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Tin Universe #17

By Brian C. Williams
Copyright 2014 Brian C. Williams
Smashwords Edition
The Tin Universe
The sale of this book withot its !o"er#.well$ is$ sort of$ impossible sin!e it really doesn%t ha"e a !o"er bt let
s go throgh the legal spray ot anyways. &f yo pr!hased this book withot a !o"er$ yo shold be aware that it
was reported to the pblisher as 'nsold and destroyed.( )ands p to yo who ha"e books like this in yor
!olle!tion* +ow that & pt my hand down we !an !ontine with the !redits and !opyright and legal and stff that
people ,st don%t e"er pay attention to nless it is pmping their own horn.
-n .riginal /bli!ation of System* Publishing$ a Tin Universe book pblished by System*Publishing$ a
di"ision of System*Productions$ 0elborne$ 1lorida. This book is a work of fi!tion. +ames$ !hara!ters$ pla!es$ and
in!idents are prod!ts of the athor%s imagination or are sed fi!titiosly. -ny resemblan!e to a!tal e"ents or
lo!ales or persons$ li"ing or dead or li"ing dead$ is entirely and "ery m!h so in the !oin!idental.
Smashwords Edition Copyright 2 2014$ Brian C. illiams$ System*Productions. Tin Universe #17$ and all
related titles$ !hara!ters$ and elements are trademarks of System*Productions. -ll rights reser"ed$ in!lding the
right to reprod!e this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoe"er. While nathori3ed reprod!tion is
sometimes needed$ please remember s writers types are for the most part a poor lot ,st in sear!h of a ways to tell
or stories and enogh money to add to or 4o!tor Who !olle!tions#.well$ at least that fits me. 1irst Smashwords
edition 5ne 2014$ for more information on Tin Universe #17$ the artists who !ontribted to this book$ and Tin
Universe !onta!t System*Productions at hangofwednesday6gmail.!om
.riginally pblished as7 The Collected ! "U#$T #1% The &ar'ness Bite 1 ()**% The #riginal Sin 1
P+,C(+-C) #P)-$-. SU-&+, T(#U.(TS% The #riginal Sin / &))P)0 0#S)S T# 1+**% The
#riginal Sin 2 3#$C)S +-& BU**)TS% The #riginal Sin 4 C#U0S) C(+-.)% The Turtle )dge 1 +
S)*)CT$#- #1 SP$0$T5 T)+C()0S P)T% all Bound ! P+C6)0S #- T() 1$0ST #UT
Written and Edited by Brian C. illiams
Co"er /hotography by Ste7hanie (amlin
Co"er 0odel work by Ste7hanie (amlin
-ny -dditional /hotography by Stainless Photogra7hy
Co"er 4igital Work by 72 $mages
-thor /hoto by -ancy Collins
8Chec' #riginal 9aterials :or more credits;
Tin Universe #17
&eadline Cheat
This is the Tin 8ni"ers# a!tally it%s a few stories from other realities. Bt the breaking
news pdates are from the Tin 8ni"erse.
BREAKING NEWS: 0a,or mega !hr!h in 1lorida donates a million dollars to an ad
!ampaign to paint Beyond )mans as e"il#
BREAKING NEWS: To prepare for World E!onomy Smmit reports are !oming in that
-stralian go"ernment is raiding hotels and apartments of potential protestors#
BREAKING NEWS: 8.S. Congressmen says$ '/regnan!y doesn%t happen when a woman is
raped. The body shts itself down.( +ation is silent to stpidity#
BREAKING NEWS: -rsonist setting fires in California tants poli!e !alling himself -shes#
P+C6)0S #- T() 1$0ST #UT
all Bound !
& will say this pfront$ the trth of what & know abot -stralia and its history is "ery little$
and that "ery little is based on drnken !on"ersations with an inter9dimensional brain ha!ker who
!alled himself Camilleri.
& told him more than a few times his named made me hngry for Star Wars !hara!ters on a
pi33a bt he ne"er got the ,oke.
The fa!t is & really don%t need to know a lot to do my ,ob. 0ainly what & do need to know is7
what my ,ob is$ is the employer reliable to pay me and my asso!iates$ what my going in plan is$
and what my e:it ot plan will be.
Camilleri was fll of stories with more than a few interesting points within them$ least of
whi!h was that he was originally from -stralia. -t 1; he fell throgh a dimensional rip and
ended p stdying nder a gild of brain ha!kers !alled The /ee.
&t means something different there.
The /ee#
Sht p.
The /ee is a !haos grop< whi!h are !omposed of many ra!es from a!ross the dimensional
span of all realities. )ow they got these abilities no one knows. Some ha"e said that the Chaos
=ods themsel"es ha"e gifted them these abilities to operate as their agents in !reation.
Bt no matter what the answer to their mystery is one thing%s a fa!t. They wear really !ool
!hrome masks.
The thing they do is tra"el between dimensions ha!king biologi!al systems to throw a wren!h
into any states of !alm that they find.
4eath gets a big !h!kle ot of wat!hing these gys work.
- really !ool thing abot Camilleri himself$ he%s a pretty ni!e gy for a brain ha!ker. +ot
saying the rest of them are )itler%s bt he is part of a grop many label as terrorists< so his
ni!eness stands ot >ite a bit.
.ne of those ni!e traits of his$ best of whi!h is him always paying for drinks$ bt one of those
ni!e traits is how he likes to !asally ha!k the brains of stpid people he en,oys spending time
with and adds a little intelligen!e.
So here & am.
0any years later$ after the days of drinking with Camilleri$ & find myself sitting in a !offee
!af? in -stralia as an -stralia 4ay parade passes otside.
-stralia 4ay is a national !elebration bt the day isn%t withot it detra!tors. Thogh this
parti!lar -stralia 4ay parade is ni>e be!ase it%s sppose to be the most in!lsi"e to all of
the people throghot the !ontry%s history that ha"e made -stralia what it is today.
-nd in how these things sal happen more people are angry abot it being more in!lsi"e
and also a lot angry abot it still not being in!lsi"e enogh than how many were angry abot the
early years of -stralia 4ay.
That%s ,st a lot of angry and proof again that when dealing with history there are no win win
& keep ending p ba!k in this !ontry in its many histories and many forms$ with my fa"orite
being an -stralia in one reality were its most famos e:port is 1ish /eople 1ingers.
0ade from the remains of fish people.
&%m of the mind that Camilleri ha!ked in some -ssie hints while in there making me one
degree smarter and those hints that keep my life a little more ot of my hands than it is for most
other people.
@et%s get this ot of the way$ don%t make any mistake$ &%m no genis now. .ne degree smarter
took me from pi!king my ass to pi!king my nose.
.h$ and now & !an see the left o"er energies that temporally srrond enter9dimensional
tra"elers. & don%t know why & !an do this. The one time & meet Camilleri after those drinking days
and & told him abot this parti!lar ability he responded with$ '.ops.(
&f yo see random people with a metalli! glow abot them$ yo too might ha"e had an
en!onter with my friend Camilleri. -n '.ops( en!onter.
Today &%m ha"ing !offee with two people & meet be!ase of said a!!idently granted ability.
.ne is a friend$ the other my soon to be wife. & work with both of them now.
.ne of them is from an nstable reality !alled The Colle!ted. /oints of reality !olle!ted by the
an!ient ra!e The Twist. 0ostly parado:es and !anon isses. )e%s a former member of The /ee
and was e:!elled for being the "ery thing they are a!!sed of being.
0y fian!? is from The Tin 8ni"erse$ yo might ha"e heard of it arond these parts. The pla!e
has a large hero and "illain theme to it. She was working on a British !argo ship in the ftre
when the new /ledge !ame into her powers. )er sr"i"al of that en!onter was simply a bite of
!osmi! angst.
'0y life !an be laghable at times. Bt at other times & !an ,st smile for no reason. 4ays like
today are why & do what & do.( 0y names -nton
When it !omes to some things most people are in similar "iew. 1or a few e:amples most
people en,oy !hips on their sandwi!hes. &t may not be poplar in -meri!a bt so!!er is a
thosand times more poplar than the +.1.@.
-nd most of my family likes bttermilk.
+ot me.
1or most people it wold be better to wake p ali"e than dead$ not !onting "ampires$ bt for
others there is a walk they mst do somewhere between life and death. This is the only way these
people !an li"e. -nd they ha"e no !hoi!e.
These people are what -ngels !all /a!kers.
+o =reen Bay !iti3enships re>ired.
-nd don%t go there with any fdge !omments.
/a!kers are hman beings who !arry their ftres with them throgh e"ery step they take.
They are the artists$ the performers$ the lo"ers$ the seekers.
The di!tators.
The "isionaries.
-nd the re"oltionaries.
/a!kers ha"e one thing most hmans don%t. They ha"e tre passion.
They also ha"e a ni>e strength within them.
-ll three of s ha"e been !alled /a!kers dring or tra"els. & take it as a !ompliment bt my
two !af? mates today aren%t of the same mind. Then again e"eryone goes into things from
different angles.
'Today%s a story and yo shold take all stories as a dig into a sol.( That%s my friend -asif.
'& think yor brain is finally !ra!king.(
'& dig what we do$ & dig yo$ & dig yor girl.(
'Wat!h the digging hippy.(
'4on%t dig my lady. & don%t like that. &%m a ,ealos person.(
'-li!e isn%t !omplaining.(
'-li!e doesn%t talk.(
Bt she does middle finger both of s for talking as if she was here.
That%s !alled 0eta .r @i"es banter.
'Too bad yo ha"e another ,ob tonight. .ne a day is plenty enogh for me. & won%t get to see
yo before & lea"e for Calgary. & wanted to stay longer$ wish & !old$ bt & ha"e a higher profile
than both of yo do and &%ll need to get ot of the !ontry >i!k after helping with this ,ob.(
She gi"es him a half hearted smile filled with disdain more than anything else. Working with
them together !an be a !hallenge. =ood thing they are both totally professionals when getting a
,ob done.
'Will yo be ba!k for the wedding in 5ly*( & asked
'&%ll do e"erything & !an to be there. Thogh &%ll ha"e a new fa!e so e:pe!t that. This one is
getting too well known.(
-li!e taps her wat!h to -asif. She%s a sti!kler for ne"er doing a ,ob late or early. She prides
herself on doing so to make a point of how professional she is. -nd this ,ob is te!hni!ally hers
with s along for the ride.
'- few more mintes before the parade hits the right mile marker. Enogh time for another
rond of shots.(
Being enter9dimensional terrorists for hire is all abot the !offee intake.
+ S)*)CT$#- #1 SP$0$T
,)+0 #-)< T)+C()0=S P)T
The Turtle )dge 1
1A.0 B@-CB7
./E+&+= SEC8E+CE7
EDT. &+S&4E 0CBA&4E%S BE4A..0 9 9 +&=)T
90!bride is asleep in her bed. She is sleeping pea!eflly$ >ietly$ and with safety from the rest
of the world in her heart.
The room is de!orated in what someone who doesn%t know better thinks a 5apanese bedroom
wold look like. &ts Stereotypes left$ right$ and !enter.
The !amera ba!ks away from looking at her on the bed$ ot her bedroom window$ a!ross her
yard$ and into the street that rn in front of her hose. Then the !amera sddenly trns arond to
see a man in a sit$ hidden by the shadows of a tree. )e%s looking throgh a pair of hnting
bino!lars at 0!bride throgh her bedroom window.
+ote7 Eo !an see the refle!tion of 0!bride on her bed in the bino!lars glass. This may not
be realisti! bt it wold look !ool & think.
G- female "oi!eH
I0!bride Barlow is 22 years old. 0ost of the time she ends p being the mother figre among
her friends. She wants to help people who ha"e been hrt by life. 1or someone so yong she has
li"ed a life already way beyond her years. She%s abot to make new friends and she will need
C8T T.7
EDT. - 1.AEST 9 9 W&+TEA
9The forest is thi!k with trees and snow as the !amera walks throgh it.
T)E0E /.E0
G-!osti! gitar in the ba!kgrond with a male "oi!e reading the poemH
IBlood is on his heart$
+ot his sol$
- man !arrying arond a memory$
+ot a demons part.
)e failed on!e and here we are$
+ot a symbol of a mistake$
Bt the barer of the s!ar$
Can a false hope spring from a !oward in the sea of me*
When a strange pattern ends sddenly*
)old on !omfort heroes are there$
States shall or will be raised$
.nly a dare#.<
C8T T.7
90!la!hian looks into the !amera. This isn%t a behind the !rtain moment breaking the forth
wall bt & want it to be eerie to the "iewer that he%s looking at them.
G- female "oi!eH
I0!la!hian is age 2J. 4ring a weak moment he trned away instead of helping someone.
That person was sa!rifi!ed and let lose a horde of e"il spirits on!e again pon the Earth.%
1-4E 1A.0 B@-CB7
EDT. 0!bride%s Bedroom 9 9 +ight
90!bride is asleep in her bed. She is sleeping pea!eflly$ >ite$ and safe$ as we all do. The
!amera ba!ks away from her$ ot the bedroom window$ a!ross her yard$ into the street$ and then
the !amera sddenly trns arond to see a man in a sit looking throgh a pair of hnting
bino!lars at 0!bride throgh her bedroom window. The shadow from a tree is !o"ering the
man%s fa!e.
+ote7 This is not a rehash of the earlier s!ene. The angles all shold be slightly different.
0aybe e"en se different !ameras to film the first one and this one. 0aybe se tape for the first
s!ene and film for this one. This is something & want to do with this series. 8se simple moments$
simple storytelling tri!ks as an attempt to make the "iewer feel something%s off and not right. -
lot of that will ha"e to do with how hard we work on the lighting and msi! so it will be
important we find good talent in those areas.
4&S.@FE T.7
9- brightly lit room is !o"ered in pi!tres that ha"e been gled$ stapled$ nailed$ and thmb
ta!ked$ to the walls$ !eiling$ and floor. - man is s!ot!h tapping more of the pi!tres on the floor<
while hmming a song. There are sta!ks of photos beside him and a b!ket of raw !hi!ken. The
!amera trns p and 3ooms in on one of the pi!tres on a wall. Eo !an see that it%s 0!bride.
C8T T.7
EDT. Bla!k -pple Commnity College9 9 0orning
9This is the first day of the 1all Semester. Stdents$ fa!ility$ and staff are arri"ing at the
Ga female "oi!eH
IK0L of these stdents will drop ot after a week. 20L will gradate. 1KL will drop ot a
week into their last semester. KL will gradate with a !han!e of doing anything with their li"es.
10L will die gresomely before the year is o"er.%
C8T T.7
&+T. The )ibbitts )istory Bilding
9The halls are fll of the yong and older stdents that attend a !ommnity !ollege on their
way to !lasses$ happy$ fll of hope$ and more than a few lost.
C8T T.7
&+T. The )ibbitts )istory Bilding
90!la!hian is bying a soda ot of a "ending ma!hine.
0!la!hian in a simple way wat!hes all the different kinds of people and grops of people pass
by him9 the weird normals$ the worshipers$ the elitists$ and e"en fa!ility. )e%s wearing an -rmy
,a!ket$ a bla!k t9shirt$ ble ,eans$ and work boots.
Goff !ameraH
ITaking Western Ci".*%
90!la!hian ignores her.
Goff !ameraH
I-re yo taking Western Ci"*%
90!la!hian ignores her.
Goff !ameraH
I)i$ 0r. Moned .t.%
90!la!hian opens his drink with one hand as he trns arond to fa!e 0indy.
9The !amera plls ba!k to show 0indy standing in front of 0!la!hian with a little bit of a
pissed off look on her fa!e. She%s wearing ble ,ean o"eralls with a white !t off shirt$ and short
G- female "oi!eH
I0indy Simon is an 1; year old yong woman who has a step sister named Trisha who is also
attending Bla!k -pple Commnity College. She a!ts like a wild girl to keep some from dealing
with things. Sometimes she gets herself into sitations she !an%t get herself ot of.%
IThe book in yor left hand* The one that%s titled Western Ci" on the !o"er. & was wondering
when yo%re taking the !lass*%
I&n ten mintes.%
IThat wold be ;700.%
90!la!hian rdely ignores 0indy and walks by her to go into the !lassroom.
ICollege$ where assholes don%t ha"e 3its bt still are di!ks.%
C8T T.7
&+T. The College Cafeteria$ The 0addo: Seat 9 9 @ater
90indy and her step sister Trisha are sitting in a booth talking. Trisha is wearing a green trtle
ne!k sweater$ ble ,eans$ and tennis shoes.
C8T T.7
EDT. S!hool Stdent /arking @ot 9 9 E"ening
90!bride is getting in her tr!k. She sees a small bo: on the dash of her tr!k. She opens it.
She%s wearing a baseball !ap$ a windbreaker ,a!ket$ ble ,eans$ and tennis shoes.
C8T T.7
EDT. -nother /art .f The S!hool%s Stdent /arking @ot 9 9 Same Time
90!la!hian is flipping throgh his Western Ci". book standing beside his tr!k when from
behind Sheriff Witter spins him arond and sho"es him against the tr!k. The ba!k of
0!la!hian%s t9shirt reads S...S.
Sheriff Witter is one of the yongest Sheriff%s yo will e"er find in a small town at age J0.
I&%m wat!hing yo 0!la!hian.%
IThat%s original Sheriff.%
ICe!illia 0athis died and yo aren%t !lean from it.%
90!la!hian sho"es the Sheriff.
I& ,st fond the body. &%ll ne"er be !lean from that night Witter bt & was ,st in the wrong
pla!e at the wrong time.%
I& know there is more.%
9The Sheriff grabs 0!la!hian by the throat as 0!la!hian pshes himself a step forward.
IThere is more.%
9The Sheriff lets go of 0!la!hian and walks away as the !amera goes p in the sky.
Goff !ameraH
IThere always is more.(
C8T T.7
9- "iew of 0!bride%s hands and the bo:. 0!bride plls a bottle ot of the bo: and then a !ard
that reads$ '0E B@..4 1.A E.8.( Then sddenly a !ra!k and the bottle e:plodes !o"ering
0!bride%s fa!e with blood.
Then the !amera plls wider and ba!k ot of the tr!k as 0!bride begins to !ry and she grabs
an apple that was sitting in the seat and throws it throgh the front window of the tr!k.
C8T T.7
EDT. Bla!k -pple Commnity College 9 9 +ight Classes
C8T T.7
&+T. The )artly Te!hnology Bilding
9- !ompter !lass room with only si: stdents in it. .ne of them is 0!la!hian and sitting
beside him is Trisha. The tea!her finishes handing ot the weeks home work assignments and
lets the !lass lea"e.
C8T T.7
&+T. - )allway &n The @awson -rts Bilding 9 9 @ater
9Trisha is getting a pa!k of gm ot of a sna!k ma!hine as 0!la!hian walks by. She noti!es
him and ,mps ot in front of him to get his attention. Sort of like throwing a ro!k at someone to
get their attention.
I)iN We ha"e !lass together. Well$ & gess yo know that we ha"e !lass together be!ase yo
know# We sit near ea!h other. Side by side. &n !lass.%
90!la!hian starts to walk away. Trisha slides in front of him again.
I& noti!ed yo were ha"ing problems in !lass#with mltitasking.%
I&%m a one task sort of gy.%
IEo know & !old help#yo$ if yo wold want# 0e to.%
ISorry$ no.%
9Trisha ignoring what he ,st said.
I+o bother$ really$ we !old meet tomorrow after ln!h.%
90!la!hian stares at Trisha%s rather large smile wanting to ,st walk away or tell her to f!k
off. With e"erything telling him to ,st walk away he doesn%t.
IThank yo.%
C8T T.7
&+T. 0!la!hian%s )otel Aoom 9 9 2am
90!la!hian is sitting at the end of his bed reading a book for his Aeligios Stdies !lass. The
only thing that shows anyone is o!!pying the room is books spread all arond the room and two
old -rmy dffel bags whi!h are sitting in a !orner of the room.
C8T T.7
&+T. &n - Basement Somewhere
9Stalker person is working on a small painting. /laying on a large T" in the ba!kgrond
behind his painters stand is some hard!ore porn.
+ote7 &f hard!ore porn is ot of bonds to se how abot a religios show* Both are porn in
different ways.
C8T T.7
&+T. The 0addo: Seat 9 9 The +e:t 4ay
9The !amera starts as a yong lady is bying her ln!h and follows her ot to the eating area
where she passes 0indy and Trisha. &t wold be best if we !old get a re!ogni3able person to
play the yong lady as a sort of fake ot to the "iewer be!ase we will ne"er see her !hara!ter
C8T T.7
9Trisha and 0indy are ha"ing ln!h together en,oying ea!h other%s !ompany. These are two
sisters who lo"e spending time together.
Trisha is wearing tennis shoes$ ble ,eans$ and a brown pllo"er. 0indy is wearing a bla!k t9
shirt$ a brown leather "est$ tight ,eans$ and dress shoes.
I1reaks -nd =eeks had more an impa!t on TF than Bffy.%
IEes$ not e"en a fll season. So m!h impa!t !ompared to O seasons.%
I4oesn%t matter how many seasons it had$ 1alty Towers only had arond 1J episodes.%
I4on%t speak 1reaks in the same senten!e as Towers. Bffy had -lyson )anningon$ S0=$
-nthony Stewart )ead$ Booth$ Seth =reen$ 5ames 0arsters$ 0i!helle Tra!htenberg$ and -mber
I1reaks had Felma 4inkley$ Sweets$ 5ames 1ran!o$ Seth Aogen$ and 5ason Segel.%
IBig woop there.%
IThe trth is#%
IThe trth is 5oss Whedon and other writers like 5ane Espenson are the shit. Bffy !hanged
the way pop !ltre was sed in all forms of storytelling. )ow dialoge was written. )ow people
approa!hed writing as a whole.%
I4on%t bore me with yor Bffy. 1reaks led to Bno!ked 8p$ 40 Eear .ld Firgin$ =reen
)ornet$ and )ow & 0et Eor 0other$%
I=reen )ornet*%
I.k$ bad e:ample.%
IBffy lead to 1irefly$ Bones$ Aobot Chi!ken$ 4rones$ and let%s not make a mistake it%s
Willow that ro!ks )ow & 0et Eor 0other$ not Segel.%
IBffy bore$ & said no Bffy bore.%
I4on%t bore me with yor 1reaks$ thogh to be honest the real boring is the people &%"e meet
here so far. +o one speaks p in !lasses and the tea!hers seem to be barely awake.%
I0eet anyone interesting*%
TA&S)- gy. & meet him in night !lass. & told him &%d help him with !ompter stff he%s ha"ing
problems with.%
IStep sis making mo"es. Being a te!h geek hasn%t gotten me so m!h as a look and yo%re
hooking p.%
I+o$ ,st helping.%
IWhat%s he look like*%
IAgged and#%
Goff !ameraH
I@ike me*%
90!la!hian appears ot of almost nowhere. )e%s standing beside their table. Eo only see him
from the waist p.
Then the !amera plls ba!k a bit to show all three of them.
IBt &%m really not that rgged.%
9Trisha gi"es a ner"os smile.
I)i$ again.%
IEo%"e meet*%
IWat!h him Trisha he%ll talk yor ears off.%
IWords shold ha"e importan!e behind them.%
ISo shold a name#%
C8T T.7
90indy and Trisha stand p in the same time doing things way some sisters do.
I#and & like to know the name of e"eryone in my sister%s life.%
I& worry.%
I)is names Char#%
IEo !an !all me 0!la!hian.%
C8T T.7
&+T. - Compter Stdy Aoom 9 9 @ater
9The room has only three stdents in it. 0!bride is sitting by herself. Trisha is e:plaining
something to 0!la!hian.
I#all yo ha"e to really remember is#%
9- deli"ery man enters the room and gi"es a pa!kage to 0!bride. 0!bride opens it$ s!reams$
and drops it. Trisha and 0!la!hian rsh o"er to 0!bride. Trisha is trying to !alm 0!bride down$
who%s shaking and !rying. She gets p and rns ot of the room.
C8T T.7
9.tside in the hallway. 0!bride has fallen to her knees !rying. Trisha sits down beside her.
IWhat%s wrong*%
90!la!hian walks o"er to them. 0!bride has her hands o"er her eyes !rying. Trisha looks p
to 0!la!hian.
I)ow !an & help*%
IShe%s being stalked.%
C8T T.7
9Trisha is holding 0!bride as 0!la!hian hands her the thing that was in the pa!kage.
C8T T.7
9Ba!k in the !lassroom on 0!bride%s !ompter s!reen where an email reads &%0
C8T T.7
9Trisha is holding the ob,e!t. The !amera pans in on the ob,e!t. &t%s a small painting of
0!bride nde being !r!ified.
C8T T.7
&+T. - AEST8A-+T 9 9 - )or @ater
9-ll of them are sitting in a booth together. &n front of all of them are be"erages7
0indyP!app!!ino$ TrishaPsoda$ 0!la!hianP!offee$ and 0!bridePbeer. That%s sbtle !hara!ter
bilding there or prod!t pla!ement if we !an get any.
I)ow long has this been going on*%
I-bot a month ago & kept getting the feeling & was being followed bt who doesn%t get that
feeling sometimes so after a little while & ,st told myself & was ,st being stpid. Then two
weeks ago & got a pa!kage. &t was a !rate of animal hearts.%
I-ny ideas who it !old be*%
I+o. +o !le.%
C8T T.7
EDT. .tside The Aestarant
9The grop is standing beside 0!la!hian%s tr!k.
IThanks for helping me. & ha"e to admit &%"e been feeling really alone of late.%
90!la!hian gets in his tr!k
IEo gys don%t know me bt yo%re here for me.%
90!la!hian starts his tr!k.
IThat%s friendship.%
90!la!hian sddenly dri"es off withot a word lea"ing the rest of them still with a lot of
>estions abot him.
C8T T.7
9- wide shot of 0!la!hian dri"ing off in his tr!k as the others walking towards 0!bride%s
C8T T.7
EDT. Bla!k -pple Commnity College 9 9 +ight Classes
90!bride is getting ot of her ,eep when a masked man grabs her and throws her in a !ar.
0!bride s!reams for help bt he keeps pn!hing her in the !hest ntil he finally kno!ks the air
ot of her.
)e slams the !ars door sht.
I&s tonight the night my heart of death*%
Goff !ameraH
9- big )istory book hits the stalker in the fa!e twi!e before he rns off and into the wooded
area that srronds the !amps.
C8T T.7
9+ow yo see it was 0indy as she goes to 0!bride who%s on her knees in the parking lot.
0indy sits down beside her.
C8T T.7
EDT. 0!bride%s )ose
9The lights in 0!bride%s hose trn off. The !amera spins arond to show the stalker standing
in the shadows a!ross the street.
C8T T.7
&+T. &nside 0!la!hian%s Tr!k 9 9 Same Time
90!la!hian is wat!hing the stalker.
C8T T.7
90indy and Trisha before morning !lasses.
C8T T.7
90!bride is the last stdent to get her test paper ba!k and as she is getting ready to lea"e she
looks at it. She is sho!ked to see written a!ross it9 &%0 T)E B@..4. She drops the paper and
ba!ks ot of the !lassroom as the tea!her stands in the !lassrooms doorway looking with sinister
pride on his fa!e.
C8T T.7
EDT. Stdent /arking @ot 9 9 -n )or @ater
90indy and 0!bride are sitting on the tailgate of 0!la!hian%s tr!k< while Trisha and
0!la!hian are standing to the side of the pi!kp.
IEo ha"e to go to the poli!e.%
I.r at least the Stdent Con!il.%
I& don%t know. & dropped the note. & don%t e"en ha"e any e"iden!e.%
C8T T.7
EDT. The /otter 1a!lty -nd Staff Bilding 9 9 +ight
9.tside "iew.
C8T T.7
&+T. The .ffi!e .f The College /resident
94ean =lan"ille$ 4r. /aris$ the stalker tea!her 4r. Collinsworth$ 0!bride$ and 0indy are
gathered in 4r. /aris offi!e.
4A. C.@@&+SW.AT)
I& ha"e no idea 4ean =lan"ille what she is thinking. 0aybe it%s be!ase of her low grades.%
4A. /-A&S
I0s. Simon.%
4A. C.@@&+SW.AT)
IStdents tell stories. They ha"en%t matred yet.%
C8T T.7
&+T. .tside 4r. /aris .ffi!e
9Trisha and 0!la!hian are sitting.
I4o yo think they will fire him*%
IThings ,st rn !ertain ways.%
Goff !ameraH
90!la!hian lowers his head.
9The !amera plls ba!k to see Sheriff Witter now standing in front of them.
IEo%re in"ol"ed in this*%
I&%m ,st sitting here.%
I1ine stay there. &%ll be ba!k ot in a few mintes.%
C8T T.7
9Ba!k into 4r. /aris offi!e as Sheriff Witter walks in.
C8T T.7
&+T. - )allway &n The /otter Bilding
9Trisha and 0!la!hian are !oming ba!k from going after something to drink.
C8T T.7
90!bride lea"es 4r. /aris offi!e mad and 0indy follows slamming the door.
C8T T.7
90!bride and 0indy rsh by Trisha and 0!la!hian.
ICome on step sis.%
9Trisha follows 0!bride and 0indy. The !amera now is ,st fo!sed on 0!la!hian for abot
three mintes.
Goff !ameraH
9The !amera trns to show Sheriff Witter walking down the hallway at 0!la!hian.
Goff !ameraH
9Sheriff Witter grabs 0!la!hian and throws him against a wall. -fter 0!la!hian falls to the
floor Witter pi!ks him ba!k p off the floor.
I& want the fa!ts +owNN What do yo know*%
IShe%s telling the trth.%
I-nd & shold belie"e yo*%
I-bot this. Ees.%
IEo%re troble boy.%
9The Sheriff walks away.
I-nd & will be wat!hing yo.%
C8T T.7
EDT. - Bar 9 9 47J0am
9.tside "iew of The Bla!k Seed bar.
C8T T.7
&+T. The Bar
9The bar is the sort where food is ad"ertised bt not a !rmb !old be fond within its walls.
- man is sitting at the bar singing a song.
ISomething yo otgrow$
Something yo don%t$
@ike fear dring rains on dry days or going throgh life alone$
The shining morning passion$
Something%s ne"er lea"e yo$
Something%s ne"er thoght ot$
@ike what he did to yo or that "ery harsh word$
The shining morning passion$
Try to get stronger along the way$
West to the ne"er ending story$
The shining morning passion$
Something%s are like a dri"e arond in a heart$
The shining morning passion$%
9The !amera goes throgh the empty bar to a !hair in a !orner where 0!la!hian is sitting
leaning ba!k against the wall holding a beer.
C8T T.7
&+T. 0!bride%s )ose 9 9 The +e:t +ight
9-ll of the grop is sitting on the li"ing room !o!h.
IThey say they !an%t do anything. +o proof.%
I- bn!h of bll.%
I&s there anything we !an do*%
IEo gys ha"e been great bt &%m ,st >itting s!hool.%
I+o$ don%t do that.%
90indy stands p and the !amera "iew pans ot a bit.
I)e !an%t get away with this.%
9They all look at Trisha and lagh at her enthsiasm.
C8T T.7
EDT. .tside 0!bride%s )ose 9 9 - 1ew 0intes @ater
9The grop is walking to 0indy%s !ar.
IThink of it this way. & was flnking so me >itting isn%t that big of a deal. & don%t think he%s
going to bother me anymore and ot of this mess &%"e made three friends.%
C8T T.7
90indy and Trisha dri"e away in their !ar.
C8T T.7
90!la!hian is sitting in his tr!k with the door open as 0!bride leans against the door.
I-re yo sre yor alright*%
I+o$ bt &%m me.%
I-s long as yo don%t let him !hange yo$ yo win.%
C8T T.7
90!bride smiles.
I)e doesn%t say m!h bt he knows knowledge.%
C8T T.7
9Wide shot as a !ar smashes into 0!la!hian%s tr!k from ot of nowhere. 0!bride is thrown
far from the tr!k like a kid tossed a ragdoll a!ross the road. She lands in the front yard of an
abandoned hose. - lot of the hoses are abandoned on this street.
C8T T.7
0!bride is kno!ked ot on the grass. She almost instantly starts to try to retrn from
!on!ssion"ille by the smell of the grass. &t sends images throgh her head of gardening. -nd
this really !old do nothing for an a!tor to read bt it happens when yo are writing a s!ript and
a short story at the same time.
C8T T.7
0!la!hian is bleeding in his tr!k kno!ked ot also. See & !an ,st des!ribe a !t withot
going on and on and on.
C8T T.7
94r. Collinsworth pi!ks a barely able to stand 0!bride p off the grond.
4A. C.@@&+SW.AT)
I& hold a heart in my hands. Eo my dear will make it all go away. The line from a thosand
years in the past ends here with#%
Goff !ameraH
I0e ki!king yor ad9,oint & boght my degree in Ti,ana ass.%
C8T T.7
90!la!hian looking bra"e standing all gallant. Then he falls down di33y from his in,ries.
I.r then again.%
C8T T.7
9Collinsworth drops 0!bride and walks o"er and grabs 0!la!hian off the grond.
Collinsworth%s whole body begins to glow as he holds 0!la!hian in the air by his sholders.
C8T T.7
9Close p of 0!la!hian%s fa!e.
I.h yeah$ & ha"e a !on!ssion. /retty glow.%
C8T T.7
90!la!hian hits the grond after being thrown a!ross 0!bride%s front yard.
C8T T.7
90!la!hian on his hands and knees.
I.k$ we went from her getting ready to be hrt to me getting my ass ki!ked.%
9Collinsworth grabs 0!la!hian p by the hair of his head.
4A. C.@@&+SW.AT)
IEo are a ro!k in the road of destiny.%
I-!tally my families -postoli!.%
C8T T.7
90!la!hian lands in front of 0!bride ,st as she is getting to her feet. Collinsworth walks and
stands in front of them as 0!bride helps her friend ba!k to his feet. Then 0!la!hian steps in
front of her to pt himself between her and Collinsworth.
4A. C.@@&+SW.AT)
Goff !ameraH
IChampion hero. What is yor -!hilles*%
C8T T.7
90!la!hian steps forward.
C8T T.7
9Collinsworth%s glow goes sperno"a like a hman tor!h$ bt not The )man Tor!h$ so &
don%t want any 4isney lawsits !oming my way.
4A. C.@@&+SW.AT)
I& now nderstand my family%s destiny. They say yor >est is only beginning.%
9)e disappears into ash.
C8T T.7
90!bride and 0!la!hian lean on ea!h other.
9Then they fall on their btts and then onto their ba!ks on the grass. Then the sky !ra!ks and
its starts to rain. Well$ if we !an afford those 'a hman tor!h( and into ash effe!ts$ we shold be
able to afford some rain.
C8T T.7
EDT. - )ospital 9 9 0orning
9The grop lea"es the hospital walking ot into the parking lot. 0!bride and 0!la!hian are
brised p and not walking so steady.
C8T T.7
9The grop walking throgh the hospital parking lot.
IThis all is ,st#.,st#%
IWay weird.%
I-nd it happened to s*%
IWell$ yo two got all the !ts and brises.%
IWe the brised.%
IWe the#*%
9The !amera stops and lets them pass by.
1-4E T.7
&+T. - Aestarant
9The !amera wat!hes the grop talk as the end !redits row.
C8&CB C8T T.7
9- "ery fast series of !lips from any ftre episodes we already ha"e filmed by this time this
episode airs.
P+,C(+-C) #P)-$-. SU-&+, T(#U.(TS
The #riginal Sin 1
-bot a month ago they passed a new law. -nd for on!e this law benefited someone$ namely
me. The law de!lared that all patients$ for possible legal reasons$ mst be tra!ked by !ameras that
are set throghot all medi!al bildings from the time they enter the bilding ntil they e:it into
the parking lot.
Before this ,ob & didn%t know there were so many rles yo had to follow in a hospital. Ees &
knew stff like spitting on the floor or "isiting off limits areas bt its red tape after red tape$ rle
after rle for e"eryone from do!tors to ,anitors.
.ne of my dties at Stendhal S. 0emorial )ospital besides tra!king by !ameras and
ploading the "ideo files and !harts for pbli! re!ords$ one of my other responsibilities is to also
make li"e handwritten notes that mst then be s!anned and pla!ed also with the "ideo re!ords of
ea!h patients "isit.
Been at this for si: months and it%s the same things week after week.
/retty boring.
Bt it pays the bills.
/ls & keep two sets of notes. .ne is what & write as things are happening. The other is an
edited "ersion what & s!an and trn in. These people wold go nts if they e"er read what &
originally write bt that%s for my ntra!eable hidden blog. The 1ren!h eat this shit p reading
abot what%s going on here. E"ery time & post a new entry B-0N There goes my "isits and p go
my ad rates.
)elp pay some more bills.
When people first !ome into the hospital and register at the front desk & ha"e a template to get
me throgh the bore of those first steps. & se to write in my personal !opies making fn of
peoples looks and s!h bt that e"en got boring after a few weeks.
/atient -B2Q;4=EOOO; registers and reenters waiting area. Compter systems estimate a 1Q
minte wait time.
/atient -B2Q;4=EOOO; is es!orted to waiting room by a Safety =ard. & think that was 5osh.
)e%s a damn good gard.
4o!tor 1ranklin enters and they begin to talk o"er pro!edres.
)ere goes another one. /atient -B2Q;4=EOOO; has be!ome "iolent. This being a federally
fnded hospital$ as all are now$ the law states !learly that on!e she resisted$ all resistan!e is
"iolen!e9 the moment she be!ame "iolent they had to go into !orse of a!tion$ they had to se
They went into a This &s What We /ra!ti!ed Shffle that they ha"e to follow nder law.
-nd nder law means follow no matter what.
& know this. &%"e had my pay do!ked for not lea"ing my work area !lean for the ne:t shift.
The people who set all of these laws and pro!edres into effe!t went straight down one side in
the "oting booths. &t%s like they all went on a politi!al eloping from reality to what these !hanges
wold all led to. The new pot laws really piss me off.
Bt now the law is the law.
The law of the land isn%t a field bt a !emented road.
Safety =ards were !alled into the waiting room where the sitation was taking pla!e. &n their
state spplied red niforms with !lear plasti! fa!e !o"erings to !on!eal their identities$ thogh
&%d lay a bet 5osh is on shift$ these Safety =ards were there to pro"ide an atmosphere of safety
for e"eryone.
- Safety =ard sits otside my "ideo monitoring room at all times also. 8sally some old
gy. Why* & sre don%t know$ maybe they think &%m going to take something home to wa!k off
The patient had started s!reaming and pn!hing when the do!tor told her what had to happen
before they !old pro!eed bt by the letter of the law on!e she signed the paperwork at the front
desk$ The /aperwork of &n>iry as the letter of the law !alls it$ on!e that happen e"erything had
to pro!eed ntil the end point.
&t%s !alled The +o =oing Ba!k Ale.
This one is sre is strong. &t took for Safety =ards$ one on ea!h arm and leg to take her
from the waiting room to the pro!edre room. &t wasn%t that ot of the ordinary for something
like this to happen so the s!reaming$ the falling of ob,e!ts off tables$ the shots of desperation
and fear P +ormal.
S)&TN S)&TN S)&TN & re!ogni3e her. She%s on my Call .f 4ty team. )er re!ent Call .f 4ty
diet mst ha"e left her weaker than normal. & heard from a friend she ki!ked the shit ot of her
boyfriend on!e for playing while she was BAB.
Then again who plans for this* & mean she ob"iosly shold ha"e thoght things throgh
better bt shit. +ow who are we going to get to be or teams sharpshooter*
Aight before they got into the "iewing and pro!edre room the patient plled her feet loose
from the grip of two of the gards bt after one wrapped his arm arond her throat they ,st
dragged her the last few feet into the room so her getting lose didn%t hold things p too m!h.
E"eryone is rnning on pro!edre so she isn%t making this any better for herself.
- nrse went ba!k as the door was shtting< she was !olle!ting the patient%s shoes and stff
that spilled from her prse that trailed down the hallway. She wold hate for anything to get
damaged$ lost$ or =od forbid stolen. She is going to get written p for that. She%s sppose to be
with the patient at all times.
+othing new$ this sort of thing happens all the time now. - nrse here or there ,st does
something stpid like that.
)er first sensation when dragged into the room was probably a smell of mi!rowa"e pop!orn. &
saw 4o!tor Wall going in their earlier for a >i!k ot of sight sna!k. 4mbass$ & was wat!hing.
+ow &%m reporting.
To me she looks a lot more !onfsed than the fear most of my site readers tell me abot.
&t sholdn%t ,st appear that they were prepared for this type of thing to happen. &t has happen
enogh times for them to be flly prepared for what might happen and be "ery good at handling
Besides that f!king new nrse.
The fa!t is this is mild !ompared to other things &%"e re!orded. Some people totally lose their
shit and they ha"e to nleash the Safety =ards in fll for!e. That happening e"ery so often
keeps them in shape so it%s a win win.
/eople say or li"es had been plled into this$ we had gi"en into it$ and not e"en the !on!ern
troll was in sight if someone was looking for it. &%m no politi!al !hameleon dring the ele!tions
bt bills ha"e to be paid.
Bt to be fair & don%t think any of s pi!tred this as being an e"ent in or !areer tra,e!tories
when we were downing !ar bombs and popping !hild rape drgs. There%s only so m!h yo !an
learn on the /atriot Bill.
&t took all the strength the for Safety =ards had to psh her down into the pro!edre !hair
and then they e:hasted their remaining strength to get her strapped down. Their thoghts
probably trned >i!kly to who had ne:t dty at the RKdollar EA.
The RKdollar EA s!ks ass. &%m happy & didn%t get hired into that department. &t%s all dying
babies and dripping gnshot wonds.
The do!tor stopped the patients s!reaming with a small o:ygen mask. That sally works.
The angry words that had trned into pleading were now ,st a mffled noise between deep
breathes behind thin plasti!.
Eo wold think they wold gi"e her a sedati"e with her being in this state bt the law stated
otherwise. The law de!lared she had to be flly aware of what was happening. 1lly !ons!ios of
what was going on.
The do!tor let the Safety =ards go< whi!h left only himself$ one nrse$ and one te!hni!ian in
the pro!edre room with the patient. The law affirmed the only people and the nmber of people
who !old be in the room to make the sitation as !omfortable as possible for the patient.
The do!tor spends a few mintes re"iewing her !hart.
+ow &%ll start adding in what & hear them say. By law they aren%t sppose to say anything and
remain silent bt they all ha"e big moths.
'5st !alm down. /ani! helps no one. We aren%t anymore happy abot doing this than yo are
so let%s ,st get throgh it.(
When finished with his dialoge he nodded to the te!hni!ian.
The te!hni!ian plled the sonogram ma!hine !lose to the pro!edre !hair. She looked the
patient straight in the eye and smiled. 4amn that was !reepy.
'4on%t worry$ & do this all the time.(
& get f!ked in the ass all the time$ still don%t want that thing going p in me.
The te!hni!ian !almly started rbbing lbe all o"er a long probe.
The patient%s eyes were dan!ing arond as the do!tor helped the te!hni!ian mo"e the
ma!hines monitor in front of the !hair. )er eye looked like a pppy in a new hose.
The nrse ,a!ked the !hair ba!k a bit$ mo"ed the front p a little$ and then slowly !ranked the
leg restraints apart.
Ea!h peg !ranked e!hoed in the sterile room. Thogh not so sterile with that pop!orn smell.
The law re>ired the pro!edre room to only !ontain what was needed. &t%s to be only sed
for this pro!edre and nothing else. The idiots who "iolate that are stpid. &t%s like a
R1O$000dollar fine.
&t%s also sond proof to prote!t the woman%s pri"a!y.
The te!hni!ian handed the probe to the nrse who inserted it.
She%s trying to bite at the o:ygen mask be!ase she was rnning ot of ways to fight. 4amn
we are going to miss that aggression on or team.
I(+ow look for a fll fi"e mintes at the monitor and it will be o"er.(
The law states it has to be a fll fi"e mintes. They are spposed to tell her this before
entering the pro!edre room.
She tried trning her head to the side bt the do!tor grabbed her fa!e and held it so it%s fa!ing
forward in line with the monitor.
- lot of people ha"e a thing that ki!ks in when someone pts their hands on their fa!e. &t%s
!alled -lien )and Syndrome. & looked that p online after 5oy on 1
Shift told me abot it. &t%s
when yor body feels with so m!h rage and if yo !an%t get away from the !onta!t the rage
trns internal to self hatred and yo start to belie"e the hand to!hing yo is yor own be!ase
yo !an destroy yorself from within e"en if otside there isn%t any more fight for yo to ha"e.
)is fingers psh into her !heeks and her hatred di"es inside.
'Stop strggling. Eo ha"e to fa!e forward bt yo !an always a"ert yor eyes.(
& think this is a bn!h of bllshit.
& ,st got an email & ha"e to work a doble shift tomorrow.
The &ar'ness Bite 1
- few weeks ago there was a story online abot this lady who was working in a mortary.
Eo might ha"e heard something abot it. &t was retweeted$ shared$ pinned$ and talked abot in
fnny and boring ways.
&t >i!kly mltiplied its way a!ross the internet losing fa!ts here$ gaining interesting fi!tions
there$ bt only few tele"ision networks reported anything abot it. They were afraid of the
!ontent of the story.
The internet ant no afraid.
The mortary worker was dressing a re!ently passed on old man. - "ery wealthy re!ently
passed old man. While doing so she noti!ed his body had a hge ere!tion. That%s a natral thing.
-nd sort of a =od style ,oke that the biggest hard on any man will get is after death.
-fterwards$ after the fa!t of f!king a dead old gy and getting !aght$ she told people she
,st saw it there and thoght she might as well f!k it. There was a di!k$ she wanted to f!k a
di!k< so she f!ked the dead man.
-nd his di!k.
+ow yo might not e:pe!t a story to start this way bt she didn%t e:pe!t the dead di!k to !m
either. & gess that%s a natral thing also.
0an natre is really f!ked p.
She was sitting in a prison !ell for f!king a dead gy when she !ame p with the idea to se
the dead old gy%s family for !hild spport.
Eep she was now pa!king a dead man%s parasite.
Eo might say something like9 Sometimes that%s ,st how the world works. &t%s really f!ked
p sometimes.
Well$ yo ha"en%t heard the whole story of 0s. 4ead 0an 1!ker.
While 0iss. Bing )andler$ her real name$ was in ,ail$ awaiting her trial and waiting to hear
ba!k from her lawyer se!rity !ameras$ whi!h were pla!ed in the room be!ase someone
sggested she might be si!idal$ !aght a "ery horrifying s!ene nfold.
She wasn%t si!idal by the way. )er lawyer ,st wanted her to be kept from the rest of the
prison poplation for as long as possible.
/ls the whole possibly being si!idal story wold help sale books later.
Bt withot those !ameras we wold not ha"e seen what took pla!e. The gards who were set
to monitor her by !amera !laim nothing happen when they were doing their ,ob and monitoring
her !ell and it wasn%t ntil her lawyer and the warden re"iewed the "ideos later that e"eryone
saw what happen. Either way$ what !ame to pass$ !ame to pass.
She was sitting on her bnk reading throgh some materials her lawyer wanted her to be!ome
familiar with.
Then for a brief se!ond the "ideo fro3e into a /hotoshop !hrome effe!t before retrning to
Bt when the "ideo did retrn to normal she was no longer alone in her !ell. Standing in the
shadows in a !orner of the larger than normal si!ide wat!h !ell was a small "ery o"erweight
!ompletely naked women.
When she mo"ed ot from the shadows the !amera !old see that her skin was !o"ered in
hge blisters and spitting spewing sores.
She grabs Bing arond the moth with one hand and rea!hes arond with the other. 1irst she
atta!ks ripping with her long and sharp fingernails to slash away Bing%s shirt.
Then her finger nails start to dig into the !hest flesh and when her fingernails are fll of skin
she started to psh them into Bing%s !hest and plled and tossed the findings onto the bnk.
1irst the bnk is fll of !hnks of flesh$ then organs$ and finally a few broken off rib bones.
The !reatre pi!ks Bing p and lays her gently on the bnk. Then it rea!hes into her own
body and plls ot a larger than normal fork and knife !ombo. She spits on the body and it
!at!hes fire and it brns fast and then the flames go away.
- good BBC method.
-nd then there%s the story abot the hipster pot head neighbors of Ton Bent!ky.
Ton was a work from home sports writer who freelan!ed for se"eral big websites and a sports
writer who ne"er left his apartment. )e had this thing abot the otside world. )e thoght it all
was ot to get him9 eradi!ate him$ mn!h his spirit to li"e.
The nearest threat to his e:isten!e was his a!ross the hall neighbors. Ton hated his noisy
hipster pot head neighbors. They ironi!ally had tattoos and ironi!ally left their trash otside their
door for days.
)e wat!hed them ot of his peephole when they !ame home high or drnk. .r left high or
drnk. .r when people !ame kno!king at all hors of the day to by from them.
.ne of the things that really bothered him abot his neighbors was that they always had their
door wide open. They kept it that way almost all day$ e"ery day. 4idn%t they know abot the
world* 4idn%t they know the world was ot to get people* They were letting the world in.
Three days ago two yong female hipsters were waiting otside their friend%s door for their
friends to show p to smoke sknk and throw arond words like 'retard( 'bla!k( and 'bit!h(.
Ton hated hipsters. When he said the word hipster he said it like he was talking abot +a3is or
a grop of finely tned serial killers. When he typed online he typed it ')ipsters aka +a3is(
.ne of the yong women left$ he o"erheard$ to pi!k p some brgers lea"ing her friend to sit
down in the apartment bildings bree3eway and flare p a !igarette.
Ton was looking throgh the peephole$ whi!h is where he spends abot for hors ot of
e"ery day$ when he witnessed a hairy like shadow snap into "iew and grab the yong woman.
The !reatre slit her throat. -s she stood trying to s!ream with blood poring down the front
of her !loths the shadow thing pi!ked p her !igarette and took a few pffs before it >i!kly tore
her head off and started to !hew on the skll.
The sond of the skll !ra!king and the !reatre making it to the soft !hewing brain insides
made Ton throw in his moth a little.
)e !hewed that down as he wat!hed the shadow !reatre as it rea!hed its dark fingers into the
skll and sna!ked on what was plled ot.
Ton trned his "iew to one side to see the woman%s body still standing as if it was waiting for
its head to be retrned so it !old !ontine its night of mo!king fn.
This was the story he ga"e the poli!e when they !ame today in>iring in the neighborhood
abot the reported missing woman.
The poli!e thoght he was high bt the smell of sknk was from the apartment a!ross from
Those were only two stories of the many demoni! e"ents that ha"e grown to be a worldwide
epidemi! o"er the past few months. The first few were ,st seen as strange stories$ nsol"ed
mysteries$ !ra3y illogi!al happening$ bt then more and more and e"eryone had to start to
a!knowledge that something ot of the norm was going on.
There were some of the tensions that sally are there when dates are approa!hing that some
see as the end of the world. Bt after the year 2000 passed with little to nothing sper natral or
global happening$ besides the same old same old of politi!al hman maradering$ with the year
201J approa!hing no one was gi"ing it m!h thoght. +ot e"en that many people trying to make
a >i!k b!k off people fears.
Bt now people are paying attention.
Thogh & don%t think the 0ayans e"er predi!ated skll slrping.
Skll !ra!king$ yes. +o slrp slrp thogh.
Si: teams from si: nations9 the 8nited States$ -stralia$ =reat Britain$ Egypt$ Canada$ and
5apan$ ha"e been pt together and sponsored fini!ally by the Catholi! Chr!h.
Who else has this sort of throw away in!ome*
0aking p the teams are some of the best ea!h nation has to offer from their most brilliant
and from their militaries. The teams are being sent to one of the legendary Si: =ates of )ell to
find ot if this trly is the end times.
Two days ago at the Fati!an where all the teams where gathered to share information another
e"ent took pla!e that tried to stop these missions before they had e"en set off on their ,orneys.
That atta!k was stopped by a man from another world. +ow he is leading the -meri!an team
on an air flight to one of the gates of legend. What they find may e"en srprise him.
/robably wont.
Bt let%s see.
- =rmman C92 =reyhond 8.S. 0ilitary !argo plane was going throgh some bmpy
weather. &t%s a retired military freight air!raft that is sed now for noffi!ial missions. By sing a
retired air!raft it gi"es any mission a !ertain amont of deniability.
The atmosphere within the plane was a!tally pretty rela:ed. Well$ as rela:ed as yo !old be
flying on s!h a mission and the ride being so bmpy that all asses aboard were throbbing.
-t one end of the plane%s !argo hold was a grop of ten soldiers$ with ea!h their own
spe!ialty$ made p from different bran!hes of the 8.S. military.
-nd at the other end some of the best s!ientists -meri!a had to offer.
The might and intelle!t was represented.
Sitting in the middle of the !argo area$ alone$ reading a newspaper was the wild !ard. -
strangely dressed man who appeared to be in his mid J0%s bt when anyone stared into his eyes
they got the feeling they were staring into history.
The man%s strange dress was in des!ription from bottom to top WW&& British -rmy boots$ a
sil"er and neon green pinstripe sit$ and sitting beside him was a "ery old brown winter ,a!ket
with winter glo"es sitting on top of it.
The man%s !lose !t dirty blonde !rly hair and pale skin ga"e him a dead like appearan!e
when he sat still for any length of time withot mo"ing.
- yong soldier sat down beside Serenity. )e looked hardly old enogh to f!k$ more less
fire an atomati! weapon something demoni!. Bt he wasn%t !hosen for this mission be!ase of
his dead shot marksmanship. &t might not be e:pe!ted when looking at him bt he%s an
e:plosi"es e:pert.
IThat was pretty strange at the Fati!an. 4o yo think that%s going to be the !ra3iest thing we
see*% the yong soldier.
Serenity tried to fold p his paper bt failed and "iolently threw it away. )e mo"ed his hands
throgh the air as if he was shooing it away as it fell to the floor of the !argo hold.
I.n the /lanet of Singing Eyes & saw the rain falling from the !lods atta!ked by demoni!
takeo"er.% Serenity
The yong soldiers fa!e trned paler than Serenity%s. )e got p and went ba!k to ,oin his
fellow soldiers. )is !ommanding offi!er ga"e him a look that said9 & told yo not to talk to him.
)e had e:perien!e working with Serenity.
Serenity stood and walked to the ba!k of the plane to ,oin the s!ientists who were deep into a
"ery detailed !on"ersation abot solar radiation le"els at sea le"el. )e ignored their !on"ersation
and interrpted$ I- rather !rde way to get to or destination. E"en for this ba!k shafting planet.%
The leader of the s!ientists$ 4r. /ost$ looked p at Serenity$ IEor presen!e is a military
de!ision bt &%m still mission leader so the !hoi!e of transportation was my !all.%
IEes$ yes$ the Captain!y of the tgboat is still yors.%
IEo%re wasting my time with this prat...%
I4r. /ost$ yo ha"e no idea what yo%re heading into.%
I-nd what are we heading into 0r. Serenity.%
I&n all of the infinite of all realities there is only one )ell. That book yo wrote abot the
n!ontable nmber of realities is tre. So many Earth$ so many fairytale lands$ and so many
)ea"ens bt only one )ell. Eo know why that is 4o!tor*%
IBe!ase that pla!e is so perfe!t in its e"il "ile natre it !oldn%t e"en be !opied in an
nfo!sed way. &n the whole of e"erything there is nothing more !lear in its ndertaking than
that of )ell. -nd if it%s hngering for yor wold9 yo are done. +o fight$ no battle9 yor
e:isten!e is o"er.%
Serenity retrned to his seat and mo!kingly said to himself$ IThogh it%s not as =aiman
des!ribed it thankflly.%
The !argo plane is silent e:!ept for the sonds of the plane battling against trblen!e for
hors straight ntil the silen!e was broken as the pilot !li!ks on an open inter!om so e"eryone
!an hear an in!oming message.
IAeports are !oming from all o"er the 8.S. abot a lot of !ra3y things happening. .ne report
is abot -l!atra3 +ational /ark. -n hor ago a !lods appeared o"er the !ity. When the !lods
trned dark they started to rain blood and bone.
-fter the rain stopped thosands of 3ombie like !reatres started mar!hing ot of the prison
and walking into the waters that srrond the park. They are at this moment swimming ot in all
dire!tions towards land fall. @o!al +ational =ard and military for!es are organi3ing responses
for when they rea!h land.
-nother report from otside -thens lnati! -sylm is of s!reams of !hildren. When
in"estigators went inside and sear!h e"ery in!h of the gronds they fond nothing. The
s!reaming is still going on after si: hors straight.
The 4o!k Street Theater has !aght fire$ de9flamed$ and !aght fire again$ o"er and o"er
again for now on an hor straight.
0ore and more reports are !oming in. 0any more than anyone !an keep tra!k of#%
E"eryone trned arond when the inter!om stops. Serenity flipped an off swit!h for it$
IEnogh of other peoples fear. Eo will be fa!ing enogh of yor own soon.%
&t%s been a two day foot trek throgh the heart of +i!araga to a hge hole in the grond
!alled 0asa3a. There are three other holes in the grond !alled 0asa3a bt those are ,st torist
holes. This is the main hole in the grond !alled 0asa3a in +i!araga.
I&t also has another name. The 0oth of )ell.% Serenity
4r. /ost walks to !at!h p with Serenity and the military !ommander who were leading the
grop$ I)ow dramati! of yo bt if this is all there is we%"e wasted or time.%
Serenity stops e"eryone%s mar!h and stopping is something they all are "ery happy to take
part in ha"ing been on the mar!h throgh forests$ md$ and poisonos inse!ts for two days
withot many breaks.
The hole thogh impressi"e with its si3e$ smell$ and smoke doesn%t look that spernatral.
Things that don%t look too far ot of the ordinary !an be some of the most dangeros.
Serenity walks o"er to stand by a !ross$ an old !ross stationed at the holes edge.
I4o we go down there*% asked one of the soldiers after looking down the hole and getting a
fa!e fll of slfr and a "ery sweet taste in on his lips.
IThere%s a !a"e a few miles East that will lead s down to it nati"e hole. This is ,st the lips of
the moth. Time to get near the throat.% Serenity
I)a"e yo been here before* &t sre seems like yo know a lot abot this pla!e.% 4r. /ost
Serenity trned and started leading e"eryone East$ IThere aren%t many pla!es & ha"en%t been
The trip to the !a"e took a few hors and the one throgh the !a"e e"en more hors. They
entered the !a"e at night and !ame ot dring early daybreak. They are l!ky they aren%t in some
old s!i9fi mo"ie be!ase at least one wold ha"e fallen to his death and a !ople fond death
be!ase of a !a"e in behind them.
Bt this wasn%t that sort of !a"e.
2nd Bt$ this might be that sort of story.
-s the last of them e:ited the !a"e the sdden shine of light pshed anger and a migraine into
4r. /ost%s head$ I& still don%t know why my teams e"en here* This trips a total waste of time.
Total bllshitN /eople need to pt their stpid otdated religions away and deal with the !haos of
Serenity walks toward 4r. /ost who instin!ti"ely ba!ks away from him.
IThe soldiers are here for fake hope. Eo 4o!tor$ yo and yor !olleages are here to spot
nonsense abot what yo think is happening.%
I-nd why are yo here then*%
ITo let yo know whether what we find will ,st kill s or yor world.%
E"eryone stops to stare at Serenity.
IBt maybe we%ll ,st find a !losed door and all these otdated religios signs are ,st part of
a planetary hi!!p.%
Serenity trned from 4r. /ost and walked ba!k o"er to the real moth of the hole$ IStinks
e"en the !loser yo get. @ast time & was there & !oldn%t smell anything for years. .h$ and if
anyone was wondering what that sweet smell mi:ed and taste was$ it%s brning flesh.%
E"eryone looks at ea!h other.
IWhat* &t%s )ell. Eo know all brning fore"er with regenerating flesh for fresh pain. What
did yo e:pe!t*%
Serenity plled from his ,a!ket po!ket a large !oin.
IWhat%s that*% asked a soldier.
I- pie!e of Aoman sil"er. & se to ha"e 2S more bt lost them in a bet with a redheaded
I-nd what are yo going to do$ toss it in and make a wise*% 4r. /ost
Serenity flipped the !oin into the air and for a se!ond it looked like as if it stopped in midair
for a moment and then started to fall down tmbling side o"er side into the grond opening.
IWhat now$ we await Charon*% a soldier
I+o. Bt good for yo for yor known knowledge. The !oin is like testing whether a standing
pool is water or ,et fel. &f the door is open#%
I&t%s ,et fel.% the knowledgeable soldier.
I.n the nose. =i"e this man a promotion.%
There was silen!e$ e:!ept for a sdden ki!king p wind$ for a good twenty mintes. The hairs
on people ne!ks and arms were paying attention. -nimals$ inse!ts$ and then a lod trmpet
sonded from abo"e the !lods and half of the grop dropped dead lea"ing three soldiers$ two
s!ientists$ and Serenity to remain standing.
4r. /ost dropped to his knees in tears. &t was a feeling that was atta!king all of them.
.ne of the remaining soldiers snapped the safety off his assalt rifle$ IWhat happen*%
I&t%s an answer.% Serenity
I-nd what was the f!king >estion*% asked another soldier.
I&s anyone home*%
&))P)0 0#S)S T# 1+**
The #riginal Sin /
The door was fading away bt it was not brning away. The flames were for sre sending a
message in their e:istan!e. They were making a point$ the point being that he had better stand
)e ba!ked off a little after shoting e"ery profane thing he !old think of to the shadow
standing on the other side of the door.
Cold ha"e ,st said$ '@ea"e me alone( and not !ased so m!h anger to bild.
)e started to ba!k away from the door before what was on!e a door dropped as ashes to the
Stepping throgh where the door had been mere moments ago walked a woman dressed in a
long see throgh dress that seemed to bite into the floor as she walked p to him with a train that
ho"ered in the air behind her wiping away her footprints whi!h were brnt into the floor.
I+oah$ Eo !an not fight.%
I-ll & ha"e done in my life is fight. & only ha"e one more thing to do before yo !an take me.%
IEo !an not barter on how this takes pla!e. &t happens. &t is yor time. &t is as it has been
sin!e before the first life !ame into being.%
+oah steps in the dire!tion of the women and noti!ed right away that she had no eyeballs in
her so!kets bt instead there were little swirls of different !olored lights that seemed to be
playing tag with ea!h another. )e had to shake his head to keep from falling nder their spell.
IEo shold not ha"e wasted the !han!es yo where gi"en +oah =allimore. 0ortals shold
make the most of their li"es be!ase what awaits yo afterwards has no !han!e of smiles if yo
do not. That is what & told @ord Byron before his time was p bt he did not listen and he also
tried to fight at the end.%
IWhat happen*%
I& showed him that he !old not win. &t%s a no win sittion$ simple as that.%
+oah mo"es right into the womens fa!e with anger in his heart.
I-nd what will yo do to me$ kill me* & think that brain spot & had did that fine enogh.%
IThere are things in e:istan!e worst than death.%
The moments are silen!ed as +oah trns from the women$ !loses his eyes for a few se!onds$
and then sddendly ,erks his head arond again to fa!e her$ the silen!e is o"er.
IEes$ there is yor other worldly Tori -mos wannabe fashion statment. There are things like
losing the !han!e to say & lo"e yo to someone yo ne"er got to say it to before they left yor
The women sits down in the floor in front of +oah and he finds himself following her doing
the same withot really thinking abot it.
- life passes away on the Earth as the strange women rea!hes inside her !hest and plls ot a
goblet filled with a brown bt sort of !lear li>ad.
I4rink this and as long as yo lo"e her yo will ne"er die. +o -ngel in The Tomb or 4emon
in )ell !an to!h yo. 1aries of Ciot will be ,ealos of yo and warriors from The Tin will
fear yo. 1ind her$ tell her how yo feel. Bt the moment yo dobt yor lo"e$ the moment yo
feel away from her spirit yo will see me again. -nd when & !ome then & will !ome with all my
)e takes the glass and the instant it lea"es the women%s hands she disapears. )e does not
hesitate and downs the li>ad and yells in great pain as its effe!ts mo"e as fast as sin and spread
throghot his body making his heart beat again$ starting the ra!eing of blood on!e more.
&t seemed to +oah that the li>ad stopped shifting its way arond inside his body bt when it
finds itself near his hands it hrdles ea!h beat of new life.
)e felt a it!h$ a small brning sensation$ and then bbbles of skin began forming in lines
arond and arond his forearms down to his hands. When the pain was o"er he looked to see that
he now had a tattoo of barbied wire that ran arond his arms starting at ea!h elbow and twisting
its way to the palms of his hands.
What passes off as a make or brake moment in a ordinary life is by far more important in what
it will lead to for many in the ftre than what it was really all abot.
Why did the -ngel .f 4eath gi"e ba!k a life*
There has to be a bigger reason than a hope of lo"e*
4oesn%t there**
So if lo"e !an !hange the mind of 4eath itself$ than what !an it not do*
She knew the answer when she ga"e him the goblet.
)e knew the answer before he went to the hospital that last night.
)e knows now bt does not !are.
)is life now is his lo"e$ as it may ha"e always been.
+oah is to walk ot into this world in sear!h of happy memories and a !han!e to ask a
)e does not !are what answer will !ome.
)e does not !are what he will find making her happy when he finds her.
I& ,st need to know for sre.%
The door is healed now. Ba!k to wooden glory from ashes. +oah grabs his !amo ,a!ket and
heads ot the door tr!k keys in his hand.
To the rea!hes of what only 4eath knows of as being all there is a smile is being seen.
- yong women is kissing her hsband and wat!hing her !hildren play< while at that same
time a yong man named +oah =allimore is beginning a >est we all do at one time or another
in or li"es. When yo ha"e lo"ed$ be it one time or a thosand$ there is always >estions that
yo wish yo had asked when yo find yorself at a point of ne"er seeing that lo"e again.
4o yo ha"e a >estion* &f so$ ask it now before it is too late. Se!ond !han!es are sally only
in stories written by the broken hearted.
"U#$T #1
The Collected !
&t is a time of pea!e all o"er Coit
-nd that%s ,st when things tend to get interesting isn%t it*
)ow does that !rse go abot li"ing in interesting times*
Whene"er yo ha"e any sitation of >ote n>ote leadership whi!h e:ists with nrestrained
athority there will always be others behind him# or her# bt not ne!essarily behind$ maybe in
a shadowy storage area somewhere nder a smoke rifle fa!tory$ planning and talking otside the
ga3e of said nrestrained athority.
.r at least they think it is otside the ga3e.
This assembly of dibley%s$ mins one of their nmber$ was gathered for the intention of
dis!ssing the failing mental health of their leader and his insisten!e on bringing in an ot!ast to
take part in one of their most holy pilgrimages.
&t%s a grop of powerfl men in a room that smells hea"y of slfr$ gn metal$ and linden
-nd old powerfl men. There is most defiantly the smell of old men.
IWe all know he is already deep within the insanity and with it we e:pe!t mass beheadings$
sppression of "iews$ and a religios prging here or there. That is normal for this time of a )oly
1ather%s life...%
I/eople wold be sad if a little madness didn%t !reep in at this point.%
IBt he is tainting one of or most sa!red pilgrimages by this strangers in"ol"ement.%
I- man who doesn%t !all any pla!e home.%
I-nd he is prod of it.%
I- roge.%
I- nationless man who prays to no god or empire.%
I&n the past we ha"e been hands off with the )oly 1ather%s dealings with this indi"idal bt
information gathering$ trade talks with barbarians9 these are the things a re!lse has a spe!ial
skill for bt whate"er he is p to now with this man is tarnishing something important to all of
The Aosary.%
IBt the tradition of the insanity#%
I+o matter how m!h he maybe into the insanity the )oly 1ather is still !lear of thoght for
now. This isn%t insanity$ this has meaning behind it.%
I.therwise he woldn%t ha"e e"en informed the Con!il.%
IWe are "ery good at waiting.
IThen to the other side of this we shall wait. Fi!ar Swiss please ha"e a meeting with this
indi"idal. Try to find ot what yo !an%
I& shall.%
IBt Fi!ar Swiss.%
I4on%t do anything to bring the attention of Fi!ar +oble please.%
I-s yo wish$ Fi!ar Aosary.%
- person who does not belong to any land$ a man that !alls no kingdom or empire home is
!onsidered the saddest form of life on Coit. With all the kingdoms$ nations$ tribes$ and armies
on this planet if yo are not loyal to something yo ,st !an%t be trsted.
-nd of all the lands of Coit the worst pla!e for an indi"idal withot a loyalty to walk into$
The Aosary wold be that pla!e.
Clatterford End is an indi"idal. )e !alls no pla!e home and bows to no king or >een or god.
Some !all him a mer!enary$ others ,st a nomad with no pla!e in the world. - most nsal
person for fa!t and he might not ha"e a land he !alls home bt he does ha"e a pla!e in the world$
a pla!e in the !orse and tides of Coit.
What that !orse might be he doesn%t e"en know yet bt on this trip he is here to pdate the
)igh /ope on the latest news from allied lands.
Bt he doesn%t plan to sti!k arond that long past a minte he has to after he !olle!ts his !oins.
)e%s not a fan of The Aosary.
-nd yo might read me writing that se"eral more times before this is o"er.
When setting yor eyes on Clatterford e"en the sight of him doesn%t fit in anywhere. 1rom
boots made from "ampire skinsTowning is thoght to be in bad taste e"en in BabyloniaU$ to a
tarnished gold armor de!orated with many weird symbols that no one has been able to identify$ a
set of Aedtail hnting kni"es$ and a helmet with the fa!e of a Walla!hian 0ontain /anther. )e
!arries his appearan!e in a way in whi!h there is nowhere for him to blend into.
There are a !ople of held stories abot Clatterford and his life. .ne$ he was the s>ire of an
-ssyrian Bnight dring the =reat War who grew "ery angry with the world as a whole after
seeing the death of his tea!her and so m!h other bloodshed so he trned from all nations and
grew into adlthood walking the world.
-nother story says he was a sailor from the nknown side of the world who had sailed his
ship solo throgh the storm barriers and washed p on the shores of The Empire .f Steam where
he was taken in and s!hooled in so m!h knowledge that he de"eloped s!h a lst for it he mst
now walk the world to feed that hnger.
Who knows if any trth e:ists within either of those stories and any others.
Bt they sre sale a lot of plpy books in The Empire .f Steam.
.ne thing whi!h is tre abot Clatterford for sre is that he doesn%t hide from anyone.
-nd another tre thing is that he doesn%t !are m!h for the days when he finds himself within
The Aosary.
+ot one of his fa"orite pla!es to "isit$ e"en if he is being paid "ery well for his ser"i!es.
& told yo he doesn%t !are for the pla!e.
The Aosary is the oldest !i"ili3ation in all of Coit.
Babylonia wold be the oldest bt most of its early history has been lost fore"er.
.n!e most of Coit was lands that belonged to The Aosary bt what was on!e the largest
!apital !ity in the world is now the only thing left from that an!ient part of history written and
not written.
'# written and not written.( Writing not in the good tonight.
Eo !an%t really blame Clatterford for not !aring for the Aosary. The first time the gy was
here he was almost !astrated for telling a +n if she wasn%t happy f!king an gly old
-r!hbishop that was her !hoi!e. )e was !harged with trying to inflen!e a female away from the
faith. )e was sa"ed from the !t of a knife by the )igh /ope who was in need of the ser"i!es of
someone with his insight and abilities.
E"er sin!e that first task he has performed odd ,obs se"eral times a year for the Aosary )igh
Con!il bt mainly he deals with the )igh /ope only.
&t%s still the largest !ity in the world by the way bt one step otside the !ity is stepping
otside of The Aosary into other lands. &t%s a !ity nation in total and !omplete.
The !ity%s hman !iti3enry also pra!ti!es the oldest form of go"ernment based on beliefs that
are said go to go ba!k e"en before re!orded history started to be re!orded.
Ba!k that far*
Ba!k that far.
Clatterford has no warm heart for religions whi!h is another thing that ot!asts him. )e looks
at people of faith the same way as looking at a 3ombie who hasn%t noti!ed yet that bits of him are
falling off.
5st a 1E&$ there ha"en%t been any 3ombies on Coit for a "ery long time.
@ong enogh for them to be!ome a thing of legend.
The Aosary borders The Empire .f Steam$ The Empire .f The Thirteen -rmies$ and The
0ist @and Wildlands and those are the pla!es Clatterford spends most of his time. )e heads ot
to the other lands of Coit bt getting reglar work from these pla!es who ha"e hired him the
most in the past keep him nearby.
0ist @and Wildlands*
What was & thinking there*
-lso what is proper grammar in this instan!e9 The Empire .f Steam or the Empire of Steam
or neither nor !ombination* & think The Empire .f Steam looks better so &%m going that way.
The Aosary is a hman so!iety nited by their religios beliefs and do!trine and that type of
so!iety tends to get stall after a while and from time to time find themsel"es in need of being
pdated abot things otside their walls whether they like what is going on or not$ it%s needed to
keep their remaining lands safe and nder their !ontrol.
This on!e great nation will do anything to keep !ontrol of their people$ traditions$ and
remaining lands.
E"en hiring people s!h as Clatterford is ok.
&f it is done mainly in se!ret.
E"erything with go"ernments seems to be ok if kept in se!ret.
Today is a !elebration of the strength of the so!ial order in The Aosary$ e"en if the !elebration
is a delsion of what The Aosary has be!ome from what it on!e was$ it%s still party time.
-ll o"er its !iti3ens are in !elebration$ a !elebration !alled Cart 4ay. 1rom e"en the poorest
ser"ant to )igh Con!il members e"eryone is wearing their finest robes. E"eryone is baking
goods. 1amilies are gi"ing ot gifts to their lo"ed ones. Charitable people are being !haritable for
a few days ot of the year.
-nd the markets are filled with bsiness like no other time of the year. Sales$ sales$ more
sales$ limited time offers$ and Cart 4ay e:!lsi"es.
There are e"en a few e:patriates of The Aosary who !ome ba!k home for a personal
pilgrimage of their own dring Cart 4ay.
.nly a few$ lea"ing The Aosary to !all another land yor home tends to get yo
This !elebration is a !ombination of de"otion$ misdire!tion$ administration$ and self9
Cart 4ay !elebrates times gone by stories$ a few a!tally tre$ bt it is mainly the day of The
Walks. The Walks is when fi"e yong /opes$ !hosen yong "irgin bishops$ are sent ot to tra"el
all of Coit in a pilgrimage of destiny.
&f one of the /opes retrns he will be!ome the new )igh /ope.
Eo may ask9 What if more than one /ope retrns*
4o they wrestle*
Song !ontest maybe*
Well "ery few /opes ha"e e"er retrned is the answer. &t%s why most )igh /opes grow old to
be "ery mongering serial killerly mad king !ra3y rling bastards. &t%s !alled the )oly &nsanity.
Clatterford does ha"e one thing he looks forward to when "isiting The Aosary$ otside of the
!oins he !olle!ts for work$ and that%s a taste for Aosarian peasant food. )is fa"orite is a sandwi!h
!onsisting of aged bread and three different kinds of dipping sa!es and the only pla!e yo !an
get it is ndergrond eateries !alled Top /ots.
Those who are poor are only allowed to eat go"ernment spplied food !hoi!es making these
types of pla!es few and hard to find. @!ky for him he is the type to know of s!h things.
Bnowing s!h things that others don%t know is one of his philosophies to staying ali"e.
This parti!lar Top /ot is lo!ated in a hidden room within a metal works fa!tory.
Aosary is the type of pla!e where there are a lot of things hidden nder stff$ in shadows$ and
behind fa!es.
+ormally someone who wears !lothes as good as Clatterford$ good !ompared to the poor of
The Aosary$ wold signal e"eryone to s!atter and rn for it. Thogh he gets people%s attention
entering$ e"eryone also knows him on sight and knows he%s no fan of this go"ernment or any
other for that matter.
The pla!e smelled and the air tasted a bit like the metal works being done otside the room
bt the !loser yo got to the bar the more yo smelled the bread and sa!es o"er the metalli!.
There was hardly anyone eating today. 0ost people are ot preparing or early !elebrating Cart
4ay. This was fine with Clatterford be!ase he%d m!h rather eat in as m!h isolation as
possible before he had to deal with the )igh /ope and his like.
)e sat himself on a stool on the side of the bar whi!h had two atta!k dire!tions prote!ted by
walls. -nother problem with being an indi"idal and ot!ast from most pla!es is that most pla!es
don%t !are for yo ,st on prin!iple of yo being yo.
@i"ing his life he finds a few who want him dead who ha"en%t e"en met him.
)e%s ok with that.
The eatery keeper broght Clatterford his food. The one dish is the only thing ser"ed there so
it was easy to know what people wanted. )e had pla!ed his kni"es on the bar top along with his
helmet and was ready to start eating when the front and ba!k doors to the pla!e swng open in a
rsh and in throgh them mar!hed se"eral members of the )igh /ope%s personal gardsmen$ The
+oble =ard.
The keeper and the few other people eating were >i!kly killed by The +oble =ard.
+ot really so noble.
Se"eral of them gathered near Clatterford who had barely raised an eye that they were able to
IEo were to !ome straight to meet with the )igh /ope when yo entered the !ity. Eo were
not to spend time eating pitiable !ooking with red!ed people.%
Clatterford was ready to ignore and keep eating when he noti!ed the head gard$ a Cardinal$
had his hand ho"ering o"er his sword and the others were holding smoke rifles.
)e pshed his food off the table in frstration.
This is one of those bits in a story where the writer pts in stff ,st to help him remember
and keep tra!k of things.
.r is that ,st me who has to do this*
4on%t tell meN & might get sad at the answer.
-nyways this se!tion might be a little redndant and not needed with the -ppendi:es that
follow the story bt & like this bit personally.
The Aosary go"ernment is str!tred into a hierar!hy formed from their long history$
traditions$ and also in the aim of raising themsel"es abo"e the normal !iti3ens of the !ity and the
whole of Coit for that matter.
Ea!h grop or indi"idal in the go"ernment is ele!ted by "ote by the station abo"e them.
E:!ept for The )igh /ope who is the destiny !hosen FESSE@ .1 =.4 . 0&=)TEN
@ast bit said like a prea!her from deep in the -meri!an Soth.
- )igh /ope tends to li"e to a "ery old age bt also the older they get the more they fall into
the /ope &nsanity as history has !ome to !all it.
Some e"en !all it the )oly &nsanity.
They probably bless The )oly Shit when it%s a good drop.
)igh /opes a"erage abot SO years of life bt 20 sane ones. Some people ha"e spe!lated that
the robes of the /ope or the se!ret san!tified meals he eats !ontain something that on one hand
e:pends his life bt also on the other hand dri"es him deeper and deeper into insanity.
/opes are of !orse !hosen by the Cart 4ay pilgrimage.
E"eryone on Coit knows that.
E"eryone also knows that if a /ope does sr"i"e the pilgrimage the old )igh /ope is retired.
What 'retired( means isn%t something e"eryone knows.
The )igh Con!il .f The Aosary is made p of senior offi!ials$ former -r!hbishops. When
they are ele!ted to the )igh Con!il by The )igh /ope they are renamed to be Fi!ars with part
of their name being the station of responsibility. E:ample7 Fi!ar Sewage.
- position on The )igh Con!il is one for life and that%s why they sally end p poisoned$
knifed$ traditionally martyred$ and !r!ified when a new /ope takes o"er.
So !ool there.
Ea!h member of the )igh Con!il is in !harge of a different part of the go"ernment s!h as
trade$ the !orts$ sewer systems$ the Swiss =ard$ the +oble =ard$ and e:edra e:!edra. &n total
there are twel"e members of The )igh Con!il.
-nd one ghost member that hardly anyone sees$ that wold be Fi!ar Aosary who is the head
of the Con!il.
- "ery mysterios in the shadows type.
The -r!hbishops are tea!hers pt into their new position of -r!hieness by "ote of The )igh
Con!il. -ny pla!e of learning no matter the sort is filled with -r!hbishops who are !harged to
+ns are the wi"es of -r!hbishops. - Bishop !annot marry ntil he be!omes an -r!hbishop.
+ns are !harged with learning medi!al knowledge and treating the si!k. -fter marrying a +n
mst take a pilgrimage of their own to The Empire .f Steam for two years to stdy the newest
medi!al treatments and be!ome do!tors$ before this +ns are ,st stdents bt not Bishops
be!ase women are not allowed to be Bishops.
&%ll tell yo abot Bishops in a bit.
&%ll tell yo more abot +ns m!h later.
The +ns .f The Aosary are pretty f!king !ool.
Cardinals are +oble =ard Commanders handpi!ked by the Fi!ar +oble to lead the prote!tors
and defenders of The )igh /ope. They are sally the best of the best of their grop$ e:!ept
when pi!ked more be!ase of their loyalty than their abilities or pi!ked more be!ase of politi!al
power than their abilities or more be!ase of !o!k si3e than# & gess that wold ha"e to do with
a type of ability.
-s mentioned the +oble =ard is the personal gards of The )igh /ope. They are an elite
grop of gards !hosen from the best and most loyal to the )igh /ope among the Swiss =ard.
Some think the +oble =ard ha"e too m!h power and there are always rmors abot them
going arond9 rmors of se!ret goals$ se!ret meetings$ and se!ret handshakes.
4eans are Swiss =ard Commanders handpi!ked by the Fi!ar Swiss to enfor!e laws and fight
for their nation. The Swiss =ard is the army and poli!e of The Aosary go"ernment. They tend
to hate and not get along with the +oble =ard be!ase they feel they are nderfnded and
nderpaid when they ha"e more grond to !o"er in their dties.
)a"ing the +oble =ard and The Swiss =ard walking the same paths is sometimes like
ha"ing a poli!e for!e and a military army trying to operate with a smaller pri"ate military grop
who is a!tally getting all of the attention and !oin and power.
&s that apt* &%ll try to work on it after the first draft.
Bishops or @ow Bishops as some !all them are stdents.
4amn stdents.
@a3y stdents.
1!k them stdents.
1rom there yo ha"e bsiness owners and then the people who work for bsiness or
go"ernment grops and organi3ations.
Eo !old throw prostittes all within all of that ranking bt that%s tre anywhere be!ase
most people like to f!k and will pay with power and !oin to do so.
& shold start !alling se!tions & write instead of stff like Chapters or -ppendi:es or /refa!es$
& think & shold go with Clsterf!ks.
.ne of the sothernmost land areas of !i"ili3ed Coit are the Wildlands.
.k$ & might sometimes !all it the 0ist @ands and other times the Wildlands and while on
drgs !all it the 0ist Wildlands.
5st let me ha"e that one.
The Wildlands are bordered by the sea and the lands of The Empire .f Steam$ The Aosary$
and The Empire .f The Thirteen -rmies on its northern border. The Eastern land border of the
Wildlands meets the nation of Walla!hia also.
.r something like that.
=eography was ne"er my best sb,e!t.
.k$ neither was English$ 1!k .ff.
& in!lded a map of all of !i"ili3ed Coit at the beginning if yo missed it. &%ll do this with
ea!h Coit story. & mean this is a fantasy story after all and a fantasy story needs maps like Star
Trek needs redshirts.
Star Trek went downhill a little when they tried to fi: that redshirt isse.
There will also be a more detailed map of The Aosary after the story.
Speaking of maps$ the fi"e yong "irgin /opes will first head Soth ot from The Aosary to
Walla!hia on their walk to obtain a map of Coit to be sed in their frther tra"els. Some pla!es
!onsider this a anti>ated tradition while others follow any news of it like a sporting e"ent.
1or generations the Walla!hians ha"e been the best map makers on the planet. They take great
pains to keep them pdated by the !hanging shape of politi!s. &f yo want to find yor way by
safe passage or the most interesting rote yo get a Walla!hian map.
-fter they get their maps they will head in for different dire!tions to trly start their walk in
an attempt to !ome ba!k ladable to be the )igh /ope. &t%s a throwing them ot into the world$
for!ing them to walk among the good$ the kind$ and the !rel to retrn to the Aosary
Eo might ask9 Brian yo said there are fi"e yong "irgin /opes bt yo ,st said 'for
different dire!tions( did yo s!rew something p*
+o$ & didn%t s!rew something p$ at least not there$ it%s ,st one of them almost always dies
tra"eling to get the maps in Walla!hia. Walla!hia may not be the most dangeros pla!e on Coit
bt the one thing all of them will learn is that they are not too many safe pla!es.
Clatterford was lead by members of the +oble =ard to the )igh /opes personal worship
!hambers. There was abot si: of them to state the nmber in fa!t9 three in front leading and
three behind them. They had heard many stories abot them and weren%t taking any !han!es.
The )igh /opes personal worship !hambers is also known as his personal li"ing !hambers.
Where he sleeps.
- holy pla!e of rest.
There%s a !hamber pot for pissing and shitting in the room.
Sans any piss or shit at the moment.
The )igh /ope was sitting in the "ery sparse shitless room in a wooden !hair !o"ered in bear
skins. &t was all atmospheri! for him there sitting by a fire withot a robe staring into the dan!ing
&f & wasn%t !lear enogh all his holiness was hanging ot for all to see.
)anging ot there to breathe in the air.
)is ,nk was ot.
Clatterford was slightly nner"ed by the way the fire light fli!kered a!ross the fa!es of the
+oble =ards stationed motionless all arond the !hamber. &t triggered a memory of one time
when he was !amped ot with some 4warfs so near The 0aple 0a3e of Babylonia that they
!old hear s!reams of gi"ing p so !learly in the nights air he thoght he !old re!ogni3e the
The last time Clatterford was in The Aosary he noti!ed the )igh /ope%s madness was
!reeping frther into the mind of the man who sa"ed his di!k from being a dogs dinner. -nd the
stories he has heard sin!e that last trip has him of the thoght that things ha"en%t gotten any
)e woldn%t !all his relationship with the )igh /ope a friendship bt he had a!tally grown to
like the old sod a little. Some ha"e !ome to !all him )igh /ope The Bind. Bt to be !ompletely
honest with me trying to not be atta!king saying a )igh /ope is kind is sort of saying that !ow
dng o"er there isn%t as stinking as the dog poop in the !orner.
Clatterford sat down on an old trnk positioned near the fire. )a"ing walked all the way into
The Aosary from a side trip to the Wardawgs territory he was still pissed he hadn%t gotten the
!han!e to eat or rest yet.
Bt not too tired to forget who he was talking to and let a smart tonge slip despite any
familiarity that had de"eloped between them.
-t least he was trying to beha"e himself.
)e always tries.
I& am sorry & had to interrpt yor dinning. &%"e made sre a feast is ready for yo in yor
I-nd &%ll eat e"ery bit in honor of those yor gards killed.%
)onestly that%s Clatterford trying to be diplomati!.
IThey mst ha"e been all !aght p in the e:!itement of or holiday times.%
IThese !elebrations of yors$ they seem to get larger with ea!h one.%
ITell me Clatterford End$ why do yo think that is so*%
Clatterford tra!ed the shape of his bear with his hand thinking abot his ne:t words bt with a
grin he let them free$ IBe!ase they are distra!tions and yo need bigger and bigger ones.%
I-lways bold$ always wise.%
I-lways stpid for a trth.%
I+ot so. & appre!iate yor trth tonge. +ot many gi"e me trth tonge who are in my
IControl tends to do that to tonges.%
The )igh /ope stood from his !hair to warm his hands on the fire and then slowly sat ba!k
down$ I-re or allies still open to the Walk /ilgrimage*%
IThe tribes of the Wildlands are as they always ha"e been. They don%t kill all "isitors on sight
as a rle bt yo ne"er know when they might !hange those rles. -s to Walla!hia$ well they
ha"e taken to testing Aedtail waters again. .b"iosly li"ing is boring them. Besides that
e"erything is as it has been for a while.%
IEo see normally this wold be the time & wold be writing ot plans to send fi"e yong
/opes to their deaths to keep my station bt &%m no longer !omfortable in my growing insanity.
.r nation needs new and strong leadership. This pea!e will not keep fore"er. We mst find a
new )igh /ope from this grop to prepare.%
ISo fi: the ra!e bt the other way arond from what yo normally do.%
I&n a way that%s what & plan to do. &n the past for the most part /opes ha"e been left to their
own measres of finding sr"i"al. Bt & need more than blind !han!e this time for someone to
!ome ot of it with their life inta!t. & need something to help balan!e the task for them. & need
yo Clatterford End.%
I&%m not really the )igh /ope type.%
Both men laghed.
The gards remained silent.
&t wasn%t fnny.
I& wish to hire yo to es!ort them to Walla!hia and help them a!hie"e the maps. 1rom there
!hoose the one yo think is the strongest and walk his destiny with him.%
IThat sort of thing will !ost a lot more than any ,ob &%"e done for yo in the past.%
IThis is a most gra"e need for The Aosary. )ow does a !ity se!tion and his pi!k from the
Swiss =ard ranks sond* Eo will be gi"en the title of Bishop and a promise that no one will
hinder yor a!ti"ities. Whate"er they may be.%
I&%m sre the Swiss Fi!ar wold lo"e that. /robably m!h the whole )igh Con!il wold
probably be ready to stone me.%
I4id =od sele!t them*%
I& get yor point.%
IWhat of the offer Clatterford End*%
ISonds like a good offer. - good offer for another man who is not me.%
IWhat is yor pri!e then* +ame it.%
I- free day to e:plore the an!ient ar!hi"es.%
The )igh /ope trned from his !hair to look to Clatterford with dan!ing flames in his eyes$ I&
like yo. Eo are always looking for an ad"antage others don%t ha"e.%
There are three great libraries of Coit !alled The =reat @ibraries .f Coit. These three
depositories of knowledge wold make any well worn resear!her$ any s!holar of data$ and any
stdent of the tests wet in their garments.
The first of the great libraries is lo!ated within The Empire .f Steam. To be e:a!t in lo!ation
it%s sitated on the !amps of Telseal 8ni"ersity$ the pbli! ni"ersity of the empire and the
largest str!tre within the whole of the empire.
Whi!h tells yo a lot abot The Empire .f Steam withot knowing m!h more going in. The
entire empire is pla!e of s!holarship.
The Teseal @ibrary is the largest library by far in all of Coit and also the most open. Eo !an
enter its halls withot e"en being a !iti3en of the empire.
Eo do need a library !ard thogh.
That says e"en more abot The Empire .f Steam.
The 'anyone !an enter( thing9 most libraries re>ire a library !ard.
The se!ond great library of Coit is The @ibrary .f Babylonia.
Whi!h sre as hell isn%t open to all.
0atter of fa!t The @ibrary .f Babylon is only open to members of the Babylonian military.
E"ery day !iti3ens$ e"en politi!ians are not allowed into its doors and sre as hell foreigners
aren%t allowed in.
What does that say abot Babylonia* That doesn%t say they are kind of assholes.
Bt they are.
)a"ing the se!ond largest military$ only se!ond to The Empire .f The Thirteen -rmies$
Babylonia is a empire steered$ mo"ed$ and impassioned by its military so e"erything is infsed
by this military sense of pride in!lding their library.
They do ha"e the only librarians who are armed at all times.
When they shsh yo$ yo stay shshed.
-nd then yo ha"e The -n!ient -r!hi"es .f The Aosary whi!h is one of the most legendary
pla!es in all of Coit. &t%s the type of pla!e where some say9 that%s where this legendary se!ret or
item is kept. &t sometimes !an be an 'ot !ard( for something !onspira!y like or stpid or a9 if
we had a!!ess to that knowledge the world wold be different.(
&t%s said to !ontain so m!h an!ient knowledge that if sed it wold pt The Empire .f Steam
to shame.
Who knows$ don%t really belie"e that. The Empire .f Steam is pretty !ool.
&t has things that rn only on steam.
Ths the name.
Ths the !ool.
When The Aosary was the strongest nation on the planet it hoarded loads of do!ments and
artifa!ts from all !on>ered and destroyed !i"ili3ations it had !onta!t with. Withot a wish to
learn from others not9of9their9own they ha"e hid these things away from no other eyes to see or
-nd they gard the stff like a kid garding toys he doesn%t want to play with bt doesn%t
want to share either.
Clatterford ,mped at The )igh /ope%s offer with a >i!k thoght of being able to walk these
tor!h lit ndergrond !hambers. -fter all the only thing he needed to do was agree to es!ort a
grop of "irgins to Walla!hia and get a !opy of maps and then !hoose one ot of the lot to keep
ali"e for a walkabot and ba!k.
Well it will be worth it if he !an find what he is looking for.
-nd what he is looking for is something pretty spe!ial to him. -n ob,e!t none bt a few ha"e
e"er e"en heard mention of. )e himself ,st fond ot abot this items possible e:isten!e while
in Babylonia doing some mer!enary work.
While holding a tor!h with one hand he flipped throgh room after room of books$ papers$ art$
and artifa!ts before finding what he was looking for$ The Book .f 1ragara!h$ and he fond it
nder a pile of drawings sket!hed by an e:plorer dring trips to The Three 4eaths.
)e tore ot a page from the book and stffed it into a po!ket area hidden on the inside of his
armors !hest plate. The rooms gard slash librarian looked at him like he wanted to kill him bt
Clatterford retrned his ga3e with a smile be!ase he knows all librarians ha"e been told to not
obstr!t whate"er Clatterford wanted to do in the ar!hi"es.
What he wanted to do right now was a little dan!e be!ase he was really happy as he walked
the way ba!k ot from the ar!hi"es. )e ga"e a whistle hi as he passed ea!h gard slash librarian.
)e had fond what he was looking for and now he only needed to do some babysitting before
he !old take the first step of trying to retrn home. The babysitting bit might take a while
thogh. -ll arond and ba!k again in one year is the rles.
Sonds like the type of story some pblishing in The Empire .f Steam wold pay a lot of
money for.
& think &%"e mentioned The Empire .f The Thirteen -rmies before bt they are a pretty
ni>e empire as empires go. 8nited territories might be a more pre!ise name bt The Empire .f
The Thirteen -rmies has more of a snap sond to it$ don%t yo think*
When the =reat War was raging and brning most of Coit to ash a grop of armies formed
an allian!e that was in its formation a threat to the rest of Coit. The threat was this !onfli!t ends
now or they will mo"e together as one a!ross e"ery field$ e"ery montain$ and e"ery in!h of land
and !laim it as or own.
The thirteen armies that make p the empire are the armies of thirteen different ra!es of
people. Ea!h ra!e now holds a territory within the empire%s borders as their own bt ea!h also
has representati"es that sit in the !apital !ity handling trade and in !ase a need arises nite all of
the armies if something breaks the pea!e treaty that was signed by all of Coit after the =reat
0ost of the rest of Coit thinks of them as ba!kwards be!ase their territories aren%t hge
!ities bt small !ommnities. /eople Tas in mainly hmansU ha"e problems with this empire
be!ase "ery few hmans are part of it.
0ake no mistake thogh the rest of Coit fears The Empire .f The Thirteen -rmies whether
their a!tions !ome throgh spee!h or a!tion.
& mean any grop of people who ha"e =iants on their side shold be listened to and feared.
-nd not f!ked with.
4o not f!k with =iants. That%s the lesson for today kids.
Clatterford slept "ery well with dreams of his past and was ha"ing a ni!e morning bt as
ser"ants were washing his body and feeding him breakfast his ni!e early start to the day was
interrpted by fi"e yong men entering his sleeping !hambers.
)e wold ha"e laghed at the sight of them standing there all dressed in their /ope -rmor and
fll of stpidity if he didn%t know most of them wold be dead soon.
.k$ he did gi"e a little !h!kle when they first walked in and he !aght sight of them.
IWe are The Chosen 1i"e#%
IEes$ yes$ & know. &%ll meet yo in the ban>et hall.%
They stood there staring.
I8nless yo "irgins wish to help !lean my pits and ass yo shold lea"e and wait for me.%
-fter the /opes left the !hamber Clatterford trned to one of the ser"ants$ a pretty yong boy
with fiery read hair and one eye who was washing his hands and arms$ I& think &%m starting to
reali3e what &%"e gotten myself into.%
The ser"ant opened his moth to show Clatterford why he !oldn%t !on"erse with him. )is
tonge had been !t ot.
I& gess & also need to keep in mind who &%m working for.%
Fi!ar Swiss was in his Con!il !hambers !ross !he!king$ re!he!king$ and signing par!hments
that wold allow his Swiss =ards to bring in a grop of hereti!s for >estioning.
.n the bal!ony of his !hambers stood three Swiss gards with two more inside to ea!h side of
his desk. .tside of the door was two more.
/eople in The Aosary tend not to like Fi!ar Swiss "ery m!h.
&nto the !hambers !ame one of The Fi!ar Swiss%s 4ean Commanders of the Swiss =ard.
IFi!ar Swiss.%
IEes$ 4ean. What do yo want* &%m "ery bsy.%
I& ha"e fond a pla!e for yor meeting with the otsider. & will head there now on yor orders
to personally take !are of any possible eyes.%
I-nd yor spies are sre he will be heading to the markets at that time*%
IThat%s what was o"erheard by one of the ser"ants dring his breakfast.%
I=ood$ good$ go. -nd 4ean.%
IEes Fi!ar.%
I0ake it a !lean setp.%
IEes Fi!ar.%
There are fi"e 4eans of the Swiss =ard. The one nearest in fa"or is the Fi!ar Swiss is 4ean
1a"or and 1la"or$ oh$ & know &%m going to s!rew that p in the ftre.
)e was the gy the Fi!ar was ,st talking to. )e%s a yong gardsman who rose >i!kly in the
ranks with a dedi!ation and "i!ios streak in all of mo"ements.
)e gained fa"or with the Fi!ar Swiss when a grop of anar!hists made an attempt on the
Fi!ar%s life. 4ean 1la"or who then was an e"eryday Swiss =ardsmen defended the Fi!ar
against twel"e men with only two a:es inside a pbli! bathhose.
The blood9spattered brtal pro!eedings of that day pt a fo!s in the Fi!ar%s eye when it !ame
to 1la"or. Fi!ar Swiss pt him nder one of his top 4eans bt after n!o"ering a plot to slay the
Fi!ar by the then 4ean%s 1la"or be!ame the most trsted member of the Swiss =ard and
whene"er a task needs to be done with total trst and withot worry of anything being held ba!k
he is !alled on.
+ow he is on his way to !omplete another assignment by his Fi!ar. )e was to se!re a pla!e
near the bsy markets for a >i!k se!ret meeting between the Fi!ar Swiss and Clatterford End.
What some may ha"e seen as an isse if they wold ha"e been gi"en this task wold be the
fa!t that only homes are within the markets. The market stalls are pla!ed in front of homes in a
ri!h tradition that goes by as far as re!orded Aosary history.
4ean 1la"or finds a sitable pla!e behind one of the many fabri! stalls. This one selling
fabri!s said to !ome from -ssyria. The stall is rn by a hsband and wife who both on!e worked
in the pig works before earning enogh to pr!hase a market home.
This was "ery early in the morning so the markets are !losed and the workers fast asleep.
When yo own a market stall it%s yor life so yo work$ eat$ shit$ f!k$ and sleep and that%s it.
-ll within fi"e feet of yor stall for the most part.
1la"or didn%t enter the home throgh a side door or a mistakenly left open window. )e
kno!ked on the door. This will be the a!tions of a 4ean in"estigating anti9go"ernment a!ti"ities.
When the man and women !ame to the door 1la"or sho"ed his sword with s!h for!e it went
throgh both of them.
The offi!ial report wold read that he was greeted by both barring daggers.
1la"or sho"ed them into the home and sht the door behind him. Then he pro!eeded to sli!e
the throats of both of them.
The offi!ial report wold say they !t their own throats to keep from being !aptred and
1la"or dragged their bodies into the bedroom and sht the door. )is gards wold be
!onta!ted to pi!k them p later.
The offi!ial report wold say those two were anti9go"ernment fighters with possible ties to
The )igh /ope Ban>et )all was bsy with ser"ants ser"ing the wishes of the gests of the
)igh /ope. The hall is a!tally a long way from the )igh /ope%s li"ing >arters bt that%s
planned ot on prpose be!ase if yo !old ha"e "isitors bt also keep them as far away from
yo as possible withot inslting them woldn%t yo do so*
/ls "isitors sometimes want to kill yo when yo are a )igh /ope so there is no sense letting
them sleep within throat slitting rea!h.
That%s too m!h throat slitting talk in a little spa!e.
Too m!h late night pi33a for the writer.
Clatterford walks into the ban>et hall and makes his way o"er to a Swiss =ardsman and
whispers something into his ear.
The gard then gathers two others and they es!ort all gests and ser"ants ot of the hall.
E"eryone is !leared ot e:!ept for the fi"e yong /opes and Clatterford who plls down the lo!k
spports to seal both doors to the hall.
&f this was mo"ie some of the following wold be in a montage se>en!e.
Bt it%s not a mo"ie so words$ words$ and words.
The /opes stand p from their table as Clatterford walks into the !enter of the hall$ I& want
ea!h of yo$ one at a time$ to introd!e yorself and try to atta!k me. =i"e it e"erything yo got
or & will make it a whole lot worse on yo.%
The /opes look at ea!h other$ a little !onfsed$ a little s!ared. They ha"e heard a lot abot
Clatterford End sin!e being told they wold be pt in his hands for their pilgrimage.
.k$ they%re a lot s!ared.
The first one to ha"e any !orage steps forward. - blonde haired athleti! looking yong man$
I& am named @ins.%
ICome on then @ins.% @ins stands staring not knowing what to do. I1!k it @ins.%
Clatterford walks o"er and grabs @ins by his blonde hair with his left hand and pn!hes him
three times in the side ribs between his armor platting with his right.
Then as @ins was hardly standing in a lot of pain Clatterford hip tosses him a!ross a table.
)e kno!ks the yong man ot by bsting two large drink !anisters against ea!h side of his
-s @ins lays n!ons!ios he trns ba!k to the other for$ I+ow is there a good nderstanding
of what & want*% They head motion a an:ios yes.
- tall blky ms!le bond yong man is taken down after he throws one pn!h at Clatterford
and is dropped with one pn!h from Clatterford.
IStrength is good kid$ knowing how to se it is better. &%"e had my ass ki!ked by people
smaller than me and whipped people twi!e my si3e.(
- hairy bearded one goes down after nine pn!hes and a head btt.
IEo !an at least take some pnishment. Eo%ll need that skill nless yo get smarter. -
starter might be sing yor toleran!e for pain to lay a trap.%
- bla!k yong man with graying hair trades a few blows with Clatterford bt after en,oying
the trade off for a bit he finds ot he was being led to know he was doing good as an a!t and falls
>i!kly when he gi"es an opening.
I-ll of yo need to learn from ea!h other%s mistakes and weaknesses. /ay attention.%
The shortish$ ot of shape$ mothy one gets tossed from one end of the hall to the other before
Clatterford breaks a !ople fingers and pn!hes him in the throat to sht him p.
-s the /opes are trying to help ea!h other in "arios degrees of in,ry Clatterford nbolts the
doors. I=et some rest$ dmp the bllshit armor$ and meet me in my !hambers in s>ire !lothes
The =reat War# 0aybe & shold ,st keep saying The =reat War and not go into too m!h
detail abot what happen and why*
.n se!ond thoght$ &%m a writer writer right now. When my skill le"els impro"e & !an be a
lea"er oter writer.
The =reat War was when all of Coit fallen into all ot world war against the in"ading for!es
of the "ery an!ient ra!e The Spiders. )istory says this was the first time all of Coit had e"er
been nited against a !ommon foe. That may or may not be the trth bt it was a good rallying
!ry for battling The Spiders who at e"ery trn seemed to ha"e the mightier for!es.
This war had been raged for de!ades$ e"en damaging natre !tting the planet in half by two
walls of storms. Stories are told that the other half is Coit is nothing bt wasteland now$ e"ery
bit of life wiped from its lands by The Spiders.
+ot tre by the way.
&t was dring the third de!ade of the war with The Spiders when a member of the legendry
tra"elers The S$ one !alled .seike arri"ed on Coit looking for a friend who in fa!t had ,st left
mere de!ades before.
To The S de!ades !an be mintes.
-fter seeing the destr!tion the war was bringing to this planet and how the ftre looked for
the people of Coit going against The Spiders .seike rallied the nations like ne"er before. )e
sed e"ery bit of knowledge he had of The Spiders and ways of fighting them.
Bt all of .seike%s work wasn%t enogh. They were losing the war ntil a grop of Warlo!ks
broght into this realm the "ampire. There had ne"er been any "ampires on Coit before. +o one
had e"en heard of them.
-t first the "ampires had trned the tide of war in Coit%s fa"or. 0any nati"es of Coit e"en
"olnteered gi"e themsel"es p to "ampirism to frther their !ase of defeating The Spiders. 0y
Sol 1or 0y World was on posters and on lips all o"er Coit dring this time.
Bt soon the "ampires had o"errn a on their heels Spider army and the leaders of Coit
!old see "i!tory for them in the ftre. -lso they !old see a !oming war with the "ery beings
they had broght into their world. Their tipping point in the war was be!oming too powerfl in
-fter the Spiders had !ompletely left Coit it was learned that the "ampires were readying a
plan to trn on the rest of the planet to establish themsel"es as the rlers of all. .seike ha"ing
fond this ot had to a!t >i!kly and ,st as The Spiders had left he helped destroy most of the
"ampires on the planet. -n a!t of brtality and fear so !on!entrated he left Coit to ne"er retrn
ashamed of his a!tions.
Soon after this point !onfli!t of nations started p again !ontining The =reat War as a war
first of battling a !ommon enemy$ to battling a !ommon too powerfl ally$ to battling ea!h other
for what%s remaining. This is when The Empire .f The Thirteen -rmies was nited.
Bt all of that is the !li!h?d story possibly for another time. & know if & li"e long enogh there
are many stories & want to tell dring the period of The =reat War.
Clatterford is walking throgh the markets. )e has to admit to himself it felt sort of good to
kno!k those /opes down a peg or two. +o wonder most of them ne"er retrn. They are stds
pi!ked ot of bad herd sto!k in ni!e painted armors and trained by bllshit Swiss =ards to be
feed to a world ready to take their li"es in a se!ond.
E"en thogh he doesn%t !are for The Aosary o"erall$ their markets are some of the best on
Coit. 1or a nation withot m!h interest and lo"e for anything otside their borders they ha"e
great trade deals in pla!e and allow as m!h as wanted and needed otside weapons and other
religios beliefs for their markets.
Eo !an find e"erything from books from The Empire .f Steam to !ooking ware from The
@and .f -rges. Withot m!h work yo !an pi!k p Chameleon ,ewelry$ Troll hammers$ and
S!are!row !loaks.
Clatterford was standing bargaining with a man with a stall of spirits$ frits$ and other ser"i!es
for some apples when he is srronded by a nmber of Swiss =ardsmen. +ow they are not
enogh to for!e him to do anything bt enogh for him not to want to bother with and ,st follow
them when they motion for him to do so.
-nyways the only person with the pll to ha"e him killed is the )igh /ope and that%s be!ase
he%s here on the )igh /ope%s !all< so he will let this sitation mo"e at its own !orse and see
what happens.
)e%ll get his apples later.
Clatterford follows them to a home on the otskirts of the markets. 1rom the looks of it
appears to him to be a pretty new family home bt sin!e this seems to be a on the side sort of
meeting ot of offi!ial sightings it probably also means all the members of that family who !all
this home might not be in the best of health.
That%s ,st how things work within The Aosary.
.t of the shadows in the main room of the dwelling stepped a member of the )igh Con!il
Clatterford didn%t re!ogni3e by name bt there was no mistaking those e:pensi"e robes< whi!h
were lotish and flawless at the same time.
I& hear yo ga"e those yong naffe!ted shits a good bashing.%
IWell$ from a people who on!e took part in bllfighting it%s kind of srprising yo train those
who might lead yo as bllfighters instead as if they are the blls.%
IEes$ bt the bll ne"er had a !han!e of "i!tory no matter what they did.%
I-nd so that%s how yo send ot these yong men.%
IBt not this year*% asked the )igh Con!il Fi!ar
Clatterford stdies him to see if his fa!e wold gi"e away what he already knew. To anyone
otside the )igh /ope he was ,st a tor gide for the yong /opes.
IWe on the )igh Con!il know there has to be a reason the )igh /ope wold ki!k tradition
away and send an independent foreigner ot with /opes on their sa!red pilgrimage*%
I&%m ,st a tor gide.%
I.nly a tor gide*%
I-s far as yo know yes.%
Clatterford smiled$ trned$ and e:ited the home to finishing his browsing of the market stalls
withot m!h thoght to what ,st happen. 1rom what he has dis!o"ered in the past this is
politi!s as normal with The Aosary.
The fi"e yong /opes still re!o"ering from their beat downs enter Clatterford%s !hambers to
find him sitting on the edge of the bed getting head from a male prostitte.
-lso sitting$ standing$ and lying throghot the li"ing >arters were women and men of
"arios le"els of ndress$ age$ and ra!e.
They smiled seeing the yong /opes. Clatterford leaned ba!k on his bed$ IEo will pt
yorself in all kinds of dangers trying for yor first f!k or fighting to keep it from happening.
=et it ot of yor system tonight boys & don%t plan to wat!h any of yo die grabbing for a taste of
taint or di!k.%
Within e"ery str!tred so!iety or grop there are a!ts of rebellion. E"en if the pla!e is "ery
kind and respe!tfl of all beliefs and life yo !an still find rebellion. &t%s natral to hmans and
many other ra!es as m!h as eating is.
Eo !an see it in the illegal food eateries in The Aosary or some of the anti9so!ial a!ts of
yoth that & ha"en%t spoken of that take pla!e among Bishops. +ot to mention the anar!hists and
anti9go"ernment grops that !rop p from time to time$ rebellion is all arond s.
Eo !an%t see it !learly in Aosary bt within most of those things & talked abot yo will find
signs of the +ns .f Aosary.
Told yo they were pretty !ool.
1or abot a de!ade the +ns ha"e rn an ndergrond rail road for rebels and the nwanted.
)elped get information to pla!es se!re s!h as prisons and defended grops nder !onstant
atta!k within their nation.
They are "ery good at what they do and a large part of that is doing it in "ery se!ret and well
rn operations. Fery few people otside their rank know of their se!rets missions bt one of
them is Clatterford End. )e learned of it after the instan!e that took pla!e when he first "isited
The Aosary.
.h$ and also on the down low so to speak while away training to be do!tors and nrses they
also train in forms of indi"idal !ombat in the ndergrond tnnels of The Empire .f Steam.
4on%t f!k with a +n.
& want to make this !lear for ftre referen!e9 4on%t f!k with a +n .f The Aosary.
The ne:t day$ long after the prostittes had left$ things had !rsted o"er$ and the ser"ants had
!leaned p the night%s !orrption$ Clatterford lead the /opes down to the +oble =ardsmen
The +oble =ardsmen -rmory is a large bilding with a rather homoeroti! image of a
bla!ksmith working with a !olleage on its big ass doors.
IBnowledge is the fair9haired weapon e"eryone shold desire$ lst after$ and kill for. We will
pi!k ot a weapon for ea!h of yo today from the armory bt if yo se it as yor only weapon
yo will not be long for this world.%
Clatterford opened the doors to the armory and when inside he nodded his head to the
bla!ksmith who he had spoken with earlier. The bla!ksmith and his assistants left the pla!e to
Clatterford and the /opes.
.n the walls to one side of the smelting and forming se!tions were walls$ rooms$ and ra!ks of
shields$ swords$ smoke rifle barrows$ knifes$ a:es$ and spears. )e let them mill arond for a few
mintes before snapping them ba!k to reality.
I/i!k a weapon and &%ll tell yo how it !an help yo sr"i"e and how it might ,st get yo
killed. Eo only get one thogh so !hoose !areflly. This might be the first real !hoi!e yo ha"e
had to make in yor li"es.%
@ins pi!ked ot a sword$ -na!lets an a:e$ /etrs a spear$ Clemens a ma!e$ and E"arists a
!arpenters hammer. &n trn Clatterford asked them why they !hoose their weapon. -nd he in trn
told them how to se the weapon and how this weapon !old also get them killed.
@ins$ I0y adapti"e father told me my blood father was a member of the +oble =ard so &
!hoose the weapon of the +oble =ardsmen.%
Clatterford$ I- sword is a fine weapon and if yo are a great swordsmen yo !an defend
yorself against any other gy with a sword. 5st know that swords are no se against hea"er
weapons s!h an a:e or big hammer. -lways be ready with s!h >i!k thoghts. That%s a lesson
for all of yo.%
-na!lets$ I& pi!ked an a:e be!ase it !an destroy and !reate.%
Clatterford$ I)ow poeti! of yo. -nd >ite a!!rate also. &t fits yor strength -na!lets bt
yo will need to impro"e yor agility and hand to hand or fall as many who foght with a:es
ha"e and that%s to the one swing and die short life.%
/etrs$ I& pi!ked the spear. & !an se it as a staff and also defend myself against swords and
e"en bow distan!e is an option.%
Clatterford$ IEea$ if yo want to throw away yor weapon yo had better make sre yo hit
the target. &%d say se it as a staff mainly ntil yo get yor enemy down. Then se it to pt them
Clemens$ I& like my ma!e.%
Clatterford$ IBinky.%
E"arists$ I&#.%
Clatterford$ IWhy a !arpenters hammer*%
E"arists$ I0y father was a !arpenter. The first )igh /ope was a !arpenter.%
Clatterford$ IEep. Best of l!k to yo on that !hoi!e.%
Before lea"ing the armory he also made ea!h one pi!k ot a shield.
Warfare a!!essori3ing$ it is the se!ret of the shield in !ombat.
IWhy do yo only !arry two kni"es*% asked E"arists as they were walking to a +oble
=ardsmen pra!ti!e field to pra!ti!e some hitting and s!reaming.
Clatterford plls ot both of his kni"es as if he needed them ot to talk abot them. .therwise
known as leading the "iewer in films$ IThese are the only two weapons &%"e fond that & want to
li"e with. &%ll pi!k p a sword or a ma!e or a hammer or another man%s hand to se as a weapon
if & need to bt to li"e with a weapon is akin to who yo !hoose to marry. 1!kings fine bt
marrying is another story. Eo had better hope yong /opes yo ha"e !hosen well today be!ase
yor religion says yo only get ot of marriage by death.%
)e pt away his blades and walked away from the /opes who started talking among
themsel"es. )e wants to help them bt he%s also messing with them a bit. - large part of his
personality is !onfsing the order of things.
&n two days they lea"e for Walla!hia bt tonight Clatterford is on!e again in the )igh /ope%s
pri"ate !hambers. )e wasn%t planning or had been informed ahead of time abot this meeting so
he had to lea"e two prostittes in his bed wanting and is pretty weak in his legs from drink
preparing for a night of wanting.
The )igh /ope is in his bed with Clatterford standing swaying a little by the door. E"ery so
often the hand from a +oble =ard wold rea!h ot from the shadows and steady him a little.
The only light in the room was a small !andle by the )igh /ope%s bed.
IThe prote!tion & hired for yo to gi"e to the strongest of them ends when yo retrn with him
to or !ity. & fear that is when he will trly need the most prote!tion.%
I0aybe we%ll rn into a 0edsa and he%ll sprot eyes in the ba!k of his head.%
While Clatterford tries to stay pright talking to the )igh /ope the yong /ope%s are being
herded into a room to meet with a lot of The Aosary%s high ps of go"ernment and high so!iety if
there really is m!h separation between the two.
The day before the main !elebration the /ope%s ha"e to meet and greet with these people to
see who will spport them by bestowing pon them a !opy of their !rest to !arry with them. +ot
that it means that m!h to the /ope%s themsel"es bt if they do end p sr"i"ing it might hold
fa"or for the sr"i"ing /ope and those who spported them.
The /opes are basi!ally being passed arond the room so ea!h higher p !an shake their
hands and slip them a seal of appro"al so to speak. 1or anything else this will probably be the
last really good meal any of them re!ei"es for a long time as Clatterford told them$ ITry to en,oy
the bllshit postring.%
E"eryone knows the )igh /ope%s personal fa"orite. That%s why /etrs has a tattoo of the
/ope%s personal seal on him so not many more ptting their eggs in that basi!. &t%s !onsidered an
inslt to offer yor seal to the sitting )igh /ope%s fa"orite.
That%s really not m!h an ego hit to /etrs. )e mainly sti!ks to himself in most sitations and
he did the same here before sneaking ot early to train in spear fighting with a member of the
+oble =ard who the /ope offered his ser"i!es to$ to help him learn spear !ombat.
Se"eral members of the )igh Con!il ha"e offered their seals to @ins. )e seems to be the
most poplar pi!k among the higher ps in the go"ernment. There ha"e always been whispers
that he was the son of someone "ery important who died bt he ended p being spared for some
reason and then adapted by a good family after a !o"er p of his real indemnity. When he was a
Bishop he keep getting opportnity after opportnity that people didn%t belie"e he had earned.
)e got ot of troble too easily. )e was treated like the offspring of someone "ery important and
not ,st another orphan. The "ery !hoi!e of him for /ope was >estionable$ ne"er had an
orphaned person been sele!ted before his sele!tion. When he asked his adapti"e family abot
these >estions they always told him they didn%t know. )e has ne"er been able to get the answers
he has wanted.
-na!lets gets a lot of attention from the market owners. )e%s a big strong yong man with a
work day in day ot appeal to him. )is easy to get along with anyone deposition mat!hes bt is
not !ontradi!ted by his si3e and strength. This is an appeal that mat!hes their sensibilities.
0at!hes with people who worked hard to get to ea!h le"el they ha"e gained in life.
While Clemens is getting seals from 4eans and Cardinals alike be!ase a lot of the Swiss
=ard and +oble =ard !ome from what on!e was The Aosary%s then sla"e military. -fter The
=reat War that !hanged bt those families still keep those !onne!tions with ea!h other.
E"arists on the other hand is the only /ope to go withot being offered a seal bt per
tradition the person with the lowest of offerings will be named the peoples !hampion. /eoples
!hampion with a !arpenters hammer as his !hosen weapon. -s Clatterford wold say$ I=ood
l!k with that.%
Today is the Cart 4ay !elebration and !losing ot the parade is the yong /opes who are
being plled by se"eral large horses on a float that looks like a large rose. They won%t be lea"ing
ntil tomorrow bt today is the !iti3ens send off.
While this is going on Clatterford is off somewhere ptting in some bets on whi!h one he
thinks wold ha"e the highest possibility of sr"i"al trying to take ad"antage of the sitation
The fi"e /opes had been looking forward to this parade bt some of the realities Clatterford
has woken them p to are weighing hea"y on ea!h of their minds. They are smiling and wa"ing
to the !rowds. -s the parade !omes to stopping points they sign atographs.
Ea!h one is going into this for their own reasons. They !old ha"e left the !ity. There ha"e
been !hosen /opes we left The Aosary to ne"er retrn bt these fi"e ha"e !hosen to go on this
,orney. 1or some it%s abot faith< while others it%s abot finding their way in life. 1or one it%s
abot trying to gain the power needed for re"enge.
Clatterford wat!hes them pass by ha"ing ,st e:ited a bet makers. )e only hopes that book
!ontained what he was looking for be!ase all he sees before him is one pain in the ass moment
after the other.
-ppendi: &7 Trade.
Sin!e the pea!e treaty was signed after The =reat War trade all o"er Coit has grown bt the
ma,or for!e for trade is Babylonia.
Trade a!ross Coit has been one of the main for!es behind the pea!e all lands ha"e fond
themsel"es in sin!e the =reat War and it has helped Babylonia grow ba!k into sperpower it
on!e was.
Babylonia is not only the main e:porter of wood bt it%s the ma!hine that trns trade on
Coit. Smartly early on after the war Babylonia in"ested in ideas that The Empire .f Steam has
de"eloped dring the war. &deas for better shipping$ manfa!tring$ and prod!tion.
They signed !ontra!ts for e:!lsi"e sales rights to many things prod!ed in The Empire .f
The Thirteen -rmies territories and sale thosands of good$ !heap$ and some downright ra!ist
stpid ways of prote!tions against "ampires.
-nd that not e"en !onting their weapon sales and renting ot of their own military in !ertain
sitations. 8sally sitations that pt them at odds with The @and .f -rges.
Bt all nations on Coit are taking part in an pswing in trade sin!e the war ended. Some see
it as the main reason old !onfli!ts ha"en%t risen on!e again. .thers are starting to say trade is
destroying the identities of nations and they want see the isse of trade as a threat to them.
-ll that%s known is the times of now are a great time for trade bt its libel in the ftre to be
one of the pins that%s plled to try and ignite old fires and destroy the pea!e that so many died
-ppendi: &&7 8pdate .n The @and .f -rgesVBabylonia Tensions.
While most nations ha"e seen only pea!e sin!e the time of The =reat War$ The @and .f
-rges and Babylonia ha"e been at ea!h other noses sin!e before the ink had e"en dried on the
treaty papers.
This is mainly be!ase so many Babylonian !iti3ens "olnteered to be!ome "ampires to help
in The =reat War and when the "ampires trned on the rest of Coit they felt the betrayal
stronger than most other nations.
Babylonia threw the first pn!hes politi!ally by "oting against the "ampires being gi"en their
own nation and when The @and .f -rges was granted a homeland that "ery day Babylonia
transplanted thosands of forests in defense of their neighboring borders.
To be fair they weren%t the only nation to do something like this. The Empire .f Steam also
!reated a border defense in !ase of "ampire atta!k in its 0ayflower 1orest.
Bt thogh many nations are ntrsting when it !omes to "ampires and hold ra!ist feelings
stewed from The =reat War not many try at e"ery opportnity to hold p the growth of -rges$ to
try to "ote against !i"il rights a!ts in other nations when it !omes to "ampires within those
There ha"e been sea !onfli!ts between -rges and Babylonia and trade is non9e:istent ths
!tting -rges off from many things be!ase Babylonia !ontrols so m!h of the trade ma!hine
that mo"es a!ross Coit.
E"eryone on Coit knows it will only take one little a!t by either side to start a war and
be!ase so many "ampires also li"e within other nations many think that !onfli!t may also pll
all of Coit into another world war.
-ppendi: &&&7 +ot 0entioned &n Story
G.r things & forgot & mentionedH
0a:well7 The smallest nation in all of Coit bt one that has the eyes of all other nations
pon it. This ri!h oil and mineral nation is thri"ing on a time of pea!e and bilding. @o!ated in
the =lf .f -rges between The @and .f -rges and the western part of Babylonia. The good
mining people so far ha"e been prote!ted by a warning from The Empire .f The Thirteen
-rmies that a trespass against 0a:well will be !onsidered an atta!k on them also.
=lf .f -rges7 & ,st mentioned it.
The -sh 1orest7 .ne of the defense forests planted to defend Babylonia from possible
"ampire in"asion from The @and .f -rges. @o!ated on the western part of Babylonia. -sh wood
is a repellent for "ampires. &f it to!hes their skin it brns them.
The Bla!k Thorn 1orest7 The se!ond in line of Babylonian forest defenses from aggression
from The @and .f -rges. Bla!k Thorn wood repels "ampires m!h the same as -sh wood
e:!ept !rafting its hard thorns into weapons !an !ome in "ery handy in !rafting anti9"ampire
The @inden 1orest7 The last forest defense is this forest of @inden trees. @inden has ,st the
same effe!t on "ampires as the first two bt this wood is "ery strong and most Babylonian
military and go"ernment str!tres are !rafted from it.
The Simone 0ontains7 - western defense for Babylonia against atta!k from The @and .f
-rges is these montain ranges. The stones !ontain ashes from thosands of brned Aosary holy
men from one of the many wars the two nations ha"e foght against ea!h other. &t%s said walking
throgh these montains will make a "ampires blood begin to boil and its organs !ook. The
Simone 0ontains rn a!ross most of +orth Western Babylonia.
Cross7 - small island off the !oast of +orthern Babylonia. This is the legendary training
gronds of the Babylonian -rmy for!es.
Babylon City7 The !apital !ity of Babylonia and one of the oldest areas on Coit. Aight there
with The Aosary. Whi!h one is trly the oldest is a yelling argment and another reason they
went to war on!e or twi!e or si: or se"en times in the histories of these nations.
The 0aple 0a3e7 - "ery large ma3e str!tre in Babylonia that borders The Empire .f
Thirteen -rmies and The 0issing @akes. &t has been said that Babylonian leaders s!arified a
hndred of their !iti3ens to a warlo!k to !reate this spernatral pla!e. This is another one of the
nation%s defenses.
The 0issing @akes7 This water area that borders Babylonia and -ssyria is a pla!e of the
missing. Aeally$ yo go missing if yo enter them. The lakes are a portal to other realities bt the
people don%t always !ome ot the other side ali"e. This is another left o"er from The =reat War
with The Spiders.
5a"a7 .ne of the The Three 4eaths islands lo!ated off the !oasts of The @and .f -rges and
The Empire .f Steam. The island is made p of sentiment planet life that !onsme li"ing
!reatres for food. By treaty it is illegal to "isit or transport things to and from 5a"a to or from
any nation on fear of the deadly plant life spreading and possible taking o"er all of Coit.
Ba7 -nother of The Three 4eaths islands. Ba !ontains the sols of those who died by
!owardi!e a!ts of their own. They hnger to take o"er a new body to try and lead a better life.
+ot a ni!e pla!e to "isit.
)annya7 The last of The Three 4eaths islands is rled by an immortal female warrior !alled
Bread and her !annibal sb,e!ts who kill and eat any "isitors on sight. 4ring the initial in"asion
by The Spiders dring The =reat War the only pla!e to dri"e The Spiders away to ne"er retrn at
all was )annya.
The 4iamond .!ean7 The western !oast o!ean body of water got its name be!ase of its ri!h
deposit of diamonds at "ery deep depths whi!h is why The Weed sea mer people are the only
ones who !an har"est this most in demand minerals.
The Weed7 .ne of the two sea mer peoples who inhabit the o!eans of Coit. The Weed
mainly har"est diamonds and destroy ships that "iolate their nation waters.
The Blood .!ean7 This wold be the eastern !oast body of water. This one obtained its name
be!ase of the Aedtail mer people whose skin is said to be red from generations of so m!h
blood being split in its waters# wait$ did & talk abot The Blood .!ean in the story*
& remember thinking & need to remember do it*
0aybe it was a different draft of the story*
=lf .f 0oonlight7 The =lf .f 0oonlight$ so named after the 0ist @ands tribe of werewolfs
The 0oonlight Tribe. @o!ated between The 0ist @ands and Walla!hia.
The 0ayflower 1orest7 The 0ayflower 1orest lo!ated in the northern most region of The
Empire .f Steam. &t%s a!tally not a forest at all bt a series of manmade montain regions that
ser"e as traps in !ase of an in"asion by The @and .f -rges.
0an none of these people trst "ampires.
1.E.&.$ yo sholdn%t trst "ampires.
El"es7 -re an an!ient warrior ra!e that ha"e been arond longer than most any other ra!e on
Coit. They ha"e a territory as part of The Empire .f The Thirteen -rmies. Their fier!e fighting
spirit !an only be slightly be mat!hed by their artisti! leanings. The El"es sffered great loses
dring The =reat War insisting always to be on the frontlines against The Spiders.
=oblins7 -re sneaky little small green bn!h who lo"e mis!hief. They are really good at
gorilla style warfare and one of the most dangeros members of The Empire .f The Thirteen
4warfs7 4espite many beliefs 4warfs are not deformed or stnted hmans bt in fa!t are a
small ra!e of people who stand firmly on their own grond. They are known for their intelligen!e
and plotting ways of sr"i"al. 4warfs ha"e more representati"es in other !ontries than any
other ra!e of The Empire .f The Thirteen -rmies. That says a lot abot them that the other
territories !hoose them to represent the whole.
Wi3ards7 Some people think Wi3ards and Warlo!ks are two sides of the same !oin with
Wi3ards being the good gys and Warlo!ks the baddies. +ot tre. Thogh Warlo!ks tend to ha"e
more powerfl magi! be!ase they take more risks whi!h don%t always pay off$ Wi3ards are no
more righteos than they are. Wi3ards thogh do ha"e something the others of the Thirteen
-rmies !ra"e and that%s knowledge of other worlds and realities.
1airies7 The smallest members of The Empire .f The Thirteen -rmies. 1airies are "ery
!onne!ted to natre and are said to ha"e more ways of healing people than any other methods
sed. They keep "ery m!h to themsel"es bt being the si3e of a !hild%s pen!il eraser yo really
woldn%t know them if they were there if they didn%t wish for yo to. Contrary to poplar myths
they are not natrally good. 1airies in fa!t !an be "ery nasty if yo get on their wrong side. Their
fa"orite !hoi!e of tortre is to bry themsel"es inside !reatres and eat them ali"e for days.
S!reamers7 .n!e they were Wi3ards$ Wit!hes$ or Warlo!ks who somehow got possessed by a
song. +ow they work as tra"elling msi!ians bt are also "ery talented assassins. -lso !alled
Banshees by other members of The Empire .f The Thirteen -rmies.
)awks7 Aeally strange members of The Thirteen -rmies be!ase e"en thogh they fly and
ha"e giant wings$ their wings are not what gifts them with the ability to fly. That ability seems to
!ome from an an!ient !rse against their family line.
The Ci"atateo Tribe7 - tribe of Wit!hes lo!ate in The Wildlands. This tribe of Wit!hes ha"e
gone a long way to train people in the safe se of magi! and safe intera!tions with natre and the
spernatral. Where Warlo!ks are abot sing magi! and Wi3ards are abot learning magi!$
Wit!hes are abot nderstanding its "ery natre.
The Baren Tribe7 - Wildlands tribe of Warlo!ks who ha"e sheltered themsel"es from the rest
of Coit be!ase of the damages done to the planet dring the time of the =reat War. They are
trying to keep the type of knowledge that did that sort of damage to the world to themsel"es to
keep that magi! from e"er falling into the wrong hands again.
The 0oonlight Tribe7 This Wildlands tribe of werewolfs are probably the most warrior like of
any of the tribes in this loose allian!e. 0ost werewol"es died dring The =reat War being sed
as foot soldiers dring many battles with The Spiders. They held lines like no one else bt their
people paid a deadly pri!e time after time.
The /ilgrims .f /orth7 This pea!efl monk tribe in the Wildlands area are a order dedi!ated
to li"es of pea!e and refle!tion. They garden$ they make wine$ they write books9 yo know the
normal monk stff.
Charmel Aoyal Castle7 The !astle to the Aoyal 1amily .f The Fampire +ation .f The @ands
.f -rges. +ow that%s a long f!king title. &%m sre not going to say that many times in the ftre.
The @and .f -rges is long enogh. Will probably go with -rges most of the time.
WBrief +ote7 Thogh many ra!es ha"e gathered in one general lo!ation together after the
treaties of The =reat War s!h as "ampires in The @ands .f -rges and werewolfs in The
0oonlight Tribe it%s not like they ha"e to do this. 0any ra!es ha"e members all o"er Coit bt it
,st be!ame natre that hman nations tend to !ontain mainly hmans and so on. Some ha"e seen
this as to why Coit is seeing pea!e now bt others think this self imposed segregation is ,st a
pot boiling ready to e:plode.
-ppendi: &F7 The Colle!ted -nd Coit.
The Colle!ted is made p of points of reality !olle!ted by the an!ient ra!e The Twist. They
are one of the first ra!es to !ome into !reation at the beginning of all of e:isten!e.
Their moti"es are !onfsing bt some ha"e said they !olle!t realities in an attempt to try and
sa"e them from The Spiders .f Time. +o one really knows why they do this bt these points of
time !an only e:ist in the same ni"erse parallel like writers working within a shared tightly
wo"en !ontinity bt ignoring it for the most part while at the same time a!ting like they are
keeping it all together.
0aybe The Twist are ,st writers frstrated with !anon wank*
Wyo might ask yorself9 &s he going to do these -ppendi:es for e"ery Coit story. 0aybe* &
don%t know* &t seems like one of the fn things yo get to do when writing a fantasy story.
3#$C)S +-& BU**)TS
The #riginal Sin 2
There are only a !ople things that make me really neasy. 1or the most part &%m a pretty
steady person9 /retty solid. .n!e & was fifty yards from a bear and yo know what* +othing$ my
heart rate didn%t mo"e a bit.
.k$ some may say an addi!tion might make a person a little off bt & don%t think a mild
/agophagia addi!tion is really that bad. Who does it hrt* 0ight make yo neasy bt not me.
When & was forteen & de"eloped an neasy feeling when it !ame to dealing with heights. &t
!ame abot be!ase of something that happened when my mom and & were "isiting some of my
relati"es in )oston.
& had the misfortne of ha"ing to spend the day with -nt 5odi%s !ra3y new boyfriend 5ames.
We had heard stories abot 5ames before we made the trip down to Te:as. -ll of her now
grown kids were totally against the relationship and didn%t ha"e anything ni!e to say abot him.
We wold find ot for orsel"es why they had those strong feelings.
While my mom and 5odi where ot settling some family paperwork isses in"ol"ing some
property in -stin that they hadn%t pre"iosly known the family owned$ & was left with 5ames
and he had plans for s for that day.
5ames plans were more or less him taking me arond to all the lo!al !onspira!y lo!ations to
rant abot the go"ernment$ bla!k heli!opters$ and how there was absolte proof that the British
Aoyal 1amily where in fa!t members of an an!ient ra!e of li3ard people.
&f a fifty9for year old bald man who dresses like a !ollege professor bt has the mind of
spoiled tomatoes$ and has a hard on for e"ery !onspira!y his feeble mind !an gi"e in to$ if s!h
happens were yo find yorself in the !are of s!h as man as des!ribed yo shold not allow him
to take yo p into a glass skys!raper$ with a ele"ator on the otside of the bilding also totally
made of !lass from !eiling to floor.
The reason for this warning isn%t be!ase yo shold take !are that he might to!h yo in that
pla!e that doesn%t e:ist on most dolls# or a!tion figres.
-nd people wonder why se: !onfses teenagers so m!h and they end p doing stpid stff
when the rges hit.
& gi"e this warning be!ase if this were to happen to yo at the age that & was on this day and
yo might think it is fnny to ,mp p and down on the glass ele"ator floor playing s!are the
adlt be!ase this adlt isn%t all there.
The same thing yo did to yor brother%s wife on that ferris wheel at the !ontry fair by
ro!king it ba!k and forth !asing her to piss herself.
Ees$ she pissed herself.
The !ra3y tend not to !are enogh to piss themsel"es.
The !ra3y are those who still ha"e a lot of the "ery yong in their minds. - lot of that early
!reation madness. They belie"e in impossible things and don%t know when yo shold really be
5ames laghed at me and what & doing$ and then pro!eeded to pll a flashlight from the inside
po!ket of his ,a!ket$ there be!ase of his ,ob as a night wat!hmen$ and started to slam it against
the glass floor of the ele"ator.
The ele"ator mo"ed p and p and p. & pressed btton after btton trying to get it to stop as
he slammed the flashlight down time after time ntil it broke bt the floor also now had a !ra!k
the length of an adlt inde: finger.
-fter see the !ra!k he showed he started stomping with his work boots targeting the now
growing splinter and that%s when we got to or floor$ the doors opened$ and & ,mped off ready to
piss myself.
)e followed me off the ele"ator laghing.
& ne"er told anyone that story. )is relationship ended with -nt 5odi when she fond a bn!h
of !hild porn on his !ompter. )e denied knowing how it got there< she kno!ked him ot with a
3ip dri"e a!ross the fa!e.
)eights make me neasy.
Bt that%s nothing !ompared to what happens when &%m arond two old people s!king fa!e
fast and frios. That makes my stoma!h go into !omplete pset and my brain into memory
This nease was hammered into my psy!he when & was in !ollege. That being only a few
years ago bt & was different then. & was going throgh my e:perimenting phase so to speak. &
was seeing if anything wold sti!k from drinking$ drgs$ and internet sear!hes for fetishes to try
ot for a ,og in the small !ollege !ommnity & was li"ing in.
1rom time to time & wold find myself in a sti!ky sitation of "arying degrees of dislike and
like#alike be!ase of my need to plant seeds and spoil fields.
Ees there was drnken nights that left me with little more than my nderwear. -nd that walk
home in rain and lightning in my 1lash shorts made me sort of ha"e a bad taste for the spirits.
& took in some drg sage that twisted my mind for a few days to where & still don%t
nderstand the differen!es between to$ too$ and two. 0st ha"e brned ot the brain !ell that
stored that bit of information. & also think & damaged the part of my brain that tells me & shold
stand and pee be!ase & always sit and psh down withot a thoght.
-nd then & !ome to the fetish e:ploration. 0ainly those en!onters !ame p roses or at least
with a new fond interest in on!e in a life time and ne"er again e:perien!es. Bt one night does
stand ot among all the leather was sti!ky.
.ne night & fond myself !aght inside a !age at a fetish meet and greet hoping to ha"e a
bride like the look of me and beg for the key.
Bt instead of a rogh hookp with an adien!e wat!hing e"eryone was rea!ting to some
really distrbing !osplay between two people dressed as the 5oker and Batgirl.
& was a !apti"e adien!e all by myself to see old deep tonge a!tion# and more. .ne totally
naked and the other dressed like a Fi!torian Brighton Bea!h "isitor. Wrinkled fingers mo"ing
down into a pair stripped pants and the rest my brain wiped away. Thogh if it hadn%t taken p
the task & wold ha"e done the ,ob myself with an i!e pi!k and a hammer.
Bt e"en more than heights or old f!kers making ot$ what really makes me neasy is
0ore than anything else & don%t like !rowds.
E"en !rowds of for or fi"e people make me a little neasy. &%m not a sht in bt that%s the
differen!e from being "ery neasy and being otright stri!ken with pani! atta!ks. & !an go to
!on!erts bt don%t like to nless it%s one of my fa"orites. & !old attend a sporting e"ent bt
wold rather wat!h on TF.
This bottomless fn fa!t abot me has nothing to do with any deep seated trama or e"ent in
my life. &t only has to do with a simple feeling. +ot a feeling & !an%t identify. & didn%t & ha"e to
ha"e a shrink pll at me to get words to pke their way ot.
& know this feeling good and nderstand it !ompletely as & wold the falts of a lo"e and hate.
Crowds bring ot a part of me that wants to open the emergen!y door on a plane or ,mp off
the ledge of a bilding. - part of me that lo"es the wre!ks in +-SC-A and wishes someone
wold die on &!e Aoad Tr!kers.
The !loses &%"e e"er gotten to a!ting on these feelings is almost ,mping off a =ambling Boat
on!e o"er a yong lady with a kid. Bt that doesn%t !ont. -nd the kid wasn%t mine 1E&. That
moment !an be blamed$ e"ery in!h of stpidity$ on two 0e:i!ans and a lot of Te>ila shots.
-nd with that being said today didn%t !ome abot be!ase of something spe!ial happening. &t
was ,st a slow brn. & get that brn from time to time when people who ha"e a!!ess to
information$ in the age of information$ keep themsel"es blind to what%s going on be!ase of how
it may benefit them personally.
8sally & take !are of that brn by wat!hing a marathon of Sergeant Cribb along with a whole
pi33a and pit!her of i!e tea.
The !rowd that was gathered otside the /alm Bay Ci"i! Center was nothing like me bt they
also weren%t all the same despite all of their homemade signs and mat!hing t9shirts and shots
that !old barely be heard o"er !anned misleading details.
These people were old and yong. They were ri!h and poor. Some de!idedly well9informed
and some "ery m!h dim. Bt ea!h and e"ery one of them has two things in !ommon. .ne$ all of
them are angry at the way the world is going and Two$ all of them need someone else to tell
them abot the world and what is the best way to deal with the isses fa!ing or shared ftres.
The few people who know me well might ask why &%m sitting on one of the high ramps in the
skate park !onne!ted to the !i"i! !enter listening to all of them.
& ha"e to say &%"e always wanted to !limb p on one of these things and look down despite my
nease with heights. &%"e ne"er skated in my life bt & like to stand in other peoples ,mping
points. &t makes me see the world from more angles.
&f any of my friends trned p & wold say &%m here for the entertainment or ,st ot from
"isiting the library a!ross the road. The last bit is the trth be!ase & ,st retrned the latest book
by 0areen 5ohnson bt that wasn%t the main reason & !ame here today. &t%s a mi:tre of
entertainment and anger.
& !ame here also to listen in person. &t%s all being re!orded bt no matter what%s on tele"ision
or print it has a bit of fantasy to it. & want to see for myself that these people who think these
things were real.
Those same friends who may or may not know me wold ne"er gess what & had planned for
today bt it all had been planned. & know they will >estion first if it was random$ if & had
planned this entire thing ot ahead of time.
+o$ & !an see where some of yor thoghts maybe going. +o$ & ha"en%t showed p with
se"eral !on!ealed weapons and a plan for mayhem to slash a!ross the ble of the day in a bloody
off the !hff moment.
+o$ this was a plan m!h more !tting than any bllet. Bllets aren%t rare in -meri!a.
4is!orse is.
&%m ,st tired of people remembering my generation for Bim Bardashian and &t =ets Better
internet "ideos.
&t doesn%t.
This won%t make anything better bt maybe & will get my point a!ross.
&%m here to listen bt & also ha"e something to say.
)ere he !omes on stage.
& know what it%s like to be obsessed with things. & ha"e a re!ord of e"ery sports "ideo game
&%"e e"er played. &%m serios. 1or e:ample & ha"e football re!ords for leages & !reated for
myself and friends e"en going ba!k as far to when & played with my brothers on ele!troni!
shaking football.
&t%s an old s!hool game.
-sk yor parents.
&%"e keep re!ords of hndreds of Sper Bowl winners. Tons of stats. 0ost dominated by Bo
5a!kson on Te!mo Bowl bt e"en p to last night playing the latest 0adden release.
The only person who knows abot this obsession of mine$ of my !rrent set of friends$ is my
girlfriend 0organ.
Bt that%s ,st one of many things that make her shake her head at me.
-nd if yo are wondering where she is$ she%s with her family at 4isney for Thanksgi"ing.
Eeah$ & don%t nderstand it either bt Thanksgi"ing is also what has broght this !rowd to this
spot today to hear this man speak and in effe!t it has broght me here today to listen and take
part in the world finally.
Before we get on with things & don%t want to say e"eryone shold do what &%m abot to do bt
=od e"en thinking abot it has my heart beating to the point of me wanting to throw p.
We !an ne"er sit within orsel"es with the line of thinking that we will lea"e the talking p to
-t least if & said & was going to poison a Spreme Cort 5sti!e & wold own it and do
something with those words nlike one !ertain right wing ass wipe.
&%"e !ome here and soon & a!t bt & wish to take in some of it first.
'# today%s -meri!a is all abot yo ha"ing to do withot be!ase a bn!h of spoiled
go"ernment employees think they are better than yo. See & don%t think they deser"e to ha"e
benefits when yo don%t ha"e benefits. & don%t think they shold be o"erstffed with yor ta:
paid wages while yo strggle day to day.(
The !rowd is really starting to get worked p and he%s wearing his 8n!le Sam otfit so this is
money ball time.
& ha"e to gi"e it to gys like this. They ha"e a stage presen!e that &%ll ne"er ha"e.
'#-meri!a has offered p redemption to so many of those who are dragging down this
!ontry. They ha"e pshed away opportnities of sal"ation. They want to normali3e sin with
e"ery !han!e they get. Take an eraser to those Ten Commandments yor grandmother has on her
kit!hen wall.(
&%ll paraphrase9 I@et me offer p yor enemies to yo.%
'1ool yo$ fool yo$ and Washington are laghing behind yor ba!k. They ha"e taken away
yor prayer in s!hool. -nd don%t think =od isn%t wat!hing. They are pshing their agendas into
yor life. Betrayal after betrayal. Eo didn%t ask to pay for someone else%s !ra!k habit and yo
didn%t ask to help someone mrder an nborn !hild bt these people they ha"e pt blood on yor
hands and & don%t know abot yo bt that makes me angry.(
The !rowd is eating this p be!ase he is saying ,st what they want.
'Eo didn%t ask for someone to whisper into yor wife or hsbands ears abot what right is
for yor marriage. =od has already de!ided that. &t%s a "ile sitation for them to be ptting these
things into yor li"es.(
=ot to lo"e some good old fashion -meri!an faith based lo"e for domesti! abse.
'The food and manfa!tring indstries are so o"er reglated that yo are losing yor ,obs.
Take minimm wage for e:ample#(
4id yo know before he be!ame a walking moth pie!e this gy was a reporter for a se!ond
rate !able news show that mainly fo!sed on !elebrity freak ots*
'There are those who hate the "ery people dying for or remaining freedoms. Those that trly
matter are atta!ked with lies and !losed hearts. &%"e been to &ra>$ &%"e been to -fghanistan$ and &
ha"e been to Cba and e"en the mean streets of riot ridden @ondon. -meri!a%s embra!e has
made those pla!es safer. Changed them. & walked down many of a road as if walking down the
dirt roads of my home town in Bent!ky.(
1nny that$ when & saw him toring -fghanistan with !ameras following e"eryone was
wearing "ests. Bent!ky mst be a lot rogher than & e"er fond it to be.
'/eople want to !ompare me to this person or that. & ha"e those & ha"e learned from. & know
intelligen!e and it%s not spoken from the moths of any welfare line or stdent loan free loader &
tell yo that trth. & didn%t bring holy hate down on this !ontry and neither did yo. =od%s fry
is pointing storms and male"olen!e at e"il.
See ,st like yo & am a simple man who lo"es -meri!a. & know yo do too and we don%t want
this !ontry to make pa!ks with the de"il like others ha"e and we ha"e to !hange before )ea"en
shakes or fondations for what we ha"e let happen in or land of red$ white$ and ble.(
&%m srprised they didn%t ha"e fireworks go off with that !e.
'-nd before & end this meeting of like minded good hearted -meri!ans & want to tell yo
something many are afraid to say. This !ontry is being atta!ked. &t%s being hnted. &t%s in the
sights of many who want it to go to dst. Those who want the !olors of the flag to brn to ash bt
we !an%t let that happen. We$ yo and me$ we ha"e to pt them in the !rosshairs#(
Speaking of !es$ that%s mine.
& stood p and plled ot the wireless mi!rophone & stole from a friend%s hose. &t wasn%t
easy. - lot of internet resear!h made it easier bt it worked pro"en by the fa!t that & tapped on it
a few times to send ot some "ery lod feedba!k.
That worked fine as an attention getter.
'& ha"e a >estion for yo 0r. Basso. 4o yo really belie"e the things yo are saying*
Be!ase frankly if yo do &%ll sht p right now bt & really don%t belie"e anyone !old be that
- bn!h of his people !ame rnning o"er towards me bt one of the smarter ones stopped
them from trying to pll me down in front of the TF !ameras. & heard them shoting$ 'The
!amerasN The !amerasN(
Basso walked o"er to the edge of the stage on the side !loses to me.
'@et him talk. &%m fine with an open dialoge.(
Ees yo are$ when yo think someone is srronded on yor battlefield.
'&f that was tre yo sir wold trly be a ni>e indi"idal in the politi!al !ommnity. & don%t
belie"e it thogh.(
'Eo asked if & belie"e the things &%"e said here today and in the past and the answer is Ees.(
The !rowd really !heered him there.
-nd they booed me when & trned to them and ga"e a big smile.
&%ll gi"e him the ne:t step.
'Son$ yo stand p there in yor bla!k !lothes all angry and ready to say what to me*(
'& !old ,st s!ream things at yo in anger*(
'Well$ let%s be honest the only reason kids yor age are doing sit ins and getting arrested or
rnning yor moths online is be!ase yo are bored by the wealth this great nation has gi"en p
way to freely to a lot of people who don%t deser"e it. Spoiled e>als nothing better to do.(
'& gess the protesters who were beaten$ some !lose to death re!ently in Firginia for
protesting fra!king were spoiled to death*(
'-nother e:ample of liberals de!laring war on good wholesome "ales like mining. 0iners
ha"e for so long been a ba!kbone of this !ontry. =ood hard working people for generations
sa!rifi!ed their li"es to earn money to spport their families and people like yo want to protest
those hard working "ales. & lo"e !oal and &%m not ashamed of it. & might like d!ks and trees
and the en"ironment bt people$ people are who & really like.(
)e got a big rea!tion for that.
'+o one wants to take away anyone%s ,ob. Bt yo people know that. Eo also know
s!reaming IEor 5obs% IEor ,obs% to people li"ing !he!k to !he!k will blind them to tomorrow
so yo !an >i!kly rape today nder the srfa!e and srrond tomorrow for more atta!ks.(
'Eo shold be ashamed of yorself yong man sing words like rape.(
'What like yor best friend in Bent!ky who re!ently said IThere%s a differen!e between
legitimate rape and false rape.(%
')e was mis>oted on that. The liberal media#(
'.h$ yes$ The @iberal 0edia. The spe!tra of The @iberal 0edia !reeping arond like a plage.
That%s one of yor trmp !ards isn%t it. When one of yo sggested sing a probe to rape shame a
woman seeking an abortion$ it%s the media rnning away with a story. When yor bn!h is
pshing laws to pll ba!k women%s rights and "oting rights and !i"il liberties yo s!ream that the
media is stirring these things p when yo want to talk abot the e!onomy.(
'We aren%t the ones obsessed abot gay rights.(
'Bt yo are obsessed abot gays getting e>al rights.(
'E>al 0arriage$ right$ that%s what yo%re going to bring p ne:t* @iberals a!t like being gay
is normal.(
The !rowds starting to ,st yell things ot no matter whi!h one of s is talking.
'0arriage is s!ared.(
'Ees$ let%s keep bla!ks from marrying whites.(
'& didn%t say anything abot#(
'Same wording$ different de!ade.(
'Eong man#(
'Eong man. & lo"e how yo try to gain pper grond !alling me Iyong man.% & gess if &
was a woman yo wold say 0s. or 0adam or something along those lines.( & lean forward for
effe!t$ '-nd if & was bla!k it wold be boy.(
The !rowd is now s!reaming in rage. & !an%t e"en make ot words bt feel it !oming.
'See$ yong man.( )e en,oyed saying that. )e thinks it ga"e him something$ 'These people
are feeling real anger. That%s not fake. That%s not made p. +ot that self9entitled nonsense people
s!h as yo like to go on abot. Bt yo are m!h too yong to e"en nderstand how stpid yor
words are.(
'Ees$ self9entitled la3y people. @a3y to want a !han!e at a safe working en"ironment. @a3y to
want enogh food to feed their family. @a3y to e:pe!ting a !ontry that they pay into to help ot
when they ha"e been kno!ked down. 1orget abot those people be!ase they are ,st a
per!entage nmber and wash yor hands of their li"es.(
The !rowd srges o"er more towards my side of the parking lot and with another fake smile &
bring their "olme p. The se!rity gards are starting to ha"e a really hard time holding them
)is people in the !rowd are trying to >ite people down so he !an speak again.
+ow he is down to pointing at me so he%s feeding into this.
'What%s yor name son*N What%s yor name*N(
'0y names Sam and & don%t want an -meri!an dream$ & want an -meri!an reality !he!k.%
& !old see him looking to the !ameras. )e doesn%t like that they are now fo!sed on me flly
and not dan!ing ba!k and forth between s.
'&%m ,st a stpid yong lod moth who wonders why in a time of great e!onomi! strggle
yo are so fo!sed on di"iding or nation. Eo might not be in fa"or of abortion or gay rights or
go"ernment so!ial problems to help people strggling bt yo fo!s on atta!king these things
be!ase when it !omes to fi: something yo don%t belie"e anything is broken. &t%s basi!ally a
stalling ta!ti!. &t%s like letting a !hild star"e bt telling it e"ery fi"e mintes that food is on the
way. Eo don%t want -meri!a to eat$ yo don%t !are if -meri!a star"es$ yo ,st want yor good
old !lb ways to !ontine.(
'& lo"e -meri!a.(
'& wold !hoose the napkin by a good meal in e"ery hosehold before & wold a flag in e"ery
'&t makes me trly si!k to see how desperate for handots this !ontry has be!omeN +o matter
what yo say the good people of this !ontry will sr"i"e be!ase they aren%t afraid to workN
They will die working hard if need beN(
The !rowd is a!tally getting >ieter as the "olme of his "oi!e goes p and p.
'-nd yo aren%t afraid to let people die to get what yo want. - few hndred families go
homeless9 who !ares yo get to make nmbers look good by laying off go"ernment employees.
/eople die waiting to get treatment9 who !ares yo get to party with all those drg !ompany reps.
Eo shot ot at all nations and religions not yor own9 who !ares yo don%t ha"e to defend
those words on a battlefield.(
& ne"er e:pe!ted that. The man who !an talk a mile e"en when no one !an hear him is silent.
Then my own words stopped.
-t first & thoght someone had thrown something at me and hit me in the head be!ase & was
ha"ing problems keeping my balan!e. Then my hearing departed$ left me$ bt when & fell to my
knees & saw the blood going down my arm.
1or some reason my first thoght was to trn and look at him$ not !he!k my own well being$
bt all & saw was a !rowd of men standing o"er a body on the stage.
Wasn%t e:pe!ting this*
C#U0S) C(+-.)
The #riginal Sin 4
Following Document Is A Right To Read Act- A!ticle
"iewing Without #!o$e! Access Is A T!easona%le &''ense
To: All
From: Senator Jeb Z. Asthelly
My fellow Senators Attendants of America the state of our
nation is one where there is a race class war brewing and thats
not the only interior war on our sightlines. Our country is
going to be fractured after this election no matter the outcome.
e !ust don"t #now how many $ieces it will be bro#en into.
That is unless we enlighten smarten u$ and do some hea%y
lifting in the thin#ing de$artment. That stirring thats there
to ri$ a$art e%erything we ha%e held dear for the long life of
this nation isn"t coming to the surface& it is right there
wal#ing the fields of glory liberty.
e wrestle and fight o%er issues such as abortion& uni%ersal
free healthcare& birth control& gay rights $ri%ilege&
the economy& military s$ending& ta'es& crime& and many more
issues and our country is on the edge of a burning (ell future
that smells li#e melted $ride righteousness.
(ea%en )atural selection is our gradual& non*random& course
change that must be followed. Our male genetic stoc# is strong
now. Our eyes and minds are fresh with the lo%e blood of war and
the smells of %ictory battle. )ow isn"t a time for lu#ewarm
actions. )ow isn"t the time for bac#sliding faith $atriotism.
hat the time now is for is for America to fulfill its hard
built $ro$hecies destinies.
Our destinies say we must build a stage u$on this world. e
will ha%e that stage built by those who don"t see the +.S.A.
stars and bars for what it is. e will set u$on that stage the
choice of being an American or being the rest of the world.
The auto ignition of our future is not our own faults and
failures but the faults and failures of the rest of them the
world. This is not our reaction but a course change to the
failings of others who ha%e steered us and we need to gras$ it
because they will not sto$ $ushing until we are $ushed into a
dar# $it of e%il history.
That $it will be filled with only legends of what America was
and could ha%e been.
, really don"t understand why $eo$le can"t see the truth.
-retty clear from where ,m the truth is sitting.
, ho$e you see it.
, see it.
,t"s hard for me most of America to com$rehend when something
is right in front of us that we don"t ta#e hold of it for
the benefits it holds for all of our country.
Our nation was birthed from one of the greatest em$ires to e%er
grace this $lanet. ,t is our birth right and destiny not to
stand on the dirt of other nations to defend but to show the
sight of might. e must em$ire build.
,ts manifest destiny mar#ed fate.
, $ro$ose we start by doing away with state inde$endence
statehood. Though this $art of our long history has ser%ed us
well in building a nation& it also flies into the face of ma#ing
this country the best it can $ossibly be. Statehood will sto$ us
from acting against terrorist attac#s& $rotesters dissenters&
or insurgents. e cannot be united in one %iew if there are
many. This is common sense being a$$lied.
)e't we need to build our military and continue to build it to
strengthen our forces as defenders of our borders& not !ust in
thought& but in %iew. There shouldn"t be a citi.en that has to
wal# home from a family gathering or dri%e bac# from wor#
without seeing and #nowing comfort in the sight of our bra%e men
and women wal#ing to defend their $eace of mind.
For the criminals that o%erburden our $rison system it shall be
military ser%ice in foreign cam$aigns or death. The same should
be a$$lied to those who cannot $ay ta'es or who choose to ta#e
the life of an unborn child. e must start ma#ing $eo$le $ay
bac# for the freedoms they say they wish to ha%e. /i%e your life
anyway you wish within the rule of law but there is a $rice.
0uilding a stronger military force for actions
into foreign lands& which we will need& is the answer to almost
all of our $roblems. The $oor& the mislead& the confused all can
find a home among the ran#s of the warriors of this great nation.
e ha%e a united religious %iew belief and that is one of our
country. 1od set out a chosen $eo$le in the $ast and for those
that was what religion was for. (is chosen $eo$le now need no
religious doctrine because we ha%e a flag and a set of ideals
that truly ca$ture what he wants for all $eo$le.
-ut down your 0ibles and 2orans boo#s and $ic# u$ your American
sword and shield.
Our nation needs to stri#e fast and first to build our em$ire
starting with many nations facing distractions in the world.
here we see re%olutions& we should see oil.
here we see financial crisis& we should see new holdings.
And where we see a $eo$le screaming for a taste of what we ha%e
in America& we should answer those screams with our do%e s$ears
,n the nations we are currently in we must ta#e a control
freedom under our rule or bleach brush them from the 3arth
method of dealing with these situations. Some $eo$le !ust don"t
want better li%es. The $rice of these crusades missions will be
nothing to your $urses dollars.
4hant with me
A54T,4 O,/&
A54T,4 O,/.
4hant with me
4hant with me
,f you are born within our )orth American grounds and not
somewhere which is not com$letely se$arated by water or other
nations you are a citi.en of the em$ire. )o matter your race&
$re%ious social stature or female $re*$regnant other li%ing
natures you are an American and you will contribute to the
em$ire to ma#e it stronger.
e all will ha%e the same tattoo on our arms for the world to
see that we are united in our !ust march. ,ts a clear statement
of a commitment to our mission to #ee$ this country strong.
)ot one American is to be thrown to the side. e all will build
this. From the sim$le minded to cri$$le bound. All shall ser%e
in different ways.
e will not turn away from a genius& we will use e%ery great
mind for our march.
7ou want the best education in the world& you will ha%e it
ser%ing the em$ire.
)ow ,"m anobody& !ust one Senator& but the words of nobodies
ha%e awa#ened the minds of many $eo$le in history. From the
0lac# Forests of 3uro$e to the (oly /ands %oices s$o#e out to
be sei.ed by the citi.enry for the benefit of those who would be
the $otential world sur%i%ors redeemers.
Document A!chi(e) Im$e!ial Ame!ican *i%!a!+
Go(e!nment &''icial Access &nl+
Not Fo! #u%lic "iew
BREAKING NEWS: 1rankenstein &nstitte 1or Brilliant 0inds in =ermany opens partnership
with 0&T#
BREAKING NEWS: Two !hildren !aght on !amera walking hand in hand with parents a!ross
street$ disappear halfway a!ross#
BREAKING NEWS: World Cp organi3ers say the people of a hosting !ontry shold be
gratefl for hosting the e"ent and not think abot the meals they are missing#
Tin Universe #17 And The Covers Of The Tin Universe
Interview with Brian C. Williams and Stephanie Hamlin
!estion" #irst Brian$ %o!ld &o! tell me a little a'o!t the thin(in) 'ehind the %overs for
the main Tin Universe *onthl& iss!es+
Brian" When I decided to prelaunch the monthly series one of my personal rules for doing it
was I needed to make the covers more fulfilling for the viewer and myself. Ive always loved
fake propaganda stuff for movies and books so I researched a lot of real propaganda posters,
ads, and flyers. The N.S.. was probably baiting to my search history during those days !"
With there being a very political slant to the Tin #niverse stories as events effect the world
and world events effect the stories I thought it would be a good theme for this year. I also
think it works good to foster more creative ads in that the ads for each release are the
posters posted at different places to hint even further at the political climate of the world of
the stories. I created almost all of the covers over a four day period last year, the e$ception
being the cover for Tin #niverse %onthly &'(. I had a cover and created this one as an
alternate cover a few months ago getting the chance to work with a friend but loved it so
much I trashed the other one.
!estion" With re%ent violen%e did &o! ever thin( a'o!t !sin) a different %over for Tin
Universe *onthl& #17 or !sin) this %over for another iss!e sin%e the %overs aren,t dire%tl&
%onne%ted to the stor& inside+
Brian" No. If I ever believed this message was needed then I would be doing a disservice by
delaying it. I would ask when arent women being told by some rich fucking white guy whats
best for their lives) What day would be best so these men arent made uncomfortable)
!estion" -o! have to admit$ it %o!ld 'e tri))erin)+
Brian" Im not dismissing it might make people uncomfortable. friend told me the other day
she thinks *triggering+ is now being used to censor things that need to be talked about like
violence against women, breast cancer, and war crimes. Ive seen that some but personally I
look at it like watching some documentaries. Ive been shook pretty hard by some
documentaries that brought back up some fucked up stuff thats happen to me but I honestly I
ask tagging things triggering, isnt that shielding things you want to be e$posed) I read the
book Some ,irls re by -ourtney Summers and there is a scene in that book that triggered a
memory I had from high school and I was basically crying for days because it. I seriously
thought I was going to have a heart attack. It shook me so hard my nerves were shot and I
couldnt focus on anything, including breathing, but personally I would never want any kind of
label on that to *protect+ me.
!estion" Will the propa)anda %overs for Tin Universe *onthl& %ontin!e past this &ear+
Brian" I dont even know if the series will continue or not. round .ct. I will look at download
stats, response, and what my life is like at the time to see if it will continue. I do want to say
Ive never before had this much fun writing and creating in my whole life. /ut as to the
covers, right now my thinking is for each year to have its own theme. I have some ideas about
ne$t years theme but its all pretty much up in the air.
!estion" Stephanie$ if people are here the& pro'a'l& (now a little a'o!t Brian. .o &o!
want to tell !s a little a'o!t &o!rself and how &o! )ot into modelin) and photo)raph&+
Stephanie" %odeling and photography are fairly new hobbies for me. Several years ago, a
friend of mine who is a photographer, approached me about doing a few head shots. I thought
I was savvy enough to take very glamorous, professional photos. They came out well but I
needed a lot of prompting. I en0oy it because most people assume its not really a skill1 you
look at the camera and the photo happens. -ompletely opposite. It re2uires lots of talent on
both ends of the lens.
!estion" How did &o! two end !p wor(in) to)ether on this %over+
Stephanie" /rian and I corresponded months ago about the cover. 3e was interested in some
photos I had taken of myself and I was thrilled4 3e5s always been a good friend so it wasn5t
even a 2uestion.
!estion" I,ll as( this of 'oth of &o! startin) with Stephanie. I,ve seen a %o!ple people
%omment that this %over )lorifies violen%e a)ainst women$ what do &o! thin( a'o!t that
Stephanie" Social visibility of issues such as domestic violence are integral to eliminating it. I
want to believe that our society has a propensity towards less domestic abuse but the truth is
social tolerance of these issues is a parallel disease. 6omestic violence and violence against
women is an 7iceberg phenomenon7 1 what we see is only the tip and the ma0ority lies below
the water line.
Brian" I think sometimes we fall into a trap that is a whitewashing redirection of an issue
under the trip of it being too harsh to shine a light on. 6ont you 0ust find it 2uestioning that
torture porn movies arent glorifying violence against women but if a movie or a piece of art
tackles the issue in a real way ITS T.. %#-3 T. 3N689. That redirection is done with
forethought and planning.
!estion" With violen%e a)ainst women so m!%h in the media,s attention ri)ht now$
where do &o! thin( art e/ists in the fi)ht to (eep this s!'0e%t '!rnin) in people,s minds+
Brian" rt is a weapon. :eople hate when I say that but it is and should be used as such. The
media is paying attention now because its trending and thats the sum and total of how much
the mainstream media truly cares about the societal approval of women being constant
targets of violence. If -NN really cared about tackling this issue they wouldnt be so much of
the problem. It would be a focus every day for them, but now its 0ust a blip, but those who
do really care and this must include artists must listen to the voices speaking, learn, and use
their own voices to make a stand. rt as a pill works wonders, art as a blunt weapon wakes
people up.
Stephanie" rt is valuable because its an important medium to everyone in some way. The
goal is to inform and sensiti;e the public to the seriousness of violence towards women and in
family situations, promote knowledge and understanding, and eliminate the norms that
perpetuate violence in our society. Its terrifying to the degree we allow this to happen to
women and blame them for it later.
!estion" Some wo!ld sa& art and entertainment is part of the pro'lem+
Brian" It is and thats why it should also be part of the fight to end this mindset. Its like
when people say men are part of the problem. <es. We are the ma0or part of the problem and
thats why we need to first shut the fuck up, second listen and learn, and then third be a part
of fight to change things.
Stephanie" bsolutely. Its fighting fire with fire. .ur culture is inherently se$ist and in order
to reverse that= men can be feminists but its difficult work. They5re so afraid of being
emasculated by the word so they say 7 human rights7 instead. Sorry guys, we can 0ust say
78et5s talk about making things better for the human race7 when women are the ones losing
their rights. It has to be about women.
!estion" .o &o! thin( there is )oin) too far when it %omes to s!'0e%t matter li(e this on
the %over+
Brian" <es but that doesnt mean you shouldnt tackle the sub0ect matter. When did artists
get to be such cowards) <ou might make a mistake) <ou might get yelled at) <ou might end
up being wrong) Well, ok, I guess you should 0ust sit on your hands then) Thats why nothing
gets done in the world, people use the e$cuse of but, but, but. Im sorry but if youre not
tackling diversity or violence against women in you art because you might make mistakes then
your real fear is you might have to rethink things and learn something and look at the world in
a different way.
Stephanie" I interviewed for a 0ob once and a phrase the hiring manager used has resonated
with me! 7>eelings are okay, actions are not.7 So fuck it. The topic is difficult to digest so the
artists shouldn5t be all daisies and ponies and glittery hearts when addressing it)
!estion" .o &o! thin( there,s a differen%e from a woman doin) this t&pe of art and a
Brian" <ea, thats kind of? well, should go without saying. It goes back to the whole
educating thing. When you tackle any sub0ect matter you educate yourself but your education
continues also after the art is done. Sometimes intent fails so be open to seeing that. /e open
to listening. If you arent open to further education then you are truly only doing it for shock
Stephanie" Some Nancy ,race will always be around to critici;e it though. I think educating is
key. This is where societies have traditionally failed in this arena.
!estion" Sho!ld we e/pe%t more %overs li(e this in the f!t!re+
Brian" The propaganda covers will continue until the end of the year. s Ive said I think this
cover is my favorite. It has a lot to do with working with a talented friend but also because it
was 0ust a good pairing of a really good in your face photo that inspired what I put with the
!estion" An& pro0e%ts we sho!ld 'e loo(in) for !p%omin) from either of &o!+
Brian" Im 0ust one delusion of grandeur after the other.
Stephanie" That5s why my hair is so big. Its full of secrets.
+UT(#0=S -#T)
@esson learned while writing this7
& wrote this dring a month whi!h had me in the middle of a three week pro!ess and ba!k and
forth of whether & had a ,ob or not ending with *****< so my memories with the story in"ol"e that
and the response abot the !o"er also. The biggest lesson &%"e learned is a!tally from something
a baseball !oa!h se to tell s '-!t like yo%"e done it before( when it !ame to getting too p or
too down or being afraid dring a game.
8pdate to first paragraph7 & ha"e one more inter"iew abot the ,ob bt it really looks like &%m
going to get that ,ob bt all of these inter"iews and trips made me miss my deadline this month
so & de!ided to gi"e Tin 8ni"erse readers something spe!ial#well$ & think it%s something spe!ial.
)ere in X1O yo get eight stories in!lding short stories$ "ignettes$ and e"en a TF pilot s!ript
written and released in 2012 and !olle!ted as S8S)& WA&T&+= W&T) CA.W4 E4&T&+=
2012. J0$000 words in one !olle!tion that%s normally on sale for R1.00sd bt here yo get it for
free. - trip a!ross other realities !onne!ted to the Tin 8ni"erse as a begging sorry for missing the
deadline with the story & meant for this month.
Thanks for reading$
Brian C. Williams
S$T)S ,#U S(#U*& 3$S$T<
U-&)0 T() T0+$-$-. B##67 http7VVnderthetrainingbook.blogspot.!omV
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