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1hose who sowed wlLh Lears, wlll reap wlLh songs of [oy.
1hose who go ouL weeplng, carrylng Lhe seed, wlll come agaln wlLh [oy, shoulderlng Lhelr sheaves.
[salm 126: 6,7]

We sowed ln Lears. We reap ln [oy.
lL ls flve years Lo Lhe day slnce l was lnvesLed as your Archblshop aL ChrlsL Church, lano, 1exas. lL was a
servlce of LrusL and hope ln Lhe conLexL of many Lears. Many of us had been exlled from -- or were
walklng away from - Lhe Church LhaL had shaped and formed us. Many of us had losL - or were ln Lhe
process of loslng - bulldlngs and frlends, resources and relaLlonshlps LhaL were preclous Lo us. CLhers
[usL knew LhaL where Lhey were ln Lhelr ChrlsLlan [ourney was noL yeL where Lhey needed Lo be and
were prepared Lo rlsk whaL Lhey had, LrusLlng Cod for someLhlng beLLer, Lhough noL yeL reallzed.
1here was boLh sadness and resolve ln !une of 2009. 1he conLexL was weeplng, buL LhaL dld noL sLop us
from planLlng seeds. lL was sprlngLlme - planLlng Llme - and sorrows musL noL keep you - and dld noL
keep us - from laborlng ln Lhe LrusL LhaL Lhere would be a beLLer day, and LhaL a harvesL would follow lf
we would - wounds and sorrows noLwlLhsLandlng - falLhfully planL. 1he lnaugural rovlnclal Assembly
(of whlch LhaL lano lnvesLlLure was a parL) - meeLlng aL anoLher SL. vlncenL's (8edford, ulocese of lorL
WorLh) - planLed falLhfully.
1here were Len Lhlngs Lhe Lord moved me Lo call for on !une 24, 2009:
a) Lmbraclng our !ohn-Lhe-8apLlsL ldenLlLy as Messengers/lorerunners. Angllcans
b) Crowlng ln unlLy and charlLy - as Lhe vlslble 8ody of ChrlsL
c) Welcomlng back Lhe wounded/lovlng Lhem/heallng Lhem/lnLegraLlng Lhem
d) Calllng and equlpplng a new generaLlon of leaders
e) lanLlng 1000 new churches ln flve years
f) Lngaglng lslam, secularlsm, and maLerlallsm wlLh Lhe ChrlsLlan gospel
g) Lovlng Lhe hungry, LhlrsLy, sLrangers, naked, slck, and lmprlsoned
h) 8lesslng creaLlve mlnlsLry responses
l) CeLLlng ScrlpLure by hearL
[) 8e[olclng and glvlng Lhanks ln all clrcumsLances.
We sowed ln Lears. We reap ln [oy.
lrom four former dloceses of Lhe Lplscopal Church, from slx dloceses of Lhe 8eformed Lplscopal Church,
from eccleslasLlcal llfeboaLs" launched by Lhe Angllcan rovlnces of 8wanda, nlgerla, uganda, kenya
and SouLhern Cone, as well as by Lhe ulocese of 8eclfe ln 8razll, and from congregaLlons ln an even
wlder Angllcan ulaspora, we are now 28 dloceses and a speclal Armed lorces and Chaplalncy !urlsdlcLlon
ln a unlfled Angllcan Church ln norLh Amerlca. 1here ls sLlll more work Lo do, buL Lhe presenL harvesL ls
ls abundanL: >" F+%/F$%(/F *$K/"*$4 ,"*,/F1A",$.
Cverlapplng [urlsdlcLlons are Lhe herlLage of Lhls hlsLory, so geographlcal denslLy" ls an ongolng
challenge. 8uL here ls Lhe Lhlng. Any rovlnce can have several forms of eccleslasLlcal denslLy:" among
Lhem relaLlonal, mlsslonal, and geographlcal denslLy. llve years down Lhe road, we score hlgher Lhan
mosL rovlnces on Lwo ouL of Lhree. 1he challenge of Lwo undersLandlngs (lnLegrlLles") of who may be
ordalned Lo Lhe prlesLhood also remalns, buL have we noL come very far ln charlLably and respecLfully
worklng Lhrough Lhls, enabllng every oLher parL of our llfe?
We sowed ln Lears. We reap ln [oy.
983 congregaLlons of Lhe Angllcan Church ln norLh Amerlca were known Lo be acLlve aL Lhe end of 2013.
1haL compares Lo 700 known congregaLlons ln !une of 2009. 1hls ls a 40 per cenL growLh ln absoluLe
numbers of congregaLlons. 103 new congregaLlons are reporLed (ln Lhe 2013 congregaLlonal/dlocesan
reporLs) as anLlclpaLed sLarL-ups ln 2014. So as Lhls rovlnclal Councll meeLs Lhe number of our
congregaLlons could be as hlgh as 1088, or a flfLy-flve per cenL lncrease ln congregaLlons slnce 2009.
1hls ls our neL." WhaL abouL our gross?" l called 8p. hlllp !ones Lhe oLher day. We had a lovely
conversaLlon. 1here are now 30 congregaLlons of Lhe Angllcan Mlsslon. 1hese 30 congregaLlons are no
longer numbered ln our congregaLlonal counL ln Lhe Angllcan Church ln norLh Amerlca. AddlLlonally we
belleve LhaL aL leasL 30 sLarL-ups have closed, maybe more-we knew all along LhaL noL every church
planL would succeed. So whaL ls Lhe gross number of church planLs for 2009 Lo 2014? We mlghL
suppose LhaL number Lo be noL less Lhan 488 congregaLlonal sLarL-ups.
So whaL abouL 1000 church planLs? Well, 488 ls noL 1000, buL lL sure ls an awesome harvesL. AlmosL
lmmedlaLely, we changed Lhe sub[ecL ln Lhe Church. We Lhrew away Lhe rear-vlew mlrror. 1hls was
Cod's dolng, enabled by our cooperaLlon ln Pls call. 1o my knowledge, no oLher ChrlsLlan group ln norLh
Amerlca has done anyLhlng llke Lhls ln Lhe lasL flve years. (Pas lL been hard? Pave we encounLered
dlfflculLles and opposlLlon? ?ou beL. 1he devll does noL llke whaL we Angllcans are up Lo! 8uL lL has
been LransformaLlve and glven us unparalled [oy.) 1he call for 1000 new congregaLlons was Cod's call.
1he call ls noL ended. lL carrles on, and ln any case, Lhls ls [usL Lhe <"*1( Lhousand for a Church whose
mlsslon ls Lo reach norLh Amerlca wlLh Lhe Lransformlng love of !esus ChrlsL. WhaL has been esLabllshed
ls Lhe undersLandlng LhaL our chlef form of domesLlc mlsslon ls achleved Lhrough church-planLlng. lL ls
whaL ur. 1lm keller has sald: lf you wanL Lo reach a clLy [or a people group] for ChrlsL, planL churches."
SlxLy Plspanlc congregaLlons are a parL of Lhe 488. CLher eLhnlc congregaLlons have also been
esLabllshed. CongregaLlons have been esLabllshed ln asslsLed llvlng communlLles, on college campuses,
ln sLore-fronLs and even ln prlsons. Cur unA all across Lhls Church has been coded for church-planLlng.
(ChapLer 1wo ls ahead.) 1hanks be Lo Cod, and Lhanks be Lo Lhose llke uave 8oseberry, uanlel Adklnson,
Alan Pawklns and SLephen Leung who gave Lhemselves Lo encourage us all Lo embrace Lhls call and Lhls
We sowed wlLh Lears. We reap wlLh [oy.
1he 2013 congregaLlonal reporLs reveal a healLhy Church. MosL of our people are aL worshlp mosL
Sundays. Cf a LoLal number of 3097 bapLlsms, LhlrLy-one per cenL, 969, are of Lhose above Lhe age of
16, converLs noL Lransfers. 1here were 3197 converslons reporLed. 1here were 6011 new people
reporLed Lo have been broughL lnLo our congregaLlons Lhrough evangellsm and ouLreach. 1here were
2079 conflrmaLlons, 1312 recepLlons and 293 reafflrmaLlons of lalLh. (1hese flgures are for Lhe 763
congregaLlons reporLlng.) 1remendous Lhanks go Lo lr. Andrew Cross, ulrecLor of CommunlcaLlons, for
hls efforLs aL glvlng us a congregaLlonal reporLlng sysLem LhaL ls flnally adequaLe Lo our needs, and LhaL
mosL congregaLlons are employlng.
We sowed wlLh Lears. We reap wlLh [oy.
Clobally our mlsslon ls carrled ouL Lhrough an lncredlble neLwork of relaLlonshlps. We are parLners wlLh
Angllcan and ChrlsLlan broLhers and slsLers ln counLless seLLlngs. Long and shorL Lerm mlsslonarles,
shorL-Lerm mlsslon Lrlps, and Lhe mlsslon agencles of Lhe Angllcan Clobal Mlsslon arLners are all
aspecLs of our commlLmenL. 1he Angllcan 8ellef and uevelopmenL lund ls our prlnclpal rovlnclal arm
of Lhls commlLmenL, wlLh mllllons of dollars shared and pro[ecLs organlzed ln 36 counLrles. Lay Canon
nancy norLon, who has led Lhe lund for nlne of lLs Len years, reLlres wlLh Lhls Assembly and deserves
our hearLfelL Lhanks. (Whlle Lhls rovlnclal Councll ls meeLlng, slmulLaneously A8ul has lLs Clobal
1rusLees MeeLlng. Among Lhose presenL for Lhls LrusLee meeLlng are Lhe rlmaLes of SouLhern Cone,
Congo, !erusalem and Lhe Mlddle LasL, Myanmar, and SouLh LasL Asla, LogeLher wlLh naLlonal LrusLees
represenLlng boards ln AusLralla, Canada and Lhe unlLed SLaLes, conslderlng mulLlple 1wo-1hlrds World
developmenL pro[ecLs for fundlng.)
1he Clobal Angllcan luLure Conference (CAlCCn) movemenL has blessed us lmmeasurably. CAlCCn 1
ln !erusalem (2008) called us Lo organlze as an Angllcan rovlnce. AL CAlCCn 2 ln nalrobl (2013) we
were LhaL rovlnce, fully formed and fully recognlzed. l, of course, am recognlzed as a rlmaLe and slL
wlLh Lhe rlmaLes. AL CAlCCn 2 our own !ohn Cuernsey was asked Lo be chalr of Lhe conference
sLaLemenL commlLLee, glvlng us Lhose amazlng words lnsLrumenL of Communlon" Lo descrlbe Lhe
CAlCCn reallLy. Canon hll Ashey was also Lapped Lo be Lhe chalr of Lhe SLraLeglc lannlng 1eam. And
Lo Lhls Assembly Lhree CAlCCn rlmaLes are presenL (Chalrman Lllud Wabukala of kenya, SLanley
nLagall of uganda and 1lLo Zavala of Lhe SouLhern Cone), as well as Lhe movemenL's Ceneral SecreLary,
eLer !ensen of Sydney. 1he wlder Clobal SouLh lellowshlp, wlLh a LoLal of elghL rlmaLes here (spread
beLween A8ul and Assembly gaLherlngs) are also our very greaL frlends and allles. Also presenL ls a
very senlor delegaLlon from nlgerla
Lcumenlcal parLners have embraced and asLounded us. As Lllsha Lhe propheL sald, 1hose who flghL for
us are more Lhan Lhose who flghL agalnsL us." We never lmaglned lL as we began. 8uL courage does
breed courage. And sLandlng for ChrlsL and ln ChrlsL brlngs allles, boLh vlslble and lnvlslble, boLh human
and angellc. 1he 8enedlcLlnes of SL. vlncenL Archabbey, and my very greaL frlend, Lhelr ArchabboL, Lhe
MosL 8evd. uouglas nowlckl, are Lhe vlslble slgns of [usL how remarkably Cod has worked Lhrough Lhe
ecumenlcal communlLy Lo bless us. 1hursday's Lvensong wlll be a slgn and a celebraLlon of Lhe blesslng
all our ecumenlcal frlends have been Lo us.
We sowed wlLh Lears. We reap wlLh [oy.
l have someLlmes spoken abouL Angllcan fever." lL ls a condlLlon Lo whlch LwenLy-someLhlngs seem Lo
be parLlcularly suscepLlble. 1he Creenhouse MovemenL, led by Can. Wllllam 8easley, has been a
parLlcular lnsLrumenL Lhrough whlch Angllcan fever has been LransmlLLed. And Camlnemos !unLos has
been a parLlcular sLraln of Lhe lnfecLlon." lor Lhls fever we Lhank Cod. We could noL have lmaglned
any of Lhls flve years ago.
We prayed for a new generaLlon of leaders and Lhey are emerglng aL every level. 1hls Councll and
Assembly are abouL passlng Lhe Lorch:" A new Archblshop and new leadershlp -- aL every level, and
from all Lhe successor generaLlons - wlll be carrylng on and enlarglng whaL has gone before. noL leasL,
when Assembly 2014 opens Lomorrow, noLe all Lhe Leenagers and LwenLy-someLhlngs among us.
We sowed ln Lears. We reap ln [oy.
LaLe ln Lhe fall of 2013 0$L(1 <+* .+FF+% )*'3$* appeared, conLalnlng 1he Crdlnal and forms for Lhe
Cfflces and LucharlsL. Popefully by !anuary Lhe College of 8lshops wlll be able Lo release rlLes for Lhe
Admlsslon of CaLechumens, for 8apLlsm and for ConflrmaLlon. Cur LexLs are evoluLlonary, noL
revoluLlonary, bearlng Lhe Angllcan aLrlmony lnLo Lhe 21
cenLury. WhaL an achlevemenL! 8p. 8lll
1hompson, who reLlres wlLh Lhls gaLherlng, has led a Lhree-sLreams Lask force Lo begln Lo resLore Lo us a
common language for prayer. (We know LhaL 8lll, wlLh Claudla alongslde hlm, faces lnLo a dlfflculL
dlagnosls, and we commend Lhem Lo Cod's mercy and safe-keeplng.)
0+ @$ I .:*"1("'%M I% I%G-",'% .'($,:"1F ls a mllesLone achlevemenL. 1wo of our younger 1urks," ur.
!ack Cablg of nashoLah Pouse and lr. Lee nelson of lorL WorLh - alded by Lhe llkes of Canadlan
8ronwyn ShorL, 1rlnlLy School's !oel ScandreLL, and our mosL senlor sLaLesman and Leacher, !lm acker.
and a hosL of oLhers -- have glven Lhe Angllcan world and Lhe whole ChrlsLlan Church a work of
unparalleled lmporLance and uLlllLy. urafLs were selzed by our parLners ln oLher reglons of Lhe world for
LranslaLlon lnLo larsl and urdu and Mandarln - and here aL home lnLo Spanlsh - so LhaL caLechumens
mlghL learn Lhe fullness of Lhe lalLh and LhaL every dlsclple mlghL be beLLer lnsLrucLed.
lor Lhe Angllcan Church ln norLh Amerlca we have a very greaL challenge before us. Cenerally speaklng,
our people are 8lbllcally llllLeraLe, prayerfully anemlc, and sLarved of docLrlnal undersLandlng and
ChrlsLlan world-vlew. 8uL flve years down Lhe road, our Church flnally has exLraordlnary new Lools for
Lhe cruclal work ahead of us.
We sowed wlLh Lears. We reap wlLh [oy.
SLewardshlp remalns a greaL challenge, boLh personal and corporaLe. 1lLhes should produce more Lhan
enough for our congregaLlons Lo be effecLlve, our dloceses Lo prosper and our rovlnce Lo flourlsh. We
are far from LhaL reallLy. lL was sLlrrlng aL Lhe conclave Lo hear abouL blshops and Lhelr wlves who were
glvlng 20 of Lhelr lncome Lo Lhe work of Cod - and ln every place l know LhaL our clergy are among Lhe
besL glvers Lo Lhelr congregaLlons - buL IJJ of us musL become (Lo LranslaLe SL. aul preclsely) hllarlous
glvers." We have been blessed by lay leaders who glve half of whaL Lhey have away, a parL of why we
have been able Lo ralse an annual average of $700,000 from lndlvldual donors Lo Lhe rovlnce, or almosL
3.3 mllllon dollars over Lhe lasL flve years. MosL congregaLlons are LlLhlng whaL Lhey do have Lo Lhelr
dloceses, and mosL dloceses are ln Lurn LlLhlng Lhelr lncomes Lo Lhe rovlnce. 8uL Lhere are sLlll
challenges ahead, especlally for a group llke our 8eformed Lplscopal Church dloceses (LhaL have
slgnlflcanL sysLems and lnsLlLuLlons Lo malnLaln derlvlng from Lhelr long hlsLory as an lndependenL
denomlnaLlon) or a sub-rovlnclal grouplng llke LA8-uSA (rovlnce de l'Lgllse Angllcane au 8wanda)
LhaL have made subsLanLlal flnanclal commlLmenLs Lo a slsLer CAlCCn rovlnce. We have come a long
way, buL Lhe road before us sLlll very long.
We have elecLed a new Archblshop. Many of Lhose crlLlcal of our movemenL sald Lhls could never
happen, LhaL Lhe Angllcan Church ln norLh Amerlca would noL endure - would noL hold LogeLher -
beyond lLs flrsL Archblshop. 1he College of 8lshops held a conclave ln Lhese lasL days. lL was hard and
honesL work. lease belleve me when l LesLlfy Lo you LhaL we come ouL of our conclave more unlLed
Lhan ever before and unanlmously unlLed behlnd Lhe one who on SaLurday wlll become my successor,
Lhe 8lghL 8everend ur. loley 8each, 8lshop of Lhe ulocese of Lhe SouLh. ray for hlm. Lead wlLh hlm.
8e for and wlLh hlm as you were for me. ray for hls ulocese.
Who could have lmaglned LhaL Lhe resL of our lmmedlaLe successlon requlremenLs would also be so fully
ln place? Pugo 8lanklngshlp, our Chancellor, wlll be succeeded by ScoLL Ward. 8lll 8oemer, our
1reasurer, wlll be succeeded by 8rad 8ooL. 8rad 8ooL wlll be succeeded, aL leasL unLll Lhe new
Archblshop ls clear abouL Lhe sLaff he belleves he ls called Lo gaLher LogeLher, by Canon !ack Lumanog as
AcLlng Chlef CperaLlng Cfflcer and by Canon Alan Pawklns (presenLly vlcar of Angllcan 1000) as Chlef
uevelopmenL Cfflcer. Mr. 8lll uelss of Lhe lalls Church wlll succeed nancy norLon as LxecuLlve ulrecLor
of A8ul. All Lhe members of boLh rovlnclal and A8ul supporL sLaffs wanL Lo conLlnue ln Lhelr
mlnlsLrles. WhaL blesslng! WhaL favor we have from Cod!
Cf course, Lhere are very lmporLanL roles LhaL my successor wlll need Lo flll as he consLrucLs Lhe Leam
necessary for Lhe nexL phase of our Church llfe. Who wlll Lhe nexL uepuLy Chalr of Lhe rovlnce be?
Pugo 8lanklngshlp has been my sage counselor over many years ln ever-so-many slLuaLlons. Pugo ls one
of my heroes, Lhe qulnLessenLlal layman. Who wlll be uean of Lhe rovlnce? l have had a fabulous one
ln newfoundlander uon Parvey. Angllcan pollLy wlsely provldes such an offlce. l have llLerally senL uon
around Lhe globe and LhroughouL our rovlnce when l could noL be somewhere or when a slLuaLlon
mlghL be beLLer handled by someone oLher Lhan Lhe Archblshop. My CablneL - my program advlsers
and Lhe leaders of Lhe 1ask lorces LhaL have enabled so much of whaL l am reporLlng here - have helped
me Lo wlse declslons and rlghL acLlons over and over agaln. 1he nexL Archblshop wlll rlghLly puL LogeLher
hls own CablneL and make hls own program appolnLmenLs. Who among you wlll Lhese be? Say yes" Lo
hlm when he calls.
LxecuLlve CommlLLee has LranslLloned from belng Lhe leaders of Lhe Common Cause arLnershlp days Lo
an elecLed body of slx clergy and slx lalLy, wlLh an orderly paLLern of selecLlon by Lhls rovlnclal Councll.
ln all Lhese offlces and Leams, no Archblshop could have been beLLer served.
A word, Loo, abouL 8rad 8ooL. 8rad ls anoLher bellever, a layman - a qulnLessenLlal layman of Lhe rlslng
generaLlon - who heard Lhe call of Cod and led hls famlly Lo greaL sacrlflces for Lhe cause of ChrlsL. Pe
began as chlef operaLlng offlcer of Lhe rovlnce wlLhouL a salary, leavlng a lucraLlve career ln buslness Lo
be my rlghL hand ln Lhe creaLlon of ever-so-many Lhlngs LhaL dld noL exlsL before. And he ralsed Lhe
flnanclal, sLaff and people resources LhaL enabled Lhls $L %":"-+ creaLlon. ln a very speclal way, whaL l
have been able Lo do as Archblshop he made posslble.
1here wlll be some asslng Lhe 1orch" awards on lrlday. uavld Anderson and Leonard 8lches are Lwo
among Lhem. (1he resL are besL lefL as surprlses.) l can safely say LhaL wlLhouL Lhese Lwo men - each
wlLh a very dlfferenL conLrlbuLlon - we would noL be here. l can also say LhaL Lhe very flrsL SL. CuLhberL's
Cross for unparalleled ConLrlbuLlon Lo Angllcan and Clobal ChrlsLlanlLy wlll also be awarded ln Lhese
days Lo !lm acker. 1hree SLreams: Cne 8lver."
We sowed ln Lears. We reap ln [oy.
nara uewar and l were marrled on AugusL 16
, 1969, Lhe weekend of WoodsLock. We meL ln youLh
group, when she was 14 and l was 16. 1hls summer we wlll celebraLe forLy-flve years of Poly
MaLrlmony. She has sLood by me Lhrough all Lhe Lrlals and challenges of Lhe years. She has my
profoundesL graLlLude. She should have yours, Loo.
LasL Sunday, Lhe College of blshops wenL Lo Ascenslon Church lLLsburgh Lo say Lhanks Lo Lhe Angllcan
ulocese of lLLsburgh for lLs exLraordlnary conLrlbuLlon Lo Lhe Angllcan movemenL, boLh provlnclally and
world-wlde. 1rlnlLy School also deserves recognlLlon for whaL Lhey dld Lo make boLh Lhe ulocese of
lLLsburgh and Lhls movemenL whaL lL ls, and for all Lhose whose vlslon lL was LhaL someday lLLsburgh
would be more famous for Cod Lhan for sLeel." AfLer some sabbaLlcal Llme l geL Lo reLurn Lo Lhls greaL
dlocese as her blshop.
We sowed wlLh Lears. We reap wlLh [oy.
1hank you for Lhe prlvllege of calllng me Lo be your flrsL Archblshop. 1hank you Lhe prayers and love
LhaL susLalned me, for Lhe forglveness you exLended when l falled you, and for Lhe Leamwork LhaL
fulfllled - by Cod's grace - so many dreams and made us Lhe movemenL me are: 8lbllcal, mlsslonary
and unlLed"."8eachlng norLh Amerlca (and Lhe globe) wlLh Lhe Lransformlng love of !esus ChrlsL."
We sowed wlLh Lears. We reap wlLh [oy. 1o Cod be Lhe Clory.

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