) hear& , series o# #aint gr$nts come #rom an inner
cham!er along the wall&
) slowly wal" towards the lighted room then stop and stand inside the archway, seeing& ,
!lac" ponytail #rom a tall :ale is !eating and p$nching on Bec"& 1e c$ddles in a #olded position
on the #loor, !leeding& 4/ang,8 whispering, then ) swi#tly !ac" step #rom the archway, thin"ing&
) contin$e to !ac" step then swing towards the hallway, entering the room across the
dar"ness& ) stand inside a large room, seeing& , damaged space #illed with !ro"en and !$sted
pict$re #rames, stat$es, mar!le !$sts, ripped !oo"s, and torn #$rnit$re parts& 4/ang,8 whispering
#rom more con#$sion and #right&
) scan the !ro"en pieces o# mar!le, porcelain, can(as, and concrete then gra! the o!%ect& )
%er" the piece o# stat$e into the air, giggling& 4hor*s hammer #rom the Scandina(ian god o#
th$nder& 6eah, !a!y5 his sho$ld stop the Ponytail,8 e3haling while dragging the hea(y concrete
along my "neecaps& ) slowly march towards the lighted room, e3haling in #ear, panic, and
) reach the archway while the Ponytail contin$es to p$nch on Bec", swinging my arms
!ac" and #orth& ) snea" $pon the Ponytail then hit his !ac" m$scle with all my physical h$man
he Ponytail st$m!les #orward o(er Bec" then #lings his tall !ody sideways while trying
to maintain his $pper torso !alance& 1e hits the wall then !o$nces !ac", swinging aro$nd& 1e
sees and sneers at me&
Bec" str$ggles $pon one "neecap then 9aps a shorten #aded !l$e !eam, hitting the tile& 1e
sha"es his hand then aims his #inger, again& 1e 9aps a longer !eam at an ad(ancing and angry
he Ponytail slams into the wall then sl$mps onto the #looring& ) smile, slowly dropping
the hea(y hammer& 40ood shooting, e358 Bec" collapses $pon his "nees and palms, when )
dash to his side& 4Bec", are yo$ conscio$s< ,re yo$ in pain< /o ya "now a physician or
medicines< ) don*t "now what a god does #or healing&8
Bec" gr$nts then so#tly says& 41elp me $p58 ) assist him $pright then onto the long so#a,
c$ddling him into my !reasts, e3haling& 4-hat*s going on here< -ho are those other gods and
goddesses inside yo$r ho$se< -here*s yo$r parents< -ho is that g$y<8
1e e3hales, gently to$ching his wo$nds with an inde3 #inger& ) see tiny rays o# so#t !l$e
s$rro$nd his red s"in slashes and !lac" !ody !r$ises& 4/on*t "now& ) was reading78
4-hat happened to yo$r god'powers<8
1e e3hales& 4he Sy9ygy drains me, right now, d$ring the period o# limited s$nlight&
,#ter the e(ent has concl$ded, )*m restored,8 to$ching his s"in with !l$e rays o# light&
4Lara Lee is dead&8
Bec" so$rs, (iewing me& 46a lie&8
4No5 ) was hiding aro$nd the corner o# yo$r ho$se& ) see this swarm o# tiny light li"e #lies
in the night s"y, right !e#ore the s$nlight& ) #ollowed the swarm when each light landed on yo$r
rear patio& Co3 was there& 1e said that the aliens had "illed Lara Lee then ga(e o$t orders to
attac" and "ill the aliens&8
1e stares at the #looring, nodding& 4Lara Lee was the ,gent o# tro$!le& She deser(ed
what she got #or ca$sing this !loody massacre,8 sha"ing his s"$ll, 4,nd, my #amily is in(ol(ed,
4-hat*s happening, Bec"& -hy are they doing this< -e ha(e help and sa(e the aliens
#rom yo$r god'"in&8
4he !est, ) can $nderstand with my shared "nowledge #rom Lara Lee and lac" o# shared
in#ormation #rom my :other pl$s doing a little research, !e#ore he showed $p in the /en& here
is a silent No ;ighting reaty !etween !oth the aliens and the gods, which no one partic$lar
li"es& :y god';ather and the alien';ather instigated it eons, ago& B$t, now, this is Sy9ygy which
ma"es Planet Earth a !attle gro$nd #or !oth the aliens and the gods, o$t o# sight o# the
) nod& 4,ll the earthlings are hiding inside their homes, sa#e and so$nd, witho$t "nowing
the secret s$perpower Ci(il -ar is ta"ing place, right in #ront o# their city streets or inside their
manic$red lawns& An!elie(a!le5 Sy9ygy acts li"e a !eacon on each alien& he s$nlight e3poses
their a$ra with an opposite shade o# midnight !lac", which is easily disting$ished #rom
lightness,8 (iewing me& 4he aliens are standing targets, now&8
40arth is an alien& 1e*s one o# them&8
1e ch$c"les& 4) "now that&8
) e3hale& 46o$ "now& 1e "nows,8 e3haling then #rowning& 4,m ) the only one le#t in the
!right s$nlight<8
) e3hale& 4;ine& -e7me and yo$7help and sa(e the aliens&8
1e sha"es his s"$ll& 4) don*t "now, i# there*s anything ) can do, .isa,8 ch$c"ling& 4)*m
not really my $s$al %olly sel#& ) wish ) co$ld help& /o something !esides !leed and !r$ise,8
slamming a #aded !l$e !eam into his red !loody wo$nd on his arm&
) nod, staring at his nose pro#ile& 4Lara Lee le#t with 0arth, this a#ternoon, a#ter school&
0arth*s !rothers #o$nd her with 0arth then "illed her& hat*s ma"es per#ect logical sense& She
did something terri!le to 0arth #or !oth meanness and re(enge& hat*d e3plain the reasoning #or
m$rdering her&8
4) agree&8
4-e #ind and sa(e him, Bec"&8
1e e3hales, #rowning at me& 41elp 0arth, the day ) resc$e my enemy&8
-all o# ime& Li(ing'room& -e slowly limp together into the room, standing in #ront o#
the swirling clo$ds& ) see&
, #ield o# tiny !lac" ro$nd !alls r$n #orward, !ac"wards, side to side in a grass meadow
ma"ing $p a solo !all or a gro$p o# !alls then disappear&
4-hat are we loo"ing at<8
4;ind 0arth,8 Bec" to$ches the present image when it changes& , tepee&
) gasp& 4he tepee5< :e and Cinta played in thing d$ring o$r childhood and teen years& )t
sets in the woodlands !etween o$r property lines& -hy*s he there<8
4) can*t answer that 2$estion& B$t, we can go there and see" an answer& he -all o# ime
wo$ld !e a m$ch 2$ic"er path then one o# the land (ehicles or the gliders&8
) gra! his hand, nodding& 4/o it58
.:13 pm. Tepee. ) step my cowgirl !oot onto the !right light to$ching the soil, seeing& ,
glowing tepee in golden twin"les while !lending into the !right s$nlight&
Bec" stands shading his eyelids then slowly drops his hands& 1e !lin"s eye!alls ad%$sting
to the Sy9ygy !lin"ing s$n ray& 1e #rowns, mo(ing towards the tepee& 4-hat*s this<8
0arth stands inside, wa(ing and smiling at me& 4Lots o# room in here #or a co$ple o#
chairs and yo$, .isa&8
) toss my arm& 41$sh, 0arth5 1ow do we get him o$t, Bec"<8
Bec" slowly wal"s aro$nd the tepee while e3amining the s$r#ace o# the h$t& 4)*m
4hin" a little #aster, please,8 e3haling with ner(o$sness and sadness&
4-hat*s happening o$tside d$ring Sy9ygy<8 0arth as"s& 4) can*t see any color !$t
) giggle& 4Brightness ain*t a color, !oy5 ,nd, !rightness has co(ered the entire soil, s"y,
and s$n& )t*s li"e the planet is the new solar s$n&8
0arth #ingers the side o# the h$t, 4$se my telescope !inoc$lars5 ell $s what*s happening
!eyond here, .isa&8 ) dash to the !inoc$lars, li#ting them to my #ace, seeing&
Bec" slowly pads aro$nd the h$t #or a second time, e3haling& 4his is really strange&8
) giggle, (iewing 0arth& 46a*ll are really strange, too,8 then the gro$nd sha"es #rom a
mini'earth2$a"e& ) stand, wo!!ling side to side in place& 4-hat*s going on<8
Bec" says, standing in #ront o# the opening o# the tepee& 4he e##ects o# sy9ygy will
contin$e to ca$se ma%or earth2$a"es and !linding s$nlight& 1owe(er, )*m s$rprised that .isa can
see yo$&8
0arth #rowns at Bec"& 46o$ can see me, too, Bec"&8
1e nods, st$dying the tepee& 4)*m the se(enth son o# the god'"in& ) can do some ni#ty
st$##, too, 0arth&8
) "neel against the #allen log, anchoring my torso o(er the tree !ar", narrating& 4="ay5
/$ring Py9y thingy, the entire landscape glows in pretty !right yellow, not white, ya*ll& -ow5
,nd, there are !ig and little !lac" !alls #alling #rom the s"ies&8
Bec" nods& 4hese wo$ld !e my god'"in warriors dropping down #rom the -all o#
0arth sneers& 4,ttac"ing $s&8
) say& 4he !lac" !alls are !o$ncing $p and down in the air li"e a patch o# #rea"ing
r$!!er !alls,8 (iewing Bec"& 1e wal"s aro$nd the tepee, 9apping it with a ray o# !l$e light&
4/oes one o# yo$r "inds possess wings li"e hea(enly angels<8
4Naw&8 0arth sha"es his s"$ll&
4No&8 Bec" says, 9apping more !l$e !eams aro$nd the h$t s$r#ace&
) (iew the war, narrating with the telescope !inoc$lars& 4-hoa5 hey carry p$rses& )t*s
loo" really #$nny& /ang5 hat wasn*t #$nny& hat girl %$st disappeared& She disappeared into the
p$rse& Come and see this& 6a*ll are missing the war, here&8
0arth says& 4he center pole is 1C'#oot in height and 20'#oot in height on the o$tside&
here are 2L'nail sta"es and sheets o# tree !ar"& )nside the #loor diameter is 1M'#eet&8
Bec" #rowns& 4ree !ar" does not glow, d$de&8
0arth e3hales& 4)t is not the !ar" displaying the light& he glowing a$ras are trapped so$ls
o# aliens&8
Bec" scans the gro$nds then the s"ies& 4So$ls< So$l'catcher& She*s loose #rom her
em!edded gra(e site& his is not good, my #riend&8
) stare at 0arth& 41ow do we get him o$t<8
Bec" e3hales, (iewing the tepee, 4By "illing the alien so$ls&8
) part my lips& 4No& yo$ cannot&8
Bec" nods, (iewing him& 40arth, what is yo$r response<8
0arth echoes inside the tepee& 4/o it58
) motion at him, !ac" stepping #rom the glowing tepee o# gold& 4Stay !ac", 0arth58
Bec" gathers then wraps #resh and dried tree lea(es aro$nd a dry long tree !ranch& 1e
wiggles his #ingers when it #lames in red and !l$e colors& 1e tosses the #ire !all at the
o(erlapping leather goods containing li(e so$ls o# aliens& he leather good co(er the tepee& Bec"
sho$ts, 4Stand in the middle 0arth&8
) !ac" step #rom the #laming tree !ranch& 41e*s going to die&8
Bec" nods, 41e*s going to li(e,8 tossing the tree !ranch on the tepee& Bec" c$ddles me&
-e watch the leather !$rn, melt and coat the golden tepee&
) #eel a tiny earth2$a"e& he earth2$a"e wo!!les me inside Bec"*s arms& ) (iew the
gro$nd split in soil, littered with !ranches and lea(es, #eeling that the 2$a"es are less (iolent& he
wind is decreasing speed& he trees aren*t swaying&
) whisper, 4)t*s o(er,8 hearing& he (iolent e3plosion dea#ens my eardr$ms when the air
c$rrents "noc" me #rom Bec"*s em!race&
) open my eyelashes&
0arth stands at the end o# my !oot toes& ) lay #lat on my !ac" m$scles inside a pretty
#lower !ed o# loose pin" rose petals strewed along on the grass& ) clearly see an $pright position
o# 0arth*s si3 #eet and one inches with a sweaty wet 'shirt that clings to his !oard sho$lders,
m$sc$lar chest, and eight'pac" o# a!s li"e he want swimming in the cree" water #orgetting to
change o$t his #arm clothes& 1e wears a pair o# slightly dirty rippled !l$e %eans and his #amiliar
orange and red ostrich cow!oy !oots& 1is hands are par"ed on his leather !elt as the sil(er !$c"et
!linds !oth my eye !alls with a piercing yellowish'white light&
0arth says in se3y !aritone trom!one& 41owdy, .isa5 6a wanna !e mine my cowgirl,
#ore(er<8 then, he s2$ats, assisting me to stand while he "neels on one leg holding my le#t hand&
Bec" r$shes to my other side& Bec" "neels on one leg, holding my right hand&
0arth smiles, s2$ee9ing the !lood o$t o# my hand, 4)7am the se(enth son o# the se(enth
son, too& B$t, most importantly, ) am the =ne, who has $n"nowingly !een longing, waiting, and
desiring to come to me, to hold me, to heal me, to lo(e me as no woman has e(er lo(ed, !e#ore
or since,8 e3haling& 46o$ are the =ne, .isa&8
Bec" s2$ee9es my le#t hand& 4)n ;rance, the se(enth son is called a :arco$ and !randed&
) don*t m$ch a!o$t that a!o$t the ledge, !$t ) do "now the English translation,8 presenting a red'
colored prim rose to me& ) e3hale, accepting the rose& 46o$*re my rose, .isa&8
4-oo5 hat*s good, d$de58 0arth smiles, nodding& 4Pic" me my !ea$ty, .isa&8
46o$r choice, cowgirl&8 Bec" holds my right hand with !oth palms, nodding&
) e3hale, nodding& 4Stop the war, please, 0arth58
Bec" ch$c"les, s2$ee9ing my hand, smiling& 4)*m really hopes she pic"s yo$, 0arth, to
stop the war&8
) (iew him, #rowning& 4Stop the war, Bec"58
0arth smiles& 4) am the serpent on the land, the #lying !ird o# the s"y& he root o# the oa"
tree, the (oice o# lips& he sharp sword o# %$stice, the learned one o# "nowledge, the ser(ant o#
my mistress& he arm o# the !ody&8
Bec" (iews the !right yellow s"y& 4Sy9ygy is almost nine'ninety completed& 6o$ m$st
choice one o# $s, .isa&8
0arth smiles& 4)*m called the moonchild, !eca$se o# the $pcoming #i(e'star alignment&
)*m re2$ired to select and marry my mate d$ring the si3ty'min$tes o# planetary alignment&8
Bec" nods& 4his is the time only intersection in the #i(e'stars #or an alien'"in or a god'
"in to select a mate, incl$ding one o# the h$man'"ind&8
.isa #rowns, 4Can*t we go on picnic or ride on #arm tractor or swim on the mo$ntain
0arth #rowns at Bec"& 4-hat mo$ntain pool<8
Bec" (iews me, nodding& 4his alignment occ$rs ne3t time within LD0 years& here are
only se(enteen min$tes le#t, !eca$se sy9ygy ends& Pic" one o# $s<8
4Naw& Pic"7,8 0arth stands, (iewing the meadow,8 whispering& 4Cinta5<8 0arth !ends
then leaps into the air&
Bec" c$ddles me then we !o$nces and #ly into the !right s$nlight& ) see&
0arth wa(es his arms and "ic"ing legs #or distance then land on top o# the god& he god'
"ind #alls then smashes $nder 0arth*s !oots& 1e !ac" steps (iewing !lood and g$ts&
Cinta says& 4han"s, 0arth5 hey*re e(erywhere& -here do go, now< -hat do we do<8
0arth e3hales& 4/addy7
7is dead& :ama, too& ,ll o$r si!lings are dead& hey collected them inside the p$rses
then destroyed the leather hand!ags& -here did al the gods and goddesses come #rom<8
;rom the towns all o(er the world #or sy9ygy78
4 -here ha(e yo$ !een< 1ow is that possi!le<8
4So$l'catcher<8 Bec" slowly #lies down #rom the s"y, h$gging me&
Cinta sneers, stomping towards me& 4.i9a5< 6o$*re with my enemy& Shoo away, !e#ore
0arth poses !etween Bec" and her& 4/on*t harm him, Cinta& Bec" sa(ed my li#e& hat
wic"ed goddess'"in trapped me, inside the tepee !y co(ering it wit the so$ls o# aliens&
Cinta drops her mo$th& 4So$ls o# the aliens& hat means78
4She*s (ery dangero$s and deadly to all aliens,8 Bec" nods&
4he tepee was co(ered with the so$ls o# aliens, ) co$ldn*t escape, witho$t "illing7all o#
4Nice a happy #amily alien re$nion,8 h$gging on me& Bec" smiles& 4-ho are going to
pic" as yo$r new h$s!and, .isa<8
) #rown, 4-ait5 ) tho$ght this was the end o# the world, here, now&8
0arth ch$c"les& 4he end o# world was s$pposed to occ$r on /ecem!er 21, 2012& hen,
it didn*t& Some teen'ass S$merians en%oy drawing their gra##iti on their !edroom ca(e wall,8
ch$c"ling 0arth along with Bec" and Cinta&
) #rown, stomping my !oot& 4So, there is no demolition o# the planet& Nothing !ad is
happening to $s78
Bec" sha"es his s"$ll, h$gging me, smiling& 4.isa, o$r home, this planet, has !een
swirling in the hea(ens #or #o$r !illion years and still going7&8
40o on5 Pic" an alien or the other, .isa<8 0arth win"s at Bec"&
) hear the "noc" on the wood, seeing& :y :ama protecti(ely stands inside o$r li(ing'
room window, watching $s& hen, she disappears #rom my (iew&
) drop my mo$th, seeing& , tall elderly -oman stands "noc"ing on o$r #ront door&
Bec" parts his lips, staring at the #ront door, saying& 4he So$l'catcher stands at yo$r
#ront door, .isa&8
) sho$t, wa(ing !oth my arms, dashing towards my :ama& 4/on*t come o$t into the
!right light, :ama&8
Cinta t$rns towards the ho$se, seeing& he #ront door o# .isa*s ho$se slightly crac"s open
allowing the !linding light into the dar" room then opens wider& She !ends her "neecaps then
la$nches into the s"yline& She #lies then hangs in the air while targeting the So$l'catcher&
0arth races #rom !ehind then attac"s my !ody& -e !oth land on the soil, seeing&
Bec" !ends his "neecaps then li#ts into the s"yline& 1e #lies in the air towards Cinta&
Cinta lands on top o# the So$l'catcher when they !oth #all on the soil prod$cing a dar"
circle o# rich !lac"& he So$l'catcher disappears $nderneath Cinta*s cowgirl !oots&
Cinta lies still on the soil, loo"ing dead& :y :ama and /addy appear in the archway o#
o$r ho$se, seeing&
hey see me& ) see them& hen, they e3plode into tiny particles o# pin" tiss$e, white
!ones, and red !lood within the !rightness o# light& :y parents are dead&
Bec" lands !eside Cinta then #alls o(er her !ody, co(ering her torso and s"$ll&
) str$ggle #rom $nder 0arth*s tallness then stand, so!!ing& ) race towards the !loody parts
o# my parents, #looding my #ace with hot tears and streaming m$c$s&
Bec" whips his %ac"et o## then wraps it aro$nd Cinta*s #ace and sho$lders&
) stand !etween the #ront door and Bec" while 0arth h$gs me& 1e says& 4Sorry5 )*m so
Bec" yells& 40arth&8 0arth !ac" pedals h$gging me, while ) stare at the red !lood and
pin" tiss$es o# my dead parents& Bec" slowly stands c$ddling Cinta& She hides $nder his %ac"et&
1e nods, saying& 4he !rightness will !lind her, permanently&8
0arth #rowns& 4She*s an alien&8
Bec" #rowns& 4She*s h$man& ) can smell her new p$ppy'dog odor which is %$st li"e the
sense o# a h$man !eing&8
) nod& 4-e smell<8
0arth s2$ee9es my sho$lders& 46eah5 Li"e new!orn p$ppies78
Bec" #rowns& 4Cinta is a h$man !eing, not an alien& he So$l'catcher was made o#
cent$ries o# #ragile e(ilness while holding millions o# alien so$ls and some god'"in, too& Cinta
released the "ept alien so$ls #reeing them #rom their imprisonment& B$t78
0arth parts his lips, 4B$t, what<8
Bec" e3plains& 4he (iolent energy e3change has e3pelled her nat$ral alien powers& Cinta
is a normal h$man teenage #emale li"e an earthling& She doesn*t possess any s$perpowers& )
wo$ld g$ess, honestly, that she will ne(er possess anymore s$per powers&8
Cinta e3hales, so!!ing $nder the %ac"et& 1er hands wrap aro$nd the %ac"et& 4:y head
h$rts& :y arms !$rn #rom the s$n& /o something, 0arth< 6o$*re the se(enth son&8 Bec" sha"es
his s"$ll at 0arth&
0arth e3hales, (iewing the soil, then me, then Cinta& 4)*m the se(enth son& :y powers
ha(e do$!led #rom Sy9ygy, Cinta& B$t, )*m not a god or a wi9ard or a magician& ) can*t restore
s$per powers $pon a h$man !eing or an alien or a god'"in& )*m sorry, little sis&8
Cinta so!s& 4:ama, /addy, and other "in are all dead& )*m alone, here, 0arth& 1ow will )
li(e< -here will ) li(e<8
0arth e3hales, (iewing the soil, then me and then Cinta& 4)*ll ta"e care o# ya, Cinta&
6o$*ll li(e with me,8 (iewing me& 4)*m sorry, .isa& Cinta has no home or alien powers&8 1e
(iews the !right s$nlight, witho$t !eing !linded or !lin"ing& 4She can*t !e alone or $nprotected
#rom the e(il nasty god'"in& hey are many more on the planet&8
Bec" nods, h$gging Cinta& 4,nd, Cinta can*t !e e3posed to the other (icio$s $ncaring aliens,
either& here*re less, now, 0arth,8 grinning&
) e3hale, so!!ing with tears #or my girl'!est& 4Cinta5<8
Cinta so!s while Bec" h$gs her& 1e smiles& 40arth58 1e (iews me& Bec" says& 40arth,
)*ll ta"e care o# Cinta&8
0arth swings to Bec", growling& 4) #or!id it&8
Bec" grins& 46o$*re not h$man& She is& She*s not alien& She*s not goddess'"in& She*s
h$man& ) want to care and marry Cinta #or the rest o# o$r days on Planet Earth&8
) drop my mo$th& 46o$ can do that&8
Bec" win"s at me& 4his is the moment o# Sy9ygy, .isa, #or an alien or a god'"in to
marry any creat$re that they choose& ) choose Cinta,8 (iewing 0arth, 47with yo$r permission&8
1e (iews me& 46o$ don*t ha(e to pic" either one o# $s, now, .isa& 6o$ sho$ld marry 0arth,
immediately, right now& -e got se(en'min$tes $ntil the ending o# Sy9ygy, !$ddy&8
Cinta sni##s then says& 4/on*t as" him& ) accept& :arry me, now, Bec"58
Bec" ch$c"les then "isses her mo$th placement, sorta, $nder the %ac"et& 1e smiles at
0arth then win"s at me& 4Bye ya*ll58 1e c$ddles Cinta then !ends his "neecaps, !o$ncing $p
#rom the gro$nd into the s"yline& 1e #lies away with Cinta inside his %ac"et towards his manor&
0arth e3hales, (iewing me& 4/o yo$ wanna !e my cowgirl, honey<8
) %$mp into his open arms& 46ee'haw58
9ne +ee%C (ater. ?#nch time. part(y c(o#dy. ,2>F. aris. France. ;o$r wheelchairs
str$ggle aro$nd the other g$est ta!les and chairs then land in #o$r di##erent corner slots o# the
lower s2$are ta!le& Bec" motions #or the waitress& 4his is one o# the !est resta$rants in Paris, at
least, !ased on my dead :other*s wise ad(ice&8
) slap his #orearm, #rowning, 4Bec", stop ditching yo$r dead :other&8
1e ch$c"les, reading the #ood men$& 4-hy< She can*t hear me down there in 1ades&
,nyways, she orchestrated the78
Cinta says, reading the l$nch men$& 4-e "now, s$gar& Let*s %$st en%oy the sights and
#ood& ) wanna see Notre /ame and the Paris ,rt 0allery, too, !e#ore we select a resta$rant #or
4,w, naw5 he ,rt 0allery in Paris is se(en'miles long, witho$t an ,K p$tt'p$tting $s
aro$nd the tile #looring, Cinta,8 0arth whines, reading the #ood men$&
) narrow my eyelashes at the tiny #ly #lies in the midnight !l$e s"y o# th$nder'storms then
spread my arms& 4)ncoming58 ) wiggle my #ingers protecting my #amily mem!ers o# Bec" and
Cinta and 0arth& he #o$r wheelchairs swi#tly depart #rom o$r wooden ta!le, when the #irst god'
"in warrior hits the mar!le with his !ooted #eet& /ead&
Bec" stands #rom the wheelchair 9apping his !l$e !eam in the chest o# the god'"in& 0arth
"ic"s the wheelchair #rom his legs dancing with a second god'"in warrior& 1e tosses p$nches o#
lighting !olts into his s"$ll& /ead&
Cinta #lips to the right then #alls in the wheelchair& She %$mps into the air, #ighting with
the #irst goddess'"in warrior $sing her new pin" !eam& /ead& She yells, giggling& 4Pin" is #or
girls, li"e me and .isa, ya*ll&8
) #ight with the second goddess'"in warrior !leeding her nose then !lac"ening an eye
soc"et& he second goddess'"in warrior !ac" pedals #rom my new alien'power arm thr$sts, when
0arth 9aps a lighting !olt !etween her !ig !reasts& /ead&
0arth dashes to me, h$gging and "issing my #ace #or !oth #$n and lo(e& 1e whispers&
40ood %o!, honey'alien& ) lo(e yo$&8
) giggle& 40reat come !ac", alien& ) lo(e ya, too&8
Bec" races to Cinta pro(iding a h$g and "iss when they giggle& 1e (iews $s, e3haling&
4ime to !low o## Par'ee&8 ) nod with Cinta then we e3it o$t the damaged resta$rant with #o$r
dead !odies o(er the space&
6o$ can hear people screams, dishes crash, police sirens, and rain storm th$nder&
0arth c$ddles me when ) wal" !eside Cinta, who h$gs on Bec"& -e wal" in a row
heading towards the openness o# the city street, witho$t a care in the world& Bec" ch$c"les,
#ingering the air& 4) got le#t side o# the clo$d #ormation, today&8
0arth nods, thr$sting an inde3 #inger& 4) gots the right side,8 when the air swishes into a
set o# grayish white swirling clo$ds& he low clo$ds appear o(er the !$sy city street& B$t, only
an alien or god'"in can see the pretty pict$re&
Cintas as"s& 4-here are we going ne3t to, ya*ll<8
) nod at the clo$ds, holding 0arth*s hand& 4) wanna see Big Ben in London, England78
47e3plode,8 ch$c"les 0arth along with Bec" and Cinta&
Cinta gra!s my hand, when ) toss o$r arms into the air #or o$r newest (ictory o(er the
h$nting warrior clan o# !oth the god'"in and alien'"ind as the resta$rant e3plodes into !l$e and
yellow #ire charring the air with pin" tiss$e, !one #ragments, and red !lood&
he s$r(i(al contin$es7

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