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... through Bertha Dudde

Jesus taught love on Earth ....
Jesus soul brought love along with it to earth and thereore !e
was able to ta"e e#$essive suering u%on !i&sel' sin$e love
gave !i& the strength to do so. !e "new that %eo%le were
es%e$iall( la$"ing love and were thereore wea" and %owerless.
)lthough the( also sheltered a tin( s%ar" o love' hen$e the(
were capable o love' nevertheless' the( were unwilling to love
be$ause it was s&othered b( *( adversar( .... who in$reasingl(
sti&ulated their selish love and %revented selless love ro&
$o&ing through.
+onse,uentl( Jesus e#e&%liied a lie o love to %eo%le .... Jesus
onl( treated !is ellow hu&an beings with "indness' !e healed
their ali$tions' !e $o&orted the& and hel%ed wherever hel%
was needed .... !e was unselish and alwa(s willing to ease
%eo%les ate on earth ....
!e taught the& why the( should live a lie o love' !e warned
the& o the $onse,uen$es o a heartless wa( o lie' -ust as !e
re%eatedl( de&onstrated to the& the ee$ts o a lie o love and
%rovided the %roo !i&sel b( being $a%able o great eats o
strength' b( healing the si$" and %eror&ing &ira$les b( virtue o
!is $onstantl( in$reasing love .... or !e was $losel( united with
God' the Eternal .ove /tsel ....
)nd thereore Jesus taught %eo%le to establish the bond with
God' their eternal Father' whi$h $an onl( ta"e %la$e through love
and through heartelt %ra(er .... )ll this had be$o&e una&iliar to
%eo%le and onl( a ew lived a lie o love' but the( soon
re$ognised Jesus as the %ro&ised *essiah' the( re$ognised in
!i& the Father ....
0his love had "indled a s&all light in the& whi$h subse,uentl(
was nourished b( Jesus tea$hing and &ade the dar"ness
re$ede .... )nd this do$trine was &eant to be s%read a&ong the
hu&an ra$e' or this reason !e edu$ated !is dis$i%les !i&sel'
sending the& into the world with the instru$tion to %ro$lai& !i&'
!is a$t o 1alvation and the Gos%el o love' be$ause %eo%le
should be shown the right %ath whi$h leads to eternal lie ....
!owever' Jesus would never have been able to a$$o&%lish this
a$t o 1alvation had !e not been ull o love' but love a$hieves
ever(thing' no li&its e#ist or love .... nothing is i&%ossible or it'
nothing e#ists that love $ould not over$o&e .... or as a hu&an
being it would have been i&%ossible to survive su$h an e#tent o
suering and %ain as was i&%osed u%on !i& ....
But the strength o love hel%ed !i& to be vi$torious .... b( virtue
o love !e endured the &ost bitter suering and e#$ru$iating
death on the $ross and onl( gave u% !is lie when the a$t was
a$$o&%lished ....
Onl( then was it %ossible or a %erson to release hi&sel ro& the
adversar( who "e%t hi& in bondage as long as the guilt o sin
had not been redee&ed .... Onl( ater Jesus $ru$ii#ion were
%eo%le able to a%%eal or strength and reinor$e&ent ro& Jesus
+hrist' in Who& God !i&sel' as the Eternal .ove' had died ....
2eo%le are no longer at the &er$( o Gods adversar( and his
arbitrar( use o %ower' the( $an deta$h the&selves ro& hi& i
the( %ra( to Jesus or hel% and through a lie o love a$,uire the
strength to ulil Gods will.
+onse,uentl(' it is &ost i&%ortant in earthl( lie that the Gos%el
is %ro$lai&ed to %eo%le' whi$h re&oves the dense dar"ness ro&
%eo%le and lets the& ind aith in Jesus +hrist as 1on o God and
Redee&er o the world' and whi$h will alwa(s grant the strength
to $o&%lete the earthl( %ath su$$essull( ....
For love is strength' without love a %erson re&ains wea" and
$annot rea$h his goal' on a$$ount o whi$h he lives on earth ....
But neither $an there be light on this earth without love' or it is
the real& o Gods adversar( who s%reads dense dar"ness with
the ai& o %reventing the re$ognition o God and not to lose his
ollowers but who $an be re$ognised in the light as an ene&( ....
Where love is %rea$hed' the aith in Jesus +hrist $an also be
awa"ened i onl( %eo%le are willing to live u% to the
$o&&and&ents o love.
)nd thus the labourers in the vine(ard o the .ord shall diligentl(
wor" and s%read the Word o God' whi$h will alwa(s $onsist o
the divine $o&&and&ents o love' be$ause %eo%le &ust be
inor&ed o the a$t that onl( love will gain the& s%iritual
advan$e&ent' that onl( love will grant the& the strength to
i&%rove the&selves' and that love also bestows u%on the& the
light whi$h reveals e#tensive "nowledge so that the( will
$ons$iousl( travel their earthl( %ath .... $ons$ious o their tas"
and their goal .... and do their ut&ost to strive or it ....
)s soon as the( a$"nowledge Jesus +hrist' as soon as the( "now
that God !i&sel has a$$o&%lished the a$t o 1alvation in Jesus
+hrist and then $ons$iousl( hand the&selves over to !i&' the(
will also be released ro& their original sin and rea$h the goal on
earth and the inal union with their God and Father o eternit( ....
2ublished b( riends o new revelations o God 3/nor&ation'
download o all translated revelations' the&e4boo"lets at5


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