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Navin B navinsap09@gmail.

SAP Basis/Net Weaver Consultant +91- !" #$%99
Professional Summary :
&aving # 'ears o( pro(essional e)perience as SAP Basis/Net Weaver consultant.
Strong e)pertise in installing an* maintenance o( SAP +CC !.0 ,Central -nstances. Application
Servers an* SAP/0- *istri1ution servers2 an* its +n3ancement Pac4ages ,+&P2.
+)pertise in appl'ing Support Pac4ages i.e. SPA5/SA-N6. 0pgra*e o( 4ernel patc3es. appl'ing
+)tensive e)perience in con(iguring 6ransport 5anagement S'stem ,65S2 (or t3e s'stem
lan*scape using S65S.
7eleasing an* -mporting C3ange re8uests in t3e 9an*scape.
+)perience in installation an* con(iguration o( +P ".0 an* -mplementation o( Single Sign-:n
+)perience in SAP Net Weaver A*ministration ,NWA2. ;isual A*min. 0ser a*min tool. Con(ig
6ool. 6elnet 6ool an* S'stem trou1le s3ooting.
+)perience in appl'ing <ava support pac4s using <ava support pac4 a manager ,<SP52 an*
*eplo'ing t3e so(t=are using so(t=are *eplo'ment manager ,S>52.
&an*s on all aspects li4e S'stem Cop'/7e(res3. Bac4groun* ?o1s. Wor4loa* Anal'sis. Per(orme*
online an* o((line 1ac4ups. veri('ing 1ac4ups an* monitoring >BA operation logs.
+)perience in all a*ministration activities inclu*ing B7 6ools.
Spool a*ministration. 6rou1les3ooting an* reorgani@ation o( 6emSe.
Client A*ministration an* 3an*le* client cop'/e)port/import an* client *eletions.
Wor4e* in $A/" environments e)tensivel' to monitor an* provi*e re8uire* services
Strong Bno=le*ge on Service mar4et Place to >o=nloa* t3e ;arious Support Pac4ages.
7eporting error messages to SAP. /enerating 9icense Be's. SSC7 4e's etc.
>o=nloa*ing t3e installation gui*es. in(ormative note an* corrective notes (rom Service mar4et
-nstalle* solution manager an* per(orme* +WA alerts con(iguration an* +n* to en* root cause
Per(orme* +&P upgra*e using so(t=are up*ate manager.
Educational Qualification:
Bac3elor o( +ngineering (rom <N60 0niversit' in $00.
Technical Skills:
+7P C +CC#.0.+CC !.0.NW0ASS7$
:perating S'stem C Win*o=s $00%. 9inu). 0ni).
/0- C SAP /0- "10/"$0.
>B5S C :7AC9+ 9i/10g/11g.
Pac4ages C 5S :((ice.
Executive summary:
Wor4ing as Basis Consultant (or 6CS since $009 to till *ate.
Project Experience:
Project :E!! "#$ E%P& 'p(radation)*ff+Shore Support
Client : ,ohnson and ,ohnson
+nvironment : +CC!.0. :racle 11g. &P-0ni).
>uration : Sep-$011 to till *ate.
-escription: ,ohnson ) ,ohnson
<o3nson D <o3nson is an American multinational me*ical *evices. p3armaceutical an* consumer pac4age*
goo*s manu(acturer (oun*e* in 1!. -ts common stoc4 is a component o( t3e >o= <ones -n*ustrial Average
an* t3e compan' is liste* among t3e Eortune #00.
.oles and .esponsi/ilities:
-nvolve* in *ail' monitoring t3e s'stems.
-nvolve* in resolving *ail' calls (rom t3e en* users.
0pgra*e* oracle (rom 9.0i to 11g
0pgra*e* +nterprise portal!.0 to +nterprise portal ".0 +&P$
0pgra*e* +CC#.0 to +CC!.0 +&P#
Applie* Support pac4ages in BW %.#.
Per(orming Bernel upgra*e an* applie* support pac4ages using SPA5 tool.
5aintaining t3e 6ransport re8uests (rom one s'stem to ot3er s'stems in t3e lan*scape.
Per(orme* S65S con(iguration.
Con(iguring 9ogon /roups an* :peration 5o*es.
C3ec4ing t3e =or4loa* anal'sis on t3e s'stem.
Per(orme* s'stem cop'.
Con(iguring SS: connections to inclu*e t3e 1ac4en* s'stems
Sc3e*uling an* 5onitoring o( 1ac4groun* ?o1s. Anal'@ing t3e <o1 9ogs i( t3e ?o1 gets (aile* to
7ecreating t3e SS: certi(icate (rom ;isual A*min tool.
5onitoring t3e s'stem time to time an* involving trou1les3ooting pro1lems li4e resetting
pass=or*s. clearing loc4 entries. unloc4 users.
5onitoring t3e Bac4 /roun* ?o1s an* resolving t3e run time issues.
-nvolve* in Startup / s3ut*o=n o( SAP 7/% S'stems an* on-call $A/" pro*uction support
/enerating t3e SCC7 Be's (rom service mar4et place.
Project 0:E!! "#$ E%P& 'p(radation)*n+Shore Support
Client : B%E1
>esignation : SAP BAS-S C:NS096AN6
+nvironment :+CC!.0. :racle 11g. Sun Solaris.
>uration : 5ar-$010 to Aug-$011
-escription: Bharat %eavy Electronics 1imited is an integrate* po=er plant e8uipment manu(acturer
an* one o( t3e largest engineering an* manu(acturing companies in -n*ia in terms o( turnover. 63e' =ere
esta1lis3e* in 19!A. us3ering in t3e in*igenous &eav' +lectrical +8uipment in*ustr' in -n*ia - a *ream
t3at 3as 1een more t3an reali@e* =it3 a =ell-recogni@e* trac4 recor* o( per(ormance. 63e compan' 3as
1een earning pro(its continuousl' since 19"1-"$ an* pa'ing *ivi*en*s since 19"!-"" .63e' are engage*
in t3e *esign. engineering. manu(acture. construction. testing. commissioning an* servicing o( a =i*e
range o( pro*ucts an* services (or t3e core sectors o( t3e econom'. vi@. Po=er. 6ransmission. -n*ustr'.
6ransportation. 7ene=a1le +nerg'. :il D /as an* >e(ense.
.oles and .esponsi/ilities:
>a' to *a' monitoring o( s'stems.
Per(orming s'stem 3ealt3 c3ec4ups on *ail' 1asis.
5igrate* solution manager s'stem (rom =in*o=s $00% server to =in*o=s $00 server.
Per(orme* post-installation activities.
Sc3e*uling an* 5onitoring o( 1ac4groun* ?o1s. Anal'@ing t3e <o1 9ogs i( t3e ?o1 gets (aile* to
0pgra*e* :racle 10g to oracle 11g.
0pgra*e* +n3ancement pac4age # ,+&P#2 in +CC!.0 (or >+;. FAS. PP7 DP7> s'stems.
Creating an* testing t3e 7EC *estinations.
>o=nloa*ing t3e re8uire* Notes. Bernels. Patc3es an* Support Pac4ages (rom SAP mar4et
Per(orming Bernel upgra*e an* applie* support pac4ages using SPA5 tool.
5aintaining t3e 6ransport re8uests (rom one s'stem to ot3er s'stems in t3e lan*scape.
Per(orme* S65S con(iguration.
C3ec4ing t3e =or4loa* anal'sis on t3e s'stem.
Per(orme* s'stem cop'.
Per(orme* >B 7e(res3.
Project+2: S3P Basis Support *ffshore
Client : >0P:N6
>esignation : SAP BAS-S C:NS096AN6
+nvironment :+CC!.0. :racle 10g. 0N-G.
>uration : 5ar-$009 to 5ar-$010
-escriptionC -'P*NT is a large c3emical giant 1ase* out o( Wilmington. >ela=are. 0SA. operating
in more t3an "0 countries o((ering a =i*e range o( innovative pro*ucts an* services (or mar4ets
inclu*ing agriculture. nutrition. electronics. communications. sa(et' an* pro*uction. 3ome an*
construction. transportation an* apparel.
.oles and .esponsi/ilities:
-nvolve* in t3e $A)" Support.
>a' to *a' monitoring o( s'stems.
Per(orming s'stem 3ealt3 c3ec4ups on *ail' 1asis.
7esponsi1le (or sen*ing t3e *ail' reports to senior managers.
Per(orme* post-installation activities.
Sc3e*uling an* 5onitoring o( 1ac4groun* ?o1s. Anal'@ing t3e <o1 9ogs i( t3e ?o1 gets (aile* to
Anal'@ing ABAP >umps. S'stem 9ogs. 0p*ate 7e8uests. 9oc4s ,7/% an* >ata1ase2.
5onitoring t3e Bu((er Si@e an* Bu((er 3it ratio. :S Eile-s'stem space an* >ata1ase space.
Per(orming an* monitoring >ata1ase 1ac4up on regular 1ase.
Client a*ministration inclu*ing client creation. local client cop'. remote client cop' an* client
Creating an* testing t3e 7EC *estinations.
>o=nloa*ing t3e re8uire* Notes. Bernels. Patc3es an* Support Pac4ages (rom SAP mar4et
Per(orming Bernel upgra*e an* applie* support pac4ages using SPA5 tool.
5aintaining t3e 6ransport re8uests (rom one s'stem to ot3er s'stems in t3e lan*scape.
Per(orme* S65S con(iguration.
Con(iguring 9ogon /roups an* :peration 5o*es.
C3ec4ing t3e =or4loa* anal'sis on t3e s'stem.
Per(orme* s'stem cop'.
Con(iguring SS: connections to inclu*e t3e 1ac4en* s'stems.
Creating <C: 7EC connections using ;isual A*min.
Setting memor' relate* parameters 1' using Con(ig tool.
Appl'ing support pac4s 1' using <SP5 tool D S>5.
Per(orme* >B 7e(res3.
Navin B

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