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-- Chicken Little Cookies!!!

Hehe... I said you should follow me... There's so much fun even I'm crazy..... I don't know what
the Enlish name of the cookies! so I named it Chicken Little Cookies! Cute le....
#$$ of %esame &'ried(
)*$ of flour
%weet +elon,Imae- .$$ &cho//ed(,Imae-#$$ of Icin %uar
.$$ of 0eeta1le oil
Half teas/oon of /e//er
Half-teas/oon of salt,Imae-
Half ta1les/oons of five-s/ice /owder
a teas/oon of 1akin /owder
a ta1les/oon of cho//ed arlic
a ta1les/oon of maltose
a ta1les/oon of 1lack soy sauce
an e
. 2ed 3eancurd &'ermented Tofu( . In Chinese! we call it as ! which look like this",Imae-
#( 'irst! cut the melon into /ieces usin mi4er.
.( +i4 all the inredients thorouhly
5( 6ut the doll aside to let it e4/and for # hour. If the doll is not dark enouh in colour! add
more dark soy sauce into it.
)( 7hile waitin for the doll to e4/and! a//ly a layer of oil on the tray so that the doll would
not stick on the ray after 1akin.
*( 8fter # hour! ras/ a small amount of the doll! /ut it on the tray! then flatten it. The
thickness is u/ to your choice. 9ou can either usin 1are hands or any ways that you find it
,Imae-:This is one of the ways... 3ut I find it easier to use hands!
,Imae-:Instead of usin oil on the tray! you can also use aluminum foil to make the doll
se/arate from the tray easier.
*( 6ut it in the oven! usin #)$ deree Celsius and 5$ minutes to 1ake it. %hould always kee/
and eye on it so that it will not over cooked.
;( 7e are done!,Imae-
6inea//le Cookies for a <reat Cinese =ew 9ear
Chinese =ew 9ear is around the corner! <ood! so we have to do some cute cookies to serve our
uest! riht> I?ve one to most of the sho/s! lookin for delicious and reasona1le cookies! 1ut it
u/set me@%A EB6E=%I0E!! Luckily! my mum knows how to do some of the cookies! and one of
them is 6inea//le Cookies which look like this"
,Imae-Look like edited> It?s =AT. It?s #$$C taken 1y seeker with her /oor diital camera.
%o! want to have a try on doin cookies 1y you own> Try this out!
This is the inredient" &for .$$ servin(
;$$ of wheat flour
)$$ of 1utter or mararine
) es
#;$ of suar
# ta1les/oon of salt
Two fresh lemons
Ane /acket of /inea//le /aste looks like this" &9ou can 1uy it in the 1akery sho/s(
+i4 the wheat flour! 1utter or mararine! es&only .(! suar and salt toether usin your clean
hand until like this" &Don?t mi4 it too hard and not too lon time! if not the /aste will 1e very
oily.( This is to make the outer-layer-/aste.
6Es" If the /aste turned oily! try add some flour &little 1y little(,Imae-
Then! /ut the /aste to the to/ of the fride for a1out 5$ minutes &to cool down the /aste! so
that the /aste won?t 1e oily.(
7hile waitin for the /aste to cool! take the /inea//le /aste and mi4 it with the lemon Fuice
that we have sGueezed it out. +i4 it thorouhly.
8fter mi4in! cut the /inea//le /aste into 1all-sha/e like this" &) rams each(,Imae-
8fter we have done! take the outer-layer-/aste out from the fride.
Cut the outer-layer-/aste into 1all-sha/e like this" &* rams each(,Imae-,Imae-,Imae-
7ra//ed the outer-layer-/aste %A'TL9 with the /inea//le /aste like this"&+ake sure you don?t
/ress the outer-layer too hard. If not! it will 1e oily aain(,Imae-,Imae-,Imae-,Imae-
Hsin clean silver scissors cut the /inea//le sha/e like this",Imae-,Imae-,Imae-
6ut the /roduct on the tray.,Imae-,Imae-
In the meantime! remem1er to turn on the oven &u//er and lower( for #I$JC to heat u/ the
Then! /our the remainin two es into a small 1owl! take away the e yolk! leavin the e
8dd two dots of yellow colourin &o/tional( into the e white.
8fter /uttin the /roduct on the tray! a//ly a thin layer of e white mi4ture on to/ of the
/roducts. This will make the cookies look more attractive after 1akin.,Imae-
Then! /ut the tray in the oven on the second floor countin from the to/.,Imae-
It will 1e done in around .$ minutes! 1ut I suest kee/in an eye on it all the time to make
sure it is done.
It will a//ear olden-yellow in colour once it is ready to take out from the oven. %o! 1e alert
all the time!,Imae-,Imae-,Imae-%o! here is it! Looks yummy riht> Tried it out and Leaves
the comment under my 1lo. 'eel free to dro/ 1y and follow %eeker. Thanks and Ha//y
Chinese =ew 9ear!

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