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College of Engineering and technology

Electrical Engineering Departent
Digital Control Systems
Course Title: Digital Control Systems Course
Department: Electrical Engineering Designation: Compulsory


Instructor: Eng. Jafar Jallad Instructor's Office: 526
Office !ours: "## days $11%00&12%00'
Time: (on&)en $0*%30&11%00' Class "oom: 601
The objective of the course is to familiarize students with
identification, analysis, modeling and Introductory Digital ontrol,
Discrete !ystems "nalysis, !am#led$Data !ystems, Discrete
%&uivalents, Design 'sing Transform Techni&ues, Design 'sing
!tate$!#ace (ethods) *uantization %ffects, !am#le +ate !election,
!ystem Identification) ,ole #lacement controllers
Te$tboo%(s): harles -) ,hilli#s ., Troy /, Digital ontrol !ystem "nalysis and
design, Third edition)
Ot&er require#
material: 1) 0gata 1, Discrete time control systems, second edition)
2. +uo, -., Digital sontrol systems, second edition.
3. .ene, /., 0o1ell, J, )or2man (., Digital control dynamic systems, t!ird
ob'ecti(es: Discuss and e2#lain the elements of digital systems using z transform)
Design techni&ues using state$s#ace, fre&uency res#onse and different
ty#e of com#ensator and controllers) Discuss "3D and D3)
Topics co(ere#: To#ics
1) 0verview, Digital system, ontrol #roblem
2) Discrete time system, Transform methods, z$transform,
difference e&uations, !tate variables, Transfer functions, !tate
4) !am#led data control systems, Ideal sam#ler, %valuation and
#ro#erties of %5s6, Data reconstruction) The use of "D and
D" converters)
7) The relationshi# between % 5z6 and %5s6, ,ulse transfer
function, !ystems with time delay, !tate variables models,
Discrete state e&uations)
5) 8re&uency res#onse method in z$domain)
9) losed loo# systems
:) !ystem time res#onse characteristics
;) !tability analysis
<) Digital controller design
10) ,ole$assignment design
*ra#ing Plan: /irst E3am $25 0oints'
Second E3am $25 0oints'
/inal E3am $40 0oints'
5t!ers $10 0oints'
*eneral Notes: 6one
Course contribution: State t!e contri7ution of course to meeting t!e professional component
Professional Component Course Contribution
.eneral Education 6one
-asic Science and (at!ematics #aplace&transform, 8&transform, 9aylor series
Engineering Science Circuit analysis, Signal conditioning.
Engineering Design 0:D design, state&space design, compensator, 7loc2
diagram, compensator design.
"elations&ip to program outcomes: State t!e relations!ip of course to program outcomes
.ec&atronics Program Outcomes
a ; a7ility to apply 2no1ledge of mat! engineering and science
7 ; a7ility to design and conduct e3periments and a7ility to analy8e and interpret
c ; a7ility to design system components or process to meet a need
d a7ility to function in multidisciplinary teams
e ; a7ility to identify, formulate and sol<e engineering pro7lems
f understanding professional and et!ical responsi7ility
g a7ility to communicate effecti<ely
! ; -road education to understand t!e impact of engineering solutions in a glo7al and
societal conte3t
i ; recognition of need and a7ility to engage in life long learning
= 2no1ledge of contemporary issues
2 ; a7ility to use tec!ni>ues, s2ills and tools in engineering practice
+,-T -C/000 Program Criteria for .ec&atronics -ngineering +c&ie(e#:
:ndustrial "utomation Engineering $:"E'??(EC@"9A56:CS E6.:6EEA:6. 0A5.A"( CA:9EA:"
0rograms must demonstrate t!at graduates !a<e%
". 1nowledge of chemistry and calculus$based #hysics with de#th in at least one)
-. The a7ility to a##ly advanced mathematics through multivariate calculus and
differential. and design (ec!atronics systems.

C. 8amiliarity with statistics and linear algebra)
D. The ability to wor= #rofessionally in mechanical, electrical, com#uting, and material
control systems, including the design, realization, and integration of such systems
Prepare# by: -ng12afar 2alla# Date:

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