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Doing Business in Jordan: 2008 Country

Commercial Guide for U.S. Companies

I!"#$!I%$& C%'(#IG)!* U.S. + ,%#"IG C%--"#CI$& S"#.IC" $D U.S.
D"'$#!-"! %, S!$!"* 2008. $&& #IG)!S #"S"#."D %U!SID" %, !)" UI!"D
Chapter 1: Doing Business In
Chapter 2: Political and Economic Environment
Chapter 3: Selling US Products and Services
Chapter !: "eading Sectors #or US E$port and Investment
Chapter %: &rade 'egulations and Standards
Chapter (: Investment Climate
Chapter ): &rade and Pro*ect +inancing
Chapter ,: Business &ravel
Chapter -: Contacts. /ar0et 'esearch and &rade Events
Chapter 11: 2uide to 3ur Services
'eturn to ta5le o# contents
C/apter 0: Doing Business in 1Jordan2
/ar0et 3vervie6
/ar0et Challenges
/ar0et 3pportunities
/ar0et Entr7 Strateg7
-ar3et %4er4ie5 #eturn to top
&he 8ordanian mar0et continued its e$pansion in 211) 6ith a 2DP gro6th estimated at
%)9 Signi#icant opportunities 6ill continue to e$ist #or US #irms in a variet7 o# sectors
Construction and 'eal Estate Development
Energ7 and Po6er
:otel and 'estaurant E;uipment
<utomotive Spare Parts = <ccessories
+ollo6ing the 6ar on Ira; in 2113. 8ordan turned into a 5ase #or relie# and international
agencies. and has attracted a signi#icant num5er o# Ira;i investors &he rise in oil prices
has also le#t 8ordanian e$patriates and 2ul# investors 6ith e$cess li;uidit7 #or
8ordan primaril7 relies on imports. 6hich 5et6een 2113 and 211) rose #rom > %% 5illion
to nearl7 >1! 5illion Its main imports include crude petroleum and derivatives. #a5rics
and te$tiles. machiner7 and e;uipment. manu#actured goods. iron. and cereals /a*or
suppliers are Saudi <ra5ia ?mainl7 crude oil and derivatives@. EU. China. US. Eg7pt.
South Aorea. 8apan. and &ur0e7 E$ports #rom the US account #or nearl7 1( percent o#
all imports &he USB8ordan +ree &rade <greement continues to create advantages #or
US e$porters to provide highB;ualit7 products at more attractive prices. as all tari##
5arriers on virtuall7 all goods traded 5et6een the United States and 8ordan 6ill 5e
eliminated 57 2111
-ar3et C/allenges #eturn to top
/ultiB5illion dollar investments in real estate development. strong tourism receipts.
strong e$port gro6th to mar0ets such as the US and Ira;. and ongoing strength in
service sectors such as medical tourism. 0eep the econom7 gro6ing
Underemplo7ment and povert7 remain high. despite a 5oom in construction. 6here the
use o# #oreign la5or is common CostBo#Bliving increases have 5een caused 57 the
increase in #uel costs Increases in housing costs largel7 due to a surge in largeBscale
real estate deals have made home o6nership more di##icult #or the middle class
-ar3et %pportunities #eturn to top
&he main mar0et opportunities can 5e summariCed as #ollo6s:
< continued gro6th in construction and real estate development that includes a
num5er o# pro*ects valued at over >11 5illion creates signi#icant mar0et
opportunities #or US providers
<n e$pansion o# the retail mar0et is under6a7. creating opportunities in
&he energ7 sector. particularl7 in rene6a5le energ7 and po6er generation.
municipal gas s7stems. and oil shale development are also 0e7 sectors o#
&he planned >1 5illion a 7ear medical tourism industr7 continues to dra6 in
patients #rom across the region creating tremendous opportunities #or US medical
Upgrades to the logistics s7stem. including the port o# <;a5a. ne6 6arehousing
#acilities. and a comprehensive rene6al o# the truc0ing #leet also provide
PrivatiCation transactions on the 5oo0s #or the coming 7ears o##er interesting
investment opportunities
-ar3et "ntry Strategy #eturn to top
&he 8ordanian mar0et. li0e most mar0ets. is 5est entered 57 6or0ing closel7 6ith a local
agent. distri5utor or partner &he #ollo6ing should 5e noted. ho6ever:
Complete and direct #oreign investment is possi5le in most. 5ut not all sectors
8ordanian #irms. across multiple sectors. 6ell regard US products #or their
;ualit7 and advanced technolog7 :o6ever. relativel7 6ea0 representation on
the 8ordanian mar0ets has 5een cited
Still. US consumer products and 5rands in the mar0et are 6ell regarded. and
there is still much room #or the introduction o# ne6 US products. services and
&he perception o# distance and deliver7 time. and lac0 o# #amiliarit7 6ith US
products also triggers the need #or strong representation 57 local agents
US #irms considering the 8ordanian mar0et should #ocus on understanding the
speci#icit7 o# this mar0et as 6ell as the potential #or using 8ordan as a regional hu5 #or
certain t7pes o# products or services Dor0ing closel7 6ith 8ordanian agents.
distri5utors or partners are essential to ensure a competitive position and success#ul
mar0et entr7
'eturn to ta5le o# contents
'eturn to ta5le o# contents
C/apter 2: 'olitical and "conomic "n4ironment
+or 5ac0ground in#ormation on the political and economic environment o# the countr7.
please clic0 on the lin0 5elo6 to the US Department o# State Bac0ground Eotes
'eturn to ta5le o# contents
'eturn to ta5le o# contents
C/apter 6: Selling U.S. 'roducts and Ser4ices
Using an <gent or Distri5utor
Esta5lishing an 3##ice
Direct /ar0eting
8oint Fentures4"icensing
Selling to the 2overnment
Distri5ution and Sales Channels
Selling +actors4&echni;ues
Electronic Commerce
&rade Promotion and <dvertising
Sales Service4Customer Support
Protecting Gour Intellectual Propert7
Due Diligence
"ocal Pro#essional Services
De5 'esources
Using an $gent or Distri7utor #eturn to top
2ood sales results in 8ordan are hard to achieve 6ithout proper local partnerships &he
US Commercial Service in 8ordan can help companies #ind such an agent or
distri5utor +or more in#ormation please visit our 6e5site 6665u7usagov4*ordan
"sta7lis/ing an %ffice #eturn to top
+oreign companies and institutions can register and operate in 8ordan through the
/inistr7 o# Industr7 and &rade ?/3I&@ It is 6ise to use a local attorne7 as a legal
adviser to help in the process
&he Companies "a6 provides guidance #or registering #oreign companies and
esta5lishing regional and representative o##ices +oreign companies can register as
operating companies. nonBoperating companies. and o##shore companies /ore
in#ormation can 5e #ound at http:44666mitgov*o4 &he 8ordan Investment Board ?8IB@
operates as a HoneBstop shopI #or potential investors
,ranc/ising #eturn to top
8ordanians are enthusiastic a5out US #ranchises and local investors are increasingl7
interested in #ranchising. especiall7 in the service sector and the #ast #ood industr7 &he
8ordanian mar0et. ho6ever. cannot a5sor5 large num5ers o# a single #ranchise US
retail and service #ranchises have signi#icantl7 increased in the last several 7ears
E$amples o# the recent #ranchises include &2I +rida7s and <pple5ees 3ther #ranchises
in the #ast #ood industr7 such as A+C. PiCCa :ut. and /cDonaldJs have 5een in the
mar0et #or several 7ears
+ranchises in other categories. such as child care4development. eg. +astrac0 Aids. are
also 5ecoming o# interest Several ne6 malls have opened in the capital <mman in
recent 7earsK others are under constructionK and there are plans #or outlet stores in the
southern su5ur5s o# <mman &hese pro*ects are e$pected to generate opportunities #or
additional retail #ranchises
Direct -ar3eting #eturn to top
<merican companies can use a direct mar0eting approach #or their products to end
users in the government and private sectors in 8ordan. 5ut in general. it is recommended
to 6or0 through a local representative
<merican companies can #ind competent local #irms that are capa5le o# organiCing
mar0eting campaigns #or their products through a 6ide range o# media
Joint .entures8&icensing #eturn to top
8oint ventures 6ith 8ordanian partners are one means o# penetrating the local mar0et <
*oint venture is con#ined to the special relationship 5et6een partners as speci#ied in the
*oint venture agreement. and is essential in some services 6here #oreign
o6nership4share o# companies cannot e$ceed %19 +or a list o# restricted sectors.
please consult the /inistr7 o# Industr7 and &rade 6e5site: 666mitgov*o or
Selling to t/e Go4ernment #eturn to top
&he t6o primar7 governmental entities implementing pu5lic sector procurement process
in 8ordan are the 2overnment &enders Directorate ?2&D@ and the 2eneral Supplies
Department ?2SD@ &he 8ordanian <rmed +orces have separate procurement o##ices
and no other government agenc7 has *urisdiction over de#ense sales to 8ordan
+oreign companies can 5id on governmentBcommissioned programs that are slated #or
international or mi$ed 5idders 3ther6ise. the7 have to #ind a 8ordanian partner 8ordan
aims to conclude negotiations #or a D&3 2overnment Procurement <greement 57 earl7
211, &his ;uali#ication 6ill 5e dropped i# 8ordan accedes to the D&3JS 2overnment
Procurement <greement ?2P<@ 'egardless. it is al6a7s recommended to 6or0 6ith a
local partner
Procurement opportunities or pro*ects #inanced 57 US agencies li0e US&D< or US<ID
are advertised through the #ederal 6e5site: 666#ed5iCoppsgov US<ID #inances
several pro*ects in 8ordan in 6ater. economic development. health. education. and
democrac7 and governance US<ID gives priorit7 to using <merican e;uipment i#
availa5le ?http:44666usaid*ordanorg4 @ 3ther governmental pro*ects #unded 57 multiB
lateral lending institutions such as the Dorld Ban0 are done according to those agenciesM
procurement regulations
8ordan signed a >2% million /illennium Challenge Corporation ?/CC@ &hreshold grant
&he program aims to strengthen democratic institutions and increasing government
transparenc7 and accounta5ilit7 including enhancing the e##icienc7 and e##ectiveness o#
customs administration 8ordan has also 5een selected as a /CC Compact countr7.
6hich 6ill provide su5stantial #uture assistance +or more in#ormation see
Distri7ution and Sales C/annels #eturn to top
&here are several 5order crossings in 8ordan. ho6ever. goods generall7 arrive through
the Port o# <;a5a or Nueen <lia International <irport. a#ter 6hich the7 are distri5uted to
their #inal destinations 57 road "ocal representation is ver7 help#ul #or dealing 6ith
customs and customs clearance agents Details on the customs clearance stages can
5e #ound on the Customs Department 6e5site ?666customsgov*o@
8ordanJs retail net6or0 is moving #rom more traditional shops. to malls and chains
Several large malls have opened in <mman and there are plans #or outlet stores in
southern <mman 3nBline and mail ordering is ;uite limited /ar0eting via internet is
possi5le 5ut. this is still a nascent channel. 6ith lo6 internet penetration and largel7
considered insecure
Selling ,actors8!ec/ni9ues #eturn to top
Cost. deliver7 time #rame. responsiveness to 'e;uests #or Nuotations. and credit terms
are o# signi#icant importance in purchasing decisions
Even though an impressive num5er o# 8ordanians can spea0 and read English. it is
5etter #rom a mar0eting perspective in some sectors to have catalogues45rochures
translated into <ra5ic
"lectronic Commerce #eturn to top
8ordan is considered to 5e one o# the advanced countries in the region in this area
Broad5and is 6idel7 availa5le. and 8ordan has multiple Internet service providers ?ISPs@
Farious service providers have developed eBcommerce #acilities Use o# the Internet and
eBmail is gro6ing among 8ordanians. 5ut eBcommerce is still in the earl7 stages o# use
#or the 5usiness communit7 &he 238 has started a ma*or eBprocurement initiative &his
preparator7 assistance pro*ect 6ill provide initial support re;uired #or the esta5lishment
o# eBprocurement in the government o# 8ordan
8ordan started to introduce electronic commerce legislation a #e6 7ears ago. though
there has 7et to emerge a clear 5od7 o# regulations and ta$ la6s covering electronic
commerce transactions "egislation that allo6s #or and regulates electronic signatures is
still needed 8ordan neither activel7 regulates nor does it promote electronic trade
:o6ever. no tari##s are imposed on electronic transactions
!rade 'romotion and $d4ertising #eturn to top
USBst7le promotion is gaining popularit7 &here are a num5er o# annual and semiB
annual trade #air events 6here US e$porters can participate. and man7 8ordanian
5usiness people attend ma*or regional #airs. such as those in Du5ai <dvertisement in
ne6spapers. radio. and 5usiness *ournals as a means to locate agents. distri5utors or
5u7ers can also 5e done Bill5oards and electronic screens are also availa5le Cell
phones are u5i;uitous in 8ordan and an increasing num5er o# notices and
advertisements are sent via S/S US #irms ma7 also advertise on the Commercial
Service4<mman 6e5site: 6665u7usagov4*ordan4en4#usehtml Details on 8ordanian
ne6spapers can 5e vie6ed at http:44666onlinene6spaperscom4*ordanhtm
&he num5er o# magaCines has tremendousl7 gro6n in the past 7ear in num5er and
;ualit7 Such magaCines o##er good access to the more a##luent sector o# societ7 &here
are a num5er o# regional 5usiness magaCines and sectorBspeci#ic magaCines distri5uted
throughout the /iddle East that can also o##er use#ul advertising opportunities
'ricing #eturn to top
"ocal importers 5ase their pricing on the e$port price. #reight costs. applica5le import
tari##s and ta$es. the 1(9 sales ta$. and pro#it margin :o6ever. US manu#acturers
and suppliers should coordinate 6ith local representatives 5e#ore assigning a #inal price
to a product &he 8ordanian mar0et is generall7 ver7 priceBsensitive Products 6ith
higher prices than the competition 6ill need vigorous mar0eting support and must 5e
demonstra5l7 o# higher ;ualit7
<merican companies have additional advantages through the +ree &rade <greement
that 6as signed in 2111 5et6een 8ordan and the US Please visit
666*ordanus#tacom4 or 666e$portgov4#ta4countr74*ordan
Sales Ser4ice8Customer Support #eturn to top
Sales service and customer support are 0e7 competitive tools Due to the greater
distance compared to European or regional #irms. it is critical that US #irms activel7
commit to their local agent or distri5utor. properl7 train them. and provide onBtime
comprehensive support to ensure that customers 6ill receive necessar7 support
'rotecting (our Intellectual 'roperty #eturn to top
Several general principles are important #or e##ective management o# intellectual
propert7 rights in 8ordan +irst. it is important to have an overall strateg7 to protect IP'
Second. IP' is protected di##erentl7 in 8ordan than in the US &hird. rights must 5e
registered and en#orced in 8ordan. under local la6s Companies ma7 6ish to see0
advice #rom local attorne7s or IP consultants &he US Commercial Service can o#ten
provide a list o# local la67ers upon re;uest
It is vital that companies understand that intellectual propert7 is primaril7 a private right
and that the US government generall7 cannot en#orce rights #or private individuals in
8ordan It is the responsi5ilit7 o# the rightsM holders to register. protect. and en#orce their
rights 6here relevant. retaining their o6n counsel and advisors Dhile the US
2overnment is 6illing to assist. there is little it can do i# the rights holders have not ta0en
these #undamental steps necessar7 to securing and en#orcing their IP' in a timel7
#ashion /oreover. in man7 countries. rights holders 6ho dela7 en#orcing their rights on
a mista0en 5elie# that the US2 can provide a political resolution to a legal pro5lem ma7
#ind that their rights have 5een eroded or a5rogated due to doctrines such as statutes o#
limitations. laches. estoppel. or unreasona5le dela7 in prosecuting a la6 suit In no
instance should US2 advice 5e seen as a su5stitute #or the o5ligation o# a rights holder
to promptl7 pursue its case
It is al6a7s advisa5le to conduct due diligence on partners Eegotiate #rom the position
o# 7our partner and give 7our partner clear incentives to honor the contract < good
partner is an important all7 in protecting IP rights Aeep an e7e on 7our cost structure
and reduce the margins ?and the incentive@ o# 6ouldB5e 5ad actors Pro*ects and sales
in 8ordan re;uire constant attention Dor0 6ith legal counsel #amiliar 6ith 8ordan la6s
to create a solid contract that includes nonBcompete clauses. and con#identialit74nonB
disclosure provisions
It is also recommended that small and mediumBsiCe companies understand the
importance o# 6or0ing together 6ith trade associations and organiCations to support
e##orts to protect IP' and stop counter#eiting &here are a num5er o# these
organiCations. 5oth 8ordan or USB5ased &hese include:
- &he US Cham5er and local <merican Cham5ers o# Commerce
- Eational <ssociation o# /anu#acturers ?E</@
- International Intellectual Propert7 <lliance ?IIP<@
- International &rademar0 <ssociation ?IE&<@
- &he Coalition <gainst Counter#eiting and Pirac7
- International <ntiBCounter#eiting Coalition ?I<CC@
- Pharmaceutical 'esearch and /anu#acturers o# <merica ?Ph'/<@
- Biotechnolog7 Industr7 3rganiCation ?BI3@
- Eational "i5rar7. part o# the /inistr7 o# Culture
- /inistr7 o# Industr7 and &rade
- 8ordan Institution #or Standards and /etrolog7 ?8IS/@
- 8ordan Customs Department
- 8ordan +ood and Drug <dministration ?8+D<@
I'# #esources
< 6ealth o# in#ormation on protecting IP' is #reel7 availa5le to US rights holders Some
e$cellent resources #or companies regarding intellectual propert7 include the #ollo6ing:
- +or in#ormation a5out patent. trademar0. or cop7right issues BB including
en#orcement issues in the US and other countries BB call the S&3PO :otline: 0:8;;:
<<<:)$&! or register at 555.Stop,a3es.go4
- +or more in#ormation a5out registering trademar0s and patents ?5oth in the US as
6ell as in #oreign countries@. contact the US Patent and &rademar0 3##ice
?USP&3@ at: 0:800:=8;:<0<<
- +or more in#ormation a5out registering #or cop7right protection in the US. contact
the US Cop7right 3##ice at: 0:202:=0=:><><
- +or US small and mediumBsiCe companies. the Department o# Commerce o##ers a
PS/E IP' <dvisor7 ProgramP availa5le through the <merican Bar <ssociation that
provides one hour o# #ree IP' legal advice #or companies 6ith concerns in BraCil.
China. Eg7pt. India. 'ussia. and &hailand +or details and to register. visit:
- +or in#ormation on o5taining and en#orcing intellectual propert7 rights and mar0etB
speci#ic IP &ool0its visit: 555.Stop,a3es.go4 &his site is lin0ed to the USP&3
6e5site #or registering trademar0s and patents ?5oth in the US as 6ell as in
#oreign countries@. the US Customs = Border Protection 6e5site to record
registered trademar0s and cop7righted 6or0s ?to assist customs in 5loc0ing imports
o# IP'Bin#ringing products@ and allo6s 7ou to register #or De5inars on protecting
- &he US Commerce Department has positioned IP attachQs in 0e7 mar0ets around
the 6orld Gou can get contact in#ormation #or the IP attachQ 6ho covers 8ordan at:
APlease insert a link to the appropriate contact information on
for the IP Officer who covers your region, e.g., the officer in Brazil for atin
America, in !ew "elhi for South Asia, in Bangkok for Southeast Asia, in #airo
for the $i%%le &ast an% !orth Africa, in $oscow for &astern &urope, an% the
a%%ress usptochina' for #hinaB
- +or trademar0s and patent issues and registration in 8ordan. contact the /inistr7 o#
Industr7 and &rade. Department o# Industrial Propert7 Protection ?666mitgov*oK
tel: R-(2B(B%(2B-131@
- +or cop7right issues and registration in 8ordan. contact the Cop7right Protection
3##ice in the Eational "i5rar7 Department o# the /inistr7 o# Culture ?666nlgov*oK
I'# Climate in Jordan
Prior to its accession to the D&3. 8ordan passed several ne6 la6s to improve protection
o# intellectual propert7 rights ?IP'@. patents. cop7rights. and trademar0s "a6s
consistent 6ith &'IPS ?&rade 'elated <spects o# Intellectual Propert7 'ights@ no6
protect trade secrets. plant varieties. and semiconductor chip designs &he la6 re;uires
registration o# cop7rights. patents. and trademar0s Cop7rights must 5e registered 6ith
the Eational "i5rar7. a su5sidiar7 5od7 o# the /inistr7 o# Culture Patents must 5e
registered 6ith the 'egistrar o# Patents and &rademar0s at the /inistr7 o# Industr7 and
&rade In 211). 8ordan amended its &rademar0 and Patent "a6s to ena5le accession to
the /adrid Protocol Concerning the 'egistration o# /ar0s and the Patent Cooperation
&reat7 8ordanJs pharmaceutical industr7 generall7 a5ides 57 the ne6 &'IPSBconsistent
Patent "a6 In addition. in signing the +&<. 8ordan committed to even stronger
en#orcement o# IP'. particularl7 in the pharmaceutical sector It acceded to the Dorld
Intellectual Propert7 3rganiCation ?DIP3@ treaties on cop7rights ?DC&@ and
per#ormances and phonographs ?DPP&@
8ordanJs record on IP' en#orcement has improved In 211). the +irst Instance Court o#
<mman issued the #irst *ail sentence in 8ordan #or so#t6are pirac7. and the Business
So#t6are <lliance indicated that so#t6are pirac7 in 8ordan decreased t6o percentage
points to (1 percent in 211( 8ordanJs Customs Department and the Pu5lic Securit7
Department have created specialiCed IP' units Pending amendments to 8IS/Js
authoriCing la6 aim to enhance the agenc7Js role in seiCing counter#eit products that
have entered the 8ordanian mar0et :o6ever. 8ordanian agencies responsi5le #or IP'
en#orcement lac0 resources and capacit7. and en#orcement mechanisms and
prosecution still need to 5e strengthened. particularl7 to ena5le e$ o##icio seiCure
authorit7 a5sent a #ormal complaint 57 a private part7 or right holder <s a result. the
governmentJs record on IP' protection remains mi$ed < siCea5le portion o# videos and
so#t6are sold in the mar0etplace continue to 5e pirated &he 8ordanian government
continues to e$amine means to provide more comprehensive protection o# IP'. including
through more stringent en#orcement o# e$isting la6s. introduction o# ne6 regulations
5ased on e$isting la6s. and the creation o# an independent IP 5od7
Due Diligence #eturn to top
US companies interested in contracting 6ith local agents should conduct due diligence
prior to signing an7 contracts &he Em5ass7Js commercial section is a5le to conduct
con#idential 5ac0ground chec0s on local companies via a #eeB5ased service availa5le
through the US Department o# Commerce or directl7 through the Commercial Service
o##ice in the Em5ass7 ?re#er to 6665u7usagov4*ordan4en@
&ocal 'rofessional Ser4ices #eturn to top
< #ull range o# 5an0ing. auditing. legal. advertising and other service providers is
availa5le in 8ordan +or #urther in#ormation. please contact the US Commercial Service
o##ice in <mman 6665u7usagov4*ordan
Ce7 #esources #eturn to top
US Commercial Service 8ordan 6665u7usagov4*ordan
/inistr7 o# Industr7 and &rade 666mitgov*o
US<ID 8ordan 666usaidgov4*ordan
8ordanBUS +ree &rade <greement 666*ordanus#tacom
Eational "i5rar7 666nlgov*o
<merican Cham5er o# Commerce ?<mCham@ 666*a5aorg*o4
<mman Dorld &rade Center 666amtccom
In#ormation &echnolog7 <ssociation 8ordan ?Inta*@ 666inta*net
&he 8ordan 2arments. <ccessories = &e$tile E$porters <ssociation
?82<&E@ 666*gateorg*o
8ordan +urniture E$porters = /anu#acturers <ssociation 666*#emaorg
8ordan Investment Board 666*ordaninvestmentcom
8ordanian <ssociation o# /anu#acturers o# Pharmaceuticals and /edical
<ppliances ?8<P/@ 666*apmcom
&<&DEE' ?#ormerl7 8ordanBUS Business Partnership 666*us5porg
8ordan +orum #or Business = Pro#essional Domen 6665p6aorg*o
+ederal Business 3pportunities 666#ed5isoppsgov
'eturn to ta5le o# contents
'eturn to ta5le o# contents
C/apter D: &eading Sectors for U.S. "Eport and In4estment
<gricultural Sector
Commercial Sectors
Construction and 'eal Estate Development
Energ7 and Po6er
:otel and 'estaurant E;uipment
<utomotive Spare Parts and <ccessories
/edical and :ealth
In#ormation and Communication &echnolog7
Dater and Environment
Construction and #eal "state De4elopment
%4er4ie5 #eturn to top
211( 211) ?estimated@ 211, ?estimated@
&otal /ar0et SiCe ?trading@ E4a >% 5illion >) 5illion
&otal "ocal Production E4a E4a E4a
&otal E$ports E4a E4a E4a
&otal Imports 13% 1(1 1-3
Imports #rom the US 21 2- 3%
&hose are estimates 5ased on several reportsK the 211) E$ternal &rade 'eport has not 5een pu5lished 7et
Since 211!. the Aingdom o# 8ordan has 5een 6itness to an unprecedented 5oom in real estate. 6ith total investments
in the sector over the past #ive 7ears estimated at over 8D 1% 5illion &rading in the sector last 7ear reached 8D !-
5illion. comprising almost hal# o# the 2ross Domestic Product ?2DP@. compared to 8D 3% 5illion and 8D 2 5illion in 211%
and 211! respectivel7 &his #igure is e$pected to e$ceed 8D ( 5illion this 7ear
&he 8ordanian 'eal Estate mar0et 6as a##ected signi#icantl7 57 the political turmoil and economic 5oom in recent 7ears.
instigated 57 the Septem5er 11th terrorist attac0 on the United States 6hich compelled <ra5s to relocate their
investments closer to home. #ollo6ed 57 the in#lu$ o# thousands o# Ira;is during the second 2ul# 6ar. alongside the
rising oil prices that produced an a5undance o# li;uidit7 in the gul# states. inducing man7 capital o6ners to invest in
E$pectations in the mar0et are that the real estate mar0et in 8ordan 6ill continue to advance and develop.
particularl7 due to the #act that prices in the Aingdom. despite the he#t7 increases. remain 5elo6 the price levels o#
attractive investment areas in the 2ul#. "e5anon and Eg7pt
Investment in real estate is estimated at over 8D 31 5illion #or the ne$t #ive 7ears. according to the /inistr7 o#
Pu5lic Dor0s and :ousing. sustained 57 the ongoing 5oom &he gro6th 6ill continue to 5e #ed 57 the amendment
o# the "andlord and &enants "a6 Eo 11 o# 1--!. 6hich a5olished the earlier provision allo6ing tenants inde#inite
lodging in properties at the original rate Contracts entered into prior to the amendment 6ill 5e legall7 terminated
in 2111. there57 5ringing an end to the #i$ed rent era &he removal o# #i$ed rent in #avor o# a #ree mar0et o#
demand and suppl7 is driving people to purchase propert7 instead o# renting. in a hope o# removing the ris0 o#
uncertain prices in the #uture &his 5u7ing inclination is 5eing 5oosted 57 5an0s. 6hich are o##ering attractive
mortgage #acilities. a relativel7 ne6 phenomenon #or 8ordan /an7 5an0s have also colla5orated 6ith ma*or real
estate companies. providing attractive mortgage rates. #inancing up to 1119 o# propert7 values
&he 8ordanian 2overnment is also having a strong hand in the development o# the sector. through its initiatives to
promote investment. in addition to setting in motion a #iveB7ear e##ort in a 5id to provide accommodation #or #i#t7
thousand #amilies. through directl7 providing #ree or supplemented accommodation. providing #inancing options at lo6
interest rates. or granting land at negligi5le prices
The government initiatives to relocate military facilities out of city centers have promoted the development of two major
projects; the first, the Madinat Al Sharq project, is a bid to tackle the congestion issue in the eisting commercial district
in !arqa" A new urban centre will be developed in the location of the former !arqa military campsites, providing a new
and comprehensive residential city served by a city centre providing commercial and retail facilities"
&he second o# such developments is the USD 1% 5illion pro*ect in the Capital called the <5dali Ur5an 'egeneration
Pro*ect. providing a 5uiltBup area o# over 1 million s;uare meters
3pportunities are 6ide open #or <merican companies to enter the mar0et 6ith its products to #ill the needs o# the
mar0et :igh end and good ;ualit7 e;uipment is needed in some areas 6hile ne6 concepts and technologies are
re;uired in others
Best 'rospects8Ser4ices #eturn to top
Since the 2reater <mman /aster Plan as allocated speci#ic areas #or highBrise commercial 5uildings. there is an
e$pected increase in this t7pe o# construction. 6hich is ne6 to the 8ordanian construction industr7 <lthough it
ma7 5e di##icult #or US construction companies to compete 6ith construction companies o# the region ?especiall7
2ul# companies@. such pro*ects have special re;uirements #or construction e;uipment such as large siCe
e$cavators and cranes In addition. the ongoing hotel and spa pro*ects in <;a5a and the Dead Sea area 6ill
re;uire interior #inishing products. and all the e;uipment #urnishings that go into a hotel4restaurant. o##ice 5uilding.
apartment. etc
%pportunities #eturn to top
Ae7 pro*ects that 6ill need special interior #inishing products include the #ollo6ing:
1B <5dali Pro*ect US> 1)% 5illion 666ala5dalipro*ect*o
2B Sara7a <;a5a4Dead Sea Development US> (11 million
3B 8ordan 2ates = Cosmopolitan Fillage US> 1 5illion
!B Bon7an &o6ers US> 3%1 million
%B &alaBBa7 Development in <;a5a US> %11 million
(B <;ua Par0 = :otel in Dead Sea US> (1 million
)B 2round 'esorts and Commercial Comple$ US> 3%1 million
,B <7la 3asis Development US> 1 5illion 666a7laoasiscom
#esources #eturn to top
Contractors $ssociation
$9a7a Special "conomic Fone 1$S"F$2
Saraya $9a7a and Saraya Dead Sea 'ro?ects
A(%ali Pro)ect
Jordan Gate 'ro?ect
Fara In4estment )olding
'o5er and "nergy
%4er4ie5 #eturn to top
Electricit7 demand is gro6ing. and the 8ordanian government has 5een see0ing 6a7s to attract #oreign capital to
#und additional capacit7 <s a result. a paradigm shi#t is 5eing developed in energ7 management at the national
level &he previous dependence on #oreign oil imports is coming to an end 6ith a ne6 pac0age o# legislative.
administrative and technological innovations aiming to steer the countr7 into more relia5le. sustaina5le and even
environmentall7 #riendl7 energ7 resources
&he #irst landmar0 tool #or the e$pected change in energ7 landscape is the ne6l7 released PEational Energ7
Strateg7P prepared 57 a 'o7al committee and endorsed 57 Aing <5dullah II recentl7 &he energ7 strateg7 see0s
to increase dependence on local energ7 sources. #rom the current ! per cent to 2% per cent 57 211%. and up to 3-
per cent 57 2121 &his 6ill 5e paralleled 6ith the reduction o# energ7 produced #rom oil #rom %,9 currentl7 to
!19 in 2121 &he Strateg7 includes an o5*ective to increase the percentage o# rene6a5le energ7 in national
primar7 energ7 production #rom 19 no6 to -9 in 2121 &his transition should 5e done through a pac0age o#
investments estimated at US > 1!B 22 5illion &he investment pac0age includes BuildBoperateBtrans#er ?B3&@
deals #or 6ind energ7 6ith a total capacit7 o# ((1 /Ds and solar energ7 innovations #or 1%1 /D :o6ever. the
small value o# solar energ7 proposals is reall7 puCCling as the potential #or solar energ7 is much more realistic and
even technologicall7 #easi5le than 6ind energ7
&he strateg7 includes other recommendations on energ7 conservation that includes grant e$emptions to energ7B
saving vehicles. e$empting solar 6ater heaters #rom sales ta$ and implementation o# 5uilding code regulations
than conserve the energ7 and create a national a6ard #or rationaliCation o# energ7 consumption
&he strateg7 6ill 5e supported 57 a P'ene6a5le Energ7 la6P that is currentl7 in dra#t #orm and 6ill most li0el7 5e
issued as a temporar7 la6 ?as indicated in the Strateg7 itsel#@ &he dra#t la6 includes regulations and incentives
#or rene6a5le energ7 production #rom investments in areas designated to 5e utiliCed to 5uild rene6a5le energ7
8ordan has alread7 pursued intensive programs #or promoting rene6a5le energ7K this involved s7stematic
monitoring o# the technological developments. implementation o# appropriate 0no6Bho6 and e$ecution o#
demonstration and pilot pro*ects &he alread7 accomplished pro*ects and studies in this #ield have provided
8ordan 6ith the scienti#ic and practical e$perience. ;uali#7ing it #or entering a ne6 phase o# local manu#acturing o#
rene6a5le energ7 s7stemsK speciall7 6ind tur5ines 57 means o# coBoperation and *oint ventures 5et6een local
institutions and #oreign companies
&he countr7 has the potential o# more than 1111 2Dh47r o# 6ind po6er in selected sites. a5out 3%1 2Dh47r o#
municipal 6aste and 5iomass. and a5undant deposits o# oil shale &he latter is the onl7 #ossil #uel resource
availa5le locall7. 5esides the limited amount o# natural gas. 6ith estimated reserves o# a5out !1 5illion tons 3n
average. its organic content is appro$imatel7 -B139 57 6eight. ie this is e;uivalent to a5out !B% 5illion &3E
<lso there are some geothermal sources at certain locations. 5ut their temperature is not high enough. ie (1B)1
SC. to 5e emplo7ed #or po6er generation +or all these reasons. the government o# 8ordan is pa7ing considera5le
attention to ne6 and rene6a5le energ7 resources
&he AingdomJs Eational Energ7 Strateg7. 6hich has 5een recentl7 updated. places more emphasis on the
utiliCation o# rene6a5le energies in an attempt o# reducing the countries reliance on the traditional energ7 sources.
especiall7 oil 6hich is imported #rom neigh5oring countries /oE/' is in the process o# #inaliCing a 'ene6a5le
Energ7 "a6. 6hich is e$pected to 5e approved 57 the parliament in the ne$t #e6 months
Best 'rospects8Ser4ices #eturn to top
&he 5est prospects #or electricit7 generation are in IPPs &his creates tremendous opportunities #or US investors
interested in investing in concessions in electricit7 generation
2iven the ne6 direction in rene6a5les. there is a huge potential #or US manu#acturers <lthough there is
signi#icant demand #or 6ind energ7 e;uipment. US manu#acturers are struggling to meet local demand. and are
not e$pected to 5e interested in opportunities overseas &here are prospects in the areas o# solar energ7. 6hich
the 238 6ants to #urther e$plore. and 6asteBtoBenerg7 investments
%pportunities #eturn to top
&he US &rade Development <genc7 ?US&D<@ 666ustdagov has *ust recentl7 completed #inancing three ma*or
studiesK one on a !11 AF line #rom <;a5a to <mman. one on electricit7 loss reduction stud7. and a technical
assistance #or oil shale e$traction <ll three studies 6ill result in investment opportunities #or US companies to
penetrate the mar0et Details on those studies can 5e o5tained #rom the US&D< In addition. &D< has an
ongoing mission to identi#7 pro*ect opportunities in the area o# rene6a5les and a num5er o# areas have alread7 5e
identi#ied including solar po6er and 6aste to energ7
US<ID is in the process o# starting a ne6 program in energ7 Still in its earl7 stages. it is e$pected that once the
programJs #rame6or0 is #inaliCed. it 6ill result in several pro*ects in the sector &hose 6ill mainl7 5e in the area o#
consulting and technical assistance. and are e$pected to #ocus on rene6a5les. energ7 management. and
&he planned >)11 million e$pansion o# the 8ordan 3il 'e#iner7 is a signi#icant investment opportunit7 In addition.
the government is stud7ing the idea o# distri5uting natural gas that is coming #rom Eg7pt to houses and industrial
comple$es Implementing this idea 6ill open a ne6 mar0et. as 8ordan doesnJt have the e$pertise in gas
distri5ution net6or0s
&he &a5le 5elo6 summariCes some o# the ongoing and planned pro*ects. all o# 6hich are considered as
opportunities #or international companies interested in entering the 8ordanian mar0et
Pro*ect &7pe Estimated Cost ?>million@ Completion Date
Po6er 2eneration T IPPs !21!B%2!1 211,B2121
&ransmission lines upBgrade %(3 211,B2121
'e#iner7 upBgrade 12)1 211,
3il pipe line #rom <;a5a to
2(1 <ttached 6ith the re#iner7 upB
'isha gas #ield development 1-(1 211,
'ene6a5le energ7 ?solar.
6ind. 5iogas@
2111 211,B2121
3il shale 1!11B3,11 211,B2121
#esources #eturn to top
&he US &rade Development <genc7 ?US&D<@ 666ustdagov
&he /inistr7 o# Energ7 and /ineral 'esources ?/E/'@ 666memrgov*o
Electricit7 2eneration Co ?CE2C3@ 666cegcocom*o
Eational Electrical Po6er Co ?EEPC3@ 666nepcocom*o
Electricit7 Po6er regulator7 Commission 666ercgov*o
8ordan Electrical Po6er Co ?8EPC3@ 666*epcocom*o
Ir5id District Electricit7 Co ?IDEC3@ 666idecocom*o
)otel and #estaurant "9uipment
%4er4ie5 #eturn to top
211( 211) 211, ?estimated@
&otal /ar0et SiCe ?trading@ E4a E4a E4a n
&otal "ocal Production E4a E4a E4a
&otal E$ports E4a E4a E4a
&otal Imports E4a -) 1!2
Imports #rom the US E4a 11 2)
&hose are estimates 5ased on several reportsK the 211) E$ternal &rade 'eport has not 5een pu5lished 7et
&ourism is o# vital importance to the national econom7 o# 8ordan It is the AingdomMs largest e$port sector. its
second largest private sector emplo7er. and its second highest producer o# #oreign e$change &ourism contri5utes
more than >,11 million to 8ordanMs econom7 and accounts #or appro$imatel7 11 percent o# the countr7Ms gross
domestic product <n important component o# the 8ordan tourism sector is the hospitalit7 industr7 provided 57
8ordanian hotels and restaurants &here has 5een signi#icant gro6th in the industr7. 6ith the num5er o# hotels
rising #rom 2)! in 1--% to !)( 57 the end o# 211) &ourist restaurants have nearl7 dou5led in num5er #rom 3)(
restaurants in 2112 to over (12 in 211) In addition. there are a num5er o# hotels currentl7 under construction.
and a num5er o# #acilities planned #or the near #uture &6o ma*or hotels are scheduled #or completion 57 the end
o# the 7ear in the Dead Sea area. and permits #or another three 6ere recentl7 issued. 6hich 6ill increase the room
capacit7 in the Dead Sea to 2111 hotel rooms in the ne$t t6o 7ears
8ordanMs recentl7 adopted Eational &ourism Strateg7 outlines the steps #or dou5ling the AingdomMs tourism
econom7 57 2111 using an integrated. valueBchain approach involving government #acilitation and investment in
partnership 6ith the private sector &he strateg7 is designed to dou5le tourism receipts through targeting priorit7
niche mar0ets including religious tourism. ecoBtourism. health and 6ellness. meetings. incentives. con#erences.
and events. all o# 6hich re;uire additional su5stantial investments in the hospitalit7 industr7 &he Dorld &ourism
3rganiCation e$pects a %19 gro6th in the tourism industr7 in the /iddle East 57 the 7ear 2121
Best 'rospects8Ser4ices #eturn to top
Belo6 is a list #or some o# the main t7pes o# e;uipment utiliCed in the hospitalit7 industr7. 6hich is e$pected to 5e
in demand due to the continued gro6th in the 8ordanian hospitalit7 e;uipment mar0et:
B +reeCers. re#rigerating machiner7. re#rigerating and #reeCing sho6cases
B :ot 5everage service machines. including commercial co##ee ma0ers
B "aundr7B t7pe 6ashing machines and similar e;uipment
B Facuum cleaners. #loor polishers. 0itchen 6aste disposals. #ood mi$ers. *uice
e$tractors. sha0ers. slicers. 5lenders. grinders
B Convection ovens
B Electric commercial4 industrial stoves. ovens and ranges electric commercial4 industrial stoves. ovens
and ranges
%pportunities #eturn to top
&here are a num5er o# hotel pro*ects in the 6or0s ?either alread7 under construction or in the planning phases
&hose pro*ects include the #ollo6ing:
&ala Ba7 resort. an integrated tourist = residential resort #eaturing a marina. hotels. a gol# course.
housing units and other entertainment = sports #acilities 3 hotels are under development 6ith a total
capacit7 o# -21 rooms
Sara7a <;a5a. >3(2 million tourism pro*ects to 5e developed on (11.111 m2. 6ith a 5uilt up area o#
(!,.111 m2 &he pro*ect includes ( hotels = resorts ?managed 57 8umairah and Star6ood@. sports =
spa comple$. convention center. residential compounds. serviced apartments. an a;uarium and other
<7la. a >)11 million pro*ect on the north 5each #eaturing a manBmade lagoon. % hotels = resorts 6ith
a total room capacit7 o# 1%!1. 2,,! housing unitsK a marina village and an 1,Bhole gol# course
constructed over !31 hectares ?1.1(1 acres@
Aempins0i <;a5a. a %Bstar 5each #ront hotel 6ith 21! rooms
/arriott :otel. a 311 to !11 room %Bstar hotel
'ed Sea 'esort. a %1.111Bs;m pro*ect consisting o# restaurants. a clu5 house. spas. s6imming pools
and other #acilities
3ther hotel pro*ects in <;a5a include the :ills Co o# Au6ait ?!Bstar 1,(Broom hotel@ and Cooperation
Co ?a 1%2Broom hotel@
Cro6ne PlaCa Dead Sea. a %Bstar !21Broom hotel 6ith other resort #acilities
Sara7a Dead Sea. a mi$edBuse resort including an 1,Bhole signature gol# courses. a clu5 house. a
5outi;ue hotel other #acilities
Emaar o# the U<E is planning to 5uild 2 hotels on the Aing :ussein Convention CenterJs site 6ith
residential units and various #acilities
&he 'o7al 'esort and Spa. a 311Broom %Bstar lu$ur7 resort = spa estimated to cost >211 million 57
BahrainJs 2+: and Au6aitJs +IC
2rand 'eal Estate Co. a >1%1 million (%1 chalets = 2! villas
Cr7stal Cit7 tourist pro*ect. a >1!1 million pro*ect including a 2%1Broom hotel 57 Du5aiB5ased 3mni$
Sana5el &ourist Investment. a %Bstar 212B room hotel
:olida7 Inn Dead Sea. a !Bstar )!Broom hotel and 12, chalets
Sun Da7s 'esort :otel and <;ua Par0. a >%1 million 6ater par0 6ith a %Bstar hotel resort consisting
o# 1( suites and 1), guestrooms
3thers including: a >(1 million tourist pro*ect 6ith 2%1 rooms and 31 serviced apartmentsK a >1%1m
tourist resort 57 Natari investorsK a >1! million resort pro*ect 57 Union Integrated &ourism Co and a
21Broom hotel 57 Bela #or &ourist Investments
&he <5dali Pro*ect accommodates a variet7 o# #acilities including high rise to6er 5uildingsK lu$ur7
apartment 5uildingsK hotelsK a medical centerK restaurantsK retail outletsK a national li5rar7 and the
<merican Universit7 o# 8ordan
:oriCon Development :oldings is planning a >% 5illion cit7 pro*ect in <;a5a divided into ( ma*or
Cones. including commercial. cultural. recreational and residential centers. as 6ell as. other
comple$es and 5uildings
#esources #eturn to top
- /inistr7 o# &ourism and <nti;uities. 666motagov*o
- 8ordan &ourism Board. 666visit*ordancom
- 8ordan :otel <ssociation. 666*ohotelsorg
- 8ordan 'estaurants <ssociation. 666*ra*o
- SIG<:< Pro*ect. 666si7ahaorg
<utomotive Spare Parts and <ccessories
%4er4ie5 #eturn to top
211( 211) 211, ?estimated@
&otal /ar0et SiCe ?trading@ E4a E4a E4a n
&otal "ocal Production E4a E4a E4a
&otal E$ports E4a E4a E4a
&otal Imports E4a 13 21
Imports #rom the US E4a 3% ,
&hose are estimates 5ased on several reportsK the 211) E$ternal &rade 'eport has not 5een pu5lished 7et
Dith a population o# %( million and a total num5er o# over )%1.111 registered vehicles. the carBtoBinha5itant ratio
in 8ordan is 113 Cars in 8ordan are predominatel7 small cars 6ith engine siCes under t6o liters. ho6ever
recentl7 there has 5een a gro6ing mar0et #or SUFs4!$!. and /iniBvans
&he total annual mar0et #or auto repair and maintenance e;uipment in the past t6o 7ears 6as 6orth nearl7 >13
million and is supplied almost entirel7 57 imports. o# 6hich the United States has an estimated 1% percent mar0et
share &he end user mar0et includes more than 1311 licensed and accredited repair shops ?mainl7 independent
garages. tire specialt7 service stations. machine shops. etc@. 33 authoriCed ne6Bcar dealers that also provide
vehicles garage services. and 1%1 authoriCed autoBparts import shops 3ther end users also include garage and
repair shops that are not registered and. thus. di##icult to estimate. used car sho6 rooms estimated at 1211. and
an estimated 1!11 used parts importers
&he used car mar0et share is continuousl7 increasing <lthough used cars must pass inspections prior to entr7 to
8ordan. there are no re;uirements #or secondhand cars to pass an7 inspection 5e#ore the7 can 5e reBsold 6ithin
the Aingdom Secondhand cars reBsold 57 the authoriCed dealers as a result o# tradeBins are usuall7 inspected 57
the dealer. ho6ever. the ma*orit7 o# second hand cars are traded 5et6een car dealers and4or individuals 6ho
usuall7 select a garage or shop o# their pre#erence to conduct such inspection
Dith the advancement in car manu#acturing technolog7. the capa5ilities o# the old #ashioned garages are
5ecoming more and more limited &his 6ill place more demand #or maintenance on the authoriCed dealers and
modern shops and garages. 6hich 6ill result in an increase in the demand #or sophisticated garage e;uipment
and tools Such trend 6ill also re;uire the traditional repair shops to moderniCe their out#its and utiliCe
sophisticated e;uipment in order to compete In the repair and service e;uipment mar0et. the most promising
items are airBconditioning maintenance e;uipment and electronic diagnostic devices Due to the lo6 cost o# la5or
in 8ordan. there is less reliance on la5or saving e;uipment :o6ever. such e;uipment is desira5le 57 authoriCed
dealers #or e##icienc7 reasons
+urthermore. toda7Js technologicall7 comple$ vehicles. 6hich o#ten incorporate the increasing presence o#
electronics ?eg. 2PS s7stems@ and the use o# highl7 technical materials ?aluminum #or hoods. cradles. engine
5loc0s. rims. comple$ plastics and allo7s@. air 5ags and <BS ?antiBloc0 Bra0ing S7stems@. ma0e cars more di##icult
to repair Pro#essionals 6ill need to invest in ne6 e;uipment to repair these vehicles &his situation 6ill 5ene#it
car manu#acturers. 6ho 6ill 5uild vehicles that are more and more dependent upon their o6n collision repair
net6or0s. 57 developing H0e7 access and speci#ic technical dataI to repair vehicles Dhile the ne6 5loc0
e$emption regulation 1!)%42112 re;uires car manu#acturers to provide access to this in#ormation to the
independent repair net6or0. these net6or0s have noted di##icult7 in getting car manu#acturers to respect the
Best 'rospects8Ser4ices #eturn to top
&he a5ove categories 6ere mainl7 identi#ied 5ased on the value o# imports over the past t6o 7ears :o6ever.
some e;uipment that had relativel7 lo6 values o# imports are 5elieved to have good #uture potential &his is
especiall7 true 6ith the advancement in the car manu#acturing industr7 and the more e$tensive use o# electronics
and high tech s7stems in cars toda7 <lthough a good proportion o# garage shops in 8ordan are traditional and
old #ashioned. this trend in the car manu#acturing industr7 6arrants that such garages utiliCe sophisticated and
modern e;uipment Dith a6areness and regulation on environmental issues increasing. the mar0et #or
environmentall7 #riendl7 e;uipment is gro6ing accordingl7
Belo6 is a list #or some o# the main t7pes o# e;uipment utiliCed in the car service industr7. 6hich is e$pected to 5e
in demand due to the continued gro6th in the 8ordanian mar0et:
:S ,213B,21% :and tools and the li0e ?scre6drivers. clamps. etc@
:S ,!2%! "i#ts. *ac0s. and hoist e;uipment
:S ,!1%2 <C testing e;uipment #or vehicles
:S -12) 2as and smo0e detection e;uipment
:S -131 E;uipment #or measuring voltage. electricit7. resistance. etc
:S -131B-132 3ther chec0ing and diagnostics e;uipment
%pportunities #eturn to top
Dith the increase in sales o# <merican cars in the mar0et. an increase in the need #or spare parts and accessories
to maintain them 6ill occur that 6ill open ne6 opportunities #or <merican manu#acturers to penetrate the mar0et
&he categories a5ove 6ere mainl7 identi#ied 5ased on the value o# imports over the past t6o 7ears :o6ever.
some e;uipment that had relativel7 lo6 values o# imports are 5elieved to have good #uture potential &his is
especiall7 true 6ith the advancement in the car manu#acturing industr7 and the more e$tensive use o# electronics
and high tech s7stems in cars toda7 <lthough a good proportion o# garage shops in 8ordan are traditional and
old #ashioned. this trend in the car manu#acturing industr7 6arrants that such garages utiliCe sophisticated and
modern e;uipment Dith a6areness and regulation on environmental issues increasing. the mar0et #or
environmentall7 #riendl7 e;uipment is gro6ing accordingl7
#esources #eturn to top
/inistr7 o# &ransportation 666motgov*o
Pu5lic &ransport 'egulator7 Commission 666ptrcgov*o
Pu5lic Securit7 Directorate &ra##ic Institute 666*ti*o
Focational &raining Corporation 666vtcgov*o
<ssociation #or Car Parts Importers
<ssociation #or the 36ners o# /echanic Shops
:ealth and /edical Sector
%4er4ie5 #eturn to top
8ordanJs health care s7stem is regarded as one o# the 5est in the region 8ordan has 5ecome a
medical tourism destination in the region 57 o##ering relativel7 highB;ualit7 care at comparativel7
ine$pensive rates &he 5oom in private hospitals is 0e7ed to this gro6ing Hmedical tourismI trade
/edical tourism generates a5out t6oBthirds o# all the tourism income to 8ordan. as patients o#ten travel
6ith their entire #amilies and4or sta7 #or relativel7 long periods
8ordanJs health care s7stem uses the latest technologies and has highl7 educated and 6ell trained
doctors /an7 8ordanian ph7sicians have received some #orm o# medical training in the US. giving
US products good e$posure 8ordanian doctors are respected throughout the region #or their
e$pertise. hence their choices o# technolog7 in#luences 5u7ing decision throughout the region /an7
doctors in the region are trained in 8ordan. and man7 8ordanian doctors 6or0 in neigh5oring countries
&he in#luence o# 8ordanian doctorsJ choices in medical technolog7 can impact 5u7ing decisions in other
countries 6here the7 practice &his raises the incentive #or US #irms to enter the 8ordanian mar0et
Primar7 health care sector re#orms under6a7 include renovating and adding medical diagnostic devices
and therapeutic e;uipmentK improving the ;ualit7 o# health care and hospital servicesK upgrading
hospital in#rastructureK and developing and implementing health in#ormation s7stems
/edical e;uipment: Demand #or medical e;uipment and services should increase during the ne$t #e6
7ears 6ith the increase in the num5er o# government and privatel7 o6ned hospitalsK ne6 e;uipment #or
hospitals under constructionK renovated e;uipment to replace e$isting e;uipment in #unctioning
#acilitiesK upgrading clinics and health care structuresK e$panding health insurance coverageK and
shi#ting #rom older conventional methods to modern treatment methods
Best 'rospects8Ser4ices #eturn to top
<ttractive pro*ects e$pected to come on line 6ithin the ne$t #ive 7ears in the private and pu5lic sector include:
Drugs Nualit7 Control "a5oratories4 /o:. <lBBashir renovation and remodeling4 /o: B ,%1 5eds. Pediatric
Children :ospitalBEational 3ne4 /ilitar7. and Princes :a7a :ospital. <;a5a T 211 5eds
Best Services Prospects include
Consulting in hospital administration. ;ualit7 control and certi#ication standards
:ospital so#t6are #or hospital administration and la5orator7 test results
Best Product Services include
2iven the hospital redesign pro*ects and private clinics investments the #ollo6ing e;uipment o##ers e$cellent sales
/edical E;uipmentK CB& ScannersK /'IK PE& ScannerK Ph7siological monitoringK Aidne7 Dial7sis
e;uipment reagents #or automated la5oratoriesK "aparoscop7 surger7K Endoscop7K Cardiolog7 e;uipmentK
Cardiolog7 surger7K 3phthalmolog7K Eeurosurger7K 3ncolog7K /edical SuppliesK Electromedical
E;uipmentK 3ther /edical = E;uipment InstrumentsK 3ther ElectroBdiagnostic <pparatus K UF4I'
<pparatusK Surgical /edical E;uipmentK 'adiolog7 and Imaging e;uipmentK Sonograph7 e;uipmentK
Endoscop7 e;uipment and #le$i5le scopesK <nesthesia and operating theatresK "aparoscopic surger7K
:ospital4 Clinical #urnitureK SteriliCation e;uipmentK and Surgical instruments
E;uipment and supplies #or plastic surger7
Clinical la5oratories &u5es42lasses
/edical Surgical SteriliCers
/edical $Bra7. <lpha. Beta. 2amma 'a7 E;uipment
3rthopedic = Prosthetic <ppliances
Clinical "a5 Diagnostic E;uipmentK and Clinical la5oratories E;uipment
%pportunities #eturn to top
:ospitals. 5oth private and pu5lic. 6ill continue to e$pand and the demand #or ne6 hospitals and medical
e;uipment and pharmaceuticals 6ill continue to gro6 &here are plans in <;a5a #or e$panding Princess :a7a
:ospital. 6hich is militar7 hospital managed 57 the '/S &his pro*ect consists o# the main 5uilding. 6hich 6ill
comprise o# the administrative services. inpatient services. diagnostic services. support services. and stores <
second section 6ill 5e the outpatient clinics and the emergenc7 and trauma department. 6hich 6ill include a
h7per5aric o$7gen therap7 and cham5er +inall7. the hospitalJs e$ternal #acilities include a master plan #or a
1%1.111 s;uare meters campus
&he /o: plans to continue investing in hospital in#rastructure throughout the countr7. improving the ;ualit7 o#
health care and hospital services and developing and implementing health in#ormation s7stems Primar7 health
care sector re#orms 6ill include renovating and adding medical diagnostic devices and therapeutic e;uipmentK
improving the ;ualit7 o# health care and hospital servicesK upgrading hospital in#rastructureK and developing and
implementing health in#ormation s7stems
&he 8ordanian dental services sector is also e$pected to gro6 over the coming 7ears Such gro6th is mainl7
triggered 57 the inclusion o# dental services to the universal healthcare scheme provided 57 the /inistr7 o# :ealth
&hese government initiatives have 5een 6ell received 57 the people o# 8ordan as most o# them have had limited
access to dental services Private dental service insurance coverage also e$ists in 8ordan Dental clinics at all
pu5lic hospitals have e$perienced a large increase in the num5er o# patients using the national healthcare
scheme #or dental services #or all categories o# the societ7
#esources #eturn to top
$inistry of *ealth
$e%ical +ourism "irectorate
,or%an $e%ical #ouncil
*igher *ealth #ouncil
,or%an Private *ospitals Association
,or%anian Association of $anufacturers of Pharmaceuticals - $e%ical Appliances
Information and Communication !ec/nology
%4er4ie5 #eturn to top
In#ormation and Communication &echnolog7 ?IC&@ is one o# the gro6th sectors in 8ordanJs econom7 It is
8ordanJs 3
largest contri5utor to econom7 accounting #or 119 o# 2DP. )1.111 *o5s. and attracting >1%1 million in
investments annuall7 8ordanJs IC& sector is dominated 57 telecommunications rather than I& 6ith !, million
mo5ile phone su5scri5ers in 8ordan. 6hich represents an ,!9 penetration rate
8ordan currentl7 has #our mo5ile phone provides: Uain ?3,9 mar0et share@. 8ordan &elecom43range ?339@.
Umniah ?2(9@. and Vpress ?39@ &he &elecommunications 'egulator7 Commission ?&'C@ is currentl7 in a
comment period regarding its plans to auction one 32 license and one 22432 license
Vpress o##ers pushBtoBtal0 mo5ile service and in 211!. it received a >%! million loan guarantee #rom the US
E$portBImport Ban0 to #inance construction o# a /otorola net6or0 Since then. customer ac;uisition has 5een
slo6 and Vpress has 5een lo557ing 238 #or a #ree4lo6Bcost 2S/ license
<n estimated 339 o# homes have computers 5ut onl7 1(9 are connected to the Internet. primaril7 at lo6 speeds
&he cost o# computers is named as the top reason #or nonBo6nership &he AingdomJs IC& strateg7 has a goal o#
%19 Internet penetration 57 2112
238 named 211, the HGear o# Broad5andI 5ut high prices have 0ept adoption lo6 6ith onl7 111.111 5road5and
su5scri5ers 238 has 5een pressuring 8ordan &elecom to lo6er its prices to customers and to the ISPs 6ho
resell its capacit7 < second su5marine #i5er ca5le 6ill 5e operational in 211- and should lo6er prices &6o
Dima$ companies are currentl7 o##ering services in <mman at prices compara5le to 8ordan &elecomJs <DS"
8ordan received 2! 5illion 8D in remittances in 211). coming primaril7 #rom the (11.111 e$patriates ?PalestinianB
8ordanians@ 6ho 6or0 in I& in 2ul# countries
Best 'roducts8Ser4ices #eturn to top
&he total value o# imports o# I& e;uipment in recent 7ears 6as estimated at > 2(1 million 6ith US products
accounting #or nearl7 129 o# the I& e;uipment imports &he ma*orit7 o# I& e;uipment imports include computer
hard6are and net6or0ing e;uipment
3ne o# the most promising areas is o##ering o# services through Di/a$. 6hich some providers are starting to
provide &he service. ho6ever. is still in its in#ant stages 3nce the Di/a$ speci#ications and standards are
#inaliCed. there 6ill 5e large demand #or support e;uipment and in#rastructure #or this #orm o# communications
&he Internet su5Bsector also o##ers signi#icant opportunities. especiall7 6ith government o5*ectives to signi#icantl7
increase penetration rates
%pportunities #eturn to top
&here remains to 5e a num5er o# opportunities in the eBgovernment pro*ect Priorit7 governmental services that
are to 5e included in the government eBservices program include issuing and rene6ing 6or0 permits #or #oreign
6or0ers. issuing certi#icates o# nonBcriminal record. issuing and rene6ing vocational licenses. issuing visas and
residenc7 annual permits. registering li#e events and amending civil status in#ormation. and issuing 8ordanian
passports and e$tending their validit7
US<ID is a5out to launch a pro*ect to #und the I& /aster Plan #or the 6ater sector. 6hich 6ill also create
signi#icant demands #or I& e;uipment Several governmental agencies are still preparing to implement
computeriCed +inancial <ccounting S7stems ?+<S@ &his 6ill entail demand #or e;uipment. s7stems. so#t6are.
and capacit7 5uilding. 6hich also creates opportunities #or US providers
Dith the governmentJs am5itious aims to increase internet penetration to %19. there remains tremendous
opportunities #or e$panding the sector
&he last IC& #orum revealed plans to 5oost IC& revenues to >35illion 57 the end o# 2111 &his 6ill need the
adoption o# the latest technologies o# the sector
&he relocation o# the Port o# <;a5a 6ill re;uire an upgrade and relocation o# the coastal telecommunications
station in <;a5a &his pro*ect is considered a huge opportunit7 #or US companies see0ing to increase their share
in the 8ordanian mar0et
#esources #eturn to top
$inistry of Information an% #ommunication +echnology
+elecommunications .egulatory #ommission /+.#0
1eneral Supplies "epartment
1eneral +en%ers "irectorate
Dater and Environment
%4er4ie5 #eturn to top
&he 6ater scarcit7 in 8ordan continuousl7 triggers demand #or technolog7 #or 6ater conservation and
management at all levels o# use 2iven 8ordanJs high population gro6th. limited rene6a5le 6ater
resources. deteriorating 6ater ;ualit7. the e##ective management and e##icient use o# 6ater resources is
critical 5oth at the household and the countr76ide levels Dith the ongoing construction 5oom.
improving the 6ater suppl7 and in#rastructure. nonBtraditional 6ater resources. and reclaimed 6ater
measures are e$tremel7 needed
&reated 6aste6ater is an important component o# the AingdomJs 6ater resources Currentl7. se6erage
services are availa5le to around )19 o# the ur5an populationK there#ore. increasing se6erage coverage
and treatment 6ill help the national 6ater 5udget
Best 'roducts8Ser4ices #eturn to top
&he #ollo6ing summariCe the 5est prospects in this sector
Dith the recent e##orts #or reducing 6ater losses in net6or0s and reducing the Eon 'evenue
Dater. there are tremendous opportunities #or the provision o# lea0 detection technolog7 and
3utsourcing o# services in some 6ater utilities is e$pected to 5ecome a trend in the coming
7ears &his 6ill also constitute opportunities #or US #irms specialiCed in the sector o# 6ater
&here is still a need #or e$panding the 6aste6ater treatment capacit7 and ;ualit7 throughout the
Aingdom Several donor agencies are e$pected to #und a num5er o# 6aste6ater collection and
treatment pro*ects &he most promising services in the sector are #or engineering services.
contracting. and treatment4desalination technolog7
%pportunities #eturn to top
&here are a num5er o# opportunities in the areas o# engineering services and construction #or ma*or
in#rastructure pro*ects &hose include 6aste6ater net6or0s and treatment plants +urthermore. the
Prime /inistr7 as decided that the entire 8ordan /CC compact agreement is to 5e in the 6ater and
6aste6ater sector &hose 6ill mainl7 5e in the areas o# 6aste6ater treatment and reBuse. and lea0
reduction Pro*ects in the value o# >!11 million are e$pected to result #rom the Compact <greement.
6hich 6ill create several 6indo6s #or US service providers
&here are ongoing studies #or desalination plants especiall7 on a PPP 5asis &hose are also e$pected
to o##er opportunities #or US desalination technolog7
D<8Ms polic7 o# trans#orming into a regulator7 role and opening the door #or Private Sector Participation
and Pu5lic Private Partnerships in 6ater management 6ill remain as a good potential #or US entities
specialiCing in utilit7 management
#esources #eturn to top
Dater <uthorit7 o# 8ordan http:446666a*gov*o4
/inistr7 o# Dater and Irrigation http:44666m6igov*o4
/inistr7 o# Environment http:44666moenvgov*o4
US<ID /ttp:88?ordan.usaid.go48
$erospace and $4iation
%4er4ie5 #eturn to top
<ir transport pla7s an important role in 8ordan. 6hich has heavil7 invested in tourism pro*ects over the
past decade &here are three ma*or airports in 8ordan through 6hich over 3 million passengers pass a
7ear &he 8ordan Civil <viation 'egulator7 Commission. 6hich #alls under the *urisdiction o# the
/inistr7 o# &ransport ?/o&@. is responsi5le #or sa#el7 and securel7 developing. managing. and operating
the civil aviation airports and airspace in 8ordan
&he continuous gro6th in cargo and passenger volumes traveling through 8ordanian airports 6arrants
the upgrade o# 8ordanian airportsM and securit7 e;uipment &his trend. coupled 6ith the events o#
Septem5er 11. the Eovem5er 211% 5om5ings in <mman and other recent terrorist attempts in airports
around the 6orld 6arrant upgrades in airport securit7 e;uipment
&he 8ordan Civil <viation <uthorit7 ?8C<<@ #alls under the *urisdiction o# the /inistr7 o# &ransport ?/o&@
and is responsi5le #or sa#el7 and securel7 developing and operating the civil aviation airports and
airspace in 8ordan 3ther government entities responsi5le #or sa#et7 = securit7 include Pu5lic Securit7
Directorate ?Police@. Civil De#ense Department. 8ordanian <rmed +orces and the 2eneral Intelligence
<ircra#t manu#acturing in 8ordan is restricted to licensing to assem5le and service light general aviation
t7pe aircra#t and manu#acturing Canadian and 2erman designs 8ordan <ircra#t /aintenance Compan7
?8ormaco@ and 8ordan <ir motive "imited Compan7 ?8<"C3@ are d7namic aircra#t maintenance
centers specialiCing in aircra#t maintenance and component repair and overhaul +inall7. there are
three 8ordanian <irlinesK 'o7al 8ordanian and its su5sidiar7 'o7al Dings. and 8ordan <viation. and t6o
main aviation academies in 8ordanK &he 'o7al 8ordanian <ir <cadem7 ?'8<<@ and the /idBEast
<viation <cadem7 ?/<<@
Best 'rospects8Ser4ices #eturn to top
&he 2overnment o# 8ordan has high am5itions #or the Aingdom to 5ecome a regional hu5. there#ore.
the demand #or aircra#t and spare parts. maintenance e;uipment. and aircra#t s7stems #or
manu#acturing 6ill continue to rise &he Civil <viation 'egulator7 Commission has *ust 5een #ormed It
is 5elieved that services in civil aviation 6ill 5e outsourced. 6hich 6ill create signi#icant potential #or US
companies that specialiCe in civil aviation and airport management
%pportunities #eturn to top
Dor0s are currentl7 under6a7 #or a threeB7ear. >%11 million pro*ect on a B3& 5asis to construct a ne6
terminal at the Nueen <lia <irport and is e$pected to create sales opportunities #or airport e;uipment
e$ceeding >121 million In addition. airlines envisage #leet e$pansions. 6hich is a signi#icant
opportunit7 #or US aircra#t and au$iliar7 s7stemsJ manu#acturers and providers
8ordan <erospace Industries is see0ing agreements 6ith manu#acturers o# aircra#t communication and
au$iliar7 s7stems to meet the demand in Ira; #or surveillance aircra#t and agricultural aircra#t e;uipped
6ith a state o# the art crop spra7ing and monitoring s7stem 8<I has also created coalitions and
partnerships in Ira; #or a multiBpurpose manu#acturing #acilit7 #or light aircra#t in Eorthern Ira; that 6ill
also create opportunities #or light aircra#t manu#acturers in the US +inall7. the aircra#t maintenance
companies 6ill continue to need spare parts and e;uipment to sustain their operations
#esources #eturn to top
/inistr7 o# &ransport http:44666motgov*o4
Civil 'egulator7 Commission http:44666carcgov*o4
'o7al 8ordanian <irlines http:44666r*acom*o4
8ordan <ircra#t /aintenance "imited ?8or</Co@ http:44666*oramcocom*o4
8ordan <irmotive "imited Co ?8<"Co@ http:44666*alcocom*o4
Nueen <lia International <irport ?N<I<@ Concessionaire ?<l#a Consortium consisting o# <Qroports de
Paris ?+rance@. 8=P ?C7prus@. <DIC ?U<E@. Eoor ?Au6ait@ and ED23 ?8ordan@
%4er4ie5 #eturn to top
&here are appro$imatel7 %1 #ranchise 5usinesses operating in 8ordan toda7 &his industr7 sector
provided direct emplo7ment #or 11.111 people and accounts #or annual sales o# over US>111 million
&he #irst #ranchise in 8ordan opened in the 1-,1s. and since 1--% the mar0et has sho6ed increased
&he local mar0et remains enthusiastic a5out US #ranchises :o6ever. the 8ordanian mar0et cannot
a5sor5 large num5ers o# a single #ranchise given the siCe o# the mar0et US retail and service
#ranchises have increased in the last several 7ears
In 1--3 there 6ere ) operational chains. toda7 there are over %1 <merican +ranchises
Best 'roducts8Ser4ices #eturn to top
Best prospects include #ranchises that can compete 6ith the sometimes nonBe$istent or o#ten
inade;uate services proved 57 small shops and 5usinesses such as:
+ull Tservice restaurants +itness Centers
Eightclu5s 'eal estate 5usiness
<musement par0s Childcare4development
<utomotive services :otel4motels
Cosmetics Electronic trade and In#ormation technolog7
'epair. maintenance and rental services Education and training
Cleaning ?home and industrial@ CoB5randing and multipleBconcept centers
Clothes +oot6ear
%pportunities #eturn to top
&he US is a model #or 8ordanian societ7 in technolog7. convenience. and mar0eting strategies. and
there#ore US #ranchisers are 6ell positioned #or entering or e$panding their presence in 8ordan
"ocal investors are increasingl7 interested in #ranchising. especiall7 in services and the #ast #ood
industr7 &he development o# ne6 malls and retail outlets has increased the opportunities #or additional
retail #ranchises
#esources #eturn to top
International +ranchise <ssociation. Dashington:666#ranchiseorg
$gricultural Sector #eturn to top
'eturn to ta5le o# contents
'eturn to ta5le o# contents
C/apter >: !rade #egulations and Standards
Import &ari##s
&rade Barriers
Import 'e;uirements and Documentation
US E$port Controls
&emporar7 Entr7
"a5eling and /ar0ing 'e;uirements
Prohi5ited and 'estricted Imports
Customs 'egulations and Contact In#ormation
&rade <greements
De5 'esources
Import !ariffs #eturn to top
Customs tari##s are 5ased on the :armoniCed S7stem coding practice &ari## ta5les #or
di##erent products and commodities can 5e #ound on the Customs Department 6e5site
?666customsgov*o@ <dditional ta$es ma7 appl7 to some productsK a complete
description o# these commodities is also availa5le at the Customs Department 6e5site
Detailed lists o# the general and special sales ta$ can 5e vie6ed at the 8ordanJs 2eneral
Sales &a$ DepartmentJs 6e5site at 666gstgov*o
US providers should note that under the US T 8ordan +&< standards and terms. tari##s
6ill 5e phased out over 11 7ears. ending in 2111. depending on the initial tari## rate
Details can 5e vie6ed at http:44666*ordanus#tacom4 or http:44666ustrgov
!rade Barriers #eturn to top
8ordan has made important re#orms in trade li5eraliCation in the past #e6 7ears. and the
government continues its e##orts to improve the trade and investment climate <s a
mem5er o# the D&3. 8ordan must reduce its import tari## ceiling to 219
Companies operating in the Nuali#7ing Industrial Uones ?NIUs@ gain ;uota and dut7B#ree
access to the US mar0et and 5ene#it #rom special import provisions #or ra6 inputs +or
more in#ormation see 666*ustrade*o and 666customsgov*o
Import #e9uirements and Documentation #eturn to top
Import licenses. valid #or one 7ear. are re;uired #or: ?1@ nonBcommercial shipments
e$ceeding 8D 2.111 ?>2.,21@K ?2@ 5iscuits o# all t7pesK ?3@ mineral 6aterK ?!@ dried mil0 #or
industr7 useK ?%@ used tiresK and ?(@ items that re;uire prior clearance #rom the respective
authorities ?#or a complete list. see Hspecial import provisionsI@ Items that do not need
an import license ma7 re;uire prior authoriCation 57 the appropriate government
ministr7 <n7 imported agricultural or #ood product ma7 5e inspected and tested to
ensure that it is #it #or human consumption Firtuall7 all prepared and mi$ed #oods are
tested at the 5order
8ordan +ood and Drug <dministration ?8+D<@ 666*#da*o has the authorit7 to inspect
#ood products at the retail and 6holesale distri5ution levels < representative ma7 enter
an7 place and collect samples #or testing I# a product #ails to meet technical
re;uirements or is #ound un#it #or human consumption. it is removed #rom distri5ution
channels and destro7ed
8ordan Institution regulates #ood additives #or Standards and /etrolog7 ?8IS/@ and
8+D< In general. permissi5le additives and their concentrations are those approved 57
the Codex Alimentarius Commission :o6ever. the technical standards #or #oods
contain speci#ic lists #or #ood additives and their permissi5le levels o# use &hese
standards should 5e consulted to ma0e sure that an7 additives are permitted
2oods entering the countr7 under temporar7 entr7 status. 5onded goods and goods
5ene#iting #rom the investment promotion la6 are e$empt #rom import licenses ?re#er to
666*ordaninvestmentcom @
<ll 8ordanian and #oreign trading companies must either o5tain an importerJs card #rom
the /inistr7 o# Industr7 and &rade #or customs clearance purposes. or pa7 a Customs
#ee e;uivalent to %9 o# the value o# the imported goods +or nonBtrading entities such
as 5an0s. hospitals and hotels. the ministr7 issues a special. HlimitedI card that allo6s
the import o# goods speci#ic to that entit7Js purpose
Shipping Documentation: &he US government re;uires su5mission o# a shipperJs
e$port declaration. or SED. i# the value o# the shipment is greater than >2.%11
E$porters can su5mit a hard cop7 or can use the #ree internetB5ased s7stem to #ile
?666aesdirectgov @ +or shipments to 8ordan. e$porters are re;uired to provide. in
original #orm. a certi#icate o# origin. a commercial invoice. an air6a7 5ill. and a pac0ing
< customs declaration is also re;uired. 5ut onl7 an authoriCed #or6arding agent in
8ordan can process the declaration. 6hich must 5e #iled electronicall7
US Certi#icate o# 3rigin #or E$porting to 8ordan: < general certi#icate o# origin is
accepta5le and can 5e o5tained #rom most commercial stationers or do6nloaded #rom
the &rade In#ormation CenterJs De5 site. 666e$portgov4tic
Both the commercial invoice and the certi#icate o# origin must 5e certi#ied 57 the Eational
USB<ra5 Cham5er o# Commerce. and then legaliCed 57 the 8ordanian Em5ass7 or
consulate &o locate the Eational USB<ra5 Cham5er o# Commerce vie6 their De5 site
at http:44666nusaccorg4 < list o# the 8ordanian consulates can 5e accessed at
Invoices do not have to 5e 6ritten in <ra5ic. 5ut i# the invoice is not. the importer is
re;uired to provide an <ra5ic translation &7picall7. this is done in hand6riting on the
actual invoice &he US Commercial Service at the <merican Em5ass7 in <mman can
provide translation services
E$porters should 5e a6are that commercial invoices #or all shipments #rom the United
States must 5ear a notariCed a##idavit &he 8ordanian Customs Department ma7 re;uest
other documents related to the shipment as needed
U.S. "Eport Controls #eturn to top
US e$porters to 8ordan must #ollo6 the standard US 2overnment re;uirements
regarding e$port control documentation #or sensitive US e$ports +or in#ormation on
this su5*ect contact the US Department o# Commerce Bureau o# Industr7 and Securit7.
Internet 6e5 site: http:446665isdocgov or the &rade In#ormation Center at 1B,11B,)2B
US e$port licenses are re;uired #or e$ports to 8ordan o# certain high technolog7. and
de#enseBrelated e;uipment US e$porters should ensure that the7 are in compliance
6ith the e$port control regulations as administered through the US Department o#
Commerce. Bureau o# E$port <dministration and US Department o# State. 3##ice o#
De#ense &rade Controls
!emporary "ntry #eturn to top
US and 8ordanian 5usinesses are treated e;uall7 6ith regard to temporar7 entr7 rights
+oreign industrial inputs. e;uipment #or scienti#ic tests. as 6ell as containers and
6rapping material used #or pac0aging domestic produce. can 5e granted temporar7
entr7 status #or a ma$imum three 7ear period. su5*ect to approval 57 the customs
department and the su5mission o# a 5an0 guarantee that represents a scaled
percentage o# the relevant tari## and ta$
&emporar7 entr7 e$emptions ma7 5e o5tained 57 su5mitting a 6ritten re;uest.
accompanied 57 supporting documentation. to the customs department
Imported primar7. secondar7. or complementar7 inputs used in the production o# e$port
goods are e$empt #rom custom duties and all additional import #ees on a reim5ursa5le or
Hdra65ac0I 5asis ?'e#er to 666customsgov*o Customs "a6. chapter ( H&emporar7
&a7eling and -ar3ing #e9uirements #eturn to top
Imported products must compl7 6ith la5eling and mar0ing re;uirements issued 57 the
8ordan Institute o# Standards and /etrolog7 ?8IS/@ 1666*ismgov*o2 and relevant
government ministries. 6hich con#orm to the relevant D&3 directives
Importers are responsi5le #or in#orming #oreign suppliers o# an7 applica5le la5eling and
mar0ing re;uirements <ll la5els must either 5e in <ra5ic or have a stic0Bon la5el in
<ra5ic Eutritional la5eling is mandator7 in certain categories o# #ood including in#ant
#ormula and #ood #or dietar7 use In general. the la5el should contain the name o# the
product. the manu#acturerJs name and address. net 6eight. #orti#7ing matter. lot num5er
and Huse 5e#oreI or H5est 5e#oreI date < #ood shipment might 5e re*ected 5ased on
am5iguous la5eling content even i# it is onl7 a printing error "ocal la5eling re;uirements
do not include 'ecommended Dail7 Inta0e ?'DIs@ &he re;uirement #or HShel# "i#e:I 6as
replaced 57 the BHBest Be#oreIB standard. #or in#ormation on #ood la5eling and pac0aging
contact 8IS/ and 8ordan /inistr7 o# :ealth 666mohgov*o
/ar0ing should 5e done 57 printing. engraving. stamping. or an7 other means. on the
pac0age or the goods themselves I# mar0ing is not possi5le. a la5el should 5e 6ell
se6n on or stuc0 to the goods or pac0age /ar0ing details should 5e clear. legi5le and
in a di##erent color #rom the 5ac0ground in order to 5e clearl7 distinguisha5le Printing
d7es and other mar0ing materials should not a##ect merchandise ;ualit7 &he mar0ing
should not 5e 5lurred 3n a multiBla7ered pac0age. the e$ternal la7er should 5e mar0ed
I# the e$ternal la7er is transparent the mar0ing should 5e done underneath that la7er
3n a pac0age containing su5Bpac0age. the la5eling should speci#7 the num5er o# such
su5Bpac0age. the net content o# a su5Bpac0age. and the overall net 6eight o# the
<n aerosol container should indicate the net ;uantit7 6eight unit #or semiBsolid or po6der
products. and volume units #or li;uids +or speci#ic in#ormation on la5eling and
pac0aging standards is availa5le #rom the Institute o# Standards and /etrolog7
'ro/i7ited and #estricted Imports #eturn to top
Prohi5ited Imports
&he government 5ans the import o# plastic 6aste. the narcotic plant H;atI. and diesel
passenger cars
E$porters should al6a7s note that US e$port licenses. though not re;uired #or man7
shipments. are re;uired in certain situations involving national securit7. #oreign polic7.
shortBsuppl7. nuclear nonBproli#eration. missile technolog7. chemical and 5iological
6eapons. regional sta5ilit7. crime control. or terrorist concerns +or more in#ormation on
e$port licenses. please re#er to 666e$portgov4tic
'estricted Imports
Imports o# ra6 leather are restricted to the 8ordan &anning Compan7K crude oil and its
derivatives ?e$cept metallic oils@ and household gas c7linders are restricted to the
8ordan Petroleum 'e#iner7 Compan7K cement is restricted to the 8ordan Cement
+actories Compan7K e$plosives and gun po6der are restricted to the 8ordan Phosphate
/ines Compan7K and used tires are restricted to tire retreating #actories In addition.
5iscuits o# all t7pesK mineral 6ater. and dried mil0 #or industr7 use are restricted to those
Special Import Provisions
PreBimport clearance is re;uired #or certain goods &he clearance. once o5tained. acts
as an import license :o6ever. these clearances are not automatic &hese are
summariCed as #ollo6s:
'roduct #ele4ant -inistry
<rms and ammunitions. e$plosives. s6itchB5lade 0nives.
#uelBoperated to7 cars. remote control operated to7 planes.
electric and electronic games #or commercial use. sel#B
de#ense electric tools
/inistr7 o# Interior4Pu5lic Securit7
/ilitar7 clothing 8ordan <rmed +orces
'adioactive materials and uranium /inistr7 o# Energ7 and /ineral 'esources
Direless receivers and 5roadcast stations. 6ireless alarm
devices. remote control devices ?including motor. garage.
6indo6 and shutter controlK e$cluding television and video
devices@. site mapping e;uipment. 6ireless receivers and
5roadcast devices. cellularBphone e;uipment. 6ireless
microphones. communication terminals. remote control
to7Bplanes ?also to 5e cleared 57 the Pu5lic Securit7
Department o# the /inistr7 o# the Interior@. mo5ile &F
&elecommunications 'egulator7
Decoders and satellite receivers 'adio and &elevision Corporation
Color photocopiers Central Ban0 o# 8ordan
/edical drugs and anti5iotics. #ood supplements #or
athletes. potassium 5romide. #ood d7es. as5estos pipes
and panels. #roCen ice cream. 5a57 #ood and mil0. laser
pens. o$7gen and nitrogen o$ide
/inistr7 o# :ealth
:alogen use materials. +reon gas
/inistr7 o# /unicipal o# /unicipal <##airs
and the Environment
Postal clearing devices
/inistr7 o# In#ormation and
Communications &echnolog7
<rtesian 6ell drills /inistr7 o# Dater and Irrigation
Small monitoring cameras /ilitar7 Securit7
+or the import o# used electronic e;uipment ?including photocopiers. re#rigerators.
#reeCers and pumps@. and used gas 6ater heaters and gas ovens. the #ollo6ing
conditions appl7:
E;uipment must 5e in suita5le. usa5le conditionK
E;uipment must con#orm to 8ordanian and international standardsK
E;uipment must 5e #ree o# an7 su5stances. 6hich ma7 negativel7 a##ect
the environment and the oCone la7erK
Importer must suppl7 a certi#icate #rom manu#acturing compan7 proving
the e;uipment is under three 7ears old ?i# a manu#acturerJs certi#icate
cannot 5e produced. shipment must 5e accompanied 57 certi#icate o#
selling agent in the e$porting countr7@K
&en percent o# shipment 57 value must comprise ne6 spare parts
E$port certi#icates are re;uired 57 8ordan #or a num5er o# #ood products
<55reviations used: /inistr7 o# <griculture ?/3<@. 8ordan Institute o# Standards and
/etrolog7 ?8IS/@. 8ordan +ood and Drug <dministration ?8+D<@. Customs Department
?C<@. United States Department o# <griculture ?USD<@. +ood Sa#et7 Inspection Service
?+SIS@. <nimal and Plant :ealth Inspection Service ?<P:IS@
'roduct1s2 !itle of
#e9uired on
'urpose #e9uesting
-inistry or
Countr7 o# origin
or Cham5er o#
- Custom
- :ealth
- 'is0
/3<. 8IS/.
8+D<. C<
'roduct1s2 !itle of
#e9uired on
'urpose #e9uesting
-inistry or
Sanitar7 and
Ph7to Sanitar7
?SPS@ Feterinar7
<nimal :ealth
- :uman health /3<. 8+D<
+itness #or human
+D< or USD<B
- :uman health 8IS/. 8+D<
Product validit7
#or consumption
in the countr7 o#
+D< or USD<B
- :uman health 8IS/. 8+D<
C33C. F<:C.
<pproved #lavor
and4or coloring
+D< or USD<B
- :uman health /3<. 8IS/.
8+D<. C<
or Cham5er o#
- Custom
- :ealth
- 'is0
/3<. 8IS/.
8+D<. C<
- +ree #rom
in#ectious and
- +ood sa#et7
Halal certi#icate
- Slaughter
o5serves Islamic
- +ood ;ualit7
- ConsumersJ
/3<. 8IS/
< hormoneB#ree
8+D< or
- /eat should 5e
#rom animals that
are hormoneB
- +ood sa#et7
/3<. 8+D<
+ree #rom BSE
highBris0 tissues
- +ree #rom BSE
highBris0 tissues
- +ood sa#et7
'roduct1s2 !itle of
#e9uired on
'urpose #e9uesting
-inistry or
3r Cham5er
o# commerce
- Custom
- :ealth
- 'is0
/3<. 8IS/.
8+D<. C<
- +ree #rom
in#ectious and
- +ood sa#et7
HC Supplier4
- Slaughter
Islamic traditions
- +ood ;ualit7
- ConsumersJ
/3<. 8IS/
- /eat should 5e
#rom animals that
are hormone #ree
- +ood sa#et7
/3<. 8+D<
+ree #rom BSE
highBris0 tissues
- +ree #rom BSE
highBris0 tissues
- +ood sa#et7
or Cham5er o#
- Custom
- :ealth
- 'is0
/3<. 8IS/.
8+D<. Customs
HC Supplier4
- Slaughter
o5serves Islamic
- +ood ;ualit7
- ConsumersJ
/3<. 8IS/
control s7stem
- +ood sa#et7 /3<. 8IS/.
Poultr7 meat #rom
#loc0s have not
5een #ed on
5ovine 5one and
meat meals
+D<. USD<B
+SIS or
- +ood sa#et7 /3<. 8+D<
'roduct1s2 !itle of
#e9uired on
'urpose #e9uesting
-inistry or
1,is/ and
sea fruits2
,roGen and
Falidit7 certi#icate +D<. USD<B
+SIS or
- Shel# li#e
- +ood ;ualit7
/3<. 8IS/.
- +ood ;ualit7 /3<. 8IS/
or Cham5er o#
- Custom
- :ealth
- 'is0
/3<. 8IS/.
8+D<. C<
SPSBF<:C USD<B+SIS - +ree #rom
in#ectious and
- +ood sa#et7
C/eese C33C US
or Cham5er o#
- Custom
- :ealth
- 'is0
/3<. 8IS/.
8+D<. C<
- +ree #rom
in#ectious and
- +ood sa#et7
/3<. 8+D<
:aCard <nal7sis
and Critical
Control Point
<ccredited 57
+D<. USD<B
+SIS or
- +ood ;ualit7 8+D<
)oney C33C US
or Cham5er o#
- Custom
- :ealth
- 'is0
/3<. 8IS/.
8+D<. C<
'esidues #ree
+D<. USD<B
+SIS or
- +ood sa#et7 /3<. 8+D<
,ruits and
or Cham5er o#
- Custom
- :ealth
- 'is0
/3<. 8IS/.
8+D<. C<
Nuarantine pests
#ree Sanitar7 and
Ph7to Sanitar7
certi#icate SPS
- Plant health /3<
+or more in#ormation on e$porting <merican #ood items to 8ordan. visit
http:44666#asusdagov4scripts64<ttache'ep4 or contact <g<mmanWusdagov
Customs #egulations and Contact Information #eturn to top
&he customs la6 o# 1--- 6as amended in /arch 2111 to include 2<&&Bcompliant
criteria #or customs valuation ?6hich is 5ased on certi#ied invoices@ and to ma0e the
valuation process more transparent &he ne6 la6 reduces dela7s and administrative
5urdens in clearing imported products through customs at the airport and ports
:o6ever. e$porters are advised to contact local customs agents to e$pedite the clearing
8ordan Customs developed and launched the Customs Integrated &ari## S7stem ?CI&S@
in <ugust 211% Importers can use this s7stem to trac0 do6n commodit7 tari##s. import
conditions and commodit7 trade agreements. all regulations and re;uirements o# the
commodit7 tradeK and increase coordination 5et6een the ministries and departments
involved 6ith import. e$ports and transshipments +or #urther in#ormation on customs
procedures. please re#er to the #ollo6ing 6e5site: 666customsgov*o
Ae7 contacts:
8ordan Customs Department
P3 Bo$ -1. <mman. 8ordan
&elephone: -(2B(B!(2B31,(4,K !(2B!3-!4(
+a$: -(2B(B!(!B))-1
EBmail: customsWcustomsgov*o
De5Bsite: 666customsgov*o
Standards #eturn to top
Standards 3rganiCations
Con#ormit7 <ssessment
Product Certi#ication
Pu5lication o# &echnical 'egulations
"a5eling and /ar0ing
%4er4ie5 #eturn to top
&he 8ordan Institution #or Standards and /etrolog7 ?666*ismgov*o@ is the
o##icial4national recogniCed 5od7 in 8ordan #or the preparation and pu5lication o#
8ordanian Standards
Standards %rganiGations #eturn to top
8IS/ is the institution that applies 8ordanian standards ta0ing into consideration the
re;uirements o# the agreements signed at the international and regional levels eg D&3
agreements. &E& and SPS. Euro 8ordanian partnership agreement. USB8ordan +ree
&rade <greement
8ordan Institution #or Standards = /etrolog7 ?8IS/@ issues t6o t7pes o# standards:
- /andator7 standards. 6hich all manu#acturers and importers must compl7 6ith
&hese standards cover products. 6hich a##ect consumersJ health and sa#et7 such
as #ood products. chemical detergents. electrical e;uipment and personal sa#et7
- 3ptional standards. 6here it is optional #or manu#acturers and importers to compl7
E$amples: #urniture products. clothes. te$tile and shoes
IS! otify U.S. Ser4ice
/em5er countries o# the Dorld &rade 3rganiCation ?D&3@ are re;uired under the
<greement on &echnical Barriers to &rade ?&B& <greement@ to report to the D&3 all
proposed technical regulations that could a##ect trade 6ith other /em5er countries
otify U.S. is a #ree. 6e5B5ased eBmail su5scription service that o##ers an opportunit7 to
revie6 and comment on proposed #oreign technical regulations that can a##ect 7our
access to international mar0ets 'egister online at Internet U'":
Conformity $ssessment #eturn to top
Companies interested in o5taining con#ormit7 certi#icates or 8ordanian Nualit7 /ar0s #or
their products can send their re;uest directl7 to the Certi#ication Unit at 8IS/
'roduct Certification #eturn to top
8IS/ operates product and s7stem certi#ication programs Procedures #or 8ordanJs
Nualit7 /ar0 granting process include the assessment o# the product according to the
;ualit7 standard prepared #or that product 6here produced. and the assessment o# the
esta5lishment technicall7 and according to the IS3 -111:2111 ;ualit7 standard
re;uirements &o ;uali#7 #or the standards mar0. the process is divided into #our stages:
application procedure. assessment procedure. certi#ication procedure. and surveillance
procedure Details on the procedure can 5e #ound at http:44*ismgov*o4
$ccreditation #eturn to top
Imported goods su5*ect to mandator7 standards re;uire veri#ication through la5orator7
testing in 8ordan 8IS/ underta0es these responsi5ilities 57 cooperating 6ith o##icial
parties ?the approved la5s@ such as /inistr7 o# :ealth la5s. 8IS/Js la5s. <mman
/unicipalit7 la5s. Eational Center #or <gricultural 'esearch and &echnolog7
&rans#er4/inistr7 o# <griculture la5s and 'o7al Scienti#ic Societ7 ?'SS@. all o# 6hich
per#orm the inspection and testing o# the delivered samples #rom the control department
'u7lication of !ec/nical #egulations #eturn to top
&echnical standards ?8ordan Nualit7 /ar0@ are pu5lished in the 8ordan o##icial 2aCette in
hard cop7 onl7 and are registered in the 8ordan Nualit7 /ar0 data5ase It can also 5e
purchased in a hard cop7 #rom 8IS/
&a7eling and -ar3ing #eturn to top
Imported products must compl7 6ith la5eling and mar0ing re;uirements issued 57 the
Institute o# Standards and /etrolog7 and relevant government ministries Details on
la5eling re;uirements are presented a5ove
Contacts #eturn to top
8ordan Institution #or Standards and /etrolog7: 666*ismgov*o
8ordan /inistr7 o# Industr7 and &rade: 666mitgov*o
!rade $greements #eturn to top
&he +ree &rade <greement ?+&<@ 5et6een the US and 8ordan entered into e##ect in
Decem5er 2111 &here are several other 5iB and multilateral agreements 6ith 8ordan
including. a panB<ra5 accord on #acilitating the movement o# capital 5et6een <ra5
countries. an economic association agreement 5et6een 8ordan and the European
Union. a +ree &rade <greement 6ith Singapore. and the <gadir EU trade agreement
6ith Eg7pt. /orocco. and &unisia
+or additional details on trade agreements. protocols. and trade memos o#
understanding ?/3Us@ 6ith 8ordan. please re#er to http:44666agreements*edcogov*o
!elecommunications #eturn to top
Eational and International telecommunication s7stems are 6ell developed &he domestic
pu5lic phone net6or0 is generall7 relia5le Prepaid cellular and landline cards are 6idel7
availa5le Cellular phones ma7 5e rented #or the duration o# a visit DialBup Internet
service is availa5le at an average monthl7 su5scription #ee o# >2% #or unlimited access
6hile <DS" is t7picall7 >(1 per month In addition. there are a multitude o# Internet
ca#es Destern Union and /one7gram services and e$tensive 5an0ing services e$ist to
#acilitate 6ire trans#ers
/ost ma*or hotels have 5usiness service o##ices 6ith #a$ machines. internet and eBmail
/an7 #ive star hotels have 5road5and internet availa5le in the rooms USB5ased
telephone calling cards such as <&&. /CI and Sprint do not #unction in 8ordan 8ordan
has a highl7 competitive mo5ile phone sector. 6ith three 2S/ providers. as 6ell a pushB
toBtal0 ?same as Ee$tel in the US@ s7stem. 6hich also #unctions as a mo5ile phone
service Prepaid cards are 6idel7 availa5le
!ransportation #eturn to top
8ordan is a small countr7 that can 5e crossed northBtoBsouth 57 car in appro$imatel7 #ive
hours Gello6 ta$is are generall7 sa#e #or travel in the cities and are availa5le in the
ma*or cities. and can 5e called 57 telephone or simpl7 6aved do6n in the street <ll
ta$is operate 57 meter ?#ares controlled 57 the government@. and can 5e hired #or the
da7 /ost #our or #ive star hotels can arrange rental car. or car 6ith driver services #or
visiting 5usiness people. as 6ell as visits to tourist destinations
US drivers 6ith an international driverJs license ma7 rent a car /a*or international car
rental companies and a num5er o# local companies operate in 8ordan &he accident rate
in 8ordan is high and 6e recommend hiring a driver or using caution 6hen sel#Bdriving
+or in#ormation on driving regulations. please contact the Em5ass7 o# the :ashemite
Aingdom o# 8ordan http:44666*ordanem5ass7usorg
Dail7 5uses. ta$is and PserviceeP ca5s lin0 8ordan 6ith Ira;. Saudi <ra5ia. S7ria. Eg7pt.
"e5anon. Israel and the Dest Ban0 and 2aCa < ver7 slo6 passenger train service
operates t6ice 6ee0l7 5et6een 8ordan and S7ria < t6iceBaBda7 passenger and car #err7
service lin0s 8ordanJs port o# <;a5a 6ith the 'ed Sea port o# Eu6ei5eJ in Eg7pt &he
national air carrier. 'o7al 8ordanian. operates #lights 5et6een <mman and <;a5a si$
times a 6ee0
8ordan has three airports and a port at <;a5a <mmanJs Nueen <lia International
<irport. /ar0a airport and <;a5a airport are used #or scheduled commercial travel
Nueen <lia International airport. located !1 0ilometers ?2% miles@ south o# <mman is the
main international gate6a7 and o##ers connections to doCens o# international
destinations &he national airline. 'o7al 8ordanian. #lies nonBstop to Ee6 Gor0. Detroit
?via /ontreal@ and Chicago /a*or European airlines also have #re;uent connections to
8ordan Delta <irlines is e$pected to 5egin nonBstop service to Ee6 Gor0 in 211, &he
Port o# <;a5a ?the onl7 sea port@ o##ers #ull #reight services #or international shipping
Emergencies should 5e re#erred to the Civil De#ense Department at telephone num5er
1-- ?8ordanMs e;uivalent to -11@
Please re#er to our 'oad Sa#et7 page #or more in#ormation at
&anguage #eturn to top
&he national language is <ra5ic. 5ut English is 6idel7 spo0en. particularl7 57 the
5usiness communit7 Signage is generall7 in 5oth <ra5ic and English
)ealt/ #eturn to top
<lthough 8ordan does not pose an7 particular health haCards #or visitors. the overall
;ualit7 o# health care #acilities is not up to US or European standards. particularl7
outside o# <mman
Eevertheless. modern medical care and medicines are availa5le in the principal cities o#
8ordan Service ma7 5e some6hat limited on +rida7s so special attention should 5e
paid to ma0ing arrangements in advance i# possi5le #or service on this da7
Doctors and hospitals o#ten e$pect immediate cash pa7ment #or services US medical
insurance is not al6a7s valid outside the United States Supplemental medical
insurance 6ith speci#ic overseas coverage has proven use#ul Serious medical pro5lems
re;uiring hospitaliCation and4or medical evacuation to the United States can cost
thousands o# dollars 8ordanJs health care s7stem is regarded as one o# the 5est in the
ImmuniCations should 5e current #or &etanus and Diphtheria. :epatitis < and B +or
#urther in#ormation on vaccinations and other health precautions. such as sa#e #ood and
6ater precautions and insect 5ite protection. ma7 5e o5tained #rom the Centers #or
Disease Control and PreventionMs hotline #or international travelers at 1B,))B+GIB&'IP ?1B
,))B3-!B,)!)@ or via the CDCMs Internet site at http:44666cdcgov4travel +or
in#ormation a5out out5rea0s o# in#ectious diseases a5road consult the Dorld :ealth
3rganiCationMs ?D:3@ 6e5site at http:446666hoint4en +urther health in#ormation #or
travelers is availa5le at http:446666hoint4ith
&he Department o# State strongl7 urges <mericans to consult 6ith their medical
insurance compan7 prior to traveling a5road to con#irm 6hether their polic7 applies
overseas and 6hether it 6ill cover emergenc7 e$penses such as a medical evacuation
Please see our in#ormation on medical insurance overseas at
&ocal !ime* Business )ours* and )olidays #eturn to top
8ordan is 2reen6ich /ean &ime ?2/&@ R 2 hours. and does o5serve Da7light Savings
&ime See 666timeanddatecom #or #urther details
/ost 5usinesses are open !1B!% hours46ee0. Sunda7 thru &hursda7. 6ith man7
5usinesses also 6or0ing on Saturda7 2overnment o##ice hours: ,:11 am T 3:11 pm
Sunda7 through &hursda7 It ma7 5e possi5le to schedule appointments Saturda7. 5ut
no appointments or 5usiness are done on +rida7s Common o##ice hours are #rom ,:11
am to %:11 pm. 5ut private o##ices hours var7 and some e$ceed the !1Bhour 6or06ee0
Dor0ing hours are shortened during the hol7 month o# 'amadan
'etail outlets are open Sunda7 thru &hursda7 #rom -:11 am to ):11 pm and on
Saturda7s as 6ell Shops in malls remain open until around 11:11 pm Ban0s are open
Sunda7 through &hursda7 #rom ,:31 amT 3:11 pm &he <merican Em5ass7 in <mman
is open #rom ,:11 am T !:31 pm Sunda7 T &hursda7
&he #ollo6ing dates are considered holida7s in 8ordan #or 211,:
New Years Day Jan. 1
Islamic Ee6 Gear X 8an 11
Prophet /ohammedJs Birthda7X /arch 21
Easter <pril 2)
8ordanian Independence Da7 /a7 2%
Prophet /ohammedJs <scension Da7X 8ul7 31
Eid <l +itr X 3ct 1B2
Eid al <dha X Decem5er ,B-
Christmas Da7 Decem5er 2%
Islamic Ee6 Gear X Decem5er 2-
X :olida7s 5ased on lunar calendar have 5een estimated and are su5*ect to change
8ordan has a 6ide variet7 o# 5usiness hotels and restaurants that o##er a range o#
services and international cuisine /ost hotels and ma*or restaurants accept
internationall7 recogniCed credit cards such as Fisa. /asterCard. Euro card. <merican
E$press and Diners Clu5 Prices are compara5le to ma*or metropolitan areas in the
United States In 8ordan. the #ood is generall7 sa#e. 5ut onl7 5ottled 6ater. 6hich is
6idel7 availa5le and #airl7 ine$pensive should 5e drun0 Fisitors should 5e 6ar7 o# an7
#ood that ma7 have 5een e$posed too long in the hot. open air
!emporary "ntry of -aterials and 'ersonal Belongings #eturn to top
&here are no restrictions on temporar7 entr7 o# laptops. so#t6are. mo5ile phones. and
cameras &emporar7 entr7 o# e$hi5it materials re;uires a &emporar7 <dmission
approval. 6hich can 5e o5tained #rom the Customs Department Fideos. 6ireless
telephone. audio dis0s and tapes are su5*ect to search and securit7 chec0
&rade samples o# negligi5le or lo6 value ?under US>1@. nonBmerchandisa5le samples
and printed advertising material are usuall7 e$empt &rade samples 6ith a value up to
US>111 can 5e entered 6ithout restrictions e$cept #or electrical appliances that can 5e
sold in the mar0et I# valued over US>111 an import license is re;uired In certain
cases. ;uic0 admission temporar7 entr7 approval can 5e o5tained #rom airport customs
on the condition to sho6 the product to customs on e$it
Ce7 #esources #eturn to top
-inistry of ,inance
8ordan Department o# Customs and F<&: 666customsgov*o
#egarding Standards Issues:
/inistr7 o# Industr7 and &rade: 666mitgov*o
8ordan Institution #or Standards and /etrolog7: 666*ismgov*o
U.S. Certificates of %rigin for "Eporting to Jordan
&rade In#ormation Center: 666e$portgov4tic
US Commercial Service: 6665u7usagov
U.S. Department of Commerce Bureau of Industry and Security:
Bureau o# Industr7 and Securit7: http:446665isdocgov
&a7eling8-ar3ing #e9uirements
/inistr7 o# Industr7 and &rade: 666mitgov*o
/inistr7 o# :ealth: 666mohgov*o
Customs Department Contact Information
8ordan Customs Department: 666customsgov*o
'eturn to ta5le o# contents
'eturn to ta5le o# contents
C/apter ;: In4estment Climate
3penness to +oreign Investment
Conversion and &rans#er Policies
E$propriation and Compensation
Dispute Settlement
Per#ormance 'e;uirements and Incentives
'ight to Private 36nership and Esta5lishment
Protection o# Propert7 'ights
&ransparenc7 o# 'egulator7 S7stem
E##icient Capital /ar0ets and Port#olio Investment
Political Fiolence
Bilateral Investment <greements
3PIC and 3ther Investment Insurance Programs
+oreignB&rade Uones4+ree Ports
+oreign Direct Investment Statistics
De5 'esources
%penness to ,oreign In4estment #eturn to top
Since Aing <5dullah succeeded to the throne in 1---. 8ordan has ta0en several steps to
encourage #oreign investment and realiCe the vision o# trans#orming 8ordan into an
out6ardBoriented. mar0etB5ased econom7 competitive in the glo5al mar0etplace Ae7
re#orms have 5een underta0en in the in#ormation technolog7. pharmaceuticals. tourism.
and services sectors +oreign and domestic investment la6s grant speci#ic incentives to
industr7K agricultureK tourism. including con#erence #acilitiesK hospitalsK transportationK
and distri5ution o# 6ater. gas. and oil4oil derivatives using pipelines &he la6s also allo6
the ca5inet #le$i5ilit7 in o##ering investment incentives to other sectors
8ordan acceded to the Dorld &rade 3rganiCation ?D&3@ in <pril 2111 In addition. a
USB8ordan +ree &rade <greement ?+&<@ entered into #orce on Decem5er 1). 2111
Investment promotion activities have 5een consolidated under the 8ordan Investment
Board ?8IB@. 6hich provides a HoneBstop shopI #or investors and is 6or0ing to pass a ne6
investment promotion la6 in 211, 8ordan aims to conclude negotiations #or a D&3
2overnment Procurement <greement 57 earl7 211, 8ordanJs current investment la6s
treat #oreign and local investors e;uall7. 6ith the #ollo6ing e$ceptions ?as per regulation
Eo %! o# 2111. entitled PEon 8ordanian Investments Promotion 'egulationP@:
+oreign investors ma7 not have 6hole or partial o6nership o# investigation and
securit7 services. sports clu5s ?e$cept #or health clu5s@. stone ;uarr7ing #or
construction purposes. customs clearance services. or land transportation o#
passengers and cargo using truc0s. 5uses or ta$is
Under the terms o# the USB8ordan +&<. o6nership o# periodical pu5lications is
restricted to 8ordanian natural persons or 8ordanian *uridical entities 6holl7
o6ned 57 8ordanians
Under the same agreement. #oreign investors are limited to %1 percent o6nership
in printing4pu5lishing and in aircra#t or maritime vessel maintenance and repair
services <lso under the +&<. #oreign investors are limited to %1 percent
o6nership in a num5er o# 5usinesses and services &he most upBtoBdate listing
o# limitations on investments is availa5le in the +&< <nne$ 31 and ma7 5e #ound
at the #ollo6ing internet address:
http:44666ustrgov4&radeL<greements4Bilateral4 8ordan4SectionLInde$html
< minimum capital re;uirement o# 8D %1.111 ?US >)1.111@ is set #or #oreign investors
&his re;uirement does not appl7 to participation in pu5lic shareholding companies
&here is no #ormal screening or host government selection process #or #oreign
investment :o6ever. investors in large pro*ects #ind that the in#ormal approval o# local
and central government o##icials helps to ensure governmental cooperation in pro*ect
&he la6 stipulates that e$propriation is prohi5ited unless deemed in the pu5lic interest
It provides #or #air compensation to the investor in converti5le currenc7
&he government has engaged in an e$tensive privatiCation program since 1---. 6ith
signi#icant achievements in 211) in electricit7 generation and aviation +ollo6ing
success#ul privatiCations in the telecommunications sector. government sentiment no6
strongl7 supports privatiCation &he num5er and siCe o# #uture privatiCation pro*ects.
ho6ever. is e$pected to shrin0 as most government assets have alread7 5een
privatiCed &he ma*orit7 o# #uture pro*ects are e$pected to 5e pu5licBprivate partnerships
rather than pure privatiCation deals
In 3cto5er 211). the 8ordanian 2overnment completed a signi#icant privatiCation deal in
the energ7 sector 57 selling %1 percent o# the Central Electricit7 2enerating Compan7
?CE2C3@ to the ne6l7 #ormed Enara Compan7. and trans#erring - percent o# its shares
to the Social Securit7 Corporation &he government plans to sell its remaining %%
percent o# shares in the Ir5id District Electricit7 Compan7 ?IDEC3@. and 111 percent o#
the Electricit7 Distri5ution Compan7 ?EDC3@ 8ordan has also announced its intent to
5egin privatiCing the <sBSamra electrical po6er plant
&hroughout 211). the 2overnment o# 8ordan made considera5le progress in privatiCing
its aviation sector &he national carrier 'o7al 8ordanianJs initial pu5lic o##ering ?IP3@
5egan in Decem5er 211) )! percent o# the shares 6ere availa5le #or sale. 6ith the
government 0eeping 2( percent &he governmentBo6ned Nueen Eoor <viation College
6as also privatiCed and 6as sold to the private 'o7al 8ordanian <ir <cadem7
Concurrent 6ith these privatiCations. the role o# the regulator7 5od7. the 8ordan Civil
<viation Commission. is evolving In the spring o# 211). the 238 also accepted a 5uildB
operateBtrans#er ?B3&@ 5id #or the e$pansion and management o# Nueen <lia
International <irport
Dith respect to o6nership and participation in the ma*or economic sectors in 8ordan.
there is no apparent discrimination against #oreign participation In #act. man7 8ordanian
5usinesses see0 #oreign partners. 6hich are perceived as the 0e7 to increased
competitiveness and easier entr7 into international mar0ets 8ordanJs e##orts have
com5ined to ma0e 8ordanJs investment climate more 6elcoming. 5ut some large US
investors have reported Phidden costsP 6hen investing in 8ordan due to 5ureaucrac7. red
tape. vague regulations and con#licting *urisdictions In the Dorld Ban0Js ?DB@ 211,
Doing Business 'eport. 8ordan 6as ran0ed ,1th out o# 1), countries #or the regulator7
ease o# doing 5usiness 8ordan received its 5est ran0ings #or ta$ation and emplo7ment
policies 8ordan received its 6orst ran0ings #or en#orcing contracts and starting a
5usiness. although the DB ac0no6ledged re#orm in this area 8ordan ran0ed ,th out o#
1!1 countries in in6ard investment per#ormance in 211(. according to the 211) Dorld
Investment 'eport issued 57 the United Eations Con#erence on &rade and Development
?UEC&<D@ <s the7 6ould in other countries. investors should e$ecute due diligence in
e$ploring investment opportunities and concluding purchases
Con4ersion and !ransfer 'olicies #eturn to top
8ordanJs li5eral #oreign e$change la6 entitles #oreign investors to remit a5road. in a #ull7
converti5le #oreign currenc7. #oreign capital invested. including all returns. pro#its. and
proceeds arising #rom the li;uidation o# investment pro*ects EonB8ordanian
administrative and technical emplo7ees are permitted to trans#er their salaries and
compensation a5road
&he 8ordanian Dinar ?8D@ is #ull7 converti5le #or all commercial and capital transactions
&he 8D has 5een pegged to the US dollar at an e$change rate o# appro$imatel7 1 8D to
US >1!1 since 1--%. and the Central Ban0 o# 8ordan ?CB8@ is e$pected to continue
this polic7 E3&E: &his peg ma7 5ene#it <merican e$porters a5le to serve a small
mar0et EED E3&E
"icensed mone7Be$changers are supervised 57 the CB8. the 5an0ing s7stemJs
regulator7 authorit7. 5ut are #ree to set their o6n e$change rates depending on mar0et
conditions Unli0e 5an0s. the7 do not pa7 the CB8 commissions #or e$change
transactions. giving them a competitive edge over 5an0s
3ther #oreign e$change regulations include:
EonBresidents are allo6ed to open 5an0 accounts in #oreign currencies &hese
accounts are e$empted #rom all trans#erBrelated commission #ees charged 57 the
Ban0s are permitted to purchase an unlimited amount o# #oreign currenc7 #rom
their clients in e$change #or 8D on a #or6ard 5asis Ban0s are permitted to
engage in reverse operations involving the selling o# #oreign currenc7 in
e$change #or 8D on a #or6ard deal 5asis #or the purpose o# covering the value o#
&here are no restrictions on the amount o# #oreign currenc7 that residents ma7
hold in 5an0 accounts. and there are no ceilings on the amount residents are
permitted to trans#er a5road
Ban0s do not re;uire prior CB8 approval #or the trans#er o# #unds. including
investmentBrelated trans#ers. although stricter measures are no6 in place to
monitor 5an0 6ire trans#ers to 5oost 8ordanJs a5ilit7 to participate in the glo5al
#ight against illicit #inancial #lo6s
"Epropriation and Compensation #eturn to top
&here are no 0no6n cases 6here the government has e$propriated the private propert7
o# an investor
Dispute Settlement #eturn to top
Under 8ordanian la6. #oreign investors ma7 see0 third part7 ar5itration or an
internationall7 recogniCed settlement o# disputes &he 8ordanian government recogniCes
decisions issued 57 the International Center #or the Settlement o# Investment Disputes
?ICSID@ o# 6hich it is a mem5er 8ordan is also a mem5er o# the Ee6 Gor0 Convention
o# 1-%, on the recognition and en#orcement o# #oreign ar5itral a6ards In cases 6here
the government ?or its agencies@ is a part7 to the dispute. it generall7 pre#ers settlement
in local courts i# an outBo#Bcourt settlement is not #orthcoming 8ordan a5ides 57 D&3
dispute settlement mechanisms Dispute settlement mechanisms under the +&< are
consistent 6ith D&3 commitments
<rticle IV o# the Bilateral Investment &reat7 ?BI&@ esta5lishes procedures #or dispute
< dispute 5et6een a US investor and the 8ordanian government 6as 5rought 5e#ore an
ICSID tri5unal in 2112 6as settled in /a7 211! <nother US investor 5egan to #ile
ar5itration proceedings against the 8ordanian government in ICSID in 211) In another
instance. a #oreign compan7 investing in a *oint venture 6ith a stateBo6ned 8ordanian
corporation #ound that the management contract #or that 8ordanian S3E partner had
5een given to a rival 6ithout prior consultation Dith su5stantial support #rom the
Em5ass7. the dispute 6as resolved to the satis#action o# the #oreign investor
JordanHs &egal System:
In the legislative process. dra#t la6s are prepared 57 various ministries. then su5mitted
to the ca5inet and su5se;uentl7 presented to the lo6er house o# parliament #or
consideration 3nce passed 57 the lo6er house. dra#t la6s must 5e approved 57 the
Senate <ll la6s re;uire ro7al assent and must 5e pu5lished in the 3##icial 2aCette
5e#ore the7 come into #orce
<ccording to the constitution. the *udiciar7 is independent o# other 5ranches o# the
government In some cases. it is suscepti5le to political pressure and inter#erence 57
the e$ecutive 5ranch
&he constitution classi#ies the *udiciar7 into three categories: religious courts. special
courts ?eg. /ilitar7 Court. Customs Court. Income &a$ Court@. and regular courts
Ferdicts rendered 57 the 8ordanian *udiciar7 are 5ased on decisions made 57 a *udge or
a panel o# *udges
2eneral legal provisions are incorporated 6ithin the Civil Code. unless a separate. more
specialiCed la6 governs the nature o# the speci#ic relationship &he Commercial Code
governs commercial activities Business contracts. such as commercial agenc7 and
commission agenc7 contracts. are su5*ect to the codeJs provisions +inancial papers
such as chec0s and promissor7 notes are also dealt 6ith under the Commercial Code
Farious provisions in the Commercial Code. the Civil Code. and the Companies "a6
govern 5an0ruptc7 and insolvenc7 < temporar7 Ban0ruptc7 "a6 came into #orce in
2112 E3&E: &emporar7 la6s in 8ordan are constitutionall7 permitted la6s passed
6hen parliament is not in session &he7 remain in #orce until parliament convenes and
ta0es #urther action
'erformance #e9uirements and Incenti4es #eturn to top
+ollo6ing 8ordanJs accession to the D&3. the &radeB'elated Investment /easures
?&'I/S@ agreement came into #orce Investment and commercial la6s do not contain
an7 tradeBrestrictive investment measures and have generall7 5een in compliance 6ith
Investment incentives ta0e the #orm o# income ta$ and customBduties e$emptions. 6hich
are granted to 5oth 8ordanian and #oreign investors
&he countr7 is divided into three development areas: Uones <. B. and C Investments in
Uone C. the least developed areas o# 8ordan. receive the highest level o# e$emptions
<ll agricultural. maritime transport. and rail6a7 investments are classi#ied as Uone C.
irrespective o# location :otel and tourismBrelated pro*ects set up along the Dead Sea
coastal area. leisure and recreational compounds. and convention and e$hi5ition centers
receive Uone < designations Nuali#7ing industrial Cones ?NIUs@ are Coned according to
their geographical location. unless the7 appl7 #or an e$emption &he threeBCone
classi#ication scheme does not appl7 to nature reserves and environmental protection
areas. 6hich are granted special consideration
Speci#icall7. the Investment Promotion "a6 allo6s #or:
E$emptions #rom income and social services ta$es o# up to ten 7ears #or pro*ects
approved 57 the Investment Promotion Committee ?6hich includes senior
o##icials #rom the /inistr7 o# Industr7 and &rade. Income &a$ Department.
Customs Department. the private sector. and the Director 2eneral o# the 8ordan
Investment Board@. in accordance 6ith the designated Cone scheme:
2% percent ta$ e$emption #or Uone <
%1 percent ta$ e$emption #or Uone B
)% percent ta$ e$emption #or Uone C
<n additional 7ear o# these ta$ e$emptions is granted to pro*ects each time the7 undergo
e$pansion. moderniCation. or development resulting in a 2% percent increase in their
production capacit7 #or a ma$imum o# #our 7ears
Capital goods are e$empt #rom duties and ta$es i# delivered 6ithin three 7ears
#rom the date o# the investment promotion committeeJs approval &he committee
ma7 e$tend the threeB7ear period. i# necessar7
Imported spare parts related to a speci#ic pro*ect are e$empt #rom duties and
ta$es. provided that their value does not e$ceed 1% percent o# the value o# #i$ed
assets re;uiring spare parts &he7 should 5e imported 6ithin ten 7ears #rom a
pro*ectJs commencement date
Capital goods used #or e$pansion and moderniCation o# a pro*ect are e$empt
#rom duties and ta$es. provided the7 result in at least a 2% percent increase in
production capacit7
:otel and hospital pro*ects receive e$emptions #rom duties and ta$es on #urniture
and suppl7 purchases. 6hich are re;uired #or moderniCation and rene6al once
ever7 seven 7ears
Increases in the value o# imported capital goods are e$empt #rom duties and
ta$es i# the increases result #rom higher #reight charges or changes in the
e$change rate
BBIn addition to the Investment Promotion "a6. additional e$emptions are granted
to investments 6ithin industrial estates designated as Special Industrial Uones
Industrial pro*ects are granted e$emptions on income and social services ta$es
#or a t6oB7ear period Esta5lished industrial #acilities that relocate to an industrial
estate also receive this 5ene#it
Industrial pro*ects are granted propert7 ta$ e$emptions throughout their li#etime
Industrial pro*ects are granted partial or #ull e$emptions #rom most municipalit7
and planning #ees
&o promote e$ports. all e$porters are granted the #ollo6ing incentives:
Eet pro#its generated #rom most e$port revenues are #ull7 e$empt #rom income
ta$ E$ceptions include #ertiliCer. phosphate. and potash e$ports. in addition to
e$ports governed 57 speci#ic trade protocols and #oreign de5t repa7ment
schemes Under the D&3. the e$emption is e$tended until the end o# 211%
<ppro$imatel7 -% percent o# #oreign inputs used in the production o# e$ports are
e$empt #rom custom duties and all additional import #ees on a dra65ac0 5asis
#ig/t to 'ri4ate %5ners/ip and "sta7lis/ment #eturn to top
In general. the la6s on investment and propert7 o6nership permit domestic and #oreign
entities to esta5lish and o6n 5usinesses and engage in remunerative activities
:o6ever. activities relevant to militar7 and national securit7 are su5*ect to di##erent
provisions and procedures
+oreign companies ma7 open regional and 5ranch o##icesK 5ranch o##ices ma7 carr7 out
#ull 5usiness activities. 6hile regional o##ices ma7 serve as liaisons 5et6een head o##ices
and 8ordanian or regional clients &he /inistr7 o# Industr7 and &rade manages the
governmentJs polic7 on setting up regional and 5ranch o##ices
Eo #oreign #irm ma7 import goods 6ithout appointing an agent registered in 8ordanK the
agent ma7 5e a 5ranch o##ice or a 6holl7 o6ned su5sidiar7 o# the #oreign #irm.
not6ithstanding the limitations on #oreign o6nership in certain sectors &he agentMs
connection to the #oreign compan7 must 5e direct. 6ithout a su5Bagent or intermediar7
< Commercial <gents and Intermediaries "a6 governs the contract 5et6een #oreign
#irms and commercial agents It clearl7 delineates the distinction 5et6een commercial
agenc7 and distri5ution contracts relationships Private #oreign entities. 6hether
licensed under sole #oreign o6nership or as a *oint venture. compete on an e;ual 5asis
6ith local companies
+oreign nationals and #irms are permitted to o6n or lease propert7 in 8ordan #or
investment purposes and personal use. provided that their home countr7 permits
reciprocal propert7 o6nership rights #or 8ordanians Propert7 intended #or investment
should 5e developed 6ithin #ive 7ears #rom the date o# approval Depending on the siCe
and location o# the propert7. the "ands and Surve7s Department. its Director 2eneral.
the /inister o# +inance. or the Ca5inet are the authorities that approve #oreign o6nership
o# land and propert7 +oreign companies holding a ma*orit7 shares in a 8ordanian
compan7. as 6ell as 6holl7 o6ned su5sidiaries. automaticall7 o5tain national treatment
6ith respect to o6nership o# land 6here the compan7Js 5usiness o5*ectives re;uire ?eg.
agriculture@. or allo6 #or. o6nership o# land or real estate
'rotection of 'roperty #ig/ts #eturn to top
Interest in propert7 ?movea5le and real@ is recogniCed. en#orced and recorded through
relia5le legal processes and registries &he legal s7stem #acilitates and protects the
ac;uisition and disposition o# all propert7 rights
8ordan has passed several ne6 la6s to compl7 6ith the +&< and meet international
commitments in protection o# intellectual propert7 rights ?IP'@ "a6s consistent 6ith
H&rade 'elated <spects o# Intellectual Propert7 'ightsI ?&'IPS@ no6 protect trade
secrets. plant varieties. and semiconductor chip designs &he la6 re;uires registration
o# cop7rights. patents. and trademar0s Cop7rights must 5e registered at the Eational
"i5rar7. part o# the /inistr7 o# Culture Patents must 5e registered 6ith the 'egistrar o#
Patents and &rademar0s at the /inistr7 o# Industr7 and &rade 8ordan has signed the
Patent Cooperation &reat7 and the protocol relating to the /adrid <greement
Concerning the 'egistration o# /ar0s. and amended patent and trademar0 la6s in 211)
to ena5le pending rati#ication o# the agreements 8ordanJs pharmaceutical industr7
generall7 a5ides 57 the ne6 &'IPSBconsistent Patent "a6 8ordan acceded to the
Dorld Intellectual Propert7 3rganiCation ?DIP3@ treaties on cop7rights ?DC&@ and
per#ormances and phonographs ?DPP&@. and has 5een developing ne6 regulations to
the national cop7right la6 to meet international standards 8ordanian #irms no6 see0
*oint ventures and licensing agreements 6ith multinational partners
8ordanJs record on IP' en#orcement has improved. 5ut more e##ective en#orcement
mechanisms and legal procedures are still needed <s a result. the governmentJs record
on IP' protection remains mi$ed < siCea5le portion o# videos and so#t6are sold in the
mar0etplace continues to 5e pirated En#orcement action against audio4video and
so#t6are pirac7 is gro6ing in #re;uenc7 and improving in its targeting capa5ilit7. resulting
in the #irst *ail sentence in 211) #or so#t6are pirac7 in 8ordan 2overnment committees
are e$amining means to provide more comprehensive IP' protections. including more
stringent en#orcement o# e$isting la6s and creation o# an um5rella IP' agenc7 to
coordinate government polic7 and en#orcement e##orts
!ransparency of #egulatory System #eturn to top
&he government is graduall7 implementing policies to improve competition and #oster
transparenc7 &hese re#orms aim to change an e$isting s7stem that can 5e in#luenced
greatl7 57 #amil7 a##iliations and 5usiness ties <lthough in man7 instances 5ureaucratic
procedures have 5een streamlined. red tape and opa;ue procedures still present
pro5lems #or #oreign and domestic investors &he ar5itrar7 application o# customs. ta$.
la5or. health. and other la6s or regulations. particularl7 at the local government level.
have impeded investment
8ordanJs 211! Competition "a6 ?similar to the <ntitrust "a6 in the US@ aims to improve
the 8ordanian economic environment and attract #oreign investment 57 providing
incentives #or enterprises to improve their competitiveness. protect small and medium
enterprises #rom restrictive anticompetitive practices. and provide consumers 6ith high
;ualit7 products at competitive prices &he Competition Directorate at the /inistr7 o#
Industr7 and &rade monitors mar0et per#ormance. conducts research. e$amines
complaints. reports violators to the *udicial s7stem. and investigates cases re#erred 57
the courts &he Competition Directorate has settled 12) cases since 211!. and re#erred
#our cases to the courts in 211)
In 211). the government continued its strateg7 to promote eBgovernment &he
government has pledged to ma0e its services. regulations. and procurement procedures
more accessi5le and transparent via eBgovernment Implementation to date has 5een
slo6. 5ut programs to register 5usinesses and to vie6 ta$ records and pending
legislation online are no6 availa5le
"fficient Capital -ar3ets and 'ortfolio In4estment #eturn to top
&he three 0e7 capital mar0et institutions are the regulator. 8ordan Securities
Commission ?8SC@K the e$change. the <mman Stoc0 E$change ?<SE@K and the
custodian #or all transaction contracts. clearings and settlement. the Securities
Depositor7 Center ?SDC@ &he government passed the most recent Securities "a6 in
2112. 6hich 5rought the la6 more in line 6ith international 5est practices &he <SE
su##ers #rom intermittent li;uidit7 pro5lems. 6hich have meant that the 5ourse remains
prone to speculative movements &he <SEJs mar0et capitaliCation gre6 rapidl7 5et6een
2113 and 211%. e$perienced a correction in 211( 5ut gre6 over oneBthird in 211)
Iey -ar3et Indicators 1USD2
200= 200;
/ar0et capitaliCation >!1, 5illion >313 5illion
/ar0et capitaliCation42DP 2,-9 23!9
Inde$ )%1- points %%1, points
Eum5er o# shares traded !% 5illion !1 5illion
&rading volume >1)2 5illion >1-, 5illion
Eum5er o# 5ro0erage #irms (% (1
Eum5er o# companies listed 2!% 22(
9 o# Shares o6ned 57
- 8ordanians
- EonB8ordanian <ra5s
- 3ther EonB8ordanians
Source: <mman Stoc0 E$change
&he CB8. on 5ehal# o# the /inistr7 o# +inance. conducts regular &reasur7 5ill auctions o#
di##ering maturities < tap series o# oneB7ear treasur7 5ills is held monthl7 and a tap
series o# threeB and #iveB7ear treasur7 5onds is held 5imonthl7 &he government issues
development 5onds. e;uivalent to treasur7 5onds. as necessar7 <ll government
securities are listed on the <SE. and o6nership is registered at CB8 in a 5oo0 entr7
#ormat Ee6 issues #or the #irst 11 months o# 211) reached >21 5illion &he CB8 has
introduced a primar7 dealer plan designed to increase li;uidit7 in the secondar7 mar0et.
though the program has to this point 5een unsuccess#ul in achieving this goal < Pu5lic
De5t "a6 allo6s #or an increase in the volume o# 5ond and 5ill issuance 57 the treasur7
Commercial 5an0s hold securities #or their clients in a su5Baccount #ormat +oreign
investors are 6elcome to participate in auctions and to purchase government securities
through 5an0s
&he corporate 5ond mar0et remains underdeveloped. and continues to 5e
overshado6ed 57 traditional direct lending 3ne reason is the a5sence o# proper
mechanisms #or corporate lending Increasingl7. ho6ever. some 5an0s have started
introducing ne6 products and corporate 5ond issues Ee6 corporate 5ond issues #or the
#irst 11 months o# 211) totaled >122,. compared to >)- million in 211(
8ordanian 5an0s have recovered #rom an economic slo6Bdo6n o# the lateB1--1s. and
had e$cellent 7ears in 211%. 211(. and 211) 6ith high pro#its and lo6 de#ault rates &he
<ra5 Ban0 and the :ousing Ban0 are the t6o largest 5an0s in 8ordan. 6ith total mar0et
capitaliCation in Decem5er 211) o# >11) 5illion and >22 5illion. respectivel7 &he
di##erence 5et6een their values o6es to the vast di##erence in their scope o# operationsK
the <ra5 Ban0 has a 6orld6ide presence. 6hile the :ousing Ban0Js prime #ocus is the
local mar0et 8ordan no longer distinguishes 5et6een Pinvestment 5an0sP and
Pcommercial 5an0sP 8ordan has commercial 5an0s. Islamic 5an0s. and #oreign 5an0
Ban0s o##er loans. discounted 5ills. and overdra#t #acilities. and all are permitted to
e$tend overdra#t #acilities in 8ordanian Dinar Ee6 capital instruments such as
commercial paper and converti5le 5onds are under consideration In addition to longB
term instruments. securitiCation. shortBselling. and treasur7 stoc0s are 5eing introduced
in some 5an0s &he CB8 permits 5an0s to e$tend loans and credit #acilities in #oreign
currenc7 5ut onl7 #or e$porting purposes In such cases. it re;uires de5t repa7ment to
5e in the denominated #oreign currenc7 < num5er o# 5an0s have esta5lished mutual
< 5an0ing la6. 6hich aims at improving the industr7Js e##icienc7. came into #orce in
2111 &he la6 protects depositorsJ interests. diminishes mone7 mar0et ris0. guards
against the concentration o# lending. and includes articles on electronic 5an0ing
practices and mone7 laundering In addition. the CB8 set up a separate and
independent Deposit Insurance Corporation in late 2111 that insures deposits o# up to
8D 11.111 ?US >1!.111@ &he corporation also acts as the li;uidator o# 5an0s as
directed 57 the CB8 &he CB8 esta5lished a credit 5ureau #or 5ounced chec0s in 2111
&he 5ureau re;uires 5an0s to report on a timel7 5asis the names o# account holders 6ith
5ounced chec0s +ollo6ing a third report o# a 5ounced chec0. the CB8 circulates the
names o# the account holders to all 5an0s 6ith instructions to 6ithhold chec05oo0s and
an7 other #acilities #or a period o# time
&he CB8 issued a num5er o# circulars in 2113B211% to implement mone7Blaundering
regulations that are consistent 6ith the recommendations o# the 3rganiCation o#
Economic Cooperation and DevelopmentJs ?3ECD@ +inancial <ction &as0 +orce
8ordanJs parliament passed an antiBmone7 laundering 5ill that 5ecame la6 in 8ul7 211)
&he la6 criminaliCes mone7 laundering. and speci#ies that an7 mone7 or proceeds
gained #rom an7 #elon7 o##ense or crimes stated in international agreements to 6hich
8ordan is a part7 are su5*ect to the provisions o# the la6 &he la6 is also the legal 5asis
#or the creation o# the <ntiB/one7 "aundering Unit. 8ordanJs +inancial Intelligence Unit
8ordan has no record o# ma*or mone7 laundering incidents
&here are a num5er o# internationall7 recogniCed accounting and auditing #irms in
8ordan &he governmentMs accounting and auditing regulations are consistent 6ith
international standards and are internationall7 recogniCed
'olitical .iolence #eturn to top
Some incidents o# political violence and terrorist activities have occurred in 8ordan.
including the shooting to death o# a tourist in do6nto6n <mman in Septem5er 211(. the
Eovem5er 211% hotel 5om5ings in <mman. and the <ugust 211% roc0et attac0 on a US
Eav7 ship in <;a5a &he hotel 5om5ings targeted #oreign 5usiness interests speci#ic to
the hotel industr7 3ther industries 6ith #oreign 5usiness interests have remained
una##ected 57 political violence Dhile 8ordan en*o7s political sta5ilit7. events in the
region. particularl7 in the Dest Ban0 and 2aCa or Ira;. can trigger demonstrations o#
antiBUS hostilit7 &he assassination o# <merican diplomat "arr7 +ole7 outside his 6est
<mman residence on 3cto5er 2,. 2112 6as attri5uted to #ormer <l Naida in Ira; leader
<5u /usJa5 <lBUar;a6i. 6ho 6as 0illed in Ira; in 8une 211(
&he 2overnment o# 8ordan is proactive in maintaining pu5lic securit7. containing
demonstrations and preventing terrorist attac0s. and has increased its e##orts since the
Eovem5er 211% hotel 5om5ings &he potential #or politicall7 motivated violence.
ho6ever. remains Fisitors should consult current State Department pu5lic
Corruption #eturn to top
Corruption is a crime in 8ordan In Septem5er 211(. parliament approved a #inancial
disclosure la6 re;uiring pu5lic o##ice holders and speci#ied government o##icials to
declare their assets Parliament also enacted an <ntiBCorruption "a6 in 211( that
created a commission. reporting to the Prime /inister. to investigate allegations o#
corruption 8ordanJs la6 de#ines corruption as an7 act that violates o##icial duties. and all
acts related to #avoritism and nepotism that could deprive others #rom their legitimate
rights. as 6ell as economic crimes and misuse o# po6er &he 2eneral Intelligence
Directorate ?2ID@ also has an antiBcorruption department that is responsi5le #or
com5ating 5ri5er7. e$tortion. and other similar crimes <ttempts to esta5lish similar.
transparent entities outside the securit7 service so #ar have not 5een success#ul
In#luence peddling and a lac0 o# transparenc7 have. ho6ever. 5een alleged in
government procurement and dispute settlement PDasta.P the use o# #amil7. 5usiness.
and other personal connections to advance personal 5usiness interests. at the e$pense
o# others. is endemic
Bilateral In4estment $greements #eturn to top
In 1--(. the US Congress esta5lished the PNuali#7ing Industrial UoneP ?NIU@ initiative to
support the /iddle East peace process Under this agreement. goods produced in the
thirteen designated NIUs in 8ordan can 5e imported into the United States tari##B and
;uotaB#ree i# 3% percent o# the productJs content comes #rom the NIU. Israel. and the
Dest Ban042aCa 3# that 3% percent. a minimum 11) percent must 5e added in the
NIU. eight percent in Israel. and 1%3 percent in either a 8ordanian NIU. Israel. or the
Dest Ban042aCa &his ma0es investment in a NIU particularl7 attractive to industries
6hose products are assessed 6ith high tari##s 6hen the7 are imported into the US <s
o# Decem5er 211). the 5ul0 o# NIU e$ports have 5een garments Since 1---. the NIUs
have attracted over >!%1 million in capital investments. generated a5out >! 5illion in
e$ports to the US. and created over %%.111 ne6 *o5s. o# 6hich a5out 1%.111 are held
57 8ordanians and %)9 57 8ordanian 6omen
&he USB8ordan +&<. 6hich entered into #orce in 2111. does not supersede or eliminate
the NIU initiative Dhereas the NIU agreement grants immediate dut7B and ;uotaB#ree
access to the US #or goods produced in the NIUs that meet certain rules o# origin. the
+&< mandates a gradual phasing out o# import duties and other trade 5arriers 57 2111
+&< rules o# origin re;uire 3% percent 8ordanian content &he agreement incorporates
la5or. environmental. and intellectual propert7 rights provisions
< Bilateral Investment &reat7 5et6een 8ordan and the United States entered into #orce in
2113 &he agreement provides reciprocal protection o# 8ordanian and US individual
and corporate investments
Dhile the US remains 8ordanJs top trading partner. 8ordan maintains an active trade
relationship 6ith neigh5oring countries. and has 5een activel7 pursuing enhanced trade
arrangements glo5all7 8ordan is a mem5er o# the 2reater <ra5 +ree &rade <rea
?2<+&<@. 6hich has 5een in #orce since 1--, &he 2<+&< reached #ull trade
li5eraliCation o# goods in 8anuar7 211% through #ull e$emption o# customs duties and
charges #or all 1) <ra5 mem5ers. 6ith the e$ception o# gradual reductions #or Sudan and
Gemen 6hich are e$pected to 5ene#it #rom #ull e$emption 57 the end o# 2111 8ordan
has also signed several trade pre#erence agreements and 5ilateral #ree trade
agreements 6ith <ra5 countries. including Eg7pt. S7ria. /orocco. &unisia. the U<E.
<lgeria. "e5anon. the Palestinian <uthorit7. Au6ait. Sudan. and Bahrain &he 5ilateral
agreements are generall7 applied in parallel to the 2<+&<. 6ith the 2<+&< o#ten
providing more trade pre#erences than most o# the 5ilateral trade agreements ?see
666mitgov*o #or more in#ormation@
<n economic association agreement 5et6een 8ordan and the European Union ?EU@
entered into #orce in 2112 to esta5lish #ree trade over a t6elveB7ear period &his
agreement calls #or the #ree movement o# capital. as 6ell as cooperation on development
and political issues 8ordan also signed a +ree &rade <rea <greement in 2111 6ith the
European +ree &rade <ssociation ?E+&<@ states ?Iceland. "iechtenstein. Eor6a7 and
S6itCerland@. 6hich aims #or complete trade li5eraliCation 57 211!
In 211!. 8ordan signed a +ree &rade <greement 6ith Singapore In addition to
enhancing 5ilateral trade ties. the agreement aimed to create ne6 e$port opportunities
#or 8ordanian products 6orld6ide through the possi5ilit7 o# diagonal accumulation o#
origin 6ith countries that have concluded #ree trade agreements 6ith 5oth 8ordan and
Singapore In the same 7ear. 8ordan completed the <gadir trade agreement 6ith Eg7pt.
/orocco. and &unisia. and upgraded its trade agreement 6ith Israel to ta0e advantage
o# accumulation o# content provisions in the EUJs PanBEuroB/editerranean trade rules o#
origin 8ordan is also considering #ree trade agreements 6ith several other nations.
including &ur0e7 and Canada
%'IC and %t/er In4estment Insurance 'rograms #eturn to top
Investments in 8ordan are eligi5le #or 3verseas Private Investment Corporation ?3PIC@
insurance and private #inancing
8ordan is also a mem5er o# the /ultilateral Investment 2uarantee <genc7 ?/I2<@. a
Dorld Ban0 <genc7. 6hich guarantees investment against nonBcommercial ris0s such as
civil 6ar. nationaliCation. polic7 changes. etc &he program covers investments in
8ordan irrespective o# the investorJs nationalit7. in addition to covering 8ordanian
investments a5road
Several European countries have o##icial de5tB#orBe;uit7 s6ap programs that are open to
investors o# all nationalities
&a7or #eturn to top
&he rate o# population gro6th ?5irths minus deaths and #actoring in migration@ is a5out
2% percent a 7ear. 5ased on the most recent census in 211! &he 211) population is
estimated 57 the Department o# Statistics at %) million %19 o# the population is under
the age o# 21 In general. the la5or #orce is 6ell educated "iterac7 rates approach -%2
percent #or men and ,() percent #or 6omen 8ordan has a la5or #orce o# a5out 1%
million and an unemplo7ment rate that hovers 5et6een appro$imatel7 13 and 1%
percent In Eovem5er 211). the Department o# Statistics reported a 131 percent
unemplo7ment rate
&here are an estimated 313.111 #oreign la5orers in 8ordan Dith the e$ception o# the
appro$imate 3(.(11 that 6or0 in the NIUs as te$tile 6or0ers. most #oreign 6or0ers 6or0
primaril7 in uns0illed sectors. such as construction. agriculture. and domestic service
&here are also uno##icial indicators 6hich suggest tens o# thousands o# unregistered
#oreign 6or0ers &he /inistr7 o# "a5or regulates #oreign 6or0er licensing. licensing #ees.
prohi5ited sectors. and emplo7er lia5ilit7 <mong its responsi5ilities. the ministr7
approves the hiring o# pro#essional #oreign 6or0ers 57 private 5usinesses EonBcitiCens
are not permitted 57 the current la6 to *oin unions. though the /inistr7 o# Industr7 and
&rade maintains that such 6or0ers en*o7 an7 5ene#its and protections that unions o5tain
< ne6 dra#t la5or la6 includes provisions to allo6 #oreigners to *oin esta5lished unions
"a5or unions serve primaril7 as intermediaries 5et6een 6or0ers and the /inistr7 o#
"a5or. and ma7 engage in collective 5argaining on 5ehal# o# 6or0ers Currentl7. there
are 1) recogniCed unions in 8ordan. all mem5ers o# the 2eneral +ederation o# 8ordanian
&rade Unions Estimates put union mem5ership at 11 percent o# the la5or #orce In
addition to the 1) unions. there are numerous pro#essional associations active in 8ordan.
man7 o# 6hich have mandator7 mem5ership Dhile these associations occasionall7
ta0e on characteristics o# traditional unions. the7 are primaril7 political 5odies <ccording
to o##icial #igures. a5out 31 percent o# the total la5or #orce. including government
6or0ers. 5elongs to either a union or a pro#essional association
<rticle 2, o# the "a5or "a6 speci#ies the conditions under 6hich an emplo7er can
discharge a 6or0er 6ithout notice <rticle 31 allo6s emplo7ers to la7 o## emplo7ees i#
economic or technical circumstances necessitate reorganiCation &he la6 does not
re;uire emplo7ers to include retirement plans in their emplo7ment pac0age :o6ever. i#
the emplo7er agreed to provide retirement 5ene#its 6hen the 6or0er 6as contracted. the
emplo7er must #ul#ill his4her commitment &he Social Securit7 "a6 stipulates that i# the
emplo7er has more than #ive emplo7ees. the7 must 5e enrolled in the national social
securit7 s7stem &he "a5or "a6 also addresses 6or0er compensation and outlines
compensator7 categories #or 6or0Brelated in*uries <rticle () provides unpaid maternit7
leave #or a ma$imum o# one 7ear #or mothers 6or0ing in #irms emplo7ing 11 or more
6or0ers. and <rticle )1 re;uires #ull pa7 #or 11 6ee0s o# maternit7 leave &he la6
provides #or 1! calendar da7s o# annual leave #or emplo7ees during the #irst #ive 7ears
6ith the emplo7er. and 21 calendar da7s a#ter #ive 7ears o# successive service Dith the
e$ception o# #oreigners not 5eing allo6ed to *oin unions and the restriction on #orming
ne6 unions outside o# the 2eneral +ederation o# 8ordanian &rade Union. the current la6
places 8ordan in compliance 6ith international and <ra5 la5or agreements
Since 211(. the 2overnment o# 8ordan has 5een re#orming its la5or inspection s7stem
and dra#ted a ne6 la5or la6 that 6ill more clearl7 address issues such as compensation
#or overtime. salar7 deductions allo6ed #or housing and meals. and punishment #or
illegal la5or practices 57 emplo7ers /inistr7 o# "a5or ?/o"@ inspections have recentl7
identi#ied pro5lems at some NIU #actories regarding dela7ed pa7ment o# 6ages. length
o# overtime and ph7sical a5use o# 6or0ers Under /o"Ms more rigorous inspection
regime. allegations o# #orced la5or in 211) decreased su5stantiall7
,oreign:!rade Fones8,ree 'orts #eturn to top
<s part o# 8ordanJs e##orts to #oster economic development and enhance the investment
climate. the government has created geographicall7 demarcated. polic7B#avored
commercial Cones. including industrial estates. #ree Cones. and special economic Cones
&he goal is to encourage HclusteringI among related #irms 6ithin an industr7 and lin0ages
to other industries Some o# these Cones overlap or have multiple designations
&he semiBgovernmental 8ordan Industrial Estates Corporation ?8IEC@ currentl7 o6ns #ive
pu5lic industrial estates in Ir5id. Aara0. <;a5a. <mman. and /aJan &here are also
several privatel7Brun industrial par0s in 8ordan. including alB/ushatta. alB&a*amouat. alB
Dula7l. C75er Cit7. alBNastal. 8ordan 2ate6a7. and alB:alla5at &hese estates provide
5asic in#rastructure net6or0s #or a 6ide variet7 o# manu#acturing activities. reducing the
cost o# utilities and providing costBe##ective land and #actor7 5uildings Investors in the
estates also receive various e$emptions. including a t6oB7ear e$emption on income and
social services ta$es. total e$emptions #rom 5uilding and land ta$es. and e$emptions or
reductions on most municipalitiesJ #ees
8ordan also has pu5lic H#ree ConesI ?+Us@ in Uar0a. Saha5. Aara0. Aarama. and Nueen
<lia <irport that are run 57 the pu5licl7Bo6ned +ree Uone Corporation ?+UC@ 3ver 31
private #ree Cones have also 5een designated. 6hich are administered 57 private
companies under the supervision o# the +UC Considered outside the 8ordan Customs
*urisdiction. the #ree Cones provide a dut7B and ta$B#ree environment designed #or the
storage o# goods transiting 8ordan
Both 8ordanian and #oreign investors are permitted to invest 6ith #e6 restrictions in
trade. services. and industrial pro*ects in #ree Cones Industrial pro*ects must #ul#ill one o#
the #ollo6ing conditions:
Ee6 industries 6hich depend on advanced technolog7K
Industries re;uiring ra6 material and4or locall7 manu#actured parts that are
locall7 availa5leK
Industries that complement domestic industriesK
Industries that enhance la5or s0ills and promote technical 0no6Bho6K
Industries providing consumer goods and that contri5ute to reducing mar0et
dependenc7 on imported goods
&he #ollo6ing incentives are granted to investors in the designated #ree Cones:
Pro#its are e$empt #rom income and social services ta$es #or a period o# t6elve
7ears. 6ith the e$ception o# pro#its generated #rom storage services that involve
goods released to the domestic mar0et
Salaries and allo6ances pa7a5le to nonB8ordanian emplo7ees are e$empt #rom
income and social services ta$es
2oods imported to and4or e$ported #rom #ree Cones are e$empt #rom import
ta$es and customs duties. 6ith the e$ception o# goods released to the domestic
Industrial goods manu#actured in #ree Cones en*o7 partial customs duties
e$emption once released to the domestic mar0et. depending on the proportion o#
the value o# local inputs and locall7 incurred production costs
Construction pro*ects are e$empt #rom licensing #ees and ur5an propert7 ta$es
+ree trans#er o# capital invested in #ree Cones. including pro#its
8ordan has esta5lished #our Special Economic Uones 6hich all aim to alleviate povert7
and create *o5s in impoverished areas o# 8ordan through development o# industrial
centers supported 57 logistics. transport. utilities. and in#ormation technolog7 services
In /a7 2111. the government converted the <;a5a port and surrounding area into the
<;a5a Special Economic Uone ?<SEU@ 6ith streamlined 5ureaucrac7. special ta$
e$emptions. a #lat #ive percent income ta$. and #acilitated customs handling <SEU has
attracted over US >2 5illion in #oreign direct investment in recent 7ears. mainl7 in hotel
and propert7 development In Eovem5er 211(. 8ordan created the Aing :ussein Bin
&alal Economic Uone in the cit7 o# /a#ra; Plans #or the /a#ra; Cone aim to create
2-.111 *o5s 57 212% through a #ocus on industrial activities. supported 57 logistics and
transit services &he Ir5id Economic Uone 6as launched in /a7 211) as a healthcare.
education. and in#ormation technolog7 #ree Cone in the northern cit7 o# Ir5id Its
pro$imit7 to the campus o# the 8ordan Universit7 #or Science and &echnolog7 ?8US&@
encourages partnerships 5et6een the #irms in the Cone and the universit7 students In
Septem5er 211). Aing <5dullah launched the #ourth Economic Development Uone in
/aJan. a governorate 211 0ilometers south o# the capital. 6hich 6ill include in#rastructure
pro*ects estimated at US >211 million
,oreign Direct In4estment Statistics #eturn to top
8ordan does not maintain o##icial detailed statistics o# +DI <ggregate in#lo6s trac0ed 57
the Central Ban0 give an indication o# the overall volume. 6hile registered capital and
pro*ects that 5ene#it #rom the Investment Promotion "a6 give an indication o# the 5rea0
do6n o# +DI 57 source and mar0et segment
&he 8ordan Investment Board approved #oreign investment pro*ects 6orth a5out >3-1
million. >12 5illion and >1!, 5illion #or the 7ears 211%. 211( and 211). respectivel7
,oreign Direct In4estment Inflo5s
!ime 'eriod USD -illions
1B3 Nuarter 211) 1.121
1B3 Nuarter 211( 2.,1(
1B3 Nuarter 211% 1.-1)
211( 3.22!
211% 1.)))
Source: Central Ban0 o# 8ordan. Balance o# Pa7ments
e5 'ro?ects under t/e In4estment 'romotion &a5 7y Geograp/ical $rea 1in USD
$rea 200= 200; 200>
8ordan 1.(%2 1.3-3 ())
<ra5 )(! 1.1-1 2-1
US and Canada 12( 31 1(
Europe %( 13 %%
3ther %3! %, 1-
&3&<" 3.132 2.%,% 1.1%(
Source: 8ordan Investment Board
e5 #egistered Capital 7y Industry 1in USD -illion2
Industry 200= 200; 200>
Percent #oreign
Percent #oreign
Percent #oreign
Percent #oreign
Percent #oreign
Percent #oreign
Source: Companies Controller Directorate at the /inistr7 o# Industr7 and &rade
#egistered Capital Stoc3 at (ear:"nd 7y Country 1in USD -illion2
Country 200= 200; 200>
Ira; (() %(- !)1
Au6ait %,3 %(( !(1
Denmar0 !)1 !)1 3--
United <ra5 Emirates 311 2)- 2)3
Saudi <ra5ia 2,3 2(3 2%3
Eg7pt 21! 1-- 1)(
Belgium 212 212 211
Bahrain 1(1 131 121
United Aingdom 1!- 1!% 13(
"e5anon -3 ,( ,2
S7ria -2 ,3 )3
Eetherlands ,- ,, ,,
United States ,! ), )2
S6itCerland %% %% %2
Palestinian <uthorit7 !! !1 !1
India !1 !1 3,
"i57a 3- 3- 3-
Canada 33 31 2)
China 32 2, 2!
Source: Companies Controller Directorate at the /inistr7 o# Industr7 and &rade
Ce7 #esources #eturn to top
8ordan Investment Board ?8IB@ http:44666*i5gov*o
'eturn to ta5le o# contents
'eturn to ta5le o# contents
C/apter =: !rade and 'ro?ect ,inancing
:o6 Do I 2et Paid ?/ethods o# Pa7ment@
:o6 Does the Ban0ing S7stem 3perate
+oreignBE$change Controls
US Ban0s and "ocal Correspondent Ban0s
Pro*ect +inancing
De5 'esources
)o5 Do I Get 'aid 1-et/ods of 'ayment2 #eturn to top
&he 5est 6a7 to get paid in 8ordan is through issuing a letter o# credit ?"C@ &his method
ensures that 5oth parties can guarantee their rights in the shipment <nother method is
cash pa7ment through 6ire trans#er. 5ut this is not recommended unless the 5u7er and
seller have a ver7 solid 5usiness relationship
)o5 Does t/e Ban3ing System %perate #eturn to top
&he 5an0ing s7stem is comprised o# 23 commercial 5an0s. o# 6hich , are 5ranches o#
#oreign 5an0s and t6o are Islamic 5an0s in addition to a num5er o# specialiCed credit
institutions &he Central Ban0 o# 8ordan ?CB8@ 666c5*gov*o is the 5an0ing s7stemJs
regulator7 authorit7
< revised 5an0ing la6 666c5*gov*o4pagesphp. 6hich aims at improving the industr7Js
e##icienc7. came into #orce in <ugust 2111 &he la6 protects depositorsJ interests.
diminishes mone7 mar0et ris0. guards against the concentration o# lending. and includes
articles on ne6 5an0ing practices ?eBcommerce and eB5an0ing@ and mone7 laundering
&he Central Ban0 o# 8ordan has issued a num5er o# recent circulars to implement
mone7Blaundering regulations that are consistent 6ith the recommendations o# the
3ECDJs #inancial action tas0 #orce
8ordanJs parliament passed an antiBmone7 laundering 5ill that 5ecame la6 in 8ul7 211)
&he la6 criminaliCes mone7 laundering and speci#ies that an7 mone7 or proceeds
gained #rom an7 #elon7 o##ense or crimes stated in international agreements to 6hich
8ordan is a part7 are su5*ect to the provisions o# the la6 &he la6 is also the legal 5asis
#or the creation o# the <ntiB/one7 "aundering Unit. 8ordanJs +inancial Intelligence Unit
8ordan has no record o# ma*or mone7 laundering incidents
In addition. the CB8 set up a separate and independent Deposit Insurance Corporation
in late 2111 to insure deposits o# up to 8D 11.111 ?>1!.111@ &he corporation also acts
as the li;uidator o# 5an0s as directed 57 the CB8
&o curtail 5ounced chec0s. the CB8 esta5lished a Credit Bureau #or 5ounced chec0s in
2111 It re;uires 5an0s to report on a timel7 5asis the names o# 6riters o# 5ounced
chec0sK a#ter the third report. the CB8 6ill circulate the 5ounced chec0 6riterJs name to
all 5an0s 6ith instructions to 6ithhold chec0B5oo0s and related chec0 6riting #acilities #or
a time to 5e determined
Some 5an0s have started adopting modern 5an0ing practices such as automated chec0
clearing and the use o# magnetic chec0 processors. uni#ied reporting #orms and
electronic dataBtransmission net6or0s Some 5an0s have also started &eleB5an0ing and
eB5an0ing services
Credit #acilities include loans. discounted 5ills. and overdra#t #acilities Investment 5an0s
are not permitted to e$tend overdra#t #acilities Due to rigid interest rates and the
a5sence o# a secondar7 mar0et. the corporate 5ond mar0et remains underdeveloped
and continues to 5e overshado6ed 57 traditional direct lending Increasingl7. ho6ever.
some 5an0s have started introducing ne6 products and corporate 5ond issues
,oreign:"Ec/ange Controls #eturn to top
8ordanJs li5eral #oreign e$change la6 666c5*gov*o4pagesphp entitles #oreign
investors to remit a5road. in a #ull7 converti5le #oreign currenc7. #oreign capital invested.
including all returns. pro#its. and proceeds arising #rom the li;uidation o# investment
pro*ects EonB8ordanian administrative and technical emplo7ees are permitted to
trans#er their salaries and compensation a5road
&he 8ordanian Dinar is #ull7 converti5le #or all commercial and capital transactions &he
8D is pegged to the US dollar at an e$change rate o# appro$imatel7 1 8D to USD 1!1
"icensed mone7Be$changers are supervised 57 the central 5an0. 5ut are #ree to set their
o6n e$change rates depending on mar0et conditions Unli0e 5an0s. the7 do not pa7
the central 5an0 commissions #or e$change transactions. giving them a competitive edge
over 5an0s
EonBresidents are allo6ed to open 5an0 accounts in #oreign currencies that are
e$empted #rom all trans#erBrelated commission #ees charged 57 the central 5an0
Ban0s are permitted to purchase an unlimited amount o# #oreign currenc7 #rom their
clients in e$change #or 8D on a #or6ard 5asis Ban0s are permitted to engage in reverse
operations involving the selling o# #oreign currenc7 in e$change #or 8D on a #or6ard deal
5asis #or the purpose o# covering the value o# imports
&here are no restrictions on the amount o# #oreign currenc7 that residents ma7 hold in
5an0 accounts. and there are no ceilings on the amount residents are permitted to
trans#er a5road
Ban0s do not re;uire prior central 5an0 approval #or the trans#er o# #unds. including
investmentBrelated trans#ers
U.S. Ban3s and &ocal Correspondent Ban3s #eturn to top
<ll o# the countr7Js 5an0s maintain direct correspondence 6ith USB5ased 5an0s Each
local 8ordanian 5an0 deals 6ith at least t6o to three Ee6 Gor0B5ased 5an0s
Currentl7. there are onl7 t6o <merican 5an0s operating in 8ordan:
1B Standard Chartered Ban0 ?http:44666standardcharteredcom4*o4inde$html@
2B Citi5an0 666citi5an0com4*ordan4homepage4inde$htm
'ro?ect ,inancing #eturn to top
&o o5tain pro*ect #inancing. 5an0s re;uire a comprehensive #easi5ilit7 stud7. including a
detailed cash #lo6 anal7sis Dhere larger pro*ects are concerned. 5an0s generall7
pre#er to spread credit ris0 57 s7ndicating the loan Conventional #inancing methods
include overdra#ts. oneB7ear discounted loans. threeB7ear loans 6ith interest pa7a5le
monthl7 and s7ndicated loans #or periods o# one to seven 7ears
&he United States E$portBImport Ban0 and the CB8 signed an agreement in 1--(
allo6ing the private sector to import US goods using E$BIm Ban0 shortB or mediumBterm
credit guarantees &o date. this program has 5een underButiliCed /ore in#ormation on
this program can 5e o5tained at E$BIm Ban0Js 6e5 page at: DDDEVI/23F
In 8anuar7 211!. the E$portBImport Ban0 o# the US signed a master guarantee
agreement 6ith the :ousing Ban0. allo6ing #irms to receive E$BIm Ban0 5ac0ed loans
through those 5an0s
Investments in 8ordan are eligi5le #or 3verseas Private Investment Corporation ?3PIC@
insurance and pro*ect #inancing &erms and conditions are #ull7 descri5ed on 3PICJs
6e5site: DDD3PIC23F
Ce7 #esources #eturn to top
E$portBImport Ban0 o# the United States: http:44666e$imgov
Countr7 "imitation Schedule: http:44666e$imgov4tools4countr74countr7Llimitshtml
3PIC: http:44666opicgov
&rade and Development <genc7: http:44666tdagov4
SB<Ms 3##ice o# International &rade: http:44666s5agov4oit4
USD< Commodit7 Credit Corporation: http:44666#sausdagov4ccc4de#aulthtm
US <genc7 #or International Development: http:44666usaidgov
Central Ban0 o# 8ordan: http:44666c5*gov*o
<ssociation o# Ban0s in 8ordan: http:44666a5*org*o
Standard Chartered Ban0: http:44666standardcharteredcom4*o4inde$html
Citi5an0: 666citi5an0com4*ordan4homepage4inde$htm
'eturn to ta5le o# contents
'eturn to ta5le o# contents
C/apter 8: Business !ra4el
Business Customs
&ravel <dvisor7
Fisa 'e;uirements
De5 'esources
Business Customs #eturn to top
Fisiting US companies #ind 8ordanJs 5usiness environment to 5e modern It is a
pro#essional and 6esterniCed 5usiness environment and most US 5usinesspersons #eel
com#orta5le doing 5usiness here <ppointments can 5e made on #airl7 short notice
Business cards in English or in English and <ra5ic are recommended It is ine$pensive
to have 5usiness cards made in a short notice Email addresses and 6e5sites should
5e included 6ith 7our contact in#ormation
In general dress code is #ormal in most 5usiness and o##icial settings English is 6idel7
spo0en in the 5usiness communit7 and in government o##ices. 5ut 0no6ing and using a
#e6 6ords in <ra5ic. especiall7 introductor7 phrases and greeting. can 5e ver7 use#ul
8ordan uses the metric s7stem o# 6eights and measures. and the monetar7 unit is the
8ordanian Dinar. 6hich is divided into 1.111 #ils +or the last #ive 7ears. the value o# the
Dinar has 5een sta5le at a rate o# e$change o# 1 8D Y >1!1 Cash is the most common
method o# pa7ment in 8ordan Pa7ments 57 ma*or credit cards are accepted in most
hotels and restaurants and in man7 shops Ban0 <&/ machines are 6idespread
!ra4el $d4isory #eturn to top
&he US State Department issues travel advisories and 6arnings +or the most current
in#ormation see http:44666travelstategov4 or visit US Em5ass7 8ordanJs 6e5site at
http:448ordanusem5ass7gov4 <utomated Consular in#ormation is availa5le at -(2B(B
%-1B(111 &he emergenc7 a#terBhours num5ers is -(2B(B%-1B(111 &he #a$ num5er is
<ll travelers are advised to re#er to the latest Consular In#ormation Sheet #or 8ordan and
travel advisories issued 57 the Bureau o# Consular <##airs Department o# State.
Dashington. DC 'ecorded travel in#ormation is availa5le at tel: 212B(!)B(22% +or
in#ormation 57 #a$. call 212B(!)B3111 Internet address: http:44travelstategov &he
state Department advises US citiCens 6ho plan to 5e in the region #or a su5stantial
period o# time to participate in the 3nline Internet 'egistration #or US citiCens residing
or traveling a5road at http:44travelregistrationstategov
<mericans living or traveling in 8ordan are encouraged to register 6ith the US Em5ass7
through the State DepartmentMs travel registration 6e5site.
https:44travelregistrationstategov and to o5tain updated in#ormation on travel and
securit7 6ithin 8ordan <mericans 6ithout Internet access ma7 register directl7 6ith the
US Em5ass7 B7 registering. <merican citiCens ma0e it easier #or the Em5ass7 to
contact them in case o# emergenc7 &he US Em5ass7 in <mman is located on <lB
Uma77a6een Street. <5doun. P3 Bo$ 3%! &he telephone num5er is -(2B(B%-1B(111
and the #a$ num5er is -(2B(B%-2B!112 &he a#terBhours emergenc7 telephone num5er is
-(2B(B%-1B(111 &he Internet 6e5site is http:44ammanusem5ass7gov &he US
Em5ass7 is open Sunda7 through &hursda7. ,:11 amB!:31 pm
.isa #e9uirements #eturn to top
US citiCens are re;uired to have visa to enter 8ordan < visa ma7 5e o5tained in
advance #rom the 8ordanian Em5ass7 in Dashington. DC
?http:44666*ordanem5ass7usorg4ne64inde$shtml@ or one o# its consulates. or at Nueen
<lia International <irport upon arrival and most 5order entr7 points &o cross into 8ordan
at the Aing :ussein4<llen57 Bridge. US citiCens must alread7 have either a visa #or
8ordan in their passports or have an entr7 permit #rom the /inistr7 o# Interior
+or #urther in#ormation. travelers ma7 contact the Em5ass7 o# the :ashemite Aingdom o#
8ordan. 3%1! International Drive. ED. Dashington. DC 2111,. telephone ?212@ -((B
2((!. Internet 6e5site 666*ordanem5ass7usorg +oreigners 6ho 6ish to sta7
#ourteen da7s or more in 8ordan must register at a 8ordanian police station 57 their
#ourteenth da7 in the countr7 +ailure to properl7 register su5*ects the traveler to a #ine
o# 1% 8ordanian dinar ?appro$imatel7 >211@ per da7 o# oversta7 ?the #ine is su5*ect to
change to 8D 34da7 ?US>!2@. &his #ine is usuall7 assessed at departure See +oreign
Entr7 'e;uirements 5rochure #or more in#ormation on 8ordan and other countries
+or entr7 and e$it re;uirements pertaining to dual nationalit7 and the prevention o#
international child a5duction. read our in#ormation at
http:44travelstategov4travel4cisLpaLt64cis4cisL1!(-html +or Customs In#ormation see
US Companies that re;uire travel o# #oreign 5usinesspersons to the United States
should 5e advised that securit7 options are handled via an interagenc7 process Fisa
applicants should go to the #ollo6ing lin0s
State Department Fisa De5site: http:44travelstategov4visa4inde$html
United States Fisasgov: http:44666unitedstatesvisasgov4
Ce7 #esources #eturn to top
State Department &ravel <dvisor7: http:44travelstategov
US Em5ass7 8ordan Consular Services: http:44666usem5ass7Bammanorg*o
State Department Fisa De5site: http:44travelstategov4visa4inde$html
3nline Internet 'egistration #or US citiCens: http:44travelregistrationstategov
United States Fisasgov http:44666unitedstatesvisasgov4
US Commercial Service 8ordan: http446665u7usagov48ordan
'eturn to ta5le o# contents
'eturn to ta5le o# contents
C/apter <: Contacts* -ar3et #esearc/* and !rade "4ents
/ar0et 'esearch
&rade Events
Contacts #eturn to top
US Em5ass7. <mman
BBU S Commercial Service. <mman
Sher7l /aas. Commercial Counselor
/una +ar0ouh. Senior Commercial
+areedon :arto;a. Commercial Specialist
International mailing address:
US Em5ass7 <mman
Commercial Section
P3 Bo$ 3%!
<mman 1111,. 8ordan
US Domestic mail address:
US Em5ass7 <mman.
Commercial Section
<P3. <E 1-,-2
&elephone: ?-(2@ ?(@ %-1B((32
+a$: ?-(2@ ?(@ %-2B11!(
BBEconomic Section
Eatalie Bro6n. Economic Counselor
Aristen Pisani. Economic 3##icer
De5orah Dinters. Economic 3##icer
/ar0 Dilson. Economic 3##icer
/anu Bhalla. Environment. Science and
&echnolog7 :u5 3##icer
/ohammed Ahraise7. <griculture Specialist
/usta#a /usta#a. Economic Specialist
'ana Sa#adi. Environmental Specialist
International mailing address:
US Em5ass7 <mman
Economic Section
P3 Bo$ 3%!
<mman 1111,. 8ordan
US Domestic mail address:
US Em5ass7 <mman.
Economic Section
<P3. <E 1-,-2B1211
&elephone: ?-(2@ ?(@ %-1B(111 $(%%,
+a$: ?-(2@ ?(@ %-2B)(%3
BBUS <genc7 #or International
Development. <mman
International mailing address:
US<ID48ordan Economic 3pportunities
US Em5ass7 <mman
P3 Bo$ 3%!
<mman 1111,. 8ordan
US Domestic mail address:
US Em5ass7 <mman. US<ID
<P3. <E 1-,-2B1211
<nn <arnes. Director
&elephone: ?-(2@ ?(@ %-2B((1!
+a$: ?-(2@ ?(@ %-2B11!3
'elevant 8ordanian 2overnment
/inistr7 o# Industr7 and &rade
P3 Bo$ 211-. <mman. 8ordan
&elephone: ?-(2@ ?(@ %(1B)1-14 %((B
+a$: ?-(2@ ?(@ %(1B3)214%(,B!(-2
8ordan Investment Board
P3 Bo$ ,-3. <mman 11,21. 8ordan
&elephone: ?-(2@ ?(@ %%3B11,14243
+a$: ?-(2@ ?(@ %%2B11,!
EBmail: in#oW*ipcom*o
8ordan E$port Development and
Commercial Centers Corporation ?8EDC3@
P3 Bo$ ))1!. <mman 1111,. 8ordan
&elephone: ?-(2@ ?(@ %(1B3%1)
+a$: ?-(2@ ?(@ %(,B!%(,
EBmail: *edcoW*edcogov*o
8ordan Industrial Estates Corporation
P3 Bo$ -%12),. <mman 111-%. 8ordan
P3 Bo$ 1). Saha5 Industrial Estate.
<mman. 8ordan
&elephone: ?-(2@ ?(@ !12B211143
+a$: ?-(2@ ?(@ !12B11-!
EBmail: in#oW*ieccom*o
+ree Uones Corporation
P3 Bo$ 2113(. <mman. 8ordan
&elephone: ?-(2@ ?%@ 3,2B(!2-
+a$: ?-(2@ ?%@ 3,2B(!31
Central Ban0 o# 8ordan
P3 Bo$ 3). <mman 1111,. 8ordan
&elephone: ?-(2@ ?(@ !(3B13114-
+a$: ?-(2@ ?(@ !(3B,,,-4!(3B-)31
2eneral Sales &a$ Department
&elephone: ?-(2@ ?(@ %,2B3!!14%,2B33-2
+a$: ?-(2@ ?(@ %,2B33-%
<;a5a Special Economic Uone <uthorit7
P 3 Bo$ 2%(%. <;a5a ))111. 8ordan
&elephone: ?-(2@ ?3@ 213B%)%)
+a$: ?-(2@ ?3@ 213B1-12
Cham5ers o# Commerce and &rade
<merican Cham5er o# Commerce
8ordanian <merican Business <ssociation
P3 Bo$ -!1,(%. <mman 111-!. 8ordan
&elephone: ?-(2@ ?(@ %(%B1,(141
+a$: ?-(2@ ?(@ %(%B1,(2
EBmail: mailW*a5aorg*o
+ederation o# 8ordanian Cham5ers o#
Commerce and
<mman Cham5er o# Commerce ?<CC@
P3 Bo$ 2,). <mman. 8ordan
&elephone: ?-(2@ ?(@ %((B%!-24%((B(1%1
+a$: ?-(2@ ?(@ %(,B%--)4%((B(1%%
<mman Cham5er o# Industr7
P3 Bo$ 1,11. <mman. 8ordan
&elephone: ?-(2@ ?(@ !(!B!%(-4!(!B3111
+a$: ?-(2@ ?(@ !(!B),%2
EBmail: aciWaciorg*o
8ordan E$porters <ssociation
P3 Bo$ ,31!32. <mman. 8ordan
&elephone: ?-(2@ ?(@ %(,B%(134!
+a$: ?-(2@ ?(@ %(,B%(1%
EBmail: *taWgocom*o
8ordanian Businessmen <ssociation ?8B<@
P3 Bo$ -2(1,2. <mman. 8ordan
&elephone: ?-(2@ ?(@ %(,B1,%%4%(1B!!2!
+a$: ?-(2@ ?(@ %(,B1((3
EBmail: *5aWnetscom*o
<mman Dorld &rade Center
P3 Bo$ -(21!1. <mman. 8ordan
&elephone: ?-(2@ ?(@ %(1B%)-142
+a$: ?-(2@ ?(@ %(1B%)-3
EBmail: lsarhniWa6cccom
In#ormation &echnolog7 <ssociation o#
8ordan ?IE&<8@
P3 Bo$ 23,3
<mman 11-%3. 8ordan
&elephone: ?-(2@ ?(@ %1%B2322
+a$: ?-(2@ ?(@ %1%B23!!
EBmail: in#oWinta*net
Business and Pro#essional DomenJs
<ssociation ?BPD<@
&elephone: ?-(2@ ?(@ %%1B1(!)4,
8ordan Societ7 o# &ourist = &ravel <gents
&elephone: ?-(2@ ?(@ !(3B,%--
+a$: ?-(2@ ?(@ %()B,2-%
EBmail: *t5Wnetscom*o
"icensed Ban0s. +inancial Institutions =
&he Stoc0 E$change
P3 Bo$ %1%%. <mman 111,3. 8ordan
&elephone: ?-(2@ ?(@ !(!B!1(%422)(
+a$: ?-(2@ ?(@ !(%B,(-34!(!B1-23
P3 Bo$ -2%2,(. <mman 11111. 8ordan
&elephone: ?-(2@ ?(@ %(1B)!)1
+a$: ?-(2@ ?(@ %(,B21!)
EBmail: hs5cB*oWnetscom*o
Standard and Chartered
P3 Bo$ ---). <mman 111-1. 8ordan
&elephone: ?-(2@ ?(@ %(1B)211
+a$: ?-(2@ ?(@ %()B-11%
EBmail: CahranmWanCcom
<ra5 Ban0 "imited
P3 Bo$ -%1%!%. <mman 111-%. 8ordan
&elephone: ?-(2@ ?(@ %(1B)231
+a$: ?-(2@ ?(@ %(1B()-3
EBmail: internationalWara55an0com*o
&he :ousing Ban0
P3 Bo$ )(-3. <mman 1111,. 8ordan
&elephone: ?-(2@ ?(@ %(1B)31%
+a$: ?-(2@ ?(@ %()B,121
EBmail: :B:3W23C3/83
CairoB<mman Ban0
P3 Bo$ -%1((1. <mman 111-%. 8ordan
&elephone: ?-(2@ ?(@ !(1B(-11
+a$: ?-(2@ ?(@ !(!B2,-1
EBmail: IE+3WC<LB<EAC3/83
<ra5 Ban0ing Corporation48ordan
P3 Bo$ -2((-1. <mman 11111. 8ordan
&elephone: ?-(2@ ?(@ %((B!1,3
+a$: ?-(2@ ?(@ %(,B(2-1
EBmail: IE+3W<BCC3/83
8ordan Eational Ban0
P3 Bo$ 3113. <mman 111,1. 8ordan
&elephone: ?-(2@ ?(@ %(2B22,2
+a$: ?-(2@ ?(@ %(2B22,1
EBmail: 8EBW23C3/83
Ban0 o# 8ordan
P3 Bo$ 21!1. <mman 111,1. 8ordan
&elephone: ?-(2@ ?(@ %(-B(2))
+a$: ?-(2@ ?(@ %(-B(2-1
EBmail: B38W23C3/83
8ordan 2ul# Ban0
P3 Bo$ --,-. <mman 111-1. 8ordan
&elephone: ?-(2@ ?(@ %(1B3-31
+a$: ?-(2@ ?(@ %((B!111
EBmail: '=DB82BW+I'S&EI&C3/83
8ordan Au6ait Ban0
P3 Bo$ -))(. <mman 111-1. 8ordan
&elephone: ?-(2@ ?(@ %(,B,,1!
+a$: ?-(2@ ?(@ %(-B%(1!
EBmail: DEB/<S&E'W8AB<EAC3/83
Union Ban0 #or Savings and Investment
P3 Bo$ 3%11!. <mman 111,1. 8ordan
&elephone: ?-(2@ ?(@ %(1B)111
+a$: ?-(2@ ?(@ %((B(1!-
EBmail: IE+3WUEI3EB<EA83C3/
8ordan Investment and +inance Ban0
P3 Bo$ -%1(11. <mman 111-%. 8ordan
&elephone: ?-(2@ ?(@ %((B%1!%
+a$: ?-(2@ ?(@ %(,B1!11
EBmail: 8I+B<EAWIEDEVC3/83
<ra5 8ordan Investment Ban0
P3 Bo$ ,)-). <mman 11121. 8ordan
&elephone: ?-(2@ ?(@ %(1B)12(
+a$: ?-(2@ ?(@ %(,B1!,2
EBmail: SU:<I"%!W+I'S&EE&C3/83
Societe 2eneral
P3Bo$ %(1. <mman 1111,. 8ordan
&elephone: ?-(2@ ?(@ %(-B%!)1
+a$: ?-(2@ ?(@ %(-B3!11
E$port and +inance Ban0
P 3 Bo$ -!12,3. <mman 111-!. 8ordan
&elephone: ?-(2@ ?(@ %(-B!2%1
+a$: ?-(2@ ?(@ %(-B21(2
EBmail: IE+3WE+B<EAC3/83
Industrial Development Ban0
P3 Bo$ 1-,2. <mman. 8ordan
&elephone: ?-(2@ ?(@ !(!B221(
+a$: ?-(2@ ?(@ !(!B),21
8ordan Islamic Ban0
P3 Bo$ -2(22%. <mman 11111. 8ordan
&elephone: ?-(2@ ?(@ %((B(32(
+a$: ?-(2@ ?(@ %((B(32(
EBmail: 8IBWIS"</ICB<EAC3/
<mman Stoc0 E$change
P3 Bo$ 212!((. <mman 11121. 8ordan
&elephone: ?-(2@ ?(@ %((B!11-4%((B!1,1
+a$: ?-(2@ ?(@ %((B!1)1
EBmail: e$changeWgocom*o
8ordan Securities Commission ?8SC@
P3 Bo$ ,,12. <mman. 8ordan
&elephone: ?-(2@ ?(@ %(1B)1)1
+a$: ?-(2@ ?(@ %(,B(,31
Securities Depositor7 Center ?SDC@
P3 Bo$ 212!(%. <mman 11121. 8ordan
&elephone: ?-(2@ ?(@ %()B2),,
Institute o# Ban0ing Studies ?not a 5an0@
P3 Bo$ 13),. <mman 11-%3. 8ordan
&elephone: ?-(2@ ?(@ %%3B(3-%
+a$: ?-(2@ ?(@ %%3B21--
EBmail: generaldirectorWi5sedu*o
<ra5 Credit and Commercial In#ormation
<mman. 8ordan
&elephone: ?-(2@ ?(@ %(,B3)-,4-
+a$: ?-(2@ ?(@ %(,B3)-1
EBmail: IE+3W<CSC3/83
DashingtonB5ased US 2overnment
&PCC &rade In#ormation Center 4
&elephone: 1B,11BUS<B&'<DE
8ordan Des0 3##icer
3##ice o# the /iddle East
US Department o# Commerce
Street and Constitution <venue. ED
Dashington. DC 21231
&elephone: ?212@ !,2B1,)1
+a$: ?212@ !,2B%1)-
8ordan Des0 3##icer
US Department o# State
Des0 3##icers #or 8ordan. S7ria and
EE<4<'E. Department o# State
2211 C Street ED. '/ 231,
Dashington. DC 21%21
&elephone: ?212@ (!)B11%,
+a$: ?212@ (!)B1-,-
Program <ssistant. <#rica = the /iddle East
+oreign <gricultural Service
Department o# <griculture
Dashington. DC
&elephone: ?212@ )21B3222
+a$: ?212@ )21B%1,3
3verseas Private Investment Corporation
1111 Ee6 Gor0 <venue. ED
Dashington. DC 21%2)
&elephone: ?212@ 33(B,)--
+a$: ?212@ !1,B-,%-
E$portBImport Ban0 ?E$imBBan0@
,11 Fermont <venue. ED
Dashington DC 21%)1
&elephone: ?,11@ %(%B3-!( or ?212@ %(%B
+a$: ?212@ %(%B33,1

US &rade = Development <genc7 ?&D<@
1(21 Eorth Aent Street. Suite 311
<rlington. F< 2221-
&elephone: ?)13@ ,)%B!3%)
+a$: ?)13@ ,)%B!11-
3ther 'elevant Contacts
8ordanian Em5ass7. D<S:IE2&3E
3%1! International Drive. ED
Dashington DC 2111,
&elephone: ?212@ -((B2((!
+a$: ?212@ 2!!B123-
EBmail: *ordanctrWaolcom
Eational US <ra5 Cham5er o# Commerce
1111 Ee6 Gor0 <venue. ED
East &o6er. Suite %%1
Dashington. DC 2111%
&elephone: ?212@ 2,-B%-21
+a$: ?212@ 2,-B%-3,
3ther 'elevant De5BSites
US Em5ass7. <mman. 8ordan
Commercial Service <mman
US Department o# Commerce
US State Department
US Customs Department
E$portBImport Ban0 o# the US
3verseas Private Investment Corporation
US &rade and Development <genc7
US Department o# <griculture. +oreign
<gricultural Service
US &rade 'epresentative
Dorld Ban0 ?not a US 2ovt <genc7@
US Cham5er o# Commerce
Eational USB<ra5 Cham5er o# Commerce
Business 'oundta5le
8ordanian 2overnment De5sites
8ordanian Em5ass7 in Dashington
8ordan Customs Department
/inistr7 o# Industr7 and &rade
+ree Uones Corporation
Central Ban0 o# 8ordan
&elecommunications 'egulator7
/inistr7 o# Post = Communications
/inistr7 o# Planning
/inistr7 o# Energ7 and /ineral 'esources
8ordan Department o# Statistics
8ordanian /inistr7 o# :ealth
8ordan E$port Development and
Commercial Centers Corporation
Eational In#ormation Center. <mman.
'o7al Scienti#ic Societ7
/inistr7 o# &ourism = <nti;uities
Petra ?8ordanian government ne6s agenc7@
8ordan Civil <viation <uthorit7
8ordanian 3rganiCations and Business
+&<B8ordan E$porters <ssociation
8ordan Investment Board
8ordanian <merican Business <ssociation
<mman Cham5er o# Commerce
<mman Cham5er o# Industr7
<mman Dorld &rade Center
+ederation o# 8ordanian Cham5ers o#
<;a5a Special Economic Uone
8ordan Industrial Estates Corporation
8ordanian BusinessmenJs <ssociation ?8B<@
In#ormation &echnolog7 <ssociation o#
8ordan ?IE&<8@
Business and Pro#essional DomenJs
8ordan Societ7 o# &ourist and &ravel <gents
8ordanian <ssociation o# /anu#acturers o#
Pharmaceuticals and /edical <ppliances
English "anguage Press ?Dail7@
&he 8ordan &imes
&he Star
8ordanian Universities
8ordan Universit7 o# Science and
Garmou0 Universit7
Universit7 o# 8ordan
:is /a*est7 Aing <5dullah
8ordanJs Gello6 Eet
<ccessme ?general interest@
&rade Point Development Center
2oogle 8ordan
-ar3et #esearc/ #eturn to top
&o vie6 mar0et research reports produced 57 the US Commercial Service please go to
the #ollo6ing 6e5site: http:44666e$portgov4mar0etresearchhtml and clic0 on Countr7
and Industr7 /ar0et 'eports
Please note that these reports are onl7 availa5le to US citiCens and US companies
'egistration to the site is re;uired. 5ut #ree o# charge
J!rade "4ents #eturn to top
Please clic0 on the lin0 5elo6 #or in#ormation on upcoming trade events
?<dd lin0 to trade events section o# local 5u7usagov 6e5site here or *ust delete this
'eturn to ta5le o# contents
'eturn to ta5le o# contents
C/apter 00: Guide to %ur Ser4ices
&he US Commercial Service o##ers customiCed solutions to help 7our 5usiness enter
and succeed in mar0ets 6orld6ide 3ur glo5al net6or0 o# trade specialists 6ill 6or0
oneBonBone 6ith 7ou through ever7 step o# the e$porting process. helping 7ou to:
&arget the 5est mar0ets 6ith our 6orldBclass research
Promote 7our products and services to ;uali#ied 5u7ers
/eet the 5est distri5utors and agents #or 7our products and services
3vercome potential challenges or trade 5arriers
+or more in#ormation on the services the US Commercial Service o##ers US
5usinesses. please clic0 on the lin0 5elo6
?Insert lin0 to Products and Services section o# local 5u7usagov 6e5site here@
'eturn to ta5le o# contents
US e$porters see0ing general e$port in#ormation4assistance or countr7Bspeci#ic commercial
in#ormation should consult 6ith their nearest "Eport $ssistance Center or the U.S. Department
of CommerceKs !rade Information Center at 18002 US$:!#$D". or go to the #ollo6ing 6e5site:
&o the 5est o# our 0no6ledge. the in#ormation contained in this report is accurate as o# the date
pu5lished :o6ever. !/e Department of Commerce does not ta0e responsi5ilit7 #or actions
readers ma7 ta0e 5ased on the in#ormation contained herein 'eaders should al6a7s conduct
their o6n due diligence 5e#ore entering into 5usiness ventures or other commercial
arrangements !/e Department of Commerce can assist companies in these endeavors

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