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Amazing Story of a Mother ...Mom's love is great .

When Carolyn Isbister put her 20oz baby on her chest for a cule! she thought that it "oul be
the only chance she "oul ever have to hol her.
#octors ha tol the parents that baby $achel only ha only minutes to live because her heart
"as beating once every ten secons an she "as not breathing.
Isbister remembers%
I in&t "ant her to ie being col. So I lifte her out of her blan'et an put her against my s'in
to "arm her up. (er feet "ere so col.
It "as the only cule I "as going to have "ith her! so I "ante to remember the moment.)
*hen something remar'able happene. *he "armth of her mother&s s'in 'ic' starte $achael&s
heart into beating properly! "hich allo"e her to ta'e little breaths of her o"n.
We couln&t believe it + an neither coul the octors. She let out a tiny cry.
*he octors came in an sai there "as still no hope + but I "asn&t letting go of her. We ha her
blesse by the hospital chaplain! an "aite for her to slip a"ay. ,ut she still hung on.
An then amazingly the pin' color began to return to her chee's. She literally "as turning from
gray to pin' before our eyes! an she began to "arm up too.
*he sa part is that "hen the baby "as born! octors too' one loo' at her an sai -no&.
*hey in&t even try to help her "ith her breathing as they sai it "oul .ust prolong her ying.
/veryone .ust gave up on her!) her mom remembere.
At 20 "ee's a "omb infection ha le to her premature labor an birth an Isbister 1"ho also
has t"o chilren Samuel! 20! an 3irsten! 4 5 sai! 6We "ere terrifie "e "ere going to lose her.
I ha suffere three miscarriages before! so "e in&t thin' there "as much hope.) When
$achael "as born she "as grey an lifeless.
Ian 7aing! a consultant neonatologist at the hospital! sai% 6All the signs "ere that the little one
"as not going to ma'e it an "e too' the ecision to let mum have a cule as it "as all "e
coul o.
*"o hours later the "ee thing "as crying. *his is inee a miracle baby an I have seen
nothing li'e it in my 28 years of practice. I have not the slightest oubt that mother&s love save
her aughter.)
$achael "as move onto a ventilator "here she continue to ma'e steay progress an "as
tube an syringe fe her mother&s pumpe breastmil'.
Isbister sai! 6*he octors sai that she ha prove she "as a fighter an that she no"
eserve some intensive care as there "as some hope. She ha one it all on her o"n +
"ithout any meical intervention or rugs. She ha clung on to life + an it "as all because of
that cule. It ha "arme up her boy an regulate her heart an breathing enough for her to
start fighting.
At 9 "ee's she "as ta'en off the ventilator an began breastfeeing on her o"n. At four
months $achel "ent home "ith her parents! "eighing 4lbs + the same as any other healthy
ne"born. ,ecause $achel ha suffere from a lac' of o:ygen octors sai there "as a high ris'
of amage to her brain. ,ut a scan sho"e no evience of any problems an toay $achel is
on par "ith her peers.
$achel&s mom tells us! 6She is oing so "ell. When "e brought her home! the octors tol us
that she "as a remar'able little girl. An most of all! she .ust loves her cules. She "ill sleep
for hours! .ust curle into my chest. It "as that first cule "hich save her life + an I&m .ust so
gla I truste my instinct an pic'e her up "hen I i. ;ther"ise she "ouln&t be here toay.)

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