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Ambassador To The Elite

Steps Out Of The Shadows To Expose

The Post-2012 New orld Order
! Eli "oo# !
Copyright 2009 Eli Rook, LLC, All rights reserved WORLDWIDE
Version 1.04 Released September 11
, 2009
Visit for latest version.
Apply to become an insider. ant
to have all the advanta!es the elite
have" hat #ould $our life be li%e if
$ou had access to #ealth, po#er, and
influence" &o# man$ people could $ou
help" 'ind out ho# b$ ta%in! m$ (nsider
)hallen!e. 'or details, visit:
The contents of this and other Illuminati
documents $ou receive are referenced in the
subliminall$ ciphered ps$cholo!ical
depro!rammin! e*perience called +,he -e#
orld .rder )ountdo#n /ame0, #hich contains
over 14 hours of video and lin%s to resources
meant to help $ou uncover ne# %no#led!e and
harness $our (lluminati po#ers.
The New World Order Assimilation
Dossier is the first publication in the
1ssimilation )ampai!n series. (t reveals the
ra# !ritt$ depth of delusions e*perienced b$
those #ho consider themselves +a#a%e0.
2ou3ll learn ho# almost ever$thin! $ou3ve
been told b$ the conspirac$ theorists is a
lie, and #hat the ultimate !oal of the
(lluminati R41552 is. 6o#nload the
1ssimilation 6ossier here:
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h* This +oo# 's $ree
,he 20 piece puDDle buildin! +-e# orld .rder )ountdo#n /ame E Round
2: Reven!e of the S#ine 'lu0 #as sta!ed from 1u!ust 1
, throu!h 1u!ust 20
1s the final puDDle piece dropped on the !ame board, pla$ers #ere
offered a challen!e to !uess the secret 8R5 for m$ ne# boo% FFFFFFFFFFFF FF FF
,he first person #ho !uessed the secret 8R5 before 1u!ust 2G
receive a H1000I !rand priDe. 1ll the #inner had to do #as fi!ure out #hat
the secret 8R5 #as and post it to the )ountdo#n /ame :astermind /roup forum
on 'aceboo%.
7la$ers #ere also told if no one !uessed the secret 8R5 b$ 1u!ust 2G
onl$ active participants in the New World Order Countdown Game, and o#ners
of the New World Order Assimilation Dossier #ould !et the ne# boo%,
Confessions of an Invisible Illuminati, '.R 'R44 on the September 1
Confessions #ould be sold to everyone else for H100 a cop$ thereafter.
ould $ou believe it onl$ too% AG minutes for someone to fi!ure out the
secret 8R5"J
And are you aware you owe a debt of
!ratitude to that person"
9ecause ( also attached a special condition to the challen!e... (
a!reed that if someone found the secret 8R5 b$ 1u!ust 2G
, (3d not onl$
!ive them the H1000 priDe mone$, but (3d also ma%e the do#nloadable version
of m$ ne# boo%, Confessions of an Invisible Illuminati, 19S.58,452 'R44 to
ever$one C forever.
,hat3s ri!ht, this boo% #ould have been priced at H100 if it had not
been for a clever individual #ho !uessed the secret 8R5 and enabled $ou to
hold a cop$ of this boo% in $our hands toda$, at no costJ
9ased on the sales proKections, ( put over H100,000 of revenue on the
line, and ( lost it in onl$ AG minutes.
So enKo$ the boo%J 1nd remember, there are people out there #ho are
constantl$ doin! thin!s to help brin! an abundance of value into $our life,
at no cost. 2ou are li%el$ una#are, and innocentl$ unappreciative of the
man$ thin!s other people are doin! to ma%e $our life easier and more
So the ne*t time $ou feel li%e complainin!, and blamin! $our problems
on a business, or a !roup of people, ( ur!e $ou to be e*tremel$ cautious.
2ou mi!ht #ant to consider the possibilit$ of #hether or not $ou3d be
better off if the$ simpl$ #ithdre# their efforts to help $ou.
Table Of %o,te,ts
REFERENCE ........................................................... 2
DISCLAIMERS ....................................................... 3
Why This Book Is Free .......................................... 4
Foreword .............................................................. 6
Inrod!"ion ....................................................... ##
Who Is E$i Rook% ................................................ 2&
Wh' Is he New Wor$d (rder% .......................... 66
Why Did They Choose Me% ............................... #&2
Where Are We )e'ded% .................................... #44
)ow Did I *e +In,% .......................................... #-6
Why Sho!$d .o! /oin An I$$!0in'i So"iey% .... #12
Three Sho"kin3 Con4essions ............................. 2#2
.o!r B$!e5rins 4or Es"'5e ............................... 226
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e &

,han% $ou for obtainin! a cop$ of m$
second publication, Confessions of An
Invisible Illuminati.
( appreciate $our ea!erness to !ain access
to the %no#led!e #e3re revealin!, and (
hope $ou3re entertained as #e proceed.
(3m #ritin! #ith the
anticipation of
succeedin! at further brea%in! do#n the
barriers standin! bet#een $ou and the
ans#ers $ou3ve been searchin! for, and to
e*pand on #hat $ou3ve alread$ learned in
m$ first publication, The New World Order
Assimilation Dossier.
Confessions is Kust one publication in a strin! of
#or%s to be released from earl$ 2009 until the revolution
is complete. ( encoura!e $ou to obtain and revie# the
6ossier to best understand and inte!rate the contents
presented in this boo%, and each future 1ssimilation
)ampai!n publication.
,he 1ssimilation 6ossier #as crafted
to be a fastEtrac%ed, #ell outlined
assault on the mind, meant to obliterate
the illusions promoted b$ paranoid
conspirac$ theorists E to rearran!e the
reader3s perspectives, so he or she ma$
be prepared to assimilate a ne# #orld
order usin! the po#er of the (lluminati
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e '

(t3s a d$namic publication in that it serves as both an
entr$ level debriefin!, and an advanced level manifesto.
ith each ne# readin! throu!hout $our Kourne$ to#ard
illumination, the short, sharp, bullets of %no#led!e #ill
continue to increasin!l$ pierce the illusions $ou ma$ have
previousl$ held as realit$.
Obtained by thousands of individuals soon after its
release (many of whom were online personalities and film
maers you mi!ht already be familiar with" the Dossier
served as a lens to observe the never before revealed depth
of Illuminati ma#hinations$ (After its release, we
witnessed #onspira#y #ulture !o throu!h a mu#h needed
paradi!m shift away from silly myths su#h as %u#iferianism,
&'O(s, and mysti#al tomfoolery$"
This publication is different.
(nstead of bein! a ri!id topE
do#n, inE$ourEface barra!e of
#ide scope perspectives, it3s a
smoothEflo#in! narrative desi!ned
to set up the frame#or% necessar$
to accuratel$ depict the +ne#
(lluminati movement0.
&avin! alread$ read the
1ssimilation 6ossier, this
publication helps the reader
cultivate a detailed vision to
embrace #hile travelin! the path
to #ealth, freedom, and
soverei!nt$ in the ne# #orld order.
hile bein! a hi!hl$ accessible, dependable companion
to the common individual #ho ma$ be enterin! the #orld of
esoteric %no#led!e #ith confusion and fear, this #or% E
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e (

part lecture, part novella E brin!s forth a ne# dimension
to one3s selfEdiscover$ of their o#n (lluminati po#ers.
(3ve tried to ma%e sure the events and the accounts
(3ve disclosed be as vivid as possible. (3ve also set out
to e*plain as much as ( can conceptuall$, but there 1R4
limitations (3m forced to observe.
Some of the names and places mentioned
#ere altered or omitted to protect the
identities of those still operatin!
behind the scenes, and there are some
details ( simpl$ #on3t delve into out of
respect for the inte!rit$ of the
unfoldin! a!enda.
7redictions have been put forth to be
as accurate as possible, but as al#a$s,
-.,&(-/ is set in stone. L1 house of
cards can fall man$ different directions, dependin! on
#hich card is pulled first, and #hen.M
)in#e the publi#ation of the Assimilation Dossier I(ve
earned respe#t from T*O&)AND) of online friends be#ause
I(ve offered free information about events before they
happened$ New developments seem to be unfoldin! faster and
faster +,+-. DA., so I &-G+ .O& stay leap ahead of the herd
by tain! my Insider's Challenge$
)o to my website and apply to become an Insider for *+,,:
Armed with the foundational nowled!e you re#eive
throu!hout this publi#ation, and what you re#eive as an
Insider, you possess I/+N)+ advanta!es as we move toward
this new world order$
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e -

(n Confessions of an Invisible Illuminati, $ou3ll !o
bac% in time #ith me and retrace m$ steps from the ver$
be!innin! (so you now e0a#tly what it taes to start from
the very bottom 1 a nobody 1 and rise to infiltrate hi!hly
!uarded #ir#les of wealth and power".
/et read$ to e*perience a first hand tour into the deep
ps$cholo!ical inner #or%in!s of someone dedicated, #ith his
#hole heart, to see the -e# orld .rder prevail.
-ever before has there been an autobio!raphical account
revealin! so much depth into #hat it means to be part of
the lon! tradition responsible for !uidin! humanit$ to
increased health, #ealth, and
intelli!ence throu!hout the $ears.
,he purpose of our time to!ether
is not Kust to let $ou into m$ life
and understand m$ stor$, but to
!ive $ou the .NOW/,D), E the rare
!ems E so man$ people Kust li%e $ou
have been searchin! for, onl$ to
uncover dead end conspirac$
theories and disinformation.
As I re$eal this knowled!e to you0 I ur!e you to
continually 1uestion deeply what it is you want in life:
(s it $our destin$ to ascend to !reat po#er, #ealth,
and influence E so $ou can help accelerate the !lobal
shift into the ne# #orld order"
.r do $ou desire to simpl$ survive amicabl$, enKo$in! a
peaceful life of happiness, safet$, and comfort #hile
the -e# orld .rder revolutioniDes the social and
financial s$stems of the postmodern a!e"
,ither way0 you can ha$e it all...
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 23

=ust remember as #e Doom for#ard throu!h the ne*t fe#
decades, the outcome $ou e*perience is 100B 2.8R )&.()4.
2ou3ll face man$ challen!es, Kust
as $ou have in the past...
1nd readin! this entire
publication #ill help $ou step into
the ne# #orld fully armed #ith the
TOO/4 $ou need, as #e sno#ball to#ard
the inevitable.
hether $ou3ve been searchin! for
decades, or $ou consider $ourself a
ne#l$ ener!iDed revolutionar$
desperatel$ see%in! ans#ers to the puDDlin! m$steries
$ou3ve encountered... this #or% is structured to deliver
the clarit$ and focus needed
as $ou march to#ard the
elusive obvious.
9$ the end of $our Kourne$ E
from this point for#ard, to
the ver$ last pa!e of this
controversial #or% E the man$
subliminal tri!!ers planted
throu!hout this te*t #ill
activate somethin! inside
that mi!ht fri!hten or
surprise $ou...
Don5t be alarmed.
L2ou3re onl$ tappin! into the (lluminati :astermindM
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 22

/rand :aster (lluminatus =esus )hrist sat fastin! b$
his favorite stream on a hot summer afternoon, ponderin!
ho# he could help his peasant brothers and sisters discover
the !lorious re#ards of harnessin! their o#n individual
conscious po#er.
&e had no sacred te*ts, no Nuantum ph$sics research, no
2ou,ube... &e #as armed onl$ #ith his o#n inte!rated
thou!hts and a love for all man%ind.
2*ow #an I spea$$$ in a
way they mi!ht understand
me3 And if I #annot spea
in a way they mi!ht
understand me$$$ how #an I
spea in way they mi!ht do
what is best for
themselves$$$ that whi#h
they are forbidden to do by
the Chur#h3 *ow mi!ht I
lead them to their benefit,
without their resistan#e,
without the use of for#e34
5ittle did he %no#, the brea%throu!h he e*perienced
that da$ L#hen he first envisioned ho# to effectivel$ teach
his ideas to the peasants sufferin! in a DombieEli%e state
of nonEconsciousnessM #as the teachin! method that #ould
eventuall$ continue on #ithout him, freein! men and #omen
#ho still suffer in that same Dombie state 2000 $ears
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 26

=esus passionatel$ #anted to help those preEconscious
peasants. &e understood that human bein!s #ere not subKect
to the authorit$ of a nonEe*istent /od, as the 9ible no#
describes, nor #ere the$ livin!
onl$ to reach a ma%e believe
spiritual realm upon death,
such as nonEe*istent 9iblical
&e %ne# instead that +/od0
Lthe hallucinated voice of /od
those i!norant peasants
+heard0M, #as not out there, or
up there, but (-S(64.
&e %ne# that +&eaven0 E the
idea of an afterlife those
peasants ima!ined E #asn3t to
come from sacrifice,
subservience to authorit$, or
an eventual death...
-o E &eaven #as a state of
bein!... the e*perience of
enKo$in! creativit$ and love
68R(-/ life.
7esus disco$ered nature5s most co$eted secret0
and he was 89+D,+,D for tryin! to teach it.
1 fe# hundred $ears passed, and b$ the time of
)onstantine, the )hurch elders %ne# the$ couldn3t stop
=esus3 discover$ of the secret... So the$ too% the onl$
available action the$ had left to hold on to their
parasitic po#er and continue rulin! over the feebleEminded
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 2:

They adopted #hristianity.
...9ut the$ did this onl$ after t#istin! and
manipulatin! =esus3 #ords, and the #ords of his 1postles,
in order to suit the )hurch3s criminal authoritarian a!enda
E to remain in control... to continue carr$in! out acts of
parasitism... and continue feastin!
upon =esus3 floc%.
&umanit$ #as then thrust into the
6ar% 1!es, and althou!h t$rann$ has
been fou!ht off valiantl$ since the
Renaissance, the tradition of mental
and ph$sical parasitism still carries
on toda$, in the )hurches of nearl$
all #orld reli!ions.
9ut no matter ho# badl$ the )hurch
elders t#isted and manipulated =esus3 messa!e to suit their
patholo!ical !oal of controllin! the minds of his follo#ers
throu!hout the $ears E -o matter ho# badl$ those
manipulations crippled the potential for billions of people
over the centuries #ho too% faith in corrupted, fallacious
)hurchEcontrolled interpretations of =esus )hrist3s
inte!rall$ honest conscious
conceptions E the true messa!e lin!ers
on... (ndestructibl$... 4ternall$...
,he establishment responsible for
murderin! )hrist is the same
establishment that #arped,
pla!iariDed, and distorted his messa!e
throu!hout the dar% a!es and fed lies
to his follo#ers for t#o millenia.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 2;

,hat same establishment holds our peasant brothers and
sisters do#n toda$, hidin! the %no#led!e that #ill free
humanit$ from the bonda!e of m$sticism and authoritarian
,hat establishment is
bein! sabota!ed b$ the
-e# orld .rder. (ts da$s
are numbered.
1s sill$ ancient
reli!ions be!an to #ither
a#a$, becomin! nothin!
more than a collection of
elite po#er structures
intended to hold an
i!norant populace in
mental and se*ual
bonda!e, a much !reater
authoritarian menace !re#
in sophistication to
threaten the naturalE
!iven libert$ of each
!lobal citiDen on
That menace is the 4tate.
(n fact, toda$, the reli!ion of the State is not one of
subservience to the invisible man in the s%$, but one of
sacrifice and sufferin! to support the politicall$ enabled
criminal behavior inside the business #orld, and to combat
the illusionar$ scarcit$ of 4arth3s resources C schemes
full$ supported b$ a destructive political a!enda of
deficit spendin! and environmental pseudoEscience.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 2<

,he State drains the productive class in order to
support the livelihood of the rulin! class, #hile leavin! a
trail of dead bodies in its destructive #a%e.
,he messa!e =esus brou!ht forth 2000 $ears a!o Lthe
same messa!e that #as silenced b$ )hurch eldersM is
successfull$ brin!in! about the demise of m$stical
reli!ions toda$. ,hat same messa!e, based on nature3s
!reatest secret, is also brin!in! about the demise of the
State C no matter ho# bi! and believable their leviathan
7onDi schemes mi!ht !ro#.
6on3t be fooled, =esus
#as not the son of a
m$stical /od. &e #as Kust
another person throu!hout
histor$ #ho discovered
nature3s !reatest secret and
sou!ht to share it #ith the
#orld Las did 6a Vinci,
5oc%e, =efferson, -apoleon
&ill, /andhi, :alcolm <, and
=ohn 5ennon too...M
7ust like you ha$e.
ithout support for the t#o pillars of authoritarianism
Lthe irrationalit$ of reli!ion and the dishonest$ of
politicsM the establishment #ill collapse. (t #ill no
lon!er be able to drain civiliDation of ener!$, creativit$,
and life. ithout the authoritarian establishment,
civiliDation #ill instead soar into a profound ne# #orld
order of health, prosperit$, libert$, and peace.
&nder the new proto#ols des#ribed in a later #hapter,
those two pillars supportin! the authoritarian hoa0 are now
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 2&

#rumblin! at an e0ponential rate$ They(re #rumblin! be#ause
!lobal #iti5ens who are aware of the hoa0 are #urrently
withdrawin! their support in re#ord numbers$
-o#, #ith that bein! said, #e3ll for!e on#ard. 2ou3ve
no doubt opened this boo% #ith the ur!ent desire to sin%
$our teeth in to the steamin! ra# red meat of (lluminati
secrets and -e# orld .rder insider confessions...
=ou ha$e many 1uestions.
2ou #ant to %no# the secrets of the secret
societies. 2ou #ant insider information. 2ou
#ant to %no# about 9/11. 2ou #ant to %no#
about vaccinations. 2ou #ant to
%no# about the technolo!ical
control !rid. 2ou #ant to %no#
about population control.
( #ill !ive $ou plent$ of
ans#ers... but onl$ on :2 terms. ,here3s a
lon! tradition (3m observin! as ( spea% candidl$ about m$
involvement in the -e# orld .rder. 2ou3ll receive from me
#hat ( deem relevant, #hat ( feel is necessar$ in helpin!
$ou come to terms #ith $our fears and desires. 9ut (
promise $ou3ll #al% a#a$ #ith ever$thin! $ou must %no# to
become prepared in the comin! $ears ahead.
,his document contains combinations of
truthful tidbits $ou mi!ht have alread$
come across in the outside #orld. 2et, the
#a$ those tidbits are dra#n to!ether #ill
allo# $ou to #al% a#a$ #ith somethin! $ou
mi!ht have never understood had $ou not
e*perienced #hat $ou alread$ %no# the #a$
(3m !oin! to present it to $ou..
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 2'

2ou3ll receive the reEassembled puDDle picture, made up
of the man$ fra!mented thou!hts scattered in $our mind, as
( e*tract #hat $ou alread$ %no#, and reform it, insertin!
the missin! pieces E !ivin! the bi! picture increased
clarit$ and dimension.
1s ( hand it bac% to $ou, to reveal an
entirel$ different picture than the one
$ou3ve been holdin! in $our mind until
this ver$ moment, $ou can suddenl$ move
in the direction $ou need to be movin!.
(f $ou choose to proceed alon! that path,
there #ill be more C :8)& :.R4.
8y obecti$es are as follows...
( intend to illustrate the 8IND4,T b$ #hich ( operate
in order to help $ou full$ understand the mental shift
$ou3ll e*perience #hen
$ou Koin us.
( !ive $ou a
comfortable position to
peer deep inside E to
understand m$ values, m$
perspectives, m$
motivations E to observe
the structure in #hich (
or!aniDe and e*ecute m$
thou!hts to produce
profit, and achieve
.ne is lost in
constant stru!!le and sta!nation #ithout understandin! the
mechanics of mone$, po#er, and control...
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 2(

So $ou3ll learn the
4T+AT,)I,4 ( used to advance m$
penetration into the secret
#orld of po#er.
( #ant $ou to #al% a#a$
#ith the T,#>NI?9,4 $ou3ll need
in order to fastEtrac% $our o#n
pro!ress C startin!
'inall$, ( intend to
leave $ou #ith the @/9,%+INT4 (
recommend usin! if $ou too #ish
to disconnect and depart from
the lethal #orld of criminalities, economic collapse, and
voluntar$ stru!!le E #hich ma$ continue to cripple the
Nualit$ of life e*perienced b$ those around $ou.
hether $ou #ant to become #ealth$ and influential, or
$ou Kust #ant to live free and clear #hile the comin! storm
of economic failures and social unrest s#eep across the
!lobeO the ans#ers are streamin! to#ard $ou li%e bullets in
slo# motion.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 2-

Sleep through the static, or grab a torch and descend
into the depths with us to help free the slaves...
Either way, we have everything under control; and our
influence is unstoppable.
-o# E 'ind a comfortable place, rid $ourself of all
distractions, turn off $our phone, close $our #eb bro#ser,
turn off an$ alert noises, and ensure ever$one around $ou
understands $ou can3t be bothered for the ne*t several
hours. ()ome baro6ue #lassi#al musi# is a !ood idea too$"
.nl$ b$ readin!
this document in its
entiret$, from cover
to cover, #ill $ou be
best positioned to
receive the full
impact of the man$
brea%throu!hs #hich
are strate!icall$
planted throu!hout.
1fter $ou3ve
ta%en ever$ measure
needed to ensure $ou
#on3t be bothered,
di! in Land don3t
for!et to enKo$ the
,o be!in this
Kourne$, allo# me
first to introduce
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 63

ho 's Eli "oo#.
I5m a family man...
( came from nothin!. (3m selfEmade, and ( #as faced
#ith the challen!e of earnin! respect from m$ peers E Kust
li%e an$ other +nobod$0.
( have no si!nificant bloodlines. (3m not !eneticall$
related to an$one famous, or an$one holdin! a position of
po#er in an$ hi!h level of !overnment Lor an$ other part of
the establishmentM.
hen ( started out,
no one %ne# #ho ( #as,
but those #ho %no# me
toda$ have come to %no#
me onl$ because of the
connections (3ve
assembled and the
influence (3ve amassed
b$ m$ o#n efforts.
/ro#in! up in the
late 20
centur$, the
environment around me
#as a lot li%e that of
an$ other /eneration <
%id. (t #as a lo#er middle class home made b$ hard #or%in!
parents #ho !ot suc%ered into the 1merican 6ream.
5i%e ever$bod$ else from the 19P03s #ho !ave up the
Nuest for freedom to settle for a mea!er coo%ieEcutter
e*istence, m$ fol%s settled into their o#n comfortable
state of ratErace sta!nation, uninterested in reachin!
be$ond their limited, perceived boundaries.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 62

:$ mother died earl$, and m$ father abandoned me as a
useless cause #hen ( #as a $oun! teena!er, on account of m$
atrocious behavior and absolute defiance to an$ form of
authorit$O be it famil$, teachers, police, or societ$ in
( Nuic%l$ spiraled into a
livin! hell full of irrational
choices and criminal behavior
that should have either sent me
to Kail... or to an earl$ !rave.
L(3ve been so deep in the
!utter $ou #ould crin!e at the
horrific details of m$ dar% $ears
as a rec%less $outh.M
2ou3ll be challen!ed to believe the truth #hen ( tell
the stor$ of ho# the$ pulled me in and helped me cra#l up
from the depths in an epic ascent...
2ou3ll sha%e $our head in disbelief #hen ( e*plain ho#
( #as initiated, vetted, and promoted, eventuall$ comin! to
dine and schmooDe #ith some of the most d$namic, po#erful
insiders #al%in! this 4arth toda$...
1s ( reveal the %no#led!e held b$ some of the most
secretive societies in e*istence, $ou3ll
feel enli!htened and optimistic b$
finall$ capturin! the missin! pieces of
-e# orld .rder puDDle.
1nd to help $ou assimilate, ( intend
to !o to !reat len!ths to !ive $ou an
accurate ima!e of #ho ( am, ho# ( thin%,
and ho# ( operate E an ima!e effectivel$
characteriDin! those #ho surround me as
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 66

hile ( plan to set the record strai!ht about several
issues, (3m more interested in allo#in! $ou to !et
underneath m$ s%in C to understand #hat it3s li%e ,. 94 4li
Roo%. ,here are countless speculations, rumors, and lies
about #ho ( am and #hat m$ a!enda is, but li%e ( said...
I5m a family man.
1lthou!h (3ve come to hold vast #ealth and po#er in m$
lifetime, obtained b$ m$ o#n efforts, ( still live Nuite
:$ primar$
residence is one of the
smaller houses on the
bloc%, $et it3s
comfortable, spacious,
and accommodatin!.
(t3s on a Nuiet,
secluded lot, #here
ver$ little traffic
ever passes b$.
,he lot3s in a
natural settin!,
surrounded b$ undeveloped land, #here a variet$ of #ildlife
can be seen, almost dail$ Land (3m never bothered b$ m$
,he house is lar!e enou!h to accommodate !uests
overni!ht, and dinner parties of up to si*teen people. 9ut
it3s small enou!h to be maintained b$ a #ellEpaid, three
person service staff, #ho tend to their duties once a #ee%.
,he !rounds are covered #ith a variet$ of colorful
plants, flo#ers, and other ve!etation, all ver$ pleasin! to
the senses.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 6:

,he !arden space is adeNuate,
lar!e enou!h to provide plent$ of
nourishin! food for a small famil$
most of the $ear. ,he entire propert$
has been set up to ma%e !ood use of
natural resources, and since it3s
completel$ +off the !rid0, it3s set up
to accommodate an$ unseen catastrophe,
either social or environmental Lmeanin! it could facilitate
survival in an e*tended national emer!enc$M.
(t3s also hi!hl$ secure,
eNuipped to provide
tranNuilit$ and peace of
(nside, ( have a modest
home movie theater s$stem
#ith a 1200 screen, a !$m
#ith a variet$ of eNuipment
Lalso a sauna roomM, and a
recordin! studio Lmusic is
a hobb$ of mineM.
,hese thin!s mi!ht sound e*trava!ant to some, but ever$
sNuare foot of this home is put to !ood use.
I li$e by a code of Aero eBcess.
(/y home is nothin! #ompared to how you see
#elebrities and royalty livin! on T,"
,he st$le is contemporar$, the furnishin!s are mostl$
custom made and e*tremel$ comfortable. 1ll of the art #as
tediousl$ handpic%ed, and potentiall$ considered e*pensive
Lbut to me, #orth ever$ penn$M.
.verall, the home is a perfect fit for the lifest$le
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 6;

(3ve created, and it #ill easil$ accommodate m$ famil$ for
man$, man$ $ears.
( don3t drive an
e*pensive or flash$ car
because ( don3t #ant to
attract attention to m$self.
7lus, my !eneral attitude of
fru!ality would not permit
6a$ to da$, ( actuall$
drive a h$brid.
(f $ou sa# me on the road $ou #ouldn3t thin% t#ice
about #hether or not ( #as Kust another person, commutin!
from one place to another E Kust li%e $ou.
( don3t #ear an$ flash$ Ke#elr$. ( don3t even #ear a
#atch. 1lthou!h, ( do have a ver$ e*pensive desi!ner #atch,
#hich #as !iven to me as a !ift Lbut it sits in m$ soc%
dra#er, unless ( have to be S44- #earin! itM.
( do have several desi!ner suits and a fe# pair of ver$
e*pensive shoes. Sometimes $ou &1V4 to #ear e*pensive
loo%in! suits for
business, but other than
those occasions, L#hen
it3s a reNuirementM, (
never dress in noticeabl$
e*pensive clothes.
(That(s not to say I don(t
travel in style and loo
the part whenever I(m
wooin! some potential
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 6<

,he Societ$ provides me
#ith a lu*ur$ car service in
most maKor cities around the
#orld, #here ( can !et a
9entle$, a 7hantom, 'errari,
or #hatever.
( have access to
private Kets if necessar$,
and ( also !et access to
impressive meetin! rooms
atop s%$scrapers, V(7
service at casinos and
e*pensive restaurants to
help spa#n the illusion that
these thin!s actuall$ matter
to me... so the$ can believe
that (3m one of ,&4:.
5i%e a s%illful illusionist, maintainin! the
appearance of #hat .,&4RS believe to be realit$ is an
advanta!e that allo#s $ou to move
verticall$ in this matri* of
finance and po#er.
(f $ou #ant to pro!ress in
this !ame, $ou don3t fl$ in li%e a
%ami%aDe maniac and alienate those
$ou3re tr$in! to use to acNuire
#ealth C -or do $ou sho# $our
distaste for that #hich $ou don3t
approve of...
(nstead, $ou seiDe effortless
po#er b$ actin! the part, and
leadin! them to the ed!e of their
seats as $ou unveil The Turn... 2ou #or% #ithin the
boundaries C leavin! $our ultimate !oal undetectable.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 6&

Not obser$in! those boundaries can
lea$e you blacklisted... or worse.
Some rules can be bro%en, others can be bent. 2ou find
the strai!ht line to e*actl$ #hat $ou #ant, and sho# $our
enemies a !ood time as $ou #al% it.
:aintainin! appearances to fulfill strate!ic obKectives
is a lonel$ art in #hich the s%illful beaut$ is onl$ trul$
appreciated internall$ E b$ an audience of one.
(n m$ private life, it3s
important for me to blend in
as if ( #ere Kust another
avera!e consumer #ith an
avera!e income, avera!e
health, avera!e %no#led!e, and
avera!e problems C Kust li%e
ever$one else.
1s ( #al% past $ou on the
street, $ou have no idea. (
prefer not to stand out. (
prefer those around me, #ho do not %no# me, not identif$
that ( have mone$, or that ( possess %no#led!e fe#
individuals on this planet possess. (3d prefer to be the
multiEmillionaire no one could ever pic% out of a lineEup.
2ou could sa$ (3d rather be the smartest !u$ in the
room, instead of bein! the best dressed... but ultimatel$,
(3d rather have ever$one ,&(-; (3m -., the smartest !u$ in
the room 94)18S4 of the #a$ (3m dressed. L,he man #ho
Kud!es another man3s #orth solel$ b$ the #a$ a man presents
himself, is someone #hom ( could onl$ affectionatel$ refer
to as +a mar%0.M
4ven m$ nei!hbors, people in m$ communit$, most of m$
famil$, and even old friends of mine are !enerall$ clueless
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 6'

as to #hat ( do, #ho ( do business #ith, and ho# #ell
connected ( am.
7eople respect me because of the
value ( brin! into their lives, not
because of ho# much mone$ ( possess,
or the names inside m$ address
I enoy the con$enience and
ad$anta!es arisin! from my 1uiet
,he Kourne$ to #here ( am toda$
#as selfEfulfilled, facilitated onl$
b$ the po#er of m$ o#n mind and the
actions ( too% to create the person (
became. ,here #as no ma!ical,
m$stical force or +hi!her po#er0
aidin! me in becomin! #ho ( am. (t
#as 100B m$ responsibilit$.
(n fact, the responsibilit$ for ta%in!
the necessar$ actions, #hich moved me
closer to obtainin! the #ealth and po#er
( deserved, #as ,&4 drivin! factor #hich
not onl$ challen!ed me, but enabled me
to succeed. (t #as the strict dedication
to puttin! forth un#averin! effort that
!ot me here.
,oda$, it3s easier than ever to
attract #hatever ( #ant, but #ithout the
7R.)4SS ( #ent throu!h to !et here C the
mista%es ( made and the lessons (
learned C ( #ould still be stru!!lin! in
the !utter, Kust li%e an$ other horror
stor$ inside the teena!e #asteland.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 6(

(I(ve only s#rat#hed the surfa#e of what(s possible
from puttin! to use the nowled!e I(ve !ained sin#e bein!
first initiated all those years a!o$"
:$ life is centered around seiDin! opportunities,
upholdin! honor, and pro!ressin! a master a!enda supported
b$ m$ collea!ues and contemporaries.
:$ vision of the future drives me in ever$thin! ( do,
and (3m driven #ith more and more passion as the vision (
hold rapidl$ spreads into the minds of those outsiders #ith
#hom ( conduct business.
%ure them in, #onvert them, put them on the path$ Get
them 2addi#ted4$ )edu#e them with our plans$ Isolate the
opposition and #ran up the fre6uen#y$ No one #an resist
on#e they(ve had a taste$$$ No one$ The thou!ht of !oin!
ba# to that old world of s#ar#ity is torture$
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 6-

'rom the be!innin!, ( faced the immense challen!e to
develop a disciplined mindfulness of ho# m$ actions #ere
affectin! the direction ( #as headed, but toda$, ever$thin!
comes naturall$.
( divide m$ time
bet#een #or%in! feverishl$
on m$ miniEempires and
enKo$in! sacred time #ith
m$ famil$. :$ famil$ comes
before an$thin! else. e
share deep love and
compassion, celebrate our
accomplishments, and
support one another in
times of difficult$.
hile others mi!ht
e*perience drama, fi!htin!,
and constant disruptions
bet#een famil$ members, in
la#s, and their spouses,
the famil$ (3ve created literall$ e*periences -. static and
-. conflict Laside from the rare occasional +hiccup0M.
All of our needs are met:
emotionally0 physically0 and financially.
e3re all best friends and no matter #hat3s !oin! on,
#e meet for dinner ever$ ni!ht of the #ee%, #here #e tal%
about the e*citin! thin!s #e did durin! the da$, #hat #e
learned, and ho# #e plan to appl$ #hat #e learned in
#hatever #e3re doin! the ne*t da$.
e spend ever$ Saturda$ to!ether. (t3s the happiest da$
of the #ee%, one #e all loo% for#ard too. 8suall$ #e3ll !et
outdoors to hi%e, bi%e, pla$ sports, or #e3ll !o into the
cit$ to do #hatever famil$ activities #e have planned.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e :3

6urin! the #ee%da$s and #ee%ni!hts (3m passionatel$
involved in m$ proKects at #or%. ( have a perfect balance
of +#or% time0 and +famil$ time0, and (3m never forced to
miss an important event that mi!ht conflict #ith m$ normal
(n other #ords, instead of bein! a slave to time and
responsibilit$, ( dictate m$ o#n terms of ho# m$ time is
spent, and control #hat responsibilities ( ta%e on, so (
can enKo$ the ultimate freedom in life C the freedom to
)&..S4 ho# ( live each minute.
8y days are scripted.
( start each da$ full of ener!$, practicin! the same
routine, #hich ( constantl$ optimiDe in order to increase
the efficienc$ and utilit$ it provides.
hen ( #a%e, ( ta%e ten deep
breaths, continue m$ on!oin!
autosu!!estion +mantra0, do#n a half
liter of #ater, slip into m$ !$m
clothes, and Kump directl$ on the
,he first hour
of each da$ is dedicated to m$ +mornin!
rituals0, #hich are custom tailored to
maintain m$ health, ps$cholo!ical
!ro#th, and spiritual harmon$. ,ime is
m$ companion E pushin! me for#ard E and
these mornin! rituals are e*ecuted li%e
'irst, ( enKo$ a mornin!
calisthenic routine and a Q0 minute
aerobic e*ercise session to !et m$
heart rate up, #hile ( en!a!e in some
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e :2

sort of audio or video continued learnin! material. ,he
subKect matter ( stud$ variesO mostl$ areas of business,
histor$, or science.
( li%e to learn about !reat
inventors, thin%ers, artists,
business titans, and influential
people of the past. (3m not one to
freNuentl$ Nuote people or cite
passa!es from their #or%s, but (
tr$ to become full$ absorbed in
their histor$.
( learn about the challen!es
the$ faced, the success the$
accomplished, and ho# their stor$
from the past carries value into
the present Land ( ponder ho# #e
mi!ht carr$ #hat #e learned from
them into the futureM.
( also li%e to %eep abreast of ne# developments in
technolo!$ and !et the hi!hli!hts about various research
pro!ress bein! made in the scientific communit$.
( rarel$ #ish to see an$ sort of ne#s durin! this part
of m$ mornin!. ( find t$pical
mainstream and alternative ne#s
pro!rams to be a bad #a$ to
start the da$.
4*ercise and continued
learnin! time is follo#ed b$ a
sho#er and a health$ brea%fast,
#here ( Kournal m$ reflections
from #hat ( learned that
mornin! and #rite notes about
ho# ( can appl$ #hat ( learned.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e :6

L( al#a$s %eep a Kournal b$ m$ side so ( can record
ever$ important thou!ht CEE brilliant ideas can slip a#a$
in an instant and one must constantl$ collect and nurture
those ideas before the$ fiDDle a#a$M.
'or brea%fast, ( enKo$
the cleanest, healthiest
or!anic foods and
superfoods ( can !et m$
hands on. ,he portions and
nutritional value are
measured specificall$ to
meet m$ uniNue biolo!ical
9rea%fast includes a health$ servin! of some of the
most po#erful lifeEenhancin! vitamins and supplements
available on the mar%et.
1fter these mornin! rituals ( feel radiant, full of
ener!$, and e*cited about the da$ ahead. ( feel this #a$
4V4R2 612. ( don3t need coffee and su!ar to !et me !oin!. (
don3t need stimulants because the feelin! ( enKo$ from m$
routine naturall$ lasts all mornin!
:$ mornin! rituals of !ettin! the
proper amount of e*ercise, nourishin!
m$self #ith the ri!ht diet and
supplements, and %eepin! m$ mind
fresh, cause m$ bod$ to naturall$
adKust to it3s optimum #ei!ht and
allo# me to easil$ maintain a slee%,
muscular ph$siNue #ithout an$
strenuous effort or difficult$.
,he rituals also help m$ mind to
sta$ alert, naturall$ promotin! the
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e ::

conditions for optimum creativit$ Lplus, ( enKo$ a
sustained, rene#able flo# of ener!$ all da$ lon! b$
practicin! additional miniEritualsM.
9ut the best thin! is, because of the routine (
maintain, ( never !et sic%. ( never catch the flu durin!
flu season, and ( never suffer from an$ of the common
illnesses people normall$ contract.
(n a rare case, #hen ( do
come do#n #ith somethin!,
perhaps #hile travelin! for
instance, ( -4V4R ta%e dru!s.
( onl$ use natural remedies
and ( rebound S. Nuic%l$, m$
lifest$le is never effected.
.ver the $ears, the effects
of m$ lifest$le have %ept
si!ns of m$ bod$3s natural
a!in! process to a minimum. (
have a health$ vibrant !lo#
and a hop in m$ step. L1s (
!et older, (3ll be!in to
increasin!l$ use the latest
technolo!ies to reverse m$
biolo!ical a!in! processes.M
1fter (3ve e*ercised, eaten,
Kournaled, and sho#ered, ( use a 20
minute meditative neuroEpro!rammin!
audio session to subliminall$ clear
m$ mind and prepare for the start
of m$ #or% da$ #ith the hi!hest
level of clarit$. ,his is an
essential activit$ #hich enables me
to shift !ears so ( be!in m$ #or%
#ith ma*imum drive.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e :;

I hit the office runnin!...
( have no desire to sho# up at the office and
immediatel$ !et assaulted #ith a barra!e of messa!es, phone
calls, and problems, nor do ( #ant to sho# up and have to
fi!ure out #hat (3m !oin! to be doin! all da$.
(nstead, ever$ Sunda$
ni!ht ( #rite do#n ever$thin!
( plan to do the follo#in!
#ee%, and each ni!ht ( revie#
the tas%s #hich need to be
completed the ne*t da$. 1ll
of m$ tas%s are sorted,
scheduled and arran!ed in
#a$s aidin! their optimal
,he first thin! ( do is
#rite. ( usuall$ have a
number of #ritin! proKects
!oin! at an$ one time, under
a variet$ of pen names, and m$ thou!hts best e*plode onto
paper first thin! in the mornin!.
,his first hour is a precious time for creativit$. (
Nuic%l$ dump all m$ thou!hts on to paper. (&nless it(s an
e0treme emer!en#y, I never let anythin! rob me of this
first #reative hour durin! my day$"
1t the end of the first hour ( Nuic%l$ sort ever$thin!
(3ve #ritten into the appropriate folders, have a Nuic%
brea% to chec% in on pertinent issues CE ,hen ( attac% m$
:$ da$ is bro%en up into chun%s, ma%in! it eas$ for me
to e*ecute tas%s efficientl$ and push for#ard in all m$
endeavors #ith laser focus. ( best perform naturall$ in
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e :<

hourEandEaEhalf chun%s. ,his helps me sta$ focused on one
area of business at a time.
,hrou!hout the da$ ( plo# throu!h m$ tas%s #ith
intensit$. ( ma%e !ood use of a timer in order to %eep
m$self !lued to the schedule... ,his constantl$ forces me
to be mindful of the pro!ress made #ithin each tas% bloc%.
The blocks aren5t necessarily
tied to proects or ideas...
,he$3re tied more to ph$sical movements. ( find ( can
mana!e man$ ideas at a time, but ( complete tas%s faster if
( lump them to!ether b$ movement, for instance: ma%in!
phone calls, cop$ #ritin!, researchin!, ans#erin! emails
Lemail is S,R(),52 used onl$ t#ice a da$, aside from uniNue
,ime bloc%s also facilitate the most important aspect
of productivit$ E ener!$ mana!ement. ,he #or% done inside
each bloc% is li%e a sprint from be!innin! to end, an
attempt to cover as much !round as possible bet#een the
start and end of a ri!id time frame.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e :&

1t the end of each bloc%, before each ne# bloc% be!ins,
( have miniErituals, #hich ( use to restore and rene# the
ener!$ ( previousl$ e*pended, helpin! me shift m$ focus to
the ne*t bloc% #ith rene#ed vi!or.
:$ office has no computer
chair. :$ des% is on risers,
similar to a #or%station in a
science lab. Sittin! is bad
for the bac%, and doesn3t
promote health$ circulation.
Standin! provides more freedom
of movement, burns more
calories, and helps reduce
muscle atroph$. ,his is Kust
one element in m$ overall
strate!$ for !ettin! the most
levera!e out of ever$ bit of
ener!$ ( possess.
6evelopin! habitual s$stems
#hich increase the abilit$ to
focus $our attention, better
utiliDe $our time, and best maintain a hi!h ener!$ level,
are not onl$ essential for acNuirin! #ealth, but for livin!
$our life da$ after da$ #ithout !ettin! burned out. (It was
an espe#ially diffi#ult stru!!le for me to a#6uire these
habits, but now they #ome naturally$"
(n addition to the strict time tables #hich !overn m$
tas%s, the assi!nment of tas%s to others, and the times in
#hich others must communicate their pro!ress to me, are all
scheduled so as not to brea% up the flo# of m$ da$, or
detract m$ attention from m$ o#n #or%.
8y entire team calls in to a
brid!e line each day before noon...
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e :'

,he meetin! #e have is
mandator$, s#ift, and hi!hl$
focused. e be!in b$
allo#in! ever$one to Nuic%l$
revie# #hat the$ are
specificall$ #or%in! on for
the da$, and then #e discuss
-o one is allo#ed to
hide a problem from the
compan$. 4ver$ problem is
immediatel$ brou!ht in front
of the !roup and remedies are Nuic%l$ decided upon. ,his is
not a time for brainstormin!O it3s a time for problem
,his comes easil$ because ever$one %no#s #hat ever$one
else is doin!. ,here is no traditional mana!erial hierarch$
#here communications become disinte!rated, leadin! to
inefficiencies. 1ll %no#led!e #ithin the compan$ is open to
ever$one: schedules, reports, research, proKect landscapes
E ever$thin!.
-o one is shut out from an$one3s proKect, and the
validit$ of proKects are assessed b$ the compan$ communit$.
-o one +rules0 over an$one, therefore there3s little chance
for political battles to arise. (nstead, #e operate as a
:1S,4R:(-6, findin! the fastest, strai!htest line to the
ultimate !oal.
( li%e to thin% of the arran!ement as a
+freeran!e #or% environment0. 4ver$one is
free to improve the Nualit$ of ever$one3s
output, and ever$one is accountable to
ever$one else L$et ever$one is ultimatel$
accountable to me C (3m the bossM.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e :(

,he #or% environment is arran!ed to bloc% out all
distractions. :$ co#or%ers %no# not to bother me unless
it3s an emer!enc$. ,he$ also %no# not to bother each other.
1n etiNuette of respect for time and ener!$ permeates our
compan$ culture.
hen $ou surround $ourself #ith
people #ho are smarter than $ou,
$ou3re investin! in $our o#n
personal !ro#th. (3m ver$ selective
about #ho ( choose to ta%e roles in
the proKects ( e*ecute. 1s a
result, ( have Dero conflicts #ith
m$ coE#or%ers.
( handpic% capable, independent, focused individuals
#ho e*cel in the specific area #here their s%ills are
needed. ( tr$ to find people #ho are as driven as ( am at
#hat the$ do, and let them find a #a$ to e*cel at #hat the$
love doin! #hile meetin! the !oals set forth.
,here3s a code #ell understood and held #ith reverence
amon! all those #hom ( #or% #ith:
*orward motion must not cease.
4ver$ mental moment and ever$ ph$sical movement must be
s$nchroniDed to brin! forth incremental pro!ress to#ard the
ultimate !oal. (t3s a philosoph$ infectin! ever$ moment of
m$ entire life, and it spreads into the
minds of those #ho become part of our
1lthou!h some mi!ht consider #hat (
describe as a hi!h stress environment,
it3s actuall$ Nuite laid bac%. e3re all
attac%in! problems #ith feverish intensit$
all da$, $et there3s al#a$s sort of a >en
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e :-

vibe in the office.
,he more accomplished, the more re#ardin! it feels. e
#al% a strai!ht line from the vision to the outcome,
plannin! and e*ecutin! the actions needed to be ta%en in a
manner that $ields the least amount of resistance E yet
it(s always in#redibly FU.
:en and #omen of the mind
can al#a$s find a ne# problem
to solve, or brin! forth
innovative solutions to
prevent ne# problems from
arisin!. ,o be able to do
that in an environment #here
$ou3re celebrated and
respected is a re#ard in
9ecause of the effort (
put into m$ #or%, ( create
#ealth for those #ho surround
me, and ma%e #a$ for
opportunities in #hich the$
can create #ealth for
themselves. ,he #ealth that
is created b$ solvin! or
preventin! problems is spread far and #ide, be!ettin! ever
increasin! #ealth for societ$.
,he challen!in! mental stimulation ( enKo$ al#a$s %eeps
me on m$ toes, drivin! me to %eep learnin! ne# thin!s
related to the proKects ( encounter. ,hat, and the superb
health ( maintain, alon! #ith m$ famil$, combine to ma%e up
the essences of #ho ( am. ,he happiness ( receive from the
life ( live is so enormous it3s almost impossible to
communicate in #ords.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e ;3

:$ sincere #ish is for 4V4R2 51S, 74RS.- on the planet
to be able to create an over#helmin!l$ happ$ life for
themselves. ,he !ood #or% bein! done around the !lobe toda$
to ensure opportunities for ever$one in
the future is somethin! ( honor.
&umanit$ never need loo% bac% to
the da$ #here the dis!runtled masses
herded in and out of Kobs the$ hated,
performin! borin! routine tas%s, onl$
to accumulate financial problems,
health problems, and famil$ problems.
( am not alone #hen ( e*press m$
e*citement about the dramatic chan!es
ta%in! place durin! the ne*t fe#
decades. 1lon! #ith m$ friends, famil$,
and collea!ues, #e loo% for#ard to the
future #ith abundant optimism. e see
an epic s$mphon$ of comple* chords and
intricate notes sendin! out vibrations,
s#irlin!, until the crescendo rises up,
up, up... and the fire#or%s fl$.
...9ecause #e %no# a ne# #orld
order is comin! into '855 e*istence...
and it3s comin! sooner than $ou e*pect.
8 The sole responsibility I hold in life is the
preservation of my own happiness and well bein!, and that
of my family, and employees$
88 The se#ondary responsibility I hold is to help #reate
#onditions for other members of the )o#iety to do the same$
888 And third, I want to brin! the power we hold to the
#ommon man, so we #an see this mass movement lead the
establishment into helpless defeat$
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e ;2

.nce it3s mar%ed do#n in the histor$ boo%s and sealed
forever, upon loo%in! bac% #e3ll sha%e our heads in
disbelief about the #a$ thin!s used to be.
4ound intense" No C ust the thou!hts
that run throu!h my mind day after day.
hen m$ #or% da$ is over, ( !o home to m$ #ife, #ho is
headEoverEheels in love #ith me.
( can e*pect, li%e
cloc%#or%, to see that
elated loo% in her e$es
ever$ evenin!, #hen #e can
finall$ embrace each other
after the #or% da$ has
passed E to recapture the
feelin! #e shared before
the da$ had separated us.
She sho#ers me #ith
affection, tellin! me
about the specific times
durin! the da$ #hen she
missed me, and #h$. She
doesn3t hide her !idd$ e*citement. (nstead she is
completel$ unconscious of itO li%e a $oun! child #ho
displa$s Dero inhibition upon enterin! a
,he moments #e spend to!ether are
treated as a time of celebration. e3re
each others ideal companion. e fit each
others ideal essence of someone #e3d li%e
to be #ith forever. 4ach da$ #e spend
to!ether $ields further proof #e #ere
correct in the assumption our marria!e
#as the rational ne*t step in our relationship.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e ;6

( could have !one for the troph$ #ife,
#ith a 7la$mate bod$ and a head full of
hot air.
( could have paraded her around as
some sort of status s$mbol to boost m$
e!o, to inflate m$ feelin! of importance.
(n fact, in m$ 203s ( dated #omen #ho
possessed Ka#Edroppin! ph$sical beaut$...
9eaut$ that #ould leave less e*perienced men dumbfounded.
9ut #hat sort of man #ants to spend his #hole life #ith
a #oman #ho can3t ma%e a sin!le decision on her o#n #ithout
callin! her ps$chic for advice"
:$ #ife is incredibl$ se*$, perhaps more so than most
of the models you mi!ht see in ma!a5ines today, but the
reason ( chose her, the .-52 reason ( #ould 4V4R #ish for
an$ #oman to become m$
companion for life, #as
for her rational :(-6.
She is a mosaic of
all the Nualities (
value in a #oman,
increasin!l$ proKectin!
ne# forms of comple*
beaut$ upon each ne#
She3s the ,.,15
pac%a!e: 'unn$,
intelli!ent, se*$,
obKective, thou!htful,
and no doubt the most
inte!rall$ honest
person ( %no#.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e ;:

We ha$e Aero relationship problems and we N,D,+ fi!ht.
e3re constantl$ tal%in! to each other about our
beliefs and ideas #ithout conflict, even #hen #e find
ourselves in disa!reement. e communicate openl$ and
thou!htfull$, #ith an effort to utiliDe each others
po#erful perspectives and insi!hts.
We can5t be bothered with
emotionalistic drama.
,he discover$ and e*chan!e of our epistemolo!ical
values is li%e a movement in an unfinished s$mphon$,
trapped in a state of endless becomin!.
:$ #ealth affords her all the
lu*uries in life, li%e spa treatments,
personal trainin!, e*citin! continued
learnin! classes, and attractive
9ut instead of
bein! spoiled,
vain, or elitist,
she3s conservative
#ith the mone$ she
spends, onl$
bu$in! the minimum clothes and
accessories she absolutel$ needs for
her o#n comfort, and to appear in
st$le for special events.
(f she #ants an$thin! outside the
conveniences of our personal lifest$le, she earns her o#n
mone$ to obtain it. She does this b$ her o#n choice,
preferrin! to enKo$ the feelin! of not bein! dependent on
me in order to have the thin!s she desires in life.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e ;;

(nstead she chooses to enKo$ the thin!s in life #hich
she #ants 1-6 to enKo$ the challen!e of acNuirin! them b$
use of her o#n mind, efforts, and resources.
,his attitude has led her to start a
small partEtime business, #hich provides
the additional capital needed to help
various communit$ !ro#th related
initiatives and nonEprofit !roups #hich
hold meanin! to her.
She3s a !racious, lovin!, friendl$
#oman #ho is phenomenal #ith children, and
embraced b$ friends E Lthe$ consider her a free spirit and
confidant #ho can lift an$one up #hen the$3re facin! life3s
And our time to!ether
is all about >ADIN) *9NE
e3re e*tremel$ active, almost al#a$s !ettin! a#a$ to
enKo$ fun activities to!ether.
(n the sprin! and summer #e enKo$ #ine tours, balloon
rides, boatin!, festivals, !reat food, and romantic
candlelit evenin!s. e li%e to ta%e road trips and visit
ne# places.
(n the #inters #e
li%e to balance our
time bet#een s%iin! in
remote areas, and
findin! reasons to
escape to a tropical
climate to tha# out.
(t3s a bi! #orld, and in the #inter, there3s
al#a$s some#here nice and #arm $ou can visit to tr$ and
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e ;<

drum up business, attend an event, or Kust e*plore for a
#hile. 2ou3ll Kust feel so free bein! able to !o #herever
$ou #ant, #henever $ou #ant, and not havin! to sho# up at
an office, or a Kob if $ou don3t #ant to.
We lo$e stimulatin! our senses
and enoyin! the creations of others.
e travel to see ne# e*hibits and
installations at museums, #e enKo$
seein! offE9road#a$ sho#s, #e attend
film festivals, and #e love %itsch$ outE
ofEto#n cultural happenin!s.
e attend benefits to help causes
#hich are important to us. LSometimes (
ma%e lar!e donations in order to be
reco!niDed b$ an or!aniDation3s
personnel, other times ( ma%e anon$mous
donations to small operations ( believe
in and hope to Kump start.M
e3ve hun! out in the V(7 rooms of sou!ht after
international ni!htclubs. .ccasionall$, #e enKo$ dancin!
and socialiDin! in that %ind of atmosphere Lbut more often,
#e both prefer to spend a late evenin! in a Nuiet place
#here #e can enKo$ the
comfort of each other and
lau!h to!ether, or Kust
sit around and readM.
( consider her m$ +dream
!irl0 Land #hen ( tell
her that it ma%es her
blushM. She %no#s e*actl$
ho# much she means to me
and ( %no# e*actl$ ho#
much ( mean to her.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e ;&

,here3s no deceit in our relationship. ,here is no
,here is onl$ pure love.
2es, ( 6. find m$self attracted to
other #omen... (t is a natural, almost
animalistic ur!e for a man to #ant to
become se*ual #ith each beautiful #oman
he happens to meet.
1nd there #as a time in m$ life, in
the past, #hen (3d submitted m$self to
those animalistic desires at ever$
chance ( mi!ht !et Land ver$ happil$
9ut no# that ( have the #oman of m$
dreams, m$ soul mate, ( have no desire
to become se*uall$ involved #ith an$ other #omanO not
because there is a rule restrictin! me from doin! so, not
because societ$, or some reli!ious do!ma sa$s ( cannot, and
not even because of a personal vie# that it #ould be
morall$ #ron! L( do not hold such a vie#...M
,he reason is because S&4 '85'(55S :4 and #e have an
obKective understandin! of each others freedom. 1lthou!h #e
have a union, and live and act as a
couple, neither of us claims an$
o#nership over the other.
1nd #ithin the spectrum of such an
absolute observation, #e both
understand that neither of us o#n
each other se*uall$.
9ut althou!h our code of ethics,
of reason, and rationalit$ allo#s us to see% out se*ual
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e ;'

comfort in another person, neither of us #ould ever dream
of itJ
e enKo$ the closeness of each others companionship,
se*ualit$, and friendship S. :8)& that the thou!ht of ever
bein! #ith someone else is a mere fleetin! fantas$, never
to actuall$ manifest itself in real life.
,o us, this fact is the deepest dimension of #hat true
romance reall$ is... to be so close to someone, not even
the animalistic forces of nature can separate $ou.
,hat, ( believe, is the
future of marria!e.
-o#, if $ou3re be!innin! to roll $our
e$es, let me ma%e one thin! abundantl$ clear
C (3m not tellin! $ou all these thin!s to
bra! about m$ life, boost m$ self esteem, or
put forth a set of do!matic standards one
should follo# in life...
(3m e*plainin! these thin!s in !reat
detail to set up the 'R1:4.R; for $ou to
4<75.R4 this ne# #orld (3m tal%in! about.
,his is reall$ #hat m$ life is li%e, and it comes
naturall$ to me. ,o others, to outsiders, it mi!ht sound
li%e fiction, but there are millions and
millions =8S, 5(;4 :4 #ho are livin! a life
of vast fulfillment, despite #hat3s !oin!
on #ith the econom$, politics, healthcare,
or #hatever.
2ou :8S, understand ho# the da$ to da$
elements li%e personal health, romantic
relationships, and creative productivit$ in
one3s life are essential parts of the
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e ;(

lifest$le $ou3ll enKo$ in the ne# #orld order, and the .-52
thin! stoppin! $ou from enKo$in! those essential elements
toda$ is 2.8JJ
(3m illustratin!, #ith !reat detail, the e*amples of m$
personal routines, m$ perspectives on romantic
relationships, and the methods ( use to !o about bein!
productive in order to accentuate the importance of ho#
these +life elements0 contribute to #ho $ou mi!ht become,
#hat $ou mi!ht create, and the vision $ou hold #hen $ou
attempt to solve the problems $ou face.
(n the same stro%e,
( hope to conve$ that if
done improperl$, the
problems $ou mi!ht
encounter E because of
$our mista%es E ma$
prohibit $ou from
meetin! $our !oals, or
steal a#a$ $our capacit$
for happiness.
( #ant to see the
conditions for a loveE
andEabundance mindset
s#eep the planet, and
deliver ever$one C (
mean 4V4R2.-4 C into a
life of over#helmin!
happinessO Kust li%e m$
life, as (3m describin! it to $ou.
-o, (3m -., claimin! that (3m an e*ample of #hat others
should strive to become. (If you(re drawin! T*AT sort of
emotion9based #on#lusion, you(re missin! the entire
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e ;-

:$ vision is one #here the lifest$le ( live, one that
,.612 seems e*trava!ant to so man$, #ill be the ).::.-
5('4S,254 enKo$ed b$ 155 in the ne# #orld order.
,oda$, $ou live #ith all the amenities that, onl$ one
hundred $ears a!o, common citiDens #ould consider
e*trava!ant lu*ur$.
9ut toda$, ( live #ith the amenities that, onl$ one
short decade from no#, 4V4R2.-4 could live #ith.
(f $ou #ant to, $ou can )&..S4 to live the life $ou3ll
be livin! tomorro# E R(/&, -.. In fact0 ri!ht now is the
most opportune time in history to do soE
,he fundamental basis for livin! that future life toda$
is to respect the three basic human needs for happiness:
2.Dibrant health
6.+omantic fulfillment
:.#reati$e producti$ity.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e <3

Re#ardin! romantic relationships arise from productive
behavior and character development. ,he productive
challen!es $ou face build character and deliver creative
fulfillment, increasin! $our capacit$ to e*perience
romantic love. Superb health is allEencompassin! in this
eNuation, enablin! $ou to enKo$ increasin! pleasure from
all $our sources of happiness.
1ll the mone$ in e*istence, all the
material possessions, can be curtailed E
or can even !o a#a$ completel$ E but the
close famil$ relationships $ou form in
$our life, #hen formed correctl$, and
the creative efforts $ou put forth in
$our life3s #or%, are permanent sources
of fulfillment, %eepin! the fire of
happiness burnin! inside $ou, no matter
#hat obstacles $ou encounter.
And without your happiness0
you ha$e nothin!.
,here3s also somethin! else criticall$ important in
securin! $our happiness C and that is securit$ itself.
1re $ou immune from the rapid
devaluation of $our countr$3s currenc$"
&o# about the total
collapse of $our
countr$3s currenc$"
1re $ou able to
flee $our countr$ in the
event of a viral
pandemic outbrea%, #here
individuals are forced
to ta%e vaccinations or ris% bein!
Nuarantined" &o# about a militar$ coup"
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e <2

6o $ou have the resources to flee the countr$ at a
moments notice" (Are you aware :;< of Ameri#ans don(t even
have a passport3 I hope you aren(t one of them$"
1re $ou safe #ith additional
sources of income to support $our
lifest$le and $our famil$3s basic
needs if sudden Kob losses leave
as much as half $our local
population Kobless" (In other
words= Are you e0istin! at the
mer#y of your employer(s
#ompeten#y, or your nations
e#onomi# stability3"
1re $ou a#are a V4R2 lar!e percenta!e of 1mericans are
one or t#o pa$chec%s a#a$ from loosin! ever$thin! the$ o#n
and bein! thro#n out in the street C to have no other
choice than to turn to crime in order to survive"
(f a sudden catastrophe sent those people out in the
streets, and civil unrest ensued, are $ou a#are that
martial la# could be declared at a moments notice"
(f this happened tomorro#, do $ou have ever$thin!
prepared so $ou can catch the first
private Ket out of the countr$ and
have a safe place to la$ lo# until
the #orst blo#s over"
(f $ou3re in business, are $ou
prepared #ith the correct le!al
%no#led!e and access to protection
if $ou3re faced #ith a!!ressive
!overnment actions" 1re $ou
insulated a!ainst abuse b$ ta*
collection a!encies or other
re!ulator$ bureaucracies"
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e <6

6o $ou have access to the proper fundin! to sta$ afloat
in the event of severe economic devastation"
1re $ou connected #ith the ri!ht outlets so $ou3ll be
able to access the proper health$ or!anic foods, vitamins,
and nutritional supplements to %eep $our immune s$stem
health$ in the event that a!ricultural re!ulations bloc%
certain products from enterin! the mar%et, or #orld #ide
lo!istics operations suddenl$ !rind to a halt"
4ecurity comes in many different colors.
( don3t have to !o into detail about the threat of
currenc$ collapse, martial la#, economic brea%do#n,
pandemic viruses, civil ri!hts violations, and threats on
the suppl$ of food. (f $ou3ve mana!ed to !et $our hands on
a cop$ of this publication $ou 15R4162 ;-. about the ver$
real threats $ou face.
(3ll also
assume that
$ou3re not a
moron Kust
#aitin! for a
to happen...
#or%in! to
!ain the
securit$ $ou
need to be
prepared to
overcome an$
hardship $ou
ma$ face.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e <:

)all it a tic%in! timeEbomb,
call it a full$ lit po#der %e!, but
$ou3ve undoubtedl$ seen the
research and #atched the
documentaries detailin! the man$
threats illustratin! ho# dan!erous
it is to be livin! durin! these
turbulent times.
.ou don(t need to be afraid of
these threats, but you do need to
be prepared$
2ou don3t need to be #ealth$ to secure $our future, but
2.8 6. -446 1 -4,.R;, a circle of friends, collea!ues, and
reliable sources that can provide access to dependable
info, and all the resources essential for $our survival
durin! this time of rapid !lobal chan!e.
>ere5s how I5m set up.
)urrentl$, m$ #ealth is
stored in a mi* of real estate,
land, cashEflo# producin!
businesses, precious metals,
and various currencies. ( have
mone$ in the mar%ets, #hich is
mana!ed for me da$ to da$, and
the Societ$ E to #hich ( pa$
membership dues E has a member
benefits pro!ram #here m$
reinvested contributions !ro#
nonEstopO ta*Efree.
(n m$ businesses, ( specificall$ choose to #or% on
proKects desi!ned to provide consistent income #ith minimum
effort to maintain, #hich serve customers in multiple
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e <;

(f there #ere ever a total economic collapse Lsuch as
#hat #e #itnessed in (celand in 200AM in a countr$ ( do
business in, ( can rest assured that it #on3t adversel$
effect me.
1merica3s econom$
collapses and sales in the
8.S. !rind to a halt"
( #ould be effected, but
( #ouldn3t be #iped out.
,hin!s #ould %eep on
churnin! in ever$ other
countr$ around the #orld.
,he cash that (3ve amassed is stored in a variet$ of
currencies in ban%s in several different countries. (A
#urren#y #ollapse #an happen almost instantaneously 9
#onsider the finan#ial fallouts of the past in >apan,
-ussia, and Ar!entina$"
ith ban%in! diversification,
$ou3re never !oin! to lose
ever$thin! and be hun! out to
dr$ #hen a fiat currenc$
8ntil competin! currencies
bac%ed b$ tan!ible assets ta%e
over the mar%et, $ou3re best
protected b$ spreadin! the ris%
of $our cash on hand far and
Some people #ould thin% that havin! ban% accounts in
multiple nations and holdin! their cash in multiple
currencies is somethin! onl$ rich people #ould be able to
do, but in realit$ an$one can do this, even #ith ver$
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e <<

little cash to start #ith. (I(d #onsider it )tep One to
insulate yourself from e#onomi# fallout in your own
Since the pipelines of income
from m$ little business empire
are established in man$
nations around the #orld, (3m
able to e*perience a trul$
!lobal perspective. 1nd since
(3m not limited b$ holdin!
citiDenship in 1merica onl$, (
can e*perience permanent,
enhanced soverei!nt$.
-ot onl$ is it important to have ban% accounts in
multiple countries and in multiple currencies, it3s also
important to have citiDenship in more than one countr$.
F,4%,#IA//= I* =O95+, AN A8,+I#ANEEEG
1s $ou3re #ell a#are, there is a #ide arra$ of rumorous
threats on individual freedom in
the 8nited States, the 8;, and
other countries. Some of those
rumors include bein! loc%ed up
in '4:1 concentration camps for
displa$s of dissent. .ther
rumors include bein! forced to
ta%e dan!erous vaccinations.
(t3s needless to e*plain
that if $ou have a residence
outside the 8.S., and the 8.S.
is not $ou place of permanent
residence, and $ou have a passport issued b$ another
countr$, ho# li%el$ are $our chances of !ettin! out of the
8.S. in a total domestic loc% do#n" L2ou !et the pictureM.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e <&

8ntil the political
borders of the #orld are
dissolved, pla$in! the nation
!ame is still necessar$ for
an$one #ho #ishes to maintain
their lifest$le in the face
of libert$EsNuanderin!
!overnment initiatives.
(f $ou #ish to e*pedite
$our process of becomin! a
soverei!n !lobal citiDen,
#ith access to resources
previousl$ onl$ available to
the elite E appl$ to become
an (nsider at:
2ou3ve no doubt been e*posed to the man$ rumors of
1merica Koinin! #ith )anada and :e*ico to form a -orth
1merica 8nion and the formation of a one #orld !overnment.
(3ll discuss this more in a later
chapter, but to summariDe m$
concerns at present re!ardin! the
political borders of the #orld...
I hold alle!iance to NO #O9NT+=.
hile ( #as born an 1merican
and hold the land of 1merica near
and dear to m$ heart, (3m onl$
concerned #ith the ultimate !oal C
the dismantlin! of the
establishment. (f a fe# invisible
borders disappear in the process, (
could care lessO as lon! as the
ultimate !oal is achieved.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e <'

I am a so$erei!n citiAen of planet earth. 7olitical
borders mean restrictions on trade C meanin! ta*es and
re!ulation E and that puts #ei!ht on m$ bottom line. Some
dust$ old ima!inar$ line in the sand is bein! used b$
criminal parasites to drain m$ profits and I won(t stand
for it.
9ut #hile #e #ait for our ne# #orld order to
materialiDe, (3ll continue to sta$ in the trenches,
buildin! m$ businesses, and buildin! m$ le!ac$. ( pla$ the
nation !ame to ma*imiDe m$ #ealth and insulate m$self from
the various !overnments of the #orld. (3m enabled to do
this lar!el$ because of benefits and resources !athered as
a member of the Societ$.
.ver the past
several $ears (3ve
been able to ma%e
s#eepin! profits in
the stoc% mar%et as
bubbles inflate and
deflate. ,imin! allo#s
me to be profitable
an$ #a$ the mar%et
moves. =ust li%e
ever$one else #ho3s
connected to our
societ$, (3m able to
%no# e*actl$ #hen to
push in and #hen to pull out. L7la$in! the stoc% mar%et
#ithout havin! the insider3s ed!e is li%e pla$in! #ith
hile ever$one #ho #as stuc% in a 401E; retirement trap
thou!ht the s%$ #as fallin! in the 200A stoc% mar%et crash,
( #as happ$ to for% over a monstrous commission to m$ hed!e
fund mana!er, #ho #or%ed his ass off shortin! the mar%et to
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e <(

reel in the bi!!est oneE$ear profit in the fund3s histor$.
1ll the bubbleEhead financial commentators L#ho are
literall$ about as useful at !au!in! the mar%et as the
7s$chic &otlineM #ere panic%in! on cable ,V durin! the
turmoil, e*claimin! +-o one could have seen this comin!J0
2ou should have seen the !rin
across m$ Ka# #hen the S?7
finall$ !raDed PPP, and ( flipped
all m$ positions.
Some people sa$ onl$ insiders
have access to levera!e... Some
people sa$ +$ou have to have
mone$ to ma%e mone$0... Some
people even sa$ +$ou have to %no#
people0 to !et ahead in the
*ortunately0 that5s not all entirely true.
8ltimatel$, #hen it comes to the mone$ !ame, the po#er
isn3t in ho# much mone$ $ou have, or ho# much $ou hoard.
(t3s not al#a$s necessaril$ about ho# much $ou control...
,he true po#er E the po#er revered b$ the ultra #ealth$
E is the power to create. ,he po#er to create social
chan!es, the po#er to create cultural chan!es E the po#er
of one3s efforts havin! impact on a /5.915 S)154.
The power to deal blows
to the establishment.
,hat3s R415 po#er, and the mind allo#s for such po#er
to be harnessed independent of economic conditions,
cultural barriers, or the t$rann$ of an oppressive rulin!
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e <-

,he abilit$ to create chan!es, #hich better humanit$,
is #hat !enuine honest po#er is made of. 1nd the abilit$ to
do it at the e*pense of no one, in the face of those #ho
attempt to destro$ $ou, is #hat earns an individual the
compan$ of those #ho have !uided civiliDation since lon!
before $ou #ere born.
,o add another la$er of clarit$ to #hat (3m tr$in! to
illustrate here... )onsider that true po#er not onl$ comes
from +ho# much $ou have0 or +#ho $ou %no#0, but from +ho#
much $ou create0 and +#ho %no#s =O90.
(3ve become %no#n and respected b$ some public and
private fi!ures #ho are part of !roups that literall$ hold
/odE5i%e influence on #orld events. (3ve done this simpl$
b$ fi!urin! out ho# to produce value in their lives. (And
as you learn the rest of my story throu!hout this
publi#ation, I(m #ertain you(ll develop the sense that you
#an do the same if you put your mind to it"$
Some of the
people (3ve
encountered (
respect !reatl$ for
their honest efforts
and impressive
s%ills... .thers E
the parasites and
looters #ho cripple
the opportunities of
future !enerations E
( %eep in m$ scope.
2et ( !ain
advanta!es b$
e*tractin! value
from 9.,& sidesO
from those #ho produce 1-6 those #ho destro$.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e &3

1n$one #ho %no#s ho# to !ive people #hat the$ #ant has
the abilit$ to be handsomel$ re#arded on their o#n terms.
.nce $ou understand ho# the hi!hest level or!aniDations
in the #orld #or%, #hat $ou receive b$ provin! to them $ou
are #orth$ of their support is immeasurable. L1nd the
#ealth $ou can redirect to#ard solvin! the problems that
concern $ou the most ma%es it #orth $our time to !ame the
s$stem so it bends in $our direction.M
9ecause (3ve been able to
!ain access to some of the
most influential mastermind
!roups #hich hold epic
influence on the direction
civiliDation is headed, (3ve
received inside information
$ou simpl$ #ould not believe.
L(3m not even sure ho# $ou3ll
react as ( reveal some of
these thin!s throu!hout the
remainder of this
ithout obtainin! the access
needed to open the doors of
opportunit$ that led me to
acNuire the %no#led!e ( hold
toda$, ( #ould have ended up
bein! Kust li%e an$ other
outsider tr$in! to !et in on the action E but al#a$s
(nsiders can be #inners, #ho spread the #innin!s far
and #ide. (nsiders can Nuietl$ contribute to the #innin!s
of others, #ith the sole intention of eventuall$ %noc%in!
those other pla$ers out of the !ame E and collectin! the
final pot.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e &2

All that matters is the final pot...
1ll that matters is ho# fast
$ou can %noc% out undeservin!
5ife3s !ame is full of
s%illed performers and rotten
cheats, but the #inners are
al#a$s those #ho slide in and
out, their +tells0 undetectable,
their #innin!s sta!!ered and
unreco!niDable, their true po#er
obscured b$ illusions occup$in! the minds of their
This is ust how the world works.
6o $ou #ant to be a resistor in a losin! battle, or do
$ou #ant to be the anomal$ that infiltrates the s$stem"
9efore $ou met me, $ou #ere li%el$ clueless as to the
immense value delivered to civiliDation throu!hout the
$ears. ,he hidden modus operandi of the -e# orld .rder
continues to operate silentl$, (-V(S(952, ri!ht on
schedule. 2ou3re no# !oin! to be!in learnin! about complete
depth of this phenomenon and the vision that3s bein!
manifested throu!hout the ne*t fe# decades.
,he entirel$ different #orld vie# $ou3re left #ith #hen
$ou read throu!h to the last pa!e of the (lluminati
document is much different than the one bein! sold to $ou
b$ the conspirac$ theorists and m$stical huc%sters #ho live
in a #orld of delusion and fabrication.
'or the purposes of maintainin! secrec$ #hile helpin!
$ou !rasp #hat3s !oin! on behind the scenes, (3ll describe
#ith as little subtlet$ as possible the invisible ne#
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e &6

faction embedded #ithin ever$ last (lluminati front !roup
on the planet operatin! toda$.
,here is no formal .rder. ,here is no member list.
,here is no official meetin! place. ,here are no satanic
rituals (sorry to disappoint you ="
9ut there is a secret unspo%en
lan!ua!e, an invisible code of honor
that #ill never be put into #ords,
never full$ e*plained publicl$, and
thus its members never formall$
8pon unloc%in! that elusive code
held inside the ne# !lobal (lluminati
mastermind, one be!ins to #itness the
#or% of a million brilliant minds
relentlessl$ dismantlin! the support structure that holds
up the establishment. ,he$3re !rindin! a#a$ E da$ after
da$, ni!ht after ni!ht C li%e bus$ little bees.
1nd #hile this ne# code infiltrates ever$ corner of
ever$ secret societ$ in e*istence, its invisible movement
throu!hout the cultural Deit!eist E throu!h finance,
academia, business, politics, and social services E it
Nuietl$ brin!s us closer, step b$
careful step, to a ne# #orld order
of libert$, prosperit$, and peace.
,he old !uard benefits from the
e*pediated pro!ress that is bein!
made b$ this ne# faction, and as
(3ll soon describe, the ne#
protocols are provin! to allo#
humanit$ to ma%e incredible leaps
ahead at impressive speeds that
#ere previousl$ unima!inable.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e &:

,he end !oal is to establish a !loball$ accessible
!overnmental s$stem based on the la#s of nature and
individual propert$ ri!hts durin! the first Nuarter of this
centur$. (t is of paramount importance, for if the s$stem
is not established, all ma$ be lost.
,he ne# #orld order (
describe throu!hout this
publication #ill not be
brou!ht about b$ force or
deceit, but b$ activel$
raisin! the Nualit$ of
life e*perienced b$
!lobal citiDens #ho #ill
ea!erl$ embrace our plans
to deliver health,
#ealth, and safet$ to
=ou5re continuously bein!
drawn toward this new
(t3s bein! created b$
futurist, libertarian,
free mar%eteers... the
purve$ors of super
technolo!ies, the
Deit!eist accelerators.
2ou set out to find the ans#ers, and $ou found them. (f
$ou3ve come this far, to !et this close to me, (3ll assume
$ou3ve risen out of that destructive mindset that afflicts
conspirac$ theorists and +liberal0 activists.
( don3t %no# #here $ou3ve come from, or #hat $our
bac%!round is, but ( do %no# $ou #ere tested and challen!ed
before reachin! this point.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e &;

2ou3ve spent countless hours researchin! and learnin!.
2ou #anted ans#ers about the -e# orld .rder and all $ou
!ot #as h$ped up nonsense from airEheaded m$stics, paranoid
blo#hards, and militant e*tremists.
1ll the ans#ers $ou3ve been !iven throu!hout $our life
b$ the media, school, reli!ions, and philosoph$ Kust didn3t
add up. 1nd #hen $ou turned to the conspirac$ theorists,
all $ou !ot #as the same rubbish in a different flavor.
2ou felt inspired b$
#itnessin! the leadership of
Ron 7aul and the other
)onstitutionalists #ho #ill
soon be!in to infiltrate
elected offices #orld#ide E
to step up and s#eep clean
the abuses of po#er
cripplin! our planet.
2ou undoubtedl$ believe
#e need more such leadership
to save humanit$ from the
leviathan statist s$stem
that #ould other#ise consume
ever$ last ounce of
individualit$ and productive
creativit$ left on this
1s (3ll e*plain in a later chapter C there (S
leadership steppin! up to accomplish Kust that, and $ou3re
!oin! to have a front ro# seat to #atch it unravel.
2ou #on3t be able to contain $ourself once $ou learn
about the massive resources that have been put aside, and
the po#erful individuals #ho have been Nuietl$ anticipatin!
this approachin! !lobal shift for decades...
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e &<

1nd #hen $ou be!in to see those resources bein! put to
#or%... #ell E =ust read on.
L(f there3s a voice inside $our head tellin!
$ou somethin! 9(/ is about to happen,
do not doubt that intuitionG
,he ramifications of #hat is unfoldin! no#... #hat #e
call the -e# orld .rder... is e*actl$ #hat $ou3ve been
#aitin! for. 1nd no# the doors are openin! to #homever
#ants to be part of it.
1fter #hat ( share #ith $ou toda$, $ou3re !oin! to %no#
#hether or not it3s $our destin$ to become part of this
behindEtheEscenes movement to#ard a better #orld.
9ut $our Kud!ment in ma%in! that decision is !oin! to
be foolish as lon! as $ou3re brain#ashed b$ #hat $ou
,&.8/&, #as the truth. So let3s put all the m$ths and
rumors to rest once and for all...
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e &&

hat 's the New orld Order.
It5s NOT what you think it is...
:eet +truther0 =ohnn$ 5ibert$. 4ver$da$ =ohnn$ listens
to his favorite alternative media sho#, hosted b$ an online
personalit$ #ho preaches about the evils of the -e# orld
.rder, the !lobalists, and the members of )on!ress #ho are
erodin! the individual freedoms 1merica #as founded upon.
hile =ohnn$ listens to his favorite sho#, and hears
the da$3s horrific ne#s about forced vaccinations, )(1
blac%Eops, and the latest reports that have been released
about the poisons contaminatin! the countr$3s food and
#ater, =ohnn$ mutters to himself...
&e mutters
to himself in an
+told $ou so0
tone all the
thin!s he #ould
sa$ to the
stupid sheeple
out there #ho
Kust #on3t #a%e
up to #hat3s
!oin! on.
&e prides
himself #ith the
speech he concocts in his mind, mostl$ made up of
fra!mented propa!anda and outEofEconte*t facts =ohnn$
pic%ed up #hile listenin! to his favorite sho#.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e &'

9ut #henever =ohnn$ tal%s
to people in the real #orld
about #hat he %no#s the$
Kust i!nore him.
&is communication s%ills
are horrendous and his an!er
and unhappiness repel an$one
he comes in contact #ith.
&e considers himself
+11;4-460, but in realit$,
he3s trapped in his o#n
private hell...
&e3s frustrated, an!r$,
depressed, and the onl$
people he can turn to are the other +11;4-460 people on
the internet. 8nfortunatel$ ,&42 suffer in the same deluded
state as =ohnn$.
Our poor prota!onist isn5t really HAWA.,N,DI...
5ittle =ohnn$3s life S8);SJ &e3s livin! in a smolderin!
hell of scarcit$ and unhappiness. &is values are bein!
drained b$ the ne!ative thou!hts #hich have become an
inte!ral part of his bein!.
-othin! in his life is !ettin! an$ better, $et da$
after da$ he chooses to remain trapped in that hellElife,
not %no#in! #hat he3s missin! out on.
>e5s addicted to the drama.
It feels 4OOOO !ood...
&e spends his time searchin! the internet for the
truth, but all he finds is sadness.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e &(

&e loses valuable time he could be spendin! enKo$in!
personal creativit$, pursuin! romantic love, or effectivel$
helpin! others. (nstead he #allo#s in his an!er, as he
a#aits the end of the #orld to come and #ipe us out.
=ohnn$ 5ibert$ is R1 on m$ list... &e3s the tar!et in
m$ scope... ,he one o #hom m$ door is open the #idest.
Why" 9ecause as soon as he
crosses over into the -e# orld
.rder mastermind E #hen #e ta%e
him a#a$ from the shado# puppet
sho#, and dra! him out of the
cave into the li!ht of da$ C he
has the potential to become an
instant hero #ho #ill valiantl$
char!e bac% do#n into the depths
to help free the others.
&e3s been sho#n the dar%
side... no# he Kust needs a little direction and some
coachin!. (3m reachin! out to =ohnn$ and !ivin! him a solid
slap in the face, to smac% him out of the tranceEli%e state
he3s trapped in C so he turns a#a$ from the #orld of
scarcit$ he3s trapped himself inside.
,hat3s Kust one of the man$
protocols carried out under the
!ro#in! influence of ,he -e#
orld .rder 1ssimilation
,ducation0 entertainment0
and illuminatation.
,here are endless conspirac$
theories about #hat e*actl$ the
-e# orld .rder is, but #hen ( e*plained it full$ in m$
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e &-

first publication, The New World Order Assimilation
Dossier, those #ho #ere entrenched in the #orld of offEtheE
#all conspirac$ theories !ot a violent shoc%.
,hat3s because all the
videos on the internet, and
all the countless boo%s
#ritten throu!hout the
$ears about the -e# orld
.rder, as #ell as the
recent spi%e of reports
from man$ independent
Kournalists, are all
inherentl$ fla#ed. L4ven
the liberal media is fooled
into !oin! alon! #ith the
promotion of #hat is
thou!ht to be an
establishmentEadvancin! ne#
#orld order.M
1s ( describe this phenomenon in depth, $ou3ll
understand more clearl$ the
radical d$namic effect ta%in!
place toda$... ho# the illusion
of an advancin! establishment
a!enda is essentiall$ a shre#d,
camoufla!ed inroad to #ellE
or!aniDed peaceful #orld#ide
social anarch$.
9ut ( stron!l$ recommend
readin! the 6ossier before $ou
!o further, because it prepares
$ou #ith the %no#led!e needed
to put the puDDle pieces
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e '3

4ver since the .rder of the (lluminati #as founded b$
1dam eishaupt in 1@@P, disinformation and manipulations
had been planned and e*ecuted to insulate, protect, and
advance the a!enda of it members.
,hese manipulations #ere brilliantl$ accelerated b$
1lbert 7i%e in the late 19
centur$, and continue to be
supported b$ paranoid conspirac$ theorists as #e Doom into
the 21
6isinformation about the (lluminati influence in secret
societies #as spread to create h$sterical fear amon!
reli!ious follo#ers, and !enerate a stron! air of
unbelievabilit$ amon! the rest of the populace.
,his #as ori!inall$ accomplished b$ the creation of
sta!ed +e$e#itness0 testimonies and documents that #ere
purposefull$ +lea%ed0 out of these societies to manufacture
and proKect an archet$pe of 7R(:4 4V(5.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e '2

,he .ccult s$mbolism of
'reemasonr$ effectivel$
perpetuated fear ? m$ster$
about the .rder amon!
+outsiders0. ,his amplified
the viral spread of
h$sterical m$ths su!!estin!
ties to satanism, alien
bein!s, and a seemin!l$ never
endin! strin! of !oof$
assumptions put forth b$
ima!inative crac%pots.
.utsiders #ere !enerall$
una#are of the motives and
influence of members
throu!hout the decades, or
the protocols under #hich
the$ operated, and those #ho
4R4 a#are, #ho attempted to launch attac%s, #e3re labeled
as paranoid and delusional Lthis is still the case toda$M.
8pon first loo% at toda$3s (lluminati front !roups, one
mi!ht immediatel$ assume the$ are the most evil
or!aniDations in the histor$ of the #orld, filled #ith evil
people #ho are out for po#er and control, #ithout an$
compassion for their fello# man.
/ro#in! up in the modern a!e, amon! the compan$ of
laD$, mindless cultures E h$pnotiDed b$ modern liberalism
and superstition C it3s eas$ for one to become
apprehensive, or even fri!htened #hen learnin! of the
!lobal po#er structure #hich has evolved over the last fe#
'urthermore, after a fe# hours #atchin! conspirac$
videos on the (nternet, one easil$ becomes derailed from
the path of %no#led!e, investin! themselves in that #orld
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e '6

of conspirac$ culture E #here various distorted facts are
accepted as +truth0 Lsometimes #holeheartedl$ in outri!ht
tinEfoilEhat paranoiaM. 4ither that, or the$ decide to
completel$ #rite off #hat the$ learn as utter nonsense.
Some#here in bet#een, are the s%eptical searchers #ho
understand S.:4,&(-/ is !oin! on, but Kust can3t put there
fin!er on 4<1),52 #hat it is, and the$ search harder, #ith
increased focus, to uncover the deepest possible ans#ers.
(This is probably where .O& were before you found me$"
=ust li%e ho# the spiritual
m$ths spread b$ +hellfire and
brimstone0 priests of the middle
a!es #ere used to attract and
command the minds of sheepish
)hristian peasants, the
conspirac$ theorists3 !ar!antuan
5uciferianEdeathEcult m$ths #ill
fade into obscurit$ Lbut onl$
after brin!in! about the
necessar$ social ur!enc$ and
accelerated survival pressures
$ieldin! a ne# era of conscious
,oda$, the successful march
to#ard universal libert$ and
obKective la# is in full s#in!,
#hich #ill #ipe a#a$ the
criminalities of the past decade
E Kust li%e the Renaissance #iped a#a$ the (nNuisition.
.ne obKective #ithin the 1ssimilation )ampai!n is to
tell the stor$ the #a$ it S&.856 be told.
1s $ou hear that stor$, $ou3ll find that E based on the
available information accessible via the internet E -4(,&4R
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e ':

the collective conspirac$ culture -.R the conspirac$ denier
possesses the 9(/ 7(),8R4 perspective of #hat the -e# orld
.rder reall$ is.
Sadl$, neither individual
possesses the tools to correctl$
perceive realit$. &e or she is
left in a m$stical #asteland,
lined #ith outEofEconte*t facts,
rumors, and fuDD$ lo!ic C ma%in!
it difficult to !ain advanta!es
durin! the shift into the ne#
#orld order.
9ut no#, more than ever, the tools for $ou to
accelerate $our entr$ into the ne# #orld order are bein!
brou!ht forth m$ m$self and others. 1s an (nsider $ou can
scale the learnin! curve, and effectivel$ use those tools
to $our advanta!e C to acNuire health, #ealth, and
soverei!nt$. Apply at
8pon overcomin! the fear and an*iet$ e*perienced b$
#itnessin! the +4vil -e# orld .rder0 horror sho#, and
instead understandin! #hat the ultimate !oal of the
(lluminati reall$ is, the common individual is no lon!er
left standin! helplessl$ in the dar%.
,he 1ssimilation )ampai!n is
desi!ned to dra# in those
individuals #ho are able to !ain
entr$ into the (lluminati
mastermind L#hich allo#s one to
full$ understand #hat the -e#
orld .rder #ill actualiDe durin!
the ne*t fe# decadesM and help
them rise to the responsibilit$
of fulfillin! a crucial role in
the construction of our future.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e ';

:aterials #e provide, our businessEdriven efforts, and
the various related pro!rams #e deplo$, are desi!ned to
se!ment and identif$ promisin! +builders0, #ho are most
li%el$ to utiliDe our tools and contribute to the
e*pansion, !lobal success, and eventual abandonment of the
old authoritarian code.
,o clear up all the misconceptions and illusions $ou3ve
undoubtedl$ stumbled upon since $ou be!an $our search for
the truth, (3ve tried to create the clearest la$man3s
definition ( can offer.
5i%e ( said as ( be!an this chapter, it3s not an$thin!
li%e #hat $ou3ve been told...
=ou5$e been told the -e#
orld .rder is the collective
effort put forth b$ the !lobal
po#er elite, bound b$ !enetics
and esoteric secrets, to create a
one #orld !overnment, under #hich
the maKorit$ of civiliDation #ill
be %illed or enslaved, #hile this
5uciferian cabal eventuall$
harnesses robotic technolo!$ and
artificial intelli!ence to carr$
out the #or% after human slave
labor is no lon!er reNuired.
,hat m$thical definition has
been tediousl$ handEcrafted and
influenced throu!hout the decades
b$ cleverl$ embedded +facts0
found in countless speeches,
publications, and films. ,he #eb
of deceit supportin! almost ever$ claim made b$ conspirac$
theorists and the most #ellEversed resistors of the -e#
orld .rder stretches far and #ide.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e '<

,he disenfranchised -. resistor is the flutterin!
insect trapped in an illusor$ #eb of deceit, !racefull$
#oven to protect, preserve, and prolon! the inevitable
ultimate !oal.
In reality, the -e# orld .rder is the collective
effort put forth b$ a !lobal net#or% of visionaries, bound
b$ honor, to create conditions #here ever$ individual,
throu!hout a free civiliDation, #ill have the opportunit$
to thrive L#hile the parasitic class of politicians,
reli!ious leaders, and
establishment heads are left
uncompetitiveM enablin! the
most creative and productive
!eniuses in societ$ to brin!
forth unbelievable ne#
technolo!ies and values that
#ill ensure health, #ealth,
and safet$ of ever$one La
vision further detailed in a
later chapterM.
,he !ood #or% done b$
these visionaries #ill
eventuall$ lead to a
standardiDed !lobal s$stem of
!overnment, #hich #ill
operate solel$ to protect the
individual ri!hts of all
!lobal citiDens.
,oda$3s rapid ascent into this e*citin! ne# #orld
started #ith plans set forth b$ the 9avarian .rder of the
(lluminati, #ho ori!inall$ referred to themselves as
+7erfectibilists0. 7erfectibilists vie#ed the use of one3s
mind to perceive realit$ correctl$, and the abilit$ to
provide for others C to create E as a measurement of one3s
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e '&

,hose #ho proved to be virtuous
and trust#orth$ #ere brou!ht in as
members of the .rder to learn the
secrets held #ithin the various
societies, and participate in the
various initiatives.
,he mastermind
created #ithin
the .rder bore a vision and $ielded
initiatives aimed at brin!in! the
values held b$ +men of the mind0 to
all of societ$. Such a vision
ultimatel$ reNuired dismantlin! the
influence of the )hurch and the
State, both of #hich are E still to this da$ E prime evil
Land responsible for almost all human sufferin! and death
throu!hout histor$M.
,he .rder #as the support
infrastructure #hich aided
members in their efforts to
brin! forth social pro!ress b$
creatin! Kobs and increasin!
commerce in order to help
raise the Nualit$ of life
e*perienced b$ the common man.
-e# %no#led!e, ne#
technolo!$, and ne# strate!ies
are constantl$ evolvin! to
further brin! about a hi!her
standard of livin! for all of
civiliDation, despite the
destructive criminal actions
of the State.
1:astermind, as first described in -apoleon &ill3s The %aws
of )u##ess in ?@ %essons.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e ''

,he importance of (lluminati influence over the
direction our civiliDation has been headed over the past
fe# centuries is somethin! an outsider mi!ht find difficult
to understand, due to out ofEconte*tEvie#s promul!ated
#ithin conspirac$ culture.
1n$one #hose #orld vie# and perception of realit$ is
trapped in the muc%$ depths of politics, reli!ion,
socialism, m$sticism, e!alitarianism, or subKectivism #ill
e*perience increased
difficult$ comprehendin! the
beaut$ of the -e# orld .rder
)onsider that, toda$, man$
understand ho# the )hurch and
the State are lined #ith value
destro$in! criminal minds E
parasites E #ho must resist
social pro!ress at all costs
in order to maintain their
position of po#er.
,he s%illful, convincin! proKection of hi!her purpose,
of public !ood, or divine sacrifice, is cleverl$ used to
retain their, Dero effort, Dero creativit$ positions of
unearned po#er. ,he$ deliver Dero net
benefit to societ$, $et man$
individuals are fooled into thin%in!
business leaders should be lumped in
#ith these parasitic elites.
Suite the contrar$ E )reative,
businessEdriven innovators and
honest, benevolent civic leaders are
the heroes of civiliDation, because
their actions $ield increasin!
pro!ress for all of societ$.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e '(

)reators 41R- their po#er b$ honestl$ servin! the
public !ood throu!h the d$namics of free mar%et
capitalism... NOT @= 94IN) *O+#,.
2et envious,
an!r$, hateful,
confused +liberals0
and conspirac$
theorists attac%
creators and the
efforts the$ put
forth to create
Kobs, advance
technolo!$, and
improve the lives of
,he !ro#in!
public a#areness of
the authoritarian hoa* that politicians, reli!ious leaders,
and establishment stoo!es hide behind #as born from the
direct #or% of the 7erfectibilist tradition.
1nd in that tradition, $ou no# understand ho# honest
business leaders head the char!e in nullif$in! #idespread
criminalities carried out b$ those #ho hide behind the
authoritarian hoa*.
'urther enabled b$ the -e# orld .rder toda$, +men and
#omen of the mind0 have been Nuietl$ brin!in! about
liberatin! social d$namics E throu!h business, science, and
art E #hich ps$cholo!icall$ free the common man from the
authoritarian parasites3 matri* of deceit.
,hose #ho create values are not parasites... creators
of values are responsible for !ivin! $ou the tools to help
collapse the establishment s$stems that suppress human
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e '-

'e# understand ho# secret societies, filled #ith
honorable, devoted individuals, have been chippin! a#a$ at
the establishment for 64)164S E #or%in! to achieve the
masterful vision of a soverei!n !lobal civiliDation, free
from crime, disease, povert$, and hun!er.
,his is momentous time in histor$, #here a much
anticipated tippin! point is finall$ bein! reached.
,he social Deit!eist has be!un to rapidl$ chan!e. 1nd
as this phenomenon continues, $ou #ill
be!in to see more and more people li%e
me steppin! out of the shado#s C
invitin! $ou to Koin us in our mission.
(t is the hi!hest moral value on our
planet toda$, that )hurches and States
of the #orld E #hich are responsible
for all suppression of conscious life
on 4arth E are peacefull$ dismantled
and abandoned.
e3re steppin! for#ard and la$in! all
the cards do#n on the table because #e
%no# once $ou3re infected #ith this
amaDin! vision of the future, $ou3ll
activel$ become part of this ne# #orld
filled #ith libert$, peace, and
abundance. e3re alread$ enKo$in! it here and there3s
plent$ of room for more.
hen $ou decide to stop hatin! those heroic men and
#omen #ho #or% so hard to ma%e $our life better, $ou can
then be!in livin! the life $ou S&.856 be livin!.
(f the mental cancer spread b$ +liberals0 and
conspirac$ theorists has sun% $ou into a life of fear and
scarcit$, !ive $ourself a firm slap and snap out of itJ
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e (3

hile failures and
mista%es have been made
durin! the last t#o centuries
Lfailures and mista%es lend
to the essence of for!in!
pro!ressM, toda$ stands the
final moment #hen all of
humanit$, #ith the help of
the ne# (lluminati movement,
ma$ Kump out of the old code.
,hat old code,
consistin! of a noble fe#
methodicall$ chippin! a#a$ at
an abusive authoritarian
rulin! class #ho causes #ar
and economic hardship, #ill
be steadil$ disre!arded as #e
enter the -4 ).64.
(n the ne# code, !lobal
citiDens #ill increasin!l$
band to!ether to build a movement to#ard universal natural
la# $ieldin! eternal peace and prosperit$.
)ould man$ of the casualties of the last t#o centuries
have been avoided" .f course. )ould pro!ress have been made
faster usin! different methods" 1bsolutel$. 9ut at the same
time, #ithout the efforts put forth b$ the silent po#ers
that be Lfor instance, if the )old ar ended badl$ E or had
not happened at allM $ou mi!ht not be here toda$.
=ust as #ell, !lobal peace could have been established
#ithout conflict man$ decades a!o.
4ither #a$, if it #eren3t for the titans of industr$,
the men of the mind, #ho transformed 1merica into the
!lobal po#erhouse of innovation throu!hout the 20
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e (2

and e*panded the success of capitalism to reach almost
ever$ other countr$ around the #orld, $our life #ould be
dramaticall$ different than it is toda$ Land undoubtedl$
much #orseM.
,hose men and #omen #ho provided the technolo!ical
infrastructure for the industrial !lobaliDation of our
planet E the means for $ou to selfEeducate, and the po#er
to educate others .8,S(64 the establishment E as% for no
appreciation, no re#ard. ,he$ Nuietl$ #ait for $ou to use
the tools the$3ve provided, so $ou mi!ht ascend out the
milleniaEold mental bonda!e $ou3ve been thrust into since
(ndeed, those captains of industr$ provided the means
b$ #hich $ou ma$ free $ourself to access #ealth, po#er, and
happiness more easil$ than at an$ other time in histor$.
,he$ are smilin! do#n on $ou E even if $ou have been duped
into hatin! them, and R4S(S,(-/ their plans to help $ou.
1s $ou be!in to see the puDDle picture in it3s a#e
inspirin! entiret$, $ou3ll have no choice but to smile
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e (6

,here are an infinite number of
conclusions one could dra# b$
deconstructin! all the conflicts of the
past. .ne mi!ht conclude that the
sufferin! and losses incurred durin! the
last t#o centuries #ere avoidable and
.thers mi!ht conclude that sufferin!
and loss #as %ept at a minimum, !iven
the #ide scope potential for murderous,
envious despots to rise in po#er and
obliterate humanit$ throu!h an all out
nuclear holocaust.
(t3s ar!uable the initiatives of the
past #ere inherentl$ fla#ed, but Kust
li%e 1-2 business plan, some of the
pro!rams become successful, some
become miserable failures. 2ou do the
best $ou can, tr$ to e*ecute the plan
properl$, and improve $our results
based on #hat $ou learn.
hat do ( personall$ have to sa$ #hen
confronted to ans#er for all the mista%es made throu!hout
the decades" hat3s the final reconciliation" hat comfort
can ( offer someone #ho is an!ered b$ the catastrophic
mista%es made alon! the #a$"
HThe past is the past.I
/i$e and let li$e.
hile $ou cannot chan!e the past, $ou can use it to
find valuable insi!hts allo#in! $ou to avoid the problems
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e (:

$ou3ll face in the future. .ur mindset is about evolution,
problem solvin!, perfectin!, #ith the least resistance in
the least amount of time E #ith as fe# unintended setbac%s
or ne!ative outcomes as possible.
1s (3ll e*plain in !reater detail later, the risin!
faction Lthe +-e# (lluminati :ovement0 if $ou #illM is
providin! radical solutions to fi* the inherent fla#s #hich
have been identified in the ori!inal (lluminati 7rotocols
Linherent fla#s that si!nif$ the eventual failure of the
ori!inal plans set forth b$ the 9avarian (lluminati nearl$
a Nuarter millennium a!oM.
2ou3ll naturall$ have the ur!e to %ic% and scream and
resist the follo#in! ideas ( #ish to impart on $ou, so put
on $our obKectivit$ hat. hat (3m about to sa$ is counter
intuitive to the #a$ $ou3ve been persuaded to thin% in the
,he ori!inal 9avarian (lluminati, alon! #ith the man$
secret societies that rose around the turn of 1A
4urope, #here not much unli%e the Sons of 5ibert$ and the
secret societies that formed in the )olonies of 1merica
around the time of the Revolutionar$ #ar.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e (;

,his is a much
overloo%ed perspective
that can provide one
#ith a clearer
understandin! of the
importance secret
societies pla$ed
throu!hout histor$, and
#here secret societies
#ill lead civiliDation
,he 'oundin! 'athers of 1merica held in common man$ of
the core philosophical beliefs held b$ members of the
9avarian (lluminati.
2et the methodolo!$ in #hich those beliefs mi!ht be
brou!ht about in societ$, to eventuall$ be held b$ the
common man, #ere much different.
,hose methodolo!ies #ere different because the
challen!es facin! the $oun! 1merican revolutionaries varied
!reatl$ from the challen!es faced b$ the $oun! 9avarian
Different challen!es
re1uire different measures.
2oun! 1merica pla$ed to their home
field advanta!e, to protect the le!ac$
of builders #ho had made the -e# orld
such a maKestic destination for
abundant opportunit$. ,he element of
authoritarianism imported b$ ;in!
/eor!e and others #as a creepin! cancer
to be rooted out at all costs, from the
!round up, in that vir!in land of
unlimited possibilities.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e (<

2oun! 9avaria e*isted in the
shado#s, cast into secrec$ as a
sole means of survival in a land
of a!ed )hurch and State directed
totalitarianism. 1nd althou!h
eased b$ the enli!htenment,
thou!ht crimes #ere treason, and
plottin! moves to establish the
same pro!ress so heroicall$
for!ed in 1merica reNuired a
different approach.
4o the need for co$ert
action was born.
8ltimatel$, #hen interpreted in the #idest possible
conte*t, the 'oundin! 'athers of 1merica, and eishaupt3s
(lluminati #ere indelible soul mates, in that the$ both
stron!l$ believed in t#o absolutes:
!ne" That nature(s laws be the !uidin! for#e to whi#h
man must adhere, not the laws of Ain!s, or despots$
#wo" They both believed reli!ions, #reated and
manipulated by man, should play no role in the
!overnin! of man$
,hese t#o fundamental
beliefs, representin!
the #idest most honest
conditions under #hich
civiliDation ma$ best
operate, have been under
attac% ever since the$
#ere put into #ords in
the 6eclaration of
(ndependence of 1@@P,
and represented in
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e (&

!overnance #hen the )onstitution of the 8nited States #as
ratified in 1@AA.
1chievin! and upholdin! the t#o
pillars of 1merican values, the
limited authorit$ of !overnments and
reli!ions, #ould have been
impossible #ithout the influence of
secret societies, both in 1merica
and abroad, throu!hout the $ears.
hile the mirror ima!e common
denominators held b$ both the
'oundin! 'athers and the 9avarian
(lluminati shine in the countless
#ritin!s produced to#ard the end of the 4nli!htenment,
star% differences also create a diver!ence bet#een the
ultimate means b$ #hich each movement strove to fulfill
their !oals.
1merica #as established as a
republic #ith a uniNue !overnment,
essentiall$ desi!ned to run li%e a
business. (t #as ultimatel$
intended b$ the 'oundin! 'athers
that 1merica be an apolitical
republic. (t #as up to +e ,he
7eople0 to uphold the !overnin!
documents of the land if the$
#ished to maintain that republic.
hile the same libertarian
ideolo!ies #ere held b$ the
9avarian (lluminati as an 4-6, the
:41-S in #hich libert$ mi!ht be
achieved did not lead to an end!ame of routin! out t$rann$
in order to establish and protect a !eo!raphicall$ isolated
nation state in 4urope...
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e ('

,he$ sou!ht to establish
/5.915 libert$ b$ the
eradication of nation states
15,./4,&4R, usin! deceit as a
means to an end #henever
9efore ( drill do#n further
and e*plain the fundamental
difference bet#een the 'oundin!
'athers and the 9avarians
re!ardin! their approach to
achievin! libert$, consider the
deceptive contrast bet#een
these t#o #orldl$ visions.
#he first vision, held by the 'oundin! 'athers, showed
a !eo!raphi# republi#, a nation9state, prote#tin!
itself a!ainst the tyranny of reli!ion and despotism 1
both forei!n and domesti#$
#he second vision, held by the Bavarian Illuminati,
showed the worldwide eradi#ation of reli!ious and
despoti# tyranny 1 by means of sei5in! power (throu!h
various methods as detailed in the Illuminati
7roto#ols" and erasin! the borders of the world$
-ote that both visions have the same end !oal for the
citiDens #ho #ould ultimatel$ be effected. ,hat end !oal is
libert$, Kustice, and peace for all.
Which $ision is more rational"
(t3s counter intuitive to thin% that the second vision
is rational Lespeciall$ if $ou !re# up #ith 1merican
valuesM. (t3s also seemin!l$ deceptive, because #hen
loo%in! at the second vision, the (lluminati vision, $ou
can see t#o ver$ different outcomes...
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e ((

,hat second vision mi!ht $ield the eventual end of
1merica... .R it could be a vision in #hich 1merica #ould
become a !lobal phenomenon, spreadin! its )onstitutional
values across the !lobe to establish permanent peace and
,oda$ #e3ve reached a point #here 1merica must decide
if she #ishes to be
permanentl$ absorbed into
the !lobal communit$, or if
she #ishes to remain an
independent nation state in
#hich +e ,he 7eople0 move
for#ard to rise up and
establish a lastin!
precedent for libert$ that
!oes on to infect ever$
nation around the !lobe.
L&ere(s a little se#ret 9 It
doesn(t matterC We will see
the #ollapse of statism
either wayCM
hether it is
established b$ puppet
leaders, or #hether it is #illfull$ chosen b$ the people,
the eventual !overnmental order on planet 4arth is a !lobal
order built upon natural la# Le*plained in more detail in a
later chapterM.
%referably0 this will be achie$ed by choice0 and not by
force. @ut the chan!es need to come 1uickly.
,he fundamental difference ( hinted at earlier
re!ardin! the philosophical and methodolo!ical differences
bet#een the 'oundin! 'athers and the 9avarian (lluminati
is directl$ responsible for the shift currentl$ s#eepin!
throu!h !lobal (lluminati societies toda$.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e (-

,o understand this shift one must understand the
purpose of the ori!inal (lluminati 7rotocols, the e*tent of
their implementation, and their inherent fla#s. One must
also understand their plasti#ity$
,he ori!inal 7rotocols #ere formulated to best manifest
Lan almost utopianM vision of !lobal peace and prosperit$
in the shortest amount of time L#ith the least amount of
When simplified0 the
protocols were really ust
a Hbusiness planI.
(t3s been violentl$ attac%ed as
prime evil, but over the last t#o
centuries that business plan has
$ielded immense prosperit$ and
happiness for individuals all over
the planet.
,hird #orld nations have risen
up to become selfEsufficient
participants in the !lobal econom$.
,he murderous totalitarian re!imes
once holdin! millions of citiDens in
bonda!e have been overthro#n. ,he
Nualit$ of life and the life
e*pectanc$ of nearl$ all human
bein!s on the planet has been E and
#ill continue E increasin!.
ith the e*ception of the :iddle 4ast and some
underdeveloped areas of the #orld, the )hurch has been
stripped of nearl$ all its po#er. -onEtheism, either
passive or overt, has overta%en popular culture. Reli!ions
are a complete Ko%e in science and technolo!$ communities,
and amon!st most $oun! people toda$.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e -3

:an%ind is becomin!
more and more mentall$
free from a past led b$
bo!us authoritarian
control of the )hurch and
#ill soon !o on to become
ph$sicall$ and financiall$
free from the bo!us
authoritarianism of the
(3m not defendin! the
ori!inal protocols
#holeheartedl$, nor am (
den$in! the immoralit$ of
the collateral dama!e the$
caused... (3m simpl$
e*pressin! the rarel$
discussed N,TC@,N,*IT4
the$ have brou!ht forth,
and framin! a perception
throu!h #hich $ou can
understand the ultimate
necessit$ of their role in
the histor$ of our civiliDation.
2ou3re invited to first obKectivel$ observe histor$ as
a series of events that shaped humanit$3s abilit$ to
survive #hile considerin! the shift that3s occurrin!, #here
the ne# faction has be!un to ta%e the reins from the old
-e*t, inte!rate the vision of the ne# #orld order as
it3s presented to $ou throu!hout this publication, and (
hope $ou #ill then be armed #ith an accurate illustration
of the critical importance the -e# orld .rder pla$s in
$our o#n future.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e -2

1s $ou alread$ %no#, the
minds behind the !lobal
pro!ress made in the last
t#o centuries have
remained in po#er b$ the
e*ecution of the ori!inal
7rotocols. 9ut the
7rotocols hold an inherent
fla#, #hich has be!un to
increasin!l$ de!rade the
inte!rit$ of their overall
This flaw would ha$e e$entually led to failure.
,he solutions put forth to remed$ this problem not onl$
subvert disaster, but accelerate the ultimate !oal of the
ori!inal 7rotocols #ith incredible speed. (Without !oin!
into detail about the spe#ifi# enhan#ements, I #an say that
they(ve arrived not a moment too
hen $ou peel bac% all the
la$ers of the mind... hen $ou
deconstruct all the s$stems it
depends on... hen $ou !rind
do#n ever$ last ar!ument from
ever$ philosophical premise ever
put forth... ,here is one simple
a*iomatic fact that serves as a
fulcrum, #hich 155 .' &8:1-(,2
no# rests upon. ,hat fact is:
The ends ne$er
ustify the means.
ithout re!ards to this a*iom, humanit$ #ill continue
headin! to#ard its eventual e*tinction, no matter ho# hard
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e -6

the attempt is to depart the old #orld order.
9ut b$ respectin! this a*iomatic fact, and effectivel$
alterin! the path in #hich the old 7rotocols mi!ht have led
us, humanit$ can soar to unlimited hei!hts.
5uc%il$ this can
be done #ithout an$
disruption, #ithout
an$ sta%eholders
losin! value in
their ne# #orld
order investments...
but it !ets even
(t reduces the blo#
bac% and collateral
dama!e endured b$ the common man under the old protocols.
$%nd further&ore, it wipes out
the parasitic class F!'E(E')*
,he inherent fla# in the ori!inal
7rotocols is the Kustification of the
means to #hich ends are accomplished.
hile !lobal pro!ress had been made
over the last t#o centuries, despite this
inherent fla#, the #orld remained trapped
in a ruthless criminal civiliDation.
L,his fla# #as e*amined at !reat len!ths
b$ 1$n Rand in her 7hilosoph$ of
.bKectivism, #hich had a !reat impact on
the direction of the (lluminati durin!
the second half of the 20
1fter 9/11, a ne# set of protocols
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e -:

be!an ta%in! over to repair this fatal fla#. (&nlie
reli!ious do!ma, the Illuminati operatin! system is a
#olle#tion of a!ile, adaptable ideas that are subDe#t to
#onstant evolutionary
'or decades, those #ho
identified and understood
the eventual social,
political, and financial
failures to come about due
to this fla# have been
#aitin! and plannin! for
this revolution, and the
monumental !lobal paradi!m
shift it #ill induce.
-o# #e approach a
tippin! point #e call the
+the !reat transition0,
#here the old (lluminati
7rotocols #ill be abandoned,
usherin! in a
technolo!icall$ advanced ne#
#orld order #here a
parasitic class can not Land
#ill neverM rise a!ain.
e3re !ettin! closer and closer to that tippin! point
Lit #ill be!in perhaps as earl$ as 2010 and be full$
reco!niDed perhaps as earl$ as 2012M.
:ost of ever$thin! conceptualiDed in conspirac$ culture
is derived from the old protocols and the events of the
past. 9$ interpretin! #hat is happenin! in the present
throu!h one3s s%e#ed understandin! of the past, one derives
an inaccurate basis on #hich to assess current events or
ma%e accurate future predictions.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e -;

ith distorted perceptions of realit$ and a lac% of
understandin! about these ne# protocols, an outsider could
dra# the inaccurate conclusion that humanit$ is on an
unavoidable crash course #ith
e*tinction Lbut the opposite is
in fact trueM.
'or instance, in 200@, no
bac%#oods survivalist, armed to
the teeth, livin! in 9'4 had
an$ clue Ron 7aul #ould ta%e
the 8.S. b$ storm, and a
movement to#ard )onstitutional
values #ould arise... 9ut it
(n 200A, no dis!runtled
voter, sic% from the media3s
coverEup of 9ush administration
lies, #ould have ever thou!ht conservative ne#s #ould,
almost over ni!ht, be!in embeddin! blatant libertarian,
)onstitutional rhetoric in its pro!rams and publications,
steerin! sheepish )hristian
)onservatives and (ndependent
voters to#ard total distrust
of the establishment and
their elected leaders... 9ut
it did.
1s of the time of this
publication, in late 2009,
$ou have no idea the drama
that3s !oin! to unfold before
the -ovember 2010 midterm
elections E #hen the ne*t
#ave of economic catastrophe
hits harder than ever and voters continue to dump both the
Republican and 6emocratic parties...
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e -<

@ut now you know why all
these thin!s are happenin!.
,he s$mphon$ #ill pla$ on and on until the !lobal
revolution #ipes out ever$ last parasite on the planet, and
most don3t even understand ho# this #ill all be
accomplished. (t #ill be accomplished not #ith !uns blaDin!
and fists in the air...
@ut throu!h %,A#, and INT,//I),N#,.
(t ma$ not S44: that
#a$... (n fact, it mi!ht
S44: li%e the end of the
#orld is comin!...
1s lon! as $ou3re livin!
in #hat S44:S li%e a hellish
fantas$ #orld, $ou3re !oin!
to continue e*periencin! the
limited benefits such a
#orld ma%es available to
$ou. (That(s all you !et in
the old world of illusions 1
shrinin! potential$"
9ut b$ seein! the full
vision of the -e# orld
.rder in its entiret$, as it
constantl$ evolves, one can
strate!icall$ ta%e forth
measures to ensure crucial
pro!ressE$ieldin! future
events occur. 'rom the chain
reaction of those
manufactured events, bac%ed
b$ a !lobal support net#or%, the future vision is further
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e -&

What that means is =O9 create your own destiny.
2.8 manifest the future $ou #ant to live in, and $ou do
this re!ardless of an$ e*ternal forces that mi!ht threaten
to hinder $our pro!ress.
hat3s comin! has been in the #or%s since the ori!inal
(lluminati 7rotocols #ere conceived, b$ men of honor and
inte!rit$, #ho %ne# the parasitic class #ould eventuall$
en!ulf all of civiliDation, leavin! no possibilit$ for the
human race to survive.
,he evolution of the protocols E the remed$ of their
inherent fla#s E is subvertin! their inevitable demise,
allo#in! them to no# dismantle the establishment in record
speed, #ith minimum collateral dama!e.
hile #e increasin!l$ shift to#ard the ne#l$ updated
protocols, 2.8 have an
increasin! opportunit$ to
pla$ a role in the success of
this future vision.
(n fact, dependin! on $our
character and motivation, $ou
are potentiall$ (- 64:1-6.
,he ne# protocols are
unfoldin! toda$, and this
vision of our future, as
described in a later chapter,
is a ne# #orld #hich !lobal
citiDens continue to enter at
an e*ponential pace.
,here is absolutel$ no
stoppin! it, not even b$
outri!ht censorship L#hich onl$ amplifies the messa!eM.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e -'

hen $ou finish readin! this document, $ou should #al%
a#a$ %no#in! ho# much of an impact this ne# #orld order is
!oin! to $ield for ever$one as #e Doom into the future.
,he -e# orld .rder #ill
see to it that !overnmental
structures based on
obKective la# are erected,
and old fault$
establishmentEbased s$stems,
such as education, medicine,
and ener!$ Nuic%l$ !o
throu!h dramatic
transformations, ma%in! #a$
for increased economic
prosperit$, improved health,
and a social environment of
increased safet$.
T>AT5s the Hend!ameI.
(t3s alread$ #ell in motion. 2ears from no#, onl$ after
the vision has been full$ manifested, #ill the #hole stor$
be told. 2ou3ll then loo% bac% at the past and reflect on
ho# similar the stor$ is to the one (3m tellin! $ou toda$.
(n the comin! $ears, aside from the
bonds $ou3ll form #ith others #ho3ve
been Nuietl$ initiated into our
societies, $ou3ll be #al%in! amon!st a
public clueless as to #ho3s pushin! the
buttons causin! these revolutionar$
events to increasin!l$ occur.
e3re soon reachin! a crescendo,
#here the old establishment3s appetite
for po#er #ill no lon!er be satisfied b$
feedin! off the public. 1nd the #ear$
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e -(

public is comin! e*tremel$ close to that tippin! point
#here the$3ll permanentl$ #ithdra# their support.
ill economic collapse cement the transition, and act
as the brea%in! point #here 1mericans #ill ta%e the
responsibilit$ to restore their )onstitution"
e3d li%e to #rap this up
#ith the election of a
libert$ candidate in 2012,
but $ou never %no#...
1mericans Kust 5.V4 to suffer
under the hand of their
parasitic eliteJ
1s of the date of this
document3s publication, it is
still uncertain a 2012 !oal
#ill be reached, but $ou3ll
be elated as $ou #itness the
leaps made durin! the ne*t
three $ears, due to the
efforts bein! put in place to
ensure the Deit!eist
continues to rapidl$
(ts o%a$ that an +4vil -e# orld .rder0 is bein!
+resisted0 b$ a !ro#in! number of activists. L,hat3s a /..6
thin!JM ,he (lluminati m$ths act as a po#erful force,
!eneratin! a hatred for the corrupt rulin! class in the
minds of the populace.
1 stru!!lin! parasitic class #ill attempt to retain
their positions of po#er b$ an$ means necessar$, until the$
are finall$ forced to !ive up. :an$ have alread$ be!un to
chan!e their positions and their beliefs, Koinin! the
revolution out of fear of bein! ostraciDed.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e --

,he resistance of a m$thical 4vil -e# orld .rder, as
it3s described in conspirac$ theor$, is ,&4 Nuintessential
movement helpin! sin% the establishment3s stron!hold on
4it back and enoy the showE
L2ou have more important thin!s to do #ith $our time
and abilities than bein! paral$Ded #ith fear about spoo%$
thin!s $ou hear from the media.M
4fforts have been put forth at the
hi!hest levels of po#er, to ensure the
optimum conditions e*ist for the safest
possible transition into this ne# #orld.
9ut there are still man$ dan!ers #e face,
and in a later chapter (3ll e*plain, step
b$ step, 4<1),52 #hat $ou need to do to
insulate $ourself durin! the storm.
2ou mi!ht alread$ be sufferin! as an unintended
conseNuence of the financial fallout. 2ou mi!ht have lost
$our Kob, had to ta%e less hours, or less pa$. 2ou mi!ht
have less bu$in! po#er toda$ due to
inflation. L4conomic conditions #ill
continue to #orsen.M
9ut the economic fallout doesn3t have to
effect $ou. (t hasn3t effected me because (
#as an insider loo%in! out. (f the !lobal
financial collapse effected $ou in an$ #a$,
it3s li%el$ because $ou are an .8,S(64R,
loo%in! in.
,he ultimate !oal of our 1ssimilation
)ampai!n is to !et $ou (-S(64. /lobal (lluminati societies
are openin! their doors as #e speed to#ard the ne# #orld
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 233

H=ou don5t ha$e to be a casualty
of this final leap into the new world.I
2ou %no# a financial collapse is here C ( don3t have to
convince $ou of that. (f $ou3re readin! this #ithin a short
period of its release, $ou have adeNuate time to prepare
$ourself if $ou !et started R(/&, no#.
'ollo#in! the instructions ( offer in this publication
#ill help $ou fastEtrac% $our pro!ress if $ou decide to !o
at it alone.
9ut if $ou 6. -.,
#ant to !o at it
alone, and #ish to
see% the advanta!es
$ou can obtain b$
helpin! create
pro!ress under the ne#
code, there is an
invitation #aitin! for
$ou. L9ecome an
insider if $ou #ant to
!o do#n that rabbit
( promised, in the be!innin!, ( #ould offer $ou
e*amples of the :(-6S4, #e hold, and !ive $ou 74RS74),(V4S
to help $ou put the puDDle pieces to!ether C to understand
the inte!ral depth of our problem solvin! approach. (3ve
done that in these first t#o chapters.
( hope $ou could #al% a#a$ ri!ht no# %no#in! much more
from #hat $ou3ve read in these first t#o chapters than $ou
could have !athered spendin! countless hours searchin!
conspirac$ #ebsites and #atchin! antiE-. videos.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 232

2ou3ve been !iven a taste of #hat m$ life is li%e and
#hat ever$one3s life mi!ht be li%e in the ne# #orld order.
2ou3ve learned #hat
our vision for the ne#
#orld order holds, our
values, our hopes, and
the revolutionar$ time
line. 1nd $ou
hopefull$ understand
the +shift0 from the
old protocols to the
ne# protocols, #hich
has li%el$ never been
full$ articulated to
,o !ive $ou a clear
vision of #hat $our
potential mi!ht be in
this comin! a!e of
rapid chan!e, ( no#
#ant to ta%e $ou bac%
in time C to illustrate #hat ( had to !o throu!h to arrive
at the level #hich ( stand toda$.
( had to travel !reat distances to !et
here, and if ( can describe #hat m$ life
used to be li%e in m$ dar%est da$, ( thin%
$ou3ll a!ree #ith me E no matter &1,
challen!es $ou face C $ou3ve !ot a massive
head start in comparison to #here ( #as
#hen the$ chose me.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 236

h* &id The* %hoose )e.
I was so close to bein! dead it5s
amaAin! I5m e$en ali$e today...
1s a confused, rec%less $outh, involved in hard
narcotics, criminal acts, and ris%$ se*... ( lived to
&avin! it all fi!ured out b$ the invincible a!e of 1@ E
as a fresh hi!h school drop out E ( entered m$ adulthood
full of braDen optimism.
( #as too cool
for school... ( had
no desire to be part
of their phon$
educational s$stem E
I didn(t need them. (
refused to be under
the rule of an$ adult
as #ell. 1n$one #ho
#ished to have
authorit$ over me
#ould have met their
(n the be!innin!,
thin!s #eren3t all
that bad.. ( o#ned a
decent car, held a Kob L#hich pa$ed sli!htl$ above minimum
#a!eM, had a little savin!s in the ban%, and some !ood
friends ( could depend on.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 23:

9ut even the Nualities of such a mea!er e*istence
started disappearin! faster and faster, as ( hit a do#n#ard
spiral that rapidl$ sun% me into the depths of societ$3s
most depraved subculture C onl$ to #a%e up $ears later in
complete disillusion.
&abituall$ part$in! ever$
#ee%end, ( started to abuse
substances more and more
Lfirst part$ dru!s, then
harder stuffM until
part$in! became an outri!ht
=ou name it0 I e$entually
!ot into it J in $iolent
hen $ou3re part$in! at
all hours of the ni!ht, ever$ ni!ht Leven on #ee%ni!htsM
it3s hard to %eep a Kob.
.f course, the solution for such a problem is to find a
dealer #ho3ll front $ou
lar!e Nuantities of dru!s.
,hat #a$, $ou don3t have to
sho# up to a crapp$ Kob to
ma%e mone$ C the mone$ comes
strai!ht ,. 2.8.
(t3s not a comple*
science E $ou can usuall$
ma%e enou!h mone$ to pa$ the
rent, pa$ bac% the dealer,
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 23;

1-6 have free dru!s for $ourself. L,here3s an endless
!ro#in! mar%et for ille!al dru!s in an$ !iven cit$, and
ma%in! mone$ sellin! them is a noEbrainer.M
9ut of course, ( #as so pathetic ( couldn3t even !et b$
as a dru! dealer. :$ addiction, m$ lifest$le, and the
delusions that ( could !o on livin! a life of unadulterated
hedonism eventuall$ made
it difficult for me to
pa$ the rent...
,hen it #as eventuall$
difficult to be a#are of
#hat da$ of the #ee% it
,&4- it became difficult
to remember #ho o#ed me
mone$ and ho# much mone$
( o#ed others...
-eedless to sa$, the
lifest$le (3d chosen
eventuall$ consumed an$ remainin! sense of rationalit$ (
mi!ht have possessed.
:$ old friends and famil$ tried to intervene but the$
#ere violentl$ shut out of m$ life. ,he onl$ friends ( had
left #ere headed in the e*act same direction ( #as C
-ot onl$ did ( reKect help from an$one #ho still cared
about me, but ( rapidl$ turned into #hat ( could onl$
consider no# to be toBic human waste.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 23<

:$ spirit #as consumed #ith dishonest$ and
irrationalit$, #hich ate a#a$ at me li%e a cancer, forcin!
me into one bad decision
after another. I couldn5t
!et enou!h.
1s ( sa# m$ car
repossessed, all m$
electronics pa#ned, and
m$ livin! conditions
de!rade into filth, ( #as
evicted from m$ apartment
and be!an sNuattin!
#herever ( could.
(It never #rossed my
mind that there was
anythin! wron! with the way my life was turnin! out 1 all I
was interested in was !ettin! hi!h$"
Time was be!innin! to disappear...
1t one point ( realiDed (3d been
so heavil$ strun! out on meth that
the onl$ thin! (3d eaten in more
than seven da$s #as a P9 cent
cheesebur!er from :c6onalds.
1nd it #asn3t Kust the dru!s ( #as
addicted to E it #as the stru!!le.
( refused to ta%e responsibilit$
for m$ o#n problems. ,o me, if an$thin! #as !oin! #ron! at
that time, it #as the #orld3s fault for not !ivin! me a
chance, for not ma%in! thin!s easier.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 23&

( #asn3t interested in
!ettin! a Kob, and even if (
#ere to tr$, m$ seed$
appearance #ouldn3t have
permitted it Lnot even at a
fast food restaurantM. 1fter
a #hile, #ith no mone$, and
nothin! to offer an$one,
there #ere no more couches to
sleep on.
I was as low as
low could !et...
(t onl$ too% !ettin!
robbed a couple of times,
comin! up short #ith m$ dealer3s cash, and !ettin! the shit
%ic%ed out of me, to KumpEstart m$ reputation as a Kun%ie
loser. ,hat reputation #as Nuic%l$ cemented as soon as #ord
!ot around to m$ friends that ( #as stealin! from them.
+ I thought it was fair for &e to steal from others
be#ause I felt I was !iven a shitty hand in life$
+ I thought it was fair for &e to s#rew other people
over be#ause the world was inherently evil, and I was
Dust playin! my part$
+ I thought it was fair for &e to use threats to !et
what I wanted be#ause I needed to survive$ I Dustified
every #riminal a#t as a ne#essity for me to !et by$
,o me, the #orld #as Kust a vicious circle of people
feedin! off of one another.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 23'

henever ( could acNuire mone$, ( #ould feed it into
shad$ dru! deals onl$ to ma%e enou!h mone$ to eat, !et into
parties, chip in for the
occasional hotel room, and have
free dru!s for m$self.
,here #as no vision of a
future, no strate!$ to move from
one da$ to the ne*t. ( e*isted and
reacted solel$ on the desire to
!et hi!h, !et eas$ mone$, and
maintain a lifest$le of slac%ness.
,he onl$ lon! term plans that
entered m$ mind #ere plans to ma%e
bi!!er dru! deals. 1ll ( %ne# #as
the #orld of criminalit$.
I had delusions.
:$ brain #as fried #ith so much acid over the course of
t#o $ears ( plummeted into
a dru!Einduced ps$chosis,
#here ( be!an displa$in!
behavior #hich could onl$
be described as
( heard and acted upon
the voices of #hat (
thou!ht #ere alien bein!s.
,he$ told me #hat to do and
!ave me direct messa!es
durin! m$ deep ps$chedelic
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 23(

(nstead of ma%in! m$ o#n decisions, ( ima!ined
hallucinated spirit bein!s #hich !ave me e*ternal !uidance
as to #hat choices ( should ma%e.
( used m$ o#n faculties, #hich (
based on m$ limited understandin!
of numerolo!$, esp, astrolo!$, and
a sle# of other pseudoEsciences
Lmost of #hich ( invented on m$
o#nM to ma%e decisions about #hat
( should do #ith m$ life.
( #as a m$stic, 1 5.S4R,
convinced ( %ne# #hat realit$ #as,
but totall$ oblivious to #hat #as
reall$ real. ( #as convinced ( had
intuitive po#ers and (3d reached a ne# level of a#areness
b$ pushin! the limits E endurin! m$ outra!eous ps$chedelic
1ctin! on these mindEcreated
delusions, ( refused to ta%e
responsibilit$ for m$ o#n life.
1n outsider #ould have
observed me as Kust another
pathetic #aste, but ( considered
m$self a prince amon! the /ods,
a chosen one, a channel throu!h
#hich the outerE#orld realm used
to communicate #ith the 4arthl$
realm. 1nd because of that,
ever$thin! in m$ life continued
to deteriorate.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 23-

( had suddenl$ become this biDarre hallucinatin! street
person, destined to become another urchin $ou #ould see out
of the corner of $our e$e as $ou #al% do#n the side#al%O
too #asted to even audibl$ be! for coins C eventuall$
headed to#ard livin! in some dirt$, pathetic alle$#a$.
@ut I was sa$ed...
-ot b$ /od, 1llah,
2ah#eh, <enu, or some
other supernatural
( #as saved, b$
random chance, #hen (
discovered the secrets
to life, #hich
immediatel$ Land (
mean (::46(1,452M
transformed me from a
l$in!, stealin!,
disheveled !utter rat,
into a happ$, competent, creative !oE!etter on the #a$ to
becomin! massivel$ successful.
It all chan!ed one afternoon when 7ason0 an old friend
of mine I5d not seen in a!es0 showed up uneBpectedly...
9ac% in the da$, #e used to tal% about ma%in! loads of
mone$ to!ether... &o# #e #ould pull off a massive dru! deal
that #ould !ive us the cushion to set ourselves up in
=amaica, so #e could live li%e %in!s E onl$ havin! to pull
off a couple dru! deals ever$ no# and then to %eep up the
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 223

9ut a couple $ears
earlier, he Kust sort of
disappeared, about the same
time ( started to reall$
spiral out of control.
( didn3t %no# #hat
happened to him, and none of
the people ( #as associated
#ith had heard an$thin! from
him since. 1ll m$ friends from
bac% then #ere lon! !one at
this point, and (3d almost
for!otten about the old da$s #hen #e used to be ti!ht.
L,his #as the moment #hen m$ life reall$ chan!ed...M
( had #orn out m$ #elcome at the friend3s house (3d
been crashin! at, and she #anted me !one b$ the end of the
da$. hile ( #as #or%in! the phone, schemin! to find a ne#
place to sNuat until ( !ot m$ shit to!ether, there #as a
%noc% on the door...
It was him.
*ow did he find me3
&e #as #earin! a suit, had a ne# car
par%ed outside, and he #as ramblin! on
about some business he #as involved in
Lthe details of #hich didn3t ma%e a bit of
sense to meM.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 222

:$ brain #as
fried from the
previous ni!ht3s
trip, and #hile (
stru!!led to
comprehend, ( #as
mesmeriDed b$ his
presence, as if #hat
he #as sa$in!
brou!ht forth
increased a#areness,
ma%in! me smarter,
pullin! m$ brain out
of the muc%.
(t had been so
lon! since (3d been around an$one #ho tal%ed about havin!
an$ sort of ambition to do an$thin! -., involvin! dru!s...
I always considered him the sharpest person I knew. &e
#as the first !u$ ( met #ho #as reall$ #ell versed in
business and he also %ne# a lot about technolo!$ L#hich (
#as hi!hl$ interested in before ( !ot involved in the part$
( probabl$ #ould have lau!hed at an$one else tellin! me
#hat he told me, but he #as al#a$s the one !u$ ( thou!ht
#ould actuall$ do somethin! #ith his life. 7lus he had this
aura of seriousness and po#er dra#in! me in... 2ou could
sense in his e$es he #as full of purpose.
&e said he #as !ivin! me the %e$s to the %in!dom and if
( didn3t ta%e advanta!e of #hat he offered, ( .856 -4V4R
S44 &(: 1/1(-.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 226

,hen he pulled this !iant
manuscript #ith a !loss$
blood red cover Labout the
siDe of a -e# 2or% phone
boo%M out of his ba! and let
it fall do#n on the coffee
table #ith a T>9D.
>e said0 HThis is IT.I
+hat is IT"0 ( as%ed
pla$full$, loo%in! at the odd
manuscript, #hich had nothin!
besides a hand#ritten si* di!it number on the cover.
&e proceeded to tell me if ( read it ( #ould instantl$
start ma%in! mone$, !ettin! hot #omen, dump all the losers
( #as still han!in! out #ith, and for!et about the pathetic
little dru! deals ( #as pullin! off.
8y only words were H+iii!ht.I
( #as intert#ined amon!st man$ talented con men and
hustlers dail$ so ( #as al#a$s read$ for a baitEandEs#itch.
(3d probabl$ have to Koin
some Scientolo!$ cult or
some ne#Ea!e selfEhelpE
1m#a$, han! out #ith a bunch
of their brain#ashed
disciples, and sit throu!h
!ush$ pumpEmeEup seminars.
@ut he was dead serious.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 22:

&e told me it #asn3t selfEhelp, reli!ion, or an$thin!
li%e that... (t came from inside a secret societ$. &e
#ouldn3t tell me an$thin! else... #hat the name #as...
#here the$ met... ho# he !ot involved... Nothin!.
hen ( as%ed if it #as the 'reemasons he chuc%led #ith
a !rin and said +-o. (t3s 12 94,,4R than an$thin! the$
have to offer.0
>e said it was a secret and
that5s all he could say...
(f ( #anted to %no# more
about the secret societ$ it
came from, (3d have to read
the entire manuscript coverE
toEcover and put #hat (
learned to use.
:$ first reaction #as to
tell him to fuc% off, but (
#as curious. (3d read about
the (lluminati and ( believed
in a lot of thin!s (3d learned, so ( #as intri!ued. (It was
mu#h later when I be!an to understand I was bein!
informally initiated$"
,here had to be S.:4,&(-/ to #hat he #as sa$in!,
because he #as in the same position as me the last time (
sa# him, and no# he #as havin! all this success in life,
tellin! me about the mone$ he #as ma%in!, the vacation he
Kust too% to the 9ahamas, and the hot !irl he #as datin!
(thou!h I was dubious about the !irl sin#e he didn(t have
any pi#tures of her".
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 22;

&e said he chose me and the t#o others to receive
copies of the manuscript because #e #ere the .-52 t#o
people he pic%ed out the old cre# #ho had the potential to
do somethin! #ith our lives.
(t didn3t matter #hat
(3d been throu!h over
the past couple
$ears. (t didn3t
matter #hat a loser (
#as at that ver$
moment... &e #as
confident (3d use
#hat (3d learn for
the betterment of m$
self and others.
,he numbered
manuscript #as
specificall$ issued
to him to !ive a#a$
to me, and he
stressed a!ain that if ( didn3t read it, and put the
%no#led!e ( learned to use, ( #ould never be contacted b$
him or an$ other member C 4V4R.
(f the$ found out that ( !ave it a#a$ to an$ one else,
or allo#ed it to leave m$ possession at all, the same
conseNuences #ould occur.
( felt li%e there #as a #eird presence in the room
#hile all of this #as happenin!. :a$be it #as m$ mental
state at the time, but there #as this #arm bluishE!reen
aura around him.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 22<

1nd even thou!h all this #as a little hard to believe,
( had a !ut feelin! that #as holdin! bac% m$ doubts.
1 voice inside #as ur!in! me to do #hat =ason
su!!ested, tellin! me ( #as in the ri!ht place at the ri!ht
time, and ( needed to seiDe this opportunit$ to find the
#a$ out of this hell ( #as livin! in.
=ust loo%in! at odd !loss$ red cover of the manuscript
#as surreal. (t seemed to carve a space in the coffee
table, obfuscatin! ever$thin! around it, li%e a blac% hole
suc%s an entire !ala*$ into a dar%
8y head was fuAAy.
,o understand the impact of
this moment, ( have to ta%e $ou
bac% to the ni!ht before. ( had a
rare, unsettlin! e*perience #here
(3d consumed a little too much
acid and ended up havin! an
at$pical, borderline nervous trip.
(I hadn(t had a bad trip sin#e
hi!h s#hool, but the ni!ht was the
#losest I(d ever been sin#e$"
(3d !iven some acid to a
friend of mine to drive me to a
bar #here ( #as supposed to meet
one of m$ customers. e both
decided to dose up and then head out. hen #e !ot to the
bar #e decided to have a drin% #hile #e #aited...
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 22&

hile ( #as sittin! at the bar havin! m$ drin%, the
acid reall$ started comin! do#n on me li%e some sort of
vicious !ravit$, pullin! on m$ s%in, pushin! me do#n into
the bar stool.
(t felt li%e
elastic bands
#ere all over m$
arms, le!s, and
face, pullin! me
( sNuirmed
retardedl$ on the
bar stool,
stru!!lin! to sit
up strai!ht
amidst m$ little bout #ith !ravit$, then ( !ot a sli!ht
!limpse of the bar tender !ivin! me the !narl$ e$eball,
#hich sent a small splash of paranoia #ashin! throu!h m$
,hen ( felt m$ !ut startin! to %not up, li%e ( #as
di!estin! a !olf ball. ( %ne# Kust
needed a chan!e of scener$ to clear
m$ head and help me re!ain m$
composure. ,hin!s #ere Kust ta%in!
off a little faster than the$ #ere
supposed to Lhappens all the timeM.
So ( !ot up, headed out of the
main room and made m$ #a$ do#n the
narro# corridor that led to the
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 22'

6o#n the corridor, (
#al%ed past a piece of
ceramic art#or% on the
#all that resembled a
human face inside #hat
appeared to be the sun. (
( stopped ri!ht as (
passed the art#or%.
Then I had an eerie moment
that really scared the
shit out me...
,he ver$ moment ( loo%ed
up at the ceramic sun/face
on the #all, the entire
corridor, and the room
outside, seemed to !o
,he bac%!round noise of the
people drin%in! and lau!hin!, the 71
s$stem, ever$thin! suddenl$ droned
out, inaudible...
1lthou!h ( #as reall$ be!innin!
to ta%e off, the silence that
en!ulfed the space around me #as
instantl$ soberin!, li%e ( had Kust
stepped into a super cleansin!
parallel universe #here ( #asn3t even
m$self an$more, and the #orld ( stood
in #asn3t a part of an$ #orld (3d
ever %no#n.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 22(

,hen, ri!ht as ( made e$e contact #ith the ceramic
sun/face on the #all, a deep thunderous voice bello#ed
inside m$ head... but it !ot louder, to #here it seemed
li%e it #as comin! from 155 1R.8-6 me, reverberatin! off
the corridor #alls...
,he !round felt li%e it #as shiftin! underneath m$ feet
as m$ toes tin!led #ith a sort of escalatin! vibration
movin! up m$ an%les to m$ ti!hts, causin! me to loc% up...
1nd the intensit$
of the voice3s
increased, as if
it #ere
resonatin! from
the deepest plane
of e*istence,
strai!ht into the
deepest essence
of m$ bein!...
1s ( turned
to#ards the
sun/face on the
#all and loo%ed
strai!ht into its
e$es, it 9455.46
E in the deepest
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 22-

#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 263

-o#, ( considered m$self someone #ho could t$picall$
hold his hi!h &4-4V4R thin!s started to !et #eird. -o
matter ho# out of control the part$ !ot, ( #as 1512S the
!u$ #ho could %eep his cool.
(n fact, ( #as the !u$,
full$ lit on ps$chedelics,
#ho could hold a strai!ht
faced conversation #ith a cop
C no problem. (I even
#onsidered myself a bit of an
amateur shaman at one point$"
9ut the voice ( heard as
( #al%ed past the sun/face
literall$ shoo% the
foundations of 4V4R2,&(-/ (
believed to be R415J
(t #as the first time in
m$ life #hen ( trul$ felt (
had crossed the line into a 61R; 751)4. ,he po#er of that
paral$Din! moment #as both fri!htenin! and enli!htenin!,
leavin! m$ le!s #ea%, nearl$ sendin! me to the floor.
( didn3t 4V4- have to Nuestion #hat it #as that (
needed to stop... (t #as as if ( had been suddenl$ forced
to face m$ true self E to face the realit$ of the hellish
life (3d sun%en into over the past couple $ears. ( had to
accept the responsibilit$ to cla# m$ #a$ out, and this
moment #as a #arnin! E AN O8,N C an ( could onl$ i!nore it
to m$ o#n peril.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 262

( believe #hat ( e*perienced is #hat addicts refer to
as a +moment of clarit$0.
9efore this, ( didn3t
have a reason to care
#here ( ended up in life.
It was my philosophy to
Dust !o with the flow$
9ut no# ( understood. (
#as on the #ron! path in
life and ( had the po#er
to steer m$self in
#hatever direction (
,hat voice, and the
entire e*perience,
resonated #ith me for the remainder of the ni!ht. (t #as
li%e someone had flipped a s#itch inside me, and ( had been
illuminated #ith honest$, reason, rationalit$, and clarit$.
I felt completely renewed.
hen ( #o%e up the follo#in! afternoon, it #as still
#ith me, reverberatin!, fuelin! this ur!enc$ inside me. (
%ne# ( had to sort m$ life out, so ( started !ettin! m$
plans in motion.
Not more than an hour later0 when my old friend
randomly showed up with the manuscript0 I couldn5t say no.
Somethin! #as tellin! me this #as all happenin! for a
reason. Somethin! #as tellin! me the dar% e*perience ( had
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 266

the ni!ht before happened so ( could prepare to flip over
to a ne# chapter in m$ life E and =ason had dropped that
manuscript do#n on the coffee table because ( #as finally
ready to re#eive it.
( had the over#helmin! feelin! that his random dropEin
that da$ #as an event that could onl$ occur in the ne#
#orld (3d #o%en up to after the previous ni!ht3s trip
(whi#h ended up bein! my last".
Statin! in front of
him that (3d be!in
readin! and appl$in! #hat
( learned immediatel$,
and that ( #ouldn3t to
let the manuscript leave
m$ hands under an$
circumstances, ( accepted
the terms of his offer.
1nd Kust as oddl$ as he
sho#ed up, unannounced,
he left #ithout sa$in!
!oodb$e or ma%in! plans
to meet up a!ain.
As odd as that was0 from that point forward0
,D,+=T>IN) chan!ed...
.ver the follo#in! #ee%s and months ( learned to brea%
free and start !ettin! m$ life to!ether #ith increasin!
speed as a studied the manuscript.
1s ( decided to ta%e more and more responsibilit$ for
m$ o#n life, ever$thin! Nuic%l$ started to !o m$ #a$J
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 26:

(t too% little time because (
#as so ur!entl$ focused on
becomin! the person ( #as meant
to be. hatever happened to me
that ni!ht had S4R(.8S52
chan!ed me internall$. I was a
totally different person$
( reall$ believed ( could use
the po#er of m$ mind to create
the life ( #anted, #hich #as
one of the first thin!s (
learned as ( du! into the
contents of the manuscript.
( immediatel$ !ave up dru!s, cold tur%e$...
Since all of m$ relationships #ere in shambles, (
immediatel$ be!an the process to ma%e amends #ith m$ famil$
and friends. Some Nuic%l$ supported me, seein! m$
enthusiasm and pro!ress... .thers too% a #hile before
restorin! their trust.
5oo%in! completel$ different, #ithin a #ee% ( found a
Kob, !ot some decent loo%in! clothes, a haircut and a
shave, and a temporar$ place to live until ( !ot bac% on m$
6urin! the first month, #hen ( #asn3t #or%in!, ( #as
stud$in! the concepts and %no#led!e contained in that
manuscript. (t held over 1000 pa!es of mindEblo#in!
%no#led!e no one around me %ne# C thin!s that contradicted
ever$thin! that had been tau!ht to me throu!hout m$ life.
(t also disproved ever$thin! m$ friends and ( believed in.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 26;

( #as dra#n in, h$pnoticall$, and ( felt the chan!es
be!in to ta%e place in m$ life immediatel$. ( didn3t fi!ht
it because it felt so natural E ever$thin! Kust +clic%ed0,
ma%in! perfect sense. (t #as li%e comin! out of a dense fo!
to suddenl$ see ever$thin! #ith cr$stal clarit$.
,he concepts ( learned #ere comple*, but the$ #ere
e*plained in a #a$ that helped me Nuic%l$ adapt and
increase m$ level of
comprehension as (
pushed on#ard.
1t times, some
of the information
#as over m$ head, so
(3d !o do#n to the
librar$ ever$ ni!ht
and stud$, loo%in!
up related subKects
in the enc$clopedia
and #hatever boo%s
the$ had on the
topics. L,he
dictionar$ #as m$
ne# best friend.M
I was !rowin! intellectually
at li!htnin! speedE
( never cared too much for school, but al#a$s loved
learnin! Las lon! as it #as on :2 termsM. ( #as a reall$
bri!ht student in elementar$ school C they said I had a
!enius level IE E but b$ about fifth !rade, around the a!e
of 11, ( started to hate school, teachers, and rules.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 26<

:$ middle school $ears #ere pla!ued #ith
detentions and suspensions. (3d !ive m$
teachers hell if the$ didn3t let me coast
b$. So b$ the time ( #as in hi!h school, (
#as !ettin! into dru!s and started missin!
class habituall$. The administrators
didn(t even #are (they probably #onsidered
the s#hool better
off without me".
hen ( du! into this hu!e
manuscript, ( discovered information
about science and biolo!$, about ho#
the brain #or%ed, about histor$,
philosoph$, business. ( learned
secrets about ho# all reli!ions #ere
built upon elaborate hoa*es, about
ho# all political s$stems are bein!
s$stematicall$ dismantled, and about
ho# eas$ it is to access massive
Nuantities of mone$, Nuic%l$ C from
an$#here in the #orld.
I was !oin! throu!h my
own personal renaissance.
(t #asn3t Kust information and facts that ( pic%ed up
either. ,he #a$ ever$thin! #as #ritten literall$ forced m$
mind to put to!ether concepts in #a$s (3d never before
e*perienced. It was eBcitin!E
( #as trained ho# to use m$ mind in the same #a$ the
!reat philosophers and businessmen used their minds
throu!hout the a!es. It was profound beyond beliefE
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 26&

,he most important thin! ( learned #as that the voices
( heard #hen ( #as on dru!s E what I thou!ht was God, or a
hi!her spiritual power, or some sort of alien life form E
#ere all Kust ima!ined in m$ unconscious mind.
( learned that #hile
there 1R4 forces of
nature the mind can
harness, there is no
Hhi!her powerI.
Reli!ions and other
m$stical belief s$stems
are all hin!ed on this
idea of a hi!her
authorit$, a supernatural
bein!, or an e*ternal
force #hich coordinates
earthl$ events.
=ust li%e ever$one else,
( #as a believer in nonE
realit$, convinced that a
hi!her realm e*isted C
that some hi!her po#er
#as !uidin! me and
ever$one else throu!h
9ut after ( learned the suppressed science behind m$
delusions Lthe same delusions afflictin! the maKorit$ of
our hallucinatin! civiliDationM those distorted thou!hts,
#hich ( based m$ perceptions on, #ere replaced #ith
scientific conceptualiDations based on lo!ic and reason.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 26'

( learned that #hat (
e*perienced durin! m$
ps$chedelic Kourne$s #as not
actuall$ happenin! in m$
conscious mind, it #as
happenin! in m$ 9()1R:4R15
:(-6. 9efore, #hen ( thou!ht
( #as reachin! a hi!her
level of consciousness, (
#as actuall$ e*periencin! a
R468)46 capacit$ for
conscious thou!ht in an
overl$Eintensified bicameral
8pon understandin! the
separation of the conscious
mind and the bicameral mind,
alon! #ith the historical
implications it has on our
species, ( !ained immediate
co!nitive advanta!es over
almost ever$one on the
planet... because almost
ever$one on the planet #as
sufferin! from the cripplin!
mental limitations that come
#ith believin! in biEcameral
delusions Lsuch as !hosts,
/ods, fairies, Satan, 8'.3s,
li!ht spirits, m$stical
le!ends, etc., all of #hich
#ere simpl$ mindEcreated
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 26(

(t #as eas$ to ditch /od,
dru!s, and the #hole biDarre
upside do#n #orld #e live in
because the more ( let !o, the
better off ( #as C the happier (
#as Land the #ealthier ( !otJM
(t happened so fast (3m still
shoc%ed about ho# Nuic%l$ ( turned
m$ life around.
( sta$ed off dru!s (,&.8, a
12 step pro!ram. ( instantl$
ceased all immoral and ille!al behavior that hurt others or
violated their individual ri!hts. ( mended bro%en
relationships #ith famil$ members (3d estran!ed. 1nd (
started ma%in! enou!h mone$ to move into m$ o#n apartment.
:$ health improved to #here ( #as
eatin! three meals a da$, and
!ettin! a !ood ni!ht3s rest ever$
ni!ht... ( #ent throu!h an e*tensive
fullEbod$ deto*, and ( even Koined a
!$m and started liftin! #ei!hts.
(n a matter of months ( #ent from
bein! a complete loserEdru!!ieE
criminal #ho didn3t %no# #here he
#ould be sleepin! ni!ht after ni!ht
E #ith nothin! more than a bac%pac%
and a chan!e of clothes E to
becomin! a productive, happ$, selfE
sufficient person livin! a
comfortable, honest life.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 26-

( even started datin! a Lcolle!e educatedM !irl ( met
at a small business seminar. She thou!ht ( #as the smartest
!u$ she3d ever met because of the thin!s ( %ne# from
readin! the manuscript (I never told her about the
manus#ript thou!h 1 it was my little se#ret".
,hat hellElife (3d been livin! #as Nuic%l$ fadin! to
blac% in the rear vie# mirror. 1fter a month or t#o ( #as
unreco!niDable C a totall$ different person.
( hustled to meet
people #ho could help me
!et ahead. ( !ot involved
in m$ communit$ and
started !oin! to meetin!s
to build business contacts
E first ,oastmasters, then
the )hamber of )ommerce,
the S91 LSmall 9usiness
1llianceM, and then (
started !oin! to all sorts
of seminars.
(t #as li%e ( had this sudden burst of motivation and a
relentless appetite for !ainin! the mindset, the tools, and
the s%ills successful people used.
(f there #as a business
opportunit$ or a net#or%in! event, (
#as there. ( #as hun!r$ to find
people #ho could teach me ho# to
ma%e mone$ and !ive me more info
li%e #hat ( learned in the
manuscript Lbut to no availM.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 2:3

( made a lot of contacts, and eventuall$ met someone
#ho sa# m$ motivation and offered to mentor me. L,a%in! on
a mentor #as the best thin! ( could have ever done.M
2ou3ve probabl$ heard
the phrase +-o man is
an island.0 (t3s true.
2ou can3t ma%e pro!ress
as an isolated
individual. 2ou have to
enter the compan$ of
others #ho are smarter
and more e*perienced
than $ou are.
In order to !row0 you
ha$e to know how to
seek !uidance AND be
able to recei$e it.
&avin! a mentor
#ho3ll #or% #ith $ou one on one to help !uide $ou in the
ri!ht direction E to council $ou and advise $ou on
strate!ies for accomplishin! the thin!s $ou set out to do E
is li%e havin! mone$ in the ban%.
8nder the advice of m$ mentor ( became a distributor in
a net#or% mar%etin! business, follo#ed the steps #hich #ere
tried and tested b$ the or!aniDation3s founders, and busted
m$ ass to build m$ do#n line.
,his #as a !reat advanta!e for me because ( learned the
art of salesmanship, #hile at the same time learnin! the
technicalities of mone$Ema%in! s$stems.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 2:2

,echnolo!$ #as slo#l$ becomin! more and more inte!rated
in societ$ and ( be!an to have brea%throu!h ideas about ho#
the net#or% mar%etin! model of business could be applied in
a #orld #here ever$one #as connected to the internet C so
ever$one could have the access to the levera!e of ma%in!
lots of mone$ easil$ #hile doin! a ver$ little #or%.
( !ot a computer,
an internet
service, and
started be!innin!
to learn some
s%ills. (t #as
amaDin! to me ho#
fast ( cau!ht on,
#hen onl$ a fe#
months earlier (
#as so #ac%ed out
on dru!s ( could
hardl$ fill out
simple paper#or%
at the free
4ince the day I recei$ed the manuscript it was like my
I? had umped 63 pointsE
( #as constantl$ comin! up #ith ne# business ideas.
,hin!s reall$ started to ta%e off #hen ( be!an holdin! m$
o#n miniEseminars to recruit ne# members in the net#or%
mar%etin! venture ( #as involved in. ,his !ave me tin$
#indfall profits each #ee% #hile ( #as buildin! a lon!Eterm
stream of passive income at the same timeJ
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 2:6

(t3s funn$ no# to thin% bac% about ho# ( used to
despise mone$, and hate rich people. hen ( #as stuc% in
that #asted lifest$le, to me, rich people #ere the reason
ever$one else #as poor. ,he$ #ere !reed$, immoral people,
and ( too% pride in the idea of
seein! rich people suffer.
,hen ( started to find out it3s
a 5., more difficult to be a
criminal than it is to be honest.
(t3s a lot harder to #aste $our
ener!$ on hatin! people than it is
to be happ$ and fi!ure out #a$s to
help others.
1s ( met more and more rich
people ( learned the$ #ere the most
!enerous, intelli!ent people on the planet. ,he$ created
Kobs, helped important causes, and
paid the most ta*es. ,he$
e*perienced superb health, and
enKo$ed !reat entertainment C
because the$ earned it.
( #anted to learn ho# to ma%e lots
of mone$ so ( too could have
increased po#er to help others and
e*perience an e*citin! lifest$le in
return for the effort ( put for#ard.
1ll the residual income ( #as
ma%in! and the tin$ #indfalls ( #as
receivin! eventuall$ !ave me enou!h
mone$ to put a do#n pa$ment on a
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 2::

house Land furnish itM, bu$ a brand ne# car, and bu$ the
eNuipment ( needed to !et bac% into music, #hich #as a
childhood passion of mine.
All in the first yearE
But stop ri!ht there E 6on3t thin% for a second this is
Kust another do#n and out success stor$ C #here some ma!ic
secret effortlessl$ too% me
out of the hell (3d been in.
2es, ( #as able to rise
Nuic%l$, but ( #as faced #ith
the constant stru!!le to avoid
revertin! bac% to the +old
( had to e*ercise
discipline 4V4R2 step of the
#a$. ( had to ).-S,1-,52 fi!ht
those demons. 9ut as ( did,
more and more, it became
easier and easier. ,oda$, the
pro!ress ( ma%e is for!ed b$
usin! the same principles (
learned bac% then. Some people
call it the Secret, or the 5a#
of 1ttraction, but that3s onl$
a small part of #hat ( learned
from the manuscript.
9$ learnin! ho# to
harness the one true po#er in the universe Lthe po#er #hich
creates all #ealth and happiness on this planetM ( #as able
to transform m$ thou!hts and ali!n m$ actions to be!in
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 2:;

attractin! ever$thin! ( ever #anted. ,he more success (
had, the harder ( #anted to #or% C and the more ( #anted to
9ut #hile all this #as happenin!, ( still didn3t
understand &2 the manuscript #as !iven to 8,.
9$ that point, ( didn3t see the bi!!er purpose of #hat
( #as doin!. ( had ta%en #hat ( learned, and applied it in
m$ o#n life. ,he results ( !ot #ere astoundin!...
@ut somethin! was missin!.
,he first $ear had !one b$
since (3d last seen =ason, and (
still had no #a$ of !ettin! in
touch #ith him. 1fter he !ave me
the manuscript, he disappeared.
,his bothered me because, as
( !ot better and better, (
#anted to than% him. ,he rest of
m$ friends #ere still livin! in
the !utter, un#illin! to chan!e,
but ( #as able to brea% free. (
#anted to sho# him (3d lived up
to m$ #ord.
&e #as %ind of li%e a savior to me, sho#in! up #hen he
did, and !ivin! me the manuscript. ( #anted to sho# him m$
!ratitude, and sho# him ( did e*actl$ #hat he told me to
F9ltimately0 I was hun!ry for more.G
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 2:<

( %ne# there #as still a ton of
hidden information out there ( didn3t
have access to, but ( didn3t %no# ho#
to !et a hold of it...
-o one ( #as net#or%in! #ith had
an$ idea. :$ internet searches didn3t
!et me an$#here. ,he fe# people (
trusted #ho ( shared the manuscript
#ith couldn3t find out an$thin!
either. (t had no credits or
publication informationO Kust a
number on the cover.
1nd all m$ attempts to contact =ason had failed.
I for!ed onward.
'resh out of a destructive lifest$le that should have
eventuall$ left me for dead, ( #as be!innin! to ma%e
connections #ith people #ho had real po#er... and R415
.ne of the thin!s ( learned earl$
on #as to e*cel at #hat ( #as
naturall$ dra#n to C to find m$
( found ( #as naturall$ dra#n to
the creative opportunities to build
businesses on the internet. e #ere
headed strai!ht into the tech
bubble and the mone$ #as flo#in!
li%e champa!ne at an after part$.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 2:&

I wanted a piece of it.
Since ( #as so #et behind the ears, ( #as especiall$
ea!er to !et as much of that eas$ investor mone$ as
8y mentor tau!ht me dueCdili!ence. &e
tau!ht me the numbers, ho# to create an
e*ecutable business plan, ho# to focus
on the fundamentals, the cash flo#, and
ho# to Kud!e the lon!Eterm
sustainabilit$ of a venture.
,o sum up the position he instilled in
me #ould be to sa$, 2.ou don(t want
easy money, you want to methodi#ally
build a le!a#y$4 ,hose #ords still echo
inside, !uidin! me bac% to m$ path
#henever (3m
tempted to divert.
,hose #ords
became especiall$
profound after ( decided to I)NO+, his
advice and !o for the fast dot com
mone$ instead C #hich proved to brin!
about m$ first bi! failure.
,here3s a deal a minute out there
#aitin! for an$one #ho3s loo%in!.
,here3s also mone$ out there #aitin!
for an$one #ho has a promisin! deal.
9ut for ever$ 1 deal that3s out there, 99 #ill rob $ou of
$our potential.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 2:'

1nd out of ever$ one potential partnership, there are
99 that #ill eventuall$ !o a#r$. &avin! poor Kud!ment of
potential deals and potential partners can serve up the
most disheartenin! losses of time and ener!$ ima!inable.
And I had to learn this the hard way.
,o ma%e a lon! stor$ short E ( put almost ever$thin! (
had into a soft#are venture ( #or%ed on nonEstop throu!h
most of 199@.
( #as hot headed, too ea!er to !et the first round of
fundin!, and did a poor Kob ne!otiatin! the term sheet.
9efore the first $ear #as up ( #as muscled out, and lost m$
ri!hts to the intellectual propert$.
,al% about dis!runtled. (
#as the brains that !ot the
operation up and runnin!,
but the$ cornered me as
soon as the$ fi!ured the$
didn3t need me an$more and
!ave me a +ta%e it or leave
it0 deal so ( #ould e*it
Nuietl$. ,oo much trust in
the people ( #as teamin! up
#ith, alon! #ith the
avalanche of other
shortcomin!s, eventuall$
left me #ith no outs.
( #as stuc% #ith a second mort!a!e on m$ house, and t#o
tons of credit card debt comin! do#n on m$ head li%e an
anvil. :$ car #as almost repossessed, and ( had to trade it
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 2:(

in for a beater.
( hadn3t been buildin! m$ :5:
business #hile ( #as launchin! the
compan$, so m$ income had decreased
si!nificantl$. ( also hadn3t been
ta%in! a salar$, because m$ venture
never !ot out of startEup mode. So in
earl$ 199A ( #as bac% to sNuare one C
onl$ ( #as #orse off than ever
because of all the time ( lost.
,his left me so frustrated... so mad about ever$thin!
that happened. ( #or%ed so hard to build an enterprise and
the more ( fou!ht a!ainst m$ o#n mista%es, the more m$
+le!ac$0 slipped a#a$. 1t the end of the da$ it #as m$ o#n
fault. ( lost the compan$ ( conceived and started #ith m$
o#n s#eat and savin!s because ( didn3t correctl$ ne!otiate
the o#nership structure.
,here #as a small @2 hour
disinte!ratin! bu$out offer for me
to leave the board and ( had to
ta%e it if ( #anted to recoup an$
of m$ initial investment before the
(7. E #hich li%el$ #ould have been
at least 1A months a#a$.
ith no other outs, ( too% the
bu$out mone$ and used it to pa$ off
most of m$ debt, but ( #as still han!in! short, and
dan!erousl$ close to losin! m$ house. L1ll the shares ( had
left #ere diluted over the follo#in! $ears and eventuall$
became #orthless #hen the compan$ #as liNuidated.M
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 2:-

It was a roller coaster ride
and I was hurlin! o$er the rail.
,ime for a reboot... :$ first bi! venture #ent do#n the
tubes in less than 12 months. ( lost a ton of mone$. ( felt
cheated and ta%en advanta!e of, li%e those vultures had
seen this $oun! enthusiastic %id and pec%ed out ever$ last
bit of me before the$ %ic%ed me to the curb.
( had to !et a#a$, so ( pac%ed a
ba! and headed out to the desert.
e used to !o out there and eat
mushrooms under the stars and loo%
for 8'.3s. ,his time ( didn3t #ant
to eat mushrooms or loo% for
8'.3s, but ( did feel li%e ( #as
missin! somethin! and ( needed to
!et bac% to nature C to !et bac%
on m$ path.
So ( drove out the old road and found a nice remote
spot. ,here #as no one for miles C m$ o#n private
sanctuar$. ( built a fire and coD$3d up in m$ sleepin! ba!,
enKo$ed a couple of beers, and
Kust Doned out.
1s ( sat starin! at the
fire, ( #as !oin! over and over
ever$thin! that had happened to
me durin! the past $ear. 1ll (
could thin% about #ere all the
thin!s that #ent #ron!, and the
more ( thou!ht about it, the
heavier the #ei!ht of m$ debt
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 2;3

felt... ,he more ( felt burned, Kaded, and defeated.
,hen ( !ot pissed offJ ( drove all the #a$ out there to
!et a#a$ from m$ problems, but m$ problems #ere all ( could
thin% ofJ
@ullshitE I was so frustrated.
,hen ( Kust laid bac%, !ot comf$, loo%ed out into the
#ide open space above me and said to m$self +5et it !o.0
1 shootin! star fle#
across the s%$J
( smiled, and then
somethin! chan!ed
inside me...
( closed m$ e$es and
too% a deep, deep
breath, and for the
ne*t 10 seconds (
forced m$self to
embrace ever$thin!
!ood in the universe.
(t didn3t #or% at
first, but ( %ept forcin! m$self to rela* and let !o until
m$ (lluminati po#ers too% over...
,hen, in a flash, it #as li%e ever$thin! that happened
to me over the last t#o $ears suddenl$ pla$ed in fast
for#ard from be!innin! to end. (t all came clear...
I had the solutions all alon!E
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 2;2

( had the po#er to instantl$ fi* all
m$ problems, ( #as Kust too blinded b$ m$
setbac%s to remember that ( had S. much to
!ain and so little to lose.
5$in! there under the
stars, ( started fillin! up
#ith this sort of rampant
happiness. ,he feelin! %ept
vibratin! throu!h me for the ne*t 10
minutes... stron!er and stron!er... until
ever$thin! Kust poppedJ
,hat3s #hen the idea
came to meJ (t #as as if in
one sin!le moment ( sa# the
entire architecture for the
ne*t business ( #anted to
( mean ( sa# ever$thin!
from be!innin! to end E the
formation, the services,
the mar%etin! plan, the
revenues, the e*pansion.
9arriers that stand in
front us are erected b$ our o#n #ill. ( #as loo%in! at the
mista%es ( had made tr$in! to fi!ure out #hat to do ne*t
and it had led me to #allo# in miser$.
9ut in a sin!le moment, in 10 seconds, b$ Kust puttin!
all of m$ ne!ativit$ aside, ( #as able to leap out of the
trap ( had fallen into and !et bac% on m$ path.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 2;6

4lated, ( rolled up m$ sac%, poured m$ Ku! of #ater on
the fire, and hopped in the car to start headin! bac%.
,here #as no time to spare... I had an empire to build.
That was the last time I e$er
stepped foot in the O/D WO+/D.
Since ( be!an the 1ssimilation )ampai!n (3ve mentored
man$ people #ho3ve -4V4R been at the lo# point that (
described in this chapter, and chances are $ou3ve never
been there either.
hat ( learned durin! m$
Kourne$ is that #hile there
are limits to #hat $ou can
accomplish at an$ !iven time,
there3s also massive potential
$ou can tap into at an$ moment
in time. 2ou Kust have to
fi!ure out ho# put the effort
forth to unloc% it.
2ou3re bein! e*posed, in
detail, to m$ past E the
lo#est, most rotten point in m$ e*istence so ( can share
important perspectives about the ver$ serious absence of
limitations in this #orld.
Remember E it3s the Kourne$ that ma%es $our destination
so special. 8nderstand, as $ou #al% the path, the
perspectives !athered durin! the Kourne$ fill in the fine
details of the bi! picture. (f $ou3re not ma%in! the
Kourne$ to live the life $ou #ere meant to live, $ou never
see the bi! picture.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 2;:

,hat bi! picture
$ou3re constantl$
buildin! as $ou move
for#ard throu!h the
$ears is the le!ac$ that
$ou3ll loo% bac% on, and
#hen $ou3ve passed that
point #here $ou3ve
entered the ne# #orld
order, $ou3re trul$
,&4- $ou can !o on to
help others in amaDin!
2ou #ant to %no# the
esoteric secrets, the
stories, the truth behind the rumors and the m$ths" (3m
slo#l$ pullin! bac% the curtain to sho# $ou, but if $ou are
not prepared E if $ou3re still operatin! in the .56 mindset
of scarcit$ E the !ems ( reveal #ill appear dull and
I want you to +,A//= !rasp
what I5m buildin! here.
,he concepts ( discuss E in bet#een the lines E are
bein! set up to e*pand $our abilit$ to assimilate this ne#
#orld order... to help $ou understand and embrace the
vision #e hold as #e head into the ne# #orld order.
So let3s no# loo% to the future at e*actl$ #hat3s !oin!
to unfold over the ne*t fe# decades...
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 2;;

here Are e /eaded.
It5s NOT where you think we5re headed...
9$ mindlessl$ follo#in! conspirac$ theorist3s claims of
the ultimate !oal bein! carried out b$ the -e# orld .rder,
and believin! their paranoid tin foil hat reli!ion, one is
led to fri!htful
conclusions about ho#
e*ternal forces ma$ inflict
various potential outcomes
upon the lives of !lobal
citiDens in the future.
9ut b$ understandin! the
ultimate !oal of the
(lluminati Las full$
e*plained in ,he -e# orld
.rder 1ssimilation
6ossierM, and the shift
ta%in! place ri!ht no#
under the ne# protocols Las
discussed in an earlier chapterM, $ou can be!in to see the
bi!!er picture of #hat the future trul$ holds.
'urthermore, b$ embracin! a more accurate vision of the
future, as presented in ,he -e# orld .rder )ountdo#n /ame,
one can be!in to assimilate the man$ puDDle pieces helpin!
drive us for#ard into this bri!ht ne# #orld.
One need not fear the future0
but instead0 ,8@+A#, IT.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 2;<

,his is the !reatest time in histor$ to be alive. 5i%e
never before, $ou have access to the resources that enable
$ou to enKo$ livin! conditions past !enerations could have
onl$ onl$ dreamed of.
hile still limited toda$,
modern free mar%et capitalism !ives
$ou the abilit$ to en!a!e in #or%
that $ou can be passionate about,
even durin! a severe economic
do#nturn. 1nd because of technolo!$
and !lobaliDation, an abundance of
opportunities are constantl$
becomin! more accessible to more
people in more #a$s than ever.
'or virtuall$ no cost at all,
the internet !ives $ou access to
all human %no#led!e, so $ou can learn about an$thin! $ou3ve
ever #anted to %no#, and appl$ that %no#led!e in $our o#n
life to !ain
incredible po#er and
1s $ou receive the
latest honest
information about
health and #ellness,
$ou can e*perience a
vibrant, ener!etic
life, e*tendin! $our
time here on 4arth b$
$ears, decades, and
eventuall$ centuries.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 2;&

And that5s ust the be!innin!E
Sometime after 2012, all of
civiliDation #ill be!in ma%in! a
rapid ascent into the ne# #orld order
of increasin! #ealth, health, and
safet$. ,he -e# orld .rder is
leadin! us to a ,$pe 1
4o what is a Type 2
#i$iliAation FT2#G"
,o paraphrase the #ords of
celebrit$ ph$sicist 6r. :ichio ;a%u,
a ,1) is a planet inhabited b$ conscious bein!s LKust li%e
usM #ho have established a !lobal social order in #hich
crime, povert$, hun!er, disease and even death have all
been totall$ eradicated.
1 ,1) has mana!ed to harness the
po#er of its star Lthe SunM to fulfill
all its necessar$ ener!$ reNuirements.
1ll of the ecolo!ical functions
includin! earthNua%es, volcanoes, and
#eather patterns are completel$
controlled b$ technolo!$, #hich
stabiliDes the environment in #a$s
that best benefit all life on the
,he citiDens #or% and pla$ #ithout dut$ or sacrifice to
an$ other person, !roup, state, nation, or e*ternal
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 2;'

ithout !overnment forces invadin! business or personal
lives, all technolo!$, alon! #ith individual purchasin!
po#er, continues to soar in ever$ industr$ E at an
e*ponential rate.
=ust li%e des%top printers
reproduce ph$sical copies of
documents found on the #eb,
des%top nanoEassembl$ devices
in ever$one3s homes produce an$
sort of ph$sical matter that
mi!ht be needed or desired for
dail$ life.
1bundant nanotechnolo!$E
based food, #ater, clothin!,
and essential supplies are
accessible to ever$one at
little or no cost. ,his relieves !lobal citiDens of a need
to +#or% in order to live0 Land shopM. (nstead, citiDens
are able to +live in order to #or%0 Land pla$M.
1rtificial intelli!ence man$
man$ times !reater than the
intelli!ence of biolo!ical human
bein!s mana!es the use of
natural resources to $ield an
abundant, !ro#in! source of
ener!$ that accommodates the
rapidl$ !ro#in! demands for
capacit$ needed to fulfill the
reNuirements brou!ht on b$ a
nonstop e*plosion of ne#
technolo!ical advancements.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 2;(

)itiDens spend their da$s en!a!ed in creative business,
scientific, or artistic proKects #hich provide productive
fulfillment... all the #hile enKo$in! close famil$
relationships and friendships #hich provide social
,he !lobal !overnment, once set in
place solel$ to protect the individual
propert$ ri!hts of its citiDens, became
irrelevant, and #as abandoned due to
its lac% of
6omesticated cities on the ocean, in
space, on the :oon, and on :ars are
bein! planned and built to easil$
accommodate the !ro#in! population.
-anotechnolo!ies re!ulate the
biolo!ical functions of conscious bein!s and allo# their
brains to be full$ utiliDed, helpin! ever$ individual
effortlessl$ enKo$ perfect health and superb intelli!ence.
4ventuall$ the
need to eat, sleep,
defecate, or en!a!e
in time #astin!
!roomin! activities
li%e brushin!
teeth, shavin!, and
bathin!, are all
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 2;-

:one$ is no lon!er an
obKect of scarcit$, but
an abundant te#hnolo!y
that serves as a means of
value e*chan!e. 1 sin!le
!lobal currenc$ is
eventuall$ a!reed upon
throu!h free mar%et
competition, #here
multiple currencies
competed, but onl$ the
stron!est, most
competitive, most value
producin! currenc$
Due to the !lobal adoption of Austrian economics0
all prices plummeted toward Aero.
1s a result, comfortable shelter, effective education,
and cuttin! ed!e health resources are available to all at
little or no cost.
6ue to the increasin! control over ph$sical matter at a
molecular level, honest matterEbased currencies, such as
those once tied to the !old standard, are abandoned because
the$ are no lon!er relevant as an accurate medium of
4ventuall$, economies are optimiDed and tied to the
production and e*pense of ener!$.
#ould you ima!ine such a ci$iliAation eBistin!
+I)>T >,+, on ,arth within the neBt half century"
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 2<3

1 ,$pe 2 )iviliDation L,2)M #ould
encompass a !alactic civiliDation
that had developed the abilit$ to
ma%e contact #ith other conscious
civiliDations in and around their
o#n !ala*$, and successfull$
accomplished initiatives to harness
the po#er
their o#n solar s$stem, perhaps
b$ utiliDin! the !ala*$3s blac%
hole center.
1nd one could speculate that
a ,$pe Q )iviliDation L,Q)M
#ould encompass a universal
civiliDation that effectivel$
tapped into a +universal
internet0 and developed the
%no#led!e and technolo!$ necessar$ to
harness control over all the ener!$ in
the universe EE to perhaps create ne#
universes, ensurin! realms of conscious
life continue to form ane#, eternall$.
4O where are we today"
Sadl$, #e3re still a ,$pe 0
)iviliDation. .ur primar$ source of fuel
comes from dead plants. 7overt$ and
hun!er pla!ue over 1 billion citiDens.
AGB of civiliDation suffers from
hallucinations of ima!ined /ods.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 2<2

,ribal fi!htin!
bet#een nation states,
lootin! b$ !lobal
criminal cartels, and
destructive actions ta%en
b$ parasitic political
leaders drive do#n the
Nualit$ of life for
=et throu!h obecti$e
eyes0 one can obser$e the
maesty of our
ci$iliAationE ,he immense
social, cultural, and
technolo!ical pro!ress
#e3ve made C the
198-61-)4 of
opportunities available
all around us C
demonstrate the seedlin!s
of a ,$pe 1 )iviliDation
ri!ht here on 4arth C
4ver$da$, more and
more people are suddenl$
understandin! and embracin! their o#n personal po#er, their
o#n individualit$, and their selfEresponsibilit$ to
contribute to our e*citin! future ahead.
,he dismal vision of an apocal$ptic future is -.,
realit$. 4ndEofEtheE#orld fears are somethin! held b$
someone trapped in the (558S(.- of a hell on 4arth.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 2<6

,he fact is, #e3ll
reach our ,$pe 1
)iviliDation faster than
$ou thin%J ,he parasitic
elite are !ulpin! for
their last breath of air
before the$ sin% into the
,he$3re fi!htin! to
hold on to their unearned
po#er, but the$3re bein!
lau!hed out of e*istence b$ the ne# breed of invisible
saboteurs C #ho Nuietl$ chip a#a$ at that shatter3d visa!e.
That5s not what it seems like thou!h0 does it"
(t S44:S li%e #e are
barrelin! to#ard the end of the
#orld. (t S44:S li%e civiliDation
is crumblin!...
(t S44:S li%e thin!s are
!ettin! #orse and the$3re not
!oin! to !et an$ better.
9ut in realit$, as $ou3re
be!innin! to discover, #e3re
standin! ri!ht in the middle of
an historic -4<8S C an open
to the future #here a
dramatic shift is capturin!
2 Described metaphorically, an open portal is used to help visualize the very real social, political, and financial
NEXUS humanity is now stepping in to !hanges occurring today are being brought about not by any "od or
e#ternal force, but by the efforts of global citizens ta$ing advantage of the new protocols
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 2<:

humanit$, soon sendin! it off in a completel$ different
Thin!s are definitely NOT how they seem.
,his shift has nothin! to do #ith
prophecies from the 9ible, Satan,
=esus, 1llah, the :a$an calendar,
sunspots, pole shifts, iE)hin!, .uiKa
boards, aliens, centaurs, celestial
spirits, or an$ of the m$stical
delusions coo%ed up b$ #orld reli!ions
or ne# a!e da$dreamers.
,he chan!es $ou3re no# #itnessin!
are occurrin! due to !lobal citiDens
developin! an enhanced conscious
a#areness, in #hich the$ can enKo$ a
hei!htened sense of love and
creativit$, and an increasin!l$
inte!rated capacit$ for introspection C aidin! in the
identification and reKection
of false authorities #ho
cleverl$ use dishonest$ to
!ain unearned po#er.
ithout consciousness
enhancin! one3s abilit$ to
conceptualiDe the %no#led!e
needed to correctl$ identif$
dishonest$, one mi!ht live a
life forever sufferin! under
the parasitism of the rulin!
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 2<;

9ut #ith consciousness, one can
put forth effort to develop the
conceptualiDation s%ills reNuired to
choose effective actions that ne!ate
the impacts of dishonest acts put
forth b$ valueEdrainin! parasites.
e3re reachin! a tippin! point
#here enou!h human bein!s are
be!innin! to e*perience conscious
thou!ht, uninhibited b$ m$sticism
and e*ternal authorit$. (n this
tippin! point, an unstoppable arra$
of honest values are bein! created to obliterate the
establishment, li%e so man$ bullets from an automatic
#eapon, penetratin! the illusions that once made up the
facade of #hat people considered to be societal, political,
and economic realit$.
,heir discover$ of the R415
#orld around them, the discover$ of
honest$, and their ne# found po#ers
of conscious conceptualiDation, is
fuelin! the rapid e*chan!e of
%no#led!e over the internet, and
the boom of dissent $ou3ve be!un to
see around the #orld in opposition
to bo!us authoritarian po#er
,his is lar!el$ bein! led b$ the nearl$ undetectable
ps$cholo!ical effects of libertarian and obKectivist
influence cleverl$ Lalmost invisibl$M inKected throu!hout
establishment b$ revolutionar$ (lluminati saboteurs.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 2<<

e3ve been rattlin! millions
of people a#a%e for $ears... and
the tippin! point #ill be
reached soon after the release
of this publication Lperhaps as
earl$ as 2010M.
hat do $ou need to do to
help ensure this happens"
Nothin!. 2ou can sit on the
sidelines and #ait for the !ood
#or% to be done. L,here3s nothin! #ron! #ith thatM.
9ut if $ou #ant to !et
involved, or if $ou #ant to !et
closer to the insiders, $ou no#
have an abilit$ to do so li%e
never before. ,here is a !lobal
net#or% emer!in! toda$,
or!aniDed b$ members #ho belon!
to man$ of the most po#erful
+secret societies0 on the
planet. 1s a member in this
net#or%, $ou receive a front
ro# seat to the bi! sho#...
It5s now open to the public. ( invite $ou to ta%e m$
(nsider3s )hallen!e to see if $ou Nualif$ to be a member.
.ther#ise, buc%le in and enKo$ the ride. L&istor$3s
most ruthless beast #ill not !o do#n #ithout a fi!ht.M
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 2<&

1s #e Doom into the future, #ith chan!es happenin! at
increasin! rates until the revolution is complete, $ou #ill
e*perience intense turbulence.
9ut a hi!hl$ advanced
technolo!ical civiliDation,
operatin! under the la#s of
nature E #here ever$ human
need is accommodated E is
Kust a bab$3s breath a#a$.
.nce the rulin! class and
it3s value drainin!
establishment are peeled off
the bac%s of !lobal citiDens
and their businesses, a
technolo!$ and prosperit$ boom of unima!ined proportions
#ill s#eep the !lobe C at full speed.
,o Kud!e the comin!
prosperit$ boom b$ one3s
perception of the chaotic
#orld #e live in toda$, one
mi!ht have trouble envisionin!
the ramifications of such a
paradi!m shiftin! event...
9ut b$ separatin! the
destruction caused b$ the
parasitic class from the
values created b$ the
productive class, $ou can
be!in to ima!ine #hat the productive class mi!ht be able to
accomplish, unhindered b$ authoritarian rule.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 2<'

hile the conditions to endure the shift are bein! put
in place toda$, t#o thin!s still e*ist #hich hold our
civiliDation bac% from reachin! the ultimate !oal of
enKo$in! a ,$pe 1 )iviliDation on 4arth
#ithin our lifetime.
,hose t#o elements that hinder our
,1) ascent are the irrationalities of
reli!ions and the dishonesties of forceE
bac%ed !overnments. Reli!ion and
!overnment, the t#o pillars of
authoritarianism, must be transformed in
order for citiDens to be trul$ free, both
mentall$ and
(f citiDens do not rise up,
one b$ one, to peacefull$ reKect
the parasitic rulin! class...
(f citiDens do not choose to
sa$ +-.J0, b$ hoo% or croo%, more
invasive measures #ill have to be
ta%en to ensure their freedom.
So ho# do $ou manifest a
future civiliDation #ithout forceEbac%ed !overnments or
delusional reli!ions drainin! po#er from !lobal citiDens"
&o# can $ou do so #ithout violent revolution"
,he ans#ers are alread$ unfoldin! toda$. 1s of the time
of this #ritin!, the number of people fleein! from
reli!ion, politics, or both is simpl$ sta!!erin!.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 2<(

,his is bein! brou!ht on b$ the
abundance of cheap, easil$
accessible %no#led!e on the
internet, and the influence of
the (lluminati :ar%etin! :atri*
Ldescribed in the -e# orld
.rder 1ssimilation 6ossierM.
.ne of the roles $ou pla$ in
this peaceful revolution is a
carrier of infectious memes
#hich $ou spread throu!hout the
social net#or%s $ou are
connected to. ,hese memes constantl$ chip a#a$ at the
2ou3ve been s$stematicall$
infected #ith these memes, and $ou3ve
felt the ur!e to spread them as $ou
became more a#are of the survival
pressures $ou face. 2ou are a permanent
carrier of these infectious memes, and
there is no #a$ to clear $ourself of
them, because their honest$ is no# an
inte!ral part of $ou.
=ou are permanently infected.
,here is no suppression, no censorship, no ar!ument
!reat enou!h to stop these honest memes from dismantlin!
ever$ last column supportin! the parasitic establishment.
,he establishment has no#here to run, no #here to hide.
&onest$ #ill en!ulf the #orld. (t3s happenin! ri!ht no#.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 2<-

,he parasites are flailin!, tr$in! ever$ move the$ can
ma%e in order to retain the po#er the$3ve usurped from the
public, not seein! the sabota!e the$ are about to face C a
!lobal citiDenr$ consciousl$ risin! up to peacefull$
establish a ne# #orld order of universal libert$.
,he ne# #orld order, that
,$pe 1 )iviliDation #e3re
headed for, mi!ht ta%e decades
for ever$ last citiDen to
eventuall$ reach, but the
re#ards from life ever$
individual #ill eventuall$ be
e*periencin! in that ne# #orld
are available to 2.8 E toda$J
2ou don3t need to #ait
another minute to ta%e
advanta!e of $our opportunities. ,he onl$ Nualification
reNuired to e*perience ho# !reat life #ill be in that ne#
#orld is to )&..S4 to e*perience ho# !reat that life is for
$ourself C R(/&, -..
1nd in fact, b$
doin! so C b$ livin!
the life $ou #ere meant
to live, unhindered b$
e*ternal authorit$ E
$ou are )R41,(-/ that
ne# #orld order, and
$ou are ma%in! it more
accessible to those
around $ou.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 2&3

6ue to $our participation, $ou are effectivel$ !ettin!
involved and acceleratin! the human evolutionar$ ascentJ
:entall$, as more and more individuals ma%e the leap
into this ne# #orld order paradi!m, the ease in #hich the
#hole of civiliDation ma$ enter #ill continue to !ro#.
1nd #ith a !ro#in! abundance of
ne# #orld order citiDens, the
establishment #ill eventuall$ become
uncompetitive and disappear, bein!
lau!hed out of e*istence.
(3m sure $ou remember =ohn
5ennon3s epic son! +(ma!ine0, #here he
invited $ou to ima!ine a #orld #ithout
reli!ion or countries.
Now is the time.
Now is the time to stop I8A)ININ)...
Now is the time to start #+,ATIN)E
-o# is the time to ma%e that leap for#ard. Statism is
dead. /od is dead. 5on! live consciousnessJJJ
Startin! toda$, and continuin! throu!h 2012, $ou ma$
be!in to instantl$ attract all of the thin!s $ou #ant in
life, b$ first consciousl$ choosin! to live in the ne#
#orld order of abundance, and ta%in! forth actions to brin!
$ourself into the (lluminati mastermind, #here $ou3ll !ain
increased po#er to help raise consciousness amon!st the
!lobal citiDens #ho need $our help the most.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 2&2

,here3s no time for $ou to #ait for some !roup or some
leader to ma%e the chan!es necessar$ so $ou can finall$ do
the thin!s $ou #ant to do or be the person $ou #ant to be.
There is NO eBternal force
!o$ernin! your life.
2.8 create $our o#n destin$, and #ith the help from
those #ho are for!in! this ne# #orld order, $ou can no#
create that destin$ in record time.
(f $ou feel held do#n b$ the pressures of life C b$
$our Kob, $our financial situation, $our marria!e C and $ou
#ant to brea% free instantl$, and ascend to the life $ou
S&.856 94 livin!, $ou3re encoura!ed to do so L$ou mi!ht
Kust save $ourself from
a future of unhappiness
and disappointmentM.
1lternativel$, if
$ou feel held do#n b$
nothin!, li%e $ou have a
limitless potential to
manifest that future
#orld $ou hold in $our
mind E #here no
limitations e*ist, #here
a peaceful !lobal
societ$ advances at the
speed of li!ht C $ou can
no# move into a position
of immense importance b$
!uidin! the floc% in the
ri!ht direction.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 2&6

4ither #a$, #e have the net#or% of resources read$ to
serve $ou. e can train $ou. e can mentor $ou. e can be
the support structure ta%in! $ou #here $ou need to be E
travelin! an infinite number of times faster than if $ou
tried to do it all b$ $ourself.
4ound a bit cultish"
7erhaps. 9ut (
assure $ou... ( don3t
Kump on couches or offer
phon$ +salvation0... (
onl$ offer $ou the red
pill of honest$.
Since $ou #ere about
the a!e of seven or ei!ht $ears old, the ps$chic tentacles
of clever huc%sters, spiritual scam artists, political
dema!o!ues, and establishment authorities have penetrated
$our conscious mind #ith
no other motive than to
short circuit $our abilit$
to R(S4 87, e*periencin!
true soverei!nt$, #ealth,
and happiness.
,he$3ve attempted to
drain from $ou all that is
natural and !ood, as $ou
have been led to believe
$ou are a prisoner in
their matri* of
dishonest$, irrationalit$,
sacrifice, and dut$.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 2&:

2ou3re tas%ed #ith overcomin! $our o#n Dombie state,
#hich once restricted $our movement inside the matri*. 1nd
then, $ou must harness the tools to help others become
a#are. ,his viral, #orld#ide a#a%enin! #as sta!ed and
e*ecuted so a ne# !lobal societ$ can come into vie#.
-o# that $ou see it, in all its beaut$, $ou must come
to terms #ith $our fears and desires, and be!in creatin! it
for $ourself E no#.
5i%e a space shuttle
risin! from the launch
platform, all $ou need no# is
the 1))454R1,(.- necessar$ to
brea% out of the atmosphere.
If you can meet that
challen!e0 you can soar
throu!h space to disco$er
entire new worlds.
,he transition to#ard a !lobal societ$ based on libert$
and obKective la# has alread$ be!un. (t can be!in %ic%in!
into !ear as soon as the ne0t presidential ele#tion #y#le
in the 8.S., and send ripples across the !lobe E Lall
nations around the planet eventuall$ follo#in! suit soon
ill it ta%e the !reatest economic catastrophe in human
histor$ to push the #orld out of its trance, to motivate
them to reKect the rulin! class for !ood"
&o# !reat #ill the survival pressures need to become
before enou!h people learn the$ Kust have to sa$ +-.J0"
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 2&;

5et3s hope #e can usher in the final turn a#a$ from the
past #ith as fe# unintended conseNuences as possible.
=ou don5t ha$e to suffer.
(n the comin! $ears $ou can use the -e# orld .rder to
!ain critical advanta!es to protect $ourself, $our famil$,
and others from the ne!ative conseNuences of the turbulent
times ahead.
2ou3ll be re#arded b$
helpin! others #ho #ant to
see permanent chan!es made to
improve the lives #e all live
toda$, and the lives of
future !enerations.
/et5s look back...
(n 200@, the Ron 7aul
7residential campai!n set off
the foundational elements for
the mental paradi!m shift
$ou3ve been e*periencin!.
,hat nearEfinal mass
a#a%enin! #as necessar$ to
help voters be!in
leavin! the Republican part$ in
,he financial collapse, in s$nc #ith
the 200A presidential elections
%noc%ed do#n one domino to %noc%
do#n the the ne*t.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 2&<

1s cultEofE
personalit$ .bama
deserted his campai!n
promises durin! the
first si* months of
his 7residenc$, and
moved on to continue
carr$in! out failed
9ush policies, his
cult follo#ers be!an
#ithdra#in! their
support upon the
realiDation the$3d
been duped b$ $et
another slic%
The independent $oter block 1uickly !rew to eBceed
either of the two maor political parties in siAe.
,he maKorit$ of States be!an to reassert their
soverei!n ri!hts under the 10
1mendment #hile creepin!
federal socialism #as identified and e*plained to citiDens
via ri!htE#in! media.
9$ desi!n, the ne*t #ave of effects from the !lobal
economic collapse are e*pected to be felt in earl$ to mid
2010, and as unemplo$ment rises to a ne# hi!h before the
midEterm elections in the 8.S.
ill a massive cleansin! of incumbents be!in in
-ovember of 2010" ill the first #ave of )onstitutionalists
infiltrate the &ouse and Senate"
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 2&&

hile the economic fallout
continues to #orsen throu!h 2011 and
2012, #ill the survival pressures
have sufficientl$ effected the minds
of enou!h voters, so the 1merican
leftEri!ht political paradi!m can
finall$ be laid to rest"
1s of summer 2009, upon editin!
this boo%, all ( can sa$ is that
thin!s are on schedule, but there are
no !uaranteesJ 1s predictable as the
public is, the$ are fic%le and easil$ manipulated.
ill the inevitable have to be dela$ed until 201P or
later" ,hat Nuestion #ill be ans#ered soon enou!h.
1n even better Nuestion
#ould be +&o# bad do the$ #ant
to suffer"0 :ore insi!ht is
bein! obtained to ans#er that
Nuestion as #e continue to
brin! people out of their
slumber. L(3m personall$
rootin! for a libert$ candidate
to rise in 2012 and restore the
hile ( cannot describe
specificall$ the means and
methods nor the amount of funds
#aitin! to be spent to #rap up
this effort, Kust %no# the means to !et the Kob done are
read$ and #aitin! for the si!nal.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 2&'

L1nd rest assured that the .bama domino
is set up to fall harder than an$one #ould
ima!ine C onl$ #hen the time is ri!htM.
Since (3ve stepped for#ard to e*plain
this to $ou, the onl$ thin! ( as% in return
is that $ou increase $our involvement no#.
I5m !i$in! you e$ery reason to become
an effecti$e insider in this mo$ement.
1 virtual arm$ of revolutionaries
have been unplu!!ed, sha%en a#a%e,
and instructed to see to it that a
peaceEbased movement is !ro#n to
rival the !reatest conNuests
throu!hout histor$.
,he$ don3t %no# #hat $ou %no#.
,he$3ve been !iven an enem$ to hate
C the /lobalists, the (lluminati,
the -e# orld .rder, .bama, etc.
,hose enemies are #hat drives them
to defeat the R415 enem$ E the
parasitic establishment.
=ou now ha$e the critical perspecti$e that
--.-K of the r:$olution does not...
L,his secret s$mphon$ has been pla$in! in the
bac%!round all alon! E $ou Kust haven3t been able to hear
its beautiful tones until no#.M
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 2&(

,he s$stemic removal of citiDen3s personal soverei!nt$
and the unKust use of initiator$ force b$ an elected
!overnment has been a po#erful tonic to create dissent and
potential revoltO an essential in!redient to manifest the
ideal conditions for a !lobal revolution.
9ut #e do still face ver$ !rim threats
from maniacal radicals #ho have been
char!ed b$ their voodooEspea%in! leaders
and false /ods to destro$ the prosperit$
and happiness of innocent people all over
the #orld.
1s ( brin! this subKect into focus, (
declare 4>A8, on those #ho do#npla$
(slamic =ihadist terrorist threats as
manufactured fables.
1 random chemical, biolo!ical, or nuclear attac% could
occur at an$ time on 8.S. Soil. ,errorist cells could
easil$ mastermind a s$nchronous multiEcit$ attac% strate!$
#ith suitcase siDe homemade #eapons, #ipin! out tens of
millions of moral, happ$, productive 1mericans from coast
to cost, in a sin!le afternoon.
ith countless families
devastated, and the final collapse of
the econom$ brou!ht on b$ a nation#ide
attac% of that ma!nitude, it trul$
#ould be the end of 1merica, and the
#estern #orld #ould sin% into a social
disaster #hich could ta%e decades or
perhaps centuries to recover from C if
at all.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 2&-

:an$ of the securit$ precautions implemented since 9/11
#ere crucial in protectin! the pursuit of happiness for all
citiDens #orld#ide. 1nd it3s difficult to accept the fact
that, #ithout the loss of libert$ that accompanied those
man$ securit$ enhancements, the revolution #ould have not
come about as Nuic%l$ as it has.
(t3s important for
one to step outside of
their emotionaliDed
bubble, and observe
the bi! puDDle picture
as a timeline of
,r$ not to
condemn... tr$ not to
condone... Kust loo%
at the puDDle pieces
and understand ho#
the$ fit to!ether to
form the picture.
ithout Kustif$in! the ille!alit$ re!ardin! an$
potentiall$ unconstitutional acts durin! the first decade
of the 21
centur$ Lnor e*cusin! the massive loss of life
due to #arM, at the rate of e*ponential technolo!ical
!ro#th in computin! speed and its relation to the
harnessin! of cheap nuclear, biolo!ical, di!ital viral,
electroma!netic pulse, or other destructive #eaponr$, had
the invasion of (raN not come #hen it did, or had !lobal
securit$ initiatives #hich follo#ed 9/11 not been
implemented #hen the$ #ere, the future survival of the
4-,(R4 human race #ould loo% 4<,R4:452 blea% ri!ht no#.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 2'3

,he difference bet#een 2.8 becomin! a
lifeless pile of rottin! or!anic matter
in the #a%e of total #orld#ide
annihilation, or $ou livin! for thousands
of $ears after the biotech and nanotech
revolutions of the ne*t t#o decades, is
simpl$ a mathematical eNuation.
Run that eNuation ho#ever $ou #ant,
and $ou3ll %eep comin! up #ith the same
ans#er E ithout the !lobal #ar on terror
under the 9ush administration, that
eNuation would not be in $our favor.
( happen to %no# that, toda$, from a rational,
statistical basis Lfree from human emotions of fear and
an!erM the eNuation (S in $our favor no#. 2ou don3t have to
li%e that, or a!ree #ith it, but $ou can3t fuc% #ith the
,here are plent$ of %nuc%leheads
from the torchEandEpitchfor% clan,
#ho have the readin! comprehension
level of a t#at, itchin! to line up
to ta%e these facts outEofEconte*t,
and attac% me as a 9ushEsupporter,
#armon!er, bab$E%iller, blah blah
9ut $ou3re loo%in! for ans#ers,
and $ou deserve an honest e*planation. (3m a pacifist, a
patriot, and a philanthropist. 9ut ( #ouldn3t be able to be
an$ of those thin!s if the human race !ot #iped out b$ some
maniacal %iller, hellEbent on destro$in! the infidelsJ
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 2'2

hile (3m Kust as sore as $ou are at the chaos that
ensued throu!hout the first decade of this ne# millenia, (
ta%e a deep breath, and loo% for#ard %no#in! that each
chaotic moment led us to #here #e stand toda$... 1nd no#
that #e3re here,
there are more
opportunities for
order to be
established than
ever before.
( do not
condone the
attac%s of 9/11.
( do not condone
the use of force
as a means to an
end. 1nd ( thin% it3s fuc%in! ridiculous that thin!s happen
to be the #a$ the$ are E I a!ree with you more than anyone
else that it(s maddenin! to now we live su#h a mad, mad
world E but #hat #as done, is done.
/ook toward the future0 learn
from the past... ,$ol$e0 adapt0
and take an acti$e role in
ensurin! the madness stops
What is done NOW chan!es the
future more than what was done in
the past... and because of that0
you ha$e more potential for power
than anyone who5s come before
you... 4eiAe that power now.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 2'6

ith securit$ in chec% L$et still vulnerable in man$
#a$sM, and the collapse continuin! to unfold, the time to
s#eep a#a$ the cancerous dishonesties and irrationalities
#hich have pla!ued our planet for 2Q00 $ears, is -..
Ver$ special members of (lluminati societies are
successfull$ positionin! to ma%e the final move to#ard
!lobal libert$.
The future ahead is bri!ht.
hile those #ho have chosen not
to ta%e responsibilit$ for their
o#n future continue to e*perience a
decreased standard of livin!, Kob
losses, financial troubles, and
increased fears, the$ #ill turn to
their reli!ions for ans#ers, and to
their !overnments for handouts.
:ore and more the$ #ill discover that their /od cannot
provide for them, nor can their !overnment. ,heir
dependence on false e*ternal authorities #ill %eep them
trapped in a hellElife of limited means and shrin%in!
9ut those #ho choose selfE
responsibilit$, and put forth
effort to brea% free from the
old nonEconscious mindset based
on subservience to false /ods
and the Rulin! 4lite, #ill
be!in to instantl$ collect
tomorro#3s re#ards toda$.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 2':

&ere3s a Nuic% !limpse of #hat #ill happen #hen $ou
decide to start livin! in $our ne# #orld. (7erhaps some of
the advanta!es in the new world have already be!un to
affe#t you$"
2ou3ll be able to effortlessl$
e*perience comfort and securit$ C
both emotionall$ and financiall$.
2ou3ll create the Kob of $our dreams,
#or%in! passionatel$ on proKects that
are stimulatin! and re#ardin!. 2ou3ll
#or% #ith people $ou enKo$ bein!
around and tal%in! to, #ho are
eNuall$ passionate about their #or%.
2ou3ll e*perience deep happiness and
romance, enKo$in! ever$ moment $ou spend
#ith $our soul mate spouse. ,he fire in
$our relationship #ill continue burnin!
$ear after $ear.
'un famil$
activities #ill easil$ consume $our
time and $ou3ll never be restricted
from spendin! time
#ith $our famil$
because of $our #or%.
2ou #ill find #a$s
to mend bro%en relationships #ith people
$ou3ve had disa!reements #ith in the past.
2ou3ll also attract ne# people into $our
life, #ho #ill become upliftin! sources of
value to $ou.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 2';

2ou3ll develop superior intelli!ence and
be!in to see% ne# %no#led!e in all areas of
life. 1cNuirin! ne# %no#led!e #ill become
do#nri!ht addi#tive, as $ou3ll naturall$
hun!er to learn more and more.
2ou3ll transform into a fit,
health$ person #ith !ood loo%s and a radiant
!lo#. 2ou3ll easil$ avoid problems #ith food,
dru!s, and alcohol, because eatin! ri!ht and
e*ercisin! #ill be e*citin! rituals that
provide feelE!ood stabilit$ in $our life.
2ou3ll pla$ a!ain, li%e $ou did
#hen $ou #ere a child. 4*citin!, stimulatin!
entertainment #ill be affordable and
plentiful. 2ou3ll once a!ain feel the a#e
and #onder that $ou felt #hen $ou #ere
$oun!, e*periencin! the intensit$ of life
for the first time.
2ou3ll never be bored a!ain
because $ou3ll be faced #ith
endless choices of opportunities. (nstead of
dealin! #ith boredom, $ou3ll be tr$in! to
fi!ure out ho# to !et more time out of the da$
so $ou can do all the e*citin!
thin!s $ou #ant to do.
2ou3ll e*tend $our short time here on
earth to last man$, man$ times lon!er than
that of $our ancestors. 2ou3ll be able to
enKo$ the benefits of ne# lifeEe*tendin!
technolo!ies that dramaticall$ slo# $our
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 2'<

a!in! process, so $ou enKo$ $our ne# life, $our Kob, $our
loved ones, $our friends, $our passions, and $our pla$time
for man$, man$ more $ears than $ou #ould be able to in the
old #orld.
9ut most importantl$, $ou3ll become intensel$
focused on doin! thin!s that help others rise
up from their o#n personal
challen!es to create lives of
immense prosperit$ and happiness
6o an$ of these thin!s sound familiar"
L( !ave $ou a !limpse of these elements in
the first chapter of this boo%JM (3m alread$
enKo$in! our ne# #orld order, alon! #ith
:(55(.-S of others.
,he various pro!rams inside the
1ssimilation )ampai!n, such as m$ (nsider
)hallen!e L, are put forth to
help $ou !ain advanta!es no#, #hile the turbulent times
ahead provide the optimum conditions for humanit$ to ma%e
that leap for#ard.
,he campai!n reaches out in
creative #a$s to find the ri!ht
individuals #ho belon! at the cuttin!
ed!e of #hat3s to come.
Are you ready to ha$e
a peek inside"
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 2'&

/ow &id ' 0et ',.
hen ( #o%e from a li!ht catnap, ( hopped off the couch
and sat do#n at m$ des%, instantl$ !ravitatin! to#ard the
dia!rams and bullet points ( had scribbled do#n on a stac%
of papers earlier that mornin!.
,he$ told the stor$ of a manic vision that forced me to
drive home from the desert in the middle of the ni!htO
intent on !ettin! strai!ht to #or%.
,hat ver$ cunnin! plan ( conKured up and mapped out
earlier that mornin! #hen ( !ot home #as #aitin! for me,
complete #ith toEdo list, sorted, and read$ to e*ecute.
ith a #ave of ur!enc$ and e*citement fillin! me as (
revie#ed m$ notes, ( #ent strai!ht to #or%.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 2''

1ll da$ ( #as #ritin! m$ business plan, ma%in! phone
calls, #or%in! out the %in%s, and puttin! people in motion
to help me !et m$ ne# venture up and runnin!. ( tal%ed to
ever$one ( could !et throu!h to, !ettin! the facts, loo%in!
at m$ options, preEsellin! them on the plan, and settin!
follo# up meetin!s.
I was back in my element.
Stru!!lin! #as no lon!er an option. -o more spendin! m$
time feelin! an!r$ and frustrated about ho# ( lost
ever$thin!. -ot a moment to #aste #allo#in! in m$ defeat,
stuc% in m$ stic%$, sour
emotions... -o #a$.
(nstead, m$ mind #as
completel$ focused on
movin! for#ard,
fearlessl$, !uiltlessl$,
to conNuer m$ o#n selfE
sabota!e. ,he past, even
the ni!ht before out
there in the desert,
suddenl$ seemed distant E
li%e an old #orld ( had
departed from, too far in
the rear vie# to even
.ver the ne*t fe# months ( built m$ operation from the
!round up E refusin! to ta%e on an$ partners. ( scroun!ed
up enou!h mone$ to pa$ m$ bills and %eep the creditors at
ba$, and did so onl$ %no#in! that (3d be able to pa$ all
the loans bac% Nuic%l$.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 2'(

Revenue started flo#in! in. ,he model (
developed #as profitable, slo#l$ at first
Lbecause it consumed a lot of resources to
!et !oin!M but then it suddenl$ bro%e out
of the !ate.
,he first profitable Nuarter !ot me out of
personal debt, sNuared a#a$ enou!h cash to
cover m$ livin! e*penses, and left me #ith
a full tan% of fuel to %eep !ro#in!.
@ut it wasn5t time to pop the
champa!ne top ust yet...
(t still #asn3t inte!rated enou!h for me
to be able to ta%e m$self out of the da$ to da$ operations
L#hich #as the ori!inal !oal ( set forth on the ni!ht of
conceptionM. So ( brou!ht in a fe# %e$ people and paid them
health$ commissions to help me replicate the process ( had
Replication is essential to buildin! #ealth: 7erform
one action that $ields a
net profit, perfect that
one action to ma*imiDe the
profit it $ields, train
someone else to perform the
action until that person
demonstrates perfection,
then have that person train
other people. (.ou #an
ima!ine how repli#ation
#an 6ui#ly multiply
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 2'-

1s lon! as #e found profits, #e %ept e*pandin!, and
#ithin ei!ht months the operation #as #or%in! li%e a
!reased #heel.
hat #e #ere doin! #as simple: bu$ more and more
advertisin! as lon! as it produced a profit, perfect the
service, find ne# offerin!s to brin! to the e*istin!
customer base, reinvest the profits to %eep e*pandin!...
(I learned this all in the manus#ript, but I failed to
properly apply it in my first business, be#ause I was
su#ed into the #orporati5ed
illusion of the venture #apital
1fter a #hile #e #ere
4V4R2&4R4. e #ere Kust doin!
#hat ever$one else #as doin! C
but #e did it bi!!er, faster,
harder, and louder.
-imble, a!ile, no venture
capital... Kust pure profit and
!ood Kud!ment drivin! the
business for#ard. e #ere
shre#d and cost conscious do#n
to the last penn$.
(n the first $ear #e nearl$ built a seven fi!ure
business, but $ou #ouldn3t %no# it loo%in! around our
shabb$, basement office full of foldin! chairs and computer
des%s made of cinder bloc%s, pl$#ood, and bedsheets.
Needless to say0 I was back.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 2(3

:$ personal net #orth soared hi!her than ever before.
9ecause of the #a$ ( set the venture up, the freedom (
received allo#ed me to peruse m$ time in #hatever #a$ (
felt best suited the vision of m$ le!ac$.
See, there #as still a bi!
problem. ,he little venture (
built, as bi! as it #as to :4,
#as nothin! compared to the
nine and ten fi!ure titans #ho
had the po#er to directl$
uplift thousands of lives in a
sin!le da$.
( #asn3t a millionaire $et
but ( had the mindset and the
aspirations to !ro# be$ond #hat ( had accomplished that
$ear C to !ro# personall$ in order to help more people.
,he mone$ didn3t mean as much to me
this time around either. L,he abilit$
to ta%e vacations and afford e*pensive
S,8'' !ets borin! prett$ fast.M
( never felt that macho t$pe of
competition for stuff that other
entrepreneurs #ent after. &avin! $our
o#n $acht is nice, and there3s nothin!
#ron! #ith that, but $ou3re still
livin! in a countr$ that3s ta*in! a#a$
$our precious start up capital.
,he $acht #asn3t in m$ scope, nor the fanc$ cars or
e*otic !eta#a$s... ( #anted to %no# ho# to /4, .8, of the
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 2(2

s$stem, Lor at least !o around itM. 8ltimatel$, (3d
achieved financial freedom...
@ut I was still
an O9T4ID,+.
( #asn3t connected to the vast net#or% of insiders (
absolutel$ ;-4 e*isted. ( #as still Kust a R in the s$stem
and ( #anted to brea% free from the constraints ( faced.
9ein! surrounded b$ sharp people #asn3t enou!h. ( needed to
be surrounded b$ ).--4),46
,here #as a limit to
#hat ( #as able to do #ith
the resources ( had, and (
%ne# there #as somethin!
bi! !oin! on that #ould
soon chan!e the entire
financial order of the
#orld. ( #anted !lobal
soverei!nt$ and unstoppable
#ealth E so m$ !oals be!an
to e*pand.
9$ that time, ( had ta%en ever$thin! ( learned in the
manuscript, put it to use so ( could pull m$self out of
that destructive life ( #as stuc% in. ( actuall$ used m$
creativit$ to start somethin! valuable, and then ( lost
hen ( !ained it all bac% Land moreM, ( %ne# that the
secrets ( learned reall$ did #or%. (t #as all true E ( #as
livin! proofJ 9ut no# ( #as at a place #here ( #as stuc%
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 2(6

not havin! an$ idea ho# to !et
#here ( #as headed.
( had m$ mone$ problems ta%en care
of, and ( %ne# ( #anted to climb
the ran%s into more po#erful
circles, but ( didn3t %no# e*actl$
ho# to !o about doin! that.
6espite ever$thin! (3d been
throu!h, and all the mone$ ( no#
had access to, the one thin! ( #as
still puDDled b$ #as =ason.
)omehow I felt lie he was the
missin! lin$
( hired a private investi!ator #ho came up #ith
absolutel$ nothin! but an old phone number that had alread$
been passed on to a different customer. ,hen ( put a
different private investi!ator on the case to locate him.
I only found disappointment.
(t #as li%e the earth Kust
opened up and s#allo#ed him
#hole, leavin! onl$ the fadin!
memor$ of his e*istence.
,his bothered me, but (3d
e*hausted all m$ options. ith
or #ithout him, pro!ress
needed to be made. So ( pushed
it to the bac% of m$ mind, let
it !o, and for!ed on#ard.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 2(:

9$ 1999, the business #as runnin! smoothl$ Land
!ro#in!M under the efforts of the )4. ( put in place. ( #as
at a point #here ( could spend about four hours a #ee%
%eepin! tabs on ever$ facet of the operations, so ( decided
to hit the road and see #hat ( could
!et into outside of Ve!as.
,here #as a net#or% of others out
there #ho had read the manuscript, and
( #as determined to find them and see
ho# deep the rabbit hole #ent.
Networkin! was suddenly my primary
occupation. ( started attendin!
entrepreneurial events a!ain, but this
time ( could afford to !o to the hi!h
tic%et events freNuented b$ more
e*perienced entrepreneurs and
,he tech bubble
E #hich #as about
to burst a $ear later E #as at its
hei!ht. 1nd the net#or%in! events (
#as attendin! #ere maddenin!J
5ots of lunches... 5ots of
coc%tail parties... 5ots of
conversations #ith slic% :913s #ho
didn3t have the sli!htest idea of
#hat the$ #ere !ettin! themselves
,Bcess was an understatement.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 2(;

,he part$ #as out of control. henever ( visited
Silicon Valle$ it #as li%e a fantas$ #orld that no one
thou!ht #ould ever come crashin!
hen ( found m$ #a$ out to
the &amptons, at some
financier3s ne# mansion, or
aboard someone3s brand ne# H19
million $acht, it #as all so ne#
to me ( be!an to thin% it #as
Kust realit$ C that people m$
a!e Kust lived li%e that... that
it #as the ne# status Nuo.
(t #as the future manifested in the presentJ ,he
internet #as !oin! to revolutioniDe the #orld. e3d never
have to loo% bac% to the da$s of economic slo#do#nsJ /et
$our piece of pieJ &ave an idea" 1ll $ou need is an idea, a
convincin! business plan, and slic% loo%in! pitchmanJ
It was all $ery seducti$e.
4ven ( bou!ht into the illusion a
little... 9ut at the same time, in m$ !ut,
( #as fi!htin! a constant bout of
,he manuscript contradicted ever$thin!
that #as happenin! around us in that time
period. (n fact, based on the proKections
it sho#ed in the appendi*, 1merica #ould
soon be enterin! another !reat depression.
9ut all $ou heard from the #iDards on all
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 2(<

St. and the financial media #ere endless statistics
pointin! to 6.
Q2,000 .
Re!ardless of #hat
( %ne# and ho# hard m$
beliefs #ere bein!
tested in all the dot
com mania, ( also %ne#
there #ere
opportunities, and (
#anted in. &ec%, if it
all came crashin! do#n
li%e the doomsa$ers
predicted, as lon! as (
#asn3t too far e*tended, had a nest e!! put a#a$, and #as
able to %eep puttin! m$ emplo$ees to #or%, ( had nothin! to
:$ mar%et #as e*pandin!, the internet #as ta%in! off,
and ( #as doin! ever$thin! ri!ht this time. ( made some
valuable connections that #ould !o on to double m$ business
durin! the follo#in! $ear.
4ventuall$, after spendin! a
month bet#een -e# 2or% and
San 'rancisco and ta%in! a
side trip to 9eliDe to spend
time un#indin! #ith a lad$
friend L#ho #as a
contortionist ( met at an
)irNue 6ue Solei after
part$M, ( came bac% to the
home office.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 2(&

Sortin! throu!h a !iant pile of mail that had been
accumulatin! for #ee%s, ( came across a private invitation
to a #ealthEbuildin! seminar ri!ht here
in Ve!as.
(t cost HP,99G to attend, and even
thou!h ( could afford it, ( hadn3t heard
of the compan$ producin! it, so ( almost
thre# it a#a$. @ut the wordin! in the
in$itation was shockin!ly familiarE
1lthou!h va!ue, it used much of the
same verbia!e used in the manuscriptO
and #hen ( noticed this ( per%ed up
2What the hell I) thisC34 as this
#hat (3ve been loo%in! for" 1m ( sufferin! from Ket la!" :$
head felt li%e it #as s#ellin!. ( felt li%e a child #ho
Kust found out the$ #ere !oin! on a surprise trip to 6isne$
I was !iddy like a little
school !irlE
( Nuestioned the
price for about 2
seconds, but ( =8S, ;-4
( had to be there. ,his
&16 to be connected to
the manuscript. (t #as a
!ut feelin! ( #as #illin!
to burn H@% on E Kust to
find out.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 2('

orst case, (3d end up learnin! somethin! or meetin!
someone ( could benefit from in the process, so ( had m$
assistant reserve m$ spot and cancel m$ travel plans.
,hree #ee%s later ( #as there, and ,&1, #as the precise
moment m$ understandin! of the #orld around me R41552 be!an
to chan!e.
,he mornin! session #as
filled #ith a couple pitches for
an options tradin! s$stem L#hich
( #as interested in, but ne# toM,
and an economic roundtable !roup
L#hich sounded more li%e a richE
,here #ere several vendors
offerin! all %inds of hi!h level
e*ecutive services Linternational !old club t$pe stuffM E
5ots of !ra$ hair.
6urin! the lunch brea%,
across the room, on the ed!e of a
sea of about Q00 people, ( #as
shoc%ed #hen ( noticed him...
T>,+, >, WA4.
It was 7asonE
1s ( #al%ed up to him, not
surprised to see me at all, he
HOh !ood0 you made it.I
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 2((

( started blatherin! on about ever$thin! that happened
to me since #e #ere last to!ether.
&e Kust Nuietl$ listened, lettin! a random chuc%le and
!rin escape his attentive loo%. &e #as revie#in! m$
pro!ress, Kud!in! m$ potential, and celebratin! m$
all at the same
( met the cre# he
came to the
seminar #ith, and
after#ard he
invited me to come
alon! #ith them
out to dinner.
,hese !u$s #ere
brilliant E 155
98S(-4SS. :ostl$
in their midEtoE
late Q03s, the$
#ere stac%in! and cate!oriDin! deals the$ had come across
since the$ !ot to the seminar C sharin! contacts, fi!urin!
out #ho could offer resources to #ho in e*chan!e for #hat.
This was my place. I !ot ri!ht in there
and started mastermindin! with these !uys.
(3d never felt so stron!l$ li%e ( #as in the ri!ht
place at the ri!ht time. 5ots of people (3d met over the
prior $ear definitel$ %ne# ho# to !enerate lots of mone$,
but the$ #ere arro!ant about it, and the$ used their mone$
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 2(-

rec%lessl$, to e*cesses that #ere unnecessaril$ #asteful. (
felt li%e ( #as finall$ around some people #ho ( could
identif$ #ith, and ( felt
li%e the feelin! #as mutual.
9ac% then, the (nternet
#as still ver$ much li%e an
untouched !oldmine. ,here
#ere #ellEfunded prospectors
#ho #ere certain the$, and
their all St. friends,
#ould ma%e millions #ithout
liftin! a fin!er.
,hen, there #ere the
savv$ entrepreneurs #ho #ere
#illin! to !et do#n and
dirt$ in the nitt$E!ritt$ details and seiDe control of as
much internet real estate as possible, to create an
impenetrable le!ac$. L(
#as !lad to finall$ be
sittin! at the ri!ht
,oda$, people ta%e
it for !ranted, but the
table ( #as sittin! at
that ni!ht, and the man$
others li%e it all over
the #orld, #as #here the
ideas #ere laid for #hat
eventuall$ became all of
the #eb 2.0 technolo!ies
$ou enKo$ toda$.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 2-3

,hose same tables still e*ist toda$ and the$3re
occupied b$ !eniuses plannin! out ho# the$3re !oin! to
deliver all the riches $ou3ll be enKo$in! over the ne*t fe#
5ittle did ( %no# #hen a!reein! to attend the dinner,
the$ #ould be puttin! me to the test. ,he$ #ere drillin! me
for ideas, as%in! m$ opinions, !au!in! m$ level of
%no#led!e in m$ area of e*pertise, #hile Nuietl$ observin!
m$ social poise and communications s%ills.
,his #as fine.
7eople #ere al#a$s
siDin! me up #herever
( #ent. ( #as the
eternal outsider. -o
fanc$ de!ree, no
famil$ mone$... =ust
an anomal$.
( #as used to it.
hen ( !ot introduced
to a ne# cliNue,
people #ere al#a$s
s%eptical because of
m$ lac% of
credentials. L(t comes #ith the territor$.M
9ut these !u$s #eren3t Kust di!!in! into me to see
#here ( #as from... ,he$ could have cared less about m$
past.. ,he$ #ere onl$ interested in ho# the$ could use :2
ideas to create profits in ,&4(R businesses C a !enuine
interest that #as reciprocated.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 2-2

1fter dinner, ( !ot a fe# seconds alone #ith =ason on
the #a$ out and as%ed him about the manuscript and the
secret societ$ in a sort of ,'" E (s there somethin!
bi!!er connected to all of thisJ" E ( 1-, :.R4JJ E (n a
t$pe of #hild9ea!erly9be!!in!9for9i#e9#ream sort of #a$.
>e !rinned.
e ended up tal%in! for
about an hour, and ( still
didn3t !et all the ans#ers (
#as loo%in! for.
&e %ne# about the business
(3d built and he referred me to
be invited to the seminar. &e
%ne# about the failed startEup
( #ent throu!h. ( found out the
or!aniDation %ept a list of
manuscript recipients.
,housands of manuscripts #ere
!iven to individuals b$ various societ$ members #ho too%
limited distribution roles.
&avin! not !one throu!h
#hat ( had !one throu!h, (
probabl$ should have thou!ht
#hat he #as describin! as
bein! complete fantas$, li%e
somethin! out of a 6an 9ro#n
novel, but ( %ne# the po#er
of #hat ( #as !iven first
hand, so it didn3t reall$
surprise me.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 2-6

(n fact, #ithout havin! !one
throu!h the total life
transformation that occurred after
obtainin! that manuscript, (
probabl$ #ould have been pissed
off that ( #as bein! ta!!ed and
trac%ed li%e some sort of field
e*periment on an endan!ered
species in the #ild.
9ut finall$ !raspin! a ne#
understandin! of #hat (3d been
throu!h !ave me a #arm fuDD$ feelin!, a sort of relief,
li%e a !uardian an!el had been #atchin! over meO leavin!
me to meet m$ o#n challen!es and overcome m$ o#n
limitations C to !ro# on m$ o#n.
( #as luc%$ ( !ot one of
the manuscripts, because &4
#as luc%$ to !et one too Lhe
#as even luc%ier to be
Nualified as a limited
distributor #hile he #as
still at such a lo# levelM.
1 limited number of
copies #ere distributed
#orld#ide, in multiple
lan!ua!es, and he Kust
happened be #or%in! on a
different proKect #ith one of the people #ho #as involved
#ith the #orld#ide distribution Lcoincidentall$ one of the
persons involved #ith the production of the seminar (3d
been invited toM.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 2-:

9ut ( #anted to %no# #h$ he Kust disappeared li%e he
did. -earl$ three $ears had passed... ,he !ift he !ave me
,R1-S'.R:46 m$ entire lifeJ 1nd he #as no#here to be found.
hen ( as%ed for an e*planation all ( !ot #as, +ell,
#e3re here no# aren3t #e"0
hen ( e*plained to him about ho# hard ( tried to find
him E ho# ( hired t#o different private investi!ators that
came bac% #ith nothin! E he replied, +/ood C ( don3t li%e
to be found0.
HOh yeah" Well then you5re ust an A44>O/,EI I shouted.
Le both lau!hedM
( had to put m$self in chec% a little bit because he
#as so calm about ever$thin! C so nonchalant.
-o# that ( thin% bac% to that
conversation, ( 1S better off bein!
left on m$ o#n, armed onl$ #ith #hat
(3d learned. .ther#ise, thin!s mi!ht
not have turned out the #a$ the$ did.
I had to put the puAAle pieces
to!ether on my own in order to !row.
( follo#ed the instructions ( #as
!iven. ( entered net#or%s of people
#ho could help me. ( found a mentor.
( be!an usin! the po#er of the
mastermind !roup. ( acted under m$ o#n selfE!uidance,
ma%in! intelli!ent choices based on #hat ( learned.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 2-;

( did all of those thin!s #ithout him and ( #as better
off and more po#erful because ( had to find m$ o#n #a$.
9ut since #e3d reunited, ( 6(6 have an a!enda and ( did
#ant to !et to bottom of thin!s. ( #anted to %no# about the
secret societ$.
I wanted IN.
1ll he could tell me that ni!ht #as that throu!hout the
903s the$3d been perfectin! the literature to be more
po#erful than ever,
that there #as more C
:8)& :.R4, and that a
plan #as in the #or%s
to eventuall$
distribute it to the
entire #orld C
illuminatin! S. :1-2
74.754 at one time
that it #ould cause a
radical shift in
consciousness, havin!
immense upliftin!
ramifications on all
of civiliDation.
'urthermore, the
secret societ$ had a net#or% of individuals #ho #ere
connected all throu!hout the #orld in almost ever$ industr$
at ver$ hi!h levels. ,he$ consisted of #ealth$ business
people, scientists, inventors, famous performers, authors,
media personalities, celebrities, some political fi!ures,
and even some members of ro$al families.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 2-<

,hrou!h the net#or%, hundreds of millions of dollars
could be raised at a moments notice and the$ could
instantl$ communicate #ith tens of millions of people
throu!h various media outlets. ,he ra# po#er held b$ those
at the top #as simpl$ unbelievable, $et their identities
#ere completel$ un%no#n.
,he other !entlemen #e had dinner #ith that ni!ht !ave
their approval that ( could be brou!ht in as an apprentice.
( #as invited to a private mastermind !roup at one of the
!entleman3s homes in )osta Rica the follo#in! month. =ason
told me ( #as invited to ride
do#n there #ith them in a
private Ket.
And that5s all he
would tell me that ni!ht.
Relieved and let do#n at
the same time, (3d have to
#ait and let thin!s naturall$
ta%e their course. 9ut thin!s
#ere happenin! for me.
1 ne# door opened E almost ma!icall$ E and it #as
e*actl$ #hat ( #as loo%in! forJ &ad ( not bit the bullet
and #ent to that e*pensive net#or%in! event, ( don3t #hat
#ould have ended up happenin!.
( still didn3t understand the bi! bi! picture #here all
of this #as !oin!, but a month later, #hen our Ket touched
do#n on the private airstrip in )osta Rica...
,D,+=T>IN) #>AN),D.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 2-&

Now I5ll ha$e to stop you ri!ht there. Since #e3ve come
so far, and (3ve revealed so much to $ou, $ou3re probabl$
!oin! to feel a little ill to#ards me #hen ( sa$ #hat (3m
about to sa$ ne*t...
=ou were !i$en a lucid ima!e of
what my life is like today. 9$ no#
$ou understand the values ( hold
re!ardin! romance, famil$, health,
#ealth, freedom, securit$,
relationships, communication,
effort, honest$, %no#led!e,
2ou3ve also been e*posed to the
intimate details of m$ life. 2ou3ve
read about m$ lo#est point and the do#n#ard spiral that
too% me there. 2ou3ve read about m$ ascent from that #asted
life. 2ou3ve learned the trials and tribulations ( faced,
the personal character traits ( had to develop, and #here
m$ Kourne$ eventuall$ too% me.
(3ve attempted to unload the ,44,N#, of m$ entire bein!
in the concepts and accounts that line the pa!es of this
illuminati publication.
9ut #hat happened to me
bet#een the time ( stepped off
that private Ket in )osta Rica,
and no# E that 4-,(R4 64)164 #hich
passed before this publication #as
released to an$one C is part of a
Kuic$ stor$ that #ill -., 94 ,.56
(- ,&(S 47(S.64J
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 2-'

(.ou didn(t thin
I(d !o to su#h
elaborate len!ths to
tell you the entire
story of my as#ent
into the New World
Order and waste a
perfe#tly !ood #han#e
to leave you hun!ry
for more did
you 3C3C3"
9esides, if (
told $ou ever$thin!
ri!ht no#, #hat the
hell #ould ( #rite
about in m$ -4<,
9ut ( #ill tell
$ou this... (f $ou #ere trul$ interested in #hat $ou read
so far, and $ou R41552 #ant to %no# about #hat happened in
the missin! decade, 94'.R4 ( #rite m$ ne*t boo%...
=ou5ll ust ha$e to
ask me in personE
7eople (3ve met online, Kust li%e $ou, Koin me to
attend hi!h level events and mastermind !roups that meet in
e*otic locations all around the #orld. ,here3s onl$ one #a$
to find out more:
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 2-(

h* Should 1ou 2oi, A, 'llumi,ati So-iet*.
hile the mass herds are shrie%in! in horror #itnessin!
the disinformation planted in ever$ corner of the internet
about the .rder of the (lluminati, $ou3ll either choose to
revert and Koin them in their confused state of fear and
panic, or see realit$ for #hat it reall$ is.
( don3t %no# $our bac%!round, but bein! armed #ith #hat
$ou no# %no#, $ou can immediatel$ be!in !ainin! advanta!es
$ou ma$ not have been able to !ain before readin! this
publication. L( hope to have, at minimum, provided $ou #ith
6urin! these times of turbulence, $ou3ll be able to
obtain uniNue advanta!es b$ becomin! a member in one of the
man$ #ell connected societies and or!aniDations slo#l$
openin! their doors
to ne# members more
than ever.
,here are man$
different (lluminati
societies and
(lluminati front
!roups all around the
!lobe in operation
toda$, most of #hich
are completel$ secret
C man$ $ou #ill
li%el$ -4V4R even
hear about.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 2--

.thers are semiEsecret, ran!in! from
the easil$ accessible 'reemasons, to the
e*clusive inviteEonl$ 9ilderber!s.
,here are even several (lluminati
or!aniDations #hich have public #ebsites
#here an$one can appl$ to become a
member. L,hou!h there is no (lluminati
societ$ on the planet that blindl$
accepts ne# members.M
1re these societies and or!aniDations lined #ith
individuals #ho #ant to #ipe out the maKorit$ of human
civiliDation, and see those #ho
remain alive trapped inside a
technolo!ical control !rid, to be
%ept around onl$ as economic slaves"
9$ the clever !uise of #ell
crafted literature, and no# videos
on the internet, the naive and #ea%
minded are !ripped b$ fear upon
discoverin! the spoo%$ stories of
5uciferian plots for technocratic
enslavement throu!h a one #orld
6on3t thin% for a minute there aren3t people livin! on
earth toda$ #ho #ish to live off $our hard efforts. 9ut do
understand that if an$ such person has Koined the compan$
of an (lluminatiEbased or!aniDation, and enKo$s a dialo!
#ith the most po#erful people on 4arth toda$, that person
onl$ holds the pleasure until he or she is eventuall$
sabota!ed, ostraciDed, and left for ruin.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 633

,hrou!h the perceptive lens of illuminated
consciousness, a lens $ou hopefull$ have obtained #hile
readin! this 1ssimilation )ampai!n document, one sees a
completel$ different plot unfoldin!.
2ou ma$ see that -. is the
best time in histor$ to Koin the
(lluminati in the final coup de
!rTce, the creation of a ne#
#orld order sans reli!ion and
,he benefits these different
societies and or!aniDations
provide to members varies.
'indin! the ri!ht fit for
$ourself reall$ depends on #hat
$our obKectives are.
,here is an issue of mone$.
8nless $ou have obtained success
in $our profession, $ou3re
chances of bein! invited to the hi!her level societies
mi!ht be diminished. .thers ma$ be open and free to Koin,
but mi!ht not !rant access if it is assumed $ou lac% the
abilit$ to provide benefits to other members.
2ou3ll need to as% $ourself, #hat do 2.8 have to offer
to others" ,hen as% $ourself #hat do $ou #ant in return"
1re $ou loo%in! to increase $our #ealth b$ !ainin! access
to +insider0 deals" 1re $ou loo%in! for international
soverei!nt$ or a ta*Efree e*istence" 6o $ou Kust #ant
access to rare %no#led!e LtruthM" 6o $ou #ant to fund or
mana!e philanthropic endeavors"
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 632

Do you want to be a leader"
( onl$ as% because, if $ou do #ish to pursue a path
into one of the man$ !lobal societies, ( su!!est $ou have a
clear vision of #hat $ou #ant out of life, #hat $ou #ant
out of the connections $ou3ll for!e inside, and #hat $ou
have to offer others.
L2ou shouldn3t consider
enKo$in! the advanta!es of bein! a
member of 1-2 societ$ if $ou can3t
brin! value to other members. ,he
basis in #hich all societies
function and thrive is upon a
mutuall$ beneficial e*chan!e of
value bet#een members.M
4ssentiall$, $ou !enerall$ have
t#o #a$s of Koinin! an (lluminati
societ$. One: $ou can be approached
b$ an e*istin! member and invited to
enter the initiation process, #hich
varies from societ$ to societ$.
(n most cases, $ou #ould li%el$
need to be #ell connected throu!h a
social circle #here $ou could be
identified b$ an e*istin! member as
someone #ho sho#s potential.
1nd the !eneral reNuirement for initiation in this
scenario is that $ou have to sho# evidence that $ou3re
teachable. L(f $ou3re a !immeE!imme %no#EitEall, nobod$ is
!oin! to #aste their time helpin! $ou.M
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 636

( obviousl$ don3t %no# ho# li%el$ that #ould be for $ou
because ( don3t %no# $our bac%!round, $our #or%, or $our
character. (&nderstandin! how #areer su##ess and so#ial
#onne#tivity #an be typi#al barriers to entry, the
or!ani5ation I(m a
member of is
improvin! the
lielihood of entry
amon! the !eneral
The second way
is: $ou can bu$ $our
#a$ in. (3ll tal%
about the second #a$
first, because it3s
ultimatel$ the #a$ (
!ot involved.
5i%e ( e*plained
in an earlier
chapter, b$ a stro%e
of luc%, ( #as !iven the (lluminati manuscript E the tools
to easil$ create #ealth and instantl$ !ain personal po#er,
despite the dismal ab$ss ( had sun%en into.
( #as left on m$ o#n to prove m$self in the free
mar%et. ( #as left alone to ta%e #hat ( learned and displa$
the po#er ( !ained, b$ creatin! Kobs, and deliverin! values
to societ$.
(t #as onl$ after ( had built an efficient operation,
from the !round up, #hen ( found m$self in the compan$ and
respect of men and #omen #ho held R415 po#er.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 63:

&ad ( read the manuscript and !one on #astin! a#a$ as (
had been, ( #ould not be tellin! $ou this stor$. &ad ( not
paid to !o to that H@,000 seminar, #here ( #as reunited
#ith =ason, this stor$ #ould have been undoubtedl$
,ssentially0 I was bein! tested.
( +bou!ht m$ #a$ in0 b$
reachin! a level of productive
creativit$ #here mone$ #as no
lon!er an obKect of scarcit$. :one$
became a tool ( used to create
opportunities for others. (t #as no
lon!er somethin! ( stru!!led to
obtain and horde, nor #as it
somethin! that ruled m$ life...
:one$ became a !ame that (
pla$ed e*citedl$ C a mere
te#hnolo!y that allo#ed me to use
m$ creativit$ to reach out and help
others in various #a$s.
( #as tested b$ the mar%et to
#hether or not ( could leave
behind the old mentalit$ held b$
the common man, and rise into
the ne# mentalit$ of a !lobal
creator of values.
hen an opportunit$ arose, (
seiDed it. ( bou!ht m$ #a$ in
#ithout a second thou!ht.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 63;

(t #as m$ fearless drivin! search for !reater and
!reater levels of %no#led!e, and the application of that
%no#led!e, #hich transformed me into #ho ( had become.
,he leap of faith ( too% b$ !oin! to that H@,000 event
#as either !oin! to pa$ off or it #asn3t C but it #as the
-4<, 5./()15 :.V4,
and ( seiDed it
#ith haste.
( #as in tune
#ith the direction
( needed to be
!oin! C and ( had
a !ut feelin! that
the puDDle pieces
#ere comin!
to!ether... ( %ne#
#hat ( had to do,
and ( Kust did
,o describe that intuitive inner drive #ith one sin!le
#ord is simpl$ impossible, but ( hope $ou understand #hat
(3m tal%in! about C that deep inner driveO the force that
leads $ou to move in the ri!ht direction.
-o# that ( loo% bac%, perhaps the bi!!est shift (
e*perienced L#hat enabled me to later enKo$ the compan$ of
some of the most influential and po#erful people in the
#orldM is m$ understandin! of mone$, and #hat it means to
be #ealth$.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 63<

:ost people don3t understand ho#
#ealth$ people operate, ho# the$
interpret the value of mone$, or the
levera!e the$ acNuire #ith mone$.
:an$ people demoniDe those #ho
ma%e lots of mone$, and those involved
#ith secret societies #hich hold mone$
ma%in! secrets. 9ut mone$ is Kust a
tool $ou can use to !et thin!s $ou
#ant, or ma%e thin!s the way $ou #ant
(t3s a tool E Kust li%e a
shovel for $our !arden, a
spatula for $our stove, or a pen
for $our paper. (t !ives $ou
certain amount of levera!e in
!ainin! honest advanta!es in
,o put this into perspective,
ever$ $ear for the last decade
(3ve been spendin! tons of mone$
each $ear on information...
About how to !et more moneyE
'or instance, ( maintain subscription accounts #ith
nearl$ a doDen different #ebsites to !et insider
information about an arra$ of subKects E from health to
#ealth buildin! C costin! me a little more than H1G00 a
month total. ( also subscribe to a stac% of ne#sletters,
some costin! as much as H200 a month each.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 63&

( t$picall$ spend more than H@G,000 a $ear to travel
and attend various conventions and seminars. Some cost onl$
a fe# hundred dollars, others cost as much as H2G,000 each
C most are invite onl$.
,his is Kustifiable, because the people ( meet and the
thin!s ( learn !ive me an ed!e in #hat ( do.
9ut ( also for% over a massive amount of mone$ each
$ear to be part of four different roundtable !roups,
t$picall$ consistin! of
less than 12 people.
,hese are e*clusive
!roups ( meet #ith,
throu!hout the $ear, so (
can !ain focused strate!ic
insi!hts and !et access to
opportunities that Kust
aren3t available to the
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 63'

1fter fli!hts, hotels, meals, etc. ( probabl$ spend
about H1@G,000 a $ear =8S, !oin! to these four roundtable
!roup meetin!sO #hich t$picall$ last a da$, or a da$ and a
ealth$ people don3t hoard
their mone$ #hen it comes to
!ainin! information and access
to ne# contacts, methods,
techniNues, and s%ills that
enable them to attract !reater
'rom the scarcit$ mindset
that most people possess, the$
are forever trapped, not bein!
able to e*perience the re#ards
of livin! #ith an abundant, #ealth$ mindset. ,he$ are
turned off, or perhaps even turned an!r$ b$ #ealth$
people3s mere e*istence.
2et #ealth$ people
create and maintain
businesses that emplo$
the #orld3s populations.
ealth$ people !ive the
most mone$ to charities.
ealth$ people fund the
arts, education, research
or!aniDations, and civic
Wealthy people pay
the most taBes.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 63(

h$ have ( made it a
practice to spend more and
more mone$ each $ear, for
the last 10 $ears, see%in!
out #ealth$ people and
learnin! #hat #ealth$ people
learn" @ecause the return I
!et on the money I spend is
Someone mi!ht thin% m$
o#n personal and business
development e*penses are
e*cessive, but it3s nothin! compared to the hi!her level
!roups freNuented b$ individuals far outside m$ lea!ue.
4ver$ $ear in =anuar$, the #orld3s most po#erful
industrialists, financiers, and mo!uls meet in 6avos,
S#itDerland for a #ee% to net#or% and attend presentations.
,he entr$ fee to the e*clusive 6avos 4conomic Summit is
H200,000J ,hat3s ri!ht... ,hose #ho attend 6avos spend as
much on a sin!le tic%et as ( spend on 155 '.8R of m$
roundtable meetin!s 155 241R.
(3ve never been to
6avos L( roll #ith a
different cro#dM. 9ut it3s
Kust one of the man$ hi!h
level meetin! places that
are freNuented b$ people
#ho have the po#er to
improve people3s lives on
a massive scale.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 63-

(If you truly want to see #han!es happen in the world,
and you brin! a uni6ue talent to the table, the men and
women who attend these types of hi!h end events are the
ones you want in your ba# po#et$ On the other hand, you
#an try to #han!e the world by standin! outside their hotel
and shoutin! at it with a bullhorn, lie a te#hnolo!i#ally
adept neanderthal, and see how many people you #an help
that way$$$ But I(d advise otherwise$"
It5s much more effecti$e to IN*I/T+AT, the system and
eBtract $alue which you can redirect to whate$er channel
you prefer.
4*clusive !roups such as 9ilderber!, )ouncil on 'orei!n
Relations, etc. are attac%ed as the +a*is of evil0 b$
conspirac$ culture. 2et that culture doesn3t understand ho#
these or!aniDations #or%.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 623

,he$ don3t understand #h$ #ealth$ people meet in these
sorts of forums. ,he$ don3t appreciate #h$ S4)R4)2 is so
important. ,hese paranoid nerds
have been spreadin! their
delusional #orld vie# on the
internet li%e herpes.
,he$, and the businessEhatin!
liberal puppetEpeople, are
eNuall$ clueless about ho# these
+evil0 !roups are filled #ith
the most clever establishment
saboteurs in histor$.
,he !roups consist of some of
the most creative thin%ers, productive industrialists, and
brilliant scientists on the planet E the individuals
responsible for creatin! and mana!in! the infrastructure
throu!h #hich our civiliDation can thrive at levels of
health and #ealth unima!inable to previous !enerations.
These !eniuses are directly
responsible for pro$idin! you with
the tools necessary for re$olution to
be born and raised.
Sure, most of those !roups are
filled #ith parasitical elites C
politicall$ motivated bureaucrats #ho
are bein! strun! alon! to induce the
public3s hatred to#ard the
establishment. 9ut to shrie% in fear
of an or!aniDations3 inventor$ of
humanoids is Kust foolish.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 622

hat3s important is
to identif$ the crUme
de la crUme of modern
heroes E =ohnE/altEli%e
men of the mind. 1nd
had these or!aniDations
not e*isted over the
last several decades,
some &itlerEli%e despot
#ould have li%el$ come
alon! and murdered us
all b$ no#.
( don3t %no# e*actl$
#hat $ou3ve been throu!h durin! $our Kourne$ to find the
truth, but ( do %no# that $ou3ve come across a variet$ of
characters out there #ho are e*tremel$ convincin!... #ho
see% to dra# $ou in and infect $ou #ith their perspective
of realit$.
-ot %no#in! #hat the
-e# orld .rder reall$ is,
those characters blindl$
attac% the invaluable
fi!ures involved in
various !lobal initiatives
to usher in the necessar$
chan!es humanit$ must
endure to survive.
,hose are the same
characters #ho attac% me
and the perspectives ( brin! to $ou. ,he$ #ant $ou to be as
an!r$ and as frustrated as the$ are.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 626

9ltimately you5re !oin! to
make up your mind on your own.
,he #a$ ( see it, ( could either be a miserable =ohnn$
5ibert$ under the mind control of the 'un 7olice, or (
could choose to be responsible and ta%e action to start
livin! a life of #ealth, health, and abundant happiness.
( ur!e an$one sincerel$
interested in Koinin! one of
the man$ (lluminati
societies operatin! around
the planet toda$, to start
pursuin! it -..
1s of the time of this
#ritin!, #hile the -4<8S is
still open, easier access
for common people e*ists
toda$ than it ever has
before. L1nd no# is the most
e*citin! time in histor$ to
be a part of #hat3s
9ut $ou (55 face limitations. ,he doors
aren3t Kust open to 1-2.-4. 2ou3re not !oin!
to ma%e an$ pro!ress if $ou3ve been
blac%listed Lthat could have happened for a
variet$ of reasonsM.
,here 1R4 several 951);5(S,S that are
maintained specificall$ to bloc% access to
criminals and !overnment officials.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 62:

L( oversa# the development of one.M
,here are also several
international databases of names
#hich house li%el$ )1-6(61,4S, #ho,
#hen matched, are li%el$ to be
instantl$ accepted. &o# do $ou find
out if $ou3re in one of these
=ou can5t.
9ut #hen $ou raise $our fla!, those #ho can help $ou
enter the process #ill come to $our service. ,a%e m$
(nsider3s )hallen!e to raise $our fla!, and sho# me $ou3re
read$ to ta%e the ne*t step.
2ou don3t have to be interested in business to use the
advanta!es $ou3ll receive from societ$ membership. 2ou
mi!ht !ravitate to#ard art, or $ou ma$ be an
intellectual interested in !ainin! access to
rare %no#led!e. 2ou ma$ be a teacher
interested in mentorin! $oun! apprentices.
9usiness isn3t for
ever$one, but ever$one
can utiliDe mone$E
ma%in! levera!e to see
their ideas and
creations reach as far as possible, to
responsive audiences and mar%ets.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 62;

1ccess to the !round
brea%in! ideas of hi!hl$
accomplished leaders from a
lar!e variet$ of
industrial, financial,
social and political
sectors !ives $ou a farE
reachin! !lobal perspective
$ou can levera!e in $our
creative proKects, no
matter #hat area $ou #ant
to be involved in.
,he rare and uniNue
abilit$ to !ain %no#led!e and associate #ith +insiders0
from around the #orld allo#s $ou not onl$ to e*perience the
personal !ains from #hat $ou learn, but the abilit$ to
deliver personal !ains to others, neither of #hich $ou
could ever accomplish as an isolated individual.
With a mastermind !roup0 your power multiplies.
1s ( described, the process ( #ent
throu!h to find a safe haven #here
( could build lon!Eterm
relationships #ith individuals #ho
could help me achieve m$ !oals #as
essential in the development of m$
hat ( #ent throu!h has allo#ed me
to become one of those individuals
#ho no# helps .,&4RS achieve ,&4(R
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 62<

(f $ou !o do#n this path, man$ of the people $ou #ill
meet have maKor professional accomplishments, academic
accolades, or #orld#ide reputations and achievements.
,hese people are not the
evil establishment fi!ures
demoniDed b$ conspirac$
theorists and +liberals0...
,he$ are people #ho share
a desire to help others !ain
%no#led!e, connections, and
e*pertise. ,he$ are mentors
to those #ho are serious
about ta%in! char!e of their
o#n destinies, achievin!
#ealth, !ainin! financial freedom, e*periencin! d$namic
health, and reachin! hi!h levels of personal happiness.
9$ raisin! a ne# !eneration of individuals #ho can
learn to live independent of
the establishment, #e3re
ensurin! the smoothest
possible transition into the
:a$be $ou #ant to !et
close to people #ho have
mastered the 5a# of
1ttraction, and learn
directl$ from them ho# to
achieve the mindset all
happ$, successful people
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 62&

:a$be $ou Kust #ant to learn about the
latest advancements in science and
technolo!$ E about the most recent
censored research and discoveries bein!
made to cure debilitatin!
diseases and a!in!.
.r $ou mi!ht #ant access to
mone$ ma%in! opportunities
that #ill %eep $our famil$ safe, secure, and
health$ durin! the depression.
(3m personall$
interested in ta%in!
advanta!e of dirt cheap real estate
prices, to create affordable housin!
opportunities for people in m$ local
area #ho are stru!!lin! because of
the do#nturn.
Some people #ant to create #indfall
profits usin! levera!ed stoc%s and bonds
durin! the turbulent shifts of #ealth
that #ill continue to occur in the
financial mar%ets over the ne*t fe#
(t3s also essential to learn about
asset protection strate!ies, and the
specific tactics for achievin! personal
Think of all the !reat opportunities
you ha$e access to lookin! forward.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 62'

,he reasons $ou3re loo%in! for advanta!es from becomin!
a member in an or!aniDation li%e the one ( belon! to mi!ht
be fe#, or the$ could be man$.
9ut as the #orld
economies decline in the
!reatest depression ever,
there3s no better place to
be than in the securit$ of
a topEnotch mastermind
!roup, that can not onl$
assist $ou in achievin!
and maintainin! the
lifest$le $ou desire, but
enable $ou to better help
others #ho are in need as
,here3s no better time to seiDe $our o#n personal po#er
than ri!ht no#. ,here3s no obstacle too difficult or cost
too !reat to hold $ou bac% from becomin! #ho $ou #ere meant
to be.
,oda$, #hen ( loo% bac% at ho# life 8S46 ,. 94, (
chuc%le. ,he opportunit$ for me to e*perience life at its
fullest, no matter #hat ( #ent throu!h in m$ dar%est $ears,
is the same opportunit$ available to an$one else #ho3s
read$ to move for#ard and pull their s#ord from the stone.
1ll ( needed #as a little help from a friend...
What do =O9 need"
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 62(

Three Sho-#i,3 %o,fessio,s
1s if it #asn3t enou!h lettin! $ou in of the most
intimate details of m$ life: ho# ( thin%, ho# ( act, and
#hat m$ a!enda is...
1fter ever$thin! (3ve said thus far,
there #ill undoubtedl$ be some =ohnn$
5ibert$ out there sNua#%in! about ho# m$
boo% Confessions of an Invisible
Illuminati, in the end, confessed nothin!.
1lthou!h =ohnn$ is infinitel$
impossible to please in his state of
constant confrontation and disappointment,
(3ll #rap up this publication #ith a nice
prett$ bo# b$ leavin! him #ith three
indisputable nu!!ets.
#onfession 2:
#onspiracy culture has been
infiltrated for the sole purpose
of recruitment. 1!ent
provocateurs are so ti!htl$
embedded on the messa!e boards,
social net#or%s, and blo!osphere,
it3s impossible to separate them
from the rest of the herd.
herever $ou turn, someone is
attemptin! to influence #hat $ou
thin%. )hances are that onl$
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 62-

until recentl$ in $our life, $ou had ver$ little %no#led!e
about 1ustrian economics, obKectivism, the )onstitution,
secret societies, the monetar$ s$stem, and a host of other
topics. L)hances are, before $ou #ere suc%ed into the
(lluminati :ar%etin! :atri*, $ou could have cared less.M
9ut in recent $ears $ou3ve been +a#a%ened0 to the
nuances of social and economic mechanisms spinnin! us into
a ne# #orld order.
1lon! $our Kourne$, $ou3ve been
s#a$ed b$ disinformation that fit
into #hatever perverted beliefs $ou
held about realit$. (f $ou believed
in the 9ible, $ou3ve been told about
the Satanic 5uciferian conspirac$,
the return
of the antiE
)hrist, PPP,
951& 951&
(f $ou believed in aliens,
$ou3ve been told about 8'.3s, )(1
mind coverups, and the reptilian
outerE#orld bein!s #ho came to
4arth to rule over the humans,
951& 951& 951&.
-o# $ou3ve met me, and
hopefull$ $ou3ve be!un to meet others li%e me. e #ere the
ones #ho pulled $ou out of the delusions that so
effectivel$ helped desensitiDe $ou and prepare $ou for
entr$ into the (lluminati mastermind.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 663

Someone had to creep in and latch on to #hatever
delusions $ou !ravitated to#ard, cran% up the freNuenc$,
and then smash those illusions into a million pieces C li%e
a mirror bein! tossed off a s%$scraper.
(f $ou3re no# becomin! a#are
that the +(lluminati hand0 #as
in a maKorit$ of the
ridiculous disinformation
about the alien, 5uciferian,
or reptilian plots for !lobal
!enocide, $ou can be!in to see
the bi! picture of ho# the
ultimate !oal is bein!
#onfession 6:
An Illuminati hand in the r:$olution is a $ast
understatement. 'or decades this period in histor$ has been
envisioned, planned for, and no# bein! e*ecuted LNuite #ell
( mi!ht addM.
2ou mi!ht remember hearin! bac% in
late 200@, before the 7residential
primaries, that )on!ressman Ron 7aul
had raised more mone$ in a sin!le da$
than an$ other 7residential contender
in histor$.
2ou probabl$ also remember that he
raised more campai!n contributions from
8.S. Service people than an$ other
candidateO 6emocrat .R Republican...
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 662

(f $ou #ere follo#in!, $ou #itnessed ho# he #as shunned
b$ the mainstream media durin! the primar$ elections. &e
#as i!nored durin! the debates Lpurposefull$ uninvited to
the 'o* debatesM, labeled as a %oo%, and pushed to the
( hope $ou #ere furious about that, because that3s the
4<1), %ind of rise #e needed out of $ou. hen the collapse
came in 200A, Kust before the election, )on!ressman Ron
7aul be!an ma%in! dail$ appearances on mainstream media,
suddenl$ labeled as +,he !u$ #ho #as ri!ht all alon!.0
>is supporters were stunnedE
(But you should have seen the !rin on my fa#e$"
1s soon as 9arrac% .bama #as inau!urated, conservative
media be!an the stead$ transition from 9ushEsupport to
)onstitutionEsupport as fast as audiences #ould eat it up.
,he public has a sli!ht learnin! curve. 2ou can3t Kust
start tellin! them the truth
overni!ht because the$ #on3t
believe $ouJ
(They need to be led out of
their tran#es #arefully$ But at
the end of day, it(s lie
tea#hin! a #hild to ride a bie
1 nothin! #an stop your pro!ress
if you eep pushin!$"
So far ever$thin! has #or%ed
ma!icall$. (3m ver$ pleased.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 666

-o#, after ever$thin! (3ve told
$ou throu!hout this publication,
if $ou still don3t see ho# this
Ron 7aul phenomenon came about,
and the importance it pla$ed
creatin! a foundational movement
to#ard a ne# #orld order, (
encoura!e $ou to S4R(.8S52 be!in
Nuestionin! ever$thin! $ou ,&(-;
$ou %no# about secret societies.
(/aybe you should 6uestion your
sour#es a bit more thorou!hly33"
#onfession ::
If you really knew >OW 89#> 8ON,= is waitin! to be
thrown at a libertarian candidate0 your aw would drop.
,he amount of mone$ that #as put into settin! off the
Ron 7aul phenomenon is mere 5..S4 )&1-/4 compared to the
stoc%pile of cash and assets Kust #aitin! to be spent in
order to overthro# the liberal establishment for !ood Las
soon as 2012M.
,o accuratel$
describe ho# much has
been stoc%piled,
consider #hat it #ould
be li%e to use all of
the #ater in an .l$mpic
siDe s#immin! pool to
put out the flame on
the head of a sin!le
match stic%.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 66:

2ou simpl$ )1--., ima!ine
ho# man$ ea!er multiE
millionaires and :85,(E
9(55(.-1(R4S are out there
#aitin! patientl$ until the
74R'4), moment comes alon!
#here the$ can root out ever$
last parasite in the s$stem,
restore )onstitutional la#,
and usher in an era of
unhindered, unre!ulated free
enterprise C catapultin!
civiliDation to Nuic%l$ advance to#ard unprecedented levels
of health, #ealth, and potential.
@ecause it5s !oin! to make us all IN4AN,/= W,A/T>=E
ant to %no# #h$ #e #ere so e*cited to see .bama
elected" 9ecause he3s the epitome of ever$thin! 1merica (S
-.,. &e3s the smooth #riminal
voters needs to fall in love #ith
in order to brea% do#n their belief
in !overnment once and for all. (
personall$ can3t #ait until the
s%eletons start comin! out of the
closet E it3s !oin! to be circus.
L2ou3ve seen this pattern happenin!
in all the previous
administrations, so $ou should
alread$ have a !ood idea about
#hat3s on the horiDon.M
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 66;

Voters decided the$ #anted to
learn the hard #a$, so let
them. 5et3s see ho# the$3ll
feel once the motor of the
#orld comes to a !rindin! halt.
e3re prepared for an$ sort of
stoppa!e, and if $ou see the
importance of the events
unfoldin! in the comin! $ears,
( encoura!e $ou to secure $our
future, let nature ta%e its
course, and don3t !et cau!ht up
in the collateral dama!e.
9$ hoo% or croo%, #e #ill see
the rapid transformation to#ard
a free !lobal societ$ #ithin the first Nuarter of this
centur$. (t can start in 1merica b$ 2012, or #e can #ait it
out for another decade... (t all depends on the indi$idual.
4ither #a$, ( ur!entl$ invite $ou to ta%e the steps
necessar$, and put the effort forth to ensure $our
lifest$le #on3t be effected
b$ the collapse.
4ver$thin! the 4li Roo%
brand has developed so far,
m$ boo%s and various online
materials, have been steppin!
stones to prepare m$ readers
and online friends to enter
the +safe haven0 that3s been
built in secrec$ over the
last 10 $ears.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 66<

( ori!inall$ came forth on =anuar$ 1
of 2009 to be!in
attractin! those Nualified candidates ( could brin! into
the safe haven, and shortl$ before ( released )onfessions
of an (nvisible (lluminati, man$ of those select
individuals chose to Koin us.
-o#, #ith the full release of this publication, the
doors are openin! up... e3ve came to!ether to form a
communit$Eoriented support infrastructure to rapidl$
accommodate the man$ Nualified individuals #ho are no#
be!innin! to Koin us en masse.
To find out more, you now what to do$
,a%e m$ (nsider )hallen!e, and !et connected so $ou
have plent$ of insulation durin! the storm.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 66&

1our +luepri,ts for Es-ape
,his chapter has been purposefull$ omitted.
#onfessions of an In$isible Illuminati %a!e 66'

Where5s the last chapter"
F@etter try and find outG

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